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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 74 KB, 294x146, animenorth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8309085 No.8309085 [Reply] [Original]

Canada thread is reaching the limit, 2 weeks left till Anime North, gulls. Are you ready?

>Your cosplay plans?
>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
>Are you exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?
>Dat Facebook group
>Remember to not buy your weekend pass from Joe Li
>4chan meetup location and time decided?
>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
>Did you know Anime North supports SickKids and donated between $100,000 - $249,999 in 2014? Neat.

>> No.8309107

> Joe Li

>> No.8309116

I am looking forward to blowing my pay check at the Nomi got a few figures reserved. I am also a seller there. I hope it won't be as scorching as it was last year, I think it was two years ago we had cloudy weather a few days that was the best..

>> No.8309169

>Warning: Fake Anime North 2015 admissions are being sold online; in particular, by a Joe Li. Before purchasing a 2015 admission from a third party, first contact registration@animenorth.com to see if it is valid.

>> No.8309175

Looking to buy a weekend pass. Email pls

>> No.8309468

Friday Non-pool Meetup is already confirmed for 8pm outside the International pool area

>> No.8309506

I may be selling mine, along with the teaparty ticket, depending on the response AN staff gives me about helping with a booth. But don't count on me just yet.

On that topic, does anyone know how long AN staff usually takes to reply to inquiries?

>> No.8309536

I'm having a real hard hunt. This guy emails me like "I've got an offer for $150", like bullshit you do.
>TFW you've emailed like 8 people about their passes and one scalper replies

>> No.8309538

Btssb booth?

>> No.8309543

I have an extra pass to sell, but I'm looking for someone who can also offer me and my friend a ride from Mtrl to AN.

>> No.8309556

Odd question, but does anyone know if there's a place DT to buy arm length gloves?

>> No.8309567

Yuuuup! I'm praying I get it but I imagine there's a lot of interest. I'd honestly cry if I was able to work the booth

Aww man, well if I can't sell you mine I hope you can find someone who's willing to not be an ass about it

>> No.8310079

>On that topic, does anyone know how long AN staff usually takes to reply to inquiries?

Eternity, plus or minus a week.

>> No.8310091

I'm not sure about other colours, but if you only need white or black, I've actually had luck finding some at Malabar

>> No.8310099

Depends on the staff. Since it is lolita stuff, the girls themselves are quick but anything that requires going higher up is a nightmare.

Just take the bus, the far cheaper than whatever you would have to pitch in for gas for that ride.

>> No.8310149

Sussman's Bridal Supply, 428 Queen Street West has an okay selection.

>> No.8310171
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Posted in wrong thread so reposting again fuck sorry everyone.

Is anyone coming to AN from the states?
I really need a few accessories for my phone (a cable and a charging bank) that's only available on the US shop.
Shipping to you is 3-7 days.
I can pay you the appropriate amount via paypal or pay you with cash at AN. I can also just pay online to the shop by myself and ship to your address but this kind of requires a lot of trust on my part so...
Can also pay you an extra shopping service fee.

>> No.8310212


>> No.8310224


I also have nowhere to sleep right now. Maybe I'll end up selling my own badge as well, since my transportation and lodging arrangements have fallen through, lol.

>> No.8310232

Honestly it depends what the staff you're emailing is in charge of. Huge things like OS, volunteers, masquerade might take a while. Smaller events not so much.

>> No.8310520

I mean, because you're selling me a pass and I'm endlessly thankful, I can ask around.

>> No.8310542

Yes, I am coming to AN from the states. I'm located in Buffalo so I'm very close to the Ontario border.

I'd be more than happy to nab you a couple of things.

>> No.8310543

oops dropped email

>> No.8310564

Found someone, thanks everyone!

>> No.8311388

Might as well answer my own questions.

>Your cosplay plans?
Wear two old costumes and two new ones!
>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
I'm looking forward to running my first ever panel at AN!
>Are you exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?
I'll be in the nominoichi.
>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
I think Subway is the most reliable in my experience.

Also, how many years have you gulls been going to Anime North? It's my 11th year this year.

>> No.8311601

This is my second year
>con bab

>> No.8311627

Where is the subway?

>> No.8311656
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>> No.8311657

Right behind the Harvey's and next to the Swiss Chalet.

>> No.8311680

oh shit, I must be blind.

>> No.8311694

has any one ever been to the 18+ panels? Are they worth it?

>> No.8311710

Hey guys how do you like my Anime North 2014 video!? :)

>> No.8311717


Panelist for Bad Fanfiction this year and the prev year. Was a great time last year (there are some videos floating around YouTube), so come check it out if you enjoy fanfiction!

>> No.8312034

Anyone out there scrambling for a room? This is probably not the best place to look, but, just had some American friends drop out of my room because their passports weren't going to arrive in time.

It's at carlingview, 70$ Thursday-Sunday. Looking for 3 or 4 people, right now it's just myself and a friend.

>> No.8312041
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The facebook group is gold right now with everyone posting their awful cosplays. Everyone is circle jerking hard with complements.

>> No.8312366

Hey guys, I'm just wondering what the temperature is like at AN? I'm not talking about outside, but inside the buildings and such.

>> No.8312393

I actually think this is cute... Probably just because of how much I hate the Suicide Squad design, but yeah.

>> No.8312394

The buildings are air conditioned if that's what you wanted to know

>> No.8312464


Do you have an email account I can contact? I have a party of 4 (1 Torontonian, 3 Americans with passports) and we might be interested. We already had a room in mind, but it looks like yours is tons cheaper. I'll have a chat with them and get back to you.

>> No.8312647

>Also, how many years have you gulls been going to Anime North? It's my 11th year this year.

10th year going, 7th year selling in the AA.
holy crap.

>> No.8312678

I went to one of the "Ask a Gay Man" yaoi ones with my yaoi-loving friend. It was weird. One of the "gay" men was a middle-aged married "straight" man who said he loved yaoi and slash more than straight stuff because "the love a man has for another man is so much more special", "the way a man looks at a man he loves sends shivers up my spine" and so on. He was so deep in denial that he's probably finding ankhs and scarabs up his ass. It was very awkward. I just felt so bad for his wife every time he opened his mouth.

>> No.8312710

Looking to buy one or two weekend passes!

Please shoot me an email, or drop yours so I can email if you have any.

>> No.8312932
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My anime north line up for those who haven't seen them, I might go the /ccgl/meet up if I'm not to busy.

>> No.8312943

jesus christ

>> No.8313133

would skype be okay? My email unfortunately is my full name.

>> No.8313135

Just wait until next year's line up

>> No.8313203

ironic crossplays are the worst cosplays one can do

>> No.8313281


Yes please, skype would be preferable actually.

>> No.8313394

alrighty, skype is meefcows.

>> No.8313488

Thanks so much! I'll have to check it out this week.

>> No.8313521

Are there any Japanese cultural things going there? I have a Yukata that I kind of want to get a wear out of (atleast for a second time)and I don't care for completely anime specific panels.

>> No.8313680

>Your cosplay plans?
Redoing my Henry cosplay so it's not a piece of shit. Anything else is subject to how much time I have left after, if any.
>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
Hanging out with people and taking pics of cosplayers. Never really see many interesting panels or events.

Holy shit, I didn't know this was a thing. I'm gonna try to make this panel.

>> No.8313783

AFAIK there's a couple of Japan related travel panels, like Japan on a Budget and a think Japan's JET program. Other than that, I'm not too sure? The schedule still isn't out yet. Though I don't think you'll feel out of place wearing your yukata at AN.

>> No.8313876


We'd love to have you! Since it's 18+ it's usually scheduled for late night, so just keep that in mind if you're commuting instead of staying at a hotel this year.

>> No.8314229

I'm participating in the fashion swap for the first time this year, does anyone have any advice for displaying dresses other than laying them out on the table?

>> No.8314844

Very interested in this. What are you selling? I'm looking for main pieces and petticoats.

>> No.8315433

Urggg still no reply from staff. I just want to know if I should sell my pass and teaparty ticket and if I should bother rush ordering things for my cosplay.

>> No.8315725

I'm selling some non-print Innocent World JSKs, offbrand JSKs, Marchen Ribbon with a headbow, an oldschool baby dress, some meta and bodyline blouses, size 270 shoes, a couple AP purses, some brand boleros, and maybe a couple of pettis. Also a LOT of wigs! I'll probably end up adding more of my main pieces to the list, but I'm indecisive. I'm trying to shift into boystyle so I'm hoping to get rid of a lot of my stuff.

>> No.8315735

Oh hey I think I know who you are. I saw your tumblr post, can't wait to have a peek at your stuff!

>> No.8315768

Link? Very interested. Do you take reservations?

>> No.8315875

You mean the one where they banned really awful fanfics because the rape made some tumblrinas upset?
That made me so angry.
If you're going to a bad fanfiction panel, you know what you're getting into. What a bunch of babies.

>> No.8316532


Unfortunately there was a point last year where the laughter turned into groans of disgust. We aim to entertain, and we moved on to a different story at that point. It doesn't stop us from using terribly written smut, though! Just ones that are more 'what the fuck am I reading' instead of 'this is highly disturbing and I want to barf'. I think this year we have a story on the list where the Giant Squid has naughty tentacle sex with Hogwarts. Yep.

>> No.8316902

> mfw I read that when I was underaged
Good times, good times

>> No.8317044

Ya I'm getting tired of seeing her face... She also responds to all the group posts. She also keeps saying how she doesn't know how to do makeup, she has enough time to learn! Geez lazy much?

>> No.8317295

Well, I say too bad.

If you want to truly preview the worst that fanfiction has to offer, you have to get into the very bottom of the barrel - and that includes disturbing stories involving topics which may make the babies in the audience uncomfortable.

Otherwise, people like me are not shocked. It's no longer awful, just bad.

People should know what to expect by going to an 18+ awful fanfiction panel. They must have the Internet. They know this stuff exists. If you can't take the heat, get out of the oven.

>> No.8317712

canada a shit

>> No.8317854
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Thanks! I hope I can figure out an effective way to arrange it all!

Sorry, I haven't photographed everything I'm selling, these are the only things I have photos of so far! I have more dresses, skirts, boleros and accessories that I've packed away in my bag already.

I'm still not really sure how to display these things, do most people just sort of lay them out on the table? I have some wire cubes I could display accessories on, but the dresses seem like they'd take up quite a bit of room.

>> No.8318171

Anyone down to throw a riot if the homestucks are given the main stage in the tcc for their poor excuse for a panel again? Loud, echoing swears and honking aren't my ideal atmosphere when cruising the AA

>> No.8318183

Where can you buy sock glue in Toronto?

>> No.8318192

As far as I know, most Payless shoe stores and Steps shoe stores have sock glue.

>> No.8318194

Thanks anon!

>> No.8318198

Look around for some dancewear/ dance supply stores as well. A lot of them carry it as well.

>> No.8318200

>that double as well
my bad

>> No.8318245
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What are some tips for a successful Anime North hotel party?
I have a bunch of friends.
A hotel room.

>> No.8318276

make a playlist of all the anime themes that were broadcast on ytv, teletoon, and fox kids from 1995-2005 and you'll be the most popular kid in school

>> No.8318299

Dont forget cybersix

>> No.8318360

Cards Against Humanity

>> No.8318406


>> No.8318658

>Your cosplay plans?
No cosplay this year. Just Lolita for all three days.

>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
Probably the tea party. This is my first year attending as it's not conflicting with shit (hopefully)

>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
St. Louis was good last year, Arizona was ok the year before, not sure about Jack Astors as I haven't been there during AN in 3-4 yrs? Late night Subway by the Weston was good and entertaining last year. Ran into some drunk Quebecers who ordered and paid for food but then took off.

I think it's been 7/8 years. Can't really remember.

I'd love a follow-up for this. Like, is this dude still in denial?

>> No.8318676

>cosplay plans?
None yet because I still haven't finished figuring out how I'm gonna get my arse to AN

>thing you're looking forward to the most
Just hanging out with my friends.

>exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?

>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
First timer here, so you tell me.

>> No.8318684

Do you have a whole table to yourself? Last year I shared a table so that made displaying stuff a bit of a challenge. Did like a folded clothes store display thing if that makes sense?

>> No.8318693

What will you bring to the party?

>> No.8318740


>> No.8318804

Yep, I have my own table! That does make sense. I'm sure once I start arranging things it'll work out. Thanks anon!

>> No.8318888
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Disco lights. Hope you folks have a good time. I'm doing my party gig too with my group.

>> No.8318977

>still haven't finished figuring out how I'm gonna get my arse to AN

Where are you from?

>> No.8318985


>> No.8319037

I hardly ever see any gulls mention London, but with the size of the nerd communities, I know they exist. So that's refreshing.

>> No.8319042


>> No.8319043

>I'd love a follow-up for this. Like, is this dude still in denial?
No clue. If my friend drags me along again this year, I'll let you know.

>> No.8319127
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This is a really fucking stupid question, but how do the photoshoots work? This is my 4th year going and I'm finally going to attend one for the first time. idk if this part matters, but i'll be attending it in cosplay for the apropriate series. Does it just depend on who's hosting it? Is there like...specific...protocol or whatever?

>> No.8319147

No real 'protocol' other than being on time if you wanna for sure be in every part of the shoot that you can. In the AN handbook that you get at the start of the con (And online I think?) theres a photoshoot schedule. Show up to whatever shoot you want whether you want to be in it or taking photos of the cosplayers in it. Its not terribly formal. Just fun. A host is responsible for each shoot, they may have a co-host depending on the size of the shoot. They'll call out a character name or type of character (Think, 'students', 'girls', '[insert family name here]') or ship (ex. madoka and homura!) and the cosplayers will move to the front and pose, there is a brief window of time for photos to be taken and then they move on to the next character. Shoots usually take from a half hour to an hour and a half. What series photoshoot were you going to, anon?

>> No.8319164

Oh jeez, thank you for this! That really clears a lot up. I guess if they're that simple I don't really have much to worry about then lol

And as for the photoshoot, I'll be heading to the Love Live one on Saturday! I might head to others if I have the time/my friends are up for going to them I guess, ha. Thanks again btw!!!

>> No.8319194

No problem, anon!
Dont be worried. You'll have lots of fun. Try to bring a friend along to get some photos of you, sometimes its harder to find them online depending on the series/shoot size. Even if you dont hang around the other photoshoots for long, popping into them for a few minutes to get a few shots is a good idea! They're pretty loose, so if you get bored or need to leave you can just kinda mosey away. They are genuinely fun though. Sometimes the smaller shoots splinter off into meetups. Have fun !! :)

>> No.8319287

>Your cosplay plans?
Lolita erryday cuz I'm a kawaii mf
>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
Fashion show, and then tea party.
>Are you exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?
No, no, no and no.
>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
We went to jack Astor's last year and it was p good. Got a bit tipsy, drew genitals on the tables.

>> No.8319296
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>> No.8319362

I'm picturing this as a really funny "claim to be the opposite gender" situation. You expect hairy man and are unpleasantly surprised with a girl

>> No.8319599
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so, uh, are the people at the /cgl/ meetups nice? I'd kinda like to go, but if people are gonna be mean and stuff then nah.

or will I just get trashed after the meetup and people will pretend to be nice? because that's what I'm thinking.

>> No.8319698

>Your cosplay plans?
Squid from Splatoon, Finn from Adventure Time, and 2 secret cosplay (one for Friday and one for Sunday)
>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
Meeting up with everyone and seeing all the cosplayers
>Are you exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?
>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
Subway is always good

We're all secretly nice pretending to be horrible

>> No.8320181 [DELETED] 

Kawaii moeshit atmosphere.

>> No.8320183

Kawaii moeshit atmosphere.

>> No.8320373

You deleted your post, and then reposted it.
Too indecisive.

>> No.8320448

I quoted wrong post the first time I posted.
So i fixed it.

>> No.8320495

Who is the character in the gif?

>> No.8320520

>>Your cosplay plans?
Lolita for Friday and Sunday, cosplaying Sheik and Shulk with my bf on the Saturday

>>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
Tea party, hoping to hit the nominochi/fashion swap for the first time this year if I have time

>>Are you exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?
No, no, no and no, though might be helping out a friend's table in the AA

>>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
That tiny mexican place everyone always walks by, I believe it's called Quesada

I think this is my fifth year attending?

>> No.8320684

Okay I'm a bit confused by AN's weapon policy.

It says that all weapons have to be slung or sheathed. So how does the stuff work for oversized staffs or swords? It seems like it'd impossible to sheath or sling these things.

>> No.8320733

Me again. A gull got me my weekend pass, but now I'm looking for a Saturday pass for a friend. If you have one you're looking to sell email me please.

>> No.8320777

Try asking the weapons master himself? He might make an exception if your sword is very big.


>> No.8320826


An's official youtube channel has the weaponmaster explaining the policy. Luckily giant swords get an exception.

Good thing that AN has a sane weapons policy. I was planning on bringing Rebellion to NYCC this year. They only allow foam and cardboard props for fuck's sake.

>> No.8321727
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Has anyone heard of Alex Rose Cosplay? She's a fine cosplayer, but she seriously needs to lay off the PS.

>> No.8321732

That's some Chinese cosplayer shit right there.

>> No.8321745
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>> No.8321877

She does photography too, and the same thing stands. Needs to PS less

>> No.8321903

All I did was get rid of my eye bags, slim my face and tummy, and erase my tattoo.
All the editing I do on anything is to make the person look more like the character. It's easy to get carried away sometimes, but I am working on toning down the PS on my clients

>> No.8321928

>slim my face and tummy
Don't do that.

>> No.8321934

why not? If the photo makes my face and tummy look unflattering, why wouldn't I do a slight adjustment to make it more visually appealing? It still looks like me for the most part

>> No.8321939

The face looks nothing like yours anymore. Jawlines are a big part of what makes someone recognizable as themselves. I can't even recognize half the people in Novii's photos because they all have V-line animu jawlines and not the faces I actually know. Don't fall into that.

Besides, people will bash you to no end for "looking okay in photos but shit irl" etc. if you keep that up.

>> No.8321968

But why do they have to be recognizable? It's a fictional character who doesn't look like me, so what's the big deal if I don't look exactly the same in real life? I didn't give myself anime proportions or a pointy jaw, I just made it slimmer. I don't look like an anime character and when I get a nice photo taken, I don't want to look like myself, and it's not my problem if someone can't recognize me either.
As for my clients, I'm working on toning it down for their sake, but the majority like the work I do on them

>> No.8322080

You don't really understand anatomy from the looks of it, so your photos come out looking creepy and unhuman

>> No.8322088

Basically this. Look at the lines of the thighs, for example. You can't just chop bits and pieces off, because then you'll have random flesh holes in the overall anatomy.

>> No.8322115

Whose table in the AA will you be at?

>> No.8322142
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>Your cosplay plans?
Vivian James and 2 versions of Tsukishima Kei because I'm a lazy fuck.
>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
Probably getting tipsy then wandering around looking for fun panels or something I don't know
>Are you exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?
>Where's the best place to eat at during the weekend?
Swiss Chalet has never done me wrong though Jack Astor's chicken fingers are awesome too.

>> No.8322155
File: 300 KB, 2000x1058, PicMonkey Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your cosplay plans?
Autism incarnate on Friday, Ivankov on Saturday, lolita on Sunday
>The thing you're looking forward to the most?
Waiting for DR to open on Friday so I can buy out btssb. Hoping to get one or two things from pic related. (top row is higher priority)
>Are you exhibiting in the AA, selling in the nominoichi, fashion swap, or dealers?
>4chan meetup location and time decided?
Annoyingly during the moonlight ball time on Friday

Anyone else know what they wanna buy in the DR?

>> No.8322181

>autism incarnate

So you're cosplaying sieg hiel?

>> No.8322192

Does anyone know if im allowed to pick up my husbands and brothers tickets from pre reg pick up on thursday? Im the only one who has work off that day. Ive tried to get in touch with AN staff... but No dice. I could bring proof like my marriage cert and my little bros birth cert I dunno.

>> No.8322195

board tans

>> No.8322231

I think you need their written consent.

>> No.8322238

Still looking for one or two people for a room at carlingview. aim is to have 6ish in the room (King + pullout). Thursday-Sunday, 70$, a rather easy going group, planning to bring a bit of booze, but we're definitely not rowdy. Would be more than willing to do free photoshoots for any cosplayers in the room.

Sorry for hassling the thread, just reaaaally don't want to be stuck paying more than I have to.

>> No.8322247

You dont really need to bring all that info. They arent super strict and they are way too swamped on thursday to inspect details like that. I have picked up badges for people many times with no issues. Just have the paper.

>> No.8322254

I might be interested for me and a friend. Are you dudes or grills though? My friend is already shy and would probably not want to room with the opposite sex.

>> No.8322278

Mix! I'm female, the other two 'for sure's are agender, and an asexual dude who's super sweet. There's another girl who is a 'maybe, but if so, only friday and saturday night'

>> No.8322299


>> No.8322403

dude fuck the police nigga

>> No.8322412
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was black my nigga get educated

>> No.8322429

How about you just don't photoshop your clients at all? With the exception of zits or stretch marks, nobody wants to be shooped by their photog. I'd be pretty offended if my photog shooped my waist thinner or my chin smaller or something. I looked through your page and I noticed you shooped purrblind's lazy eye too, did she ask you to do that? She seems to be pretty proud of her eye and she was probably offended.

>> No.8322434

so how do you get into those public ass parties with the free drugs and shit

>> No.8322551

Ahahahahaha holy shit

That's called living the life of delusion. Who could self-Photoshop that much and live happy with themselves?

>> No.8322600

>Vivian james
Oh boy

>> No.8322618

Having friends helps

>> No.8322622

Stupid question probably, but can people just aiming to buy items go to the swap or is it for trades only?

>> No.8322846

Depends on person. But for the most part, it's to buy.

>> No.8322931
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Is there a speed dating event this year? I don't see anything about it on their site.

>> No.8323067

are you a guy or girl? cause if you're a guy and looking for some action, you can try this:

>> No.8323082

who's the tharja?

>> No.8323115
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This can't be real. 100 bucks says when you get to the room it's full of 4-5 big buff ass niggas who'll beat the shit out of you, jack your shit, and kick you out into the hallway butt ass naked.

Still, curiosity is getting the better of me, so Imma send an email regardless.

>> No.8323130

It's just for Friday/cgl meet/board tans.

I wonder if I'll get any feminists in my face for it.

>> No.8323441

>Keep a poor track of finances
>Realize I have 5$ in my bank account today
Well shit.
Time to make some quick money before AN, somehow.

>> No.8323448

>"All I did"
kek. You changed literally everything that would identify you. Don't try to play it down.
>"When I get a nice photo taken, I don't want to look like myself and it's not my problem if someone can't recognize me either."
it's actually a huge problem for you. you have a fb page so I'm assuming that you are trying to make a name for yourself and have a place in the cosplay community given all the work you put into it. Your craftsmanship is solid and your work is pretty clean and accurate. making a name for yourself and being identifiable is how you further yourself and network.
keep having fun, i hope you like the way you look one day.

>> No.8323458

Fucking same.
At least I get paid friday, but holy shit, 'surprise, you're broke'

>> No.8323481

Had this problem two years ago. Would highly recommend getting a glass jar, painting the inside so you can't see in and tossing in $5 a paycheck and your spare change or whatever small amount of money until AN. Try not to think about it and put it on a high shelf so you're not tempted to look inside. Adds up fast B)

>> No.8323554

That'd help if I wasn't in school, and had a job.

>> No.8323558

>Time to make some quick money before AN, somehow.
Gonna need a lot of dicks to suck in a week

>> No.8323568

I didn't file my income taxes yet.
How long would it take to get a return?

>> No.8323595

Filed mine two weeks ago, accountant told me somewhere around June or July.

>> No.8323608


>> No.8323643

sell things if you have any

>> No.8323648

I should collect on some debts.

>> No.8323650

you likely already have a penalty since your past the deadline.

>> No.8323661

Do you get that trillium cheque thing? depending on how much you make, you should get that in the month.

>> No.8323679

what do you need to pay for?
If it's the hotel (I'm guessing you're staying in someone else's room since all hotels are booked solid) you may want to withdraw from a credit card if you have one and are desperate. CC fees for withdrawals are painful.
If it's the pass, again you should have it already unless you're paying someone else for it in a group order.
Bring food from home.

>> No.8323690

I already have the pass. The hotel I booked, but haven't fully paid for.

>> No.8323720

a kpin and ill make some new friends real quick. i may not remember their names though

>> No.8323807

Looking forward to another year where stupid shit like Speed Dating gets a giant block instead of actual anime panels and MLP gets 4 different panels.

Also aaaalll the shit Hestia cosplays. Woooo.

>> No.8323855

looking at last year's schedule they seemed to cut down on the MLP panels. There was only two, if I remember right.

Holy fuck did that piss me off in 2013 though. There was 4 mlp panels compared to like, one mecha panel.

>> No.8323861
File: 1.50 MB, 220x280, 1426696884098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is real she's probably reallyyy ugly. And you are too. If you were attractive you wouldn't seek sexual partners on craigslist.

>> No.8323877

I've seen nothing related to speed dating in the updates or on the website

>tfw I wanted to try it

>> No.8324037

I tried to get 6 different anime panels going, and none of them had enough people wanting to participate.

Sign up for panels yourself or don't complain. Literally anyone can do it.

>> No.8324059

Am I the only one who thinks the whole "Sick Kids" thing is just a way for the staff to pat themselves on the back?

The hospital is rich already. They don't need more donations.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of charities - like disease research, animal rescues, support for people living in third world war-torn shit holes - that are desperate and would do anything for that $200,000.

>> No.8324094

Are you the type of person that goes to a breast cancer run and reminds people that there are other cancers that are worse?

>> No.8324101


I'm the type of person who donates to both the breast cancer run and the prostate cancer run.

>> No.8324161

"5'0, 136lbs"

>> No.8324531

Anyone got any experiences with cramming people into the hotel rooms? First time staying at a hotel (Travel Lodge) for AN, would love to hear your experiences.

>> No.8324550

Bunk with people you trust, no last minute additions involving friends of friends you haven't personally met.

>> No.8324553

It's usually not a problem.
If people get really drunk, it's really really not a problem.

>> No.8324555

If you don't know the people you're staying with, safeguard your shit.
Lock your luggage if you have to, too many horror story threads on here are about roommates

>> No.8324574


Thanks for the feedback. We're aiming not to do any drinking. We plan on safeguarding our shit and keeping the valuables in a locked bag or in a locked vehicle.

Any tips on ensuring that the hotel doesn't realize that we're going over the room occupancy numbers?

>> No.8324578

Just don't have 5 people at check in.
And keep a do not disturb sign when everyone's sleeping overnight?
Usually not necessary, but I do it anyways when room stuffing

>> No.8324628

You only need to file before April 30th if you're self employed, or have other untaxed investments (stocks, etc.)

>> No.8324637

Sick kids does research. Also I know a lot of people (including myself) who have benefited from the facilities at sick kids. Besides, all of these research facilities have insane amount of funding as it is.

>> No.8324717

there's nothing wrong with speed dating.

>> No.8325092
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>> No.8325136

That $20,000 would make a world of difference to some animal rescue charities where all the money to keep the animals under a roof and healthy come out of one person's pocket, and they don't receive any funding and very few donations because no one's heard of them.

On the other hand, $20,000 does not even pay one month's salary for a doctor at Sick Kids.
It's all about AN staff patting themselves on the back because the donation really doesn't pay for much of anything in the long run.

I have a lifelong disease, and I've benefitted from organizations that research that disease. It doesn't mean that I think those organizations need my money if I'm choosing a charity for a charity event.

>> No.8325143

My bad. I mean $200,000.

>> No.8325254

I've got a good one for ya.
>book room with good friend
>tells me two of her friends need somewhere to stay
>"oh ok"
>book room for four people
>everything is good on friday, hang out with friends two friends who are rooming with us, theyre cool
>come back to room late on saturday night, can't get into room
>go downstairs to complain about key
>front desk informs me that ive broken the rules by having too many people rooming in my room
>read me the riot act about fire hazards etc
>"I booked for four people? Whats the issue?"
>front desk had gotten four noise complaints about the room around midnight
>sent someone up
>there were 9 people in the room and 6 sleeping bags on the floor
>friend hasnt spoken to me since that friday
The worst part of it to be honest was not being able to get any of the money for the room back and having to leave before hitting the dealers room. Looking at my badge from last year just pisses me off now.

>> No.8325271

What a shitty friend. Getting secondhand rage over here.

>> No.8325376

My first year at AN we had 6 girls in one double tree room. Got real cozy with a girl I'd know all of 2 hours, but had a great time. room was kept clean, no ones shit got wrecked or stolen, and all 6 of us were cosplaying every day. I was well looked after, babbys first con was successful. 7 years later I'm still doing this shit.

My worst experience was a couple years back when I booked two adjoining rooms at the Marriott. Some rather ballsy 'friends' of mine at the time who were in one room, kept coming over to the other room to use the mirror, then leaving their shit everywhere, nabbing snacks out of one rooms cooler instead of theirs... That was the last time I ever spent any extended periods of time with that pair.

Just about every con I go to, I'm in a room with more people than are supposed to be in there. And for the most part, it's works out well. I hit a good number of cons in Ontario and the US, but any issues I've had have been fairly minor.
Just don't be stupid about it. Don't throw wild parties, tidy your room Sunday mornings, and only have a couple of you ever at the front desk at once. It's not hard.

>> No.8325676

I hate everything about this

> Salty af

>> No.8325687

So any ameteur photog can go to shoots and grab some shots?

>> No.8325693

Isn't she the photog begging for new equipment on gofundme?

>> No.8325703

No he's the dumb fuck who gets off on dying children

>> No.8325710

Who the fuck cares about some stupid animals vs young kids dealing with shit adults can't handle.
You are scum of the earth.

>> No.8325800


Thanks for the stories, anons. We'll be sure not to piss off the staff or make the front desk suspicious. >>8325254 damn I feel for ya, esp not getting any of your money back.

>> No.8325932



>> No.8326275

My thoughts exactly

>> No.8326377

Anime North's schedule is finally out! Time to start building a schedule.

Also somewhat offtopic, does anybody know the name of the organizer for the Lolita Tea Party? I think I remember her posting here before, but I lost her contact.

>> No.8326527

I am one of the organizers, you can email the team at anlolitateaparty at gmail.

>> No.8326613

am I just not seeing it or is the Friday J-Rave gone? sigh, seems every year the rave becomes less anime and more generic circlejerk EDM crap.

>> No.8326687
File: 110 KB, 673x432, breaking own neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I say this every year, but this year's schedule is disappointing.

>> No.8326820
File: 12 KB, 356x372, 1327802153901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AA sellers get hyped, the wrestling show is back again this year

Thanks Lani!

>> No.8326851
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>AA sellers get hyped, the wrestling show is back again this year


>> No.8326891
File: 170 KB, 435x169, Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 4.07.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hyped for the panels this year!!!!!

>> No.8326914

>Featuring a guest lecture by Dr. Boring Notanime!

>> No.8327190

Man I am lefty as fuck and even I raised an eyebrow at this panel.

>> No.8327217

Maybe he'll be dressed up like a Bulbasaur as he presents?

>> No.8327243

Did you even fucking read what I said?

Sick Kids is rich already and there is no danger of children dying there.

AN's contribution is like a drop of piss in a river since IT DOESN'T EVEN COVER A DOCTOR'S SALARY FOR ONE MONTH. It makes very little difference.

If you're concerned about dying children, there are small charities for children with cancer that no one gives a shit about. How about charities for children born with diseases that will reduce their life-expectancy? How about children that are starving in Toronto or in third-world shit holes?

Just because Sick Kids saved your life doesn't mean they're not already a rich hospital.

>> No.8327249

at first I got excited about someone doing a panel for left-handed people but then I saw what you meant

>> No.8327279

If it was the opposite position, I'd question if we were sharing with the PC party again.

>> No.8327282

Looks like purblind

>> No.8327457

>no danger of children dying there

>> No.8327601

Fucktard confirmed

>> No.8327634

Way to take it out of context. If children die there, it's not because of lack of funds. It's because these things are left up to fate sometimes.

Meanwhile, there are other hospitals which can't afford good equipment or doctors where people die everyday. But nope. Gotta give to an already-rich hospital instead because people have emotional attachment to them for saving their life or that of someone they know. And Sick Kids is THE ONLY CHARITY which saves children's lives, guiz.

If you're going to argue with me, at least try to address the points that I'm making instead of just saying "fuck you! They saved my life!" or "omg you must like seeing kids die!!!111". Doing that makes you look like a tumblr-level idiot. Even if you guys supposedly hate tumblr, you use the same kind of leaps in logic, arguments based on emotion, and insults that they do.

>> No.8327653
File: 210 KB, 372x480, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going. I don't really want to meet anyone from 4chan at AN.

>> No.8327665
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>> No.8327692

Are you just acompanying this with an image of Mayuri, because someone you dislike is going to AN cosplaying as her, and you want them to be harassed by us, because we assume they are you?

>> No.8327714

Does anyone know if I can pick up Tea Party tickets during the Thurs night pre-reg?

>> No.8327754
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1325991654959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is this a thing? What does this have to do with anime?

>> No.8327758

It relates to anime in the same way that two Legend of Korra lesbian panels do, anon.

>> No.8327760

Just print off the sheet they emailed you and bring that to be scanned at the actual event, you don't have to pick up anything.

>> No.8327781

Anyone selling a teaparty ticket?
I know it's a long shot but I am still looking email in the field

>> No.8327796

Oh cool, thanks! First time attending so I wasn't sure.

>> No.8327807

No problem! Are you attending with a friend??

>> No.8327957


>> No.8327962
File: 5 KB, 261x180, 10930069_10206957028584413_1993585914159828931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying $300+ for that card list

[spoiler]I do want MM2 elesh norn tho[/spoilersdontexisthere]

>> No.8328211
File: 67 KB, 540x960, 1969161_10153226202213825_4513367717829251196_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I finished looking through the panels this year. I can't believe how many things that not only don't cater to my interests, but rather make me completely shocked and appalled. A good portion of these panels are all for LGBT crowd. I can't believe how dominant it is, its like the attendees are nothing but a massive congregation of sexually frustrated youths that they need a convention to cater to their fetishes.

Its good seeing a few panels I do want to check out but man, these fags need to get their own convention instead of hemorrhaging Anime North.

>> No.8328230
File: 37 KB, 415x570, 1405107470483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8328239

Most of the LGBT panels are at Yaoi North.

And really? You're shocked that anime cons are full of sexually frustrated youth? It's always been that way. Well, at least since the majority age changed from 21-30 to 13-22. I remember Naruto cosplayers dry-humping at their photoshoot and awkward pimple-faced weebaboo girls screaming about yaoi in 2006. Nothing has changed.

>> No.8328252

goddamit voldie, you play magic? since when

>> No.8328271
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>> No.8328275

My character wears a pleated skirt as part of her school uniform, but because I didn't get enough fabric and because budget, the person I commissioned and I had to settle with a flat one. Otherwise, I would have been charged another $130 for the fabric and the work. Will anyone really care, anon? Did I just commit a horrible sin? Am I going to Hell?

>> No.8328283
File: 2.29 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm awful at this.

We're going to end up on "bad cosplay" threads.


Time to go balls deep, right, Gulls?

>> No.8328289

why not just Jnig it?

put a yellow thong on, pokeball pasties with pikachu ear headband

>> No.8328292

$130 for a fucking pleated skirt? Wow.

Because it's a school uniform, yeah, people will probably care that it's not pleated. That's...kind of a big thing in school uniforms???? Why couldn't you have just bought a cheap one? Why did you settle for a flat one? I don't understand anon.

>> No.8328296

Hah, I wish. I'm female, that vest is for a friend. If North doesn't bomb this year, we'll come up with something rediculous. We'll go as construction workers or something.

Also Rob's a cool guy.

>> No.8328297

Because it's impossible to find a skirt in my size that is the right color.

>> No.8328299

> landwhale detected

>> No.8328302

Yeah, I'm a fattie anon. And I'm dressing as a character who is fatter than I am. You have issues with that?

>> No.8328310
File: 146 KB, 640x480, please respond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /cancelled having a cosplay/ here?

>> No.8328393

> Thinking people are going to care about your cosplay when you have your own orbit and are sweating a milky way

>> No.8328404

I bathe and wear deodorant, anon. Most people really don't care about fat people at cons as long as they don't stink or delude themselves into thinking that they'll look good in a size 2.

>> No.8328630
File: 118 KB, 500x501, 1349210548887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to but then it became the week before AN and the rest is history

>> No.8328643

If you cared enough to find the right colour, you're already doing better than most of the people out there who just grab something vaguely similar and toss it on. The hordes of 16 year olds aren't going to give a shit, anyone on here likely isn't going to put you up on a board because there's way worse cosplay sins being committed all over AN.

You can always improve your cosplay later, anyway. It's not like this is Ontario's only con. You'll be fine, you're likely to be the only one to really think badly of your skirt, and you're at least at a good starting point if you want to improve the cosplay later.

>> No.8328668
File: 1.24 MB, 3004x1567, vivian2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vivian James

Careful there, anon- we don't want another Calgary Comic Expo on our hands here. I'd hate for you to lose out on a weekend of fun because someone complains that your cosplay is linked to a movement that harasses womyns and encourages muh soggy knees and you get kicked out.

>> No.8328681

I'm going to side with you here anon, because this is indeed true. I'm only going to add that people care when a fat person waddles, but I care about that when a skinny person waddles/strolls too. I hate when people walk slow in general.

Is it possible to get the fabric, get the basic start of the skirt, and then take it to a tailor? The most I've paid for them to alter and put in knife pleats on a skirt was like 25 dollars because they have a machine that can do that.

>> No.8328795

There's a lot of dramu about someone trying to stir up GG shit with Anime North already.


>> No.8328828

o I am laffin

>> No.8328886


You can dress like a nazi, but don't wear purple and green.

>> No.8328903
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Green is canon

>> No.8328911
File: 641 KB, 1552x2592, IMAG0841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who half assed cosplay here?

I decided to cosplay a bit late this year, so I had to scrounge up a cosplay quick. So I decided to go as Dallas from the Payday games. Quick, easy, effective. Hope to see y'all there, and don't forget the thermal drill!

>> No.8328963
File: 195 KB, 500x295, Homm - 7000 skeletons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So... they would ban a woman for wearing a costume that was designed to support women in gaming. Ohh boy that would be interesting. I know some of the Anime North heads browse here. Whoever made that policy/Twitter post is an idiot.

Whatever. It's not like I'll be wearing my badge on Friday night.

>> No.8328970

The fabric will still cost a lot, though. The person I commissioned estimated about $40-$60 to get enough of a decent material. The only person I know who can sew would say it's "too last minute" and "it's not a big deal, and you should just be happy with what you have already".

>> No.8328997

keep in mind there were some shits interrupting panels at Calgary Comic Expo which is one of the reasons they got kicked.

>> No.8329003


... I give up, I searched all over da house and now I need to make a new one, which means I have to take time to shop in Toronto (6 days, people!). Dammit (US) arda, why do you have to take time off for shitty acen!..

tl;dr Can anyone recommend me any wig shops in the GTA that sell hair pieces (bangs, clip ons), or even wefts, in bright yellow? I was going to get
<---that (in yellow) and have it be easy.
Thx seagulls!

>> No.8329004
File: 48 KB, 264x400, Short_Bang-1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. dropped image

>> No.8329023
File: 29 KB, 599x441, actually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So... they would ban a woman for wearing a costume that was designed to support women in gaming.

>GG supporting women in gaming when all they do is attack them


>oh but anon they did that thing where they fund-raised a lot to have a cool girl character Vivian waifu put in so GG doesn't seem as harmless

when it was clearly a trolling scheme and a fallback to be all "we're not assholes, look at this one thing we did that was nice"

they're not banning the colors they're banning people being dicks under the guise of "ethics in gaming journalism"

>> No.8329026

There's a costume store in Waterloo that sells Arda wigs, I dunno if they'd have what you need but you can check


>> No.8329028
File: 794 KB, 213x117, DMC - fuck it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GG supporting women in gaming when all they do is attack them

I'm not going to argue with you about stuff you don't know shit about in an Anime North thread but I am going to say you're an idiot.

>> No.8329104

*tips fedora* m'ladytwink

>> No.8329122

>I'm not like those other girls XD I'm a female MRA
>don't hit on me you silly boys

>> No.8329128

These are the people who run Arda Canada, btw.


>> No.8329150

would dressing up as Hulk or She-Hulk be too #triggering then?

>> No.8329178

>Vivian James
on par with cosplaying ragefaces

>> No.8329231

Goes perfectly along with the board tan group I'd imagine

>> No.8329328
File: 141 KB, 447x614, whatthefuckisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody explain this shit.

Les Mis? FUCKING LES MIS? Something tells me this isn't a small collection of the 1979 anime show fans getting together to talk about the good old times.

>> No.8329355

Why do the 404s still exist? It's just a bunch of ugly fat guys badly ripping off Who's Line. Did anyone every find them funny?

>> No.8329359

There's a Les Mis panel every year; they always include the anime adaptation in their discussions, actually.

>> No.8329373
File: 15 KB, 461x260, Bartender anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here actually tried to get a good panel going this year, but failed to get enough interested people?
I know I did.

>> No.8329381

But that isn't really the point of the panel is it? They came to talk about Les Mis the musical/ french novel and happen to mention the anime. That's like me saying I'd like to do a panel on 16th Century Russian Boyar Reforms after the ascendency of Moscow City-State and I'm justified because Russia is close to Japan.

>> No.8329408

I saw them once and the fat guy was kinda funny
>I know that's not being very specific
but yeah they need to stop

>> No.8329459

Yup! Pretty much snagged tickets as soon as I knew there wouldn't be a fashion show conflict.

>> No.8329480

Here's the thing, though - AN panels have a certain amount of slots for topics that fall outside of anime/manga, gaming, cosplay, lolita, jfash, Japan/weeb fandom in general etc. Yaoi North and Doll North are run separately so they have their own set of LGBTQ and doll-related topics every year.

Other unrelated panels:
- MLP panel
- MLP customs panel
- "Care and Feeding of your MLP collection" panel
- Creepypasta panel
- Korrasami panel
- Steven Universe panel
- Game of Thrones/ASOIAF panel
- Once Upon a Time panel
- RWBY panel
- Evolution of Western Animation panel (debatable relevance)
- Climate change panel (what?)

Hell, there used to be 4chan panels, which really aren't relevant considering they mostly discussed memes and not anime/Japan topics.

>> No.8329506

Yaoi and Yuri north weren't just "gay things in general", though. It was gay things related to anime and manga. BJD's, as they are today, are mostly made and designed in Asian counties, and have a heavy anime and/or lolita style to them, which still jives well with most other anime and manga stuff.

Western animation, french plays, MLP shit, Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, and fucking climate change have no relevance here. They are unambiguously not inline with anything related to anime, manga, asian culture, weeb shit, or anything that AN has been associated with.

>> No.8329522

>>8329506 >>8329480

What you listed is all fan. They are dimensions of the Anime Fandom. But the rest, makes no sense.

>> No.8329599

who the hell is Vivian James anyway?

>> No.8329622

>Yaoi and Yuri north weren't just "gay things in general", though. It was gay things related to anime and manga. BJD's, as they are today, are mostly made and designed in Asian counties, and have a heavy anime and/or lolita style to them, which still jives well with most other anime and manga stuff.

I was just saying that with the panel signup process, they're run separately from the main panels department (as is anything with "____ North" as a name). I meant to say that their panels are all relevant to anime/Japan by default, but have a lot of breadth to cover different aspects of their main topics. Sorry for not being very clear.

Also, where's the Shibari panel? I'm sad that it doesn't seem to be included this year. I was hoping to learn more about techniques in that kind of environment since I'm not really comfortable going to local kink events.

>> No.8329626

Please don't open this can of worms

>> No.8329674
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-15-17-29-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official group is a cringe goldmine

>> No.8329680

Oh god i was just going to post this.

>> No.8329682
File: 35 KB, 500x424, ss (2015-05-15 at 05.33.58).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8329685

>She sees a Hiccup cosplayer
>"want a ride?"

>> No.8329696

... I am officially retiring my Hiccup cosplay forever.

>> No.8329706

I fail to see the issue. Besides, have you seen women's bathroom lines? Might help redistribute the bathroom traffic flow.

>> No.8329708
File: 41 KB, 488x504, ss (2015-05-15 at 05.35.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8329730


>> No.8329732

So... which are the panels that are actually worth seeing?

>> No.8329734

that boy is golden

>> No.8329779
File: 1004 KB, 499x359, Runsit Woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw going to teaparty Sunday
> mfw still don't have shoes to go with my coord
What are the chances of the Swap Meet having appropriate shoes in my size.

>> No.8329865

worst comes to worst, arda's coming to the con as a guest, you could snag one from them last minute at the booth

>> No.8329923

oh my god. This guy. I went to college with this guy and he is legit serious about everything he posts. I could talk about him for ages, haha.

He's trying to organize an anime tap dancing session at AN as well.

>> No.8329931

Ahh, helpful and supportive as always. But, yeah, as mentioned, it has to be US arda (Can don't have bright yellow bangs).

YES, true, but, if it's just the Can branch, I'm still screwed. Of course, I can always just ask.

P.S What is the name of that wig shop on yonge between dundas and college? Maybe I'll give'em a call in case (as overpriced as they are...).

>> No.8329957


totally off topic, but do you play dank souls ii?

>> No.8329966

Same, 3 of my panels fell short

>> No.8329970

I just don't know why there are two KorraSami panels.

>> No.8329982

the 'black people like anime too' is already cringey so pls no

>> No.8330020

If you're not fat, pretty decent.

>> No.8330087

Same. I had 6.

Don't say we didn't try to get anime content in there, guys.

It's clear that anime cons are getting worse by the year, since every year, more tumblr kids submit tons of panels on off-topic junk because they like it and think the con should cater to everything that they like.

>> No.8330090

Wait, what does fatness have to do with shoe size?

>> No.8330117

...And yet they fill up a room every time. I don't even know anyone who likes them.

Think of it like the wrestling shit.
I don't watch it and think it's a waste of space.
No one I know watches it, and they all think it's a waste of space.
Yet, apparently, it's popular enough to get a prime location and a prime time slot. We'll have to just put up with it.

>> No.8330120
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>> No.8330124

If you pay attention to Yaoi North schedule, most of their stuff isn't anime related in the slightest.

>> No.8330128
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>1 week to the con
>Cosplay isn't done
>Long weekend
>Have to go into work over the weekend to meet a deadline

I Guess I'll just re-wear something.

>> No.8330131

Like BBC Slashfic writing guide

>> No.8330133
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>> No.8330139

It's been a thing for many years. What kind of rock have you been living under?

>> No.8330140

I really want to go to this. I want to know if this is what they are actually talking about. I want to know who submitted it and why?

>> No.8330141

Ever seen it? They actually do discuss anime there, and none of them are SJWs.

>> No.8330174

>Yuri/Yaoi/LGBTBBQ panels almost number double the normal panels

>> No.8330219

Anyone selling Tea Party tickets? Email me!

>> No.8330277

Not sure about fabric cost but I guess if you are looking at a pretty specific pattern on the fabric and need a lot of material. It's definitely NOT too late to sew a pleated skirt though. You could start and finish one the night before a con if you really wanted to. Maybe try checking out the prices at your local fabric store and see if your commissioner is over-quoting you if you can find the same fabric.

>> No.8330281
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Is it weird I am considering scalping my own ticket for extra money?

>> No.8330316

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.8330803

What's her art like?
>TFW my need to cosplay elesh norn is so strong

>> No.8330823

Could you not tell by the fact that it would have been $130 for pleated?

>> No.8330840

Honestly I'm more pissed at the ouat panel. That show is literal garbage and everyone knows it

>> No.8330864

And it' another panel that's been going for years. How is the weather under that rock?

>> No.8331258

How is AN still afloat? The programing barely changes, the guests are reoccuring nobodies and they keep shoving those boring "game shows" down our throats! How many times do we need to play "name that anime tune" for fuck sakes... This con could be so much better but alas fails every year!

>> No.8331557

that's literally what cons are.

they're mostly just social events for weebs, panels always suck

>> No.8331789

What's your shoe size? And what style of shoes? I'm selling a few pairs.

>> No.8331804

AN could be better, the organizers are either: too lazy, too out of touch, too lame to do anything new and different. Plus they're always complaining about "not enough funding" suck it the fuck up and get some sponsors! More money, better guest, better events etc. Money makes the world go round!

>> No.8331809

You say that but I have been to worse cons, AN is not the best and not the worst.

>> No.8331947

Hell, they could save the excess money instead of donating it and use it to get a larger space, better guests, etc. the next year.

>> No.8332030

>"Name That Tune"
>Not playing "Speedtune" instead
There's your problem.

>> No.8332034

>social events for weebs
Tell me. What else do you expect anime conventions to be? If you don't want to be around weebs, don't attend an anime convention. Go to Comic Con or something instead.

>> No.8332111

Peace it's my second AN

>> No.8332156

>...And yet they fill up a room every time.
I am pretty sure most people there are just because they go on before or after an event that people actually want to see.

>> No.8332169

Sounds like you want FanExpo.

>> No.8332195

I didn't say anything about that, I'm just saying that's what cons are: the few social events weebs get to go to in a year. panels are mostly irrelevant, it's just social interaction for people who don't get social interaction normally

>> No.8332256

If anyone's looking for a weekend pass, check /r/toronto on reddit, someone's offering to sell one for 45$

>> No.8332269
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Last-minute costume bits! Anyone know where I could get a fake hibiscus around the city? I also need to find a mini Japanese flag and numbers to sew on ot the suku, although those I might just make out of scrap felt

>> No.8332279
File: 688 KB, 921x609, 2015-05-12_18-17-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea where I can get these glasses? I ordered off aliexpress at the beginning of April and they're still not here. They probably won't be here in time for anime north.

>> No.8332305

Thread autosaging, new one is here


>> No.8332337


You'd be surprised what you can find at a dollar store, I've bought fake flowers and non-prescription glasses before. You two might be able to find something close if you look hard for it, don't live in T.O. so couldn't tell you where exactly but they may be your best bet.

>> No.8332825

Sounds like.....

>> No.8333595

What do you guys need to get a panel approved? I'd like to get involved and help some of these panels get approved next year.