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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 865 KB, 1036x597, dota-ti4-china-cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8346977 No.8346977 [Reply] [Original]

What are some accessible cosplays to do for DOTA 2? Like, a costume that works for a short, flat girl.

Boyfriend bought tickets to The International 5 Dota tourney in August. I took a quick look at the list of "heroes" from the game and I couldn't find any character that wasn't a hulking brute or voluptuous femme fatale. Are there creative ways to do the characters or genderbend them?

>> No.8346986

Don't. You don't need to cosplay for something like that.

>> No.8346990

The annual championships is only getting more popular every year, so the rate of high-quality cosplays attracted to it is only going to go up. Some Chinese team won it last year, so there are going to be more Chinese girls cosplaying at the very least.

>> No.8346997

>I need to cosplay from a game I've never played
Why? For attention? If you don't play DOTA or enjoy DOTA why bother?

>> No.8347016

Literally why

>> No.8347020

...Because I enjoy cosplay as a hobby. I like sewing and constructing costumes. Since it's a Dota-specific event, a Dota costume seems to be the logical choice. It's not like I can fall back to League of Legends without "repercussions" (according to friends). This is the only event I'm attending between now and 2016 and I'd like to go in costume.

>> No.8347023

Instead of going in costume, go play the game and enjoy the fucking event instead of trying to be a total attention whore.

>> No.8347026

Since when did cosplaying have rules?

>> No.8347040
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Windrunner? Pretty flat, and the short thing is irrelevant, I'd say.

>> No.8347042
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>> No.8347044
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>> No.8347489
File: 121 KB, 960x639, dota_2_cosplay_by_jankeroodman-d655kpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, cosplay whicever one you like. If this was you in >>8347026 well, there you go. If you see a hero you like and feel you could pull off, just do it.

Windranger is a good choice, for sure. I also recommend Crystal Maiden, Lina, Drow Ranger, or Templar Assassin if you're looking for something close to simple.
Hell, I've even seen girls cosplay Shadow Shaman with much success.

Just pick a hero that you like the look of and go for it.

(Also, I'm jelly and salty at the fact that non-fans get to go to TI before I can... but that's beside the point)

>> No.8347908

Thank you very much! I'll look into those characters.

I've been to the TIs for the past 2-3 years and the atmosphere gets better every year. I considered picking up Dota 2 to play with my boyfriend, but the advice I've received from several mutual friends is that it'll wreck relationships.

>> No.8347909

Go as Windrunner!

She's the best anyways.

>> No.8347980

>the advice I've received from several mutual friends is that it'll wreck relationships
I have read all you said here and you seem to be pretty retarded, so you'll end fighting with your boyfriend because you won't play well enough

>> No.8347986

It takes time and practice to be very good at it and since time is already limited between work, household chores, and current hobbies that I'd rather have him play for the both of us.

>> No.8348027

Only if you play a tank, get the highest kill streak and immaculate him in front of all his friends. Just play a support to his carry and in more ways than one stay in your lane.

>> No.8348033

Also: Lich is my go-to support. He's really easy to learn, and is really good in team fights (especially if you get the scepter). I haven't played DOTA in a few months, so idk how good of a hero he is now, but basically just stand next to a carry, DON'T steal farm, and once you get your ult make your team proud.

>> No.8348040

Agreed, girls like this is why I can't play with my microphone on. Thanks for ruining the community for normal girls who just want to play and enjoy Dota

>> No.8348046


Why go to these things if you dont even play the game? I know your boyfriend probably likes it but at least play the game or something. Jesus

>> No.8348054

Doesn't fucking matter of cosplay is your goddamn hobby. If you have no fucking clue about DOTA, keep a low profile to support your bf and just enjoy your time with him instead of trying to rake in attention from people who attend the con FOR THE GAME. You're going to end up like the booth babes who dress up for a company and don't know a goddamn thing people are talking about.

There is literally no need for you to cosplay at this event, even if "Chinese cosplayers are doing it". Quit hopping on bandwagons and either play the game or hang out your bf.

>> No.8348252

Anyways, if you are gonna play DotA, play as support. Bitches love proper support players Since they are usually underrated. LoL is ez mode and for noobs.

It's WindRANGER, and not Windrunner.

>> No.8348316

just read this, its how i got started

>> No.8348317

Thankfully, DotA2 community does not receive well attention whores who cosplay so you'll have fun when someone comes and ask you stuff.

>> No.8348411
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>but the advice I've received from several mutual friends is that it'll wreck relationships.

Alright, now this is retarded.
One, if your relationship is so fragile that you're actually worried a mere game would ruin it, you're probably in the wrong relationship.
Two, these mutual friends are spewing absolute bullshit and it saddens me that you apparently believe them.

That being said, I do like the fact that you can appreciate the game and some of the heroes so muchso that you're willing to cosplay them. I also like the fact that you're honest about your lack of knowledge and are not coming off as a tryhard gamur gril.
The game does take a lot of time and effort to get down properly (I've spent the last year and a half watching videos and reading guides daily when I'm not playing), but there are tons of resources out there if you do want to learn! i recommend Purgegamers as he does a really good job of analyzing and explaining things perfectly for noobs. I also recommend getting good as a support before anything else because it teaches you the ins and outs of the map as well as general awareness... on top of many other things.

As far as >>8348317 's comment goes, I think they're generally right however if you're honest about your skill level (or lack thereof), people won't bother you. At least not to your face (and who cares if they shit talk behind your back; just go and have a good time).

>> No.8348845

Totally agree. Go with your bf to show your support of the things he likes. Also, instead of spending time making a cosplay beforehand for something you know nothing about, maybe use the time to LEARN about the game with him instead?
I love cosplaying as well but not characters I know nothing about.

>> No.8349021

As a guy who both enjoys cosplay and Dota 2, I think I would enjoy my gf actually paying attention and gasping at all the amazing plays/gigantic upsets that can only happen at TI or maybe having a favorite player to watch than her feeling super uncomfortable while sitting in her seat with QoP wings.

Everyone can enjoy watching something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDaJes0T1Ig but there were so many ways that fight could have gone wrong and there's articles about that explain how if that same play was done in Dota 1, it wouldn't have worked due to inconsistencies between the two games, which IG was relying on and which Na'Vi knew wouldn't work. It's also hard to explain how upsets like how one player ends up destroying the Aegis just because he's manually attacking and stopping his back swing animation to attack just milliseconds faster while watching a big match. My sister and her bf regularly watch basketball and I'm pretty sure she never watched it before they dated but now she can spout proper basketball talk during playoffs with my dad regarding individual player tendencies and team plays.

Dota 2 is nothing like LoL, DOTA is a game where everyone is bad and nothing will go as expected. Start queue-ing solo, watch videos to figure out how the XP and gold mechanics work, how the stats work and read the purge noob guide. If my gf ended up being better at Dota than I was, I would never hear the end of it and I would thoroughly getting beat due to my shitty decision making and getting queued with higher ranked players because of her, but I would enjoy every second if she rampaged after a solid initiation from a black hole.

>> No.8349052

TBH what you're doing is kinda selfish. Why quench your thirst for cosplaying at an event your bf wants to enjoy with you? You know next to nothing about the game yet want to dress up as one of its characters, which will no doubt become a topic of discussion with the fans who will be there and see you.

Your bf likes dota. You do not. A huge part of cosplay is showing one's love of a character. Do you catch my drift?

I agree with >>8346986 >>8347016 >>8348054

You'll literally be doing what most cosplayers scorn.

>> No.8349671

Ugh I wanna cosplay as death profit so bad it's not even okay, but the thought of body paint....

>> No.8349674

And I auto corrected prophet to profit lawl omw

>> No.8352071

Crustal maiden is pretty short. She's not flat but she's not boobalicous either.

>> No.8352616

Just don't cosplay.

>> No.8353859

Pls do. There isn't enough DP cosplay around compared to Windrunner, CM or Lina.

>> No.8354406

I agree that and I drove to see a vengeful spirit.. Legit my fave gals to play. I do quite enjoy sniper though Haha

>> No.8354500

>Two, these mutual friends are spewing absolute bullshit and it saddens me that you apparently believe them.
I'm guessing you don't play dota at anywhere near a competitive level

I play with a large group of friends and we pretty much always end bad sessions upset at each other. we've been friends for like 10 years so it all goes away once dota ends, but we do end up yelling at each other at times. I would NEVER introduce my girlfriend to the game. getting into fights is very very common at high levels. now, it doesn't mean our relationship would end over it, but I don't see the point in creating unnecessary conflict. the only way I would play with her is if she asked for it and I'd only play on a smurf where there is nothing at stake and I could her hand... which would get really boring. stomping 3k scrubs when you're 5.5k mmr gets old really fast.

>> No.8354640

Whether you play casually or competitively the nature of the game stays the same. In the same vein, most friends that play together usually end up upset with each other whether it's pubs or ranked. I can't count the amount of times my own friends have muted me or vice versa because shit plays were being made or something and we'd nag at each other for it.
It comes with the game whether you're 5 MMR or 5k MMR.

My own boyfriend is what got me into this game. Thankfully we're both level-headed enough to separate arguments over a game from our relationship and the same goes for when I play with my friends. Never have me and either party been so upset that the bad air sticks with us after we're done playing. That being said, I understand your argument and why you personally don't play with your girl. That's your choice and I can respect that.

I just personally think it's silly that some people can be legitimately scared of a video game potentially ruining their relationship. That is unheard of for me whether you're casual or competitive. If a relationship spirals out of control because of a mere game, it probably wasn't much of a trusting or fulfilling relationship at all.

>> No.8354697

I have my casual friends and my competitive friends. I would never mix my girl with the latter.

I seem to be the only person in my competitive circle that can manage to turn off my tryhard at will. Sometimes I feel alone in that regards.

>> No.8354753
File: 129 KB, 1280x960, shendelzare_the_fallen_princess__by_trungth-d6351xq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dota 2 doesn't cash in on "sexy" designs for females. Unlike LoL, many of our heroes are animalistic or mythical in some way.

I can't make it to TI this year, but I'm going to do pre-fallen vengeful spirit at my local con.

>> No.8354765

I just use mic when it gets serious and I have to and don't give a shit. So far, if anything, the guys try harder to win, or don't care and don't mention it.

it's only a problem if you let it be one. Mute and move on.

>> No.8354769

I asked friends who play the game about why Dota doesn't have the Ahri/Sona/Star Guardian Lux-tier characters or designs and their explanation is that all characters are originally based on WoW designs and there just wasn't any cute/girly ones to start with. Kind of disappointing, but I'm not the one to tell if Dota has any sort of potential to expand in that direction.

>> No.8354770

It'll always be windrunner.

>> No.8354781
File: 235 KB, 1280x885, kunkka__dota_2____collision_course_by_ver1sa-d7fjkxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you there, friend.
Don't worry, you're not alone.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

>it's only a problem if you let it be one. Mute and move on.
I couldn't agree with this more.

>> No.8354784

Yeah that's very true. Since it was a extention game to WoW, the characters are (loosely now because of copyright) based off of the original characters. But I feel like the ruggedness of Dota gives it more of a mature feel, less cartoon-y.

>> No.8354803
File: 136 KB, 576x1024, pa arcana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be honest, dota still has tons of sexy waifu designs.

the only non-sexy humanoid female is legion commander. maybe phantom assassin? though the arcana threw that out the window

luna, templar assassin, crystal maiden, queen of pain are pretty much fap bait. the other ones (lina, drow, mirana, venge, naga is questionable since she's kind of naked, windrunner) aren't as bad but are still sexy designs. hell, people have managed to sexualize the shit out of spectre.

>> No.8354813

It's more about the ratio of non-animal/other world female heroes to male/animal/things. HoN has the option to change male characters into females, and LoL is known for its sexualized females. Dota does have ~10(?) Female "designs" but this is a low number in comparison to other moba