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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8333074 No.8333074 [Reply] [Original]

I hate that there's so much negativity and bitching on this board, so let's have a thread filled with positive things! Post cosplays, coords, fashions, and just other things that you like!

I'll start:
> the best feeling after a long day at a con is taking contacts out, lashes and wig off, and just curling into the hotel bed/couch

>> No.8333089

That feel when you managed to make a genuine friend at a con/meet and they actually want to hang out with you and discuss interests together <3

>> No.8333092

The satisfaction of having your outfit completely done.

>Then there's the anxiousness of waiting for the con, but one thing at a time.

>> No.8333104

Most of the posts in the weeb nostalgia thread made me smile for the first time in a while

>> No.8333110

I always feel dorky for this, but I get really flustered and happy when I meet cosplayers that I look up to.

>> No.8333487
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>receiving your stuff in the mail
>placing an order on something you really want
>finding stuff you like really cheap

>> No.8333495
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>buying a cheap wig with free shipping and it's actually pretty good quality

>doing a new technique for the first time and you don't fuck it up

>> No.8334310

>recently got an baby op for 2200yen
>wardrobe starting to be an okay amount for a poorfag
>went to a meet last night
>actually felt really good about my coord, even though I didn't get the socks I wanted in time
>actually managed to be more outgoing this time and had so much fun
>met friend irl for the first time
I'm feeling so great about lolita lately, I'm getting to the point where I can have some variety in my coords, and I'm starting to fit into my comm more. I really love my community and I love wearing the clothes and I'm just so happy about this.

>> No.8334421

>started my own facebook page two weeks ago.
>I now have 250 likes!
>Only around 50 of those are from people I know.

I know most cosplay pages has so much more like, but I don't care. This feels great!

>> No.8335705

>ordered my corset and binder so I can have perfect lolita figure for burando
>makes me look like perfect hourglass
>I cried when I put it on b/c I almost never feel pretty. I was so happy.

>> No.8335712

>the con starts tomorrow and you're packed, ready to go, and have time for a full night of sleep!

>> No.8335736

did you make a deal with satan or something?

>> No.8335759
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> tfw be at con
> tfw being rejected by every girl I ask out
> tfw I don't even feel anything

I have finally made it, I am happy that I can finally move on with my life. I stopped caring about girls or any human being, which mean I am more productive and happy. I am finally a free soul. Feels good man.

>> No.8335821
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> tfw when I lost my job so I can play games again
> tfw I have no gf so I got shit load of money
> feels goodman, specially since I have so much free time since no friends etc
> mfw I have so much me time, I am so happy

>> No.8335826

it just means something else is going to go wrong

the last time I was packed, ready to go, and ready to get some sleep, and then my alarm was set for 9PM and not 9AM. almost missed my flight.

>> No.8335835
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>going to Glorious Nippon in a couple weeks
>get unexpected sum of money
>going to go cray shopping in Shibuya and Shinjuku
>finally will have a decent sized wardrobe

>> No.8335836

You don't look very happy..

>> No.8335841
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reminds me of..

>> No.8336061

theres no positive things in this hell of a website that never gonna happen dont even dream it

>> No.8336177


Also the good feel when a normie tells in your back how beautiful you look or discretly tells you that you look stunning.
Low confidence anon and it made me so happy for the day

>> No.8336194

Guys, I have some serious feels and they aren't positive and we have no feels threads and this is a problem. They are completely cgl related and I have no one in my life to talk to them about and this is getting frustrating.

>> No.8336199

Get a blog

>> No.8336201

Create a feels thread anon. I will reply. I'm more than happy to listen.

>> No.8336209

I thought feels threads weren't allowed anymore?

>> No.8336229

My girlfriend did this recently.
She still has yet to take pictures of her loot because there's so damn much of it.

Make sure to bring an extra suitcase for the ride back.

>> No.8336281

> the best feeling after a long day at a con is taking contacts out, lashes and wig off, and just eat till you pop and then shower and sleep

>> No.8336284

Since when?

>> No.8336290

Are you new to /cgl/? We can be helpful and cute as fuck when we feel like it.

>> No.8336296

They are allowed if you keep them strictly /cgl/-related.

>> No.8336308

Starting something on a brand new costume, and having it all go perfectly without any hangups, makes me feel like I was destined to do it. It means I tackle any future problems with the cosplay head on because the first bit worked exactly how I wanted it to. I love that feeling.

>> No.8336311

>doing first prop with foam board and spray foam
>intricate design for a first time
>foam board cut out looks awesome
>carved foam looks awesome
now to just cover with papermache. dis gon be gud.

>> No.8336353

Would anyone be interested in having a /cgl/ kik group chat? I could really use someone to talk to regarding cons in the U.S

Also yay positivity

>> No.8336383

My local comm is lovely. They always cheer me up if I'm in a bad mood, and they always make an effort to include everyone. Plus they give loads of compliments, heh.

>> No.8336449

>>8336290 is true. i find /cgl/ to be very helpful most of the time. nice? rarely unless it's a circle jerk. i've seen /cgl/ tear apart a plain/average looking girl and in the same thread ass kiss undeniably ugly and fat girls.

>> No.8336538

Doing the same thing as we speak, expanding foam props OP

>> No.8336589

I know how you feel anon! I wore my binder for lolita and boystyle to school after a long break and everyone thought I lost a lot of weight. Now I wear binders on a daily basis and it feels great, I can run and jump and not feel insecure anymore!

>> No.8336597

When you and your friends get back to the hotel room at the end of the day and just hang out in the peace and quiet, laugh and talk about the day, ect.

>> No.8336682

>after driving up to a con for 8 hours, staying up there from Thursday to Sunday, and getting so little sleep, then driving back 8 hours and finally curling into your bed and resting your sore and tired body

This feels fucking amazing. Especially since I spend most of the con carrying around a steel chair.

>> No.8338442

Steel chair? Were you cosplaying a WWE wrestler? Or just fat and you need to sit every 5min?

>> No.8338445
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>tfw it's your birthday and no one said "Happy Birthday" to you on Facebook

Feels good

>> No.8338494

I was Kanji, but it does make a convenient seat for waiting in lines

>> No.8341122
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Happen to me last year lol. Soon you won't care about people. 2d > 3d. I live now in the animu world I am so much happier.

>> No.8341341
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>Positivity thread
>Posts negative stuff
Do you guys really have to? Like really?
Can you let this be a positive place for once?
Or are your problems sooo important that you must force them on everyone?
Also, why does it matter if nobody sais happy birthday to you on fb?
It doesn't mean you cant have a good birthday.

>> No.8341362
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happy (belated) birthday!!

>> No.8341436

> found a cute jsk for cheap on y!a
>decide to be an all out cheapskate and choose the cheapest shipping option while your at it
>ETA 2-3 months
>tfw just realised it'll probably show up around, if not on, my birthday

>> No.8341444
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>Face full of horrible painful cysts
>Stop drawing, caring about AAs and cosplay
>Become super depressed
>Star Accutane
>It's been two months, face not 100% but clearest it's been since last fall
>Has the courage to go into public again
>Start making cosplay plans
>Drew for the first time in months last night

Things are looking up! I haven't looked at my face in a mirror in months, and I managed to do so the other day and acne aside, I never knew how pretty I am. But I'm mainly happy to have the courage to draw and stuff again. Now I'm going to start working on getting /fit/ for cosplay while I wait for the rest of the acne to clear up.

>> No.8341636
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>completely missed the "feels good" part

Christ, stop bringing your negativity into this thread, ok? Go away. This is a positive thread, not one for your nagging. Blog it on your tumblr, not here.

>> No.8341643

It was obviously a sarcastic "feels good" you fucking dumbass

>> No.8341647
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>Uhh, you can't have good feels from that! It's not allowed according to me!

Please, we were having such a nice thread until you showed up. Please, just go.

>> No.8341661

We were having a nice thread until people started passively sarcastically whining about robot feels.

>> No.8341666

>telling me what can and cannot make me feel good

Negative Nancy go

>> No.8342018

>stop drawing for almost 3 years
>only small doodles occasionally
>finally got a tablet
>draw whenever not working

one day i'll be in AA...

>> No.8343887

Going to see the boyfriend in a few weeks
Going to cosplay with him
Too excited for this guys

>> No.8343925

I believe in you anon!

>> No.8344311

You're such a whiny little shit.

>> No.8345356

I hope you have fun

>> No.8345866

Neets dream?