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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 540x721, tumblr_nmzmr6gDxt1qblnupo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8325625 No.8325625 [Reply] [Original]

Last otome thread saged ages ago. What are some cute otome coords? Thoughts on otome burando? Otome version of ita?

>> No.8325627
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>> No.8325632
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>> No.8325634
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>> No.8325637
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>> No.8325640
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>> No.8325644
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>> No.8325646
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>> No.8325649
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>> No.8325651
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>> No.8325653
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>> No.8325655
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>> No.8325705
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>> No.8325709
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>> No.8325826
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>> No.8325827
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>> No.8325832
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>> No.8325834
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>> No.8325839
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>> No.8325841
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>> No.8325842
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>> No.8325901

That JSK was on LM a month or so back...but the seller took it down before I could buy it. I love JM's cuts.

>> No.8325918

Newfag here.

Okay so, what is the diff between Casual Lolita and otome?

>> No.8325949

Holy shit this is awful.

>> No.8325950

It's literally just the socks that aren't right, calm down.

>> No.8325961
File: 102 KB, 471x560, casuallolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much, but imo otome has a certain elegant/mature feel to it, and usually use a less busy print/has less frills. Where as casual lolita can be a toned down coord of a busy print/ott cut dress. Pic related is what I would call casual lolita but not otome.

>> No.8325983
File: 113 KB, 540x723, notome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do we have a word for the ita equivalent of otome or what (pic is from the otome fashion tag)

>> No.8326053
File: 38 KB, 855x337, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know where else to put this but I was excited by these shoes. Left is Jane Marple, right is Target. On sale for $15 right now. http://www.target.com/p/women-s-sly-strappy-buckle-booties-assorted-colors/-/A-15443734

>> No.8326154

these are cute

>> No.8326156
File: 342 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F58b6bd121b274b9ebe55ed0b9b5d79da%2Ftumblr_n5zgy2DGoB1rknynmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would solid colored coords be considered otome if they have feminine or quirky details like pic related? It was tagged as otome

>> No.8326163

can we call ita otome otNOme?

>> No.8326184

NOtome sounds much better

>> No.8326202

Yo! Thanks anon these are adorable.

>> No.8326206

Seems otome to me, especially with how the underskirt lengthens the dress (otherwise the short length of the dress would make it more himegyaru)

>> No.8326211
File: 84 KB, 540x540, tumblr_n7hfzem8wU1rktbzso1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More tumblr NOtome. What is even going on with that blouse.

>> No.8326213

I agree.

>> No.8326234
File: 193 KB, 900x1200, tumblr_njxmwqUvt31s2nwp7o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Leur Getter's macaron print so much (pic related).

>> No.8326252
File: 207 KB, 450x600, 12101726_548803cc9640b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anons post some off brand coords please?

>> No.8327716

Does anyone know if JM ever rerelease prints?

>> No.8327849
File: 146 KB, 700x1200, IMG_0210[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Leur Getter print. I have a mighty need.

>> No.8327874

Sauce on this dress? Also that clutch looks unfortunately like a taco.

>> No.8327905

ETC Wonderland Print

>> No.8327908

she looks like a dr seuss character on several rounds of botox

>> No.8327961

she looks like Miranda Cosgrove to me

>> No.8327990

>point still stands

>> No.8328217

Definitely, a lot of otome is solid pieces

>> No.8328243


Bless you, anon. I was about to sink all that money into JM shoes. I'm so happy.

>> No.8328385

Do you guys think that Innocent World's Stradivarius can be used in an otome kei coord? I've always wanted to try it ever since I got the dress, but I don't have the right blouse to use for a more otome feel.

>> No.8328423

They do with some things. The recent ribbon print is a re-release, but they don't seem to do it much at all.

>> No.8328430
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>> No.8328432
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>> No.8328433
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>> No.8328435
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>> No.8328438
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>> No.8328440
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>> No.8328465

which cut did you get? I can see it working for the high waist, but not really for the flare.

>> No.8328479

looks like another example of notome(can we keep this name please), tbh.

>> No.8328484

It's a coordinate by Emily Temple Cute. I'm not sure how this looks notome because if these pieces are coordinated right it would look completely otome.

>> No.8328489

Can you do a review if you end up getting them? I really wanted to cop the JM shoes too but these would be so much kinder to my wallet. Only problem is I'm in another country so I'd have to get SS to shop from Target!

>> No.8328517

I've been looking for shoes like the JM ones for ages! Thanks so much anon, I purchased them just now.

>> No.8328543

I bought some too! Reviews say they run small and look shitty in real, we shall see. I'm willing to gamble with $15 hah

>> No.8328566

I just ordered my usual size so hoping they fit okay and if they look shit IRL I might see about painting or dyeing them to look more leathery.

>> No.8328853

Same, having trouble deciding between the OP and non-high waisted JSK though. Thoughts?

>> No.8328859

Wow, there really is such a thing as too much cats in an outfit

>> No.8328862

Really? I couldn't tell. Looking back at the outift, I think it could be otome when coordinated right, as you said, but the way it is right now isn't.

Then again, I'm operating on basically no sleep right now so I might just not be seeing it right. Sorry.

>> No.8329452

sounds like you just don't know what otome-kei could look like. i think it's cute

>> No.8329458

No, at least not an exact "re-release". As >>8328423 said, 30th ribbon used the same illustration as an older print, but the colours and arrangement were different. They do sometimes restock a few pieces from a recent release, usually the next week around 6am est Friday.

>> No.8329524
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>> No.8329527
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>> No.8329569

I think it could with a cardigan instead of a blouse.

>> No.8329574
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>> No.8329577
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>> No.8329581
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>> No.8329583
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>> No.8329602
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Well for one thing, otome does not always need to be a full or poofy skirt/dress, or one at all for that matter. The variety of cuts otome allows is much wider.

The less rounded toe put me off of buying these, but I'd love to see IRL/worn pics if anyone gets them.

This is really fuckin cute.

>> No.8332585
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>> No.8332588
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>> No.8332590
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>> No.8332592
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>> No.8332594
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>> No.8332596
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>> No.8332598
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>> No.8332601
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>> No.8332604
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>> No.8332605
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>> No.8332606
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>> No.8332607

I have these in brown if anyone wants a review or pictures!

>> No.8332609
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>> No.8332614

Yes please! I bought them online but have to use an SS so will be a while until I receive them.

>> No.8332624

Watching a movie right now, but when there's a break I'll post pictures!

Quality wise, they're good for 15 dollar shoes. I probably wouldn't pay full price for them, but the shape is good, material is pretty sturdy, and they're true to size for me. I really like how they make my feet look. Worn them all day walking around the mall with no pain.

Two issues- they scuff easy and there's a couple loose threads where the lining meets the fake leather. Both of those are easy fixes, I washed off the scuff marks and I snipped the loose threads. No othe problems.

Overall rating for the price: 7/10.

>> No.8332636

Sounds good. I was also wondering what colour the buckles were on the brown pair? Silver or brass?

>> No.8332730

Yellow gold. They look pretty good.

>> No.8332738

This is awesome news, since I just bought them the other day. Thanks anon!

>> No.8332769
File: 142 KB, 741x1047, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of La Petit Tom?
They come off as just a brand for children, but they do adult sizes on a whole lot of their items, even their swimwear.

>> No.8332786
File: 74 KB, 500x667, 1416327255055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her legs are facing forward but the rest of her body is running away from the camera. Her outfit is cute just her posing needs working on!

I understand it's a matter of taste, but I think the slightly more pointed toe is more flattering! It's a shame this isn't at Target in my country though.

Love this, need this.

>> No.8332826
File: 135 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoe pictures! Ignore my lack of socks.

>> No.8332827
File: 94 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the buckles. Couple scuffs on the shoes from wearing them but I'm fairly clumsy and I'm going to just polish them out. Also got some great brown Oxford heels from target for $12 that are even nicer than these.

>> No.8332835

The design is cute but they executed it poorly in my opinion! The straps floating above the legs is a bit disappointing. Maybe it's just the photo, but I'm not convinced yet. Not who the person who asked for the pic btw

>> No.8332842

It's not really noticeable if you're wearing socks, but it's also adjustable (and I have weird chicken legs)! You can tighten it up if you don't want them like that.

I have a couple issues with them, but for fifteen dollars I'm not gonna complain tbh.

>> No.8332854

Thanks so much for the pics and review! I have cankley thick ankle-shins so I'm happy to see the extra space.

>> No.8332862

It's good that it's adjustable then! I guess I bought so much lame shit I didn't even think once about the possibility. Thanks for taking the time to post anyway yo

>> No.8332914

I want a skirt like this so bad.

>> No.8332935

Me too, but there is a school locally where the girls have the same style of blue tartan so I wouldn't get away with it without looking like a creeper for buying and wearing an established school uniform.

>> No.8332967

i've seen no-tome used and quite like it

>> No.8333006

Speaking of, does anyone have more? I'm a beginner and I want to see what to avoid.

>> No.8333009
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>> No.8333031
File: 164 KB, 250x582, tumblr_no1zczBIzu1th32mho1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl seems to always be off in some regard. She's bought the burando, but she needs to style herself better and she doesn't pair the right things to get the otome feel to her outfits. They aren't quirky looking enough and she uses too many normalfag elements

>> No.8333038

what would save this outfit in your opinion? Also that dress looks very short looking to me, though I don't know of length matters at all for the fashion.

>> No.8333042
File: 228 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nnkut7Gy5s1qadi4fo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This outfit is too plain and sits more under the casual classic lolita umbrella rather than otome. It lacks whimsy and interesting pattern or texture combinations

>> No.8333087
File: 116 KB, 540x688, tumblr_nmwpayYgnC1u12181o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This outfit also does not look otome. It's got much stronger cult party kei or mori vibes.

>> No.8333099

I suppose the dress is too unstructured in appearance if that makes sense. It is frumpy looking because it has no body to it. She also need some legwear, maybe a blouse with an interesting collar, and a different hat or headwear to match better with the mainpiece. If she styled her hair by doing some plaits, a bun or pinning it back with some barettes that would help. It just needs some more attention to detail to give the coord some much needed cleanliness, structure and quirkiness.

>> No.8333127
File: 494 KB, 1542x2048, IMG_7789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm liking their shoes! It'd be nice to see how the clothing looks cut for an adult

>> No.8333350
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 16634380_Alt01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the pics anon! I just got a pair for myself along with this bag to match.
Would you mind linking to the oxfords here? I've been on the search for a cute pair for a while.

>> No.8333358

Sauce on this girl's blog? Her outfit's cute, even if not super otome.

>> No.8333549
File: 43 KB, 335x473, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too... I might bite once I get a better job. Will look for photos in the mean time.
They've got a million petticoats too which was what got me interested (I collect them), but they're all A-line and short for lolita use. Looks like they're made to be worn as a skirt on their own.

>> No.8334225
File: 823 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150517_220301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this dress today, it's black and white gingham. Is this dress otome enough? I planned to coordinate it with red accessories like a red heart bag, some flats or red bodyline shoes, white lace ankle socks and a red headbow. I will do a collage later.

>> No.8334279

I'm on mobile so no link, but if you just check the target heels clearance there's several pairs of cheap and cute shoes good for otome or classic lolita!

>> No.8336188

Yeah it's alright, let's see you coord it.

>> No.8336275
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>> No.8336287
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>> No.8338926
File: 1.10 MB, 4214x2929, 20150519_103447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these this past weekend and I'm hoping to put them into coords soon. The dress reminds me of some simpler JM stuff. Blouse is semi-sheer cream fabric

>> No.8340941
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>> No.8340944
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>> No.8340948
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>> No.8340949
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>> No.8340952
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>> No.8340954
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>> No.8340955
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>> No.8342828

bumping and also a question:
What's the best place to buy/sell second hand otome stuff? LM?

>> No.8342904

They're actually pretty easy to find. I've found a couple just by casually going through thrift shops.

>> No.8342920

Closetchild and japanese auction sites (y!j, mbok) are great places to hunt for deals on otome stuff. LM and facebook sales suffice for selling (assuming you're from the west).

>> No.8343154
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>> No.8343166
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>> No.8343169
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>> No.8343170

is this shoop supposed to be awful?

>> No.8343171
File: 150 KB, 540x601, tumblr_nnxdhjQ4cF1sfe6eso1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the otome starter kit
>food themed dress
>short cardigan

>> No.8343175

sauce on that blouse?

>> No.8343245

Looks like it was done on a phone app.

>> No.8343261

I'm pretty sure it's f.i.n.t but it's old so you'd have to keep an eye on auctions

>> No.8343288
File: 146 KB, 450x600, 02251710_54ed836f6be0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing it's Jane Marple.
It does look like fint but the picture is from the Interval shop blog and I'm 99% sure they don't stock that brand.

>> No.8343545

It's an amavel rip off from Taobao, I've got the original and it never came in long sleeve.

>> No.8343557

You realize that's a blouse under a cardigan, right?

>> No.8344569
File: 26 KB, 409x640, CIMG5801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse imaged searched pulled up the blog entry:


Everything is f.i.n.t except for the beret which is Jane Marple. I had no clue that Interval stocked lower end otome brands.

>> No.8344694

Any one know of any nice shoes stores for otome? I love ETC shoes but I am a size ten. I'm willing to invest money in them if they are good quality.

>> No.8346190

Nope, that's a long sleeved blouse...

>> No.8346191

It's clearly not a blouse, looking at the material.

>> No.8346199

It's from fint, I own it

>> No.8346214

Are there any good otome daily coord communities? The one I found on facebook is fucking horrible. Some are just straight up full set AP coords, most are lolita without a petticoat, a lot of shitty thrift store shill, etc. I think I could count the amount of actual otome coords on one hand.

>> No.8346224

>tfw wanna post first attempt at otome for concrit
>too scared in case reposted forever as an example of notome

>> No.8346226

dont post face or just post the coordinate laid out

>> No.8346241


I've already posted it on my tumblr somewhere so I'm worried it'd be recognised.

>> No.8347677
File: 92 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help, seagulls. I found this coord and I completely felt in love with it. I need source of the dress and blouse, please.

>> No.8347692

Leur Getter

>> No.8347700

Are there any pics of plus size girls pulling this off well, or pics of them wearing Emily Temple Cute?

Can any of these dresses fit a 100 cm bust?

>> No.8347742

Posting for concrit is good anon. Even if it's off, most people would respect that you're looking for help, seagulls are more forgiving than you might think.

>> No.8347756

Same here, anon. The blouse is sold out on the website, as is the dress. I think it was called Pearl Swan.

>> No.8347836
File: 301 KB, 680x488, shoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this.
>tfw size 12

Are these shoes appropriate? Didn't really have a coord in mind, but they look otome-able to my untrained eyes.

>> No.8347945

Thank you both! I hope I can find them someday.

>> No.8347950

They remind me of some Axes Femme released, so I would say yes.

>> No.8347971

I've been shopping Modcloth shoes mostly...there are quite a few that work for it.

These are cute! Where are they from?

>> No.8348245

Is there a thread like Closet of Frills where you can share your own otome coords with other people?

>> No.8348249

Payless actually had some really cute Oxford shoes. I got them when they were on sale for $20. Not sure if their sale is still going on, though.

>> No.8348254

There aren't pictures of plus size girls pulling anything off well.

>> No.8348369

I found them here:

In general, what shoe styles are appropriate for otome?

>> No.8348719

Why not just revive the one on facebook by posting your own coords? We can do this gulls!

>> No.8348731

Mary-janes, round-toed pumps and ankle boots seems to be the most common, but the heels can't be too high or it'd look more gyaru.

>> No.8348870

Can I have it?

>> No.8348871

I think you may have a hard time finding brand that will fit up to 100cm unfortunately, especially with ETC or Jane Marple. The bodices seem best suited to a B cup most of the time, though they might have cuts that would suit you.

Leur Getter with back shirring might fit? Leur Getter is the largest of the otome brands and much more generous in the chest region.

>> No.8348879

I have a couple ETC pieces that fit my 99cm bust comfortably. I'll post pics tomorrow when I have the energy.

>> No.8348909

I'm not so experienced with otome, so can someone explain what's wrong with the coord in the photo? What would make it more otome?

>> No.8348946

Leur Getter definitely runs large

>> No.8349122

I find the pieces very plain and lacking in the sort of character expected from otome (prints or standout details, good fit), and the way she's coorded them overall looks unbalanced with the way her hair is pulled back. Her tights look like they're supposed to be cat-themed or something if I squint, but there's nothing else in the outfit to draw out that motif so it comes off like a random "kawaii" accessory paired with otherwise fairly generic department store clothing to me.

>> No.8349203

That would be awesome if I actually knew what the Facebook group name was.

>> No.8349217

Just search for "otome closet" on fb