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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 382 KB, 1000x1500, TK-2015-03-15-005-001-Harajuku[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8325303 No.8325303 [Reply] [Original]

New lolita general, go!

>> No.8325308
File: 439 KB, 750x900, UN00019_01__35066.1431336197.1000.1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you to the anon who reviewed the cage skirt. It looks awesome, I'm definitely getting one once my paycheck comes in next month.

>> No.8325318
File: 70 KB, 525x768, 11209668_10152893899632852_5513144826310692264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, granted I'm old and slightly out of touch with current trends, but is this really what lolita looks like nowadays? To me it looks like weebtastic cosplay nonsense that we used to kick out of egl for not being lolita enough.

>> No.8325321

Just gonna say it. Dolly Cat in black is the ugliest shit I have ever seen.

>> No.8325323

This is cosplay at best, furry nekomimi-kin at worst. Also is it just me or does she have a mustache?

>> No.8325324

Lurk more.
And no.

>> No.8325326

isn't that a cardcaptor sakura cosplay?

>> No.8325331

It really is. Makes me laugh seeing how many people are scalping it too. Must suck not realizing how ugly it is until you bought it already.

>feel the same about shadow dream carnival, all the cuts are bad except the op and in 90% of the pics I've seen the center bows are crooked.

>> No.8325358
File: 114 KB, 640x640, 1891077_10152892019597852_7990692845937704779_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have no idea. The rest of her "sales" stuff is equally questionable though. It's really saying something if the skirt won't even cover the petticoat.

What surprised me is that she posted this on egl_comm_sales, not some mixed forum. She actually has good feedback (mostly for accessories though), and named her brand as Miss Candyholic, which makes it look like she's trying to market these as lolita.


Thank god. (I don't know about the mustache though)

>> No.8325365


>four random tiny dots

they look so lonely

>> No.8325380

Stop. Go google things. Go look at Closet of Frills.

>calls it weeb nonsense when posting cosplay

You're more embarrassing than weeb, tbh.

>also probably too old for lolita anyway

>> No.8325394
File: 450 KB, 499x750, tmp_18609-https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F31e2bd38851a8bf10c317bd1914532c0%2Ftumblr_no9vxrZt8K1tifsito1_50063684524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people think of the lolita_dearest blog? Maybe I'm just a big softie but I think it's a completely different thing to repost someone's image with commentary than it is to simply give concrit.

>> No.8325403

i'm sure the people who visit cgl are going to agree with you

>> No.8325447

It's a vessel for some chronically-asspained anon to spew bile, which will eventually get boring for them and then the blog will be forgotten. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later, it's a very dull blog and I'm tired of its posts shitting up the lolita tags.

>> No.8325464
File: 293 KB, 500x750, tumblr_no3zdnOdbT1qecu65o3_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint this one of you?

girl clean your shit up, this looks frumpy as hell.

grandma kei in-fucking-deed.

>> No.8325467

Except, this shit was posted on several FB sales groups and egl so it's obviously intended to be lolita (more horrifying is the girls queing up to commission it)

>> No.8325479

ngl I kinda dig this. brb going to embrace my inner grandma kei.

>> No.8325482

this is fanny rosie and it's far from frumpy. she's a lifestyler so she had a lot more daily, casual coords. but everything fits and matches well so tbh i'm not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.8325484

How new are you

>> No.8325485

>taking this weak ass bait

>> No.8325487

So I received my order from Closetchild and one of the buttons from my dress is missing. I double-checked the site photos and it's definitely present there, and I know CC tends to be pretty on top of recording damages. The dress was wrapped nearly in plastic in the box, and the box didn't look tampered with, but the strings that held the button are still hanging out, maybe it got ripped off during packaging? The button should be pretty replaceable I think, but I'm still kind of bummed. Should I contact them about it?

>> No.8325490

Wow. I actually don't know what to say to that. So this is a "brand"?

I think this is a classic remember a lot of "kawaii" trash rides lolita's coattails because honestly it's the most popular of harajuku type fashions overseas. I've seen fairy kei, cutesy t-shirts and all sorts of unrelated things in lolita sales before.

>> No.8325494
File: 503 KB, 500x333, 1412411431579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor girl's named fanny

i cant help it

>> No.8325495

Yeah, definitely contact them and send them photos. They might send you a partial refund, or give you a small bit of store credit. Their customer service is A+ so you shouldn't worry about getting blacklisted or anything.

>> No.8325504
File: 24 KB, 430x300, tumblr_mb479vfp5J1rzapx4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you're so funny anon
please, tell us a poop joke next

>> No.8325505

Thanks anon, I'll do that, and I hope you're right about the last part! This is the first issue I've ever had with them, so I'm hoping they won't just think I'm being difficult or making it up.

>> No.8325515

She's a very pretty woman with an unfortunate name wearing the equivalent of what would be frumpy on a less pretty and thin girl.

you'd think that her parents would think "Hm, I wonder if fanny means CUNT in another culture."

>> No.8325524

No one ever thinks of that kind of thing.

Although fanny means butt in America, but I guess most people who name kids are over the age of 6?

>> No.8325552

Her name is Fanny but you're the one being a twat, anon. Get over yourself.

>> No.8325561

I think the girl genuinely thinks it is 'Lolita' though, or at least that's how she's trying to portray it. She has a load of other 'designs' as well

>> No.8325565

So? Most of those groups get spammed with non lolita stuff sometimes. It doesn't make that crappy Sakura cosplay lolita.

>> No.8325600

Of course it's not lolita in an actual sense, I didn't once say it was actually Lolita. It was just intended to be by the person who made it and is selling it

>> No.8325601
File: 16 KB, 300x251, really old shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought these shoes in like 2008 and they still fit. Are they ita beyond salvation or could I do a simple oldschool coord with them? I'm eyeing a couple of solid color Baby auctions right now.

>> No.8325606

Why get rid of them? I say they're perfect for oldschool. I prefer things like this over rainbow, clown feet tea parties any day.

>> No.8325607

they are perfect for oldschool black x white

>> No.8325615


Thanks for the vote of confidence, they're so different from what I wear otherwise these days. They're comfy as hell, though. Guess I'll go play with some collages!

>> No.8325624
File: 85 KB, 500x506, tumblr_nobpleDYcE1spnou3o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming print from Lief. I can't decide if I like it or not.

I'd like to see if anyone makes pasta jewellery to wear it with.

>> No.8325635

I love these. I had the same ones and wore them until they broke. Not ita.

>> No.8325639
File: 101 KB, 500x600, 07091808_53bd06a13e066[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally, a dress to match q-pot's pasta line

>> No.8325645

I hope I can grab this second hand one day. Things I want always pop up when the timing is worst.

>> No.8325707

It's the best way to subtly drop my spaghetti everywhere

>> No.8325720

What is so angelic about the pasta? I was half expecting the pasta to form cross shapes.

>> No.8325723


Angel hair is a type of pasta?

>> No.8325726

angelic hairy

>> No.8325762

Mellywhateverabear is that you shitting on fanchan?

>> No.8325911

Anyone else hate RinRin's hair? If any other Lolita had that they'd be dragged for it looking tacky and be told to wear a wig.

>> No.8325927

Are Jane Marple shoes worth the 40k+ yen price tag? Are they made in Japan?

I'm seriously thinking about buying a pair.

>> No.8325965

I believe the early releases were of much better quality, but the most recent one was lacking. If you check the archives a few anons who bought them left short reviews.

>> No.8326119

In what planet? Because her hair looks healthy, it's always decently styled and matches the clothes she wears. I'm not a fan of her in general but I don't see a problem either.

>> No.8326129

I almost cheated on my boyfriend with a guy in my comm. The guy is an old friend of mine.

He was in my house and we were dressing up for a meet up. We were in my room getting ready. He got naked in front of me. I didn't freak out about it because I have seen him naked plenty of times before. I just never seen him naked while I was dating a guy. I removed my clothes too, but kept my underwear on as I was changing. He has seen me naked before too, but it didn't feel right to show him my breasts at the time so when I did take off my bra I was facing away from him. Nothing intimate happened. We got dressed . Helped each other with make up and made sure we looked okay. We did some selfies together and jokingly did a lesbian picture. For the picture I was going to kiss him on the cheek, but at the last second he thought he was going to be the one doing the joke kiss on my cheek. We ended up almost kissing each other on the lips, but we were quick enough to back off from each other before our lips touched.

>> No.8326135

Anyone with streaks of unnatural colour in their hair has always been called "edgy" or a "special snowflake". Any well-known Lolitas that have unnatural coloured hair only get away with it if it matches what they're wearing. Why do people have double standards?

>> No.8326180

Because well-known lolitas generally know what they're doing with the rest of their outfit, whereas with most edgy-chans it's the entire outfit plus the unfitting hair that's wrong. Fix the hair or another part and the outfit will begin to look better, so that's why it's critiqued as well.

>> No.8326230

It matches her clothes, so I think it's fine. She looks pretty.

>> No.8326249

What is this doing in this thread??

>> No.8326266

Misfire? What I want to know is why he had to get naked to change into lolita.

>> No.8326279

how does this woman make even grandma-kei, in a colour pallete that irks the shit out of me, look gorgeous?

>> No.8326300


to change out of his guy underwear and into his fancy bloomers. :)

>> No.8326302

Because you like her face. Cut it out and it's boring and ugly.

>> No.8326317

I bought the recent 4straps and no, they are def not worth the 40k yen

>> No.8326320

Do people actually go commando under their bloomers? I always thought of bloomers as panty shot guards instead of actual underwear.

>> No.8326335


Female underwear for men and bloomers or maybe he just likes to be naked in front of friend. There really isn't any reason to be naked, unless he had to go shower or the undies were dirty.

>> No.8326340

I hope not. I wear bikini or boy short style panties under my bloomers for extra coverage (thongs make it feel like my naked butt is poking out, even with bloomers on)

>> No.8326411

I don't get the point of doing lewd things while dressed up. There is no way to do anything cool without messing something up or doing something without discomfort.

>> No.8326463

I think it's awesome. It's so out of the ordinary and fun! The print reminds me of ETC stuff. It's not my personal style, though, so I probably won't get it (even though I love it).

>> No.8326478

Lol please define what you mean by "doing something cool" when it comes to being lewd

>> No.8326489


a good riding, a good sucking, a good dicking.

Couldn't really do anything without risking something getting dirty. The most I could do was lay beside my bf and jerk him off and let him cum on his belly. All of the cool stuff was too difficult to do without half-assing it.

>> No.8326491

I wanna know how it came to be considered edgy in the first place? Is it just unnatural colors? Why does everyone have an issue with pink blue hair?

>> No.8326495

Lol do you refuse to swallow?
Doesn't sound cool at all to me.

>> No.8326513


swallowing is gross.

>> No.8326536

Fucking summer here.

Oh yeah, did that one anon ever get a Maggie Tang petticoat?

>> No.8326611

aww that's funny and cute. I kind of want it just because it's a little odd and def reminds me of some of the ETC stuff.

>> No.8326616

Dude, just let him finish inside you?

>> No.8326634

Surely all the rolling and thrusting would risk rumpling or tearing the dress? Also sweat.

>> No.8326684

I seriously doubt you're going to tear your dress while fucking. Just lift it up and have him do you from behind. Also, I hope you wash your items anyway...

>tfw i have actually never fucked in burando tho

>> No.8326706

sorry but what does any of this have to do with lolita, even if this is the general thread

>> No.8326733


I fuck my gf in burando all the time, I've only got cum on it once. She got kind of upset but lol fuck you megan

>> No.8326744

I'm the anon you're replying to and I've never fucked in clothes at all so I guess I'm just really confused by the whole thing. It seems so impractical.

>> No.8326763
File: 351 KB, 500x339, nakey is nakey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.8326895

You're welcome!

>> No.8326941
File: 879 KB, 748x500, mintymix wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people aren't really fans of unnatural split colored wigs, but what about this one? I have it left over from a crappy last minute cosplay (mintymix only had the split color in stock) a few years ago. I think the style is cute but like, is it okay to still wear this wig or am I just gonna get flak from cgl?

also, captcha - that was a springroll not a burrito, wtf

>> No.8327003

It looks understated enough to be used with sweet, I think.

>> No.8327055

Never heard of it til just now. Trying to draw more attention to your dumb hate page? Better wank blogs have come and gone, yours will be dust in the wind soon.

>> No.8327065

I have similar hair with pink chunks and shades of brown and nobody ever seems to have a problem with mine either.
I think it's fine if it doesn't clash horribly with the color palette you're usually wearing and if you have it styled cute.

>> No.8327098

okay, yeah that's what I was thinking. the colors aren't that jarring of a contrast I think (as opposed to like, black/pink) and they're natural colors but I still wasn't sure if the split was too distracting.

>> No.8327109

I think that would be fine for sweet or even for classic. If you wear a beret with it the split-ness would be less noticeable.

>> No.8327113

Not really a fan of that borderprint, looks sort of random and messy. Cute idea for a print, though.

>tfw captcha thinks brownies are steaks

>> No.8327215

Hey, so I've got to do some research for my course and I don't want any more people who think that 'popcorn' is the name of a popular print so I've come here
It's like 9 questions and it's super quick
I don't have the time, knowledge or imagination to fabricate results so just do it
(Pastebin for 'Our system thinks you're spam' avoidance)

>> No.8327216
File: 189 KB, 700x1200, shoes245-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if Bodyline shoes 245 are true to size?

>> No.8327223

i'm just not a fan of her face, tbh

>> No.8327253

Oh I bought a pair of these in black. I'm more of 255, but I heard these run slightly large, so I bought them in 250 and they fit just fine, but fair warning I also fit into BL 250 pretty okay in other shoes (though it's a snug fit). That said I still do agree these shoes are slightly larger that usual since they felt comfortable and like a 255 for me. I think it would be fine if your ordered your usual size or smaller - if you order your regular size and its a tad too big you can always get insoles, stuff the toebox, etc.

>> No.8327255


Mine fit a little large (240)

Friend said the same about her size too

>> No.8327256

I just received a dress from AP SanFran and I have a sneaking suspicion it's been worn before? The waist ties are tied into a bow. The safety pinned accessory detail was unhooked and almost falling off. And the dress smells like secondhand? Like it doesn't reek or anything, but it smells faintly like someone rather than that slightly chemical clean smell new dresses are supposed to smell like.

It's all wrapped in plastic with the new tag and such, no real damage or anything. Am I being paranoid or is it common for them to sell tried on new releases? I've always ordered from AP Japan and I've NEVER had my waist ties tied.

>> No.8327262

sounds like someone tried the dress on in-store and they just grabbed it off the rack or something.

>> No.8327267

AP USA is a physical store... Of course some of the items are going to be tried on. There's a fitting room/tent inside. AP "Japan", I'm assuming you mean the online shop, which has its own stock I believe (warehouse).

>> No.8327268
File: 43 KB, 250x333, 277061-533-2015-02-04499122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this dress is called? I tried searching for tartan and plaid and couldn't find it
>inb4 ugly, ita, etc.

>> No.8327274

That makes sense. I assumed their stock for online was different from instore. I bought Dolly Cat the day it was released, so I don't know how there was time for anyone to try it on.

>> No.8327277

I buy most of my clothes new and the dresses usually arrive with the waist ties already in a (perfect) bow so that's not unusual.

>> No.8327298

I've never received a brand new dress with the waist ties in a bow. They've always been folded over each other

>> No.8327309

I think so, this is supposed to be the rubber dress

>> No.8327310

Wish MintyMix still mde wigs. Does anybody know Kammie irl and like can ask? I tried emailing the mintymix email but no response.

>> No.8327338
File: 85 KB, 490x313, hetalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8327342



>> No.8327349

I took your survey, here's a tip
drop the self pity attitude, it makes me want to take it less.

>> No.8327352

If nothing intimate happened, and if no actual feelings were involved, it's not cheating.
But if your boyfriend is the type who would consider that cheating, maybe you shouldn't be naked in front of another boy from now on, or dump your boyfriend.

>> No.8327353

Thank you kind anon!!

>> No.8327366

I'm an 8.5 wide but Bodyline's 24.5 shoes also fit a little large despite my wide width feet. I found Bodyline's size 24.0 actually fit me better.

>> No.8327465

has anyone here ever ordered anything from tofebruary? I know they're probs some kinda taobao reseller but there's a pair of tights on there that I want that I can't find anywhere else that I need within the next few weeks before ILD. their sheer white, large polka dot tights. (in case someone knows another store selling them)

>> No.8327469

From what I hear GLW stole her designs and that's why she doesn't want to do it anymore and now just lays low.

>> No.8327476

when I was looking at the website to put that picture together, it seems like she still has a few wigs in stock? though a lot of them you probably aren't interested in, most of them seem to be the more high contrast type split wigs like black/blue pink/red etc that aren't very popular anymore.

wow, that really sucks. more reasons to avoid GLW

>> No.8327491

i want a cute penguin print, in lolita and ouji cuts.

>> No.8327549

I was going to take it then all i read was
>Whehhhhhh seaguls hate this
>Nobody takes this seriously
>Im gonna delete your response if you're not serious whehhhhhh

>> No.8327559

Anybody else sick of those socks that are just tights with the top cut off?
They roll down on everyone's legs, even thin people.

>> No.8327569

hey cgl! i'm looking for some casual lolita dresses to wear to meets and out and about. are these lolita dresses (can they hold a petti)? i'm not sure about the first one. thanks! and if anyone knows shops with similarly priced dresses in the same styles, let me know please!



>> No.8327570

So it looks like the belle époque rose socks roll down on everyone, huh? I'm going to need to buy some sock glue or w/e

>> No.8327576

I do but she hates cgl and wouldn't want any info posted here. Your best bet on getting info is to post questions on a more positive/reputable community.

>> No.8327580

i'm looking at the first one in pink btw.

>> No.8327600

They're casual dresses, but they're not casual lolita dresses. They will not be able to hold your butt, let alone your petti because they're too damn short. They would be nice for going out, but not to meets unless you want to be judged by everyone else.
Try harder.

>> No.8327628

sorry anon but I gotta agree with >>8327600
might not be bad for maybe a lolita-inspired normal outfit either but not really gonna work well for lolita because they're so short and the skirts don't seem to be full enough.

If you're trying to look for lolita dresses that can be worn casually and can transition better into normalfag wear, certain skirts will work and certain cuts of OP's will work too - mostly thinking about those chiffon long sleeve dresses AP puts out. It would also be worth checking out things from otome brands as well.

>> No.8327641
File: 2.76 MB, 4128x2322, photo_1431648608011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bby's got her first dress (iw aileen op in sax) not a big fan of the detachable sleeves, they make the dress look a little frumpy, but i'm obsessed with the beautiful details on the cuffs

>> No.8327647

I'm not the anon who originally posted those links but I'll ask here anyway:

Are there any resellers of To Alice stuff out there? I want two items from them but I have no other reason to bother doing an entire taobao order right now. I'm willing to pay reseller-scalped prices, I just want a dress.

>> No.8327648


isn't it great? my first dress was IW's Plain Flare, a super simple garment, but the details are so much nicer than anything else I'd owned.

>> No.8327654

thank you both! i figured they wouldn't work because of the shape & they seem pretty short, but I wanted to ask just to be sure. can you guys recommend any good shops where I can buy affordable and simple dresses? i'm just getting into lolita, and while i own some ap & btssb dresses, they're a bit too much for casual outfits. i'm looking through a list of taobao sellers but i haven't found anything yet. thanks!
i also love the chiffon dresses that ap puts out (like misty sky) and that's a style of dress that i'm interested in buying.

>> No.8327659

The dolly cat ones do it too. It's just those style of socks that do it. My legs are kinda thin and even some taobao ones from mufish do it on me.

>> No.8327684

off the top of my head I don't know of anywhere affordable/inexpensive, you may just want to put a WTB up somewhere asking for dresses that can be worn casually within whatever your price range is. I would say when looking for dresses its mostly in the cut, but the print will affect how casual you can get with it too. I find simple all-over prints tend to lend themselves better to casual wearing. again I would suggest looking into otome as it's kinda related to casual lolita in terms of aesthetic but a little more relaxed about certain things. otome brands will have dresses that you can use in lolita as well, but not every dress will work - some may not fit a petti, some prints will be too busy, certain cuts will look odd, etc. if you dont know, a few brands are emily temple cute, milk, and jane marple.

>> No.8327723

Have you tried looking at secondhand Emily Temple Cute/Leur Getter? They're more affordable than first hand, but they lean more to otome. Try IW for simpler babydoll cuts as well.

>> No.8327738

thank you, i'll look at those brands right now!

>> No.8327906
File: 163 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New AP release was posted on the website. Anyone going for it?

>> No.8327948


Do a taobao order anyway. If you're already okay with paying reseller fees, why not just pay the shopping service/shipping fee?


To Alice carries some lolita dresses, they've even helpfully put all the lolita dresses into one category for you:

Other than that, Miss Point Akane & Alois and Innocent World are good places to find toned down dresses. If you want to stick to taobao, you can try the website www.shellolita.com, the site keeps up with various taobao releases, so you can go through the pages until you find something you like, then check which shop it's from and find the taobao to see if it's still available.

I'd be wary of going otome, some anons have said that even if the skirt looks wide enough, the lining in some of them won't accommodate a petticoat. I'm not really sure that otome doesn't look out of place in a lolita meet.

>> No.8327966
File: 213 KB, 400x600, 1427996226661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is on hormone altering body wrecking jewy birthcontrol fuck wit.

Also Sauce on this blouse?

>> No.8327973

What other lolita resellers accept Credit Cards?

>> No.8327984

this is a new level of ugly, good job ap.

>> No.8327985
File: 93 KB, 280x373, 08up_0_5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd like the jsk in shiro (?? with the red roses), but I'm pretty wiped out from the marine releases, the berry releases, and shadow carnival. Looks like I'll have to sit this one out.

Different topic:

Suggestions for a blouse with this dress? I saw that AP matched with a high neck blouse, but the blouse collar made the jsk collar look weird imo. I currently wear it without all the detachable pieces, but I feel like I'm not getting the full use out of the dress.

>> No.8327989

maybe a square neckline would look cool?

>> No.8328001

If they're getting fucked without a condom and without birth control, then that's irresponsible as hell.

>> No.8328023

Are you the same anon that suggested a square collar for the halter jsk dress that screams cocktail dress?

>> No.8328038

The fabric is lovely but I'm not digging the cuts

>> No.8328040


>> No.8328055

Okay I'm an idiot and I keep forgetting the name of that secondhand lolita shop that has like a germanic name... can someone point me in the right direction?

>> No.8328060


>> No.8328065

yes! Seems so obvious now that I see it. Thanks anon!

>> No.8328069

Wunderwelt, I think.

>> No.8328080

What's the name of this?

>> No.8328086
File: 73 KB, 300x400, 271-0102_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone can help me with this credit card problem.

I just got a new job that pays a lot, so I've been treating myself to a lot of burando. I wasn't paying attention to one of my credit card balances though. I just bought like $500 worth of stuff from Mary Magdalene and I just realized I have like $400 left on the credit card I picked. Paypal already let the payment go through and it's sitting as pending on paypal and my credit card. PP won't let me cancel the payment or choose a different credit card... which really blows because I have tons of money left over on other cards. I just picked the wrong one.

I immediately made a payment to my credit card for $800, hoping it goes through before the paypal MM payment. I called paypal. They said they've never seen a payment get rejected after it's already been approved and pending, so I shouldn't worry about it. So I called my credit card company. The guy who got my call didn't really make any sense, but he told me not to worry about it and it will be fine because he sees the MM payment and the $800 payment are both pending. This doesn't make sense to me because shouldn't the MM payment go through before my credit card payment, thus making me go over?

I also e-mailed MM about this and asked them to immediately bill me again if the card rejects. I've never bought from them before, so I don't really know how forgiving they are with these things.

I guess I'm freaked out because I've never gone over my limit before. I just got a bit spend happy.

>> No.8328093

If I wanted to swim in florals like this, I'd just buy Liz Lisa, but thanks AP.

Who else is absolutely not feeling this sweet-classic phase from AP? I get they're trying to keep their sweet audience, but I'd rather see them stick to their roots and pull an "otona kawaii" sweet look than force classic into everything. I think ETC is a good example of a more relaxed, adult looking sweet style brand.

>> No.8328131

If anyone knows her, could someone please send her a message to seriously close up shop? It somehow wasn't hard to stumble upon MintyMix a long time ago looking for the old split wigs. Her products look quality and some are even "still in stock" somehow. I nearly bought one at the time, then realized there'd been no updates in almost 8 months on her Facebook or Twitter.

It's 2015 and her spam-filled Facebook and Twitter are still sitting there with updates in 2012. If she's not answering e-mails, I don't want girls getting nothing or having to do a needless PayPal dispute over a dead site.

>tfw if it's dead, why does she bother keeping the domain?

>> No.8328153
File: 72 KB, 426x640, 15_1_4_311_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This moitie dress is going cheap on CC and I can kind of see why, but out of interest does anyone have examples of it coorded well?

It would have looked great to me a few years ago but it kind of scares me now with all the horror of lace monsters and b x w itas.

>> No.8328160

and this is why you shouldn't use credit cards folks

>> No.8328179
File: 65 KB, 280x373, 11backup1_0_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The back looks like this, I think a low collar would look messy?

Sorry, should have mentioned it. It's Midnight Doll jsk.


>> No.8328189

It looks like the flower version of the ugly gingham dress from BTSSB

>> No.8328190


I know real lolita blouses aren't normally made in this cut, but maybe something with a turtleneck? like a lace turtleneck shirt and you can tuck the neck under the collar or something and then maybe you could put wristcuffs or something on the ends?

>> No.8328193

It looks like someone glued used tissue on

>> No.8328195


>classic sweet phase

LOL. AP's always done floral dresses, usually with too much lace, ruffles, bows, sometimes with pearl chains and other stuff. Very much like the OP here.

If you're going to pick on AP for trying to get into classic-sweet, at least choose something they haven't already been producing for the last ten years or so.

>> No.8328204

I know, and it's sad because I'm sure it's a well made dress but I can't imagine someone making it look good nowadays.

>> No.8328208
File: 15 KB, 240x320, 9610[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AP coorded it that way in one of their blogs, but it seems like the jsk collar is rather narrow so the turtleneck collar would still be visible.

I could try it with a white turtleneck with a really narrow collar (assuming I find one), but I think it's still going to be obvious that there's a second collar under the fold down collar. Would that be weird?

>Now know why this dress was cheap

>> No.8328212


It sounds like you've already done all that you can, the only thing left to do is wait until either both payments clear or something gets rejected, and then solve the problems from there.

And take it as a wake-up call to stop being spend happy.

>> No.8328227

If you're Kitty it does look like shit and that's been mentioned on 4chan several times. If not, it probably still looks like shit.

RinRin's look okay because she styles it nicely and it contrasts with how dark her hair is. I don't love it though.

>> No.8328229

They don't roll down on me, I don't have AP ones though. You can always use sock glue though

>> No.8328233
File: 13 KB, 323x450, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe try like a fitted lace turtleneck like pic related?

>> No.8328234

Credit cards allow you to go over by a certain amount, depending on your limit. Usually like $150. If it went through it's obviously going to be fine. I don't know why you're even asking 4chan when both Paypal and your bank told you it's fine.

>> No.8328240

Yeah, try again. They're clearly in a phase. Florals are nothing new on sweet brands, but they're pandering hard right now and it's very obvious.

>> No.8328246


I'm trying to avoid that, actually. There's studs on the neckline (just flat metal ones), the combination with sheer lace blouse seems bit too edgy for my style.

Besides, the biggest issue with turtlenecks is that the collar is still visible behind the jsk's fold down collar, doesn't it look weird to have two collars on one dress?

>> No.8328251


How hard? Dolly cat looked 100% sweet to me, as did Shadow Dream Carnival, Mermaid Kingdom, Dream Marine, Berry Melty Princess, Cherry Marguerite, Salon de the Rose, Wrapping Ribbon...

>> No.8328259
File: 72 KB, 750x750, HTB1EHixGXXXXXbeXVXXq6xXFXXXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this kind of style sleeve with a slightly higher neck line? I'm sure you could hunt one down somewhere, I think it would look nice.

>> No.8328266

I know it's kind of similar to the coord above but simpler and no turtleneck, might work better?

>> No.8328280
File: 11 KB, 214x296, SLD017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I hope you guys are proud of yourselves. Came here for cosplay, but you've successfully dug up my old passion of wanting to get into lolita with all these threads. My wallet will never forgive or be the same.
>damn this cute as fuck fashion
>I'll never be free
>its time to accept my fate

>> No.8328303

i ordered a wig from the mintymix site like.. 3 weeks ago and it got here just fine. even came with a hand written note.

>> No.8328305

at least don't buy that replica

>> No.8328315

her social media is dead, but the website still has real stock. besides this anon ordering from her recently >>8328303 it also seems to me that from the last time I ordered from her, like 2 years ago, that she hasn't restocked and may be trying to just sell off all the stock she has? but is taking a long time because some of the wig styles/colors are not as in vogue right now as they used to be. actually there's a few decent colors left and even some of the odd ones I might buy just for normalfag wear if I go to a party or something, since there's confirmation from that anon that she is still indeed responding to orders.

>> No.8328321

Source material please then? I've only ever seen that picture

>> No.8328331

innocent world

>> No.8328332

>Conveniently leaves out all their sweet-classic ones

AP is still AP, dumbass. Of course they'll still do teeth-rotting sweet.

That's actually why their sweet-classics have been so out of place lately. I don't hate them, but I don't know why they feel such a need to do them and it looks like most people feel similar. I would say most of the sweet prints you listed were a success. Belle Epoque Rose wasn't as successful and Salon de the Rose is sweet with a bit an obvious classic hint to it. Both of these are still in stock online for OPs. (See pic) I think this will just be another awkward forced classic theme that will sit there. I hope they learn from this.

>mfw these classic-sweets give my wallet a break for the good sweet prints

>> No.8328333

Mary Magdalene

>> No.8328338

Mary Magdalene Whyteleafe OP, released in the last few years I think it was 2010/11 - it's one of my dream dresses. That image is a rip off of the stock photo I think, where did you find it?

>> No.8328343

Oop pic didn't post. You can actually just see it on AP's webstore and even a bit on AP USA. There's still plenty of Belle Epoque Rose's and Salon de the Rose print to go around.

>> No.8328345

if you want that specific dress, search Mary Magdalene secondhand (you might have to dig a bit). if you feel like other classic brands are okay too, look at Innocent World. If you don't want to spend brand prices, try searching for classic brands on Taobao or through a taobao reseller like Qutieland or Clobbaonline.

>> No.8328348

Done it, but yeah the self pity was a bit annoying and your other boxes should have been "please state". For example, for what Jfashions you think are most popular I selected other and would have said that although at this point it's mostly just a tumblr trend, pastel goth and creepy cute were both originally jfashions

>> No.8328349

Not surprised then, found a lot of dresses I liked ended up being from MM.

Sorry I'm not sure, it's been awhile since I've seen it. That photo has been in my folder for a good bit

>> No.8328352

They run a little large but IDK if it's a full half size.

>> No.8328425


There would be a gap of skin between the jsk collar and the blouse collar.

You know what, I think I could try looking for a non-burando blouse that's a turtleneck, not lacey, and then modify it by removing the collar. I could probably face the neckline so that it holds its shape, heck, at a pinch I'll sew the blouse to the collar itself so it doesn't gape or whatever.

Thanks for all the help, you guys are awesome.

>> No.8328427


Huh, meant to quote >>8328266 instead of >>8328251. My bad, sorry.

>> No.8328429

You need the AP garter bloomers

>> No.8328443

There is one on tokyo alice right now, you don't even need to look hard for that dress because it's very common.

>> No.8328453
File: 106 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nmczsaaWzf1qgjjjyo5_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Belle Epoque Rose
>Salon de the Rose


I don't think you know the difference between sweet and classic. "Florals" don't automatically make a dress "classic", especially when it comes in pastels, especially when it comes in an OTT frilly princess dress.

If you want to point to "pieces with an obvious classic influence", why not try Lucky Key or Celestial. Both are in darker colours and feature themes not common in sweet. Both also sold out. I don't see why AP would stop then, since both of their actually classic-influenced pieces sold out.

If anything, I'd see their attachment to roses the same as their doing three berry releases this year, Eternal Rose and Drained Cherry both sold out surprisingly fast upon initial release, but their re-releases (Drained Cherry and Dramatic Rose) didn't do so well. It seems like they're repeating the motifs but with new artwork in hopes of getting repeat sales from customers who like berries and customers who like roses.

>> No.8328477

Details look nice but gurl, take better care of your nails. It looks gross.

>> No.8328520

>I don't think you know the difference between sweet and classic.

Why do you not understand the nature of it being both? Why does this have to be classic florals or sweet florals? Look at the OP's of both Epoque and Salon. It's blatantly classic influenced with some sweet. It's sweet-classic. Florals aren't default sweet, but this new one is obviously sweet-classic. Those rose colors, regardless of any color way, are pretty toned down.

Lucky Key doesn't strike me as straight up classical, more a mix with that and the otome influence they like to do every now and then. I actually laughed at Celestial being classical influence. What is gothic? Since when are giant crosses a classic theme? That print is more sweet with some gothic.

But tl;dr I think we might just be mincing things now. Yes, AP will always be sweet, but you can't ignore an entire wave of change in the fashion from the OTT sweet to more sweet-classic that's been acknowledged by nearly everyone.

>> No.8328529
File: 142 KB, 333x500, 9563150625_f6c96c1da9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you think about both releases looks classic?

It's not about the dress, you come across as the kind of noob who goes around posting about how much you hate sweet, when in fact your entire tumblr is probably btssb rufflemonsters being tagged as "classic lolita". If you're going to complain about something, at least learn to tell the difference.

>> No.8328534

I decided to ask because the guy on Paypal was like, "Well I haven't seen a pending payment get rejected, so it should be OK." But he didn't really know.

And then the guy from my credit card didn't explain it well at all. It was obvious English was his second language and he didn't seem to completely grasp the issue at first. Him just saying it will be ok and not giving me an explanation doesn't really instill confidence in me.

>And take it as a wake-up call to stop being spend happy.

Why? I make enough money, so the issue isn't that I spent myself into the negative or anything. I just made a mistake in using my card. I usually only use one card and I didn't realize the balance had gotten that high on it. Had I caught that, I could have easily used a different card with no balance on it.

>> No.8328557

>the dress has pink on it, so her punky neon pink and purple ombre matches this pastel coord duh

>> No.8328567
File: 76 KB, 480x640, P11PO706-b-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Btssb has a lace cutsew in their store right now. which is pretty nice.

>tfw you missed out on the ivory one

>> No.8328571


>spend happy

Yeah, but you wouldn't be so worried now if you'd kept better track of it. Plus, now I'm wondering if you'd forgotten some other small purchase on that card. Do you really want to repeat this drama every month?

The other reason is, credit cards are normally x times the borrower's salary, so for someone to max out their credit cards normally means they have to work a few months to pay it back, during which time they rack up interest. I get that you just got a high-paying job and have several credit cards, but there's no need to piss away that high salary by being sloppy with your own finances. Get a grip and keep better track of things so you don't end up paying a high interest rate on a purchase you forgot or whatever, and make sure you put some money away for your rainy days.

Of course, it's your money, your card and your dress. I guess I might come across as not very polite, but the comments don't come from spite. I just think you should take better care of your money for your own wellbeing, is all. Hope you aren't offended by it.

>> No.8328573

Actually, having seen that, both pasta jewelry and the dress seem like a fucking great idea.

>> No.8328574

If you love it, get it.
I can imagine this can be coorded nice, it'll be out there.

>> No.8328576

>all that salt

Angry because I called you out? I don't get what you're being so sandy about now and keep posting these pictures. Why did you go digging for this pic when I was talking about a new release? Did I say all of AP's floral pieces were classic?

Your weird personal attacks against me just show you don't have anything to go on. I actually like all of the main lolita styles and I'm willing to bet I own more variety of brand pieces than you. Way to out yourself as one of those crazy AP worshipers and sweet lolitas that don't know anything outside AP.

>> No.8328623 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 450x600, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone confirm this is a Victorian Maiden dress? or does anyone know where its from?

>> No.8328624 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 450x600, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or is this a legitimate victorian maiden tag?

>> No.8328635

Different anon but you're really obviously new and don't know what you're on about. Crosses are actually common in classic, especially Victorian Maiden and JetJ's older releases. AP has never been classic inspired and have the same feel they pretty much always have. Princess sleeves and ruffles with big cupcake skirts are just fancier sweet dresses.

>> No.8328654


Prove it. Post your wardrobe or gtfo.

>> No.8328656
File: 322 KB, 1500x894, DR00146_01__45855.1416907533.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After years of adoring lolita, I want to start my first coord. I don't want want to start with the $200+ brand dresses immediately because I've never worn lolita (or anything like it) before, is F+F a good alternative? I'm really afraid of ending up as a horrible ita mess.

Pic related, it's two F+F dresses I love.

>> No.8328669
File: 140 KB, 400x600, tumblr_m2orygUjEk1qcvasso2_r1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're the one who said you were tired of AP's classic-sweet "wave". When I pointed out that recent releases are all pastel sweet then your reply is "of course they're sweet, it's AP".

Then you said Belle Epoque and Salon de the Rose are have obvious classic influences. So I'm posting pics to show you that no, of all the releases you could have picked, those two are exactly in the tradition of old AP, there is nothing "new wave classic" for you to "get tired of". How have you been into lolita with all your burando and not realise that Salon de the Rose is a rework of Memorial Cake?

Again, you're the one that's running your mouth off ignorantly. You started off asking if we were tired of "AP classic-sweet" when we're right in the middle of wave after wave of sweet. You said two rose-themed dresses were "classically influenced" but cannot say why, whereas I've been posting photo after photo to show you how similar those two "classically influenced" dresses are to their older releases, canonically accepted as being sweet.

So which is it now, Belle Epoque, Salon de the Rose, Eternal Rose and Memorial Cake are all classic-sweet and AP has been into classic-sweet since 2011, making "this recent wave" at least four years long, or you were wrong about which dresses were classic and which ones sweet?

>> No.8328684

They're leather, that's why. None of this PU shit like AP.

>> No.8328693


Eh, F+F is like the Bodyline of China, it used to be a costume shop, and some of the items are still pretty iffy in terms of quality.

If you can into taobao, I'd suggest finding a list of lolita shops on taobao and looking through them until you find one that you like (hellolace has a list in their taobao section, although it's a bit outdated). If you don't want to deal with shopping services, try clobba's site (clobbaonline.com), it's a reputable reseller for taobao brands. Just stay away from Dream of Lolita, everything else will be fine.

>> No.8328700

Thank you! I wish I'd live in America instead of the EU, it'd make shipping etc. a whole lot cheaper.

>> No.8328702

F+F can be a bit costume-y with their coords. The dress on the left is a chemise. I have it in white and I use it as an undergarment for JSKs. I don't like wearing it as a dress.

It may be better to try Taobao brands like Infanta rather than F+F. The pieces are affordable and nice quality for the price.

>> No.8328705

>Different anon
>Prove it

You first since you're so much more knowledgeable than me, samefag. My whole point, since you're so autistic, is that things can vary. Florals can be sweet, florals can be classic, it can be sweet-classic. JetJ has done some gothic prints. The brands might be sweet and classic, but they do not always make sweet and classic.

>Crosses can be classic wahhh

Never said they couldn't be. If it helps you being so endlessly anal, it varies per print. I don't get why you're so thick and can't get this.

>AP has never ever, ever been inspired by classic in any way and is pure 100% sweet lolita
>AP prints have "the same feel they always have" ????

>> No.8328710

Continuing on back with the floral/rose theme that just must be "new" sweet/classic, previous popular releases:
2007 Rose Toilette
2008 Rose Princess Doll, Lady Rose
2009 Floral Humming, Tiara Rose
2010 Powder Rose

>> No.8328718


..... uh anon, I'm the one who was conversing with you, and my reply was >>8328669.

The one telling to post your wardrobe was probably a troll. I don't know about the other anon, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks you're a noob.

Don't worry, I won't pester you for long. You've already degenerating into calling me unrelated 4chan insults, whereas I only called you ignorant and a noob, both of which are true. I don't think you can learn anything, so this conversation is a waste of time.


Yeah, so basically this noob is saying from 2007 to 2015 AP has always been classic-influenced sweet.

>> No.8328719

It is true that F+F is the Bodyline of Japan. But, I've been buying from them for years, and generally it just takes some attention to detail.

The first dress isn't one I've owned, but with my experience with their work this would not be a good dress for anything other than an underdress.

The second dress is one of my favorites, although I think when I order another I will ask for the smooth cotton. It is broadcloth, so it isn't something of high quality. But, I really like it for summer wear, or when the weather just starts to turn.

The key to F+F is to always get custom or a little bigger with the intention of going to a seamstress.

And always tell them exactly the length you require. I.e. The length of the dress from shoulder to natural waist, then natural waist to length.

Their stuff would mostly be Ita if it was used for the main items, but a good place to start with for minimal basics.

I do not recommend their blouses.

>> No.8328722
File: 1.06 MB, 822x606, Naamloos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking trough resellers, and I think I'm more on the right track now. I hope, at least.

>> No.8328740

Which resellers are you looking at? Don't go with Quitieland (sp?) their prices are really inflated

>> No.8328806
File: 72 KB, 640x640, I-Phone picture 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this girl, shes so cute and I want to know what comm shes in or her name.

>> No.8328815

self posting is bad, anon

>> No.8328822
File: 65 KB, 625x626, cff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are shit stirring aren't you.
I don't think it's her, but a troll or vendetta-chan.

>> No.8328825

Jen Jackson, Stockholm.

>> No.8328834

Do people sell their Automatic Honey stuff on the facebook groups? I have been searching LM/egl for them but there's barely anything. At this point, I'm happy to offer cash or kidneys.

>don't use facebook and LSE requires "legit" accounts

>> No.8328905

Thanks for the tip! I found both at "Woody's lolita".

>> No.8328906

Thanks, why are swedish lolitas all so good at coordinates, all my lolita crushes are from there

>> No.8328909

She doesn't sound Swedish

>> No.8328914

Other anon says shes from there, I dont know too much about sweden other than the lolitas from there.

>> No.8328937

We all know how much of an Attention Whore you are, you just cant make it anymore obvious

>> No.8328945

I answered that survey, I hope that it's not too late.

>> No.8328983

Thanks everyone! I managed to get a few more responses than I expected and it was mostly useful, bar one response

Self-pity seemed to work in the end, though
Kek'd at your impression of me too

The option should have been 'Other (Please Specify)'? I'll see what went wrong and go fix the boxes
I'll try to take note for the future to test my own fucking survey before sending it out

It wasn't too late! I just had to have enough responses to write a conclusion for today but I haven't finished presenting yet (How long was the survey lying in another tab for? 1 and a half hours for a survey...)

>> No.8329007
File: 50 KB, 360x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone preordering mermaid princess?

>> No.8329018

Soooo, any suggestions for petticoats that are comfortable in super hot conditions? I'm kinda sick of getting swamp ass in my bloomers; and not wearing bloomers causes the synthetic fabric of the petticoat to be too close to my body.
What do?

>> No.8329020


I think the JSK and skirt are beautiful until I try to come up with any kind of coord in my head that doesn't look tacky. The OP is a nightmare.

>> No.8329022

I took the survey at work haha, had to do other things in the middle of it (I guess I was on the "name of popular print" question when I had to go out)
anw good luck on your project anon!

>> No.8329031

Get a petticoat with a cotton lining maybe? I know Classical Puppet's petticoat is lined but not sure if the fabric is cotton.

>> No.8329039

I do like the halter op a lot, it has a real princessy feel.

On the topic of halter dresses, why do people insist on wearing a blouse with them? It always looks frumpy to me. I can understand the look behind a regular strap dress with a shirt under, but halters are supposed to expose your shoulders/back. Putting a blouse under it makes it look weird.

>> No.8329044


to kind of reiterate my point
>>8327985 >>8328179
why would you want a blouse under this? There is already a collar and a cute design on the back. It's absolutely meant to be worn without a shirt under..

>> No.8329083

So the theme of our ILD was recently announced and it's "royalty"

I own literally nothing that might be construed as "royalty themed"

What are some interesting takes on the theme that you might suggest? There will be tons of hime princess lolitas and tons of OTT classic lolita with crowns, and I'd like to do something a little different. Thoughts?

>> No.8329093

Adivissor to the queen?

>> No.8329094

Adviser* what even autocorrect...

>> No.8329100

Guro royalty
Like Marie Antoinette beheading theme

>> No.8329105


Girl who asked the question. I just have fug biceps.

To be honest though, it didn't occur to me to wear it without a blouse, but now that you mention it, it would probably look cute without a blouse (on someone who doesn't have fugly arms).

>> No.8329106

Dress up in the most ageplay-y dress you own (bonus for Dreamy Baby Room) and tell everyone you're Princess Charlotte.

>> No.8329108

Meant to link to >>8329083

>> No.8329117


(replying to myself) Would a jester theme be too ridiculous? I feel like that has a unique vibe.

>> No.8329120
File: 40 KB, 400x300, 120VoltoJesterSolidColorsWithMusicPaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A jester? If you have things with checked patterns you could use that, or those circus prints

Or even go with a solid color peice and accent it with other colors. If you're crafty, make a cool jester hat like the venetian ones. You can carry around one of those little jester scepter things.

I think it would be REALLY COOL to go this route if possible.

If you have some musical themed prints you can always go for a bard or something like that.

You could do a herald too. Maybe buy a small plastic/toy trumpet and decorate it and carry it around.

>> No.8329125

everyone's nails look gross in close-up pictures

>> No.8329126

I like that idea

>> No.8329132

If you google harlequin makeup you'll find plently of makeup inspiration.

>> No.8329133

and with this post i've inspired myself with something to draw. yay

>> No.8329158

please do this. I'm a little bored of all the ott classic or half ass hime coords

>> No.8329182

I doubt people sell much, it's hard to get in the first place and nice jewellery is usually the last thing you consider selling unless you've got a lot

>> No.8329190

There are other birth control methods as well, but being without one is really irrensponsible and.... pregnancies are way worse and more body damaging than BC pills.
Cute, but not something i would buy.
By the way, i will ask a question. Are burando skirts confortable in the waist? I have issues to bear the elastics in my skin if they are too hard or tight. The AP skirts i have are confortable but dropped waist and i don't have any normal waisted skirt. My waist is 71 cm but most burando is only 72-73 cm from lolibrary.

>> No.8329202

How bad is big boobs in lolita? What makes the difference between a "boob loaf" and just a lolita with big breasts?

>> No.8329206

if you have any titties bigger than a b cup you're gunna have a "boob loaf" in lolita. brands cater to tiny flat japanese girls, if you have tits of any kind they're going to look kind of loafy in lolita.

>> No.8329212

Boob loaf can happen to even someone with normal to small sized boobs. It generally happens when you're wearing a bad bra, or forcing something to fit your bust, but instead just flattening boobs.

My friend has a big chest but with a good, well-fitted bra can fit most brand.

TLDR; Boob loaf is forcing boobs to fit to the point where they're flattened, big boobs can fit with good underwear and the right dress/shirring/lacing

>> No.8329221

Most 'big boob' problems are just 'i'm wearing the wrong sized bra' problems.

Seriously, bra ignorance is a horrible thing. Up until last year I was wearing a bra 2 cups and 2 band sizes too small, ever since I switched people have been saying how huge my boobs look, just because they're not being smooshed in the bra.

>> No.8329285

I've heard those cage skirts from F+F would work well in hot weather, because they keep the fabric away from your legs

>> No.8329303

It's not really just that. It's also due to the bodice not being cut or designed for a cup size larger than a B. The back shirring may allow for some accommodation, but only horizontally, thus morphing the boobs into a flat mass. The larger your bust is, the lower the fullest part is going to sit in the bodice, rather than where it's designed. There are ways that you can get around this, a proper bra can help, adjusting straps on the dress if possible to a lower position can help, wearing a corset to push them upwards in the bodice, and if it's something you want to do, weight loss can help with it but may not entirely alleviate it if you are genetically destined for giant knockers.

>> No.8329308

If the sizing on the dress says the bust size is 90, will it actually fit right on a 90 bust?

>> No.8329310

I have 2 AP skirts (my waist is about the same) and they're not too bad, but I don't know your tolerance. They squeeze me a tiny bit, but I never feel uncomfortable.

>> No.8329318

You always want to be a few cms below the max measurement. If it's something with shirring, you're probably safe as there's at least 4 inches in partial, and several more in full back. If there is no shirring, it's going to be a snug fit if you are even able to get it zipped at all. Also keep in mind that it's not just the bust, but frame, torso length/width, and shoulders that can play into how something fits.

>> No.8329321

It depends. Different brands come up with their measurements differently. Some are flat measurements/measurements of the actual garment and some are "people of this size will fit". It's best to ask if you're cutting it a little close and the dress is unshirred.

>> No.8329332

Every time i see her i just think of how terrible her makeup was in her first d_l post. It was baaaaaaaad!

>> No.8329340

I'm dying for the OP but i just bought DDC so hopefully the lavender is still in stock when i get my first check in june.

>> No.8329341
File: 378 KB, 480x720, 4e527b5f288aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rinrin dolls face is so unique. i had no idea she much outside of jfashion but she is really pretty

>> No.8329348

Anon do this idea!

>> No.8329351

I'm running a lolita event at a convention and holding a raffle. There are some guys in attendance, some of which are dates, just going alone and may or may not be directly involved in the fashion. I wanted to have a reasonable prize available just for the guys coming, but I'm unsure of what to buy or make. I've gotten a few suggestions. It should be within about a $10-20 budget as most of the prizes I've found are within that general area.

>> No.8329356

I feel like Belle Epoque Rose and Mercator Antique are better examples of AP trying to do sweet/classic, their new florals look like every other floral they've ever done

>> No.8329357

I find her face really fucking weird, and not in a good way. She would have a round face if it wasn't for her chin just kind of protuding out and I'd safely say that she has work done on her nose and eyes.

>> No.8329364

You could look for an off-brand mock turtleneck, since those have shorter collars and are easier to remove than regular turtlenecks?

>> No.8329365

go for a classic / gothic styled pin / brooch

>> No.8329370

The last event i did we found an etc skirt for $10 off mbok and auctioned it off. Everyone seemed to love it. Maybe you can find cheap brand eye patches or hats? Honestly I'd it's a lolita event so don't worry about catering outside of the fashion

>> No.8329371

she's a lifestyler and also an older lolita (about 27 I think) so the mature style suits her. plus for all we know she might not even consider herself lolita because she never tags her coords as lolita

>> No.8329372

Aw those bunny ears are so cute on Misako

>> No.8329376

That was the first thing I thought of too

>waiting for some weird ass APH x Angel Pasta "cosplay lolita" to happen from some ita

>> No.8329387

$400 is still a lot for leather boots when the quality is low, and it sounds like the last release of the strap boots from JM was pretty low quality. Sucks, I would've bought them. I guess I'll pick up those cheap target ones for now.

These pieces are nice. If you're looking at resellers I personally have had great experiences with clobbaonline and my-lolita-dress. The anon who mentioned qtland's prices is dead on, they're really over-charging these days.

>> No.8329409
File: 39 KB, 400x300, de-havilland-melanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in the dc area
>get accepted to an art school in the south (scad)
>realize how fucking humid its going to be when i start going there in the fall
also southern lolitas, (deep south especially) do you think you get worse reactions than your northern sisters or "southern belle" comments? and art school lolitas, how harshly are you judged by your fellow art students? i mean art school is full of kids in alt fashion but lolita is more out there than most of them

>> No.8329413

Honestly, you might as well just buy secondhand brand at this point.
Try Closetchild, they have some nice IW stuff you might like for <$100
Not all burando comes with a $200+ price tag :)

>> No.8329417

I thought she was only half Asian though and that's why she looks so weird? I think depending on the makeup she looks cute like in the OP photo, but this photo here is doing her no good at all

>> No.8329419

I love RinRin Doll too, she just doesn't look like any other person, it's great. She's very "striking" or w/e

>> No.8329425

No, she's Taiwanese Chinese.

>> No.8329430

Reactions to you wearing lolita in public? Good, bad, and the just plain weird. (a while back an anon said someone yelled "hey raisin lady!" at her if any of you have any stories that top that that would be amazing)

>> No.8329444

Actually scratch that, I'm not sure if she's Taiwanese. Definitely Chinese though.

>> No.8329447

Someone recognized what the fashion was when I was at the grocery store in lolita recently. I overheard the girl get really excited when she saw my dress and she started telling her boyfriend about lolita. ngl it was kinda cute.

>> No.8329449

I love her expression. I know she is wearing contacts and photoshop, but her eyes just draw me in. Franky, I do find her wonderfully striking.

>> No.8329457

Is Woody's lolita a good shop?

>> No.8329463

Wow, I'd not seen that many pics of her before because I don't keep up with brand photoshoots much, but she looks amazing. Really striking and more unusual than the usual lolita look. Wish I looked like that.

>> No.8329469

I was walking towards this lady in her 60s and she opened her eyes and mouth wide and shouted how lovely I looked and how long it had been since she last saw someone dressed like that. It was pretty cute.

>> No.8329498

I think Dolly Cat is popular because people are speculating that it will be seen as a prestige piece like Cat's Tea Party in a few years. When I heard AP was doing another cat print I got super excited thinking it would be similar to CTP which I will always regret not buying (I remember having it all in the cart but not pulling the trigger because I was still new to Lolita and the price tag scared me.) Once I saw it, was not impressed at all. I expect in a year or two people will either be trying to sell it overpriced to the point of silliness, or bitching about their "investment" not paying off.

>> No.8329509

I haven't ordered from them but my favorite taobao reseller is my-lolita-dress, they have very good customer service. Clobba is good too. It's best to order from more established shops so your order goes smoothly.

>> No.8329517

A bunch of teenage boys yelled Kyary Pamyu Pamyu behind my back when I was in Osaka. I'm ethnically Japanese so it wasn't even an "omg weird gaijin!!" sort of thing.

>> No.8329525

looks like the kind of print baptists around here wear to church, mixed with Laura Ashley bedspread. pass.

>> No.8329551

I don't get the anons saying she's ugly. She's not conventionally beautiful, but I think she looks very interesting and gorgeous. Her eyes are a beautiful shape, and her nose is very distinguished looking.

>> No.8329561

Really depends on the brand. I find a lot if not most of IW's skirts have a very tight max, a good 5 cm under the stated ~70-72cm limits sometimes even with high waisted/wide band skirts.

Yeah, I really like Rinrin's look. Long, thin nose bridge, sharp eyes. I'd love to see her in gothic sometime (I don't know if she's done it, don't pay too much attention to her media).

I wore lolita nearly daily at art school and never got any rude comments to my face at least, teachers seemed to love it. But I wear gothic and wasn't the only lolita in my school, either.

>> No.8329567

That's a compliment, nigga.

>> No.8329568

if i were there, i would like:

>tie or cravat with interesting print or detailing
>socks with interesting print
>thick gothic ring (men's rings tend to be more about the metal than the deco)

for patterns or prints, avoid flowers, hearts, or pastels.

>> No.8329606

I find it very interesting that people like her eyes so much as they're very fake/surgical looking.

>> No.8329619


I think she's very beautiful but beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

>> No.8329623

I'm into sweet and more into AP or BtSSB. Meta is very forgiving right? Some of their skirts have full shirring.

>> No.8329636

Regardless of whether she's had surgery or not, it doesn't change my opinion that they are pretty looking eyes.

>> No.8329637

To clarify, once i saw dolly cat. I will always love CTP

>> No.8329638

Newer meta yes, they even have a plus size section on their site.

>> No.8329655
File: 51 KB, 413x550, 54868386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet please halp me.

I am looking for gold x cream harlequin socks, but they have to be from a western seller, because I need them before June 6th. I have looked and looked and I can't find anything. Chantilly used to sell some, but it looks like they don't have them on the Harajuku website anymore.

Any insight (including alternate search terms I can use) would be amazing.

>> No.8329803

What do you think of the price? It's 20$ more than socal ild

>> No.8329811


This is my first ILD with this community so honestly, I don't have much to compare it to.

I have absolutely no problem with the $65 price tag if that's ::actually:: the amount of money it costs to host the event, down to the penny. I am curious about the raffle tickets though. It sounded like you get one for free and then you can purchase more. I assume that the raffle tickets go to cover the costs of the prizes etc. but I am concerned about what might happen if there's extra money.

>> No.8329898

oh I am positive they will pocket it. Seeing as last year the prizes were donated.
Also last year only cost 50$

>> No.8330017

Just cover your arms with a cardigan or bolero, maybe?

>> No.8330101


You'd end up covering the three bows on the back.

>> No.8330169


Can you elaborate on why you think Belle Epoque Rose is sweet/classic?

>> No.8330205

Thank you! This gives me an idea of what to keep my eyes open for.

>> No.8330220

The darker color ways, the focus on an older time period rather than current children's toys, the sleeves on the OP, even the way the rocking horse is sort of hidden in the print instead of being prominent. It's mostly the OP that reads sweet/classic to me. I don't think it's a bad thing, I actually really love that print in the navy color way.

For reference I'm just the anon you're replying to and I wasn't a part of that giant argument about AP and sweet/classic earlier.

>> No.8330246

Rinrin is the asian version of Venus Angelic

>> No.8330258

I did in lavender. Can't wait.

>> No.8330343

No she isn't.

>> No.8330569

I would advise you to ask friends and comm members if they would like to order a couple things with you.
This is what I've been doing.
Read about the shopping service fees and calculate an estimate for their list of items. Take payment _before_ you order their items. Make sure they know to set aside some money for shipping, $20-30ish.
I would recommend Taobao Now. Their customer service is great. Place the order for the items you want, then leave a comment with it saying you will have items to add later so you aren't done ordering.
They will let you comment with additional items.

>> No.8330583

This is actually what is going on.

>> No.8330589

I don't even know who Kitty is. No one on here has talked about my hair.

>> No.8330605

I think she's beautiful as well. I find it really weird that people don't like her, she seems really sincerely sweet even though she goes from meet to meet having to compliment every lolita, but it's really cute that she takes the time at each event to talk to each girl about her outfit so patiently. I read seagulls dissing her and then I met her and I liked her a lot. Some girls thought it was weird that she complimented everyone but I thought it was really sweet and I can't imagine the energy and patience it takes to meet every single person.

>> No.8330774

This. People who dislike her are jealous.