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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8406336 No.8406336 [Reply] [Original]

What are you wearing? Looking forward to a specific guest or event?

>> No.8406486

The tea party says sold out already. When do they start selling the ones for next year?

>> No.8409830

Since the previous thread seemed to have gotten bahleeted we can continue talking about Anime Matsuri here. I also capped the previous thread as well.

>> No.8409946
File: 721 KB, 2400x1600, JRock247-AKIRA-AnimeMatsuri2015-fashion6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone else tell me why the fashion show adds unnecessary props such as a coffin or pyrotechnics? Also there was a random aerialist in last year's fashion show as well. That show I remember was also almost three hours late. Does anyone even know what the story was for this year's fashion show?

>> No.8410090

I'm not going again. I've heard some really concerning stuff and I'm worried that it might not be a safe con to attend alone. Also, they really lacked translators, so interacting with guests wasn't as great as at other cons.

Also, it's really a bad line con. Worse than Otakon, IMHO.

>> No.8410111

there is no point talking about it if no one is going to come forward publicly. as much as /cgl/ loves drama, they're terrified of being under scrutiny.

literally no one is willing to be held accountable for their claims or to become to public face of this shit. until someone is willing to step up, what is the point in discussing it further?

>> No.8410117

It was stupid and planned badly, none of the models knew what was going on and thought it was fucking hilariously bad.

>> No.8410152


It's better than not talking about it at all though. Even the times it was talked about before in the past still spread some awareness about it like it is doing even now. Even if it's only a few people who are enlightened at a time eventually it will become a known enough issue that it might finally get the ball to start rolling for people to out themselves and reveal what proof they have against John. It's a similar case to Gothic Lolita Wigs incident, a lot of people didn't really come out of hiding until it was publicly known how terrible they are. The issue this case with Anime Matsuri is that there is no big or evident proof as outrageous as what happened with GLW to have the same public effect. It's also hard to really get more definitive proof about John without outing who it is who posted it since most of his interactions seem to be only in person or on chat, so it's hard to have a viable source of evidence to go against him. Let's just hope that by keeping it in discussion more and more victims of Anime Matsuri will come out and tell their own stories so that we will have big enough numbers to move this to a public discussion. There is also the Grand Tea Party in Germany coming up that Anime Matsuri is hosting, so we can hear back about that soon and see if it goes as terribly as everyone is thinking. I already heard most people are trying to refund their tickets as soon as Choke backed out of the event. Also, if these threads keep getting deleted we can always try to move to lolcow so as to not have to keep getting worried about threads disappearing.

If anyone who is personally involved is reading this, please be brave and step forward. We need someone to really show proof how terrible John is and I know it's scary and it's hard to step up alone, but its for the whole community and to protect the safety of everyone included underage girls.

>> No.8410159

I have been gone for a while. Can someone give me a brief summary of what is going on? Who is this John and what is he doing with the lolita comm?

>> No.8410199

google "cgl archive john matsuri"

>> No.8410211
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I'll try to make it as brief as I can. John first started shit by trying to integrate Anime Matsuri with the Houston Lolita Community in facebook which made two mods step down, because they didn't want to deal with his shit. I think during that time and still going on he still has members working for him in exchange for perks ie being in the fashion show, etc.. At Anime Matsuri nothing is organized at all, the special guests are never fed, and John lately has been trying to integrate his name into the German community with the Grand Tea Party coming up. I assume he has already paid off Misako as he and his wife have become honorary Kawaii Ambassadors and chose Ann who also works with him to become the next Kawaii Ambassador ( he wanted someone that lived close and who he could manipulate ). It seemed she would be the likely case since she had her wedding at Anime Matsuri this year and John was of course one of the groomsmen. It is also suspect that in the past he has ripped off brands that have been at Anime Matsuri before. I also believe he wrote off the one Hawaii trip with Misako as charity since they visited a children's hospital there, giving him "proof" he was there for that and not to further promote himself.


>> No.8410215
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Also at the conventions none of the Japanese guests besides not getting fed never have any handlers to help them get around the convention, and are usually lost and ask attendees at the con to help them. He also integrates everything about him or anything related to him to his events, like having his wife dress in lolita and put on ads for Anime Matsuri and also having a family member in this year's fashion show ( the young girl ). It is also known he makes sexist comments and unnecessary sexual advancements and comments to many lolitas/guests, even if they are underage. He also had a failing business beforehand that he owed almost $90,000 in fees and other charges besides the fact that it was an arcade that he rigged the tournaments to make money off of it. Now since Chokelate has stepped down from the Grand Tea Party in Germany, John is now looking for another puppet to use in Europe to go spread his cancer.


>> No.8410574
File: 89 KB, 850x767, 1423337593262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started this thread to talk about the con and now I don't want to go. Damn. Thanks for the warnings guys.

>> No.8410599

No problem. Sorry that I hijacked your thread, but I'd rather give out warnings when I can. I'm just tired of all of this being kept in the dark when this is probably the most dangerous threat the lolita community has had as a whole.

>> No.8410613

The lack of proof for any of this makes it way too questionable for me to believe any of this. Not to mention, if they're really as bad as everyone says how are they doing so well? I mean the AM tea party sold out last year, the booths did excellent, and there's only a handful of people that stay bitter.

>> No.8410620

Denise is that you ? sticking up for you Sexual predator husband ? grow up and get rid of that piece of shit ! no one like him and no one wants to come to your tea party or Anime Matsuri

>> No.8410635

No, you know it doesn't have to be her just because I disagree with what's being said. You know it's really disgusting that you are resorting to trying to break up a relationship.

>> No.8410656

I'm kinda in the "Where's the proof?" group, too. Especially when accusing someone of sexual harassment or worse. Has anyone come up and said it happened to them, or even seen it happen to someone else firsthand? I genuinely have no investment/interest in AM, I'm just curious.

>> No.8410679
File: 399 KB, 1078x744, Picture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your supposed knowledge of what went on during the convention does seem highly suspect that you are either Denise or someone working for them to know that kind of information. Also trust me, it is more than a handful of people. Especially after this Germany fiasco, I think a greater part of the European community are alerted about John and his antics since they work together to put together European events. Also, the tea party tickets were initially announced to the Houston community before the rest of the public, so not many people outside that region was even able to go. I also heard John banned the people from Deerstalker from going to the tea party for some dumbass reason, but most likely because they were promoting Nightfall. Also John purposely told anyone modeling in the fashion show that they could not attend Nightfall, because of how butthurt he was over the fact of an event that he didn't have his little tentacles to be a part of. The only reason there is a lack of proof is as I said either in person, through chat, and this is being withheld by people who are too afraid to post about it like Chokelate. Here is a screencap though earlier of someone's encounter with John.

>> No.8410702
File: 464 KB, 1070x769, Picture 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another screencap about how rigged the fashion show is at Anime Matsuri. I even had someone tell me in person that John was putting her in the fashion show because she is working with John. Basically if John doesn't thinks you're pretty or can con you into working for him then you're not going to be placed in the fashion show.

>> No.8410720
File: 520 KB, 1076x769, Picture 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another account of John making akward advances towards a minor. Also proves that if John likes you he'll offer a spot in the fashion show for you.

>> No.8410730
File: 454 KB, 1046x737, Picture 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet another cap of someone accounting for John preying on girls. Is this not enough witness accounts for you?

>> No.8410740

1. I'm not Denise I assure you, I just have a brain and I've been to several of their events. I don't even live in the state, more less the area. I have no connections with the the Leighs or any staff for that matter.
2. When your "proof" is an anon board you have nothing. Please come back to me when you have caps of Choke saying this on her personal social media. Anon means nothing, I can say I'm an astronaut on here, and who are you to say I am or not?

>> No.8410741
File: 529 KB, 1034x771, Picture 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is the translated note that Chokelate wrote in the Germany community to stay away from John because of his shady tactics and sexual/sexist advances. Also people can't be bitter if it's justified. We are furious because this awful creature is still allowed to prey on girls to this moment because people just won't wise up about it.

>> No.8410749

The original post is in German, so someone translated it.

>> No.8410754
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hosting a steampunk storytelling for a festival taking over my hometown
>literally have to rush from the factory
>pirate coat with the sleeves cut off, shorts to show off my VFD tattoo
>my actual unibrow is visible with my sunburn
>tfw young count olaf

>> No.8410795

Wasn't the original post paraphrased? I'm not defending sexual assault, and if he really did something like that then I agree he is a horrible person. But even if he was cheating on his wife, wouldn't that be a personal matter? I don't recall this community delving into other con heads' love life.

>> No.8410796

He hugged somebody, BETTER CALL THE POLICE!

That is more concerning. I guess I can't really blame her for not going into more detail, but if it weren't for people going against her wishes and posting this to CGL we wouldn't even know about it. I wonder why she's still afraid of him if they're no longer working together? I agree that she should speak out more publicly about it, even if she just says the same thing without much detail.

>> No.8410806
File: 56 KB, 381x607, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying hugging someone is a crime, but consider his reputation and then offering her to model for him.. doesn't quite come off the right way if you know what I mean.
I do agree though that Chokelate should speak up as I said before. I'm not sure if she's worried about getting infamy from this??? Since I'm not sure why since she is known to trip her and such, so I don't really see what she has to lose. Also here's the untranslated caps of Choke's post. It would have been nice if she could have warned everyone else and not just their community.

>> No.8410812
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Didn't realize this was a specific con also I'm so /r9k/ that im appologizing on 4chan

>> No.8410977

I hope that the underage anon got banned. If this was at the secret misako thing she's either lying about her age or really singling herself out if it's true which I doubt.

>> No.8411424
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Is there any German lolitas or anyone else that is going to actually attend the Grand Tea Party this weekend? It would be good to hear what John actually says about this "sponsorship" in person. Personally, I hope people riot and throw him out of the event, but that would be too much wishful thinking. Also seems like besides Ann, Daniela is the only Kawaii Ambassador that is endorsing/supporting John and his wife. I wonder why none of the other Ambassadors wants to go? I mean if they all had wonderful times at Anime Matsuri you would think they would all be raving and talking about how great John is?

>> No.8411452

What makes it a bit hard is that he targeted girls who are unlikely to speak up. Girls who were foreign, girls who he sponsored to go to the con, and girls who were clearly that quiet type. Enough girls saw him do creepy things to people, but they do not want to speak for others since it is not their place. I know that people are trying to get some girls to speak up, but it is hard.

While many girls just were so done so they did not want to talk about it at the time, his attempt to con other people is what is bringing it out now instead of just after the con. Even if you do not believe he is creepy, dont get suckered into his sponsorship crap.

I think what is stopping her is that her name is still attached to the event even if she does not go, and there is probably legal tie ups from both the Tea party and AM that she does not want to get into.

>> No.8411461


It doesn't make sense though since she already publicly stated pretty much that she has nothing more to do with the event and has warned others about John's sexual advances and business sleaze. If that was the case wouldn't she have already gotten in trouble for what she has already said at this point? I think John is probably trying to threaten Choke over suing or some such, which clearly will not happen but is enough just to keep her trap shut. Which sadly seems to be working so that he can find another sucker at the tea party tomorrow. I just hope word got around quick enough so that at least a good amount of the people going tomorrow have enough common sense to stay clear of him. If not, then we will probably have an influx of more complaints and stories of John harassing girls over the weekend.

>> No.8411531

Is because of all the perks Daniela gets

>> No.8411572


I wonder if she doesn't care about how badly Anime Matsuri treats the guests then. You would think John would pick a more famous ambassador like Cadney though instead. I also remember when Ann was announced as the "first American Kawaii Ambassador" I was like who????? Like does anyone even really know her at all or did she actually do anything beforehand for the community? I know John rigged to pick her, but you would think he would pick a more e-fame hungry known girl to puppet around than someone who is barely known in the scene at all.

>> No.8411615
File: 436 KB, 1307x763, Picture 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been digging to find past posts and experiences about Anime Matsuri. So far I found a blog post and an old archived thread about last year's Anime Matsuri. You can easily find the blog post if you look up "Anime Matsuri terrible" lol

Here's the old archived thread:
https:// warosu.org /cgl/thread/7435316
( just delete the spaces )

>> No.8411620

have you not seen the pictures of the notices on the building? its been so many times, I dont have evidence for what the other anon was talking about but Planet Zero losing/owing $85,000 is absolutely true

>> No.8411628
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notices: http://imgur.com/a/7OejI

these were posted on the doors of planet zero when they closed down. I live down the street from it and used to go there often :/

>> No.8411640

You assume that the other Ambassadors would deal with him, and with a bunch having gone to AM and seeing how bad it was, they do not want to be associated with him at all. The more well known girls also can say no since they have the fame already, unknown girls would depend more on him for the attention he can give them.

>> No.8411641
File: 205 KB, 1314x810, Picture 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a report from this year's Anime Matsuri which has accounts of guests being treated poorly and no organization for signings as well. Also in the archived thread someone also posting about the guests Nightmare and Reika being treated badly as well.

>> No.8411670
File: 371 KB, 1467x810, Picture 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also apparently a few years back someone tried to reported being groped multiple times at Anime Matsuri and John told her "everyone is tired of you" and banned her and her fiance from the forums. Also told her "Also, I've been to a lot of cons and some girls are ASKING to be groped! mini skirts, high socks, and revealing cosplays are inevitable. If someone was really concern about their own safety, Im sure they would have considered the cosplay as well."

This is who you are giving your money to when attending Anime Matsuri.

Just let that sink in...

>> No.8411749
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Also apparently the volunteers was never told what they were supposed to do, only fed one "meal" a day, and had to all sleep in the lounge together or else a room where people were being groped. If this is how they still treat their volunteers no wonder so many people report them as unhelpful and mean. I would be too if I got treated less than shit for free work.

>> No.8411804

Germany tea was just pushed two hours later because they missed a flight and apparently didn't put much padding in their travel schedule for AM staff and Guests.

>> No.8411885

Planet Zero owned by Emotiongear..owned by Deneice Pham

>> No.8411954

And don't forget other shady shit from his past
Other shady shit from his past. I used to be fairly big into the fighting game scene and I remember this blow up even though I don't live anywhere near there.


>> No.8411965

Actually meant to post this thread http://forums(dot)shoryuken.com/discussion/43718/planet-zero-sbo-qualifiers-are-rigged

>> No.8412013
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There is also this from an archive thread from earlier this year


>> No.8412046

None of that is insider knowledge. The tea party sold out. Everyone could see that, it was on eventbrite. The booths did well. Everyone who attended could see that, they should out of nearly all their stock over the course of the weekend.

>> No.8412057
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>> No.8412076
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>> No.8412088

I actually asked some players involved about it recently and apparently the reason the player got booted was simply that Deniece (and John) didn't like him. Sounds just like the HLC mods and others that John had replaced, huh?

Btw a 7 year old thread at the time of the happening may have some people saying 'well was it just hearsay going on at the time of events?', but today everything in that thread is known as fact in the community to the point that joking about John's disappearance after this and PZ's closure is pretty common.

>> No.8412119

bitch do you not know what 1/1 means? Dumbass.

>> No.8412175
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>> No.8412185
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>> No.8412217

Even Ann commented against him on Choke's post where she said she was leaving the event

>> No.8412245

Also, apparently my volunteer friend told me that volunteers had to buy their own badge to volunteer? Is this common at other cons?

>> No.8412258

Usually volunteers buy a badge, and then work a certain number of hours to earn the money back. It's to ensure you dont have a bunch of assholes claiming they'll work and then run off with a pass.

Make sure your friend knows they need to sign in their hours and everything. If this ISNT the case, and they expect the volunteers to work AND pay, then dont do it.

>> No.8412296
File: 343 KB, 551x655, Picture 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like people are very pleased about it. But how could they expect a ~professionul~ like John who hosts Anime Matsuri to be smart enough to come a day earlier to his own event.

Oh dear, I made one typo. I must clearly be dumb.

Can you post caps on this?

>> No.8412502

Boycott tea party ! he needs to leave germany and the lolita community. you old man , you are a animal and stop messing with our community. we dont want you or anything to do with you. go back to america and bring your cancer . Lolita please help me keep him out of the EU . he does not belong . we must stick together. we are all we have. please keep these people out of our family : (

>> No.8412507

Misako, be strong and i know you are. stay away from this con man . he fooled me and he will fool you to. he is not honest, please please stay far away from him for your safety

>> No.8412533
File: 4 KB, 329x160, Sailor-Moon-Crystal-283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA uses the Angelic Pretty Return Policy. No returns. No Refunds. No exchanges.

He's yours now. We don't want him back.

>> No.8412540

At least try a little bit to sound like Choke. 0/10

>> No.8412816

Apparently there's a thread on Rufflechat talking about Anime Matsuri and John now finally. Can't wait to see what happens at the Grand Tea Party over this weekend. Can we just send John and Denice to Antarctica? Please?

>> No.8412868

For those of you that wanted proof, Buttcape posted a pretty extensive post with caps on her blogspot.
(Buttcape . Blogspot) / 2015/06 / onlyatam-behind-scenes-tale-of- buttcape DOT hml ?m=1

I hope more people come out of the woodwork as well.

>> No.8412916

I just read that and it sounds awful.

>> No.8412983
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>asking her about orgasms
>lifting her jabot to check for boobs


>> No.8412998

I can't speak much for anything physical personally. Like, I've never felt physically uncomfortable near him, but I know John does ask girls if they're single all the time.
On a couple of occasions when I told him no, he asked when I would be.

>> No.8413000

well don't forget, he's not above groping KERA models either! They don't call him Voldemort for nothin'.

>> No.8413048

How come Misako keep coming back for AM and other event with him then? Is she ok with him? Is he sleeping with her?

Oh fuck I can't get that image out of my mind.

>> No.8413057
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The Internet is eternal

>> No.8413068

What the fuck kind of name is Deneice anyway?

>> No.8413275
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Multiple people have said that he announces guests without formally booking them. Later he informs them that they have been announced and that he has already sold tickets to people who expect to see them. At that point, it would be hard to back out without tarnishing your own reputation and the companies you represent, I think...

>> No.8413298
File: 12 KB, 264x280, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orgasm Orgasm Orgasm, This is not how to talk to Lolitas. ONE SICK FUCK

>> No.8413603
File: 154 KB, 445x210, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is coming from one of the John-supported mods, to be clear.

>> No.8413686

Someone is sexually harassing girls in your comm.
That's not drama. That's fucking bullshit you need to deal with.

>> No.8413693

Sorry for the late response. Yeah I posted it because it seems to just be the same shit right now as seven years ago.
I'm not from the area and I left the fighting game community but I'm glad it's considered de facto now because I know he actually had some defenders at the time (much like the lolita comm now).
Fucking this

>> No.8413696

I've been waiting for years for legitimate proof that he sexually harasses girls. Thanks for delivering Butts!

>> No.8413700

This can't be what's happening. These people have legitimate jobs, possibly agents. They wouldn't just be guilted into attending events, and if this was how he handled booking at the very least his Voice Talent would have outed it and blacklisted his con by now. What is far more likely is that he is flying them over and paying for everything. Treating them really well and they enjoy seeing America. They're getting all expenses paid trips to Houston, Hawaii, Germany, why wouldn't you keep milking that?

>> No.8413760

We must unite. we must warn every lolita community about Anime Matsuri and there chairpersons. We must warn all Muses from Japan, we must warn all people in Hawaii. help me girls with your community

>> No.8413790

I hope someone is getting caps of the RC:U thread. I'm at work otherwise I'd do it.

>> No.8413843

not in the group, is it facts and screenshots and first-hand experiences or gossip, hearsay, and speculation?

>> No.8413851

One of the mods came in trying to defend it and attempting to discredit other girls.

>> No.8413867

its blowing up right now shit gettin real good

>> No.8413879
File: 54 KB, 617x700, woopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we Mexico lolitas dont want her no more for try sell Anime Matsuri all the time to us. VERY anoying. Stay away danger girls

>> No.8413887

Ok like I hate AM and John as much as the next sensible human being but shut the fuck Mexico lmao your number one lolita-related export is itas and shitty shoes

>> No.8413891

lmao is that even ann?

>> No.8413894

I'm pretty sure that's his wife.

>> No.8413896

I think that is the KA from Mexico.

>> No.8413899

Exactly, that is Daniela.

>> No.8413911

Being Kawaii Ambassador has become one huge sad joke since Anime Matsuri took over. Lost all legitimacy in everyone's book.

>> No.8413934

...? ok but then that commentary doesn't make sense, since he isn't part of the mexico comm or their KA choices?

>> No.8413956

No it's happening. If you were a famous model who represented a company before and was associated with it to a degree, then announced without you approving so, would you really step up and call them out? Knowing that they already funded your trip, advertised your appearance and that there are hundreds of people who not only think you are related to the company, but also will without doubt show up? People who support you and aren't aware of what's occurring behind the scenes? It's easy to say these things online, much harder to do in reality.

>> No.8413992

caps pls

be my hero

>> No.8414006

I would publicly state they had never discussed these terms with me and used my name falsely in advertising. Apologize that this has occurred and explain that I cannot associate with a business such as this.

Conventions have attempted to do this exact thing before and always been called out on it before the event even happened. What was that comic con that was toting the supernatural guests last year? That got exposed so fast it wasn't even funny. I can't believe that John could successfully have been announcing guests without their consent for years and never been caught.

I would love to be proven wrong, but I doubt anyone has that kind of ammo.

>> No.8414028

...is today your first reading or something? How are you having so many problems with this? The image is trying to say Daniela is sleeping with John in order to get attention and to be flown around the world.

>> No.8414040

Bruh just join the group

>> No.8414082
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HLC thread

>> No.8414086
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>> No.8414088
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>> No.8414094
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>> No.8414106


>> No.8414113
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>> No.8414116
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>> No.8414119
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>> No.8414124
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>> No.8414131
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>> No.8414139

"Hey guys, I think we should all shut up until we're told what to think!" Fucking seriously? People are trying real hard to shut these conversations down.

>> No.8414150

I read buttcape's post this morning and headed here to see if it'd been mentioned. Wow, just wow. The screencaps she posted are just so skeevy and gross. Maybe she and the others uninterested in being the puppets of AM should make their own comm? That way they don't have to be lone lolitas just because they're sane. Please keep posting the Houston Comm caps as they come!

>> No.8414157

Yeah people were calling for revolution in the RC:U thread, but unless shit blows up even further I don't see it happening. Though it's possible it's happening behind the scenes already. I hope they do create a new comm, because the old one is fucked.

>> No.8414166


Kate should really be quiet. Rumor has it she was kicked out of the NOLA group because of complaints from members,and when mods stood with the members she lost her marbles and flipped on them

>> No.8414170

I was honestly horrified when I read it. Every time I thought it would stop going downhill it just kept going. The sexual harassment was just the cherry on top.
The fact that plenty of people are willing to ignore people speaking out is worse. John picked a good group to mess with- too many people are willing to turn a blind eye for some brand party.

>> No.8414172

People are still suggesting others try AM out and "see for themselves". Because giving a shithead like that money is a good idea if the con isn't "that bad"!

>> No.8414195

This. She loves this attention, she could never let it drop. She's insane, egging the whole thing on and what not.

As for making a second community, if it were me I wouldn't want to do it. It would give John and AM and the original HLC a way to single people out and exclude them. Basically a list of names of "enemies". I'm sure a lot of people would be fine with being labeled that way, but if I were the mod I wouldn't want to add to the drama in that manner.

>> No.8414198

I really hope the german tea party will bring more stuff on him to the surface. Chokelate already shared her expriences with him, maybe some others of the team will do too.

>> No.8414201

>Just to make sure I understand what you are saying clearly, if any woman in this group posted that she or someone she knew had been sexually harassed by a male member of the group it would be deleted to protect the male member of the group because you feel it's harassment?

Daaaaamn girl.

>> No.8414203 [DELETED] 

Please tell me that's not the Kate I think it is

>> No.8414207

Not girlyhoot, if that is what you mean.

>> No.8414232

same. this is worse than a lot of the stories in /cgl/ horror story threads, and more credible.

truly reality is more terrible than fiction.

>> No.8414233

I wish Choke would be a little more specific. I do believe her, but it would be helpful if she detailed exactly HOW he was being inappropriate and HOW he was making it so difficult for her to do her job, etc. Buttcape's screencaps really helped drive the point home, and if Choke has any similar caps of weird/creepy conversations I think they would help shut down the people who are still defending him as an innocent flirt.

Her and T are my favourites.

>> No.8414238

Buttcape is a literal hero for that blog post (and for getting through in more or less one piece), I've always loved her but now even moreso.

>> No.8414246

same. she also said in RC that John did not want to work with h. Naoto again because Naoto would not bend over for John.

>tfw h.Naoto is bamf
>tfw your ouji senpai is brave and true

inb4 the Leighs and AM staff try to discredit her and choke. good luck kiddos.

>> No.8414256

Yes, Naoto is the best ever! I really do think we should try to get him to come to Mecha. I love Naoto so much.

>> No.8414264
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>Trust in Becky or Jess
Isn't Jess even further in AM's pocket?

>> No.8414271

I love it when people I admire for their style turn out to be cool people in general.

>> No.8414290

Innocent flirt ? WTF !!!!!!! this asshole is talking about orgasm to a young lolita, volunteer for his anime matsuri. he needs to go to jail, sure underage girls will come out next and have juststice. glad i live far from him

>> No.8414291

praying he will be at RuffleCon or another NE US con soon

>> No.8414292

One of the trips is from Hawaii although I don't think he's a Lolita and one of the girls who posted in the draw thread and posts on a lot of Lolita things in rufflechat and Other Facebook groups is also from Hawaii. I think the Hawaii girls know or at least a few know. I'm not sure if they have any power or if they're wanting to take the efame because they don't have any spotlight.

>> No.8414297


Shows the mods didn't read the post buttcape made

>> No.8414300

The difference is that most of these guests do not speak fluent English. How would they convey that in a way to their American fans without fear of having their words misrepresented? The easy answer is that they could get a translator, but even most brands, when they use English, use really choppy, simplified sentences. It would seem like a bad idea to get caught in a PR nightmare in a foreign country with no access to a competent translator.

With the cultural differences, they might even think this is a normal way to conduct business in America.

>> No.8414322

Yeah, and Japanese culture is far less confrontational than American culture. It's not unheard of for Japanese people to go along with things they're not actually comfortable with just so they don't have to make a fuss, whereas an American (or European) would just go "hahaha wtf no"

I feel this is more likely to be true for the guests other than Misako, though. Misako's experienced in this sort of thing and seems savvy; she probably makes sure she gets properly compensated. Also with the Kawaii Ambassador thing she's getting much more out of the deal than other guests, who are left wandering around the con confused and asking random attendees for food...

>> No.8414323
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lmao Chanel stfu you are not going to ride anyone's coattails on this.

>> No.8414329

Holy shit they actually kicked John out! IT'S A LOLITA MIRACLE!!!

>> No.8414332
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>> No.8414333

Really? Link?

>> No.8414335

Sorry I got excited and posted before I screencapped. >>8414332

>> No.8414336

Whoa what? She actually did something sensible?


>> No.8414339
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>> No.8414340

I'm not even in HLC or involved in any way but HOLY SHIT PRAISE MANA HALLELUJAH

>> No.8414341

This makes me happy because it's something that should have been done a long time ago and I'm so glad to see it happen. The comfort of the members as a whole should take precedence to pandering to some con head, and I'm glad to see that HLC and AM are no longer fused.

>> No.8414342

are unfairly banned members going to be let back in now?

>> No.8414345

Hopefully, but we'll have to wait and see I guess. I really thought I was gonna get the boot when K asked me where I was from, haha.

>> No.8414348
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>> No.8414350

I wonder would a lot of them even want to be let back in? I'd definitely have a bad taste in my mouth regarding the comm and would feel uncomfortable knowing that people were so easily led along by John to the point where they were happy to kick people on his command.

>> No.8414361
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>> No.8414385

I want S and T back, if they're up for it.

>> No.8414389

I don't think they would be which is understandable

>> No.8414391

I think that bridge is pretty sufficiently burnt. They kinda nuked it from orbit.

>> No.8414397

I still think there should be 2 Houston comms. Comms have been split for far lesser reasons.

>> No.8414407

Start your own then.

>> No.8414461

They need to remove his wife Deneice Leigh aka Trinity Leigh as well from HLC. You know he's going to be creeping the comm under her name.

>> No.8414478

...goddammit you're right

>> No.8414502

There is a second comm that some girls I knew started a few years ago as +, but now it is pretty empty and trying to rebuild as all inclusive. Greater Houston Lolita Society on facebook

>> No.8414507

Doesn't exist, or isn't searchable. Is it secret?

>> No.8414523

Messaged and it looks like it has been set to public now.

>> No.8414533

Literally 2 members, yeah I'd say that's empty.

>> No.8414535

Agreed. They need to remove both of them, since she'll just become a mouthpiece for his cancer. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to make her an admin as well later on.

HLC, now is your chance to truly start over. Get rid of both of them. You guys need it if you ever really want to be a community again, and not a business vehicle.

>> No.8414536

I think we can all agree that everyone will be safer if they also remove Deneice from hlc. Especially for the minors

>> No.8414543

Lol, well, yeah, I did say empty. Several of them quit lolita after the last fallout from AM and HLC last year. I rarely wear it anymore even. But that group is about the same as someone else starting one from scratch. It's something to build on.

>> No.8414555

I just don't understand why he won't wear a fucking wig.

>> No.8414602

Or a wizard hat.

>> No.8414621

Deneise Leigh and trinity must leave hlc, her creepy sleezy predator husband is going to lurk pry and be that discusting person he is. dont want her dont want him anywhere near hlc. go away, go to south pole where you belong

>> No.8414633

I see you T, still sock hunting?

but in seriousiness guys, I've had Voldemort tell me to go make him a sandwich when I've asked him serious questions about modeling in his so called fashion show.

I've had John Leigh imply he wanted to sleep with my fiance.
I've had my friends come to me in tears because of how John Leigh has treated them and I hate him for it.

Girls that were on staff for AM were fired for attending a meet I hosted. Sat down and told they were fired for choosing their friends over John. He is disgusting.

>> No.8414645

Kate Womack needs to be removed also, she is john leigh concubine. she is always secretly talking to him at our gathering with volunteer. its actually creeps me out knowing his wife is there also. she must be removed from hlc. she is cancer

>> No.8414669

She is not and can you please fix your fucking english jfc

>> No.8414693

warm Grand lolita tea party tomorrow, they should have armed polici to guantee safety of guest

>> No.8414694

The KA didn't have a good time at AM. They all bitched about it (except for Daniel). They weren't 'guests' of the con, they were mannequins and were always treated like shit by the con.
In fact, John keeps boasting he flew them all in and all that shit which is BS. Some KA paid their own way to attend.

>> No.8414708

KA is a joke, its complete fraud and manipulated by john and Deneice Leigh. they treat us like shit dont feed all volunteer and want me to eat one meal a day. it is crazy to volunteer for them. never ever again, sucked me in once . had to pay for my parking also.

>> No.8414736

Tay are you even going to go back to Houston after this shit?

>> No.8414766

I ammm desperately. I'm starting to look at alternatives though because I'm running out of time.

Not for anything AM related but there are still some awesome folks there, and I'm in town somewhat often so I figure why not! I have a friend who is also close to more of the Houston folks and she wants to visit, too. We're just gonna do our own thing is all.

>> No.8414772

GHURRRmans pls go

>> No.8414817
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Wait.. what were the complaints and what exactly happened? I searched Rebecca Black Tech but couldn't find any deets. Maybe the HLC wasn't warned that she was booted out of her own comm.

>> No.8414833

Kate W was banned for breaking her own rule. Drama was never posted because she isn't worth it.

>> No.8414840

Also HLC was warned about her

>> No.8414856

What was the rule? She may not be worth it but with her acting as head mod of HLC currently people probably should be warned in case she tries to do something similar again.

>> No.8414863

Banned people for no reason; ie: don't wear this or that around her or she'd want to ban them. don't talk about this particular thing around her or she'd get rid of them. It's like she's 5 and running around the playground saying 'you don't like pink? I HATE YOU'
Comm got tired of it fast and her rule about blocking a mod resulting in a permanent actually got her permanently banned. She's a power abuser.

>> No.8414870

I agree. Kate is foul and brings so much negativity to the comm. I am hoping we can return to a fun place to talk about our passion for jfashion. Not power tripping manipulation by John's barking rottweiler.

>> No.8414875

Holy crap! What specifically didn't she like people wearing? Would she just ban people without discussing it with the other mods? Hopefully those people were re-added to the group after she was kicked out.

>> No.8414882

They were re-added and apologized to.

>> No.8414885

Considering how chill the NOLA comm is, I'm shocked that someone like this was ever a mod in the first place.

>> No.8414890

ohshit sekrits are already up lol

>> No.8415007

sorry, just got off work. yes agree hlc must change , first Kate must go. she is a power trip bitch that thinks she can kick anyone out . FUCK YOU BITCH 2nd Deneice Leight must go. she hides behind her Sinical husband and acts like everything is alright. knowing her husband is harrassing and sleeping with Volunteers. This is not the hlc i signed up for. put new mods in and get the old Kim jong un regime out. lets get back to fashion, gatherings, movies like the old days. i miss it so dearly. days with out AM. like earlier post . Cancer is spreading, we must find a cure. Get rid of that bitch Deneice and Kate ! now. they must go ! back to the gutter they came from

>> No.8415034

>imagine Misako giving John the finger as she walks away after all of this proudly, leaving him to gape
I can dream

>> No.8415039


She came off as the way she does now, I know she personally told a member not to come to a meet up because she told her friend they had a surprise for her. Kate said whatever she plans or does is more important than any friendship.

>> No.8415081

Ha! h.Naoto doesn't want to work with him either, specially after AM 2014!

>> No.8415201

>not wearing clothes because other people are shit

>> No.8415301

Tfw buttcape by themselves does more for the comm than the entirety of LACE....

>> No.8415312

Gotta love the half-hearted "if you've had dealings with him please get in touch!"

What are you going to do? Wag your e-fingers at him?

>> No.8415410

This is my exact problem with it. I find the "translator" argument really weak.
I think these guests just find the offer of the trips too tempting and then feel guilty about their integrity later and blame John for it all.

>> No.8415445

We need to have all hlc mods and admin to be replaced, Kate Womack, Becky Maset, jessamyn de voss. They are so far up John and Deneice ass they are puppets to AM. we need a new start we need to be about fun. no more controlling freaks that gets people booted out for giving true opinions and going to other functions not controlled by the Leighs and AM

>> No.8415465

you sound like you're defending them tbh

not that anon but it'd likely ruin his reputation further if more came forward with deets, which isn't necessarily a bad thing

>> No.8415466

stop samefagging

>> No.8415480

Now that the cat's out of the bag, I truly wish Choke would release screencaps of John Leigh's perverted advances. She really should do it for the community and to help spread awareness of this predator. Please Choke, do it for the young girls that can't protect themselves.

>> No.8415502

all girls that have encounter or slept with him, let butts inspire you to come out against John Leigh. we will support you. lolitas unite

>> No.8415523


calm down.

>> No.8415545
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This is quite relevant.

>> No.8415573
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It's going down, I'm yelling timber.

>> No.8415774

Stephanie Mi I appreciate your efforts but can you shut the fuck up. You're not part of HLC, you're not coming back to Houston because why go to AM, stop it. We're not your army, stop acting like you're removing a regime. I've been silenting watching and god just shut up already? I understand Kate's removal, even Jess somewhat, but Becky isn't even AM staff anymore. If you get HLC how you want it, what the hell are you going to do? You're not going to get involved in HLC or anything. You're just going to be an uppity bitch who'll be getting off over how you helped change HLC. If it was a legit community member doing this, I'd be grateful but I don't understand why the fuck you're shoving your nose into our shit.

>> No.8415821

Can anyone sum up the discussion in Ruffechat Uncensored? Anyone else come out of the woodwork to denounce John?

Has Jessamyn weighed in on this since the drama blew up?

>> No.8415856

Kate came in to try and defend herself but just dug the hole deeper. Said if someone came and said they'd personally been raped then she'd care, til then nope. Stephanie demanded multiple times to know why she was kicked and was ignored. People called for the HLC mods' heads, revolution, start a new comm. Screencaps from further up this thread were posted. After it was all over, Chri came in with a big post. People continued to call for Kate's head. And there was also some discussion of the corruption of the JLA/Kawaii Ambassadors program.

As for Jess, not a word.

>> No.8415876

Due to work and life constraints, I only get to wear lolita when I go to meets. When a community goes toxic like that, there are less meets. So yeah, for some of us one can lead to the other. It's not wearing clothes because less reasons to dress up.

>> No.8416193

HLC members, is Deneice Leigh still in your comm?

>> No.8416203

Yes. No mods have provided further information about that discussion.

>> No.8416257

Any screenshots of the Kate drama?

>> No.8416275

What's John Leigh's facebook?

>> No.8416286

I'm pretty disgusted with Daniela right now, and Ann too. What a bunch of shit. Ann should be removed as the kawaii ambassador, the KA discussion before the announcement was a total joke. John said that he couldn't work with a KA that wasn't from Houston.

>> No.8416304

sorry if this is a shit question, outsider here not from texas that has only followed this drama on and off. i thought there were people who were supposedly happy with ann being picked cause she was a ~nice person~ or whatever. is she actually a huge bitch or something? besides from kissing john's crusty ass

>> No.8416308

She is not a bitch at all. She is just lumped in with John because she has to "work" with him. I don't think she was the best choice at ALL but she's a genuinely sweet girl

>> No.8416310

Can this K'Evia chick actually provide any proof to back up claims she's made? I'm not trying to call her a liar but she keeps getting angry when multiiple people have asked for proof.

Buttcape gave proof. I believe Buttcape. A lot of things are wrong but unless you have proof for something like that you really . . . I don't even know. It just makes me mad because John might be capable of adultry and hitting on other girls but I'd like proof before we widen the witchhunt.

>> No.8416312

Nah. She's pretty nice. She was the only staff member at the Houston tea party to come around to every person, introduce herself if she didn't know them and talk about the fashion. She was genuine in all her comments. I just feel bad for her. Whever John was close to her, Ann looked really uncomftable.

>> No.8416318

Just like Chri saying "Oh I've been saying this for years", yeah but with no proof. Buttcape is the first one to actually offer up evidence. Not like it's unbelievable but just... come on.

>> No.8416321

Oh thank god you understand.

>> No.8416352

exactly. I've avoided John so I never had proof to provide but these bitches all say this shit but never front up

Also lol at Kek'Avia. she just loves making noise and having the attention on her. She just started shittalking without thinking that she needed proof. One of the first posts in that thread was like ask for permission if you're sharing another person's experiences and she only thought of doing that when she was called out. She's only worth listening if you want to laugh at her honestly.

>> No.8416353

The mods said that they don't plan on removing her unless she harasses members too. But since we're aware John can be removed, Deneice will probably be walking around on her toes. Anyone who talks to her, if she starts shit with you, screencap everything and make a public post. That's the most effective way to do this.

>> No.8416360

What the fuck because that should definitely be a top criteria for picking the USA KA, whether or not John can work with them.

>> No.8416386

Misako Aoki was told to pick someone and she did. John then stated, no. From what we heard, Misako was just over it and just agreed with him because he would not let up.

>> No.8416389


If we're talking about shit stirrers lets not forget Mauti. Why does she keep talking about the Boston tea party? Does she think she's clever?

>> No.8416402

John didn't have anything to do with mexico's KA choice, right? That's all I'm saying.

>> No.8416407

>John said that he couldn't work with a KA that wasn't from Houston.
Can I ask why Houston is being considered the center of the Lolita community by people like John and co.?
The world does not revolve around fucking Houston and the fucking Houston lolitas?
Just because you fucking live there?

>> No.8416412

Because that's where he is, and obviously the world revolves around him.

>> No.8416415

Who did Misako originally pick? I'd almost rather have girlyhoot than someone John picked to be his puppet.

>> No.8416416

I'm pretty sure it was her. That's the rumor I heard. My vote goes to Lor, 100%.

>> No.8416417

...buttcape has graduated college, so she's at least 21 or so. Probably more like 23-25 if I had to guess. It's still skeevy gross behavior on john's part.

>> No.8416420

There's no way it was Kate. If Misako really did pick somebody else (and this all seams to be hearsay anyway) it was probably that Yanice (sp) girl.

All things considered, if it had to be someone from Texas, Ann is at least the nicest person I've met in this state and she genuinely wants to unite comms (she's not even from Houston for those of you who don't know. She's from Austin.)

Besides, there are going to be more kawaii ambassadors in the U.S. soon enough.

>> No.8416425

Yeah. That's why I don't really believe her.

>> No.8416431

i'm mostly concerned cause like...this is something that apparently happened to her *friend*, not her. even if her friend came in with no proof, just word of mouth, I would take that over just k'evia's word. people in the RC:U thread brought up some good points- was she given permission to even share that in the first place? what if her friend didn't want people to know? what if her friend didn't want her name attributed to it? i know everyone's different but like, if i was her friend i would be pissed that she was going around telling it seemingly to score points in being connected to the latest drama...especially because details can be lost when things are retold...john obviously has flirted with and sexually harassed other girls before, we def have proof of that, so a story like that isn't entirely implausible but i remember in the RC:U thread someone said that he invited people to business dinners often, so at the same time it's also possible she could've misinterpreted being invited to dinner as something romantic/sexually intended...I don't want to completely discredit the story without knowing the truth first, but I can put more of my faith into it if I hear it right from the girl, not her friend.

>> No.8416439

Houston J-fashion comm? They haven't had any meets themselves but the individual members are active in the fashion elsewhere, I think. It would be worth a shot to get it going. Although the most plausible option would be if Tati and Stephanie created a new group. In that case, enough people would care and join that it would form a real separate community.

>> No.8416452

I don't think that anyone is saying that Ann isn't a nice person, but is she even remotely qualified to be a KA?
The majority of the others are visible members in their communities, and have been for some time. They're also pretty heavily involved in creating meetups/events.
When Ann was announced nobody had any clue who she was, her only visible presence was having John throw her a wedding at the con.
She's not active in her comm, has done nothing notable (saying you want to "unite the community" - HOW?), and from her two appearances doesn't have the confidence or ability to be in front of a large group.
IMO it would be a good move on her part to just step down, and I would have a lot of respect for her if she chose to do so, since she's clearly not ready.

>> No.8416471

>She's not active in her comm, has done nothing notable (saying you want to "unite the community" - HOW?), and from her two appearances doesn't have the confidence or ability to be in front of a large group.

Lay off. Her main comm is ATX and she regularly attends and hosts meets there. She also attends HLC meets occasionally (not that they have many worth going to), and has done Lolita 101 Panels at ikkicon. She is genuinely nice as well, and isn't thirsty for e-fame. You need to chill the fuck down.

>> No.8416479

>Houston J-fashion comm
>Admins: Elaine and Collin
God no. This isn't even a better choice.

Elaine gets buttmad and memes the fuck everywhere. She's also a frequent seagull and shittalks, and scalped at AM 2014.

And Collin was one of the biggest dramawhores from the Atlanta comm before moving to Houston. (check the archives, i think keywords would be stevie atlanta and read the threads)

I honestly think HLC has a chance if people actually stepped up and worked together. There's so many of us, the mods can't micromanage everything we do. Plus if the big focus is on *~community~* what reason do they have to stop us?

>> No.8416499

As far as I can see it, the HLC has a lot of work to do to regain their credibility as a community.

1. AM-employed moderators should step down. These girls were at least partially involved in the removal of two other moderators, after threats of firing from AM by John Leigh. Volunteers or not, moderators need to be impartial parties, to allow their community to develop and to help mediate conflict. It is impossible to mediate a conflict if the person in question already has a bias towards one party due to financial interests. It also means that if there are future problems with AM-related parties, that they will likely be dismissed as "shit-stirring" or "drama-mongering" like this incident initially was. They've also already proven that they're on the Leigh's side here, despite evidence proving John's misconduct (ie: Kate's indecent behavior in various threads, the deletion of the initial post of buttcape's blog; I also find Jessamyn's refusal to say anything at all pretty damning, considering she's the "founder" of the community). In short: AM-employed mods need to go, because it leaves the door open for AM to slink back in when things have settled down, due to their lack of impartiality.

2. Deneice's accounts need to be removed from the community. She is not a lolita who is seeking companionship, or a newbie who wants information about the fashion. She is a business owner looking to exploit a community for her own gain. It'd be different if this were a small business (such as an indie brand gaining traction), but this is a big convention. Her involvement with the community in any capacity is not going to be for the benefit of the community, but for her own pocket. Likewise, John can use her accounts to "spy" (I hate that word, but I can think of none more apt) on the HLC and identify who he needs to eliminate to avoid resistance, just as he did previously.


>> No.8416500

She commented at some point saying her friend WAS pissed about it. So yeah, she's a dumbass.

>> No.8416501

In short: Deneice is a security risk to the community, as well as a continuation of the AM connection that the mods have claimed to have severed. She needs to be removed from the community according to their own statement of separation.

3. Once new leadership has been selected, events need to be made for the Houston community only. One of the complaints I saw in the discussion thread is that events that aren't AM-sponsored get no exposure. They disappear in the flow of discussion threads and are lucky to get 15 RSVPs, and 4 attendees. There needs to be an active attempt to promote the events that members put together, to unite the community like they claim they want to do.

4. The community needs to be culled of extraneous members. The moderators claim that the community is a global one, open to all-comers, and that's a nice sentiment, but it makes for a big mess. They really should cull people who are a) not in Houston, b) are unlikely to come to Houston any time soon, and c) people who are probably only lurking for drama purposes. I myself fall into a) and b), because while I used to live in Houston and am still friends with quite a few Houston Lolitas, there has never been a meet planned to coincide with any of my visits. I would not be upset about being purged from the group as a part of this cull, and think that it actually is a necessity. Likewise, the community probably should institute rules for joining (if only temporarily while they recover).

>> No.8416510

I mean, every time someone asked her a question about proof she just said "I'M ONLY GOING BY WHAT MY FRIEND SAID!!! YOU CAN ASK HER!!". Like, there are definitely issues on both sides here (if Kate actually gave a shit and wasn't sideing with John she would've investigated on her own instead of just waiting for the proof to show up) but with this chick she was just obviously trying be apart of the drama and stir more shit around. I think a couple people even asked her if she had permission to share that story and she just ignored it or kept saying she was just "saying what her friend told her".

This isn't the first time I've seen her jump in on drama to be apart of the action, wtf is her deal?

>> No.8416514

You talking about Elaine W, the massive shit-stirrer who insists on wearing brand that's way too small for her?

>> No.8416520

Would it be okay for me to ask how Tati was as a mod? Buttcape sounded pretty reasonable but there's not much discussion on how she behaved, besides apparently being the one with an iron fist?

>> No.8416522

Yup that one. She also doesn't even live in Houston anymore anyways.

>> No.8416557

Nasty. I wouldn't be caught dead in a community with her in a position of power.

>> No.8416591

The KAs will not mention the name because it will just start shit. They did say the person originally chosen was a really good pick though!

>> No.8416594

Well don't you seem lovely.

>> No.8416602

Jessamyn is in Germany right now.

>> No.8416604

There were only 2 people that applied from Houston for the KA position if you can believe it, on the panel before the decision, the other KA's went through the applications and were discussing them and when names started being brought up, John immediately was like, no they have to be from Houston in order for this to work. The whole thing was rigged, why the fuck do you think Ann had such a huge part in the fashion show compared to everyone else?

Anyone who denies it is lying to themselves. Ann was only picked because she was close to John and from Houston. Misako was apparently very upset with this, but still obliged.

>> No.8416606

girlyhoot was talked about a lot on the panel, she had a good application and Misako was for it until John took control

>> No.8416623

I am. I can be lovely and sick of her shit at the same time, anon.

>> No.8416632

The girl who runs the group currently doesn't even want to be in charge. If Stephanie or Tati wanted to run it, she would probably be happy.

>> No.8416642

The GHLS group that is, not HJFC.

>> No.8416645

Yeah. That's also what I meant but I couldn't really express it. K'Evia just wants to profit off this by seeming "in" on the latest piece of drama.

>> No.8416653

The O girl though is like borderline ita... and I've heard her shittalking about people behind their backs. Same with J W who's incredibly embarrassing to look at and be involved with. She made a big essay about how bdsm is part of her life and she will be open and public about it and people should just accept it. My friend found her on fetlife and it was just cringey.

But whatever, if you guys are serious with this, take it and run

>> No.8416678

I don't think anyone is denying it. It seems pretty apparent that that's what happened. But it's not like she's the end-all-be-all. In the panel they said they will choose additional KAs from the states.

...besides, let's be real: How much would cgl shit itself if Kate was a Kawaii Ambassador?

>> No.8416679

How does that even remotely measure up to someone like Mila or Daniela?
I think I'm making some genuine pints here.

>> No.8416696
File: 572 KB, 1500x1000, beckyanimematsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one is mentioning how much Becky is linked to Anime Matsuri, John, and Denice?

>> No.8416698

Becky quit as staff on AM, I bet she's keeping quiet to not stir up drama. I'd bet my brando something happened between her and john as well tbh.

>> No.8416707
File: 263 KB, 509x503, Picture 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does sure look like they despise each other and haven't contacted each other recently.

>> No.8416724

...I can't believe he commented with a heart. That's just gross. I know, I know. He's a complete creep. But Jesus, dude.

>> No.8416732
File: 539 KB, 1319x509, katewomack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kate Womack definitely doesn't still support John anymore. Just look at that argument they are having in the comments!

>> No.8416735

I hate to say it, but I guess we dodged a bullet, then.

>> No.8416742
File: 584 KB, 1285x576, jessamyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait a minute?! Where is the MIA moderator Jessamyn?! She couldn't be possibly associated to Anime Matsuri or John at all! It can't possibly be that all the moderators are all still good chums with John! Thank god it's not true!

>> No.8416746

>Not sure u can handle teh German sausage

k john

>> No.8416755

John is so fucking gross and lame I swear. I'm embarrassed and I bet that one like was from Kate ole kiss ass

>> No.8416758

How does an adult man talk like that? Pathetic.

>> No.8416763

?? she had a photo album of a popular event they both attended and he was tagged in it?

>> No.8416765

She's a creep herself, guess she has no problem with the nasty way John spoke to her friend.

>> No.8416779
File: 560 KB, 1333x787, whereswaldo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shucks! I can't really see a clear picture of Jessamyn at the event! Too bad she wasn't attending the Royal Tea Party as well!

>> No.8416790

Wait...Jessamyn's a creep?

>> No.8416794

Sorry meant to reply to you but deets? What did she do that's creepy?

>> No.8416796

Why the hell are you being an idiot? Its annoying and everyone already knew this. All mods have affiliations with John but Becky quit. All went to the Royal tea party and Jess went to the germany one.

Your sarcasm is fucking annoying, quit it

>> No.8416806
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>> No.8416809
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>> No.8416812
File: 90 KB, 520x447, Screen Shot 2015-06-21 at 2.07.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder who this person is!

>> No.8416817

It sounds like it's from a different perspective than buttcape's post, and she already came out publicly. Do you have ideas, anon?

>> No.8416825
File: 48 KB, 763x234, Screen Shot 2015-06-21 at 2.19.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming it's either one of the KA or Chokelate (her "6 pages down" comments today have been weirdly vague)

>> No.8416830

It's neither of those

>> No.8416839

who is it then?

>> No.8416845

I'm glad others are stepping forward, then. I just hope that there aren't worse stories out there.

>> No.8416866

You're not a good detective are you ? It's obviously someone from a nearby comm, since they talked about attending several time and their community being banned from offering any kind of present, meaning that several girls of the comm was there. Must be one of the other Texas bases comm.

>> No.8416870

German Sausage ! this john leigh is one sick mother fucker !! him and his pathetic pompus ass wife deniece has got to get out of the community. heard deneice is 52 years old . wtf

>> No.8416875

I think what she means by "at 6 pages" is that she is currently writing up an extensive post about her dealings with John, and it's already up to 6 pages.

>> No.8416885

Will you stop? You've posted several times in this thread with your shitty grammar, contributing absolutely nothing other than blithering bullshit. We all hate John. Unless you have something new to share, shut up.

>> No.8416898
File: 66 KB, 492x910, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback from the German Tea Party

>> No.8416902
File: 71 KB, 497x823, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8416907

thank you. with the name lovemelongtime tho, it just seems like a shitty troll. They're an eyesore but the only thing we can do is ignore them

>> No.8416909
File: 216 KB, 625x938, AM-Fashion-Show-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-someone in 2013/2014 show (baby)
-from either NOLA or a non Houston comm (likely SATX or Metro)
my guess is pic related, but I don't really know who's who

>> No.8416920

>not enough food
Guess they never learn, kek

>> No.8416951

I am SO baffled at the fact that they couldn't have enough food! The venue cost is to cover the minimum turnover for the restaurant, which is a flat fee. That means that you can order food and drinks for the same amount as the venue costs and don't pay extra for it. Saturday's venue was twice as much as Friday's venue this means there should have been ample food and drinks.

>> No.8416953

>we had the first fitting in the hotel lobby

What the actual fuuuck

>> No.8416977

This makes me curious how AM Hawaii will go. The website looks poorly designed and its in about 5 months. Nothings been announced, from photos the comm looks like its no more then 10 at a meet and none of them have much of a presence if at all.

Are they flying the KA and the german winner to Hawaii?

>> No.8416990

>no Boz booth
Thank god I didn't go then mainly for that. I'd been so pissed.

>> No.8416995

Most comms don't care about presence. And it's Hawaii, which is laid back in general.

>> No.8416997


How do brands put up with this shit all the time? Genuinely curious. I would be so fed up if every year was like this, especially since I'm already flying overseas.

>> No.8417016

i ment online presence*

In general curious why -you know who- chose Hawaii If there seems such a small amount of lolitas with no online presence. It doesnt seem like the best place to try to unite with the world or whatever hes trying to do. I guess it would be nice for him to build a large community there but it makes me wonder why he didnt pick somewhere like the tri state area (or another big comms minus maybe california) where there is a lot of potential customers/fans/lolitas to deal with. Maybe its a business write off and vacation in one?

>> No.8417019

>Maybe its a business write off and vacation in one?

>> No.8417128

Moving into a comm with little presence and setting up his regime sounds like something he'd do though. All the Lolita's there would be "indebted" to him because he "built the comm."

>> No.8417169

Doesn't John have like 2 children? And he still makes such cringe worthy comments like "German sausages" on public pages?

Jesus christ that man is terrifying, I feel sorry for his kids.

>> No.8417182

Yup, apparently John is President of the United States of Lolita

>> No.8417201

Don't feel like stirring the pot too much, so I'm not naming names, but as they originally posted this as a status on their FB before LACE posted it, I can confirm it was the NOLA admin.

>> No.8417232

Im not sure that would work in hawaii because they have a limited pool of people to take from. If they chose somewhere easily accessible for many such as the east coast where people can drive a few hours it would probably work better. I dont think many can fly to hawaii to attend an event like that especially with him doing the planning.

Also it seems that its planned for black friday weekend. I have a feeling it wont be too sucessful. people are obligated to spend time at family gatherings and any retail or food service worker wont be able to get the friday and usually saturday off.

>> No.8417281

Six pages? This is going to be interesting.

>> No.8417356

I had no idea what this was and had to Google it. I think it probably is the best one word summation of AM.

>> No.8417361

>mfw i thought it was coffefart

>> No.8417381

Given the connotation of kaffeefahrt, I am going to pronounce it Coffeefart anyway. I know know what to call all those crazy shopping scams they try to hit you with in South East Asia.

>> No.8417386

It's NOLA. At AM 2014 if I recall correctly, NOLA wanted to give a gift to the guests of the tea party and were told no. Then, during the tea party on Saturday, the HLC mods came out with a gift for the guests. NOLA admins then interrupted to give their gift anyway, and good for them. Additionally, one of the NOLA admins was supposed to be on the stuff for AM 15 but I think they were not much of a part in the end. I have a pretty specific guess, but there's a reason she posted anonymously so I'll let everyone else do their own deducing.

>> No.8417392


A major problem was that the tiny room where the buffet happend was overstuffed and nobody could move and didn't want to move as there was nowhere to go. No tables, no plates to transport the tiny snacks. The people who where last simply couldn't get in, while the ones one the front ate quite a lot as everybody was super hungry.

>> No.8417409

This. German is an excellent language.
>originally read it as coffee farts

>> No.8417434
File: 12 KB, 208x243, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, 6 pages! with buttcape's blog, all the pissed off gtp attendees, and the anonymous people coming out on lace, and then this whenever she posts it, I wonder if john will keep trying to ignore it or throw a tiny little man tantrum.

>> No.8417446

fahrt is pronounced like fart. So not that far off.

>> No.8417467

how did he respond to the fighting game comm when Planet Zero went belly-up?

>> No.8417519
File: 202 KB, 1447x766, Picture 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8417527

Wow they're using a lot of NOLA lolitas in those quotes. I wonder if they know.

>> No.8417545

Where was this tiny room? Was it where you entered or somewhere else?

>> No.8417559

She talked about underage AM models boobs, saying they were nice and perky

>> No.8417564

It was the room before you entered the event room. Not a sepreate room basically it was the entrance area for the event. At least at was used as such.
There where tables left and right where the buffet was placed on.

>> No.8417840

I really do hope the other victims of John Leigh come out and tell their stories. Girls, we have the power now, we'll stand behind you. Do it anonymously through LACE if you don't want the attention. This predation MUST STOP!

>> No.8417849


I totally agree with you.

#Boycott Anime Matsuri

>> No.8417872

Ew gross. I hate ppl who think crude humor is the be all end like. Like if I don't know you like that don't be talking about titties, mine or otherwise.

Poor girls.

>> No.8418144

Choke posted about her experience with Anime Matsuri and John Leigh. Does anyone have screencaps?

>> No.8418171

the choke experiencie is here... is screencaps
http : //imgur.com/a/ N3fqs

>> No.8418217
File: 126 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A message of his to me. It's not harassment, but I still don't know what favor he was going to ask me or why I'd need to "prepare" for it. It's just weird and creepy lol.

>> No.8418225

I'm only showing part of the convo bc he uses my name a few times and I'm on mobile so editing would be a chore. He essentially messaged me saying he had a really important favor for me, and when I asked what he wanted me to do for him, he was all, "be patient, you're not ready" .... so why did he ask me?? I'm a nobody lol

>> No.8418243

did she delete it right after posting? that doesn't look like a fake...

also what the fuck. i'm starting to feel like what butt cape let out was only the tip of the iceberg. that dude is seriously fucking scary.

>> No.8418263

new thread

>> No.8418313

We know. The quotes were taken back in 2014 before most of the shit went down if I recall correctly.

>> No.8418374

How do we archive this thread? It must not be forgotten!

>> No.8418395


and the livin' is easy

>> No.8418429

The bit about information being related over the phone/skype/in person is pretty familiar. I can think of one other shady lolita business who pulled that stuff.

>> No.8418449


She posted this by mistake and is in the process of editing the post. Give it until tomorrow until it goes live again with more information.

>> No.8418632

I have been told there is a petition to give John and Deneice the boot from being KA's and JLA but I'm not on Facebook or Rufflechat. Can someone please give me the link? I desperately want to sign it.

>> No.8418659

Here you go!


>> No.8418829

Thank you. Just signed it! They need to be gone from our community!!!!

>> No.8418843

No problem! I hope this will make a great impact for our community!

>> No.8419234

Holy shit, is this all real? Sounds like the script for a bad porno.

>> No.8419838


Thank god the petition to remove these scoundrels is almost at 1800 signers at this time. JUSTICE! If you haven't signed it, please do.

>> No.8419867

An officially selected Kawaii Ambassador hand picked by Misako Aoki herself has resigned to distance herself from the "farce" JLA has become. I hope the other KAs do the same to prove a point.

>> No.8419914

You know who has been staying really quiet since this blew up? Cadney.