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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8363279 No.8363279 [Reply] [Original]

The con has ended and it was amazing yet you know when you come back home there are things you are not looking forward to. What is your personal list?

>Making the return drive but now with added fatigue and sleep deprivation.
>Anticipating the backlog of work you have after taking the extra time off
>Desperately trying to hunt for photos of yourself even though you will most likely be unhappy with the results
>The 100+ post con wrap up posts people make in social media where they tag everyone they've seen then just say something generic such as "con X was amazing!" then said threads filled with replies of people saying "it was great seeing you!"

>> No.8363350

Cleaning up the clusterfuck that is my workspace

>> No.8363362

Hardest part after a con is leaving the actual con.

>> No.8363364

>The 100+ post con wrap up posts people make in social media where they tag everyone they've seen then just say something generic such as "con X was amazing!" then said threads filled with replies of people saying "it was great seeing you!"

This actually annoys me more than it should, but the friends who do it are really sweet so I just play along.

For me it's post con depression. It hit me before I even left Anime North this past Sunday because by the time I'd got in my car, most of my friends had already went home.
I was actually kind of hoping for a post con group dinner but I didn't get any info or invites about such a thing and I didn't want to aimlessy wait around for the chance of it because my feet and back were sore.
I also had to get home to edit my footage, so there wasn't much motivating me to draw it out longer.

>> No.8363388

>The 100+ post con wrap up posts people make in social media where they tag everyone they've seen then just say something generic such as "con X was amazing!" then said threads filled with replies of people saying "it was great seeing you!"

Fucking this. Next day and suddenly 20+ FB notes saying I've been tagged and people have liked or commented on the post. I don't even look but have to like them to avoid shitstorms.

I get the feeling it's not even "I'm gonna miss you" but a "PAY ATTENTION TO ME FOR TWO SECONDS MORE".

>> No.8363404

Coming home late at night for con
>Unloading bags
>Shower from sweating in a costume all day on top of being fatigued, but hey it feels great getting out of said costume
>That dreadful feeling of having to go to work/school the very next morning
>Post-con depression sets in

>> No.8363425

I know that feel. I hate rooming with people especially at out of town cons where I end up being the last one in the room because people leave early. Post-con depression sinks in super hard when that happens. Fuck me I need to get a girlfriend.

>> No.8363431

People asking for con pictures on cosplay groups unrelated to the con.

Every fucking time in this fucking place and it annoys me as fuck

>> No.8363434

Or even better. In the convention's "Did you take my picture" thread I get irked from non cosplayers using that thread "Oh hey I was wearing a nerdy super man shirt on day 2!"

I understand when cosplayers ask but when people asking about photos when they wore generic items then that irks me.

>> No.8363437

>having to take off cosplay and return to normal world
>trying to communicate the fun and agony of the convention to people who weren't there
>facing my loneliness in every day life

post-con depression a shit

>> No.8363438

Going through the next few days without a voice

>> No.8363450

Feeling like it's been weeks since the con and you haven't seen your friends again or gotten any pictures back.
>less than a week
Time goes by so fucking slowly after a con. Meanwhile everyone wants to see photos of your new costumes but you won't have any until the photographers have time to sort and edit them.
GDI I don't want to go to work.

>> No.8363453
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Unpacking the suitcase

I leave it unpacked for at least a week

>> No.8363459

I mean I leave it packed up for at least a week when I feel less lazy to get everything back out

>> No.8363460

Are you me? I have the same issue. Costumes sit for a week in the suitcase while I recover from fatigue and clean up the sewing area even when I'm fully aware of all the wrinkles they're taking on and how certain things shouldn't go unlaundered for so long.

>> No.8363730
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Just thinking about the monotony of the days to come where people at work think you're a weird freak after you try to explain how you spent your weekend, so you just stop bothering.

>> No.8363748

>finding a spot to store your props
I make my props sturdy, so they last a very long while. It's good for the con, but then that means that I have to find a spot for them somewhere since I don't wanna throw them away and they are scaled to my height.

>> No.8364280

I'm the opposite. I do it right when I get home

>> No.8364440

I only unpack when I need to pack for a different convention. My suitcase is around 70% unpacked from Acen, have to finish unpacking this weekend so I can re-pack for Colossalcon.

>Saying goodbye to friends
I only get to see certain people 1-3 times a year if I'm lucky, so saying bye sucks a lot. There is a person that I like and we really only get to hang out at conventions, saying bye to them hurts the most...

>> No.8364485

>unpacking and washing clothes
Nearly a week since my con and I've got one thing of clothes in the dryer and the other still in my clothes hamper.

>> No.8364743
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>Post-con depression
>Which then mixes with my actual depression
>The realization that your next con won't be for another 5+ months.
>You've had a ton of pictures taken of you and you can't find any of them online.
>Realize it's probably for the best.
>When you come back to the giant mess you made the day before the con because you were working on your cosplay at the very last minute.
Sweet jesus somebody help me

>> No.8365068

>opened suitcase to find glasses
>had to tear everything out
>staring at suitcase everywhere
>walks away
>got glasses though

>> No.8365081

>Having to get up and go to class in the morning or work in the evening
>unpacking everything, I hate it so much

>> No.8365162

>Going back to your normal life.
>Saying bye to friends you don't get to see all too often.
>Post-con depression.

I had to say bye to a guy that I like a whole lot, and I nearly bawled infront of him. The worst.

>> No.8365182

Or when they act butthurt that there are no pics of them in their super edgy desu civies
> Bitch people dont care how edgy you were get your friends to take outfit shots

>> No.8365187
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> went to con with friends for the first time
> mfw one of them wanted to take a pic with me
> mfw it's my first time having a picture of me I don't need to scourge the internet for
Good feels.

>> No.8365310
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>that post-con depressing flight home
>home is the same shithole as you remember it

>> No.8365406

Damn those donuts were probably all still good

>> No.8365421

Removing anything I stuck to my face with mastix ( ears, mustache, wigs).

>> No.8365446

such is the life of people working at stores
gotta throw that shit out

>> No.8365606
File: 84 KB, 427x474, 1397398031894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have my sympathy, anon

>> No.8366049

my workspace is covered in straw at the moment. i feel like i'm in a very cozy barn.

>> No.8366158

>Back to working two jobs with hardly any time off.
>Twice a year I can be a person and do whatever I want instead of caring for others. Going home is very hard and feels like putting on shackles.
>Post con depression? Post con repression's more like it.

>> No.8368416
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>drive ten hours to animazement, listening to bar prep lectures
>drive ten hours back from animazement, listening to bar prep lectures

Worst roadtrip of my life.

>> No.8369162
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>mfw throwing out "expired" food at the restaurant I work at because if anyone eats it and gets sick and complains, we'd be in deep shit

>> No.8369236

Yeah, it's insanity. Even homeless will have the balls to try to sue establishments if they eat something out of an unlocked dumpster (which is why dumpsters often have locks on them.) Thank fucking god France is testing out a new law saying that grocery stores must try to donate unsold food before it expires. We'll see how it goes. If it works, maybe the rest of the developed world can follow suit and start feeding more of the homeless. Beggars can't be choosers anyway; why do a few crazy sue-happy homeless people need to ruin it for the rest of them?

Back on topic: major thing aside from the pile of emails at work, is thinking about X guest who wasn't here this year, and being worried that maybe the con screwed up and they'll never come back. I am worried that Sakuracon fucked up with Angelic Pretty in this regard. While I'm not into AP myself, it does reflect badly on the con for being slow with scheduling, and other lolita brands that I do like will have less desire to attend themselves when they hear from AP that the con is not well-planned. Buying plane tickets is expensive, so alerting the designers and their models only a month in advance that they're welcome to the con is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.8369448

Lately I have been unpacking and throwing things in the wash a few hours after I get in. No idea what spurred that trend.

>missing all the hubub and gogogo of a con
>realizing if I walked IRL as much as I did at a con I'd be fitter
>no more streetpasses
>friends tagging you in super unflattering photos.

>> No.8369450

It's not because they'll sue, it's because it won't be profitable. I live in Finland and it's not because of lawsuits but because those people are assholes who are just looking to turn a profit. That's why France is doing what it's doing. Besides, how can they sue if they don't have a receipt?

>> No.8369457
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>Con wasn't as good as you thought it was gonna be
>Missed everything you wanted to go to
>Can't see your friends for another month or 5

>> No.8369463

Coming home and seeing what you did or did not remember to bring back. Actually, that's on both ends. Get to convention. Realize you forgot something. Get back home. Realize you forgot something. Every fucking time.

>> No.8369522

Unpacking my suitcase. Almost impossible to do. I got home 2 weeks ago now and it's still there on the floor with cosplay bits in it. I took out the dirty laundry at least.

>> No.8369867

>takes ages for photos to be uploaded
>some never surface
>the ones that do are super unflattering (taken before I posed or while talking) or mediocre photography
>tfw this happened at the last three cons I went to, not a single nice, high-quality photo from any of them

>> No.8369920

If you're going to spend money buying or making a costume, then you should spend money on a photographer.

>> No.8370086

You gotta be proactive in getting/finding photos. Most con photos are just hall shots of people taking pics and moving on. Descent photographers roam cons all the time seek them out and book a session

>> No.8370261

Not having something to look forward to for a while.

>> No.8370265

also check facebook groups. most of the major conventions should have facebook groups and a week or two right before the convention it's pretty much combo spam between photographers looking for people to shoot and cosplayers posting their schedules for photographers to see. some of the better photographers are looking for cosplayers and not putting themself out there (or they have a bunch of friends already to bounce around) but there are still a few solid photographers who post ads.

>> No.8370275
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There aren't many things I don't look forward to when I get home - I'm very thankful to have convention weekends only last weekends.

>Going back home to sleep in a bed after all weekend and sleeping in for 12+ hours.

>Eating a proper, nutritious meal.

>Uploading my pictures to Facebook and not bothering to check for pictures of myself since I never get pictures taken of my cosplay.

>Try to forget that I'll never be good enough to get with someone at a convention and start a relationship with them.

>Look at my purchases and wonder if they were really worth the money.

>> No.8370297
File: 16 KB, 145x280, how embarassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Desperately trying to hunt for photos of yourself even though you will most likely be unhappy with the results

Fucking hell, I got stopped every five feet this Acen. Dozens of people must've taken my picture, even several Rosemont cops wanted pictures with me...

AND I CAN'T FIND A SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Some photogs caught me and gave me their cards though, so I at least got pictures from them. But from the regular people I haven't seen a single one. The fuck?

>> No.8370452

Finding one of the snakes has escaped fucking again

Finding my parents didn't put a clothes peg in the door of the boa tank, the big female pushed the sliding door of the tank open, all three adult boas left the tank and knocked over smaller boxes containing baby boas resulting in my mother finding some of the babies swinging from the inside window sill and putting the babies back in the wrong boxes.
Catching the two smaller males easily (behind the iguana tank) but almost putting my back out because the big female has taken up resident behind a big tank that's heavy to move.

Coming home to find a snake has died (has happened after at least two cons)

Coming home from a con to find parents have left back door open and the cockatoo has flown out the door.

Catching post-con lurgy/con crud

Getting a case of shits because of poor diet over the course of the con

Tiring travel back to home town/country (I've gone as far afield as Vancouver from Ireland to attend a con)

>> No.8370531

>buy a fish new year's day 2014
>go to shitty-ass con that weekend, forget fish
>return from con and find fish in filter "dead"
>too lazy to clean
>ff to Katsucon in February
>return to find fish alive and swimming in tank
>both happy and terrified

>> No.8370542

>Finding one of the snakes has escaped fucking again
>Finding my parents didn't put a clothes peg in the door of the boa tank, the big female pushed the sliding door of the tank open, all three adult boas left the tank and knocked over smaller boxes containing baby boas resulting in my mother finding some of the babies swinging from the inside window sill and putting the babies back in the wrong boxes.
>Catching the two smaller males easily (behind the iguana tank) but almost putting my back out because the big female has taken up resident behind a big tank that's heavy to move.
>Coming home to find a snake has died (has happened after at least two cons)

>go to anime conventions
>still living with parents
>bitching about said parents
>making parents take care of your pets

and then nerdy guys bitch about how the girls in the skimpy cosplay won't give them the time of day...

>> No.8370566

Way I see things, the regular photographers with their better equipment usually trumps over the random person with a phone camera. I'm fully content with not getting all the photos as I've already got the ones worth seeing

>> No.8370569

why do you want the joe schmo shots? photos don't get posted for a variety of reasons. person doesn't care, hasn't gone through them, only posted on facebook, just wanted them for their own memories, etc.

>> No.8370575

Editing photos.

>> No.8370581

I'll add to that: editing photos quickly.
ohhhhhhhhhh man why did I take so many shoots?

>> No.8370584

The cockatoo was the family pet

The snakes don't need anyone to take care of them while I'm away for the weekend, the big boas only need feeding once every two weeks.

My mother randomly decided to change the boa's water even though I'd changed it the morning I left for the con

I'm female so I'm the skinny chick in the skimpy cosplay who doesn't give ugly nerds the time of day

>> No.8370688

>I'm female so I'm the skinny chick in the skimpy cosplay who doesn't give ugly nerds the time of day

bitching about mum and dad, living at home despite being over 18, parents take care of your snake collection who they have to keep in their house while you go to anime conventions...

skimpy cosplay, sure. the skinny part, however...

>> No.8370699

Went to Acen, having the exact same problem

>> No.8370880


I was at Acen and haven't posted yet because I had two cons the weekends after it.

What were you dressed as? Maybe I took a photo.

>> No.8370884

Sure pet, we believe you

>> No.8370927

Oh right, should have clarified, I'm a lolita not a cosplayer so I feel like doing a photoshoot would be a bit pointless, I'm just often surprised how few photos show up online because I always get ~50 photo requests yet I've never found more than a handful later. Suppose it's just that it's mostly people (cosplayers and normalfags not photographers) who keep the photos for themselves rather than uploading.

>> No.8372507

Looking at your credit card after you ran up charges for last minute cosplay supplies, food, hotel and travel expenses.

Even if its lolita you can still ask for photos. Con photgraphers will shot anything as long as the model is willing as it gives them more time to work the camera. It's worth to ask them as the worst thing can happen is that they say no