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8373840 No.8373840 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Arizona, and the conventions around here are all trash save for like two people. I was wondering what California conventions are worthwhile. California cons are preferred, but if there is a convention out of state that's really worth going to, I'd like to know.

>> No.8374492

If you are looking for bigger conventions, than Anime Expo, Fanime, and SDCC are your best bets.

If you are looking for more Party cons than I would suggest Anime California, Anime Los Angles, or Pacific Media Expo.

>> No.8376670

Thank you!

>> No.8376699

Anime Expo is the biggest con out here worth going to.
I haven't been to Fanime- Not a north cali con-goer. But all my norcal friends love it.

Hanadoki Con was a fairly decent first year con in San Diego a few months back.

Anime Conji is kinda sucky.

Anime California is neat.

SDCC isn't worth going to. Normies have plagued the con for years and swipe up most of the tickets anyway, so if you manage to get one, you'll be stuck with a bunch of people who are just there to see their favorite Hollywood celebs.

>> No.8376730

Did anyone go to Touhoucon last year? How was it? They're bringing some cool doujin music guests this year but it's right between Anime Cali and PMX and I don't wanna get all convention'd out.

>> No.8376735

SDCC esp not worth going to if you like anime

>> No.8376845

it was TINY AS HELL last year but I'm going for the music this year too

as for getting conventioned out? buck up chup. Unless your concern is cashmoney

>> No.8377010

as a longtime sdcc attendee, wondercon still gives me that old con feeling.

>> No.8377011

also i've not been, but heard good things about yaoicon for adults.

>> No.8377187

What Socal cons are on your guy's radar for the rest of the year?

I've only got AX and Anime California, but I want to know what else is out there

>> No.8377189


akiba expo but it looks too good to be a first year con, especially with the site as it is. it's got too much info and not enough info if that makes any sense.

>> No.8377278


>Anime California last weekend of August
>PMX/Sac Anime/Fandomverse Expo first week of september
>One week gap

prepare your anus m8

>> No.8379744


What is this?

>> No.8379779

I'm an Arizona resident to, and I have almost dropped every con in the state in favor of going to California cons.

Instead of going to Taiyou, go to ALA. It's a super small con by big 'ol California standards, but I am pretty sure it still dwarfs Saboten in number of attendees.

There are a trillion options better than going to Con-nichiwa in the spring. I chose Anime Conji this year, but it was a fucking disaster, still more enjoyable than Arizona though. And San Diego is a beautiful city to just fuck around in for a weekend so I'd rate the experience at least a 7.5/10. I've also heard rave reviews about wondercon but I hate Anaheim so I didn't particularly want to go.

Instead of PCC I went to Fanime and it was a fucking blast, compared to the luke warm reviews I've heard from friends who went to the con.

AX is a pretty great experience to do at least once, and I've found after you do it the first time, even after the magic of your AX cherry has faded, it is still a great way to celebrate the 4th of July Weekend.

Instead of going to Saboten, I go to PMX because it's super chill and down to earth. It knows it's not a big con and doesn't pretend to be like Saboten has a habit of doing.

And that rounds out the year for cons that are better than AZ cons in my opinions. After going out to Cali for more than a couple conventions you'll see how much of a fucking joke our con scene really is out here.

>> No.8380575

>Instead of PCC I went to Fanime and it was a fucking blast, compared to the luke warm reviews I've heard from friends who went to the con.

Fanime is a very attendee driven con. From what I realized you can't just show up to Fanime, roam the halls and expect to have an amazing time. You gotta meet people, attend gatherings, go to shows, find the room parties and just make the most of your time. The con is open 24 hours and there is always shit to do or antics to get yourself into but you need to take the first step and engage the crowd.

>> No.8380814
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literally nothing i care about

>> No.8383239

Anime California is pretty dope

>> No.8386416

Also from AZ, should I even bother with checking out the cons here? I have never been to one before and would really like to check one out, but from what I've heard the ones here don't even seem worth it?

Should I just try and hit a CA one up instead?

>> No.8386432

I enjoyed Saboten's programming. It seemed like an okay con, probably good as a first time.
California cons are better if you want to party or like big crowds, though.

>> No.8386826

PMX is at Pasadena Convention Center, should be better than the shitty old hotel. Likewise Anime Los Angeles is out of the LAX Marriott because the hotel clearly wanted the con the get out.

I like the size of those two, not too big that it is full of normies, and not small enough to be boring.

>> No.8386829

Where in AZ are you? I am going to AX this year and will be leaving from southern AZ. You could tag along for the drive if you can get plans together in a month.

>> No.8387742

I hope PMX is as good as last year as far as the fashion lineup. This year will be my first.

>> No.8387887
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i haven't been to fanime for a few years and i really want to come back.
I dont have many local friends that are still into going to cons, but as this guy>>8380575
said, if you can stay active and keep a good attitude, then there's nothing to worry about.
2016, no expectations, early everything, lots of jokes.
thats my plan anyway.

>> No.8388035

If that's one thing PMX has above all the other california anime convention, it is the fashion programming. I do wish that other aspects of the con were better though.

I am hoping that the move to Pasadena will make PMX better, at least it isn't in a crappy hotel anymore.

>> No.8388209

I live in AZ too and I've pretty much phased out all AZ cons in favor of Cali cons.
Saboten has ups and downs but I'm really not torn up about missing it this year, Taiyou is run by incompetents, PCC just wants to be SDCC, kaigi or kikkori is whatever it is now is good if you live in Flagstaff, CMX had like one guest last year
And just don't go to Con-ni, I live in Tucson and I don't want to go.
It's way more worth it to me to go to a few Cali cons every year than waste my time at any AZ con

>> No.8388399

Holy crap, are AZ cons that bad? I lived in California all my life and I am looking to start going to Nevada and Arizona cons.

So you mean it is just more worth it to NOT go, got it.

>> No.8388470

They're really really basic and cringey. We go because we had no choice, not because we love them. And it's becoming more and more apparent that we DO in fact have a choice and can go to NV or CA conns, and we are taking advantage.

>am serious about ride along to AX though, i get so bored on long drives

>> No.8388830

I seriously cannot wait. The lineup last year was so amazing. I am praying I manage to model for someone.

>> No.8391316

AX, ACC, and PMX.