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8337999 No.8337999 [Reply] [Original]

Idol and Dance Cover Groups/Soloists that cosplay and/or perform at conventions, events, etc. Examples include:
>Dansu To Pantsu
>Rainbow Bubble
>Kelsey Ellison

>> No.8338322

cringeworthy bullshit

>> No.8338344

I was tempted to start a YouTube channel for dance covers because it seemed cute and I wanted to get in to YouTube anyways, but I would die if someone IRL found it

>> No.8338357
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That's why the majority of Odottemita use facemaks. You can find a few that are cute for pretty cheap, and they're really helpful, even if you're just worried your face would be doing weird stuff while you dance.

>> No.8338369

Maid cafes do this too, and some have dance teams. It's a gamble.

>> No.8338574

Do you think it'd be weird to see someone doing dance covers with a face/surgical mask on? I was thinking about restarting my dance channel, but dancing to primarily Kpop.
Wish there was more of a kpop dance scene in Florida.

>> No.8338622

you mean in real life? you're already dancing by yourself to music and a camera. I don't think you're going to be any weirder doing it with a surgical mask on.

>> No.8338626

W-what are some search terms if I want to learn how to do these dances? I know nearly nothing about these weeaboo things since I never watched more than 3 episodes of 3 different animes...
I don't wanna upload them, I just want something cute to exercise too and hopefully learn some dancing coordination...

>> No.8338710

> "Title of anime" plus " op" or "ed" plus "dance"
Usually something will come up even if its fanmade - some better than others.

Best to start will Vocaloid since the dances tend to be cute then look in the suggested videos and branch out. Ririri (i think is her name) does a whole manner of dances that are good for exercise and since all the dancers like her being in their videos, you'll find a lot more things in her suggestions including more dancers with more/different songs.

Good luck on your endeavor. If you'd like I can also drop a few dancers that post regularly so you have your pick of the litter.

>> No.8338718

No, I don't think it's weird at all since again, that's what the majority of Odottemita do. Besides, it doesn't have to be a full-on surgical mask; 7-11 in Japan sells some super cute masks that look less intense.

>> No.8338859

Has anyone ever run into bad or disorganized convention idols or dance cover groups? Anything cringworthty? I'm kinda curious about that

>> No.8338936
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Niji dancers.
Group of weebo/itas

The leader has destroyed most evidence after realizing how bad they were. My friend told me they were going to join this group at one point.

Apparently everyone picked a color and would buy eBay/milanoo/body line dresses in those colors.
They only did anime music and spammed love and joy a lot

>> No.8338957

There's still this gaia profile:

I remember these guys. I wasn't even into lolita then, but god damn it.

>> No.8339288


>> No.8339787

Oh my god they are so sluggish with their dancing in every video and performance. What makes it worse is that there not even together.

>> No.8339854
File: 146 KB, 881x2063, bitchyidol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw rainbow bubble and then this post and had to talk about the group and their leader I'm assuming.

The chemistry between these girls are horrible. Their leader is a total bitch to the other members. I see her sconstantly belittling and putting down the other members and even their volunteers.

Tl;dr: Bad leader. Fix your attitude toward others, especially your members, if your reading this sweetie.

Also, their group says there culturally diverse? Yet almost all their members excluding probably one of them is half or full japanese. All of them are some sort of Asian descent by the way. Not to pull a race card, but I see nothing culturally diverse if everyone is half asian half japanese. I don't know how else to explain this without being offensive.

>> No.8339987

mom, deanna and veronica are the only ones with any social skill what-so-ever lol. also i'd fuck the shit out of veronica

>bottom row, 2nd to last on the right

>> No.8340003

Hitode Army is pretty good. I like the lighting they use.


>> No.8340020

To all idol and dance cover groups: please go for quality over quantity. It doesn't matter how long it takes to learn a dance together with your members, all that counts is the quality of performance. People will remember and know you more for your quality of performance than how many songs you perform.

>> No.8340030

Saw this at my college's fan thing. Could use some work.

>> No.8340035

I'm a part of a dance group and this is my biggest pet peeve, especially since I am into Kpop and those covers as well. I would rather see good quality performancws and covers instead of mediocre "I covered xyz first! Next dance!"

>> No.8340039


>> No.8340052

Am I the only one who likes it when guys are also in groups? Like it's not just an all female thing, but you see a couple of males dancing as well? It just shows that anyone can participate and do the same thing.

>> No.8340071

Same! I love to see co-ed performances.

>> No.8340083

There is a certant dance group at a college in my city that have a handicap person in their group and they incorporate dances with her despite her being in a wheelchair. It's shit like this that makes the idol/dance comm worth being in.

>> No.8340092

That is so. WOW. Love it, that shit is respectable.

>> No.8340169

I'd love to see American dancers to be like V Project. I think the closest would have to be Angel Hearts.


>> No.8340193

I hope they treasure those memories, that sounds like a fun childhood to me, I'm kind of jealous.

>> No.8340216

The leader is Chinese. Rainbow Bubble used to have a few black girls but I haven't seen them around recently. They either quit or the leader forgot about them since NEW Rainbow Bubble is all Asian girls now. She used to have more non-Asian "understudies" but she probably forgot about them too. Nowadays, every time I see her, she's advertising her shitty store.

>> No.8340260

Those black girls were really pretty and good dancers as well. I didnt see the need to get rid of them. They could classify as "culturally diverse" if they kept them.

If I remember right, don't they use the store funds to make money for the group as well? Not really the best way to make money in my opinion. Just get a normal job and schedule around it or talk to your managers that you also have other comittments and see if they can work a schedule.

>> No.8340331
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A few of them have regular jobs in between their gigs and rehearsals, but I'm convinced Hitomi straight up wants to dance, model, and resell Taobao for the rest of her life.

Pic related. Her store in Brooklyn after renting space at Maid Cafe NY (which closed down) didn't work out.

>> No.8340364

Hitomi is a suck up bitch. Sorry for vendetta. She thinks she is ontop of everything and better for being asian, having a j-fashion store, and a "sucessful" j-pop group. Honestly, I would consider her a weeaboo. No doubt about it. It doesn't help she treats the members like shit on the bottom of her shoe.

>> No.8340375

The lighting, different camera angles, and uniforms make it look really good, but their dancing needs some polishing. A lot of the moves are kind of over-done; could just be this dance tho.

Search 踊ってみた, x 75 speed, mirrored, and like >>8338710 said, it's good to start with vocaloid songs since there are tons of covers for you to learn from,

This was at your college? Gross.

Omg this is so cute, the crowd is so into it and they're really good at portraying each girl, too.

>> No.8340393

Im sorry but they look like they are having a fucking blast. LOL I wish I had a bunch of lame friends to do dance covers of stuff to. They are very in sync too.

>> No.8340415

I always feel like no matter what, you should not sing while dancing. Not that their singing was any good. In all honesty though, this dance looks better with a full 9


Demonstrated in this


>> No.8340420

And the lack of knowing the dance is pretty horrid.

>> No.8340451

Wow the second dance is so cute!

But I wonder how many groups outside of Japan (and China I guess) can put together a nine person team like this. In the West it seems like a struggle to get a few dancers together in the same place. Unless you live in a populated area I suppose, but then it's slim pickings even among anime fans.

Might be best if Western groups stick to things other than Love Live! or do the sub unit songs.

>> No.8340452

They're pretty much one of the few groups that have dance covers I really like. It's mainly centered around Love Live from what I noticed though.


>> No.8340460

It is pretty hard when there's a good number of people that claim that they're pretty uncoordinated to dance. Though, I know me and my friends are planning to do the same dance in the post. At least attempt to learn it. 2 of us have been learning dances for quite a while while the others are pretty new. Though, they're pretty eager to learn.

I always feel like a lack of places to practice is another reason why Western groups have a hard time doing coordinated dances like Love Live.

>> No.8340591

No yeah, unless you're a pro with extensive breathing training, trying to sing while dancing is a no-go. Even the *actual* LL! girls don't sound that great in concert because they're trying to balance dancing and singing. I've seen that second vid before though, and I really love it, it looks so nice and polished.

Yoooo this looks so pro-mode for a fanmade thing. Bonus points for doing A-Rise, I never see covers of their stuff.

Yeah, the thing is, people expect just solo practicing will suffice, when that's almost never the case. Especially for big group numbers like in LL!, you really need to have practices to work out everyone's spacing.

>> No.8340638

Most definitely. I think to succeed in things like this, is either have a house that has a place big enough to dance in, or rent out room at a dance studio or something like that.

>> No.8340655

What about Niji Jidai or Jump Ship? i think Jump Ship used to be Cosplay Star Dance

>> No.8340691

The net wannabe idol scene is practically dead, so boring.

Anyone think any groups will have a comeback even after oishii project burned out when they seemed to have the most support/funding?

sage for not being relevant anymore.

>> No.8340695

I'm lame, I teared up a bit reading this. When people are awesome as fuck like that, it's gets to my heart.

>> No.8340702

oh god their voices aren't even that bad it's just such an awful mic and so off beat

that being said, I think Alice isn't such a bad dancer. She's not the best out there but she's pretty good I think.

>> No.8340705

I meant Amelia I guess, oops. But yeah she's pretty good I think.


>> No.8340714

Holy shit that girl in the front middle's hair, I just want to chop off the blonde part.

>> No.8340768

Weren't you that loser trying to get into OP just to spite people?

She's better than a lot of dancers, but she needs to work on precision in her movements

>> No.8340772

western girls(asians included) always seem to dance so stupid and robotically. i know a lot of them don't actually know how to dance and just know how to copy movements, but i think this kind of thing should stay in japan.

>> No.8340854

DtP is very professional and adores their fans. I actually don't think anything bad of them except the whole Kigu party Dejavudea holds but that's not related I guess...

Kelsey is just a weeb trying to achieve what Beckii did and become famous in Japan

Rainbow bubble is a bunch of wanna be jpop groups forcing themselves to be "guests" at cons. I saw them at a con up north of NY and it was a joke. The main girl can't sing to save her and her groups life and their dances are just as bad along with their super Weeaboo talk its so pushy onto people. I rather watch kotakoti sing...

>> No.8340858

>Kelsey is just a weeb

Those are fighting words, son. Take a look at the number of subs she has and the average number of views on her videos, then come back and say she's "just a weeb".

>> No.8340868

No same anonymous
I use to be subscribe to her she has traits of want to become a idol in Japan. She trys too hard it shows

>> No.8340892

>I use to be subscribe to her she has traits of want to become a idol in Japan. She trys too hard it shows

I'm gonna hope English isn't your first language because if not, the education system you were placed in failed you tremendously

Ok getting back to the point, you're full of shit. Does she have traits of "want it become a idol in Japan"? Yeah, in that she's odottemita, but that's it. Many other gaijin odottemita girls do things to pander to an audience (i.e. keekihime, aminyan, yukapon) to try and grab a following by using a cutesy voice, pet names, special quirks/outfits, but Kelsey does none of that, and relies on her personality while being candidly herself in her videos. If she "tries too hard", that's because she gives her all in her videos and during lives, since she's naturally very high energy.

Also the English in >>8340854 is really fluent, while yours is shit. Either you're lying about being the same person or someone hit you over the head with a brick in between posts.

>> No.8341092

I performed at J-Pop summit Odottemita Contest.
I fucked up on stage.
The only thing keeping me alive is Vodka.

>> No.8341096

So what I gather here is this tripfag is definitely an oddotemita weeb. Kelsey is probably worse than the weebs considering she's constantly like
>I do and like all this weeb shit except anime
Because it lets her feel superior to the concept of weebs meanwhile she's just as bad or worse.

>> No.8341110

As someone who grew up and currently teaches dancing :

If you can't carry a beat, don't try to dance, you'll only embarass yourself and your teammates.

If you can't keep face while you dance, git gud. Don't wear a stupid fucking mask.

Don't be afraid to coach members if they're not good - they might just need some one-on-one with someone who's more skilled to show them the right way to do it

You'll benefit from having a 'leader' who's more experienced with dance and who can teach everyone the proper steps rather than "okay here's the youtibe video, everyone go home and learn it."

Pick costumes that are actually practical for dance. Petticoats are not practical for dance. Anything that can't be washed easily is not practical for dance. Shoes with heels are usually not practical for dance.

Don't sing and dance at the same time, if need be have some people stand still and sing while others dance. Switch off if you want to, but don't do both at once.

Always make sure to have dress rehearsal at least one week before your event.

>> No.8341118

You should also tell them dancing to choreography is for people who have a solid foundation.

A dancer's foundation is the basics of the basics. A foundation consists of various simple steps/moves done repetitively until mastery.

Choreography is a set of moves with transitions. If a dancer does not have a solid foundation and flexible muscle shapen to perfection through years of training, then the choreography cover is just going to be cringe.

This happens too much in Idol dancing where people just flat out had no training what so ever.

>> No.8341130

Son I don't know what vendetta you have against her but she doesn't come off that way at all.
She's fairly polite, dances well, does her own thing. Sure she's a bit cringey but her strength is in the fact that she isn't trying to be a kawaii uguu moeblob, she's obviously more into the Harajuku stuff and it shows. Iirc she really loves Kyary and Kpop.

Compare that to Abipop or whoever else and you can see the difference. I do think some of her stuff is kinda cringey, like the English versions of Kpop/Jpop songs or her original stuff but otherwise I don't get the hate she gets.

I especially don't get the people who project the shit out of their insecurities onto Youtubers and make them out to be Literally Hitler, like people having a massive hateboner for Venus and Kelsey and Abi whilst having no problem with Japanese dancers who are just as bad.

>> No.8341136

To be fair, idol dancing doesn't really use much of the foundations of classical dance training.

Though just repeating steps together will get everyone on the same page. Learning steps first and then adding arms when everyone has those down pat is always a good strategy.

I coach a competitive majorette team and we drill the entire routine, then add dance steps, and then add baton in last. It's a pretty solid way to learn an entire song, even for the girls who don't have previous dance experience.

I think the biggest key is that if nobody in the group is a dancer, it's going to be pretty difficult to get everyone else to learn it. One dancer can share her skills, no dancers have nothing.

>> No.8341147

> Shoes with heels not practical. Don't wear anything hard to wash.
Kek. So do you actually dance or just teach dance? From the get go I've been taught to dance on my toes for ballroom/pole dancing to simulate heels later and by god it has saved my life. Not even gonna go into the 90% of jpop/kpop dancers that do. Then you've got ballet en pointe for some really hard shit. I'm sorely disappointed when people doing covers to the usual sexy or cute dances and don't wear heels.

> If you can't carry a beat don't try to dance.
Or learn how to carry a beat? It's not that hard...

> Masks are for anonymity not for stupid faces

Your other points are good though.

>> No.8341165

Some people are incapable of carrying beats, and someone with no prior dance experience is not going to be able to just throw on heels and go at it. The advice is for beginners, not people who are taught how to ballroom or pole dance. Any newbie who just tosses on platform heels (like an awful lot of idols wear) is going to break their ankles. I'd rather see a girl wear flat shoes and dance than break her ankles trying to wear heels.

The first post that mentioned the masks specifically mentioned not being able to not make a stupid face.

>> No.8341288

You need your own rich Maki-chan with a huge vacation house on the beach.

>> No.8341333

So what I gather here is that you don't know what the fuck you'r talking about because I'm not odottemita. Nice job spelling that wrong, btw. Your vendetta is so obvious, Kelsey literally does nothing that could be considered weebish behavior and if you think so, then you either hate her for no reason or keep using the word weeb without knowing what it means.

Lol right tho

>> No.8341371
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Kek just because your group didn't take off doesn't mean it's dead

>> No.8341379

Lord. Literally none of these girls (and boys?) are fit to be idols.

>> No.8341382

DTP isn't a idol group. There just a dance cover group. They even made it known that there not aiming to be idols at all.

>> No.8341383

If you're white keep in mind that it'll probably look weird on your protruding nose.

>> No.8341388

what are some live ones then?

>> No.8341391

They are at the very least quite in sync. The fact that the boy is in jeans really annoys the fuck outta me. Also that girl's obnoxious mintymix looking wig. Also the entire thing.

>> No.8341399

There's a huge difference between a dead comm and a small scale comm. If it was a dead comm, these idols and dance groups wouldn't be performing or asking to be performing at cons.

>> No.8341431

That one girl in the back is covered up OMG I laughed I didn't mean to

>> No.8341486

Does anyone remember Pinku Project?

>> No.8341491
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You could do what a lot of the boys on Nico Nico do and wear like a scream mask or something fuller too. Plus we have technology so you could blur out your face. I share your feels, Florida anon

>> No.8341497

Yup, they've all graduated from the group now, but they were really professional and super sweet

>> No.8341536

I really wanna meet that qt black girl. I feel like doing vocaloid anything at normal fag things is just a bad idea?? but this still looks like so much fun.

>> No.8341580

I hate the cutesy dance shit, but stuff like Bad Apple and Ability to stir the audience is just my type. I guess hip hop.
Kinda wished they were more weebs who did this type of dancing.

>> No.8341654

Yeah, but those dances can be a lot more taxing and complicated, so weebs are more likely to go for more simple, easy to figure out vocaloid dances.

>> No.8341664

>not putting hard work into dance

>> No.8341667
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>want to make dance videos
>tfw 5"9 thin person dancing won't look good

>> No.8341669

Those specific dances, however, are definitely not for beginners anyway and would take a lot of stamina. It'd be less about hard work and more about athleticism and prior dance background.

Yo center your camera well, don't let your long limbs flail/be precise with your movements and you'll be good

>> No.8341693

In her case, she's actually that way. Not only that she knowledgeable about things outside of Japanese and idol culture.

>> No.8341706

I was waiting for them to be posted...
I know someone who knows them irl.
Their Facebook page is super cringey

>> No.8341726

Amina knows her shit and studied the culture and language before she made her big move to Japan. She gets contacted by aspiring idols wanting to know if they can get her help and move to japan. She constantly let's people know to do your research about Japan and the language if you ever want to consider living and having a job over there. She is a good person to look up to.

>> No.8341736

She also has goals outside of being an idol which is good too.

>> No.8341745

Idol dancing doesn't really use foundations and look at how this turned out?

>> No.8341780

Felt some secondhand embarrassment since this is college but they all did so well I wouldn't say shit if this was my school.

Slightly jealous my friends aren't fun like that - it'd be nice to do a dance like this instead of club dancing - they looked like they had fun

>> No.8341801

My college has a kpop/jpop dance club. The governing board is actually fairly complex since we perform at every asian-related event on campus. We have multiple huge dance rooms with mirrors in the gym rented out more days out of the week than fewer. It's pretty sweet.

It's mostly kpop but there have been Vocaloid and AKB before. I know people will say it sounds cringe because "it's college" but there is some real talent there (not me though lol I'm usually in the Tempura Kidz-tier dances)

>> No.8341929

Being a nitpick here, but I honestly don't like it when people cover k-pop. We're already surrounded by the k-pop boom and seeing idols and cover groups perform more k-pop than jpop doesn't make them unique or interesting.

I don't know, does anyone else feel like this or am I just a nitpick?

>> No.8341950

>waah stop liking what I don't like!
You're just butthurt. I get not wanting Kpop at cons but this is ridiculous

>> No.8341987

I like Kpop but I'm not impressed by quite a bit of covers Kpop dances. Congrats you can robot it .I am more impressed if you can add a twist to it or make it your
Own. There are a few famous cover groups in my state though, not bad.They got to go to Kcon I think?

>> No.8341992


>> No.8341995

The fact is that jpop just doesn't have as complicated of dances, ESPECIALLY for groups. Kpop usually has formations and differences in the dance for each person or part of the stage. It is more "western" than jpop.
I'm this anon and I would love to do more jpop but the fact remains. We struggle to find jpop dances with formations so we end up covering japanese versions of originally korean songs. We did do C-ute last year though and E-girls is always on the list of choices

>> No.8342005

C-ute is noted for having more difficult dances within Jpop. Egirls is a good choice too, I believe most if not all the members have primarily dance backgrounds.

>> No.8342077

This could have been so good. If they even tried to smile the whole time. But instead they're looking at the floor.


>> No.8342081

Totally random thought. But the thought of a world wide sort of Love Live (Event in the anime. Not the anime itself) thing sounded like it could be fun. Kind of in the sense that they do World Cosplay Summit.

>> No.8342085

Yes please.

>> No.8342121

Anon you have the body of a dancer. If you work at it, you'll gain some muscle and it'll smooth out your shape to have you really looking the part. Ballerinas are tall, thin, and strong, but they start out tall and thin.

>> No.8342123

ballerinas are not tall

>> No.8342253

This is awful they look so miserable wtf.
Also the fake pleats look like trash

>> No.8342266

those outfits are terrible
they all look so awkward
and is nobody gonna address the cringefest that is the intro animation?

>> No.8342343

On top of all that, the dance really looks unenthusiastic in some parts? That might just be me though.

I'm pretty jealous though. Asian countries, the people that watch the dances and all that are so enthusiastic compared to the ones in the US. Though, that whole business isn't something the US hasn't really gotten into.


>> No.8342427

They all look like they learned the dance separately too. Nobody's in sync, they all look like they're in their own little world and completely oblivious to each other. Group energy is completely absent and it shows in their lack of enthusiasm.
They also need to smile more and give better expressions, when you look at their faces all you can see is the gears turning in their heads as they try to remember the next move.
And when it comes to cosplaying the characters who are singing the song, mouthing along to the words doesn't hurt either.

>> No.8342492

Hey they're from my state. I wish they were more put together cause they have a few decent dancers. They did a performance at our last Japanese festival.

>> No.8342511

they're good but it still doesn't look too polished.

>> No.8342522

Dang. I wish they had more charisma going. It could have been a A+

>> No.8342523

Ah. I was just using it as an example of crowd differences. My absolute favorite will probably be V-Project always. Their dance covers are just so lovely.


>> No.8342540

Not the anon you were replying to, but my favorite is LoveRise.

They're also the ones who did >>8340415 and they're amazing. They look great and dance well and have such great energy.

>> No.8342545


>> No.8342553

Aaah. I also love them too. Their videos are great help for learning the dances too.

>> No.8342564

Yes! I also can't stop looking at the Honoka's face in the OP dance. She makes cute expressions. I'm also impressed by her jumps.

>> No.8342577

They're all just so adorable it makes me jealous!

>> No.8342582

They're super cute in this Happy Maker video as well:

Also, the Hanayo looks so much like a real life Hanayo in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=700aFlKL2nY
They seemed to have changed Rin and Nico.

>> No.8342591

Sorry for all the LoveRise spam, but this is also them as A-Rise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSGkZWG9etY

>> No.8342608

I love them.
A different Eli here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdiPhgLv0gg

>> No.8342743

thisa could have been really cute but so out of sync. I feel bad for the girl in the short blue wig, it looks like she forgets the moves half the time and is relying on watching the others - thus a few seconds slower.

>> No.8342759
File: 71 KB, 960x717, bitchaidoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girls. I've seen how rudely she treats her members. They try to make this a fun experience but all she does is these them down for not being perfect. I wish I can take in those girls and give them a group where they have fun.

>> No.8343664

>tfw last cover I did was two years ago
>got tubby and lazy from college
>no energy to dance anymore

still working on getting back into shape and seeing my old videos kinda motivates me... self-posting is really scary but oh well it's from a log time ago

>> No.8343826

Cute! I don't know the dance but I like your energy. Good luck getting back into it.

>> No.8343844

Most of this thread is White girls with too much money and time to waste squinting their eyes and calling themselves kitty-chan or some bullshit.

Shoutout to all the ladies who do this stuff because it's fun for everyone, not just to trying be the supreme leader of tumblr weaboos.

>> No.8343881

I lost a lost of weight because of learning dances and I strive to learn some more in order to get to where I used to be as well. Ive gotten super lazy the past couple years because of family stuff and work.

>nervous to self post dance
>does anyway because first flash mob I was ever in and somehow got put in the front
>spent months learning the dance


>> No.8343893

That dance is so easy though anon and I'm not even a fast learner...

>> No.8343932

I love that you put so much energy into it. This was great

>> No.8344624

Seriously tho. Do it for fun, not to be kawaii desu dancu aidoru unless you have a realistic goal of doing so like Amina

>> No.8344634

anyone make their own dances? i love cute denpa music and think a lot of dances up for songs from the genre, but i know they'll never get others. too shy to put mine up on youtube tho...


link related would be super cute to put a dance to.

>> No.8344828
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I can agree with you, even as someone who does have a fetish for animu idols dressed in KPOP choreo outfits. I do find the whole KPOP and Wota culture to be oil and water. But it's hard to find JPOP online so people turned to KPOP for accessibility.

I wouldn't mind something like what I am posting in the image, aka LoveLive cosplayer cover dance AOA's miniskirt


If you are from a place where the Hallyu been making an effort to push Japanese culture your attitude would change


Very nice to see appreciation for e-girls, underappreciated group with AKB48 being the go to idol.

>> No.8344829

I remember you.
J-pop summit 2013 contestant.

>> No.8345124

Yeah, I got into the contest but ended up not being able to go :(

>> No.8345188

That sucks. I was a 2014 finalist.

>> No.8346153

People that like that group love everyone except for Hitomi she tries to play it off as if she doesn't know a lick of English and apparently claims she's japanese but shes not, I tried talking to her but replied with "Nya?". Walked away so fast

>> No.8346519

Anon anyone can look good dancing. You just have to git gud first.

>> No.8346550

I feel you. The only kpop dance group in FL that I know of is GPK and they're pretty exclusive.

>tfw no friends to cover idol dances with

>> No.8346594

Have you ever checked out this group? Morning Musume? I stumbled upon their stuff while listening to vocaloid stuff since youtube added autoplay.


>> No.8346636

>>Kek. So do you actually dance or just teach dance? From the get go I've been taught to dance on my toes for ballroom/pole dancing to simulate heels later and by god it has saved my life. Not even gonna go into the 90% of jpop/kpop dancers that do. Then you've got ballet en pointe for some really hard shit. I'm sorely disappointed when people doing covers to the usual sexy or cute dances and don't wear heels.

diff anon i just love someone whose extent of dancing is the old fat girl standbys of ballroom and pole dancing actually trying to lecture someone who has spent their whole life dancing and is now a teacher. fatty please. there's a difference to choreographed dancing and you bashing around a pole.

the kinds of heels real dancers use would be far closer to something like jazz heels or character shoes and even then a bunch of sweaty weeaboos would be better off sticking to the basics and going for some nice canvas flats

>> No.8346641

jesus christ this thread is like a dancer's nightmare do you people even know what dance is outside of anime

>> No.8346680

>I dislike this person's opinion
>They must be fat

Nice try anon. Pole dance is choreographed too idgit - in fact the kind using taller heels is usually more dance centred since larger heels would interfere too much with more advanced tricks. Although you do have me on the small jazz heels for ballroom - they're not exactly towering but my point was simply that heels =/= bad for dancing.

>> No.8346690

Its really easy to get a group of nine for love live, but when it comes to an actual dance group most people arent up for dancing.

I know i would LOVE to do a dance cover for LL and perform but Im the type that needs to be lead step by step and I have to practice for ridiculous amounts of time for one dance. While others can learn it and perform it by just watching dance covers a couple of times.

Also a lot of effort is needed to have a good performance. Meeting up and communicating with each other to practice is vital and sometimes the commitment is tiring and when people dont really know or like each other in the first place it makes it even harder.

>> No.8346691

Holy shit that projecting my sides

>> No.8346708

Reminds me of this one I found a while back the camerawork is really nice the only thing that I can nitpick is the tattoo on Eri's leg being really distracting


>> No.8346726

the amount of energy in this is cute and it looks good cept the other anon pointed out that one girl was a little bit slower.

>> No.8346762

Self-postin' because I killed my channel:


To anyone wanting to get into the cover scene, definitely do vocaloid dances if you're starting out. Easy and fun, and designed for concerts.

>> No.8346775

Oh yeah! I actually know this dance and put it in the voting polls that helps gauge interest on which songs we wanna do for the semester. It never gets anywhere close to being chosen though since if it isn't kpop, no one gives it a watch.

I'm on the governing board though now so maybe I can make it happen. Two other Japanese dances I try for since they're more like what the rest of club wants is Pomp and Circumstance and Cellphone Paranoia Girl (both vocaloid).

>> No.8346837

Except that anon was right, ballerinas are not tall. The ideal height for female ballet dancers like 5'4" at most honestly.

I feel, I feel

Hey, you're actually pretty good, especially for a western odottemita. I hope you can get back into it!

>> No.8347631

You're a seagull? Weird
I learnt Kyun! Vampire Girl off you

(Pls do love live! dances one day)

>> No.8348390

Love Live is a bit weird to do without a group, which is why I hadn't attempted those dances yet. I feel like some of the detail is lost. im@s has solo versions of their game songs, so I feel like it's okay, if that makes sense.

>> No.8348401

You could do their solo songs off the vita game, but they're not very exciting.

>> No.8348409

Man, why is it that vita dancing games are always a bit meh? Project Mirai was the same way.

Ah well. I'm not dancing anymore anyway. I did have plans to do LL, but they never panned out.

>> No.8348603

This would be so fun!

>> No.8348612


i love the fact that you referred to her as mom

>> No.8349032
File: 32 KB, 396x396, 1363049181094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a shitty net idol so bad but I've had severe osteoarthritis my whole life.
Is there any hope?

>> No.8349071

Woahhh I didn't know you were a gull!

>> No.8349209

this pic

why do they have to let boys in... huh? it was kawaii up until the dicks started appearing

>> No.8349376

It's a shame that you're not dancing anymore since you were my go to for vocaloid and idol dances
Daring!! Is the only good vita dance but Maki is a shit tier waifu

>> No.8349627

Maybe it's because guys can also be interested as well? Alot of those boys have previous experience in dance and there pretty impressive. Wish I could dance just as well as them

>> No.8349682
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Yeppp been a gull longer than I've done YT, if we're being honest.

There's been a slump in choreo anyway. Voca concerts haven't had any new dances, and most of the idol shows coming out have been group-focused. I've been keeping an eye out, though, primarily on concert choreo. I'm really glad that my past stuff has been useful, in any case.

>> No.8350204

One thing I want to know before I stop with the questions and useless requests
How many of the dances you've done do you actually remember? You must've done over 100 dances

>> No.8350262

Personally, I just try and keep my friends (if they know) out of most of the scene so that they don't share and eventually find me out. It's not much of a "double life", rather just protecting your identity online and offline.

>> No.8350271

if it helps i'm 5'8 and quite thin

it's sad but i keep pushing on

>> No.8350960

Questions are fine and dandy! But yeah, remembering dances. Not many. The way I did it was like cramming for an exam. You just barf it out on camera, and then instantly forget it. I remember some of my favorites, but that's about it. If I was going to learn it for a convention or performance, then I'd go the ol' fashion way.

I tried learning as many dances as possible for teaching material and MMD. I never had plans to perform any as repeats. Being an idoru doesn't really appeal to me. I'd love to choreograph for a jpop team sometime though.

>> No.8351227


>> No.8353819

For a dance like River that's pretty strenuous, they did pretty well! Props for such a big group, too.

>> No.8353965
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>> No.8354319

yeah i thought so too! esp since they actully did formations like the group w/ diff movemnts

most ppl just do takamina's part all in unison n its boring to watch.. way better tahn dtp imo

>> No.8354331

I usually hate this sort of weeb shit, but you guys are actually pretty in sync with the music and make me nostalgic for a weeb past I never experienced.

>> No.8355464

The wish sisters might actually be improving now they have replaced some people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PGT-_e6UAo

>> No.8355570

Holy crap, you're actually good! I was expecting something mediocre, especially after seeing all those videos of idol wannabes.

>> No.8355645

They are def good dancers! I enjoy seeing their work. Though sometimes they look really concentrated on their moves and not actually performing the dance. But overall very good group imo

>> No.8355711

You can tell some good work went into this. Despite it not being cleaned up, it's pretty amazing. Keep up the good work

>> No.8356018

>kek @ finding a group that's been around for 15 years after listening to Miku Hat-shit-ne

>> No.8356129

Opinions Maids of England ?

>> No.8356152

dancing is great, the singing could use some work

>> No.8356240
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>> No.8356478

Meh the singing is great, dancing could be enjoyable though.

>> No.8356527

Ehh I prefer their dance videos, they have really good ones on their channel


>> No.8356987


>> No.8357369

The honoka is the odorite KamenLiar217 she is a fantastic dancer and one of my absolute favorites!

Ahhh! I love your choreo! I learned your Ai Dee, you are so talented!

>> No.8357776

The 'butlers' though. The tall one looks constipated as fuck.

>> No.8358976

Adorable. The butlers are so cringe tho.

>> No.8359066

I saw them live at a local con once
I didn't hear them sing as I was out of the room and only joined for the final song, which was Susume --> Tomorrow.

Either these girls need serious voice training or should just not sing
Maybe they could at least lay off the voices? I get that it's part of what makes maid cafe's what they are and it completes the act when it's done well but when it's not done well, it fucks it up a bit.

I also wish the tsundere girl, even though part of the act, would look like she enjoys herself. It just makes it kind of depressing and she could just change the character to be tsundere but dancing is her hidden passion or something?

They're actually pretty good and I've probably just got a lot of salt up my cunt but I do get peeves with this kind of thing.

>> No.8359085

I thought the same thing about the tsundere maid. Why would you dance if you didn't look like you enjoyed it

>> No.8359600

I've seen them a couple of times actually and their performances vary. I really enjoy their charas and dancing, but yeah there is only one who can really sing? The lavender one. Tbf singing and dancing is hard as fuck, but they should stick to dancing imho.

>> No.8359673

I just wanted to say that I have been your fan for a long time and I love your videos a lot!

>> No.8359761

haha I'm glad it was entertaining, even if it was reference material!
I really appreciate the kind words. I'm so glad that the choreo helped you guys out.

Go for it, idol-chans!

>> No.8360674

http://youtu.be/nAUlJF1wmBQ the whole character thing and outfit is incredibly cringey but the singing itself is not too bad.

>> No.8363233

DTP Gen 5 Audition Results have been released. Opinions on the newcomers? Who was the best and worse? Did you audition?


>> No.8363309

I've been following Mayu (Sara?) for a while, so I'm glad she was picked. I hope this doesn't fizzle out like Oishii!Project.

>> No.8363331

heard there was some drama over people being told they were going to make it and then last minute DtP changed their minds but idk if its true

overall i think the newcomers are all really talented! when she said "each generation is bigger and more talented" she was NOT kidding...I feel bad for the all older members who look like shit in comparison

>> No.8363470

I know her personally and she is such Ana amazing dancer and person in general. I believe she is the ace of this generation because of her talent and charisma she has put into everything

>> No.8363641

Heard of people saying how biased it was. I honestly don't believe that crap. Just because you didn't get chosen, doesn't give you a right to be butthurt. There will probably be a 6th Gen audition, just work harder and quit complaining.

>> No.8364011

I happened to audition but I swear some of these people didn't take this audition seriously. The boy that kept saying he was gonna be the next Maeda Atsuko the 13th (AKB0048) was obviously a huge weeaboo. His audition video was poor as well.

>> No.8365580

oh god..

>> No.8365625
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I'm probably going to wear this exo mask in pic, normal masks are too plain for me.

We should just start our own Florida dance group tbh ;)

>> No.8365843

Oh I remembered him. I even got on a skype call with other girls and him. He kept messaging me "dansu? :DDD skypu?!?!" and he used broken japanese words. I eventually gave in and did a skype call with them.

>> No.8367562

I used to like both Abipop and Kelsey but honestly lately they've turned into massive snowflakes.

I can't believe people donated up to £100 towards Kelsey's new laptop. Ofc people can do what they want with their money, but she couldn't borrow a laptop in the meantime? Why did she need it in a week? Why is she choosing a Mac if she is so desperate, when PC is cheaper? Why a gaming laptop, which are overpowered for what she is going to use it for? This on top of getting the newest Canon DSLR recently and shopping in Japan. Its disappointing because I genuinely like their work but this is ridiculous.

>> No.8368167

Thought the same if I'm completely honest. It's such a shame they've turned like this all of a sudden.

>> No.8368733

>mfw I'm 5'9'' as well, but pretty chub + average looking + can't dance
>mfw I will never be a kawaii net aidoru, even though I sing great
I sort of know how you feel, I guess...

>> No.8368851

I'm 5"4 and chubby and I've been dancing for years. Anyone can dance, you just have to put in the time and effort (and money) to learn.

Will everyone dance at the New York Ballet? no, but everyone can dance.

>> No.8370459


Anons, it worked once, hence they think it will work again (and it did).

>> No.8370998

Energy level and expression are super important and often forgetten. Just look like you're having fun rather than like you're freaked out.
http://youtu.be/sMlaW52Yr2A Is doing it right

>> No.8371625

Wait omg I didn't know she auditioned for DtP! My precious baby, I'm so happy for her, what a cutie. I didn't follow DtP before but now I guess I have to, haha.

>> No.8371853

Yeah I admire Butters. I talked to her before and she told me she has a background in hip hop. She knows her stuff and not just choreographed idol dances. I was able to talk with her about tuting, poping, locking, gloving etc. which made me really respect her as a dancer.

>> No.8372630

I'm sorry but that guy is my friend and it is rude for you to talk about him behind his back. If you don't like skyping with us that's fine. You weren't forced to Skype with us. He is just a beginner in dancing so you have no right to judge him. He puts so much work in his dancing. But putting your opinion without talking to him on a website like this...it is just pathetic.

>> No.8372690

I adore this to pieces!

>> No.8372772

More LL covers. I think they need more syc.


>> No.8372798

I go out of my way to walk in front of cameras when people do this shit at conventions.
Get the fuck out of the middle of the hallway.

This shit was cringeworthy when we were in middle school. The secondhand embarrassment when it's 20+ year olds is unbearable

>> No.8372805

hi susan

>> No.8372902

I gotta look into more jpop dancers besides DTP but I really like Waveya. A warning though, they like to add more sexual tones to their dances, except for cute or boy group covers thankfully.



>> No.8372904

Nice of myself to post the same video. Here's the other one.


>> No.8372991

Me too lol

Waveya got skill but the sexiness is a little overkill for me.

>> No.8373039

I hate DTP, no one can actually dance let alone in an organized group. They're all fame whores.

>> No.8373352

>waaaah I don't like it when other people are having fun!!
grow up please

Yeah they need to practice as a group more but the medley idea is cool

Ugh queens, I wish I could dance to Hyuna's RED like them

>> No.8373591

Waveya goes overboard sometimes with the sexy levels, but they're all in all very skilled.

>> No.8373806

Not to mention they're ACTUAL whores. A bunch of them have banged several people I know at cons, especially Deanna. Every con they attend where they don't have a current boyfriend, a bunch of them (not all) are on the lookout for guys to bring back to their rooms as trophies.

>> No.8373825
File: 60 KB, 600x800, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol who would bang deanna
she's just a huge weeaboo who learned how to dye her hair and knows what angles hide her hideous nose

>> No.8373981

veronica is beautiful! actual heart eyes all around. i miss seeing her at otakon last year. hopefully i will this year and admire her dancing from afar.

>> No.8376986

J-pop summit dance contest is up.

>> No.8377014

>Inb4 people entering who can't even attend event if chosen

>> No.8377144

I have the same, I'd love to try, I have a good figure and dance pretty well but I'm afraid my friends/family will think I'm crazy. But maybe they already think I am because I'm into lolita fashion and anime a lot..but making videos is different

>> No.8377235

Hey /cgl/ give me a dance and I will upload a video of myself dancing it within a week.

>> No.8377837

Ponytail no Shushu by AKB48

>> No.8379915

I asked for dance, not shit.

>> No.8380000

"wa$$up" by the group "wa$$up" :)
At least, I think that's how you spell it.

>> No.8380612


>> No.8382358


>> No.8382588

They're performing at this block fair today I really should go and check it out for the keks

>> No.8382793

Isn't this the tiny NND dancer? Of course she's an idol now, lol. Good for her.

I've always wanted to teach my competitive-dance littles a j-pop dance. I bet all kinds of lolicons would come out of the woodwork though... Too bad no legitimate western dancers ever deliver.

>> No.8382862

I love Niji no Jidai!

>> No.8382971

I don't think it matters to much. I used to do dance covers at school and people always stared and sometimes give compliments. I guess it just depends on how you want to be seen by other people.

>> No.8382976

Dam gaiaonline....

>> No.8383125

>I bet all kinds of lolicons would come out of the woodwork though.
You should check out contemporary ballet.

>> No.8384072

Ririri isn't an idol. She just did a collab performance with Bon Bon Lily and Friends at Sanrio Puroland. She is a NND dancer more than anything and I don't think she has considered being an idol

>> No.8385004

DTP held a dance gathering at Colossalcon

Rainbow Bubble performed at Japan Block Fair

Did anyone go to see/join them? Thoughts?

>> No.8386376

first video here that impressed me. that was fun, it made me smile. excuse the weeb but pls put on a cosplay and do this! would be so cute!

>> No.8386392

Having the camera obviously on the floor in front was a bad idea, they're all preforming downwards so thy look hunched.

They're also off beat and some of those moves are fucking awful when a real-life person does them. Sometimes accuracy should be compromised for appeal IMO.

Facial expressions are kind of blase too.

>> No.8386437

>Shoes with heels are not practical for dance.

This fierce man would like to have a word with you anon...


>> No.8386680

I guess I'll delurk for a bit though I won't bother with getting a tripcode.

I'm surprised there hasn't been mention of a lot of people I know.

Like Ari Ki - who performed in front of thousands in Japan at Choparty 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVPh7FNUCGE

Wanna talk Canada? Blooe is a amazing K-Pop soloist who is just straight up a dance machine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnmUvicLetk And FrolicLassie is the successor group to Pinku Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1FPF1Dl5Bo

You know there is more to the UK then just KimonoTime, Abipop, and Beckii? Obviously there is Maids of England, but Seiza Project is up there too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gObdNRUj6s It's too bad that Otaku Owls aren't all that much active anymore.

Across the channel in France is MiyaMano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB-6ouFjYwc

And dear god Singapore has quite a few - MoMo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ_EGhnEJdM, Wotaroid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd_zgIYluEE, and Suzume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSoPu-V4eQw to start.

Also, how is California not getting love? Butters was the only one mentioned? NorCal has so many - AoiKatori https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efWDc_OZjZo, Friskie (who I got to work this a few times now!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9o1LUzUqdM, eMpiRe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzbAxnA8XTQ

I worked with many of the people in SoCal over the years. I posted that Jyuke video earlier >>8382358 - & for >>8341110 who says you can't dance in heels for J-Pop... how about dancing in Stilettos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7EjcK9XzUQ, and my buddy KABAKABA who never gets love on the K-Pop side - he won the AX K-Pop Dance Competition! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xifDV3DGEJ4, then there is H.D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n04f8FLi3w

I'm not even listing all the dancers I've worked with - instead I'll leave my channel url & you can check them out: http://youtube.com/animegamer0

>> No.8386693

BTW, they are still taking submissions for the K-Pop and J-Pop Dance Competitions at Anime Expo if any of you are interested in trying out - just keep in mind the K-Pop Competition is groups only this year:


>> No.8389160

Are English covers of Japanese idol songs always cringy?

>> No.8389172

yeah unfortunately :/

>> No.8389218

Check it out.

Anyways I was a J-pop summit 2014 finalist (worst performer) but still let me leave my 2 cents. As it stand I absolutely hate "idol" dancing. At first niconico odottemita consisted of street dancers or just a bunch of dudes screwing around. Tadanon, Takuma, Nyantaro, etc. are perfect examples of this. Miume as well most of her earlier works were street dancing but then things started to become more extravagant. Costumes, high production values etc. Honestly I just don't like this sort of thing. It no longer has that street feeling to it or freedom. I tried to show what it means to be a street dancer instead of an "idol" dancer but I failed horribly with my bad performance. Another thing I really dislike about choreographed dancing is that people jump straight into choreography without a foundation (dance basics). If you attend any dance class the teacher will always teach you the basic steps and have you repeat those steps. This forms great muscle memory, flexibility, and develop good habits. Even on the street there are different styles such as house, pop&lock, break, etc. and each style has their own foundation along with people to teach you the basics. This is just not present in choreographed dancing. Going straight into choreograph (especially in "idol" dancing) means you're bombarded with a set of advance moves and combinations that has no school of style. This leads to bad habits and deteriorate growth. I did jump straight into choreography and honestly wish I learned my basics beforehand because I feel like I wasted a year or two on choreography.

>> No.8390610

Do you prefer groups that branch out to singing and dancing (not necessarily at the same time) or groups that just dance?

>> No.8390812

There are a few dance groups in Michigan. I think 3? Ike Ike Imouto, Nebula Kiss, and Hime Project. They've done a few panels at cons together.
We also had Aminyan before she went to Japan, but the only time I think she performed at cons was in her idol panels.

>> No.8391578

I prefer dance groups more than singing and dance groups. Most girls that sing and dance either can't dance but can sing or can dance but can't sing. Stick to one, but if you practice and imrpove, then I'll let it slide

>> No.8391608

I might be joining a burlesque troupe. That's dancing right?
I might have to suggest they visit one of the local cons in cosplay and do a less riske performance. Could be profitable.

>> No.8391904

I actually see that a lot. Half the dancers I've filmed went straight into Choreo without learning any basics or foundations. What ends up happening... is that it looks bad on camera. Especially so with my gear - there is only so much editing I could do to hide deficiencies.

As for the Tokyo dancers - who tend to be the more famous of the odorites - a lot of them used to just film at Yoyogi Park all the time for fun. Many of them have moved into making it their profession - which means in order to make money, they're dancing in events. They're B-List celebs in Japan now. Their success has even ended up creating a "Dance Label" called ODOROOM - and the production values go up because that is what draws viewers these days.

With that said, sometimes what looks like high production value is actually not that high. The "idol" dancing such as stuff from Idolmaster and Love Live is what is hot right now. These set rooms they film in a lot of times are rent-a-rooms that Cosplayers tend to rent in Japan. Heck, Aikatsu has actually taken some Vocaloid producers (PandaBoy, fu_mou) in to help produce some of their newest songs.

There are still many though who dance on the street - it's just harder to come up now. BTW, it's still a mystery why Nyantaro has disappeared, even two years after he has left. We'll likely never know.

>> No.8392613


I did some snooping around NND and found a video where someone recorded him (without him knowing) dancing recently in a public place. From the comments I gathered that he borrowed money from people and didn't pay them back so instead disappeared.

>> No.8393041


>> No.8393173


You sure that's Nyantaro? That sounds more like aniM@S who did the same thing and people went after DO@RAT because of it (it also caused her to temporarily disappear as well). Thats also why 2D-CHOMPLE! broke up because literally aniM@S disappeared to avoid paying back his debts.

Then again, something like that happening again wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8393598

I fucking love the tsundere girl, I think the pouty act suits her character well. But then again, I have a weakness for tsunderes and know fuck all about dancing or singing or performing in any way.

>> No.8396806

Hey /cgl/ I think the J-pop dance submissions are complete. Check it out.
facebook ( dot ) com
Jyuke also kinda looks like Hinamori who dissappeared.
To the anon who films her, am I right on the money?

>> No.8397247
File: 59 KB, 501x604, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the mark. We're all SoCal (Jyuke included), and Hinamori is NorCal. It's rare when dancers move to the other side of California (such as friskie going to college in SoCal but is from NorCal - and vice versa for Ryan Hsu who is from SoCal but goes to NorCal for college.)

Actually, the only dancers I know who move between both sides of the state fairly often and easily is Mirai Stars (Shiawase Cos + Ichigogo Cos) and Angel Hearts.

BTW, apparently Angel Hearts is performing *somewhere* at AX this year.

>> No.8397412

I like how this group do more then dance. www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2cA7NOjCJw

>> No.8397778

I hate groups like that.
Most of them seem like they're compensating for their lack of talent.

>> No.8397918

"ODOTTEMITA" Dance Contest 2015

"ODOTTEMITA" Dance Contest 2015's Submission is complete! FINALISTS will be chosen and contacted by June 12 5pm (Pacific time)

1. Contestant: Ash and Dust, Song: "Today will be cheerful"
(posted June 11)
"Our names are Dustin and Ashley. We are 16 year old twins, Ashley being the older twin by 2 minutes. Ashley has been dancing for quite awhile while I, Dustin, dance whenever I get the chance we hope you enjoy our dance!"

2.Contestant: Resa Chiic, Song: "Rotten Heresy & Chocolate"
(posted June 11)
"Hi! I'm Resa Chiic. I'm a vlogger, artist, fangirl, and occasionally a cosplayer & dancer. When in doubt, I also try to passionately freestyle and I hope to be able to polish and perform something for everyone onstage!"

3. Contestant: Hiroko&Kai, Song: "Colorful World - gomezP ft. rib"
(posted June 11)
"A duo from the South Bay who take dance classes and perform together. We mainly do kpop covers but we're interested in the jpop and odottemita community!"

4. Contestant: Malaisha , Song: "An adolescent boy is crying by AKB48"
(posted June 11)
"My name is Malaisha and I've been into anime and Japanese culture for three years. I have danced with the anime club at my school as a group, so this is my first solo dance."

5. Contestant: Rika, Song: "ELECT"
(posted June 11)
"A freelance odottemita dancer. I also do a little cosplay dances if I'm feeling up for it. Nice to meet you!"

6. Contestant: lydia, Song: "drop pop candy"
(posted June 11)
"Hi, this is my first time dancing J-pop, please don't mind the mistakes~ i hope you enjoy my video!!"

>> No.8397925

7. Contestant: Sue, Song: "Make It!"
(posted June 11)
"Hi there, I'm Sue from NorCal and this is my first video and my first time as a dance contestant.I love to dance and very excited to participate in this awesome event.Enjoy my cover of iRis !"

8. Contestant: Jyuumily, Song: "Amayumerou"
(posted June 11)
"We're Jyuumily, a duo that has known each other since high school! We enjoy covering various dances together!"

9. Contestant: Eri, Song: "Marine Dreamin' "
(posted June 11)
"This song is too cute that I feel like I have to learn it :) Missed the stage last year due to not be able to find parking spot. Try again this year. Otherwise not much to say."

10. Contestant: Deka, Song: "Burenai Ai De"
(posted June 10)
"Hi everyone! My name is Deka, and I'm super pumped to be entering the odottemita contest this year. ^^ I have a music crush on MitchieM and Yasutaka Nakata (senpais, please notice me!). I hope to meet all you guys~"

11. Contestant: Iris, Song: "Bad Apple!!"
(posted June 10)
"Hi hii! I'm a college student who likes Kpop and Vocaloid. I'm not very happy with my unpracticed dancing, but I hope to work hard on this dance if I make it to finals to put on a good performance~"

12. Contestant: Beck, Song: "Sweet Time"
(posted June 10)
"I hadn't done this dance for so long, but I decided to enter solo! So here you go- my bad cover of Sweet Time. I'll definitely improve if I am chosen!"

13. Contestant: Florence, Song: "Plus Boy"
(posted June 9)
"I'm just a very short and awkward dude with a love for dancing J-pop and performing. I also love yoshi. That's it that's all there is to know about me."

>> No.8397929

14. Contestant: Jyuke, Song: "Kami no Manimani "
(posted June 9)
"Hi! My name's Jyuke, and I'm a SoCal J-pop dancer. I've been in the odottemita community for almost 5 years. Since I found out about J-pop Summit, my dream has been to perform on that stage. I hope I'll be able to, as well as meet all the dancers I've admired in NorCal! c:"

15. Contestant: Kuiin, Song: "ヒビカセ(Resonate)"
(posted June 8)
"Haihai~! I go by the alias Kuiin and I'm from Singapore! I've been dancing for about 3 years but I've only been doing cover videos for 2 years! I hope you enjoy my dances and watch me grow; into a beautiful onion! (Oh yeah, I like tea and hugs~)"

16. Contestant: MasDream, Song: "Tengaku"
(posted June 8)
"A dream team of passionate performers, MasDream is the iced latte of collaborations, featuring a blend of two distinct dance groups, MasQu3rade and Dreamcafe, while introducing a new member to the team. Diverse personalities united by one love...food. Oh--and dance of course~ "

17. Contestant: CLUB LOLLIPOP, Song: "River"
(posted June 8)
"A group that loves to dance and fan girl over AKB48 & J-Pop!"

18. Contestant: CV01, Song: "[Teddyloid] Me!Me!Me!"
(posted June 8)
"I go by CV01.It's really fun to dance and sing along! I'm a Norcal resident and cosplayer who loves to dance aside from cosplaying!!"

19. Contestant: Seal Squad, Song: "Toluthin Antenna"
(posted June 8)
"Hi we're Seal Squad! Consisting of Rikuko and CV01! We are both cosplayers and we live hours apart from each other! We both minors who love to dance! "

>> No.8397933

20. Contestant: eMpiRe, Song: "Waiting for a Chance to Pounce"
(posted June 4)
"We are eMpiRe! Iris: promises she washed those pants since last year's audition Beck: A girl who cries tears of joy eating chocolate pudding Florence: A guy who makes screaming frog noises Xan: sorted the red exercise balls from the grey ones This is our first dance as a group and hope to improve!"

21. Contestant: COOKIE NYAN, Song: "Marine Dreamin'"
(posted June 3)
Hello! I'm Cookie, I've been dancing for more than three years now, it will be my fifth (on November 26)! I'm so happy to be trying to participate, and I hope I will meet a ton of dancers!!

22. Contestant: BEE, Song: "Dear J"
(posted June 1)
A girl who loves to dance anything and fan girl over AKB48 & ITANO TOMOMI.

>> No.8399108

Do girls in these groups all buy their own costumes and work as equals? Or do they have one "leader" who makes decisions and pays for the costumes?

>> No.8399191

There is always a leader who makes the decisions and you pay her because shes a cheap slut bitch!

>> No.8399207


Angel Hearts has actually been improving a ton since they've started, and all of the girls make their own costumes, which always look nicely sewn. I think my only nitpick is most of them look really old, or are bit pudgy for the characters they're portraying.

They dropped the terrible Haruka they had for their Im@s routines, and they're mostly solid. The only members who are still really awkward are the Yayoi and the Makoto. Not sure if it's a practice thing, but I just don't think they're cut out for dancing.


>> No.8399380


>> No.8399383

Hey AnimeGamer what camera do you use for filming?
I currently have a Cannon T3i but have no skill in photography or filming.

>> No.8399659

I have so much salt against the wish sisters I'm sorry..

>> No.8399665

Spill because I do too and I'm curious about your beef.

>> No.8399862

Honey don't be sad that you didn't pass their auditions to live your aidoru dream kek

>> No.8399957


Are you 5 or just extremely immature?

>> No.8399967

You need zero skill to set up a tripod with you in the frame. Like, all you do is see where you're going to dance, see where the camera frame borders are, move it back or forward as necessary.

>> No.8400043

/p/ here.

I will slit your throat if you think filming is that easy.

>> No.8400061
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use two Sony DSLRs, a a55 and a a57. Though, I've been wanting to replace my a55 for a while now since it has a bad habit of overheating only after filming for 15-30 minutes. In shots I use multi-angles, the image difference is noticeable and it annoys me to no end.

As for your camera, all you have to do is put your video settings to the max, and run it through a decent video editor that won't trash the quality. First step is simple enough, but the second one can be hard to find or very pricey (or leave you resorting to being a pirate. Yar!)

The lurker from /p/ is right. You'd think it'd be as easy as you say, but a lot of times when I watch videos of newcomers coming up -- they're framing is terrible because they don't check their framing.

And it gets exponentially harder with the more people in frame. The more people in frame, the more the camera moves back - the more you need to make the music louder so that it picks up on camera AND for the dancers to hear.

BTW, for those that want advice on framing -- buy a big stuffed animal - set that guy as the center of your frame. Make the adjustments you need to, then move the guy and keep your frame in mind. If even that is too hard to do, do what a lot of pros (even people like Melochin & Miume) use - tape. Specifically, painters tape so that it comes off easy when you are done.

>> No.8400070

What about ISO, Aperature, and Shutter Speed?
Films require a high ISO because there is constant motion right? But then higher ISO cuases it to be more grainy. Any tips on these settings?

>> No.8400086

Which sister are you?

>> No.8400208

You can throw Shutter Speed and Aperture out the window with video since that only affects the photo side of things. What you would want to pay attention to instead is your video quality settings such as if frame rate (30fps or 60fps, if higher then you have way more money then me) and video resolution (minimum you want is 720p to get HD quality.)

Additionally, you also want to pay attention to where your camera is focusing in on -- and if need be, change your focusing settings to manual. While it's nice to get a good "bokeh" effect with fixed focal lenses (like the 35mm that is pretty standard for dance covers) - it does you no good if your shot ends up out of focus and blurry. So before shooting, I recommend checking your focus settings after your finish your framing.

With ISO, you want to keep your ISO down as much as possible. That means using your exposure if control light as much as possible, and understanding where you are filming at to see where your light sources are from. That's particularly important if you are shooting at night (ex - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6J1C4DjHww)) - you definitely want to be as near to as many light sources as possible (or, bring some that are bright enough if you can afford to.) Also keep in mind that lights come in different colors - which can affect your video. Moving the ISO higher should be the absolute last thing you should do because you want to avoid your shots becoming grainy as much as possible.

>> No.8401583

maybe it's showing that they do things other than dance, I think they post some singing things too? I dunno. I don't think they're trying to just be a dance group like groups like DtP and Angel Hearts
an stuff though cause a lot of their videos are random crap rather than dance

>> No.8402076

oh. my god.


>> No.8402129

The fucking did the most simplest idol dance and they still managed to not be together and look lazy as fuck. Wish Sisters are a disgrace to the cover dance community and England.


>> No.8402196

depends, I seen a bunch of good dance videos with totally rubbish singing cover voiceover things, or the other way round. should stick to which ones they do well rather than being mediocer trying to do both
>>8397412 why is a dance group making videos about hello kitty?
sounds like you have serious hate on those wish dance girls, whos closet did they pee in to get u mad lol

>> No.8402210


idk the first ive ever seen of these girls is this video and yeah it sucks? you don't have to pee in someones closet for them to be able to realize you're no good when you post shitty dances like that

>> No.8402216

pretty extreme thing to say disgrace to england if u just seen 1 video of them though, even if that videos not really great

>> No.8402220

i wasnt that commenter. i meant that i don't think you can jump to the conclusion that they are just butthurt/have a vendetta when the video they posted actually does suck

>> No.8402232

I didnt say u were, didnt say they have vendetta either, just was saying that was extreme stuff to say over 1 crappy online video thing so thought it was funny

>> No.8402277

i'm in love with this group now thanks for sharing! they have some really odd dance covers but they are by far the cutest western dance group i've seen.

>> No.8402313
File: 15 KB, 290x290, 1433810193203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 crappy online video

I've been following the Wish Sisters and even seen them live. They make no effort to improve either it be performing or wardrobe choices. It also doesnt help their video topics are all over the place. Let me just show you more of these girls




Maybe instead of implying I made a judgement off one video, try looking into the group a little more to see what I mean.

>> No.8402416

hello arguing people - can I just ask you why dyou follow and go to see a group you dont like and think are a disgrace to England? why waste your time?

>> No.8402459

After MCM Expo this past year, I've stopped completely. I actually had high hopes for this group but in all honestly, they have failed.

Btw which sister are you?

>> No.8402497

Not even THAT bad compared to some other groups/dancers in England.

>> No.8402645


>>8399665 here.
I'm guessing it's you that's always posting them in the cringe threads and such as you seem to really have something against them.

I don't like them, they really piss me off. But that still doesn't give me the right to slate them here. They have improved heaps since they started and they're far from the worse dance groups here in the UK. Since Amelia joined they've come on leaps and bounds since as Alice has had to step up her game and actually work to be the 'cute' one in the group.

>> No.8402908

>4. Contestant: Malaisha , Song: "An adolescent boy is crying by AKB48"
>by AKB48
I sure hope that's a troll.

>> No.8402914

It's a song by Morning Musume, not AKB48, idk how he messed up that badly tbh

>> No.8403278

Aye AnimeGamer0 lets meet up at AX.
I can shoot you a youtube message if you want to stay in contact.

>> No.8403337

OP of thread is planning her first hallway live. Any tips?

Also, what are your thoughts on hallway lives?

>> No.8403358

You're going to dance in the hallway?
As a dancer myself it can go good or bad.
You will for a fact get stares and looks.
How you interpret it is up to your mindset.
Take it with a grain of salt and analyze how your performance went.
For me personally I fell under pressure and heavly crtisized myself for months and years. (I cry when I'm alone.)
So keep a positive mindset, fuck the haters, you're still learning.
But don't be a shitter and think you're super kawaii when in fact you suck.
Just find the right balance of positive criticism so that you can learn and improve without a mental break down.

>> No.8403363

I know the feels anon. I already know I'm going to suck. I'll defiently record myself and see where I can improve. I just recently got back into cover dancing after years of being sick so I'm taking it slow yet pushing limits. It still won't stop me from at least trying.

Thanks anon!

>> No.8403462

I quite honestly don't know how busy I'll be at AX as of yet, but I will be filming the J-Pop and K-Pop dance competitions and that'll take up most of my Friday/Saturday. I'll be a little sad I'll be missing MomoClo Z for the K-Pop Comp, but I have far too many friends in it to not go.

But yea, drop me a message on YouTube if you like.

>> No.8404099

>Did the most simplest idol dance and they still managed to not be together...

It was hard hearing our music at MCM when filming this so our dancing isn't as strong as it could be but we did have so much fun filming with everyone!

Try reading the description yo.

>> No.8404113

Ok so I'm not >>8402129 but I do agree, yall need alot of improvement, wardrobe and dancing wise. I don't think having one green sailor uniform and then two matching uniforms is appealing. I've seen many groups as well dance amazing with technical difficulties in their music (I've done it myself through practice and even live) It seems yall have been at this for awhile? I'm actually a fan of yours and want to see positive improvement. Best wishes (no pun intended)

>> No.8404203

Not in the group, just pasted their description. They need a lot of work but still can understand the difficulty of hearing the music in a busy what looks like con hall? I'm not sure about why the uniforms are different.

>> No.8404294

Their uniform/outfit choices aren't bad. You really should see how Amaitsuki dresses


>> No.8404836
File: 22 KB, 444x366, lovethisthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8404878

Oh shit, a wish sister on cgl

>> No.8404882

>sage for dumbass

>> No.8404891

that's not an excuse, and if it is an issue wireless in-ear headsets are cheap as hell.

>> No.8405050

but even the clips where they are doing it onstage (certainly they could hear the music there?) and they still looked just as awful

>> No.8406090

yeah thats true, they still need a lot of work at being in time with music and each other. And they should match their clothes because they look kinda stupid with two matching and one not. But still its better than some of their older performances. I think replacing the old weaker members dressed in yellow and blue (I dont know their names) has improved them quite a lot

>> No.8408829

actually super jealous of these guys, my friends wouldn't never agree to do something fun like this....even if it is dumb and sorta cringy, at least they're having more fun than me..