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File: 79 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m39hwt57AK1qbuhibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8394381 No.8394381 [Reply] [Original]

Recently got my first dress and it's a salopette, Fancy Paper Dolls in pink. Can we get some good salopette coords? Trying to brainstorm ideas as I slowly start buying the other pieces to my first full outfit. If this isn't deserving of a new thread I'm super sorry and pls ignore.

>> No.8394396
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>> No.8394401
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>> No.8394405
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>> No.8394409
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>> No.8394859
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>> No.8394963
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>> No.8394974
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I love this girl's blog. She's living the perf lolita life

>> No.8395050
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>> No.8395052
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>> No.8395057
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>> No.8395061

I love salopettes, just realize that they aren't appropriate for lolita most of the time because of their short length

>> No.8395073
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>> No.8395091
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man, fuck it
lolita brands made them, a few years ago everyone whined about how stagnant and samey lolita clothes were getting, so they changed things up

They're lolita in my opinion.
If those tea length ones are lolita, salopettes are lolita too

>> No.8395092
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>> No.8395093


>> No.8395096
File: 909 KB, 1280x1837, canIjustownthiscoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops wrong pic, meant to post this one

>> No.8395099
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>> No.8395100

oh yeah i understand! i knew when i bought it, it wouldn't be considered like "proper" lolita, but i also kinda agree with >>8395091. if not lolita what would i call it?
also could anyone tell me what's an appropriate height to wear a salopette? by that i mean my tits are fucking huge and i almost want to wear it directly under my bust like a skirt with a cute blouse as my top. would that look retarded? do i need to invest in some shape wear?

>> No.8395108

>so they changed things up
not really no. most salopettes started during the fairy kei craze for fairy kei and they stuck around because people bought them. did you see all the casual shit AP put out at the beginning?

>> No.8395123
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>> No.8395292
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>> No.8395293
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>> No.8395294
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>> No.8395295
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>> No.8395300
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>> No.8395303
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>> No.8395307
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>> No.8395309
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>> No.8395312
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>> No.8395318
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>> No.8395321
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>> No.8395324
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>> No.8395327
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>> No.8395329
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>> No.8395335
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>> No.8395337

Brand also release mini skirts and t-shirts, are you gonna tell me those are lolita as well? Hell, Baby released a swimsuit, and that's definetly not lolita. Salopettes are ok for casual wear, and if they're in the right colors, fairy kei

>> No.8395342
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>> No.8395345
File: 90 KB, 480x640, tumblr_miruukMngm1s08d3xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8395353

The right cut plus the right body shape are hardly ever together to make it work for lolita but damn I too love salopettes and am always on the look out to buy more.

>> No.8395356

Holy crap. I need this. What is the name?

>> No.8395362

If you're short, and it's a salopette designed to take a larger petti, it can work. Otherwise, no, it doesn't work

>> No.8395379

Link? Reverse image search just sends me to ap sites

>> No.8395383

like to her blog? it's watermarked on one of the pics but http://yaplog.jp/realisticsweet/

>> No.8395487
File: 325 KB, 500x750, tumblr_maatl3gIfE1qc5mq5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8395670

Hence, "right body shape + right salopette shape = lolita"

>> No.8395707

I wish I was 5'2 with a babyface so I could actually look good in these. Salopettes are just way too cute. Ugh.

>> No.8396677

> If those tea length ones are lolita, salopettes are lolita too

Thank you a million times for this.

>> No.8397403

Actually, yeah I am. There's a such thing as casual lolita.
And the swimsuit is just that: a lolita swimsuit.
Most newer lolitas are a bit too OTT to know about it though.

>> No.8397410

Yes, I did. And people considered it to be lolita, as it was designed to be. Now you wear a cutsew with a skirt and you're OMG ITA.
Wear punk lolita, ITA.

Rules like that are for picky western newfags.
As for them making salopettes previously, I'm aware there were a few released. However, as far as I know, they are much more frequent and popular now. I don't understand why people wish to hold so tightly to these rules.
They should be guidelines for new lolitas to learn the style.

>> No.8397677

While they consider lolita tea length dresses, they whine about cutsews not being lolita, casual if done good not lolita, punk ita shit, and salopettes not lolita or ageplay items. I love salopettes, but i bet they are more common in Japan, maybe as daily outfits. Wish we would have back casual lolita instead of the OTT craze that is worse than OTT sweet and getting more and more unpratical and costumey. How i can be a lifestyle lolita if the fashion is becoming too much elaborate?
>good thing is i can buy burando salos, cutsews and shorter skirts for cheap prices
It's weird lolita guides never mention salopettes.

>> No.8397678 [DELETED] 

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>> No.8397692

WTF is that

>> No.8397695

Hand banana, is that you?

>> No.8397707
File: 62 KB, 313x470, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8398763
File: 69 KB, 313x470, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8398895

The salopettes are made by the Lolita brands; I always associated salopettes with Lolita. If you love salopettes wear them.

>> No.8398998


We all fuckin know the traditional silhouettes, but not all a-line and bell-shaped dresses are lolita ffs. Tea length dresses are lolita, salopettes are lolita.

Rather than a list of "three rules must be met before its lolita, I feel it's more like "if it meets three or more of these X conditions, it's lolita." Just like other fashions like fairy kei- not everyone has to wear a neon tutu but ya CAN and have it be part of a fairy kei outfit.

>> No.8399067

haha they got fuckin rekt.

>> No.8399175

Her coords are always on point

>> No.8402640

does anybody besides ap and btssb make salopettes?

>> No.8405010

I've seen a few Infanta ones floating around. I've also seen R-Series and To Alice but those have all been horribly tacky or forgettable.

>> No.8405117

How do most people feel about someone with a large bust fitting into a salopette? I am thinking of purchasing one but I'm not so sure because of bust size...

>> No.8405134

She's fucking perfect.

>> No.8405152

I would love Salopettes as a casual thing; the problem in my eyes is the length of the garment (even the longest is too short for me).

Has anyone made their own salopette? Reason I asked is because I'm thinking about making my own; found the pattern to mod. What fabric would I use? Print? Etc?

>> No.8405234

the exact problem i'm having right now. i've also had a large bust but even after losing weight my tits are still big on my frame, and my salopette suffocates me. i'm thinking of getting a binder or some kind of shapewear but i don't know what would be best? or even just a really good sports bra

>> No.8405237

*have a large bust

>> No.8405684
File: 122 KB, 422x750, tumblr_motofbWtrJ1qgjjjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8405694

If you have anything bigger than an A cup it's granted to look bad. Salopettes only look good if you're a stick.

>> No.8405702

They're meant to fit very loosely on top, if they're tight on you you're probably like ten cm too big for them. They're not meant at all to fit like a dress, but like a loose overall with a skirt.

>> No.8405717

But are those tea length dresses lolita? I was under the impression that was an area of contention also.

>> No.8405721

Haha no.

>I'm just going to go over here and call this suspension bridge lolita.

>> No.8406296

>mfw i want only the salopette of Dreamy baby room
>but the waist has no shirring
>petite body and flat boobs with a tube 71 cm waist wtf is wrong with me

>> No.8406343

I want to see this swim suit. Anyone know the release name or have a picture?

>> No.8406364
File: 116 KB, 464x313, btssb swimsuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally googled 'btssb swimsuit'
come on anon, I know you could've done this too

>> No.8406398

What would you call a salopette coord that don't fit typical pastel fairy-kei themed styles then?

>> No.8406543
File: 45 KB, 270x480, 4416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love salopettes jesus christ

>> No.8407422
File: 281 KB, 613x1463, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic and unironed

>> No.8407452
File: 53 KB, 540x960, 29556_10151713905577833_2055651590_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything bigger than an A cup
Friendly remind that that's not how it works

>> No.8407595

Theme-wise, this is all over the place...

>> No.8407601

lurk more and come back when you understand what lolita is

>> No.8407605
File: 147 KB, 500x687, 1412374313150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never wanted a salo until I saw this ad

>> No.8407996

Not literally of course, sperg.