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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 619 KB, 1920x1080, cosplayersvsphotographers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8323724 No.8323724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

cosplayers why do u hate photographers
photographers why do you hate cosplayers

>> No.8323743

As a cosplayer ive only had good experiences with photographers. but i am also from the west coast and ive heard west coast photographers are more friendly than east coast

>> No.8323802

It's not really so much cosplayers vs photographers, but individuals who themselves are not really nice people, who happen to come into the firing line of said cosplayer or photographer.

You will find those individuals hate on pretty much anyone else they come across.

>> No.8323892

Because everyone is an entitled little fuck

>> No.8323932


It's not photographers so much as it is really that Masamune guy from what I know

Almost all west coast drama is about him because he's a creepy guy and he's an asshole

>> No.8323944


Go back to making your shitty armor that always loses masquerades, Wayne.

>> No.8323948

Photogs are creepy pervs

>> No.8324215

I know like 50% of this story. And I wanna see where this goes!! Someone start makin' the popcorn~

>> No.8324249
File: 387 KB, 802x3044, afterdarkconversation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am part of afterdark and i like doing inside jobs on them because i want to expose that they share inappropriate pictures with each other / other photographers after shoots like nip slips / possible nudes

>> No.8324261
File: 60 KB, 540x960, ebkss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like most photographers are just after pussy. Their work says more about what they'd fuck vs making art. Their favorite models just end up being w/e fetish they're into and for the most part makes me cringe. A lot of the photographers in my comm don't even know the character's they're shooting half the time, they just go for what their dick likes, meaning they skip over details that a fan would appreciate. Also annoyed that some coswhores get free shoots while the men/none profit cosplayers have to pay. The reason I've lost faith in the comm because this is how idols are made now, not from talent but who the photographer wants to fuck the most. I appreciate the loyal ones but for every photographer that says they don't do this, 4 more take their place and they're the ones who get noticed because they're banking off coswhores. Look at their comments some time and watch the female popular contest attempts. The only ones defending this behavior are the ones profiting. Go figure.

>> No.8324268

What I don't get is that ebk isn't really going to make you famous and he doesn't even look that good. He's on the wrong side of his thirties, isn't he?

>> No.8324277
File: 361 KB, 1097x720, 1408562850810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their work says more about what they'd fuck vs making art. Their favorite models just end up being w/e fetish they're into and for the most part makes me cringe.
And in other news, water is wet.

>> No.8324280
File: 67 KB, 960x640, afterdarkgayporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hear they started investing in gay porn after all the ladies told them to fuck off

>> No.8324283

Just used him as an example. He's more of an actual fan than most, but still only thinks with his dick. Is there anyone here he hasn't tried to get with? Be honest kek.

Whore detected.

>> No.8324292

Me, but I'm a dude

>> No.8324311

How is that whoreish? I just figured it was obvious that cosplay photags don't care for photography as an art.

>> No.8324322
File: 59 KB, 960x641, jessiefuckface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meet zergie cosplay or jessie fuckface as afterdark likes to call her. the girl on the right making the "i just farted wet poop and now im gonna make a stank face" pose. she's done a couple of after dark shoots but claims she no longer would. As long as her bff hexgirl cosplay is going out with kimcaboom we can always lure this coswhore back to the bedsheets

>> No.8324328


Wow your vendetta is really pathetic

>> No.8324357

How do you have this thread without Felix Wong?

>> No.8324404

is he only in his 30's? I swear he and LionelBuggy are both in their mid-40s at least.

>> No.8324406
File: 136 KB, 640x360, 1367733134903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photographers and their creative artwork

>> No.8324410

what did he do?

>> No.8324443

Deets? What drama is he involved in? He shows up on cgl a lot but because of what?

>> No.8324461
File: 21 KB, 640x480, 1407722381114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how every girl feels doing after dark shoot realizing its too late to back out

>> No.8324514
File: 65 KB, 489x562, albertngcallout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8324549

I always hear him mentioned but no one ever says why

>> No.8324672

damn. you must have a lot of time on your hands.

>> No.8324691

yeah it's what i did when i'm not on tumblr shippin gmy OTPs

>> No.8324703

Lol, this thread is about west coast drama. The only good thing about 4chan is that it opened my eyes to all the vendettas and shit talking that the community has.

I was once blind, but now I see.

>> No.8324728

i didn't know west coast has drama. all i hear on cgl is the same lame east coast stories. midwest is probably the best place to be. nothing happens here

>> No.8324757

everybody has drama

>> No.8324774

Not all of them are, but I am not giving away the ones I shoot with because the last thing I want is for them to be targeted.

>> No.8324915

I wonder if Miss Sinister would be OK with you posting this here.

>> No.8324944

I will say that as a transplant to WC, I have been disappointed in the photographers. Sure, I might have to pay a little for my photos on the east coast, but at least I GET THEM. Someone on the WC might gush and pull me off for a shoot and take an hour.......and yeah god knows if I am ever getting any photos. Let alone one. Don't waste my time, I won't waste yours. When money exchanges hands, at least it becomes a bit of a contract.

>> No.8324990

There's SOME drama here, but nothing really big. Mainly just the usual people beefing with each other.

>> No.8324993

Why don't you want to out the perv and have them be targeted?

>> No.8324995

I would Agree. Normally the west coast is pretty time with most of, if not all its drama. But little shits like to come here acting like /cgl/ is this demonic, world ruining machine and try to start some shit. It never was and it never will be (Not your personal army, yada yada)

Mid west seems to almost never have like real drama to talk about. Y'all are doing great!

>> No.8325068

only problem on the east coast is unprofessional and thristy new photogs trying to make money when they are still practing photography and cosplayers with mediocre cosplay skills thinking they are God's Gifts and snubbing photographers who aren't "cosfamous" if thats even possible. You have these little bitch stables now popping up where they have "managers" and so that just makes them even more elitest. You have them throwing/hosting parties making themselves VIPs or the fame-wanna be photogs who have "magazines" which are just glorified pdfs sold on those self-publish sites

>> No.8325074


I have never heard of that. That's so sad.

>> No.8325101

fame hungry bitches be easy to control

>> No.8325102

Cosplayers are the pinnacle of an erected ego - Photographers on the other hand provide the stroke and spit on that ego.

>> No.8325170

I agree, the west coast in general is good. Amazing photographers and cosplayers. There are drama whores starting stuff, but once you establish yourself, you can separate the creeps and the drama llamas from the people who genuinely love the stuff and have some talent.

There are a bunch of really awesome people I will be seeing next weekend in FanimeCon, no drama, just partying and having fun.

>> No.8325327
File: 393 KB, 855x2196, chownothung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't care if some stuck up bitch calls us out with her army of coswhores backing her up. me and the after dark entourage will call out any of these hoes and bring justice back to our name. #afterdark #aboveandbeyond #fuckhaters

>> No.8325335

I support your cause. Boycott ALL Conventions from this day onward!!!

>> No.8325431

Unprofessional? That's fucking hilarious. East coast is more professional. Charge for a shoot, you're almost guaranteed to get your shots back. Unless west coast, where most shoots are free, photographers can give a promise, and still not be obligated to give your photos back. Fucking dumbass. Get the fuck out of here. Shitty photographer or not if they're charging I know I have a means of getting photos back. Idiot.

>> No.8325478

Oh, turning this into an east coast vs west coast thread? Bring it on.

>> No.8325492


I think by unprofessional they mean shit quality.

>> No.8325697
File: 352 KB, 2048x1536, 1559515_650422578372045_7318288718414168698_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

westcoast photography

>> No.8325750

Just name names and say Eugene Manning.

>> No.8325756

I am both, and get along with both.

If you don't like each other, don't talk to each other. You don't need each other to do your hobby.

>> No.8325758
File: 10 KB, 363x350, 1423351819300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a guy I agree is fucking bullshit.

I didn't sign up for in this hobby for fetishism, sure there is fun to be had in that direction, but in my case I'm not interested, but is not the fun I derive from it.

and the lack of morality on the scene affects also my wallet and the amount of professional attention I get by these photo niggs.

>> No.8325759

>get out of my swamp

>> No.8325855

He delivers though and is a legit talent scout. He helped that one leggy blonde become a full time model.

>> No.8325856

Jaycee Estrella

>> No.8325857

Look up Jaycee Estrella.

>> No.8325947

I find it hilarious that photographers have a clique to discuss the drama of cosplay at all. Conventions are for the fans and cosplayers to enjoy themselves instead of these bunch of camera guys ego honor #aboveandbeyond carpet bagger pussy scouts.

>> No.8326010

I'm on the East Coast and I can say there are plenty of unprofessional people on my coast. Attitude and business practice wise

>> No.8326022

Yeah he hooked her up with a small agency, but so far most of her work seems to be modeling for his cosplay studios and his own magazine. His photos are mostly shit, looks like he's using John Chea's "shoot like Shiro Ang" tutorial now if you compare to his originals from a few months back. He promotes himself in his magazine (one of those MagCloud services) and pretends its a legit magazine that's decided to feature him, when it's just self-featuring.

Sadly he's not all at fault 100 percent! A lot of self-important people out on both coasts seem to be dying that. Posing as an agency, magazine, company and saying they are sponsoring or partnering up with ____ to do an event, party, or some other shit.

>> No.8326481

>Posting something from a hated west coast creeper, Victor Markovich Jr.
>All West coast is like that hack


>> No.8326542
File: 1.02 MB, 974x937, nanabulma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omar Freeman also knows as blue adept photography is the after dark of landwhales. he messages girls everyday and his wife gets mad at him for going to cosplay conventions but the urge to photograph landwhales in lingerie MUST BE DONE. i know cuz he would message my ex gf all the time after she got fat

>> No.8326551

>Omar Freeman
>after dark of landwhales
of course he is
why are black people so into fat white chicks idgi

>> No.8326607

This thread makes me so happy I only cosplay from shit tier western fandoms. The only people who take my pics do t because I'm paying them and there's no drama, fame or dicks involved. Photog gets my tumblr trash money and I get pics, everyone wins, nobody gets thirsty.

>> No.8327259

EBK is married and in his late 30's or early 40's

>> No.8327579

what shapewear is it?

>> No.8327602
File: 117 KB, 673x800, potatographer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatty photog here. I love doing this to hot ass female cosplayers. This is the only place where i can get an excuse to get a good hard on and not be called a creep

>> No.8327614


when did he marry?

>> No.8327616

What shapewear is that?

>> No.8327619

East coast photag here/ i always go to cons and take pics of cosplayers and stuff, never charged. Would it be a good idea to charge ten bucks for ten poses?

>> No.8327620


doing God's work anon

>> No.8327633

no. charging so low diminishes the values of fellow photographers.

>> No.8327649

Sounds fair, as long you are not herp derping a ton of gear and assistants; charge as you would casual cosplayers (charge more if they act like prima donnas).

>> No.8327710

$50 for every half hour
$100 for an hour

Any lower and you cheapen the art. Do you want to cheapen the art?

>> No.8327720
File: 134 KB, 597x603, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this because of that post in the group Fang Fox mods?

>> No.8327765

I'd agree. Charge nothing as a hobbyist or charge a lot As a pro. Don't participate in the race to the bottom. This is what killed the photo industry. Just make sure that when you charge you're worth paying

>> No.8327782


30min to take 10 shots...

60min to take 10 shots...

>> No.8327808

>East coast photag here/ i always go to cons and take pics of cosplayers and stuff, never charged.

Are you a Pro bro?

>> No.8327819


no but I worked in a camera shop and frequently rent pretty expensive equipment for some small gigs. I wouldn't say im pro...that just sounds pompous.

I don't care about fellow photographers. I am completely out of touch when it comes to the community. Besides I'm broke so why would someone agree to a noname photag unless its cheap?

sound fairs I probably will just do free for otakon and see how that turns out.

>> No.8327871

More EBK drama, please.

>> No.8327878

I swear he's single because he kept hitting on my friends. how does his wife/partner feel about this.

>> No.8327909

He always comments on the fb pages of lady friends and he always unnerved me

Now I know why.

>> No.8327922

Guy here, and an Amateur cosplayer at that. I wouldn't even dream of asking some cosplay photographer to take my pics, because either I'd be rejected, or I'd have to pay some retarded high sum.

My question, to all those who wind up getting people to take pics of you, is how do you filter creeps and other undesirables when you've already made a time-based investment, but realize they are disgusting faggots when they are ready to start shooting? Do you just straight-up walk out? Or is it simply too late, and you're getting camera-raped for an hour?

>> No.8327930

I do have a question, do we have any cosplay photographers friendly to the LGBT community? They don't even need to be gay, I just want some recs.

>> No.8327932

most cosplay pghotographers would be happy to shoot the L crowd.

>> No.8327938

Any of them? Is there a single photographer who would ever make a huge fuss about what form of genitals you prefer to suck on? This day and age, it would be career suicide, and even those who were blatantly homophobic would simply stifle their comments temporarily until the shoot was over.

>> No.8327942

Then don't try to be a model if you don't feel comfortable with being, camera raped?

>> No.8327969

If you are a guy, you don't need to worry about "creeps" (most are after the ladies). You should probably worry about photographers (even the "creeps") not giving you the time of day if your costume is not recognizable or too simple looking.

You can always make an excuse in the middle of the shoot to leave. Something like, "oh, I have to meet up with a friend! Sorry!" will do.

>> No.8328058
File: 93 KB, 960x540, 10403106_315792308576316_2858521877809041818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys just mad cuz afterdark has naked orgies after their shoots. just look at that poor innocent girl taking on 3 tiny penises at once

>> No.8328072

Lots of desperate photographers do that. I know a few NYC photogs who are all buddy buddy and they don't like or comment on shit unless your a girl or you guys are in tight, but you see them at least rattling off Likes on every single fucking post by a female cosplayer at minimum

>> No.8328169

Out of them all, I think I'm most disappointed in Kim. I s2g his personality changed so much after he did that video with Yaya and then he thought he was big time and started becoming really rude and condescending.
Luckily there are still a lot of genuine good guys and photogs I hang out with outside of cons so the dead-heading here doesn't bother me at all.
I've been getting weird vibes from him semi recently. A lot of the non cosplay stuff he shoots always looks like the beginning of a porno but we have a fairly solid work history and a lot of his photos (at least of me) have been pretty solid. Did always wonder about his family and daughter. Shes probably almost middle school age now. I wonder what she thinks.

>> No.8328213

As I always say, don't just complain about the negative behavior, promote the good ones, but then you guys are still butt hurt because they are elitist and complain they are on a high horse

>> No.8328219

>tfw hey guys we made enough to only hire one escort

>> No.8328389

one of those in the photo works at facebook
that niggah got money

>> No.8328540

Anon, I'd gladly take your pics. I give equal time to male as well as female cosplayers. To be honest, the last cosplay meet up I went too, the majority of the cosplayers I photographed were guys.

>> No.8328542

arent those the cosplay twins from CR?

>> No.8328685

Niggah has money but def. no style

>> No.8329103
File: 430 KB, 906x1080, martinnotwong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

martin wong is blacklisted as a photographer by yirico when she made a post about how her skin got so clear thanks to no filer and using only lighting. Martin Wong's unedited extra hi def pic deteremed... that was a lie

>> No.8329112

oh shit.
>i literally said oh shit out loud to myself and my roommate came in excited for drama

>> No.8329147

>tiny penises
niggah still has a small penis

>> No.8329153

werd son, ya gets what I mean *eye roll*

>> No.8329336

Did martin reply to her status with his photo? That's such a dick move.

>> No.8329367

Holy shit, her foundation is so obviously mismatched with her skin in the Deidara photo. Girl, brush the foundation all the way to your hairline. Don't be afraid to get a little in your hair (it shouldn't be thick enough to be noticeable if you do), harsh lines like that look grosser to me than a bumpy face.

>> No.8329388

I suddenly feel much better about my -very- mild acne in comparison to this. Is it disingenuous to shoop yourself so much that nobody would recognize you in person? As the photog I would have outed this BS too. I keep a side by side on my fb wall of me with no makes up and me with full make up to let everyone know that I'm not trying to pretend I'm something I'm not.

>> No.8329422
File: 108 KB, 656x890, martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure those are unrelated posts

>> No.8329440

Photog here.
How do you guys feel about being photoshopped by photographers?
Do you feel like they should ask permission before fixing blemishes like small pimples or discolored skin?
I know some people get offended by it.
What's the best way to ask? How do you ask if they want to be photoshopped thinner?
I don't personally mind photoshopping cosplayers if it makes them feel more confident, but I also don't want to come off as "well you could use it."

>> No.8329450

Ask them if they would like anything photoshopped. Just be nice about it and ask after a shoot. If you just let them look through their photos and ask them if they see anything they want shopped they will see how they look and give you a definite yes or no. I've worked with photographers like that and when I have an acne small acne break out it's nice to be able to have some things removed.

>> No.8329478


You're retarded. Quit trying to cause drama from nothing.
Martin's post was about all the people blocking members from the After Dick crew and had nothing to do with Yirico at all.

See >>8329422

>> No.8329488


> I keep a side by side on my fb wall of me with no makeup and me with full make up
> caring that much if people think you photoshop your skin or not

That's pretty sad actually

>> No.8329494

Ask if they want the photos edited or "airbrushed" or whatever

>> No.8329672

I thought it was about EBK, I don't think Martin hang out with the after dark crew

>> No.8329716

I do what needs to be done. I've never had any complaints, because I:

1) Know what I'm doing, and
2) I know that what I'm doing needs to be subtle, but effective. No obvious / bad changing of faces, smoothing skin, but not to the point of it resembling plastic, posing the subject and lighting well in camera so that the photo is flattering from the get-go.

Again, no complaints yet.

Also, why is the CAPTCHA food now?

>> No.8329728

more ebk and after dark drama please

>> No.8329733

4chan, now sponsored by The Food Network!

>> No.8329822


Oh it might have been
I know both posts were made around the same time

>> No.8329841

After Dark provides nip slips and anything you can think of to other photogs like martin wong in exchange for whatever they feel like. There's even a video of some cosplayer fingering herself that they passed around

>> No.8329856

who was the cosplayer?

>> No.8329896
File: 156 KB, 960x914, inthenameofthemooniwhoreyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's one of them. the after dark coswhore all star team . not sure which but i remember being in a group chat with them and they were trading nsfw slips

>> No.8329900

Why would Martin Wong or anyone needs to exchange from them when they can just get girls themselves, beside, what would after dick want from them

>> No.8329936

so martin wong keeps his hands clean and so that masamune does all the dirty work. Martin wong more trusted with the more popular cosplayers , ty makes wong give good word about him so that he can lure more coswhores to the bedsheets

>> No.8330009

Pics or it didn't happen.