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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 109 KB, 480x720, comiccon-11-bill-5-141_480_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8332977 No.8332977 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that just automatically loses interest in a cosplayer when they start doing sexier cosplays or posting nude shoots? It's so discouraging when someone has so much skill and they use their boobs for attention instead of craftsmanship.

Honestly, this might be because I've been in the scene for almost 10 years now and social media and prints are bigger now, but it's gotten to the point where there's only so many cos-famous people who don't solely use their assets for likes. Sure, go ahead and do a sexy cosplay that was intended to look that way, but if you're putting sexiness over accuracy that's such a mental turnoff.

>> No.8332985

what cosplay is this?

>> No.8332989

Yo this is bait

>> No.8332991

You either go canon or go home

>> No.8332993
File: 56 KB, 640x960, cosplay-sexy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8332998

i think it's supposed to be a sexy Aurora

>> No.8333027

It attracts horny normies and makes the whole hobby seem even less respectable to the public eye.

It's already a scrutinized hobby and it's being seen as a fetish because of all the attention-grabbing whores.

>> No.8333045

I feel like this was an attempt at making a statement about over sexualized cosplay that failed miserably.

>> No.8333056

It wasn't, there's a whole group.
Honestly, sexing up anything that isn't supposed to be sexy automatically screams attention whore to me. Double that if you do to a character that is recognized and idolized by kids…

>> No.8333485

It just looks like they made it for the bedroom and then noticed the con was a week away, said 'fuck it' and packed it in their suitcase because they're too lazy to make an actual fucking cosplay.

>> No.8333493

This could be good if it wasn't jessica nigger...
Just because I'm so fucking tired of her

>> No.8333496

...But why?

>> No.8333521

It's Princess Aurora when she forgot to wear her skit and do up her top.

>> No.8333524

If you look at her ass, behind the seam, the latex makes it look like there's no dress.

That said, wouldn't surprise me if she cut out the ass as well as the tits of a dress.

>> No.8333526

Sex sells. Coupling it with well known anime or nostalgic anime gets her traffic. Simple marketing.

Boring cosplay if that's what you care about.

But easy pickings if it's traffic you want.

>> No.8333581

that's the reflection of her arm.
I hate how she has to throw her tits into every cosplay she does, though. Slowking does not seem like a pokemon that would be busting out of a low-cut latex minidress.
Her design sense is just awful.

>> No.8333768

Jessica is a golden example but I'm more of talking about smaller-scale cosplayers.

Maybe it's some kind of Jessica Nigri theory that if you become as sexual as possible when it's not necessary you'll automatically become cosfamous? Somehow?

>> No.8333786

>ITT: Chubby seagulls upset that good looking women took all their beta orbiter's attention

>> No.8333790

you realize that most of the people pissed off at this sexy cosplay are men right?

>> No.8333794

You're not alone, OP. As soon as a cosplayer starts doing lingerie versions of characters or fancies themselves a fashion model in mismatched crap from their closet I stop following them. I know they won't notice and don't care but I don't need a bunch of wannabe glamor models on my newsfeed when I could be looking at actual fucking costumes from series I like. Most of the time when a cosplayer tries to make a detailed and well constructed version of a sexy costume it looks like shit anyways because they have no sense of design. See: OP photo's terrible group.

>> No.8333842


>> No.8333852

My inner eight-year-old wants to beat the shit out of her.

>> No.8333879

Exactly. You don't need to have a visible bra in every cosplay you do. I know cosplayers that exclusively do ~sexy~ cosplays of non-sexy things and I just try to avoid groups with them as much as possible. It's such a huge thing now though.

>> No.8333886

Yea we're definitely upset over the sexy cosplays, damn I wish women were just as covered as the muslim women.
Who told you this?
What fantasy world do you live in

>> No.8333898

Keyword being "unnecessarily"
I'm not talking about sexy characters lmao, reading comprehension please

>> No.8333904

>Keyword being "unnecessarily"
Necessary or not, more sexy cosplays the better.

>> No.8333917

... it isn't a fetish?

>> No.8333924

Not really when it's mostly girls relying on sexy cosplay for male attention to make themselves feel better
Sure, love your body and whatever, but cosplaying to get some verification from males is sad

>> No.8333942

Are you telling me that women strive for attention?
>but cosplaying to get some verification from males is sad
Thats some projection, maybe they just want the attention and want to meet people.

>> No.8333961

What other reason would you purposefully change a character who is not sexual at all to just a bra and make it sexual? For attention, don't kid yourself.
I can appreciate cosplays that are sexy and well done but when it's literally something that is not meant to be sexy at all it's ridiculously obvious that it's meant as attention-grabbing scheme.

>> No.8333986

Yeah but everyone likes attention don't kid yourself.
>when it's literally something that is not meant to be sexy at all it's ridiculously obvious that it's meant as attention-grabbing scheme.
Its super obvious when someone is doing it, but I'm arguing the fact that this is clearly a female issue. I can't see how the majority of people who have a problem with it are men when we are in fact the ones encouraging it and give our attention to those seeking it.

>> No.8334087

As a male cosplayer, I of course "like" looking at sexy costumes....but I've grown really disinterested in "sexy version" cosplays.

Like, if you had any real talent, try doing the actual costume correctly. Sometimes I can very easily see that the person is shit at costume making, so they're only wearing scraps of it, and the rest is a bikini.

It's attention whoring, and lazy.

The whoring I don't mind so much as the laziness.

>> No.8334229
File: 794 KB, 1146x652, sexyornot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8334264

>hurrdurrr dont ruin muuhh cosplays with sexyness

spotted the faggot

>> No.8334268

fuck off chad

>> No.8334274
File: 33 KB, 481x346, what u gonna do about it faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8335263

I have made full armor, swords, shields, guns, poured hours and hours into making intricate shit. Yet my most "liked" photos of all time are the ones where I'm scantily clad putting little to no effort into what I'm wearing. Idk why I even try. Sex sells. Bottom line.

>> No.8335280

This is all I can think of when I look at OP's pic


>> No.8335287

>Am I the only one that just automatically loses interest in a cosplayer when they start doing sexier cosplays or posting nude shoots?

Nope, just had to unlike Danielle Beaulieu's page after a few years of following her because of her oversexualized bullshit.

>> No.8335302

Shit on your bed, you dumb cunt

>> No.8335317
File: 485 KB, 628x418, 1429244375011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am of the giving no fucks, comrade.

>> No.8335330

There's a cosplay fetish, but not all cosplay involves the fetish.

>> No.8335337

I can't find it anymore, someone please put up vagina Athena

>> No.8335344


How many times were you dropped on your head?

>> No.8335353

So gamergate has successfully lowered your ability to read, I see.

>> No.8335365
File: 64 KB, 500x713, 88e36-liling1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8335396
File: 86 KB, 553x850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference pic

>> No.8335422

wow, that is literally her vagina.

>> No.8335431

cheeki breeki /k/omrade

>> No.8335589
File: 36 KB, 625x626, alloutbair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8335704

Dude here, totes disgusted at sexy Fionnas and the like.

>> No.8335968

>It's so discouraging when someone has so much skill and they use their boobs for attention instead of craftsmanship.

Why not both?
I don't personally like cosplayers like J-Nig or Yaya who have other people do a good portion of the work for them, but that's just me.

Pokemon gijinka is hit or miss anyway. Half the time it's like "how the fuck was anyone supposed to know that you were trying to look like this pokemon?"

As another male cosplayer, I think sexy cosplays are fine when the women who do them use a bit more tastefulness in their designs. Or in other words, when the cosplayers themselves aren't simply desperate for attention.

tl;dr: There's a big difference between 'sexy' and 'slutty.'

>> No.8336347

Big difference between sexy cosplay and not finishing your cosplay but still wearing it anyway to the convention.

>> No.8336489

lol way

Yeah girl, is men are just foaming at the mouth with rage at all these con girls wearing basically lingerie for us with those fit and tight bodies.

>> No.8336511

You are not alone anon. We were used to people cosplaying canon or intricated versions. But now a lot of cosplayers make sexy versions of whatever so the cosplays are easier to make. In other words, they are lazy.

>> No.8336717

She wouldn't show off her ass. She has no ass.

>> No.8336779

I general I don't mind sexy re-designs as I like a few original designs as they stand out above the norm.

My issue is that the sexy cosplays being circulated are catching up to the number of canon cosplays. These things are no longer standing out as they are becoming much more common than ever before. As a result I find myself tuning them out a just because you can only see so many bikini's that run together.

Meanwhile high quality outfits still catch my attention as their craftsmanship is still great AND they're even rarer than before.

Just doing a sexy outfit here and there will not cause my to drop a cosplayer as diversifying is always good. I lose interest if someone only does one type of cosplay or carries over the same elements from outfit to outfit. I stop caring not due to being offended or disgusted, its mainly due to boredom.

>> No.8336802

Bit it isn't. Its' pretty obvious she's wearing white spandex shorts under there.

>> No.8336806

these cosplays mostly look like they forgot their skirt at home

>> No.8336827

Imagine the smell

>> No.8336836

If you can smell someone's vagina without being right near it, that vagina is either filthy dirty or has a disease.

>> No.8336990

only men who are normies do like that shit. actual nerds hate it. where do you think the fake nerd/gamer girl comes from? from men, not another women!

>> No.8337125

It's less likely to smell being aired out like that.

>> No.8338883

Virgin detected. Vulvas rarely smell strongly if at all unless like >>8336836 said, there's some kind of infection or the girl hasn't showered in days. Same deal as with dicks, there's almost no smell unless you keep it cooped up in sweaty boxer-briefs or don't properly care for yourself. But you'll probably never find out what a vulva smells like because you're busy crossposting your r9k crap to cgl.

>> No.8339404

Just because you don't shower doesn't mean we can't smell your stank cunt.

>> No.8339473

could we get some slutty male cosplays in here?

>> No.8339976



>> No.8340236
File: 108 KB, 640x826, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8340243


>> No.8340336

to be fair jecht was a manwhore

>> No.8340344
File: 84 KB, 534x784, law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to be Trafalgar Law from One Piece

>> No.8340348


Mmmmmm DAT LAW glare. ..even though it looks like he's wearing some kind of Borat like swim suite? I see now it's just a shirt. Lol.

>> No.8340349

oh.... oh wow.

>> No.8340352


Do you even namka and search for friendship?

>> No.8340518

No, it's a lacey panty

>> No.8340523
File: 11 KB, 480x320, wrap it up son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8340574
File: 83 KB, 500x751, athenea_cosplay4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has underwear on.

>> No.8340580

The staff is well-constructed though, but that's all she's got.

>> No.8342014
File: 343 KB, 1840x3264, sessy salesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8342042


>> No.8342106

She's got a cute face and that wig looks alright. But yeah, the rest of it is pretty shit.

>> No.8342108

Out of everything that's wrong with this, the shoes bother me the most.

>> No.8342128

did she papier mache those pumps?

>> No.8342589

You these cosplayer... it's almost like they dont care what you guys think? Cause regardless she gets to feel happy and sexy and amazingly her doing so does nothing to effect you guys personal life. Ya'll complain people do tis shit for attention but by doing so you are giving er attenion, jeez. Just ignore her. It's legit the best way to solve the problem.

>> No.8343026

you're gonna need context

>> No.8343049

The custome was given to her to work at a booth, she is just a model.

>> No.8343062

What a bunch of whiny cunt nerds on here

>> No.8343071

>Am I the only one that just automatically loses interest in a cosplayer when they start doing sexier cosplays or posting nude shoots?

I don't

>> No.8343083

that means you're a jelly gurl or gay dude

most like them more if they sex up, best cosplayers know that

>> No.8343105


This is not cosplay. Just a Costume Around Tits.

>> No.8344251


are you a grill?

>> No.8344285
File: 222 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mc5md30i1x1rcpewuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe not exactly what you meant but why is her bra showing? Its definitely not by accident

>> No.8344295
File: 613 KB, 1319x2048, 736b932f8f4baa0f6cf82080bd866e60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate cosplay requires a costume AND a body as closest as possible to the fictional character.

>> No.8344304

Yeah, except Yoko has smaller boobs and a body that isn't a complete rectangle.

>> No.8344345
File: 536 KB, 900x1039, yoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so.

>> No.8344350


>dem bolt-ons

>> No.8344366

Wow, those tits look physically painful.

>> No.8344473


It's making a part of me painful, if you know what I mean

>> No.8344476


>> No.8344537
File: 148 KB, 1032x774, up_cosplay_by_dragonfly188-d6fmqvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's accurate

Here have some more Disney unnecessarily sexy cosplaying

>> No.8344545
File: 108 KB, 717x960, WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both with open shirt cleavages

>> No.8344557

I hate the ponytail on this wig so much. I love the volume, yes, but it looks so awful..

>> No.8344612


>> No.8344619

dat greasy ass lookin skin tho

>> No.8344622

It's call sex sweat

>> No.8347658

This thread is old but yeah that's exactly what I mean. That Up cosplay is probably one of the grossest things I've ever seen... Russel is a child and one of them is supposed to be an old man...

But when you need to add a bra to a cosplay just for attention when it's completely unnecessary, yeah that's sad.

>> No.8347730

Her face looks so much like Kyary's.

>> No.8347929

even if it were her vulva, it couldn't possibly be her VAGINA, because that shit is L I T E R A L L Y internal.


>> No.8349343

Nicole Marie Jean ( I think that's her name) got one of her friends to cosplay sexy Bam Bam and Pebbles with her. Literally babies/toddlers...some people man...

>> No.8350002

God, I love hot sluts.

>> No.8350055

There is no such thing as an "unnecessarily sexy cosplay." Women should be able to cosplay whatever they want, and if they want to make a scantily clad version of a character then that's completely fine - not all cosplays have to strive for complete likeness to the original character.

>> No.8350065

Tumblr is that way -->

>> No.8350070


then why cosplay at all? If they want to wear something sexy they could wear a bikini or something.

>> No.8350085


>> No.8350097

Good argument.

They could, but what's wrong with making a scantily clad version of a character if that's what they want?


>> No.8350116

>They could, but what's wrong with making a scantily clad version of a character if that's what they want?

Because it makes it look like they are attentionwhoring. Cosplay is, at essence, either because you like a character or their design and making a "sexy" version of them is neither.

>> No.8350134

Some say that all cosplay is attention whoring. You are not the judge of who is an "attention whore" and who isn't. Additionally, just because someone makes a sexy version of a character does not mean they don't like the character or the design! It just means they decided to make a sexy version of it (which they're entitled to, as long as it isn't against the rules of the con.)

>> No.8350139

No one is entitled to look like a whore.

>> No.8350153

They are entitled to wear lewd costumes, as long as it doesn't break the rules of the con.

>> No.8350162

>You are not the judge of who is an "attention whore" and who isn't

When you do shit like Up! sexy cosplay? You are. Literally no one who is a fan would think "Oh man I want to cosplay Russell!! but it doesn't show enough tits."

>> No.8350182

Again, some people would consider cosplay as a whole to be about attention whoring, and would use similar arguments as you do (why would you dress up like that unless you want attention?) I feel it's wrong to assume someone is an attention whore solely based on their costume alone. Policing how much skin is allowed isn't the right way to go.

>> No.8350184

Alrighty then you lewd whore

>> No.8350211

The only thing that makes anyone a whore is if they are actually selling sexual favors for money.

Showing skin doesn't mean shit.

Quit being so goddamn sandy over the human body ffs we all have one. It's 2015 and y'all are still bawwing over titties holy shit.

>> No.8350220

Lmao okay you fucking prude.

Do you close your eyes when you're in the shower? Does the human form hurt your fee fees that much? :'(

>> No.8350233

found the tumblr whores

>> No.8350257


1st amendment biatches! I can dress as a prudy skank as much as I want!

>> No.8350266

Tumblr? Not my scene. Just fed up with retards is all.

>> No.8350321

>Tits exceasively large (maybe she used the stuffed fakes?)

>> No.8350324

That looks like fanart m8

>> No.8350350

I feel that someone with your line oth thinking wouldn't use the word retard as a derogatory word.
You're either a blithering idiot, from the hellish part of tumblr, or bait.

>> No.8350402

I think what makes me hate the generic corset and skirt humanization of things is that the game/source material it's from has a distinct clothing style that you could actually use to incorporate into it. But no. You had to wear a corset and party city tutu.

/mad because favorite game series

>> No.8350406
File: 56 KB, 540x960, aUgE5L4 5.08.57 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8350718


poor china girl. ran out of cloth.

>> No.8351468

Also because so many people use it as a cop out.

>> No.8351495

Doesn't help that they were both super rude as well.
I met them both in Hamilton.

>> No.8351949
File: 240 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2015-05-24-20-27-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8351970
File: 124 KB, 960x960, 10993418_10152754293836903_3996648204000207109_nsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8351974
File: 230 KB, 746x1366, S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8351987

fuck off with your vendetta, leave normies out of this

>> No.8352094

Because their friends told them "OMG That's amazing lol" instead of "OMG That's gross"

>> No.8352096

What is she cosplaying?

>> No.8352641


a chink

>> No.8353106

fucking go back to tumblr already

>> No.8356821
File: 35 KB, 500x333, Pebbles-BammBamm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have seen that as the Pebbles / Bamm Bamm teens. - but babies - yug.

- look at the tiny little pink toes on that slut... er.. nevermind.

>> No.8356824


Just because a girl wants to fuck her daddy it's still bad Miley..

>> No.8356828

More like lie-low and snatch

>> No.8357070
File: 133 KB, 500x750, stitch-cosplay-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8357111
File: 96 KB, 638x960, 11164643_1123107164381388_777527983562524111_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally necessary.

>> No.8357414

>Jacket inspired by the movie
>Character portrayed is easily identifiable
>Tits are big, but they're not hanging out a la J-NigNog
>Dress length could be longer, but this is a pretty standard for a fitted cocktail dress

for a gijinka
this is actually not too bad. especially compared to everything else posted on this thread..

>> No.8357419

I feel like I could very easily slap her snatch with how short that dress is.

>> No.8357446
File: 1.51 MB, 1136x960, urwrongandushouldfeelwrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8357453

>easily identifiable
If it wasn't for the file name I would have assumed "basic bitch"

>> No.8357456

Still short as fuck, anon.

>> No.8357470

why are you so bitter anon?

>> No.8357515

spotted the whore

>> No.8357532
File: 18 KB, 625x626, b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8357546

spotted the vegan

>> No.8357551

Not any shorter than your typical bodycon or clubbing dress. Stay mad anon.

>> No.8357668
File: 82 KB, 480x854, zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8357759

now that's a snatch I wouldn't slap

>> No.8357851

Tiny boy, little boy, baby boy, I need you
Tiny boy, little boy, want to make love to you boy

>> No.8358126

He's not making it over sexual LOL the character is like that LOL

>> No.8358131

I think this is a joke guys

>> No.8358135

W2c this gorgeous dress

God bless

>> No.8358136


want to make love to you, booooooy

>> No.8358460
File: 172 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be fucking kyuubey. She posted it to a cosplay group and I wanted to ask why on earth does there need to be a boob window.

>> No.8358463


>> No.8358737
File: 500 KB, 1024x850, itsyoufaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this picture of you. It's crazy how similar you two look.

>> No.8358741

Fuck, this is such a good design too.

>> No.8358832

> Not supporting your sagging tits
would not contract with/10

>> No.8358990

haha good one.

>> No.8359035

Law isn't a manwhore you fujoshit

>> No.8359402


>> No.8359414

I am amazed there's no Yaya ITT yet. She literally puts in additional effort to ensure everybody can gawp at her comically large plastics.

>> No.8359462

it's a chestbutt at this point
probably to make up for her lack of ass

>> No.8359527


gonna rip these pits

>> No.8359558

This is a "sexualizing things that shouldn't be" thread. Yaya cosplays things that are sexy canonically, so she doesn't belong here. If you're going to whine about Yaya do it somewhere else.

>> No.8361122

You're obviously very unfamiliar with Yaya's catalog of work.

>> No.8361515

Oh man I just came here to post this thank you!

>> No.8361601

everything focuses on her front butt or is modified around her front butt

>> No.8361690

Am I the only one that thinks this is kinda alright? I mean it's not overly sexual and It's a nice take on the character

>> No.8361756

I think it looks cute too. Also her bosom isn't totally out there. Though I guess the person who posted probably gets mad when someone wears a low V neck shirt and doesn't wear stockings under a skirt.

>> No.8362274
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 10917818_862134460513382_5672341239137396291_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.8362280

Lee Anna Vamp has a great figure, though. She could seriously pull off any cosplay. Ok not the short ones I guess.

>> No.8362282

Agreed. It's not like she's wearing a bikini top and calling it cosplay.

>> No.8362286

I agree. Her body is amazing but that's a baby. As another anon posted, there's a teenage version but they chose to go with the baby and make it sexy. That's fucking weird

>> No.8367044
File: 44 KB, 600x899, IMG_125577375261113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she really need to sexualize else so much? I know a lot of people love Lady Lemon and her body but I don't feel like she needed to make else's costume this way.

>> No.8367053
File: 137 KB, 584x903, 10868148_978217612208349_1039250570053361865_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindsay Elyse did the same thing and it looks so tacky imo
But who's surprised, most cosfamous people nowadays refuse to cosplay anything without major cleavage showing, just so their audience doesn't get the wrong idea.

>> No.8368605

I don't care, just have fun with it. Some chubby chick wants to dress as wonderwoman, fine.I only get a little bothered when there are a lot of sexy/slutty cos girls that demand payment for taking their pic. That could be stopped. They are not fans, just opportunist. just my opinion, though....

>> No.8368956

these don't make any fucking sense to be in here.
fuck off

>> No.8369123

Y'all just salty Mel is the best Ryuko cosplay we will ever get, no hope in denying that bruh.

>> No.8369138
File: 329 KB, 1455x2048, Ewok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore this cosplayer but her oversexualized Ewok makes me cringe.
Since when did Ewoks have their cleavage and ass and midriff on display... Whyyyyyyyy?!!!

>> No.8369914
File: 156 KB, 600x914, Belle-Chere-as-Madelyne-Pryor-03-tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8369922

>those tits
i'm gonna be sick...

>> No.8370306
File: 202 KB, 1200x730, bc008977_0750_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8370313

Fuck yourself, Belle Chere is the tits.

>> No.8370322


>> No.8370464
File: 89 KB, 682x1023, Cosplay_de_Stormtrooper_Féminin_et_Masculin_à_Star_Wars_à_Japan_Expo_2014_(14506269310).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8371279
File: 118 KB, 720x960, 1005851_10151915572642533_527497816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexualizing a fucking kid...

>> No.8371347

Is this supposed to be Tina???

>> No.8371367

Look sir, whores!

>> No.8371492

She did this and its called "Not So Tiny Tina", so it isn't meant to be the child version. Its her own idea for an older version. Thats they the hair is longer and such. She isn't trying to sexualize the child version of it. People took it that way and holy shit. Everything blew up to high hell.

Just like Tina does.

>> No.8371497
File: 194 KB, 1200x701, TINA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8371506


Yeah, but it's still retarded.

>> No.8371527
File: 142 KB, 637x960, 10411136_10152875823302533_429839161133483954_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Top fucking kek. Do you think she did an adult version because..? To show her tatas and sexualize a character that's primarly a child. Calling it 'not so tiny tina' won't work here mate. Seriously jnig fans should go away from cgl.
What's your opinion on her sexualizing fucking vegeta then? Or the shitload of 'gijinkas' she does?

>> No.8371537

Calm down, kid. The concept was seriously Tina as an adult because she knew she would get more shit if she dressed as Tina as is, so this was the result instead and she rolled with the concept. You don't have to like it, but holy shit. Chill out.

I love when people get so butthurt over cosplayers who get attention because of tits or making a character sexy, but in this case she didn't want to make Tina sexy, so she made her older. She even talked about it because the cosplay even surfaced.

>> No.8371540

before the cosplay even surfaced*

>> No.8371554

holy fuck, nightmare fuel

that was a HORRIBLE idea

>> No.8371712

Ok I understand that's a concept, but you didn't answer my question: what about vegeta or the 'gijinkas'?

>> No.8371716

Also almost forgot, if she didn't want to make Tina sexy, why not an adult version which doesn't show her tatas? I think it would work way better with the way Tina is.

>> No.8371740

wew look at this fucking goddess

>> No.8371741

Why would she ever care about that? It's not like she knows the characters she cosplays or what would be canon. I don't mind slut genderbends or adult versions when it atleast matches the character's personality.

>> No.8371755

>I don't mind slut genderbends or adult versions when it atleast matches the character's personality.


>> No.8371785

"The cold never bothered me anyway"
Haha. Still not enough fabric

>> No.8371827

I gotta say that out of any famous cosplayer, Jessica actually does know her shit. Its really funny people still don't think so when she has been interviewed quite a few times by guy shaming podcasts and youtube shows where they ask her and she knows what she's talking about. She may oversex her cosplays 100%, but she actually knows her stuff unlike Yaya and Kamui. She just knows what sells and sex sells. She's smart in that way, but she isn't dumb about the material.

I also gotta say, I don't personally care if someone does or doesn't know what they are cosplaying from. Sometimes you see a character, love their design, and do a little background on them. Othertimes you just like the design. This isn't anything new at all in the community and even guys pull this shit, but don't get as much flak about it because "guys are supposed to know their stuff, so no need to challenge them about it". Its the whole Duela Dent thing all over again.

>> No.8372010
File: 90 KB, 1000x562, sparkle-towels-fairy-large-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like the fairy from the paper towel commercial.

>> No.8372086

Nobody said she don't know her shit though.

>> No.8372087

Are you a faggot or something?

>> No.8372115

Yaya does most of her own work.

I can understand why people dislike her but she's definitely got knowledge and skill when it comes to costuming.

>> No.8372130
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>> No.8372824

They love her tits. Her cosplay are crappy as fuck, she pull them in 2-3 days and if you look photos non-edited by her/some photographers you'll see how bad her cosplays and wigs look

>> No.8373953

Most of her work means only sewing now? Because mostly of her props are made by kamui.

>> No.8374054

>Unnecessarily Sexy Cosplaying

There's no such thing

>> No.8374056

I luv it

>> No.8374078
File: 621 KB, 2048x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy weevil? Gross

>> No.8374091

christ, is it that fucking slut crowdfunding for tits?

>> No.8374181

Yes. Karen Sakai

>> No.8374189
File: 150 KB, 789x1184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when people sexify Harley Quinn. It's fucking gross.

>> No.8374201

Phoenix Comic Con was full of sexy Harley Quinns. I actually saw a woman in the bathroom who was in white underwear getting her body and underwear painted red and black. Literally another girl was painting her with cheap party city paint and as soon as they finished just walked out the door didn't even set the paint with powder or anything. I'm sure anything she sat on or brushed up against would smear paint on them.

>> No.8374212

Most ewoks were just straight up naked so

>> No.8374246


>> No.8374256

Were you at PCC? There were as many sexy Harley Quinns as there were deadpools and furries.
I saw one Harley Quinn in tiny tutu with her butt cheeks hanging out. Her body said 22 but her face said 42. No wig or make up either.

>> No.8375495


You're going to be really disappointed when the Suicide Squad movie comes out then because that version of Harley is going to become even more popular.

>> No.8375523

God I hate that. They don't care about the costume, they just want a legion of horny virgins to drool and follow them all day. I hate it even more when they try and make a sexy version of a character that is far from sexy. Like "Im cosplaying sexy Olaf! Lololol pay attention to my tits!!"

>> No.8375536

Anon will never answer your question because there is no response. Jessica is the posterchild for making things unnecessarily sexy and she is the worst of the worst.

>> No.8375614
File: 69 KB, 584x878, 11329941_10153397162172533_3565926980903818250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because seriously where is the point when she does things like this? The costume is over sexualized and are you really sexualizing the pose between two pokemons?

>> No.8375836
File: 512 KB, 2048x1367, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8375846

this was AB this year wasn't it. i hated these fuckheads, they always clogged the halls.

>> No.8375847
File: 65 KB, 700x787, attachment[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....to be honest, thats not far off in personality, but they used this fanart as a reference.

>> No.8375853

How fucking hard is it to get a wig tho.

>> No.8375894

Apparently this version is a fan concept. Found out after I posted but I still think it's not needed for Elsa

>> No.8375945

She's poly with all these guys.

>> No.8376734
File: 62 KB, 400x580, BasicInsect-LOB-NA-C-1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basic.

>> No.8377141

Thats funny because thats not true. They did a commission switch not long ago for their couple cosplay. Yaya makes her stuff otherwise and says when someone makes her stuff like when Kamui made her props and Kamui did it right back when Yaya made her cosplay.

>> No.8377156

This cosplay right here is the main reason why i hate her so fucking much.

>> No.8377166
File: 549 KB, 500x269, moviesandpopcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how people hate others just because of dressing up. Its fucking hilarious and it makes this hobby so laughable. You are all petty as hell and its great to watch.

>> No.8377548

Personality? You know taric being gay, or even wearing this kind of stupid clothes (because he wouldn't wear these) is a fucking joke right? His 'personality' have nothing 'gay' about it.
If you want to cosplay a gay character from LoL, cosplay corki.

>> No.8377586

He mad. Lol

>> No.8377897

The last guy is making me laugh

>> No.8377943

People hate each other because of sports, ex: being in another team is the end of the world. It's as ridiculous yet it's the "norm". I don't see the difference with cosplay.

>> No.8377944
File: 52 KB, 540x720, 11393190_854015281314574_5725430219237758533_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bitch, she always slutshame other girls and comes and does this...

Don't let her photos fool you, her overall construction is pretty crappy, she's shopped as fuck.

>> No.8377969

ITT: Buttblasted fatties (i.e. OP)

>> No.8377980

I find that just as dumb. Im not playing favorites with types of situations. Everyone who does this is petty as hell regardless of what it is about.

>> No.8377989

She was in the middle of a date when the alarm went off. No time to put on full armor. Must protect the Death Star at all costs.

>> No.8377992

One's her fiance, one's her boyfriend, and one's her boyfriend's boyfriend.

>> No.8378003

What show is this "slutty older Tina" from? I could have nightmares of this.

>> No.8378041

lol because showing your panties to everyone for no reason when cosplaying is a totally good idea, right?

>> No.8378047

Her make-up is top notch.

>> No.8378064
File: 296 KB, 1600x900, tina tina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go google "tiny tina", anon

>> No.8378300

I was thinking about this. When you think she will finally do something different from the raccoon eyes she does this kind of shit. I know everyone who cosplays from borderlands does this kind of make up but her shit is what nightmares are made of.

>> No.8378478

His head looks ridiculously huge compared to his body, it's hilarious.

>> No.8378487

One of them went to pick up something from my booth to look at, I was screaming inside. she got a little paint on the tablecloth, but thankfully the thing she picked up was unharmed.

>> No.8378508

Oh god, seconding this. I've sold crochet plushies and stuff in a few AAs now and every time some Homestuck comes up to my table I die a little inside. Not only are they generally unsealed, they are the worst about having to touch every. Damn. Thing. on my table. They shriek and cuddle my plushies and then set them back down and I always have to check for paint smears.

>> No.8378539

You should have a sign saying not to touch if they're using body paint.

>> No.8378555
File: 48 KB, 540x960, 11069621_1599464566964994_3526599007543460305_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has 65k likes on Facebook, and her face looks like this. Being JNig's friend really pays off.

>> No.8378711

>she always slutshame other girls and comes and does this..
Lol really? Never read something like that, I actually read positive comments toward this behavior of sluttyfying everything, for the obvious purpose of ass licking people like Jessica Nigri

>> No.8378736
File: 88 KB, 394x617, 84911489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking normmies in cosplay.

>> No.8378975

i think they forgot to photoshop her legs lol

>> No.8379083

You're gonna have a hard time later this year.

>> No.8379088


You're gonna have a difficult time being in here, then.

>> No.8379093


Or just have a sign basically banning any bodypaint fuckass

>> No.8379153

Chill out bro, it was a suggestion. I'm no body paint wearer

>> No.8379163


>> No.8379260

I feel like this concept is ok for a Halloween party, but for cosplay it seems kind of off.

>> No.8379348

ITT: The most jealous of fatties.

Really, just /cgl/ in general, I suppose.

>> No.8379356

> /v/ - loves this image
> /co/ - like this image enough to allow it in their cosplay threads
> /d/ - very much in love with this image
> /cgl/ - hates it

This pretty much sums up this board. If you enjoy cosplay, don't come here.

>> No.8379639

She just started cosplaying too. I remember watching her on instagram because she Cosplayer sly cooper then she blew up out of nowhere. There are so many cosplayers I find on instagram that magically befriend cosfamous people then blow up. I always wonder how it happens.

>> No.8379659

I love watching the drama. Don't see how it'll be hard having fun around here.

>> No.8381266

Doesnt even have insect cards.

>> No.8385012

Ugh this girl.
She had a 10k eye surgery to change her eye color and now she is asking for 5k to fly to AX.

>> No.8385040 [DELETED] 


>> No.8385041

Actually made me kek.

>> No.8385044

is there even surgery for that? afaik most of the ones available now are very risky and can blind you or ruin your eyesight

>> No.8385050


That's a lot of likes in a short span of time so maybe they paid for likes?

>> No.8385068

>the ones available now are very risky and can blind you or ruin your eyesight
No, there are a different types of surgery for that but there's one that is 100% risk free.
The only side effect is more sensitivity but that's because your iris is getting lighter and that's an everyday issue with people with light eyes.

>> No.8386247

Well the Riven is literally on model to her "Battle Bunny" skin.

And Ahri, well she is based off a typical "I'm a sexy foxgirl, come play with me. I might eat your soul after but trust me it will be worth it." so of all the characters to throw a candid bikini on generally that's the one.

>> No.8386550
File: 142 KB, 1200x776, 1557160_599718153410589_866527027_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8386564
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 11257837_423415374504864_4653377170551592803_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8386570

Holy fuck this guy looks like a ventriloquists dummy

>> No.8386789

Jesus, that outfit made her look fat as fuck
fucking revolting

>> No.8386809

Met this girl irl, she's stupidly gorgeous, like 11/10

>> No.8386872

Are you afraid to sound gay or something by admitting you appreciate legitimate craftsmanship over the sexier stuff.

>> No.8386883

Sexy Sonic is always terrible but sometimes you see Sexy Tails and for some reason that's the one that always rustles me most

>> No.8386892

I don't see the point in cosplaying 'sexy' versions of characters when there are already many already existing canon sexy costumes. Although, when it's obviously ironic it can be funny.

>> No.8386917

Dat porn makeup

>> No.8387141

or they could seal their bodypaint like a normal person jfc.

>> No.8387609

I once saw a woman cosplay yoko whose shorts were so short that where the legs met there was only a thin strip of cloth and it.......wedged......itself into her labia

>> No.8388960

I think I'm going to vomit.

>> No.8389005

hes a newfag not a tumblr user. dont lump him in with us. anyways, cant we all chill an enjoy the boobs?

>> No.8389019



...That's Taric's Element of the Ages skin. DoyouevenplayLoL.jpg.

>> No.8389020

the fuck are you even saying

>> No.8389023

>shit talking homestucks
>uses an insult directly associated with homestuck

>> No.8389031

Uh....... That picture is fanart? I mean that picture has ties to the AotFA Taric skin, but its definitely not official. And isn't the skin called Armor Of The Fifth Age Taric..???

>genuinely confused af rn

>> No.8389133
File: 102 KB, 640x427, 2056641388_5a0bf0de2d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying to show up to a convention to skank it up for gas+convention passes+costume cost
>Not being a paid camwhore or go to a club for free drinks+other shit

Some of you guys have terrible proprieties. If you're going to put your titties and ass out there you might as well get some benefit from it instead of paying a lot of money for it.

>> No.8390885
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 11311003_651278091639522_956100120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing here is that she wants to get crowdfunded to give a panel about armor making in AX
It's hilarious because all her armors are extremely badly painted (mostly painted the same day of the con even at the con floor) full of chips and peeling.

>> No.8392437


I tought this is going to be a racoon thread at first.