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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8358523 No.8358523 [Reply] [Original]

I have a serious morality question for you /cgl/, and I want honest opinions please.

What are your thoughts on the whole "fat pride" movement? Does it offend you in terms of cosplay ethics? Are you upset that fat cosplayers are becoming more mainstream and no longer as looked down upon? Do you like the movement and welcome it into the community?

Just a thought I had. What's your opinion?

>> No.8358524

lose some weight

>> No.8358530

As a skinny person who pretends not to care that my fat friend cosplays, I can tell you that it's not becoming more accepted. The people who dislike it just don't say so. And the people who "support" it are either fat themselves or just doing so for tumblr brownie points. It's always been a thing and only the newest of new will think that fatties haven't been cosplaying in droves since it became a thing in the west. Now they just also get notes on tumblr too.

Sage for bait post I actually replied to.

>> No.8358531

>Just a thought I had.
you didn't have a thought, you asked a series of bait-tier questions. why don't you tell us what you really want to say?

>> No.8358536

Sorry if it came off that way, I'm just honestly curious. I've been scrolling through the Cosplay tag on tumblr and a lot of fat pride posts came up as well. I was just wondering what /cgl/ thought because I haven't seen a lot of threads on here addressing it.

>> No.8358546

You should check out the bad cosplay thread sometime.

>> No.8358549

>people who accept it are fat or tumblr
...Or maybe some are not petty children who are bothered by how other people choose to live.

>hurr cgl le tell me how much you hate those fatty fat fat nuggets for the millionth time xD

>> No.8358554

not buying it.

state your real agenda please.

>> No.8358556

I was really wondering how it affects the community as a whole now that it's become socially unacceptable to call a cosplay bad if the person wearing it is fat, even if the cosplay is really bad. I feel as though it would cause a lot of tension in the community because now everyone has to hold their tongue and put on a strait face instead of being able to call out flaws in cosplays in order to avoid taboo.

>> No.8358558

Not being bothered isn't the same as liking it, morally superior-chan. It doesn't bother me. I don't tell my fat friends to work out or diet. I just don't like their cosplay. I would like it if they were skinny though.

>> No.8358559


It just seems like to me that this would cause major conflict amongst the community.

>> No.8358563

Now I'm not saying I agree with the fat acceptance community in cosplay. I actually find it rather annoying.

>> No.8358568

I agree, it is super annoying. I think I speak for most of /cgl/ by saying that since cosplay is a visual hobby and if you do look different from the character you're not as successful as someone who has the same attributes of that character. Fat can easily be changed and comes with a host of health issues as well as being unappealing to the majority of people. So yeah, fat cosplayers do get picked on a lot especially since the hobby is now more mainstream and people only care about e-fame instead of the fandom how it should be.

>> No.8358570

Not really. Most people stay quiet about their disdain for fatties and keep it here or /r/fatpeoplehate. People try to act like it's more mature to fawn over someone about to bust out of some shoddily-made piece of crap but it's just as dishonest as fawning over some little kid who doesn't know better. You know fatties don't have it easy with their appearance so you're polite to them about how shit they look. It doesn't make them look less shit.

>> No.8358575

And as a super landwhale, I don't expect others to find me attractive and I try to choose fitting cosplays. I've been putting off all of my dream cosplays until I'm the right size because I love the characters so much and want to do them justice. My waifus don't deserve someone like me cosplaying them. It just really grinds my gears when plus sized cosplayers act like they're hot shit. 99% of the time they look HORRIBLE, myself included

>> No.8358577

If you're fat and cosplay then so what, I don't give a shit. As long as you remember that just because people feel sorry for you and say you are good does not mean you're actually good at cosplay.

Sometimes you've got to bulk up for a cosplay, sometimes you have to slim down. Others you'll have to do some stupid shit with your hair or your face.

It's cosplay, you should want to change yourself to fit the character. People act like being fat is some kind of incurable disease, just lose some weight. If you've got an actual incurable problem that isn't just your excuse for being fat then work with it and do what you can with it. It's stupid that it should be some question of morality. I'm skinny as a twig and I never put on any fat or muscle, if I want to cosplay a thicker or more muscular character then I'm gonna have to work at it and I accept that. Once the cosplay is over I can let myself go if I want.

You can either spend your life bitching on the internet about being fat or you can actually do something to solve it. One of these choices will be productive, will make you feel positive and could potentially change your life in a big way, the other has no future - you'll be a short-lived martyr for a cause people will quickly forget.

>> No.8358582

it doesn't, but thanks for trying to make a big deal. you'll get serious people saying it's not a big deal, and trolls like yourself wanking off to the idea of there being any drama.

there isn't. have fun circle-jerking with the trolls, though.

>> No.8358591


It really doesn't matter your size as long as you MAKE THE COSTUME WELL. The same rules apply to skinny cosplayers - don't expect asspats if your cosplay looks like a hot mess.

OP's image looks like shit because the cosplay and lack of a wig look like shit first and foremost, and second because she made zero effort at wearing undergarments or giving herself a flattering cut. Smart chubsters will pick cosplays that flatter their figures. The problem is that fattychan and "I made a tube of satin and put it on my body" go hand in hand so much of the time, and then to top it off you have straight up assholes who will shit on any heavier cosplayer no matter how great their construction is.

On the other end of the spectrum you've now got SJWs saying you can't criticize a fat cosplayer for any reason, or that heavier characters are "off limits" and reserved for the protected fattychan class. Everyone just needs to calm their asses down and lets the costume quality speak for itself.

>> No.8358595

It's obnoxious that people demand that the world redefine their standards of beauty because they're too lazy to get up and exercise.

It's one thing to not look like an anorexic magazine model, it's another to be ten pounds overweight and want to be considered beautiful.

>> No.8358606

I'm fat and I hate the fat pride movement. But at the same time I don't care about stuff like fatpeoplehate because for me at least it doesn't motivate me one bit.

Being fat sucks, getting rid of it is hard though that depends on each person. Some people simply have better self control then others and will find it easier to instantly switch their lives around.

Hate on fat cosplay all you want, but it's easy mode and imo it's as boring as seeing some 13 year olds with cat ears posted in bad cosplay threads. With some exceptions of course, like fat cosplay combined with very sexy cosplay because that always looks bad.

>> No.8358607
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I can smell oncoming drama from this but I'll bite.

I guess being fat myself I don't really care, unless they're Tumblr-chans, or just loud and proud. Since 99% of the time if they're vocalizing this, online or irl, they're just trying to make themselves feel better. Plus with fat cosplayers it's like, either work with your body type, or give no fucks and endure the negative comments.

>> No.8358608

Lmao the fuck are cosplay ethics.

This basically. If you make your costume well I will like you. I'm personally working on losing fat and building muscle because that's a priority for me but I understand if it isn't.

>ten pounds overweight
You realize that isn't very much right?

>> No.8358609

I'm fat and trust me, I don't expect people to understand how out of place we feel about everywhere. Just because we can stop hating our bodies for a moment and think we're worthy, we're not making the world stop.
Also, bait.

>> No.8358617

>>ten pounds overweight
>You realize that isn't very much right?

if something seems ridiculous, chances are you're responding to bait.

>> No.8358662

I was fat for most of my life before I became vegan, so I know both sides of the coin, so to speak.
On one hand, being fat is definitely shunned and derided by the media and the fashion industry in a big way. It's pretty depressing to constantly see fat jokes on TV and know that most people think of you as lazy and stupid by default. It's also annoying that people ignore the fact that there are a lot of reasons someone may be overweight aside from laziness and fast food (health/thyroid issues, busy work schedule that makes it hard to eat right and exercise, eating disorders, etc.).
On the other, a lot of "body positive" people waaaay overstate the problem and make it out like they're this horribly oppressed group when they aren't.
Also, while there's nothing wrong with being overweight, fat pride tells people it's perfectly fine to be literally morbidly obese. I had a friend who would constantly bitch about people judging him for his weight, and then he couldn't comfortably walk a mile. Not being able to walk for fifteen minutes at a slow pace is both ridiculous and impractical (you're just going to drive everywhere forever?), but he would brush it off as "fat shaming" if anyone said anything.
I guess overall it's a mixed bag. I don't really care about fat cosplay, because telling someone they can't spend THEIR OWN time and money doing something they love just because of their weight is stupid.

>> No.8358677

Can't even control how much shit goes into your facial hole? So bone idle that you can't work off your basic intake? Pathetic, you deserve to be looked down upon, you're mentally weak and you're physically weak. Of course everyone has a default frame here or there either side of the mode, but Op's pig is inexcusable

>> No.8358682

>socially unacceptable to call cosplays bad
On whose watch? You're allowed to be critical snickering among a group of like-minded friends or making a comment anonymously on the internet. However, it takes a special kind of cunt to go out of your way, under your real name on social media, to try to publicly make someone feel bad over something they created due to loving a hobby.

It's one thing if they reject constructive criticism (eg., poor construction), it's another to mark a cosplay bad solely because of the person's weight. Everyone knows this. This also goes for a thin person trying to cosplay a buff character as well, or someone tall trying to cosplay someone short. It is shitty.

Why am I not allowed to not like your attitude? You put your attitude out there, and now you're angry because I'm judging it? Too bad.
Some friend you are that you can't even be happy for your fat friends, and that everything they do is dependant on you "liking" it. Disgusting.

>> No.8358705

Same goes for lolita. Really I like some people, wo are my friends, who are obese. They complain a lot about it and call fat pride when they need more confidence and all. I do like the persons, I don't like the non-confidence they have. Like, come on, you're fat, deal with it. I could understand if they would talk about 1 or 2 times but nope.

>> No.8358723

I'm overweight and crossplay and I have never once played the fat pride card it's someting i'm changing in myself, but I also stick with the modesty rule in my outfits because if I cant handle seeing myself in something revealing I know for fuck sure other people can't

>> No.8358729
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It's a complicated issue. As a guy who likes women wherever they land on the weight spectrum (except for the real porkers), I don't think they should be made to feel bad about their weight. It's tough feeling unattractive.

As a scientist, the idea that anyone would destroy their body and then be proud of it seems insane. But I also don't really understand the appeal in body modification, so maybe my ideas about how people use their bodies are a little too rooted in functionality.

All in all, I think it's just fine to be overweight and cosplay, just like I don't think it's inappropriate for me to cosplay a black character even though I'm white.

The only time I take issue with it is when people become aggressive about expressing their beliefs. Morbidly obese women who go out of their way to show their fat off, and take a "you're intolerant if you don't appreciate me" approach are awful.

Pic related. Women that look like this shouldn't feel ashamed of being overweight.

>> No.8358749

I like it and I certainly welcome it.
Makes us fit and skinny people look great if theres a bunch of landwhales to compare us to.

>> No.8358760

Bait, but I'll bite.

I think fat cosplay acceptance is kinda stupid because the whole idea of accepting fat people is silly. Being fat is unhealthy and is putting unnecessary strain on the body. And to promote society accepting that as a body type within media is never going to be a good thing.

That's not to say that fat people can't and never should cosplay. If a character is already fat or you can modify a costume to be flattering then it's all good. It's just when I see landwhales cosplaying Yoko that I wanna vom a little.

>> No.8358780

I don't care. I don't pretend to care, I don't give a shit if they're killing themselves slowly or if they do indeed work out like they say they do. I think it's nice that there's more plus size clothes now and that everyone can wear the clothes they like. As long as there are still clothes in my size. Unfortunately i can't even fit in some US brands anymore, the vanity sizing has gone out of control and according to them I'm now an XXXS or something. It's getting tougher here in Europe too, but it's not nearly as bad. Anyway, that's beside the point.

HOWEVER. If you indeed feel as powerful, sexy, proud etc as you say, then act like it. All I see is whining and bitching about how they deserve this and that and how hard they have it as how they all just want to be pretty only for them to do a 180 and then prattle on about being super sexy and confident and independent in the same breath. If you really are as okay with your size as you say you are, stop trying to convince yourself by trying to convince others. I keep hearing these empowering speeches and justifications and self-glorification but it's so obvious it's only there as a consolation prize because they're too lazy (sorry, 'big boned') to lose weight.

My 2 cents. Just had a Xanax and I'm really drowsy so I apologise for any grammatical fuckups

>> No.8358888

>everything they do is dependant on you "liking" it
Where did anon even say that?

>> No.8358944


Yeah this exactly. I hate this whole notion that you are beautiful no matter what they say, that you are loved, that someone is always there to tell you how special you are and you're so babelicious with your stretch marks, personality disorder and bad breath.

I can't stand any of that, I think it's ultimately destructive. I don't believe so much in tough love, I just believe in the truth. A select few percent of people are outstandingly annoyingly attractive and a select few percent of people are unfortunately quite ugly, everyone else is just in the middle and you've gotta face up to that and work with what you've got. Sometimes you're not loved or wanted and sometimes your personality is shitty and drives everyone away.

Bettering yourself is one of, if not the most gratifying things you can do with your life. Nobody comes out of the womb squeaky clean and it's an endless task to maintain, I would consider it a disservice if none of my friends told me that my attitude was getting worse or that I was starting to let my appearance go. It's not about walking around like a bunch of Barbie and Ken dolls, it's just about accepting that we all put some value on how we appear to others and having peers who are honest enough to keep you in line with your own standards.Someone having the faith in me to tell me that I can do better is far more empowering than someone who mindlessly bleats compliments.

>> No.8358956

oh maan, if only there was something you could do to stop feeling so out of place, shame there's literally nothing you can do, nope, not a sausage

>> No.8358967

>pic related
That's your definition of overweight? Top kek

>> No.8358987

i fucking hate it, fat pride and haes is a cancer to communities, it ruined alternate styles, rockabilly, tumblr, and if it isn't stamped out it'll ruin cosplay

>> No.8358988
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>> No.8358999

I will commend the cosplay community in generally keeping it civil when it comes to fatties or people with the wrong bodytypes or skin colors for cosplays, because the human body can only be morphed so much with padding or corsets to cosplay a wide range of characters.

Generally cosplayers make a distinction like this: "Great costume, wish she had the booty for it though." Or, "Nice wig, but drop some pounds and that taobao dress is awful."

We can keep it separate. Also popular is "damn she's hot but that entire costume's a Yandi hot mess."

Truly epic cosplay comes from a stellar body that respembles the character AND good craftsmanship.

We don't just hate on fatties for the sole reason of being fat.

>> No.8359004

I call this the "I'm getting pudgy so I'll balance it out with a boob job" body. See also: Yaya

>> No.8359016


>> No.8359020


Anon I just wanted to say good luck with your weight loss and thinking good thoughts for you!!

>> No.8359051

jelly, a new vendetta arises, also stay fat
Thats overweight?
Thats the actual definition of curvy.

>> No.8359063

You're treating it like it's a part in a movie or something. It's not. It's supposed to be a fun hobby jesus christ.

>> No.8359070

/cgl/ will never learn. Don't bother. Everyone here thinks this is bait because it'a sensitive topic for everyone here because everyone is so fucking opinionated about it.
But they'll still reply to actual bait in a cosplay/lolita topic thread and then cry because it's being derailed even though they replied to obvious fucking bait.

>> No.8359142

I'll be honest, the only thing that could REALLY ruin a cosplay for me is if it's badly made.

That being said, hell yes it's nice to see someone who fits the character. It's also depressing to see people who are majorly into fat pride, even though they've become so overweight that you can tell how much it's ruining them. Like, they sweat when they walk just a few feet... It's very sad. And too many fat people say that you don't like their costume (or coord, if they're a lolita) just because they're fat; that is rarely the case. If it's bad, it's bad no matter how the person looks.

I'm really not a fan of fat pride in general. There's a lot of very heavy people on my husband's side of the family, and it ruins their lives. They do nothing to make it any better, or if they do it is a temporary diet change that results in loss of 10-20 lbs, and then a gain of 40 lbs when they fall off the wagon.

>> No.8359155
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>I tire of this weekly low-tier bait

>> No.8359220 [DELETED] 

Since I am fat myself. I really like seeing well made cosplays by fat people. I dont like seeing no wig, slapped on, barely sewn together costume. When I see fat cosplayers a majority of them have bad cosplays and it really gives good fat cosplayers a bad name in the community.

>> No.8359255


why do you care though?

>> No.8359257

>What are your thoughts on the whole "fat pride" movement?
It's fucking awful and comprised of terrible lazy hypocritical people.
>Does it offend you in terms of cosplay ethics?
>Are you upset that fat cosplayers are becoming more mainstream and no longer as looked down upon?
>Do you like the movement and welcome it into the community?
No, it is a blight upon our society. Being fat is unhealthy and should not be celebrated.

>> No.8359320

Thank you anon!!!

>> No.8359359

underrrated post.

stretchmarks, personality disorder, bad breath
i fucking lost it

>> No.8359370

Except just about everyone has them.

>> No.8359372

I Don't care if people are fat. I don't care if people are LGBT, trans, black/white/mixed/yellow/whatever, furry, etc, etc,etc.

I do care when these people start movements that shove their lifestyle choices in my face and label/bully me for not siding with them. I seriously do not care because I want to hang out and have a nice time without pandering to anyone's agendas or neuroses.

People can be whatever they what, just as long as they aren't gross about it.

>> No.8359532

op is fat.

>> No.8360190


I don't see why there's a movement to actually accept being out of shape, generally unhealthy and lowering your quality of life. Honestly I'm openly against it because everyone should take steps to improve yourself and this movement is the exact opposite of this. Society shouldn't have to change just because you don't feel like doing the work to get healthy. Yes it's hard and it can be a little expensive eating hood food but ultimately it's worth it when you see your hard work pay off. And to the people who have issues and can't get into shape for whatever legitimate reason, you have this anon condolences and good luck to you.

>> No.8360299

Advocating for treating people of all sizes like human beings = good
People who want to mangle the word ''health'' beyond any recognition, who want to have their size 22+ bodies accepted as ~beautiful~, who claim that thermodynamics isn't real, FA/HAES bullshit=get off my planet

>> No.8360303


a lot of us fatties remain fatties while working out/eating well. I think its easier for someone who was once thin to slim down than trying the same with someone who's been fat all their lives.
I know I can only lose weight to a certain point and even so I need to be super strict on what I eat, ultimately leading me to be super unhappy.
in my case though I have a chronic condition that affects my weight directly so I won't say every fatty out there is like me, however I think everyone is worth of self love and respect no matter their situation.

>> No.8360359

You have a right to cosplay as whatever you want. But for me cosplay is about being the most accurate representation of a fictional character. If you're a fatass cosplaying as a character who isn't fat, don't expect to get a good response from anyone who actually cares.

>> No.8360400
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Bio-Oil is your friend :) But it is expensive. I'm sure there are alternatives out there too.

>> No.8360434


People are people, and they all deserve to have fun, hobbies, and respect.

Healthy is a clear definition of a state of body. It's not a skinny person who never exercises, and it's also not someone who is obese. I don't care if you're unhealthy, because most of us are. Just don't try and make people say you are.

Beauty...eh. It's in the eye of the beholder. Society changes what it finds attractive, and everyone has different tastes. I don't go to cons to look at beautiful people; that's what the internet is for. I'm not going to avoid hanging out with someone just because they're fat.

>> No.8360476

>Also, while there's nothing wrong with being overweight, fat pride tells people it's perfectly fine to be literally morbidly obese.

This is the part of it I hate. Never mind what choices you make about your own life, but don't influence other people like that. There's a difference between being chubby and literally not being able to walk around without panting.

Is there some kind of body odour problem with overweight people? I've noticed this cheesy smell around some bigger people and I can't tell if it's a hygiene problem or a diet one.

>> No.8360483

>go on cgl
>post measurements/height/weight in related thread for dressing tips
>everyone tells me to kill myself because I'm fat
>or people assume I haven't been dieting and exercising
>that stings because I've lost 60 pounds over the past couple years
>I can't help that all the weight didn't fall off within a year of me trying
>it is what it is
>say I don't hate myself and my weight isn't my biggest problem in my life right now
>also mention I'm not incredibly unhealthy because of my routines that I've been on for months
>even my doc says I'm in good health and literally the only thing wrong is the scale number
>get accused of "fat acceptance" and "HAES"

Can seagulls just stop that? Not every fat person is a 400 pound tumblr whale forcing everyone to accept fat rolls. I shouldn't have to hate myself for your sakes. Just stop.

>> No.8360490

>it's another to be ten pounds overweight and want to be considered beautiful.
Wow is that your definition of fatty-chan? Pretty sure most people here are talking about morbidly obese not slightly overweight.

>> No.8360492

fat pride/acceptance is disgusting.

>> No.8360655


Cons are for walking around buying shit and dressing up as stuff that you'd get odd looks for in the outside world.

They aint your private runway of wankbank pics for you to disapprove costumes

>> No.8360727

I have fat cosplay friends and I noticed there's always a vicious circle:
> scream 'fat pride'
> go to con dressed up as character who's supposed to be skinny, head held high
> depressed by the end of the con because they obsess about people ignoring their cosplay in favor of their skinny counterparts
> whine to friends about how fat and ugly they feel in cosplay and consider quitting cosplay because they'll never look good
> come up with bad excuses when someone suggests they lose some weight if they really feel so bad about it
> "You see, I can't do anything about it. So it's other people's fault I feel this way. People should just accept my fatness and praise my 400 lbs body so I can feel better about myself."
> Scream 'fat pride' again
> repeat

If your con experience ends in depression, you're only fooling yourself. If you truly don't care about how you look, you wouldn't desperately try to defend yourself only to break down in tears later on. You'd go to that con and have the time of your life without giving one shit about people's opinions or getting teary-eyed when you walk past a mirror.

You can't expect people to accept your body when you can't even accept it yourself.

>> No.8360747

Those sound like attention whores. Attention whoring isn't an exclusive trait of fat people, as you might guess.
>uwuuu I'm so kawaii but why am I not getting any attention?!
>the con scene ain't what it used to be I'm quitting cosplay!

>> No.8360802

I'd only describe one of my fat friends as an attention whore. The others don't care about being cosfamous and only obsess over being ignored because they notice that those skinny cosplayers look amazing compared to them. They can't seem to handle that reality check.

>> No.8360989

I think it's a combination. What you eat affects the way you smell (which is why people say Indian people smell like curry), and being fat means you sweat more. I started sweating considerably less when I lost weight, and now I smell a lot better overall.

>> No.8360991

I'm sorry Anon. People here get really obnoxious about that shit.
Congrats on the weight loss!

>> No.8361035

This. Exactly my thoughts. The quality/fit of the costume should come first.

>> No.8361058


This is what I hate about the "fathate" movement. It's like unless you're under 120 pounds you're not going to be seen as "not fat" to anyone who has extreme hate for fatties.

I'm really fine with anyone of any size feeling good about themselves. Being happy can really motivate you to lose weight. Only until recently did I start giving a shit about myself, Dressing up super cute doing my hair and makeup every day. You know, not being depressed.

Because of that I started to work out and eat better and have lost 30 pounds but I still have a ways to go. Like, god forbid you're fat and you feel fucking cute. Feeling CUTE is the only thing that made me want to feel CUTER and motivated me to lose weight!

I do hate on the fat "healthy" movement though. Girl you're not healthy at 300 pounds. You might have some bitching makeup and a nice outfit and you look cute as hell but don't ever confuse that with being healthy.

Be confident at your appearance at your weight, but don't claim that it's healthy.

>> No.8361151


Anon in original post wasn't saying you can't love yourself and be happy with who you are. They don't like the constant " I am overweight, don't wear makeup ever, and I am beautiful uvu" images and tumblr rants.

If they're are really that secure about it, why do they need to go through all the trouble of broadcasting it to other people? I honestly find it odd they even acknowledge those things in the first place, it's like they clearly know they're flaws, and they just feel a need to vent at everyone.

People who are secure and happy with themselves don't post that shit or acknowledge the criticism by desperately trying to defend themselves, they usually shrug it off and move on.

Yes everyone deserves respect, but I don't need to think being overweight or slovenly with appearances is attractive.

>> No.8361172

There's a balance that needs to be struck, right? There are totally harmful body image things imposed on people, I guess, and some people are only ever really going to be but so skinny. I'm down with that part of it.

The problem is people using it as an excuse to be unhealthy and not take care of themselves. Like I'm naturally thin, but I work to keep it that way. I don't think it's unfair to expect people to put some effort into being healthy and looking good.

>> No.8361217

I don't care if a fat person cosplays, they can do whatever they want. I probably won't think that they look good, but as long as they are having fun cosplaying I have nothing but respect for them.
Besides, standing next to a fat cosplayer makes you look amazing in comparison, kek.

>> No.8361259

so... is everyone ignoring the fact that even if you're thin you can be unhealthy?
not gonna touch the HAES thing but based on ny own experience as a lifelong fatty, I've never ever had weight related issues. More importantly, doctors have tried to justify certain things (like a persistent headache I had once that eventually went away) with my weight.
Or like that one time I had an Xray done that showed I have severe scoliosis (my tailbone is bent inwards, could be from birth but I have no idea) which leaves me with intense back pain when touched or sitting down in hard places... and the doctor dismissed my x ray, literally tore it to pieces in front of me, made me go on his scale without even touching my back and his diagnosis was "when you lose 40 lbs more you'll feel better".
to this day I have yet to receive treatment for my back and I'm just generally trying to avoid doctors altogether cause, even if I'm healthy as fuck, whenever something happens to me they say it's my weight. these are times in which weight bias shows and I could understand it if i was eating badly or something but it's not the case; I actually have lipedema and I can't help it. lipedema treatment is pricey (been having said treatment for over a year now) and I wish my GP recognized it but nope.

>> No.8361281

Go to another doctor for a 2nd opinion. If you really have severe scoliosis, one will find it. Honestly, this sounds more like you're in denial than having a bad doctor. Weight can cause bad back pain; I used to get it when I was overweight. Your doctor is probably better at recognizing scoliosis than you are. But go to another doctor to be sure.

>> No.8361289

sadly when you go via public health care you can't choose your specialist. I've been checked for it by another friend doctor who actually touched my back, however since it wasn't my assigned doctor I couldn't do anything. plus the other fucker broke my x ray.

>> No.8361290

I'd agree but unfortunately I have too many average weight friends who compare themselves the same way youre describing, except it's over cleavage or tummy showing. Everyone gets butthurt at conventions.

>> No.8361301

Are there really no other options? Can you make a complaint somewhere? Sounds like a shitty healthcare system, if there's no way to get a second opinion. Sometimes doctors miss things.

>> No.8361316

I honestly don't wanna go through it again. now, if I experience getting worse I will. but it just goes to show weight bias is real and dangerous, we have stuff ignored cause doctors can't look past our weight

>> No.8361446

You didn't sage anything you retard. Lurk more until you actually know what it means.

>> No.8361466


Other than the huge boobs, what part of this girl is overweight?

>> No.8361551


Good jorb, both of you.

>> No.8364613

Cosplay really doesn't look good on fat people for the most part, it's just the truth. But if it makes them happy I have no reason to object to it. Though in general the fat acceptance movement is pretty toxic imo, especially on tumblr.

>> No.8364710

i look good when i stand next to fat cosplayers so i'm fine with it

>> No.8364717

Yeah, I don't really care about what fat people do as long as they're not pushing fat acceptance and know that people with more accurate body types are going to look far better than then, even in subpar costumes.

>> No.8364730


Being overweight is unhealthy, being too skinny is unhealthy as well. I like seeing people with a healthy body weight cosplaying. I don't like seeing Skeletors and Landwhales cosplaying characters in revealing outfits and acting as if they are the next Jnig.

BUT....I do like seeing characters that fit the person. If you are on the larger size and cosplaying a larger character, props to you. If you are a bean pole with a xylophone for a chest but am cosplaying someone of similar body type, awesome. And for fucks sake, NO MORE FUCKING ELSA'S and HARLEY'S!!!!

>> No.8364776

Disgusting. Even when it's not cosplay.

>> No.8364986

Kind of off topic, but does anyone have tips for losing weight? I'm trying to help my dad lose weight, he has an eating addiction but it's practically impossible to fix that, he even had nutritionist speak to him and everything. He also go knee surgery a few months ago and then never did shit once his rehab was over, and proceeded to put on even more weight. Currently I convinced him to do some lunge stretches before he walks, just because he does not do any sort of stretch for his knee at all. Then he walks a mile around the track, which is all he can handle at the moment. Any ideas anons? I'm at the point where I'm going to start forcing him to drink ACV during the day to help with weight loss.

>> No.8364995

Read the fit sticky. I have an eating addiction as well, and have dropped and maintained weight by:

-strength training
-snack on things like nuts, veggies, lower calorie things like popcorn (carbs, but low calorie and will fill you up just watch the butter/salt)
-allowing yourself a cheat day to eat whatever you damn well please in whatever portion you'd like.
- learn portion sizes, eat whatever you want just learn to portion it out. Count calories.
- Cook at home, cuts the salt and portions, + leftovers.
- be more active
- drink a lot of water, eat lots of veggies and fruit.

Once you start getting into good habits (takes two weeks before it really sets in) and you start to see results, it's harder to go back to old habits once you've made a lifestyle change.

I also try not to keep too many unhealthy binge snacks in the house.

>> No.8364997

Make him keep track of his calories, drinks food w/e else he might have during the day.

Some people just don't see themselves as taking in a huge amount of calories and it might bring a new light to his eyes.
If you want to make sure he's not cheating himself on it either you can check calories online for foodstuff pretty easily.

>> No.8365006

His eating unhealthy is definitely a major contributor. Is there some sort of app I could download on his iPad for calorie counting, or should I just make him write it down?
My brother is a physical trainer and has already spoken with him multiple times about eating healthy and having a cheat day and such, but he just doesn't listen. I managed to get him to eat oatmeal and granola because he would always see me eating yogurt and granola as a snack. But he has so many junky foods and just keeps buying them no matter what any of us do. He'll eat strawberries once a day and thinks that is him being so healthy, but then he also eats half a jar of cookies, an ice cream sandwich or two, and most of a dutch apple pie along with meals. He also gets up like clockwork during the night to eat. Maybe if he had a physical number to stare at it would help him control his urges?

My brother and I have been working on stretches and exercises for him to do, but we've finally just given up and realized that unless soemone is holding his hand through everything he will not do it, thus the failed attempts with a nutritionist and personal trainer. I have to go with him everyday to the track and do whatever exercises and walk with him otherwise he will not do it...

>> No.8365011
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>> No.8365086
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>> No.8365122

I dont care, but I wouldn't call it a fat pride thing. Its more or less just people who are overweight feeling good about themselves instead of sorry for themselves which I think it pretty cool. Not always nice to look at, but having confidence is awesome instead of lazying around and just feeling sorry for yourself and making people pity the fuck out of you.

>> No.8365166
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Pretty relevant

>> No.8365939

She is clearly overweight tho?
Being overweight doesn't necessarily mean being unattractive.

>> No.8365948


Partially thanks to the HAES movement, people are starting to think every single time a fat person isn't hating on themselves it means they are promoting being fat. And I've seen this happen on several places (online) which saddens me because just because someone says "I like how I look" doesn't mean they think being fat is the best thing in the fucking world and everyone should be fat.

>> No.8365954

Extremists ruin everything for everyone all the time everywhere. You should start accepting that now.

>> No.8366011

I've been using the Myfitnesspal app because it's really easy to log food and stuff- scanning barcodes and whatnot.

The biggest issue I can see with that for your brother is measuring out portions. You can't just eyeball it and say "that's about right".

But I will say, logging food has really made me cut down on snacking and even make healthier choices when I eat out and stuff like that.

>> No.8366031

I don't like it when fat people use the whole pride thing as an excuse to be a terrible cosplayer. OP's picture wouldn't be so bad if she had a nice wig and a costume that wasn't cheap satin.

One of the girls I used to follow on FB was a bit of a chub and very quickly every other post she made became a "I love my body forget the haters" or "people are HATING on me for my size OH MY GODDDD", full of buttpats and whining. Sad to see, but my beef is that she wasn't a good cosplayer in the first place and her costumes didn't fit properly. Even if someone skinny was in a ugly costume that was badly fitting I'd shudder a little.

I'd also love to know where these haters were, considering she's never been posted on /cgl, and probably doesn't even know it exists.

>> No.8366078

-Clear out your pantry, if you can, leaving only healthy things.
-Up fiber and water intake (ideally you'd only drink water), decrease sugar intake substantively.
-Learn what a proper diet looks like, I recommend checking out this link: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/pyramid-full-story/
-I generally avoid counting calories as it causes unneeded stress, aim for knowing portions and finding things that fill you up.
-Exercise is definitely part of a healthy lifestyle, but most of weight loss will come from the diet, so it should take priority.
-Start out gradual. Starting out with an entire new lifestyle is not substitutable for most.
-That said, do set high, but realistic goals. I find improving one aspect weekly works well.
-You can't force anyone to improve themselves who doesn't want to. Try to make being healthy as easy as possible for him, maybe even cooking healthy meals. Being negative or forcing yourself too strongly will probably just cause bitterness on both ends.

>> No.8366295

i dont understand why people except fat people in general. its not ok. the number of fat fucks is a damned explosion. every where they go they block the place up, on planes, in restaurants, in virtually any public place they block up the place.

i dont like fat people in general and i hate them in cosplay because it makes us look like fucking try hards

>> No.8366318
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I don't mind big people as long as they make their cosplay fit and flatter their shape. Biggest offender to that is Brichibi. Her Superman and Tiana do not flatter her shape at all. Her makeup and hair choices don't help at all either. Again, I don't mind fat people, but at least make your cosplay look good and flatter your body if your so big on showing it off.

>> No.8366362

>because it makes us look like fucking try hards

Yeah I highly doubt that, if anything at all it's people like Jnig

>> No.8366471

She's skinny as fuck moron, literally all her weight is in her tits and a bit in her arms. She has a flat stomach and thin legs.

It's really hilariously typical that that's the sort of 'fat chick' men support.

>> No.8366477

That's definitely not skinny as fuck but she's also not overweight. She could lose weight and still be healthy and she could gain a bit and be fine.

>> No.8366481

Well grandpa about a year and a half ago moot changed sage to be invisible and so it has been.

>> No.8366497

>went to the mall today
>FIVE fucking specialty plus sized women stores
>trendy clothes
>professional clothes
>goth clothes
>be super fucking tall
>ZERO brick and mortar tall specialty stores
>online tall specialty stores?
>frumpy shit, officeware

fuck off, fatties. you can lose your weight. i can't cut off my fucking long limbs.
>totally butthurt

>> No.8366521

Unrelated but fuck fat people. I was a vegan for a year during my edgy phase in highschool (and was eating really healthy, tracking all my nutrients and shit) and this one parent of a kid I don't even know found out somehow and was telling me how unhealthy that was and that I would die without enough protein. That same mother is so fat that she rides a mobility scooter around everywhere because she is too heavy to walk.

Body acceptance for woman is so fucking stupid, at least the notion most people have of it is. Ugly people are not beautiful, not everyone is beautiful and that is okay. Woman should be thinking that it is okay if they're ugly because they (should) have other redeeming factors to them besides their looks, but nope. Body acceptance these days says that ugly woman should be called beautiful too so their feelings don't get hurt because they can't handle reality and need to be coddled.

>> No.8366524

I feel you anon. I haven't worn a single pair of fitting trousers since I was 14
the only 2 pairs i own are too short at the ankles and stop at my hipbones, i get bruises there the day after
can't use belts either because it presses down, i have to use a chiffon scarf to pull the sides above my hip bones and tighten the waist
It's just so frustrating because I'll never have cool casual clothes unless I buy from the men's section

>inb4 cry moar

>> No.8366543

Same I'm a short skinny guy and it drives me insane when fat girls complain about how there is never any clothing choices for them, considering the men's section of any clothes store is 1/8th the size of women's. And I'm tiny so that makes it impossible considering mens clothes are big and clothing has generally gotten bigger since the general population has gotten fatter.

>> No.8366568

>skinny as fuck
Some landwhale is delusional
No one said overweight=ugly. This girl is clearly chubs. Just look at her legs and that arm. And theres her tits, even tho its a plus, it weights too.
Also, it really doesn't take much to be overweight. My BMI was dangerously close to overweight at one point- there's chubs here and there but nothing too noticeable, same with this girl whose fats are at the right places.

>> No.8366595

Her legs are fine anon, she just has weird fat distribution
I am literally underweight according to BMI and mine look like that

>> No.8366605

Her legs? Are you joking? How much skinnier can they get before they look like twigs? She has weird fat distribution like >>8366595 said, she's top heavy and it makes her arms look chubby. But in terms of actual BMI there is no chance she's overweight. Having SOME body fat does not make a person literally fat.

And arguing this does not make me fat either, I dislike fatties as much as the next person but that's only if they're actually fat.

>> No.8366637
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Her legs seem a bit chub to me on the thighs but but maybe it's considered the norm here in North America?
I pulled up a picture of this girl (165lb) who says she's still above healthy BMI in pict related (so >>24.9). Compared to that boobs heavy girl her fat is more at the bottom, her frame smaller and her chest is flat as heck.
Also, the "chubby" girl has a wider top frames, which also counts as weight.
Anyways, I'm trying to make a point that the boobs girl is probably overweight by BMI (not by much though) but she doesn't look ugly.

Or are we seriously only allowed say someone is fat only if they are morbidly obese nowadays?

>> No.8366647

That is normal sized body with big boobs, not chubby.

>> No.8366655

>Or are we seriously only allowed say someone is fat only if they are morbidly obese nowadays?
Yeah you can call out people who are a few pounds overweight but it just makes you an asshole.

>> No.8366660

Doesn't change the fact that overweight people are still fat tho.
Honestly I really don't understand why people are so sensitive about the term "fat". Its not like its a slur with malicious intent, it's a fact whether you're fat or not. How well yourself take it has nothing to do with the term itself.
I swear people act here as if being called fat is the worst thing ever. It reeks of insecurity. If you're so insecure with your body then do something about it instead of dissuading other peeps like the extremists of fat positivity movement that I thought seagulls generally dislike.

>> No.8366668

I don't mind too much as long as they're not grossly obese, have a well-fitting costume, and look accurate. However I think they should never put on a skimpy outfit. There's plenty of covered up costumes you could do.

Fat pride though? You shouldn't be proud of being overweight or obese because you can't take control of your health. All it does is set you back. If anyone wants to bitch at me, go ahead. I've lost 75 pounds so far. Didn't think fat pride was a good thing then, don't think it is now.

>> No.8366673

Maybe those people shouldn't choose to live like wastes of oxygen.

>> No.8366852
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>> No.8367045

besides being fat, that woman has lymphedema making her legs like that. it's really painful and not something to laugh at

>> No.8367055

Of course she does.

>> No.8367060

There's two kinds of cosplay: one for appreciation, and one for the craft.

For the first? Go ahead. This kind of cosplay is all about showing your love of a character or series. Wear what you want. Put that fat ass in a totally unflattering outfit. You're not doing it for a masquerade or to actually look like the character, you're just having a good time.

For the second? This kind of cosplay is all about accuracy and detail. These are the kind of people who won't cosplay a character if they're too tall or short, let alone too fat. I'm not saying they don't appreciate the character any more or less than the first, but there's is more an aesthetic choice than merely fanwankery. And from my perspective, most people in this category aren't the one's doing fat pride, so it doesn't matter anyway.

>> No.8367061

Pretty sure the most common description of this is chubby. If you called her fat/fatty/fatass it would sound super petty and catty.

>> No.8367065

She's average with big titties and she probably looks ten times better than you.

Deal with it you salty trollup. Nobody is buying it.

>> No.8367105

she does. lymphedema will make that to your legs when untreated. I wasn't saying she isn't fat, but lymphedema definitely makes her legs worse.

>> No.8367131

Ive been using it! Ive lost 20lbs in the past 5 months because this has extremely helped me keep a log of everything I eat and all the workouts I have been doing.

>> No.8367190

I think it's disgusting that people want to keep promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Just because you're in your 20's and fat and healthy doesn't mean you will remain healthy if you stay 50 pounds overweight. Genetics can make you gain weight easier than others but they certainly don't make you overweight on their own. Maybe a bit heavier than the average person but not a landwhale. Often when people say they "remain fat despite working out" they guzzle down unhealthy shit and cheat on their work out routine subconsciously and "forget" about all the snacks they eat during the day or don't cut down their portion sizes.

I used to be a fatty-chan but then realized that I'm risking diabetes and other health issues so I lost the weight by good old working out and eating less, and realized myself how much I do all these things such as "it's just a tiny chocolate bar, I don't need to mark it down" without realizing how many calories one has and "It doesn't matter if I don't complete my routine today". My body type makes me a bit heavier than others and I will never be a skinny twig but as soon as I started changing my eating habits I actually lost weight and felt a lot lighter and more healthy. The "no matter how hard I try I just don't lose the weight" mindset is bullshit.

>> No.8367324
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My opinion is that people who care about others and what they look like are hiding their insecurities, and are usually jealous about their confidence.

>> No.8367422

>you're saying she's fat so obs you're jelly!
Uh, OK, no wonder America is full of fatties since you guys' standard is so low.

>> No.8367501
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If they are content with their size, I have no beef with them, as I realize that not hating yourself for your weight, doesn't mean that you're promoting a bad lifestyle. I've noticed more confidence in my comm from bigger girls and it makes me happy. They've gotten the support they need to make cosplays and not worry so much that someone won't like it.

>> No.8367794

I don't really care about fat people cosplaying thin characters. I do, however, care when they damage control their size when they are simply too lazy to workout and stop eating greasy shit.

I also wish holy retribution to anyone comparing fat people cosplaying as thin characters to people cosplaying different skin colored characters.

>> No.8367803

we actually just don't like fatties

>> No.8367807

I'm genuinely concerned for their health as i am for my own state of malnutrition

>> No.8367830

Sure you are

>> No.8367882

This is dumb. This is literally a hobby where adults dress up as fictional cartoon characters. Just let people do what they fuck they want and if you don't like it just sit the fuck back down because you are dressed in Chinese clown clothes. Your opinion means jack shit.

>> No.8368086


This is how every politically correct movement starts. They did the same here in the UK with 'Black' for a period of time before they decided that 'coloured' was actually so much worse and now 'Black' has fallen into the British lexicon of awkward correct things that people will avoid saying as much as possible despite there being nothing wrong with it. It's up there with 'vagina'.


>> No.8368150


>> No.8368543

But why? They're not doing anything to you.

You're just a cunt.

>> No.8368552

Fatties are a drain on society in general. If I got fat I'd probably kill myself.

>> No.8368568
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Why wait? Save us the time and do it now.

>> No.8368587
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>> No.8368596
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oof, that poor girl. That coord is really unflattering on her, and its obvious that the items don't fit her.

Sweet doesn't look good on fat girls, but then again sweet is fucking nasty ageplay bullshit anyway.

>> No.8368612

I think sweet can look good on fat girls (anyone remember hairspray-anon in the draw thread a while back? She was fucking adorable) but sweet doesn't look good on most people period.

>> No.8368623

Well... I like that.

This is good too. One pink girl's blouse under there would look better a size bigger, look at the wrist. Asian chick need not rock a hime cut.

Their hair could be fluffier. Bigger the body then the bigger the hair volume needs to be to add proportion.

She tried. Eh.

This is absolutely god awful.

>> No.8370158

I've yet to see a fat person cosplay that makes me go 'That's a really good cosplay' as opposed to, 'That's a really good cosplay...for a fat person'.

Fat people...step up your game. Do something normal people can't and cosplay as fat characters. Snorlax, Dedede, Totoro, Thwomp..there are shitloads in the Mario world alone.

>> No.8370199

ah yeah cause fat people want to be in fursuits.

>> No.8370218


You don't necessarily have to be in a fursuit to do any of those except Totoro

>> No.8370370

If you want to be fat, then be fat. If you want to cosplay, do it to your body type. Look, I would love to cosplay some male or female characters that I think are awesome, BUT I just do not have the body type for it. In some cases I am too skinny, and in a lot of cases I do not have the abs, huge arms, and amazing body to do it. Bottom line, no matter what you look like, you should cosplay to your body type. If you are a girl and want to cosplay a male character, do it well, or if you want to troll, do it bad, but make sure you do it bad on purpose. OP's picture is a lady who I am sure loves sailor moon enough to cosplay, but it is just bad. Needs a wig for the hair, and the costume is too big. Sailor moon is not fat, and she looks nothing like her. If you want to cosplay something, you need to really try to do it right and play to your body type. If I suddenly gained a ton of weight and was really heavy, I would probably cosplay king hippo or a left 4 dead boomer, or coop from mangus XLR, there are choices for heavier cosplay, and if you want to really have fat pride, then do not try to emulate a skinny mother fucker. Play to your body type and be proud of it.

>> No.8370376

Sorry for double post, but I have actually seen someone who was heavy set cosplay king Dedede and it was really legit, I honestly would not want a skinny Dedede

>> No.8370432

>>8359020 x2! You will do your waifus and yourself justice!

>> No.8370738
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>underrrated post.

This chile preachin'

>> No.8370797
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>serious morality question
No, you have a trivial self esteem question.

Look, I've noticed this trend lately of blowing things out of proportion because you're too much of a fuckwit to get over your own insecurities so you drag everyone with you down the pity-me well.
And it's not just fat acceptance, it's other banal things such as shaving your fucking legs or wearing no makeup. People make it into a giant bloody hugbox to make themselves feel better about being too much of a lazy spacker to pick up a waxing kit.
>this BRAVE woman wrote an article about NOT SHAVING her legs!!!11 Feminism, fuck yeah!
>this BRAVE woman decided to leave the house every day for a month without makeup!
>This BRAVE plus size model is speaking out against fat hate! #effyourbeautystandarts
The whole slapping-the-word-feminism-on-every-random-thing-as-a-security-blanket is fucking retarded and takes away from and devalues the actual problems concerning women's rights.

All these women want to be pretty unique princesses but resort to throwing tantrums when they see how much work it is and that they haven't been too blessed by mother nature. But they fail to realise that that's 80% of women in this world so they just turn to self-victimisation and force everyone around them to walk on eggshells so as not to hurt their fragile widdle egos.

I get everyone wants to be liked, but why is it so important to you that *everyone* likes you and approves of you? What is seriously stopping you from taking a kleenex and wiping your makeup if you don't like the way society 'pressures' women to wear it? Just stop shaving. Or, if you're tired of the way fat people are treated and truly ~love your body for what it is~ and really are okay with your weight, why not stop inventing retarded euphemisms for the word FAT ('extended', really?) and start calling a spade a spade? People have a right to be disgusted by whatever they please, and that won't change no matter how much you QQ about it.

>> No.8370799
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But you won't, because doing all of this doesn't make you SO BRAVE, it makes you human. And there's thousands of women wearing no makeup and not bragging about it on social media or Buzzfeed, and not shaving, and being fat and okay with it. The difference is that they're actually okay with it whilst you're being a whiny cunt who depends on the opinion of da boiz and all the while calls herself a feminist.

This whole thing is retarded to begin with and we could spend this time debating acid burn victims in India or the education of girls in developing countries to stop world overpopulation, or shit, domestic violence. But your unshaven fanny, fat rolls and the insecurity you feel when your bf sees you naked is just THAT much more important. Let's talk about you!

Literally feck off.

>> No.8370826

>this BRAVE woman decided to leave the house every day for a month without makeup!
is that for real? unless you have the specific kind of job where it matters, if there's one thing nobody cares about irl, it's whether you wear make-up or not...

>> No.8370829

I swear to god there was an article about her somewhere at some point. And the unshaven legs lady wrote for a Liverpool paper about her thoughts on not shaving her legs. Third example is Tess Munter.

>> No.8370885

dude, please don't wait until it gets worse and go get that second opinion if you can, your health is more important than a moment of passing disconfort at the hand of an asshole. it's like you actually want to suffer for the rest of your life just to make a point.

>> No.8371017

Lol I stopped wearing makeup for a while because my class started at 7:30 and those extra ten minutes of sleep were very valuable. Always did something with my hair though. Now I go out without makeup at times because it's silly to put makeup on for a 15 minute Target trip.

Related to the thread, I feel I can't say anything about my fat opinion in public because my sister is overweight (>200 lbs) and my opinions may hurt her feelings. I have tried to encourage a healthier lifestyle and I can tell she's trying to try. Any time she tells me she's done something remotely healthy I feel like I praise her like a puppy doing a trick because I want her to live past 50.

>> No.8371019
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>Be me
>Be genderfluid polypansexbian transfat PoC less-than-able otherkin diagnosed with clinical digestion.
>Decide not to shave my legs, stickin' it to the system - fuckin the patriarchy like it aint no thang.
>Walk to school in my favorite sailor moon t-shirt, denim shorts and doc martins
>Everyone is staring at my unshaven, fuzzy legs in shocked silence.
>The wage gap closes.
>Rape numbers worldwide plummet.
>Women start materializing in Silicon Valley.
>Rich white male CEO crashes his BMW staring at my legs.
>Richard Dawkins has a heart attack staring at my legs and descends to hell.
>Construction workers gasp and drop steel gurders on a group of nearby Bronies after staring at my legs and promise never to catcall again.
>GQ and Vanity Fair magazines on display turn to ash and blow away in the wind as I walk past the store.
>All the mannequins in the window are XL size.
>Adorable barefoot Chinese girl playing in the gutter suddenly becomes empowered by my cacti-like appendages and is surrounded by warm, pink glow.
>Beautiful, amazonian goddess oppressed black woman clicks her fingers at me and jive talks some of Beyonce's lyrics at me in admiration.
>A parade awaits me as I march into school. They've renamed 'History' to 'Herstory' and tell me that Hilary Clinton has become president thanks to my unshaven thighs.
>I've done it, I've smashed the patriarchy. What a day.
>Go home and bitch on tumblr because someone misused my pronouns.

>> No.8371026

don't care about fat people.

if you expect me to praise you for having self-confidence (real or bluffed) though, you will probably have better luck waiting for hell to freeze over.

>> No.8371071
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Fat people are lazy and stupid. Nobody should support them. Their appearance says to me "I can't take care of myself, and my body." Fat people seem to also have this attitude that says "everyone should cater to me and my big fat ass". Honestly, it's quite insane.

>> No.8371246

>clinical digestion
Kek'd at everything but especially this.

>> No.8371368

she looks like her torso was put on upside down lol

>> No.8371402

>What are your thoughts on the whole "fat pride" movement? Does it offend you in terms of cosplay ethics? Are you upset that fat cosplayers are becoming more mainstream and no longer as looked down upon? Do you like the movement and welcome it into the community?

I will never accept overweight aka Fat Cosplayers. It's not so much "fat acceptance" as it should be "fat tolerance."

If you're going to cosplay, it is NOT ALLRIGHT to be fat when your character isn't. Know Your Limits.

Try to get in shape. Lose weight for a year or so. If you really want to leave a good impression, don't be a fat fuck. I see photos from a recent convention and I keep seeing ugly fat cosplay. At least the lolita dresses help hide some of the fatness, but still... When I go to an anime convention, I'm going to look for the slim and sexy cosplay girls. I'm going to photograph them, too.

People need to stop taking photos of the plump cosplayers. And no, they're not "fluffy." Maybe that's someone's fetish. Really odd fetish, in my opinion.

Get in shape, lose the weight, celebrate with cosplay. I think I would be more impressed if I heard some girl worked hard to be attractive from being big.

>> No.8371413

That's not how that word works.
Also, wax your legs, don't shave.

>> No.8371954


>> No.8371963
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>> No.8372039

This person probably is not overweight and probably well within a healthy weight for her height. She has an inverted triangle body shape, meaning broad shoulders, large bust, narrow hips, small legs and not much waist definition. I have a similar shape. Excess weight gets distributed up top. When you get into the overweight category you don't have a small waist as it all goes there and your tits. When you get to obese you get that giant apple shape and huge knockers. Her waist is small, but her bust size and torso wideness is making her look larger than she is. That's unfortunately not something that can be changed with weight loss. Likewise, if you have a big butt, losing weight will make your butt a little smaller but you're still going to have a large butt. Not all bodies are identical and look the same at the same body fat percentages.

>OP's questions
Fat cosplayers have been a thing since people have started getting fat. Nerds are known for being shut-ins, perfect breeding grounds for weight gain. It's only become more noticeable as more people attend conventions, not more mainstream.

I think that people who look closer to the character may look better. But ultimately, that doesn't really mean much. If you are cosplaying to gain attention, get lots of photos taken, and become e-famous for your costumes you may want to work on your appearance. That said, someone will still nitpick you for things you can't change.

Otherwise, cosplay can still be enjoyable for anyone. I was obese at one point and it was during the height of my cosplay years. I had a good time, made a lot of great friends, competed, won in masquerades up to best master division. I had fun. But I was never believed I looked like the characters I cosplayed. I just had fun doing it. And that is fine. tI'd like to return o cosplaying when I reach my weight loss goals (down about 80lbs sofar with about 20 to go) but I don't think I will ever try to push efame.

>> No.8372275
File: 8 KB, 248x250, 1309827275770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be fat (because being fat is a choice) and cosplay, then go for it.

If you want your cosplay to look in anyway good, than lose some weight

>> No.8375392

I can't help but see fat people as unhealthy. Yeah I get eating right and exercising regularly is hard but I put up with it and the results are more satisfying than sitting on your ass eating pocky and then demanding everyone accept you. Opinions don't change that easily.

I think cosplay will always look poor on someone who's overweight. I personally withhold from making mine if I'm not at my goal weight, it's good motivation.

Cosplay isn't about perfection, it's about looking good and feeling confident and you can't do those things while being overweight. I'm sorry, it's just impossible.

>> No.8375394

girls with big boobs and no hips/ass are the ugliest. like tubes with balloons tied to them.

>> No.8378840

Sometimes I feel that the "fat pride" comes with the "I'm fucking lazy and since people will give me shit for my inaccuracy, I'll call them out saying they are fat haters"