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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8334364 No.8334364 [Reply] [Original]

Best place to get them? Tacky or naw? Coords?

>> No.8334373

I think they are cute.

>> No.8334377

they're so tacky please don't get them. and that photo looks awful and ugly wtf like iron it please and button up your sleeves

>> No.8334383

The blouse material is terrible. If you get one be prepared to cut the cuffs and collar off so you can sew it to something decent.

>> No.8334523

How would it look sewn onto navy blue fabric?

>> No.8334901

I think that would look terrible. the darkness of the blouse would totally drown out the galaxy print.

>> No.8335496

Imo, I like them but there are too many shittily made ones out there like in OPs pic. There's a picture of some tv heads wearing nicely made galaxy seifuku somewhere but I don't have it. The biggest problem that I think people have with them is that they got popular through tumblr. You might as well be wearing a sign that says 'sjw weeabo' when wearing it, no matter if you actually use tumblr or not.

>> No.8335498

Does anyone know where to get these that isn't taubau though? Of good(ish) quality? Like I don't care if it's not THE best quality but just like, not let's say....Milanoo quality.

>> No.8335511

Yeah I agree. Anything that gets popular through tumblr is a bit iffy because it gives it a rep. Like the flower crowns. I still want a galaxy seifuku anyway tbh I don't really give a shit what people think though bc I think they're cute. If someone wants to ask me my preferred pronouns and sexual kin I'll gladly go tell them to fuck themselves.

>> No.8335543
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>> No.8335553

>letting the internet ruin things for you
Look, I'm all for caring about what other people think about you because sometimes when people don't like you they look for ways to get rid of you, but for the sake of fashion hobbies and going to conventions and cosplay, I think it's fine to wear something regardless of whatever silly rep it has. Like oh well, some douche might not day hi to you. Is that really gonna ruin your life?

>> No.8335559


>> No.8335560

It's perfectly normal to not want to be associated with disgusting tumblrites. Shit is embarrassing.

>> No.8335565

>not dropping panties in the ball pit
PSH nothin personal kid

No seriously I want to go to DashCon 2015, I feel like I could bully all of them and only get a lecture in return.

>> No.8335570

Have you met some girls from tumblr irl before? Shit gets scary. If you wear something people from tumblr like, they flock to you if you don't shoo them away, then you can't talk to the people you want to talk to because they think you're one of them.

>> No.8335594

Holy shit this. And when you do try to shoo them away they'll get buttangry or autistically think you're just kidding.

>> No.8335604
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>tv heads wearing nicely made galaxy seifuku
This one?

>> No.8335611

Yes! Thank you.

>> No.8335621

Lol are you both socially inept? Just ignore them. I never even acknowledge people unless I want to.

Die tripfag scum.
also, lots of sjw types are in full favor of violence, that's why their ideology is shitty.

>> No.8335644

>socially inept
Nah man, but they are. if you ignore them they'll just follow you around. You sound like you've honestly never experienced this shit and are just trying to act better than us 'poor souls who let others dictate our fashion choices~' kek. No, I am not going to knowing choose to attract attention I don't want from tumblrfags.

You're also giving off edgydesu noob vibes.

>> No.8337198

I just got one in the mail today off Amazon through Fantasy Sheep cause it was super cheap. If I like it enough I'll get the nicer one through Star's Rainbow or whatever.

>> No.8337283

Cute AND tacky. If you're going to be into shit like this and j-fashion, just own it.

>> No.8337411
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x1836, 1431988677536-873859805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Amazon's was around 35USD and I can say it's passable. I didnt iron it but I already know I'm replacing the top fabric. The print is a little blurry close up and a touch washed out.

>> No.8337991

No that would make the galaxy print more subtle if it were a nice dark Navy. The blues in the galaxy print aren't all one shade you know.
As I said, would look great if not better than white if it were nice and dark.

Anyway I kinda want one, but have no occassion for it besides cons and I already have 50 things I could also be wearing at a con.

>> No.8338159

Is the print a knit or a woven? It looks kinda like a knit in the pic but that really doesn't make sense for the garment.
>is picky with fabric choices

>> No.8338259

>bunny tights and bunny backpack
fucking on point