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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 537 KB, 486x762, Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 6.58.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8373372 No.8373372 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us a story of how you/someone else accidentally damaged a dress, blouse, or other item that you loved.

I just noticed that an AP dress I loaned to a friend for a meet, is stained all down the front with tea. It old AP but it was still my first brand dress and held sentimental value. I am furious that she didn't tell me because now the stains are set :)

>> No.8373392

at my very first meet, i dropped some chocolate on a brand dress and it melted in because it was summer. even after 2 washes and numerous spot cleaning attempts, it's still very much visible and i don't think i'll ever sell the dress now

>> No.8373402

>get dream dress
>go to meet up
>come home
>soy sauce on the print
>fuck me fuck me fuck fuck
SOMEHOW it came out with cold water. I'm not even sure how, I didn't think it'd work. I guess I got off pretty light.

>> No.8373410

Well since soy sauce is salt based, I'd guess it's pretty water soluble. I'm glad you got your stain out though!

Oh man, is it at least small enough to hide? with like a brooch or something?

>> No.8373412
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>mfw my comm wanted to do a strawberry/ chocolate dipping party

>> No.8373416


>> No.8373425

uh yeah, hell no. It's like they want everyone's dresses to get ruined.

>> No.8373439

Wasn't there someone who received a moldy dress? It came up the last time there was a thread like this. The seller was eating an orange while packing the dress and apparently dropped some of the peel in the box. Anyone know the story I'm talking about?

>> No.8373444

it's on a busy print, so not noticeable unless you hold it up, but it's on the skirt of the jsk so there's not much i can do to hide it haha
it's ok though i guess, that dress has just become my 'outdoor activities' dress that i'm not afraid to ruin since it's already stained

a girl from my comm ripped her twinkle journey jsk in navy on the bus once, we were getting off and it got caught in something sticking out on the bus
i don't know her very well so i have no idea what happened after, but i saw the slash in the print and she was super sad (as i would be too)

>> No.8373448

Oh man I remember that! I think it was a Meta blouse though? I could be mixing it up with something else.

>> No.8373461

Oh yes, was it that they or their bf accidentally put peels in the wrong bag/ got handed the wrong bag to pack in.

>> No.8373467

Well that's good, I suppose my dress will have to become my outdoor one as well.

I would straight up cry if I ripped brand though.

>> No.8373494
File: 56 KB, 1024x768, P1000394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted this one a few times, but it still amazes (and upsets) me every time I remember. It's half damage horror story, half bad seller, and completely awful.

>buy dream dress (Baby She Is Sleeping JSK)
>seller lists as worn but good condition, photos show no flaws
>hyped af
>dress arrives
>stinks of sweat
>enormous pit stains like I've never seen in my life (pic related)
>almost all embroidery stained and frayed
>literally sobbing.gif
>message seller
>they deny everything, try to blame the damage on the post office
>I threaten paypal action, finally get a refund and send it back

Haven't seen the dress in sax since, and the whole experience nearly scared me off buying from LM.

>> No.8373502
File: 244 KB, 720x643, Snapchat--5212876311566239801-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent worn this skirt in over a month and i pull it off my rack to see this? Its really thick dark paint and I haven't got any in my house so I'm really upset at the possibility that someone splatted paint at me on purpose
Dry cleaners can't get it out so they're going to take in the side seam to hide it, here's hoping it stil fits a petticoat well afterwards.... It's only a couple inches

>> No.8373511

Oh shit, sorry that happened. What dress was it? That's super disgusting.

>> No.8373516

That really sucks. It would be cruel as hell if someone did this on purpose, like your fashion choices do not effect them in any way!!!

>> No.8373522

>Baby She Is Sleeping JSK
my bad, I tend to look over things sometimes

>> No.8373524

What dress was it?


>> No.8373526

>Lend friend dress for a con
>Everything goes smoothly until we head out for dinner
>She orders a salad with balsamic vinegar and oil
>Tell her to eat her salad carefully
>"OH, don't worry anon! I'll be super careful."
>We finish dinner without an incident
>As soon as we get outside I notice large black splatter stains down the dress I lent her

Thankfully a bit of oxyclean and water did the trick to remove the stain. I was so worried it would fade the dress, though. I still take the dress out in different light to see if there is any discoloration, but I haven't noticed anything so far.

>> No.8373529

It was Baby's She Is Sleeping (the Sleeping Beauty embroidery dress from about 2006). I'm still hunting for it, and I guess the whole situation could've been worse, since my bf at the time nearly bought it for me as an early birthday present, and he would've been in bits if it'd happened to him.

>> No.8373535

hello, yes
did you see I corrected my mistake? thanks

>> No.8373538
File: 93 KB, 640x474, likethisbutnotreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe open it up and and make it open?
>Like pic attached
>Holy shit I forgot what this type of skirt is called

>> No.8373545

Bustle skirt, i'm pretty sure :)

>> No.8373546

bustle anon. The word you are looking for is bustle.

>> No.8373553

JFC that's disgusting.
Also if it makes you feel better there was someone selling that jsk in sax on ebay not too long ago. The auction is over but it doesn't look like anyone bought it, so you might could message the seller about it?


>> No.8373555
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>> No.8373558

Fuck me anon, you're right
Today is not my day
>Left house; remembered to bring my phone
>But left my house keys inside

>> No.8373565

briscomm? If so I remember that too..... that girl doesn't come to meets anymore though

>> No.8373582

You're a gem, anon! I'll look into it and keep my fingers crossed!

>> No.8373583

yes and i know she doesn't come to meets any more, but i sort of want to know what she did with the dress after and if she ever got translink to do anything

>> No.8373721

top kek

>> No.8373732

>Implying Translink gives a shit about anything.

>> No.8373961

>IW white and pink jsk
>resewing buttons on adjustable straps
>suddenly red stains everywhere

So glad I saw that shit immediately and have been washing blood out of clothes since I was thirteen.

Oh anon, I really hope you say something to her, or make her pay for it. Please don't let her get away with that, that's so shitty.

>> No.8373964

Did you see that post was written only 20 seconds after yours? Nothing gets past you.

>> No.8373972

My cat went after the corset ties on one of my favorite dresses and ended putting serious scratch damage on the skirt. Even worse, I was wearing it at the time and got scratched super badly. Shit like that and destroying my fiance's couch is why we had to get her declawed. Inb4 how bad that is. She only goes outside to go to the vet.

>> No.8373975
File: 81 KB, 640x387, 52779_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Own a few older jsks with elastic in the straps.
> Leave them in wardrobe
> Stop wearing lolita due to old creeps hitting on me when out in public.
> :( resale value gone

>> No.8374008

Hell, I'd buy a JSK with elastic in the straps.

>> No.8374085

Why would elastic straps kill the resale value?

>> No.8374087

Just replace the elastic, or sell it cheaply and the buyer can do it. People wouldn't be wanting to pay much for those oldschool plain jsks anyway

>> No.8374089

Maybe the elastic got stretched out due to the jsks hanging on clothes hangers for a long time.

>> No.8374108

Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.8374148

My comm went to fondue for a meet. It can be done just fine. But if you're nervous don't wear your best dress obviously.

>> No.8374153

Wear a cute apron, easy to wash and bleach.

>> No.8374175


sides in orbit, anon-chan

>> No.8374197

>be me
>be wearing my first burando dress for the first time for a dinner with grandparents
>splotch of some sort of pudding gets on my dress
>hory shet
>clean in bathroom, front of dress is all wet
>it dries, left a gross crust that looks like a cumstain.
I tried to clean it a second time but nothing improved. Last week I tried again. Came out completely, but every time I wore that dress until I cleaned it I stg I thought somebody was going to point out the "cum" and kick me from the comm for having sex in lolita (which I would not do).

>> No.8374521
File: 36 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_appleshirring_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 5 years hunting down the black JSk version of Meta's apple print
>finally get it
>sister asks if she can borrow it to wear at her friend's birthday party (friend also wears lolita)
>say yes because it's my sister and surely I can trust her with a dress she knows I spent years finding
>sister comes home wearing the dress tucked in like a skirt.... why? well
>she let the birthday girl try on the dress because she realllly loves the apple print and can never find the jsk
>birthday girl is a big girl who should not have been trying on this dress
>straps popped off, buttons ripped off straps
>thank god somehow the shirring isn't popped or noticeably stretched

jesus christ

>> No.8374526

I swear the stories on this board will never allow me to let anyone near my dresses, especially normies. They just don't understand the value/rarity of these clothes and shit like this freaks me out. They treat them like normal clothes that can be easily replaced.

>> No.8374532


Tall-chan here, I'd personally prefer a piece with the elastic already weakened...

>> No.8374535

My sister wears lolita as much as I do, and knows how much effort went into finding this dress, and knows how much it cost, which is why I'm even more pissed. She knows! And she still did this stupid shit.

>> No.8374541

That was my problem. I let a normie friend where my OP and she spilled tea all over it.

>> No.8374546

>lending clothing

the only time i ever lent clothing was when my friend got her clothes soaked cause she was too embarrassed to wear a swimsuit at the beach.

>> No.8374549

>burud on my burand
thank you for that, I'm gonna get abs from laughing so hard.

I don't know how to bring it up without sounding like a bitch. I'm worried she going to try blaming it on me even though she is the last person to have worn it and there were no stains until she wore it.

>> No.8374580

I had a cosplayer I knew through some friends ask to borrow my Chess Chocolate OP. Told her no. We have a mutual friend who is also a lolita. She has the JSK, so she asks to borrow that. I have known this cosplayer since high school. She has ruined everything from prom dresses to graduation gowns. She is legitimately that careless and stupid. I told the lolita friend this, but she insisted that everything would be fine. I decided not to care too much about it since I tried, so of course, this happens

>Flash forward to morning after cosplayer borrows JSK
>Lolita friend calls me bawling
>For once in her life, cosplayer did not ruin an expensive piece of clothing
>Instead, it was stolen
>Ask lolita friend what happened
>Says cosplayer was hooking up with a guy at the room party, didn't want to get the dress dirty, took it off, after the deed, she noticed someone had taken the dress
>Sounds fake
>Tell lolita friend I'll help her "find" the "stolen" dress
>Go to cosplayer's room
>She's not there, but person in charge of room answers
>She looks shocked, leads me into bathroom
>JSK is submerged in bathtub
>Ask wtf happened
>OF COURSE she actually had sex in the dress AFTER it was already stained with wine
>It's the mint colorway so it shows
>Ask her if she knows how much the JSK costs
>She doesn't, I tell her
>Immediately she goes and asks the small village crammed in this room if people could pool money together and explains what happens
>Pretty cool crowd actually, they all help out
>Dress cost is almost covered, short about $70
>Text photos of dress to cosplayer
>She begs me not to tell lolita friend and tells me she's actually at the bank right now
>Dress is ruined, but at least lolita friend can buy a new one or something else now
>Cosplay friend actually isn't a piece of shit and covers the dress cost and then some all by herself
>Return the group's money to person in charge, give dress money to lolita friend
>Never let anyone borrow your clothes

>> No.8374584

holy shit, having sex in someone else's clothes that they lent you is probably the shittiest thing ever. I hope your friend is more cautious about lending other people her clothes. I wouldn't let anyone touch my brand.

>> No.8374588

i don't even let my close friends borrow, or borrow theirs. there's always a chance accidents will happen and it's better to be responsible for them yourself.

>> No.8374595

To this day, she still thinks someone "stole" the dress (stole its innocence maybe), so she hasn't let anyone borrow clothes again out of the fear of that happening. Cosplay-chan only had the money for it since someone had paid her at the con for a commissioned cosplay, so at least I can rest assured knowing that she essentially put in 50+ hours of work to pay for that dress.

>> No.8374596

>Inb4 how bad that is
Fuck. You.
2/10 for making me reply.

rage sage for ot

>> No.8374597

whatever there's oxyclean sitting on my dress right now

>> No.8374603

Just saw this, you're an asshole for declawing your cat. there are alternatives, the most obvious being trimming their claws, whether through a grooming service or DIY

>> No.8374614

let me cut your fingertips off and see how you like it

sage for OT

>> No.8374617

it's more like ripping your nails off but still. ripping your nails off is more painful btw.

>> No.8374626

Naw, a cat's claws are actually growing directly out of their top-most joint bone. They amputate the whole joint.

>The problems it causes have nothing to do with whether it's indoor or outdoor.
>mfw people buy cats and don't train them because "Lol, but they're just cats!" and then bitch when they're exactly how they expected them to act?

>> No.8374628

No, they cut up to the first joint off to declaw a cat.

On topic:
Wear my first bought new from ap dress - serving myself dinner
I swear the cheesy potatoes lept off the counter

>years ago and I still can't get the stain out fully... The chiffon just hung tight it seems.

>> No.8374629

Yeah, it's pretty much like cutting off your finger at the top knuckle. Jesus, people, just get some fucking claw caps if you aren't going to train your cat not to scratch.

>> No.8374645

I really hope it wasn't on purpose but the splatters do look really deliberate and they're on the back where it would be thrown
If taking in the side doesn't work I'll probably go this route since it's a cute idea,ty anon!

I'm just kinda hapoy it's not really worth much as it's a lp skirt but even so, it's one of my favoirites since it's simple and comfy

>> No.8374662

>summery day, wear white OP
>candy apples being sold at the zoo
>fucking love me some candy apples like holy shit
>sit down and eat it very carefully, no napkins available
>suddenly a piece of the sugar melts and drops onto my dress
>mfw the dress was a birthday gift from my bf and one of my favourites
>run to bathroom almost crying, try to dab it out
>works for the most part
>go home feeling very bad, don't tell boyfriend yet
>try to clean it
>it comes out but it leaves this weird yellow-y stain, probably from the soap used
>pretty unnoticeable by now but every time I wear it I look for the stain and die a little inside

I feel so bad, anons. I should have seen it coming but I really was doing my best to eat it nicely. Candy apples, man. I told my boyfriend after I stopped panicking but I was so upset, haha.

>> No.8374734

I really like this print, what is it called? Too bad it has been destroyed like that :c

>> No.8374753

I'll one up you, my comm is having a plaster painting meet.

>> No.8374795

Anon, first rule is to NEVER loan shit EVER.
Not even if it's your bff. Often people don't respect other peoples property and trash your shit or even keep it.
Bitch didn't even tell you she stained it and didn't even offer you a refund or new dress.
Someone like this is not a real friend.

>> No.8374806

If you don't want to damage your dress, don't come or wear an apron. I don't see how you could really do that though as long as you are not flicking shit around like an idiot. I think it's a fun idea tbh.

>> No.8374838

>plan outfit for meet-up
>really pumped up about wearing my new dress
>suddenly, all-day downpour on the day of the event
>"Well, my raincoat should cover it, right? And I have an umbrella, so I'll be ok."
>go to catch train, everything is going okay until ...
>car driving down the road
>asshole driver GOES OUT OF THEIR WAY to cross the road and straight into the massive puddle in the gutter
>see this car coming
>you have got to be fucking kidding me
>try to block the splash with umbrella
>umbrella and raincoat repel the worst of it, but water splashes up underneath on the side closest to the road
>get to meet and remove raincoat
>dress' dye has bled into the lace at the hem, my white petticoat, and the lighter parts of the print on that side of the dress
>no choice but to dry out near a heater, terrified of setting the dye by doing this

I had never in my life experienced someone doing that sort of a shitty thing. Ever. I've seen cars splash pedestrians during rain without meaning to because there's no way around it, but this asshole actually left his half of the road to make sure they splashed me.

>> No.8374846

I suggest there not being a next time a.k.a not loaning anything from your wardrobe to that person anymore.

>> No.8374884

From my high school to the shopping center it was pretty much a unprotected 8-10 mintue walk around fences/walls to where everyone would catch their buses. Majority of the walk had shitty pavement so there were always huge puddles and old Alumni and rivals loved to go when it was pouring and spray everyone. Ive gotten sprayed on so many occasions but it was usually when it was so wet and rainy an umbrella couldnt save you anyway, you either got soaked or wore a full body trashbag.

Also sage

>> No.8374934

My bf thought he'd be funny tying the shirring really tight and broke one of the loops the lace goes thru. On that same dress the buttons of the straps fell off when I bent over while sitting in the car. I s2g this dress fits but it was a bad fucking day.
Anyway, the problems can be fixed but bf is never tying my dress again.

>> No.8374935

I got fake blood on an AP skirt this past weekend but I managed to get all of it except one tiny spot out!

I've gotten pretty experienced with getting stains out of brand via hand washing. People have told me I should offer it as a service but IDEK how that would work. I just like cleaning things... seeing a janky old dress come back to life is the best.

>> No.8374937

Are you aware of how clay works? It's messy as hell.

>> No.8374950

The stories about how people loaned dresses to their friends who wound up staining the items really puzzles me.

Maybe I'm just an extraordinary friend, but if I ever spilled anything on my friend's clothes I would excuse myself from whatever I was doing and would be trying to furiously get the stain out. Hell, I'd even do that for my own brand. Even if I couldn't get the stain out I'd be apologizing profusely and offering money to try to get it professionally cleaned.

What the fuck is wrong with these disrespectful bitches?

>> No.8374997

How about not owning cats if you don't like scratches?
Oh sorry, someone who is too stupid to know why housecats need their claws as well wouldn't think of something this obvious.

>> No.8375003

I had bought a decently priced AP dress for a friend and her birthday,
the moment it came in it smelt like HORRIBLE B.O.
The seller said she washed it before she sent it, which I halfly believe her but it STANK

>> No.8375006

Not any of those anons, but plaster painting is different from pottery or anything, the objects are already partially fired, you paint on top and glaze them, then fire the glaze. Slightly better than going all Ghost in Lolita but still a little nerve wracking for anyone who isn't careful.

Reading everyone's stories here, I have a few tips. The products I've had some degree of success with, for different types of stains are:

1. Lestoil - you have to be very careful with it as it is petroleum based, check the dress tags and test it on a part of the item that won't be conspicuous, I use waist ties or the backs of bows. This is good for blood, ink, and oil. I haven't tried it on wine or other food stains.

2. Oxyclean stain powder - This stuff is also good for ink/pencil stains, and great for pit-stains and brightening up lace.

3. Zout Stain remover gel. Not as consistent results but randomly works on different types of stains.

How I wash - note, I've only washed cotton dresses so far. I plan to try with some chiffon/polyester dresses sooner or later:

Test the fabric with cold water. If it looks ok, submerse in cold water with Shout Color Catcher sheets just in case your first test was a false negative.

Agitate gently with your hands (getting a pair of rubber dish washing gloves is also a good idea) and let the garment soak for a few minutes.

Dump out the water, squeeze the garment gently to get extra water out, and rinse it once again, repeat.

Spread the dress out where you have good light. Get a clean/new toothbrush and a cup of water. Gently test the products on the print in an inconcuous area, gently rubbing the product into the fabric with the toothbrush. Rinse with water to be sure it's color-fast. Once you're sure it's safe, go to town on the stains, increasing pressure with the toothbrush as necessary/possible. Try to scrub in different directions, up/down, side/side, around in a circle. Rinse with clean water - con't

>> No.8375012

Are you aware that plaster is not clay? Also I'm pretty sure they're premade, so you only have to worry about paint.

>> No.8375016

Rinse with clean water, repeat process if stain persists. If you want to try a different product, rinse the area thoroughly with water to make sure the products don't have a bad interaction (this hasn't happened to me yet but better safe than sorry.)

Once you are happy with your work, submerge in water, agitate, rinse, dump. repeat this process til the water come out clean from the dress. If the dress overall is dingy or has a lot of light water/pit staining, try mixing some of the oxyclean powder into the water before putting the dress in, and agitating/soaking for slightly longer before rinsing.

Next up on my cleaning challenge is to try and get cigarette stink out of some garments, and to repair damage done to a wool coat where someone tried to clean a pen mark. I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.8375017

Depends how many times she wore it and how potent her sweat is.

I segregate my bf's clothes separately in the wash for this reason and refuse to mix his with my clothes. No matter how many times I've washed some of his older stuff, which he refuses to let go, the smell never washes out. Worse yet if I mix the clothes his odor actually sticks to my clothes! And I've hit it with extra detergent, smelly fabric softener, oxyclean, and dozens of dryer sheets. It's just a combo of him being a smelly man and the clothes being old.

>> No.8375022
File: 803 KB, 601x796, b4andafter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of a blouse a cleaned, one of the first items I took a stab at. It's not as good a job as I'd like, but the second picture the fabric is still wet and stains show up more when they are wet. I might try to scrub this one again with some stronger product, or hot water since I'm more confident now.

>> No.8375035

Thank you so much for the detailed explanation, anon! I use a special deodorant because regular ones make my sweat smell too much, but it leaves a lot of stains so I'm going to try this method on my blouses!

>> No.8375037

Not like four other anons haven't already told you this but declawing is inhumane as fuck. If you can't find the time to trim their claws once a week, especially if you have a fiance to help you, you should not own a cat.

>> No.8375061

Id tell her tbh

>> No.8375168

Oh yeah, she is not being invited to meets anymore either. She's a normie who was interested in lolita. I didn't tell you guys the worst part though, I almost forgot about it.

>put together a whole coord for her since she didn't have any lolita in her closet.
>She brought over shoes that matched the dress pretty well but they were a size too small
> "don't worry anon-chan, i know how to get them on"
>FF to drive home after meet
>"how did you get those shoes on so fast earlier, friend?"
>"oh I put your tights on and then I put lube on my feet to make them fit, I only had fire and ice so my feet have been warm all day"


>> No.8375207

>lend dress to friend for olds school meetup
>have a great time
>go home
>friend undresses
>white mystery stains all over
>both baffled

To this day, neither of us know where the fuck they came from. She's not the most careful of people but she knew I loved that dress and made sure she kept it clean. Thankfully they washed out fairly quickly.

>> No.8375209

A close call I had earlier this year

>go to picnic meet up
>bring crackers and dip with me
>meet finishes, i take left over crackers and dip with me
>get on bus back home, put my handbag on my lap
>white bag is covered in red stains
>hem of dress is also covered in the same stains.
>dip had leaked all through the shopping bag
>proceed to wig out over stains all over my btssb bag and ap dress

When i got home i got straight onto removing stains and thankfully left no traces on my bag and dress.
Threw out the dip in the end cause I was pissed.

>> No.8375215

Whenever I read these threads, the most resounding lesson I take from this is don't be generous, at least in lolita. Because people are careless fucktards who will (mis)treat your clothing as theirs.

>> No.8375223

>getting ready for meet
>has just put leg makeup on legs because i was going to be wearing ankle socks and my legs have scars from where i picked at scabs when i was younger
>about to start doing face makeup
>looking for headband so i can pull back my hair
>it's on my dresser under the detachable sleeves of my IW op
>forgot i still had leg makeup on my hands, ended up getting small amount on underside of one of my sleeves
>panic, try to get it out, get most of it out
>faint stain is still there, gonna reduce the resale value
plus i'm one of those people who hates damaging anything. even if i wasn't planning on reselling it i'd be really upset

>> No.8375232 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 127x115, Screen Shot 2015-01-24 at 10.46.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lube on tights
This girl needs to be publicly stoned.

>> No.8375234

i would of demanded payment from her

>> No.8375241

Try Lestoil, it's really good for getting grease/oil based stains out.

>> No.8375242
File: 25 KB, 127x115, Screen Shot 2015-01-24 at 10.46.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lube on tights
This girl needs to be publicly stoned.

>> No.8375251

oh thank you anon, i'll try that. i haven't done anything that would set the stain so i think it's still possible for me to get it out completely

>> No.8375313

I really hope you made her pay for them.

>> No.8375323

Nothing too bad but:
> bought a blouse off LM
> realize I know the seller
> I'm friends with her sister
> Ask if I can just meet up with sister since we were planning on meeting up that weekend anyways
> still charges me for shipping
> ok
> whatever
> fast forward to after the date
> get home
> check out blouse
> sweat stains
> smells bad mang
> wrinkled af
> "only worn once and washed"
> left good feedback anyways

>> No.8375329

Jk wrong thread mb

>> No.8375337

I'm going to have to confront her about it. It ruined the integrity and resale value of two of my favorite items. What would be an appropriate amount to ask for? She has ruined my tights and my dress has stains that I will not be able to hide (it's AP bright party dress in pink) I paid $100 for the dress, secondhand and the tights were $50.

>> No.8375347
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>Rushing out of the house for a party
>Wearing pic related
>Brush up against dirty truck as I open the door to get in
>Huge grey stains on the front of the skirt portion
>Furiously apply tide to go while we drive
>Faint marks remain, but most of it comes out
>Try hand washing later, and tAke it to the dry cleaners
>Most of it is gone, but there are a couple super faint grey marks on the edges of the pleats to forever remind me of my shame

>> No.8375348

Oh man that must really stink (im not sorry about the pun)
But yes i understand what you mean!

>> No.8375351

Charge her in full

>> No.8375364

You really need to ask her for compensation for everything. There is a difference between an innocent stain here or there that she didn't notice (still not okay but forgivable) vs everything your idiot friend did.

>> No.8375404

Okay, wish me luck friends

>> No.8375426


Old creeps will hit you regardless. You could be wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt and they'll still do it.

>> No.8375480

If she's underage or still living with her parents and refuses to pay, get them involved

>> No.8375485

>Trusting normies
I agree anon, if normies actually gave a rat's ass then lolitas wouldn't be "Living Dolls" on TLC

>> No.8375503
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Here's some more before and after. I have a lot of pictures on my computer at home, I thought i had put them on tumblr but I guess not.

1. I'm sorry the before pictures are so shitty
2. I added a white line to the before picture, the water/tea? stain is right below the line.
3. You can't tell from the after but the glitter in the print completely survived being cleaned.

>> No.8375510

Glad I could help

>> No.8375526

>all black coord. Black blouse, jsk, accessories.
>being the dumb fuck I am I powder my face after getting dressed
>mfw powder everywhere
It came out of everything except for the blouse collar and I'm so pissed at myself because it was a AatP blouse too. Spot cleaning couldn't save it.

>> No.8375675

Does anyone know how to get rid of, or at least reduce heavy sweating? Or is showering yourself in deodorant teally the only way?

>> No.8375687

I mean, that's not even a normie thing, that's just a dumbass thing. Jesus. Like, she honestly shows no respect for your things, and thus has no respect for you, anon. I hope you get paid for the damage.

>> No.8375700

How did you do this omg something similar is on my dress. You are a magician.

>> No.8375710

You can buy these armpit pads if it's really that bad

>> No.8375767

Have you spoken with a doctor? It could be alleviated by a number of things like changing you diet, medications. Different foods and drinks in what you usually eat can be exacerbating your sweating problem.

Here's the method I used.
I believe the oxyclean had the biggest effect on that particular spot.

>> No.8375962

Update: Texted her, she denied the stain started blaming in on me. I haven't worn the dress since she has and the stains were not there last time I wore it. She gets angry at me and says I'm falsely accusing her. she blocked my number

Facebooked her and was blocked

Texted her mother and her mother yelled at me for harassing them and threatened to call the cops.

and now I'm stuck here with two destroyed pieces of brand and I lost a friend :/

>> No.8375979

I don't think some bitch like her deserves to be called "a friend", anon... Sorry about the pieces- try washing them out using the methods that an anon mentioned upthread?

>> No.8375981

She's not your friend if she did that.

>> No.8375985

It's okay:/
I'm going to try a few of the above methods, I haven't used the grease remover yet. If I can't get the stains out of the op, I'll see what a dry cleaner can do.

>> No.8375992

This is why you look over the item as soon as you get it back and bring it up then.
Don't lend stuff out and call out flaws awhile after you get it back.

She was a bitch,though.

>> No.8376059

I know, I should have checked. I've just been super busy at work and I know that isn't an excuse. I wish she would have said something because I would have immediately started treating the stain.

>> No.8376079

Whatever about the dress stains, how the hell does she explain away using fucking lube on your tights?

>> No.8376085

Why would they kick you out of the comm for that?

>> No.8376109

How to wash IW prints (not chiffon)? I'd like a recommendation.

>> No.8376151

What is the material? If its cotton, try the methods posted earlier in the thread. If its something else, I'll try to take a stab at some of the garments I have waiting to be cleaned this weekend and see if any of then are the same fabric as yours though I have no IW prints.

>> No.8376181

I will tell you a secret anon, most people dont give a shit about what you do when you have sex. The I had sex in lolita thing is boring, and if you see your lolita stuff as clothing it isnt hard to have a day where you wore lolita then got laid.

If they saw the stain they would be more worried about how to get it out than how it happened. However it is gross of you to continue wearing a stained dress, especially when the stain is obvious.

>> No.8376214

Excatly. I'm MORE careful with someone elses things than my own. I mean, they were nice enough to let you borrow it.

>> No.8376259

Hell dude, I don't know. I remember when she first said that to me I felt like screaming. I've been trying to get the grease stains out for awhile. Fucking lube tho??? Like why not buy the shoes in the next size up so they actually fit.

>> No.8376270

honestly if that was me, i would've screamed at her right there and then, and as soon as i got out of the car, taken photos of the damage with her still in the lubed up tights, etc so she can't deny it

i'm so sorry about your items anon, but you shouldn't be sorry at all that you don't have to contact her again

i get that most people value their friendships over material items, but for me personally, if someone can't be arsed to treat my things nicely, how can i expect them to treat me nicely?

>> No.8376302

shaving cream gets fake blood out of just about anything thing. It might get the rest of the stain out.

>> No.8376308

Hell, I'm scared to borrow main pieces or accessories my friends really like because I'm worried shit like this might happen. People are assholes sometimes.

>> No.8376333

Try resting it black with rit dye?

>> No.8376354

100 cotton

>> No.8376372

That dress is so beautiful. If I was you in that moment I would have freak tf out.

>> No.8376374

Went to Disneyland and ate duck wings with sauce.
I thought I was being careful but I got the sauce on Twinkle Carnival. I took it to a cleaners and I thought they had got it out. NOPE I try it on an look down only to see the faded sauce stain and a stain from whatever chemical they had used to get it out. As a last resort I soaked it in oxyclean for 3 hours.
I pulled it out completely stain free.
Thank you based Madoka

>> No.8376377
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Maybe I'm crazy, but she would not be my friend anymore, I would gather my evidence and SUE THAT BITCH. I'd not only get compensation on the dress, but for other things.

>> No.8376398

that reminds me of when I bought a smoke damaged AP dress. the seller insisted she'd dry clean it to remove the smell before sending it out and whether she did or not, it still smelled like VERY strong smoke; i wouldn't have been surprised if it was pot or something like that. hell, my mom has been a smoker for years and that smoke was like 10x stronger than anything my mom had ever smoked.

>tfw I dry cleaned it myself and it smelled 10x better, like fuck they dry cleaned it

>> No.8376408

>her mother yelled at me for harassing them and threatened to call the cops.
Threaten the mother you'll call the cops on them for the damage and the money they owe and see how fast she pays

>> No.8376421

This so much.

>> No.8376428

Quick version of it.

>someone buys white dress/blouse/something
>seller packs in plastic bags inside box
>buyer gets it and it's moldy and full of rotten orange peels
>tries to get refund
>seller claims her boyfriend ate orange and tossed them in a bag in the box thinking it was trash
>sob story about how she already spent the money from the sell on personal stuff
>tries to set up payment plan because EXPENSIVE MEDICINE makes her only have $20 or so a week to spend

>> No.8376458

Destroy something of hers. What a bitch, and bitchy family.

Or ruin her reputation. Share what happened to all mutuals.

>> No.8376485

first and only time i bought on LSE, i finally found the sax bodyline squirrel party jsk on my wishlist after hunting for roughly half a year.

the dress looks totally normal from all the available pics. when it arrives, the entire dress including the whole body is stretched and faded. i'm really small so dresses are already a little big on me, i had the pink version for comparison which i'd bought new, and that girl's blue one she sold me fit completely absurd, didn't hug me when laced up and tightened all the way like the new one.

i'm completely put off from shopping on the LSE ever again.

>> No.8376629

Get some panty liners and stick them to the inside of your dress/blouse, they absorb sweat and prevent damage to clothes. I've found a combination of stick deodorant and a small amount of talk under arms helps as well.

>> No.8376676

>with her still in the lubed up tights
This part made me laugh
I would have probably hit her though, who the hell thinks lube is a good thing to use on clothes?

>> No.8376691
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Can you imagine this on judge judy?
>but judge, she PUT LUBE ON MY $50 TIGHTS!

>> No.8376728

Name and shame anon, NAME AND SHAME

>> No.8376748

I'm glad you got the stains out, but this really made me lol because YOU TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING DIP ENJOY LIVING IN THE TRASH

>> No.8376754

I mean I would show up to a plaster painting meet in normalfag clothes no problem, but no way would I wear lolita.

>> No.8376760

I want to see anon take the case to her now

>> No.8376806

Small claims court. It exists for this kind of shit. Tell her mother you will be taking her and her daughter to court over this if she doesn't want to pay up. You don't just give up like this, anon.

>> No.8376813

I think small claims court is only for things over $200. If you've ever dealt with the legal system, then you'll know that a $50 pair of tights just straight isn't worth that bureaucratic headache.

>> No.8377175

The dress could easily be worth that much, especially if anon listed the Lolibrary price.

>> No.8377266

Just checked and its $210.04

>> No.8377294

>wearing ivory otome-kei dress on a hot summer day
>it's a very casual dress, so don't wear any bloomers or petticoat
>sit down on the bench in the garden and read a book
>suddenly a weird feeling from my stomach
>nope, nope, nope, please let it not be what I think it is
>rush into the house to the toilet immediately
>take off the dress, realise the blood everywhere
>try to remove the spots, but even after a few washes they are still visible
>tfw period 1 week too fucking early
>dress ruined now

And from that day, I always use bloomers and maxi pads when putting on expensive dresses or skirts.

>> No.8377296

>my nightmare

>> No.8377297

It's meta's flower bottle, that's the lp ver

>> No.8377300

Misquote! Was for

>> No.8377397

Sue them. Bitch needs to pay for damages.
Do what >>8376408 says. Her mother is an irresponsible cunt just like her shitty daughter.

>> No.8377433

>omw to con
>waiting at bus stop
>lolitas sitting nearby
>some coon walks past with a cigarette
>turns to ask for change/ run game
>burns one of them with his cigarette
>she flips
>he keeps hanging around trying to get poon
>One of the lolitas slaps him when he cops a feel
>he straight cold cocks her right in the chops
>one lolita down
>one cord ruined
>one smug coon strutting off

>> No.8377446

I'd love to see that. All I see is happiness in anon's future if she takes it to court.

>> No.8377455

TAKE HER TO COURT! I think $260 items ruined is enough. 'The maximum amount that can be awarded in Small Claims Court varies from $2,500-$15,000, depending on state law.' Something you might want to know.

>> No.8377490

when you take someone to court, you can only sure them for damages incurred, it's not a free for all so the maximum she'd be able to get is the value of what was damaged / cost to repair and maaaaybe some emotional /psychological damage
so no, she most likely won't get anything near the maximum

>> No.8377519

>getting ready for a con
>need to iron Fantastic Dolly
>fear of making it shiny if ironed directly
>find a piece of cloth
>place it over dress to iron
>place iron over cloth
>cloth not cloth at all but synthetic plastic
>melts over dress
>felt heart stopped

>> No.8377520

You do realize it costs almost $100 to initiate the small claim? Depends on your state, but last time I filed a small claim it was about $80.

>> No.8377547

you're a monster i hope nobody ever trusts you with their children

>> No.8377580

You seriously couldn't destinguish plastic from cloth?

>> No.8377581

>Christmas meet
>Australian so heat of one thousand suns
>finally wearing dream skirt for first time in years
>apparently someone spilled something, maybe tea, on the back of my skirt
>no one said anything, didn't notice
>would have dried quickly because hot
>realise months later when going through wardrobe
>managed to fade it a little bit
>notice stain is repeated on other side
>also discovered one single spot of dye that wasn't set
>repeated like it's part of the print
>goodbye resale value

The only person sitting behind me was some random ita in a pink monstrosity. I think she was someones plus one that borrowed a shitty dress.
But jesus, if you spill something then tell someone, or clean that shit up.

>> No.8377592

but the threat of legal action might be enough into scaring her to pay up (because if you win, im pretty sure she pays your legal fees)

>> No.8377600

Mild story here but years ago I bought a dress from within my comm with a button missing and a stain. I pointed it out when we exchanged in person but they didn't apologise or offer a reduction anything. I didn't want to cause any hostility at the time and laughed it off but looking back on it it was pretty disrespectful of them to not even apologise for not mentioning it.
I can't think of how you would even save that

>> No.8377612

Worth it though. She shouldn't get away with it.

>> No.8377615

It's really only worth it if you're an incredibly vengeful person who doesn't mind going through an assload of trouble just to spite someone, and it doesn't sound like anon is.

>> No.8377622

it's not to spite someone. it's about justice.
anon let that bitch borrow her stuff, it got ruined and then her mom threatened anon who was just trying to get her stuff fixed. it's wrong. both her and her mom need to learn how not to be shitheads.

hell, if anon wants to i will pay for her legal fees.

>> No.8377624

The way she's been treated by this girl and her mother should be enough to make a person vengeful imo.

>> No.8377629

Unfortunately there's a ribbon trim on the bottom of the blouse that's tricolor but thank you for the tip!

>> No.8377633

LSE is full of scampers anyways like wonderbitch trying to sell misty sky for $2k. Also you're super at risk if you aren't popular or friends with the mods. I got hit with the ban hammer for turning down a way too low offer from one of the mods' friends.

>> No.8377638


>> No.8377640

LSE is just terrible, some of the flakiest most annoying girls are there. Not even just scalpers. Plus the 500 "so kuhwhy~" comments.

>> No.8377647

i lol'ed so hard when that girl posted that she wanted 2k for misty sky on april fucking fools day. the joke is on her

>> No.8377651


>trusted someone else to wear your lolita

That was your first problem. Don't expect anyone outside yourself to get how valuable it is to you, even if they're lolitas themselves. This sort of delusional chivalry in lolita just drives me crazy. If someone pays for it, they get the value of it more.

If it were me, I'd seriously put something in writing before lending it out or have some sort of deposit from them. Is that so hard? You wouldn't let a random have a tattered old library book without any sort of consequence to make sure it comes back the same as when you let them borrow. Why lend out a valued $250+ dress with absolutely nothing but trouble for you if they screw it up or even steal it?

>> No.8377963

is this person even speaking english what

>> No.8378038

I'm so sorry about what happened, if you ever need to get rid of wrinkles, I find putting it in the bathroom hung, and when you take a steamy shower it'll freshen it up and gets the small wrinkles out. I do it to my chiffon dresses with no damage

>> No.8378058

This isn't real. There's no way any of that would have happened past the coon burning the girl.

>> No.8378068

I'm guessing the shitty idea was your's?

>> No.8378106

You don't even have to take her to court, just the threat of it would be enough. Especially if you say it's $260 worth of damaged goods.

>> No.8378112

Update: Emailed her stepdad through his work email explaining what happened to the dress and how the girl and mother reacted. stepdad is furious and paypalled me $300 for my damaged items. Girl is being punished for her actions and will have to repay him the $300.

We fucking did it yo

>> No.8378115

I also sent pictures of the damage and pictures of her in said items so there was proof.

>> No.8378121

Thank god, I'm so happy for you! And so glad you did something

>> No.8378123

I am really glad that plus size lolita sales made those kinds of comments against the rules, so annoying

>> No.8378131

Very happy for you anon, getting parents involved is usually a good way to get underage/still dependent on parents to pay up. I hope this girl doesn't live near me or try to join my comm, she sounds like a nightmare
I hope you mentioned the lube-on-tights incident, that's completely inexcusable.

>> No.8378134

What about a cute apron? I thought Baby had one a while back that you could always replicate

Is putting makeup over scars like that a regular practice?

>> No.8378137

First Hospital Doll Chan got her dream dress, now we are pursuing justice against brand-ruiners. I'm so proud of us /cgl/.

>> No.8378141

Oh hell yeah I did, he said that was disgusting and he can't believe his stepdaughter was dumb enough to do something like that, especially to clothes she was borrowing.

>> No.8378145

It's leg makeup, it comes in a tube like lotion and you apply it like that. I don't know how many other people put makeup over body scars, I do because while my skin is passable for white, my mom is Hispanic so I get hyperpigmentation around scars due to extra melanin. And on my untanned skin, these dark spots are very noticeable.

>> No.8378325
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>> No.8378444


BEST NEWS EVER. yes in caps lol.
Thank goodness he's a decent person.

>> No.8378695

I am like stupidly happy about this, have the biggest grin ever. YOU GO ANON! Man I would totally invite stepdad to the christmas party hahaha.

>> No.8379126

APPLAUDS THAT DAD TOO for doing the right fucking thing

>> No.8379198

Congrats anon!

I've never had anyone ruin anything of mine before, thank goodness. Though I can't say the same for avoiding stains...

>Visting Puroland
>Having an awesome time, stop for lunch. Kawaii strawberry pancakes
>Wearing brand new OP with a huge white apron
>Somehow still manage to get bright red jam stain down the front, past the barricade of napkins on my lap.

Thank god for this kind employee who saw me running to the nearest hand-washing station. Without whatever magic soap she gave me my dress would have been ruined. Luckily we managed to get the stain out together, though I'm sure I must have looked insane to everyone in the cafeteria.

>> No.8379227

Can you post pics of the damage for us to cry over please?

>> No.8379234

I bought milky planet in black with what was listed as "sun spots" on it, but I'm 99% sure that it's semen (it glowed under blacklight too)

>> No.8379280

Not a horror story, but my first piece of brand, a light blue hoodie from AP (with the fur on the hood. I totally blanked on the name because I've had a long stressful day)

Anyway was wearing it casually for a week or so
try to be as neat as i have ever been in my life as humanly possible
notice at the end of the week a big orange stain had set
can't figure out what the HELL it was from
shitty ex bf at the time
"oh i split spicy mayo on it when we were having lunch and I didn't want to upset you"
i could have washed it before it set!

it sucks so bad i always wonder if theres anything that can be done. its at bottom of the shirt too i can't even put a pin or bow to cover it

>> No.8379288

"Really old, stubborn stains sometimes respond best to liquid glycerin. Rub it in, let it soak and then launder again."

does this really work? anyone ever try it?

>> No.8379346

Somethings are worth it
>I would kickstart this

>> No.8379357

Honestly anon after reading so many stories of lolita letting shit slide it's really nice hearing this.

Oh god Bitch-chan isn't a lolita right? So no threat of her joining a con?

>Someone better have cap'd this

>> No.8379859

honestly if someone's gonna borrow your dress, you should charge them a refundable deposit for whatever your dress costs. Like if someone wants to borrow a $250 jsk, they need to give you $250 and then you'll give them the 250 back for the safe return of the jsk. If the jsk gets damaged, it's they're fault and you can use the money to buy a new one.

>> No.8379901

What a nice lady though
>the hero we needed, but the based we didn't deserve

>> No.8380071

if someone wants to or needs to borrow a dress, chances are they don't have the cash to use as collateral

but how good would a lolita rental place be unff
>$15 to rent a dress for 5 hours, or $30 for a day
>on top of refundable deposit of market value of dress
i would pay for nice sought after prints to wear to big meets or things like ILD

>> No.8380128

>Handwash ivory Musee du chocolat jsk for first time, leave it to soak

>Must have left it too long because theres dark mauv-ey stains all over the dress, print has run and transferred everywhere

>Panic, don't know what to do, just dry it and hang it back up in my wardrobe for a couple of months

> finally get the courage and right items to wash it, most stains have faded but still sad about what happened to dress

>don't really trust myself to wash my stuff anymore

Fuck, i love ivory dresses but this scared the shit out of me. Thats the worst thats happened though thankfully.

>> No.8380133

could be semen or some other bodily fluid (possibly really nasty saliva but most likely semen), i'm at school for forensic science, and we use alternate light sources to find bodily fluids (vomit, saliva, semen, urine, etc)

>> No.8380149
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>> No.8380157

It would have to be by shipping service or as a secondary service from a local shop, because there's just not that much demand in one place. It's a cute idea though but when you start lending out accessories and shoes and blouses too it starts to get very silly. Like imagine it's a big event and you just get your coord shipped right to you, no creativity needed.

>> No.8380193

I think full coord rentals would be great for people starting out or are thinking about fully transitioning their wardrobe to another style. You get to try on a full outfit risk-free. And it would help newbies get a grasp of how lolita is supposed to look and feel on them so they don't go the sundress+mom's-old-work-blouse route.

and also:
>full print set combos
>if you rent the main piece you get a discount if you also take out any accessory from the same series
>specials on twinning or clones
>old school package
>OTT sweet package
>underskirt veil madonna crown scepter package
>as worn by e-famous lolita package

the possibilities are endless

>> No.8380260

hey anons, that dress actually sold already, there's a buyer lined up (that's why it isn't relisted). sorry!

>> No.8380278


>> No.8380295

Maison de Julietta in Tokyo has this. For 9,880 yen you get a full lolita rental transformation and photos. I think you have to pay extra for little things and bring your own undergarments.

>> No.8380297

for 9880 yen i could buy secondhand brand

>> No.8380345

It's more for visitors/tourists, they do your makeup/hair and you can walk around harajuku in lolita. They have a couple of those $1000 custom dresses i think. It's been a while since I dropped in, but i think it's worthwhile if you're new or just interested in the hobby.

>> No.8380353

You can soak things, just use Shout Color Catchers and don't just dump things in and leave them for 3 hours - stick around and check on them. You should check every few minutes to see if the color is leeching, then examine the garment to see if it needs additional soaking after 1 hour. I can't think of a lot of situations that you'd need to soak something for more than an hour if you're not intentionally dying it though.

>> No.8380360

Somebody in Singapore (that Black Alice shop I think) tried doing a lolita rental service once, but the prices were really high (like $100 a day), and it never really took off.
>>8380295 at least includes hair, makeup and photos in the price so you're getting a whole experience.

>> No.8380431

No money, no dress. If you want to borrow something of mine, you'd better be ready to reimburse me if it gets damaged.

>> No.8380467

You don't have to actually take her to court, just threaten it. Might get results.

>> No.8380627
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They sell this in drugstores, it's called Certain Dri. You put it on before bedtime and it closes up your pores for the next day. Downsides are that it gets super itchy when you put it on and you shouldn't put it on after shaving or showering.

>> No.8380701

I read the rest of the thread. I'm glad anon got payback.

>> No.8380759

ooh now that's a thought. thanks anon! will keep this in mind for the next con where it gets unbearably hot.

>> No.8380805

I absolutely refuse to lend anyone my brand, mostly because of hearing so many horror stories over the years. I actually have had girls get mad at me over it. I will never under stand why people think they're somehow entitled to borrow my clothes.

A girl lent another in my comm her red Holy Lantern JSK and it turned out the girl was moving in just a couple weeks. She said nothing about moving at all and it's pretty obvious it was a calculated plan to steal it. She ignored all the girl's calls and messages and then deleted her FB and changed her phone number. My friend called the cops, but they wouldn't do anything since technically there was no real way of proving whose dress it was and this girl was now halfway across the country.

>> No.8380838

I dont think you get to leave laforet/the basement though.

>> No.8380844

I use this brand too and I like it a lot more than anything else I've ever used

>> No.8380857

Track that bitch down and murder her

>> No.8380887

Link to the legendary Orange Peel drama people were discussing previously: http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/508566.html

>> No.8380893

Wow I think that is legitimately the most fucked up lolita theft story I have ever read. I hope that bitch gets what's coming to her.

>> No.8380898

I'm going to find this bitch and piss all over her brand

>> No.8380916

yeah because people only need their fingertips to go outside. Declawing cats is illegal in every civilised country but America, it's a fucking disgusting and barbaric practice and you shouldn't own pets if you're not prepared for the fact that they do shit you don't like.

>> No.8380925

IDK why you ouldn't just get claw caps. They're super cute, it looks like kitty has painted nails.

>> No.8380930

Forgot to mention she practically begged to let her borrow my Cat's Tea Party for Anime Matsuri's fashion show. I didn't even consider it. She was extremely pushy about it and even implied it was my fault she didn't get accepted because she couldn't apply with a rare enough print. The issue wasn't her dresses, girl had a decent amount of brand, she coords like shit. Straight up Tumblr lolita in the worst way. Plus, you don't need a rare print to get into the fashion show, anyway.

>> No.8380953

Text her mother back, threaten to call the police and press charges for destruction of property if she doesn't pay you back in full. $150 is nothing next to court charges, they'll pay up.

>> No.8380973

Most people have expensive material possessions, that sometimes have a higher value due to sentiment, to use as collateral though.

>> No.8380976

So when they accidentally ruin your jsk you can keep their teddy bear to make up for it? The point is not just to scare them be careful with your stuff.

>> No.8381017

>have expensive material possessions

Did you miss a word there friend? I'm talking about things like games consoles, cameras, lenses for cameras, laptops and so on. These things are usually presents for most young people hence the added sentimental value, and you know, your parent/gift givers anger at you being a moron and losing something they bought you.

>> No.8381045 [DELETED] 

I still get enraged and extremely sad just thinking about this.
>be at meet in park wearing navy Bride of Death JSK I paid almost $900 after overseas shipping and insurance for
>also the dream dress of girl who passionately hates me for no fucking reason (I'm pretty sure it's because I'm one of only two girls in the comm with more brand than her, she's a massive bitch to her as well, even though shes really sweet)
>she comes to sit next to me, acts super happy to see me like I'm her best friend in the world
>starts asking me about the dress
>as I'm telling her how I got it, she whips out a cigarette and starts smoking
>she takes a long drag then flicks it, a huge clump of burning ash falls on the skirt, right on one of the front portraits of Queen Elizabeth
>freak the fuck out and try to put it out, but it's too late
>hole burnt through fabric, ash never completely washes out
>she's frantically apologizing, I scream at her to get away from me
>so upset, I have to go home, three of my friends come with me to comfort me
>later try to get her thrown out, but can't because there's no real proof she did it on purpose, even though it's obvious
>still have to see her any time I go to a meet, sometimes I catch her smiling at me
>recently was able to replace it in black
>crying as I type this

I remember that, it's such a nightmare. I feel so bad for the girls who bought from her. Although, to be a little fair, the girl emphasized how as a seller, she shouldn't have spent the money from the transaction, but the seller said right in the listing that the intention was to use it as rent money. The buyer was well aware going into it that the money was going to be spent, so I don't feel she can really fault her for that.

I also like how the seller just has to say "this is my first time selling on here because I buy lolita to wear it, not to sell it". Neither do most of us? I will never understand why some people are judgmental about selling.

>> No.8381052
File: 708 KB, 500x278, tumblr_mu8h1gdBJA1sgifilo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still get enraged and extremely sad just thinking about this.
>be at meet in park wearing navy Bride of Death JSK I paid almost $900 after overseas shipping and insurance for
>also the dream dress of girl who passionately hates me for no fucking reason (I'm pretty sure it's because I'm one of only two girls in the comm with more brand than her, she's a massive bitch to her as well, even though shes really sweet)
>she comes to sit next to me, acts super happy to see me like I'm her best friend in the world
>starts asking me about the dress
>as I'm telling her how I got it, she whips out a cigarette and starts smoking
>she takes a long drag then flicks it, a huge clump of burning ash falls on the skirt, right on one of the front portraits of Queen Elizabeth
>freak the fuck out and try to put it out, but it's too late
>hole burnt through fabric, ash never completely washes out
>she's frantically apologizing, I scream at her to get away from me
>so upset, I have to go home, three of my friends come with me to comfort me
>later try to get her thrown out, but can't because there's no real proof she did it on purpose, even though it's obvious
>still have to see her any time I go to a meet, sometimes I catch her smiling at me
>recently was able to replace it in black
>crying as I type this

I remember that, it's such a nightmare. I feel so bad for the girls who bought from her. Although, to be a little fair, the girl emphasized how as a seller, she shouldn't have spent the money from the transaction, but the seller said right in the listing that the intention was to use it as rent money. The buyer was well aware going into it that the money was going to be spent, so I don't feel she can really fault her for that.

I also like how the seller just has to say "this is my first time selling on here because I buy lolita to wear it, not to sell it". Neither do most of us? I will never understand why some people are judgmental about selling.

>> No.8381151

Even if she didn't do it on purpose, you probably could've gotten her to pay for the damages. But god, what a bitch. I hope she gets Bride of Death some day only to have it snag and tear on some pointy furniture.

>> No.8381227

I tried, but she absolutely refused. She was so horrible after the fact. She even made fun of me behind my back for crying when it happened.

>> No.8381245

god, i would've flipped my shit and stuck her cig on her own dress
stories like this make me so scared to wear my rare prints out, because my comm has some poorfags and just stupid people in general

glad you were able to get the black, but that bitch should be slapped to the moon and back

>> No.8381335

Giiiiirl rub that new dress right in her face. Flaunt it like it's your firstborn baby.

Hell, I'm bitter enough just reading this that I would have kept wearing the damaged one and any time someone asked about the damage I would have pointed right at her and gone "She did that."

>> No.8381342

Half of me wants you to name and shame, the other half is sure this would just create more drama but oh god the secondhand rage is real right now.

>> No.8381347

The details are already enough that if anyone in her comm (or nearby comms, probably) read it then they'd know immediately who she is and who she's talking about so yeah, no point to secrecy now. Name and shame, OP!

>> No.8381507

what the absolute fuck
first of all, who the fuck wears burando and whips out a cigarette near burando anyway, secondhand smoke is a thing (and damage) too, that should have been your first warning sign really
secondly, what an absolute fucking bitch

>> No.8381514

Better question, how on Earth did she manage to get jam on it?? Tea I get since it's a liquid but jam?

>> No.8381523


Sometimes if jam isn't set properly or made with a fruit not naturally high in pectin without supplementary pectin added, it can be really runny.

>> No.8382201

Another to add to the friends ruining shit trend. Not brand but fucking valuable and hard to replace so I'd consider it on the same level.
>wear a lot of vintage/antique accessories with my lolita since I mainly wear classic
>including a bunch of cutesy aprons cus they're useful for making colors more matchy in a coord
>non-loli friend needs stuff to borrow for a party and wants to try out lolita
>we are nowhere near same size but i had shit self esteem at time and would let her take whatever
>she rifles through closet
>amongst some other things she pulls out my most favorite apron
>antique organdy and very full skirted with tiny pink embroidered flowers
>she's going star-eyes over it so I let her use it
>get her dressed and put it on myself
>warn her a million times that its delicate and not to mess with the waist ties too much
>she agrees and heads out
>takes almost a month to get my shit back
>she tossed it all into a plastic grocery bag and left it on my back porch because I kept asking for it and she was "busy"
>everything is wrinkled and smells musty but ok
>except apron
>the part where the waist ties are sewn to the apron skirt are strained to threads
>literally the only part still attached is the topstitching
>one side was folded back and stitched sloppily like she was trying to fix it
>some embroidery and lace was snagged and pulled like it got caught on industrial-grade velcro
>none of it can be fixed without being obvious
I just kind of folded it up and put it in the back of a drawer. Didn't know what else to do. At least that made me finally stop lending her shit, she also messed up a few books I lent her and claims her mom stole my favorite top she borrowed.

>> No.8382211

>college roommate ruins some stuff of mine
>get campus police involved, they tell her to pay me back
>get reimbursed and then some
>put it behind me, get rid of ruined shit, buy new brand, things going well
>fucking peacockfeather plagiarizes my story for no discernable reason

>> No.8382235
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>> No.8382244

You'll have to pry the rosehip jam from my cold, dead, sticky hands

>> No.8382256

I'm not sure, she may have dropped some jam-covered scone on herself

>> No.8382267

You know the deal anon, N&S THE BITCH

>> No.8382312

This stuff works but it made my pits break out.

Still worth it.

>> No.8382428

Had a friend just like this. Let them borrow stuff and when I'd come over weeks later it's in the floor of her car or tossed into a corner of her room and stinks of animals and unwashed clothes.

>> No.8382548

This is exactly why I always pack an emergency ziplock full of supplies incase this happens, for me or other lolitas. Shit like this is my worst nightmare.

>> No.8382553


>> No.8382587

My comm had a pottery painting meet once, it was fine. They gave us these ginormous aprons to put over ourselves and it was fine. None of us got paint anywhere anyways, because we're adults and were careful.

>> No.8382598

Have you tried using peroxide on the blood stains anon? It works wonders. I have PCOS and crazy 3-month periods from hell, so it's my go-to. It's never caused damage to anything, and it gets rid of the stains instantaneously.

>> No.8382675

No point in wearing lolita if you're just going to wear an apron to cover everything up though. Might as well just go in normalfag with people in your comm.

>> No.8383066

You are,pretty obviously, samefagging.

>> No.8383995

> at bring and share picnic meet
> organizer thought of everything
> Picnic blanket, napkins, paper plates, cutlery everything.
> classiest picnic ever
> feeling like a Victorian lady
> Mrs Beeton could take tips from this girl.
> Everyone puts their contributions to the picnic on the blanket.
> Cupcakes, scones, tea sandwiches the usual fare.
> Spot something, what is that?
> bag of corn chips
> Extreme cheese Doritos
> Everyone staring at it
> bunch of lolitas all in brand
> staring at a bag of doritos like it's a bomb
> who thought this was a good idea?
> Girl who bought them pipes up
> "It's okay guys we've got napkins"
> ain't risking that shit.

>> No.8384003

This is a silly reply. The coords were not covered for the entire meet, I'm sure, their dresses were just properly protected while they were doing an activity that could have easily dirtied/ruined them.

>> No.8384004

why all the unnecessary commas, friend?

>> No.8384013
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>picturing that one girl sitting by her lonesome eating her doritos

>> No.8384019

Name and shame, anon. Name and shame.

>> No.8384091

At least the tall lolitas might still use it.
I have one of those elastic strap JSKs, am tall and love that it can let me pull the bodice down, but it keeps rising up because the elastic is still going strong. It's velvet too.

>> No.8384110

name and shame. i'll fight this cunt

>> No.8384177

>and claims her mom stole my favorite top she borrowed.
she stole it

>> No.8384284

Can someone translate this

>> No.8384287

Wait, what? They let you walk around outside? I thought it was just a photo salon. Lolita Glamourshots sort of thing.

>> No.8384296

>omw to con
I am going to an anime convention
>waiting at bus stop
I am waiting at a bus stop
>lolitas sitting nearby
Lolitas on the radar
>some coon walks past with a cigarette
An African American walks past with a cig
>turns to ask for change/ run game
He asks for change then attempts to flirt
>burns one of them with his cigarette
He burns someone
>she flips
She is incensed
>he keeps hanging around trying to get poon
He stays, hoping to see a vagina in the very near future
>One of the lolitas slaps him when he cops a feel
A Lolita slaps him when he feels her up
>he straight cold cocks her right in the chops
He punched the taste out of her mouth
>one lolita down
She is now wounded
>one cord ruined
Her dress is messed up
>one smug coon strutting off
A very haughty African American walks away

>I tried

>> No.8384303
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>eating sloppy tex-mex food
>glance down
>lolita friend with me starts freaking out too
>dab at spot with napkin
>...realize it's a yellow macaron on the print
>fucking salon de the minette
i'm so paranoid, i do this with a lot of super-detailed prints...

>> No.8384348

Yeah I figure either she just kept it and only wore it when I wasn't around or possibly that she wrecked it. It was one of those corset style tops that were everywhere a few years ago and probably didn't hold up well to the stress of someone 3-4 sizes too big wearing it. Like I said, she was bigger than me, probably around a 20 where I wore a 12/14.

>> No.8384765

I would have attacked this bitch

>> No.8384792

Same, bitch be at least toothless by the time I'd be done with her.

>> No.8384845

Whether this is true or not, I fucking laughed.

>> No.8384852

Unless the dress was ugly as sin you will sell the dress as long as you charge reasonably. Not every lolita dress needs to sell in the triple digits

>> No.8386568

Have a Baby dress with red details in the print that needs to be washed, or at least have some stains removed. I heard Baby's reds run some I'm nervous to do it myself, is dry cleaning the best/only option or will one of the above methods maybe work?

>> No.8386597

oh of course it'll sell if i price it reasonably, but what i think is reasonable isn't worth selling it for to me, if that makes sense

make sure to use cold water and try to spot clean the stains

>> No.8386631

I've tried spot cleaning, but didn't have much luck and now they've been there for a couple days (was out of town)

>> No.8389878

It could be because I haven't slept in 24 hours but I laughed so hard I cried

>> No.8390050


I honestly started clapping. Way to go OP!

>> No.8390158

Have you tried Shout's color catching sheets and putting it on the gentle cycle? They worked well for an AP dress that tends to have its red color run.

>> No.8391294
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>moldey brand
If I opened that package it would have been an epipen to the thigh and a trip to the fucking ER at the very least and that bitch would be dealing with THAT bill
Bitch should count herself lucky she did not kill someone
fucking hell.

>> No.8391308

I haven't used them before but I know I've heard lots of good things, maybe I'll try that...

>> No.8391415

I have one just like this from AP, they're definitely still resellable.

>> No.8391419

buy some burando hankerchiefs to lay out on your dress when eating bruh

>> No.8391460

Also, who the fuck smokes at meets. shit's not kawaii. I'm a smoker and i try to be courteous of other lolitas and wait until i've left or i'll at least excuse myself to the bathroom and go outside or something if i'm at a venue.

>> No.8391535

A bit of mold from an orange peel on clothing won't kill anyone. It's just really gross.

>> No.8391544
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Or, ya know, declawing cats is super fucked up and people get mad about animal cruelty. MAYBE. Just maybe.

>> No.8391553

>he punched the taste out of her mouth
>she is now wounded

This is fucking hilarious omg

>> No.8391569

Ok but can you imagine lolita glamourshots? Because I would pay $30 many times for that

>> No.8391655

it might if they're allergic...

>> No.8391664
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>> No.8391668
File: 811 KB, 500x268, 1410627638864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull dress out of the closet I haven't worn for a year
>giant stain in the front
jeez what the hell do I do

>> No.8391702
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But you can just walk into any photo studio and ask for glamour shots. Just do your own makeup.

Maison de Juliette has a couple of backdrops that specifically look good for lolita, particularly the book one. I don't know i it's worth paying almost $100 for though

>> No.8391704
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And this is the book background.

>> No.8391717

I hope that when you die, your cat eats your face.

>> No.8391907

I hope the cat eats their face while they are still alive.

>> No.8391976

I read this in Richard Ayoade's voice

>> No.8392354

>bit of mold from an orange peel
That box was full of moldly peels that stained the clothes pretty bad. If someone's allergic to mold then that really could have sent them straight to the ER.

>> No.8392356

>would pay big money just to take pictures with that giant chocolate bar

>> No.8392523

I am so angry for you right now. That conniving little bitch, I don't know why there isn't punishment of the highest degree in Lolita comms for cases like this. Like the firing squad (no bullets, just paint balls on the suspect's dream dress).