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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 135 KB, 640x640, omni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8349841 No.8349841 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone go? If you didn't, be glad.
>How was the cosplay contest?
I heard one of the Convention's partners won the prizes.

>> No.8349859

>I heard one of the Convention's partners won the prizes.
and no one was surprised?
>Rocky Rivera

>> No.8349874

Really?? Any actual proof of this or just speculation from people who didn't win?

>> No.8349890

We get it, Unlikely Heroes. You're mad you couldn't re-enter your megacon costumes at yet another tiny convention. You keep saying you are gathering evidence, so where is it?

>> No.8349908


Who won what and what were they wearing?

>> No.8349912

OP here
not unlikely heroes, but saw what they were saying on facebook and i posted here to see if it actually happened.
I dont get why they are complaining that they didn't win. I mean, they won Megacon's contest.

>> No.8349923
File: 87 KB, 640x640, omniexpo2015_winners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only pic I could find of the winners on stage.

>> No.8349946
File: 87 KB, 640x640, omniexpo best individual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocky doesn't own the con, he just did art for it.

Best individual from the contest was Sango from Inuyasha. Trying to find winners.

>> No.8349958
File: 1.03 MB, 722x726, Screen Shot 2015-05-24 at 3.14.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Best in Show was one or more of these people? I don't know of any affiliation with Roy Harms.

>> No.8350059

That Sango alone looks better than unlikely heros costumes so really not sure why they are crying rigged.

Oh wait...obviously rigged if you don't win.

>> No.8350104

man am I glad I didn't go.

>> No.8350288
File: 110 KB, 700x1050, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best masters, she made a silicon torso. Really amazing

>> No.8350331


Holy shit that's amazing. Look at how clean and unfloppy her armor is.

>> No.8350359

That is really cool! Definitely deserved the win.

>> No.8350575

The bow and bow tails on the back were even wired to keep shape.

>> No.8350754
File: 101 KB, 1026x384, yoh pls, yoh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, Unlikely Heroes lost, then accused a contest of being rigged, then deleted their posts. Screenshotted for posterity.

>> No.8350781

Unless I misread, didn't it state in the rules that a costume that has won ANY awards at a past event is ineligible to place in any category?

I thought that was basic costume contest etiquette.

>> No.8350787

c&p'd from the masq rules because they are super strict about it- "Costumes that have previously won any award above a judge’s award or honorable mention are not allowed to enter."

>> No.8350798


So they are also cheaters on top of being butt hurt??

It's this gut legit psycho our something?

>> No.8350874
File: 95 KB, 1010x258, Screen Shot 2015-05-24 at 9.21.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's just a sore loser and entitled brat. Every time he loses, it is someone else's fault. He gave a really weird response on instagram, surprised he didn't hide or delete it yet. The story keeps getting weirder.

>> No.8350887


What the hell??

Why does he think he gets special treatment? For being such a newb he's really getting his name out there as being Someone not want in your contest.

>> No.8350926

1) Roy runs Omni. All decisions at the con go through him. Even the AA revolt went through him personally. Not some mystery lady
2) a con owner walked up to them and said they could break rules and have special lighting?
3) they never emailed the Cosplay dept at any point to ask or make arrangements?
4) even if the con owner wanted to rig it, four cosplayers, the director and staffers would be in on it.
5) grifter agrees with unlikely heroes and said they can judge at hero hype even though they are new cosplayers with one award and almost no experience. If grifter agrees with you, you are always wrong.

>> No.8351857

I think that applies to the cosplay and not the cosplayer.

>> No.8351986

woops, nevermind I'm half asleep and i reread your post.

>> No.8351986,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is there proof they already won?

>> No.8351986,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8352352

Now that it's Monday, any other pictures surfacing yet of the con and/or winners?

Also, who this Unlikely Heros group everyone is talking about? I've never heard of them before until now.

>> No.8352386
File: 46 KB, 482x720, omniexpo_mami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best anime/manga winner

>> No.8352405
File: 140 KB, 640x640, omni expo best group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best group

>> No.8352407
File: 106 KB, 671x1280, omni expo nonon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what award this Nonon won, but she had a certificate on stage. Bad pic, but the costume had great satin stitching and craftsmanship up close.

>> No.8352423
File: 129 KB, 640x640, omni expo contest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Jasmine also won an award

>> No.8352428

God almighty no

>> No.8352430
File: 129 KB, 640x640, omni expo winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steampunk green lantern. It's actually pretty funny

>> No.8352469

Too bad she's a whiny kid, almost as bad as unlikely heroes

>> No.8352470
File: 2.31 MB, 1864x1172, omniexpo songbird comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlikely Heroes is a group of South Florida cosplayers that lost cosplay contests for a long time and accused cons and cosplayers of favoritism and rigging. They finally won a major award at Megacon, but keep trying to reenter in the same costumes and getting thwarted.

Lots of people get pissed about costume contests in general, but these people make public posts accusing judges of cheating, of too many female judges, too many white judges, of women not knowing how to judge armor, of results rigged in every contest, that craftsmanship and attention to detail are too highly valued, and all sorts of conspiracy stuff.

At Omni Expo, they tried to re-enter Zant and Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda despite the rules, and did not win.

They also cried foul for a Bioshock cosplayer not winning, but her costume wasn't even halfway complete and was missing major elements.

>> No.8352484
File: 105 KB, 640x640, omni expo songbird complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General con pics now.

Songbird from Bioshock

>> No.8352488
File: 75 KB, 640x640, omni expo nurse joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nurse Joy

>> No.8352493
File: 98 KB, 640x640, omni expo chrono cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid from Chrono Cross

>> No.8352498
File: 118 KB, 640x640, omni expo lightning armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning from FFXIV. The one in the armor is Alyson Tabbitha, one of the contest judges.

>> No.8352504
File: 127 KB, 640x640, omni expo hiccup's mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiccup's Mom from HTTYD2

>> No.8352505
File: 95 KB, 1084x1059, female titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wore female titan too

>> No.8352511
File: 164 KB, 640x640, omni expo dragonage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Age

>> No.8352516
File: 68 KB, 640x640, omni expo titan balloons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balloon Titan guy

>> No.8352520
File: 139 KB, 640x640, omni expo obligatory aot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of Attack on Titan this con given the voice actors. You know you're old when everyone knows Matt Mercer as a VA and not Lord Masamune.

>> No.8352522
File: 117 KB, 960x642, omnipix_littleeren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8352527
File: 90 KB, 640x960, omnipix_littleeren1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He and his Dad were adorable

>> No.8352528
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>> No.8352530



quality is stunning as well

>> No.8352532
File: 156 KB, 640x640, omni expo elsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elsa from Frozen

>> No.8352537
File: 94 KB, 640x640, omni expo kida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kida from Atlantis

>> No.8352539
File: 106 KB, 640x640, omni expo klk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KLK duo

>> No.8352544
File: 79 KB, 640x640, omni expo moxxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8352547
File: 121 KB, 640x640, omni expo group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great group- Plague Knight, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy again

>> No.8352548

Due to the con horror stories I've read, I'd be too scared to do that to my child. Like, what if some crazy landwhale ham-planet lifts up my kid and shakes and hurts em.

>> No.8352551
File: 107 KB, 640x640, omniexpo mercury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Mercury

>> No.8352554
File: 93 KB, 640x640, omni expo fairy tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairy Tail cosplay

>> No.8352559
File: 91 KB, 640x640, omni expo pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8352564
File: 125 KB, 640x640, omni expo gurren laagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GL maids

>> No.8352565
File: 134 KB, 640x640, omni expo sports anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8352567

Yes yes yes. I have a booth at a lot of Florida conventions and each time I see Matt Mercer I always tell the tale about how he used to be a cosplayer. All the kids don't believe me till I bust out the told pictures.

>> No.8352568
File: 130 KB, 640x640, omni expo judges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costume contest judges

>> No.8352574

Someone mentioned the AA revolt. Does someone have anymore details?

>> No.8352577
File: 152 KB, 980x536, Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 11.32.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this posted on the Omni Expo facebook group. Anyone else experience this?

>> No.8352583

but it's not against the law.

>> No.8352589

AA didn't do well this year. Con tried to arbitrarily restrict some items for sale because of bullshit reasons, but were unsuccessful.

Artists were not allowed to leave early or they faced a 250.00 penalty charge. Sales were bad, but they couldn't leave until the very end of Sunday.

>> No.8352599
File: 146 KB, 640x640, omni expo cosplay unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8352601
File: 113 KB, 640x640, omni expo cosplay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More random cosplays

>> No.8352620
File: 71 KB, 640x640, omni expo dead petra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra from AoT

>> No.8352623
File: 115 KB, 640x640, omni expo marvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlord, Thor, and Loki

>> No.8352628
File: 75 KB, 640x640, omni expo furries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8352632
File: 96 KB, 640x640, omni expo Annie LoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annie from LoL

>> No.8352646
File: 81 KB, 640x640, omni expo madoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyoko and Sayaka from Madoka

>> No.8352652

That's it for me. Last year someone taped the whole costume and cosplay contest, hope it gets posted again this year. Heard the Nonon did an amazing flag skit and I want to get a better look at the entries.

>> No.8352720

I've been looking through " #omniexpo " on IG, and wow every cosplay is disapointing., only 1 or 2 actually stood out.

>> No.8352780

To be fair, shit lighting, convention hallways, and casual shots make everything look even worse. A few of these costumes look good in proper photoshoots.

>> No.8352817

That's true. Plus, I haven't watched many new anime's so I don't know a lot of the characters. I prefer vidya game cosplays.

>> No.8352866

She won bsst Skit

>> No.8352888

Con was so fucking depressing.

0/10 let this con burn along with any other new comer cons. I'd rather throw my money at MetroCon

>> No.8352933

ughhh.... did anyone else get creeped out by Jonathan Sanchez over the weekend. everytime he came near me, I wanted to blast his face with pepper spray

>> No.8353455


>> No.8353460

I'm pretty sure Yoh from Unlikely heroes hates women with a passion. For the post part all he can do is talk shit about women.

And the fact that he's buddy buddy with grifter because he thinks it's going to help him popularity wise is hilarious.

>> No.8353534

No pictures but winners were from what I can recall
Best in Show- Spawn and Violator
Best Master- Kiki Kanon in Shine
Best standard Wilds tar (no clue what that is but the chick with the long purple tail)
Best individual- sango
Best group - the Tumblr thing don't hug me
Best skit- no on
Best youth- a ring
Judges award was Jasmine, the Pokémon armor people, and Hawke
Prop was skyrim rod guy
Anime was the Mami
Video game was the hamster guy from Dangan Ronan
Use of technology was Steam punk lantern

>> No.8353645

He's such an annoying fuck, there's a reason someone once made a page called "Let's have Jonathan Sanchez Banned from Cons"

>> No.8353653

This Dragon Age one was the Lighting's Judge award

>> No.8353685

Both Spawn and the Violator were Best in Show and to make it more amazing both cosplays were made by the man in the wheelchair. The Violators arms were puppeteered and had the texture of real withering skin. They are sweethearts too which is a plus

>> No.8353692

So what was that Yoh Asakura guy and Unlikely Heroes talking about when they accused these guys of being partners of the owner and rigging the contest?

>> No.8353745

>that craftsmanship and attention to detail are too highly valued

They are literally entering contests centered around craftsmanship.

Confirmed for retards.

>> No.8353753


That's Arcade Sona from LoL.

>> No.8353756

Any pictures of this Yoh guys costumes?

>> No.8353806
File: 124 KB, 640x960, unlikely heroes loz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353887

Damn, never realized it was jeans and a dress shirt under the armor.
At least the zant looks good (not wearing jeans and dress shirt)?

>> No.8353946

Holy fuck my sides.

>> No.8353951

Laughed so hard I couldn't even green text properly.

>> No.8354377



>> No.8354748

Does she do nails for Pokemon trainers?

Seriously though, she looks frumpy as all hell

>> No.8354752


>> No.8354843

I guess lots of people like to talk cash shit online instead of people's faces... right.

>> No.8354857

I found it so funny & no it's not Yoh... it's his partner. I've been reading everything like it really matter what you people may say.. because y'all only do it on here. So please go ahead & continue.

>> No.8355003

His face paint is uneven. That or he sweated half of it off.. Jeans... Ughhh why????

>> No.8355077

pics pls

>> No.8355275

omg, Yoh posted a 12 minute video crying about the cosplay contest. He lies and says he never won an award before -nope he got best group in the anime sushi contest- calls out korin -who wasn't at the con- for making him lose somehow- accuses 3kb and other cosplayers for cheating- who also weren't at at the con - says that "older women" have no place in costume contests- and rambles about bs.

this guy is crazy, search for yoh asakura on facebook and watch it yourself

>> No.8355313
File: 82 KB, 960x720, Megacon_awards_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Yoh saying he didn't win an award at Megacon? He is all over facebook on the anime sushi page getting the Best Group award.

>> No.8355380

this guy is seriously complaining about not winning best in show because "yo some of us need to pay our bills."

You pay your bills by getting a job. Bitch had to use gofundme just so other people could pay his way to megacon. Stop cosplaying and fill out a McDonalds application.

I swear, all these new cosplayers watch heroes of cosplay and think that lucrative Cosplay career thing is true

>> No.8355406

I met Yoh at Megacon and he was a pretty nice dude, but I have to agree it was weird to me when he and his partner started posting about entering their costumes again into other conventions (more than just this con). They didn't make significant modifications in the few weeks between cons and expected to just enter again and win something? That's a little fucked up. Yea, their costumes are nice and they photograph pretty well, but based on these pictures the competition was pretty stiff and the construction on their costumes could use some cleaning up. Contest can be a little political, and oftentimes your name can help carry you a bit, but I can clearly see that they didn't really deserve to win much here, especially considering their costumes had already won.
Just because someone "encouraged you to enter" doesn't mean they were trying to tell you you would win.

>> No.8355451

The armor and makeup/wig look decently constructed, and he makes a pretty good Ganondorf. What really kills it is the button up shirt and jeans. Totally ruins the costume for me. A black tunic and pants would improve it so much.

>> No.8355487

),: boohoo

Yohs the problem not you idk why you haven't realized that and left, you'll be better off

But this is probably Yoh using his partner as a shield.

>> No.8355498

People have been telling Yoh and messaging him about this for over a year and he ignores deletes or blocks them. He doesn't want to learn or improve. You both also said not to message or talk to you about it this time around.

>> No.8355498,1 [INTERNAL] 

Threads so full of Trolls ya'll deserve to be in Homestuck or back under a bridge xD

>> No.8355516

Grifter is hosting at Hero Hype? God damnit I was looking forward to the con until now. I really can't stand his self righteous ass.

>> No.8355519

I met Yoh at Ultra (dressed as Piccolo) and he seemed really nice and down to earth.

I watched the video he made - some of the claims are ridiculous, but some have merit. I can see how it could be frustrating entering contests and seeing the same people win again and again - but that doesn't mean that they're cheating, just experienced.

I think it may be time to consider a change in cosplay contest policy, or at least a way to check if costumes have been re-entered after a win, what level cosplayers should be assigned to, etc.

Personally, I think that the Master's category is bloated and the Journeyman/Intermediate level isn't as wide as it should be. Cosplayers can easily go from Novice to Master's with 3 awards (even lower awards, not including judge's/hon mention). Maybe the cut-off between Journeyman and Master's should be reassessed. Say 5 awards or a BiS? That keeps the "veteran" cosplayers separated from the up-and-coming.

>> No.8355528

I completely agree with the Journeymen/masters thing.
Just because some random person might have won a semi big award at a small con once doesn't mean they should be considered for the masters category. They might be a new cosplayer and that one cosplay shouldn't determine how good they are. (I don't know how to word this)

>> No.8355537
File: 65 KB, 540x960, 11291829_482696425240555_2012806646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He totally didn't win, nope oh wait I guess even their friend who entered with them at Megacon is a liar because even on their page they posted we won best group. He's a fucking liar and bad sportsman, give the baby a pacifier so he can calm his but hurt titties

>> No.8355542

They got lucky. Either because the costume they picked complimented their build style or lended itself to hiding all the errors of a first time builder. True skill comes from repeated success working in various styles with the same medium.

Any dumbass can get lucky and create something beautiful by accident.

>> No.8355576

Thank you Florida for having the best crazies. It was pretty quiet for a number of years, glad to see you back.

>> No.8355606

He's got no endurance. Florida drama is a marathon, not a sprint. At this pace, he'll burn out, quit competing, and become boring.

>> No.8355608

Doesn't Fl cons have more than one judge?? Is he saying they are all in the winner's pockets??

>> No.8355614

His Ganon is good for a new cosplayer. But he didn't seal the foam so it looks porous and even lumpy in some areas. He just cut out floppy pieces of pleather for the belt that folded and mushed. He missed details and had to seam together the edging because he doesn't know how to use any other techniques or material. He glued shitty craft fur to the bottom and didn't bother hiding the raw edges. It's good for an amateur, unimpressive against the armor of the people he is shit talking.

The anime sushi contest had a low turnout and novice entrants this year. In past years, they wouldn't have placed as high.

>> No.8355624

so wait. this third person did all the sewing on the costumes and they keep trying to enter with out her? I wonder if they disclose that in pre judging. Actually, I wonder if they even realize why that is relevant information.

>> No.8355648

Pretty sure they did not disclose it and took all the credit for the sewn pieces which makes it even worst and bigger asses

>> No.8355664
File: 66 KB, 720x960, plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention he didn't even make most of the armor.

>> No.8355671


Seriously?? Class A douche move

>> No.8355677
File: 741 KB, 739x838, jordan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8355701


>> No.8355708
File: 64 KB, 1440x276, Screenshot_2015-05-26-12-02-36-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anywhere that says the commissioned it? This comment doesn't make it seem like it's for him. Plus, he would need progress photos and to be able to explain how he made it when competing.

>> No.8355709

Ya guys are some salty motherfuckers. Lol

>> No.8355716

Lol please don't insult Handsome Jordans work with this assbags floppy as foam armor. The Ganon and Zant did do their armor work which is why it's not that great

>> No.8355722
File: 524 KB, 496x613, jordan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's actually Jordan's work. He only did the chestplate though.

>> No.8355723

Makes me sad that people here are talking shit about how someone made their armor. Didn't know it had to be done a certain way. God forbid, someone uses craft foam and not worbla. Oh no!

>> No.8355739
File: 406 KB, 1462x960, 1432593500363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's side by side compare.

>> No.8355742

That ghirahim looks sad :(

>> No.8355766

Nothing wrong with craftfoam as a material. It's great when used properly. His just looks sloppy.

>> No.8355768

Yoh did all the painting and embellishing for it. It's why his belt and center pieces are made of pleather instead. Not everyone knows how to manipulate complex materials. The painting is very nice and vivid.

>> No.8355775

>Not everyone knows how to manipulate complex materials

That's why you make things and learn. Commissioning is fine, but when you compete and claim it as you're own work that's not cool. I'm not saying he told the judges he made it himself or not, I wasn't there.

>> No.8355777


I don't actually know if it was a commission (might've been a gift) but I know he didn't make the chestplate.

You can tell though that he made the belt himself.

>> No.8355786


So this bitch is calling other people cheaters while potentially cheating himself. That's some crazy talk right there.

>> No.8355802
File: 498 KB, 420x315, jLZz4Na.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8355819

Wow just wow award for shittiest person goes to him for the year thus far. Lied about the chest piece claiming he made it all and the sewing on the costume. Pot calling the kettle black crying cheaters

>> No.8355838

So, what is there against him so far?
-He and his group entered a contest, in which the rules clearly state that if you've won an award for that costume, do not enter.
-They lied about that, as well as other things.
-Ganon wore JEANS AND A BUTTON UP under his armor.
-Their craftsmanship was shoddy and not worth an award.
-The chest plate was not made by them, as well as the sewing was done by someone else. Neither 3rd parties were mentioned or given credit (that we know of).
-He's done this not only with Omni, but other cons, as well.

Anything else to confirm they should be banned from costume contests???

>> No.8355855

I don't think he should be banned. The way he predictably throws a tantrum after every contest he doesn't win it too fun.

>> No.8355858

Let's add his beautifully worded "woman judges don't know anything about armor, they only know frill and fabric so their opinion on armor cosplay is not valid" he has zero respect for woman cosplayers and judges

>> No.8355895

has anyone ever been formally banned?

I think that from facebook and here on 4chan most cosplayers/potential judges are going to hear about this and not believe this guy in future contests.

That's how the cookie crumbles, you complain very loudly about fellow cosplayers and they dig up your dirt for the world to see. Granted, said dirt wasn't too hard to find apparently.

>> No.8355904

My favorite comment was "what does an older woman want with a PS4?"


>> No.8355981

I'm so bummed about all of this. He seemed like a genuinely nice person when I met him and now I'm finding out all this shit. I don't want to be friends with a person who enters craftsmanship contests with stuff they didn't make. They (he and his partner) also talk down other cosplayers too. Like after not winning they were pulling the "oh they're just mad 'cuz we're better than them" shit.

The chest plate was seriously the piece I was impressed with - I overlooked the belt because the chest plate looked good enough. Christ, at least when he won at Megacon he wasn't wearing fucking jeans.

>> No.8356001

But really, are there more pictures of this? It's fucking awesome

>> No.8356046

This thread is filled with sheltered judgemental Fuckbois lol who gives a shit it's Cosplay

>> No.8356068

Apparently, Yoh is threatening to call the police on anyone who talks about this incident at Hero Hype con, some crappy little event with Grifter?

>> No.8356088


That's really funny. Wish I was going now.

>> No.8356119

She goes by Kannon Cosplay on Facebook and she has an entire write-up on her Shimei.

>> No.8356214

Congrats Hype Con on having someone who is an asshat and knows so much about construction that it will make people go. He's a ducking joke and so is Grifter. Another Florida con that should go die now with shit people involved in it

>> No.8356229
File: 127 KB, 1080x714, Screenshot_2015-05-26-16-09-42-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's take a moment to point Yoh has back peddled and deleted his video. Not to mention the Zant playing woe is me victim that the community is so mean, coming from the retard whk at the contest said people were mad because they were better. Don't be a bitch and then try to play saint. Both of then went full retard

>> No.8356402

From what I'm seeing people are assuming he didn't give credit to the people who helped him. I've seen him multiple times at cons and when I ask him who did this and this that's on his costume, he would give full credit to the person who helped him. He even had progress photos with captions with his friends' names on them. He said his friend, who was the ghriham, sewed all their costumes and including the pants (they're not jeans! Gasp!). So before you start assuming, I think you should have a talk with him.
The Zant did most of the painting as well as him
He did half the armor, Jordan did the other half
the sewing was done by the other
And there's nothing wrong with having a button up as a base. It's like having a t shirt as a base. I don't see anything wrong with it.
you people are pretentious assholes hiding behind a computer.

>> No.8356419

>And there's nothing wrong with having a button up as a base.
the main problem here is that it's visibly obvious he's using a button up shirt in the cosplay and it's clear Ganon is not wearing that, if the buttons were covered up it'd be fine to use that type of shirt -as a base-

>> No.8356420

He has zero credit given on any online photo. He is being lavished with praise by his "Sempai" in his latest status, but again gave no credit. He never informed judges he received help. Jordan did chest/shoulders which is the most difficult and impressive part. Yoh did the poorly executed waist flaps and sad belt that crumpled right away. This was not help, this was a commissioning of the main part of the costume and lying about it until he got so cocky that people checked out his story.

There is no defending this.

>> No.8356427

Any pants made with denim are jeans. No excuse for that. Denim was a really poor choice for that.

>> No.8356431

Listen I'm happy for you and Imma let you finish, but boner Robin is the greatest white knight of all time.

Those are obviously jeans but you must be close bros to try and deny it with a straight face

>> No.8356439

Lol credit you are hilarious, no where did he credit others and I know for a fact he didn't credit Handsome Jordan during any of the prejudgings so stop trying to make him the victim of assumptions. The only assumption here people made was that he was a nice guy when he isn't and now with the back peddling people are trying to defend him here. Being told hey come to x con doesn't mean hey you get special privileges and you can override the rules which you so much complained about rule breaking. Fact is he didn't credit, no where online about the pieces, at the judgings, and now that people know he's a liar he's threatening to call the police at Hype Con. I hope he stays only at shitty Hype con for good.

>> No.8356451

How does one call the police when someone else brings up a conversation topic? Like how does he expect that phone call to go?

"Hello, police? Yeah, there's someone here who's saying things that aren't nice about me and I need you to come over and arrest them because my feelings are hurt."

Also, given recent police track records, do you think they're going to arrest an "older" white female cosplayer in a ruffled dress or the big black loud dude?

>> No.8356455

Voldie was a judge?

>> No.8356475

Samantha Meggison is the con owner. Message her on facebook and ask if she told Yoh to enter. I did, she confirmed it with a big N.O. And said she's upset people are twisting her words and stands by everything the judges and others have said.

>> No.8356484

Again saying hey you guys should check out our con doesn't mean hey you have holy than though privileges to enter and negate the rules. Their reasoning for entering with "we were told to enter" is fucking stupid and a cope out for poor sportsmanship

>> No.8356515

Yoh posted another video on his facebook claiming bullying and slander hahaha is this real life?

He is a gift that keeps on giving

>> No.8356519

His last video just gave me cancer. What a pretentious egotistical moron. He needs a huge wake up call. Good thing that people who win an award at one contest and then think they're hot shit usually burn out quickly or spiral further into obscurity. what a joke.

>> No.8356532


He's the Kanye West of the cosplay world yoh!

>> No.8356533

He called cosplay an art profession with him being a professional and compared himself to Jesus.. lel

>> No.8356588

I feel bad for that songbird cosplayer getting dragged into this shitstorm

>> No.8356600

Agreed. I feel like Yoh is just using her as a scapegoat for all of this.

>> No.8356686
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>> No.8356688

Seriously, the girl hasn't even responded recently after his first disastrous video. He needs to leave her alone and sink in his ship of fail all by himself.

>> No.8356855

wow this guy is delusional............................

>> No.8356865

Nah, Voldie doesn't live here. That's Sammi. She does a lot of ballgown cosplay.

>> No.8357169

Oh the Shimei cosplayer w the silicone and armor is Kannon Kosplay on fb. Her shit looks legit. After looking at all this I'm not surprised she won masters. Probably should of took best in show lol

>> No.8357177

But this shit is dramatic and a good read! Lmfao...

>> No.8357183

Well. At least he is off the name dropping and trying to call individuals out after the major fallout that was that first video. That was still shit though, with a pathetic attempt at making himself look like the victim.

>> No.8357413
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1425790826702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy pulled me aside at a con last year and asked to take a couple of pictures of me, said he was gonna upload them. Talked to him a bit on FB and he said he was "onto editing your set right now" and was happy with that. Almost a year later...haha nothing. Unless if he posted them somewhere that I can't find, then he's an ass for promising that. Apparently he's done it to other people too, though I only found that out after.

>> No.8357423

Don't ban him! He's too fun to watch while he spiral crashes his name in the Cosplay community after a contest.

>> No.8357565

You guys are awesome!!!

>> No.8357619

Man I've been lurking but all the white-knighting and self-posting in this thread is driving me up the damn wall.

Look Yoh/Unlikely Heroes/whoever, you fucked up and have fucked up in the past, actually apologize for once, READ THE RULES of the contests you enter, and grow the fuck up.

You ain't some special snowflake, most cosplayers in this state enter costume contests all the time...and we sometimes win and sometimes lose. That's just how it works. There's no explanation required and to question the outcome of a contest belittles the other cosplayers AND the judges. Fact. There's nothing that excuses poor sportsmanship, which you've shown at basically everything you've entered in.

Stop making it about "I'm being attacked for muh art wehhhhhh" when you're really just an asshole.

>> No.8357654

Did the same to me 2 years ago. Lol

>> No.8357699

omg yes can he please just stop?

>> No.8357726

oh boner robin

>> No.8357783

That stocking is twice the size of voldie

>> No.8358174

It would appear that Yoh has deactivated his Facebook account

>> No.8358183

He's on a power trip now that he's hosting hero hype. He's threatening a bunch of people.

>> No.8358200

Who's the Cosplayer? Was it that sleeping lion one? I know she's friends with him and wanted to make songbird but not too sure if it was her.

>> No.8358201

He photoshopped my body @.@

>> No.8358264

Back peddle to the max, this guy came in steam rolling thinking just because he stated his opinion on an issue that was his own fault and lies that people would jump to defend him. This is a big as state with a small as community, liars will be exposed quickly and he got caught big time. Hope his over inflated ego took a beating a few notches down and he chills the fuck out

>> No.8358286

So it's true he's judging Hero Hype? Looks like I won't be entering now after witnessing this clusterfuck that is Yoh.

Sad too bc it would have been my first time. :(

>> No.8358312

I love you Florida cosplay scene, don't ever change.

>> No.8358320

He's not hosting hero hype. It's some guy named Carlos. He's just going to be there that's all.

>> No.8358322

And I haven't seen any threats by him. I think he's just frustrated that he didn't win anything. It's really not as big a deal as I thought. Time to find another thread... This one looks like it's done.

>> No.8358358

You should still enter Anon! Don't let this deter you! He won't be the only judge there, and they should be able to help keep him fair and in line.

>> No.8358380

He's not going to be a judge lol. They show the judges that will be there on the Facebook page.

>> No.8358388

Grifter is the judge, hes even worst somehow.

>> No.8358434

I don't see where it says he's a judge either.

>> No.8358861

The shitstorm continues


>> No.8358904


That was fucking hilarious

>> No.8359038

Lmfao... I wish I knew who made that video... I would so have a drink with them

>> No.8359048

Great job video anon.

>> No.8359101

Overall assessment of the con: Mediocre with room for improvement. Last year was leagues better and people actually cared about the guests. I know a lot of well known cosplayers didn't even bother cosplaying this con and after stopping by for a few hours on Saturday I don't blame them. The venue was too big for the convention and seemed AFO sized, not second year con sized. It was a good con to chill at and do nothing at and the dealers room was average at best.

I'll probably go again next year just because it was a good break from all of the major cons and it had a really chill atmosphere, but I won't be doing anything special for it.

>> No.8359297

This is the best response fucking ever

>> No.8359314


The isn't enough popcorn for this shit

>> No.8359329


Turn it into a drinking game. Take a shot every time he whines about losing

>> No.8359345
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>> No.8359355

I'm pretty sure we'd die.

>> No.8359457

It was so obvious

>> No.8359627

he just did another video

>> No.8359636


Holy shit. Is he THAT full of himself?

>> No.8359638

Link plz my dear anon

>> No.8359658

That video is the biggest load of self-important, unapologetic tripe ever. Never takes responsibility for cheating, lying, or anything. One minute fake apology, thirteen minute vlog on why he wants to be the best cosplayer ever.

>> No.8359670

Chris Brown apologized better after beating Rihanna.

>> No.8359675

I have followed this thread the entire time. And I must say I loved every moment of you you guys bashing at him for what he did to me. But he honestly came into my inbox and apologized to me. I believe him. I don't know if all of you will accept his apology. But I think he's serious from what he told me. I'm giving him another chance.

>> No.8359681

you guys are all assholes. You guys claim he is demeaning and bullying people but you guys are doing the exact same shit. Grow the fuck up. At least he apologized and he's taking what you guys said about him and apologizing for it. He never said he was the best in any of his videos. You guys are misleading so bad, my god. Leave this shit storm alone man.

>> No.8359685

This has made my night, thank you Based Anon

>> No.8359688

Sup Yoh. I see you're trying to cover your ass. So, tell me. Who were you apologizing to? Are you REALLY going to stop name dropping now that you got caught doing it?

>> No.8359689

>QQ about how Ganonigger isn't being a shitlord
>Try harder

>> No.8359690

What he apologized for: name dropping

What he did not apologize for:

cheating in the contest
lying about making his costume
not giving credit to handsome jordan
accusing people of judging and rigging contests
making false statements about the con owner
violating contest rules
being a jackass
getting exposed by a youtube video

>> No.8359695

Welcome back to 2006 Florida, I missed you

>> No.8359697

I'm glad he apologized and you were able to resolve things. I wish people understood that when apologizing, forgiveness isn't compulsory. Even if he really REALLY means it. That being said, he's talked a lot of shit about me and I've yet to receive any apology.

>> No.8359712

way to be racist dude.
and that person never said he wasn't being a shitlord. they just stated that he apologized like you guys wanted him to and you guys can't seem to accept that apparently.

from what i saw in his other video before it came down, he did give credit to the people who helped him on his cosplay. he did so twice.

you guys are all pretenious fuckbois lol

>> No.8359716

>Is a racially sensitive little faggot
>Nigga do you know where this is?

>> No.8359720


And you appear to be one of his mindless sheep. Or are you that Connie chick he's fucking?

Either way, if you think THAT was an apology, I feel terrible for you. That was a half hearted attempt just because he finally got embarrassed over being called out for being such a dick face.

Stop giving him asspats and maybe he WILL become a better person, but tonight is not that night.

>> No.8359725

I met this guy at a few conventions and he seems like a really decent guy. I think he dug himself into a hole and overreated a bit over the contest, said some things out of anger and didn't see an adequate way of taking it back. It's a touchy subject, and it created a lot of tension, but in cosplay, I think we all know what it's like to have pride in our costumes, and I think we've all seen somebody win we didn't agree with. Shit happens and we move on, but the guys not the devil for it. He has a lot to own up to, and you just gotta let him do it, or he'll never learn, and we'll see more people out there crying "rigged" because it gets them exposure.

>> No.8359728


Wouldn't be so bad but he does it EVERY time he loses. EVERY. DAMN. TIME,

>> No.8359732

He gave credit after he got caught, and still lied about it. He said he was taught him to do it, but he wasn't shown how to do the torso piece. The torso piece was completed for him. He lied. Again. He cheated in every contest he has ever entered by taking credit for work. The seamstress wasn't with Connie at Omni Expo, but Connie said nothing. They both cheated.

Yoh never acknowledges or apologizes for his mistakes. He excuses, justifies, and minimizes them.

>> No.8359735

i don't even know who connie is and she doesnt seem to be the center of attention right now so i think whoever that is should be left out of this.

mindless sheep? nah man. I'm just watching this from behind the scenes and watching how you guys keep going on about this when this is all done. Yall are continuing this for no reason. I don't even know the dude but I'm not going to let a thread dictate me how I feel about the guy until I meet him in person.

everyone has pride in their costumes and we've all been in a contest where we think someone should have won instead of the other. Guy fucked up and i think he gets it. Let him learn instead of getting in his face. Yall are bullying him for being a bully and i think he gets it

>> No.8359742

Have you seen his videos and online presence? Those are words from his mouth, and you don't need to hear them in person to know they're shit. Fuck off ultra nigger.

>> No.8359743

This isn't a matter of complaining after a contest. This is about Yoh having a pattern of lying, cheating, making wild accusations, smearing reputations, and refusing to be accountable for it. He didn't apologize for his actions. He never apologized for those things. Listening to his fake bs made me want to vomit and I can't believe anyone not on his friends list took this seriously.

He's not sorry, he's just humiliated that he got caught.

>> No.8359744

She's his partner. The Zant cosplayer who entered with him.

>> No.8359745
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This thread

>> No.8359750
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>> No.8359759

New Yoh Video breakdown:

0:00-0:45 - Sorry for name dropping cheaters




I dare anyone to come up with a better explanation of the self-masturbatory wannabe cosplay king video I just wasted 14 minutes on.

>> No.8359765

This brought a tear to my eye, this is beauty in its finest

>> No.8359767
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>> No.8359770
File: 457 KB, 250x180, yoh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucker using Yoh Asakura's name
>is Yoh Asakura going to have to cut a motherfucker

>> No.8359779

You guys know what Yoh is doing, right? He is self-posting this threads with racial slurs and personal attacks so he can screenshot them and make a response video to the youtube clip. He literally is trying to make himself into the victim here. Notice how the thread was pretty cool and focused on his actions only, now suddenly it's vicious? He's trying to build up a rebuttal. Pathetic.

>> No.8359784

Cosplay Illuminati confirmed

>> No.8359792


Fucking this though. There was really no comment on race and certainly no slurs before these three posts.

>> No.8359797

>nice b8 m8, QQ moar

>> No.8359798


>> No.8359802

There are going to be as many videos as there are "Trapped in the Closet" chapters.

>> No.8359812

Yoh video #17: exhaustive list of flavors of ice cream that offend him
Yoh video #48: 38 minute description of what he ate for breakfast.
Yoh video #64: still hasn't genuinely apologized

>> No.8359831

I'm going to bring it back to the con itself with this post.

After going for two straight years, I feel like someone its first year was more planned out? This one felt a little messy.

There were a couple of things in particular that made me upset.
1) Dealer's room was meh. My partner couldn't really find anything to buy and that's rare.
2) Interaction between guests and attendees was not as personal as it was last year. Not sure why.
3) The way the Celebrity Dinner was set up made me rage.
4) This is just nitpicky and more of a question, by why was a theme not announced for next con like it was last year?

But most importantly, I understand the balloon guy is doing charity work and it's impressive, but can we please not have him interrupt a panel for something completely different and can we not do a live auction anymore? It's pretty awkward when an item doesn't sell.

>> No.8359857

Op of "fuck off ultra nigger" here. Definitely not Yoh, and my insult was directed towards the overly sensitive Yoh defender. It was also a pretty typical thing to say considering where we are.

>> No.8359865

My brother, we unite under our cause against ultra niggers

>> No.8359891

oh lawd...

>> No.8359937
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>> No.8359940
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>> No.8359955

Kinda like that kanadajin chick

>> No.8359966

I dunno about you seagulls, but I'll forever refer to this guy as Ganonigger from now on

>> No.8359994

literally the best post in this thread.

>> No.8360023

#banyoh the new # keep him out of the cosplay contest. He has done this before starting with his picalo cosplay at ultracon, then tates, where he lost. He will not change he will continue to act the same way. We don't need ppl like this in this community. #banunliklyhero

>> No.8360024
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>> No.8360226


This is the best insult I've ever heard.

>> No.8360352


Something for the fans..

>> No.8360582

This is what gets me about his latest video.

Why did it take a video full on shaming him to finally realized he goofed and goofed bad? At this point it seems like hardcore backpedaling rather than being genuine.

Also, I don't think I heard him apologize to the Spawn cosplayers OR the original cosplayer he decided to bash? You know, the "old woman" who doesn't know what to do with a PS4? Sure, he apologized the judges at Omni, but what about everything else?

I don't know. I'd take everything with a grain at salt. His actions from here on out will determine if he truly is sorry. And if he is, well good on him for making a first step in the right direction, but he has to know it'll take time for this to heal.

>> No.8360597

He wrote to me saying that he has more to apologize for. But first he was going to apologize to omni expo. Maybe another video perhaps?

>> No.8360639
File: 13 KB, 360x360, illuminati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god. saw a couple people on facebook changing their profile pics to illuminati symbols over this. dying laughing.

>> No.8360698


Then he'll need to start unblocking people or make his profile public again. That way they can see his apology.

>> No.8360939

I can still see his profile right now? You guys can't see it?

>> No.8360957

Hahahah holy fuck this is the best thing I've seen in a long time I love Florida cosplay drama

>> No.8360996


Most people who spoke against him got blocked.

>> No.8361056

Nah... Only one person got blocked. So now I've narrowed you down. Lol I know who you are now... That's all I needed to know lol.

>> No.8361063

Oooohhhhhh snap you were right lol.... So are you going to get her?

>> No.8361066

NAHHHHH NO NEED. I have to only deal with those that I've directly offended. This one isn't one of them. She has enough on her plate saving the world. Right Bunny.. Lol.

>> No.8361073

>my sides
>Yoh acting like we care more about a random shitstirrer than him being an asshole and everything else he hasn't apologized for

>> No.8361076

>Yoh acting like only one person cares enough to "speak out" against him

>> No.8361078

>"I have to only deal with those that I've directly offended"

>> No.8361098
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 6050ebd3-1f34-46f0-9e43-e81ac38b593e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eheheh... If you want me to respond to you inbox me. You know where to find me. Until then stay anonymous. Besides what's a troll to the Demon King?

>> No.8361104

Continue on puppets and Wait for my next video.

>> No.8361105


>> No.8361108


>> No.8361140

Who the fuck is bunny?

>> No.8361163


A New player enters the field!

>> No.8361165

What's a troll not to the Demon King but the Backpeddle crybaby I am pathetic king. Guy coming in here to act superior after everything show you learned nothing, you still want to stir up drama, and are a Grade A failure. A round of applause to you, there could be no Florida drama that can top the shit storm if ridiculousness you have caused over a cosplay contest.

>> No.8361169

OP here
Proud of everyone wrecking Yoh. :')

Yoh, you completely deserve this. Trolls will be rude randomly, but we are not trolls. We have a reason to lash out on you. The reasons have been stated many times. You are not a legendary cosplayer and you are not the best ganondorf. Stop acting like you deserve every prize and start working on making new cosplays and developing your skills.

>> No.8361176
File: 206 KB, 650x394, cosplay-legend-of-zelda-ganondorf-02a__banner-auto-cropping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look on google. There's a ton of cosplayers better than you. Oh whats this? A FEMALE Ganondorf? Nah. Can't be. Girls only know how to make frilly dresses.

>> No.8361181

This is some top level chuuni shit right here. Haven't laughed this much in a while. You sound like a 14 year old on deviantart.

>> No.8361183

I'm crying omg too good

>> No.8361186

Puppets......wow you douche lordness knows no limits, ya makes your apology super believable. This wouldn't be so bad if you were actually a good cosplayer who merited respect but your shit and so it your shitty art. I bow down to the all reigning idiot of Florida Cosplay

>> No.8361189
File: 252 KB, 730x1095, purple_and_gold___wizard_from_diablo_iii_by_kamuicosplay-d87sv0m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him saying that thing about how girls shouldn't be judges cause they only know frilly shit made me HATE him so bad. All apologies are ignored now; he's a piece of shit that needs to be excommunicated from the cosplay community ASAP. I've met the guy and we've talked and he seemed pretty cool but lmao nope. See ya Yoh.

There are so many girls that are WAY better then you Yoh. The girl that won masters made a latex chest. Can you do that Yoh? Can you sew a whole outfit? Oh, sorry, forgot you can't. You can't sew and you can't make armor. Sewing is necessary for cosplaying. You don't even have the basic skills needed to make cosplays. So that leads to buying costumes. But ya can't enter contests with an outfit you bought so it looks like you're screwed .
How about working on your own shit before you start belittling females.
Or maybe you should just leave. :)

>pic of Kamui because armor+female

>> No.8361190

Hot damn, she can have my babies.
>is a girl
>Yoh ain't got nothing

>> No.8361191

>inb4 "Oh I was just pretending to be an idiot"

>> No.8361196


>> No.8361228

Wait. Who the fuck is Bunny?

>> No.8361235

I think that's what we're all wondering.
>he calls out "Bunny" and no one knows who the fuck she even is

>> No.8361258

I think it might be "Nerd Bunny"? I typed her into fb and she was the first to pop up.
She is A cosplay from Florida (at least I think so. she lists hero hype as a future con and she did a shoot with some shitty Florida cosplayers)
Plus Yoh likes her FB page.

>> No.8361274
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They'll be at the same con next week. Maybe more drama will happen.

>> No.8361308

>Yoh cosplaying from Zelda
>Yoh thinking girls don't play video games and shouldn't cosplay
>is he just ignoring the fucking huge amount of girls who love/play/cosplay from Zelda too or

>> No.8361331

You know your a shitty cosplayer when shitty ally chu cosplay calls you out on being shit

>> No.8361342

Where at? I checked her instagram and FB page and didn't find anything.
Is it on her personal fb? I'm not friends with her so I can't see it.

>> No.8361343

Lmfao You guys are so stupid lol... You're desperate to try and figure out my next move. Lmfao... Only true manga readers will know what I mean. Again you guys (and girls) don't matter. Anonymous... Lol I am only going to address those that are important. And that's all. Lol. Now get back to work and do your jobs peons. Continue trolling.

>> No.8361354


He wasn't talking about a person

>> No.8361357

>continue trolling

Fun fact Yoh: trolling is when you are trying to get a response out of someone who is innocent.
You are not innocent. We are plainly pointing out how much of a shitty person you are based off of what you've been saying and doing.
Continue on your high and mighty horse, Yoh, but don't be surprised when no one wants to work with you.

>> No.8361362

do you hear the shit coming out of your own mouth?

>> No.8361365

>"You're desperate to try and figure out my next move."
>from a guy who got humiliated on a youtube video, then gave a groveling 14 minute apology and cross posted it to 25 different cosplay communities looking for sympathy

>> No.8361371

But in the way he used bunny, the animal wouldn't make sense. This bunny cosplayer would make more sense.

>> No.8361385

No he was talking about an actual bunny rabbit.
>imma kill the fuck out dis bunny
>slides on weaboo goggles

>> No.8361395


>> No.8361420

Could it also be Applebunny? She's another south Florida cosplayer.

>> No.8361429

Oh, Yoh.
If only there was someone out there who loved you.

>> No.8361430

Bunny Usagi is another cosplayer from Florida.

>> No.8361437

Not sure, too many "___ bunny" cosplay names in this world.
Still thinking that bunny is an actual human though.

>> No.8361445
File: 28 KB, 159x259, imma rock yoh ass harder than a head of lettuce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck it, Yoh. This Bunny has no regrets.

>> No.8361463
File: 103 KB, 400x400, I will Yoh down with this ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the thread is maxed out, I just wanna say thanks for the walk down memory lane, Florida. It's been a wild 2006-era ride.

>> No.8361468

>dat filename

Yeah lets switch to the Metrocon thread

>> No.8361530

Yoh posted ANOTHER video. So sad it happened after the thread reached 300

>> No.8361550

He's running a panel on cosplaying bullying at Hero Hype Con. Whoever goes, please record. This is gold.

>> No.8361569

Someone start a Hero Hype Con thread and transfer this over to it.

>> No.8361570

This is hilarious. I hope some gulls go to it and just fuck him over big time.
Its a shame this thread is auto saging away into the distance.

>> No.8361583

Just made.

>> No.8361611

This guy is so hungry for fucking pity and oh woe is me love me that it's pathetic as hell. Guy do us all a favor and delete your shit ass page