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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8385264 No.8385264 [Reply] [Original]

Mama, I can't sleep...

Can you tell me a story about what /cgl/ was like back in the days?

>> No.8385266

just as melodramatic and elitist as it is today.
>maybe with just a little bit more PT

>> No.8385270

't was a golden age my little roo,

There were so many shit posters from /fit/, /r9k/ and /soc/ who would often start troll threads made especially to enrage /cgl/'s mostly-female population. Cosplayers and Lolitas alike would foam at the mouth over the carefully engineered misogyny and everyone would get mad.

Then of course, there was glorious tripfag drama. ol' /cgl/ had an abundance of tripfags, all of which were unnecessary human beings. They would post circlejerk threads or derail the rare on-topic board. They would defend each other on the numerous threads anonymous seagulls made about them--there was always some scandal; leaked nudes, photoshop, stolen moitie chokers, stained burando or rocky breakups. Tripfags and anons would shout abuse at each other and everyone would get mad.

And who could forget the fights between Cosplayers and Lolitas? There was once a time when the tension between the two groups caused people to plead with,now gone, moot-senpai, to split them into two boards. Cosplayers would make hate threads about Lolitas/j fashionistas and vice versa. Each camp defended itself while pointing the finger at the other and everyone would get mad.

The /cgl/ of olden times was a place where drama reigned supreme--it was actually our name for a brief period. PT, Kotakoti, Venus Angelic, Asherbee,... were among some of the best and most amusing lulcows in our pastures. Daily threads were made to discuss their faggotry and everyone would get mad.

There were also a great many threads that were only obliquely on topic, a favorite being to draw your last cosplay as a sassy black woman. Now all the above threads are being deleted by our janitor and everyone's getting mad.

>> No.8385279

was asherbee that old? i only came here a couple years back and I remember her and peenus.

>> No.8385282

Oh, forgot to mention aki the fakeboi,that stuff was hilarious.
but yes lil babyroo, /cgl/ was a drama wonderland with jealous fatties. And everyone was getting mad.
The end.

>> No.8385284

asherbee was sort of the straw the broke the camel's back for the board. But I would still consider it "old /cgl/" due to the insanity and shitstorm is caused.

>> No.8385287

>Now all the above threads are being deleted by our janitor and everyone's getting mad.

Like every other board, we just have General General XXVI and Tumblr.

>> No.8385288

Weenus became popular/viral circa 2011/2012 (same for Kota) and as for Asherbee i do not remember quite well, all i remember was that she was introduced to this board in a "Awful crafts" thread or something where someone posted her terrible crafting work and further research was made since it was so terrible. Then a new lolcow was found.

>> No.8385289

Drama isn't allowed anymore though. While i admit it could go really overboard and clog all the board sometimes it was still pretty funny to see at the golden age.

>> No.8385304

I just came back since last posting in like 2009?
I miss old cgl when there was less lolita more cosplay drama. No foreigners.

>> No.8385311

Oh man, Aki was amazing. I wonder what they're doing now? I'd shit myself if she actually started to transition.
I can't believe it's been that long since the Kota drama. I used to thrive off that. She seems to be doing pretty well now, which is kind of amusing.

>> No.8385318

To be honest I miss the "old bitching". I miss the Kotakoti threads and the and Pixyteri threads, and all that jazz.
And also havign interesting lolcows (Venus,Ash,Aki,that awful fakeboi Ginsengteacat idk her name that wanted to have a sex change to be "a real uke" like in her mangas)
It was what make /cgl/ fucking hilarious.
Janitors can keep banning tripfags though, they are damn annoying and can die for all I care.
Now all the lolcows became boring as fuck (Kotakoti became another kawaii japanesu blob pastel AMO/RISA-style moderu clone, Venus is boring and old (has lost all her kawaii weeb appeal she somehow had), Felice and Mila are dead boring and irrelevant now, the living doll lulzy era is dead, PT is still there thankfully, but i feel like we're just in wait for another golden era right now? I hope it'll come soon

>> No.8385324
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dropped my image. Idk why but i loved that phase of her she was an annoying kawaii weeb but she was lulzy and interesting and cute, now she's more irritating and even sad to look at (no job,sketchy "education",18 soon,nowhere to go,has spent all her teenage life being a kawaii doll,...) more than anything else.

>> No.8385339
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>> No.8385341

Somebody found a broach she was making that literally looked like shit. Then she found out and reacted very badly to it which caused anons trying to get involved in her life like getting her sent to the hospital and find out shit about her living situation. I think anons got so personally involved that it caused moot to take notice and the new rules to be implemented. That's my idea...I mean there was probably other people complaining about how they were being singled out on the board but the asherbee drama got the police involved I think.

>> No.8385343
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>> No.8385345
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>> No.8385346
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>> No.8385348
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Guys, and what if,...
What if we morphed two cows together?
To create an extra milk machine?

>> No.8385349
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>> No.8385358

Oh man I started going to /cgl/ right around the time the first few threads about her started.

Either way from what I remember it DID came to creepy levels with anons calling her local police station (I believe because she posted about wanting to commit suicide) and wondering if they should meet her at a local con and see what happens.

I liked the drama but when it starts involving real life stuff it starts going too far imo.

>that fucking birthday party picture tho
Please tell me someone has saved it

>> No.8385364

>I heard she bought 50 dicks off ebay and sucked them all!
Those were the days.

>> No.8385378

These are great.

>> No.8385462
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bumping with our kawaii elf goddess

>> No.8385515


>> No.8385600

Do you guys actually fucking cosplay or do lolita because 95% of the threads I see are either
>snarky/catty shit

Jesus Christ I just want to look at a couple cute girls fucking dress up but I get a bunch of whiny primadonnas.

>> No.8385603

Maybe you should use the fb comms then?

>> No.8385604

You tell me, right now some of threads are:

- Con related
- Cosplay plans related
- What people want to see more in lolita
- an ILD thread
- Con tips
- Series specific cosplay threads
- Old school lolita thread

>> No.8385608

Why come here at all if not to bitch, complain, and snark?

>> No.8385612

What the fuck, she's beautiful?

>> No.8385615

that's what i was thinking too, it's like they cancel each other out!

>> No.8385631

They do. PTs uglyness is sucking the animu out of Kooter and out comes a perfectly normal beautiful young woman whom I will never be able to tell I love because she doesn't exist.

>> No.8385756

why is she so beautiful

>> No.8385757

We ned to morph cows/snowflakes together and see.
Back on topic do you guys think there wil be a golden age for cgl (or even 4chan and the internet) again?

>> No.8385837

Those days are gone. We need a completely new medium.

>> No.8385928
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Here you go! I was around when the whole thing happened, it was hilarious/sad. It just kept escalating whenever something new appeared because it was just a new level of bad every time. We went from just laughing at her brooch to finding out her dad beats (?) her, all from her incessant Facebook/blogging.

>> No.8385947

I thought that story was about Ginsengteacat not Asherbee

>> No.8386518

I can't remember now. I know somebody got the police involved and it made /cgl/ serious business.

>> No.8386849

No it's asherbee.
Ginsengteacat was an infamous fakeboi and the most weeby of them all,look at her Encyclopedia Dramatica. She even put a pen in her butt to "prepare herself for yaoi sex" and "knew she was gay" this way...

>> No.8386854

Hey, whatever happened to Miyu? I've heard some crazy shit about her, but have no idea if any of it is true. Does she have an online presence anymore?

>> No.8386886

Is this why Venus fell from grace? I remember when I started lolita a friend of mine was really into Venus and recommended her vids for a good watch. I was never really interested in her but I', curious as to how it all fell apart for her.

I dropped off the lolita comms a lot when it was all going down because I was busy with uni, was it the Bodyline modeling drama that did it?

>> No.8386895

penus' "cute" was always so fake, even at the beginning, her dancing stiff and her overall attitude cringy at best. her flash in the pan fame is over now pretty much but i'm still waiting for margy to pop out of the woodwork for some reason with a crazy plan.

>> No.8386897

the poop broach was funny, but my favorite was always that 'stuck pizza to my face' scarring she did.

>> No.8386902

It fell apart because holding the attention of weebs for more than 5 minutes is all but impossible. and old ass men aren't really the intended fanbase. Other than the fact that she appeared on so much TV and con events that showed her skin being utterly fucked from using cheap concealer as foundation, I think people just got bored with her. I found her to be boring myself and grating if anything, but like I said, weeb fads are shortlived.

>> No.8387091


I feel like this is what pixyteri thinks she sees when she looks in the mirror

>> No.8387913

Didn't Voldemort harass her or something?
And then a few months later we all hated Voldemort but I can't remember why.

>> No.8387915

She got super into lifting and /fit/. I think some anons posted pictures once, she's super ripped.

>> No.8387924

She's gorgeous, how?

>> No.8387932

I honestly miss the old /cgl/, tripfags and drama and everything. The board was way more fun back then, it's kind of stagnated at this point. Way more lolita stuff than cosplay too. At least we have bad makeup and cringe threads for entertainment but that's about it.

>> No.8388248

Never forget that day when anon made one of her characters into a hentai or something. I wish I saved it!

>> No.8388259

Haha suck a dick and go shitpost to /b/ where you belong lmao
>nobody sane who contributes and posts worthy content misses any of that shit or lacks access to it via other platforms

>> No.8388273

She used to strip and snort coke to make money and stay thin. Got a boob job and some other plastic surgery to try to make it in cosplay but didn't have the connects like Yaya or Jnig to cut it. Even tried to "friend" PT to get into the community, kek.

She's moved on to the next fad, and took up residence as the local attentionwhore on /fit/. She tried to come back here to give "fitness advice" back when fit threads weren't deleted. Though a few anons calling her out with caps about her admitting to stripping, doing drugs, and getting surgery scared her off.

>> No.8388281
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>Fit Friday
>Roko's how are you doing threads
>Piplup, Matt, Hobbes, Pirate Toaster, Shaynii
>JohnnyBravo compliment threads
>Period blood everywhere

>> No.8388290

I miss Gropey the clown

>> No.8388402


Thanks anons. I somehow heard an even weirder story than that by old friends of hers. I did hear about the PT stuff and that was pretty lol. Didn't she move to Texas around then? Also I heard her stipper stuff was in Texas and she was trying to wrangle cosplayers into shady "fashion shows. Anyone know more about that?

>> No.8388420

He's still here though. Mostly in the /larp/ threads I think.

>> No.8388455

Huh, the more you know. I usually stay far away from the larp threads

>> No.8388473

All we have now is on-the-verge-of-ita Voldie, everyone's most hated white knight Clockwork Loyalty, and how-many-self-posts-can-I-fit-in-each-thread Ukraine. With a splash of Seig's slowly dying attempts at trolling.

>> No.8388482

didnt she sleep with someones brother or her brother did something fucked up I cant remember

>> No.8388487


>> No.8388558
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I liked your idea so much I made another.

>> No.8388564
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I don't actually know how to photohop all that well so if someone could lower that one's head that would be great. Here's another lol.

>> No.8388682

tfw never made it to the cgl qts list

>> No.8388687


>> No.8388689

its ok me neither

>> No.8388698

Were you guys trips?

>> No.8388705
File: 103 KB, 1200x803, 11130508_10104105947275553_4271477482290833201_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you forget me

>> No.8388766


>aspiring for /cgl/ fame

The fact you're feeling bad over this.

>> No.8388777

some people aspire to be doctors

or firefighters

or even astronauts

but me, no

my life goal is to be a cgl idol

>> No.8388925

I see why.

>> No.8389114

wow ur cute whats ur phone number and address

ps im not a clown

>> No.8389137

*thumbs up*

>> No.8389139 [DELETED] 

im ggay

>> No.8389151

no what is it and are you dating clyde

>> No.8389180

Why does that have anything to do with her now? She changed. She grew up. She tried becoming a better person. There's no reason to rub the shit she used to do in her face.

>> No.8389240

C'mon on my man the bitching here is the main attraction, that and the weird stories

>> No.8390207

>on-the-verge-of-ita Voldie
Nah, her coords are basic but nice.
>how-many-self-posts-can-I-fit-in-each-thread Ukraine
Ukraine is the best trip on this board. She makes high quality stuff and is always helpful with explaining and never goes off topic. You're just looking for someone to bitch about.

>> No.8390359

It's like with Beckii Cruel and KimonoTime, people just got bored of them and they got older and less loli so the weebs and creeps lost interest. In any case, the current weebs are pretty different from the old ones and now hate anyone who tries to look Japanese if they aren't.

>> No.8390372

Thanks anon, I'm so glad seeing that picture again. But yeah it was a trainwreck I couldn't watching but I can't deny some anons dug a bit too deep for my personal liking.

>> No.8390481
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The good old days.

>> No.8390550

>draw your last cosplay as a sassy black woman
Wh-why did we stop? Can we start doing those again?

>> No.8390586

Hi, Ukraine.

>> No.8390612

Someone is jelly. Also
>Still using >hi ___

>> No.8390631

The really sad thing was that Johnny Bravo got driven out by other users as opposed to mods and janitors. Dude managed to be one of the most well loved trips on cgl then BAM, people hate him

>> No.8390635

If they stay long enough, any trip will get hated on /cgl/

>> No.8390637

Taking off the trip again, I see.

>> No.8390666
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Back when sea roaches were a popular poster.

>> No.8390675

I suggest looking for ecchi fodder elsewhere

>> No.8390676

Last I remember of that drama someone had actually found out the area where she was staying with the guy she ran away to live with.

>> No.8390681

Giant Isopods are so fucking cute

>> No.8390682

if you build it, they will post.

>> No.8390686

anything /cgl/ loves, it also hates. the more anons like something, the more other anons will dislike it.

>> No.8390706

Asherbee and GTC involved anon here. GTC ended up in the hospital and so did Asherbee, supposedly. My mind is a bit fuzzy on the GTC incident but Asherbee told people she was slitting her wrists and people in her area that were gulls called the police to alert it all the while Ashley was taunting them and telling them she didn't want to go to the hospital they were alerting, she wanted to go to the nicer hospital. She claims she went to the hospital in the end but people assume she just got chewed out by her parents and the scars from her 'wrist cutting' she posted were faked with her special effects makeup.

The Asherbee drama ended basically after she deleted everything after a depressed and borderline suicidal gull privately messaged her and Ashley publicly mocked her on her blog and then a lot of her followers that weren't gulls flipped their shit about what she had said to the gull and she deleted all her stuff and changed her usernames.

>> No.8390852

That is one ugly boy.

>> No.8390865


lmfao. I was about to say.

>> No.8391475
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>Got a boob job and some other plastic surgery to try to make it in cosplay

lmao pic related must've been the worst tit job ever

>didn't have the connects like Yaya or Jnig to cut it.
such a shame considering how much hotter she was than both of them

>> No.8392743

Whatever happened to Kipi? Does she still cosplay?

>> No.8393270

Do people think most trips actually left still? Most are just anon now.

>> No.8393273

Didn't mean to quote whoops.

>> No.8393286

>/fit/ attention whore
wait, is she the Sparrow trip or whatever its name is? There's this one girl there who attentionwhores and posts 'progress' pics all the time, is one of those anti-feminists (not the ones who are only anti-radfem/SJW, but the 'a woman's place is in the kitchen/slut-shaming/pls-like-me-boys' types) and is really condescending towards any other girl there because that dastardly slut might be after her spotlight.

>> No.8393341

They're actually kind of interesting even if you don't larp

>> No.8393523

I sure as fuck don't miss those

>> No.8393562


>> No.8393566

>draw your last cosplay as a sassy black woman

Fond memories.

>> No.8393571

I might just lurk a bit then. Because summer sure is shitting up the lolita part of the board.

>> No.8393578

Ukraine works hard at what she does. It takes a lot of time and effort to self post with such variety. Want a progress shot? She's there. Cosplay plans? She's got that. Selfie in and out of cosplay? You can count on her.

>> No.8393588

sounds more like yellowstarchan

>> No.8393688

Nah that's someone else. She tripped as Laura but stopped tripfagging almost 2 years ago. She was actually really cool and helpful. You can still see all of her posts in the /fit/ archives.

>> No.8393702


>>8393688 here again. 'Scuse the double post. Just saw this and wanted to throw my 2 cents in as an oldfag. You haven't been around long have you? If you had been around longer you'd know that she was around way before PT even entered the scene. Basically she was the original JNig except she didn't lie about her plastic surgery.

>> No.8393708

Gotta be good at something

>> No.8393917

Ayyy you put your trip back on!

>> No.8394045
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I went to go check on Asherbee's latest works and oh my god gulls

>> No.8394054

Agreed. Ukraine's one of the decent trips on this board.

Stay salty.

>> No.8394084
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>> No.8394103
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>oh that looks not great but maybe it's just the big splotch of paint of the nose
>enlarges image

>> No.8394147


I got kind of starry-eyed at the girl I knew "only as that good Velvet cosplayer" long ago. I met some people in her circle, one guy she met recently and was a local here. He claimed she was constantly posting her own positive comments and white-knighting herself. I just kind of wrote it off until years later, I read here that she had a crew of "white knights that left when she did". The lack of self confidence made me see her as pathetic.

>> No.8394182
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Ah, good ol' yellowstarchan.

>> No.8394213

You know what i miss?


>> No.8394240

I never understood how her makeup and crafting skills never once improved despite how long she's been doing it for.
Also, dat chest hair.

>> No.8394330

>implying all cosplay girls don't do exactly the same thing
J-nigs is the most notorious for doing this. They're all pathetic self promoters.

>> No.8394347

>your greentext

Yes, I hate all tripfags. They can sometimes be nice to look at or put up a good image, but god they're pathetic beings. That was just my first instance of me learning of them. More than one friend in the same old circle said she had some really severe mental health issues and had to get treatment for it. I don't see her anymore, so it makes me wonder if there's something to that.

>> No.8394367

Pretty sure all women who dress up as cartoon characters to show skin and get attention on the internet and at cons have severe mental illnesses. Just sayin'. As for Miyu, the fact that she's the only one out of that circle who quit and completely rebuilt her life seems to make her the most sane of the bunch.

>> No.8394379

lol she's been gone for years and neckbeards still defend her because she's hot. the same thing happens with any attractive female on 4chan. this is why women live life on easymode.

>> No.8394387

that looks a lot like that girl who constantly selfposts everywhere

>> No.8394391

She definitely looked good, especially in her prime. That's why it's pathetic? Let your own neckbeards fight. Jnig style white-knighting is just so sad.

I wouldn't call falling off the face of the planet rebuilding your life, but I can't really say. Seems the lifespan of tripfags is kind of short. That weak fame seems to suck the lifeforce from them.

>> No.8394429

Miyu wasn't a short-lived tripfag. She was well known in the cosplay community well before /cgl/ existed and was a centerpiece of it's drama since around like 1999 or 2000 or something. It's been a long time so my memory on exact dates is fuzzy. Anyway I first met her at AX in 2001. Back then the drama queens of cosplay were worse than they are now if you can believe that. LOL. Has anyone ever told you about Adella, G-chan, or Francesca Dani? Or how Yaya used to act? This community has always been full of insane attention whores.

>> No.8394915

I agree the comm always being full of attention whores. You should mention some of the old cosplay queens since this is a nostalgia thread. I'd like to hear about some of them.

>> No.8395144

I never even saw that chest hair, how has she managed to avoid shaving/waxing?

>> No.8395171

It is

>> No.8395173

Oh shit I totally forgot about Roko's threads, those were so nice

Lol I feel it

>> No.8395174

Agreed. Decided I needed on after seein pics of them eating Doritos (also can pretend it's a Kabuto or something)

>> No.8395202

>seagull since 2008.

>Usagi Kou
>Budding JNig
>people mostly respecting Yaya

The first /cgl/ drama I was ever aware of was konfektx3 because I used to watch her videos and 4chan was cited as the reason she left cosplay.

>> No.8395211

Now I see why she takes photos straight on.

>> No.8395340

Holy shit, the mega queen. Grand Queen. This is amazing

>> No.8395657

>tfw sex changes used to be something to laugh about, not something that will get you kicked out of cons because you didn't call the hairy man in a dress "her".

>> No.8395665

everything was better before /soc/

i'd like to believe "back in the day" was before 2011

damn, does this already count as long ago? i do miss lobitah.

>> No.8395969
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>> No.8395994
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>> No.8396055

holy shit moar

>> No.8396061

Well with the exception of Miyu they all stuck around in the hobby and still cosplay but just stay low key now. Alisa-chan cosplays at Dragoncon and still has a paysite. Adella has a kid and seems to have calmed down alot. PikminLink is as active in the community as ever and is still doing frequent guest spots at cons. Lindze brown-noses JNig. Lillyxandra makes fairy wings and big fancy dresses. The only one who's still a trainwreck is G-chan. None of them are internet drama queens anymore.

>> No.8396130
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She got a boob job, presumably to even out her flab.

>> No.8396135

I suddenly got motivated to lose the weight that have slowly started to pile on

>> No.8396318

Woah woah woah. Dakota?
I mean i don't know how popular the name is but my brother dated this cosplay cunt named Dakota. Tried to be "tsundere" and "yandere" all the time. Was abusive an overdramatic.

>> No.8396357


God, why?

>budding Jnig
I remember when she was timid and had smaller boobs and would talk to anybody not just people that can boost her.

>> No.8396405

Still here. Mostly in the shopping side of /cgl/ since I don't cosplay as much. Sorry, don't really remember talking to you though, only Boris. But I've got memory issues so we may have. Nice to know I was remembered though since I only posted under Isopod for a few months.

Maybe in the future I'll bring it back? Not as a trip or anything but just collecting my old images again and using them.

>returns to the depths of lurking now

>> No.8396417

My jaw fucking dropped this can't be her now??! What happened?!
Pretty pretty Charms became a caricature of what she mocked...Oh how the tables have turned

>> No.8396424
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>> No.8396449

Dakota is not a cosplayer. She was one of those people who tried to be a 'doll' by photoshopping herself. Cgl went a bit cray with koti style shopping for a while. Then she went to Japan and actually got a modelling contract, and now is looking more and more asian. They dont seem to care much about how much she is photoshopped there.

Charms got lazy. She got used to easy money of being a camgirl and didnt do anything to keep her figure so she gained a lot of weight. Girl next to her is her new girlfriend for comparison.

>> No.8396478

Clockwork is just as bad in person as on here

>> No.8396480

should have known this would end up somewhere on this board

>> No.8396482

Stories plz cause I fucking hate him

>> No.8396495

He kept trying to get my to come to the cgl meet up, he waited while a photographer was taking pictures of my in my cosplay, I assumed he was waiting his turn to take photos. I didn't recognize him when he said his original name, then it hit me. He messaged me nonstop on my cosplay's facebook page, trying to get me to come. He also kept asking when I would be in my super sonico cosplay, saying he wanted pics.

He kept messaging me wanting to meet up as well, as well as asking where and when the lolita meet up was going to take place.

He asked me at least 3 or 4 times if I was going to the meet up. It was super awkward, you have no idea.

>> No.8396496

Different anon, but he added me on other social media and god he is so fucking cringe. I guess he went through my pictures and thinks I'm a cutie patootie because he hasn't stopped messaging me about my cup size and shit. I'd delete him but I might need to save these conversations for later reference.

>> No.8396504

I have all the messages that he sent me
I didn't really feel safe, he messaged me saying he saw me on the escalator and I'm glad he didn't stop me or something like that

I'm glad I started taking up self defense classes, just in case

>> No.8396511

I'm so happy now., God what a fuckboy.

>> No.8396517

I think Aki has a tumblr but I'm not sure

>> No.8396519

He's the biggest, most cringeworthy, most awkward fuckboy, I have ever met
And I have met a lot of fuckboys

-1/10 carry pepper spray and learn self defense

>> No.8396527

What cons does he go to?

>> No.8396539

He mentioned Aki-con and I met him at Sakuracon

>> No.8396611 [DELETED] 
File: 1005 KB, 1043x1750, 1407963261440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember Faunkegin/Ashley?

I wonder what the hell happened to her. I used to think she was so fucking cute, even though I couldn't stand her.

>> No.8396633

holy shit

>> No.8396638

This is a work safe board

>> No.8396666

ima n00b but that kangroo is cute

>> No.8396671

Her nipples look like Purrblind's eyes.

>> No.8396695

Anyone have some more old cute Charms pics? She's nice to look at. Any other qt trips too in their prime.

>I need to cleanse my eyes of current whore Charms

By the way, what did Charms do prior to her whoring? Did she ever have a normal job?

>> No.8396713

>implying that's really enforced and we don't have regular Cosplay Deviants treads

>> No.8396723

It's just a naked girl, it's not like she's shoving a cucumber in her vag or anything.
I'm not sure where she was getting her money back then, but I remember it was a lot and I'm pretty sure she didn't have a boyfriend or sugar daddy buying shit for her.

>> No.8396784

Hey newfag, I know it's June but NSFW board still means no nudes.

>> No.8396787

I see nude pics get dropped all the time.
You can tell by the deleted response links.

>> No.8396799

Trip wat r u doin.

But no, I see nude pics deleted on her all the time. I'm honest surprised that pic is still up,

>> No.8396890
File: 553 KB, 479x478, eorgnergnron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penus got thin and now lives in Japan. Check her instagram.

>> No.8396895

this is a bit worrying.

>> No.8397029

She's so cute here wtf

>> No.8397031

She looks really weird this thin, but I can't put my finger on why.

>> No.8397033

she looks so cute now when did this happen
her face looks nice without that extra chub

>> No.8397034
File: 8 KB, 272x252, 1283550902753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8397037

Just speaking the truth here man, she looks a lot better.
>>8397033 thinks so as well

So I'm not alone

>> No.8397055

better doesn't mean cute, anon.

>> No.8397070

I personally think she's cute, that's all.

>> No.8397120

me too, I think a lot of people just have a bad mental image of her from all the years of ridiculousness. She certainly doesn't have that ~real doll~ beauty but she's a pretty cute girl

>> No.8397392

She really looks like she could make it as a kawaii model in nipon but I'm sure her mom is ruining every chance she gets

>> No.8397845

>tfw you look at the pic
>tfw you know this girl
>you ROOMED with this girl
>you remember the fucking drama
>you remember why you stopped coming to /cgl/

>> No.8399185

Did Spoony ever finish that Morrigan cosplay?

>> No.8400054

We also have girlyhoot, and for a grief moment Maki-chan before everyone took pity. Does anyone have that screenshot of that post her mom made on the thread?

Also wasn't there a couple of girls who ripped a lot of people off or stole something?

>> No.8400059

Oh god, the moment her mom stepped in was a golden moment in /cgl/ history for me.

>> No.8400088

We've got more than just Ukraine, there's that fat ginger and the fakeboi, though they've stopped after they got chewed out several times.

>> No.8400089

And then when she started talking to the gulls through her instagram posts

>> No.8400097

Someone needs to add this shit to the /cgl/ drama wiki

>> No.8400130
File: 174 KB, 784x369, doris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the best of times, and the worst of time.

I was the fattest lolcow, and the one who camwhored the most.

Ah, I miss it.

Captcha was salad, the board itsself has not forgotten me.

>> No.8400155

tiny arms

>> No.8400273

I remember when people used to do "the frandan" in pictures.

>> No.8400283 [DELETED] 
File: 872 KB, 971x624, penusanvelic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she really is skinny now

>> No.8400296
File: 762 KB, 606x627, pensususus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes really skinny now

>> No.8400300

does anyone remember static?

>> No.8400329

that's not photoshopped?

>> No.8400335

i remember the tripfag spreadsheets and the kink fill-out forms god help us all

>> No.8400338


>> No.8400344
File: 26 KB, 467x467, marsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Mother. Fucker.

>> No.8400652

That.....that wasn't that long ago....

>> No.8400672

It suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked
The end.


>> No.8400697 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1316x699, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you fellow farmer.

Also yes, rest in peace Charms.

>> No.8400727


>> No.8400730


I remember those shit threads.

>> No.8400778

Pretty sure the spreadsheet was more like 11 because that came out when the drama part about me was happening.

>> No.8403690
File: 884 KB, 1272x1586, 1398765468488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the period threads back in 2010.
Really glad I followed them.
Invested in a Menstrual cup, never went back.

I still miss Fit Friday.