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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 110 KB, 500x746, tumblr_nkq252Kkqg1ry0upno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8380206 No.8380206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /egl/ think of http://fuckyeahtranslolitas.tumblr.com ?

>> No.8380209

good concept, but seems like it'll turn into an ita factory (girl in photo looks like a total ita)

>> No.8380212

just realized that her(? not sure that's a girl) name is rey
>mfw that's my name

>> No.8380216
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That's a guys name btw

>> No.8380225

>femme ftms
>mtf sexy-baby posing with lollipop
>"let’s be honest, cis male brolitas are pretty shitty about queerness as well."

fucking dropped.

>> No.8380226

it's unisex (although it does mean king)

>> No.8380234
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>implying that it isn't an ita factory already

I really want to like the idea because trans acceptance/visibility/whatever, but pic related is probably the only decent coord the blog has posted so far. Not really sure if there's actually a correlation, but the lolitas who identify themselves as trans or any other for of gender variation don't ever seem to dress well for some reason.

>> No.8380241

They can't even pick a gender and stick to it, what makes you think they can pick clothes?

>> No.8380249

Oh lol, that's where they chose to be in lolita? Looks like fucking Walgreens

>> No.8380250

i think it's just because the majority of people aren't transgender, and the majority of transgender people aren't lolitas, and the majority of self identified lolitas don't dress well, so there's very little overlap.
but yeah i think the concept is good.
i don't know if i'm transgender myself because i enjoy femininity, but i feel like my body is wrong. when i was young, i liked to take the role of prince in pretend play and in school plays because i liked how the prince often was a more feminine guy.
puberty caused me great distress, i wanted to cut off my breasts with a knife and almost killed myself in 6th grade because puberty was starting. (i still don't feel good about my breasts, i wear a binder every day and want to get top surgery to remove them.) as for my lower body, i feel like i should of been born with a penis but it's not as distressing as my breasts so i don't think i'll seek out reassignment surgery(plus the techniques used now to create penises from vaginas are rather crude
well dressed trans lolitas are rare just because there's less trans lolitas and i've always felt like my body is wrong but i enjoy wearing dresses/makeup

>> No.8380264

No it's not unisex. It's either Ray (short for Raymond) or Rey (a title meaning King)

I assume that if it's one of those odd names given to a female it would come from the word ray or the asian name spelled Rai

Which ever one you pick, none of the female names carry an E.

>> No.8380271
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>> No.8380276

You think King is an appropriate name for a female? Lol
Imagine the nitwit who names their daughter that and all because of a faulty search query on babynames website

>> No.8380280

girls get masculine names like "Dylan" and "Gray" all the time, why are you so upset about this? by the same token, you could argue that any last names with "son" in them (goodson, robinson, etc) aren't appropriate for girls because they mean son

>> No.8380285
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>> No.8380286

If I have the misfortune of having a daughter I'm going to name her Ralph

>> No.8380291
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>> No.8380305

tbh, blogs like these are kinda embarrassing.
most of the people there can't fucking dress themselves and i would hate for itas and sissies to 'represent' trans lolitas
>they already do
oh well then carry on

>> No.8380306

>tfw I'm a girl and have both Rey and son in my name

>> No.8380313
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>> No.8380376

a fucking mess.
they can't even blend in and dress like normies, so they think alt fashion is the only way to go.

>> No.8380382

There are two lolitas/ouji in my comm who are trans but they just consider themselves lolita/ouji, not "trans lolitas". I get the feeling that people who base their entire identity around how trans they are don't have much else going on in their lives and I'm honestly not surprised they don't dress very well.

>> No.8380388

What about people that base their identity on whether they are lolita or not.

>> No.8380398

>There are two lolitas/ouji in my comm who are trans but they just consider themselves lolita/ouji, not "trans lolitas"

I'm trans and I don't even think anyone in my comm really knows because I've never brought it up since it has absolutely nothing to do with lolita. My rule of thumb is anyone that has to mention that they're a trans cosplayer/lolita/whatthefuckever is probably a trender and should be firmly ignored.

You're definitely right when you say the people that have to base their identities around being trans don't have much going on in their lives. I'm friends with a few of those types, and holy shit talking with them is 90% "lol cis guys hit on me not knowing I'm actually a boy."

>> No.8380402
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>Trannies post pics nonstop to "Smash stereotypes"
>Only serve to validate and reinforce them

>> No.8380455
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I don't know, I kinda like the OTT shironuri here.

>> No.8380456

So what's the fucking point really? Lolita has a pretty strict aesthetic but you can dress lolita as a guy or girl or demiboy pangender fluidperson and it won't matter unless you absolutely fail at presenting female it won't be any difference from cis female lolitas. Won't this just end up as a tumblr full of people who fail because they didn't shave their beard or forgot to get a haircut?

>> No.8380457

>mfw that same mask but in blue is hanging next to me on my wall from my trip to Mexico

I later figured out it was the mask of a real guy but I forget the name but now I'm thinking it has Rey in it

>> No.8380461

What an incredible faggot

>> No.8380462

Pride Parade lolita

>> No.8380465

Just realized the lipstick is a bisexual flag...

>> No.8380466

Rei is a much more common azn name than Rai. How many Japanese women have you heard of with the name Rai?

>> No.8380531

>what all lolita will look like in 20 years

>> No.8380540
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this thread.

>> No.8380608

Obviously if they pass and don't make a fuss about their transness they will get treated like everyone else and not like the snowflakes they are. And that's terrible!

>tfw girl on my dash recently posted about wanting to start a group for asexual lolitas
>tfw she's a friend of a friend and unfollowing her will lead to dramu
why though

>> No.8380615

Sounds like a trap lover's sad disappointment when looking for porn.

>> No.8380617

Because a regular Lolita group is just sooooo full of sex right? That's all Lolitas talk about/do!

>> No.8380638
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I can't wait until all the over-zealous equality shit (including just plain old homosexuality) is over with and the world moves onto something else. Holy shit this generation gets it, there is no need to constantly preach to the choir about your precious oppressed abnormals. Plenty more people my age accept it all over those who don't, just give it a couple of years and these snowflake blogs won't need to exist.

>> No.8380639

Thank you. I have a few friends who pretty much keep the fact they are trans to themselves, not out of shame though. On any other day, you literally can not tell they are mtf or ftm, and that is the way they like it and are comfortable with it.

>> No.8380658
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meh, trans people are rarely traps anyway, and when they are it's only for a short time at the beginning

but seriously, i find i pretty weird how that group has both people like pic related or >>8380234, that seem like they at least know what they should be aiming for, even if they're not great, and people like >>8380638 that obviously have no clue what lolita even is

>> No.8380713

It's disgusting tbh, it's always going to be creepy for a dude to use women clothes but wearing lolita makes them look even more like total perverts. They just make lolita look so awful and tacky.

>> No.8380720

The person in OP is a "DFAB nonbinary" person... aka born and raised a girl. Wow.

I would love the idea of seeing more trans people in lolita but when its people who can't even take the time to look nice, or people with obvious sissification/ageplay fetishes, I just can't stand it. Also I don't dislike nonbinary people to a point, but too many of them are confused girls with no dysphoria trying to play pretend because they hate being a girl for the wrong reasons.

Kind of related: Only a few people in my comm know I'm trans and I think I might just stop wearing the fashion when I go on T because I feel like I won't ever look good in it after. Does anyone here have experience with going on T while being into EGL?

>> No.8381095

It might be the trans flag... They're pretty similar...

>> No.8381110

Well T affects everyone differently. You won't know what effects it will have on you until you're on it. You'll almost certainly have facial hair, but just shave that and you should be fine. As for other changes like facial structure, muscles etc., well, you won't know if your dresses will still fit you or how they'll look until well into your transition.

If you're really worried, you should totally get into ouji or aristo. There aren't enough boystylers around, imo.

>> No.8381135

You are dumb as fuck. Name origins are a convoluted mess. A good chunk of girl names started off as either male names or surnames. Rey has origins as both.

You gonna lose your shit whenever you see a Johnny/Johnnie that's male running around too?

>> No.8381166

it's for trans lolitas, not brolitas

>> No.8381171

You're fucking retarded. Rey is a masculine title, it's not even a name. It only exists as a last name but in the plural form.

Calling a girl that would be like calling a boy queen. It's ridiculous, you don't see it often because most people aren't stupid enough to give girls that name.

5/10 b8

>> No.8381175

If you go on their blog they actually have a brolita tag and its got cis men in it.

>> No.8381182

Did you even read the post
Once again, masculine titles are used as last names all the time (any kind of last name that ends in -son likely means son of, ex: robinson, johnson, etc)
You gonna complain at those people too?

>> No.8381190

I am embarrassed to be an asexual because of people like this who make a huge deal out of it.

I mean, sure when people give me shit about it, that's one thing, but that happens like maybe once A YEAR at the most, and it's not something I tell people unless they ask because it's private. I never understood the need to blast stuff like this so publicly unless someone is asking you.

>> No.8381199

I've always wanted to do ouji/aristocrat but I'm very bottom heavy and it never looked right no matter what pants I tried to wear. But if T helps my hips and thighs shrink it will definitely be more feasible.

>> No.8381208

I never got why asexuals feel so oppressed. I am not oppressed. Someone gives me shit once in a while and that's it. Yes I hate how society as a whole makes sex seem like it's the only thing important in life, but it's easy to avoid that usually and that isn't the same as "oppression."

I feel like anyone who knows In asex is just going to think I'm some kind of tumblr tred person.

>> No.8381215

So are they in including (presumably cis) brolitas?

Given that it's tumblr, I'm afraid of the clusterfuck it'll become.

>> No.8381221

>comparing surnames that have lost their meaning to legitimate words in modern vocabulary

.. Nice

>> No.8381225

FFS Tumblr it's not as if a system's in place to prevent us from abstaining.
I usually don't tell anyone I'm ace because it's not a pressing concern that they know.

>> No.8381229

How old do you think the word Rey is

Actually, nah, I'm done here.

>> No.8381231

Was gonna post this if nobody had already. What a train wreck.

>> No.8381235

meh I'm asexual and a lolita but I don't see one really having to do with the other.

>> No.8381247

Rey Misterio Jr. is just his ring name though

>> No.8381262

I have never felt oppressed for being asexual tbh. On a systemic level, my experiences with psychiatric services haven't been the best but no reparative therapy or hormone interrogation either.

I'm always embarrassed by how homophobic ace tumblr is.

>> No.8381265

Oh hey, its Walgreens. Pick me up some shampoo while you're there.

>> No.8381278
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>> No.8381545

Any trans lolitas who aren't ita don't want to be associated with this shit. Most of them keep it on the down low. I look forward to the day when nobody gives a shit about this.

>> No.8381660

T won't change the shape of your hips, but will redistribute fat.

if your hips are naturally wide despite fat, consider lifting weights. building muscle in your shoulders and arms will help balance out your shape and being on T will make muscle gains a lot easier.

you might already know that though.

>> No.8381704

>I really want to like the idea because trans acceptance/visibility/whatever

this sort of limp wristed, half assed social justice attitude makes me lol. it's like you only pretend to care about this shit so as to make yourself look like a good person. i bet you reblog a #blacklivesmatter post on tumblr and feel like you're just the most amazing person huh?

>> No.8381715
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Stop lying. You knew who's mask that was when you bought it -lmao!
You only pretend not to know so your friends won't judge you

Newsflash: You're anonymous, there's no need to lie

>> No.8381771

Dude some of us care about the fashion and just want to look cute. Some of us can actually pull it off well too. Don't group us all together.

>> No.8381789

If I was their friend I'd judge them harder for not knowing

>> No.8381795

This just reeks of snowflakeyness. I always admired men in lolita for just... being brolitas. If you're trans, either m2f or f2m, who cares? It's a fashion style so we only care about how you look, not what's in your pants or lack there-of. I don't need anymore awfulness on par with Mahou Prince in my life.

>> No.8381815

>society as a whole makes sex seem like it's the only thing important in life

I couldn't call myself something as snowflakey as asexual, but I've never been attracted to nearly anyone or anything. I've learned that statement is really totally in your head. Most people don't want in your pants. If they do? Just tell them no and it doesn't matter.

>> No.8381904

Lolita is a hobby you can share and discuss. Genitals and mental disorders are not

>> No.8381910

Fake vagina is still a trap

>> No.8381915

Looks like campy drag.

>> No.8381926

Spelled "Ray" it's a male name, spelled "Rey" it's questionable, and spelled "Rei" it's a girl's name.

Maybe that bitch just can't spell?

>> No.8382204

Oh god, what a trainwreck of a blog. I don't dislike the overall concept, but it's execution is so far poor and I don't have high hopes for it to improve given Tumblr's mentality toward trans people.

There's an "ftm" lolita in my comm who was very insistent that I give my daughter a unisex name, in case she was transgender, to the point of straight up guilt tripping me when I said I was keeping my original name choice. The ftm is in quotations because she's not actually transgender, just one of those special snowflake types. She only wears extremely feminine clothes, everything she likes is girly as fuck, her hair is super long, I've never seen her without makeup, and she doesn't do anything about hiding her tits. She also has no interest in surgery, which alone wouldn't mean she's fake since those are some pretty heavy duty procedures and one can't fault a person for not wanting to go through them, but given that she has literally nothing else going on to actually make her transgender, it's just further proof.

>> No.8382208

pls erase your name before you post again.

>> No.8382227

What name??

>> No.8382272

>b-but she FEELS like a boy, anon. And boys can have boobs and vaginas and be girly as hell, so long as they IDENTIFY as boys. You don't go around calling cis men who wear makeup girls, do you?

I have no idea what those people think gender is anymore. It's too hard. Gender is related to social and cultural norms and expectations of a sex - not how you feel on the inside.

Your "new ita thread" name. Above the box where you post there is a thing saying "options" and then above that it should say "New Ita Thread". Just delete the text in that box.

Can't stand how tumblr is invading lolita.

>> No.8382301

I think that all trans-faggots are mentally ill people but at least these ones dress like girls so they can be good for exporting into countries like Sweden or other Muslim countries which love man-ass but don't want to be identified as gays.

But I think that /cgl/ loves it since 99% of this board is Tumblr SJW scum who think that being a transfaggot is acceptable and normal.

>> No.8382304

Being trans is a developmental disorder (so close enough to a mental illness), which is a proven fact. It's not normal, but it is natural. And since it is an illness/disorder, it should be treated. And that treatment is transition. It's not a new thing, trans people have been around for centuries in various incarnations.
Might want to consider getting treatment yourself, for your raging autism.

>> No.8382306

Initially I went "wtf, why does she look so weird?" and then I realized I forgot to read the OP

>> No.8382308

Jesus Christ, that "FtM" sounds like an absolute asshole.
I mean, you can't predict whether or not your kid is gonna be trans and more likely than not, it won't be like 99.9 percent of the population and shouldn't have to accommodate to neutrality in the event you might have a .1 chance of having a trans kid.
I'm an FtM, I'm personally a cosplayer (I'm interested in Lolita fashion though ngl so I lurk Lolita threads, and there are transtrenders like these popping up more frequently at cons and in cosplay communities. Girls with their tits out with no effort to hide them, not even trying to remotely reduce them with sports bras like I'd try and do before I got an actual binder, wearing feminine makeup and the like constantly, even out of cosplay.
Surgery is a tricky subject (top surgery leaves big ass scars, bottom is way too unadvanced for us as of present day) yes but it seems she has absolutely no problems with her body in the first place.

>> No.8382309

>but it is natural
No it isn't natural.

There are gay animals in nature.

There are no transfaggot animals in nature.

>And that treatment is transition.
No that's exactly what it doesn't need. It needs therapy for its mental illness.

"How we approach transgenderism matters because we are betraying its victims. Johns Hopkins University, which pioneered “transition” surgery, no longer performs sex changes. They’ve got enough data now to know that patients who undergo transitions often end up dead: tragically, a huge proportion commit suicide after having the surgery. Cutting off their sex organs does not bring them the peace they were looking for. Of course it doesn’t: it’s a manoeuvre to quiet the symptoms, not a cure."

Notice how there isn't a single fucking happy, mentally healthy individual who is content with their life who is a fucking trannyfaggot. 90% of the time, it is Beta- not even that, fucking Omega absolute loser men who want to become women because they want to live life on easy mode. This is an objective fact. The amount of FtM trannies is minuscule compared to MtF ones (if you look outside your personal anecdotal evidence).

Or, if they're not complete loser men, they do it because they have ulterior motives. Bruce Jenner, in example, decided to go full retard and become a tranny to avoid the consequences for killing a bunch of innocent people in a car crash that he caused. Now that he is referred to by Commie Zombies (such as you) as "she", he will get away with it. He wasn't enough of a celebrity to get away with it before.

>> No.8382315

What is it with all these trans things popping up recently? Is it because of that Jenner person? Is it because it's the new hip thing to be like bisexuality and depression were back in the day?

>> No.8382318

Your parents lacked reysoning when they named you.

>> No.8382319

why do people get so angry about others' life choices when they're not effecting them or others in any negative way
no one is saying you're the opposite gender and need to transition so why get so btfo about it, if transitioning into the opposite sex makes someone happy and feel better about themselves there's nothing wrong with it and comparing it to anything else is a slippery slope argument that has no place in this topic
just chill out and let it be, if you're getting triggered hide the thread

>> No.8382320
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>> No.8382321

Something awful

>> No.8382323

Pretty much.

Blessed be 3rd wave feminism for bringing nothing but constant copious amounts of cancer to society.

>why do people get so angry about others' life choices when they're not effecting them or others in any negative way
Because the tranny agenda is trying to make tax payers pay for their dick-cutting-off procedure, you inbred fucking retard. If we don't stop the tranny-tard movement, this will be the new fucking reality.

Paying for expensive procedures for the scum of society who are going to kill themselves without producing anything of value relatively soon anyway.

Imagine how much better all that money could be spent, treating, you know, actual diseases that are important.

Or change our school system so that boys don't grow up to be absolute loser trash == thereby preventing them from getting the trans-mental illness in the first place.

And finally, that Bruce Jenner thing is just an example of how transscum agenda can help you even get away with manslaughter.

>> No.8382324

You must be 18+ to post on 4chan.

>> No.8382332

your tax dollars go towards so many other shitty things already and you get foaming at the mouth buttbamboozled about that

>> No.8382334

Spoken like a true 10 year old. Kill your self, you beta cuckold.

>> No.8382353


..would you?

>> No.8382364

Ray can be short for Rachel. They might just be calling themselves Rey.

>> No.8382369

Holy shit these people will vote someday

>> No.8382395

Yes, it is natural. Humans are also animals, we are also natural. If you did enough research you would find that there are "transfaggot" animals in nature, and beside that, past tendencies in multiple cultures (even before being "trans" was a thing and there was a feasible treatment) where people did indeed attempt to live as the opposite sex.

And he killed one person in that crash. Not "a bunch".

>the new hip thing
Yep. It bears all of the same markings and wordings of the shit that emos/scenes used to pull. Being trans is very legitimate (unlike some people in this thread like to think) but kids like to romanticise this shit. They deny that they think of it as "cool" but it is clear in how they behave and the trends that occur that they think it is. What is said doesn't matter so much as what is implied.

>> No.8382403

>Yes, it is natural
No it isn't you fucking mongol. Being gay is natural because it's literally in their blood. It's biological. The gay face actually exists (confirmed by science).

Trannyfaggotry is nothing but a symptom of an unsatisfying life, which lead to mental issues, inferiority complex, or whatever. Animals that can change their gender (or have both dick and vagoo) have evolved so, biologically, because it proved useful for their survival. They don't have help from other animals of their kind in cutting off their dick.

You are NOT born as a trannyfaggot. You grow up to be one.
You are born a homosexual, even though some faggots do grow up to be one because they can't get no pussy (or, for good looking women, you 'announce' that you're lesbian to automatically friendzone all the unattractive betas whilst still having sex with the hot alpha guy every now and then).

>> No.8382406

shut the fuck up no one cares faggot

>> No.8382408
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Thanks for being the person to spell out what I am too lazy to do. <3

>> No.8382409


>> No.8382427

>some faggots do grow up to be one because they can't get no pussy (or, for good looking women, you 'announce' that you're lesbian to automatically friendzone all the unattractive betas whilst still having sex with the hot alpha guy every now and then).

The insecure straight male mind at work, ladies and gentlemen. Don't laugh; his ego is fragile.

>> No.8382437

>He actually thinks that women like Ellen Page who rode on hundreds of dicks before, and are still riding some dicks after they announced they are lesbian special snowflakes are actually for real just because they say so.

Based fedora feminist ally, always with the respectful nod material.

There's a reason why no one ever cared about lesbianism in history, you know. The only real homosexuals that matter (or have ever mattered in history) are men and they're probably the only ones for whom it's biologic. I guess you could argue that it's biologic for some women too, but indirectly - they're lesbo cause they're ugly or masculine turbodykes that no man wants to fuck anyway.

>> No.8382443

Not that anon but what good is increased visibility as a collective if, as a collective, they look like hot garbage that can't dress themselves?

>> No.8382446
File: 119 KB, 584x600, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I accidentally step into /pol/ or /r9k/?

>> No.8382448

Lolita fashion is clothes . What you identify as your sexuality doesnt fucking matter!!!! Also trannies are mentally ill

>> No.8382454

certain threads attract insecure straight men with poor reading comprehension or social awareness, it's not a new thing.

>there are transtrenders like these popping up more frequently at cons and in cosplay communities.
i still believe that a lot of this is wanting the perks of femininity without the stigma of female sexuality. transtrenders, instead of dealing with the shitty hand they have been dealt by a society, try to appropriate a hot topic issue and male privilege to escape it. while trying to deny the privileges they crave to the cis men they have no true interest in being.

>> No.8382462

>certain threads attract insecure straight men with poor reading comprehension or social awareness, it's not a new thing.
Funny, a feminist mangina calling other men insecure and or straight.

I am a proud and very secure homosexual man. That's one of the reasons why I am so strong and independent to begin with; straight men are not allowed to think like this because they're afraid they're never going to get laid with women.

I thank God every day (being a Catholic Jew myself actually) that he made me a homosexual.

>> No.8382466

Ask the people organising gay prides. Apparently they want everyone to know they're normal people like you and I yet I've never seen so much degenerate S&M rubbish and dildos anywhere else in public

>> No.8382477

Oh god, you want to fuck your mom, don't you

>> No.8382483

Or maybe because (GASP!) they fancy women. Shocking, isn't it?

>> No.8382488

I'm fine with it as long as they are attractive/feminine enough, uglies fuck off

Of course that goes for you females too

>> No.8382500

>fuck your mom
Confirmed 10 year old.

Another underage Tumblr landwhale. When will you kids fuck off?

>> No.8382516

gtfo milo yiannopolus

>> No.8382546
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>Catholic Jew

>> No.8382551

>he thinks that all Jews (ethnicity) are actually religious / follow the Jewish religion

Is there anyone in this thread right now who's above 18?

>> No.8382576

Jokes on you, I'm neither a landwhale or do I go on tumblr. Not my fault it's so hard for you to grasp something so obvious and simple.

>> No.8382583

Nah, some idiot just replied to bait again. /cgl/ will never learn.

>> No.8382586

But I am looking at you right now and you have a Tumblr tab open and you are fat as fuck (=landwhale).

>> No.8382606

This is piss poor trolling and it's obvious you're upset you didn't win your little internet argument.

Not the other anon btw, just enjoyed watching you flail.

>> No.8382621

>he thinks he won

Thanks for the laughs, fatanon.

>what I presented:
>>100% objective facts and arguments

>what the fedoraman presented:
>>muh feels
>>what xhi was told in Commie Zombie school that are the goodthoughts

>> No.8382678

>objective facts and arguments
>not a single medical expert cited, just some hack poet

ayy lmao
leave already, pls

>> No.8382693

Do girls named Andrea piss you off too? It literally means "manly". Names change genders, get over it.

>> No.8382728

why do you keep replying to this faggot? Can't you see that he's either baiting hard or just a plain retard? stop enabling his shitposting please.

>> No.8382738

Child, Ray could just be another spelling for "Rae" from "Rachel". Just like how you can spell something "Lizzy" or "Lizzi". Ray is gender neutral, just like how the names Charlie and Rory are.
Like that other anon said, names are a clusterfuck. The name Bobby started out as a girl's name, same with how Courtney and Ryan started off as boys name. Shit changes with the time.

>> No.8382740
File: 122 KB, 625x626, fcUaHsU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8382755

>Bruce Jenner, in example, decided to go full retard and become a tranny to avoid the consequences for killing a bunch of innocent people in a car crash that he caused.

Can you explain this part? I keep seeing this around, but obviously the mainstream media would never bring it up. I know Jenner isn't doing any form of m2f surgery which is strange for someone who has lusted after being a woman all his life. It's also extremely late in life to transition for someone who has no dysphoria and I found that suspicious.