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8351387 No.8351387 [Reply] [Original]

Post those cute hairstyles or questions regarding hair.

>> No.8351404
File: 3.53 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-05-24-22-56-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at such a loss seagulls. I thought I had dandruff so I bought a clarifying treatment that helps with buildup but not the flakes. My hairstylist said my scalp was actually dry since I take hot showers. I've lowered the water temp and bought a moisturizing shampoo and I still have flakes. I then thought maybe it was still dandruff so I used a 1:1 rinse of mouthwash (antifungal properties) with water and I still have flakes. What do? Do I need to go see a doctor? I don't feel my shampoo is doing much, so are there any moisturizing scalp masks (maybe a DIY coconut oil) I could try? I have good moisturizing products but they're not meant for the scalp.

Pic is the side of my head after washing this afternoon (messed with my hair a bit so the flakes would be more visible). I wash every other day. On a side note I do live in a very dry state but my scalp has never been this bad.

>> No.8351444
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Not kawaii but thought it was still pretty neat

>> No.8351451
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>> No.8351455
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>> No.8351457

That doesn't look very bad... I just wash mine with head&shoulders if I see any flakes

>> No.8351465

Would that be too drying? I'm just confused as to why the flakes are there. My mom has some Head and Shoulders I can try to see if it helps though.

>> No.8351467
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>> No.8351475
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>> No.8351479
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>> No.8351514

Does anyone know how to get rid of "fly-away" hairs?
I don't dye or bleach my hair, I wash it twice a week and I use fairly high quality shampoo and conditioner to make it stronger and softer.
I've even used http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DC9QNQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 this particular hair serum. Which helped a little; it got rid of some of the fly-away hairs, but not all. Sure made my hair soft, though.
I just don't know what to do. I don't have a lot of split ends or anything, I have healthy hair; I even grew it very long with hopes that it would weigh down my hair enough to get rid of "fly-aways".
What do I do?

>> No.8351565

Nothing. It's normal. When you comb your hair some of the hairs break off and snap in the middle of the hair as opposed to it being pulled out of the root like it does when it falls out naturally. So some of your hairs will stick out because they're much shorter than the rest of your hair. You can see people who have layers having similar problems, for example, that's why many get layers - to create volume. This is absolutely fine and people don't look like women in Pantene adverts up close. Unless your hair is extra frizzy I wouldn't worry.

>> No.8351584

Well, that's a relief.
It used to be extra frizzy when I was a kid, but it has calmed down, a lot.
It's good that I try not to brush my hair too often each day, then. It'll make it less likely to snap.

>> No.8351609

Lately the ends of my hair have been becoming overly dry and frizzy, with a lot more split ends than I used to have. I've been using CPR's 'frizzy' line, with the leave in serum on and off. I'm not sure if that's what's causing the change in my hair, should I stop using it? Or should I add a deep conditioner/hair mask to my routine?

>> No.8351614

Tbh I'd just use some coconut oil overnight if I were you, and s&d the shit out of any split ends.
If your hair is shoulder length your ends might be frizzy because they curl outwards as they dry.

>> No.8351632

Yours doesn't actually seem too bad at all. I had really bad dermatitis on my scalp for a while and, trust me, yours isn't as bad as it could be.
The mouthwash probably contains alcohol and perhaps dried your skin out further.
Have you tried Tgel shampoo (idk if you can't get it where you are)? It's a medicated tar shampoo that you don't need a prescription for. Follow the instructions given (don't use it more than they say) and you'll hopefully see some results. It works for me when my scalp isn't as bad. But if yours gets worse, see a doctor

>> No.8351643

Another anon who replied to you. Head and shoulders is for dandruff, why would you think it was drying when you've already used mouthwash on your scalp?

>> No.8351645

isn't head and shoulders specifically for flakes? it should be fine. if that doesn't work you should consider checking with your dermatologist. i'm sure they'd give you a medicinal shampoo/topical thing that would clear it right up

>> No.8351663

I have seen Tgel around but never looked into it. Do you use it on a regular basis or just when you have more flakes? I'll do some research before I buy. Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm not sure. I thought anti-dandruff shampoo was supposed to dry out your scalp to prevent the yeast from growing. I don't really have anyone to talk to about this IRL so I'm pretty lost as to what I'm dealing with.

After I try Head and Shoulders and Tgel I'll see a dermatologist. I finally have insurance so I'm sure I'd be covered, I'd just like to try drugstore options first before getting prescription shampoo.

>> No.8351669

no, anti-dandruff shampoo has some antifungal ingredients as dandruff is usually caused by fungal infections. It's not as moisturising as some other shampoos but it shouldn't be drying. Also, alcohol doesn't really work with fungal infections so the mouthwash was kinda pointless.

>> No.8351695

Ah okay. Yeah I figured it wouldn't be moisturizing but I don't feel any difference with my new "moisturizing" shampoo so maybe it won't dry my scalp out much more. I read that mouthwash had antifungal properties which is why I used it. In hindsight I see it was pointless as even if it did get the fungus it would still dry out my scalp.

>> No.8351740

Seeing a doctor might be a good option. There are many different conditions that can cause dandruff. I lost track of what I have because so many doctors says different things. Here's a good combination that worked for me: alternate between T-Gel and T-Sal for each shower. T-Sal is like T-Gel, but a little different. I can't remember the difference, but there is a slight difference. Another option that worked for me (because I couldn't stand the smell of the other one) was thirty minutes before my shower, I would massage Denorex in my scalp. I would then take my shower like normal.

>> No.8351887

http://youtu.be/89k3sWU-lS4 I saw this and thought this could be modifiable to fit lolita. What do you gulls think?

>> No.8351941

A doctor will probably diagnose you with either sebhorhea or psoriasis, both of which can be helped by a tar-based shampoo. Head and shoulders and denorex won't do it.
They can prescribe a medication that thins out the skin at the scalp so it doesn't build up enough to flake and get itchy, but that's got some wicked side effects and burns like a mofo. Definitely try the tar first!
Denorex is tempting, but all it really does is exfoliate the scalp and make it feel weird and tingly since it contains mint. If you actually DO have sebhorrea or psoriasis, that's just going to exacerbate the situation.

>> No.8351946

Any hairstyles for thick BSL hair with layers? I can't do anything with it, up until recently I couldn't even tie it in a ponytail without a halo of bobby pins around my head.

>> No.8351948


tfw I used to part my hair like this accidentally and friends would point it out to me as a flaw, and now it's a fashion statement...

>> No.8351960
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>> No.8352441

Well, I use TGel when mine's not so bad. It takes maybe 3 weeks of use as instructed to get rid of the flakes

>> No.8352445

Anyone recommend a good, cheap dry shampoo? I used to use redken but now that I pay $50/$60 for my shampoo and conditioner I can't justify spending so much for dry shampoo. I've just been using baby powder, which is fine and all, but I have asian black hair and it turns my roots gray.

>> No.8352454


I had the same problem. Switched to a dead sea salt shampoo that has no sls, scent, etc and that worked for me.
Might be worth a try?

>> No.8352455

I've heard batiste is good and doesn't discolour hair. It's reasonably cheap too

>> No.8352495

not that anon but thank you, this may be helpful

>> No.8352587

I have medium to darker brown hair and I use a half and half mixture of corn starch and cocoa powder (unsweetened ofc). It does make you smell like chocolate, which can be good or bad.

Tresemme makes a pretty good spray dry shampoo

>> No.8352901

Looks like Tgel helps with itching and flaking while Tsal helps with buildup. If the Tgel alone doesn't work I'll look into the Tsal as well. I heard Tgel does smell bad but if it works then it should be worth it!

Looking at Google images I'm leaning more towards seborrhea but still don't see any visible patches on my scalp. I'd imagine thinning out the scalp has some bad side effects so I will definitely start with the Tgel.

What do you use when the flakes have been controlled? Just a regular shampoo you like?

Did not expect to get so many suggestions! Okay, after Head and Shoulders, then Tgel, then Sigel I will look into a dead sea salt shampoo. I've read that SLS is pretty drying so maybe without it my scalp wouldn't be so flakey.

>> No.8353020
File: 36 KB, 500x665, Bob-hairstyles-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have chin-length super thin and generally shitty hair but after battling with them for years, I just can't handle wearing wigs any more, I find them so uncomfortable and they generally make me feel very self-conscious.

I wear lolita and would love to find some way of making my hair work for it. Any suggestions would be really great.

Pic related is pretty much my current hair style but with thinner looking bangs. I can't help but think my thin bob just looks a bit sad with headdresses etc, especially if I’m going for something more than casual lolita.

>> No.8353172
File: 23 KB, 421x600, 1413148445185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are cute hairstyles for girls?

I am thinking on the shorter side... but my hair has "beach waves" naturally.

>> No.8353812

I have very dark brown hair and use Batiste on my bangs. I spray it on, let it sit for a couple minutes (like, I'll brush my teeth in between) and then brush it off. It leaves no trace on my hair,

>> No.8353821

TGel anon, yup. Just regular shampoo until it comes back (generally a few months with me). Usually the next few times it takes a shorter period of time to clear up

>> No.8354031

Oh man that sounds good. It's not even that expensive for shampoo IMO but it sounds nice just using it as needed.

>> No.8354036
File: 491 KB, 853x413, misako-aoki-hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know what this hairstyle is called and how to do it?

>> No.8354191

It does discolour. You can use coca powder on dark hair for the same effect.

>> No.8354230

just put your hair in braids and then pin up the ends of the braids. simple and cute!

>> No.8354322
File: 692 KB, 1200x810, 1432345737106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have roughly 8 inch slightly wavy light brown hair currently lying on my head like a fucked up mop, any sugestions as far as styles i could go for? ( any and all sugestions are welcom, save shaving the side of my head like a fuckboi)

>> No.8354455

I have really bad dry scalp to the point that my scalp bleeds sometimes and I started using the Clear shampoo that's for scalps along with my usual conditioner and it's been going pretty well for me. I still have some flakes but I'm so glad my scalp doesn't hurt and itch anymore. I've tried almost all the other dandruff shampoos, even the high end ones by like biolage and stuff and they never fix my dandruff. My siblings and my dad all have it, so I'm pretty sure it's hereditary for me.

TL;DR: Look into Clear brand shampoos

>> No.8354505

Loliable hairstyles for no/long bangs?

>> No.8354734

Anyone have recs for a good daily volumizing product? I have fine stick-straight hair that kinda just lies against my scalp, which is not flattering to my face, especially when I pull it back or put it up. I'd love for it to have a little more texture.

>> No.8355059

What do you mean by sad? Jesus, I wish I had thinner hair. Updos are impossible with thick hair. Have you tried curling your hair? That would make it have more volume and curly hair tends to look cuter. Small pigtails are also pretty cute. OP's pic also works with short hair.

>> No.8355088

I sometimes do a perfect split down the middle (sometimes gel needed) and twin braids. Good for country, old school, or sweet.

A fluffy/curly side pony tail can also make up for the lack of hair/volume up top.

>> No.8355679
File: 290 KB, 515x840, crappyhaire2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to attach a pic so you can see how dire the hair situation is. Sadly this is my hair after blow-drying it and trying to add some volume. I've tried curling it before but that just seems to make it look even thinner and creates gaps along my hairline.

Pic related is me wearing two different headdress types and then a wig in the bottom right pic, which I must admit looks 100x better.

I'm just wondering if there's any hope for me and my shitty hair, it's been kinda getting me down a bit recently. I'm not sure why these pics came out so green, anyway hope you can get the idea. Any more advice or tips would be super appreciated.

>> No.8355845

ugh my hair is the same exact way.

At the very least we're involved in a fashion where wigs are a-ok to wear all the time, so thats nice

>> No.8355854

How often do you wash your hair? 3 times a week tops is the healthiest if your hair isn't super greasy.

>> No.8355868

I don't think your hair is all that bad, suits your face too. Top left and middle right look pretty. You might need the wig for more ott, poofy looks but your natural hair works for the more casual classic or gothic.

>> No.8355878

I do my hair like this all the time. I have super big curly hair though and it's a go-to for when I haven't washed it in a while or the curls are starting to become unmanageable.

>> No.8355887

Tips for a sensitive scalp?
It's not too painful or anything but when I press down in certain places it burns a bit and no matter which hairstyle I do aside from half-ups I feel little pinpricks where the braid/ponytail is tugging on a single hair.

>> No.8355938
File: 80 KB, 518x778, kawaii-Japanese-hairstyles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not embrace the waves anon and just invest in a good anti-frizz serum. You could then get cute bangs cut and straighten them - it's a lot less high maintenance than trying to fully straighten your hair each time, plus less damaging, not to mention I think waves + straight bangs look super pretty. You could even try the good ol' 'scrunching wet hair with a curl enhancing mouse' method too in order to really get some nice volume and emphasise the waves/curls. I think having nice smooth bangs goes a long way to making 'mop head' look like a complete style.

>> No.8355941
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>> No.8355945
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Tigi strong mousse does wonders for my fine hair. Put it on damp roots and blow dry or let it air dry for nice volume.

>> No.8356997
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x1600, Vichy_Dercos_Anti_Dandruff_Shampoo_Dry_200ml_1392738553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i've atopic skin and that extends to my scalp. i had greasy dandruff and, depending of the medicated shampoo of the month, dry dandruff with scalp damage and i lost tons of hair in the process. the solution was the Dercos shampoo line from Vichy. it's expensive but so, so worth it. if you have greasy, thick, large dandruff, go for the green one. Now, i'm using the sensitive scalp shampoo (since i've dandruff in certain zones of my head and i was loosing tons of hair, and sometimes i get zits). it works wonders, my scalp is clean, there has been improvements with the amount of loose hairs and i don't need to wash my hair more than once a week. also it lasts for 6 months, since you need a little bit to wash your entire scalp.

>> No.8357311
File: 500 KB, 723x591, hair1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help! My hair is thin, wavy and just frizzy and crazy. I try to be gentle with it and follow all the rules of fine hair...
-I don't wear it in a ponytail, only up with clips.
-I rarely use heat and when I do it's about once a week with a hot brush and I use protection.
-I wash my hair every other day, sometimes I can get away with 2 days, but my hair gets really oily and flat. I haven't found a dry shampoo that hasn't gunked up my hair yet.
-I only condition my ears down once a week.
-I do scalp massages.
-I wash with warm, not hot water.
-I eat pretty well and drink lots of water.
-I've never dyed it or anything.
-I use a sulfate-free shampoo (Ogx biotin) and the "It's a 10" lite serum after a shower when my hair is still damp. Those are the only two products I use and clarifying shampoo when it builds up.
-I brush with a wide tooth comb.
-I got my hormones checked and I don't have anything wrong with my thyroid, etc.

It goes from being a crazy poof ball or an oil slick...I just want to tame it. I've been to a couple of stylists and I can never replicate what they do at home to make it look nice and they just suggest extensions.

Sorry this was such a long post. I don't know what else to do! Thank you!

>> No.8357351
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Not so sure if this is really relevant but I'm looking for this image that was posted a while back in a hair/dye thread of this girl with sort of wavy poofy seaweed green hair. Probably japanese, and also she had flowers in it I think, and was really pale with dark red lips. Does anyone have that pic because I can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.8357358
File: 474 KB, 861x1280, 1379211255738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have natural curls but when I try to wear them naturally (light mousse out of the shower, occasionally oil/serum as well) it looks gross and disorderly. I've found that putting my hair in two french braids when it's wet results in a much more uniform, orderly wave. I'll also hit it with a tiny bit of mousse when I've got the braids in, too. You could also consider using heat and straightening it or doing waves. If you're unsure of what to do, I find braids are a great way to look polished without too much effort or time.

>> No.8357383

im so sorry anon...

>> No.8357397

Me too! Maybe I just need to cut it all off and start all over...

>> No.8357432

you might have to, though I feel bad because you seem to put so much effort into taking care of it. Do you have bangs and a side part? because your hair looks very asymetrical in that photo.. could do the messy bun look or the two messy braid look, try combing it out with the use of an anti frizz product, maybe shower before you sleep and put it in braids over night and see what happens? maybe brush out the curls with a round brush and put in two poofy ponytails..

>> No.8357447

A doctor can offer suggestions and tell you it is indeed dandruff.

There is of course zinc pyrithione which is found in Head and Shoulders as well as others. There are also coal tar based products like Ion 2-in-1 Anti-Dandruff Shampoo.

L'Oreal makes a Nature's Therapy scalp therapy line with shampoo and a leave in treatment. It is not an anti-dandruff but some people find it works for them.

There's also your classic tea tree shampoo like Paul Mitchell's. It is also not anti-dandruff but some recommend it.

>> No.8357451


Yeah that's kind the part that sucks the most, since I seem to be doing all the *right* things but it doesn't cooperate! I don't mind starting over, I had it chopped off about 2 years ago and keep it around this length...But I guess I was just looking for product suggestions and the like if anyone else might have hair similar to mine. Also, I have bangs, but they tend to curl up and then relax out. I will use a straightener on it sometimes because they grow out and I trim off any damage. Do you have any suggestions for anti-frizz products? Messy buns work for me!

>> No.8357474

Get a flat iron for the love of god.

>> No.8357477

Different anon here and while I don't have your hair type, I can offer you some helpful advice. I recommend joining the LHC (long hair community forums). Although must stuff there is relating to growing hair long, they focus on the healthy treatment of hair in general. You can definitely find some fine-hairs there and see what products work for them.

Another piece of advice I learned from LHC is to recognize your baseline and then only try one new thing at a time. Keeping a hair journal helps with this. I used to think there were universal or "right" things to do, but now I know that what works for one person may not for you.

I think I saw a cute poofy ponytail tutorial that you could use your texture to your advantage. I'll see if I can find it.

>> No.8357482

Thanks, I appreciate it!

>> No.8357491

>that awful dye job
>those awful colors

Not even remotely surprised.

>> No.8357494

I used to wash it every two days then increased it to every other day since I started flaking just a few months ago.

I saw this recommended in a previous general and ALMOST bought it but that's when my stylist said I needed a moisturizing shampoo. I actually tried some Head and Shoulders as previously suggested and it really helped! Just a tiny bit of flakes and my hair felt a lot smoother. If my hair ever gets worse I will really try Vichy. Glad it worked for you!

I bet the tea tree shampoo smells lovely! Funny enough the Head and Shoulders worked for now so I don't think I'll need a doctor unless the flakes return.

I feel sort of silly freaking out about my flakes but I'm really grateful for all the input I got! I have a good selection of products to try if the flakes ever return or worse.

>> No.8357548
File: 323 KB, 500x369, Odango Hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried with no luck to find the original tutorial I saw, but I did find this (I apologize for the tiny picture)
Midori started off with straight hair that was teased with hair spray, then bunched up into buns and secured with bobby pins. Using your texture, you should be able to skip most if not all teasing. To achieve this look, try light teasing and/or volumizing product on the buns + clip in bangs if yours don't cooperate. Hair accessories are your friend. Try adding headbands, flowers, or cute clips, too!

>> No.8357555
File: 11 KB, 248x297, Braided Ponytail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a tutorial, and I don't know how well your hair braids, but I thought this was a cute idea utilizing texture. I believe she has her hair in a side ponytail.

>> No.8357557

the dye job isn't awful, she just hasn't touched up her roots in a long time. The growth is even and not patchy.

>> No.8357558

Thank you very much! I think these look really cute.

>> No.8357561

Any tips for painfully flat, thin, straight hair (that there isn't much of)? I really want it to look fluffy and fuller, but it just totally hangs down, gets greasy-looking quickly even if I just washed it, etc... You can even see my ears through it sometimes. ;__;

>> No.8357567

I tried to join but whoever does the new member verification is a bloody retard so I've given up.
>join first time, get banned because 'no disposable email addresses', despite my email address not being disposable in the least. Ban expires: never.
>join second time, get banned because 'no multiple accounts'; ban expires: never.
Well fuck you too then.

>> No.8357612

I have an undercut and very thick hair. other than a shitty top pony, what can i do with my hair to keep cool in HOT weather?

>> No.8357615

a shitty top french braid

>> No.8358123
File: 89 KB, 600x269, John-Frieda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the easiest things you can do anon is to gently comb through your hair whilst damp, part it in the place you want, and then add a really good leave-in anti frizz serum all through it (scrunch your hair a little if you want to emphasize curl or waves) and then let it dry naturally. Some hair types just respond really badly to heat application and this is a good way of combating that.

Also perhaps consider the styles and advice recommended here >>8355938

If you're really lost you could maybe look into getting the most gentle type of Japanese straight perm but only go somewhere reputable where they will fully test your hair first to make sure it can handle it.

>> No.8358125

I have the same type of hair. The only solution for me is to wear fake hair pieces or a full wig

>> No.8358140
File: 329 KB, 850x570, Japanese Hair Straightening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8358147

Looks cute in all pics

>> No.8358193

You could also try switching to 'natural'/diy shampoos for a while and see if it makes a difference

>> No.8358239

Yeah, I already do that on a daily basis. Fuck our lives.

>> No.8358240

I think your problem is that you wash too often, only if your head is super greasy should you wash that often

>> No.8358246
File: 807 KB, 1080x825, Screenshot_2015-05-27-10-55-33~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to hate curly 3C hair long, thick hair because can't wear hats or anything
>sees this thread
>everyone has thin hair
>is happy and learning to wear.

To be fair, I don't use heat so it's all over the place and I don't use heat.

Would bangs look good if hair is like this ?
I was thinking of fairy-kei coord with two puff balls and straight bangs.

>> No.8358248

Maybe it's time for a haircut?

>> No.8358267

Bottom right is gorgeous!

>> No.8358437

I use Dove dry shampoo. It's fairly cheap and works better than that Tresemme shit people seem to always suggest. At least in my experiences it does.
I have naturally oily hair so it took me a long time to find something that actually worked, ugh.

>> No.8358440

I've used klippoteket and Batiste and both worked well enough

>> No.8358449

I never thought I'd find someone with my hair type here.
I'm still trying to find what works for me too, Anon. Basically, I've found nothing. I can't do anything with this hair cause it always just puts more emphasis on the fact that I don't have much hair at all. Plus I've gained a bit of weight so my face is fat and anything I do with my hair makes it look worse.
I don't know if we can actually win with this hair.

>> No.8358458

There is a batiste spray for dark hair which has some color tint in it

>> No.8359299

Sage for no contribution but you're a qt

>> No.8359489

I should add that isn't me. My hair is similar to her, just embarrassed, but I'm sure she'd be happy to hear what you have to say

>> No.8359570
File: 186 KB, 300x450, 680675-rintarou_okabe__anime_portrait__large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I want to cosplay as Okabe.

My hair is a little bit shorter than his hair is, but I'm not sure what gel or hair product to use to keep my hair back like his is. Everything I use ends up giving my hair a "spiky" look. Should I just say fuck it, and make my hair messy and not make my hair like his to a T?

>> No.8359595
File: 209 KB, 402x392, kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in the genuinely same position anon. Either my hair ends up looking poofy and out of place with all this awkward curls, or it's oily, flat, and there is one curl sticking out.

What I do is I just straighten it just to get away from the normal poofy, frizzy look.

Pic related is typically it brushed.

>> No.8359611

Would be adorable, esp of you put your hair in pigtails, twin buns or something similar

>> No.8359640

My hair is pretty low maintenance right now and I like the look of it. It's a simple hime-cut bangs with the rest growing out. I put coconut oil in it every other day, and I'm trying out the OGX Coconut Milk line but it doesn't seem that amazing, smells nice though.

I heard that it's best to not put too much product in your hair, so I switched to coconut oil alone since a lot of other oil products have alcohol in them. Plus it's easier/cheaper.

>> No.8360183
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Just a friendly reminding that this looks ugly as fuck in lolita. Please don't.

>> No.8360202
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Holy fuck she looks like that thing from Splice

>> No.8360209

I'm doing my bangs soon since they've reached cheek length.
Anyone got pictures with multiple different bang styles? More interested in asian-inspired rather then the shit you get on Google

>> No.8360295

Looks like she's got a cartoon poo on her head.

>> No.8360418

With this being a wig and all, is it possible to get this hair color through bleach? I keep looking for images for this type of blonde and just cant find it. I would feel awkward showing my hair stylist this picture since its a wig.
Or if anyone knows the the correct color name i'd very much appreciate it.

>> No.8360475
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I have the same problems and I comment here occasionally. I use the Alterna caviar scalp facial stuff when it gets too bad, but I have a routine down where I shampoo with a sulfate free shampoo and run a tangle teezer through it to clean up the flakes when I wash my hair (every three days, obviously I shower everyday, but I use a shower cap when I don't wash my hair.)

Another thing I've found to be a game changer is mane and tail conditioner. I don't know what it is about it but it's magic.

I also tried a little experiment with a scalp itch spray marketed for people with braids, but it causes my hair to tangle more so I rarely use it.

If I pick at my scalp until it bleeds or has sores (nervous tick) I use Thayer's witch hazel to help with the itch and inflamation. I may end up experimenting with it more because it also refreshed me and left my hair soft and shiny.

>> No.8360480

I have super thin hair too, but mine is super dry so I'm attempting micro link extensions on Sunday.

>> No.8360551


Buy Fungoral shampoo. It's sold in pharmacies (I work in one). I contains ketoconazole. Follow the instructions. It has become my go-to product when I recomend dandruff treatment to patients, since I've tried it myself. I did this a few years ago after many years of pretty bad dandruff and I haven't had any dandruff since.
Never heard any negative feedback from patients on it either. However, I don't know if it's available in your country though. It also treats dry scalp btw.

>> No.8360573


Edit: Fungoral 20 mg/ml is a scandinavian product. The closest thing I could find on the international market is called Nizoral 2%.

>> No.8360605

Yeah anon! I had my hair this color for years. Look up strawberry blonde

>> No.8360675

Milk tea brown/blonde hair

>> No.8360759

Maybe try extensions?
Or maybe cut it short, like kind of a boyish hairstyle
I personally think that your hair would look much cuter short
But that's just me
Sorry if it isn't much help..

>> No.8360768

I think your hair looks super cute
Have you ever tried dying it?
Like a pastel color, it would probably look good with fairy kei too
Get a wig
Please get a wig
Dont be that guy

>> No.8360772

this hair style is so cute! what search terms should i use to find a wig like this/where can i find a good quality wig like this? curly bob and wavy bob arent getting me much

>> No.8360786
File: 53 KB, 315x288, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe look for clip in bangs if you don't have bangs of you own? they're pretty easy to find at beauty supply stores
also i hope you don't mind but i drew what i think it would look like (excuse the mess i did this in about 5 minutes because i gotta leave for work)

>> No.8360814

I don't dye my hair, it gets really dry quickly. I had to shave it off 4 years ago because of hair dye. BUT! I can do chalk. Sounds like a great idea. Maybe I'll just start with the ends and see how it looks.
Ah, I should try! I've always loved those bangs Koreans wear, and I've seen some online.. But the texture difference...
Thank you for spending your time on drawing, and have fun at work.
Thank you!

>> No.8360837

Batiste makes a dry shampoo specifically for dark hair. I swear by it now for my black hair.

>> No.8360952

I'm sorry for the dumb question, I ahve been googling since forever but didn't find an specific answer for my doubt.
I want to have my ends white, and I have bleached them slowly with a 20% bleach so it wont burn my hair. I ahve recently come across to Inoa Products and I have found one called INOA UltraBlond. People say it's fantastic, that bleaches your hair without peroxide, leaves your hair like silk and shit. Is it possible to apply it over my already bleached hair so I can tone it after to get white?

>> No.8361006

Yeah, the texture difference could be jarring / obvious if you went for the typical Asian ones. They tend to be silkier and shinier which doesn't look that strange with the straight and smooth kind of hair Asians tend to have, but for anyone else it just looks cheap.
I'm sure you could find less shiny ones at a local beauty supply or wig store, or you could look around online for human hair or Brazilian-type clip in bangs. (IIRC Brazilian means it's coarser and thicker than usual but still straight.)

>> No.8361036

A shorter cut might help, so the hair isn't weighed down. Other than that I'm still trying to figure out a solution myself.

>> No.8361041


I usually remove my leg hair once or twice a year through the summer with depilatory cream, but I've decided I don't want to remove my leg hair at all anymore. I actually like my leg hair and the cream (and shaving, which is why I don't do it) always ruins my skin anyway.

For the most part this isn't that big of a problem, I've always worn either long skirts that cover my legs or, like with Lolita skirts or shorts, wear knee highs or OTKs so it's not visible anyway. But I decided I want to try wearing shorter skirts and socks, mostly when it gets really hot in the summer. I've seen so many girls with cute ankle socks or none at all and they look so comfortable for the summer heat. Of course this makes my leg hair visible if I'm giving up removing it, and even though I like the hair I know it's not exactly socially acceptable and I do think feminine and cute clothes just look better with a more clean smooth look.

I thought trying to lighten my leg hair might be a good solution. I'm pretty sure they sell body hair bleach cream at most stores that carry shaving items. Does anybody have any experience with this?

>> No.8361079

I can vouch for Nizoral, though I had it prescribed by my doctor so I may have had a slightly different variation

>> No.8361184

if she'd have a fridge it would look awesome

>> No.8361205

I'm quite sure she already has one

>> No.8361226
File: 603 KB, 800x800, Jolen_Creme_Bleach___Mild_Formula_30ml_1366216189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this made me laugh.

I've used it to lighten body hair. Jolen brand. Kind of annoying to mix up and use but it worked as advertised and didn't irritate my sensitive skin. I can't remember how long it lasted or anything like that though, sorry.

Sheer skin-colored pantyhose would help give a smoother look as well? Maybe that defeats the purpose of wearing short socks, but I can't imagine they'd be much warmer. And finally, if you like it then I wouldn't worry too much about it being socially acceptable, neither is lolita tbh and a bit of hair isn't that visible from a distance anyway.

>> No.8361481

You look like a doll

>> No.8362716

Thanks a bunch anons <3

>> No.8363406
File: 15 KB, 256x245, 1432297614742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are good unnatural hair colors that go well with Jfashion?
Like pastel blue and stuff like that
I've just bleached my hair because I've wanted to dye it for a long time (used to dye when I was younger but haven't had it dyed for a while) but now that I have it bleached, I have no idea what color I should get
I'm mostly interested in soft sister, larme kei and cult party kei, so something to go with that would be awesome

>> No.8363439

Didn't read all your other replies, so sorry if this has been suggested already. Stop washing your hair so much.

Go about 3 weeks without washing (keep rinsing while showering) to recover your scalp.
Then cut back to washing only once 7-10 days with an anti-dandruff. I find Nizerol, an over the counter shampoo, works best for me. I also have exzema. Continue to condition after shampooing.

But seriously, less washing will help.

>> No.8363458

I have naturally blonde leg hair. I generally don't shave it, but I do if I'm going to wear shorts or skirts without leg wear. It's pretty invisible most of the time, but it can catch the light and show up with dark shadows anyways / looks darker in certain lights, so I get self conscious about it.

Sorry for rambling, I guess what I'm getting at is that light leg hair isn't necessarily the best solution if you are concerned about aesthetics. I just wear socks, tights, or pantyhose, and shave if I'm going bare legged.

>> No.8363587
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iktf anon

I used to have bangs, and if you are adamant about not using heat on your hair at all whatsoever, bangs will not be for you. I always had to straighten mine when they were shorter, it gets a little better when they start to get long, but not by much. They just end up either curly or frizzed out if left alone, no inbetween. On the other hand, maybe you can set them in rollers over night and that will straighten them without heat...

On the hat note, try pinning down the "crown" of your hair, to where its not too poofy for the hat. Even sometimes that isn't enough but as a beanie lover with a lot of volume it works for me.


tbh i still hate my fuckin hair but I've learned to live with it, and I try not to pipe up about it as much because I do get quite a lot of comments on it.

Currently I have a really, really subtle ombre (it has to catch the light correctly, like in pic related). Started at dark blue, it's faded to a nice greenish grey and the back parts are still blue. Every day the grey parts get more golden. Which was the plan, except I wasn't expecting the back parts to hold the blue so well.

I don't know if I want to get the grey to look more "grey", or if I should just re-blue it because it is starting too look like I've just been neglecting to redye my hair, which looks pretty bad considering I work in a salon.

>> No.8363607

It looks really pretty anon, I'm jel. I've always wished for a big poofy lion mane like yours. Well, more like Merida since I'm a thin-haired ginger but all hair colours look good with it.

>> No.8363642

I'd say either go more blue or dye the grey something else that's bright and bold. The key thing is making the color look intentional and not washed out. I love your hair though.

>> No.8363818
File: 383 KB, 499x290, tumblr_inline_njzlg4V0PW1sxq8nk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is beautiful oh my god

>> No.8363857
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What dye could I use to get this color?
I've looked around but I cant find anything that seems to match
All purples are too purple
Could I mix brown and purple?

>> No.8363869

Pretty sure the Japanese girls that have this colour bleach the fuck out of their hair then use a purple (or pink) toner mixed with grey.

>> No.8363883

You and me both.
>tfw your hair isn't even red
>tfw you're gorgeous as a redhead
Guess I'll settle for blonde.

>> No.8363906


Thanks for the input peeps. My hair is really long and dark, like, major man leg ha ha, so it's really visible and noticeable and I swear it looks more noticeable through pantyhose somehow.

I guess I'll try the bleaching thing someday when I get a chance to see how it works for me, but for now stick with the Veet.

>> No.8363963

I have bleached hair so that wont be a problem
Thanks, gray and purple might actually be a good idea

>> No.8364184


>> No.8364195

I think your skin tone is more important. You can work with most pastels.

>> No.8364285

My hair is a lot like yours, but a bit more 3b because of bleaching and dyeing.
The two puffy ponytails or double buns is cute, with and without bangs. Ive had blunt cut bangs for the last 5/6, years; and they're a massive pain in the butt if theyre too short and its curly, but straightened theyre cute.
Also, if you pull it all back, no bangs in a high ponytail with a bow with edge control, its really cute- my go to style when not lazy.
One more! If you go with bangs you can pin then back with bows.
(Wish I had pics) oh well.

>> No.8364338

hair angst

Just had to get steroid injections in my scalp because of alopecia. Nobody can figure out what the hell is going on. No change in diet, no stress, no medicine, no hair treatments, no genetic predisposition. This blows. I've been growing my hair out for six years.

>> No.8364431

I still haven't been able to find this, what are those hair decorations called, how do I use them and where do I get them?

>> No.8364909
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>> No.8364923

you mean the hair baubles? i have a lot of them. search hair bauble on ebay and you'll find a lot.

>> No.8364940

Yea, that's it. is there a specific name for the double-orb looking ones in the op? thanks in advance

>> No.8365814
File: 1.15 MB, 960x1280, 20150523_151343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this on tumblr and how do I get that color? I think that is edited but it's still the exact tone I want.

>> No.8365890

Anyone know about how cowlicks interact with bangs? I don't think blunt, straight bangs will work for me but I'd like to try something like this sideswept bang. Is it better to part the bang on the side with the cowlick or on the opposite side?

>> No.8365900

The problem isn't really getting the color, it's maintaining it. Before my current color I had it just like that but with a dark purple tone in it. I had bleached hair and just went to a hair salon and asked for that color.

But yeah as I said, maintaining red hair is a bitch. And on top of that, if you ever change your mind and want another color that requires bleaching it will be very hard to remove the red tones.

But if you really want it and if you're prepared to fix around quite a bit with your hair - go for it! Vibrant red hair is gorgeous!

>> No.8365908

This, red is really hard upkeep like blonde is

>> No.8366166

Well, any wood aniline gives this result. That cute girl, does anyone know who she is?

>> No.8366399

Do you have any tips for blonde hair? I'm planning on getting mine to a light blonde but not white color.

I'm naturally dirty furred so there's not much of a color jump and my hair is roughly pixie hair length

>> No.8366463

I feel like this would look sort of okay if it was just cut short, not completely bald....

>> No.8366512
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I think you should cut your bob a bit shorter so the ends of your hair are skimming the chin. It will help to frame your face, because it's slightly elongating it at the moment.

If you want your hair to look like the wig, you should definitely try rag curling in small sections.

>> No.8366575

I have waist length, long, thick hair. It's really healthy, but it has a habit of getting frizzy, especially with the summer heat. I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion of some really strong anti-frizz gel? My hair tends to resist any styling I try to do. I just wanted to try some coords with my natural hair.

>> No.8366782
File: 737 KB, 483x600, hair-tools0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have super thin Kota hair, how can i cut my bangs to look thicker ?

>> No.8366796

What're some good styles for side-parted and dramatically straight hair? My hair is thin to the point where people think I straighten it daily, when I've only ever straightened my hair once in my life. I love curling it, but they don't hold for too long since my hair is thin, and I live near the Gulf, so it's always humid and gross.

And, while I'd absolutely love to have straight bangs, I'm trying to re-grow my hair from trich, and have it side parted to cover up damage.

My hair is currently shoulder-length short, but it grows really fast so long hairstyles would be nice, too.

>> No.8366798

err, *straight to the point where people think I straighten it daily. My bad.

>> No.8366804

Anybody have a general idea of how to accomplish this hairstyle? I cut my hair in hopes of achieving this look before I remembered that I'm terrible at styling. I'm trying to learn though.

>> No.8366810

>I like alternative styles like lolita but not this alternative style it's dumb

>> No.8366816

How exactly do you get back to your exact, natural hair color? Natural highlight look and all? I've been dying my hair since I was an early teen and have no idea what it looks like as an adult now, outside of my roots. I don't really want to grow them out a ton since it'll clash badly with my blonde hair I have right now.

Last time I got a stylist to guess at it and dye it back to an ashy brown, they made it practically grey and another time it had almost green in it. I'm a spring in coloring. Is there some color I can tell her to mix with it or lean towards to not make it look so sickly? It can't be too warm or it doesn't look natural.

>> No.8366820

Anon said IN lolita. It looks bad and clashes with the aesthetic unless you're going for punk, which she clearly wasn't.

>> No.8366878

I have a massive forehead cowlick. Is it worth getting bangs?

>> No.8366879

I have a pretty bad cowlick and straight-across bangs. I hated the gap they created so much that one day I just stormed into the bathroom and cut the cowlick as short as possible, down to my skin. I thought it would look hideous and immediately regretted it, but my hair covers it perfectly and nobody's ever noticed.

>> No.8366965

I have double cowlicks which is pretty annoying, but I can have perfect bangs as long as I blow dry them from wet into the way I want them to sit.

A hairdresser should know how to cut the bangs for you to work with your cowlick if you don't want to blow dry and train it to sit right.

>> No.8367014

Any cute/good tutorials for buns or tied back hair?

>> No.8367021

>tfw i wish my bangs would look like hers
>tfw she's so fucking cute with minimal makeup

seconding this. not quite kota thin, but not as thick as i'd want. also, my bangs always part above my right eye and start looking greasy as fuck even when the rest of my hair is fine, which makes it look thinner and shittier.

>> No.8367465

I have impossible hair.
It's blond, but the strands are still rather thick. The hairs are also stiff, and stick out however they want.
I also have very thick (as in lots of) hair.
I can't do anything with it, not buns or braids or anything. Every single hair that isn't held precisely in place sticks out. I have to use entire packages of bobbypins+a whole bottle of hairspray to get anywhere pretty much.
And I've never found a hairgrip big enough to hold it all (my hair isn't even long, it's just barely past my shoulders).
Does anyone else have hair like this? Is there any hope at all?

>> No.8367479

I have really long hair and I hate to blow dry it because it takes forever. However I'd be completely fine with taking the time to style a bang. That doesn't seem to hard.

Guess I'll nut up and go to the fancy salon the next time I need a trim and do this thing!

>> No.8367495

Yes! I have hair exactly like yours, except a different colour.
I'd definitely consider growing it out. When it's shoulder length, thick hair is a nightmare to work with and you run the risk of ending up with 'triangle head', which is your hair puffing up at the ends/middle but staying flat on top (as it's weighed down by the strands).
Look up Ficcare Maximas or a Flexi-8, which would be too big at your length right now but it's good to have for the future.

What I do to keep mine in check is condition before shampooing, and detangle with a wide-tooth comb before and after washing (you're not supposed to comb your hair while wet but you'll have to for some things). Then I put it in pleats and let air dry (takes about 8hrs). I don't know much about shampoos but I've tried the cone-free, SLS-free methods and it just made my hair tangle even more. If you have coarse, thick hair I don't think you should listen to the people who tell you to try those.

For now, I think you can only do some hairstyles. I can't do a French braid by myself but I've bought that French braid-maker off of eBay and it works splendidly. You can give that a try. Aside from that, try half-ups. They're my go-to hairstyles at this length.

>> No.8367509
File: 114 KB, 729x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you meant to wear those hair ties shaped like telephone cords?

>> No.8367511

Pull more hair from the top of your head, then cut it along with your bangs.

>> No.8367512

Like regular hair ties I suppose.

>> No.8367523

Any recommendations for hairspray to use in really humid weather to prevent frizzy hair? I have a giftcard for Sephora but I was also looking at Ulta because they have $10 cans of Sebastian hairspray this week. I used to get the big Paul Mitchell sprays but I really don't want to spend $30 on hairspray.

>> No.8367593
File: 148 KB, 238x310, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips! My hair actually isn't frizzy or anything, it's almost completely straight. When I just leave it, it tends to look mostly ok, but trying to put it into any kind of style, even a ponytail just ends in tears haha
Pic related, my hair.

>> No.8367814

I'm thinking of getting highlights. I've never dyed or bleached or anything with my hair. Just how damaging is it?

>> No.8367829
File: 540 KB, 1433x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's more of a medium rather than thick, anon
I thought you meant like this

>> No.8367838

It's thick enough to be a pain in the ass. But no, since it's straight I don't get nearly as much volume as that.

>> No.8368223

Depends on your hair type and how light your hair already is. It's going to be damaging to some extent regardless, but if your hair is resilient and strong, it should still look relatively healthy.

>> No.8368230

I'm surprised you have difficulty with your hair because it looks extremely manageable and not as thick as I expected. Also, hair sticking out of place or some level of dishevelment can look pretty and romantic.

Try ragcurling your hair when its damp (use some product if you think it will help hold) and take them out when it's dry. Your hair should remain curly for a few days provided you don't brush it all out.

>> No.8368279

tips for growing out bangs? mine used to be straight across but now they are almost nose length. im having a hard time styling them into my hair.

>> No.8368299

Headbands, pretty barrettes is all I can think of

>> No.8368332

I twist them or plait them back and pin them when they're at the awkward stage.

>> No.8369003

Like regular hair ties. They're better in some ways since they grip the hair better and yet at the same time won't put so much tension on it, but then again they're not as discreet as normal hair ties.

>> No.8369014

Is your hair layered? That can really help in reducing the bulk of it and make it more manageable.

>> No.8369239

I know, it looks normal, but it's like a devious trap. I complained to my hair stylist about not being able to braid, and she just agreed I'll probably never be able to. I don't even know.

>> No.8370673

Try curling the ends under for just a little volume.

>> No.8370703

This tutorial is for dealing with bangs for historical costuming but her's are the same length as yours and I think it's an elegant solution.


>> No.8370769

anyone know this gal's name?

>> No.8371283
File: 977 KB, 640x1049, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm looking to dye my hair blue-black, leaning more black than blue. Like in the picture, but definitely leaning more A and C than B (as cool as it looks on some people, I would look TERRIBLE with bright hair). I know that the pictures are edited, too, but it's the look I'm going for.

I have black hair with red undertones naturally, and it's never been dyed before. Do I just use a blue dye on my hair, or is there a specific black-blue dye color that I should look for? Do I need to bleach my hair?

>> No.8371295

I have straight hair that's about halfway down my neck and a fringe cut above my eyebrows. Does anyone have recommendations of historically inspired hair styles/cuts? (I'm hoping to grow it out more, but I'd like something nice to do with my hair in the interim besides just curling it.)

I wear classic lolita (mostly Mary Magdalene and Victorian Maiden) so I'd like my hair to fit the look more.

>> No.8371370

for the last two, you'll definitely need to bleach your hair. maybe not to blonde, but it will need to be lightened.

>> No.8371798

I hope this isn't a dumb question but are there any tutorials I can do on a wig? My wig is pretty long, but I can't really put it up or part it without the net showing (obviously.)

Also, I'm trying to grow my hair out and the main problems I have are tangles, and not being able to tell if my hair is too dry. Any help or tips? I don't want to use up all of my products if I don't need to. Thank you in advance

>> No.8371817

NAK sell a range of toning confitioners for many hair colours including red.

>> No.8371823

if you have virgin black hair you can use boxed blonde hair dye to elevate your hair color to a dark to medium brown
there's a bunch of tutorials on how to do this on youtube and it's a lot less risky than trying to bleach your hair
then when you've done that you can go in with some blue manic panic, i will earn you though blue hair dye has the smallest molecules and is the hardest to wash out of your hair, so keep that in mind when you go for it
also you can follow up right after with the manic panic because it's vegetable based and actually makes your hair feel pretty soft

>> No.8371840

What is the general consensus on taking biotin?
I've done a lot of research and I'm still really unsure about trying it, I have brittle nails and thin hair and I'm really looking for something to stop making me feel like an old woman at 23
I'd also like to mention that i do suffer from IBS (mixed) and I already have some other vitamin deficiencies.
Is it worth trying? I'm scared about the severe acne a lot of people say they get but I also hear that's from not drinking enough water? Any experiences or opinions would be great.

>> No.8371847

Some people say it broke them out, some people say it made them nauseous, others say they saw no difference and still there's also those who said it's helped them.
Not enough proof for the claims imo.

>> No.8371922

I would say go to a hairdresser if its the first time, also black hair tends to resist bleaches and dyes, so dont risk it and ask your hairdresser

>> No.8372810

I have been on biotin for a couple years and I have noticed my hair is thicker and my nails are strong. I stopped taking it consistently for a while and noticed my nails were becoming brittle. About a week or so after I started taking it consistently again my nails were stronger.

I say try a low dose at first for a couple of months and see what the side effects are. If there are none, go ahead and buy a stronger dose. WebMD says 30mcg per day is an adequate intake but didn't say what a max dose would be. Also from WebMD, "Biotin might weaken the effect of some cholesterol drugs. Conversely, many drugs can lower biotin levels, including some antibiotics and medicines for acne. Some epilepsy drugs may decrease biotin absorption from food. A supplement, lipoic acid, may also increase the need for biotin. Eating raw egg whites on a regular basis can also lower biotin levels in the body."

>> No.8374247

Are silk pillowcases worth it? I've been scoping out the ones on Amazon and there are enough reviews on different ones that say they break apart really easily, so I've been hesitant to spend $30 on one pillowcase.

>> No.8374270

loreal hicolor highlights in red hot (or magenta if you want it pinkier, i can't tell by the filter)
no pre-bleaching required but you will need to buy some 30vol. developer and some tinting tools, and also probably 2 boxes of the dye (it's ok it's cheap, amazon has some for like $5 a box and the developer is like $5 too)
also there's plenty of red tinted shampoos and conditioners to help maintain the color, and you can always follow up with manic panic if it starts fading a lot
make sure your hair is healthy because even though it's not technically bleach it's still doing the same thing, you can use this on pretty much any color hair and i would suggest soaking your hair with coconut oil several hours before you put the color in (you can leave the oil in while you dye to lessen the damage)

i loved having this color hair, it's fun and if you get bored with it you can add in other colors over it like purple

>> No.8374279

>manic panic

also you should use coconut oil in after otherwise the dye can't permeate the hair as easy and fades faster. you can also make your own conditioner with leftover dye.

my suggestion is to either bleach your own or get your hair bleached professionally then use a pigment dye like sfx for maximum lasting. make sure to get your hair toned or tone it to get the yellow out or it will go orange when it fades. you can leave sfx or any other pigment dye haircolor in as long as you want, as it has no activation time limit(since it's dye) and leaving it in overnight is always a good way to be sure all the dye has permeated. another thing to do is use coconut oil after, to give back some moisture to the hair. you can keep doing this for a few weeks, and it actually helps the dye keep longer as well.

>> No.8374364

What the fuck am I supposed to do with a full head of baby hair? My hair is so fine and I feel like I can't do shit with it. It's super frustrating to see all these tutorials and know that they will not look good on my hair.
Any other fine, thin haired girls here with this issue? How am I even supposed to get volume with this gross shit?

>> No.8374367

just look at what princess peachie does and don't do it, then get a wig.

seriously though, clip ins and hair pieces are your friends, anon.

>> No.8374380

Any recommendations where I can get some good hair pieces at a decent price?
I've tried many hair pieces but I seem to always get the shit end of the stick with ordering online. i always get thin, ugly pieces that don't do shit for me.

Thanks for the quick reply!

>> No.8374785

You suggest mixing with grey, but I've never found a good way to get grey hair. Any recommended brands/shades?

>> No.8374880

I have thick super long wavy hair. My hair dries kinda curly/wavy naturally. But rain and humidity make it frizzy and unbearable.

With summer coming up, does anyone know anything I can use to stop it from frizzing in these conditions without having to iron it (even ironing frizzes up in humidity and I don't know how to stop it)

I really like my hair and when it's normal it looks really cute but the humidity / moisture kills it.

>> No.8375195


Thanks for the advice everyone! I think I'll just suck it up and go to a salon. Especially since there's a specific hue of blue I want. I'd probably screw it up on my own. Once I have more experience I'll try a home dye, but I don't want to mess things up too much!!

>> No.8376681
File: 47 KB, 400x500, blonde hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm desperate for some color advice, either for the DIY route or just for finding a stylist that isn't a moron. I've been trying to get subtle highlights done for what seems like the last 2 years and not one fucking stylist I've seen in this city seems to know how to do them. I've hit up Yelp, talked to friends, gone to hole in the wall places and ended up with everything from huge fucking chunky white streaks to highlighter yellow streaks , to overtoned nonsense but nothing like what I'm asking for or showing them. Nothing ever ends up blended or looking even semi-close to natural. Pic related is what I'm going for and the exact fucking picture I keep giving.

I've got that honey blonde base already, literally all they have to do is is lift some sections just a little bit to add dimension to my already blonde hair but for whatever reason no one seems able to do it. I feel like it shouldn't be this hard to get subtle dimensional highlights added to an already solid color.

>> No.8377069

>tfw long dark wavy hair
>tfw looked awful with bangs when i tried them
>tfw forehead makes me look ugly without bangs...
idek what do

>> No.8377085

Maybe it was the particular style of bangs that didn't suit you, or maybe it was just the shock of not being used to them that made you think they looked terrible. See what styles might suit you, you can even consult your hair stylist. Maybe a side fringe, or blunt bangs that taper and frame your face instead of being straight across. Maybe also incorporate face framing layers. If you don't want to do a fringe you could try a deep side part right now and see how that looks.
I don't know what your face looks like so I can't really make suggestions.

>> No.8377099

Do you mean to say that you tried straight-across bangs, but because your hair was wavy they had a curve to them? If that's a case try blowdrying them after you shower, point the nozzle of the blowdryer downwards and then run your fingers through the hair to work out any kinks or clumps. I've got thick, dark wavy hair myself and it always does the trick. Thick hair makes the best bangs anyways!

>> No.8378426
File: 78 KB, 473x700, tumblr_la2uotwGZp1qcu7l9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have know of any tutorials for this sort of hairstyle?

>> No.8378589

I dont have a tutorial but I can try to explain the process. Comb hair tight into two twintails and secure with an elastic. Twist the hair in a circle around to make a bun and pin it. Pick pieces out carefully to make it messy and voluminous. Set with hairspray

>> No.8381599
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x1836, 1433557445403-510145725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing this to my hair a lot lately and it's super cute. I put little ribbons by each bun.

>> No.8381606

But first, curl your hair, then put it in twin tails.

>> No.8381625

I was stupid and dyed my hair directly after bleaching it last week. The color looks great, thank god, but my scalp is now really irritated and itchy thanks to a low-key chemical burn. I googled around but the only tips I saw were to put aloe vera gel on your scalp but that seems like it would look awful, and my hair isn't long enough to pull back and hide.

Any ideas to get my scalp happy again?

>> No.8381629

The best way to style bangs is to "confuse" them by blow drying them multiple ways--like, if you want your bangs to lay one way, blow dry them the opposite way and pull them over. If you want straight bangs, blow dry them to both sides.

Bangs can look bad if you don't style them right, but remember that there are hundreds of different bang styles out there. Talk to a hairstylist next time you see one and see what they recommend. Also, if your hair is more curly than wavy, you need to see a stylist that specializes in cutting curly hair, because most great clips clerks won't cut it right, and that'll affect how good/bad your bangs look.

>> No.8381630

What do you mean directly after? My hairdressers have always done that when dyeing my hair a different colour (as its dark brown)

>> No.8381633

Like, two minutes after. It's never affected me before but it was a different combination of dye and bleach than I've used in the past so I'm assuming they don't work well together. I used color charm & quick blue.

>> No.8382475
File: 35 KB, 358x411, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a couple of ways you can grey your hair. Adding a pea sized amount of blue black colour to an ash blonde toner works. How deep you want to grey is how long you leave to emulsion in your hair. Your hair will show to colour truer if it is lightened.

For a more consistent colour I do know Wella have a couple of colours in their colour touch range 8/81 and 7/81. Again both of these are toners so will require blonde hair to achieve. The ends of this photo are the 8/81

>> No.8382806

Is your hair already dyed or is it naturally blonde? Bleaching on top of already dyed hair is always going to give an unpredictable result and if you aren't letting your hair recover between attempts to get highlights it's even more difficult.

>> No.8382826

/r/ing cute hairstyle tutorials?

>> No.8385009

Is there a way to make an effective home made toner to achieve white hair? Because the ones that I have seen over internet always leave you the ends lilac because of the dye and I don't want that to happen to me.

I'm asking this because I can't buy a toner online and it does not exist in my country (I already search everywhere)

>> No.8385030

Get satin instead.

Love this look so much! I could wear it every day.

>> No.8388372

Requesting cute styles for shoulder length hair (think Kylie Jenner)

>> No.8388920


You can go for a series of temporary (often labeled "28 washes" dyes?

What this means is that there won't be such a dramatic difference between the natural growth and the dyed part as it comes in because the color will fade. I dyed my hair with temporary for years and didn't get harsh roots lines. I never bleached though so I don't know how that would change it.

>> No.8391734

I've been growing my hair out for 18 months and it's past my chest now. I last chopped it to chin length because I bleached and ombre dyed my hair
In the time between, I've mostly done a violet-red that I like, but it's beginning to feel really boring and I want to try something lighter again

I've never gone for an ashy tone before, since I've got medium-dark asian yellow-toned skin, would an ash pink-blonde look good or should I stick to what I have already? I know it's just hair, but I hate wearing wigs and I'd hate style short hair all the time for lolita if I end up having to cut my hair a lot again

What do you guys think, should I just go for it even if I damage my hair loads?

>> No.8391786

>have shitty thick dark frizzy hair
>am mixed race so my hair grows in weird patches
>top half of hair is frizzy semi-kinky mess and bottom half is thick wavy denseness

It's basically this >>8367829 (almost same length too but mine is a bit shorts) but with more curls/waves and frizz.

I've accepted the fact that I can never have bangs, and that I will never have straight hair (save for keratin treatments), and I like how it looks with 'beachy' waves, BUT I CAN'T GET THEM TO STICK! Getting out of the shower, I quickly comb through my hair to get the tangles out and then I put in anti-frizz spray and scrunch a bit to get nice waves, and for like an hour it looks super promising and cute and I get really excited. Then it dries and I look at myself and the crown of my hair is basically a field of frizz, the 'beachy waves' have turned into frizz balls angling out of my hair and it looks idiotic.

Even going to hairstylists and they put in good mouse and anti-frizz shit it'll dry looking like a frizzy mess. I just want cute wavy hair without having to fucking iron it and putting in waves which is redundant and for that I might as well just get fucking bangs and straighten my hair every day or something.

I hate the fact that I'm 24 goddamn years old and going to over 30 stylists I still have the same issues and no results and I look like some idiotic sheltered Christian tween in photos with my weird frizzy hair basically always pulled back because it looks like shit otherwise. Sorry about the rant I just get super frustrated with my hair.

>> No.8392043

Maybe start using a serum on it?

>> No.8395758
File: 227 KB, 1500x618, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping for some opinions. I'm thinking about getting a pixie cut since my hair is at that stage of being over processed and gross feeling. Kind of leaning towards a Carey Mulligan or a Ginnifer Goodwin style of cut. Any thoughts?

>> No.8395847 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 768x432, Audrey-Hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for the Audrey Hepburn pixie anon! I think it would look amazing on you. Or if that's too short, a quirky 'Japanese' short bob would be great too. Or is you want something a bit quirky looking, I think you could really pull off the Amelie haircut.

>> No.8395857
File: 24 KB, 768x432, Audrey-Hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for the Audrey Hepburn pixie anon! I think it would look amazing on you. Or if that's too short, a cute 'Japanese' short bob would be great too. Or is you want something a bit quirky looking, I think you could really pull off the Amelie haircut.

>> No.8395863
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>> No.8395873

My hair is currently super over processed and coloured (sky blue atm), and the ends are extremely dry. Is there a home remedy or products I could use to soften them a little?
I'll get my ends cut soon, but in the mean time I'd prefer if the tips of my hair would look at least half as decent as the length.
I use silver shampoo and great conditioner but you know what colouring does.

>> No.8395875
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 11326453_1586088338338725_865532599_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have virgin black hair and wanted to bleach my hair to get an ashy blonde.

I went to a salon for a consultation appointment on this.

They basically said it's impossible and I would only get an orangey color. They did a strand test for me and I noticed no difference. I wasn't expecting results overnight, but I feel shooed away completely.

What did I do wrong?! Guess I'll try another salon. Damn.

>> No.8395878

Off topic, but lower right model is terrifying.

>> No.8395880

Do you want bugs in your hair? Thats how you get bugs in your hair.

>> No.8395881

You WOULD get an orangey colour, but purple shampoo should help with getting rid of the brassiness and give it a more natural blonde. The salon should really know that.
Was it a white people salon?? Maybe they're not accustomed to darker hair.

>> No.8395883

Yes white people salon...But it was a franchise?! I don't trust Asian ones around here either though. There's not a lot of Asians in this country so I kinda expect their standards to be low.

I'll.. just try a different salon.

>> No.8395898

Coconut oil.

>> No.8395899

I have medium brown, mousy hair, and back when I colored I had issues with getting the yellow, brassy color out. But like >>8395881 said there's such a thing as toner. I've seen tons of girls go from black to light blonde. It's possible to do, though it's not the best for your hair's health.

I went to a salon that wasn't my regular one once and had a picture of what I wanted done, and they told me it was "impossible" to cut your hair to look like that. It was a basic short styled hair cut, apparently this lady had no idea what styling products were.

I have really thin, fine, fragile hair, so not everything does work for me, but my regular hair stylist works with me to figure out what will work and how to get a similar look.

I miss coloring my hair. I stopped coloring a couple years ago to try and grow my hair out. I wish I could find a good temporary color product. I've thought about bleaching just a single strip of hair either in my bangs or next to them but I'm worried it will look too 90's or stupid, plus after all the work I've done on my hair I think my hair stylist would kick me for asking to have it colored lol.

>> No.8395902

Audrey Hepburn's pixie is ideally how short I would love to go. Short bobs are really cute, so I'll probably gravitate towards that during the growing out process. Thanks for the suggestions, anon!

>> No.8395906

White people can have dark hair too. They're just a shit salon. I mean I feel like the only natural dark brunette in a country that is 90% blonde, and they still know how to handle it.

>> No.8395980

Dying my hair, attemting this color with >>8363869 this anons advice
If anyone is intrested I could post results when Im done

>> No.8396159
File: 261 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat--7227796422497641888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for side dos? Im wearing a vintage hat that goes up at ine side so i want to show a nice style there
I don't have bangs but i have clipins and pic related is my hair

>> No.8396181


The Cherry Dollface channel on YouTube has several tutorials for vintage hairstyles and makeup.

>> No.8396321 [DELETED] 

oh awesome thank you anon!

>> No.8396328

her hair is a lot longer than mine unfortunately

>> No.8396399

Newfag to hair here. I never learned how to do shit with mine, where do I start? What are some the basic tools and products I need? The most I do now is straighten it.

>> No.8396681
File: 84 KB, 615x1009, tumblr_nfou4vcj5x1rhnz88o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys change your hairstyles often? I've been unhappy with my colour and cut for years but I'm too chicken to do anything with it. I want a pastel or neon green colour and a box fringe or hime cut but I have a fat face and wide shoulders so I don't want to cut it short.

Pic sorta related, the ideal.

>> No.8397207

There's no real reason you can't. It will take multiple bleachings though, so you can't do it in one go. Go to a different salon that can do it, but you may have to deal with orange for a while until you bleach it again. It will be extremely high maintenance.

>> No.8397211

Try rag curling, it only requires strips of fabric that you can cut up yourself and tends to be effective. Or following tutorials on youtube to start.

>> No.8397216

that's also wrong as fuck purple won't do shit on your hair if you want to neutralize orange you need blue involved not purple

>> No.8397219

>too chicken
it's just hair

as for your question, I used to change things up every 6 months-ish but now I've been growing my hair out and dyeing it the same colour since September with no plans to stop

>> No.8397223

honestly you can't fix fried or split ends
they're just going to look fried and split until you get them cut old, even coconut oil can't save that type of damage

>> No.8397898

My hair is about jaw-length in the front, ear length in the back. How long would it take to get it to shoulder-length? Any suggestions for in-between styles?

>> No.8397916

Thanks anons!

Original OP here. I went to a second salon today.

And they really recommended not to bleach it as it would be too damaging. They recommended dying it a couple times over the course of 6 months. Each session would cost 128 EUR.

Are they trying to scam me or is the way I SHOULD go?

My hair isn't brittle or thin. It's thick Asian hair, but it does get dry on the ends even if I just curl it with heat.

>> No.8397919

wtf thats very pricey for a dye job! where you come from? have you tried asking another salon?

>> No.8397928

€128?! That's how much I pay for a cut, wash and bleach+dye! And I live in one of the tax hell countries!

>> No.8397936

Living in the land of leprechauns.

Unless I go to an Eastern European/Chinese place, it costs at least 100 EUR for each full head dye job. I just don't know if it's correct to dye it like 3 times..

Damn, hit me up!
I seem to be having very bad luck with my road to blonde. I was in Japan last week. I kinda wish I did it there, but was mortified there could have been miscommunication issues.

I guess my journey continues..

>> No.8398240
File: 25 KB, 320x501, nAUGhCh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a regent, would people think I look retarded, or very retarded?
>tfw it isn't japan in the 80s

>> No.8398264

I would, but I'm the anon from the Irish thread who's studying in Finland, haha. Only downside is that they tend to be very liberal with bleach since they scarcely get any customers with hair darker than light brown.
>I was in Japan last week
jelly af!
It's a fairly risky road to ash blonde (and one I know all too well) but I've had luck with mild bleach and Palty/Liese dye in milk tea brown. Don't know if that's the colour you're looking for, but it could be a cheaper option.

>> No.8398272

Oh and I used a Polish brand of cream bleach, 'Delia Cameleo' or something along those lines. Cheap and not overly harsh imo.
Just make sure it'll suit your skintone!

>> No.8399330
File: 986 KB, 1002x640, jfvningreifjcmhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I mantain natural curls like these?
I would be happy if someone could recommend me not so expensive / decent priced / cheap products for curly hair.
Picture is not me.

>> No.8399349
File: 274 KB, 640x480, 2nd round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had super thick black hair since my grandfather was aztec but I have bleached my hair since I sort of also want the ashy blonde look. My hair is not damaged and this is the second round of bleaching...the color is much lighter but my room is dark. If you do decide to bleach your hair put coconut oil on your hair and sleep with it in and bleach your hair while the oil is still in. THIS WILL GREATLY REDUCE YOUR HAIR DAMAGE. My hair is still soft and I have bleached it using 40 developer recently. I can post the third result of bleaching later today if anyone is interested(I'm bleaching it each Saturday)

>> No.8399516
File: 1.12 MB, 2720x3456, luhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had hair that goes to my ass for years now and I want to change my hairstyle but I'm a bit scared. It's probably just due to people telling me I shouldn't cut my hair and that I might end up ruining it etc.

I'm thinking of having it cut and coloured like TOP from BigBang in the Fantastic Baby video or maybe just have my hair layered and getting a fringe.. Any suggestions?

Pic related is me.
My hair is medium thickness and curls near the ends, I can take a pic of them if that will make more sense.

>> No.8399834

I have a question.

Why are parts of my hair turning light brown? I have generic black asian hair, so basically super dark brown that's pretty much black. My coworker asked me if I had dyed a streak on the underside of my hair, and I certainly haven't. I checked, and I have a brown streak growing. The sides of my bangs are also turning medium brown, and I have a light red hair or two in my bangs. It's really strange. I have had a few white hairs since I was in elementary (genetic), but these light red hairs and medium brown streaks are new.

I never go in the sun. If I do, I have a hood up.

>> No.8399889
File: 58 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nnggwelYvA1r64iepo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to have a tutorial or advice on how to cut and style bangs like pic related?

>> No.8399899

I used to cut my hair a lot
Mostly at home by myself
Some times my mom helped me, both with cutting, bleaching and dyeing (she's not even a hairdresser but she cuts great and dying isn't super hard, it's just hard to do the back all by yourself).
I hate going to a saloon. Not even kidding, every time I go, I wind up paying $90 to go home and cry
I once had a haircut so awful that I went home and cried for hours, shaved it all of, and then cried for a week after that
But I'm kinda impulsive so there's that
Afterwards, I honestly can't say I regret shaving the hair
I didn't really like it then but looking back on it, it looked kinda cute
And it's fun to be able to tell people that you shaved all your hair once.
Moral of the story: Don't be afraid to mess with your hair
It might turn out bad, but then it'll grow out. It might turn out amazing, and then you'll be happy you did it.
In the end it's just hair. You can even wear a wig if it turns to shit

>> No.8399900


Use a sulphate-free shampoo and don't wash every day. I use Live Clean argan oil shampoo but now lots of brands have sulphate-free lines. After you wash it, use a little bit of coconut oil on the ends to keep it soft. Let it air dry or use a microfibre towel or t-shirt to dry it, otherwise it'll frizz up.

For styling, Eco Styler gel is really cheap and really good. Just run it through your hair after detangling.

If you're going to sleep, wrap your hair up in a silk scarf or sleep on a silk pillowcase to stop it from frizzing.

>> No.8399914

I recently cut bangs, I used to have them a couple of years ago and it kept looked cute, so I figured it would work
It might have been that my face looks older, or that my glasses look weird with the bangs, but it just doesn't look very good
Any tutorials/ideas or anything to make bangs look less like bangs?
Shirty explanation but I hope you get it

>> No.8399922

That would look super cute, especially if your hair is curly near the ends, though you'll want some mouse to give it that fullness he has in the video.

>> No.8399923

It happens, it's genetic. I'm not Asian but I have medium brown hair that's auburn/copper on the underside. Nobody knows why, it's just our bodies being funny.

>> No.8399929


That may be a wig but to do that to your real hair:

Your bangs would be on the long side, pretty much in your eyes, and just use a one inch straightener and turn it at the end of your bangs to have them curl up.

>> No.8399931

I'm an ash brunette, but I have one streak of hair that grows in pale blonde. It doesn't take dye well, either. Pretty sure it's just genetic.

>> No.8399943

I have a chin-lengthish bob that I love! but I have a hard time figuring out what I can do with it. does anyone have any actual tutorial pictures on things i can do with my short hair?

>> No.8399969

Thank you!

>> No.8400818

What inexpensive curler would you guys recommend?

>> No.8400831

Sorry for being absurdly late with this reply, but give this a go: https://www.lush.co.uk/products/soak-and-float

It seems that a lot of people with psoriasis/various scalp issues have used it to great effect. My hair doesn't flake as much as theirs would admittedly, but I've a bad scratching problem so it can get all scabby and gross and as a result, flake a bit. I've started using that and my head feels nowhere near as scratchy as it used to, and the flakes have lessened.

>> No.8400944
File: 302 KB, 500x750, 1415260142722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This same thing happened to me, I have medium brown hair. I just couldn't muster up the courage to tell the Hair Professionals that I saw some cute Japanese girls online do it.

I dunno, maybe they CAN do it, but they don't want to be held responsible if your hair melts into one clump, and hence why claim it's impossible... impossible to be responsible for mishaps.

>> No.8400957

If your hair gets dry on the ends, do you consider using a boar hair bristle brush, to distribute the oils to the ends?

Mine are pretty much like that, to cut them I use this method

>> No.8401003

Check out curlygirl for tips on maintaining your curls. I have hair like this and I agree with >>8399900

Definitely don't wash it every day. Maintain a good curl for up to 3 days after a wash. Don't brush your hair dry, just finger comb in the shower with conditioner in it.

Use an oil and leave in and either let air dry or google "pineappling" with anon's suggestions. I usually just run leave in through my hair, making sure there's no tangles, then I bring all my hair together at the top of my head in a bun; This ensures that any frizzies get wet again and curl into the rest of my hair. After a while, I let it down and arrange it however I want it, and go on with my day.

I'm lower maintenance than my hair, and often let it go wild, but that's easily avoided by finger curling anything that is drying bad, and avoiding touching your hair. I drive with the windows down and end up with big hair days as a result. It's a lot of fun the first day but doesn't hold up as well days in.

Avoid agitating your hair as much as possible. Keep it at the top of your head when you're home or in bed. And on third days or after the curls have loosened and/or tangled, you can avoid washing it another day or two by tying it up in a bun, finger curling, and braids.

Revitalize with a quick spritz of water + leave in, especially if you're just doing a few loose strands. Experiment but never try to "tame" your hair. Observe it, learn to understand and work with it.

Good luck!

>> No.8401023

Is it possible for people with straight thin hair to get these luscious curls?

Damn, I'm jelly as fuck.

>> No.8401029

>get a digital perm
>ask for small rods
>buy curl shampoo/conditioner
>have them for like 8 months

>> No.8401135

I suggest playing with the technique girls used in the twenties, because it's fairly cheap.

>Tear up an old cotton shirt into strips
>wash your hair, use curl creme and leave in when still wet but not dripping
>take hair in small sections and roll onto folded srip from end to root
>pin to scalp and repeat
make sure to part and section where you want it
>after you're done, wrap your hair in a cotton shirt or microfiber towel
if you have very thin hair, it won't hold the curl well, for long, so consider lightly spritzing with hairspray before and after rolling
>release hair when completely dry and it will be very tightly curled
>separate curls carefully, from end to root
>post before and after pics

Good luck anon :)

>> No.8401281

I'll have to check that out! I tried Head and Shoulders and I started flaking again after a few washes. Not as bad as the original pic but still noticeable. I bought a bottle of Tgel and it stopped the dry flakes but it left small clumps of product or something. I ended up picking at them and thus created more flakes. I'm trying to just wash with the Tgel once a week and rinse with water every other day so sort of restart my scalp. Maybe the Tgel is too much for my scalp.

>> No.8401302
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Advice on getting hair combs to stay in aside from bobby pins? I'll be wearing it in a down-do so I didn't want to pin too much in case the pins were super visible, and twisting a piece of hair that ends no where on one side only felt like it would look a bit odd. I've googled and people mention inserting the comb upside-down and flipping it to insert and to be honest I'm sort of confused, especially since the comb I have is a ribbon and so it's not fixed to one side of the comb. Sorry if this whole post is a bit confusing.

>> No.8401336

Oribe makes a great soft dry conditioning spray that adds immediate volume and fights frizz.

Big Sexy's powder play is great to add volume and hold teasing but it makes the hair feel stiff.

Tigi makes a purple liquid called Superstar that is a volumizing liquid for blow drying. It's my favorite. Small Talk also works but is thicker and can lead to build up.

I pay a lot to make my thin hair look like normal hair.

>> No.8401339

As far as styling, I'd use a personal hooded dryer and the Superstar lotion.

If you'd care to try, use rollers in your hair. Curlformers make a great spiral curl but are expensive as all get out. Thin haired ladies can get away with only a couple packs though. (The full set is like 60 dollars.) Otherwise use old fashion rollers. I lay a little product down and dip my rollers in it just to catch the ends of the hair and prevent fish hooks.

Takes some time under the dryer to dry but it gives volume like none other and an actual lasting curl/wave.

Also, hot rollers for straight hair.

>> No.8401340

>Had mid-back length hair
>cut it all to a pixie cut to donate to charity
>buzzed one side shorter to have an undercut on one side
>buzzed the other side to have a strip
>shaved the sides and back entirely
This all happened in less than 18 months

>> No.8401345

Can I say something? Use a hair piece for straight bangs if you want but I feel that the straight bang is usually unflattering on most girls of color. If you do a straight bang, you should consider straight hair in an angled bang. I just feel I see many girls who would look better without the straight across, pin-straight eyebrow length bang.

I love puff balls. You could do some huge ass puffballs.

You can also do the chignon and stuff, it'll just have more texture and puff to it. Still looks lovely.

>> No.8401384

If you wanna go that lilac/lavender gray you're gonna have to be prepared to bleach your hair first if it isnt already blonde, ivory toner to get rid of any red/orange shades in your hair left over by the bleach. then you're gonna have to go silver/gray/white depending on preference and throw in the lilac toner afterwords. it'll take more then one try and it will require constant upkeep but if that's what you want just be ready to treat it well and very carefully

>> No.8401392
File: 11 KB, 390x147, bleaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I'm jelly of Finland. I really hope you've been to Moomin Land 100x by now.

I'd really appreciate it! If you could especially show timeline pics. Your post inspired me to read up more about it and I'm starting to think I should just do it myself. A lot of bleach baths and coconut oil over time. I think I can be patient and don't need insta color lift over night, but I never want to step foot out in public with disgusting orange/red hair..I plan on toning, but it's still only gonna help so much, amirite? See pic related.

I'm thinking the same too.. what did you do in the end, anon?

Thanks a lot for the tip!

>> No.8401576

>disgusting orange/red
Hey, ginger hair is beautiful you twat
Also, remember that you'll have to redo the entire think in your roots when they start to get too long.

>> No.8401589

>ginger hair is beautiful you twat

lol anon ginger hair (which IS beautiful) is not the same as the awful brassy color you get when you bleach dark hair...

>> No.8401592
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can i get a dusty dark purple color on my light brown hair without bleaching it?
pic related i want all my hair to be the color of the tips
it should be okay right? my hair is so healthy right now and i don't want to do anything damaging to it

>> No.8401598

That hair is bleached
But it may be possible
Unnatural colored dyes alone actually don't damage hair at all ( the dye doesn't penetrate the hair shaft, it just clings on top hence it washes out quickly) so you'll be fine

>> No.8401600
File: 164 KB, 1100x576, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting orange/red hair

I guess that's my code word.
Disgusting orange hair reporting in. I'd like to become more of a red head as in pic related (left my hair, right ideal colour).

Can anyone recommend any hair dye that might be suitable?
I've been looking everywhere but I don't want an unnatural result and I can't afford to go to the barber shop every two months as a PHD student.

>> No.8401615
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Sorry anons. No offense meant. Like >>8401589
said, I was referring to bleached black hair gone orange/brassy like pic related. It's an awful color especially with someone with fair color skin.

>> No.8402064

I need help on what to do with my hair.
I have always had very few and very thin hair, but I've been having severe hairloss problems (I was diagnosed with T1Diabetes and now that I'm being treated my body went bonkers). I'm visibly balding, so middle parted hairstyles look terrible (so I can't get straight bangs or anything).

Does anyone have any good haircut suggestions that may work with sort of curly/wavy thin hair, that help hide baldness? I also have a huge forehead and proeminent chin/nose, things that I do not want to accentuate. Thanks

>> No.8402106
File: 199 KB, 941x537, Hair-Color-Chart-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wella Color Charm. You will need to buy developer too. The dye is really strong with a harsh chemical smell, but it is what salons use and gives good results. They have a few nice red shades.

>> No.8402174

Kind of a dumb qustion, but I've only recently gotten into hair care and styling. I want to start using sea salt spray in my hair becaues I figured it would be easiest for me to start with low maintence hair styling. Do I put it in every day, or do I only use it the day I was my hair? Also, when my hair is dry with it in, I'm guessing I comb my fingers through my hair rather than using a brush?

>> No.8402429

More like this? Cute things to do with wigs

>> No.8402493

ugh, I'm in the orange/yellowish part and I hate it, but I need to wait 3 more weeks to bleach it again to achieve the pale yellow :(

>> No.8402531

what do you mean by Kota hair? Like Dakota Rose ?

>> No.8402532
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Sorry to hear about your diagnosis anon. I hope your body balances out with the medications soon. As for hair styles, a side part may be beneficial. With a larger forehead and thin hair maybe something like pic related would be a good start. Also, biotin may not help you grow more hair follicles but it should improve the health of the hair you still have. There's no known bad side effects but still ask your doctor as there's always a possibility one of your meds could interfere with its effects. Good luck!

>> No.8403063

I had ringlets as a kid, wavy-curly hair as a teen, and now it's just a frizzy slightly wavy mess in my 20's. Is there anything I can do to get my curly hair back, or is this change normal as you get older?
I wash my hair 2-3 times a week and I do blow dry. I've tried "plopping" and not blow drying, but it takes literally hours to dry (I have a lot of hair, not length just heaps of it) and ends up looking greasy on the scalp for some reason. Help me oh knowledgeable seagulls, I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.8403676

>I wish I could have straight cut bangs to pull off cute looks like this
>widows peak
>strong hair colic
>naturally wavy hair that sticks up when cut short if not styled

>> No.8403686

Or cowlick I should say. I always mix it up

>> No.8403732
File: 672 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_lw7ugsKU921qlgejzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I feel that the straight bang is usually unflattering on most girls of color

>> No.8403800

Those aren't really straight bangs though.

>> No.8403912

I could definitely be wrong, but I put it in as-needed. I works best on damp hair, but I use it as a pick-me-up right before I go out, too.

>> No.8404269

>straight bang
>that photo
naw. she does look good though.

>> No.8404426

The tips are darker on the right than they are on the left.

It's a bad dye job.

>> No.8405615

I get you, the brassy hair look is a pain. However, I did more research on the bleaching process and I found something that might interest you....You can bleach your hair almost platinum in one day with little to no damage using a product called olaplex. Their website shows salons in your area that use their product and here is a video that I found helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bWVFOBHvb0 There are many more on youtube but I liked this one the best