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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 120 KB, 640x699, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8307681 No.8307681 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have another shameless and shitty GoFundMe thread.

>> No.8307682
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>> No.8307691
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She's so mad that people replied with telling her to save up like everyone else. Boohoooo

>> No.8307716

faith in humanity is restored.

>> No.8307720

Brb gonna post so I can be on her video

>> No.8307721

Where's this video?

>> No.8307855

I wanna see this video.

>> No.8307859
File: 119 KB, 800x533, 4010623_1428808067.2786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still paying for her big cross country move debt but Ichigokitty needs your help to go to Japan

>> No.8308908

She's creepy as hell in this photo.

>> No.8308914
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Poor people are awful

>> No.8308915

it's on her facebook

>> No.8308918
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>> No.8308923

This shit pisses me off to the ends of infinity. I hope they never get their cosplay done just for being a little bitch.

>> No.8308945


Idk why but something about her face just annoys the hell outta me. I would give anything to punch it.

>> No.8308949
File: 1.41 MB, 960x540, Titanic-gif-titanic-31111084-960-540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this person.

>> No.8309079

these posts are always great. so many lazy bums asking for handouts. entertaining stuff

>> No.8309095 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8309123

How does that help me here?

>> No.8309196

Just look up her name on facebook, it's not difficult.

>> No.8309325

Jesus Christ, I made a small clothing line of 8 looks for a runway show with custom prints and pure silk for less than $600.

>> No.8309349
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"hey while you're here like my page" LOL

>> No.8309381
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>> No.8309400
File: 495 KB, 1076x668, asmgross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who is proud of being a creepy asmr 'artist' needs to be put down for good.

>> No.8309410
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>> No.8309424

To be fair.. Its a lightweight smooth surface, but there are certainly better options than a foam ball covered in expensive worbla. Like one of those small inflatable exercise balls that you can, I don't know, paint over?

>> No.8309453


It just hurts me where I live to know she got funded. Yes I am jelly

>> No.8309473

GDI why does Texas have all the cosfamous wannabees? Like Jesus christ people you wanna get gud at something do it your fucking self

>> No.8309482



>> No.8309487

well played

>> No.8309574

>$600 for a cosplay

The fuck? Is she getting it commissioned? Labor fees are the only thing that could jack up the price of a cosplay to that amount.

>> No.8309897
File: 209 KB, 727x1098, asdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling this is going to say Headhunter Nidalee because she has other League stuff in her photos. This is what someone else did for the cosplay. Worth $600? I don't build armor so I wouldn't know.

>> No.8309987
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>>Claims to need $27k
>>doesn't get it
>>claims to need $12k
>>doesn't get it

Now he's making the documentary and such WITHOUT everyone's money! It's almost as if everyone was correct in thinking he was trying to scam money for his little harem!
I'm so surprised

>> No.8309989

You can make an armor like that for around $50.

>> No.8309994
File: 141 KB, 540x960, 11188297_1022428267774970_5479361700996328839_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8310003

how do you guys see the comments on her gofundme? or were they deleted?

>> No.8310012

This guy is seriously retarded

>> No.8310104

And you're so humble about it.

>> No.8310112

Just posting a link would be easier. ;)

>> No.8310113

What is this thing?

>> No.8310126
File: 71 KB, 250x195, objection2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason why she didn't get money is because she isn't sexy enough and didn't show any cleavage.
It's easy to dogpile someone average, whiny, and entitled whom obviously lacks the reenforcement.
It's much harder to get a point across in a thicket of beta orbiters and whiteknights who are impressed by a pair of plastic tits.

Look into your hearts, you know this to be true.

>> No.8310148

Is that supposed to be Impa? Jesus Christ.

>> No.8310184

Here you go
facebook dot com slash story dot php?story_fbid=1023367557681041&id=100000234188801

Not sure why she's not even looking in the camera.

>> No.8310231

I love how the fb thread ends

>> No.8310285

Daaaaaaaamn, ichigokitty got old fast. She's really showing her age. I like her reason for needing 4k- "I haven't been working so I have no money, but I want to see a concert in Japan, can you guys pay? If you give extra I can take my bff too"

Bitch you're like 30 and in serious debt and your parents paid for school, stop pretending you had loans.

>> No.8310313


>> No.8311094

Jelly fattie detected :)

>> No.8311103

Im the one who asked the question and even I find that price tag hard to believe if you consider the cost of paint, foam, and ties/velcro to hold it all together. I don't doubt $600 is too much, but $50 is way too fucking little of an amount.

>> No.8311116

Not >>8310126
But think he/she's just stating the hard truth. If you want the $$$ you gotta sex it up.

>> No.8311133

Where is she asking? Fb? Insta?

>> No.8311247
File: 111 KB, 640x811, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a gofundme but I'm really sick of seeing wish lists from cosplayers. Stop being lazy and buy your own shit.

>> No.8311248

What bothers me is a lot of my friends make do with 2.5k, of their own hard earned money that they saved for like half a year to have a vacation in Japan.

First result on google and gofundme.

>> No.8311256

How about this?

>> No.8311279


Taking a look at their facebook page I can say they do decent work so I'm baffled why they need a kickstarter. Especially for a helmet that could be made for less than 1000$

>> No.8311282

That armour is worth $600 if someone commissions it. But you could make it yourself for about 200 - 400 depending on your skill level. Armour aint cheap yo

>> No.8311298

I had a wishlist up from July-November and then I took it down. I got some stuff, but I felt so guilty and shit, so it hasn't been posted back up in over a year. I don't know how cosplayers can shamelessly ask for shit like this all the time and not have some sense of guilt. I only did mine because a couple followers/likes asked if I had one, so I made one, but on top of feeling guilty there was a huge influx if people expecting 'payment' in return for bought items.

I ducked out as soon as I couldn't handle the creepiness of the guys anymore.

>> No.8311306

Dubs for truth

I can understand the appeal of SFX asmr, but the whispering roleplays are just oceans of cringe.

>> No.8311314

Sorry but >>8311116 said it.
Average girls don't get the attention and free stuff. Slutted up prostiwhores do.

>> No.8311319

especially for something he is just going to turn around and sell later. Kick starter is a weird way to preorders.

>> No.8311623

>tfw you like asmr roleplays

Although I'm fairly picky about them and only like two channels. Cosplay asmr videos are the worst though, v much a sea of cringe.

>> No.8311750

gofundme / ichigokitty

>> No.8311755

ugh. but at least she's giving some kind of general "award" for it all

>> No.8311765

Justice does exist!

>> No.8311781

Only when you don't have tits.

>> No.8312052

lol begging for money for a free vacation and concert ticket. That's even worse than cosplay funding.

There's a lot of things that I would've loved to see as a poorfag but it's basically tough shit. Just watch it on YouTube ffs.

>> No.8312083

yeah role plays are garbage.

I like ASMR but when it's just some skank playing drama class I actively get uncomfortable. I like whispering too but when the person is just talking about themself I feel like I'm listening to a shitty blog.

>> No.8312098

And she wants to bring her friend, don't forget!!!!!

>> No.8312102


she just needs to start streaming games for the holy trinity

>> No.8312726

One things for sure, she isn't lying when she says she has no money. Even on the east coast she would blow every penny she had on cosplay or other frivolous shit, and then had to mooch things like food and normal expenses. How's her new location treating her, I can't imagine it's any cheaper re: the cost of living.

>> No.8312731

Some people like listening to others talking about their day, stop being a salty bitch

>> No.8312735

Oh god someone tell me this video is available

>> No.8312820

>Amane Nishiki
why did you have to take my precious main's name :'(

>> No.8312829

Didn't work.

>> No.8313106
File: 355 KB, 784x487, weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a GoFundMe but...I don't really know what to say. They're basically funding a basic bitch to ruin everyone's favorite fandoms.

She can't sing well and she doesn't invest in getting proper lessons, and her makeup would look loads better if she didn't have those ridiculous eyebrows. I suppose her husband doesn't want to be paying for every weeb video of hers anymore.

>> No.8313132

You need to replace the 'dot's and 'slash' with their respective signs a . and a /
I can't do that on here. It thinks it's spam.

>> No.8313154
File: 498 KB, 500x250, hrk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8313156

How old is Traci?

>> No.8313161

she says on her video :

>I'm a pretty laid back individual, and i'm sorry if i upset you hardcore people who work 24 hours a day to afford your cosplay ... and it's fine that you only wanna donate to homeless people or people on deathbeds or something like that
>I'm sorry i'm not good enough for your donation
>I'm down with saving up for my cosplay and working on it. I dont mind doing that. I'm pretty much independent and that money will come but i feel like no harm in asking.
>I dont have alot of pride, like i'm not so prideful to where i can't ask for help. And i'm not so cruel to where i can only give to people who i pity.

I'm sorry but wow. Also apologies on the link. Here's a more correct link. I was on my phone at the time: https://www.facebook.com slash ashuntir/videos/1023367557681041/?comment_tracking={%22tn%22%3A%22O%22}&pnref=story

>> No.8313180

I don't have one but I don't really care if people do. no one is forcing people to give you things, why would you feel guilty? I know someone who just posts a wish list of random shit on her blog in case someone is in a giving mood or a friend is looking for gift ideas.... I never saw wishlists as any sort of big deal?

>> No.8313242

She should get a dental plan and sand those teeth with the money

>> No.8313397

Almost 30 this year? I think she was born in 1986. Her skin makes her look a lot older than that though, and those fugly eyebrows.

>> No.8313441

Those teeth legitimately scared some child relatives of mine

Think of the children, Traci. File dem chompers.

>> No.8313453
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>> No.8313456

It becomes a huge deal when guys will buy you multiple things at once and then proceed to harass you if you don't give them stuff in return like nudes which would up being the position I was in. I never sent any out and instead calmly explained why, but thank you got being so kind to get me this stuff, but then angry messages. :| Thats why I took mine down.

>> No.8313466

Bitch, just do what I did with the damn Miku thing and watch it on fucking YouTube. I have been to so many concerts and every time I get out I think, "Wow. I couldve saved a lot of money and just got a good copy of the show on CD and watched that instead of standing in line, spending all this money on gas, tickets, over priced food and drink.."

Im pretty chill with not being in actual attendance of stuff. Now, musicals on the other hand..

>> No.8313469

Looked it up. Its a bunch of the old fucking voice actors dressing up as if they were kids. Its so desperate looking and sad. Who the hell wants to attend that shit? 40 year olds dressing as 12year olds. Omg.

>> No.8313603
File: 1.96 MB, 1440x2306, Screenshot_2015-05-10-03-00-40-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ has gone and upset alychu chan. And has now posted a picture of her gross ass for us to kiss. Serioulsy between her constantly asking for people to buy her low tier sets and trying to get everyone to give her money by pateron and this is what her fans clamour for?
I know you're reading this. Alychu get a fucking job you stupid whore.

>> No.8313613

Wait...What ass? Those aren't still her thighs?

>> No.8313616

"*Sorry for the booty*
I keep reading anonymous shit about me and how I make my money. Stop being salty cunts because you didn't beat me. I won't ever go away. I will keep fucking rising and I WON'T stop for pathetic jealous assholes because you're miserable with your life that you have to attack mine. I beat you. I won, and you are just miserable fucks who are obsessed with me.

For a lack of a better term


>> No.8313619

>deliberately misleads people into thinking her sets have nudes in them
>people ask for clarification in the comments on Facebook and she replies with LOL BUY THE SET AND FIND OUT
>somehow shocked when her paypal gets reported
>loses a couple grand(???) because she's fucking retarded, as if "between banks" is any excuse

>> No.8313628

probably has that paypal credit card thing

>> No.8313648

Not a thing has changed

>> No.8313652

Who'd be obsessed with THAT?

>> No.8313654

She has pimples on her butt too. At least photoshop it so it doesn't look too dirty. I wouldn't put my face on that.

>> No.8313661

it's kind of the same thing with conventions. can check out coverage online, photos of cosplayers, panel news, etc. watch concerts by whatever music artists happen to be there. buy autographs of artists and stuff online . some people just want to be there.

recently my favorite band was on tour. watched one of the concert stops on youtube filmed by some dude with his phone and his arm up in the air for two hours (props to him). watched it A LOT. when they came nearby i went and spent the cash for ticket + merch. wouldn't have it any other way. for their previous tour i flew out to that city, saw them the same night, flew out the morning after. could have just waited to see them nearby later on and saved a lot of cash.

sometimes people just want to experience it live.

>> No.8313698

The they should save up for it and not be a pansy ass greedy cunt about it and make people she doesn't know pay for her trip.

>> No.8313803

Of course some people want to see performances live, but to be asking to have a trip funded for you as if no one else would like one and trying to market it is something you absolutely need is ridiculous.

A lot of her cosplays are Idolm@ster and I'm sure it means a lot for her to go, but her trip is a personal investment. Whatever people want to donate, that's up to them, but it's a luxury to go. I actually liked her cosplays but this brings it down. She's not that special or deserving than another person to go.

I've cosplayed from a lot of VN for years and am saving to go to Comiket. Being that it's a hobby and my wanting to go is a luxury, not a necessity, it shouldn't be on someone's dime to go.

>> No.8313837

Florida is worse. Also is Momosweet still doing that Shit Kickstarter?

>> No.8313929 [DELETED] 

>I've already been to Japan now pay for my trip to go again!
Plenty of good humble people out there who will never be able to afford themselves a nice vacation in their lives and then there's bitch.

>> No.8313932

>I've already been to Japan now pay for my trip to go again!
Plenty of good humble people out there who will never be able to afford a nice vacation for themselves and then there's this bitch.

>> No.8313959

Lol I had glossed over the part where she said she hadn't gone since 2007. She needs to get real.

>> No.8314018

Yes, obviously. Did that and still didn't work.

>> No.8314036

Wait, this bitch has been to Japan before and since she too lazy to work at a damn job, she expects people to pay for her and her omgbff4ever to go on 4K trip to Japan AGAIN?!
Fuck you. Just fuck you, bitch. The only times I've been outside of the US is to go to Canada and Mexico. I work full time and there's way I could fly to Japan to go to a fucking concert because omfg they're my faavvvvvvvv. Fuck you.

>> No.8314039

That's creepy as shit. They basically wanted you to be their prostitute. I hope you blocked them.

>> No.8314064

This leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. I'm currently saving $8000 for my own personal ~dreamtrip~ to Japan right now. I'm more than halfway there now since I started saving up one year ago and most of the money I've saved up are all money I got from selling off my rare weeb collection on eBay.
I get that she is making an effort to get money by selling prints, but if it were me, I'd try to sell off wigs, cosplays and the like instead. If she wants go to so bad, she should make some sacrifices instead of asking others to do so.

I just don't get how someone can go on an expensive vacation that they didn't even paid for and not feel guilty about it the whole time.
I actually used to really like IchigoKitty but this just proves to me that I made the right choice when I decided to stop paying attention to her.

>> No.8314103

She could stop making new cosplays for a while too and use that money for Japan. She has heaps of old ones she can wear again for a bit.
This whole thing just seems stupid.

>> No.8314112
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>> No.8314190

Thank-you. It's not often that I see a post that gives me this incredible sense of… hmm, worth, I guess? I'm a weird kid with weird kid issues, but reading your post makes me see that well, at least compared to you, I'm doing alright. Thanks for that, I truly do appreciate it.

>> No.8314267
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>> No.8314283
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>> No.8314291

Very shameless

>> No.8314303

And this is why cosplayers get told that they might as well do porn

>> No.8314309

Is she SERIOUS. The skin name is sinful succulence morgana, holy fuck how can you be that retarded

>> No.8314390

Meanwhile in the background you can see thousands of dollars spent on figures and the furniture to display them

>> No.8314440

All that photoshop and she couldn't even make her eyes the right color

>> No.8314445


If each shelf contains 3-4 figures worth about 50-75$ then in total that's about 1050-2400$ on figures ALONE.

Think on what you can do as a cosplay if you used that money towards it

>> No.8314450


Nit picky but I took at her facebook and she has a MySpace page...is that still a thing?

>> No.8314479
File: 412 KB, 1075x1480, penny underbust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8314488

This is why, no matter how cool I they might be, I could never get into figmas. They would just become my wall of shame.

>> No.8314501

This pains me, oh my god. What is she trying to make??? I guarantee nothing that requires that to be wrapped in worbla. She could've used plastidip or wood glue...

>> No.8314776


>> No.8314814

You exactly, tool

>> No.8315221

It's not hers, she's at a "museum" - aka at some sad nerd's house who's trying to make himself feel important by calling his hoarder collection a museum.

>> No.8315232

I hope this disgusting bitch doesnt try to fit her fat ass in that outfit.

>> No.8315887

I believe it ended but I wouldn't be surprised if she put another one up soon

>> No.8315892

ichigokitty has always been self centered and lazy. her parents pay for everything and shes 30 and unemployed and begging people to fund her international vacation. i feel sorry for her parents for getting stuck with such a useless and immature child. she spends all her money on cosplay, cons, weab shit and refuses to stop buying pets.

bitch, get a fucking job. stop making excuses because youre not a victim of anything. shes got the worst case of special snowflake syndrome ive ever seen.

>> No.8315942

>>8309381 Seriously... who gave her $400? Who the hell does that? Why?

This is what happens when someone is "up and coming" (ignorant as fuck) is given stuff instead of earning it.
If she had earned the money for that worbla she would see it as expensive as hell and you better make sure you use it well.

>> No.8315978


Wow that's a rant she is going to be ashamed of in a few years. If she does the normal growing up there where you realize anything you said as a teen makes you cringe as an adult.

>> No.8316000

She's so disgusting. She's not cute either which is a shame because at least then it would make sense why people like her.

>> No.8316010

>but if it were me, I'd try to sell off wigs, cosplays and the like instead. If she wants go to so bad, she should make some sacrifices instead

But Anon, that is fucking sense. There is a severe shortage of sense in cosplayers.

>> No.8316014

Dude the only reason I can come up with is she has her tits hanging out barely covered....

>> No.8316020


Only reason I can think anyone is like this is a sheltered life.
Nothing bad must have happened to her yet. That is often the kick in the pants that some people need to go "Fuck, there is other more important shit going down."

>> No.8316068

Exactly and even nude they look gross as hell. I really, REALLY don't think young people understand how fake boobs look as you get older. The skin severely sags and you are left with what looks like thin skin stuffed with rocks. Her boobs.. Fuck. They are going to look so awful.

>> No.8316071

I know, right? It's not like she can get her implants REMOVED or anything.
Oh, that's right, you can. I guess you're a fucking retard.

>> No.8316072

Most of them don't though, dude. Calm down.

>> No.8316079
File: 143 KB, 1024x640, lon_lon_milk_by_underbust-d6or9jn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she removes them (just like getting fat sucked out) she'll have flabbing skin because it's used to a certain mass being in there. Her tits already look like they hang awkwardly, no wonder she needs an underbust corset all the time, it's probably the only way she can look like she has perky boobs. I have a feeling IF she gets them removed later on, when she get's old she'll look like Yzma from Disney.

>> No.8316091

third post like this i've seen on /cgl/ today. is it a new and exciting way of trolling to fake not being able to use google or is there one single person that has been asking to be spoon-fed the simplest shit all day?
if so please stop. please. it's starting to feel embarrassing.

>> No.8316114

She's so ugly... Holy fucking shit. Good thing she was fat and turned to corset training to 'lose weight'. She already had all that extra saggy boob skin from being so fat.

>> No.8316125
File: 65 KB, 150x140, 1288494338549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that duct tape on her nips?

>> No.8316126

Yes anon, yes it is.

>> No.8316128

my boobs hurt when i look at the last picture. this must be what guys feel when they see pictures of those guys that cut their dick in two.

>> No.8316130

What I don't understand is if she had enough money for tit implants that big, why didn't she get a nose job, a good dye job, and instead of corset training to 'lose weight' buy some diet pill? Much more of a chance loosing weight with a diet than a freaking corset.

>> No.8316132

She's said she can't lay on her back when she sleep anymore because of how much they weigh. I don't understand why someone would go so far out of their way to do this just for money. On top of that bringing this shit into the cosplay community. I hate her more than I do any cosplayers that are well known.

>> No.8316133
File: 86 KB, 640x923, 5DxI.beshine_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8316128 >>8316132
I want bigger boobs, but dear god I would never want them to get that big. I guess she's a Beshine fan/wannabe

>> No.8316136

bitch even got thrown out from a local con for being too naked. she pushes her barely covered ass in everybody's faces

>> No.8316139

Thats wrong with her armpit.... Thats so fucking gross... Reminds me of this scene from Leprechaun 3.


>> No.8316144

She's a 32Z is what's wrong with it. Her poor body probably hasn't seen normal in a long time. I'm all about being who you wanna be, but for fucks sake this is rediculous!

>> No.8316146

Holy shit. She basically doesn't even have nipples anymore. Its so disgusting.

>> No.8316149
File: 532 KB, 1197x4489, vv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8316150

if /cgl/ has taught me anything at all it's that real tits are a pain, fake tits are disgusting and i'm lucky to have a small chest.

>> No.8316158

Her goals... Are so shitty and show how much self worth she has. Her dollar amounts for just stripping in a video is so low..

>> No.8316163

Small boobs sag just as much as big boobs. You're not lucky. In fact, you'll probably have what guys refer to small boobs when they sag as you get older as 'meat flaps'.

>> No.8316174
File: 35 KB, 400x388, 1322997188176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this just makes me feel sad

>> No.8316177
File: 533 KB, 844x469, idgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd tell you to contain your jelly but it's way too late for that now. Also, I'm sorry you're insecure or something but you're also wrong. Less fat means less weight means less sag in general. Plus, skin tightness is a bigger factor for sagging small or large so you have no way to tell.

>> No.8316180

>a pair of panties, worn just for you
Lmao that's disgusting.

>> No.8316186

What's sad is guys will pay for it.

>> No.8316187
File: 174 KB, 500x500, 23253084[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this projecting in one post

>> No.8316193

i almost feel bad for you. yikes...

>> No.8316197

Lol not gonna lie, meat flaps are better than nipples that point south

>> No.8316202

she just sounds like an overly defensive insecure college girl trying to conceal her jelly.
>n-no you're wrong small boobs suck too, they suck worse! see i win i'm better!11!!!

>> No.8316213


Both of these look painful as hell. How can anyone like this.

>> No.8316231

Haha implying I'm a chick

>> No.8316239

>She's so ugly...
>why didn't she get a nose job

I actually think she has a decent-nice face though NO ONE looks good from that angle in the last one.

It's a face that would be quite adorable if she weighed less. There would be no need for giant tits. Her cute face would gain her a bunch of confidence.
As it is now, she's fucked it up for good. Even if she got it together and lost lots of weight those tits are going to continue to look bad. Furthermore even if she got them taken out you can't do that with without major sagging or tuck scars.

So, she's fucked. She'll have to continue how she looks now for good.
Girls, take it from another girl...do not look to your tits for confirmation. Some of it is fine, but all of it gets you in trouble.

>> No.8316240

Not that anon, but you're obviously a chick, and no amount of backpedaling is going give you a penis.

And if you are a guy it's even more cringy for you to be acting like an insecure fat girl.

>> No.8316245

>that angle in the last one.
but she looks awful in the other angles as well, anon.

>> No.8316248

please refer to >>8316177

>> No.8316251

That thing in her chin just looks like she got stabbed by a sharpie

>> No.8316259

aww no she doesn't. Could be photoshop but she's got clear skin, no discoloration, cutely shaped lips and a nice eye shape.

I've seen unfortunate people that no matter how much make up they wear their face is just disproportionate or they got a bad nose or no lips or a fucked up jawline or a fivehead.

Rest of the body... nope. She fucked up the chest, her arm flab is clearly there, stubby legs and fat toes. Her face though is fine.

>> No.8316265

having clear skin and good make up doesn't stop her from having the face of a chubby 12 year old boy.

>> No.8316290
File: 131 KB, 1368x1024, 11182805_818771834882873_517770688444464310_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8316410

Did she not go to college? Most people have a stable job before they turn 25. The fact that she doesn't have a job at her age is pretty fucking pathetic.

Also, she's lucky that her parents are willing to pay for her shit. My parents stopped giving my siblings money after they graduated college. That's why I'm doing my best to succeed in school so I can get a decent job post-graduation.

>> No.8316438

I get wanting to keep cosplaying and shit, but there's so many people in their 20's and 30's who have careers, and make money, and balance cosplay and trips and shit.

My respect for her seriously went down after seeing this. There's plenty of well established cosplayers worth looking up to who have it well balanced, not looking for free rides to Japan. And it isn't even her first time going.

>> No.8316443

she dropped out of college

>> No.8316460

Wow, what a stupid cunt. As someone who is involved in such an expensive hobby it should have been her first priority to finish college so she can get a decent income. But nah, she figured mooching is the best way to go about it.

>> No.8316474
File: 74 KB, 638x720, 1009971_796861537041817_7900999154245790318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my mom never even gave me money

Fuck her she makes the same money I do a month and I bust my fucking ass off

>> No.8316559

This is just sad. I love cosplaying. I love making outfits, going to cons, acting in character and all that shit. But if my only means to pay for it was to prostitute myself to online creeps, then I would stop today. I can't think of any hobby where selling my panties and getting naked for internet strangers would ever be worth it. That's fucking sick.

>> No.8316967

It's what most of the cosplay deviant girls do too. I know Foxy does/did a thing where you buy something on her Amazon wishlist she'd do a personal set/video/picture(s) for you.

>> No.8317001

I sometimes wonder how long it will be until new cosplayers think it's normal or expected to do this

>> No.8317444

Has anyone read Ani-Mia's post she made a couple hours ago about this subject?

>> No.8317465
File: 97 KB, 1069x594, animia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8317578

I love Ani. <3

>> No.8317672

These threads are shit

>> No.8317676
File: 594 KB, 1192x658, no stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THis bitch making people give her money so she can afford a house and giving back cosplay bs and house tours as rewards. What?


>> No.8317745

She lost me when she defended her Amazon wishlist in the comments. She has her wishlist on the front of her page profile and defends it on the basis of "well people always ask me for it so they can send me stuff on special occasions, b-but I send them prints back as thanks!" Yeah, your $2 print is a great thank you for a Victoria Secret bra.

>> No.8317768

letting people know they can send you stuff is different than trying to act like they -should- nothing wrong with wishlists in my opinion, though it is a bit off color for her to defend it right now...

>> No.8317789

I think having something like that available for the public to see isn't that far off from actively soliciting donations or gifts. Money or gifts from men you don't know just feels like sugar baby/sugar daddy territory to me. Buy your own shit.

>> No.8317791


Yea she had a good stance until the Amazon wish list...

>> No.8317832

She has a history of mooching off of others so it's really not a surprise and as far as I've heard through the grapevine she does have a job but still won't stop spending money on stupid shit and more pets that she doesn't need

>> No.8317835

The thing about wishlists is that fans can be pretty agressive about asking people for wishlists. Especially male fans. I was pressured into making one at one point, but took mine down because I felt guilty because unlike people like Ani-Mia, I don't have anything to give. I don't have prints and whatnot to sell and give them up as thank you gifts.

>> No.8317911


Hmm interesting viewpoint and experience as I would never go through it myself (skinny asian guy so not attracting a huge fanbase)

I understand the pressure but with the pressure still comes the ability to still say no to those kinds of requests so that's still fully on her

You though are good people so props to you

>> No.8317918

that's true, it's probably easier to share privately with people who ask you explicitly.

>> No.8317931

If you're going to whore yourself out, at least make things more expensive.

>> No.8317941
File: 20 KB, 199x149, eyebrows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting naked for less than $20
>worn clothing is $40+

>> No.8318023

So I don't get it.
Am I in the Twilight Zone?
Why would anyone give girls money that they have no chance to be in a real serious relationship with, so they can do/get some frivolous bullshit?
Has anyone here actually just had some fool they don't really know well give them money or pay serious money for something they wanted/needed?
Isn't that inviting some creep to feel a sense of ownership in your life and risk being horribly murdered when he doesn't feel like he's been properly rewarding for playing the good guy?

>> No.8318093

Apparently there's a fetish that exists where dudes get sexual gratification out of giving women money and then having the women text/call and describe what they bought.

It's shady as hell, and definitely has shades of ownership and sugar daddy grossness, but yeah.

>> No.8318140

I have this innate desire to hate anyone who gets life handed to them. I try to fight it.

>> No.8318151


it's more about being able to make a cute girl smile than trying to befriend. Rich lonely guys devalue themselves to the point that they seem themselves as scum. They see pretty girls as people of high value. By giving them money, they get the joy of being able to positively influence the life of someone very important.

Some of these cute girls promise things like handwritten letters, autographed photos, or personal thank you videos. Having that attention from a cute girl can really be uplifting for a guy who has no friends . It's just nice experiencing some sort of kindness from a girl that is out of my league.

>> No.8318167

Maybe they should use the money for a personal trainer and a haircut and inviting a nice girl to dinner instead.

>> No.8318181

I just read the NerdReactor article on it, but then again, it's Nerd Reactor, so they'll feature any of their personal friend's BS, just like Kotaku and Aggressive Comix

>> No.8318207


Honestly, if a guy is under 5'10", he has no chance with any girl unless he is rich.

These lonely guys have also been deprived from positive social interaction so they aren't really mature on a social level. They usually have the social skills of a child or teenager. They may be mature, but they can't really talk at an adult level. Even if a lonely guy somehow got rich, it's too late for him to actually feel love. He's too deep in bad experiences to feel like anyone can actually love him for him and not his money. He may bag a hot wife in his 30's when he learns how to be self-sufficient, but his mind is too damaged. No amount of professional help or friendship can save him. Not even the kindest people in the world will have the patience to help him.

>> No.8318225

So you're saying all single women are essentially shallow, vapid, money grubbing, skanks that will never love you?

>> No.8318237

Stopped reading at the first sentence. Why do guys always make it about height.

>> No.8318238

>people getting into cosplay for the wrong reasons

She's not the right person to say that, honestly.

>> No.8318251


Because of women that say that any guy under 5'10 should kill themselves. Because of guys asking girls out and girls saying they prefer tall guys.

>> No.8318259


There is nothing wrong with women seeking out men who are tall and rich. Height ensures that their children will grow up strong. Height is associated with strength. A tall man is more capable to protect his woman and children than a short guy. Wealth is security. Wealth comes from hard work.

>> No.8318260

>women that say that any guy under 5'10 should kill themselves
no one says that
> Because of guys asking girls out and girls saying they prefer tall guys
boo hoo

>> No.8318264

A girl's not going to turn a guy down purely for height unless he's her height or lower. And even then, plenty of girls still keep going.

>> No.8318273

You know why people are suddenly jumping on gofundme?

Because in the before time, in the long long ago, people had to pander and beg face to face. Shame kept them from doing it, lest they appear like some fucking bum or beggar. But now, people can sit comfortably and anonymously behind a computer screen, type up a bad lifetime movie script, and never have to deal with the awkwardness/discomfort of looking someone in the eye and asking them to pay your bills.

Worst of all, in this hypersensitive "no one should judge anyone ever for anything, even when they're a pathetic cunt" culture, calling them out is considered bullying and in bad taste.

Also, notice how gofundme's always have the following:

"I feel really bad about doing this/don't want to ask, BUT..."

"Now, I'm not FORCING anyone to donate..."

Centered on an issue that could have been avoided by having a real job, medical benefits, or some financial issue that is less than the total sum of the money they spent on conventions in the past year.

>> No.8318277

You're fucking pathetic, kiddo.

>> No.8318284

Yes, but what kind of 6'1"+, 100,000+/year guy wants to find a woman who has no marketable skills other than displaying her body for attention?
That kind of man would likely want to ensure he has tall strong sons and would pick a tall woman who is at least moderately successful herself.

>> No.8318323
File: 8 KB, 580x189, GIFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It becomes a huge deal when guys will buy you multiple things at once and then proceed to harass you if you don't give them stuff in return like nudes

Shit this happened to me to.
You know what I did?
I told them "thank you for the gift"
to which they responded "hey, so can I get anything from you? your number maybe? sexy snapchat?"
I declined, and when he said "wtf that's not fair"

I then attached this picture. He called me a bitch, I ignored his messages, then blocked.

I firmly believe any guys scummy enough to try to get sexual favors from BUYING YOU A GIFT
don't deserve a shred of guilt from me.

He didn't buy the stuff because he was thinking of me, he bought it for skeevy ass reasons.

its only happened once or twice. I do send thank you messages for gifts and exchange contact info sometimes (simple throwaway emails are enough) But creeps like that get 0 sympathy.

>> No.8318334

As a 5'6" guy, I can confirm that's true, at least in my experience. I even met a girl under 5 feet who wouldn't date me because she wanted someone taller. Feels bad man.

>> No.8318335

That's what Nice Guy Syndrome is.
Props for showing balls, anon.

>> No.8318363


A man isn't going to care too much about a woman's health and wealth because he can afford to take care of her. His healthy genes will dominate any bad genes she has. Women have to be choosy because the reproduction cycle is long and painful. If she's going to bare anyone's children, it has to be with a tall rich guy or else the offspring won't grow up healthy and happy.

>> No.8318364

My husband is 5'6, I'm 5'10. Honestly I paid such little attention to his height. I thought he was cute when I first saw him. But seriously you just need to be friends with girls first because then you'll know whether she's superficial or not. You won't waste your time because then if you find out she's superficial when looking for a boyfriend, hey you got a friend out of it.

>> No.8318367


Short girls don't want short guys. At least one person in the relationship has to be tall or else the their children will be tiny and weak.

>> No.8318377

No one dates while consciously thinking about what their children will look like.
The only people who do that are teenage girls obsessed with celebrities or dried up hags desperate to get pregnant.

>> No.8318383

The male mind is weak. Show a guy a nice body and the white knight switch flicks right on. Doesn't matter how strong you think you are. You succumb to it too.

>> No.8318386

Then your children end up with extreme height differences. My cousin has a really tall dad and a short mom, and both of his sisters are taller than him. It's really depressing.

>> No.8318397


>I want a man that can protect me
>I want a man who makes me feel small
>I want a man who can literally sweep me off my feet
>I want to a man who can carry me up a staircase and throw me on a bed on our Honey Moon
>I don't want a man who has to tippy toe to kiss me
>I don't want a man who people think I'm babysitting
>I don't want a man who will easily be overpowered in a street fight
>I don't want a man my family and friends will disapprove of because of his shortness

>> No.8318411

What is this, the 1950s?
No one does that. Go talk to actual girls.

>> No.8318416

Certain cosplayers are idolized as "dream girlfriends" for poor sap nerds who want to feel as close to them as possible by receiving personalized items (e.g. signed/kiss-marked prints) and sending them gifts. I wouldn't go so far as to say these women lead on their mostly male fanbases, but some certainly seem to take advantage of their kindness. Like christ, how much shit does JNig actually need? She spawned a "mail Monday" trend of showing off all the shit people mail e-famous cosplayers and acting like they just won an Oscar. Recently I saw a cosplayer I admired (Miss Sinister) doing mail videos to show off all the cookware and home furnishing items she was being mailed after moving into a new apartment. It's just so gross to me. There's no such thing as "free" in this world. Actively/passively soliciting gifts will put you in a position of obligation towards your fanbase to constantly acknowledge their existence and keep playing up the whole internet-dream-girl thing.

>> No.8318418


Would you date a guy who was your height or shorter?

>> No.8318422

It's the same both ways.
Women don't give men gifts out of the kindness of their hearts.
They give them gifts for self satisfaction when they have a relationship of some sort or they want something in return.
The only women who have tried to pay for something for me wanted a relationship.
I don't need anyone to pay for anything for me, ever.
I would watch out for those types though because you never know what kind of mental state they are in and how they can turn it into something you never agreed to.
There are plenty of murders that started out with friendly gifts.
Tell that to /fit/.
Also, I don't go out with women who are
>significantly shorter than me at 5'11" (which makes me a manlet by /fit/'s standard)
>may be below average intelligence
>have no skills and nothing that makes them valuable except a pretty face
>is sickly or physically weak
Not that I got any of these ideas from browsing /fit/, there's nothing there but garbage and fat hate threads.
>dominate any bad genes she has
Unfortunately the reality is not so straight forward.

>> No.8318429


I think it's cool sending a gift to a cosplay girl and in a future video you can see your gift placed somewhere in the ground. I get so happy knowing that she actually uses it.

>> No.8318431

Some couples don't need to produce screaming crotchfruit

>> No.8318448

Don't you feel kind of bad that it didn't bring you any closer to her on a personal level, though (as in, she's not your friend/potential gf)? I mean, whatever floats your boat; if it was a no-strings-attached gift you truly just wanted to send as a way to brighten the day of someone you admire, I guess that's nice. I just assume most guys who do this fall into one of two categories: 1) lonely or 2) ulterior motives.

>> No.8318472


I'm lonely. I know that I won't ever be friends with her. It's just nice knowing that I had some impact on her life. I don't gift online girls things in hopes they'll do something for me in return. I just want to be acknowledged in a good way from someone. People tend to make me feel bad in real life which makes me not want to socialize with anyone. If I could make some pretty girl online smile, it's at least one thing I can do right.

>> No.8318474

Your last statement is the main reason why cosplay feminists are so convoluted.

>Males stop eye raping me
>I'm not here to serve you
>Ewww why do I have so many stalkers and creepers

>guys, I need thing to keep entertaining you with my boobs!
>pay my way and you get free cam shows and nudes
>I'm not asking for money, but I am

>> No.8318480

I'm not into guys, so no.

A girl though, yeah.

>> No.8318489
File: 65 KB, 914x308, qr55bbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reminded of this thread from the Reddit on JNig. I feel so bad for this guy who writes
>a heart felt letter for Mail Monday

It breaks my heart that people are spending genuine emotion over someone who really doesn't give a shit who you are

>> No.8318498

>The only women who have tried to pay for something for me wanted a relationship.

Cute roleplaying, you and I know both know that if you had girls fawning for your attention that hard you wouldn't be here shitposting so hard.

>> No.8318509
File: 998 KB, 219x300, 1365960169846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like a kind-hearted guy. I hope you find someone you can share that kind of kindness with in person.

>> No.8318519


thank you.

>> No.8318529

Want to buy me steam games? I will acknowledge your existence.

>> No.8318550


what's on your wishlist?

>> No.8318557

Knytt Underground
Freedom planet
Wings of Vi
and a bunch of other shitty girly games

>> No.8318573
File: 74 KB, 483x966, crowdfundingbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this going around social media today
Agree/disagree /cgl/?

>> No.8318574

Hang in there buddy.

Btw >>8318529
isn't me, just some freeloader.

This was me.

>> No.8318580
File: 121 KB, 768x720, 432423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was pretty obvious that I wasn't you since I didn't continue your conversation at all.

>> No.8318594

Never heard of her but I like her already. What are the comments?

>> No.8318595


Humble Bundle is having a spring sale.

These games usually sell for cheap on some obscure bundle site.

This is a good site for tracking what sites are having bundle sales.


>> No.8318602

Someone's pissy they were called out on freeloading. :^)

>> No.8318606

I track them through isthereanydeal.com, the problem is actually buying them.

I'm not pissy though? I just thought pointing out the obvious was kind of dumb. Whatever floats your boat, anon.

>> No.8318629


"If I have extra money to spare, I don't really care that she doesn't use the money for her hobby."

"GoFundMe and Patreon encourage content creators to keep producing quality content at a steady pace"

"Cosplay is expensive. Donation sites help give the needy a chance to cosplay."

"The person behind the GoFundMe is just one person. They can't possibly send back 'thank you' gifts on a timely basis. They do have college, work, and a social life to deal with on a timely matter. "

>> No.8318709

All those excuses... maybe they deserve to be walked all over.

>> No.8318752


is it really that bad though?

If they can afford to donate, then there really isn't any harm done.

>> No.8318871

Because a cute ginger didn't just bring me dinner and get my rocks off before she went home.. oh wait, that's exactly how my evening went.
Thank you for asking.

>> No.8318903

Why is it that people always say this. I've never understood it.

>> No.8318928


friendzone comics from 2006-2010.

"Nice guys do nice things for sex! Whiteknights defend girls on the Internet for sex!"

>> No.8319045

Fools and their money are soon parted.

>> No.8319078
File: 478 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-11-20-25-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always cringe at these

>> No.8319084
File: 921 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-11-20-26-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8319100


"Hey, guys! I want to start getting into videogames. I really want to play some games, but I have no money. I'm currently in the process of finding a job, but you can help me out by sending me money so I can play games sooner! Also, if you have any games you're willing to lend, please send them to my P.O. Box! I will do monthly livestreams where I will open and read your mail! "

>> No.8319318

If you are begging for the same money that you blew on your luxurious hobby on the same site where children are asking for help to fund life saving procedures you are probably a disciple of Satan himself.

>> No.8319336

Asking other lolitas to fund your brand is honestly the dumbest thing I've heard.

I thought this was a legit quote.

>> No.8319351

>grad money

You low class bitch.

>> No.8319473

So she's not even gonna make the suits??

>> No.8319490

>asking money for her nonexistent wardrobe

you know she dead

>> No.8319622
File: 280 KB, 964x1174, reeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gofundme VivkaTour

5 people spend $500 just to have dinner with her

>> No.8319630
File: 638 KB, 963x597, vivkawhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted in the last thread before all the Envy/Chu shit went down. Im not shocked she still hasn't raised much since then.

>> No.8319658

She has nudes.

>> No.8319660
File: 73 KB, 600x960, eYGfimZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's vaguely hinting that the same place that made Precious's suit will make hers. One problem, that designer has a two year waiting list. I bet she just assumes no one will want their money back when she doesn't get the plugsuits.

>> No.8319693

This isn't true. I dont care about height as much as I do build. Of course it's just my preference but I'd take a stocky bear mode dude who's 5'8" over some otter mode 6" faggot any day.

>> No.8319697

Couldn't have said it better myself. I like reasonable voices like her in a wasteland of entitled idiots.

>> No.8319703

It's not about affording to donate. It's that it's a fucking hobby and if you try to act like you -need- donations or that you're an artist or a creator or something important other than just a simple hobbyist then it creates a different culture. Real talk, I would take a hundred dumb wigless weebs running around in lining satin than one dumb entitled bitch who thinks she's god's gift to cosplay just because some neckbeard wants to fap to her while she's dressed as his waifu. And I'll raise you 50 MLP creeps to get rid of just 1 camwhore campaignslut.

>> No.8319705

This is exactly why I don't have an Amazon wish list. I wouldn't be able to deal with the fucking creeps who feel like I owe them something. I ain't for sale.

>> No.8319716

Rename that file. If you don't know where that is from, kill yourself.

>> No.8319717


>> No.8319720

I actually had that happen to me before. This guy who was a friend of a friend who apparently really admired me had brought me an expensive gift($150 figurine) and he actually butthurt and took it back when I expressed my disinterest in him. Shit's fucked.

>> No.8319726


>> No.8319728

>cosplayers asking for stuff is bad!
>sure I have an Amazon wishlist and i take donations and i sell prints but they don't count!

>> No.8319729

Thoughts on this??

>> No.8319730


>> No.8319734
File: 89 KB, 600x450, 1377459281804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.8319822
File: 378 KB, 595x627, kekbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm normally not bitterly, vehemently angry about things, but Patreon pisses me off much worse than Kickstarters, Gofundmes, etc.

Something like a Gofundme is bad enough for entitled people begging, but at least there's a set goal in mind. With Patreon, it's basically going pro-panhandler. To add insult to it, they give you a lot of iffy "perks" for what is your misguided generosity. (pic related, jesus. no one wants your random shit and cringy thank you)

I wouldn't donate to any Patreons. If the people I know are any indicator, they specifically go to Patreon so they do not have to fulfill concrete goals and attempt to us it so they don't have to work average jobs.

>> No.8319860

You know what breaks my heart is seeing a friend debating on suicide because she realizes it would be pointless to make a gofundme to help her out and feels 2k would be asking much. But its needed for her to find a place and not be homeless. Story of her is she is a cosplayer had a relationship but no longer is with the guy because he abused her and has been abused while being pregnant and still is but she is at 8 months and next month will be her delivery. She is in desperate need of a place. She really is heartbroken because she feels helpless and has no one to turn to. Her so called friends think she is being just whiny and to deal with it. So she is debating on ending her life soon instead of bothering with getting 2k before the child is born. A shame really.

>> No.8319869

boohoo what does that have to do with anything? and what the hell is stopping her?

>> No.8319872


why doesnt she sell her nudes and panties and stuff

>> No.8319874

They are implying two things
1.) no girl would want to go near them with that shitty attitude
2.) they are fueling their sadness over ">tfw no gf" into immense shitposting

>> No.8319886


Serves her right for fucking chad and ignoring the nice guys.
You like bad boys ? You like assholes? Well you got what you wanted.

>> No.8320083
File: 76 KB, 1020x304, Screen Shot 2015-05-12 at 8.49.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashing your pancake titties together and taking carefully angled shooped snapchats of your lumpy body isn't art. Yes Aly, get a real job so one paypal fuckup won't cripple you financially.

>> No.8320096

hey someone actually used my .gif! That's cool. It's all yours my friend.

>> No.8320127

Vendetta vendetta vendetta. You sound salty as fuck. What, do you know this chick? Are you one of these fedora tipping "nice guys" she she supposedly ignored?

>> No.8320170

Perhaps a nice drawing, plush, or other crafty thing you could make specifically for them? If you're making cosplays, you generally have some artistic ability.

>> No.8320182

No one who's actually worth dating gives a shit about height. Bringing up height just shows you're still in high school, mate.

>> No.8320191

Fucking boss, girl.

>> No.8320196

>healthy genes will dominate any bad genes

You are adorable.

>> No.8320202

Tell that to Asians.

>> No.8320203


Even if you do donate, the site doesn't actually have a way of making sure donators get their perks. Content creators could promise something cool, but they aren't really obligated to actually make that cool thing happen. Some content creators get wise with their perks.

"You only get rewards if you donate for X amount of money for Y amount of months"

it gets really annoying when they are asking people to donate 30-50 dollars for about 3-4 months before they can send you a 'thank you letter'.

Yeah, people don't have to donate if they don't want to. Yeah, it's more about giving than receiving.

>> No.8320220
File: 25 KB, 400x283, tumblr_inline_n8mr50R4Yz1srr86n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't want a man my family and friends will disapprove of because of his shortness

>> No.8320260

Maybe try to find some help for her in the real world instead of online? There's shelters for people in her state and adoption for babies. I know no one wants to part with a newborn infant, but considering that life has been cruel to her and she wants to kill herself, that baby deserves an actual chance. Unfortunately that chance means being away from her. If she chooses, she can always maintain contact with the kid over the years. The birth mother has the most say in any legal battle and it's very rare adoptive parents would try to keep her from the child anyway. And if you care so damn much, then get your friend off the street already.

>> No.8320289

Obviously her shut nude art isn't good enough if she constantly has to ask for money. Dumb whore. Her pateron is a joke. I'll say again, get a fucking job.

>> No.8320356

What's sad is I am the only one of my friends locally who cosplays and yet my other friends know about Cosplay Deviants and donation sets because it popped up in google images. They were like "Oh so you dress up and then strip? Do they pay you? Wouldn't that make you a whore?" and I had to explain to them that there is no way in hell I would ever do that shit. They are still convinced cosplay is a fetish and conventions are just a fetish thing where everyone goes to hook up.

>> No.8320487

...you mean they're not? I've been doing it all wrong!

>> No.8320528
File: 195 KB, 1146x1148, b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8320604

When is it acceptable for a cosplayer to start up a Patreon or GoFundMe page?

>> No.8320608

It's not. Unless they are in the hospital and can't afford a life saving operation, they don't need to make one.

>> No.8320643


I can't image ever begging people for money for my hobby. Or stripping down and selling my panties to internet creeps just to make another costume. I seriously don't know how these broads sleep at night. If I ever become a ~*~famous cosplayer~*~ (heh, not likely), and people requested a wishlist or donation page, I couldn't do it. I would just direct them to my preferred charities and ask them to make a donation in my name if they so chose. I would feel honored, they would get to do something in my benefit, and a charity gets supported, so win-win all around.

>> No.8320644

It'd be acceptable if you were doing some actual good with the money. People like to see their money going somewhere useful.
>funding for a new convention that shows potential
>turning out good tutorials?
>using your cosplay to make sick kids in hospitals feel better
There's not a whole lot that'd be specific to cosplayers.

>> No.8320694


what about paying Youtube girls to cosplay as your favorite character?

>> No.8320700

See, neckbeards are the only ones unique to the logic in my post. They'll consider something useful to donate to if it'll get them off.

I mean you can do that, but literally the only people donating will be greasy basement dwellers.

>> No.8320757


People can donate to cute girls and other charities.

>> No.8320774

to me those people are pathetic, and so is the youtuber. and it's not like any cute girl couldn't easily do the same it's just a matter of not wanting to be associated with betashit.

>> No.8320865
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 1423743092480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fanbase is mostly loners in their 20's and rich guys in their 40's-50's, and rich losers from a foreign country

>> No.8320877


This just reminds me of this one I came across a few years ago on tumblr.

gofundme dot com slash elvestonz

It just screamed "Wah, my life is hard, fund my dream vacation so I don't have to, I deserve it but didn't feel like cutting any of my fun time expenses to do it!"

Like why should I pay for YOUR vacation you so desperately want because you didn't want to stop spending thousands on costumes and conventions or get a real job to save up?

I think this was my first encounter with cosplayer entitlement kickstarters and it's always what I think about when these threads come up.

>> No.8320897

Are all cosplayers that do this shit a bunch of NEETs?

>> No.8321108


I wouldn't say that. I mean a few of these people are in mid to late 20s (Ichigokitty, that elf girl above your post says she's 29, etc), they may have jobs but they're not pay the bills and more jobs. Or they came from decent middle class homes where they never really had to be told no and never learned restraint or budgeting because of it. Or they feel they're owed it because they exist and had a mildly bad childhood or something.

>> No.8321622

bitchy beggars and internet prostitutes.

that's all cosplay girls amount to these days. how sad and pathetic this community has become.

>> No.8322017

Haha, as a guy all I can say is 'a fool and his money are soon parted'.

>> No.8322043

hypocritical bitch who still doesn't make her own shit and doesn't credit

>> No.8322066

That boob shaping is just awkward

>> No.8322131


>> No.8322373

>women don't care about height




>> No.8322418

>show that's completely scripted
>used as proof for anything
What. That show was a complete joke.
However, some women do care about height. Everyone has preferences. That's a fact of life. Plenty of women don't care about height. Just because you found one scripted show that depicts a girl who does doesn't mean the whole female population does.

>> No.8322426

Not who you're responding to but she rarely credits photographers

>> No.8322433

>manlet the documentary


>> No.8322447

Can't open vimeo links, sorry friendo. I assume it doesn't negate my overall point though?

>> No.8322453


don't know, don't care. Just like seeing manlets get BTFO

>> No.8322461

ok, back to /r9k/ you go.

>> No.8322462



why I'm not a manlet?

>> No.8322468

Commas are important.

>> No.8322477


I'm tall so it doesn't matter


>> No.8322588

she's being pretty brave for saying all that shit on her page.not a lot of people can out themselves as hypocrites like that.

>> No.8322594

1) go to her facebook page
2) look for non-selfie photo
3) look for photographer credit (hint: you wontfind them)

>> No.8322983

Anyone calling her a hypocrite is just upset the got called out for being lazy sluts. Bottom line crowdfunding is lazy

>> No.8323011

I find her to be a hypocrite as well and I'm not a lazy slut or a crowdfunder. She doesn't know how to make shit and doesn't credit anyone. I hope the people she uses got well paid because I don't know why anyone would do anything for her.

>> No.8324108

While we think those perspectives are straight out of the 1950s, surveys and experimental results consistently show that such opinions are nearly universally held.

> A 2008 study of 382 undergraduates in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that both sexes preferred relationships where the woman was shorter than the man. Curiously, the research also showed that women enforced the norm more strongly than men. Twenty-three percent of men but only four percent of women said they were open to a relationship in which the woman was taller.

4% of women will date a shorter man. Good luck, short men.

Sources: http://dfred.bol.ucla.edu/SalskaFrederickEtAl-2008-PAID-ConditionalMatePreferencesHeight.pdf

>> No.8324725



>> No.8324784

>anyone calling her a hypocrite is just upset the got called out
>implying people who are calling her a hypocrite are people with GoFundMes
lol no. They're calling her a hypocrite because she promotes her Amazon wishlist. If anything that just cuts out Gofundme as the middle man. She just has her fans buying things for her directly instead of giving her money and spending it on those things herself.

>> No.8325142

I've seen cosplay deviants post their wishlists for cosplays and wigs and even figures they want and they aren't even subtle about it. They offer nudes, personal sets, and sometimes personal videos depending on what you get them. Often times it's a shit costume anyways. What's even more pathetic is some of them consider cosplay deviants a 'job' and don't do anything BUT strip and/or cam.

>> No.8325161

I wouldn't put it past any of them