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File: 200 KB, 500x750, mew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8404347 No.8404347 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys feel about pets and Lolita?
Do you have pets as a Lolita? How do you deal with fur and other issues that come with owning a pet?

I want to have a pet again some day but now that I'm buying dresses, I'm not sure because the thought makes me cringe of constantly having to lint roll everything I own.

>> No.8404354

Get a fish

>> No.8404356

Keep you loli clothes in a cedar box
Don't let your cat have an opportunity to lay on a dress, put bows, ties and any little bits into a bag and either box it or have it on the hanger with the dress.
Get suit bags to hang your clothes up in
Before selling an item, key the buyer know, then have it cleaned and ask a friend that doesn't have cats to check it over for any lingering odors.

>> No.8404357

>Do you have pets as a Lolita? How do you deal with fur and other issues that come with owning a pet?

Going to second recommending a fish. Possibly a hermit crab.

>> No.8404363
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I like to eat them more.
Also you can't pet them. Catfish are pretty neat, though. But also tasty.

>> No.8404372

I keep my clothes in a walk-in wardrobe that my dog can't get into. Everything is hung up high or on a shelf, except for the shoes.
I've also got an arsenal of lint rollers and sponges from IKEA that I'd made friends with a long, long time ago.

>> No.8404376

So do you guys ever pet or hold your animals while in Lolita or no?

It does make for cute pictures.

>> No.8404390

Sometimes, he's so adorable that I can't help but cuddle with him for a while after I'm home from a meetup. But after that it's heavy decontamination before it's put back. I don't let pet hair in any shape or form get into my wardrobe.

>> No.8404424

I'm really not that uptight about it...and my cat spends all her time in my room so I can't prevent her fur from getting on my clothes.

I just make sure not to carry her around a lot while I'm wearing lolita, and I'll only give her a stroke on the head before a meet, I won't pick her up at all.

I also make sure to give my clothes and good clean before selling them.

I don't have to worry too much about delicate fabrics because she spends most of her time sleeping and will only scratch/sharpen her claws outside.

>> No.8404429
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Or you know... have a room where you keep your lolita and keep the door closed so the animal can't get in.

>> No.8404550
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>> No.8404555

I don't care what lolitas do in regards with pets, but please always note if you have a cat or dog or both if you're selling anything. I'm extremely allergic to both and I've had a few bad experiences with the secondhand market in the past because of sellers omitting pet ownership.

Also, having lolita items in a separate room does nothing. Pet dander/allergens can be transferred through the air.

>> No.8404626

Haha thanks for that, anon

>> No.8404650

I don't think people who do that worry about dander as much as hair.

>> No.8404658

I have three cats. Even walking around the apartment means picking up fur. I always lint roll myself before I leave the and then again right before I get to the meet.

I keep my lolita stuff in a separate closet. Before we moved into a bigger apartment we lived in a glorified bachelor with no storage room. I kept my petticoats shoved onto a shelf and my cat would regularly crawl up there and sleep burrowed in all the fluff. I didn't have the heart to make her stop.

I'll pet my cats in lolita (carefully) but I won't pick them up. I also have to be super careful around the youngest and the oldest. The oldest has a string fetish and the youngest will just attack everything that moves, so I have to be careful doing up waist ties and corset lacing or kick them out of the room.

>> No.8404995

I have small dogs so anything higher than them is prettymuch ok, they only work on one level :) only one of my dogs is happy to go up the stairs and she's nowhere near my clothes. I feel sorry for smart cat owners with their claws & ability to get into wardrobes wreaking havoc. Our cat is a dope. Our rabbits are great. No interest in jumping up & snagging tights, peeing on me (only each other as to rabbits it is a declaration of love) or making a mess, they just groom & doze in the sun. Op I would look into maybe getting a bonded pair of rabbits. All of my pets are indoors of course, we have a big house but I vaccum twice a day to keep the floors looking good.

One thing that gets me is I am judgemental of non pet owners. I think people without pets have no soul.

>> No.8405043

I fucking love Abyssinians

>> No.8405046

This fall i will have a small dog (white Pomeranian) and i plain to get her or him cute collars and other kawaii pet items to match with me, i saw a collar with roses on Aliexpress, so cute.
But thing is... i never had experience with dogs, i have only cats outside, i just hope the dog would behave good and not play with my lolita items that are in a open wardrobe. Is there a way to protect open wardrobes from pets?
>One thing that gets me is I am judgemental of non pet owners. I think people without pets have no soul.
This. They are better than kids imo.

>> No.8405048

*tips headbow*

>> No.8405055

>they have no soul
think what you will, I used to have a dog and it was a nightmare. I love dogs but not when I'm the one who has to take care of them. I'm too busy for that and spend too much time away from my apartment.

I do feel silly explaining myself to some salty bitch on the internet though, as I know nothing will change your opinion of people different from you. Judgemental cunts are all the same, think only they are ever right.

>> No.8405066
File: 494 KB, 500x259, waitwhat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an anon goes from 'reasonable person' to 'nasty bitch' in under four sentences

>> No.8405075

Get your dog actual toys and reward them for playing with/chewing on them, not your accessories. Dogs understand positive reinforcement better than negative. If you're especially concerned about them getting into your wardrobe, get a baby gate for the doorway to that room.

>> No.8405082
File: 192 KB, 1280x853, snake in my tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have cute meme animals like cats, dogs, or birds so if I posed with my reptiles in lolita people would just say I'm trying too hard to be edgy

Oh well.

>> No.8405084
File: 13 KB, 162x150, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there were more than four sentences
>but you still acted like a nasty bitch

>> No.8405090

I just get mega salty when people are being judgemental assholes for no reason at all. There's usually a million different reasons why someone leads the specific lifestyle they do, it's incredibly immature to judge someone based on as banal a thing as pets or lack thereof.
I already meet enough people with children giving others shit for not wanting any or not having any yet, and they're all as toxic as you would imagine.
>people without kids are selfish!
>people with dogs are stupid!
>people with cats are bitter, ugly hags hahaha!
>people who drive a prius are tryhards!
just fuck off, you waste of oxygen

>> No.8405091

That snake is adorable. If you posed with some poisonous, or deadly snake, I'd probably call you edgy, but I wouldn't mind that snake.

>> No.8405096

I always want to hold my cat for a picture but I'm paranoid he's going to hook his claws into me and that they'll still fuck shit up even if they're clipped. I normally just put lolita on and then leave the house and I also keep him away from my dresses so I try to have as minimal interaction with my cat as possible when in lolita.
For added fun: I also have chickens in my backyard and I have a rooster that often walks around outside of the coop. He's friendly, but sometimes when leaving my house he runs up to me to say hello and though he's never attacked me before I'm always worried one day he'll decide to turn against me in the distance it takes from me to get to my house to the car.

>> No.8405103

It sounds simpler than it actually is. I do this but hair still finds its way in

>> No.8405111

Oh good!!I didn't know about the positive reinforcement. Thank you for the advice.
Btw there are more pics with lolitas and pets?I don't see them often.

>> No.8405127

>I think people without pets have no soul.
Based on them just choosing not to?
My landlord won't let me have let me have pets, a lot of places do this sort of thing and sometimes it can be fucking crazy expensive to own a pet.
you realize this, right?

>> No.8405131

Stop samefagging you salty, salty lady.

>> No.8405138
File: 12 KB, 420x222, stay mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't me. Nice try, though.

>> No.8405142

I'm op you fucking retard.

>> No.8405151

The thing is, hair is something that is all over your house even if the pet isnt in that room. It gets on you and you transfer it to other objects. You would have to get a separate house to really even try to make sure that the pet never got fur on your stuff. Even then you would still get transfer from touching your pet.

You just have to get used to the fact that the fur will be everywhere.

>> No.8405177

So... if you have allergies to pet dander you have no soul then? If you aren't financially stable enough, you don't have a soul? If you don't have the time to give them the attention they need, you don't have a soul? Good to know you'd rather an animal get neglected because ~*~tee hee, people who don't have pets are wretched people~*~

>> No.8405186

I understand your salt, but damn. Too much is bad for your blood pressure. It was an asinine remark, but not worth calling her a bitch and a cunt over it. You're right though, attitudes like that are shitty.
>two people had the same reaction? Must be SAME FAG!! XDDD

>sage for bickering
>kawaii pic of my cat because why not

>> No.8405188

Man that is one pretty cat.

>> No.8405190
File: 215 KB, 700x525, lilfattychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped pic, cause I'm like that.

>> No.8405203

Anon, chill. I don't think she was being serious. Your response lends more gravity to her statement than her statement itself.

>> No.8405212

>clipped claws
Hope somebody chops off the tips of your fingers for convenience too.

>> No.8405220

You probably think margarine's the same as butter too, don't you.

>> No.8405244

Ummmm getting claws removed is completely different from just cutting them

>> No.8405247

But she didn't say the cat was de-clawed.

>> No.8405332

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.8405345

i'm op.....dude, I meant like cut nails. not declawing. you've never heard of the term "clipping" before? please calm the fuck down.

>> No.8405373

I even said "I'm still afraid they'll fuck shit up even if they're clipped"...if I meant declawing, why would I still be afraid of my cat's claws poking holes in my clothes if they've been physically removed?

yes my jimmies are rustled right now. learn to read please

>> No.8405416

My apologies, I wasn't aware clipping was something actually approved by vets and professionals.
My mom and aunt both insist on clipping their cat's claws by themselves, except right down to the paw. Most of their cats have died from infections, but they just go and get new ones each time without listening to anyone. It breaks my heart every time to see them struggling to do basic shit like jump and climb. That's no life for a cat.
Sorry for the undue rage, anon. Next time I sperg out at someone I'll make sure to actually Google it first.

>> No.8405432
File: 2.77 MB, 240x320, 6f49ff91-9ec8-4a67-9f0e-d44eba751de6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pet thread
>no samoyed

>> No.8405443

You'd do better with a cat anon, less heartbreak.

>> No.8405446
File: 652 KB, 906x576, Final1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animals in a thread!

>> No.8405448

How are you OP when I started this thread.
God damn imposters.

>> No.8405454

It should be exactly the same as trimming your own nails - You just snip the sharp points off and make not to catch the flesh. It's an incredibly common and safe thing, your mother and aunt were just doing it wrong (and disgusting people, honestly.)

>> No.8405455

OP of the post >>8405096

>> No.8405481

...where do you live? when my cat was a kitten and went to the vet for the first time, one of the things he did during the exam was show me how to cut his nails with a nail clipper. I go to a different vet now and they also clip his nails for me during the exam as well. if anything I thought this was common practice for cats.

anyways, trimming a cat's nails isn't bad for them at all...just snip the sharp tip off. they're totally fine and their nails sharpen back up in no time. obviously just don't cut them all the way down or else you'll hurt them; my vets just cut the tips as well.

op of the post............you also need to chill

am I typing funny tonight or something?

>> No.8405495

I have to lint roll anyway because my husband sheds worse than a Persian in July. Put a dress down anywhere clean to fold it up and package it, hairs. I may as well own like 20 cats at this rate. At least cat hairs are cuter.

>> No.8405525

>you also need to chill
It's impossible for me to be not chill as I smoke weed all day erry day.

>> No.8405533

If you look closely at a cat's nail, you'll notice there's a point where the nail's colour changes. This is called the 'quick' and it's the living part of the nail. You cannot clip past the quick, some cats will bleed, and trimming down to the paw is just flat out cruel.
Trimming claws, however, is very commonplace. Start doing it when your cat is a kitten and always give them a treat after so they know there's a reward after.

>> No.8405599

Hairless cat. You can also share the lolita feels as they often need to wear clothes to keep their skin protected or keep warm.

There is a cat and a dog in my family and I don't have much trouble keeping hair away from my clothes, but I honestly don't understand why it is a big problem for everyone anyway. It's just animal hair not acid and as much as I don't like hair on my clothes because it looks messy it's really not that big a deal. just lint roll it. They are just clothes. I assume everyone gets their clothes cleaned before selling anyways (not really a reality though) so why is this a problem? Do people really get judged because they pat or cuddle animals while in lolita? That just sounds obtuse.

Well I'm judgmental of anyone who uses the word 'pet' because I think 'owning' a living being for ones entertainment or personal pleasure is fucking sick and more than a bit twisted.

So have fun holding a ruler up to someones soul i.e an unmeasurable, subjective, non-existant "entity" while you fondle your fun little fury toys that you keep locked away for your own personal pleasures.

>> No.8405638

>i never had experience with dogs
Wow, you went hard mode for your first breed
>i just hope the dog would behave good
No. You will have to work very hard on this. I think barking will be a much bigger problem than messing up your wardrobe though.
>Is there a way to protect open wardrobes from pets?
>>8405075 makes a good point, a baby gate in the doorway of the room or closet, and lots of proper toys. Make sure the accessories you get are proper too, safe and from reputable brands. Kawaii ain't kawaii when it's toxic, not colorfast, or halfway down the small intestine.

>> No.8405654

Hermit crabs are quirky af, I love 'em.

I have two domestic longhair and they're adorable but I dont let them near my clothes and try to prevent getting hair on my stuff as much as possible.
> tfw I want to take cute lolita/cat photos but dont want my stuff covered in hair for the next three years.

>> No.8405677


Chill out, anon. The rest of us think she's a brat and a twat for writing something as dumb as that. We aren't bothering with answering because she's not worth our time.

Pets aren't something you get just to prove a soul, you only commit to one if you're sure you can afford the time and energy for it. So, if people are busy, I'd really rather they know their lmits and don't get pets at all, rather than get one and then abuse it.

>> No.8405695

One thing - train your Pomeranian right from the beginning. Be strict. Pomeranians have a huge ego and they're stubborn as fuck so if you don't put it in its place right away, it'll never learn to obey you. Even though it's a small dog breed, they can still be assholes if you can't control them. Read up about dog training and never give in to your dog.

Otherwise pomeranians are wonderful, extremely smart and cute as hell. They don't bark THAT much, I've had other breeds that are a lot more prone to barking. The main issue is their obstinacy and habit to be imprinted on their owner so they follow you around a lot and you're pretty much their world. They also have health issues but nothing serious, teeth and knee problem mostly.

>> No.8405709

Y'all need to chill out and post moar animals.
Back on topic i have an adorable small maltese bichon that helped me greatly with my depression he looks like a fluffy teddy bear he is cuddly too he always sleep near me with a dog plushie. Though he get super excited when i come home so if i wear cute socks or thighs or skirt err...i better take him in my arms.
He doesnt shed at all but he vomits balls of hair sometimes

>> No.8405727
File: 250 KB, 374x371, mydoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My doge > your doge

>> No.8405736
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fite me cunt i'll box you around
i swear on me nan's grave

>> No.8405739

I have a dumb little yorkshire terrier/chihuahua mix. She doesn't shed much thank goodness, but she's a pain. If I come out of my room in anything other than jeans and a t-shirt, she doesn't recognize me and will bark to high heaven. And she has one of those annoying high pitched yappy barks that echos. But when I come home, she'll jump all over my legs. Many a pair of tights have been shredded. At least she's gotten over her shoe fetish and she was never able to destroy my good shoes. Except she did eat an adorable pair of white mary janes that I've never been able to replace.

But good news is she honestly loves wearing cute dresses and collars and shit. I think she loves dressing up more than I do. I've actually been kind of tempted to get one or two of Bodyline's little kid dresses and make something for her.

>> No.8405747
File: 144 KB, 640x640, 2015-04-13 16.36.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a German Shepherd and he sheds profusely, especially during this time of the year when it's getting warmer. He's not allowed in my room, but his fur somehow still gets in. I keep all of my dresses hanged (hung? what is engrish) up in my closet, which is always closed.

Though whenever I do wear lolita, he likes to walk close beside me, getting his fur on my dresses. I usually just carry a lint roller around and it takes the fur right off. No big deal.

>bonus pic related: my dog, Bruce.

>> No.8405755

That's a doll not a dog.

>> No.8405760
File: 224 KB, 653x490, mer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dog all right! He's just good at posing. I'm actually jealous.

>> No.8405774

>tfw have cute yorkie that came from an abusive home and is therefore too scared to so much as touch clothes or even clothed skin because I can only assume her previous owners hurt her good for doing that

>> No.8405779

That is not a dog.
That is a teddy bear.

>> No.8405788

I have a dog, and while he is a rowdy dog, he's also a shih tzu so he doesn't shed on my clothes at all.
He's not allowed in my closet so he has no chance to hurt my brand unless it's laid out for coord photos, though he has never gone after my dresses, just my tights one time.

>> No.8405795
File: 108 KB, 612x612, 541714_3772286520351_263751477_n..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic because my dog is super cute.

>> No.8405853
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Her cat is coord'ed with her hair.

>> No.8405868

i had 2 of those when i was a little kid
i had to give them up when my mom left her husband and became a stripper though

>> No.8406028
File: 135 KB, 297x294, 0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my kitties, who decided to sleep in the sink for some reason. I don't hold my cats when I'm in lolita because it takes an eternity to get their hair off completely. They get plenty of snuggles after, though.

>> No.8406032

Wow, a Mau cat. Pure breed at that. It's beautiful.
I wish I could have a silver Savannah, but it's never gonna happen sadly.

>> No.8406061

>Hairless cat
as cute as they are, sphinxes go for thousands of dollars.

>why is this a problem
If you spend hundreds of dollars on a dress, you want to keep it as immaculate as possible, especially if you're wearing it for a special occasion. I normally don't care if I have cat hair on my clothes, and even if it's not abundant, I'll usually find at least one in my food, even if I go to a restaurant. Pet hair in food is not rori desu.

>> No.8406068

No one going to post that lolita with the cockroach?

>> No.8406075

Black cats are my favorite <3

>> No.8406089

My cat hates to be touched with is pretty tragic since I'm a big cat-loving cuddler, but I guess the silver lining is that I don't have any cat hair on my clothes.

>> No.8406115

See I know where you are coming from because I spend hundreds of dollars on clothes too, I just don't get why its such an issue, because they are clothes after all. They aren't going to fall apart the moment a hair touches the print. I suppose this is coming from someone who wont let her clothes touch the ground.. no matter how clean it is.. But I don't know, I just don't get it. Personal preference I guess.

>> No.8406123

I don't actually care about lolita, but animal hair is mainly painful when:
>white/gold fur on black clothing
>some breeds of dog will literally be able to give you a garbage bag of fur every few days during summer
>acids in hair can corrode mild steel (if you have any Armour or bracelets or anything made of mild steel, this is an issue)
Most cats are fine, but generally you can get an animal with hair instead of fur, which will then not molt, but will require haircuts.

>> No.8406126

You sound awfully judgemetal.

>> No.8406191
File: 952 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20150608_181745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat just passed away this morning..

>> No.8406202

I'm so sorry anon, I hope you're coping okay.

>> No.8406203

I have a sun conure. She's great but she did bite a button of the cuff of a blouse I was wearing once.
Also, she'll straight up, hole punch chiffon on purpose, so she can't be around those blouses.

>> No.8406207

I'm not really that worried about getting fur on my lolita - I love my cat too much not too cuddle and pat her even in lolita. If I'm selling though I make sure I mention I have a cat and do my best to get all the fur off.

>> No.8406211

I dont think its really hit me yet. I have to wait an hour before I can take her to the vet too. Thank you.

>> No.8406233

The majority yes, but a few people think hair is what causes the allergic reactions.

>> No.8406269
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>> No.8406621
File: 1.19 MB, 2560x1920, 20150602_132057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 10 frogs! They've grown up since but they look so much cuter this way
I might set up a vlog called 'Frogs and Frocks'
Who knows?

>> No.8406634

sorry, but why would you bring a dead cat to the vet?

>> No.8406637

Aww please do that sounds darling!

>> No.8406779

Not that anon, but maybe for an autopsy or cremation?

>> No.8406829

You hung up your dresses to protect them from dog hair.

You hanged the bitch who tried to steal your dream dress.

Sage for OT.

>> No.8407046
File: 339 KB, 1280x853, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fbc3affdd2d8c3a7e58819fc76b33adf6%2Ftumblr_nnddqjHezb1qfwru8o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two cats, and I just keep my Lolita stuff out of their reach. Cat hair is an inevitability, so I just have lint rollers everywhere and make sure I'm good before I leave for a meet.

I trim my cats' claws, so I'm not worried about snags, but one of them likes to chew on leather (real or faux) so I'm careful to keep purses and shoes put away in the closet.

I don't sell stuff much anymore, but when I did, I just disclosed that I had cats, and cleaned items thoroughly before shipping. Never had any complaints about it.

>> No.8407053

Seconding this, I follow a frog blog already, but yours sounds better!

>> No.8407073


That sounds so cute, I hope you do it!

>> No.8407112

Bought a JSK + OTK set and I was super excited. Somehow I managed to get my dad to drive me to the postal drop and get my package. I open it in the car and a poof of cat hair explodes in my face. First time my dad had seen my lolita stuff and he wasn't impressed. The seller was lucky I'm not allergic to animals.

For animal owners, please make sure you tell people you have pets before selling an item. Please lint roll your items as well.

>> No.8407238

I just saved your picture.
Fucking cute.

>> No.8407340
File: 1.51 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20140724_16_12_17_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres Xerxes for your enjoyment

>> No.8407420

My dog is tiny and doesn't shed so I'm good there. The cat is worrisome but if I remember to keep my closet closed I should be fine.

Also lent rollers

>> No.8407547
File: 459 KB, 600x450, zeldachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish are great to keep because there's no worrying over lint rolling, claws, or allergies. I have multiple tanks in my room and I just keep a container of DampRid around to absorb any moisture in the air. I keep dresses in a closet anyway. Otherwise, I'm golden.

pic related, one of my babies

>> No.8407567


Fucking adorable

>> No.8407581
File: 437 KB, 330x664, Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 10.05.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco and Ziggy are pretty good around lolita. They used to always screw around in my petticoats until I trained them not to. I keep my brand out of reach from them, but I'll hold them in lolita and just use a lint roller afterwards.

>> No.8407720

Both. Its illegal to throw pets away. I would never do that to begin with. We brought her in for cremation.

Doctor got back to us too. She had a heart attack.

>> No.8407725

>lent rollers

I'm imagining catholic nuns on roller skates

>> No.8407729

Aww, I'm so sorry. My cat passed away in April and I still miss her so much. It's so hard losing a pet, I loved her more than I love most of my family members.

>> No.8407791

awww I have fish tooooo

>> No.8407824
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, pheeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have a small dog that doesn't shed, so I never have to worry
It sucks that she hates bows and costumes otherwise I'd dress her up with me

>> No.8407838
File: 53 KB, 404x491, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not giving up rollerblading for Lent

>> No.8407933

Don't touch frogs with your bare hands.
DON'T touch frogs with your bare fucking hands.
Do some research.

>> No.8407943

i wish there was a way to get a good picture with my electric eel for you guys. Maybe make him a little
Someone teach me how to sew lolita for fish.

>> No.8407968

>Some hardy types of frog, like the marine toad and White's tree frog, can tolerate short periods of handling
stop sperging out

>> No.8407987
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Same here. I feel like I'll get shit for having a pet lizard and not a cat or lap dog.
My lizard can be just as kawaii as the next Lolita's cat.

>> No.8408003


Put an itty bitty bow on him and he can be your lace monster <3

>> No.8408034
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I don't feel like I'd get shit for it, but I'm afraid of the shiteater's caws snagging my clothing.
Still, look at that smug-ass face, I'll end up taking photos with him at some point I'm sure

>> No.8408037

**claws, lol

>> No.8408061

Oh gosh, that smug-ass little face for sure. What a cutie, anon!

>> No.8408077
File: 102 KB, 985x615, GeXizy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god this picture

two girls posted in the draw thread with snakes and nobody called them edgy, and this is /cgl/

>> No.8408103

I have two crested geckos. One of them tends to poop on you when handled so I he's not going to be my burando buddy.

>> No.8408115
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x1536, 20140711_203627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We keep chickens and ducks.
I wouldnt hold or pet or go fill their water in food in lolita or jfashion (they practically live in their shit between cleanings, they poop when you least expect it, and they might have dirt/whatever on them) but they are cute lil buggers. Some of them are comfortable enough with me that I can just pet them like I would my cats. We got them some foster babies but I haven't transferred the pictures from my phone. This particular breed is a silkie.

>> No.8408118
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and the ducks inside for a winter cleaning.

>> No.8409299
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This is my baby royal python, helping me with some clothes shopping. He's a completely harmless little snake, he's never tried to bite or anything. I think he's adorable.

>> No.8409318
File: 44 KB, 720x960, 10698663_10204275378657849_1386733126349563624_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a really sweet 'tiel, he's handtamed so I can easily put him in his cage to avoid poop on my brand. He did shit on my tea parties once though.

>> No.8409338

This is straight up food

>> No.8409403
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Guess he's your worst nightmare, shedding wise, but this is my mum's husky. I sometimes get ready for Meet-ups at her place and even though I always try to make sure not to cuddle him too much, he's just too cute to resist. I lint roll my stuff, though, and I mention that I own a dog when selling dresses, even though I live on my own and not with my mum.

I always dream of doing a Red Riding Hood themed coord and do a photoshoot with him as my wolf in the woods. Don't know if this will ever happen, but one can dream, right?

>> No.8409423 [DELETED] 
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Huh? What was that? Didn't you mean
>MY doge > your doge
(I'm kidding though, ughh, I'm a sucker for fluff)

>> No.8409440

My pets live in terrariums, since I get neurotic about things that shed.
I've had my ball python on/around me in my ren faire garb. I think it fits.

>> No.8409519
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Except they literally have no extra meat on their bones.
Nice try. Silkies are egg birds.

We are also raising some meat birds. They sit around in the dirt all day because they're too fat to do much else. Such a sad breed.

>> No.8409525

lmao thats a puppet
nice try, Henson

>> No.8409583

Does anyone else think ducks are cute?

>> No.8409615
File: 1.22 MB, 1536x2048, 20140711_204408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a mallard too but they became far too aggressive. We gave him to a friend.

>> No.8409631

There's a stream near my flat with mallards and they're so cute
Every spring there's little chirping ducklings and the ladies always come for a cheeky cuddle and some crumbs
In the autumn they always huddle together and sleep under bridges

>> No.8409654
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a few of the foster babies

>> No.8409660
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The one on the right all grown up

>> No.8409665
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>> No.8409686

You should probably be the one asking if the owner has pets tbh. If your allergy is that bad, you should be taking the precaution, because 80% of people aren't going to have any issues with the clothing as long as it's not covered in fur or otherwise dirtied because of the animal.

>yes I have pets
>i always disclose that information
>you should still be asking just to be safe.

>> No.8409820
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>I think it's super cute, even reptiles.
>I have a few myself
>I use Sticky Buddy, a kind of reusable lint roller

>> No.8409824

>Sticky buddy

>> No.8409828



>> No.8409845

Are you that black girl?

>> No.8409865

Have a cat I'm allergic to. He's longhaired but doesn't shed all over the fucking place. I've never found his hair on my clothes and he sleeps in my room all the time. He's never clawed at anything or run off with a bow or something stupid like that. Maybe because he's a well trained boy and. Brush him every couple months for felting material

>> No.8409893

> felting material
...what you do you make from it??

>> No.8410079
File: 46 KB, 650x433, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellow cat lovers, you should check out a breed called the Devon Rex. They have a short curly coat, even their whiskers are curly. They have a very soft coat that feels like rabbit and they shed much less than other cats. I'm allergic to cats and I have 4 Devon's. They don't bother me at all. All four of them together shed less than one normal cat. They have a calm, bold nature that makes them an excellent traveling companion (or convention friend). They also come in every color, which is nice.

>> No.8410127

doesn't look black to me, and doesn't the other girl have a shih tzu?

>> No.8410137

How cute! Silkies are so silly, I love them.
My neighbour has plenty of chickens, but the normal ones. My dog (the Cavalier upthread) loves to play with them, he used to have a rooster he considered his best friend forever but the rooster got turned into soup a while ago as he was getting old.

They're such sweet birds when you befriend them.

>> No.8410165
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Many keks, one of the best infomercial parodies imo
Yup, here's some more
Not her

>> No.8410534

Ah man I had a Schticky and it lost its stick. Do Sticky Buddies work better?

>> No.8410553

>namefagging so everyone remembers that time you started a thread and then replied to yourself as if you were different people

>> No.8410561

mallards are fucking rape beasts
never trust a mallard

>> No.8410568

that is an ugly fucking rabbit

>> No.8410575

My family had cockatiels when I was younger. One of them loved this one soap opera opening song and we chirp and bob her head to it. Our male disliked most people except me (we bought him at some shady ass pet store where we think people poked and prodded at him in his cage, he had been there a long time)

>> No.8410582
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Ahhh they're so cute!

>> No.8411251

We actually found our 'tiel on a field being chased by some crows so we think he escaped out of someone's window, no one ever claimed him when we advertised him as missing. The downside to this is we gave him a temporary name in case someone claimed him and now he doesn't respond to anything else, so now I own a bird called Bird lol.

>> No.8411264

I gave my silkies a bath today, they are even fluffier than before haha.

10/10 would recommend, they look so funny

>> No.8411344
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That's not a rabbit.

>> No.8411369


I fucking love ducks.

>> No.8411789


>> No.8411802

The person they were quoting compared the cat to rabbits.

>> No.8411843
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Yes, I know.

>> No.8411862

>that shitty big eye makeup on the right one
Nice try, chick.

>> No.8411881
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This thread went from bitchy to sad to adorable.
Good job guys.

>> No.8412099
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I totally don't give a shit about staying with my pets in lolita. Of course I tend to be very cautious, but I'm not totally dramatic about it. My kitty also love petticoats so much that I'm inclined to buy a shitty one just for her.

>> No.8414472

Aww he is so cute!I never seen one in chocolate brown, i saw only black ones.
>tfw soon i will have a pom

>> No.8415003

Someone on /an/ recommended IKEA lint rollers to me once. What makes them so good?

>> No.8415117

Jellyfish seem more like the "rori" type you know?

>> No.8415125

Holy shit, I'm in love
>But I don't think Jack Daniels would like a buddy

>> No.8415444
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Devon's do really well with cats, dogs and other pets. My own will walk right up to strange dogs.

>> No.8415574

Cuuute. Also what JSK is that?

What a beautiful dog. That photoshoot idea sounds great, too.

Do people keep jellyfish? I'd absolutely love to have a tank full of bioluminescent jellies one day (when I'm rich and have a huge house) but I didn't know this was actually possible.

>> No.8416692
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Oh /cgl/. I had to schedule for my dog to be put down at the vet's for later this week.

>> No.8416699
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Oh anon my heart goes out to you.
I still listen for the jingle of my dog's collar.

>> No.8416705

Jellies are really hard to keep. Saltwater tanks are expensive and fragile enough as it is for the most basic ass fish, inverts, and corals...but jellyfish are so easy to fuck up it's not even funny. They are super sensitive to changes in water circulation and temperature and honestly they're not very practical right now for even advanced saltwater hobbyists. If you're seriously interested in keeping jellyfish, wait until you're both rich and available technology improves.

>> No.8416834

I have the same breed, even the same markings. Best dogs in the universe.

>> No.8416850


>> No.8417025

They actually make a special kit you can order now. I wanted to do it but I'm moving soon and don't have the money. They send you the tank and shit first and once you have it up and running properly they send you the jellies. It's really simple and easy apparently, and the tanks are pretty neat.

>> No.8417027

I've also heard they are shit and your jellies will die. No idea if that's true though but I do know that keeping them is horribly difficult even for zoos.

>> No.8417032

Haha really? Well damn. It's hard to find reviews honestly, but I did find two just now where they died. Apparently they don't live very long anyway but for that much money I'd expect it to work.

>> No.8417034


This guy seemed to have okay luck but it looks like he put in a lot of extra work. They're so pretty.

>> No.8417035

Because saltwater fishkeeping is a high-maintenance and high-risk hobby, people with a shit product to sell are always looking to capitalize on this market. Anyone trying to oversimplify the care of extremely delicate animals like this are trying to take advantage of the fact that there will always be people who don't know any better. You're much better off waiting until you can actually invest money in a set up that is both good quality and sustainable, instead of trying to buy a "special kit" from a company that won't continue making that product or possibly even exist in three years. Take my word for it, I'm industry and have been for a really long time.

>> No.8417039
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What, you work in a pet shop?

>> No.8417044

More like I've managed an aquarium servicing company for longer than you've probably been allowed to post on 4chan.

>> No.8417059

This guy is right.
The jelly tanks do not work, and even the incredibly expensive ones at public aquariums usually don't work well.

>> No.8417131
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I usually have dogs, probably getting another one soon since my previous one died of very advanced old age over a year ago (she was 17! a pretty good run indeed), and I find them really helpful for managing my anxiety issues.
I don't have a lot of photos with them where I'm wearing lolita, but the one that died more recently would only ever cuddle up to me and put her head on my lap when I was wearing lolita. She liked the poof.
Have a babby!ita photo from 9 years ago with them, in a very oldschool shiro outfit.
The one with the upright ears is the one that made it to 17, she was the runt of a sled dog racing litter, and the other was a weird beagle-y mutt who died a couple of years after this photo was taken from an inoperable brain tumor.

>> No.8417148

Hey anon. Will a planted 10gal be large enough to keep a pair of Blue Rams in?

>> No.8417168

Yeah everytime I'm at an aquarium that has one there's dead jellyfish in there (stuck somewhere, torn by currents).

>> No.8417170

>Because saltwater fishkeeping is a high-maintenance and high-risk hobby

i literally bought a cheap shit china LED light (finnex) some "live rock" from petsmart, frags off of some stone kid on craigslist and my salt water tank has been doing fine

my only complaint is it smells like salt water/the ocean every time i walk by it

>> No.8417172

im not a lolita but:

3 dogs
2 african greys
1 cat
20 fish
a planted tank
a coral tank

for fur, daiso boars bristle pet hair brush $1.50

use that shit on dior and maison martin margiela jackets

also, don't buy cheap shit vacumns becasue they break from all the fur

i've been throgh 3 dyson dc ball animals or w/e in 3 years

>> No.8417178

Yeah I thought so. They seem so fragile and since they're like 99% water to begin with it's no surprise they're sensitive to changes in temperature etc.

The one at my local zoo seems to be doing quite well, but of course it's not like I know whether they're constantly fishing out dead ones and replacing them with new stock behind the scenes.

>> No.8417323
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On the topic of dyson, I think they sell a specific attachment for picking up hair off carpets and clothes, other brands probably do something similar. It's like a rotating brush, I usually use it to vacuum the car after the dog has been in too often, and it stops the fur from messing up the machine because the bulk of it doesn't get past the attachment.

>> No.8417748
File: 194 KB, 487x480, IMG_2636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 11 chickens and 4 Indian runner ducks.They're so sweet! Sometimes I take goofy selfies with them. pic related is me with Pepper.

>> No.8417798

Why would you only want a pair of a fish that schools tho
They're really dumb and small for cichlids so they panic more in smaller numbers. If you really want to do it, I'd do 15~20 gallons minimum if you're going to plant it comfortably for them

>> No.8417801

>I'm not a lolita but
Then nobody cares. Read the OP again and shoo.

>> No.8417835

How's those suicide plans going? Do you need some help? I have some ideas.