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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8343263 No.8343263 [Reply] [Original]

Should stuff like this be banned at Cosplay events?

>> No.8343264

stuff like what

>> No.8343329

Are you a Puritan?

>> No.8343389

>Should stuff like this be banned at Cosplay events
>tmw there's more revealing stuff than just Juliet from Lolipop Chainsaw at cons

>> No.8343391

do boobs trigger you?

>> No.8343394

does not being a massive faggot trigger you?

>> No.8343400

Cosplaying? Yeah, it really fucking does.

Fucking sick of cosplayers shitting up my cosplay events.

>> No.8343415

bait threads like this should be banned from /cgl/

why do lolita threads get modded to death while cosplay bait threads survive on the insecurities of male nerds for so long?

>> No.8343466

all day every day

>> No.8343468
File: 20 KB, 590x300, excessive-sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what?
Full length sex shows?

>> No.8343484

>survive on the insecurities of male nerds


>> No.8343539

What is that spooky thing that appears in the last 2 seconds?

>> No.8343553

I think its a frame cut from another video and they got the last couple of frames blended with another scene

>> No.8343571

Ah that makes sense, I was thinking some sort of shutter lens flare thing? But my first thought was G-G-GHOOOOOSSTT

>> No.8343578

yeah ban cosplay from all cosplay events

>> No.8343584

every coswhore/creep photo or webm/etc. thread lives off insecure straight men. nobody else gives a shit enough to make a thread.

>> No.8343594

it's retard tumblrshit fatties like you that make these threads not straight males lmao

>> No.8343640

>someone annoys me
>they must be an unattractive member of the opposite sex

>> No.8343770

Vague topics without a clear point should be banned.

>> No.8343796
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Mods pls
Same with help questions, there's litteraly almost always a thread up for that

>> No.8344182
File: 167 KB, 600x900, IMG_3847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about? I'm saying there are more revealing cosplays at cons than just Juliet. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.8344206

Because Lolitas are creepy as fuck