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File: 424 KB, 2028x2048, FB_IMG_1431820296633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8332372 No.8332372 [Reply] [Original]

didn't see one in the catalog
post your nitpicks, or basically anything that bugs you or is fugly but not quite ita tier
i'll start
i know this print has red in it but that red cardigan just doesn't look good

>> No.8332385

She looks lovely, and the red is even doubly tied in with the shoes. Don't know what your problem is, anon.

>> No.8332390

OP are you being serious? Your vendetta is showing.

>> No.8332393

its a nitpick thread and seagulls are nitpicky as fuck

>> No.8332395

There's nitpicking and there's being ridiculous. By this standard, everything is nitpick worthy.

>> No.8332399
File: 97 KB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1431820864526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this outfit is ok but boring. wouldn't be a frump-chan with some headwear

>> No.8332401

I love the cardigan, but the fur collar/sleeves just feel too christmas-y to me

>> No.8332402

idgaf about the cardigan (although it is pretty tacky) but her wig looks sticky and nasty like she just crawled out of a well or something. nitpick accepted.

>> No.8332403

op here and exactly! its a cute outfit but the detailing on the cardigan just felt... a little off

>> No.8332409

What is an acceptable standard for a Lolita coordinate anymore? I see some coords posted here that would border on ita, which is fair, but then I see pictures like OP and many others which overall are very well put together and neat. My own coords are very plain and this makes me not want to post them anymore.

What even IS good enough anymore? Has the standard for looking nice enough to not be nitpicked really skyrocketed that much?

>> No.8332410
File: 283 KB, 1797x1770, FB_IMG_1431821210895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outfit is mostly fine, but girl needs to get some bangs and better makeup. the way she's doing it makes her look old

>> No.8332414
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x1500, whay why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white socks with black tights????

>> No.8332423

You are too kind anon. this is ita as fuck.

>> No.8332424

is there ever a time when you can get away with wearing socks over tights in lolita? i've worn ankle socks over tights for cult party because of the heavily layered aesthetic but i feel like it looks awkward in lolita

>> No.8332429

I think if it's winter and you are wearing matching tights under your pink/sax/brown/whatever color OTK socks it's acceptable.

>> No.8332433

I dunno, I think it fits.
I thought it was some sort of strawberry jelly/dessert coord from the thumbnail and judging by the entire thing after viewing it, I'd say it all comes together pretty nicely.

Maybe add some green towards the top to of the entire thing to signify strawberry stems or leaves.

>> No.8332435

>nitpicks coord
>makes it worse
im done

>> No.8332436

I think when you're wearing nude patterned tights, it's common to wear socks with them, especially ankle, so your legs still don't run the risk of looking bare.

>> No.8332437
File: 206 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Faa72f190a756356972bcd7e09c310190%2Ftumblr_nogbwfcMwR1qesci1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again with the fucking scepters

>> No.8332442

that scepter is fucking stupid its just a lollipop stick with a unicorn

>> No.8332448
File: 1.59 MB, 1053x1393, 20150516_202950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why the gyaru-style shoes? this would look so much better with tea parties. also im having trouble telling with these photos but is the cream cookie collection skirt even an appropriate length for lolita? it looks a little short

>> No.8332452

This is so cute...I agree that something like an elegant white headbow and gold bracelets would make it even better.

>> No.8332460

I think the massive pile of random crap on her head is way too OTT for the toned down look she has going on. One headbow would suffice.

I agree about the shoes, they're too gyaru and honestly a bit cheap looking. (Also open toed shoes with socks is never a good look).Tea parties would have been a much better choice.

>> No.8332473


>> No.8332478

There's a difference between socks in open shoes and socks in ratty-ass toe-separating sandals.
Calm down, your testosterone is making you unreasonable.

>> No.8332479

Socks look weird in open-toed shpes. Most lolita shoes aren't open-toed.

>> No.8332502
File: 137 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nof9w2tx1d1uut6a1o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive seen plenty of lolitas wear sandals with lolita

ho i was NOT talking about thongs

>> No.8332506

I'm the girl in the picture, and I agree that it needs more. I'm going to invest in more jewelry, but I would love some other suggestions on headwear. I'm a big fan of hats if anyone could point me to some appropriate pieces.

>> No.8332521

Blouse doesn't go with skirt
Hair is a complete mess
Nothing goes with the shoes
I'd say ita at best

>> No.8332523

I'd actually like this cardigan a lot if it were just a bit shorter. I think the length isn't quite right for lolita. Otherwise I like this outfit a lot.

>> No.8332534

I don't remember where exactly you're from but Sarasota and Lakeland Highland Goodwill have some pretty good jewelry. Found some perfect stuff when I was there last!

I'll keep my eyes open for headwear too and send links your way if I see anything.

>> No.8332536

I agree, add headwear and maybe a gold heart bag or something to tie in the shoes. I like this dress a lot though, I'm stupid into deep greens in lolita.

This bolero is the shit, I love it.

Oh honey no. Looking closer it appears that the tights and shoes are dark brown, not black, but either way it's really bad


Actually as a pastel gyaru outfit this is kinda cute.

>> No.8332543
File: 97 KB, 480x640, P10HA954-g-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a golden headdress/lariat? This is really OTT and also super expensive, but I can't remember the name of the etsy seller who makes similar stuff.

>> No.8332547

Because it looks fine, and because it's more ita to wear lolita without socks or tights than it is to wear open toed shoes with socks. They aren't open enough that it matters anyway. Also open-toed shoes =/= sandals. Sandals exist so feet don't get sweaty so it never makes sense to wear socks with them. Open-toed shoes are pretty much purely aesthetic. People still nitpick it all the time though.

>> No.8332551
File: 8 KB, 180x242, 4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry Anon

>> No.8332556

Anon, I think she is an older woman....

I am am going to assume she is in her late 30s or early 40s? Sorry anon if you see this comment and I am way off base. Anyway, I'll probably still wear lolita ten years in the future and will be posted somewhere too. Hopefully the black don't crack thing will apply to me though.

>> No.8332559

I like ankle socks over tights if it's either the same color (adding a frill at the ankle), or a contrasting pair when you're colorblocking. It really just depends on the coord. And OTK's with tights under them for warmth is fine if you don't see them.

Kneesocks with tights is never okay though, imo.

>> No.8332575

All your screen settings must be off, because the tights look brown to me and are clearly meant to match the shoes, bag and print. Still ugly and more ita than nitpick, but at least brown makes more sense than black, I guess?

>> No.8332582

Eh, she looks older than average but it's not like she's dressing inappropriately for her looks or anything. The classic look is just fine for maturer faces.

>> No.8332886

Most of AP's cardigans are a really awkward length for wearing with JSKs, imo.

>> No.8332894

>pastel gyaru
>being a thing
oh i see, you saw the gyaru shoes and thought the rest of the outfit somehow could work. nah, looks shitty for himekaji as well.

>> No.8332912

I saw she commented she just got the cardigan. Was probably just super enthusiastic to throw it together.

I think it looks good, but a teensy bit off because rushed/over excitement?

>> No.8332915

that spraypainted dollar store pony oh my god
we had to have the fucking scepter trend. it's come to this.

>> No.8332921
File: 458 KB, 807x600, tumblr_n0tx8oDYkN1qjd8bdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wierd tan cardigan mostly, paired with her contrasting leg and face colors looks kinda bad. Otherwise a cute outfit

>> No.8332976

the shoes aren't even lolita, they're from a gyaru brand. calm the hell down

>> No.8332987

I'm trying to think of how she could balance out that cardigan but can't imagine any OTKs with similar colors in their patterns... Maybe white and pink patterned socks and beige (tan?) shoes?

>> No.8333001

I feel like you need a better bra

>> No.8333014

maybe. I think it may have a slight gold tint and she was trying to match golds? But none of her golds match each other. The tights are way off though.

>> No.8333114

Her face is so ugly, how unfortunate. I think it's that giant indent in her chin, it looks like a butt.

>> No.8333131

I don't agree about bangs, the hair style is fine but I do agree about the make up.

I don't mind the trends like veils, scepters&co. but this scepter looks tacky. Also I don't see any headwear which doesn't go with a ott accessory like a scepter.

>> No.8333270
File: 2.09 MB, 958x1770, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about the bangs, but definitely make-up. Her blush is way too dark and ages her, it's also in the wrong place. It should be on the apples of her cheek. She should also lighten some darker areas of her face, around the eyes because it makes it look young and glowy. Reshaping the eyebrows a little is also a good idea.

>> No.8333283

I think that looks really good, the bangs suit her.

>> No.8333286

Hnng, that dress is gorgeous, I'd wish IW would release more chiffon floral dresses.

I also assume that she is older and she has amazig skin for her age (almost zero wrinkles). I like her outfit a lot, it looks elegant and mature and it suits her.

>> No.8333307

No way is this as ita as people are saying. I like the shoes, but I think they need to be tied in better with simpler, pink headwear of some kind. What she has on her head is too much, and doesn't complement her clothes. One of the side-bows that Baby do, or even just small, pink bow clips.

>> No.8333312

>"I can't add anything constructive about her coord so I'll call her ugly"

I think the way the cardigan is tied makes the dress look ill-fitting, if she could get a bolero that fastened higher without looking like a stretch, it'd look lovely.

>> No.8333340

i thought it was. i personally think that coord is lovely and i wish most lolitas were half that good, but op has the right to disagree.

>> No.8333344


I've seen that skirt in person and it is too short to be lolita. Even from her poses, she doesn't seem confident in the waist line from where the blouse tucks into the skirt. I'm curious as to why.

Regardless, I can see where she is going with the cream blouse as the skirt contains cream accents. However, considering how tone down her hair is, all that ott on her head is unnecessary. Take out all the junk and leave the bow.

Also get rid the socks and just wear the shoes as is.

That being said, I do not think this is lolita. That skirt is too short. Its obvious that she angled the photo to give the illusion of a longer knee length skirt.

>> No.8333352

to me the only factor that matters is the thickness of the socks. thin summery socks = ok. regular socks = not ok. ribbed socks = get the fuck out

>> No.8333353

>More like pony impaled on a giant match

>> No.8333367

from the tiny whitish dots on them i think both the cardigan and the tights are actually gold and it just didn't show on the picture. i have tights like this, they're indisputably silver when worn but appear greyish black on picture.
her coord mignt have looked a lot better irl...

>> No.8333369

Have you never seen a butt-chin before?

>> No.8333569
File: 76 KB, 640x640, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fd28baf1c79493cc0b7272ea3110b281d%2Ftumblr_no6t3vx4KC1rr6hh4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awkwardly long underskirt??

>> No.8333571

looks like she's about to go to war

>> No.8333572
File: 760 KB, 740x1500, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F4809a70b2938d46745d60b418353e901%2Ftumblr_nod4aefZAR1rf50vso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hat is so unfortunate

>> No.8333574

she'll fight all the other lolitas who have jumped on the scepter bandwagon

>> No.8333577

she wanted to make a crown and a sash to go with the scepter but ran out of time

>> No.8333590
File: 59 KB, 640x960, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fcbdd39888f7694824d45561248dbbb75%2Ftumblr_no51m0jubU1u2sq9mo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is on her head? rest looks ok

>> No.8333614


Oh lol. There are two bows on her head and the one front has flopped down, in case you can't see it, the bow has white hearts printed all over it, and you can see the tails of the bow at side of the crown.

It may have flopped over because of the weight of the extra clips she put on it, maybe? One of the perils of decora loli, I suppose.

>> No.8333624

The bodice doesn't fit at all and gives you weird saggy boobs.

>> No.8333632

The CDC headbow is extravagant enough to not need two bows, a tiara and a bunch of other random shit on her head. I don't know how she thinks this looks good.

>> No.8333764

It's her smile really.

>> No.8333843

I think she would look better with sideswept bangs. They would still frame her face

>> No.8333844

That looks like a curtain...

>> No.8333853

Suddenly, Beatrice

>> No.8333882

I automatically hate a coord if the girl is wearing a wig or printed AP. That's my nitpick.

>> No.8333906

I feel like a goldish sparkly beige still is too classic of a color to match such a sweet dress, especially when it has it's own brighter gold detailing already.

At least her colors match, but she needs to learn how to balance accessories a bit better. lso is that a replica, or did she alter MP? Cute face though.

>> No.8333958

Are you even lolita? No one gives a shit about your shitty opinion, go to the unpopular opinion thread with that trash.

>> No.8333979

Why do people hold their skirt open when they wear underskirts?

>> No.8333983

bodyline-chan detected. go cry to lace about how the elitist brandwhores are bullying you

>> No.8333990


>> No.8334067
File: 831 KB, 1280x1920, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F4ce549f958c51adbec0b7049c4e11060%2Ftumblr_nmsbr8wUS51qahsqho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 lol lor comment

>> No.8334070
File: 380 KB, 388x700, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fdc21f5851a4e4b887c8d5ba373656fd5%2Ftumblr_nad6liuuwT1rp6q1ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute but too many patterns going on

>> No.8334074

uggs and babbys first lace tights from h&m

>> No.8334081

nice now she looks like she's in ageplay

>> No.8334096

Aw, I like this. Then again I'm not lolita so I can't really nitpick that well.

>> No.8334206


Not sure if you're trolling or just have no damn clue what you're saying?

>> No.8334226

nope they literally made her look like she's trying to be a child

>> No.8334257

>"I'm not a lolita"
then gfto this thread

>> No.8334263

Are side swept bangs a children's haircut where you live?

>> No.8334289

I hope she sees this, because those bangs look really good on her. They bring attention to her eyes and high cheekbones.

>> No.8334300

I swear, there are so many people on this board who have never seen an actual child or how one dresses.

>> No.8334306

That's because everyone here is so ~youthful and young looking~ that they only ever have to look themselves in the mirror! Teehee!

>> No.8334321

That's Lor, she's never had good coordinating skills.

>> No.8334334
File: 171 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fa28089985263d415ec0990fa4f7a9817%2Ftumblr_noif4dWfrB1tghiino1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ita than nitpick
why do noobs not understand you have to wear a fucking blouse under a jsk

>> No.8334358

Ohhh I can answer this one! I made this mistake the first time I wore a Lolita dress myself.
It's because layering shirts and dresses isn't common in normal fashion, so it never occurs to most non-lolitas that it's even an option.

>> No.8334370

that should be on the ita thread..

>no blouse
>tacky/weeby collar
>wtf are those ugly shoes
>those socks, what. One of the socks looks like it has pink and yellow motifs??
>whatever she's using to tie her pigtails is hideous

And to actually nitpick, she needs to find more flattering glasses

>> No.8334393

Nah, I think I'll stay, you salty cunt.

>> No.8334407
File: 91 KB, 347x810, tumblr_nn3aveAsuE1r909yko2_r3_540 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no ita thread in the catalog
also more nitpick attached

>> No.8334415 [DELETED] 


>> No.8334418
File: 11 KB, 236x358, bc1be8661c2622abfa602c0e60550a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumperskirts do, like the ones for school uniforms (not sure what the British term for them is).
But I think a lot of itas have no idea what JSK stands for. I didn't either, at first.

So with that, lolita JSKs just look like frilly sundresses.

>> No.8334420


>> No.8334432
File: 86 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nk3glpsrxC1ql94ddo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i misread it and thought it was for bad handmade only
attached is more nitpick
from the hem of her dress up it looks fine, she needs some different legwear, the black looks too heavy

>> No.8334438


>> No.8334444
File: 130 KB, 456x810, tumblr_njvhxfQ3Go1tq2yivo4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brolitas take note: this is not how to do your makeup
also that wig makes any outfit look so much worse

>> No.8334447

it's like a tiny boot on her head...

>> No.8334448

To be fair, Lolita jsk's look closer to a sundress than to a school uniform so even if you grew up with school uniforms it might be hard to make the connection

>> No.8334449
File: 128 KB, 456x810, tumblr_njvhxfQ3Go1tq2yivo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the full coord

>> No.8334454

the new stupid fad will be wearing shoes as headpieces

>> No.8334463
File: 85 KB, 380x750, tumblr_noikhpcUWe1rma93fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bordering on ita but im not sure if it's full ita tier
>denim jacket
>weird blouse
>that fucking strawberry purse
caption was "Rebel lolita in denim xD"
>mfw capcha is making me select deviled aggs as sushi

>> No.8334470
File: 255 KB, 960x960, 11205043_798237853624515_5121355119061093214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know they're twinning but the different colored shoes are bugging me

>> No.8334489

what does frump-chan actually mean? i assumed it was when someone looked frumpy, so with unironed or unfitting clothes, sad bows, shoes too big and the likes... but i see nothing like this here, it just looks like a beginner coord to me...

>> No.8334497

I feel bad that he tried pretty hard but his jaw is just too strong to pass.

>> No.8334502

Reminds me of this:

>> No.8334511

These shoes are really cute, and I think they look fine with the outfit.
Never got why people automatically hate those simple fur boots, whether UGG brand or otherwise.
Apparently I have bad taste????

>> No.8334521
File: 491 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nmcdjrH7i61spkb48o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the green rhapsody wig
why the litas
what is on her head? i hope those aren't ears

>> No.8334525
File: 79 KB, 422x750, tumblr_nnhom6il3M1qbkt00o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do your makeup like this either

>> No.8334533

I don't mind the green since it's in the pattern on the coord and on her basket. The litas need to be changed though

>> No.8334538
File: 626 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_noh480Vtpt1tjorbmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't her op worn on her shoulders? why the ddc tights? shoes don't match???? what was she thinking

>> No.8334541

tfw no petticoat

>> No.8334546

Maybe I'm just thirsty, but he looks super cute and I want.

>> No.8334548

With that dress I think it looks fine.
But doesn't this make it not lolita?

>> No.8334551

the purse seems fine though... there are even strawberries on the print.

>> No.8334553

You can feel the "look at this Disney princess dress I got in the mail" vibe.

>> No.8334558
File: 17 KB, 250x333, 008-pnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's suppose to look like this. I think it needs a cupcake style petti, and those sleeves are driving me nuts. Without a petti, it's not technically lolita

>> No.8334559

it's 2007 AP too

>> No.8334572

Holy shit, you can definitely see the young vs sexy going on. Silly westerners.

>> No.8334583

I think she's an ageplayer so you're not wrong

>> No.8334602

Ohhh. Now it all makes sense.

>> No.8334632
File: 65 KB, 406x934, drakelita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see her on CoF, her coords always seem unfinished or unpolished. Why bother posting if you don't have a full coord? I also get the Drake joke, it was cute, but make-up is a big part of lolita and can make a coord look really great.

>> No.8334639

..anon, that is a strawberry print dress. The purse is fine and actually perfect for it.
The denim and red top thing needs to go though. Outside of that, it's solid.

>> No.8334662

Those shoes are gross.

>> No.8334673

this kind of leads me to wonder, can a denim cropped jacket look cute with lolita?

Maybe a more dressed down version than usual. I saw something posted on here once where the girl was decked out to the nines and for some reason wore like red converses and basically ruined the whole thing.

Now thinking about a denim jacket maybe it would look cute with a dress you might not want to wear a blouse with, and some cute sneakers..

>> No.8334707

that dress is so flat and sad why
i was referring more to the fact that a lot of itas own that purse (it's the purse equivalent of those cat mary janes)
but why did she censor her face with drake? and yeah the shoes got to go

>> No.8334743
File: 959 KB, 1114x1920, tumblr_nnizmxuahO1qg2655o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs wig or better hair, a petti that doesn't peek out, maybe different legwear, and probably new shoes

>> No.8334751
File: 97 KB, 422x750, tumblr_nj66stEYjj1u5pseno2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's cute and her coord in the other photos is good but
>dem eyebrows

>> No.8334786
File: 83 KB, 640x636, 11145197_827126210707713_1963561978291792004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are on her socks. also ducks on her head?? i know this is an easter coord but thats really out there

>> No.8334835

I think the concept is cute but a little poorly executed. The print looks to be metas bubble bath so the ducks fit but those socks and sash have got to go.

>> No.8334845

Why is she wearing green Dr.Seuss shoes?

>> No.8334915

Voldie's coords are always going to be mediocre in my eyes until she buys actual lolita shoes.

>> No.8334921

The ducks are alright, but the other stuff needs to go.

>> No.8334942

Why would you spend all this money on dresses and accessorize them like shit? Also am i the only one who thinks the drake thing is awful? That shit is not cute.

>> No.8334945

Not lolita, needs a different blouse to be gyaru. The shoes are cute but not for that outfit, also the lace on them is really tacky looking.

I like this a lot but I think the underskirt is actually a whole dress she's using for a blouse.

I don't care for her hat or the wig either. Unrelated, her expression makes me uncomfortable.

More ita than nitpick/more than a couple of things to nitpick.

>> No.8335251
File: 7 KB, 241x218, 11150547_10206911270120480_4521514290366817168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured this would be posted here. I was waiting on these shoes and wrist cuffs in the mail, but canada post is slow. The shoes are black though, not sure why they look green in the lighting.

Drake is very cute

>> No.8335313

I'm just saying you could do better

>> No.8335318

fuck i hated these shoes. they run small and those shits scuffed like a bitch

>> No.8335327

They're green because that is what the base color for the black is. You can mix blacks, green blacks and lavender blacks look very different depending on the lighting.

>> No.8335414

It's March of Ducks, the entire border is little ducks and floaties and easter eggs.

It she had a more cohesive headpiece then the ducks would work, but the entire combination with the sash, socks, opposing-side headbow, the beads... it's a wreck.

>> No.8335435

Is there a reason why you can't wait until these items arrive in the mail before you post a picture to your social media? Or do you assume people should imagine what items you are expecting and picture those on you instead of the rushed trash you throw together?

It's almost like you need the negative attention to thrive. The solutions are too simple.

>> No.8335458


>> No.8335464

lmao chill

Hmm the more you know

Ugh really? I hope they fit when they arrive. They're super cute.

I'm sure I could for a non-casual meet, thank you though

>> No.8335483

uh this is old as fuck, right?

>> No.8335492

God you are so obnoxious. "Casual" is not an excuse to look like shit.

>> No.8335514

okay lol

>> No.8335542
File: 53 KB, 350x265, princessshoes2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those shoes look so cheap and plastic. They remind me of little girl dress up shoes like pic related.

>> No.8335551

they're gyaru shoes, hime gyaru to be specific. dreamV brand, $30 so yeah they are.

>> No.8335576

I don't see why she's bringing in dark tights, shoes and hat when the dress and coat are so bright.

>> No.8335673

not that old? that dress was released last year

>> No.8335703

i have to kind of agree, that coord looks really unbalanced, mainly because of the shoes like everyone said, and it wouldn't have been much better if they appeared black.

and stop bullshitting, that's not casual lolita in the least, it's just simple and unbalanced. i do think it would have looked cute with those pink shoes you posted, but as it is, it's not.

>> No.8335758
File: 140 KB, 730x965, 730..20140330233732_gra_o_tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also open toed shoes with socks is never a good look
Speak for yourself

>> No.8335773

What are you basing that off of?

>> No.8335779

I love how much everyone has a hateboner for this chick, like every fucking lolita loves these goddamn shoes, to the point that me as a gyaru wish ya'lll would stop wearing them so the larger sizes could finally be in stock again. If it were any other girl you would be fawning over them

>> No.8335788

I'm iffy towards her but no real vendetta. The shoes are cute but I think they look shitty with socks. They'd be cute with tights, but socks just look too thick with such a dainty shoe. Not to mention that open-toe shoes in lolita are still super frowned upon regardless, but her outfit isn't really gyaru either. Not really sure what she's going for here but I don't think it works.
Also her pinks don't match.

>> No.8335807


>> No.8335906

OMG. She's adorable. I can't hate her. I would agree with changing the shoes, maybe doing a pink cardigan for more emphasis on the pink in the coord and some pink lolita style shoes. The hair is not my favorite either, but it won't kill anything.

>> No.8335962
File: 339 KB, 1035x1035, IMG_20150516_220040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think jelly's are acceptable

>> No.8335964

It's cute. Wish she wasn't wearing that cardigan though and not posing in front of children's clothing.

>> No.8336047

Voldie, I usually like you, but your attitude is so shitty right now. Casual isn't an excuse to look like shit. There is no law saying that you need to post everything online, so if your coord isn't finished, don't fucking post it.

>> No.8336102

I'm not big on voldie but you have to be joking when you say she looks like shit. It's a fine coordinate that can be improved on. It's definitely not shit.

>> No.8336109
File: 122 KB, 719x960, 11239621_10155531694100582_8393031070031184239_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this and I think it's super cute but I don't like the pink blouse, I don't think there is enough pink in the print. I think there needs to be a little something else on the head and idk whats going on with the socks they look weird. Apart from that this is super cute <3

>> No.8336114

I wonder how old she actually is- my mother is 43 this year and people contantly think she is my older sister or girlfriend depending on dress (and I'm 22 but get told I look 15-18 max)

Even if her makeup does make her look a little older I think she looks lovely in this coord. Maybe she could pull her bangs out just a bit to cover more of her forehead (or let her hair down) but thats it. I'd be proud for her to be my cool aunt or something who wears alt fashion

>> No.8336123
File: 496 KB, 1376x1506, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. I don't have patterned tights in every color combination of the rainbow and do not EVER let my bare legs show, so I put these pink utks with blue tights (my shoes were the offwhite/champagne color in the print like the carriage, my pink ones were too painful to wear) Is it acceptable to generally wear tights under socks to close the sock-hem gap as long as colors are cohesive?

>> No.8336140

No, this is unacceptable!

>> No.8336144

It's okay if they're OTKs in a color that matches the socks themselves, or ruffly ankle socks that similarly match. I'm 5'9 so I almost always wear tights.
The goal with tights under OTK socks is to visually shorten the distance between the top of the sock and your dress's hemline. It's why it looks best when you wear black tights under black socks, and white tights under pastel or white socks.

This does not work visually, at all. It looks like a hot mess with the bright blue tights and grandma-tier normalfag UTK socks. It's not cohesive. Knee socks never look good with tights underneath them because it always looks like you're trying to hide that you're wearing socks too small for you. In this case the colors you picked aren't working at all and those socks aren't lolita-appropriate at all. A solid pastel pink or offwhite pair of tights with the shoes would have looked significantly better.

>> No.8336244

wut ...she has one of the cutest faces I know.
Anyway, I agree with the tan cardigan..and what is she wearing on her legs? glitter tights or something? tan r taupe colored doesn't really match pink.

>> No.8336254

Thank you! Sarasota is too far away but I love the Lakeland Goodwill, I don't go there nearly enough.

I love these, but my mom wears them for bellydancing, so I don't think I can see them for anything but that. Thank you for the suggestion, though.

I changed my bra and that fixed the problem. I took a picture but my computer isn't letting me upload it and I don't feel like fighting it, so.

>> No.8336256

dude it's an OTT easter coord, even when there would be bunny-ears it would be fine. I think the hair look like ears and it's fine since green is in this print and it matches her basket as well. The only nitpick I have are those gyaru-like-shoes and that the fabric looks wrinkled.

>> No.8336259

there are ducks in the print.., I think it's cute. it's weird..but cute.

>> No.8336263

Her hair looks like the grass they put at the bottom of Easter baskets. I love it.

>> No.8336366
File: 212 KB, 500x750, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F72370dc7d259c57ea899b9b5865896ab%2Ftumblr_noghhglgdG1s071muo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wings? IMHO too costume-ey

>> No.8336385

It kind of looks like it was a sort of costume; perhaps a comm Lolita ball?

I reckon this sort of thing in Lolita can be amazing (and is a lot of fun to plan out and make). I mean, back in Marie Antoinette or whatever times I'm sure they added costumey aspects to their pre-existing dresses for events instead of full blown costumes.

Disclaimer: I'm really too high to be typing this (I just liked the coord), disregard me I suck cocks.

>> No.8336388

ah l feel both of you. i'm a taller Lolita too (almost 5'9" and my legs are disproportionately long compared to the rest of my body) and i never ever let my bare legs show, even in pleb clothes because i'm clumsy as fuck so my shins are always bruised and i have scars from where i picked at scabs when i was younger

>> No.8336393

This would be fine for a big event. I rather like this. It's not something I'd wear out to dinner or even to a usual meetup.

>> No.8336408

She's 33

>> No.8336409

you are me.

>> No.8336418

This definitely looks like it was for an event. I really like it, though. Not for everyday wear obviously.

>> No.8336477

I love you, anon.

>> No.8336494

I think he'd look so much better in classic.

>> No.8336498

20 inch waist

>> No.8336521

Navy CDC is my dream, so I love it..
But yeah, it is very costumey.
And honestly, if she's going for costumey, she needs flashier shoes. Typical lolita tea parties won't work here.

>> No.8336539
File: 711 KB, 1272x1920, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fbf7d1d5c9df03c49ba951caa99ea5ffd%2Ftumblr_noeh7zSzK81u5fpdmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you part of the huge feet club too? brand shoes are too small for me even in large (i'm a size 9-9.5) so i get all my shoes from bodyline or custom made
attached is more nitpick
would look more balanced with lighter colored legwear

>> No.8336709
File: 442 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nohz35uUbp1sjkxt2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bolero is too fucking small.

>> No.8336725

Agreed, shoes were definitely a bad idea. Also, did the lighting go wonky on the left photo? Pretty sure there was never a navy colourway of that print lol

>> No.8336737

I think jellies work in this instance but the more cream-ish colour of the cardigan is definitely not working with the ivory white bits of everything else. Would also like to see a nicer hair accessory.

>> No.8336740

why do I always forget to take my email out of the field god damnit

>> No.8337214

Agreed, but she should probably also do away with those socks.

>> No.8337298


I feel like no one in lolita properly knows how to wear these shoes except for a very few.

>> No.8337345

Honestly, I don't think pink is ever going to integrate fully with that dark colored dress. Maybe accessory-wise but not headbow, purse and shoe wise. You may want to accessorize darker, or stick to white and cream with that dress. It would also look great with wine stuff!

>> No.8337378

(random anon) I do agree that the headbow looks off because of the white lace against a dress with all black lace, but the blouse does work. The purse doesn't bother me, and honestly it's hard to tell how the coord would look with the shoes in question until it's been tried. I say stick with stuff that has black lace, but that blouse looks fine there.

>> No.8337600

This outfit was for AP tea party which had a coordination competition. The outfit was stunning. Trust me.

>> No.8337602

Oh yeah and the theme of the tea party was "magical theatre".

>> No.8337612

Seriously I'm so surprised that you can find flaws from even the greatest coords. But indeed you can never please everybody.

>> No.8337629
File: 197 KB, 500x750, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F449eec32724abae4f69f205c63fb6172%2Ftumblr_nk8uf59tdM1s071muo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called nitpick for a reason
also attached: would look better with tights or otks i think, legs look too bare and unbalanced. im jealous of those vw shoes

>> No.8337649

IMO if she swapped her blouse out for a short sleeved one, the ankle socks would be just fine. This is a really cute coord and photo though. Dang.

>> No.8337657

new capcha exists to enrage autists, it's hilarious

>> No.8337664

exactly. either uncover arms or cover legs. it looks awkward and topheavy
this capcha made me select a loaf of bread as cake

>> No.8337670

I just hate the captcha because it makes me rethink what soup looks like.

>> No.8337743
File: 672 KB, 447x605, b034d680ce4fbf63eb9f9635e667765f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...d..did he stuff his shirt to make a boobloaf?

gold tea parties would have been so great for this UGH girl missed on the opportunity.

Also my little addition to this thread: I love this girl, she's absolutely adorable and looks like the happiest girl alive in every picture she posts but she mashes every possible pattern and texture into one coord and I'm just.... girlie.

>> No.8337985

It's a replica

>> No.8337996

I always see her with a polka dot cardigan.

>> No.8338164
File: 300 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fcf944e9bc95a2692e1e4b9ae4c64b605%2Ftumblr_nfaxnewPrM1rzxv0ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is just off with this

>> No.8338191

I thought that too so I searched it and she posted it last week :(

>> No.8338192

I feel like long sleeved blouses need to be paired with at least utk socks/tights length. Using ankle socks is totally ok, but it feels unbalanced when paired with long sleeves. Everything else about this is fab. Both items match the dress too, just not together.

>> No.8338246

Why would you twin with someone while wearing a replica? It just makes it so painfully obvious side-by-side

>> No.8338264
File: 308 KB, 1280x1792, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F9e00adaaa41254080356e8921c30fba0%2Ftumblr_nhvr5wPI4f1sh87fvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That belt and those shoes kill me

>> No.8338288

Holy shit this is amazing.
goth goals

>> No.8338599

there was a secret about this recently. and yeah replica-chans aren't always that smart

>> No.8338635

Oh it's me o.o
I posted this in big sisters to see if it were okay for casual. The cardi is actually white, the filter throws it off a bit and it has pearls on too! I'm also wearing two head bands but they don't show up very well either. I was curious if there was too much skin showing mostly!
I'm glad others think my jujus are cute though. Thanks guys. :-)

>> No.8338638
File: 407 KB, 1080x1776, sketch-1432031887696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this shows that it's white? :-)
Ideally I want a cute chiffon blouse to go with this for when I coord it but this was just for a fun day out! :-D

>> No.8338644

Word of advice, you could be dishing out the cure to cancer and no one will listen to a word you say if you use emoticons here.

>> No.8338756

I think it's the contacts, anon.
They're just a bit too edgy western goth for the coord imo.

>> No.8338851
File: 58 KB, 424x472, shoe addornment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related- only thing I could think of to take this coord up a notch without venturing into OTT. Maybe ankle socks. Different hear though

Doesn't need bangs. This is beautiful. A ring or two to match the necklace would look stunning. Not feeling the shoe colour, perhaps beige (might be too washed out by the socks) or bourdeux instead? I feel like colours need to be continued over the whole coord a bit more.

This is creeping into Ita, too many things to change. Hair accessory + lolita shoes needed. Edgy necklace and brown tights need to be thrown. If its cold, flesh coloured tights or stockings should be worn. If self conscious of legs, tights or OTK+underskirt. Better bra

Pick some colours, then go with them.

I believe that may be a peignoir worn underneath.

ditch those socks in this. perhaps wrapping ribbon in redxwhite or pinkXwhite if she wanted to change the palette around a bit.

That shade of brown is really not working out.

>"oh I just got <insert name of dress here>! So excited to wear it."
>"Oh anon! I have that too lets twin!!!!!!!!!!"
>"oh golly, YAY! Always wanted to twin with someone!"

>Shows up.
>She is wearing a replica.
>Urge to ruin her dress with picnic food
>barely restrain myself and smile for the photos.

Worst... Meet... Ever...

The thing I find most disturbing about this.. Is that her body size is almost comparable to that of a parking line.

Aww wow I love these details!

Self conscious about legs? Wear tights or leggings or OTKS+underskirt. Seriously, this isn't rocket science.

agree with the anons that say it is too unbalanced flesh wise. blouse needs to be changed if she wants to show so much leg.

Normally like her coords, but it annoys me when she pairs the wrong colourway little bears cafe head bow with the dress all the time. Is that the black or brown? It just looks off.

>> No.8339314

This is obviously supposed to be costume-ey and OTT imo. It's really lovely.

>> No.8339376

all her coords are like this sadly. too much going on and awkwardly colored accessories and shoes. she has some very nice pieces though, they often just don't work together well

>> No.8339958

I like it

>> No.8341513

I think it may be the ivory in the tights, since it's a color that's standing out a bit hard and not blending with the rest.

But this is great, that bonnet is woah.

>> No.8341523

I really admire her style, she always looks like she would've jumped straight from Kera. Or even better, since Kera's coords can sometimes be quite boring and weird.

>> No.8341542

I do want those shoes...any deets?

>> No.8341548

Woahhhh wait so >>8334470 is a replica? I disbt even notice how off-color it was till now! Is that what last week's secret was about??

>> No.8341567


>> No.8341578

vivienne westwood x melissa 3 straps elevated

>> No.8341579
File: 26 KB, 299x443, 3b50417684d3bcad6f5cc8c302fc447a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like Vivienne Westwood, don't know the name of the model

>> No.8341582

Anon beat it to me and with further info, there you go

>> No.8341585

my bad, it isnt the model that i stated, sry

>> No.8341588
File: 6 KB, 290x174, melissa-vw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc, it is, it came with some bows

>> No.8341611

And her bolero is too small for her, it looks so awkward

I think the shoes could work if they were twinning properly, and also had one black sock and one red, on the foot opposite to the shoe of that colour (or it could look terrible)

What is it with people buying boleros that only reach half way down their tits?

>> No.8341695

Sometimes girls aren't trying to hide that they're wearing replicas. People don't always care and just want to have fun with their close friends or whatever.
I twinned with a friend who is plus sized and doesn't have a lot of extra money. I had the real dress and she has a replica. She is saving for the real dress and going to use the replica for extra fabric, so I guess you could say it's just a placeholder.
But the one she has is one of the nicer replicas I've seen so it wasn't very noticeable, in my opinion.
The one is the above photo is black so it's quite noticeably faded.

>> No.8341879

that's actually... a really cute idea?

>> No.8342278

bad photoshop

>> No.8342401


>> No.8342472

Her dress is too big

>> No.8342478

Stay salty. I'm not a lolita or into cosplay but I still contribute. Its fun here.

>> No.8342489

????? That's your "comeback"? Seriously? WHat' wrong with you?

>> No.8342507

You a newfag? Don't expect much from Voldie. Being a dumbass is her specialty.

>> No.8342532

This is ita af. That blouse doesn't work and her headgear doesn't match. Nothing she has on matches the red in her skirt. This is garbage.

>> No.8342576
File: 712 KB, 1161x1920, tumblr_nnl8q0eD021tpdhmmo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cut her head off, the coord is great

>> No.8342579

Idk I feel like she would be perfectly cute if she just had a closed mouth smile.
But she looks so happy.

>> No.8342590

Idk anon, but I like to look participate in these threads so I can get an even better grasp on what looks good and what doesn't. Right down to the nitpicky details, ya know.

>> No.8342598

I thought it was Demi Levato +10lbs for a second

>> No.8342620

looks like girlyhoot

>> No.8342659

Dude you're so salty. Just ignore voldie if you don't like her.

>> No.8342677

It's probably for a contest. When I went to jpop summit last year, the really over the top coords won.

>> No.8342721

her face is fine, save for that awkward smile. that wig on the other hand though....

>> No.8342733

not at all

>> No.8342751

This makes me not want this jsk.

he just needs to do the following
>Switch out for a naturally colored and styled wig
>otks instead of knee highs
>full sleeved blouse w/wrist cuffs
>makeup that better softens his jawline

>> No.8343694
File: 61 KB, 291x506, muokattu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8343828

This is so close to being perfect--the mismatched shades of ivory and the pink wig need to be fixed.

>> No.8343897
File: 176 KB, 539x810, tumblr_nlzr5eWXQD1r4niu5o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That blouse.

>> No.8343931

Girl that not a blouse. It a tee shirt.

>> No.8343934

i don't like it either

>> No.8343936

no way man, didn't you hear that anon in some other thread? closed mouth smiles are weird and creepy. everyone is supposed to open mouth smile. even if it makes you look like this.

>> No.8343939

meant to reply to that other anom

>> No.8343963

Either way, it looks like crap.

>> No.8344017
File: 239 KB, 1920x1200, cute duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I love this. Mostly because I love ducks

>> No.8344035

Your contributions are meaningless if you don't actually participate in the fashion

>> No.8344086
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 4Wrl60A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitpick I guess. dark heavy makeup with lolita that isn't gothic

>> No.8344178

oh she's cute. a little too much shoop maybe. but the large wings on the eyes are definitely too much for anything except for gothic (and i feel like even then you would have to be very careful)

>> No.8344218

looks more gal to me with that make up. ugh.

>> No.8344309

It's the way she's standing, she's about a size 3 or 5. I don't know who posted her on here but this is the first time she ever wore lolita and I took her to a meet. She just wanted to have fun. She isn't even a member of the comm in our state and she's already getting picked on :/

>> No.8344315

Try not to take it too personally. I hope that she had a lovely time at the meet, and that her impression of lolita is good overall.

>> No.8345246

would be passable with a proper blouse

>> No.8345387

Wait wait wait.
Is she posing in front of a public pool?

Hah. Pool. Marine Kingdom.

>> No.8345859

Call the fashion police

>> No.8346253

this is clearly gyaru though

>> No.8346260

Something about this coord makes me very angry. I can't even explain it, but I am filled with rage.

>> No.8346392

It's just flashy as fuck

>> No.8346411

*clashy wow i can't fucking type

>> No.8348318

How is this gyaru?

>> No.8348383

Maybe its supposed to be Roma gyaru, but i can't see the rest of her outfit so idk

>> No.8348545
File: 670 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nokv6d9HYZ1qi1nsyo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8348550
File: 106 KB, 528x960, gram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl in red is fairly new to my comm. I feel like she needs better roses in the bonnet, they throw the whole thing off for me. But she's only been in Lolita about a year, and her coords are always darling.

>> No.8348563

This is worse than a nitpick...

>> No.8348575

i'm in your comm too. don't really think this post is called for

>> No.8348582

This is cute. Her roses look fine.

>> No.8348610

Um what? The roses look fine, the girl on the left is more of a nitpick, and even then she really needed to lose that bag for the photo.

>> No.8348780
File: 824 KB, 868x602, fuckinggyaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>perfect gyaru eye makeup
>circle lenses
>boater hat which is currently trending in fashion
> oh also this

Ya'll are fucking stupid

>> No.8348791

i'm the one who said it looks gal. the ugh was in reference to the person i was responding to.

>> No.8349009

Lol this is me!
Any constructive feedback at all or just the smile thing?

Thank you!

>> No.8349035

Your eye makeup is terrible and you could use some matching jewelry to liven things up.

>> No.8349042


I'll try and change my make up around!

And I am always on the hunt for jewelry so I'll take a look for something to match.

Thank you!

>> No.8349079


>> No.8349173

maybe because she looks more hipster than lolita

>> No.8349201

I think it would be better to wear transparent/nude or offwhite tights if you really need to (I do it in the winter). But at least wear socks that fit and go over your knee. these look way too tight. your bare legs wouldn't show much in the first place if you wore OTKs anyway.

>> No.8349348

Just wanted to say I actually really like that photo/coord! Your smile looks fine to me. :)

>> No.8349351


Oh well thank you! I know my friend kept making me do stupid faces so by the time this photo was taken I couldn't stop laughing!
It was the only useable full coord shot from the day so I ignored my goofy face and posted it! (At least I look happy ahaha)

>full life story

>> No.8349546

To give you direct criticism from what >>8349035 said, I'd suggest not doing such a bright pink underneath with a pastel dress. Stick with soft pastels or silvers even, to bring out your jewelry. I'd also use eyeliner underneath to give your eyes a bit bubblier of definition. as for your lipstick, a softer pink, and some blush.

I think your smile itself is fine but the angle with such a broad smile gets it at a strange angle. Next time, tilt your head down just a little and it'll make your smile look more natural and less strained. You look like you were trying not to laugh in this, which is actually pretty cute.

On top of this, I would also suggest a different wig. The colors in this one look a little like a poor and fading dye job and the dark red contrasts a bit with the overall softness of the rest of the coord. It's fine to go with that color but the mix is really strange to me.

I hope that helps some!

>> No.8349598
File: 349 KB, 433x640, 1406260896070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's sad that she went from being a good old school Lolita to this. She is terrible now, bordering on brand ita tier.
I've been into the fashion for 9 years and even if she is bored with the conventional style it's still no excuse imo.

>> No.8349650
File: 607 KB, 1280x1920, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fa82c7aad129646df0d9344b6d84ed538%2Ftumblr_nhw2djf02u1u2sq9mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the brown shoes + that ridiculous star clip

>> No.8349660
File: 423 KB, 900x600, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fa5b1671e17234599ea820cb77a71e774%2Ftumblr_nou1whVvDa1rnv9mto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking why

>> No.8349668

Her shoes are too big for her. Look at that gap.

What is it with this print and shitty coords? I have yet to see a good coordinate that isn't composed of the matching items.

>> No.8349672

I think this is perfectly okay? Am I missing something?

>> No.8349687

I think it's quite cute. I would have never matched that cardigan with it but I think it works

>> No.8349698

Those tights make her look like she's got some sort of disease.

>> No.8349701

There is literally nothing ita about this and it's still old school.

>> No.8349724

I'm sick of her and her 'attempts'. I'm sorry but that blouse firstly does not match that sort of dress with that cut, the cardigan does not suit either. She's trying to take a lolita dress and make it 'otome'. (since that's how she only seems to dress these days). The tights are an off-color from her cardigan, and the RC baret just does not match either.

>> No.8349737

Nah,the beret matches the JSK and the shoes.

That's it.

>> No.8349974

Star clip makes sense with the print and the colors, anon. Gold shoes would have made quite a different here though.

>> No.8350048
File: 125 KB, 640x640, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F3376abca6144c40a1899dd1b6be3bd6c%2Ftumblr_n9cp7fhWSV1r96sn7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought everyone established not to wear tennis shoes with lolita, jesus

at least they match

>> No.8350080

She looks really cute aw and her legs are so cute idk i just like that kind of legs, not skinny but not chubby either.
>tfw i'll always have chicken legs

>> No.8350120

Nah shoes are cute. Little bows need to go though. And her face.

>> No.8350123
File: 1005 KB, 628x600, oidj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on Tumblr.

I don't think this coord is bad since everything matches well and her hair looks cute. It's just that this dress doesn't fit her properly because of her bust. Dress cuts like these rarely fit and look well on girls with big boobies.

>> No.8350129

I think that anon was comparing the photos saying the one that this >>8349598 was her as a good old school lolita.

>> No.8350637

Her tits are under the waistband. How did she put that on and think it fit.

>> No.8350918
File: 99 KB, 500x442, 3089767250_e7abda6cee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those teeeeeth.


>> No.8351833

Nice selfpost.

>> No.8352981
File: 502 KB, 1078x1920, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9f5f113daa44096d47d864f28b67bcbd%2Ftumblr_nox16caIyP1qelafbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]