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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 118 KB, 798x178, momocon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8367205 No.8367205 [Reply] [Original]

Other thread is auto saging, lets talk about autism-con, I mean rape-con, i mean empty-con......lets just talk about this pile of shit

last thread:
>Rape on day one
>Stuckey caught jacking off to a cosplayer cosplaying the mascot photo
>Empty as shit, parking as shit
>Lana Lanie told to fuck off and cover her tits because momocon is totes awesome biggest con now and we don't give a fuck, we are family friendly!

>> No.8367219


is there any truth to her words

>> No.8367267
File: 1.87 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the staff were either really happy to help or straight up fucking hated existence
I had a guy ignore me when I was politely asking for a controller for smash when there was no one in front of me to get any controllers. Wouldnt respond or anything and it pissed me off

really the only thing that I can say that made my day was this super cool lapis

from what it sounds like her saying that shes bitchy about what happened at the meeting
there were other skimpy as fuck cosplays out there, like the kill a kill whatever group that only had that utility belt outfit one for like all four of them and flabbing around the con today
I didn't see her personally but from what that video shows she's wearing more than that group but it's still pretty risque

>> No.8367278

why was there so much security for one fucking person?

>> No.8367312

This year was absolute shit.

>> No.8367342

Don't forget about the photoshoots that were completely buggered because momocon staff or the GWCC faggots couldn't be assed to let people know where they can and can't go.

Never book an event without laying out where you can and cannot go for that weekend. The League photoshoot got kicked out of the courtyard next to building A, tried to go to C and was told to go back to A. The whole thing pretty much fell apart.

>> No.8367437

At least the pathfinder sessions were awesome. Maybe next year I'll be able to see some shit go down.

>> No.8367484

I believe it is to get back at her for badmouthing the con on social media. And they picked the easiest (and probably only) reason to boot her from the con.

>> No.8367648

Thank god I didn't go

>> No.8367741

This year was great,dont know what you guys are talking about.

I had a blast yesterday and met some nice people.

>> No.8367960

>Stuckey caught jacking off to a cosplayer cosplaying the mascot photo

Wat. I didn't hear anything about that. Can somebody elaborate?

>> No.8368093

So as a cosplay concerned about safety in future years, can I get more details on what exactly happened? I am up to date on the Luna situation and I think its really fucked up what happened to her.

>> No.8368131

>That bear that fucked up the Super Best Friends Street Fighter panel and tried to make things weird at the Cosplay Contest
>Takes off hat late Saturday and I see he is an aged man
Come on bro

>> No.8368138

>That bear that fucked up the Super Best Friends Street Fighter panel


>> No.8368146

He walked up where the guys were sitting while they were streaming and watching an episode of the old Street Fighter cartoon and totally derailed the whole thing and didn't leave till he got a hug. Then, he came back like 5 or 10 minutes later and tried it again, but Woolie wasn't having it.

>> No.8368153

I think the con got hella salty after luna got sexually harassed and posted about having a bad time and threaten to ban her unless she take down the post

>> No.8368163
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That's cringey/unfortunate as hell
>someone had better post a video stat

>> No.8368234

I wasn't here last thread, recap on the rape thing?

>> No.8368349

at the super best friends panel today, con staff actually had the balls to interrupt and ask people to fucking rate the convention and basically begged people to come back next year. it was pretty unfortunate.

>> No.8368361

Staff are so fucking thirsty christ.

>> No.8368392

The new venue was a pain in the ass to get to, but better than the previous one in terms of space.

Photoshoots were near impossible because there was staff everywhere telling you that you couldn't walk in this no-traffic area. I wanted to get a solo pic of this Marie cosplayer and some old black lady shooed us out of this completely empty corner like some bridge troll.

Internet personalities had autograph lines twice the size of the VA folks. The Artist Alley folks sharing an aisle with the autograph lines got shafted for it. Sarah Ann Williams was a sweetheart; I only spilled a little spaghetti.

Somehow the ASK AN ANIME/HOMESTUCK panels are still fucking allowed.

The artist and comic alley split was kind of neat. The artist alley as a whole was a lot better than previous years, and light years ahead of AWA's last year's mess. I met some really nice artists I hadn't previously. One girl did me a quick sketch because I was pressed for time and couldn't go back Sunday. I feel a little bad for not tipping her!

Not the best, but far from the worst. 6.5 or 7/10 in my experience.

>> No.8368396

I thought the artist alley paled in comparison's to AWA's, what did you think was better?

>> No.8368474


Aside from a few folks, 85% of the AWA alley looked like the exact same artist

>> No.8368481

And that dude who straight up jumped on their stage and grabbed the american flag from their table
wtf was that about?

>> No.8368491

i have no clue honestly, i felt kinda bad for spfp

>> No.8368498


yeah, lets just downplay the rape and molestation because YOU had a great time.

Go fuck yourself, weeb

>> No.8368500

>feel lonely, want to talk to people
>feel like a gross weirdo idiot
Are most con people friendly? I just want to be friends with Jojo cosplayers.

>> No.8368514

Reasons why I will not be going back to Momo if it's in this same space:
-too many muggles, asked a million times what i was doing there and what was going on
-where the hell is anything
-only things I could find were the dealers room and game room
-game room was shitty because neckbeards on all the arcade machines for 4 hours at a time
-why the hell would you have a bring your own computer tournament so many people with carts with giant ass PCs on them running into me
-dealers room and artists alley was so crowded it was stupid (autograph lines unorganized, probably crowded because it's the easiest thing to find)
-got told multiple times to move from where i was standing in the general con areas so i pretty much walked around all day aimlessly
-rave line wtf
-staff was fucking clueless, asked where VIP badge pick up was multiple times and no one could tell me. then i was told it was a 24/7 pick up (big nope)
-omni elevators
-seriously where was anything in that conf. center
-security picking and choosing who has to comply to dress code (saw this for myself)

I could go on but I'm too tired and don't wanna relive this shit fest

>> No.8368545

Literally happens at every con.

>> No.8368559

Let me make myself more clear since that post makes me look like a dick.

Dont mean to downplay rape or anything,its awful, but its nothing specified to this con.

Dragon Con has had a lot worse shit happen there,a lot of it goes unreported though.

Sorry to whoever went through it but its not something that specified to this con.

>> No.8368567

>pile of shit
>absolute shit
>Thank god I didn't go
>shit fest

>I had a blast yesterday
Well at least I'm not the only one

>> No.8368572

to be fair, i had a decent time as well, but i can also understand where the complaints are coming from.

>> No.8368583

The one piece panel was fantastic.

>> No.8368597

Yeah,I agree with this.

Good moments:
>My group I met randomly let me up in their toom to chill
>A girl in my group lost her phone and a really nice black lady found it/called us and waited in a steakhouse for like 30 minutes for us to come get it from her.
>Restaurant gave me a free drink and side because they liked my outfit
>I knew someone at a panel and they let me chill with them
>Workers were generally nice if they werent Crowd Control

>All the elevators were shit
>Giant lines for escalators on Saturday
>Sexual Assault on that one girl
>Typical overpriced shit food
>People telling us to move if we stood anywhere for more than 30 seconds

Still think its funny they took our guy's MP5s and Bat but let one of us keep our hammer.

>> No.8368599

It's more of how the staff dealt with the situation. Telling someone to cover up and then they wouldn't have gotten sexually assaulted is victim blaming, as tumblr as that sounds. Directors need to get their shit together.
Momocon wants to be Dragon-con big but they want to be family friendly also... People will stop coming eventually because of this "family friendly" bs.

>> No.8368603

Ah,didnt know that happened. Thats shitty.

Pretty sure the same thing happened to that one girl at DC who got raped by someone who wasnt even attending the Con.

>> No.8368604

Why did the even do it? Those Nudist Beach people we're running around the CNN Center past kids, and I haven't heard shit about that. They just don't want to look like they caused an issue.

>> No.8368620

If someone being sexually assaulted makes a con shit then every single con out there is shit.

While it sucks that it happened, unless it happened to you or a friend, I don't see how you could let it define your experience.

This being said, holy shit security was awful. I had a friend who was hounded several times by different security asking if her pop was checked. It was a frying pan, and how does a sticker help with that at all?
There were also several times the security was just plain rude aboit badges and other things. So I can totally believe that they were rude to her. But where were they with all those Yokos? If you want to enforce a rule fine, but don't do it case by case, it's all or nothing.

But that's my only real complaint about the con, but it was my first Momocon so I don't have anything to compare it to.

>> No.8368650

Refer to

If the con's staff give less than 2 shits about it and would rather have you wear a nun outfit than a cosplay with cleavage as their solution to sexual harassment then they're going to go down the drain. That's what everyone's upset about.

>> No.8368656

I posted about this in the last thread

My orange tipped,red stickered,ziptied, BB gun got checked every step I took on friday.

>> No.8368663


This chick's cosplay was shit - the only bad experience at the convention was having to look at her.


>[Let's Hate Momocon Meming Intensifies]

>> No.8368678

I'm sorry if I put words in your mouth, but I'm having a hard time deciphering your reply.

I've said security was shit, they obviously need to go through sensitivity training. I recognize that this isn't a good thing that's happened. I recognize that the way this was handled is super shitty.

BUT I'm not going to let it ruin a con for me. Because if I did, then EVERY con would be off my list. I can only allow them to grow and hope for the best next year. W>>8368650
I'm sorry if I put words in your mouth, but I'm having a hard time deciphering your reply.

I've said security was shit, they obviously need to go through sensitivity training. I recognize that this isn't a good thing that's happened. I recognize that the way this was handled is super shitty.

BUT I'm not going to let it ruin a con for me. Because if I did, then EVERY con would be off my list. I can only allow them to grow and hope for the best next year. And WHEN something similar happens next year, because it will, then I will be able to allow the cons actions to impact my experience.

Right now you just have a con that is going through some growing pains, and you can't let that ruin it for you until it has a chance to prove that it will always be like that. But this, is my opinion

They were merciless and super stupid about it.

>> No.8368686

They didnt care about my gun on Saturday or Thursday though, besides one check on Saturday.

I also posted
which refers to weapon checks as well

>> No.8368695
File: 137 KB, 640x480, 20150531_105340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodness gracious, so many people complaining. This is nuts. Sorry to hear about some of you going through a less-than-fun experience, but I'm pretty sure there's a plenty bit of silver lining to everyone's experience this weekend that people just don't really seem to want to acknowledge.

I myself had a blast. I met up with a few seagulls like this awesome bud here. Tried to organize a meetup and people never showed up except for one or two individuals - we chitchatted a little bit and had a good conversation, but the "meetup" never quite happened. But, for the most part, the seagulls I did meet were all pretty cool and chill people and I'm exceptionally happy about that.

I went to a rave for the first time in my life and was doing martial arts spinning-kicks and whatnot in lieu of dancing because I'm terrible and I still had a blast. The dealer's room was a little lacking in my opinion, but that's mostly only due to personal preferences. Over all, I really enjoyed this convention the most. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting to see some more of you guys and having fun with y'all. Maybe you might come out of your shell and have a good time? Make sure to rest up and take it easy for those of you coming back down to Earth!

>> No.8368696

Heh, I missed that last line from >>8368597 . They also checked one of the Kiki's brooms that I saw. Two guys came running up to her when she entered the gwcc.

Sorry about your stuff. Did you get it back?

>> No.8368699

Man, I didn't get a chance to go to the meetups. Friends were competing in the league tourney and they needed help, so I wasn't free during those times. How was it?

>> No.8368701
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 20150530_151459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am getting sick and tired of my images getting turned, oh my goodness.

Here's a picture of the ZSS and Snake cosplay someone was asking for in the last thread. I couldn't post because apparently I was banned for posting child pornography while at the convention? Kind of bothering that someone at the convention actually did do that.

>> No.8368708


You didn't miss anything. Honestly. Me and Anon just stood there in the foodcourt talking about how work was like and what going to conventions was interesting for and yadda yadda. Other Anon I met was in Hotline Miami cosplay and was also very cool; wanted to meet up with him again but I guess he was busy. We swapped numbers though, so I'ma pester him and see he got home safe. Anonette who I bought an awesome craft from was super cool. It was great making friends.

Abbreviated answer: coulda' made a new friend or two, but otherwise you didn't miss anything.

>> No.8368712
File: 41 KB, 697x523, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasnt mine,was a guy from a group I met on here.

I think the guy with the MP5's got his stuff, they let him take his bat up to the room though.
(MP5 guy is the bear mask,you can see one of us with the REAL hammer too)

>> No.8368716


Hey man, grats on getting y'alls picture retweeted by the developers, that's awesome. I take it you're alive and well!

>> No.8368718

Oh hey bro, I was wearing the Richter (rat mask) with the Tony you swapped numbers with lol

>> No.8368724

are you a fucking degenerate anime color scheme bt cosplayer?

>> No.8368730

Didn't cosplay at all, actually. Just hung out with my friend who did cosplay and 2 others who made fun of me and my buddy for being single.

>> No.8368732


Oh right, awesome awesome. Shame you guys couldn't join us for the "meetup", but maybe we can all get together and hang out next year or something. Maybe there'll be a venue where you can actually get drinks this time!

>> No.8368736

Yeah,I noticed you in
and was about to say something about it.

I had to leave at 8 to drop of my cousin,then I jut went to bed at home.

Everyone else in that group was blasted and I think most of them just went to sleep until pretty late and then went to a club or whatever.

>> No.8368737

I had a great con overall! Actually went to some decent panels or was sitting with people who made quiet heckling though out the panel.

I was the pacman & ghost group floating around, I was honestly surprised at how well received we were. Like thought we would have a gotten a few pics and then a pat on the back. Not stopped every couple feet and asked for photos. Also won best group (still in shock over that) for the craftsmanship contest.

Also got up super early on Saturday to help out with a dragoncon tv thing, so that should turn out nifty!

Sometimes the staff was unnecessarily rude, but that's my only personal complaint.

>> No.8368738

Whoops,guess this got cut off.

We're meeting at AWA,so maybe we'll see you then if your going.

>> No.8368741

Shit,I walked past you guys and wanted to take a picture but my camera bag was under 3 other things and it was a pain in the ass to grab.

You get a good group photo?

>> No.8368744


Oh, that's funny. I'm not too sure if I'll be at AWA, but I'm sure we can swing something sometime!

>> No.8368749
File: 139 KB, 640x640, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F20a794bf5884abbc130a9db3b94aacf3%2Ftumblr_np6um8nvW51qzzkdho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this one that I found on instagram, but none of our friends were around to take a pic of the three of us. So I'm hoping the momocon backdrop pictures turn out nice. We did both the one by the escalator and the costume contest judging.

Next time just ask us! We would have shot the shit with you until you found your camera :)

>> No.8368751

I like that pic a lot, good backdrop for that.

Yeah, was gonna tap one of you but I think you were talking to someone (me and the tiger mask from >>8368712 were walking to the hotel)

Well if oyu go agin to Dragon or AWA, I'd love to grab a pic with you guys.

Im hoping our group Momocon backdrop pics turn out good too,we spent like 15 minutes taking one picture since we had so many of us.

>> No.8368754

Cant fucking type tonight

>> No.8368758


I saw these outfits! I really wanted to take pictures, it was really clever.

>> No.8368766

Wait, does tiger masks name start with a b? My friend's cousin (who I met briefly at dinner on sat) did Hotline Miami but I don't know if he did a group or not.

We will be at dragoncon! Look for aku or pacman ghost and sqawk so I know it's you :P

I don't think I could ever do a group that big! I hope the shots came out great

>> No.8368769

Thank you! It is based on fanart, but I like to think that we did it justice.

>> No.8368772

Nah,starts with C.

>Look for aku or pacman ghost and sqawk so I know it's you :P
Haha,alright. Im not too sure if I'll go this year, but I hope I can.

>I don't think I could ever do a group that big! I hope the shots came out great
Yeah we took one of the group and one of just me and the chicken mask.
I hope yours come out good too. I guess we'll just post them here since there'll probably be a metric ton of pictures in their gallery.

>> No.8368774

Anybody get pictures of the Zero Escape Clover cosplayer? I couldn't stop to get one.

>> No.8368776

Did anybody take a picture of the Sonichu guy?

I wasnt sure if he was being ironic or not so i didnt take a picture,I want to show my friend though.

>> No.8368778

Do you mean the guy dressed up as CWC? He even had the Sonichu emblem, totally awesome.

>> No.8368783


>> No.8368786

I figure if he had the emblem that he was being ironic.

>> No.8368788

You never know man. You never know.

I wish I took a picture of the Old Joseph Joestar we were talking to, he was a good guy.

Fuckin camerabag

>> No.8368792

Every old Joseph seemed cool, especially the guy who did the Weird Al medley at the karaoke thing late Saturday.

>> No.8368795
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1440, 20150529_180649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy by any chance?

>> No.8368796

He was doing the "OHH NOOO" for everybody and wanted to take a pic with us.

but yeah they were all cool.

>> No.8368797

Not sure actually. I didn't catch his face after the karaoke thing. I don't recall being able to see his hair like that though.

>> No.8368798

Nah,he was an actual older guy with markered in gray highlights on his eyebrows.
Kinda skinny too.

I'm: >>8368788

>> No.8368803

In regards to the escalators I know the main one with the Momocon banner had a long line but some escalators a little ways down seemed to have very little. Did some people not know about the second set of escalators?

>> No.8368806

I went up those,but they kept reversing the direction of them everytime I went. I just ended up taking the stairs near the karaoke mostly.

>> No.8368811

Yeah for me it was every time I went to the escalators on Saturday it seemed to have been switched. I keep seeing people mention elevators, but I didn't see any. And the only flight of stairs was by karaoke which is a little out of the way

>> No.8368815

Oh,my bad. i meant the elevators in the Omni and CNN tower, they took almost 10 minutes to arrive after you pressed the button

There were some in the Con near the photoshoot/escalators but they were mainly for handicapped people use only.

>> No.8368819

Wait, I've been informed thats his last name initial, and c is his first.

I'll be sure to post what ever picturs I find.

this makes more sense now. I only went into the omni a few times, once for a panel and the others to explore. I stayed at the Hilton and it felt like I never waited more than a second for the elevator, so worth the five minute walk in the end I guess

>> No.8368822

Does anyone know about this? During the rave on saturday, I was walking around the Omni and saw a guy trip into trashcan and face plant onto the hard floor. While he was laying there staff told me to move along. I came back 15 mins later and they were putting him in an ambulance outside.

>> No.8368829

Yeah,that's his initals.
had the neon paint shirt and tiger mask.

We both waited at the Omni elevators for like 15 minutes. We were about to take the stairs but some guy told us they closed them off.

Took us a total of like 40 minutes to get to his room due to staff of the CNN tower and Omni not knowing where the north tower was and shi elevators.

>> No.8368836

Do you read the manga?

>> No.8368839

Yeah, I was trying to chat up a Johnny Joestar, if you're trying to insinuate that I'm simply missing them.

>> No.8368853

No just seeing if you did, you seem pretty chill. And if you read the manga you should have no trouble getting along with part 4-8 cosplayers

>> No.8368860

I'll try actually doing some cosplays at AWA. Maybe that will make it easier. Sorry if I'm being rude, just kinda edgy after Momocon. I'll try out D-I-S-C-O from Part 7.

>> No.8368874

Hey there! It was awesome meeting you, I'm sorry I couldn't chat for long due to being busy at the table. If you are going to AWA we will have to meet up again, hopefully I'll be doing a booth in the dealers room with a friend of mine.

>> No.8368880

Holy fuck some of the artists in the Dealers room were terrible lol

I should try to get in next year.

That one guy I bought the Akira poster from was rad though (Danny Haas).

I knew one of the guys from the prop panels in the back, invited me to his shop to do something with him.

>> No.8368884

It's cool, no worries; D-I-S-C-O be cool to see but Ringo or Blackmore also be pretty cool. Personally I was thinking about trying some part 8 charecters.

>> No.8368900

I would love to do Ringo, but the hair situation would be kinda weird. I'm pretty dark, and I can't grow facial hair. Blackmore though... that's an interesting proposition too. Part 7 in general seems to be a bit more manageable when it comes to cosplay.

>> No.8368915

oh nice! glad some gulls found my boyfriend and enjoyed his cosplay.

more on topic, i enjoyed this con a lot! it was annoying that things were spaced out a lot compared to past years, but i liked the new location overall. i liked the game room, and it's nice that the three "major" things (dealers, AA, and game room) were in the same location. i liked the diversity of the guests (ie. it wasn't just a bunch of english VAs that i don't give a shit about), but i really wish there were at least SOMETHING for j-fashion folk. oh well.

yeah christ that guy was really dumb. god bless woolie for putting him in his place.

>> No.8368928

It is more manageable and I don't think I seen seen a Blackmore at a Con. If I ever cut my hair then I definitely try to do a Jobin.
Not having a facial hair is a blessing a curse

>> No.8368945

Hmm. Alright, if I can afford to do multiple cosplays, I'll do a Jotaro or a Q from Third Strike, and then Blackmore. His fight was really interesting.

>> No.8368951


Yeah, I'm friends with him and Ben and the gang. Didn't know you're a seagull; that's kind of neat.

>> No.8368969

Thanks. I was one of the hosts glad you liked it.

>> No.8368975

it will never cease to amaze me how much people manage to complain after every single convention

>> No.8369000

I liked the chick next to the delorian selling large prints of decent art for $20 and sparkly filtered versions of them for $50 or some shit. God damn, that aint how you make money at a con that wants more kids who will not have any fucking money.

>> No.8369002

now comes the part where i interrogate him on who you really are, anon!
man now that i'm looking at that photo, i really want to redo the card. seeing that little flipped corner is bugging me. should maybe get it professionally printed or whatever.

>> No.8369005

Oh hey trips!

Back on topic, I also forgot to mention that Steve Downes told me that momocon was making him and Keith charge for signatures.

>> No.8369011

I saw Keith David in the bathroom being asked by some guy if he was in the Madea movies. I wish I could've told him I liked They Live. Charging is stupid.

>> No.8369017

I'm part of the people who helped rate artists for AWA alley this year and I'm hoping there's going to be a bit more variety, we tried to get a few different art styles.

Although apparently AA and Dealer's room are in the same room this year and I have no idea why.

>> No.8369019
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Her tears say more than real evidence ever could.

>> No.8369024

Actually, I think there's a certain threshold. I'd be fine for $10 or so because they're well known like Keith.

Because it would be extremely retarded business wise for Momocon to rent out another massive hall just to fit 20-30 people in it. Momocon already has plans to expand deeper into the GWCC when its needed.

>> No.8369025

Crocodile tears.

>> No.8369029

It was pretty alright, but there just wasn't a whole lot that suited my tastes. There were certainly some gems though. I was probably just in a better mindset last year, honestly.

>> No.8369040

I'm talking about AWA, anon. This year they're taking down the dividing wall between the two rooms and just combining them.

>> No.8369050

What? No, that's ridiculous, why would they do that?

>> No.8369052

damn she was at momocon too? I see her at every big convention. I know there's at least one or two other artists who have the same style.

>> No.8369059

Who is it? I didnt really pay attention to the artists selling that sort of stuff (not that its bad,just not my taste).

>> No.8369063

I was told it's to help out with traffic flow, so one end will be an entrance and the other end will be an exit. I just heard it in passing in the last staff meeting and didn't get the chance to ask the person in charge of AA this year if that was really the case.

>> No.8369073

jinny liang, I don't know where to find her most updated site but she goes by nayuki-chan on deviantart

>> No.8369079

Hm,I vaguely remember her being there

>> No.8369117

There wasn't anything in the whole dealer's room that was even remotely interesting enough to buy for me, which sucked.

I was looking at some old snes carts when this guy next to me asked about the modded jap only 64 banjo carts to the lady behind the counter and she had no idea what she was talking about which was dumb, I had to chime in and help the guy out

At least there was more variety than DC's half leather merchant half everything else hall

>> No.8369120

I was looking for a MGS figurine,but just ended up buying MGS3: Subsistence and the Akira poster.

They had some chibi Snake figure but it was like 50 dollars.

>> No.8369124

I bought a Jolyne and a Stone Free figure, bought was to broke to get anything else.

Cons are a fucking paradise if you're really into One Piece or DBZ.

>> No.8369128
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When I first saw it the outfits reminded me of space zombies from Blackops. Nice job though

>> No.8369136


I was upset that nobody had the MonHun felyne figures anywhere. Aside from one of the blockheaded cartoony sets, anyway. I'll never have my Rathalos cat unless I ship it...

Would have been nice to see Skullgirls anything, too. I haven't seen any merch of any of the non-launch characters, and even then there wasn't any of that. I know it's not a largely popular series, but come on.

>> No.8369139

Wait I wasnt here last thread, could you elaborate on the first two? I saw the stupid video with the bitch complaining, but I didnt mnow anything about a rape or a guy jacking off. Deets?

>> No.8369146

Fighting game representation in general would have been nice. My buddy had a hard time finding anything relating to BlazBlue, and I hate to whine, but no Third Strike? The Third Strike machine at AWA made the con for me, it was wonderful. One of the most popular titles from arguably the most popular fighting game franchise of all time wasn't there? I know it's a huge non issue, but I was kinda disappointed.

>> No.8369208
File: 81 KB, 347x372, 1431528705015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, go figure. I was hoping for something with pic related since her VA was there, so I ended up getting a sketch from the AA.

Speaking of arcades, the one they had was at least nice. I played a lot of pop'n'music. The line for it went fast with two cabinets and nobody took more than their two songs as far as I could tell. Rhythm games are the best.

>> No.8369223 [DELETED] 

Ey yo, Keiko F. Good job being as much of a fuck up as we all knew you were. Seriously, you and your scissor sister Kara can shove a rake straight up yalls cunts, maybe you'll feel something. Seriously, just break up with Chigo if all you are gonna do is two time her. I know she'll probably be dead soon anyways, but come the fuck on.

>> No.8369371


Reasons why I will not be going back to Momo if it's in this same space:
-too many muggles, asked a million times what i was doing there and what was going on
>>You need to learn how to deal. People asking you shit is a terrible reason. Work on your social skills.
-where the hell is anything
>>I had no problem navigating once I took a 10 minute once around the upstairs and downstairs.
-only things I could find were the dealers room and game room
>>you suck at directions
-game room was shitty because neckbeards on all the arcade machines for 4 hours at a time
>>say something. Staff was supposed to be rotating people out. Start a timer on your phone and show them.
-dealers room and artists alley was so crowded it was stupid (autograph lines unorganized, probably crowded because it's the easiest thing to find)
>>I thought it was pretty damn easy to move around for once.
-got told multiple times to move from where i was standing in the general con areas so i pretty much walked around all day aimlessly
>>again you have a shitty sense of where you should be
-rave line wtf
>>raves suck. Never bother.
-staff was fucking clueless, asked where VIP badge pick up was multiple times and no one could tell me. then i was told it was a 24/7 pick up (big nope)
>>again, look around for 10 minutes at signs.
-omni elevators
>>Take stairs. I don't think I took an elevator outside of the parking lot.
-seriously where was anything in that conf. center
>>you suck at directions dude. Polish them up.
-security picking and choosing who has to comply to dress code (saw this for myself)
>>that is gonna happen everywhere. That's life, it ain't fair. Never make yourself a target. Save the titty and ass cosplay for DragonCon.

>> No.8369392

You can smell the staff member on this fuck from a mile away.

"Gais, its not our fault, its your fault."

typical momocon response

>> No.8369407
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I had a pretty good time. It was nice having all that space. I cannot tell you how fucking tired I am of cons cramming into hotels that can't hold all those people and then you have kids sitting everywhere and no where to just stand for a moment.
This space looked like it held up great. Plus everything was fucking clean. No overstuffed trash or yucky bathrooms that let you know there are TOO MANY people in one spot.

Panels were diverse enough to make me go to them and I kinda hate panels. Once you have been to lots of cons it's just the same shit said by a different voice.

Saw some good pals, and having the food court in CNN was great. The con food was expensive but at least it was varied and there was lots of it. No giant lines that took 30 mins.

Staff was friendly and knew where stuff was. The park was right there so if you needed to get away from it all and get air there it was. Parking was manageable and $10 in the red lot.

I never buy much in the dealer's room but I did find a wand I wanted in my collection. The art section had talented people. I didn't care a whit about the guest.

Having the schedule in the book, on the posters, and online was perfect. I was quite impressed by the cosplay shoots being online and in the program too.

Though NO photoshoot should ever be 8 or 9 am. The earliest you should start is 11 AM. Give people some time to get up and get dressed for goodness sake. I skipped 3 shoots cause of that and I had costumes for them too.

>> No.8369411


sorry, I've staffed for a con like... what 6 or 7 years ago and haven't since.

I was a panelist though. Does that count?

I'm just a fucking adult and know what to do to fix a situation.

>> No.8369414

Yes, because Merriman plays favorites to who gets approved for panels.

>> No.8369421


Ok I didn't know that at all. We just submitted and hoped for the best.

I submitted last year too and got turned down. No idea what changed their mind this year. They weren't playing faves with me. I expected to be turned down again.

>> No.8369436
File: 296 KB, 800x600, sex-harrasment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



As for SexualHarrasment-chan there is a whole can of worms there.

We only know her side and man, that shit can be the god's honest truth cause there are sleazy folks in this hobby or it could be the made up crap 17yr olds spout to make themselves important.

My guess is that it's somewhere in between.

As soon as she put up her hands in quotation about how they "worked so hard" to put on a con I stopped being completely sold.
If you don't understand some of the logistics of pulling all this stuff together to make a coherent con then you have a poor understanding of what work is and it makes me wonder what else is she interpreting all wrong or doesn't understand.

So I think I believe her when she said people touched her inappropriately. You know what the right response is? Take a picture, defend yourself, find a security person, show the picture, say what happened. Hopefully it gets them booted. At the very least they won't do it again lest someone else show their photo to staff again and their badge get pulled.
One time I saw behind the desk of a con ticket counter. They had a polaroid of like 4 banned people who had been caught stealing or some shit. That way the staff knew their badge had been pulled and couldn't buy another.

But I still think she acted like a child expecting the staff to educate people on appropriate behavior. By the time you are con going age you are supposed to come already equipped with appropriate behavior. You are fucking responsible for yourself. You are an individual and your choices are YOURS. The con is not responsible for the shit that comes out of your mouth or where you hands go. It's not your mommy.
When shitty stuff happens that person is responsible and no amount of "Cosplay is not Consent" posters nor etiquette panels is going to stop the shitty people being shitty.

Yeah you should be able to walk around naked without people assuming shit or touching you. But we don't live there yet.

>> No.8369470

Momocon staff detected

>> No.8369475

I was sold when she repeated the same shit I've been saying about this ass con for years. I don't even talk to the chick nor am I influential, so how is she repeating me. By the way, hi Stuckey

>> No.8369483

>When shitty stuff happens that person is responsible and no amount of "Cosplay is not Consent" posters nor etiquette panels is going to stop the shitty people being shitty.
Daily reminder that over 99% of men in America have done their part to end sexual abuse by not sexually abusing women today.

It's the psychopaths, sociopaths, and autistic fuck nuggets that are causing trouble and no amount of signs or feel-good Youtube videos are going to prevent them from doing stupid shit.

>> No.8369516
File: 32 KB, 582x349, blackw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the way, hi Stuckey

If Stuckey is a black women then Hi!

>> No.8369518

>>8369516 here

>I was sold when she repeated the same shit I've been saying about this ass con for years. I don't even talk to the chick nor am I influential, so how is she repeating me. By the way, hi Stuckey

I also meant to ask... what happened to you. And yes I am honestly curious. Not mean or anything.

>> No.8369533

Sometimes he is.

>> No.8369561

Autism con? Deets please?

>> No.8369565

Some of my favorites that we got: The astronaut ghost from scooby doo, the vashta nerada from doctor who, Pacman mixed with Venture Brothers, Nasaghast, some some people really reached. But hey, space ops is a first :P

In this photo I'm questioning him as to why he won't marry me and love me always... which is why he's laughing. We hadn't nailed down any poses yet.

Thank you for the photo!

>> No.8369566

Not a member of staff, but he nailed everything I wanted to say. It was all common sense to me. If this person took just 20 minutes to explore everything, then they would have had a lot less difficulty. But maybe I'm just an old fag.

>> No.8369573

Yeah,Ive been in the GWCC once before for a friends graduation like 3 years ago and I knew where everything was after like 30 minutes.

>> No.8369577

I wonder when the pics are going up on the website today,I hyped.

>> No.8369583

Probably because some actors charge for signatures anyway and MomoCon wanted to avoid the 'but why are those actors charging when those other actors aren't?'

One con in England had to introduce charging for all live action actors because they got sick of having to deal with people moaning because some actors were charging for autographs and they shouldn't be charging for autographs because other actors werent

>> No.8369586

LOL that reminds me I was at the SFBall in Bournemouth and some guy came out of the mens bathroom and announced 'I've just had a piss next to Lou Diamond Phillips!'

>> No.8369590

Artists who charge $20+ for prints get enough people who can afford to buy their art that they don't have to worry about kids who can't afford stuff.

>> No.8369595

I kinda find it funny that all the artists pandering to the Steven Universe/Adventure Time fan base barely sold anything because they dont have any money

>> No.8369798
File: 237 KB, 768x1024, 18128415058_fc5c2a9615_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, that's me! I still haven't uploaded photos from my camera yet, but here's a photo that my friend took on her phone.

>> No.8369839

> reads jjba
> 3s
Can I marry you anon? (Also beware of part 1-3 cosplayers, last con I went to they did in character truth or dare and were all under 16 BC tumblr fandom)

>> No.8369866

Whoa wtf I know all these people. I thought the drama was between Kara and Dan, not Kara and Keiko

>> No.8369908

Would love to see part 7 antags at AWA. I'm going to be doing one as well.

>> No.8369916

Not Momo related but is anyone doing any Monster Hunter cosplay at AWA? Would love to get a group together.

>> No.8369929

So... you remember that post (that you, ironically, liked) on the Momocon facebook group about cons not being full of drama and that the person brings their own personal drama? That was inspired by you and your need to constantly make junior-high-type whining posts about how cons are always "full of bullshit."

Your name dropping in this thread puts you very far from being anon, and, fortunately, being friends with the people you so kindly name-dropped makes it obvious who you are. You're acting like anyone else in this thread actually cares.

Grow the fuck up, accept that she is better off without you (this thread proves that). If you ever talk about Chigo or her illness like that again I will make you regret it.

>> No.8369947

Congrats on best group! I recognized you guys the moment you stepped onstage.

>> No.8369956

I felt the same way. I had a guy grope me a few years ago during a con. I knew he was way out of line, so instead of complaining on the con facebook page, I went straight to security. The guy got booted from the con, and I had a fun time for the rest of the day. There's something wrong if your first response is to bash the con on social media.

>> No.8369971

Deets on this drama?

>> No.8369991

Long story short. A couple that has broken up and gotten back together multiple times. Now that it may be ending for good, regardless of reasons or "who caused it," he's acting like a neurotic dick and posting passive aggressive statuses like a child.

>> No.8370003

Yeah, there was drama between those two before fuck boy had enough and ran. And who said any drama was there? It's just the truth at the two of them. Keiko needed to get something that she couldn't from her fucked up girl?friend and Kara is easy. Even that 30 year old bitch boy she cries on every time she gets upset gets some.
What post, ya twat? I don't like Momocon posts, so already we off to a great start of you NOT knowing who I am.

And name dropping a bunch of close cosplayers, where two of them fuck behind their significant others (well, ex-so in one case ahahah) backs? Oh yeah, totally. And no one caring? Well, someone seemed to care enough to talk about it. Was it you, Molly dear?

And again, I wasn't with her and I don't want to be with that thing, hell Chigo deserves better then that thing. And oooh, I'm sorry bout your jimmies, what ya gonna do to make me regret? Slander someone who you might mess up as a target of this? You don't even fucking know if you got the right person. Or do you just have said person you think that I am in your sights already and you just are angry at them and want to put all the blame on them? Please do, it'll make me laugh. May Chigo's bones rest~

Basically Kara been spreading her legs to anyone that'll listen to her cry and pump change into her. Fuckboy Dan said fuck it and left her, she cried more rivers, her 30 year bitch gets cried on and gets a boner, Keiko licks that cunt up, etc etc

>> No.8370076

Daniel, go back in your fucking cubbyhole and go try and "find yourself," as you've been bitching about for months.

You say you don't read Momocon posts, but yet you called me "Molly dear." The only involvement I had with Momocon this year was making that post. I wasn't even AT Momocon this year, so nice try.

>> No.8370096

Oh, so I was correct you were Molly? Nice nice. And Dan the fucking wannabe deep ladies man that doesn't totally say shit and do shit to seem totally deep and shit isn't posting, you fuck wit. I saw YOU posting your cunt face on Chigo's post talking about here, so I can do at least basic math and put two and two together to make four. God, you are mad as hell and I'm just giggling like shit. Guess you also don't know bout all the other things that happened in that room either, huh? top kek I'm sure Keiko would be so glad to tell you- oh wait, the two timing cunt wouldn't tell you a thing, cause 'maturity and purity' and her totally being innocent.

>> No.8370102

Get this shit outta here

>> No.8370115

I'm actually not that mad lol. I'm just sharing the fact that Dan's little army is trying to go anon. Making random insults about him to make it look like this ISN'T him or his friends is pathetic as shit.

I'm glad you can add two and two together! How cute! How many times are you going to use the word cunt? Your vocabulary is very sad.

I'm not even talking about or to keiko so okay?

>> No.8370143

Then why are you here, darling? :^) To defend a soon to be dead girl's honor? And considering I had to sleep in the same room as the fuck after he stormed out of the room? I didn't ask for this shit or his piss poor sob story.

As many times I wish, you droopy little cunt. :o) I don't need to use an expansive vocabulary. I don't want to confuse you.

>> No.8370144

Wait, did someone actually get raped?

>> No.8370201


Sure am, you totally ratted me out! Looks like I'll have to try again some other time!

You're a nerd, you nerd.

>> No.8370213


Yes, but it was little to no fault on behalf of the convention. I don't know many details about it, but apparently one of them was covered in blood because of the furious clawing the girl had done to try to defend herself. It happened in a hotel room next to an Anon that called security.

That really sucks and I feel for her, but I do wonder how he got into her room, how that situation came to happen and why no one else was around. That aside, I really do hope both parties are given their just desserts.

>> No.8370220

Ways to become cosfamous, share your bad con experience on youtube and have everyone share it without getting more facts.

>> No.8370298

what the fuck????

>> No.8370339

>You had one job you faggots, one fucking job! The con hasn't even started and we have a god damn rape that has already occurred. Holy fuck this takes the cake. The fuck is wrong with you people? I thought it was just the hotel room next to me being loud, called security then went to get something to drink, come back 20 minutes later and there's a parade of police leading some guy I'm cuffs and some chick in a power puffs girl shirt with blood on it crying with a victim services agent asking her to come to the hospital to get checked out. She wasn't that physically messed up so I know "checked out" means the rape and the blood was likely from the guy with the scratches all over his arms.

>> No.8370348


>> No.8370359

isn't that the black guy who has crappy photos?

>> No.8370398


Please, that can't be staff. They actually knew where shit was.

>> No.8370409

eh maybe I just ran into the wrong staff but I had a hard time when I asked for stuff.

I did find one girl who seemed like she knew what was going on though

>> No.8370433

That doesn't necessarily mean she was raped. Even if she was successful at fending him off, they would still want her to go to the hospital.

>> No.8370471


I had an older asian guy who was hilarious and he went out of his way to find me some water when I was having a really bad time. He also brought an item to lost and found for me.

>> No.8370811

Maybe they were all just cosplaying a scene from some anime.

>> No.8370817

don't know about the rest of her cosplay but she looks like shit in this video, guess anyone can be a guest at a con now

>> No.8370952
File: 1 KB, 165x287, illusion280ns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ways to become cosfamous, share your bad con experience on youtube and have everyone share it without getting more facts.

Apparently Harassment-chan there is only showing the FRONT of her costume. The issue was the back. People who actually saw her saw her ass out.

Someone should show the back of her costume and super impose it over the con dress code.

While it's really wrong for people to say shit or touch you uninvited and you should report it don't be all surprised when you raise the alarm and the con finds out you were breaking rules too. You called attention to yourself. Better make sure your ducks are in a row dumbass.

It's akin to telling police that your neighbor is blasting music at 4 am but when the police come they see you holding a kegger for 16 yr olds in your house.
You don't get to waggle your finger at rule breakers and then be shocked when someone calls you on breaking rules.

Now that I know about the back of her it looks just like what it is... a young woman posturing for the camera. Young people have a penchant for being the hero in their own stories who did nothing wrong. It rarely turns out to be the case.

>> No.8370992

>bu bu but people were wearing bikinis so I can dress however I want

>> No.8370997

Pics of her entire cosplay?

>> No.8371052

>bu bu but people were wearing bikinis so I can dress however I want

Yeah. I love that argument she said.
You know who else does that? 7 year olds

"But Timmy took more than one candy so I can too."

No Nancy, you know the rules. Seeing others break it doesn't make it ok and is a poor excuse.

For this chick it points to questionable morals and reasoning skill. She's way old enough to know better.

She's not gonna see it that way till she's older though. Those parts of your personality only come with time because accountability for yourself mostly comes with age.

>> No.8371119
File: 1022 KB, 398x226, www.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like alot of people hated it, but i had a blast! definitely going next year! cosplays looked pretty neat, got lots of photos, nice people everywhere.
there were a few creepy guys that tried to hang around me and my friends, but we just told staff and everything went fine. also my panel was pretty cool. already excited for next year!

>> No.8371132

I liked the new location for the amount of space and locations for photoshoots it offered. Had good hotels with decent prices within walking distance also. The size of the dealers/game room was nice also.

>> No.8371181

When are the backdrop pics going up? They told me it would go up today.

>> No.8371297

Yeah because the 5 shimakazes were running around all through Friday and Saturday night without even being bothered by staff. Nice try but it ain't working.

>> No.8371305

The fact that you are trying to downplay this just because it may have not been successful proves something about the trash that attend and staff this con.

>> No.8371362

I'm here for the Momocon shitshow, and neither calling me darling nor assuming my vocabulary is minimal are very effective based on the fact I'm more educated than you. Do you know anything about me other than my name? Doubt it.

>> No.8371484


Did one of them get mad someone touched them inappropriately after breaking dress code?


Then you missed the point.

It is not the girl's fault someone was an ass to her nor is it ok to assume based on what people are wearing.
But when you say "those people harassed me" why you yourself aren't following rules you leave yourself open.

Anyways, there is gonna be a lot of hearsay and victim blaming and finger pointing.

Fact is she broke rules. No one can dispute that.

>> No.8371486

this is really confusing. what rules did she break? not trolling. I just have a hard time following this.

>> No.8371504

The euphoria here is strong

>> No.8371549

But it was okay for the other girls to break rules because they didn't speak up and kept their mouths shut? Your logic is like shit on a wall at this point.

>> No.8371562 [DELETED] 

Toppest of keks. You think I actually care that you attended FSU, Kerrigan? Lemme guess, you also got a gender studies degree, seeing as you work at an Inn? I mean, maybe you need more buttcream for your assmad. :^)

>> No.8371565

so momocon released a press release saying "While her attire that day violated our dress code, Chris did not mention it during the meeting because he recognized this would be victim-/blaming." what was she cosplaying? any pics?

>> No.8371582

her attire and every fucking other female. god damn I'm sick of this bullshit with this con and its enforce only if you are not friends with staff bullshit

>> No.8371585

LOL, they disabled the rating reviews on their FB page! Here comes the "omg cover up!"

Fuck you Stuckey and Merriman.

>> No.8371616

Officer Caitlyn from league of legends

>> No.8371645

Did anyone get a picture of the chris chan dude or am I just going to have to hope to god that he'd show up to DC or AWA

>> No.8371649

i have seen photoshoot of her caitlyn and it's pretty modest (short under skirt and all). aside from her cleavage how can the costume violate a dress code?

>> No.8371668
File: 96 KB, 720x672, bootyshorts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what rules did she break?

Apparently Momocon wants to be family friendly.

Rules from the book say:

*Please maintain a minimum dress:
Men: shirts, shorts, & shoes. If men are cosplaying a shirtless character only remove the shirt for photos then re-dress.
Women: full coverage bikini top, shorts & shoes.

*No nudity. revealing offensive, and disruptive attire is not allowed
From what I understand it wasn't the front of her costume. It was the back. She shows she was wearing little shorts underneath but apparently her butt cheeks were out. So they called her on it.

>> No.8371677
File: 52 KB, 709x276, Reading-Comprehension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it was okay for the other girls to break rules because they didn't speak up and kept their mouths shut? Your logic is like shit on a wall at this point.

What is reading comprehension?

It wasn't ok for anyone to break rules. Those other girls didn't complain to staff about people touching them so they didn't call attention to their rule breaking. So they didn't get caught.

>> No.8371680

Then I guess the roaming staff must have been wearing blindfolds? Right?

Tell me again about reading comprehension?

>> No.8371681

Eh, the whole sjw movement has brought on so much fear of/resentment toward females. There were tons of females breaking the rules or intentionally wearing things that DID follow rules but were still grossly sexual. Staff left the majority of them alone, but the second a guy removed his shirt they would jump down his throat. Family-friendly will never be a thing for anime conventions because women want to wear "empowering" outfits (read: slutrags), and any attemp to stop them for the sake of the children will be seen as VICTIMSHAMINGSEXISTPATRIARCHHARRASSMEMT.

Just wait until these whores accidentally get knocked up, they'll be singing a different tune.

>> No.8371682

thanks anon. whoa. this must be one of the strictest dress code I have seen. you can't even cosplay cammy, o r even chun li, since you can see the side of her thigh?

>> No.8371696

This upset me mainly because when they disabled direct posts to their page, I could no longer browse all the cosplay pics people were adding.

>> No.8371717

You can wear dance tights and be ok. So if she was wear tights under, she'd have been fine. Also, she's wear a bra she partially stuffed in order to get her boobs to pop out as much as possible, boy a full coverage bikini or full coverage anything. She was blatantly breaking dress code and then whines about having to change.lthe whole thing is bs. She can't give /any/ info or discretion of the guy that touched her? Really? Nothing? Some guy at MTAC two years ago brushed my ass on purpose and I can still deserve him.

Also in her video she acts like she immediately went and reported to staff about being harassed but apparently she just whined about it on Twitter until the staff contacted her to get info. Sounds fishy to me. If nothing else she's blowing everything way out of proportion or straight up making up parts for attention.

>> No.8371721

is this bitch dumb or what. that press release is nowhere close to an apology. I am guessing she got all the attention/likes she wanted and can now declare mission accomplished.

>> No.8371769
File: 158 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1433230612730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The offending cosplay

>> No.8371782

So this is against a family friendly dress code....
But I see more cleavage and ass on the cover of cosmo in the super market.

Only thing this chick is guilty of is having huge tits.

Yeah momo, you dumb.

>> No.8371784

>Also in her video she acts like she immediately went and reported to staff about being harassed but apparently she just whined about it on Twitter until the staff contacted her to get info.

that's something I wondered about too.
A timeline would be helpful because timecodes online wouldn't lie

>> No.8371789

you haven't seen the back and a pair of tights would have made her "in code"

>> No.8371799


we need to see the back.
Lindze says that was the problem.

>So this is against a family friendly dress code....
>But I see more cleavage and ass on the cover of cosmo in the super market.

Cosmo has to follow decency laws and I'm sure has their own set of rules of what they allow.
Momo has their own set of rules to what they allow.

>> No.8371801


What panel did you do? Was it the Danganropa one? I tried to talking to the person that was helping do it but they just kind of "Y-you too" 'd and didn't say anything so I just left. Oh well.

>> No.8371809


By the way, for the record, that panel went swimmingly and I'm glad that they didn't cancel it. It was fun.

>> No.8371815


wow. just.
Contact your language arts teacher now.

No one should have to spell out to you that if there were girls wearing less they would pass under the radar more readily because they had not called attention to their rule breaking.

Not totally fair but obvious. If I want to skirt or break rules I sure as hell won't run to the cops with a joint in my mouth while I complain about my meth making neighbor.

>> No.8371885

Check out this grammar faggot lol. You sound like the typical Momocon groupie that starts grasping at straws when they know they have no ground to stand on left.

As far as me, this is my last Momocon. I've been going since their inception and I can see the greed in the staff trying to expand the con too fast. Also this con is like mutual asspatville. The Senran Kagura panel was rigged so that the panelists friends would only win the prize they were handing out. Hell, the dude is even bragging and tagging the panelists and oh look, he's in their friends list and has been a long time friend they have been buttering up, so fuck that shit.

I'm pretty sure this behavior is not exclusive to the panelists that ran it as I've seen other favortism and shit going on with other group circles.

Fuck what Lindze says, I'm not going to take anyone that posts their nude photos online for all to see to even have a say in this.

As far as cosmo? oh yeah total deceny laws with headlines such as "TOE CURLING MIND BLOWING SEX WITH YOUR HAND TONIGHT, GET YOUR VIBES ON LADIES" on the front page with some chick with her shorts hiked up her ass topless covering her tits with her hands, yeah totally irrelevant.

Yeah, but done with this con and its narcisstic staff and attendees. Frankly I may say fuck all Georgia cons in general, you guys are getting annoying as fuck acting like a bunch of diva's and your shit dosen't stink.

>> No.8371941

Oh yeah forgot. Will you creepy photog fucks knock it odd with the "milk bath" shots?

It was cool once but now you losers keep doing it and you are like follow the leader, hey I can get shots of this chick naked or a nip slip!

>> No.8371969

Not that anon you're replying to but i think the point that they're making is that the other girls must not have been seen/blended in with the crowd or the staff played favorites. Once you start ruffling feathers it makes people more likely to call you out on things if they're bitter or upset. Granted yes, no one should have touched her or grabbed her and it honestly sounds like it wasn't just her that received groping.

>> No.8371982
File: 8 KB, 200x132, fbstvcz7lhpxsqg7jvg6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone is favoritism and asspats. People who don't agree with you must be groupies.

You little kiddies are cute. I cannot wait till you guys get a little older and remember the drama you thought mattered.
Don't worry I remember being like that. Then you grow the fuck up and just enjoy your con.

No con is going to miss you. You honestly do not matter.

>> No.8372001

Take your own advice there groupie, lol. Just because I had a bad time at the con, you feel the need to try and shit on my life? That's okay, make sure you tie the rope right this time. Make sure your feet are off the ground also.

>> No.8372002


Okay, so what I am getting from the autism twins over here is, as long as you keep quiet, momocon staff doesn't give a shit about you. But the second you have an issue with their perfect con, they "notice" you more.

Yeah sounds about right. Keep your mouth shut and you can do what you want.

>> No.8372014

No fucknugget
If you aren't bringing attention to yourself you can slip by. That's how flying under the radar works. You get your friends to stand in front of you when security passes, you wear a jacket that you take off once you're through doors.

Have you never tried to get away with something you're not suppose to do? You avoid the authorities, some people are very nifty at it. Which might or might not be why she only tweeted about the harassment and didn't seek out a staff member for 5 hours.

>> No.8372018

and you mean to tell me not one fucking staff member saw the other chicks running around in worse then she had?

Yeah I'm finding that real hard to belive.

>> No.8372055 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 851x315, Momocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the creator of the Jiggle Jutsu - Senran Kagura Panel, I can assure you 100% that there was no rigging in our lottery giveaway. The lottery ticket stubs were ripped and handed out on-sight at the panel. During the drawing, the tickets were pulled from a bag at random so there was no way for us to rig it in favor of people that I knew were attending.

I will admit that two of my friends did end up winning a prize pack, but I also had three that did not. That's the wonder of a randomized lottery.

While I'm sad to hear that you didn't receive a prize, I can't condone your claims of my rigging the drawing. I've been busting my ass to get XSEED and FUNimation to support this panel and I'm continuing to do so for AWA2016 so there is no logical reason that I would want to jeopardize these sponsorships. I would really, really appreciate it if you didn't make these baseless claims.

Will all that said, I sincerely hope you have better luck should we be fortunate enough to do another prize away at the next panel!

Thank you.

>> No.8372073
File: 263 KB, 851x315, Momocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the creator of Jiggle Jutsu - The Senran Kagura Panel, I can assure you 100% that there was no rigging in our lottery giveaway. The lottery ticket stubs were ripped and handed out on-sight at the panel. During the drawing, the tickets were pulled from a bag at random so there was no way for us to rig it in favor of people that I knew were attending.

I will admit that two of my friends did end up winning a bottom-tier prize pack, but I also had three that did not. That's the wonder of a randomized lottery.

While I'm sad to hear that you didn't receive a prize, I can't condone your claims of my rigging the drawing. I've been busting my ass to get XSEED and FUNimation to support this panel and I'm continuing to do so for AWA 2016 so there is no logical reason that I would want to jeopardize these sponsorships. I would really, really appreciate it if you didn't make these baseless claims.

Will all that said, I sincerely hope you have better luck should we be fortunate enough to do another prize giveaway at the next panel!

Thank you.

>> No.8372091

Unrelated, but what is wrong with her belly button? Why is it pink and gross ugh

>> No.8372094

Pretty sure that's a piercing.

>> No.8372223

Markets that carry magazines like Cosmo and Women's Fitness also now have to put semi-transparent covers on their magazines if to much boob or ass is showing on their covers. At least in the South.

But this entire post sounds like vendetta so.

Even the OP sounded pissed a cosplayer was asked to cover-up. It's weird that people are so /personally/ offended by this.

Some people sucked at enforcing the dress code, so there were a lot of people that didn't get shit said to them, but there were a lot that did get shit said to them. And /they/ didn't make a YouTube video. Spot the difference.

>> No.8372237


Yeah that Vega cosplayer got kicked out AGAIN this year because he took his shirt off for pics And I only saw Sailor Ass Mars once so I'm guessing she and her tutu were told nope too.

But to everyone comparing her to the nudist beach, they were all wearing shorts and their tits were covered so...no dress code violations on that front even if they were wearing "less".

>> No.8372278 [DELETED] 

No you dumb fuck, I didn't get a useless liberal arts degree, I have a business degree. And sorry that the name confuses your dumb ass. Yes, it's called the "inn," but it's a private five diamond resort, and no, we don't like under qualified shits like you work there.

>> No.8372444

I don't know who exactly you are but let's be adults about this. Come forward and contact me on Facebook. I was not even present that night, because of said possibly life-threatening health issues I had remained home. My health is no joke to me, I nearly died 2 years ago from it. So please, private message me on facebook. Let's put an end to all this useless and honestly immature nonsense, please?

>> No.8372481

I'm just gonna say this. Quit hiding behind 4chan and confront us all on Facebook instead okay? Be a man about it. Or, if this is a woman, stop being a brat and woman up and be an adult

>> No.8372521

Someone did cosplay cammy!

>> No.8372525


I saw her as well. It was pretty modest for a Cammy though.

>> No.8372528

So you can her posts on mine? Means you're a mutual friend because the privacy is set to "Friends". Come on, I doubt you're as "mature" or "pure" as my dear queen is. You obviously know nothing about my girlfriend and I. I bet, you're jealous of my strength and popularity. I didn't get popular by back-stabbing and trying to be the queen bee. Either that you're a homophobic prick. I invite you to confront me on facebook ^^

>> No.8372563

What is 'having other duties or more important things to do than costume checks'. Seriously people let little violations slide all the time.

J walking is mostly ignored by the police, unless you make it an issue.

Cops will ignore your pot if it's incidental to what's going on. However, you're fucked if you get pulled over with a joint hanging from your lip.

Internet grammar nazis will mostly let you slide with bad spelling and misuse of the language. Until you type 'Your an idiot'.

See, as everyone else has tried to explain, most of societies rules have some flexibility because the people enforcing them can use judgment. Don't ever expect exactly perfect rules enforcement. Learn to enjoy that.

>> No.8372651

Yeah sure, we saw your co-panelist drop the bag behind the table. Irony is I'm not the one that brought it up but the person sitting next to me pointing out he was taking longer then usual to get it back up.

Baseless my ass. You guys are frauds.

>> No.8372654

So it's okay to break the rules as long as you don't challenge the owner of the con.


>> No.8372670

To the best of my memory, at no point did my co-panelist have the bag from which we drew the lottery. Especially not when we were doing the lottery itself as I personally moved the bag from the display table where I deposited tickets, to when I was holding it up infront of the crowd during the actual drawing. This is all substantially supported by the recorded video of the panel itself.

Again, I regret that you were unable to leave our panel with a prize but these claims are completely false. This is especially hurtful considering how I personally added over $100 worth of items to the giveaway from my personal funds try and ensure people had an even greater experience.

>> No.8372706

I totally get what you're saying, but that's exactly why a big fuss has to be made about it. If we just pass it off and say "oh, it happens at every con" it'll just continue being the norm, so people need to start reporting and making a big deal about this so that others make a big deal about it and something can finally change.

You get me?

>> No.8372714

You keep thinking this is over me not getting a prize. Did you ever stop to think that possibly I already had every prize you offered and didn't give a shit if I got a prize or not? Stop trying to gloss this over. We saw what we saw.

>> No.8372732

I have not glossed over anything you have claimed. I have already stated the truth of the situation and can only continue to assure you that no such thing took place in any form. If it appeared to you that some kind of scam took place, then I greatly apologize. However, of all the choices we had in order to ensure fair and equal chances for all attendees with tickets to win a prize, this seemed to be the best option.

At the very least, I can promise you that we'll take this feedback in a constructive manner and try to come up with a better/improved manner with which to conduct the lottery in the future. Thank you again for your input.

>> No.8372757

>To you
>It was mentioned multiple people saw this

Yeah, he is listening real good anon. Give it up, they will keep playing innocent and gas light you. It's typical with this circle.

>> No.8372762

I didnt attend this panel, but I know the panelist irl, anon. I really think you are getting worked up over nothing.

Random drawings can have a result like this at times so stop being a crusty pringle.

>> No.8372776

>I didn't attend the panel

So why are you commenting except to be an irrelevant autistic white knight? Are the panelists bitching on their Facebook already how 4chan anons are being mean to them or do you faggots just stalk cgl to lick each others ass.

>> No.8372800


Here is the video of the panel itself. I'll highlight some key areas of interest pertaining to the alleged incident.


8:15 - First ticket is awarded. The actual package of tickets is opened on video, infront of the crowd. The bag is then moved from the panelist table to the display table where it remains for the rest of the panel. This immediately disqualifies any claims of fraudulent prior ticket handling.

43:00 - I pick up the bag and actually shake it in order to mix the tickets up a little.

53:00 - I begin to pass out tickets based on award criteria (game trophies, cosplay, Mii plaza)

55:05 - My co-panelist picks up a stack of freshly torn tickets off the panelist table and deposits them into the lottery bag. Remember, all the tickets are from a freshly opened pack that was opened at the beginning of the panel.

55:55 - I pick up the ticket bag, mix the tickets with my hand (short sleeved shirt so no hidden tickets being mixed!) and move to the prize table.

57:27 - The ticket bag is placed on the panelist table while I go over one particular prize and is retrieved by myself once I'm done.

1:01:22 - The bag is once again placed on the panelist table. It remains untouched until drawing resumes.

At no point is there any tampering with the lottery tickets or bag. This was a completely fair and randomized lottery drawing that you can watch for yourself. Thank you.

>> No.8372804

I did indeed bring up my difficulties on this thread. While his assistance in representing my character is appreciated, it isn't necessary as the evidence does speak for itself. Please refrain from unwarranted direct attacks.

>> No.8372840

Nicely edited cuts there.

>> No.8372858

Why do you have a pedo from sometingawful.com as a co-panelist?

>> No.8372859

Awe, ain't that cute~ Good for you! You want some cookies? :D I've already got my JSD and working on another degree. And how did it confuse me? Oooh, cause it's Ponte Vedra? And why would I WORK there when I know how to play stocks and invest? Currently anything I make now? Is in the green, scum. Maybe one day you'll get there. :)

Naah, when Keiko and Kara finally pull their vags apart from each other and tell you? Then I will.

Yes, because I aim to be ~pure~, kek. And yeah, obviously ahaha sure. ;) And lets get on this next topic, jealous of strength? Ahaha! Yeah, if strength is considered hanging on for dear life at all times, never knowing what will happen but continuing on to be miserable? Sure as hell don't want that 'strength', and popularity? Okay, sure. I'll bite this one and laugh way to hard that it would probably have broken you. You are popular in a semi-small circle of circlejerkers for suits that look half way, to sometimes pretty good. And I ain't trying to be a queen bee, I'm already where I want to be. And no, not homophobic. I respect that. I'm pretty Ace ;D

>> No.8372867

So, all you people saying negative things about the con in general, did you even go or are you basing this on second and third hands accounts at best?
Saw someone complain about "too many muggles", all y'all DO realize the con was held right next to a very public access park, aquarium, and other attractions, right?

>> No.8372880

Where did this come from? He's my neighbor and a great guy in virtually every regard. In what possible way could he be a pedo because I can't see it.

>> No.8372881

Er, this isn't relevant to accusations of rigging, but I was at the panel and thought you were really attractive. I didn't know anything about senran kagura when I came to the panel, and it was all pretty interesting anyway, so, good job I guess?

>> No.8372896

It was my first con, I had fun. I wish people would post cosplay pics.

>> No.8372909

I'm guessing from here. Google powers

forums Dot somethingawful dot com SLASH showthread DOT php QUESTIONMARK threadid EQUAL 3019939

>> No.8372911

You can find him at Nathan Randall on fb. HAPPILY married. Thank you.

>> No.8372938

This is all new to me as I have known him for roughly two years now and the posted thread is from over ten years ago. As panelist and friend, I will neither condone nor support any perspectives that he has held either in the past or currently. I can, however, speak to his outstanding character as a friend and neighbor.

In any regard, the discussion is not relevant to the topic at hand.

>> No.8372951

No seriously, message me on facebook and stop hiding behind an anonymous label. I invite you openly.

>> No.8372992

Gas light even harder. If you keep saying it's not relevant, it must be not relevant.

Alleged rigging and now a confirmed pedo on your panel? Fuck dude, you either have someone with an axe to grind for you or you just make bad choices lol.

>> No.8373010 [DELETED] 

The alleged rigging has been addressed with evidence. Perspectives my co-panelist reserved a decade ago are irrelevant to the panel itself or its content.

At this point, I'm fairly certain I'm simply being the target of one or more internet trolls. I've handled the situation in the best way I can.

All I can say is that we had a great turnout for the panel, a lot of people had fun, we gave away some great prizes, and we're hoping to do it again soon. If any of those things sound interesting to you or people you know, then we welcome you to attend. If not, then you are free to abstain from attending.

I'm fairly certain that this will be my last contribution to this thread. I wish you all the best and hope to see you at our panel in the future. Thanks for you time.

>> No.8373027

Thank you for your support. We hope to see you again at the next panel!

The alleged rigging has been addressed with evidence. Perspectives my co-panelist reserved a decade ago are irrelevant to the panel itself or its content.

At this point, I'm fairly certain I'm simply being the target of one or more internet trolls. I've handled the situation in the best way I can.

All I can say is that we had a great turnout for the panel, a lot of people had fun, we gave away some great prizes, and we're hoping to do it again soon. If any of those things sound interesting to you or people you know, then we welcome you to attend. If not, then you are free to abstain from attending.

I'm fairly certain that this will be my last contribution to this thread. I wish you all the best and hope to see you at our panel in the future. Thanks for you time.

>> No.8373140

>Great turnout
>tons of empty seats.

I think you needed more tits bro

>> No.8373175

did you see the size of the room they had though? it was waaaaaaay too big for that panel

>> No.8373304

Can you faggots get your stupid drama out of here

>> No.8373371


You seem really well balanced and fair, Anon, and I really do hope your panels go well for the years to come.

But please, please, PLEASE stop feeding the trolls.

>> No.8373377


Not to mention the same weekend as a graduation taking place as well as almost directly outside a Marta station

>> No.8373396

So well balanced he's talking to himself lol.

That whole thing was a publicity stunt. Noticed the other "anon" that was whining about the rigging and pedo? He was replying so fast and suddenly dude says he leaves and the other guy disappears too.

>> No.8373474

I'm going to try to get Hot Pants done by AWA! (Not exactly a bad guy but...) And depending on how things go my SO might be Diego.

>> No.8373548

Anyone got pics of the back?

>> No.8373698

THIS IS YOUR FRIENDLY REMINDER that Jessica always runs the Dub Your Own Hentai panel at DragonCon, and if you wanted to make a well-timed rape joke about Momocon that you will have an outlet for that.

>> No.8373799

that doesn't make any sense. It doesn't come out on the other side at all. Piercings don't work that way.

>> No.8373813

easy: shitty photoshop. look at her other photos.

>> No.8373838

>Fuck what Lindze says, I'm not going to take anyone that posts their nude photos online for all to see to even have a say in this.

Anyone see the obvious lack of logic here?

If someone who posted nude photos online says you are exposing a little much to the public you might just go, "Oh shit...if the naked woman says I'm going too far then I might want to evaluate my choices."

It's also kinda hypocritical. But then again the internet at large doesn't have a rule that says "No nudity!" while Momocon does have a rule of "Cover yourself!"

>> No.8373839

Only cover youself if you don't keep your mouth shut rule.

>> No.8373869

everyone is shitting on Luna for a sudden. even black luigi and firing shots.

>> No.8373878

Basically the way the world works is your allowed to do something until someone complains.

Whether there were other scantily clad people or not doesn't matter... someone at that convention complained about her outfit and said they were offended.

If someone claims to be offended, the staff usually will tell them to change.

Fair, no... maybe not. But unfortunately that's how it works.

>> No.8373958

links please. preferably to alleged nudes.

>> No.8373994

All this fucking arguing and no one has a photo or video of the back of the costume? Can't choose a side without seeing what was so offensive about the costume.

>> No.8374009

Typical of Georgia fags

>> No.8374013

Dj Ranma is just mad because she wouldn't sleep with him and his dirty big lipped ass.

>> No.8374156

I wouldn't mind getting the backs of cosplays all the time but it is usually rude and even if you ask the cosplayer might say no due to what people will really be after.

>> No.8374540

These two were friendly as fuck. I ended up hanging out with them all day on Sunday.

>> No.8374745


Yeah, they were a super cute couple. I loved how excited the guy was actually, tugging on her to look and see the picture. Made me all giddy inside.

>> No.8374786

> consistently calling women females

>> No.8374830

You, gtfo. Don't even fucking start your shit. Go whine on Tumblr if a word offends you so badly it causes you to pop your zoloft and cut yourself.

>> No.8374835

it's not about being offended, you faggot. it's about sounding like a gross neckbeard who refers consistently to women as females with a nasal inflection.


>> No.8374843
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-06-01-23-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol look at this butthurt

>> No.8374862

whatever you say, fedora-chan

>> No.8375259

soooo about these "nudes"

>> No.8375619

>attempting to call a fedora
>nothing to tip at

The stupidity of Georgia autistics is real.

>> No.8376081

This Luna bullshit needs to stop, she's monetizing the video she posted and that seems sketchy to me. Not to mention the video she's in where she says "We can pop each other's cherries" and grabs onto a guy's chest even after he said cosplay is not consent and said "Oh but your nipple is hard!" -.-;

>> No.8376281

If your making 100k views, you'd be a fucking idiot not to monetize the video.

>> No.8376285

heyy I took like 20 pictures of you and your friends :v

>> No.8376376

Why was my "Cosplay is Not Consent" sign thread deleted?

Just shows a bunch of lunatics run 4chan as well.

>> No.8376414

Because it's been proven no one gives a fuck about those signs and it was nothing but a mockery used by a feminist blog to stroke their ego

>> No.8376416

>If your making 100k views, you'd be a fucking idiot not to monetize the video.

or...or hear me out.
You can refrain from that in effort to not look sketchy and make sure the message is not muddled in money.

I agree it's sketch as hell. Whiny girl-child has lost the benefit of the doubt I was keeping alive for her.
Just another person messing it up for the people who have actual issues.

>> No.8376778

When someone throws cash in my face for doing something as easy as clicking a check box...I'm going to take it. It's call not being dumb twit like the guy that gave his lottery millions to a school district that superintendent pocketed the money.

Not montenizing that video would be that level of stupid.

>> No.8376782

did you even read anon's comment or what

>> No.8377221

Sure, what I got from it was:

"Money is beneath me and all you peseants shall kiss my moral purity feet"

Pretty much a hypocrite that would suck 50 dicks off eBay if they were thrown enough cash, just to arrogant and jealous to admit it.

>> No.8377245

no, you shit.
when you monetize a video talking about how you were supposedly sexually harassed and/or slut-shamed by con security, you shouldn't fucking monetize it. it makes her look like she's lying to get attention and thus more views thus equaling more money. it makes everything look like a basic "boy who cried wolf" scenario, with the added bonus of sweet, sweet youtube cash (however much that means for her is uncertain though). what am i supposed to get from the video now? that i can make money if i just wear a revealing outfit in public, get called out on it, and then proceed to whine on YT?

this isn't hard to get and i certainly don't think anyone is jealous of some basic ass league cosplayer tbh. continue eating her ass elsewhere.

>> No.8378268
File: 189 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's just doing this all for attention. Yea, I bet she was 'harassed' by every staff member she ran into because she's breaking cosplay policies. But she's a special little snowflake that's abive all the rules so she shouldn't have to change, so instead she spins is story about how she's being bullied by staff and BOOM she goes viral and gets attention for her fake ass tits.

She's not wearing a full coverage bikini. She's wearing a Victoria's secret padded Demi bra. It doesn't cover her tits, it's not full coverage, so it's breaking policy.

Her ass is not in her 'shorts', her cheeks are flapping in the wind and she's not wearing tights under it so, again, she's breaking policy.

I don't understand why all these girls think her bra is full coverage. Bitch, you ever buy a fucking bra? That is not a full coverage bra. Full coverage means ya tittacs are COVERED not threatening to break loose and give someone a black eye.

Look, she did all this to get attention and to become famous. She did it on a day when momo staff would be too busy running their con to stop and write up a press release about it, and she is making herself seem like an innocent that got bullied so everyone rallies to her.

>> No.8379037

I sense some bitter vinegar fat birtches that are mad that their youtube videos make shit for cash.

Don't worry ladies, next year you should complain that you are being fondled rather then stay silent so you to can be harassed for your outfit!

>> No.8379046

I think it says a lot though that she was not wearing the shorts she was saying she was wearing and made a point to point it out in her video cause she knows her ass hanging out was against the rules.

>> No.8379341

How do you know she's making money off this shit show?

>> No.8379724
File: 29 KB, 550x550, didnttry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the bright side...

Monetizing it is one of the best things she could have done against her case.
It breaks cover like nothing else she could have done short of starting a GoFundMe so she can visit cons that are not MomoCon.

In short, she let everyone know she's not in it for justice. She wants the attention. No one who just wanted the con to "Do the right thing" would EVER accept money on their complaint video.

So thanks for making it real easy to pick a side!

>> No.8379739

why would i be bitter or jealous about some basic white cosplay ho lmao bye

if advertisements appear on a video, it's monetized. you won't see ads on YT videos if you have adblock enabled though.

>> No.8379773


This is why feminism will never be take seriously.

Salty backstabbing cunts.

>> No.8380045


er, ok.

She's making money off her alleged harassment and *I'm* the one who makes it so women won't be taken seriously?

You win for making me answer troll.

>> No.8380070

Ass and tits aside.... that wig is screaming for help.

>> No.8380767

"feminism" isn't about supporting your fellow woman no matter what. shut the fuck up and go back to /r9k/ you twat.

>> No.8381115

Sorry, I can't grow a neckbeard. They threw me out. Too much estrogen production or something like that?

Well, at least this thread proves how much shit momocon was, not just it's staff, but also its attendees

>> No.8381125

>>Women complain. About pay gap
>>Woman makes money
>>Women attack woman making money

Feminism logic.