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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 295 KB, 457x812, 2015-06-05_20.52.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8382189 No.8382189 [Reply] [Original]

Have fun judging others and enjoying mimosas you salty bitches. Report the drama that goes down.

>> No.8382210

Literally everyone knows it's you, Angel. You need to stop.

>> No.8382219

i was scrolling by and thought OP pic was one of those hand puppets with the face drawn on the side of your fist.

for ILD i will make a Mr. Yan tssssoc puppet.

>> No.8382226


>> No.8382238

>tfw it's 2:30 a.m.
>I'm still obsessing over my coord

send help

>> No.8382239

Post coord?

>> No.8382241

Another lolita is already angry with me

>> No.8382248
File: 16 KB, 188x193, 8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first coord, first ild
>only been dressed for an hour
>everyone's already calling me cute

>> No.8382251

whee sf comm whee

>> No.8382258

Thats hilarious because someone got mad at me for saying shit goes down in the SF comm and they defended it by saying it was one of the nicest communities out there. Bitch, please. Its all behind people's backs. If only the comm knew.

>> No.8382260


I think it has ebbs and flows
I'm not sure what's better- aggressively mean or behind your back.

>> No.8382270

At least we're not the juggernaut of crazy that is the Seattle comm.

>> No.8382275

No drama went down, half of the people who said they were coming didn't even show up. People in my comm are flakey as fuck.
Meet was boring.

>> No.8382276

i dunno what is going on there and im staying out lol

>> No.8382278

don't feel bad, I feel like a lot of large comm meets go down that way

>> No.8382285

happy for you!

>> No.8382363

>Missed out on Misty Sky
>Been dragged to my mum's boyfriend's place
>Comm is having a meet today
>Doesn't matter anyway because all my lolita shit is in boxes

My ILD is going great.

>> No.8382376

I couldn't even enjoy a mimosa because everyone that showed up to our ILD meet today was under 21. fml

>> No.8382423

>tfw exams on Monday
>no ILD for me

I don't think I can even justify wearing lolita around the house, since it'll be half an hour wasted getting it on and off and then I won't be able to make myself a quick snack without worrying about my outfit. I did wear a casual coordinate yesterday though.

>> No.8382435

The ILD events I wanted to go to today keep getting cancelled because of no one attending/rain. I'm so pissed. I'm probably going to go as a lone lolita now.

>> No.8382476

You and me both anon, shit sucks. I had to work most of the day too so no lolita tor me just uniform then pj's

>> No.8382487

Deets please

>> No.8382495

Why not get a virgin mimosa

>> No.8382497

My boyfriend doesn't wanna go anymore and I can't drive two hours to the city by myself.

Soooo. Mine's less than great.

>> No.8382502

uhh that's a stupid reason not to go.

>> No.8382505

she might be from Saudi Arabia

>> No.8382517

I don't think it's a stupid reason, I live two hours from my Mom and most of the time I don't want to drive all that way alone to visit her, but then I remember that hey, I get to spend time with my Mom.

Taking a really long trip alone just to wear some fluffy dresses with other girls isn't really something to look forward to. Maybe the only person who'd go with her that lives near her is her boyfriend, too.

>> No.8382544

Yup. Lone lolita, each comm is ~2 hours away. I have really bad driving anxiety from breaking my face in an accident.

It's definitely not worth fighting traffic alone.

>> No.8382571

I just did a 7 hour round trip for my ild event. If i can do it, you can too anon!

>> No.8382577

Stoked for the event! Put my outfit on and realized my wings are wider than a standard doorway.

>crab walk everywhere
I'm an idiot.

>> No.8382591

>day of ILD

>calls everyone salty and wants drama to arise

Sounds like bait.

>> No.8382597

It's called being social, but what would a ~rone rori~ know about that

>> No.8382599

Isn't that just orange juice...

>> No.8382643

If the lolitas she would be driving that far to see were as salty as you, I don't blame her for not seeing the point. Not all comms are created equal. What if everyone is an ita weeb who doesn't wear lolita but ~feels it in her heart~?

>> No.8382800

not that anon but

>I have really bad driving anxiety from breaking my face in an accident.

speaking as someone who gets really bad driving anxiety just at the thought of driving, i don't really blame her

>> No.8382811


>> No.8382916

Can we see your coord anon? Sounds cool

>> No.8382955
File: 47 KB, 430x430, 1428280220400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are only two under 21s in my comm, including me
>mfw I turn 21 this Wednesday

>> No.8382970

angel, demon, or fairy?

>> No.8383001

My little brother graduated high school today so I stayed home with family. We're currently throwing him a cookout party to celebrate. A bit disappointed they fell on the same day but I'm getting to see relatives I only see at Christmas and Thanksgiving. There's always winter ILD. I'm just glad he graduated. He came out with a 1.7 GPA. He's going into the army so he just had to pass.

>> No.8383005


Best of luck to your brother

>> No.8383047

Gonna probably get dressed up and go do stuff with non lolita friends since I didn't get a ticket for this years ILD event. Oh well, I hope all the girls attending enjoy their mimosas and have a good time. I might go up into the space needle for the hell of it or something, idk

>> No.8383208

Comm is hosting like 3 or 4 meets, then partnering with another comm for another one. From the photos, everyone looks stunning!

I hope everyone has a great day!

>> No.8383575

Just got home. I was the worst dressed one there but I had a good time even though my dad threw away my blouse and shoes I was going to wear. So this morning I had to pull a Coord out of my ass.

>> No.8383589

Then sit at home and stop whining about how far you have to drive. No one cares or wants to hear about it. I drive an hour to my meets because it's better than sitting at home missing out on something that *could* be fun.

>> No.8383605

> misread "wings" as "wigs"
Thinking how fucking big are your curls??

>> No.8383608

Sorry it was canceled

>> No.8383613

Seattle is my closest comm, and you guys saying this is what makes me not want to join.
More details please.

>> No.8383615

>working all day
>did my best to look cute but work appropriate
>nice chiffon pleated skirt, flowing blouse, bow belt, black tights, cute shoes and an AP hair clip in the back of my hair, some SM jewelry, light makeup
>have been hit on by creepers all fucking day?
>coworker had to physically get between me and a dude who was watching my ass like it was a TV
I want to go fucking home and never come out again I am so done.
Best ILD ever.

>> No.8383621

Its honestly not bad as drama queens make it out to be, not even close. You should join us. One of us! One of us!

>> No.8383626
File: 336 KB, 500x281, yui_panic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gah it's like this every time.
>omg da drama in Seattle comm
>I ask about it
>oh, there's not really any, join us.

Bah my heart is conflicted.

At least tell me this:
>How clique-y is it? aka will I be able to make ANY friends?
>Does anyone have a thing against fatty-chans?

>> No.8383629

My first aatp dress came in today!

>> No.8383630

>at home
>need to study for exam
>dressed like shit
>sad because no bf and no lolita friends near me
I should wear my Toy Parade skirt to lift up my mood.

>> No.8383635

There are quite a few in the community, some who are "high up" so I wouldn't think so. As long as you're well dressed I don't think anyone here cares about your weight.

>> No.8383637

Dudette, ill be your friend. I havent been to a ton of meets, but enough and its a little cliquey, although its always the same handful of people. I personally try to talk to everyone but i tend to have the bad habit of talking to one single person for the entire meet ... Youll make friends and no, we are not fatphobic. One of the mods is plus sized

>> No.8383638


>> No.8383643

Also seconding this. Come hang out at the next meet, whenever that is. It's the twinning one I think?

>> No.8383646

I like the way you think

>> No.8383649

Yeah twinning meet
There was a meet for girls that couldnt make it to jubilee but it got canceled.

>> No.8383655

I've been lurking all that is lolita for about 2 years now so I think I might be ready to join a comm.
Don't have a huge closet, but I think I have a few decent coords.
Thanks doooood! If you see a girl join with half blond half brown hair. dats me.

>> No.8383662

Same here. When i first started lolita i went to maybe 2-3 meets then became a lone-lita. I only recently started to attend meets again. You wanna skype?

>> No.8383692

I'm lame and I don't have skype, sorry.

>> No.8383759

Oh boy. I don't think I'll find someone to twin with but it would be nice.

>> No.8383764

You could partner with someone to do kuro or shiro lolita

>> No.8383792

I don't own a whit dress. I have a black bodyline op. I want to twin one of my ap dresses but I'm not sure how many would be up for the prints I have.

>> No.8383804

What prints you have?

>> No.8383846

No drama, but a review on the Seattle ILD event today...

not worth the $65 ticket price
location was terrible
venue too small for the 100+ lolitas
no A/C
only one bathroom
bad lighting
the dress contest was badly planned
it was hard to hear
supposed 'meal' = finger food

grab bags and prizes were nice
DJ was a lot of fun
staff was good
everybody I chatted with was nice
lolita organizers were all friendly
good attitudes all around, no saltiness despite the heat

>> No.8383855

Thats what i thought. Last years probably still better

>> No.8383876
File: 634 KB, 640x480, yuirolling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good to know. thanks for sharing.

>> No.8383879

Yup, pretty much this. Though I would like to add that I'm not sure whether hiring a DJ really added that much. Sure, nice atmosphere, and the DJ has a good attitude. But we're not exactly the dance-all-night sort of folk, at least not in the afternoon while we're decked out in.brand and handmade headdresses.

>> No.8383880

My ILD meet was so nice. I got so many pictures taken with tourists, and so many compliments from strangers and fellow lolitas. I just felt really really good.

>> No.8383884

My thoughts exactly. DJ though was meh, but I was stuck upstairs where there was no tables for us to eat at (definite con).

>> No.8383887

If it hadn't have been so miserably hot, I think more girls would have danced. I still liked it because there were a few lulls in activities and I feel like we would have just sat around staring at each other if not for the music.

>> No.8383892

Np! I still liked it and will probably go to another Seattle event but I was admittedly underwhelmed.

>> No.8383901

True, it was pretty stuffy. A few brought fans, clever girls.

>> No.8383910

Based on the venue, I think they should have anticipated the need for fans and could have provided cheapy ones for us

>> No.8383942

DJ was free.

>> No.8383971
File: 66 KB, 400x267, lolita-japonés-feliz-23708804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a small meet-up with the lolitas in my city. We just went to eat and shop a bit, but I had so much fun. I made new lolita friends and got a lot of compliments from strangers (old ladies are great). It's my first ILD as a lolita, and the magic is still going strong. I can't believe how cute and confident I feel! My new friends are so sweet, too. I really hope to get to know them better in the future.

No drama here, OP.

>> No.8384020


I'm doing "fraternal twins" with another girl who is also relatively new with a small wardrobe, we both have the same color IW dresses with the same color roses and tiered skirts. The exact prints and accessories are different though. I hope we don't stick out too badly.

>> No.8384025

The goody bag was crap. Last year's actually had stuff in it. Half a bath bomb and a single tea bag does not a goody bag make

>> No.8384034

What did they give away last year?

>> No.8384038

There was swimmer accessories for the phone candy coupons pins art perfume and makeup samples

>> No.8384050

Wow, okay, I feel gypped. Like I said in my OP, I really don't think the $65 was worth it and now it's been confirmed

>> No.8384054

learn to use commas m8

>> No.8384064

Whoops sorry m8

>> No.8384104

Yep, I think you nailed it.

>> No.8384109

Milky Planet and Dreaming of Macarons

>> No.8384111

I don't feel so bad about not attending now. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8384143

You're welcome! It was my first event with a large community so I'm glad I went. But like I said, I was pretty underwhelmed. I went to a tea party at SacAnime a few years ago and it was a lot more fun.

>> No.8384145

Which ver of milky planet? I have the rerelease in navy

>> No.8384151

I kept thinking that pic was some girl bald from chemo or some shit and though OP was just being a huge cunt about some poor sick girl's coord but here I go and click the thumbnail and it's that fucking Mr Yan body pillow.

>> No.8384154

The "even better" gift bags were a tea bag,a small bath bomb, and a stack of business cards.

The food was deli sandwiches, crockpot meat balls, cheese, meat, salad, eclairs, bread. It was something you would get for a business lunch. Probably all from Cosco.

There weren't enough tables for everyone and to salt that, the organizers had a reserved table with the biggest centerpiece, and sparkling wine at each seat. I get that they would want to have seats waiting for them after they check people in, but that's not cool when they couldn't organize enough tables for everyone.

The menu was clearly not posted before the event for a reason.

For what we expected to pay for a venue that supposedly has weddings, we expected A/C for the 80 degree weather. Music and announcements were not heard upstairs, including info about raffle tickets.

Raffle was a mess because the organizers had attendees write their name on their raffle ticket and turn that in instead of them holding on to the matching ticket with the number. A lot of people share names so this got confusing.

The only pros were good company, and alcohol. This was lower than what people on cgl were expecting.

>> No.8384172

Rerelease also

>> No.8384184

What was cgl expecting? Does Seattle have a bad reputation?

>> No.8384199

why would he do that

>> No.8384200

Cgl was expecting gift bags that were better or the same as last year but not worth what we paid, they ended up being worse. And they expected the food to be stuff like biscuits and gravy again and not worth the $65, more like $35-$40. Food was not worth $15, and the only thing even warm was crockpot meatballs. If the organizers didn't pocket money I will be shocked.

>> No.8384207

Ohhh. Thanks for the explanation. I totally agree with you.

>> No.8384297


>> No.8384330

That sounds adorable, anon

>> No.8384412

I had fun at Jubilee, but I honestly don't think I would have had I been sober...and I'm not the type at all to say that usually.

Incredibly underwhelming, and with how much it cost to attend as someone from out of state, I don't think I'd do it again.

>> No.8384435

Didnt they have a handful of photographers? Waiting for the photos

>> No.8384438

The main photographer usually gets his editing done within a couple days.

>> No.8384452

>long weekend
>first time the weather is incredible here
>comm planned a really nice Meer-up
> because of rediculous deadline at work I have to work 12 hours everyday. Had no weekend at all and will have to work the whole next week and next weekend like this, too
>girls in my comm all looked really cute and from the pictures it looks like they had a lot of fun

I'm feeling so down lately, I wasn't able to attend the last three meet-ups because of work and now I also missed ILD. Didn't get paid for the last two months and so on top of not being able to wear lolita, I also had to sell a few dresses and missed out on a release I was hyped and put money aside for.

I hope you guys had a better time, I'm excited to see all the nice coords!

>> No.8384575

Tourists? Where do you live?

>> No.8384652

Anon, I am disappointed you didn't recognize it.

>> No.8384708

We had amazing ILD! We rent out a small cinema and watched Kamikaze Girls! Best meet ever.

>> No.8384763

I went straight to my boyfriend's house after the meet yesterday, and we ended up watching kamikaze girls until late into the night.

I stayed over, and had to do a frilly walk of shame this morning.

>> No.8384767

I came here to complain but this pretty much covers it. The reserved tables with the champagne that I am certain I helped pay for was a extremely trashy move, especially since there was already some upset over where the money was going.

>> No.8384768

what comm was this you sound like a few people i know

>> No.8384775

My comm went to a restaurant for lunch and then to a photo shoot at a hotel. We were all sweating a lot and my makeup was pretty much ruined, but it was still fun. We were supposed to do a few other things but the facility was closed so we all just played with our phones and got snacks from a gift shop until most of us left.

Was kind of a bummer, but at least I got to wear lolita since I don't get to wear it too often (it's way too hot and humid where I live to wear it often).

>> No.8384853

Indeed, if the organizers really did break even then I want to know what kind of prices and hidden fees those venues and caterers were charging. Property prices of Seattle/Puget Sound are shooting up faster than reason, so I wouldn't be surprised those business are freaking out and just tacking on new charges and crap.

The underwhelming experience makes me a bit hesitant to attend an expensive ILD celebration again, unless it's something price-predictable like afternoon tea reserved at a downtown hotel ($40 plus gratuity, so if we add tip then an event ticket price of $50-55 would be reasonable). Some people don't want yet another afternoon tea event, but at least I'd know what I'm getting into.

>> No.8384872

And you'd know the organizers and their friends wouldn't get special treatment

>> No.8384882

I'm from Germany, if that's an indication for you

>> No.8384921

DC area. Couple members of the comm were in here complaining before the meet, but honestly our comm is so nice to hang out with and the event was really fun.

>> No.8384943

Weren't all the tables reserved?

>> No.8384947

No just theirs

>> No.8384952

The organizers all sat at a special table reserved for themselves with champagne? Wow. Color me surprised. I hope someone got a pic of it.

>> No.8384956

Yeah I read that just now. That really blows.

>> No.8384964

I can feel you on this. I'm sick of flaky people.

>> No.8384971

I hope so too and they wonder why everyone was pissed off. Least now we know where our money went. To them getting special treatment.

>> No.8384994

There are some pictures from the Seattle event up on their page. Time to spot the Ayu-oh wait, you don't need to look too far since she's always in the middle of group shots.

>> No.8384997

I don't doubt a lot of people are thinking they won't be attending another meet hosted by them

>> No.8385002

I know I'm not. I gave them a second chance.

Last year's was better. At least I got to sit at a table at that one.

>> No.8385005

I'm not sure what's worse: the GPA or the fact the military agreed to take him. That's a "are you even going to be able to pass the ASVAB?" number.

>> No.8385061

Wow im surprised. I didnt know so many seattle lolis read this. I enjoyed myself at ILD though I'm not sure it was entirely worth it or that I would go again. I do have to appreciate the time it must have took to organize it.

>> No.8385067

Maybe for winter ILD we should do afternoon tea somewhere. Queen Anne tea room does it for $36 a person and then there wouldn't be any questionable money stuff going on.

>> No.8385086

Good idea but they don't allow for large parties. May I suggest the Georgian instead. Slightly pricier but fancier and larger

>> No.8385090

There's a ton of sea seagulls. They didn't organize though they hired someone

>> No.8385102

Yeah I was looking at that but I couldn't find a per person price. Do you know how much it is offhand?

>> No.8385119


I'm not surprised about the lack of AC, because that's hard to find in Seattle, especially at a remotely reasonable price.
I agree that the lack of tables was an issue, but I wasn't super bothered by the food, since there was variety, and they kept refilling it constantly.
Goodie bags were seriously lacking, but there were SO MANY raffle prizes, damn. One girl won like 4 times, and stopped accepting prizes after the second time they called her, which was polite/sweet of her.

The girl who won best handmade had a great concept, but did anyone actually look at it up close? That velvet mess was literally falling apart at the shoulder seams and the waist, and you could see the fraying edges sticking out. The lace on the sleeves looked glued on.

>> No.8385138

I went for my bday 2 years ago and it was roughly 100 for both of us. Though we did go all out and get alcohol too.
So I would guestimate 40-50 base cost per person for the biggest tea set

>> No.8385159


Aw sad :( well I'm still really proud of the dress and I think it came out really well. I'm excited to wear it again when the weather gets cooler. Thanks for complimenting me on the idea!

>> No.8385162

I get that you are giving words of encouragement, but sometime saying "I can do it, so can you" ends up making anxious people feel worse because then they think "wtf is wrong with me that I can't overcome this simple thing?" And they spiral into anxiety. I know you mean well though, instead it's best to try and convince them why it's worth it

>> No.8385166

this is how you handle getting called out.
good job on you.

>> No.8385182


Props on taking my crit.

I did really like the concept, and you tackled some tough materials, but the execution was very, very messy. I hope that you work on your construction skills, and keep practicing. Do you have a sewing machine or a serger? The parts that were messy looked hand sewn, and finishing the seams would have also spared you.

>> No.8385185

Hey velvet lady! Fix up the edges but I'm telling you,you have the basic skills too improve.
I stand by what I said. You ever open a shop and ill be one of your first customers

>> No.8385187

Good eye! The place where the sleeve connects to the bodice is indeed hand sewn. I broke my last (of many) machine needle and had to hand stitch it. The waist was also hand sewn as that's the bit I kept breaking my needles on. The machine couldn't handle the layers of thick material.

>> No.8385205

Lol I've done that. Why do I feel like a prostitute going home in lolita the morning after sex?

>> No.8385253

Why would they throw people's names back in to the raffle before everyone won something?? I was hoping maybe they had enough prizes for everyone to walk away with something other than a sad gift bag.

>> No.8385260


What machine do you have? Is it just too weak to handle thick fabric? What size needles?

Try investing in a teflon foot, walking foot, or roller foot. Use cotton or silk thread, and loosen the machine tension before sewing.

>> No.8385261


The organizers didn't put people's names back in. People had the option to buy extra tickets for the regular raffle (one freebie ticket in the goodie bag), so a lot of people won twice.

>> No.8385337

In regards to the seattle meet, I keep trying to articulate my feels about this meet and I can't because the more I think about it the more angry I get.
I had a decent time, but that was only because the company was good. I have had just as much fun if not more at literally any other meetup our comm has had that I've attended, which have all been pretty casual. "Stretch their event planning wings" my ass, for real.
I want a refund.

>> No.8385347

that sounds really nice
maybe if i can (forcefully) take over my comm we can have nice goody bags like that
wtf happened this year then? bad organizers?

>> No.8385350

Anyone know what the tea bag is? I just saw that it's not labeled.

This is starting to remind me of DashCon...

>> No.8385351

They were pretty much all the same as last year, right?

>> No.8385356

try smoking it and see what happens
if they were than that's even worse. wishing you luck from the east coast, seattle gulls, hope you find some better organizers before the winter ILD

>> No.8385380

Last year was def better....?

>> No.8385395

Yes, I was saying the organizers were the same as last year (if I'm not mistaken)

>> No.8385402

Yeah approximately. I know Ayu was an organizer both times as well.

>> No.8385404

Yes, same group of people

>> No.8385409

Time to stage a coup, maybe?

>> No.8385412

Ha! Next year we should demand a ball pit

>> No.8385421

But a lot of non hired members were involved in arranging things (like gift bags) I know someone in my friends list was involved in that

>> No.8385428

I think (but am not 100% sure) that the difference in the organizer lineup between this year's and last year's summer ILD, is that Jo was gone this year (she had to move for her job). I could imagine it's likely that she was the reason why last year we had better goodie bags like Anna Sui perfume samples and stuff. But who knows.

The good news about this underwhelming ILD is that it may discourage people from moving here. Seattle is awful, everybody, don't come. Go to Portland or Vancouver or LA instead.

City jokes aside, the good thing about the Seattle comm is that anybody can organize a meet on the Facebook page. The bad thing is that anybody who had any experience in organizing massive meets that require reservations, now probably are way too busy being competent in their jobs or other hobbies besides lolita. But who knows, maybe this experience will inspire someone to step up and try it out.

>> No.8385434

Seattle gulls, how much were the tickets last year?

>> No.8385440

$50 and there was hot lunch.

>> No.8385446

Oh whatever lol
I don't know about the comm but Seattle is perfectly fine

>> No.8385449

Jo has her name as one of the organizers and was going to fly out. Not sure what happened there, but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come because she knew it was going to be lame.

>> No.8385450

Let's not single out Ayu. The other organizers are equally reasonable.

>> No.8385455

It's a city joke that we tell people it rains a lot so they don't move here. It hasn't been working lately though.

>> No.8385456

>Portland, Vancouver, LA
>one's in California, costs way too fucking much
>one's in another country
Looks like it's just you and Portland now

>> No.8385477

Responsible you mean? Clearly none of them are very reasonable!
I agree though, blaming Ayu only is really stupid it's all of their faults.

>> No.8385478

How is it possible that this year was more expensive and shittier? There are two possible answers and those are embezzlement, or fund mismanagement (renting an expensive venue)

>> No.8385479

It's really not that hard to get from Seattle to vancouver. It's about a 4-5 hour bus ride but most of the buses have wifi. That's how I'm posting!

>> No.8385492

or come to Tacoma....

>> No.8385499

Ah got it

>> No.8385503

DOH, you're right, responsible was what I meant! Dang autocorrect! I just don't want this to turn into yet another Ayu hate-brigade; when that happened it distracted from the main issue of the management of the event funds. Ayu is kind and decent as a person, just like the other mods. It was just this event that was lackluster.

Exactly this, thank you.

Also, today there's a goddamn weather advisory in the area for being excessively WARM. Organizing casual events in Seattle will suck this summer if the heat keeps going like this, since a lot of cafes don't have AC.

>> No.8385508

Yea jo is gone this year. That and they hired someone that's all I know

>> No.8385517

All of the organizers were the same except the addition of an event coordinator and kim-e wasn't involved

>> No.8385523

Do you know the names of the other organizers? i didn't recognize a couple of them but I haven't been in the comm for that long

>> No.8385531

Shannie who came from San Fran, Jen who came from Vancouver, Jo who lives on the East Cost now, Yuki, Ayu, Laura.

>> No.8385534

How involved was Jo? She wasn't at the meet or anything

>> No.8385539

Ok I was mistaken I don't know 2 of those names

>> No.8385544

Look at it this way. Most of the comm is secretly on cgl. So that explains itself.

>> No.8385549

Seanna? If so, don't even bother.

>> No.8385558

What were the vegetarian options? Also who organized it? I want to avoid in case the same group does it again. Did they ever provide the proof about where money was going?

>> No.8385570

Basically just fruit and veg plates. I have food allergies that I told them about but they failed to label anything so I couldn't eat most of the food because I was worried about getting sick.
They never did. I hope they do, because from otherwise from what they provided it was some shadey shit

>> No.8385582

It's not like our community is very active, just saying.

>> No.8385584

Wow, that fucking sucks. They should have at least given a refund option for people who couldn't eat a damn thing. I would be raging if I paid $65 for a plate of veggies and fruit.

Something smells fishy. Especially when the last thread suddenly had all those whiteknights show up and praise the group who ran it to death after people started speaking up about their gripes.

Now that things panned out the way a lot of people feared, idk I would be pissed if they made a profit from it too. Although the way they handled the money was bad enough if some people couldn't even eat. Seattle is super conscientious about allergies and vegetarians too, so they have no excuse. Also, wtf about that reserved table for the group who ran it? Pretentious much?

>> No.8385585

I was just about to say the same thing! They said all the food would have labels of what it contained. There were zero labels. I just stuck to pineapple, cheese, and baby carrots. Not worth $65 or my health.

>> No.8385591

I stuck to meat and cheese and still got sick! Wtf

>> No.8385597

was it unrefrigerated? that could be why

>> No.8385602

What the fuck?? Food poisoning or an allergy?

Honestly I would write a petition for at least a partial refund or something, since so many promises were broken at the expense everyone's wallet and in some cases health.

>> No.8385605

Ugh I'm so sorry you got sick!

I could have possibly eaten more than I did but I really didn't want to risk it at all. An er trip is not how I want to spend my ILD!

Not only did they have a reserved table but it was decorated way fancier than the rest of the tables, so trashy. They were all so fake the whole time too, fake enthusiasm and smiles, I felt like they were treating me like a child

>> No.8385607

they didn't have enough utensils to pick the food, maybe that could cause cross contamination especially if some one use the same utensil to pick up the salmon then touch the meat.

>> No.8385609

Completely unrefrigerated. Apparently the people who did the food aren't even actual caterers. Just the staff from the venue

>> No.8385610

Ah no a food allergy

>> No.8385611


Yeah I felt bad taking so much time to go through the line because i had to keep asking people to pass me forks and knives to pick up stuff with but I'm glad I did

>> No.8385613

The whole thing could have been avoided too. People told them that they have food allergies

>> No.8385616

That sounds nice! I like your idea, anon.

>> No.8385618

Considering the group who ran it, I am not surprised. You aren't the first person to feel like this about them.

They are super cliquey, fake, self-important, and talk a lot of shit about others. I shouldn't be so surprised that they made their table the best but I'm impressed how they can't even hide their power level anymore.

>> No.8385620

Why are from other comms organizing?Are they friends with Seattle peeps or just not like where they live?

>> No.8385622

She posted on her Insta that is was her & her man's anniversary

>> No.8385624

Personal friends of the mods

>> No.8385646

"Fake enthusiasm" and "fake smiles" is a stupid reason to dislike someone. They cannot be discerned visually from "real enthusiasm" and "real smiles". People EXPECT hosts to smile. Did you want them to sneer at you or give you blank looks instead?

Please give real complaints like >>8385570
instead of throwing around the term "fake" like a high schooler. You can argue smarter than that. We want to talk about the possible mismanagement of funds, and now it looks like health risks have been added to the pile. Up your arguing game if you're going to join the ILD bitch-fest.

If you're here just to stir shit, get out of this thread. This is about ILD events, and not about your personal dislike of specific individuals just because you think "fake" is the best word you can find in your limited vocabulary.

If you are indeed in high school, go join the debate team so that they can whip you in shape.

>> No.8385648

There was a georgian tea meet last year. Maybe this year there could be one on ILD in dec

>> No.8385657


>> No.8385659


Thank you.

I walked off with like a dozen AATP/BTSSB stickers that were lying on all the tables so I'm pretty happy about that. Burando phone case here I come

>> No.8385661

The event organizers having a much better, nicer table with fancy drinks and nicer decorations can be thrown on the complaint pile though.

>> No.8385663

thats pretty shitty of them to do that

>> No.8385666

I agree with what you're saying in regards to having more solid reasoning, but anon prolly meant that they seemed less genuine, and maybe that's important to them?

>> No.8385670

I really wanna see a photo of this in contrast to the others

>> No.8385682

If you look at the event page you can see it clearly in the photos

>> No.8385686

Keep in mind, most of us didn't even get a seat at a table.

>> No.8385691

I saw really pretty closeups of a table? Not sure of a contrast one.
It's cool nbd

>> No.8385695

Did you guys stand the entire time? I would've totally played musical chairs and offered mine if I was there

>> No.8385700

There are these odd church style pew things on the second floor. People were able to sit but no literal tables.

>> No.8385708

It was only really offensive they were being so fake because I've met them a bunch of times so it was really insulting to be treated that way

>> No.8385710

Oh gosh that's funny, but at least not standing!

>> No.8385712

A lot of people did, as the only other place to sit was upstairs, where you couldn't hear anything from downstairs, like the music or announcements. I will give that upstairs was a lot cooler in temperature (until the raffle, when everyone relocated there). Saw several girls get stuff on their dresses though, as laps became the only place to put plates. Lots of spilled drinks and plates too, and a lot of plates were just placed on the floor cause there was nowhere to place them at all.

>> No.8385714

people act fake all the time. these girls are just not good at concealing it. get over it. accept you cant be friends with them

>> No.8385718
File: 228 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1433719955179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best I could find

>> No.8385725

Thanks anon!

>> No.8385726
File: 1.12 MB, 1510x1920, 20150607_163643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what most of us had

>> No.8385729

This makes it sound like a mean girls movie sequel or something

>> No.8385730

No problem. See>>8385726 for comparison

>> No.8385739

So like everyone else I had fun at the Seattle ILD but felt it was too hot and too expensive. Let's break this down.
Ticket: $67.25 (everyone keeps saying $65, but there was some garbage electronic sales tax added on)
Endless Mimosas: $15 - this was actually a pretty good deal
Tipped bartenders: $5, I guess technically not optional
Dress raffle: $5 (I only bought one ticket, also optional)
Staying with friends: free
Gas: $38
Total: $130.25 or $92.25 without gas
How many lolitas attended? Facebook says 94 but it seemed more like 60-80.
You can see on the event space website http://seattleeventspace.com/payment/ that renting the space all day is roughly $750. Prices vary on Saturday:
Saturday – Day (9 am – 4 pm) – $750
Saturday – Evening (5 pm – Midnight) – $1250
Saturday All Day Package 9 am – Midnight – $1750
The event was 1-6pm so I'm not sure how that worked out.
Renting upstairs possibly cost more (something called "temple room" is $50 extra an hour)
Catering is separate. I assume the servers, bartenders and cleaning crew came with catering service. There seemed to be 5-10 of these people so that likely added on a lot.
The raffle prizes indeed looked nice, but I didn't win any so I don't think it's applicable lol. Extra non-dress raffle tickets cost $1 each and that's how one girl won it 4 times (and it was really nice of her to give up the prizes after the first two times, even though she bought the extra tickets)
The raffle was indeed confusing, people kept asking if I knew anything about it even though I'm nobody and not even part of the Seattle comm
Anyway, someone else can do the rest of the math if they want. I won't say I wouldn't go again, because I waste a lot of money on events and shit, but I do think it was overpriced.

>> No.8385753

>Tipped bartenders: $5, I guess technically not optional
Sorry meant technically optional, but I wanted to do it, you're supposed to tip and they did a good job.

>> No.8385762

Nice breakdown.
It would've been fun to visit Seattle again, but I'm happy I passed

>> No.8385767

This is slightly unfair. So basically there was an upstairs area and a downstairs area. The downstairs area had a lot of tables like >>8385718. Maybe 5 or 6 of them? I don't know. Yes, it was not enough for everyone, but it's not like they were the only people who got tables like that. I don't know about the wine.
That being said, there really were not enough tables upstairs.. it was nice to see the raffle prizes on display but it made it harder to eat there. I ended up having to eat with my plate in my lap and I think every lolita can sympathize with how nervewracking that can be. I ended up just giving up on eating after awhile because it was inconvenient. But that's just me, I'd rather just not eat if it's too annoying, or it takes away from socializing. I don't think there was a way to eat $65 worth of food anyway.

>> No.8385783

Slightly unfair? I'd be raging.

>> No.8385791

I couldn't find a photo of the downstairs tables

>> No.8385824

Was the downstairs table this?>>8385718

>> No.8385828 [DELETED] 

A status one of the organizers made about an item in the goodie bags was kinda uncomfortable to read haha
But she may have made it tongue in cheek idk

>> No.8385842


Yes but when we arrived, the head table was set with fancy plates and a "reserved" card at each seat. After a while it was cleared just like every other table.

>> No.8385844

There were 5 or 6 tables like this. Maybe the centerpieces weren't as nice, I didn't pay much attention to that.
As I understand they only had one table reserved for them, there were 4-5 other tables almost exactly like that for other people to sit at until they filled up. I guess I could complain but it's first come first serve and a lot of people arrived late anyway.

>> No.8385850
File: 248 KB, 2048x1366, awuresnfkjd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo of reserved table + champagne from event page

>> No.8385867

Please tell me they at least got those plates for all the guests. They didn't make you guys eat off paper ones, did they?

>> No.8385878

We got the top plate, yes, in the line for the buffet. But I only saw bottled water and plastic cups for us. I also did not go to the bar though, as I was fine with water.

>> No.8385898

So let me get this straight..

>organizers know how many people paid to come
>knew they didn't have enough tables
>made sure they had their own table
>got their own place settings and wedding tier glasses
>has champagne just for themselves
>bought the food without telling anyone what it is or what's in it
>lets everyone else buy their own drinks at the bar
>lets everyone else hold their own plates
>lets everyone else drink their water from bottles and plastic cups
>lets everyone else, even with known food allergies, risk their health on unlabeled food

And you paid $65 for the privilege.

>> No.8385905

Sadly, yes. They were supposed to post the menu and a million other things but they did not

>> No.8385907

I'd anyone else notice the separate group photos for the "nicely dressed" with ayu in the center versus "the rest"?

>> No.8385913

I was wondering why there were two groups

>> No.8385914

Pretty much. Yup.

Again, I did not visit the bar, so I cannot comment about anything that involved that. Maybe they had sodas and juice somewhere too... but being upstairs we had little to no info on things downstairs unless someone came and got us, or we wandered down there.

>> No.8385936


Everyone who attended should call them out on this shit. I would almost contact my CC comapny about it and tell them what happened and see what they say.

>> No.8385938

It wasn't like that, really. They insisted on taking the group photo inside even though there was a huge lawn but not everyone could fit in the first picture which is why they did two. So stupid.

>> No.8385953

Lets not go completely postal. It was a shitty meet but it's not like they committed fraud.

>> No.8385956

Were there two? I'm pretty sure there were 3 with portland in a another seperate photo

>> No.8385967

I'm not saying they broke the law, but promises were not kept and some shady shit went down in terms of where the money went. They should at least be called out and provide some proof as to why a ticket that costs nearly as much as a 3 day convention pass didn't have enough tables.

>> No.8385971


This was at the behest of the photographer for lighting reasons I'm pretty sure.

The person you're referring to is talking only about the "overall group" shots, of which there were two. There was also a Portland and a Canada picture, and there may also have been Tacoma.

>> No.8386013

Honestly the unlabeled food with known allergies should be the issue, not the tables. I'd be irritated, but at least I won't die from standing up for a while.

>> No.8386035

I think they should hold an anonymous poll so that we can tell them the problems we had

>> No.8386046

That was what I meant by the broken promises (labeling foods). But it's all shitty.

>> No.8386072

Then why was she suppose to fly out in the first place?

>> No.8386082

I'm sorry that you can't differentiate fake nice from real nice, but it's really hurtful to think you may be becoming friends with someone to just find out that they're just covering their reputation. There is a such thing as just being generally nice to people that should be the replacement for fake nice.

>> No.8386088

People used arm rests for their food and drinks and there were spills all over the room. I felt sorry for the staff who had to clean and any lolitas that may have had to deal with the mess.

>> No.8386090

it was hot as balls inside the actual event space. most everybody was fanning themselves with the fliers/business cards in the goodie bags. which were 80% business cards, by the way. for $65 i expected a/c. i think we were all lucky that one of us didnt pass out from heat exhaustion with all the layers.

>> No.8386091

>> /highschool/

>> No.8386097

Other than water, non-alcoholic drinks like soda cost extra as well.

>> No.8386102

I thought of doing the same as the above anon. I was promised better gift bags as last year and in general a better time. But it was a gift bag with mostly business cards and maybe $10 worth of food. It was total bullshit.

>> No.8386105

Not high school by a long shot. It's just suppose to be common courtesy for how to treat people. In Seattle where there's a lot of transplants, this is a horrible attitude that many people have to face when trying to find new friends in a strange place. People can be nice without thinly lacing it with cunt.

>> No.8386108

Expecting lolitas wearing hundreds of dollars worth of clothing and accessories to use arm rests or their laps as tables is completely appalling and unforgivable. What. Even.

>> No.8386112

Considering who the organizers were, are you really surprised though? They are one of the tightest and most judgmental cliques around.

>> No.8386113

now that is what Misako calls embarrassing behavior

>> No.8386116

First come, first served (or gets a table in this case) is ridiculous though. Was there even a warning about possibly not getting one if you showed up late? Some people aren't from the area and get lost. They don't deserve to not have a fucking table because of that. That is completely the organizer's fault.

>> No.8386118


I do believe this is the first lolita event in history to not have a table for all paying guests. Wow. I feel so bad for everyone who had to put up with that bs.

>> No.8386130


Did anyone actually have to pay for non-alcoholic drinks? The menu said so and that bottle water would be a buck apiece but I didn't have to pay for any of them, and there were Martinellis lemonades also handed out for free towards the end. I took two.

>> No.8386133

Nope. There were no notes I saw about limited seating, or even first come, first serve.

We showed up on time, and still had to wait to even get in, which by the time we did, most spots were claimed.

>> No.8386134

I showed up on time and still had to sit upstairs with no table.

It was really shitty. I saw the cgl shut and told myself it couldn't be as bad as what was expected. But then I walked in, saw the food was sandwiches, and immediately found there weren't enough tables for all of us. I was pissed.

>> No.8386137

That is really awful. I hope you and everyone else who got screwed over don't take it and can get something to make up for it. If not, I hope you all boycott events by the organizer so they lose the right to plan a day that should not be about taking advantage of fellow lolitas.

>> No.8386141

I'd like to see them try to plan something like this again just to have only 10 people fall for it. Everyone I talked to said they would not do it again. Not they'd join if it was better since this one was just lies, but would not do it again because they felt cheated.

>> No.8386156

Good, they don't deserve the right to plan anything ever again after all this bs. As if everything wasn't bad enough, causing health problems relating to the food is completely crossing the line, on top of everything else.

I think it's funny how all the whiteknights (i.e. the organizers and their friends) who were flooding the last thread are silent right now. Yeah, whoops.

>> No.8386162

Ouch. Explains why some of the normally active rganizers didn't post about the event at the end of the day/ the next morning.

>> No.8386166

I wonder if some had a larger organizing role than others

>> No.8386187

Portland ILD next year :{)

>> No.8386191

I was super careful, and am generally very careful about eating and rarely spill, and I still spilt stuff. I feel really sorry for the girls wearing shiro.

>> No.8386263

I sure did, she almost spilled her drink on me at least twice. It was a mess up close.

>> No.8386265

Eating like that in shiro is pretty scary
I had to do that recently at a different event, but it was with a pretty low cost coord

>> No.8386268

It's from Two English Ladies!

>> No.8386278

Someone (one of the organizers?) insisted that we take the photo inside and half the group didn't even fit, so we got split into two groups. Later, it was Seattle lolitas, Washington state lolitas, and Portland/Oregon group shots.

>> No.8386284

Wrong salt focus

>> No.8386288

The more I think about the Seattle event, the more pissed off I get. I keep seeing photos of other ILD events in much nicer venues with shots of beautiful food. Damn it.

>> No.8386297

Which comms?

>> No.8386308

It was the photographer himself who insisted

>> No.8386355

That was because one of the threads that initially started out as a general comm thread, turned into "concerned about the ILD ticket prices" thread, and then completely spiraled into a "let's crap on this one organizer" thread. It probably was fanned on by shit-stirrers who probably didn't even know the target and only wanted to see drama happen. Then the wife of that one organizer got alerted, and she posted the /cgl/ link to facebook, which alerted the circle of friends. So that circle likely believed (with good reason) that it was only about that specific person, and any of the previous legitimate concerns about the ILD event itself and the ticket prices could be attributed to simple vendettas.

Let's not allow that to happen again, please. Singling out one person, I mean. Not only is it against 4chan rules (hence the reason that thread was deleted prematurely), but the event had multiple organizers and they all share equal blame.

I still just can't believe they had so little to offer after so much hype and the ticket price. I mean, I'm glad I at least got to take away a FizzyFairyApothecary bath bomb (only damn business among all the sponsors that I was looking forward to), but what the hell happened to make the event price more expensive than last year, but the goodie bag is skimpier, the location is further away from downtown Seattle, the food quality/labelling/amount/safety is worse, there are not enough tables, food is in buffet format instead of being served, and the mimosas are in plastic cups instead of champagne flutes? (Yes, the mimosas last year were served in flutes, to everybody who purchased bottomless mimosas.)

Did anybody else suspect that the planning of this event was rushed and last-minute? I remember thinking for weeks, wondering when the tickets would be announced, because last year's summer ILD had been spectacular.

>> No.8386365

There was no way everyone could have fit into a single photo. Let's move on.

>> No.8386369

>after so much hype
Well to be fair there wasn't much hype. I should have known after the event was announced suddenly with no details. I've been to much smaller events with more information. but yeah.

>> No.8386372

As someone from the Bay Area comm, it does seem like it was pretty hyped. We got endless posts from people about the event, the raffles, etc., and maybe 2 people from our comm went at all. It was actually really annoying to be spammed with announcements for an event in another damn state.

>> No.8386387

I agree, it was really irritating seeing constant spam about that event in the group. None of the other events were spammed even half as much. Definitely over hyped within our comm at least.

>> No.8386389

It was a West Coast meet, that takes place in Seattle.

>> No.8386405

I heard the original venue they were looking at strung them along for a while, only to give them a quote way out of their price range, which put them behind schedule for everything else.
Doesn't excuse most of the complaints (which I share), but I guess that's why it took them a while to announce anything at all.

>> No.8386428

If this is true they could have said so to reassure people

>> No.8386444


Sorry, but the girl winning "best handmade" actually having a really shitty handmade dress that was literally falling apart at the seams and had loose threads hanging off the hem everywhere is pretty valid salt.

>> No.8386447

Honestly, I feel really bad for the people who went to the Seattle meet up.
My comm didn't do anything spectacular, but at least for my ~$30 I got a nice, tea party with plenty of seating, a decent amount of food for the price served on nice tableware, air conditioning, and endless tea and coffee for a few hours. Our gift bags even had cute little accessories and treats in them and were put together cutely.
No big raffle (just a small one with two prizes), but our comm is also rather small.

>> No.8386450

I agree, and this isn't the first time something like this with the Seattle comm either, which makes me even more irritated, to be honest. Last year at Sakuracon, the place the AP tea party was supposed to be at got unexpected damage, so they had to change venues last minute and limit tickets to 30. Things were also announced last minute and no one was told the reason upfront.
At least one of the planners was the same for both events, possibly more.

I definitely trust my own comm way more with planning now, but at least we're learning from their mistakes and have already started planning our winter ILD.

>> No.8386451

Now this sounds like a great time and reasonably priced!!

>> No.8386455

She made her entire outfit though. Did anyone else do that?

>> No.8386471

Ok great, she made the whole thing. But even she admits she rushed it a bit and had to compromise after she broke her machine sewing the piece. That alone brought down the construction level.
Why are you burning to whiteknight someone that already came in, graciously received her concrit, and left?

>> No.8386474

Jesus fucking Christ, reading about this shitstorm that is the Seattle comm makes me so grateful to be the comm I'm in.

>> No.8386475

It's not a burning need good grief.
I was simply saying yes, the construction wasn't great but she did make all of it herself. I was impressed by that. I'm allowed a different opinion than yours. End of story

>> No.8386477

Can anyone post the outfit?

>> No.8386483


Yes, there was a girl in ivory and navy (or black, the lighting was odd) who told me everything she wore was handmade. I didn't guess so because it looked good! She had a floral headdress and a darker complexion but her name escapes me. I wish I had known before voting that she was in handmade.

Fairy-chan won because she was in the most obvious handmade, not the best, I think.

>> No.8386489


Yes. Yes other people did make their own things. It's not some magically impossible task. But whether someone else's coord was 100% handmade or not doesn't really matter if the alternative is a 100% handmade coord that's falling apart.

>> No.8386499

That's a good point.

>> No.8386501


Trust me, she did not take it that graciously. She just seems to know better than to say that on CGL.

>> No.8386520

Well that makes it more interesting. Did she whine somewhere else? Does anyone have a picture of the coord? Someone mentioned a decent concept, but I have no clue what that could mean.

>> No.8386522
File: 257 KB, 326x356, handmade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found the other girl I know of in all/mostly handmade. Specifically the jsk and accessories, I think maybe the blouse too though. She had great fabric and lace choice.

The girl in white, black, and magenta with big flowers and a pinned up bustle also made her dress/most of her outfit.

>> No.8386528

Wasn't someone talking about making their dress and their bf's clothing as well and mentioned fairy queen or something? In velvet? I'm assuming it was this person that won?

>> No.8386529

Like it was a good idea, but executed poorly?

>> No.8386532

This is cute.

>> No.8386539
File: 995 KB, 639x960, fairychan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, fairy-chan had a matching boyfriend.

>> No.8386541

Basically. This >>8385119

>> No.8386544

Ohhhhh dang that is one saggy dress

>> No.8386545

From what I gather she was still working on it right up till the day before, right? Velvet chan, if you're still here, this is a great start. Fit the bodice better, take your time, and your next attempt will be great.

>> No.8386546
File: 533 KB, 1363x2048, 11415513_1658116261089549_1621220307933952813_o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8386547

name of their fb page?

>> No.8386548

I did really like bustle chan but this is pretty too

>> No.8386551
File: 626 KB, 1200x1800, 11430146_1095755910438651_6942143161365712195_o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat me to it!

Here's the Closet of Frills post. You can see some of the hanging threads in the top photo. Hard to see where the waist and sleeves were starting to come undone without up close detail shots.

>> No.8386555


I liked bustle-chan too overall, but I didn't like that the corset-back of her dress had no modesty panel. That took it down a notch or two for me, I think she needed a chemise.

>> No.8386560

Wow, that is not a flattering look for her boyfriend.

>> No.8386562


Nope. He was a really good sport, though.

>> No.8386569

I can third this. Granted, as stated earlier one mod was from our comm. But a lot of us were unable to go.
I think the final count was one mod and three non- mods? maybe two from sf comm

>> No.8386575

that makes more sense, thanks

>> No.8386584

>The girl in white, black, and magenta with big flowers and a pinned up bustle also made her dress/most of her outfit.
White black and magenta sounds terrible, though I don't remember this girls coord.
The biggest issue I had is there were so many people I didn't have time to look at everyone in detail and figure out whose dress was handmade and not some indie brand and what exactly was handmade. I thought a lot of the accessories were handmade but ultimately I didn't have time to confirm whose was handmade and whose wasn't so I just didn't vote. I saw fairy-wing chan but didn't pay enough attention to tell if her dress was handmade or not and I don't want to vote for just handmade wings, or horns or w/e

>> No.8386649


I asked my friend for her full name so I could look up the photos on COF, and she mentioned that she made a big "baaaaw cgl is so mean to me!!!!!" fb post after the original, fairly tame crit.

>> No.8386739

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.8386846

Why are we now shitting on someone who handmade their outfit here? It's not perfect, but she still did a pretty good job for such an elaborate dress.

Why didn't the organizers have all the handmade contestants come up front so we knew our options? The only way to know who was handmade was to either talk to everyone about their dress, or like in this case, be able to see it. All she won was more bath bombs so there's not much to be jealous for.

>> No.8386896

Are you sure she wasn't sarcastic? She's posted plenty of her handmade stuff before in the handmade threads for a while now, and accepts that we're nitpicky.

Oh this is cute! Too bad I don't remember this outfit at all from the meet.

Yeah, it was impressive with the sheer amount of stuff piled on her head and body. But the color combo of black, magenta and white was a bit much on the eyes. Ambitious color choice, to put it lightly. The outfit also looked a bit "stuffed" with how the cage skirt crinkled underneath the other skirts on top

I ended up voting for Virginia for best handmade over these two. I'm glad fairy-chan won, though, it's hard to find olives done well in lolita.

>> No.8386975

The outfit winners also get a event only item from Chiffon Rose....I wanna know what it is

>> No.8387545

That group is Chinese people were ridiculous. Like that shot was insane. If it's your first time in Lolita around DC that shit is the usual deal. That's why we were joking around about doing a tourist trash meet next month where we act like tourist trash which I so would want to do. I honestly had a good time other then that and my goodness was that Resturant we went to lovely. I really wish I would have had something more historical looking to get some good pictures. I would love to do another meet again there.

Because I leftmy blouse at the sewing table down stairs and he thought it was just scraps (I'm a fatty so I end up making a lot of my stuff) and my shoes were also not in my room and they are oxfords with cut outs on the side. I had taken off the brown ribbon laces to replace with white ones and he assumed they were trash. I ended up over sleeping so I didn't have time to dig them out and wash them. I ended up getting them out after I got home and having a chance to clean them.

>> No.8387753

I feel you. My comm has a big event coming up soon, and I hope that the fails from this event serve as examples of what not to do.

>> No.8387875


removing the trim from the top would've made it infinitely less awkward.
still cute..ish

>> No.8388044

The wcl ILD goodie bags do have a card in it to get a free chibi drawing of your ILD outfit so Im pretty excited about it

>> No.8388133

Shame the artist doesn't know proportions.

>> No.8388168

cant please everyone

>> No.8388185

are you replying to anyone? or is this a general "haters gon hate" type of statement

>> No.8388288

haters gonna hate

>> No.8388306

Smells like summer

>> No.8388358

Thank you

>> No.8388438

I think it just looks a little incomplete. Like, I understand that it was a rush job, but I think if she were to update the outfit in the future, it'd look nicer with a vest/jacket and probably a hat.