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File: 40 KB, 615x462, vintage-sewing-machine-clipart-1378851925oz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8361489 No.8361489 [Reply] [Original]


Completed garments

No asspats necessary but please try not to be a gigantic twat, especially if someone posts requesting concrit.

>> No.8361502
File: 242 KB, 570x784, TinaGivensRiddlesandRhymes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought this fabric, can someone please tell me I didn't make an enormous mistake? It's a really busy print, but look at the bunnies!

the bunnies!

look... bunnies... :(

>> No.8361533
File: 1.50 MB, 4608x3456, rabbitskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently made a box pleated skirt with rabbits on it.
More otome than lolita methinks.

>> No.8361544
File: 219 KB, 345x381, Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 9.22.52 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to say, would like concrit!
Here it is worn, but without a petticoat (looks better with an a line one underneath).
The hem appears lopsided in this picture but I have measured it and it is not, so I don't know what's up with that.

>> No.8361556


Aw, I love that fabric! Sauce?

Also for concrit:
It's hard to tell because there's no petti and it's not a full body shot, but it almost looks like it sits a tad low on your waist. I like to have things at the smallest part of my body which is a little below the rib cage for me, right before my hips start to swell out.

Second, the thing that makes it more otome than lolita is the lack of details. If you edged the hem in lace and added a bow to the front of the waist band that would go a long way. Or just keep it as is and wear it as otome! Either way would be cute.

>> No.8361616

Need more ironing. Is the fabric 100% cotton? Untreated cotton wrinkles very easily and you'd need to iron between wears to keep the pleats crisp and pretty.

>> No.8361635

Fabric came from spotlight.
I tried to find it online (even in stores - out of 3 spotlights I have been to in the last month only one had it) but no luck. It is a "buzoku cotton duck" printed in Japan - there is this colorway and then a green one with grey rabbits.
I am planning to make some bows from the leftover fabric, so I can make one that will clip onto the waistband and make it more loliable? >>8361502
As for this fabric you posted, I reckon it could work in a simpler skirt or dress design so it doesn't become overpowering with all of the other elements. Perhaps you could use some gold or off-white chiffon ruffles. Chiffon is pretty.

Ok will do. I didn't notice how wrinkled it was.

>> No.8361743

That's fucking tragic. I'm American we don't have Spotlights here :( looked all over the place online and couldn't find anything either.

>> No.8361808

Maybe this is a stupid question but how do you use otome no sewing patterns? The pieces are overlapping. Do you trace on to pattern making paper or can I like... Take it to kinkos and have a couple copies printed out and cut those up?

>> No.8361827

You're supposed to trace them and add seam allowances. Copiers should work as well, though I wouldn't risk the chance that it'll print +/- 1% bigger/smaller than the original, since all those 1/8th inch differences between seams would add up. Plus printing paper don't exactly make the best pattern paper.

>> No.8361849

Get a roll of 'spa paper' from Amazon and trace those bad boys. Check the layout image to see if there's any specific seam allowance and then default to 1cm or 3/8in

>> No.8361976

posted in the last thread with no response, so I'll try again here. Does anyone know of any cute strawberry-themed fabric? I'm looking to make a country style dress but I'll look at anything!

>> No.8362138
File: 189 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty cute. Etsy has a lot of good stuff actually

>> No.8362153

Anyone have any knitting or sewing patterns to share? I have made a few boleros before as gifts but I know I could do something more loli-able. Saw this thread and thought I'd ask.

>> No.8362184

I'm looking to make an A-line petti with organza, but I'm not sure how long to make the tiers? Is it just 2x the waist measurement, and then double it each time? I'm not looking to make something super poofy, and I haven't really been able to find anything that'll say exactly how much I should cut.

>> No.8362208

I was going to buy the exact same fabric to make a pleated skirt too.

>> No.8362229

Aww, that is cute, too bad its a knit.

>> No.8362235
File: 228 KB, 596x555, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got a bodice for an OP to fit where I'm ok with it. yeeaa for being a turtle lady.

>> No.8362244
File: 229 KB, 458x762, lolitsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this to wear with bodyline's fruits parlor skirt in pink?
I'm thinking chiffon for the material, possibly double layer for the torso part. The crescent shapes on the sketch is the trim pictured, round shapes are buttons that I haven't picked out yet.
I'm debating on the idea of two rows of ruffles on the sleeves and perhaps more of the trim at that seem as well. Also perhaps two layers of ruffles at the bottom of the torso.
Also, any tips as to how to attach the trim are greatly appreciated, I think ive got the right idea, but not quite sure.
Please pardon the messy-ness of it, the brush files I wanted to use wouldn't load, and I'm too tired to make it look nice and polished and everything. I feel like you can get the idea however. Thanks!

>> No.8362250

Screenprinting related rather than sewing but...
I'd like to screen print some kind of design on to a simple bodyline dress. Like that one chick who made an AP replica, but uh... Not a replica. Any ideas for what designs might work?

>> No.8362343

If you don't want to do a replica you should design something yourself. Crowns would be easy to do by altering clip art type stuff.

That looks like it fits pretty well. What does "turtle lady" mean? Never heard that in reference to body type before.

>> No.8362400


Considering your bust size, you may want to consider making it a princess-blouse style top. This design looks like it has a ton of potential for being unflattering. :( Big busts and Lolita can be a huge challenge.

Happy sewing, and I hope it turns out awesome!

>> No.8362434

I just it the other day
basically a rounded back, forward neck type of deal. I have
Now that I think about it, I'm more of a misshaped jellybean or whatever.

Yeah, I may just switch to a princess seam/empire waist for next time, but right now the fabric I plan on using is limited, so it's easier to lay out the stuff with darts. any tips for shaping with the princess seams? I feel I need more control for the under bust area. I may have a bit of a tummy, but my ribcage is 29", my bust is 37". ;_;

>> No.8362439

I do plan to design it myself, I was just kind of stuck on what kind of motifs I could use. I like the idea of crowns though, I may see what I can do with that.

>> No.8362465

Are you me?
I have the same measurements and a tummy as well. It's a huge challenge to make anything to fit me because of the huge difference in bust to underbust. If it's even a little off it looks weird, but if I make the darts go in that much it looks weird also...
Kinda at a loss for what to do

>> No.8362499

I guess we just gotta do it this way. HA.

>> No.8362508

Yeah! If you're a bit of an artist (unlike me T.T) you should do something you really love. Personally my "prints that should exist but don't" list is long but here are a few: honeycombs and bees, sugar skulls, pancakes or waffles, coffee stuff. I'm sure you can do something cool!

Despite you turtle-ness I like this bodice and I think a bodice with more weight will look fab on you. The muslin isn't working because it's too light. A nice heavy cotton will look great on you in this cut.

>> No.8362860

I love you turtle-chan, that article was amazing. Keep up the good work!

>> No.8363257
File: 61 KB, 540x851, funny-grill-burning-money-webcomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spending all the money on Japanese fabric

>> No.8363259

So I'm dragging my boyfriend along to ILD and I want to make him a shirt. Since I'm already making two outfits I don't want to do anything too work intensive so I'm planning to alter a dress shirt. I'm thinking of adding a jabot and frilly sleeves. What else do I need to do to make it look right?

>> No.8363283

it's hard to know without seeing what you're working with

>> No.8363478
File: 486 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally bought this fabric to use for a cosplay that had like a starry pattern on the skirt, but decided to use a different fabric. I want to use the fabric for a JSK or something, but I can't decide on what kind of cut, if I want to add lace or like a white bib, add a overskirt, etc. I'm basically aiming for something like a design replica so I have multiple reference photos when sewing it all together. The stars glow in the dark which is also pretty cool, so maybe I can arrange a meetup at a planetarium or something once I have it all finished.

>> No.8363479

A jabot and frilly sleeves/cuffs sounds fine imo. If the dress shirt has pointed collars, perhaps safety pin it up and pin on the jabot so it looks like a high neck blouse?

>> No.8363481

That's a good solution! My main concern was the collar. I wasn't sure if I should make an additional false collar to put over it, either a peterpan or a super long pointy one. This sounds like less work though :)

>> No.8363513

Ever seen honey cake?

>> No.8363528

Wow, no! I've never heard of it!

Just kidding. It exists, but it's not like I'll ever own it, so there should be more breakfast prints.

>> No.8363578

No problem! I actually did this for a blouse I plan to wear on ILD, except I used a little bow instead of a jabot to hide where the collar ends meet. Glad I could help!

>> No.8363881

I have a problem too. This week I think my total will be around $200 on fabric alone thanks to the great link from backwards immage anon... but then I can stop and become a sewing hermit for a few months to a year so... it evens out?

>> No.8363900

Backwards image anon...? do go on, always trolling for new fabric.

>> No.8363957

The price would be so good if it wasn't half a ducking meter.

>> No.8363990

If you feel like clicking randomly around and using a shopping service there's awesome fabric here

>> No.8364012

>coffee stuff.
i need this, thanks for the idea anon

>> No.8364022

depending on the rest of the outfit, swapping out the buttons might be a good idea. antique stores have loads of old buttons that could add a unique touch.

>> No.8364126


That is a REALLY good idea! I have a bunch of gold lace I've been using on the shirt and some gold buttons would totally tie it together. And bonus: it's not that work intensive! Can't believe that didn't occur to me already.

>> No.8364151

>1 week until con
>still have two dresses and a few accessories to finish
>i can do this
>i can do this
>i can do this

>> No.8364179

Oh my god! Girl you probably bit off more than you can chew. How far are you on your dresses?

>> No.8364183

Favorite headbow patterns? I'm desperately trying to make a KC from scratch before tomorrow night

>> No.8364233

From the indie thread, to save time and put it in the right thread I'll just post it her
It's for a popular pancake fabric thats also available on rakuten, but this etsy owner has a bunch of cute stuff
Its around the same price for others I've found but they weren't as geared toward boarder prints.

>> No.8364306

I love that fabric but you can't cut it :( There's no way to really use the fabric. Anything you do to it will damage the integrity of the design.

>> No.8364311

You got this, just don't freak out. Keep calm and you can do this. Work on one dress, then some accessories, then the other dress, and back to accessories. Keep that pattern and you don't get stressed out by something not looking perfect.

>> No.8364334

Not sure if anyone gives a shit but here's a list of lolita fabric vendors on Etsy:

CawaiiMart (I'm eh on this seller)

Anything I should add to my list? There's a decent amount of crossover, a lot of them sell the same things, but there are also a lot of gems.

>> No.8364407

I love you, but my wallet has just declared a state of emergency.

>> No.8364434


I love you too anon :-*

>> No.8364527

This might seem like an odd silly question - but is there a way to tell what kind of pattern was used to make a skirt by taking one apart? there is a bodyline skirt that I really want but they make them out of shitty polyester, and I'd like the same exact cut and pattern but with better materials.

>> No.8364540


>> No.8364542

Yeah if you're prepared to slave over your seam ripper for a few hours! Once you take it a part there's no reason you can't iron the pieces and use them directly as pattern pieces. Unless you need a different size or something.

>> No.8364544

Well, if you take it apart you should be able to use the pieces and draft a new pattern. You could trace them onto newsprint. I like to use brown kraft paper or the back side of cheap wrapping paper.

>> No.8364545

Which skirt?
Generally they make rectangle skirts.

>> No.8364557

It's pretty common for people to take garments apart to draft a pattern from--I do it a lot myself. You have to be sure to add seam allowance back in to the measurements, and allot for material differences (IE if you're using a cotton with no give and they used some awful stretchy material). I make notes as to how things were put together (gathering, seam finishes, etc.) and draw little diagrams so I can figure out the construction.

>> No.8364564
File: 190 KB, 700x1200, l325-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

Thanks you guys, I was not expecting so much helpfulness

>> No.8364576
File: 86 KB, 432x457, 9108b64dc09b8a3b1f3bc4cb0de8b28a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok sooo this has nothing to do with clothes…
But I know some people on here to sew cute plashes of cute animus sometimes….
does anyone have a good squirrel/bunny pattern?
I'm being nostalgic and want to make a pixie tail.

>> No.8364579

I'm going to a big fabric sale tomorrow and was wondering what were some versatile fabrics to pick up? I'm a cosplayer so I usually only go to get fabric when I have a specific project in mind and then go to the store to grab the ones that suit what I need. I just went to a con though so I have no new projects in mind yet.

>> No.8364581

This is an expensive one - would be a waste unless you can get one that is partially destroyed and therefore very cheap and not easily sellable. The pattern for this actually appears to be very basic. It's a rectangle skirt with a second rectangle with curved side seams over the top. It has that second ruffle underneath which means you could make a third layer or just a ruffle above the hemline by 5 inches or so.
Also corset/high waist.

>> No.8364584

You might have better luck in a cosplay thread!

>> No.8364598

lol expensive to who?? It's $53. And it's made with polyester, it can't be that great. All the polyester I own feels awful and I avoid wearing it anymore. I mean, if I bought one which I might just to try - I'd see if I liked wearing it before ripping it up. I just doubt it from all the details I've read on it. That style says more velvet or just anything actually soft.

>> No.8364666


>> No.8364673


I had a pattern that was princess seamed but also had a dart in the two side panels, it gave a massive difference between bust/underbust when the two were combined. It looked awful on me as flattest of the flat so it might be a good method for you to experiment with?

>> No.8364674

Suit yourself.
Relatively expensive for bodyline (although I remembered it being $80?) and a moderately simple design for anyone with pattern making and/or sewing skills.

>> No.8364694

turtle-anon here.
i've made a horrible misjudgment.
I have the castle fabric, but I'm short. I decided to make an a-line skirt. (which was dumb)
I can't deal with a big white castle over my crotch. Time to go off roading.

>> No.8364742

It's 53 now? I got this for about $40 or less. Also, I didn't think the fabric was bothersome to be honest. Plus you don't really feel it considering you have 8 layers of petty coats underneath.

>> No.8364823

I bought it and fabric is made for cutting, the trick is lining up the bodice with dripping honey in the skirt. I'll draw it up and show you.

>> No.8364902

are there any good tutorials on how to make a shaped bag? or does anyone have suggestions on how to go about doing that? I really would like to make a couple bags to match some dresses I have, namely a coffin bag and heart-shaped bag that I need in very specific colors/designs that I am better off just making myself at this point it seems.

>> No.8364942
File: 848 KB, 2560x1920, CAM00219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this. The higher cut gets more of the pancake stack on the skirt. The simple neck allows for the sweet collar to peak out in whatever color, I would pair with white or pink.

>> No.8364975

I don't even want to admit it. I'm a seamstress, so I can knock a dress out in a day (except the one that has a boatload of hand beading - thank god for my tambour hook!) and the accessories all take less than two hours to make. I figured it up on an hourly basis, I have to finish moving out of my apartment on Sunday and allotted myself sleeping and eating time, and I had enough time with about two hours wiggle room to get everything done. I really did bite off more than I could chew, but I'm fiercely determined not to fail.
Thanks anon! Luckily, everything will only be on the models for a couple hours for the fashion show, hopefully no one tries to take a close look at them. After the show, I'll probably take them home, disassemble everything and re-do it in a way that's worthy of selling. None of these outfits would fit me, and holy balls are they detailed. I'd hate to have them sit in my closet when someone else could make them look beautiful.

>> No.8364983

Was it for a Love Live cosplay, by any chance?

The pattern is very cute and would work well for a JSK! If it were me, I would add a lace trim and maybe make a matching headbow.

>> No.8364985

Can you make me one too? I love lady lovely locks.

>> No.8364994


There's a teeny tiny image of a jsk made with the fabric in the rakuten header posted over in the indie thread >>8363147 , if that helps.

>> No.8365047

Could always make a cute AP style cutsew dress!

>> No.8365052

Honey picnic by meta also has pancakes!
I feel like bodyline has a waffle print?

>> No.8365072

Thank you, it was just a rough sketch. I'm entertaining a scalloped neckline in the honey and turning it into an OP.

>> No.8365074

Don't make it scalloped, make it "drippy" like AP melty chocolate series. That would be awesome.

>> No.8365136

god no, too many drips. The pancakes are enough.

>> No.8365156


Maybe just one drip?

>> No.8365170

I think it might be a bit weird. Drippy boobs. I'll sketch it out.

>> No.8365202
File: 901 KB, 2560x1920, CAM00220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a perfect world i could get it to resemble this.

>> No.8365215

No it wasn't, I was gonna use some of it for a FFXIV Astrologian cosplay.

I was thinking maybe some white lace on the hem of the skirt part and shoulder straps would be kinda cute? I completely forgot about making a matching headbow, thanks for reminding me! I think the bodice would still be kinda bare, do you think some star buttons down the front would be okay? I still want to add more to the bodice but I just haven't figured out what yet.

>> No.8365226


>> No.8365287

Only cute because of all the help. Thanks anon(s).

>> No.8365522

I use greaseproof paper from the supermarket to trace the patterns. Its cheap and works perfectly.

>> No.8366529

anyone know anything?

>> No.8366666

I dont have a tut, but you're going to need a heavy duty sew in interfacing and I love the stuff for appolstry.

>> No.8366688

I own this skirt in like 3 colors, the fabric is actually really nice (here's a worn photo: >>8364082). Seems more trouble than its worth trying to take it apart.

>> No.8366689

devil quints, it's "upholstery"

>> No.8366702 [DELETED] 


it's upholstery, quints.

>> No.8366706

Im a taller anon, and the waist of the JSK I just got hit's an inch or so above my natural waist. The straps button in the back, so I was thinking of just cutting off the buttons and sewing the strap. Or are there other good ways of extending the straps?

>> No.8366739
File: 54 KB, 500x250, 1431971133746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said I was good at english, grammer ((grammar?)), or spelling. I'm a math bitch, which helps with patterning and tailoring.
As a peace offering I give you an adorable moth.

>> No.8366865

I think that's the best way to do it. If I were you I would save the buttons and plan to return it to its original state for resale value. Unless it's like bodyline or something, then fuck it.

>> No.8368074
File: 1.01 MB, 260x146, 1429845259783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're good at phonetics so that counts for something

>> No.8368875

Anyone have any tips on how to sew straight trim onto a curved hem, aka a circle skirt?

I've sewn the bottom of the trim to the hem and blasted it with steam, then pressed. But there are still these waves and curves that stick out. Last time I tried sewing those down it looked terrible. Any ideas?

>> No.8368911

Take pictures, not sure what you mean.

>> No.8368925

The straight trim might be too wide to lie flat. You may have to gather it, redo the trim on a bias (if it's a custom cut piece), or clip into it to relieve the tension.

>> No.8368946

Notch the curved hem. It relieves the tugging on the grain.

>> No.8368989

Curses. Serves me right for trying to be clever and thinking I could use hand embroidered trim off etsy in place of a hem print. I thought it would look so cool and Victorian.

Thank you guys so much for your help! Next time I'll just used a solid coloured trim and get some notches into that sucker.

>> No.8368998

No seriously, take a picture. Depending on the trim you can fix it.

>> No.8369033
File: 29 KB, 390x520, cursedtrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't get a picture of the current problem because indoor lighting in my apartment sucks, but the middle trim is the one giving me grief.

The velvet was fine, just straight stitched down the outer edge, blasted it with some steam and pressed it over a cloth. Took to the curve like a champ and I sewed down the inside edge. The embroidered trim not so much. I'd say it's backed with somekind of taffeta blend and I'd take a wild guess that that gold thread would melt if it came close to the actual iron.

>> No.8372353
File: 2.30 MB, 901x985, Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 8.58.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this chocolate fabric, and it just arrived in the mail yesterday. Reminded me a little bit of Innocent World's chocolate prints. It's cute in person too.

Anyone else got some good chocolately fabrics?

>> No.8373346

This is just my opinion, but that trim is not really suitable for lolita. It's pretty on its own, but it's too paisley/Indian-ish for lolita, you're going to end up looking like Folk-chan.

For the actual sewing portion, though, it looks like you're trying to sew the trim directly onto the front of the skirt? Is that ribbon laid on top of it? It's not so clear in the picture. You may be better off to do something like dart in the top of the trim every few inches so it will keep the circle skirt shape, then pin the trim the the skirt right sides together and flip, clip and press. I hope I'm communicating what I mean clearly here, think like a colorblocking technique rather than an applique technique?

>> No.8373955
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some pajamas out of AP replica fabric. Bloomers a nighty and a head scarf for when I need to cover my curlers.

>inb4 ur the devil 4 buying replica fabric.

The number of fucks I give is none.

It came out pretty good I think! I do wish I'd had a cuter pattern for the top. This one is comfy but it doesn't really have a lot of design to it. Either way, I still like it. Any thoughts on lolita pjs?

>> No.8373959

Meh whatever. It's not like you're wearing it out in public trying to pass it off as a brand piece. You found some fabric online and made cute PJs. Go you

>> No.8374348

personally I find that a cute idea!

>> No.8374430

What taobao shop did you order this from? What's the fabric quality like?

>> No.8374455

I got it off a random store envy seller. 3 yards @ 25 total. And the quality is fine. They don't sell the fabic any more.

>> No.8374475

Oh that's nice, sauce?

>> No.8374514


Sorry for mobile link. It's from steel city stitches on eBay. I got the fabric in the mail and it's pretty good for being quilt fabric.

>> No.8374667

DAMN IT, you're much cleverer than me, I was eyeing that fabric for the longest time and had no idea what to do with it. Love the pyjamas! I want a pair now!
Would it be totally uncouth to request replica fabric sources?

>> No.8374989


No not at all! I'd like to know as well. I know that Oojia will sell you fabric but I'd rather get it directly from taobao.

>> No.8375746

I think oojia does sell her extra fabric on her taobao but since it's leftovers it's random cuts of it

>> No.8375801

You can also buy it bty, but she charges exorbitant rates for it. I asked about chess chocolate to make some curtains and she said $42/y :/
I was like um no.

>> No.8375989
File: 86 KB, 600x476, 580625_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a hat to match my Meta Princess Wardrobe (lucky pack print) jsk. I have the hat base already. I plan to get a white or ivory ostrich plume and some realistic roses in pink and maroon to match the dress.
But to cover the base - I don't know what color to use! The dress I have is the ivory version. Should I go with a dark brown for the hat or a different color? The inside will have a pleated lining so it can show. I'm thinking of using the pink of the dress that is shown in the skirts.
Please help. Pic related is the dress I own.

>> No.8376032

I would definitely stick with ivory for the hat base. When you say "base" what do you mean? I'm trying to picture it. Is it like just a simple felt hat? Is it straw. Pics would be good but a description will do in a pinch!

>> No.8376825

That's really cute! May I ask how many yards it took to make? I have about three or so yards of this cute deer print I was thinking of making a dress with but was told it wasn't a good idea. But a cute pj set might work.

>> No.8376862

It really only took about two! Of course that depends on what size you wear too. The jammie top has a few inches of elastic in the back to help you get it over your head.

>> No.8376870
File: 2.21 MB, 3264x1836, 20150414_152758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the chunked side, but I think the yards I have should be enough. I posted the fabric in a previous thread and was suggested making some bloomers. But some cute pj's sound like a good idea. Especially with summer coming.

>> No.8376893
File: 459 KB, 576x456, Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 4.07.51 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the hat I am going to decorate. I plan on covering it in fabric. I want to make something similar in design to:
although following the shape of my hat (it takes very well to ironing), but the basic smooth top and pleated liner. I don't know which colors they should be.
I am thinking a brown brim and crown with a darkish dusty pink lining, a pink rose, red rose, and a white ostrich plume for decoration.

>> No.8377164
File: 998 KB, 750x1500, T2clB9X1NXXXXXXXXX-158706019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would go with a dark brown or even a light pink felt hat base

>> No.8377196

Felt looks cheap. I'm covering my own hat (see:>>8376893), need to decide on the colors to use.
I am planning on using both (see the linked post) but don't know if it is too big of a contrast.

>> No.8377222

Sorry but this hat's weave looks really cheap and I will consider you a miracle worker if it looks like the guide in the end. Best of luck tho.

>> No.8377669

Sounds like she's planning to use it like a buckram frame, in which case it will probably turn out fine if OP has any experience with hats. I look forward to seeing the finished result!

>> No.8377763


That's an ambitious project! I like the color scheme you described, I think that'll turn out really well. Please post finished results, I'm very curious as I don't have any experience with millinery stuff. Good luck!

>> No.8378440

I have no experience but I am going to figure it out.
I just need to find the perfect materials for it now.
I'm hoping to make a video of the process, which will either be used in a "this is what you should do" or a "how to destroy a bunch of hatmaking materials" way depending on the outcome.

>> No.8381291

Can anyone recommend a good tutorial for making a petticoat?

>> No.8381636

Sugardale has a good a line

>> No.8381773

That is exactly what I was hoping for, thank you so much!

>> No.8381906
File: 133 KB, 213x567, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: just need to hem it now. not quite as well fitted as hoped, I think my back is too long (didn't attach a skirt to the muslin bodice whoops). better than RTW anyway.

>> No.8381914

Cute! Though I feel like it needs more embellishment, maybe pink buttons on the front?

>> No.8381932


How about bell?

I don't really have a good understanding of how they're structurally different besides the end effect.

>> No.8382858

Thanks! I was thinking about a belt. actually. Buttons on the bustline tend to to be too flattering on me.

>> No.8382887

A belt is a good idea. You have such a nice figure, you should belt everything. Just be like
>check out dat waist to hip ratio bitches.

>> No.8383065

I've been looking, the closest I've found was on fyeahlolitas diy master list but its a bit vague.

>> No.8383416

I bought a CP bell specifically to figure out how the fuck a bell petti is made. I'm gonna post a nice looking tutorial to my blog eventually but heres the basics that I've figured out so far
Two tiers instead of multi-tiered, with the top tier ending where you want maximum poof to hit, I think its like 4" down on mine?
Gathered the fuck out of the bottom tier, I'm thinking like 4-5x the top tier measurement? Haven't experimented with that yet. And I think the top tier is like 2x the waist measurement.
Rinse and repeat for however many layers you want, the CP daily one only has two which isn't nearly enough poof for my liking. I'm thinking at least 4 layers for what I'm wanting.
Also, I think the outermost layer of the petticoat, the one that CP puts the lace on has a smaller gather amount in the bottom tier to smooth out the under-layers. Also on fluffier petticoats it might need to be longer to accommodate all the poof of the layers under it.
Sorry this isn't the greatest, its just what I have discovered thus, I've got to do some experimenting and figure everything out.

>> No.8383486

fuck, that's an adorable moth!

>Just posted this on pintucks.
But yeah I'm making a petti. I have white tulle. but black "prom dress style" fabric for the lining. Will it look shitty?
>also sorry for the cursing, it's fucking hot outside today.

>> No.8383495

You can have a multi tiered bell petticoat (see: bunny house) but the trick is that the difference in poof at the top and bottom of the petticoat is less than that in an a-line. There is more fabric up the top of a bell shape which gives it that rounded look rather than triangle

>> No.8383623
File: 103 KB, 1000x539, tulapinkdoeeyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, thinking about making an otome styled dress using the Tula Pink Doe Eyed fabric, but I'm not sure which colorway to go with.
I'm naturally inclined to go towards the grey, but I really like the blue, as well, especially the olive the use for the bee wings on it. But I almost want to push myself out of my comfort zone and get the orange because I never wear bright colors anymore. But the pink might be more suitable for otome? Opinions?

Is is bad that I only want to get into otome so I can finally make cutesy dresses out of all the cute Tula Pink fabrics I've been passing up on for years because they didn't quite suit lolita?

>> No.8383632

the bees look better in the grey colorway.

>> No.8383636

the white looks cute

>> No.8383642

this is great info annon, thanks

>> No.8387116


>> No.8387341

Anyone have a favorite handmade lolita from Tumblr?

>> No.8387354

Pick the color that's flattering for your skin tone.

>> No.8387396

What patterns would anyone recommend for a maid dress? I want to make a dramatic one like lalamaid on tobao but need to have things modified a lot so it's easier to just create my own but I don't know what type of pattern would work.

>> No.8387405


it's just a bunch of rectangle ruffles mang.

>> No.8387425

I meant with the layers of ruffles and such. I didn't want to have to buy one to tear it apart, it's why I was wondering if there was a similar pattern.

>> No.8391526

Thoughts on using "quilting cotton" for skirts? Some of them have such cute patterns/prints...
Don't know how much of a difference it makes, but I was going to use them more for otome than lolita.

>> No.8391592


Pretty much all lolita specific fabric is quilting cotton. Japanese quilting cotton is almost higher quality than your average run of the mill joanns stuff. I find most of my stuff on etsy. Posted a shop list here >>8364334

>> No.8391595

*Almost always

>> No.8391628

Unless it's obviously garbage quality, There shouldn't be a problem. One time, I actually made a nice looking jsk out of a really thin woven print, but I lined it with a thick polyester and all was well.
The only problem is that quilting cotton usually have really small prints to fit in a tiny quilt square, and when you make a whole skirt, it looks like a bored housewife's first sewing project.
Sounds weird but I've made hella nice things out of upholstry fabric. The kind for couches and tables usually softens up after you wash it, but the kind for curtains can have really beautiful and large prints on them.

>> No.8391637
File: 59 KB, 570x379, 435997723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. I was primarily looking on Etsy (including your shop list, bless you for that).
Thanks for answering my noob question.

>> No.8391650
File: 54 KB, 640x457, $_58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been eyeing this fabric for a long time to make a skirt out of, and I've been reluctant because it's meant for tablecloths. You give me hope. Would you mind posting pics of your creations?

>> No.8392759

We've been over this a few times, the general consensus is that we shoo newbies away from quilting cotton because they aren't experienced enough to know the difference between a good cotton and a bad one, and they run off to Joann and grab the cheap shit. Most of the printed cottons you find on etsy, or designer cottons like Riley Blake or the Tula Pink mentioned above have a smoother appearance, are slightly thicker, and are better quality overall. Quilting cotton is an unfortunate blanket term, as not all cotton wovens are necessarily quilting cotton, printed or not. Just avoid tiny prints like the other anon said and you'll be fine.

>> No.8392901

Newb sewers are also shooed away from quilting cotton because it's the wrong fabric choice for most garments and ends up looking awkward and very My First Home Ec project, especially given the sorts of prints you usually find. Quilting cotton is not a perfect fabric for lolita JSKs and skirts, but the weight and drape actually work for those styles.

>> No.8392915

my-lolita-handmade is awesome

>> No.8392935

Can anybody recommend places to buy lace online, preferably in EU? Where I live, the fabric stores suck, and only carry the worst, scratchy, shiny white lace.

>> No.8392976

How about the premium quilting cotton from Jo-Ann? Would that stuff generally be good enough?

>> No.8393005

And that should be without the dashes, sorry!

>> No.8393024

I like the quilting sateen I've seen at a few jo-Anns stores but if you're looking for local places to buy check out an actual quilt shop before settling. The quilting shops have a wider selection and usually higher quality fabrics.

>> No.8393059

I really think that newbs are scared away from quilter's cotton because there is some really cheap and nasty stuff. Country solids from joann fabrics? Unless you are going to use it for lining or drafting stay away. But heavier sateens, nice weight prints, and even kona cotton broadcloths are nice.

Really what you need to learn is how to properly judge fabric. How does it feel in your hand? Is it thick? papery? plasticy? soft? rough? is it tightly woven? looser woven? When you scrunch it in your hand does it wrinkle easily?

Also if you use a lighter weight cotton know that you will need to line the bodice rather then just do facings. It will need the support.

Finally make sure you make the skirt full enough. Most quilter's patterns run lengthwise making it tempting to cut two 45 inch panels. This is too narrow for current lolita styles (although fine for otome). I generally make my dresses with atleast a 110 inch hem and I have a smaller waist.

I really object to acting like general suggestions like "quilter's cotton isn't a good fabric" are a hard and fast rule. Rather learn how to properly judge each fabric you consider.

>> No.8393072
File: 107 KB, 482x640, Bild894_zps6f13bdf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a dress out of this fabric. It doesn't feel like a table cloth at all.

>> No.8393122
File: 41 KB, 640x1138, 1428992838665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a silly picture, but this one was a $3.99 a yard couch fabric, I put it through the wash and it came out so soft and strong. I'm doing funny pose so you can see how it falls.
The best part: a white dress that isn't see through, wow

>> No.8395284

I reverse image searched the fabric, couldn't find it sold anywhere. Sauce, if you don't mind, anon?

>> No.8395385

That's very good to know, thank you. Lovely dress, by the way!

Wow, nice job. I definitely want to try that method out.


>> No.8395522

I know a few dutch sites that carry a decent selection of lace, but I don't know if they all ship outside of NL. from which country are you?

>> No.8395529

Adding onto this, tag printing? Everywhere I look charges an arm and a leg + shipping

>> No.8395543

in the EU or US?

>> No.8395548

EU, the US has everything plus free shipping. I hate them.

>> No.8395550

again, only know dutch sites. anything outside NL is quite difficult to find

>> No.8395555

Shoot, I'll take anything at this point

>> No.8395565

I could find a site I've used before, for text only labels you have to sew in, they are something like 15 euros for 100 pieces (excl shipping ofcourse)

>> No.8395584

dutchy here, if you would like me to act as a shopping service for both lace and labels, you can contact me at sailormoon_girl_xxx@hotmail.com

>> No.8395750

Denmark :c All fabric stores in denmark sucks and the available lace is even worse. Besides that, can you provide links to those sites? It doesn't matter if they don't have an English website, google translate exists

>> No.8395787


https://www.destoffenkraam.nl/ this one does european orders and is my favourite. they have basic laces (clunny and cotton embroidery) for quite cheap. you can find the laces at fournituren> band> and then on the left side you can tick the box 'kant'

>> No.8395804

more clunny lace, but some a bit more expensive: https://www.stoffen.net/kloskant-inzetsels.html?step=100&page=1

and more cotton embroidery: https://www.stoffen.net/festoen-etskant.html

>> No.8395807

and some netting lace: https://www.stoffen.net/niet-elastisch-kant-ruches.html

>> No.8396042

Thank you very much for the advice and tips!

My local Jo-An recently got in truckloads of new fabrics and there's this one premium quilting cotton print I really want to try making something out of.

>> No.8396048

Anon, you are awesome. Thank you so much!

>> No.8397199
File: 277 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP otome skirt. Going to add some belt loops and a sash I think!

>> No.8397524

Similarly, any recommendations for lace in the US?

>> No.8397585

I got some nice stuff from etsy/taobao.

>> No.8397656

That's such cute fabric!

>> No.8397680

Are there any good fabric sellers on Rakuen?

>> No.8397709

I have to disagree on the "2 45-inch panels aren't enough for modern Lolita" thing. I keep seeing people say this, but I've measured the hems of two AP dresses released within the last year and they both are exactly 90". If you use 2 panels of quilting cotton, you will probably have 44" of usable space. Once you factor in seam allowances, you'll have a finished hem of 86", and 4" isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.8397727

bumping, I would like to know this as well.

>> No.8397738

A good point. It's likely I find that 90 inches is a bit small because I'm making my skirts longer then AP. At 5'8 I make them about 22 inches in length, I guess it's all about proportion.

>> No.8397854
File: 62 KB, 1202x608, wip1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the ideas I have in my head right now (as you can see, quickly drawn in paint). All the darker shades will be a solid black. I'm afraid it looks a bit ita but I do like how it looks, any suggestions/tips?

>> No.8397860

Shouldn't be ita if you use quality materials. I like the left.

>> No.8397869

Thanks! I would never cheap out on materials.

>> No.8397913

bxw is not auto ita. I think this is an attractive design and would look really nice if well executed. Post the finished result when you're done!

>> No.8397927
File: 70 KB, 955x351, allskirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been busy this week with sewing! Left is a vintage-looking perfume bottle print and the others are butterfly prints. The middle one is my first time trying a tiered skirt. It came out very full.

>> No.8398012
File: 255 KB, 1082x676, Wip orks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/!

>> No.8398131

I agree. More than 90" gathered around my waist is usually really unflattering. I have a few IW skirts that are 78" and they look good. 3x waist is a good guideline for most gathered styles, and also the amount you want if you're going to pleat it into the waistband rather than gather.

>> No.8398144

Can you list those shops, other than destoffenkraam and stoffen.net?


>> No.8398153

Totally just bought this fabric! I wish there were more biscuit/cracker prints.

>> No.8398200

Hey sorry for the noob question, but what kind of pattern are you using? I want to get into sewing and figured I'd start with skirts, and the outside skirts look like exactly what I want to make. Your skirts are lovely, btw

>> No.8398205

>still playing 40k
>still being fucked by GW

>> No.8398209

>Being poor.

>> No.8398231

I love love love the skirt on the right

>> No.8398242

>implying i meant the prices
i still play in older codex rules but they nerf'd too much shit.

>> No.8398319

Thank you! Skirts are a really good place to start because they are super easy. I made each of these in about 4~5 hours with snack breaks in there. The left is a regular skirt pleated at the waist. I'm used to making gathered skirts so I just looked up how much width you want for a simple pleated skirt (3 times your waist measurement) and then made them how I normally do. I first started making lolita skirts years ago so I have no idea where those diagrams are. However,there is a nice big list of tutorials on fyeahlolita blogspot (won't let me post the link)
I used this one for the tiered skirt in the middle: >http://egl.livejournal.com/4823813.html
and the far right one is just 2 45" wide, 23" long rectangles gathered into a waistband. I hope this helps you!

>> No.8398323

Thanks! I got both the butterfly fabrics at Joann earlier this week. I snatched them up as soon as I saw them. The blue fabric has a lot of colors to coordinate with too!

>> No.8400744
File: 2.35 MB, 1237x910, castlelace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite a few handmade threads ago an anon posted this lace they got, and i couldn't find a reply as to what taobao shop it was from on the archive and i assumed since they most likely use this thread still I'd ask again here!

>> No.8400989
File: 49 KB, 316x316, 418160-a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this fabric be used for lolita or is it too tacky/colors too bright?

>> No.8401025

Don't use it, that would turn out horribly.

>> No.8401030

Darn, guess I'll keep looking then. Thanks!

>> No.8401193
File: 233 KB, 1000x631, 1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this print work for the shaded blue parts of a qi lolita style one-piece? Or would a shorter piece be better?

>> No.8401210

Anon, I would buy that

>> No.8401211

Not sure how big the print is... but I really like it. Careful with the seams, big prints can offset the look and make it seem one sided or tilted as an optical illusion.

>> No.8401248

>big prints can offset the look
Yeah, I'm worried about that as well. I'm thinking of making a shorter, blouse-length top with the fabric just to see how the alignment would look.

>> No.8401370 [DELETED] 

I think this is a good idea! It might be difficult to start with cuts, though, why not start with print/fabric? And then have the options for different cuts for each one. Some fabrics, like busier prints, would look better with a ruffle panel or something, whereas with border prints, it's preferable to have a simpler cut to avoid jacking up the images. Definitely do custom sizing and longer/shorter skirt options. Honestly, if someone really wants a strawberry print sailor dress, there's no reason they can't contact you and ask.
I have a "to wear" wardrobe and a "to worship" wardrobe. I think a lot of girls, especially daily lolitas, do too. There's no shame in not selling collector's pieces, really! A lot of girls lovetheir AP but are also just looking for something that fits well.

>> No.8401393
File: 155 KB, 700x1200, costume839_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up the last post sorry
On a sewing note:
How tacky would it be to replicate a replica? I love this dress design, but I think I'd want to put sleeves on it and straighten the collar. Is that too much? I'm usually anti-replica but basically nothing is sacred anymore. Are there any other design suggestions to make it somewhat more original? I'd be doing owh and bordeaux.
Also: would you wear this dress with a blouse? I think it would be an adorable sundress, but "shoulders!!"

>> No.8401481

I don't think replicating a non-print replica will hurt anyone, and if you want to add sleeves it's not even replicating anymore, that's taking inspiration from. personally I don't even see screen printing a brand print ( like those gloria type of prints) as really bad, as long as you don't plan on selling it for profit ofcourse.

>> No.8401489

I had most of my favourites saved on my other laptop, but that one's dead now so I'm still lagging in resources. but I got some for you:






that's all I could find.

>> No.8401506

Seconding this!