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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8318897 No.8318897 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't see a thread. Anyone here going? What cosplay or coord plans do you have?

>> No.8321083

Im planning to go but its my first time to this show. First time to an Atlanta show period. What are some good events/places/guests to look out for?

>> No.8321158

If you've never been to a con in Georgia, I recommend AWA. This year it's a four day con. But it's my 3rd time attending and I'm super excited for it this year.

>> No.8321195

Is Momocon bigger than I thought? This is actually my first-ever con, but I didn't think that it was very popular. I think I've seen a couple of posts in the past few months.

>> No.8321735

Do any of you who are going have space in your room or know someone with space in their room? The plans I had look like they're going to fall though.

>> No.8321950

What mech are you doing this time? Looking forward to seeing you there.

>> No.8322124

It's been gaining steam over the years. It'll probably surpass AWA, especially since it's branded as more of a general entertainment con rather than just limited to Anime.

I plan on hanging out Friday and Saturday. So far, the only costumes I have planned are the Riddler, Littlefinger, and maybe Travis Touchdown and Booker Dewitt.

>> No.8322139

No..it has not been gaining steam. The attendance numbers are over inflated and they were choke pointing areas to make it seem more crowded. now they are in a huge center acting like they are hot shit when it's going to look empty as hell.

>> No.8322919

Gundam MK-II and maybe my Hyaku-Shiki as well. Depends on how transportation goes since its a 10+ hr drive from where I am.

>> No.8323230

i have been saying the same hopefully i will still have fun but the emptiness will get to me

>> No.8323536

I'm pissed off because I thought Momocon was on memorial day weekend but it's the week after so now I can't go. I really wanted to meet Keith David too.

>> No.8324149

Matt is that you?

>> No.8324195

no who is matt?

>> No.8324417

Even if I still lived in GA, I will probably never return to Momocon.

It was decent when it was free and at the GA tech centre. It made a for a quick short get away con to prepare costumes and photography for the bigger ones.

Now that it's at a bigger venue, and charging for entrance... It's gone to absolute SHIT. They gotten nazi about the rules, Staff members are getting huge egos because "Hey my ex-free anime club ran anime convention is on par with AWA so lets puff out our chest and act cool"

That's the vibe I've got.

AWA is going down hill as well. Ah well.

>> No.8324444
File: 432 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1429828746697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill be there!
Only going cause I have a free badge right now but idk not excited for the con tbh...
I have 2 more cosplays to finish still also ahhh

>> No.8324587

your photo got turned! so many costumes. I'm excited to see your sword boy and Kotetsu

>> No.8324789

How is Awa going down hill?

>> No.8324881

yeah idk why my phone did that... im still working on kogi
ill be him on friday with a mikazuki and nakigitsune!
im so ready to be kotetsu, styling his wig tonight and then its done

>> No.8325163

I'm only thinking of going because of the Tokyo Attack game room. I need some ITG and Initial D in my life again.

>> No.8327799

i feel like no one on here goes but maybe we can still plan a meetup i mean it is a 4 day event

>> No.8327818
File: 147 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nbydgqPDcf1sgqzk2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going, mostly because a friend has a panel, but I did have a lot of fun last year. I'll be wearing lolita all four days, although probably something casual for Thursday and Friday since I work.

Any other lolitas going? What do you plan to wear?

>> No.8327854


>> No.8327891

If you go, make sure you don't plan on wearing anything excessively skimpy, because they're strict about that. I know a lot of people that have been told to change or have been threatened of being kicked out, no doubt that the con has kicked people out of it before.

I went once and it was so terribly unorganized and so militant that I don't plan on coming back. It's a pretty small con though, don't plan on doing too much there. Plan to be bored if you don't know people.

>> No.8327894

Yeah i'm going with friends honestly i'm not sure if it's even fun for people who don't know anyone

>> No.8327896

>I know a lot of people that have been told to change or have been threatened of being kicked out, no doubt that the con has kicked people out of it before.
also i have heard of this but wasn't sure if it was true until i saw it with my own eyes fucking silly

>> No.8327979

I'll be there in lolita for 2 out of 4 days! I'll be wearing Jewelry Jelly in black and Royal Unicorn in ivory (still working on some accessories for that coord). I'm looking forward to seeing other lolitas!

>> No.8327983

Yeah, they're really big on being a "family-friendly con" (as opposed to Dragon*con, a massive ATL con with basically no rules). Their dress code is pretty strict, but I can sort of understand why. There's plenty of other cons with more lax dress codes. Also, I think it'll be bigger this year. I always attend with friends, and personally it's been a lot of fun.

>> No.8328375

I'm going with friends. AX was going to be my first con but my friends convinced me to go to Momocon with them.

Hopefully this gets me pumped for AX.

Momo seems small so just doing Fri/Sat.

Are you guys gonna go to the aquarium?

>> No.8328993
File: 354 KB, 474x750, 1420239897139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there in a schoolgirl uniform, with a snapback, chains, and hater shades supporting 420MoeSwag

>> No.8329383

i will laugh so hard but i will aslo take a picture with you

>> No.8329468

Awesome! I'll be wearing Wonder Queen on Sunday (I think), and some Chocolate prints the other days. I still need to figure out my coords.

>> No.8329618

Sounds great. I live in the area, so if you need someone to show you around, I'm more than happy to. Always nice to see a zetabro.

Aquarium? Maybe. Will have to see. It is pretty fun though

>> No.8329648

That's all I ever wanted ;-; That, and to toke up with cute guys at a con.

>> No.8329650

Who wouldn't want to get high in cosplay?

>> No.8329735
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That's what I'm saying! Conventions always have such a friendly, safe-ish atmosphere, so why not take advantage of it. Also, no one can tell how blazed I am through the shades. Quite literally blocking haters. I'm not even a stoner tbh. I'm just doing it for teh lulz

>> No.8329828

I'll be going to the aquarium as Tsukimi from Jellyfish Princess in her pink dress from the last episode.

>> No.8330136

First timer here. How is the costume contest at this con?

>> No.8330341

I've heard this before too. And based on the people I've heard it from, it seems to be completely subjective.

From my experience, people who say this have been going for a long time, since they were in middle/high school. As they get older perhaps it becomes less appealing, or they start noticing more of the "politics;" stuff like that, so the natural human inclination is to blame the con.

Even from personal experience. My first time at DragonCon was two years ago, and it was the freakin mecca of amazing cosplay. So much hard work put into all these armors, cosplay, props, etc.
After going again last year, it was many of the same people wearing the same pieces, so my gut reaction was "the cosplay wasn't as great this year." But when you think about it, how bs is that? In hindsight, I probably had a better time last year than the year before since I spent a lot more time socializing as well as partying with my close friends.

>> No.8330359

I don't completely agree with you.
While it was at tech, it attracted a lot of middle and high schoolers, so in general terms a lot of people doing really cringey things. Kind of ruins the con experience when there's such a huge number of people acting like shit.

The past couple years have been used to reorient the brand, and test what works and what doesn't as a paid, bigger con. I think Momo is definitely still in that stage, trying to figure out what it is and how to execute that.

But I feel like their mouths are writing a much bigger check than they can cash. I'm not going in this year with high expectations, but I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.8330365

Does anyone know if this is a 24 hour con like AWA or DCon? Or does the convention center close at a certain time like ComicCon?

>> No.8330757

last year the con was at a hotel so people could be out as much as they wanted now it's in a venue again so i amuse yeah it's probably gonna shut down t a certain time considering they think they are a family con.
>>But when you think about it, how bs is that? In hindsight, I probably had a better time last year than the year before
i know that feel
Nothing worse than having fun then thinking you didn't have fun then realizing you actually had the most fun it's retarded

>> No.8330760

my expectations are low and i expect to spend a very low amount of dosh this year

>> No.8330777

>thinking that momo was good when it was free
>conveniently forgetting the year it was in tech square and how hard it was to find anything because of everything being spread out
>forgetting how big of a quality leap it took after it actually started charging money
sorry you have such shit taste, anon.

>> No.8330778

hi, i'll be there! i'm doing quartet chocolate and magical etoile.

>> No.8330880

damn. I figured as much. We'll see how it goes at the end of the month. The concept is kind of strange going to a non-24 hour Georgia con.

I understand the limitations, but most fun happens after midnight.

>> No.8330891
File: 2.48 MB, 1800x1200, whatisthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that fucking pisses me off.
>Atlanta's Answer To Comic-Con
die in a fucking fire

>> No.8331466
File: 102 KB, 600x750, N5D0y6PnK77RjyadO4kz6kbVzc1J6y578JOI55bE5Pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going and cosplaying pic related. Only thing I'm really looking forward to is the SK panel, otherwise I'll be gaymin.

I'll be packing so if you want to smoke with me say high.

>> No.8332028

Checking in.

I'll be attending pretty casually, as Casey Jones, and a Crazy88 thug.
Maybe have a Kirby hat if I can complete it in time.

>> No.8332376


>> No.8333482

I'll be on the lookout

>> No.8333517

Momo forgot that we have dragon con

>> No.8334182

I feel like it may actually be big this year, I haven't decided to go yet because none of my friends are going and attending alone is too awkward.

>> No.8334467

/cgl/ meetup when and where? I don't know the location so I can't set anything.

>> No.8334493

i'll be wearing lolita on sunday with my friend in a matching coord.
>if she ever gets her accessories from the mail

>> No.8334555

awa meetup was pretty successful a couple months back

>> No.8335006

I was there and the only cosplayer that made their own cosplay. It was a bit disappointing.

>> No.8336557

Me and like 5 or 6 other Hotline Miami cosplayers from /v/ and /vg/ are meeting there.

>> No.8336568

AWA is going to be four days? As in there's going to be more than just registration and the sale on Thursday?

>> No.8337078

I think he meant Momocon. AWA is 24-27 of September

>> No.8337090

AWA is also a four day con this year, 24-27 is four days.
I was thinking about doing AA at AWA but after seeing all the restrictions and everything for it I might just do Dealer's room with a friend.

>> No.8337101

Oh shit im retarded, I just I added 3 to 24 and forgot to count the initial day. My bad

>> No.8337138

I've done that before too so you aren't alone. I feel like thursday is gonna be a waste of a day though since school will have already started and it's harder to get two days off than just one.

I'm guessing the reason all the cons in Georgia are trying out 4 day cons is because of DragonCon's success with it. If Momocon gets pushed back to Memorial day weekend next year it'll be easier for them to do a 4 day con if they go friday-monday like DragonCon does.

>> No.8341239

Does anyone need a place to stay at this convention? I got a bed spot left at the Embassy near the convention center available for Friday-Sunday.

>> No.8341309

I plan on wearing lolita on Friday!

I'll also be wearing jewelry jelly, I'm coording it in lavender though. What day were you planning on wearing it?

>> No.8341409

"Now that Momocon is at a bigger venue, and charging for entrance.It's gone to absolute SHIT " That is the absolute truth! The staffing is just awful. Lack of staff and those who do staff are pretty much incompetent. Plus there is NOTHING for the J-Fashion community. Waste to time and money.

>> No.8341420

I agree, it lacks fashion related stuffs, but why dont you help out by taking the initiative?

Con meetups, tea party, or even lolita 101 panels are better than nothing.

>> No.8341426

I also hate how strict they are, because they're a family con. Some of it seems extra, like guys can't be bare chested because you know it's too vulgar for the kiddos.

>> No.8341454

I had thought they made it so the men couldn't be bare chested because of the stricter rules for women to make it more equal.

>> No.8341637

Is the spot still open? I'm looking for a room.

>> No.8341786

Yes, it is still available. Whats your throwaway email?

>> No.8341847

Awesome. Email is in the name field, message me the details!

>> No.8342635
File: 346 KB, 326x607, Gotta go fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm driving all the way from Kentucky for this. I hope it's as fun as all my friends say it is. Also, this is my first con since Kentucky is pretty shite except for gun laws, any tips on how to maximize my fun?
Pic related shows how hype I am.

>> No.8342808

Shame, I needed a place to stay. Anyone else have an opening or anything?

>> No.8342834

still available, gimmie your emailz so I can tell you more

>> No.8342906

Here's a throwaway

>> No.8343031


>> No.8343047

Already plan on it. Anything else to help enhance the fun?

>> No.8343549

If you have the extra time outside of momocon there are some good restaurants in Atlanta. There are also some really great fabric stores to stock up on cosplay supplies such as fine fabrics (for a large selection of cheap but good fabric as well as notions that are cheap as fuck) and Gail K. Fabrics (which is expensive but their selection includes fabrics that are super beautiful).

>> No.8343820

Yeah, I got plenty of time outside of the con, I'm gonna be down there for a week. I don't think I would head to the fabric stores since I don't think I would make a good cosplayer or anything, but I will check out some of the restaurants down there. Are there any neat things to take pictures of besides cosplayers, like landmarks and things? I just picked up an old yashica and I'm gonna travel around the area and try to get some good shots.

>> No.8343961

As far as restaurants go if you like Bahn Mi there's a really great place called Lee's bakery that sells that and pho for a great price and down the street from it is a place called paris baguette that has very delicious desserts but they are a bit expensive. If you want cake you MUST go to cafe intermezzo, also a bit expensive but the cake there is godly. There's a french restaurant called Au Rende-Vouz that has great savory crepes though the service is slow. If you like gimmicky stuff there is a place where the restaurant rotates and you can see the skyline of atlanta (I recommend going on days where the weather is good and at sunset) it's called Sun Dial. If you like burgers you must go to the Vortex in Little Five Points, all the burgers are good but it's famous for one where the buns are grilled cheese sandwiches.

As for things to take pictures of I recommend the Botanical Garden of Atlanta because it's beautiful this time of year. For landmarks there is the Varsity restaurant (food is meh but it's well known for some reason?), also there's the giant peach of down town Atlanta. I could probably give you better recommendations if I know what kind of things you like to take pictures of? If you like architecture there's a really pretty university called Oglethorpe and a lot of cosplayers like to take pictures there.

I'm from the Atlanta region but now I'm living in Athens for college so if you are for some weird reason in that area I can give you recommendations for places to visit as well.

>> No.8344686

Oh hey, you're a friend of a friend. Nice Lucina cosplay. Friend cosplayed as Chrom, so I'm sure you know who I'm talking about

>> No.8344699

Some parts of the city make for nice landscapes, but mostly around the area would the Congress Center (from what I've seen from a friend's photos). There's also Centennial Olympic Park, and the area in front of the Coke Museum. They're all really close to the con.

Cosplaying as Katsura (Gintama), Yato (Noragami), Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul), and Shirou (Fate/Stay Night)

>> No.8344706

>Shirou (Fate/Stay Night)
are you the guy that uses his real hair for Shirou?

>> No.8344801

Seeing as I am from bumfuck nowhere KY, I have no idea what Bahn Mi, or pho is. I'm assuming its some awesome Asian food? Is the sun dial expensive, because I think I might take the time to make a huge panoramic photo out of it.
As for taking pictures, I just like taking pictures of anything that looks good to me. Around here its always nature, so it might be a good opportunity to get some people and architecture.
I don't think I'll be heading towards Athens considering how much gas I'll be using just to go down to Atlanta.

>> No.8344818

Gonna be wearing lolita the whole time. Maybe some other j-fashions.

>> No.8345060

Quality leap?

Stuckey is that you?

>> No.8345144

Bahn Mi and Pho are both Vietnamese foods. Super tasty, but definitely an acquired taste with a bit of a learning curve. If you've never tried it, it's best to go with someone who knows what their doing.

What kind of food are you into? I've been here and there in and around the greater Atlanta area and I can try to give you a suggestion or two.

As far as the Sundial goes, they have a pretty good bar, the food is okay, definitely pricey, but the novelty of the view is pretty great.

What day are you coming down, and what general area are you going to be lodging?

>> No.8345176

no. seriously where the fuck were you when they had it at ga tech/ga tech square?? how could you think those were good cons?? christ on a bike you have awful taste.

just fyi for those that would be interested in the vortex: it's 21+ only. used to be 18+ but they bumped up the age limit higher. also, seconding intermezzo! they have a shit ton of drinks to try out and it's got a cool atmosphere (and by "shit ton" i mean they have to put them all on a separate menu that's 10+ pages long).
would not recommend the varsity though unless you REALLY want to do the tourist-y thing. their food is cheap, gross, and hella greasy (not in a good way). love yourself and avoid it.

as for taking pictures, momo is having an event at the georgia aquarium so you might as well do that too. hit up world of coke too if you got time!

>> No.8345279

Whoa, what? When did vortex change their age policy again?
It doesn't affect me personally, but I'm curious as to the reason.

>> No.8345424

Nah, first time I'm cosplaying as him, but I think I know who you're talking about. I'm going to be using a wig for him at least

>> No.8346522


Would throw you a bone, but this year I'm crashing at a friend's place. If you're a guy, bro it up with some dudes and crash at their room. That's what I did two years ago and I made some great friends.


Was originally done by Georgia Tech I believe and was a small-time convention. Last year they were in two hotels, and this year they're in the biggest (?) building and the swankiest hotel there is in Atlanta. It's pretty big at this point; I'd dare to say it's bigger than AWA at this point (in size, not in popularity specifically).

>> No.8346525


Anon, want me to get in line and get a recording for you? If I've free time when he's doing stuff, I'll see what I can swing, and I can link the vocaroo on here.



I like you, but please don't tell me it's a Barnaby x Kotetsu gay-pair cosplay. The sheer volume of those I saw when T&B was big was gross.

>> No.8346527


I'm not the cutest of guys, but if you find someone to toke it up with, I'd love to kick it with you guys. This poor white boy needs to see what it's like.

>> No.8346533


A portion of it will be held in a hotel, which I assume will house the 24-hour venues. Since it's in the big building this time, I doubt the big meat-and-potatoes place will stay open, but I'm sure there'll be something overnight. What are you looking to do exactly?

>> No.8346535

couple months ago i think? i've only been once and it was in july 2014 so i can't say for sure. i'm pretty bummed about it but at least i'm turning 21 this year so it won't be too long of a wait. idk about why they bumped it up to 21+ though; maybe to have a more bar-ish atmosphere and they didn't want younger college kids?? lord knows why.

>> No.8346537


Can I show up if I'm not in cosplay or if my cosplay is subpar? I want to see what seagulls are like in person, get some good pictures and be terribly awkward around girls.

>> No.8346540


Driving from Kentucky? Damn, mate, that's impressive. My best is just trying to converse with complete strangers and see who you hit it off with. Grab a bunch of said people, introduce them to each other and go out on a night of debauchery or crazy hijinks, whichever you prefer.

>> No.8346549

Yeah, three maybe four years ago it was a free con, since then they've been going full blast to trying to be on par/surpass AWA, but we'll have to see.

A lot of the concerns, as a bunch of other people pointed out is inflated attendance numbers. They've been hyping this thing up trying to say it's massive, justifying moving it into a convention center rather than hotels, but we'll see.
Their policies have been really strict since their rebranding, in the worst ways possible. I understand you don't want people running around with their dicks flopping around or their nipples poking people in the eyes, but it seems like a lot of the security staff go mad with the tiny power they have.

Supposedly management is still very scatterbrained and can't really get their shit straight, but this is, as far as I can tell, purely speculation/bad gossip.

Either way, I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I'm excited to see what's changed/grown.
Plus I'm fairly well acquainted with the head of security this year, and he's a pretty down to earth and cool guy, so hopefully that'll be a plus.

>> No.8346553


>> No.8346652

I completely spaced and forgot about getting a hotel room for this con, how fucked am I for just saturday night

>> No.8346665

As for food I'm pretty much up for anything unless it has things like mustard, pickles, or ketchup. I'm gonna be in Birmingham the 25th to the 27th and then I will be in Atlanta from the 27th to the 1st.

That vortex place sounds pretty cool, I might hit it up.

Driving from kentucky wont be that bad, I drove 2 hours to school every day for the past 2 years. Long drives are nothing to me. I might try to hit up some random people, but I might get too nervous for that.

But if any of you see someone walking around with an electro 35 around their neck, chances are that will be me. Come up and say hi if you have the chance.

>> No.8346685


The main hotel? Fucked. Anally. You might get lucky if you're by yourself in a hotel nearby-ish.

>> No.8346697


>2 hours to school every day

Just for that, I want to buy you a drink. Even if it's something like a beer or just a bottle of water; I applaud you for that. I'd lose my mind. That's a cool-ass camera, but are you going to be cosplaying or anything recognizable?

>> No.8346770

do it, anon. just make sure you go on an empty stomach. go walk around little five points in general tbh (which is the area that the vortex is located at). there's a lot of neat little shops there!

>> No.8346801
File: 59 KB, 444x318, outside-of-vortex-restaurant-grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self-correcting, L5P is ONE of the locations the vortex is at (the other being in mid town). i forget that's even there because why /wouldn't/ you want to go to the one with the cool fucking skull entrance

>> No.8346825

Jamming out on barren highways at 6am made the drives pretty alright. I would be cosplaying Naotsugu but between college and doing odd jobs to get cash for this trip, I was only able to get my armor half done. I'm probably gonna be using a flecktarn haversack for my film and stuff so I should be easily spotted.

Are there any drinks in particular that you like? I just drink liquor, and since there are only basic bars here I've only had the most basic of drinks. For example, gin and juice, my favorite.

>> No.8346828

Oh shit, I have to go there.

>> No.8346845

Prepare for the fire alarm to be pulled every hour. This con is going to be trolled so hard.

>> No.8346894

You should definitely try a Moscow Mule, or whatever the bar you're at calls it. It's so refreshing and delicious, just make sure wherever you are uses good ginger BEER and not ginger ale or anything else. If you like gin, gin and ginger ale isn't a bad choice either.
If you're into beer, Georgia's got a few really solid breweries that pump out awesome beers. Sure they're shipped outside of the state, but why not try it while you're here?

Damn, man. That's totally unhelpful when I'm trying to narrow down restaurant suggestions. Haha. Well if you find yourself in the mood for something in particular while you're here you can always post it to this thread and I or somebody will point you in the right direction.

I'll try and post a temp email sometime over the next couple days and you can hit me up whenever if you want a suggestion or just wanna chill during con.

>> No.8346896

fuck. I'm gonna be pissed. Nearly fuckin ruined my night during AWA last year.

>> No.8346904


That's pretty awesome, man. I actually have platemail of my own that's 12-gauge steel (maybe 14?) but it's nothing like his armor unfortunately.

>> No.8346906


Wait what? When did this happen? I never noticed.

>> No.8346915

it happened I think saturday night? I'm not sure, but it was pretty late at night in one of the lobbies. I was blasted as hell, so the specifics aren't all that clear, but I definitely remember someone pulling the alarm, everyone having to evacuate, the fire department showing up, less people filing back in than had left, and then some ass hat doing it again five minutes later.

>> No.8348396

I mean ill have a Barnaby with me, we were going to have a blue rose but she cant make it anymore.
I ship it but its not like we will be all up on each other if thats what you mean lol
We are making the hero suits over the summer for awa and thats mostly what im excited for tbh

>> No.8348509

i'm not 21 so i can't say!! i've heard their in-house beer, the laughing skull, is good though, but you only drink liquor so i can't rec much. they've got a lot of options though you can look through on their booze menu

if you do that i will find you and choke you out holy shit that is NOT funny. a girl had a panic attack in one of the hotel hallways because of that nonsense and i thought she had to go to the hospital because it was that serious. go fuck yourself.

>> No.8348974

I pretty well hate beer, but I'll give it a taste. But as far as food goes I'm pretty well game for anything. I'll have this thread up on my phone the entire time just in case.

Shit, I wish I had enough metal to make a set. I probably could have welded it up a whole lot faster than I could make it with Eva foam.

I might give the laughing skull a try for mr. Bones sake.
Also, when dealing with people who are "le troleing", its best to completely ignore them since all they seek is attention. If you respond in any way its almost like giving a dog a treat when it does something wrong.

But if any of you people want to grab a drink or chill out, just give me a holler.

>> No.8350935

ready to drink myself to death at this con

>> No.8351052

I can't wait. Uuugh. Goin' there to meet with gf, then meet up with friends that I haven't seen in a few years. Probably only gonna cosplay Zachery from OFF, since the stuff that I commissioned for Dr. Eggman haven't even been touched, so I can tell. Guess that's what I get for trying to get stuff commissioned from a friend.

Also, anyone good with dresses, like Rose Quartz?

>> No.8351281

What I read is that they had to double ID people, once to get in and again to get drinks, so they felt more like police than they were comfortable with.

>> No.8351303

that makes sense!

>> No.8351360 [DELETED] 
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Smuggle dakimakura everyday

>> No.8351531

Does anyone know any good and (hopefully free) cheap places to park around the CNN building? That's where I'm staying, but I'm not about $35 a night for parking.

>> No.8351550

Welcome to atlanta....no cheap parking exists. Momocon fail #1

>> No.8351567

Yea, not looking forward to the parking costs.
Or the rampant homeless guys who target young women
Or the lack of late night food options (there's one great diner that's open super late, but there's always at least 3 homeless guys camped out in front of it)

They're going to be on Memorial Day weekend next year right? That means all costs are going. To increase next year. I. Really starting to get tired of them increasing the price of everything every year

>> No.8352206

i probably gave like $30 total to homless people last year :C i need to stop
I had this crazy homophobic guy follow me for like 5 minutes talking about himself and his dis-taste for gays he wanted me to agree with him "i see where you are coming from man" that's all i said and fucking flew away
I'm a guy so i imagine it's worse for girls

>> No.8352900


>We are making the hero suits over the summer for awa

I need this in my life. If only I could afford to go to anything after this next convention. You'll need to post pictures!


>Goin' there to meet with gf
>I was going to meet up with an e-gf I met online at this convention
>Got set up and ready to go, trying to help her set up too
>Week or so goes by, she falls off the face of the earth
>Texts me that she's done with me and found a new boyfriend

Shit sucks, yo. Happy to hear for you though, Anon! Couples who go to conventions together are absolutely adorable.

>> No.8352902


To put things in perspective, hotel parking is $25 a night last I checked. Good luck finding cheap parking mate and godspeed.


>tfw a hobo walked me to a McDonalds for a small payment in exchange
>tfw another hobo showed me how to use the Marta for a tip

Maybe I'm just incredibly lucky?


You're a great person, Anon, for helping out. Props to you bud.

>> No.8353140

What day are you wearing labeli? I'm going as juuzou

>> No.8353217

Will be there Fri-Sun. Planning on wearing magical etoile (if it arrives on time), sleepless masquerade in red, and a shiro coord.

>> No.8353219

Shiiiit, that sucks to hear dood. Sorry that happened, but at least it happened before you got super committed in the relationship? And thanks! We're trying to get a couple cosplay together for AWA this year, for our conniversary lol I'm working on Rose Quartz, with her being young Greg from SU. First crossplay I've ever done, so I'm a bit nervous and want to make sure it looks good.

>> No.8353308

>blaming momocon for a city-wide policy of almost always charging for parking

>> No.8353362

don't praise this kind of behavior. In general, cash is not the right way to help out.
In this position, having long term goals isn't very feasible, so saving the couple of dollars here and there to buy a home ten years from now isn't what's going to happen.

Sure, homeless people will buy food and water with that money, but most of the time it's spent on drugs, alcohol, and sexual favors.

Your attitude is great, but if you want to help out offer them food or water, or even basic necessities like a blanket or even a toothbrush.

If their story is "I need a couple dollars to get a bus ticket out of town" which is very common, buy them a marta pass, don't give them cash.

>> No.8353371

>Implying anon is blaming momocon for the city wide policy and not for choosing a venue where the only available parking costs over $20.
>being this fucking dense.

>> No.8353393

>"Momocon fail #1"
>not knowing that almost all of the big venues in midtown have expensive parking so momo didn't really have a choice
>being THIS fucking dense

>> No.8353416


Well I was praising Anon's compassionate nature moreso than the act of giving him money, as it's very true that they'll generally waste it on booze (as to why they're homeless most likely). I go around town and hand out socks, water bottles, coupons to McDonalds and single-dollars written with "Valid for One Dollar Menu Item" written on them and rain-ponchos from Dollar tree.

>> No.8353517

I understand that, but by not clarifying you reinforce the idea that it's a good idea to hand out cash. If they're really spending that cash on self destructive things, handing out money is also a disservice.

And that sounds pretentious as fuck. Here's a dollar bill, but this piece of paper says "pwease don't spend this on anyting but mcdwonalds"

And if you're gonna stroke your own dick, there are plenty of porn boards on this site. Nobody asked you what you do.

>> No.8353520

yeah i feel you i would prefer to give these people some groceries but i was in the middle of a con weekend and I don't even know where grocery stores in atlanta are as silly as that sounds

>> No.8353544
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>And that sounds pretentious as fuck.
>And if you're gonna stroke your own dick

Holy smokes, you need to calm down and relax. Nobody's trying to show off. If you get this upset because people just happen to talk about things then, well, I'm sorry.

>> No.8354678

I will want everyone that the homeless in Atlanta are really clever. Went to d*con one year, was stopped on the street by a guy who started talking about the con, asking what I was looking forward to going to and who I wanted to see, etc. turned out to be homeless trying to get cash from me. Spent about 15 min talking to the dude while trying to get to where I parked.

If you're worried about being bugged for handouts, don't talk to anyone on the street, even if your just walking from your hotel to the con and they seem like maybe they're a con goer too.

(They talk to people and get more con-info from people so they can seem like they're con goers too so you'll talk to them, then they'll start trying to get money from you)

>> No.8354681

*warn, not want

>> No.8354868

They knew what they were getting into. They just want to act like they are the big cocks of the Atlanta convention scene. Except when you pull off their pants, you find out its only 2 and a half inches, erect. Enjoy your expensive ass parking, momocon staff member.

>> No.8354882

AWA was offered the same deal first. Turned it down due to the horrible locatiom, parking, lack of cheap food options, the needed hike in ticket price. list goes on.

Yeah, I said it, price hike. Bad news for you, momocons price is going to jump 30 dollars next year after this year from the overy spending. Stuckeys trust fund ran out and he is putting all his eggs in one basket hoping this turns a profit.

>> No.8354896

>implying "Momocon fail #1" blames the city wide policy and not choosing a better, or sticking with the previous location.
>implying the previous location didn't have multiple less than $20 lots within short walking distance from the hotels.
>thinking the previous location as well as the new are in midtown.
>being THIS fucking ignorant on top of being this fucking dense.

>> No.8355167

there sure are a lot of online personalities and 'pro' cosplayers on the guestlist compared to the others
Is this worth driving 2 hours for one day for?

>> No.8355395

What did you expect from a shit Georgia con that is run by entitled trust fund babys?

>> No.8355577

you should do some other stuff in atlanta to make it worth it mate

>> No.8355604

Depends on the day and how long you staying? If Sat, see what you wanna do at the con, maybe see the Protomen if you are into that, and chill around the area or ask around about groups doin' shit?

>> No.8356087

I don't really know what there is to do in Atlanta, I've only driven out for concerts.

I was planning on going on Saturday for mysteryben's panel but it looks like all of the better stuff happens on Friday, at least for me.

>> No.8356158

you do realize that GWCC parking is CHEAPER than last year's parking at the Marriott/Hilton, right? it's $15 a night now as opposed to $20? also i'm not a staff member lol

>> No.8356228


I just paid for a parking permit for Weds-sunday of the con at the GWCC parking lot (red) and it only cost $70. If you split that with people then it shouldn't be very costly at all

>> No.8356941

>implying you never have that one jackass that never pays his share.

>> No.8356945

ROFL, wait till the event day you naive little child.

>> No.8356982

put the dank kush down, Thomas

>> No.8357028

>Thursday (Hawks Game) – $15 per day (no overnight) or $20 per day including overnight parking.
>Friday – $10 per day (no overnight) or $15 per day including overnight parking.
>Saturday (Graduations) – $15 per day (no overnight) or $20 per day including overnight parking.
>Sunday – $10 per day (no overnight) or $15 per day including overnight parking.
wow! it's the same or cheaper than last year! can we shut the fuck about this now you morons

>> No.8357032

that's your problem? sorry you have shitty friends, anon, but that aint the con's fault.

>> No.8357045

there's a lot of salt in general in this thread.
maybe this is just how Georgians be.

>> No.8357061

I'm a Georgian and was the anon who posted about $70 parking and I'm never this salty. These people are in a whole other level

>> No.8357088

I'll be wearing the black OP on Thursday!

>> No.8357310

maybe they're just butthurt they're so invested in this "shitty" con.

>> No.8357361

wish I could go, I really want to meet the Boyz, and this is the closest they've ever been to me

>> No.8357454

a lot of people are assblasted that the costs are going to go up but not the quality of the con

>> No.8357509

You autistic asspatting asses are usually salty in secret. You rarely let your true colors show until it suits you or you just passive aggressively act like dickheads

>> No.8357629

well don't you sound salty as fuck anon

>> No.8357793

not salty, just telling it like it is. get better friends who pay their share of parking, anon.

>> No.8357914

I'm looking forward to meeting you guys this weekend. Getting ready tomorrow so I can head out Thursday morning.

Would love to hook up with Anonette from /cgl/.

Would love to share a drink with Anon, retelling funny story.

I know I'm gonna' buy a poro from one of you guys, that's for sure.

>> No.8357958

They have every reason to be. The Georgia convention comm is chock full of entitled little shits that whine how hard their lIves are while having everything handed to them on a silver platter and then shit on the people that actually had to work for their lives or tells them like it is.

>> No.8358059

hopefully by Thursday we stop arguing about parking and salt

>> No.8358066

There are better deals on parking if you look around. GT offers weekend parking for half the cost, if you are willing to taxi/walk.

>> No.8358092

Daily reminder that if you see a Robert pattonson looking motherfucker with a yashika, come up and say hi.

>> No.8358427
File: 48 KB, 1128x634, bangbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year is going to be insane.

I've been going with my only weeb buddy for years, and I remember a time not so long ago when they had Momocon at Georgia Tech. Now they've got fucking signs up on 75, youtube celebrities, and brought it to the GWCC.

Anime conventions are about having a safe space to be weird. It's going to be a real bummer when all these people that just want to look at freaks show up.

>> No.8358433


Are you people crazy? Just take Marta from Lindberg Ave.

>> No.8358439


How fun! I'll be looking for you at the con. The type 100 is one of my favorites :)

>> No.8358443


It didn't attract them because it spoke in particular to that age bracket. It attracted them because it was free.

I hear a lot of people bitching about price, and while I don't like paying a lot for cons, even I know that adding a price barrier keeps the teenagers are weirdos out (to a degree).

>> No.8358448


You too eh? Smoking during cons is great, but I'm looking forward to dropping some acid Saturday. Sitting on my porch and watching the birds and bees was mindblowing. I can't imagine what an anime convention will be like.

>> No.8358496

How many rabu raibus are gonna be there and what days?

>> No.8358901

I just fucking pit out my calzone s i read this hahaha fuck

>> No.8359131

>not taking the Marta station

Also are my hotline miami dudes here

>> No.8359217

This is my first time going to Momo since it was a free con at Tech. Tell me, do they handle their shit better than Dragon Con? DC's gotten worse every year because it gets bigger every year and nobody there knows how to fucking run a big con.

Glad it's got a paywall though. Keeps the teeny boppers out for the most part.

I'm thinking of attending the homestuck meetup for shits n giggles because homestuck study don't seal their paints fucking slay me.

>> No.8359311

Have you not been paying attention to the thread?

The general consensus is, we'll have to see. Many people feel it's steamrolling its way into a disaster, others are excited about the new location and think momo is growing for the better.

either way, everybody is shouting like autistic faggaronis in this thread.

>> No.8359381

>implying it's going to be insane
>not even 1/4 of the center being used.

>> No.8359405


I'm going to sit in the parking lot and wait for lolita seagulls. When I see them, I will make sure they make eye contact with me, I'll pull out a container of salt, and just start pouring little bits of it in the parking lot.

>> No.8359410

So apparently dress code was changed couple of hours ago?

>> No.8359448

pffft I would love to join in on that.

>> No.8359534

I'm cosplaying Chiyuki and Mami all weekend. Please come find me if I don't see you first.

>> No.8359556

and this is how you can tell middle school is out for summer.

>> No.8359583

How is it that a hotel not even a mile away is available for booking
It's raising a lot of red flags in my mind

>> No.8359604

apparently the omni is doing some bullshit too.
I just heard they're charging an additional $50 a night as an "amenity fee" that will be paid back over the next three months.

What the fuck is that?

>> No.8359609

The best western that's like 3 blocks away says it has rooms but that just seems so weird to me, and even more so for the price?
I think I might just get a hotel room on the way home because it just seems too good to be true

>> No.8359645

When we checked in the hotel made us pay a $200 deposit fee that wasn't expressed to us that they needed at all. I've had to pay deposit before, sure, but never that much...

>> No.8359664

yeah, I think a lot of the attendance numbers are probably kids being brought by their parents, so people who aren't likely to get a hotel room/stay for very long.

>> No.8359693
File: 115 KB, 640x908, 1592_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone going tomorrow? I was gonna head there after work and bring my PS2 to 1v1 peeps on Armored Core 2. Please come and fight me.
>>8331466 is me

I can't even imagine. Let me know how it goes! Would join if I could

>> No.8359746


And it begins lol.

The attendance numbers have always been a lie. they use turnstile attendance rather then actual badges sold numbers

>> No.8359752


>These guys are being doofuses on an anonymous imageboard

It seems someone has already started sprinkling the sodium-chloride!


Armored core? Oh snap, if I find you, count me in. What are you going to do though, just sit somewhere with a portal TV and your PS2? I've never gotten high either, so maybe if that's still a thing...

>> No.8359755


>portal tv

Portable, Jesus I'm tired.

>> No.8359776

I was thinking of hijacking a TV in the game room, hopefully they're ok with that. If you have a controller or game file you can bring it, but I already have all the parts unlocked.

>> No.8359785

yeah last year i got a room at a host hotel like 2 weeks before the con pffft

>> No.8359790


Its been forever since I've played, so you'd probably school me and have to show me the controls. I just remember loving it when I was younger. But I'm sure that'd work out. Are you gonna' be in your cosplay tomorrow?

>> No.8359829

I don't doubt this, but can you explain how this works?
It's not like they have people sitting there counting how many people go in and out of their doors. Surely it isn't...

>> No.8359833

>It's not like they have people sitting there counting how many people go in and out of their doors.
it is like that

>> No.8359841

well shit.
This con only gets worse and worse and shit hasn't even started yet.

I was looking forward to going there with my friends and getting blasted, but looks like I can't even do that any more.
According to one of my acquaintances, who's working security, they were told to really crack down on drunks since it's a "family friendly" con.

We'll see how it goes after dark though.

>> No.8359842

hotel parties may be a go since the con is not actually in the hotel

>> No.8359847

yeah, there's definitely going to be drinking in our room, but half the fun is wandering around chatting with other, usually drunk people

>> No.8359860

Sure, I'll have fun showing you the ropes! I'm not gonna cosplay, but I will have my Ikaruga jacket on so look for white and gold.

>> No.8359915

how the fuck am i supposed to enjoy an anime convention sober

>> No.8359977

just don't be a belligerent asshole and you'll be fine.

>> No.8360067

try to have a personality you shlub

>> No.8360130


Show me the ropes? Anon, I didn't realize you were into that kind of thing. That's lewd. Cool beans though, I definitely will. I'll probably be wearing a hokey "Will Game for Food" shirt or something.

>> No.8360210

You will never find me, fedora boi. Fyi, I fucked your panic attack waifu during the second alarm. She was trying to get rid of your hovering ass so we could fuck. Fuck man, learn to tell when people are faking.

>> No.8360382

You had one job you faggots, one fucking job! The con hasn't even started and we have a god damn rape that has already occurred. Holy fuck this takes the cake. The fuck is wrong with you people? I thought it was just the hotel room next to me being loud, called security then went to get something to drink, come back 20 minutes later and there's a parade of police leading some guy I'm cuffs and some chick in a power puffs girl shirt with blood on it crying with a victim services agent asking her to come to the hospital to get checked out. She wasn't that physically messed up so I know "checked out" means the rape and the blood was likely from the guy with the scratches all over his arms.

>> No.8360385

*means the rape kit

>> No.8360412

what is that job exactly
how is this related to the con

>> No.8360446

The job not to make the con look like a nerd rape fest you autistic fuckoff.

>> No.8360449

>The job not to make the con look like a nerd rape fest
that depends on who is looking on what perspective
how is it our job to stop rape
no one is omnipotent

>> No.8360485

Momocon staff detected. The usual pawn it off to someone else is the tell tale sign.

>> No.8360524

>>Complaining about gay shipping
>>In the T&B fandom

Top kek.

>> No.8360527
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>> No.8360595

I will!! Prolly be all over the progress thread while making them to keep me motivated
All of the pattern are done, just waiting for momo/akon to be over so I can free time to start

>> No.8360945

Anyone there mind posting the Fri-Sun badge prices?

>> No.8360982

$60 for three day pass, I believe.

>> No.8360985

Ech, alright thanks!

>> No.8360995

At momocon now burgerfi in front of me who wants a free tarot read

>> No.8361010

Be aware that they just changed their dress code a day before the con starts. No cleavage of any kind, be prepared for them to either make you cover up or kick you out. Another reason why Momocon is shit.

>> No.8361100

Are you the gorgeous mami I keep seeing? The only mami I seen was great

>> No.8361102

Whoaaa the Vortex is the most tourist ridden restaurant in Atlanta. Please don't go there. The wait will be an hour on a weekend and honestly, it's not really worth all that. Burgers are hyped up like hell.

>> No.8361133

But we wanna goooooooooo

>> No.8361216

The straight up emptiness of this con is killing me if tomorrow doesn't look better I may faint.

>> No.8361271

No, I haven't put her on, yet. That Mami makes me so self conscious about mine.

>> No.8361520

I'm sure you will be good too. Would you mind if I get a picture of you? I'm the guy in the bright orange with the yashica.

>> No.8361559

How is this even relevant?

>> No.8361632

yeah, i have a panel tonight and I seriously regret not asking for friday or saturday. I'll be doing that next year

>if I go next year

>> No.8361651

maximum kek, D*C runs just fine.

>but muh social anxieties

tough, it's gonna be this way for at least 3 more years until they re-neg with the hotels

>> No.8361659
File: 74 KB, 1920x1080, sakdlasdka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we got a terrible time for our panel and everyone will probably busy with other big event around that time
>mfw people keep dropping out of panel
>mfw everything is crashing
pray for me

>> No.8361711


Hey, so where are you, AC 2 Anon? I'm looking in the game area but haven't seen you.

>> No.8361714

What is it, I seriously don't see any interesting panels i'll probably go as long as it's not a snorefest

>> No.8361715


Which panel? I will come give you support Anon.

>> No.8361747
File: 937 KB, 720x405, EVERYTHINGISBURNING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre really sweet anon, and thanks, but im just so frustrated and done with it. its actually my close friends panel im just working with her.
im not sure if we even wanna still do it, only a small amount of people might come and it is crucial for alot of people to be in the room for it and if theres not enough people, it could suck. suck alot. id hate for you to be trapped in there with us.

>> No.8361768


You guys have already come this far; there's no sense in giving up now. Even if it doesn't do as well as you hope, I still think it's important you guys follow through with your goals. If anything, now I want to show up to hopefully prove you wrong in worrying about it.

In the very least, you can always just mix things up and get creative, right? Have faith! Fun's the goal, right?

>> No.8361792

I'm at a table by the xbone guys. Wearin a green hat with white coat. Apparently no outside anything is allowed in the console area: consoles, games, or even controllers. It's some pureed bullshit goin on.

>> No.8361843


Sorry Anon, but I've been meandering around like a doofus but I can't find you. I see lots of green hats but no jackets. Oh well, I guess I'll catch you around! I need to eat some of this overly-eoverly-expensive food.

>> No.8361846

Sure! I'm currently in Kagome right now, though.

>> No.8361876

Where is that?

>> No.8361877

I walked to the old venue to eat like 5 hours ago.

>> No.8361958

Where are the parties at?

>> No.8361969


Good question.

>> No.8361974

Good question with no answer

>> No.8361977


Well I have no idea, Anon.

>> No.8361987

What is that idea?

>> No.8361998



What if we get together though?

>> No.8362001

How many do you got with you? I got one of my friends

>> No.8362027


I got two friends, possibly three, but we're all dudes. Even that aside we don't have drinks or anything fun with us.

>> No.8362099

Yeah, when's the seagull meetup?
I got like half a gram but that's fucking nothing.

>> No.8362103

half a gram of weed is barely enough to get a handful of people high

>> No.8362107

No shit, I planned to use it just for myself. But for one or two people it can work.

>> No.8362109

When is everybody free? I was gonna try to take a picture of that mami, but its been a while.

>> No.8362118

Meetup at the garden out front near the Tacomac in 20 min? Near the front doors to the con center.

>> No.8362145

I seen this right as soon as I got back to my room.

>> No.8362159

get back out there

>> No.8362162

Well I'll be around. Look for a gaudy white and gold jacket.

>> No.8362245

Because your creepy, leave me alone. I'm not wearing it anymore. So stop asking people where I am, they are not going to tell you.

>> No.8362368

>asking people
>literally only mention it in the thread twice
>never ask anybody in person
Alrighty then.

>> No.8362386
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks for us mein seagulls. We'll be among ya.

>> No.8362637

open letter to the Kyoko and Mami couple that was runnin around today:

the Kyoko had bigger boobs than the Mami and that's pretty fucked up

>> No.8362742
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>> No.8362746
File: 995 KB, 2560x1440, 20150528_203902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I met up with Anonette, who I talked to a month or so ago about being in the Artist's Alley, and I picked up this little cutie from her. She made a handful of these by hand and they're absolutely wonderful condition - she did them by hand and the Poros come in pink, blue and white. They're super soft and you can squeeze them to make them squeak. She also put in little magnets so that you can attach a little Braumstache or Poro snack on its tongue.

I don't mean to sound like a shill, but the idea of getting to help out someone else here somehow and get an adorable little fluffy in return's great. I love it. I seriously think you guys should at least go say hey to her since she's pretty swell. Keep on doing what you do, Anonette, and anyone else who is making their own stuff to sell. Keep faith, work hard and have fun! You're doing great stuff guys.


>tfw you will never get to go to Anon's panel

>> No.8362759
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1440, 20150528_210610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I'd see this at an anime convention.

>> No.8362764
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Ugh. Not sure why it's like that. But here's something I thought was pretty cute.

>> No.8362769
File: 931 KB, 2560x1440, 20150528_170635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was neat, but why not just go the rest of the way with the outfit and do legs? I don't get it.

>> No.8362775

someone clearly skipped leg day

>> No.8362777


I laughed more at that comment than I should have.

>> No.8362801
File: 498 KB, 500x287, clap clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, youre really helping me feel better about this whole thing. its stressful when people drop out and we have to change everything, but were just going to try to relax and have fun!

the panel is the dangan ronpa panel at 6:30pm on friday. panel room 311.
hopefully everything will be okay and it wont suck...

>> No.8362819
File: 404 KB, 342x342, 1408990061729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dangan Ronpa

Oh, I actually did want to come to this, what a coincidence. I only watched the anime and don't know much about the games, so this'll actually be neat, even if it's just something like a "HERE'S THE GAME!" video only to show. I'll definitely show up though. If you want to try and look for me, just look for the labcoat and Doctor Pepper.

But yeah, don't let the stress get to you guys. I'm sure it's a pain to get together and whatnot but I'm sure things will work out fine. No pressure!

>> No.8363310
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Does any girl mind helping a brother this Saturday at Momocon? I need a solid.

>> No.8363380

Jesus Christo, if you are that desperate hit up any random lonley girl roaming the con they are everywhere raping me with their eyes.

>> No.8363384

So anyone been checking out the indie developers, I have been having a blast with brawlhala and that puzzle fighter game.

>> No.8363391


Brawlhala seemed really cool. I actually was having fun playing Default Dan. Was thinking about looking at the rest of 'em. All I know is that I want to try the Tableflip game.

>> No.8363405

There was a very fun simple rhythm game I played too can't remember what it was called but it was fun

>> No.8363412


Was it the DRR that you used your hands for? Honestly gonna' spend all night gaming probably. It's gonna' be swell.

>> No.8363443

Nah it was one of the ones near the other indie games, but I have been meaning to try that one as well. No interesting panels means vidya time.

>> No.8363506

It was just shapes and beats

>> No.8363537

For all the lolitas at the con, don't forget there is a lolita brand resale booth set up in the dealers room this year! Get your hands on some brand you can actually try on first.

>> No.8363576

Um, thanks for replying as me, I appreciate it. I'm being Mami tomorrow. Of course you can get a picture, and no you're not creepy. Failed troll.

>> No.8363595

Might meet up with some of you later, going around the con with friends as a winter kaito append today

>> No.8363708

Ikaruga here. Anyone want to try another meetup tonight? What time would work best, 7 or 9? Also look for me around. The SK panel is going on right now!

>> No.8363729

Im going as mr foster, not that creative but its pretty fun

>> No.8363735

Anyone wanna meet up and play some vidya?

>> No.8363786

I'm coming Saturday morning and leaving Sun night, do you think there will be parking available in the convention center parking garage? Or should I buy parking passes online just incase? Coming with friends so we dont mind splitting the cost to be able to park super close.

>> No.8363815
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First time cosplaying, howdido?

>> No.8363819

Free, soft and pink mustaches at the Lyft booth if you talk to the dude. Also, if anyone can find me a wallet that isn't SAO or everything that's darn everywhere, I will love you forever.

Splatoon seems fun too. Go take a looK.

>> No.8363821


Not sure your character, but Closet Cosplay is always a good start.

>> No.8363823

Props for Killing Floor!

I'm not a huge gearfag so I can't critique on the mask. However if you're going to be Mr Foster then I suggest weathering your clothes. Your suit and mask look too clean and all the KF characters look like they've been running around the dirt a bit.

Also a few tears could help sell the look further.

>> No.8363830

Yeah i would like to weather them but unfortunately theyre all actual suit pieces that i wear to formal events im enjoying cosplaying though and im gonna try to go as a warboy at dragoncon later in the year

>> No.8363837


I wouldn't mind. I am gonna' be at a panel at 6:30 and I know a few friends wanted to go to theiandir place to play Splatoon, but I wouldn't mind if I have time. It should be somewhere anyone could afford, if it's a bar or restraunt. If it's some random spot, we should have something to do so things don't get too stale.

>> No.8363847

Anyone wanna hang put with me an my wad?

>> No.8363850


And your wad? What?

>> No.8363858

I got lodsofemone my wad of dosh of course

>> No.8363891

Noone wanna hang out?

>> No.8363911


>> No.8363961

Sounds like fun

>> No.8364007

I'd be down

>> No.8364108

Are you paying us?

>> No.8364124

git away from my wad

>> No.8364131

Where everyone at

>> No.8364133

You are really committed to this wad talk mate.

>> No.8364136

>Anon was worried and stressed out about the panel
>Thankfully they decide to go through with it
>Room is almost at full capacity 8 minutes before start

I told you so. <3 Sorry not sorry.

>> No.8364140

Pretty awesome I would be there to support it if I knew was dr was but eh

>> No.8364146


>it if I knew was dr was but eh


>> No.8364156

Had to go back in the thread so I could get the spelling
dangan ronpa=dr idk what that is never seen,played, read it whathaveyou

>> No.8364246

>Someone during the panel who was in character was playing Pokemon
>They announce they found and caught a shiney
>Everyoneclaps, hooray

Toplol, that was actually really funny.

>> No.8364347

Whats everyone up to

>> No.8364607

I'll be going either to the eurorave or to the little kuriboh panel

>> No.8364625
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Went today as Richter,going tomorrow too.

Met some girl from here.
If youre here, sorry I didnt get to talk to you much or give you much info,I was in a hurry to leave.

maybe tomorrow we can catch up if you wanna hang with the Hotline crew until you find the /cgl/ meetup

>> No.8364890

Oh yeah wtf is this shit...

Thursday- Walk in,get 4 day pass, nobody checks my weapon or gives a fuck about it.

>Walk in
>Hey you get yo weapon checked yet?
>Nope,here you go
He checks it and puts all the shit on the grip
>Thanks man
A few mins later
>Hey bro you get your weapon checked
>few minutes later
>Excuse me,have you gotten your gun checked yet?
>hour or so later
>Uh sir? You get your weapon checked yet?

Happened like 15 times including while I was leaving

Cant wait for this to be full force tomorrow

>> No.8365092

Hey is there anyone packing here that's would want to share? Also any parties?

>> No.8365137

Anyone else see the fox schoolgirl?

>> No.8365583
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I've got some leftover booze at my room, but that's about all.

>> No.8365593

How's the Dealer Room looking this year? Any decent shops this year or is it all the same shit selling stuff for whatever's popular?

>> No.8365600

I've really enjoyed it. Cheaper drinks there than the concessions lol. But on the whole it seems pretty standard. Unfortunately I've just been playing pathfinder like, the whole time.

>> No.8365643

Alright, I'm probably gonna be kinda late to the con though.

>> No.8365647

Okay, we gotta organize this shit early. Meet up today? Party today? What's the game plan?

>> No.8365669

Eh I'm not really looking g for alcohol but thanks tho

>> No.8365754


Yeah, I liked her butt.

>> No.8365759


No Touhou stuff hardly. Breaks my heart.

Incidentally, I met a cute, bustyish Cirno. Wanted to tell her I thought she was hot but I was spaghetti and didn't want to be a creep.

>> No.8365766


A good few people said 7 or 9 fot times. We need a place that's cheap for drinks and/or food or somewhere with interesting things to do so talk doesn't just get flat. Maybe we can all meet at the foodcourt at 6 and swing it from there? Just an idea.

>> No.8365776

Everywhere I've been to has had fairly expensive drinks. I think buying it from a liquor store would be the better option. For example I had two angry orchard ciders at tmac and it was like 12 bucks. Which food court are you talking about, the CNN court?

>> No.8365784


I'm not the Anon you were talking to, but yeah, the CNN one.

>> No.8365801
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Gonna be around in human Punpun today~

Damn, if I'd seen this before I packed I woulda got my HM crew together. We had a group of like 15 at the largest at Dragon*Con a few years ago. Made a dope "blood splattered" boombox for it. Shit is so hot tho. D:

>> No.8365809

So I take it no shops selling rare figs and other interesting imported stuff?

That's a shame. My friends don't feel like driving down there and I hate going to cons by myself, especially when there's nothing good at the dealer room.

>> No.8365867

When's the /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.8365902


>> No.8365989


No one knows what they want to do. People need to agree on something. So far it's Food Court at 6. We need a way to signal to seagulls. Where should we meet outside of? Does anyone object to this idea or have a better one? Because if things go well enough I think some kareoke would be funny.

>> No.8366006

Where is the Steven universe meetup? I've been all over the fourth floor and haven't seen any space rocks.

>> No.8366028
File: 3.39 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150530_150015067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /5hoursofpathfinder/ here?

>> No.8366194
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1440, 20150529_151758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so the /cgl/ meetup is definitely down after meeting up with some seaguls. If you're free, you should try to meet up with us in the CNN foodcourt by the Hummer at around 6. One of us has a labcoat, the other a ton of bright paint on a mask. Let's meet some Anons and hang. If things go well, we can go get drinks or do kareoke or whatever! Let's make it happen folks.

>> No.8366208

I would love if everyone would want to meet at 9 at CNN food court. As far as signaling goes, I will be easy as shit to spot since I'm in flecktarn.

>> No.8366215


>> No.8366222


Well I can make myself available and show up at 9 - I'm just one stranger but I'm always up for making new friends. If we all stick together after 6, you could just show up wIth what we're doing at the time, right?

>> No.8366232


>> No.8366288


>> No.8366319

Sounds cool i'll post here when i'm free and see if everyone is still hanging

>> No.8366321
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Selfie with sempai

>> No.8366340

Did anyone see the sonichu guy? I can't tell if he's ironic or not.

>> No.8366364

I seen him and I thought the exact same thing.

>> No.8366370

Pic pl0x?

>> No.8366387

Guy looks like Chris chan but with longer hair. I swear to god it looked just like him, with the shitty necklace and everything.
Short answer is that Id not have the balls to ask for a picture.

>> No.8366398

I understand ;-;

>> No.8366408

Is there a seagull group out right now?

>> No.8366427

Only two dudes showed up, including myself so we said fuck it and parted ways

>> No.8366428

I think.

>> No.8366452

Sounds good. I'd be up for that.

>> No.8366486

Hopefully more than 3 or 4 people show up this time.

>> No.8366570

It's good but them legs also

>> No.8366622

Who smoking in embassy?

>> No.8366667

Hotline group smoking 24/7

Also "Tony" check your trashcan in your room,my number is in there,Reason is on /hmg/ lol

>> No.8366713
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This won the con for me. Dawwwwwwwww

>> No.8366735

Are they still around?

>> No.8366742

I think so. They have a room there,I left a little bit ago.

>> No.8366754

Chilling by karaoke, anyone know what the rave line is like yet? 5 miles long?

>> No.8366761

Ayy, I took a picture with this cosplayer at Momocon last year when she was wearing Fight Club Mako outfi^^

>> No.8366779

Did not get to make it to Momocon this year, but has anybody seen any good MGS cosplays and have pics? Specifically MGSV, but any cosplays from any of the games are good too. I have seen one Big Boss on their FB but thats about it.

>> No.8366793

Noone from MGSV but there was a good cosplay couple who were Snake and Samus

>> No.8366797
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>> No.8366803

Oh cool! Kinda surprised there are not any MGSV ones, but I guess there is still Dragon Con.

>> No.8366813

Tons of jungle camo Naked Snake with splitter,they all looked the same lol

>> No.8366814

Any close bars to drink before rave?

>> No.8366818

Actually we're gonna go see how the bar in omni hotel is

>> No.8366844


Loved your Pacman group.

That Gundam bro was unreal.

>> No.8366858
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You know it's cool when the devs retweet your group

>> No.8366876


>> No.8366893
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the con/rave, I'd like to smoke

>> No.8366894

Find me lookin to smoke

>> No.8366950

Thank you! I'm honestly in awe of how well received it was.

Heh, I know you...

>> No.8366984
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>> No.8367130

That's one badass Phoenix Wright cosplay.
Except his hair's a little off...

>> No.8367138


Looks like a normal guy to me. Kinda fatherly.