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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8398904 No.8398904 [Reply] [Original]

aka a whole new generation of unsealed body paint

>> No.8398906
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>> No.8398908
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>> No.8398925

My consolation is that hopefully -due to the show's popularity drawing in a wide audience- a lot of these are just babby's first cosplays, and the people who are really dedicated towards improving themselves will work to get better.

>> No.8398930
File: 457 KB, 1280x998, tumblr_np0zemfSg01te80tgo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or it turns into memelord tumblr tier homestuck levels of AU, unpainted human versions, and social justice wank

>> No.8398933

Lol the one on the far right looks like lapis if she ate 10 doughnuts per day, and was going through a goth phase.

>> No.8398936

of course it will have social justice wank, all of the gems are genderfluid.

>> No.8398990


>> No.8398992

Not today satan

>> No.8398996

I love this character's design for being one of the few designs that actually looks good on overweight people when thoroughly attempted.

Some overweight designs just don't translate well... like Rose Quartz.

>> No.8398999

I'm so salty about the left cosplayer, because she has a perfect body type and that's where it ends.

>> No.8399000

I thought that they were all female but just didn't have genitals as humans know them or something?

>> No.8399008

I love the two middle girls. The one on the right with the confident smile, knowing she's the best looking one of the group, and the girl on the left admitting defeat.

>> No.8399009

>goes through the efford of making water wings
>doesn't get a damn wig

What is wrong with these people

>> No.8399011

Well... the main character tells us otherwise. They got something under there.

From what I understand... I couldn't blame them for getting with each other as if they have sex with a male and get pregnant they apparently die.

>> No.8399013

Fuck off, she's a child.

>> No.8399014


This is easily 10x worse than Homestuck levels, my god.

>> No.8399022

>nitpicking a 10-year-old child's costume

What is wrong with these summerfags

>> No.8399026


I'm thinking because A) it's a children's show, so you're going to get literal children wanting to dress up as the characters and B) it's more readily accessible; you don't have to spend ten thousand episodes catching up to understand and enjoy the fandom, so it's easier for people to flock to.

>> No.8399027

Tumblr claims they are all nonbinary and genderfluid because they can change what they look like and just "choose" to go by female pronouns and appearances.

>> No.8399031

The only good ones here are the skinny ones. Im really disappointed.

>> No.8399034

It is canon that they aren't female, don't have actual boobs, but go by female pronouns because it works for them.

>> No.8399049


>Show aimed at tumblrtards
>tumblrtards make up shunshine brigade of cosplay
>"use spray coloring for your hair, get a cheap wig, or don't use one at all! You don't need makeup either, you're beautiful and your cosplay is perfect just the way it is uvu"

Are you really asking that question?

>> No.8399063

Isn't nitpicking these shitty costumes literally the point of this thread

>> No.8399077

We don't nitpick fucking children here.

>> No.8399089
File: 44 KB, 465x768, Goodifsealed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one would've been lovely if they sealed the paint. You'll see what I mean on the second picture.

>> No.8399097
File: 62 KB, 454x768, sealed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, wrong one.

It is a little splotchy on the neck.

>> No.8399102
File: 268 KB, 500x442, Robgarnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a dude.

>> No.8399114

The rest of it but the neck and face is body stocking.

>> No.8399139

No that's a mom, there's a picture of her with her son someplace.

>> No.8399147
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>> No.8399194

How was I supposed to know how old she was wtf

>> No.8399197

according to the creator they are all genderless, but use female pronouns

>> No.8399199

holy shit summer, stop.

>> No.8399203

>the fat ones can't even pull off the fat character

>> No.8399206

cute as fuck doe
i love seeing little kids cosplay steven vs seeing grown ass men do it

>> No.8399391

some of them are so fat they make the chubby ones look skinny. I need some obese friends I guess.

>> No.8399395

thats actually pretty cute

>> No.8399401


>> No.8399406

What types or brands of body paint would you recommend? Also any good YouTube tutorials you guys already know about?

Gonna start experimenting and learning before deciding on either jasper or garnet.

>> No.8399421
File: 115 KB, 424x750, tumblr_nm9izeIbi61qkhk6bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of beginners start with this show so it's natural that there are many terrible ones. it simply combines many aspects - especially Peridot. Arm and leg parts, floating fingers, bodypaint and THE WIG.

>> No.8399422

I'm doing a Peridot cosplay right now and I got Senjo Colors bodypaint for my airbrush. If not airbrush I can recommend Kryolan. These are brands you get in europe.

>> No.8399430

Was actually there for that gathering.

When lapis got called up she didn't go at first. She was there with I think her mom and you could tell she was nervous about knowing she didn't have the wig or body paint. Her mom told her to go up There. Still didn't want to go. Then a bunch of people in the crowd told her to join too. She did and After time was up you could see it made her day to be up there.

Everyone was there to have a good time. Even the uncle grandpas that showed up, even though it was kind of weird

>> No.8399440
File: 80 KB, 540x805, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much! I'm in the US and I can get ahold of Kroylan. Bookmarked and gonna purchase a test batch next payday.

Tried the senjo site and it was in German lol. Kept clicking the English link but pretty sure it's telling me to go kick rocks.

>> No.8399446

Oh good luck with your peridot!

How much does a good airbrush go for?

>> No.8399448

If you are in the usa I keep hearing Ben Nye is a good choice!

>> No.8399452

Thank you! I got the wig done and will make the visor today. We're in the middle of moving so I can't start with the big part until we're done.

I got a pretty cheap Silverline airbrush kit for about 20€. But it was without a compressor since I already had one in my workshop.
You can also get cans with compressed air. But the big ones by Revell are 8€ each and only have air for about 30min of spraying.

>> No.8399524

Yeah Found a sealer spray on amazon. Thank you!

>> No.8399528

Could someone please explain why some of these retards are using white/grey wigs

>> No.8399529
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Always interested in seeing more Peridot cosplays, good luck guys!

>> No.8399530

I think I read somewhere that Rebecca Sugar has said that some characters are genderfluid, don't remember the source tho

>> No.8399534

Hope your move goes smooth!
sounds like your cosplay is going to be awesome.

Oh ok. Probably invest in an airbrush later on. I'm a dude with no kind of make up experience. Gonna start simple and cheap. But I know down the line having an airbrush would save so much time.

>> No.8399541

Good luck with everything!
yeah an airbrush costs much - especially the compressor and paint but it pays off for sure. I started with bodypaint from "Grimas" first too. Not too expensive and nicely to apply with a sponge.
depending on which character you want to cosplay you can get armsocks and stuff anyways and just have to paint your face/neck/cleavage.
I just recommend to practice it first. Especially contouring and that shit.

>> No.8399557

Gems are not Female. Gems are not Genderfluid. Gems are Gems.
The only exception is Steven, who is Male.

As far as changing what they look like, there are two points to which a gem changes.

When they shape-shift changing physically for a short period of time. Amethyst turning into a masculine form is nothing more than changing shape to serve a goal and doesn't really make her "genderfluid", just like her turning into a baseball bat does not make her into a some kind of club-based otherkin. Changes can be rather dramatic, but are temporary and naturally revert back quickly enough.

And when they are mortally wounded and regenerate, they change their form on a more permanent level. However every time they reform into a shape that generally is very similar to the one they had before. In reformed Amethyst was defeated over and over and hastily regenerated new forms, each of them were basically her normal self with defects, when she wanted to look like pearl, she still looked very much like herself. When she wanted to come back stronger, she still looked very much like a lopsided muscular form of how she looked before. Even these "Permanent" adjustments only allow a small level of deviation from the original base that they lean towards. We're not going to have any dramatic shifts like Pearl return in a male body and demand that everyone use "He/His" pronouns.

Gems are Gems, but I guess people can interpret how ever they want if it makes them happy.

>> No.8399559
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>> No.8399566
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can someone explain why this retard doesn't realize that amethyst has grey hair and the purple wigs are wrong

>> No.8399569
File: 379 KB, 900x506, CheeseburgerBackpackPreview18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's grey/silver with a tint purple

>> No.8399572

>those nipples on the right
They look like googly eyes.

>> No.8399588
File: 111 KB, 689x473, Amethyst colour ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the correct term is Kirigiri purple.

Joking, but, here's pic related i made it in paint for these kinds of threads.

>> No.8399597

Boobly eyes

>> No.8399660

I think in the instance that you are going to use body paint, silver would look better with the purple.
Or a really light lavender, almost white.

>> No.8399664


>Kirigiri purple

lmfao thanks anon
You're totally right though

>> No.8399695

One thing that really pisses me off about Pearl cosplayers is the fact that none of them seem to know how to hold themselves properly when they attempt their shitty ballet poses.

>> No.8399972
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the lip curl

>> No.8399981
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>> No.8400034

>fifth one from the back line
how could you fuck up a cosplay this goddamn bad

>> No.8400185
File: 350 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nputiy7D1C1qff73uo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably her first time having enough confidence to go and dress up as a character she felt she could relate to. A lot of the chubbier girls in >>8398906 could do with shapewear to sort of squish their body into a more smooth roundness and get rid of weird bulges.

I think the girl on the far right in the back row has potential, though, if she were to use paint, get a bigger/fluffier wig to balance her shape, and get a thicker-strapped tank top. The kneeling girl in front of her is aite, but needs to fluff up and style her wig.

>> No.8400190
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>> No.8400195

Can't stop laughing at her real hair poking through

>> No.8400202
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>> No.8400209
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>> No.8400220
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>> No.8400229

I hate this wig jesus christ.

>> No.8400232

This is cute.

>> No.8400242

Looks unfinished, honestly.
And for the outfit, it's pretty bad. All she did was buy the shirt online, she couldn't have bothered to do the tiered gradient of Rose's dress at the very least?

Too many people are rushing to be the "firsts" and not really caring about details. I haven't seen one cosplay so far of any of the characters that hasn't looked off in some way relating to the costume choices or bodypaint.

>> No.8400251

why is she throwing the horns

>> No.8400427
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>> No.8400493

Shame she chose shitty satin - I actually like the shape of her dress a lot.

>> No.8400502

Shitty wig, but this is the cleanest Rose attempt I've seen. She actually tried.

>> No.8401187
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I want to see more Stevonnies.

>> No.8401190
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>> No.8401202 [DELETED] 
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There was a guy either in one of the SU or suggestion threads who was recommended by several people to do a Stevonnie cosplay. I hope he goes through with it!

Anyways I'm loving the height on the tall Stevonnie in the back here (she might benefit from a thicker and longer wig tho).

>> No.8401204
File: 274 KB, 792x792, tumblr_npn235AAMi1rhbsjjo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a guy either in one of the SU or suggestion threads who was recommended by several people to do a Stevonnie cosplay. I hope he goes through with it!

Anyways I'm loving the height on the tall Stevonnie in the back here (she might benefit from a thicker and longer wig though).

>> No.8401389
File: 22 KB, 242x261, 1424448318741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8401406


Stevonie doesn't wear shoes because she's the size of a teenager and the discarded sandals of Steven and Connie don't fit her.

So it's accurate, but I get that peeps might not like bare feet all walking over where shoes are supposed to be. At least the floor and her feet look clean thank god.

>> No.8401419


this would be good for stevonnie cosplayers

>> No.8401426

Pretty sure other Anon knows it's accurate. Its just gross and dirty af.

Theres invisble/nude sandal tutorials out there.. So walking around barefoot shouldn't be a thing.

>> No.8401451

yeah I once broke a shoe (sole fell right the fuck off) so I took it and my sock off to walk to my friend's hotel room and the bottom of my foot was disgusting. It wasn't even just from the sidewalk, most of the trek was inside the hotel.

>> No.8401839


There's a reason any half decent self-respecting con has a "you must wear shoes" rule. It's often not even the con, but the venue's rule. Shit's unsanitary as fuck no matter how "clean" someone's feet or the floor appears to be.

If you have to be barefoot as part of the character, walk around in sandals or flats anyway. If you want to take them off for a picture, do so just long enough for the picture and put them back on.

>> No.8401853
File: 98 KB, 960x720, 11393274_10203135940999449_3803054730649545005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that garnet holy shit

>> No.8401859

Aren't all these cosplayers either fatties or tumblrcancer anyways?

>> No.8401863
File: 56 KB, 720x960, 1512400_10202952289606842_451827210272342356_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8401949

The pearl on the right.
How the fuck does someone not notify the length of the skirt on the character but makes one three times as long for their cosplay?

>> No.8401987
File: 1.47 MB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F4dccc896b1d735c83a598ac6cc6cf2fa%2Ftumblr_npwne2jUad1qjyq9xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh from tumblr

>> No.8402007

I'll give her credit for the body suit because it does look pretty good, but I think she's better suited for Amethyst.

Jasper is just really fucking hard for any female to really do right since she is just so buff and tall.

>> No.8402093

Thank you again. If it is you again, have no idea.
Shit, now I'm excitied to get started.

cleavage?? Jk know what you meant. Did use to have man boobs but slowly killed them off in the last couple years with push ups and jump rope. Kinda bittersweet because had them since middle school. *end humblebrag*

Oh yeah def gonna practice. I have no money for a whole new cosplay this year but can purchase body paint and learn that. Kind of leaning more towards jasper right now. Could do the arm socks but wanna see if I can learn how to contour. Hate to be negative but did see the difference in those who knew how to actually do it at the last con. Ran into a couple Dude Jaspers and their paint looked great. Although two of them told me their GFs were the ones who did it lol

>> No.8402103

Holy moly

How do you amazing Dorito

>> No.8402140

>that annoying filter blurring all the details
What's the point?

>> No.8402146
File: 1019 KB, 980x628, rose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt even show photos of entire wig
>wig looks messy and frizzy af

>> No.8402149

hides how shitty it probably looks up close

>> No.8402169

Those everyone more like. Like a couple are alright but the rest...

>> No.8402173


>> No.8402182

Another scam in the making by Drunkroxy.

>> No.8402188

Hah, attentionwhore.

>still nobody caring about Rose's hair
Someone save this character from these lazy shits.

>> No.8402205

I actually like this. One of the few Roses that actually does a cut out for her belly and gem. Most do like >>8400427 and fill in the hole with material. Props to her for going for it and looking good doing it. Also Greg looks like he walked straight out of the 80's

>> No.8402211

Let me drive my van into your heart

>> No.8402224

The thing about this wig is that the fringe line/bang line placement looks really fucked up. In the face shots the wig looks fine as you can't see that detail.

Props to her for finding a cosplay that doesn't make her look like a chunky, assless rodent, though

>> No.8402276

Jasper still has the waist to hip ratio that Garnet does and the puffy lips like Amethyst. Unless a guy is tall and willing to pad they won't get the proportions correct. These characters are so simple that contouring your face and padding your hips make a huge difference between shit actually decent.

>> No.8402334



because creeping on homestucks wasn't enough, now it's time to start stealing from even younger/dumber fans?

>> No.8402345
File: 458 KB, 1066x1600, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9ab23af200b4ef0d961d594f1751b5c2%2Ftumblr_npwwcyZHFY1rjo5d9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402346

They could probably benefit from wearing thin sandals and just standing on top of them for photos

>> No.8402367
File: 843 KB, 1136x640, Jail_Break_(49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bara wife is just too perfect for anyone to do correctly.
>mfw fuse with her any day

>> No.8402372


Wait... Hanari had a wig. Have two separate people made the independent design decision to paint the fucking visor on?

>> No.8402379
File: 60 KB, 769x1000, 150093-800w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402385

...appears like it. why would anybody think this looks good

>> No.8402404

Not muscular enough, but the height is there.

>> No.8402480

Wwwwwoowww. That is clearly just three $15 taobao wigs sewn into each other.

>> No.8402502
File: 1.51 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-06-14-17-27-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this thread was appropriate


Wait for it

>> No.8402506
File: 1.17 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-06-14-17-27-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402523

Holy fuck that gut.

>> No.8402529


>cute chub roll


>> No.8402542

Fix it, Jesus.

>> No.8402556

legs are backwards, what the hell is happening on that pic

>> No.8402561
File: 127 KB, 736x981, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Rose

>> No.8402563
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>> No.8402567
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annnd finishing with Sapphire and Ruby.

>> No.8402634

>"Best Rose"
>Flat out of the bag wig
>No view of dress
>Brown contacts
Calling bait on this one

>> No.8402726

There is so much shit here that is wrong but the wig hat travesty being off centre bothers me more than anything else.

>> No.8402763

What wig would y'all suggest for Lapis? I'm having trouble picking one out.

Also trying to pick a shade for my paint, but I'll probably buy tights and match the paint to that so I don't look awkward.

>> No.8402769


The only thing that bothers me is the top of the Rubys wig. I understand it's from the head wrap but still. Other than that, it's pretty great.

>> No.8402790

>it was a makeup shoot
>Rose's eyes are shown to be brown in the show
>wig is curly and voluminous, not ratty
eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.8402878


Rose's eyes are black and have been shown to be black. On top of that, they never said the wig was ratty, just out the bag. Take your self post and butt hurt out of here

>> No.8402898

EpicCosplay's Aphrodite in Dark Blue might be your best bet if you don't want to do any styling to it.

>> No.8402905

1/10 bait, pick a better "selfpost" photo next time. Didn't someone already post this "best rose evar" pic in a previous thread?

>> No.8402931
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, roseqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black eyes
She could have at least did a proper Rose selfie too.

>> No.8403835


That hair is as flat and boring as the body probably is.

>Tfw I will never find quality voluptuous Rose

>> No.8403986
File: 1.04 MB, 720x1280, Screenshots_2015-06-15-16-45-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8404284

Why does she look so weirdly frumpy

>> No.8404291

She's kneeling to make the dress touch the floor, giving her the appearance of orangutan arms

>> No.8404306


I think she has a nice face for this and didn't go fucking overboard with drag queen falsies like other Roses, and I like that her dress has volume, petals, and color, but wtf to the wig, the gauntlet and the mask thing?

>> No.8404325

She looks like a dwarf

>> No.8404410

Any good Lapis so far?
She is my fav.

>> No.8404494
File: 613 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_npwuic9HPr1suotgzo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amethyst in eternal fusion prep mode.

>> No.8404529
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 11535823_833209803424701_4140934483037886432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanari won an award for her Peridot. Steven Universe cosplays are apparently contest worthy now.

>> No.8404543

Oh god I think I preferred it with her painted on visor...

>> No.8404553

The props look nice but everything else about that costume drives me crazy.

>> No.8404587

she still looks like complete shit lol

>> No.8404600
File: 609 KB, 1500x773, uhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found in the progress thread...

>> No.8404615

I've won a 1st place advance award for my Sugilite and Opal group. It depends on the difficulty like any other costume and quality. Is a Amethyst or a Steven going to win something? Probably not, but there are other characters with a fair amount of difficulty that if done well can win.

>> No.8404627

well let's see your costume elitist-c

>> No.8404630

fuck my phone and the slow ass keyboard

>> No.8404677

You do realize she wasn't shit talking that Peridot, just addressing that some SU costumes can be contest worthy, right?
/cgl/ is full of elitist but at least be accurate about calling people out.

>> No.8404718

yeah and? they are going to apply hair to it. whats your point?

>> No.8404732

Still of the opinion that a wig is not the best way to do Peridot's hair so I'm excited to see what it looks like

>> No.8404737

Oh man this looks promising.
Excited to see it finished

>> No.8404743

Honestly, if this were more polished I'd argue that this is better than doing a wig.

I won't accept that it's hair until the show gives it away that it is.

>> No.8404749

I literally just said I found it in the progress thread. Is there some hidden meaning I need to address to you, special snowflake?

>> No.8404763
File: 55 KB, 500x433, tumblr_n8fnerbA851qhjcclo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who ever said they didn't have boobs? Garnet is drawn with big boobs here and Rose Quartz usually has her cleavage out so I don't know where you're getting this.

>> No.8404802

Fuck sake, her Peridot looks awful

>> No.8404827

Oh, the site had that labeled wrong. Sorry about that.

I thought damn good crossplay, was wrong.

>> No.8404831
File: 19 KB, 638x498, 1433782900498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of face unpainted
>gem on visor
>sad wig
>that lipstick

>> No.8404835

I guess they are saying they don't have working mammaries.

>> No.8404843


Made me realize how much I prefer androgynous makeup on Peridot.

>> No.8404845

Please stop. We don't need any more bad Amethysts. Her hair is light purple. She's a fucking amethyst. Get over your inaccurate fat ass.

>> No.8404904

Or...Maybe she took her shoes off for pictures? Still kind of dirty but you know, at least there's the possibility that she wasn't seriously running around barefoot all con.

>> No.8404956

I saw her on Saturday and her face was fully painted. I wonder why she only painted half of it the next day.

>> No.8404964
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_npukcjNvdM1sn2a7ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an asston of steven universe at Metrocon this year. Commencing dump.

>> No.8404967
File: 159 KB, 640x852, tumblr_npuvq4bj8O1u96mqdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404972
File: 407 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_npuvq4bj8O1u96mqdo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pulling all of these from the tag.

>> No.8404976
File: 319 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_npw9z8Vpv71sn2a7ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404978
File: 175 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_npwyam1lv31roe5s4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404980

This one feels so sad.

>> No.8404982
File: 41 KB, 540x720, tumblr_npx0y6Cz2N1s2xmomo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404984
File: 208 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_npy811Y3Jl1sn2a7ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404989
File: 393 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npycp6hDJD1rnpdcxo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404991
File: 132 KB, 640x640, tumblr_npydmusTaN1ql73e0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404994
File: 228 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npywo6tzb01roe5s4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404997
File: 375 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_npyyg4aeAY1tvrp8ao8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it for now.

>> No.8405000

Ay yeah I can answer that one. The paint kept coming off on the inside of the visor and it was fogging and running to a point where it was blinding me. I didnt paint the top part of my face on Sunday to prevent that, and to try to emulate the white lighter colour of her visor in the lighting for the contest.

>> No.8405079


Oh fuck off. The way you worded that sentence trailing off and naming the file "uh oh"clearly means you were placing in a negative light. At least wait until its finished or give constructive criticism before shitting on it

>> No.8405106

Anything for you, special snowflake.

>> No.8405147
File: 126 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nq0hs0hjqT1qcltrio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8405156
File: 144 KB, 960x1231, tumblr_nq0dpimolT1sklfngo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8405168

you sound stupidly mad. You can't even see the whole wig in the photo. And where else is she supposed to put the gem? If there's going to be a visor over someone's face and you want the gem to be seen isn't the most logical thing to put the gem over the visor? it sounds like you're just finding reasons to hate it. it's just a face shot, calm down.

Congrats on the win

>> No.8405192

you're an idiot. you're not even talking to the same person.

>> No.8405248

Why are so many people afraid of sewing keyholes

>> No.8405255

What's this in reference to

>> No.8405266

thats really cute tho
also one of the best garnets i've ever seen

>> No.8405269


I....I think she looks great.

Also I'd imagine making the suit, and armour, as well as body painting and shaping a wig is contest worthy.

I've seen so many lazy armour costumes win with no fabric work and little wig work. Nice to see someone who's done a little of everything win a prize. And ye, I'm a little salty because a costume of mine had armour and fabrics and still lost to an unsealed fucking Iron man made of really shitty spongy looking foam.

Goddamn paint had rubbed off the edges before he was even in the door.

Fuckit. Well done Hanari. You look super cute, and congrats on the win.

>> No.8405275

The star cut-out of Rose's dress

>> No.8405388

Her gem actually is drawn like that though. You can tell from side views

>> No.8405425

Guy in the background had the perfect opportunity for a photobomb but he looks like he's just stretching.

>> No.8405450

Better than the fat girls trying to play off being 'buff'. If only this one was taller, bigger muscles, and looked more manly.

Just goes to show my thoughts on girls cosplay Jasper are still 100% nope. Only a built guy with a square jawline can do Jasper justice.

>> No.8405459
File: 371 KB, 1280x761, tumblr_nq0l9yHqTT1u6nrv9o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to see a Young Greg who committed fully to GIANT HAIR.

>> No.8405462
File: 480 KB, 1280x1053, tumblr_SU0l9yHqTT1u6nrv9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks really odd from the wrong angle though.

>> No.8405477
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x1000, lapis lazuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, ok. Sorry, it's just that I've actually heard a surprising amount of people saying the Gems didn't have boobs so I was wondering whether it was something Sugar said or what. Contributing to the thread with this nice Lapis Lazuli WIP by tumblr user rosaria-bec.

>> No.8405484

It bugs me that people keep using those inaccurately faceted craft gems for SU cosplay. Especially when Lapis' gem is opaque.

>> No.8405514

tfw that steven has no wig, and his star is paper taped onto the shirt

>> No.8405517

why is "steven" wearing a watch and a bunch of wristbands? does he just not care?

>> No.8405519


The star is taped on and he has a necklace too. He just does not care.

But he's kind of cute...

>> No.8405524

Anon, u nasty

>> No.8405534

I don't think you know the meaning of that word.

>> No.8405536

Not sure if the Greg is hot, but I'm definitely leaning towards "very"

>> No.8405549
File: 2.73 MB, 3456x5184, proposal_by_valperch1113-d8xgkxz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like 'em soft, he looks well groomed, and he as at least a slight musical inclination and decent cartoons taste. 7/10 would give number

anyway here's a rose in nothing but a bridal petticoat

>> No.8405570

There are definitely girls who can pull off jasper but very few are cosplay erst. I'm sure we'll get a good one eventually

>> No.8405796
File: 154 KB, 800x615, tumblr_nm9keqs3vI1r8lurwo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thought was this.

But to be fair, she does have a decent bit of muscle to show, I know lots of guys with slimmer arms than her, but unfortunately Bara-Waifu is just too huge of an order to fill for a mortal woman. I don't think we're likely to get a really perfect one who can pull off both the big arms and broad shoulders, while still keeping the fierce femininity of Jasper.

>> No.8405802

I saw a Rose Quartz at colossalcon that only had a petticoat on as well, but wore black panties so you could see her underwear no matter what direction you were looking at her from.
It was nasty.

>> No.8405803

This Jasper could be great.

She got the smile, the face is spot on and she looks physically "Bigger" than Peridot, which is fantastic start. If she has the arms for the cosplay then she would literally be perfect waifu 10/10 would fall in love with.

>> No.8406187

Oh almightly 4chanista, please gift us with your grand knowledge and elitism!

>> No.8406701

nails on armsocks - yes or no?

>> No.8406703

If done well I think they make them look more realistic.

>> No.8406764
File: 106 KB, 480x640, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F478c83fefda9906c8417836caf57c4b8%2Ftumblr_npupdrqmcR1qim4fgo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanari why would you let yourself be around this garbage

>> No.8407036
File: 544 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this is the only accurate Connie to exist honestly every other Connie I've seen can't seem to get the fucking boots right or fucks up something else. She's awkward as fuck though when you meet her, probably 16 years old if I had to guess, but Connie isn't well spoken either. She should've been the Connie at the panel, not that crusty white chick

>> No.8407081

I like the one with the whip

>> No.8407184

You do realize this isn't JUST a slam thread? Its a general so both good and bad get posted. Just because the pic is here doesn't mean it's necessarily negative

>> No.8407204

I think it looks good besides that the shirt needs to be fitted a bit more, but it is a WIP so there's a chance she knows

>> No.8407211

>wing house

>> No.8407223

>pic is titled uhoh.jpg

>> No.8407236

The lapis cosplayer flew all the way out from Vegas or something to see her from what she told me at the con. She was her handler for the weekend.

>> No.8407262

is that a snowflake tattoo on her wrist?

Best Greg so far

Reminds me of spongebob
>And now i'm a jerk and everybody LOVES ME

Definitely yes

Shes cute, but you sound a little mad, can you post the chick from the panel?


>guinea pig not food
>fuck you capcha anything is food

>> No.8407506


>> No.8407717

She better be careful with the company she keeps because that Lapis has some real issues.

>> No.8407728

The pink portion of that Garnet's star looks like an upside down penis. Just sayin'

>> No.8407730 [DELETED] 

Oooh, do tell!

>> No.8407740

I think the important thing about armsocks is that they're well-fitted. If you have these baggy-ass arm socks that are creasing every which way, it's definitely gonna look like shit.

>> No.8407994


>> No.8408167


>> No.8408249

Notorious in VegasStuck and she's just kind of weird and unreasonable. She also likes to start up drama for some reason? Compulsive liar as well as an incredible kiss ass to cosplayers she considers popular (Hanari).

>> No.8408252

I've asked this before but couldn't seem to get an answer; what were they known as in the Homestuck fandom?

>> No.8408269

I don't know if they were ever known as anything in the Homestuck fandom itself, but I know she did get banned from VegasStuck for being one of the really obnoxious and toxic people.

>> No.8408295
File: 82 KB, 195x247, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F0657eed94cfd18ea86c37bb7377ee7f1%2Ftumblr_nq2flyn2Aq1rggl92o2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know her over the internet and she appears really nice and friendly towards me..?

>> No.8408307

I knew this thread will bring lots of tumblrinas. Get the fuck back to where you came from

>> No.8408308

Just be wary, dude. She can turn ugly real quick

>> No.8408457
File: 363 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_noroqy24Mx1qe8uxoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8408466
File: 355 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_noroqy24Mx1qe8uxoo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8408494

god thats refreshing

>> No.8408737
File: 28 KB, 301x301, smileee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rose quartz

keep dreaming

>> No.8409224

Was there a recent con? Tumblrs got new pics

>> No.8409233
File: 361 KB, 780x553, rosequartz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rose Quartz
>Not even considered overweight/chubby
>Her arms alone

u wot m8

>> No.8409378
File: 760 KB, 1136x640, Story_for_Steven_(19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is pregnant in that picture...but I do think she is definitely overweight/chubby. Not morbidly obese though.

>> No.8409393


>> No.8409400

She's only chubby

>> No.8409404

I'm pretty sure by human standards she would be considered overweight, you can't tell me her BMI is within a healthy range.

>> No.8409886
File: 161 KB, 522x298, tumblr_inline_nmmfjagG0G1spoigz_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rose has a pretty defined waist but is definitely overweight especially by cgl standards

>> No.8409996

Finally! If only the wig was bigger! [And the nose piece better]


>> No.8410034

I couldn't be more glad to be working on a Peridot cosplay right now after today's ep

>> No.8410136

peridot's dorito head confirmed for hair

>> No.8410206
File: 212 KB, 876x900, peridot_wears_hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8410280

long story but
i legit bought a wig off some girl on tumblr that was made from 2 (or 3?) ebay wigs that where really well washed/treated and curled. i got it for like 55 dollars including shipping. I payed her extra cause she recurled all 30 layers of hair for me. Anyway i would probably pay more that 55 for a brandnew commissioned wig but still ??? thats one hell of a rip off and the back of the wig in the last picture looks flat as hell

>> No.8410309

$55 i feel bad for the girl that made your wig for pricing it so low honestly

>> No.8410644
File: 144 KB, 540x810, tumblr_npptqrjbOp1tq64xco4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8410704

i think it was so low just cause it was a older and very used wig but i am still greatful because she washed it and curled it for me

>> No.8410771

This is so close to being perfect it almost hurts. This girl has a great face + physique for Rose.

>> No.8410912
File: 507 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_nqS4mo8Y9Hz1qim4fgo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some wonkyness with the body paint colour but the rest looks great.

>> No.8410957

Have no doubt someone is gonna make a cosplay of that fucked up thing from yesterday's episode

>> No.8410962

I already thought about it... but I don't have the time/money probably. Would be a really fun group cosplay though

>> No.8410966
File: 36 KB, 236x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit I knew it lol

And yes it would be

>> No.8410980

God I would pay a hundred dollars to punch her face

>> No.8410993

>the rest looks great

No. No, it doesn't.

>> No.8411033

She's really pretty!

>> No.8411066

she's also a really sweet person

>> No.8411094

I like it. The only thing that bugs me a bit is the wig. But then again I haven't seen a good Peridot wig at all yet.

>> No.8411206
File: 209 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nq44a9qjKe1r0v8p9o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am deeply confused by these proportions.

>> No.8411222

>people who show ears on peridot
She has a diamond of hair on her head and no indication of bangs.

>> No.8411227
File: 76 KB, 2077x2458, PeridotPNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a little bit of hair texture around her fringe area. Not enough to justify the giant bangs people keep giving her though.

>> No.8411252

Maybe in Amerifatland, but in the rest of the world she's a fatty.

>> No.8411260

that's some serious potato body, or badly made suit

>> No.8411562

9/10 perfect except for wig gdi

She's big but not gross, her dress is made well and does the petal thing, she's got a nice face, and her makeup looks good.

You can see how shitty the seams on her suit are, and you can see threads hanging down. The only thing I can say is that her bitch face works perfectly for Peridot tbh.

>> No.8411584

She's cute

>> No.8411587

ahh the sparkles really add to it

>> No.8411725
File: 240 KB, 1093x1353, RainbowQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect we'll see a lot of people attempting Rainbow Quartz, since she's got a fairly simplistic design for a fusion and only two arms.

>> No.8411735
File: 23 KB, 188x390, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that is literally Danse. This makes me smile a lot. :")

>> No.8411746

how does one get hair like that irl? is it even possible?

>> No.8411758


>> No.8411763

Probably got2B, blow-drying, some teasing and that's how you get the volume.

Also adding in wefts/sewing together wigs is a big thing, more hair=more volume, but at the same time you all have a heavier wig. Its all a weird juggling/balancing act.

>> No.8411766
File: 81 KB, 480x640, tumblr_nq5mkxA4UB1ro3cyto2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins.

>> No.8411768
File: 154 KB, 500x500, 1553456678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes that make up
But her lips are really pretty

>> No.8411799


>> No.8411806
File: 110 KB, 527x351, Tw2s1s74psg_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that episode was so fucking funny until fruity pebble silent hill shit
>"idk Rebbecca...body horror in a kids show"
>"we'll add pastels!"

I have a feeling someones gonna try to cosplay it somehow

>> No.8411808

had the same thought and I am worried about the human gemtepedes coming our way.

>> No.8411813

Can you elaborate on the "silent hill fruity pebble" comment? I was generally uninterested in the show until that line.

>> No.8411817
File: 51 KB, 720x610, Screenshot_2015-06-18-13-41-10~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw during that part and Garnet's freak out.
>YFW you realize that home world is basically frankensteining gem corpses to build an army.

>> No.8411818

If she gets rid of that escaping bottom liner then A+

>> No.8411828

Spoilers but
I don't know how familiar you are with the show, but there's a concept called fusion in which two gems fuse to become one, in short. Kind of a huge metaphor for sex. It has to be consensual etc.
The gem in the pic is forced fusion, in which their gems are stuck together without their consent (rape). Adding to this is the fact that they were murdered and /buried/ crystal gems in the war.

>> No.8411839

In the picture it shows four bodies trying to escape the core, but can't because the gem fragments(they were dead) were melded together. They were the main characters comrades in the war, the "Homeworld" which is the series antagonist did this as punishment.

The gauntlet woman is the physically and mentally strongest of the group so her breaking down added to the effect

Basically think of that one episode of FMA with the dog and the girl


>> No.8411847

Well the Japanese nobles of the Heian Era treated and grew their hair to floor length status so I guess. But there's also the issue of getting the volume that is Stevonnie's hair.

>> No.8411849

>Kind of a huge metaphor for sex.
no it's not, it's just means two people are in a relationship of some kind
do you really think Garnet would fuse with any other gems if it meant the same as sex? she's pretty damn exclusive what with being a fusion of two gems in love and all that

>> No.8411851

I'm not even a tumblrite SJW but that scene came off as really rapey to me. Garnet keeps saying that her fusion is an act of love, and ideally fusions should always be done with consent.

The fragments obviously are forced. It's just kinda dark.

>> No.8411855

Or that Steven and Connie would fuse at all, being just two kids.

>> No.8411861

Or maybe that's because it means they'll be sharing a body and mind together and that's very intimate in itself without being some retarded sex thing?

>> No.8411865

I hate to go all tumblr here, but please don't compare forced fusion with rape. You're undermining the significance and trauma of what rape actually is by saying that some cartoon superpower gimmick is supposed to be representative of it. It's a gross thing for you to say and is a wildly inappropriate thing to assume of a children's show. >>8411861 has it right. You don't need to make it into something it isn't.

>> No.8411869

I remember somebody on tumblr pointing out that these episode with frybo was hinting towards this kind of thing. Especially once you actually hear what Pearl says when Steven kept thinking about his lost pants.

>“These shards have a powerful partial consciousness that have been harnessed by gems throughout history in order to create semi-sentient drone soldiers, with the capacity to follow basic orders. The Gems once had created an army of these drones, but found their obedience waned as the shards over developed inside their uniforms, and turned on their commanders. You see, any shard placed inside in any sort of container, could become a monster. “

>> No.8411886

>You're undermining the significance and trauma of what rape actually is by saying that some cartoon superpower gimmick is supposed to be representative of it.
Even though Garnet, who is usually stoic and rational, was moved to tears upon seeing it? Stick to your opinion, I'll stick to mine.
>children's shows can't implicate adult themes!!!

>sharing a body and mind
That isn't why she's upset. She's upset about the lack of consent and control of the individuals to make that choice for themselves.

>> No.8411898

>That isn't why she's upset. She's upset about the lack of consent and control of the individuals to make that choice for themselves.
well duh, being forced to share body and mind without consent would be fucking hell

>> No.8411901

What do you think rape is about then?
Is it not about physical control over someone else? Going against their consent and making them do things that they were not okay with? it's sad that I have to spell this out.

>> No.8411904

It's sure not about connecting with your rapist on a deep, psychological level and being in the same body, you moron.

>> No.8411908

>Is it not about physical control over someone else? Going against their consent and making them do things that they were not okay with? it's sad that I have to spell this out.
Is for example holding somebody down and force shaving their head rape as well then?

>> No.8411910

I'm between work shifts, let's do this.
Gimme the hundred. Meet me in Final Destination. No items. Fists only.
Biggest issue throughout the weekend was the knee diamonds continuously falling off and misplacing themselves and my visor fogging and running the paint on my face. The leggings are actually separate from the bodysuit and I hand stitched them together to last the weekend before taking it home to my sewing machine. I'm going to use Velcro to keep the diamonds on second time around to prevent falling.
Wig's gonna get a tune-up.
The only reason the ears are showing is because hiding them with the wig and visor gave me a headache. This was taken near the end of the day on Sunday.

Cosplay fixes for the future: We're completely remaking the arms and legs from scratch and adding a pivot point in the toes to make it easier to walk around in, along with some padding on the bottom to make them longer. I'm also going to re-dye a new pair of leggings to better match the bodypaint. It's not going to see any action for a couple of months. The fingers are changing for next time too, there's not going to be wires. The gauntlets are going to be held on by magnets and I'm going to have actual hand/finger accessibility. Peridot is a very difficult character to bring from 2d to 3d because of her ridiculous geometry.

>> No.8411911

I think it's up the each viewer to interpret it how they want to. Most people aren't literally saying it's equivalent to sex/rape, just that parallels can be drawn and some people relate to that.

>> No.8411912

>implying the fragmented gems weren't forced together by homeworld, making homeworld the sadist-rapists who are necrotizing corpses and fusing them together against their consent
Dense motherfucker.

>> No.8411921

It's bodily desecration, which many would argue have rape connotations.

Anon isn't saying forced fusion from gem corpses is mechanically the same as rape, they're saying the concept of control/body degregation is like the concept of rape. Which it is.

>> No.8411923

I like you, Hanari, you're cool.
I'll meet you there with my money

>> No.8411925

Cool, can't wait to see the changes. I'm working on a Peridot cosplay as well. I wonder if a lot more people will be after the most recent episode.

>> No.8411929

>Even though Garnet, who is usually stoic and rational, was moved to tears upon seeing it?

What on earth kind of reasoning is this? You're a fucking moron. A lot of things can move people to tears. Seeing a bastardization of the thing that makes Garnet, Garnet? Of course it would make her cry. That doesn't make it equivalent to rape.

>> No.8411932

It's sad that you are trying to rationalize something like this. There is no rape analogy in your children's show. Stop being gross.
>the concept of control/body degregation is like the concept of rape. Which it is.
No. It's not. It's really, really not.

>> No.8411933

>this whole conversation

holy shit, take it somewhere else. this is /cgl/ not /co/

>> No.8411963

>No. It's not. It's really, really not.
Nice opinion. Stop throwing a tantrum because someone doesn't agree with your interpretation about something.

>> No.8411967

>death, abuse, humiliation, violence, bullying analogies in kid's shows--those are a-ok
>agency and bodily control analogies?! GTFOOO~
Sheltered tard logic. Sexual analogies and puns are in kid's shows all the time.

>> No.8411977

do you REALLY think rebecca sugar set out to write her show saying "i think i want to put in a big fat rape analogy in here. yeah, that's exactly what i want!"
do you really think that? seriously?

>> No.8411985

no one cares

>> No.8411991

The flood of replies above you begs to differ

>> No.8411993

For real, fusion isn't /sex/, but it's a direct parallel to it.

> dubious consent with jasper and lapis
>just say yes
>garnet says it's a choice, not something to be forced into
> made of love
> we need to talk/the talk
> pearl says fusion is the ultimate connection between gems

Like you can say it's not sex and everything but you can't deny the undertones this show has about consent, intimacy and its implications.

>> No.8412021

The point is so far above your head it's not worth keeping up the argument in a thread that's auto-sage. I pity your thickness.

At least you get it, anon.

>> No.8412027

Sure. Stay gross and creepy, anon.

>> No.8412058
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Trying to get this back to the conversation of cosplay, I'm going to be working on Young Greg pretty soon (older Greg is already in progress since a friend is kindly donating his Greg wig to me) and I have no idea where to start on the wig. So far I'm leaning toward Arda's Jareth long in Chocolate. Should I bother buying two wigs or just get one and buy wefts? I did that with my Amethyst wig and it seemed to work out.

>> No.8412148

The newest episode was so much fun to watch! Im excited about "We Need To Talk" tonight!

>> No.8412188
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Juuuuust kidding. Just watched it. I don't think that new fusion is cool looking in the slightest. Probably one of my least favorites. Pearl and Rose just... Eh. Rainbow Quartz just doesn't look nice to me.

>> No.8412192

The only place I wanna be is underneath your christmas tree

>> No.8412275
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>> No.8412278

Why don't people paint themselves for Pearl? Do they not see that she's not peach colored?

>> No.8412280
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>> No.8412287

I see three people in this photo who have painted themselves. Very badly.

>> No.8412291
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>> No.8412312

But that one Rose dress on the far right is really cute. I love the shape of it. Wig is a mess.
None of the wigs look "right".

>> No.8412313

jesus christ that stomach is disgusting

>> No.8412345

Because it always looks like shit?

>> No.8412355

It's sad because the second on the left has the perfect height and hair for it...but the outfit

>> No.8412574

That's young Garnet's outfit.

>> No.8412596

>that 1 black girl
She's so cute I don't want to be upset at her. She'd probably make a good Nui Harime.

>thing in black seems to have the neatest curls of them all

>> No.8412625
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>> No.8412666

i dont think theyre afraid of that, i think they dont want to show their actual stomachs.

>> No.8412716

So... is this
>>8402502 >>8402506 you think? If so it's just as bad as imagined.

>> No.8412731
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here's another view

>> No.8412797

her stomach looks like a squished clay pot

>> No.8412853

>watch episode
>feel similar
>but that lewdness jesus christ
>don't want to go to /co/
Generals are suffering.

>> No.8412870

Yeah, there's no wearing the kind of foundation garment that Rose's dress demands with that keyhole.

>> No.8412878
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>Rose and Greg singing "What can I do for you"
Yuna/Rose cosplays when? Because of the cut of Rose's dress I want to believe this is intentional.

>> No.8412901

Part of me wants to cosplay this right now and finally be a "first!" and get 10k notes on tumblr,
but god that design is so blah

>> No.8412961

there will be many other opportunities

>> No.8413029

You guys remind me of the people who swore up and down and INSISTED that Spirited Away was a giant child prostitution/sexual abuse metaphor to the point where Miyazaki himself had to come out and say 'WTF? No, that's not what it is.'
That's exactly what you guys are doing here. You're reading way too much into it and automatically assuming the edgiest conclusion.

>> No.8413047
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>> No.8413054


Bruh, please don't call attention to it. They'll start up again.

>> No.8413441

I'm planning on cosplaying Rose but at this point I'm pretty sure the perfect Rose wig will never exist. I've seen a lot of what not to do but would you guys mind posting some of your favorites that only have maybe one or two things off?

>> No.8413456

Fucking shut up faggot.

>> No.8413539

Okay so imo if you want to have a good looking rose wig you should add foam into it and have the wefts wrapping over that. Especially try to get the top and sides to look pretty big (but still make it look good with your proportions). For the back an idea I had is to actually make a separate piece for the lower part and attach it to a harness. Basically if you want to go all the way with this, try to not think of it like a regular wig too much.

>> No.8413540

Can we talk about Steve Universe? Make another thread for game of thrones for that or something

>> No.8413570

Thread is getting closer to bump limit. It will all be over soon.

>> No.8413589

>try to make armsocks
>fuck up
>try again on backup pair of tights
>fuck up again

i god hate seams. i thought i already did all this bullshit with homestuck.

>> No.8413736

Has anyone done any photoshoots that aren't just meetups at conventions or hall shots?

I want to see some pretty pictures.

>> No.8414196
File: 161 KB, 1280x546, tumblr_nq5veg3HF21ra6bb8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about this is really upsetting looking

>> No.8414240


>> No.8414255

is it the poorly drawn eyes or sparkly dogshit glued to her forehead

>> No.8414559

The extra emphasis on the fusion is the fact that the original parts don't exist anymore.

Garnet is a Fusion of Ruby and Sapphire, when they lose harmony they do split into the two, but while Garnet is formed, Ruby and Sapphire don't exist. Garnet is a whole new person, she is a reflection of the relationship of her parts, but while she is stable there is no part of her that is Ruby, and there is no part of her that is Sapphire, just Garnet. Likewise, when they are split apart, Garnet is gone, she does not exist, she has no consciousness and is merely a metaphor for the love that Ruby and Sapphire share. Split apart that love does still exist, the gem known as Garnet does not.

The Gem-shards of her deceased comrades being physically melded together and forced into a glitchy, painful Frankenstein fusion against their will is generally horrible enough, but has added effect when those involved have formed a new being, whoever they were before is gone forever in the most distressing way.

>> No.8414565

Its the sewing anon

>> No.8414569

They are actual cancer

>> No.8414589
File: 149 KB, 500x276, 1434171333872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of flak that Steven Universe can drum up, there is no pleasing everyone because everyone has different methods of reading things and different opinions on how things are represented.

A big offender is the scene where Jasper convinces, although with some malice, Lapis Lazuli to fuse with her. Lapis doesn't want to, but Jasper is physically and mentally overbearing and Lapis consents to it.
Many draw abuse and rape parallels to this, not an entirely physically forced encounter, but one of more verbal domination. Jasper abusing Lapis. "C'mon, just say Yes."

Of course, immediately after fusing, Lapis turns on Jasper and uses her powers to trap herself and Jasper while actively forcing Jasper to maintain fusion and preventing her from escaping, taking them both underwater to be sealed away.
Many draw abuse and rape parallels to THIS, once again, while Jasper is the more dominant figure here who initiated the encounter but Lapis still manipulated her and forced her against her will to remain in participation of the fusion. "Stop, What are you doing?!"

Two different ways of looking at it, one where Lapis is the victim, and another where Jasper is the victim.

Who is right? Everyone? No one? There are people who relate to these encounters, there are people who disagree with the notion of these parallels, some people who take great offense at these things and of course there are some who say "Fusion is not a sex metaphor, stop projecting on a kids show".

>> No.8414596
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>> No.8414601

You girls work fast, the episode was out less than 32 hours ago.

>> No.8414703

this could have worked well if the eyes were drawn on smaller to match her real eye size.

>> No.8414913

I think its upsetting because that's actually where the eyes would be irl. One of the design factors I dislike about rainbow quartz, it just looks odd.

>> No.8414934
File: 101 KB, 640x480, tumblr_nq7jp1Glbq1qgqkz0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One up.

>> No.8415477
File: 180 KB, 683x1024, 15324720779_2871c22df9_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, the problem I have that SU cosplayers have are the fusions.

I get there is obviously the desire to get costumes spot on, but really I think there is a point where perfect just hurts the costume, mostly with the extra arms. I've seen fantastic Opal cosplays, but no matter how well it is done, having a set of Mannequin arms glued onto your armpits just looks stupid, same for Sugilite. I know the character has 4 arms, but honestly of the costume is well made and you look perfect, just do two arms. Even Alexandrite will still look great and iconic without six arms.

Same for Peridot fingers, I get that you want to try to feature her floating tech-digits, but honestly most of the time they look like Nerf-darts suspended on toothpicks. The best solution I've seen was just wearing black gloves with the fingers in the neon green cylinders.

There are some pretty difficult to emulate designs in SU, and some times they just don't translate into real life costume.

>> No.8415667
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>> No.8415735
