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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 57 KB, 304x680, casual8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8396122 No.8396122 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you wear Lolita on a daily basis, or as your main fashion outside of work?

I feel like I rarely see the coords that people actually wear on a day-to-day basis anymore, and wondering how many people just treat it as something to wear exclusively to a meetup or convention.

>> No.8396143

I'm a solo Lolita so I wear 'casual' lolita or otome-style when I go outside. I live in London where I think it's not too unusual to see someone dressed non-mainstream so I think I can do it more than others. When I was in a relatively small town in the USA, I felt like I stood out even if I wore normal clothes so I completely stopped wearing Lolita there.

>> No.8396216

I wear every time I go out!

I work almost every day (80 hours a week) so I don't often have time to go out even for groceries.

It would be nice to actually get dressed outside of work but I normally just go to bed lol!

>> No.8396256

>80 hours
Holy fuck anon, what do you work as and how do you manage?

>> No.8396268

not that anon but my mom works 80 hours a week, and doesn't work weekends, meaning she works very long days. I feel so bad, she works so hard and doesn't make that much money in reality for how much she works.

>> No.8396273

I often dress in Lolita on the weekends depending on what I am doing even if there isn't a meetup. It's usually a lot more casually than I would wear to a meetup though.

>> No.8396275

Forgot to say she assembles electronic parts oops. Anyway yeah. It's tough.

>> No.8396279

I'm a casual/daily wearer, though I do more otome than lolita now. I sort of wonder if people like me just don't bother posting coords out of a combination of casual being "boring" and places like cgl nitpicking and snarking the hell out of coords that look lived in or practical or just not photoshoot perfect.

>> No.8396316
File: 75 KB, 366x640, casual6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, i think the rise in otome among lolitas is due to how hard it is to do casual lolita without being called ita. otome has that "coordinated" photo-ready look compared to what casual lolita was.

>> No.8396461

I accidentally became known for casual outfits

I just can't go to events

I never meant for this to happen

>> No.8396551

It's kinda frustrating in my opinion because it really doesn't help the extreme overlap in the two fashions. I like both but sometimes I feel like people use otome as "casual Lolita" and vice versa.

>> No.8396589

I wear my lolita stuff almost on a daily basis. I don't know if I'd call it lolita though, I normally wear just the dress and skip everything else (yes, it looks okay. Any dress that doesn't, I don't do this with. Needless to say I don't look like a princess doing it, just a regular girl wearing a random dress).

It's more like I just forget to take photos and post, plus my blog is kinda obscure anyway.

>> No.8396946

That might be part of it, but in my case it's simply because I'm over 30 now and otome better suits my tastes and lifestyle. I know a few other old school lolitas of my era and age who are doing otome now, too. It's easier to wear in a practical, everyday way. Some of the fussier elements of IW/Baby/AP lolita feel too young for me now and the full on Mary Magdalene look is gorgeous but totally impractical for my everyday life. I still sometimes wear what was casual lolita in my era (like your Meta pic) but these days I don't think that even gets counted as lolita of any sort.

>> No.8396957

This is exactly how I feel! I have a bunch of very toned down classic looks for every day but they're so plain that there's no point in taking photos of them.
Maybe I should start doing that if there's a need for inspiration... You too anon!

>> No.8397106

I have quite a few friends who wear almost exclusively lolita, however they're not concerned about posting pics online much aside from an occasional instagram.

>> No.8397204

I wear otome/gyaru-esque outfits everyday to uni, aka most of my wardrobe overlaps with my lolita one. I wear short pettis with my mini skirts, a lot of which are secondhand liz lisa (¥500 yesss) I also wear a lot of thrifted "loli-able" blouses, bodyline shoes, and brand otks with my normal outfits as well. Honestly, the only difference between my normal outfits and lolita outfits are the length of the skirt.
I admit it's tough to find outings for my more ott dresses, I just feel weird going to walmart in lolita. I feel like it looks more casual and light-hearted to wear the same outfit with a miniskirt instead.
I always get a little disappointed when my friends or boyfriend want to hang out at their house like no please let's go out and do something, Usakumya needs to get some air again.
I don't even bother taking pictures or posting online, I have no time in the mornings and even when I do, they're just low quality mirror selfies. Sometimes I think of trying to be e-famous but then I forget to take pictures until after I change and take my makeup off.

>> No.8397496

I wear classic lolita every day, at home and when I go out. I like that these are my normal clothes and I feel like this is pretty much the way lolita should be. Lolitas always complain "waah this is a fashion not a costume!" But it seems pretty costume-y when all you wear is OTT to cons and photoshoots... I only post pictures to my Facebook page because my normal friends like the outfits but I don't really care about the internet community loving them. Plus I think they would be too boring for most people. I also never wear wigs or makeup so I know I would immediately get shat on for that if I shared anywhere.

>> No.8397717

I wear 75% Lolita in my free time, but it's pretty casual, no wig ect

>> No.8397725

I only wear Lolita once in a while anymore because even though I don't post my pictures online I still have this paranoid feeling someone's going to give me shit for not being OTT enough. I wear really toned down sweet and occasionally add a classic or gothic feeling to it, kind of 2006-2007 style sweet (that was the look when I got into the fashion and it's always stuck with me). It's not suitable for every day wear for me but I certainly could wear it more than I do. I agree that the fashion really is more of a costume these days because no matter how many people insist it's not, the fashion has gotten too OTT for daily wear and there's this overall pressure to conform to being photoshoot ready. I don't have a problem with either look and I enjoy both OTT and casual Lolita. I'm so tired of people being so unaccepting of the casual side of things though. I hate the nitpicking over the smallest things that don't even look bad most of the time.

As someone said in a thread from a little while ago, I'm a real person, not a living doll.

>> No.8397784

I've been wearing lolita to cons only, but I have started buying otome and more casual pieces in hopes of wearing it more often. I like buying AP skirts (MCD, Cosmic, etc) to mix in with my normal wear.

Fwiw, I work an office job.

>> No.8398442
File: 104 KB, 545x817, 1433009605883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted these super casual coords in a previous thread and I find them fansincating.
Are they lolita? What style are they if not? How would you feel if someone wore this to a meet? A brand tea party?

>> No.8398445
File: 806 KB, 667x1000, 1433009707671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8398453

Both of these coords are fugly

>> No.8398455

Wouldn't call these casual by a longshot, just not lolita.

>> No.8398460

I wear lolita most of the time. I'm a lone lolita and I rarely post photos. I wear typical AP pastel sweet but I keep it simple. I don't wear tons of jewelry or crap on my head. I know my outfits would bee seen as boring. That is one reason why I don't post photos, another reason is that I don't feel the need. Lolita is just normal clothing to me and I don't feel the need to post every outfit I wear.

>> No.8399546

Neither of these are casual. There is a lot going on in the outfit, so they aren't exactly simple. There was clearly a lot if thought put into coordinating them, but they aren't lolita

>> No.8399573

I don't wear lolita daily or every weekend but I do wear it as general day to day wear. I've worn lolita to university, to two different jobs, to friends places, to do grocery shopping, all sorts of reasons. A lot of my more 'everyday' lolita is from IW and quite plain pieces or florals. Sometimes I wear these pieces without blouses but with cardigans or turtlenecks instead in winter and with cutsews in summer.

>> No.8399585

I wear lolita or otome any time I can be assed to get dressed properly. Lately my daily life has me rolling out of bed directly onto my computer chair and hardly leaving the house (fuck yeah thesis) so I tend to get lazy and live in my pajamas, but if I'm actually going out for the day I'll grab a cute dress and a cardi.
I don't post pictures online because 1) I don't have much of an online presence to begin with and nowhere to post and 2) I worry that people will think I look like shit or "not lolita". If CoF was more like the old daily_lolita, with an emphasis on daily wear rather than special occasions, I might post there. Currently? Nah.

>> No.8399621

What's everyone's thoughts on wearing a petti vs not wearing a petti in casual lolita?

>> No.8399667

Depends on the dress/skirt. Some may at the very least need a weak petti. I think longer skirts get away with not needing a petti, though, because they have a 'flowing' look about them.

>> No.8399672

For me, it depends on the skirt/dress shape. If it looks like total ass without a petti, I'll pop on a small one. If I can get away without a petti and I'm around the house or going out briefly, I'll go without. Some of my super full dresses look awful without something under them though. Also, I always have bloomers on, and they give a little bit of poof on their own.