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8405766 No.8405766 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about Western maid cafes? Maid Cafes that operate in conventions to be more specific.

>> No.8405784

>Competently run
>Cute girls
>Good personalities

Pick 1.5

>> No.8405873
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Fucking Detroit...

>> No.8405899

I don't get maid cafes, I get the impression that its a real master servant sort of experience/ service style. Does anyone who goes to these actually pretend that they aren't pervs?

>> No.8405964

>cute girls
>variety of girls (usually people hire according to their personal preference) skinny, tall, short, chubby, more ethnicities (lots of asian only places with like, maybe a white girl or two mixed in)
>good service
>good atmosphere

boom, nice maid cafe. fucking follow that.

>> No.8405970

we're all pervs anon, it's the acceptable and restrained face of perviness if anything. Also, perv doesn't have to mean highly sexualised, I think there's a strong element of just relaxing and forgetting all the troubles of adulthood for a while, kicking back and having your needs met. Japan certainly knows how to do escapism and I can kinda see the appeal of maid cafes, although one visit was enough for me (I don't need to do a cute cat 'nyaan' gesture to signal I'm ready to order ever again in this lifetime for instance).

>> No.8406030
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From a con in my area. Pic is a year or two old I think, but this is pretty much the highest standard I've seen.

>> No.8406055

I shall be a maid in a maid cafe soon. I'll let you know how it goes but I already see warning signs in one girl who decided 2 weeks ago that she's not going to wear makeup anymore. The rest of our girls are pretty cute dolled up. Matching uniforms. Friendly for the most part although some are more outgoing and some are shy. I would give you our promo picture now but we aren't allowed to use any of them ourselves till after the event.

>> No.8406071

Characteristics of Western maid cafés girls:.

>mainly fat who think they look cute
>if skinny, weird looking, mostly not ugly but can't say they are pretty or at least cute
>if pretty, they are awkward
>if cute, they are weird
>if cute or pretty and normal, man, you are not at a maid café

>> No.8406416

Is Youmacons maid cafe any good? Ive been debating whether to go but my expectations arent high.

>> No.8406429

>if cute or pretty and normal, man, you are not at a maid café
It me.
I worked in a maid cafe, as I was friends with the manager. I turned up, the batshit cray girls send me hate and death threats for telling them they needed waitress skills. So I left.

If you go in thinking it won't be fucking crazy, you're wrong.

>> No.8406445

despite all the negative things i hear about them, i still want to work at one. i've applied for one before, but i didn't get in -- i think it was a mix of them already having a shit ton of relatively cute girls and me living too far to attend their dance practices regularly.

i'm a waitress at a fairly upscale place now, so i feel like that experience could count for something...

>> No.8406477

>when everyone in this thread thinks the girls are picked off of looks

you couldn't be more wrong. while SOME cafes did that like Doki Doki and the infamous Animaid. Other cafes base it all on the skills the girls have, location and what they can bring to the table

~East Coast Cafe Leader

>> No.8406494
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>the trap is the best looking one.

>> No.8406496

Well, he's not fat or chubby.

>> No.8408354

Which one was it, anon? I only ask because it has regular dance practices.

>> No.8408359

>all your maids have been replaced by sassy black women
>what do you do?
>how do you react?
>is this a good thing or bad thing?

>> No.8408915

I would never go I've heard so many stories about bad service. Its a cute idea though.

>> No.8408925

If they're capable then it's good thing.

>> No.8408927

is it that fucking hard to find matching uniforms
you can do a cheap bodyline or taobao group order

>> No.8409116

two in the pink are wearing the same uniform, the black dresses are wearing the same apron at least. I appreciate variation

>> No.8409125

Anyone know what happened to the in NYC?
Are they still there or what?

>> No.8409164

At least the food would be alright.

>> No.8409217
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I like the Kraken con cafe for some of the people but they seriously need to step up their food game. This yeah they ran out of tea so it was down to Pepsi or sprite and then ran out of that so it was down to the water cooler water and mini Costco bundt cakes.

>> No.8409360
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This is from the animazement cafe.
Horrible management

>> No.8409406

I know a friend who was working in a Maid Cafe and the sempais bully the newbies what are popular in the clients. She fired herself because of that.

>> No.8409437

That one closed up shop late last year. It's been a sports bar now for the past few months.

>> No.8409487

I feel like if the maids had the same dress, petti, socks/stockings, shoes but different aprons, it'd be pretty cute. Then if they do performances, they can just remove the apron and look completely uniform again.

I just think it'd be cute - sorta like μ's maid uniforms.

>> No.8409492

It isn't even an official cafe, is it? I thought last year it was just some kind of attendee run thing like a panel that they let them do.

>> No.8409811

I'm going there tomorrow so let's see what it's like

Feeling nervous now. I'll update tomorrow.

>> No.8409817

Nope never mind. Google searched and permanently closed. Sorry for the derp.

>> No.8409826

I'm finally going to a maid cafe again at AX this year. My last cafe visit was Fanime '09.

Should be good fun.

>> No.8409833

Western convention maid cafes usually promotes each person developing some kind of individual personas. Versus the uniformity in Japanese maid cafes (if not society in general.)

>> No.8409849

I take that back... I've been to the TomoNeko Maid Cafe twice.

They had videogames, photo ops with the maids, live performances, decent food, and special guests with autograph sessions and all of the proceeds went to chairty. Had an absolute blast! I wonder why they stopped doing it.

>> No.8410519

I did the maid cafe at this past Youma. It was alright to say the least. The shift of girls we had were pretty unattractive aside from the girls i saw walking in and out. So i guess you gotta get lucky. Other than that, you drink what you ordered, eat some cake and they have you play games like pictionary. Oh yeah, we got to watch some black kid breakdance as a 'performance'. That was pretty cringy. Its an experience i guess.

>> No.8410637

why are the butlers always so substandard

>> No.8410985

I know the common complaint is that maids tend to be overly obnoxious, attention whorey, or overall cringe. What would be the ideal western maid then? Someone that tries to exemplify the ones you'd see in @home cafe or maid dreamin?

>> No.8411225

Might its just be me but holy fuck, I can just tell when I meet someone if they're hiding crazy or not.
>>I wouldnt hire cringy weebs
>>Would see how they react to other people first in the first few lessons
>>See how well they can cope with awkward situations
>>Hire cute maids, don't mind a chubby in the mix, 2 white girls, a darkskined gal, and some asians.
>>And a couple butlers
It really wouldnt be that hard, and Id love to be in charge of one or own one.
>>Tfw you will probaby never be a maid in a maid cafe because you live far away..

Above all personality is key. Looks would come second for drawing people in, but the attitude makes em stay or come back.

>> No.8411388

Probably like what's wanted in a normal waiter (timely, friendly, and helpful, without being too obtrusive) with a little more kawaii.

>> No.8413702

>Can we talk about Western maid cafes? Maid Cafes that operate in conventions to be more specific.

OK. Costume and outfits are nice.
Try to get lots of cute and nice Asian / Japanese girls with cute voices.

Seems like an easy way to make money.

>> No.8413713

>awesome food
then it just wouldn't be authentic

>> No.8413872

Is this the group that got posted in the news?

>> No.8414986

Some event venues have rules forbidding all any food sales, meaning anything served has to be by way of the venue.

>> No.8414998

NYC local maid cafe for cons: Tenshi Ai
>Mostly black and Hispanic. Thy either want to be idols or back up dancers. But not maids.
>most have multicolored hair and won't wear wigs to look cohesive
>last I saw non matching uniforms.
>lasted performance I watched was unsynched and the girls were frowning. No energy.
>service: hahahahahaha
>accepting newcomers? Nigga plz.

It's sad. I know a few qt 3.14 girls who have applied and been turned down. Service starts with a smile.

>> No.8415098
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My city used to have a pop-up maid cafe where a good portion of the girls were actually cute. They were active on facebook, meaning all their drama was out in the public - including creepy comments and bitching from wannabe maids who accused the cafe of discrimination when the prettier girls were hired (haha whut)

I went there once. It was a bit cringey.

>> No.8415225

I figure part of it is cultural. Cute is pretty much a part of Japanese culture. In the West on the whole, all that cute/moe shit is associated with childishness or even seen as gay.

>> No.8415494
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Yeah, this is Chou Anime Cafe. They closed down awhile back because there isn't an audience for this in the states, let alone Detroit. You can only last on poor weeb's wallets for so long before you run yourself into the ground.

The issue of Western Maid Cafes: You either have a group of your friends of friends to join to live out your "~~aidoru dreams~~!!!" and only let people who aren't prettier than the people in charge in the group (pic related) or you mature from that, get relatively cute people, and get as unified as possible because cute sells.

>> No.8415518

Usually the service is terrible, the food and drink is cheap and substandard, the clothing is ill-fitted and not worn properly, and the performers can't dance or perform.

I have experience in all these areas but I doubt I could run a successful maid cafe. You can't expect amateurs to perform like professionals or take it seriously. The problem is that you can't get good help.

>> No.8415628

Cause most decent looking guys aren't into this dumbshit.

>> No.8415630

Kek asians are fucking awful at waiting.

>> No.8415776
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'Eyy yo masa' you wan some mutha fuggen pockey in this bitch?'

>> No.8415784

Boys make the best girls

>> No.8415927

States wise this could only work in some parts of California with enough weebs and azns. In a culture where Hooters exists nornies would not pay for girls to be in a maid uniform that doesn't go up to the crotch.

I think there's a maid cafe in SF that does okay up northwest. Their thing is putting deserts in boxes made of bread

There's a butler cafe but they're all girls dressed as guys and not that convincing or attractive.

>> No.8415956

West coast has pretty popular cafes but it's just cute girls with not so cute service cept for few maids.

>> No.8415971

Anyone has experiences with the AX maid cafe?

>> No.8415990
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Germany has seen quite a few fails over the past decade. Most of the recent cafes are downright horrible filled with ugly girls and more public drama than I can count. The only decent cafe, who manages get many pretty girls to join is the maidcafe at dokomi. Then again, they were the first maicafe at all and they get funded by one of the biggest events in this country. Surely makes things a bit easier.

I still wonder how they get so many cute girls to join though, as they have like 30 or 40 maids in total their team. But I rather have one big cafe which stands for quality than none at all.

>> No.8416747
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Hawaii briefly had a "Mobile Maid Cafe," basically a food truck selling drinks and pastries. They didn't last too long, and they didn't have to worry about brick & mortar matters like rent and utility bills. I think if they had been parked in better spots they could've made out longer. They should've targeted Asian tourists who would've been amused at the existence of it, and the otaku crowd. Instead the truck was regularly parked in places nowhere near where the two groups congregate.

>> No.8416851

I'm from Philly, there is this maid group that seems to rent places from time to time to do events but they're mostly fat black girls so I've never gone. They had a youtube video and they looked so cringeworthy.

>> No.8416873

>those hover hands

>> No.8416876

They are VERY cringy. Please do not attend any of their maid cafes. I attended one and most of them were just weebs in maids who has no idea what they were doing. One of them has a bondage fetish and you can hear her talking to their customers about it which makes everyone noticeably uncomfortable.

Please. For your sake. Do not go to their cafe.

>> No.8416915

I'm part of a local cosplay cafe. Our costumes are mostly great, everyone in the cafe is a sweetheart and we're good at serving. Unfortunately everyone in the cafe except for maybe one or two people aren't very attractive at all. The maid cafe we compete with is a bunch of qts with awful personalities.

I can confirm the thing about the food though. Every con we've done across a few states has had a rule about food that resulted in us having to serve cheap prepackaged food. Plus con-director being a cheapass meant we could only offer costco pastries and lemonade.

>> No.8416921

I like the same uniform different color aesthetic.

>> No.8416934

Hmm sounds like the cafes in my state

>> No.8417373

It seems pretty unreasonable to get mad at the convention for not giving you guys free money to buy food and drinks.

>> No.8417375

I was not planning to go but that kinda further makes me not wanna go. Got any stories about the place?

Something about Philly just produces a high number of weeb tier people.

>> No.8417474

Not that op but I did attend their cafe. Complete disaster and the head maid Jezell or whatever makes everything about her. If she isn't in the spotlight, she's mad. Oh and it's true when >>8416876 said about her bondage fetish. It's fucking gross

Would you go to a cafe like this:

>> No.8417988

Aminya is my waifu and all but this cafe was shit.

>> No.8417992

I never implied I'm mad about it? It's just when everyone's complaints are that the food we get to serve isn't worth the $10 entry fee, I wish people would realize that isn't our choice.

Plus it's not like any of the entry fee goes to the cafes themselves.

>> No.8417996

Well, I meant authentic as in like an authentic Japanese maid cafe. Their food sucks too.

>> No.8418050

If you're charging people to get in then use that money to buy quality stuff.

>> No.8418052

I mean, bondage itself is not gross but talking to random people about your kinks is kinda weird.

>> No.8418057

No I mean, the convention charges and keeps the money? We don't get any of the money and have no say in where it goes.

>> No.8418074

Different anon but in a maid cafe as well (conventions). I do know the money that is charged goes to the convention itself. If we do auctions, raffles etc that money is ours, however that is certainly not enough to get high quality food (which I am not sure when we are supposed to get, seeing as the good is pre-picked for many cafes by hotels or other places in advanced for convention cafes).

It is more or less "Here is the food you give people."
Sometimes it can be quite a fight to get an extra drink choice for guests. It isn't always up to the cafes themselves.

>> No.8418099

That's unfortunate that people give you shit about that. Honestly, when I pay for a cafe, I consider it more like paying for getting to hang out w/ the maids rather than the food.

>> No.8418139


Do both of you have maid cafes that are hosted by the convention itself? Like the convention gives you everything and you just need to make sure everything during the cafe goes okay or do you both have a maid cafe that goes from convention to convention (aka traveling maid cafe)?

If it's the latter, the convention shouldn't be taking all your money away. Only a certain percentage, if even that.

>> No.8418194

It's an inbetween. They supply food and handle all the at-con stuff but we're expected to provide our own cosplay and decorations and games. The only thing we get out of it is free badges and any money we earn if we decide to do auctions but half my cafe is against auctions so we haven't done one in a while. Granted the cafe itself is a ton of fun to participate in but we still don't really get anything out of it considering the work we put in.

>> No.8418245

Very much the same with my cafe.

>> No.8418260

wow all the girls are cute wtf

>> No.8418310 [DELETED] 
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One of the maid cafe in uk that I attended when I travelled up North to a convention (I believe they hold local events too) and from what I experienced they were all really sweet, the food was really good and the organisation was superb.
What let it down is the looks.
A good chunk of the girls were adorable and so pretty looking but they were let down by 3 others. Peachie for one, but that's probably a personal preference to find her really weird looking rather than cute. Another girl who was just so unkempt with frizzy unbrushed hair and no makeup. And lastly the "head maid" who is a bit mutton dressed as lamb as she's at least 5+ years older than the others, looks to be in her late 20's and is prancing about with a bunch of late teens/early 20's in a frilly maid dress. Like I totally get wanting to cling to your youth but when you're running an event you surely have to notice you're very out of place.
Pic related from a magazine.

>> No.8418327

Dang I'm surprised how cute they are. Wtf are some in different uniform though? They all look consistent and them bam.

>> No.8418329

Closed in January, turned into another cafe and I believe that is closed now

>> No.8418456
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Alright then. I am unsure if your cafe would be for this as this is an investment but in my cafe as well as some others, we offer guests to get their picture taken with a maid using a Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 camera. The maid then decorates the Polaroid and gives it back to them. It's a cute gesture and you can sell them for $5 because film is expensive. You can get both the camera and film along with some decoration tools (pens, etc) on Taobao for much less than the retail price. I hope that helps.

I'm unsure about the girl on the left (probably last minute maid) but the three girls on the right are from Maids of England (MOE) and they were invited to be guest performers for their cafe, I think.

>> No.8418464

Thank you! That is an awesome idea.

>> No.8418488

Got one of their phone numbers. Haven't done anything with it.

>> No.8418492
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>> No.8418515

... I can't tell if she just threw a bunch of photos together at a con or if that is actually them in their so-called uniforms for their maid cafe.

It might be a combination of the two but if it's the latter, aside from one who's actually in a maid outfit, it seems like false advertising.

>> No.8418529

how easy is it to bang one of these chicks

>> No.8418531

how much money you got?

we can play pretend for the right price, master :3

>> No.8418532

oh gosh..

>> No.8419521

I never really got into that 'power chant' thing.

>> No.8419671

I wanted to volunteer as a butler for a maid cafe in an upcoming con. You had to submit a photograph along with your resume. I was really annoyed when I got rejected because I was so sure that I'd get atleast an interview.

They said in the rejection email "You're always welcome to try again next year". Fuck you, I'm not getting any better looking next year. I'm so bitter over this.

>> No.8419696

Except for that pink haired one in the back and the blonde afro that's a pretty cut bunch of maids.

No comment on the butlers.

>> No.8419702


Sorry, anon. Maybe they had a crapload of applicants this year and they filled all of the spots early.

Do you have a friend who is a photographer? If you get better pictures, maybe you'll get an interview next time.

>> No.8419743

Actually I do have a photographer friend but I think that I look less ugly on a phone camera. I probably won't try again.

>> No.8419750

There are ways around them but it requires knowledge on how to get around them, some certifications, and money.
Its $10 but when people pay they have a level of expectations and if the attendance is high enough someone will start doing math and try to figure costs.

>> No.8419850

NY had a maidu cafe, it started to fail, and then it joined with a cosplay supply store, and now its all gone.

>> No.8419859


the food is the biggest problem. Would it kill someone to do a curry rice or omelet rice?

A giant rice cooker will make plenty, and you can make one big batch of curry roux+veggies in one pot and quickly add the speciality choice ingreds like chicken or pork with the curry and mix to serve.

>> No.8420177
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Any seagulls ever been to a Maids Of England event? The maids are cute as fuck and I love their convention cafes, but I'm still trying to decide whether it's worth the time and money to go down to London for their cafe events.

>> No.8420305

I've been to a few of them back in 2012 when I visited London. They were very competent and served some great food and all the girls were very cute and outgoing. I actually know a few of them outside of the cafe too.

>> No.8420307
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>> No.8420327

No I meant the other one JoyYou. They were put on blast by some local newspaper for forcing girls into sex work or something

>> No.8420336

Whaaaat? deets!

>> No.8420403

Huh, I went to high school with one of those girls.

>> No.8421820

I'm kind of tired of the maids in western cons, even the well put together cafes, trying to be aidorus with individual fans. No point if your entire cafe is sub-par. I can only name a few "famous premier" maids in Akihabara that I've seen on-line, everyone else is expected to be cute with great service. Why can't that be the same elsewhere?

>> No.8421825

because anime convention maid cafes aren't pro level. maybe amateur level at best. they can't even get permits to make good food (not that they'd want to because that'd mean more money spent on ingredients and capable staff) since they are basically pop-ups.

>> No.8421903

This is what I mean by how the cafes should have a uniform. Most convention cafes just let you wear whatever maid scrap you can pull together, but to be successful you should have everyone wear the same thing, but they can add their own personal touch to it. Keep the dress/apron/headpiece the same. You can cute it up with your own personality. That and the lack of knowing how to friendly flirt with customers to make them feel special is why so many of these convention cafes should burn to the ground.

>> No.8422033

I heard there is one occasionally in Manchester, UK, Any idea what it's called or when?

>> No.8422104

Same Anon, I wanted to see if they were hiring

>> No.8422885

bump for more maids

>> No.8422983

Its pretty much fun over business

>> No.8422984

I've only been to two convention based maid cafes, Anime USA's My Cup of Tea and Katsucon's Cherry Tea Cafe. I actually didn't think they were too bad though they definitely weren't perfect. Katsucon's was beautifully decorated but the menu was a bit lacking and they maids have never really interacted with me. Anime USA's was more interactive and had a better food selection, though it was still a bit pricey. Has anyone else visited these cafes?

>> No.8423002

>Would it kill someone to do a curry rice or omelet rice?
Most cons held in hotels don't allow you to sell outside food, and those that do require it to be prepackaged. Making food onsite would require permits and inspections.
If the venue allowed it you might be able to get away with a 'bake sale' permit but even most of those do not cover cooking or assembling food on the premises.

>> No.8423987

its more of safety and sanitation issue for the hotels than anything, but its comes down to how much knowledge you know and how much money your willing to spend. you could rent a test kitchen and make MRES and get away with that but again it comes down to knowledge and money.

>> No.8424125

okay now this is cute

>> No.8424196
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Taken from their facebook page. From what I understand they are pretty strict about making sure their maids follow their uniform standards. Same dress/apron and each girl has a unique color that they use for approved accessories. What I really like is that they also have guidelines for their wigs as well to make sure they aren't running around in shitty blue wigs and cat ears.

>> No.8424535

Yep. This is probably the most professional convention maid group. They actually know how to properly dress their maids. If you look at any cafes in Japan, they all have the same outfits, but little twists for their personalities, but not so much that it is overwhelming. I don't know how other convention cafes can't understand that. They would be more successful.

>> No.8424543

Is there still a Maid cafe in melb?

>> No.8424566

Is this the one thats now the lingerie coffee truck? Obviously different owners

>> No.8424594

The maid cafes in Florida are shit. What's worse is that they had an "Adults only" maid cafe at a con.

Seriously? fucking florida, turning everything into porn.

>> No.8424628

The lingerie one was the original, and I'm sure run by the same people. I remember going through the FB photos and the license place on the maid truck was in one of the lingerie truck's old photos. Some girls working the former also crossed over to the maid one.

But while the maid thing is weird to some, tits & ass is pretty universal, so that truck is still around.

>> No.8424668

I would say At Your Service in Arizona is just as good.

>> No.8424699
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none of these can be as bad as the AWA maid cafe. Apparently they'll be doing performances this year..

>> No.8424702

This isn't a scene from 'The Help'?

>> No.8424708

>At Your Service in Arizona
They have shitty ass fetish boob cutouts. No. Get out.

>> No.8424715

The girls are cute and they have good service at least

>> No.8424750

What happens at a maid cafe?

>> No.8424752

Spaghetti spilling everywhere.

>> No.8424834
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I was at a convention which had a Maid Cafe some time last year and it was almost a disaster, They all went up on stage during the introduction to show themselves off and talk to the crowd. The problem was, it was a small convention with a pretty casual crowd, so when they asked "So who here has been to a Maid Cafe before?" Literally zero people out of the fifty or so had. "So who here has HEARD of a Maid Cafe before?" like three people other than myself and my friends.

So the explain the concept and got people interested, did a little J-pop dance routine then a few skits for about half an hour to introduce their quirky personalities, I mean at first I thought it was clever that each girl had a set "Maid Persona" but I think they took it a little too far, especially when so few people had any idea what they were about.

They had the typical Tsundere Maid, the Cute but Plain Maid, the "Senpai" Maid, and the Delinquient Butler, but then they also hammered in the Maid that is a Cyborg-idol, The butler that is an Elf boy, the Maid that is a Cat turned into a Human, the deadpan maid that is a Warmachine-cyborg trying to cope in a service role, the Butler that is a magical book made manifest into a human.

It was clear that everyone was confused and lost on the concept five miniutes into the fourty minute routine.

Luckily though they didn't flop, the thing was crazy popular although that may be due to the fact that there really wasn't anything else to do at the convention, the games room was shit, the Manga library was tiny and cramped and the tabletop games room was a bit niche. So the Maid Cafe was swarming with people and a literal two hour queue to get in. Glad to see it worked out, maybe their routine worked and got people interested.

>> No.8424839

Oh, this is them! They were cute as hell but barely any of the crowd knew what was going on.

>> No.8425167
File: 11 KB, 94x78, FireShot Capture - _cgl_ - Can we talk about Western maid _ - http___boards.4chan.org_cgl_thread_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8425171
File: 12 KB, 75x76, mopasshead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is...this? :/

>> No.8425177
File: 93 KB, 136x380, isthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabourey Sidibe ?

>> No.8425181

That guy on the left is really cute

>> No.8425198

Not >>8424668 but I think they're pretty good. They're cute, organized and nice. I personally like the uniform, even if it is kinda fetishy.

>> No.8425281

>40 y/o dude with poorly applied neon piss hair color, hasn't done his roots in a month

>> No.8426387

you could have just said which one it was LOL, its so obvious...

>> No.8426656

I don't really know the Maid scene, I flicked through the thread a second time and saw them, Maids of London or something was it?

They were pretty cute and enthusiastic but it was a little painful since the crowd had no idea what was going on and was just deadpan unresponsive.

Still as I said, the actual cafe was really popular and constantly packed so they must have been decent.

>> No.8426684

Really? I went to a maid cafe at Chibi Pa last year and it was pretty great... at what con was it "adults only?"

>> No.8426757

I think you're referring to one that was held by Cosplay Deviants way back in 2011. I heard it was going to be held at the Geek Easy but apparently they went through several "hentai cafes" throughout the years at Supercon.

I wonder how they ran their event, there doesn't seem to be any photos.

>> No.8427207

The maid cafe is the only good thing about Anime Milwaukee unless you are a filthy Hamsteak.

>Nice restaurant with a great 360 view
>Maids and butlers are 99% friendly and cute; a couple fatties but they're pleasant and they can dance
>Decent food
>Management appears to be sane
>Cute dancing

Only problem is the crowds.

>> No.8427245


Mochi cafe, does it seem good?

>> No.8427279

I didn't go the past two years to the maid cafe, but did they ever fix the 30 minute elevator ride?

>> No.8428033


I told several of my fellow maids to just start watching videos on YouTube of actual Akihabara maid cafes to see what they are doing versus western cafes, even down to accessorizing uniforms and doing hair and makeup (I find the odd colored wigs and too much makeup off putting)

>video related

>> No.8428603

Very good anon

>> No.8428724

This sounds exactly like Maids of England. Abipop isn't the cat and the cyborg is Miyuu.

>> No.8429238

Last year the staff was in the elevators and it was a whole lot better, and the wait was less. lots of staff. they treat it like an actual restaurant and not really a maid cafe anymore.... they had to make sacrifices for the crowds, so it's not really a "meido cafe" experience anymore, but ehn. their management's pretty sane, all young adults who learned a lot along the way. i know them, they're chill.

i don't know how long it can last tho.

>> No.8430323
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, Cure Maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad this kind would probably never work here

>> No.8431190

Sweet Cupcake maid cafe? Currently rebranding though, and we have matching uniforms finally

>> No.8431210

Now cgl knows your here.
Dont do it. There is a reason they dont do many events. If you talk to some of their ex maids youl find that some of the maids are pretty crazy.

>> No.8431237

I'm not hugely bothered, there are a lot of maids in the cafe. Is this Helen?

>> No.8431304

The other one.

>> No.8431382

If this was the AX one you dodged a fucking bullet.

>> No.8431388

From my experience, since maid cafes are usually purely volunteer based, usually you are in charge of acquiring your own maid dress. They can't force you to buy any specific maid dress if you're spending your own money on it, so that's why most convention maid cafes don't have one uniform. The good cafes will have you get approval for your dress before you buy it, though, so that everyone is on the same color, silhouette, and quality level at least, and it tends to look pretty ok, even though it isn't completely uniform.

>> No.8431415

what's wrong with the AX one? I wanted to apply but I wanted to hear more info about it and see if they were biased when hiring.

>> No.8431443

It was really poorly managed. Some of the people in charge were on a power trip. I actually knew a few people who got in and they all either dropped out or got fired for petty drama with the people running it.
Last I heard they hadn't learned any complete dances and had already used up half their practices. They'll probably still pull through because apparently a good portion of the people who got in were serious about dance, and they have a big venue so they were bound to succeed no matter what, but I probably wouldn't suggest applying if you're looking for a fun experience.

>> No.8431484

It's pretty well managed though a few of the girls are pretty fugly and don't fit in with the others whatsoever. They did a special Sailor Moon themed cafe for Hanadoki Con and it was a lot of fun. The maids/butlers were all really upbeat and most were pretty good dancers. The food wasn't great but I guess I can't really complain seeing as how they're volunteer group. They're the only maid cafe I've ever been to so I can't say much but I dunno, I liked them enough to go twice.