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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8305372 No.8305372 [Reply] [Original]

What's the one thing at a con that immediately flags warning signs about a person for you?

>> No.8305373

>Describing an outfit as "kawaii"
>Photographer immediately asks for an ass/tits shot

Pick any

>> No.8305376

When someone wants you to put on their sweaty wolf hat for a picture and won't take no for an answer.

>> No.8305379

Cat ears that don't belong to the costume.

>> No.8305387

Lack of personal hygiene

>> No.8305388

When someones cross-dressing attempt is just a $20 halloween costume of a male character with a cut-out boob window.

>> No.8305405

I've recently noticed that no makeup in cosplay usually means the person is reeeeally awkward. This applies to women only 90% of the time since guys dunno that slap is an option while cosplaying.

>> No.8305426

one thing? meme spouting.

>> No.8305431

When someone compliments you, then goes on to talk for 5 minutes about their personal life.

>> No.8305432

Chubby girls with deep voices
I don't know why but every disgusting female weeb I've ever met has this obnoxious man-voice.

>> No.8305464

>meme badges/fashion or meme spouting
>fake blood smeared all over the body

>> No.8305468
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Basically, people like this.

>> No.8305474

When everyone in sight is around high school age and you suddenly feel like you should probably have a cane or walker.

>> No.8305479

for me it's the opposite; chubby girls with high, squealing voices

>> No.8305498

>liking people with squealy high voices

>> No.8305515

They like attack on titan

>> No.8305537

Well, 2 cons ago I saw a girl and a guy cosplaying from Team Rocket, and they had cups near them. The guy was sitting on the ground with his phone in front of him pointed at his lady friend while she was strutting back and forth clumsily in her short skirt. She purposefully threw a pokeball slightly behind her then turned around and faced her ass to the camera and made an "oopsie!~" face. Then she strutted over and sat on his lap, facing him, which was my signal to look away.They looked hella drunk and I was just like...what the fuck did I just see? It was in a crowded hallway right in front of a doorway so even if the people in the hallway weren't paying attention, you're forced to look at it once you enter the room. Yuck.

Moral of the story, I try my best to stay away from drunk people because if you felt like animu people at cons had their common sense fly out the window...it gets way worse when they're drunk. And no, I don't go to con parties unless it's with close friends.

>> No.8305575

No valet parking.

>> No.8305580

>about a person

>> No.8305620

Not denying that.

But not all girls are either man-voice or hamsters. There are middlegrounds.
There's just this particular voice that I swear all weebs have.

>> No.8305664

This so hard. No make-up or really bad make-up. I have nothing against people who can't into make-up, it just that poor or no make-up and people like that tend to correlate.
It's for this exact reason that I'm trying to get my friend to wear make-up with her cosplays. She's pretty, but for some reason never discovered make-up and I keep telling her that a little foundation and eyeliner would go a long way.

>> No.8305677

>chubby or fat girls
>fairly thin ugly girls dressed really cutesy looking
>greasy hair

>> No.8305686


they're a photographer

>> No.8305690

>Men i MLP shirts
>The con-Lispers
The last one is one thing I've noticed for the past few years. But there are always these super awkward con-goers that ALL have the same lisping

>> No.8305734

Carrying a bjd
Wearing a fedora
Cosplaying sailor versions of other characters

>> No.8305752

Anyone who tries to stay in character for attention but sucks at acting and has 0 confidence.

>> No.8305767

In addition to that, people who come up to you and expect you to respond to them in character.

>> No.8305789

Also the people who are way too forward and try to get you to do a raunchy roleplay with them right off the bat.

>> No.8305793

Hey man, if they're cosplaying a character from the same series then I'm all for it

>> No.8305802

is...is that from anime north

>> No.8305830

>no hygiene
>goodwill costume and over 14 years old

>> No.8305834

>>The con-Lispers
explain? people who talk with a lisp?

>> No.8305847

Something I've had happen to me a few times is I'll meet someone into the same series as me, we talk for a bit about it, but then it becomes apparent that the series is the *only* thing they are capable of talking about. Even worse when they decide they've made a friend and start following you around.

>> No.8305876

People who weave in passive-aggressive comments about women. Like if I wear a skimpier costume and let someone take a photo and then they say something like 'you're cooler about it than the other girls here' or 'another girl in the same costume as you wouldn't let me take a picture of her, what a stuck up bitch'. If other women are responding negatively to you and you immediately bring it up and then try to act like it's their fault, that just tells me you were probably being creepy and that I should stay away from you.

>> No.8305884

30 year old homestucks

anyone who invites you to a glomp circle

>> No.8305886

>running indoors
>carrying or wearing loli/shota merch or pedobear meme shit
>flowercrown + trendy closet cosplay

>> No.8305925

does that blue guy have boobs or something?

>> No.8305942

Asked several times by the same person throughout the day for a photo. That creeps me out.

>> No.8305947

>free hugs

>> No.8305949

did you confront him/her? what did he/she say?

>> No.8305957
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>that person is actually wearing a pedobear shirt
>other people are willing to associate with them

>> No.8305962

>30 year old cosplayers in general.

Fixed that for you. No one should be cosplaying over 30 unless they're doing it with their kids.

>> No.8306075

Here's your reply


>> No.8306169

Moody tumblr types
Flower crowns
People who care about celebrities
Anyone with a cosplay gimmick involves big boobs/big muscles
People who give a shit about live action, generic trashy american TV shows/movies
People who like comics
Anyone cosplaying as Deadmau5, Daft Punk, Slenderman or wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.
Homestuck fans
Scott Pilgrim fans

Give me hyperactive weaboos over these people any time of the year.

>> No.8306183

30 year-olds can cosplay, they just have a limited pool of characters.

>> No.8306184

People who squeal loudly at scream at their friends who are maybe 5 feet away. Unnecessarily loud people.

>> No.8306193

He told me he thought I was hot and wanted to be my daddy

>> No.8306209
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>> No.8306236

I took a BJD to an anime con once. It wasn't a good idea, I spent more time worried that something would ruin it than anything else. I'll just take them to a meet up, and I can be socially awkward without worrying about my doll.

>> No.8306288

Not con-specific, but definitely at cons; people who say "Oh I hate drama" within 15 minutes of meeting you. It means they're the problem. Run.

Con-specific; Shitty homestuck cosplayers (the good ones are either chill or tumblr, and tumblr is easy to sniff out), people literally hanging off their SO, obviously drunk people (during the day especially), and people who are obviously minors.

>> No.8306295

If they're fat it means they don't care about their appearance... So they're shit.

>> No.8306307

a fursuit

>> No.8306318

My best friend does this. I can't stand it.


>> No.8306325

wtf? Why is this a thing?

Why do you take your doll with you? Are you 6? FFS, people already think poorly of lolita, don't go carrying around your doll and make it look even more like ageplay.

>> No.8306334


>Cosplay should be cool like me!! No immature behaviour in my dressing up as anime characters hobby please!

>> No.8306335

you sound like a pretentious weeaboo

>> No.8306340

Are you retarded?

>> No.8306346

>No one should be cosplaying over 30 unless they're doing it with their kids.

And why is that? I've cosplayed long for two decades. Is it some kind of social rule for you children or something?

>> No.8306348

The hell is wrong with owning a BJD? I know there are some gross teh-gaiboi loving fujoshis in the hobby, but a lot of people are pretty normal.

>> No.8306351

>Not knowing about doll meetups

>> No.8306356

I replied. In case you are serious, fuck you. Cons are for more than just animu.

I attend BJD panels so naturally I bring a doll along to show attendees. I don't wear lolita when I bring my doll either. But nice job assuming all lolitas are sweet, I can tell you know jackshit about what you're talking about. I think you're getting teddy bears confused with dolls.

>> No.8306360

You are so far out of an anime convention's target demographic it's pathetic. Anime is meant to appeal to teenagers, so they and 20-somethings are still acceptable. If you haven't either settled down with a family or moved onto more productive hobbies by 30 you're a fucking child in an adult's body. Grow up.

>> No.8306361

He's probably cosplaying Robert Paulson from Fight Club

>> No.8306368

I wish I could buy a ticket to see your mid-life crisis happen

>> No.8306375


And if I say no? since when was it mandatory to abandon the stuff that I love to live out your supposed way of life? Why do you act as if I'm incapable of doing "productive hobbies" should the moment merit while still liking what I like? Speaking of which, what do you mean by "Productive Hobbies?"

Being depressed, letting go of what makes you happy to avoid being alienated or some shit? Pfft.

>> No.8306380

nice bait mate

>> No.8306381

You won't convince them anon. Let them stew in their pot of naive superiority for now, and when they hit 40, they will wonder why they hate their spouse and screaming crotchspawn and wonder where everything went wrong.

>> No.8306385

By getting mad, poor anon, they have already won.

>> No.8306390

What's with this "oh, you lost because you mad" trend today? I think someone got bored and went to other boards. /cgl/ is all about being mad.

>> No.8306391

What kind of fucking idiot would walk around in public with a Pedo Bear shirt?

>> No.8306396

TIL costuming is not a productive hobby.

I think there are plenty of reasons for 30+ people to go to cons like if they're dealers or artists. Should they be cosplaying 14 years olds? No. Can they cosplay? As long as it fits their age. I'm not that old(20s) but I am a teacher so you know I have a real life job and responsibilities but I still go to cons in the summer. I have money and can enjoy it more than I could as a teen lol.
Anyways it isn't hurting you so no need to be so salty.

>> No.8306403

Many other boards are about being mad, /cgl/ is about being mad over petty shit but in a very passive agressive way

>> No.8306404


>people who like comics

then why would you go to a comic convention?

>> No.8306408


He's probably a normalfag who's there just to fit in. I seriously hate that this era has those kind of people. Sluts and attention-seekers.

>> No.8306409


>Every convention is a comic convention

>> No.8306410

>this era
Pride and lust aren't new

>> No.8306413


I wasn't specifically saying pride and lust in general. I meant people who ruin the image of conventions with their pride and lust the negative way.

>> No.8306418

Sure, but precising that they occur in this era is a bit pointless since it's something that has always been
Well the cosplayers haven't always been of course, but you get my point

>> No.8306422


That and it's just something about the way they talk or their word choice. You can tell that it's fake and they're trying super hard to sound legit, but they're making it worse.

>> No.8306432

People who mention right away their friends/roomies ditched them. There is a reason they were ditched.

>> No.8306437
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People who look like this and it isn't even dark out.

Also those people who walk around playing music loudly.

>> No.8306441

Dudes in camo/random army crap.

>> No.8306444

people sell pedobear shit in the dealer's room at cons.

>> No.8306450

Ugh, yeah. Or when you try talking to them about something and they just pause for a second, then start talking about some series again like you never actually said anything to them.

>> No.8306455


Are you new to the internet?

Has 4chan gone full circle? Has the /b/tard dark humour horse been flogged to such an extent that people are now offended by it again?

>> No.8306478
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You niggers already know.

>> No.8306534

Anyone carrying a videocamera followed by some guy in his mid 20's. Stay away from them at all cost. All they will do is ask you inappropriate questions, but they won't get kicked out because "LOL YOUTUBE FAMOUS!"

All they do is poke fun at guys for liking anime and ask girl cosplayers for sexual favors.

Also if you are a girl and you are with your boyfriend, they'll just flirt with you in an attempt to cuck your boyfriend. Ignore anyone approaching you with a videocamera.

>> No.8306538

>Ignore anyone approaching you with a videocamera.
Seconding. I've had this happen multiple times and it just never ends well.

>> No.8306547

Dr who cosplayers
Sherlock cosplayers
Supernatural cosplayers

I'm not sure about steven universe cosplayers yet but I feel like they'll be up there soon if not already.

>tfw I like all of these

>> No.8306557
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It's one thing to joke about it online, it's another to walk around in public with a shirt that says "4 and under please". Dumbass.

>> No.8306558


>> No.8306563

this so hard, those people are so aggravating

cons should ban that shit

>> No.8306567

>I'm not sure about steven universe cosplayers yet but I feel like they'll be up there soon if not already.

As much as I love SU, you're right
it's only a matter of time

>> No.8306584

lol the dude next to him too

>> No.8306588

yaoi-flag girl

>> No.8306595

Your point?

>> No.8306646

honestly, what are you supposed to do when a guy with a camera comes up to you and asks you a question that makes you uncomfortable?

What's the best way to react without looking like a crazy person to the Internet?

>> No.8306650

Ignoring him.

>> No.8306657


>guy follows you and shouts some playful insults

>> No.8306659

>that one fucking faggot screaming BACKSCRATCHER
>person in front of you has a furry tail attached to them
>the vocaloid/weeb dance troupe is right in front of the entrances, so the photographers stand in front of the walkway
>a shitty burger and chopped up raw potatoes are $11
>no fruit stands

Tell them that you don't consent to being recorded. Or tell them to fuck off.

>> No.8306665

I just walk away.

The crude ones will do >>8306657, but I mean, that's the worst he'll do. He'll either edit it out of his video, or leave it in and be seen as obnoxious and attention-seeking. Wow, the best content you have is shouting at a girl that ignored you? Wow you're so funny, look at her nonchalantly walking away.

>> No.8306673

Its not owning them its bringing them with you. I've never met a bjdfag at a con that wasn't a huge weirdo of some kind

>> No.8306735
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>people with died black greasy hair
>people with white contacts in
>people with excessive raver gurll/goy/kandy attire
>chubbzors that wear revealing clothing

>> No.8306740

>Deadpool cosplay
>Tripp pants

Every person I've met wearing any of those has been unholy.

>> No.8306742

also normies that wear nothing anime/comic related
it irritates my autism

>> No.8306746

If you see two people connected by a collar and leash, do not make eye contact.

>> No.8306747


Yeah. come to the con with a geeky shirt or some J-fashion clothes.

Unless you're just some photographer or someone supervising someone or something .

I don't get people that want to go just for the sake of going. People that want to tag along with anime fans to an anime conventions even though they have no interest in anime.

"LOL roadtrip ;)"

>> No.8306751

Punch him in the junk, that would be epic.

>> No.8306752

> mfw brother does that
He's like fourteen and is still dressed by our parents though. On the other hand, he's going through his weeb phase so he's probably as cringy as can be, lel.

>> No.8306766


"it's just a prank, bro! it's just a prank!"

>> No.8306783


I'm serious, every guy who's tried to get friendly with me mysteriously lost interest the second I mentioned I had a boyfriend. Either that, or started asking where he was and if I really loved him.

>> No.8306789


some guys just want a cosplay gf.

Making friends with the opposite sex is really awkward if you aren't already dating someone. Rather you like that person or not, you become a third wheel if that person is dating someone.

>> No.8306790

Eh? That seems a little unfair. My group of friends is pretty fucking weeby, but at cons they are just wearing jeans/normal shirt. They go to a million panels, buy merch, take pictures, meet VA's and shit. They're just there to have a good time with each other.

I normally go full cosplay, 2-3 different ones with months of work into them, and mostly just kind of wander around by myself and not do much. We all display our autism in different ways, anon.

>> No.8306805


Still, I prefer when guys are forward about their intentions instead of trying to pretend to be friends first. The 2nd sentence my current boyfriend ever said to me was asking me out.

>> No.8306806

Key word normies

>> No.8306811

If this is your outlook on it, I'd rather get a ticket to see yours.

Sounds like other anon is confident enough to pull through. You'll probably have a melt down.

>> No.8306834

>People who give a shit about live action, generic trashy american TV shows/movies
>People who like comics
>implying those fandoms only have the autistic fans
weebs are so fucking pretentious, not that western media faggots are different, it's just that the western vs. eastern fights are fucking annoying. None of these media are superior to another, chill your ass autists and don't be dicks to each other.

>> No.8306853

>i like when guys are direct

Yeah, that's a 50 fucking 50.

Then again, the risk of rejection is like 99.99% so may as fucking well. Shit.

>> No.8306889

Well what is it now? Anyway your chances probably are even worse if you build up a friendship before going for the genitals.

>> No.8306892

I recently made a friend who started flirting with me so I told him I was engaged. It's been 4 days since then and he hasn't said a word to me.
I don't really have that many friends to begin with so thanks for getting my hopes up, fuckface.

>> No.8306901

Girls don't fall for guys that first start off as friends.

>> No.8306909


>> No.8306912


>> No.8306921

People who play gangnam style on repeat on a speaker

>> No.8306937

Their non-understanding about social cues.

>> No.8306938

>cosplaying anything
>wearing lolita
Avoid these fagotrons at all costs.

>> No.8306942

People that think people should only cosplay characters that match their physique. As in, white people should only cosplay white charaters. Black people should only cosplay black characters.

>> No.8306948


>> No.8306949
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>> No.8306958

If they're from Florida

>> No.8306964


You know, they say all approaches have equal success rate, but you look at PUA and you look at Zyzz, and you can see that statement is not true! See, normally, if you ask a girl out, you got a 50-50 chance of getting it in.

But if you use PUA tactics, and they ain't normal, so you got a .01% chance of getting it in! And then you add autism to the mix? Your chances of fucking drastically go down. See, at the asking out, you got a 50-50 chance of getting it in. But you, you got a .005% chance of winning, because we all know you like Sonic, so you're not even gonna try!

So you take that 49.995% and add it to my 50 percents at getting it in, because you're not even gonna try, I got a 99.995% chance of getting a girl's number if I just ask for it directly! See, the numbers don't lie!

>> No.8306968

I'm pretty much one of those people,
it's easier to make a good costume if you already have some of the right pieces (body type, skin colour... ect)

>> No.8306970


>be the only guy in a Lolita meet up
>girl tries flirting with me
>tell her I'm gay

>> No.8307010


>> No.8307019

>bazinga shirts
>unnaturally dyed attached to scalp hair
>talking like doge or being a faggot 3 year behind redditor leet memer very audibly

>> No.8307026

ree, I hate backscratcher guy

>> No.8307047

I go to anime cons, but I don't cosplay or am super weeb like other people. I just go to have fun with people, thats all.

>> No.8307051

is it just me or do cheerleaders seem to have a weirdly high co-booking incidence with the host hotel of cons

>> No.8307063

ACen has a prom that goes on in the same building on the same weekend. It's pretty fantastic. But I think the best time I've had was at a small con where there was a "talent for Jesus" thing happening on Sunday. Both spilled out into the same hallway. It was a wonder to behold.

>> No.8307076

Bullshit. Anyone can cosplay at any age. Just cosplay older characters if you can't pull of teens.

>> No.8307214

>carrying a BJD
God yes. I have never met a BJD-carrier who wasn't batshit crazy. Owning them is fine, but carrying them around at a convention (and role playing through them) is a huge red flag.

>> No.8307336

Everything in this list, especially Deadmau5 and Slenderman cosplayers. They're usually autistic teenagers who think they're being super fresh with their choice of costume and gloat about it everywhere possible. Bonus points if the slenderman is larping their character and fills you with second-hand embarrassment.

Also the dudebros who are only there to try and score some cheap poon with the slutty raver girls and obviously don't watch any other anime than maybe bleach. They don't realize that they're not in a fucking bar and start soliciting girls and making shitty jokes to them which they think are clever but usually they're plain tasteless and maybe even offensive.

>> No.8307339

>Tripp pants

Do these even exist anymore? I remember when all the furries and especially raver furries had the tripp bondage pants but that was years ago.

>> No.8307347

>People that want to tag along with anime fans to an anime conventions even though they have no interest in anime.

I fucking hate people like these. They treat cosplayers like they're not actual breathing humans but some exotic animals or objects that they can comment on and admire. I guess they mean well but it's really dehumanizing to have a group of people treating you like you're a paid performer when you're just trying to have fun with your friends. Also the normalfag levels of "Did you do this costume yourself? That is amazing, I would never be able to do something like that! What is this character from? Uh-huh, have you been doing this for long? Where did you get the idea?" like you're being interviewed for a soft news channel. And "Oh, we're just passing by and decided to come here just to admire all these costumes". And drunken fratboys who think that a ~CRAZY PLACE~ like a convention is a great place to leltrollXD at.

It gets very tiresome and old really fast, especially after 8 years of going to conventions and normies still take your picture on the street without asking a permission and comment on your attire like you're not there or can't hear them. Just leave me be goddamnit and go on with your life. Fuck.

>> No.8307364

> People trying to interact with me through quotes from an abridged series

It's always autists who never watched the actual anime and act like they're comedic geniuses for quoting someone else's jokes. Stopped cosplaying series with abridges because of idiots like this following me around the con.

>> No.8307405

So very defensive!

And yet the same people love talking shit about people they dislike at cons or things they find "below them".

>> No.8307412

>poorly done basic bitch cosplays
>Tripp pants

>> No.8307413

I find abridged series painfully unfunny 75% of the time

>> No.8307415

8/10 I literally lol'd

>> No.8307450

It's not hypocritical or reprehensible to dislike something but not something else

>> No.8307452

The person never being out of character if that character is annoying

>> No.8307466

It's hypocritical to hate generalizations (that pertain to oneself) and then use generalizations in order to classify the people you dislike.

That's like a Mexican getting offended by a Mexican joke and then saying "Hahahaha all black people like to steal cars and get into gangfights!"

>> No.8307483

>God yes. I have never met a BJD-carrier who wasn't batshit crazy. Owning them is fine, but carrying them around at a convention (and role playing through them) is a huge red flag.

The fuck is a BJD?

>> No.8307489

blowjob device

>> No.8307494
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Ball-Jointed Doll

>> No.8307500

blowjob device

>> No.8307506

Kek'd hard

>> No.8307517
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the ones carried around cons usually look more like this

>> No.8307530

This joke always goes over my head, the doll is literally 50 cms or something so unless your dick is microscopic and you can stand rubbing itmagainst resin (ouch those seams) I can't really understand the joke tbh

I never see people carrying them around at con's, just having them displayed at their artist alley booths

>> No.8307537

If they're from Toronto

>> No.8307538
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sorry about your autism, anon, but i will explain.

it's because the abbreviation for blowjob is BJ and the abbreviation for ball-jointed doll is BJD no one is trying to imply you get blowjobs from the doll...

>> No.8307539

I dislike it when people go to cons for sex.

I brought a friend along with me to a con and we split up to do our own thing. When I got back to our hotel room, he was fucking some girl dressed up as a character from League of Legends. I thought it was really demeaning to cosplay girls and cosplay in general.

>> No.8307579


what the hell are you doing here steiner

>> No.8307608
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>not 100%

>> No.8307609
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>> No.8307611

the ones I see are always in weird goth loli stuff

>> No.8307615


>> No.8307617

Cathy Bloom doll, with a Trowa to boot.
Yes, this pleases my tiny weeb heart.

>> No.8307620

i see a mix of weird goth loli with the anime faces/bodies... sometimes even decal eyes.

haven't run into any of the infamous fujoshit ones but i have been looking.

>> No.8307622


It bothers me more than it should that they have Trowa's parting on the wrong side.

>> No.8307624


You're a big kid, you can say "no" if you're tired or if the person creeps you out in general.

If you find you're stuck being recorded and are being asked inappropriate questions, ASSERT YOURSELF. Tell them, firmly and politely, that you don't want to answer any more questions. You're committed to that unfortunate conversation, and ignoring the offender may not resolve it. If you tell them off accordingly, any continued foolery is entirely on them. If it continues, ESCALATE by finding con staff, a friend, or a sympathetic stranger.

>> No.8307625

Hey, tumblr. You also get scared when someone who's over 16 follows your blog, right?

>> No.8307629
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>free hugs signs
>Pretty much 95% of cosplays where I can't see the face
>Spray in hair colour that goes fucking everywhere just screams "I'm too cheap to buy a wig", usually the cosplay looks like its been made from bed sheets too

>> No.8307776

>Not know about BJD meet ups at cons

>> No.8307786

Dollfies are plague, they're not even BJDs

>> No.8307795

dollfies in general or dollfie dreams? anyway i see a lot of ball jointedness on those dolls, plague or no.

>> No.8307810



>> No.8307857

>TMI right off the bat
I give no shits if you're gay/bi/straight/face hugger/ace whatever the fuck that means.
>cutesy fake ass name
I'm looking at you FB.

>> No.8307866

The ones people seem to hate are Dollfie Dreams (they have the decal eyes). I like resin ones, but DD owners creep me right the fuck out.

>> No.8307875

>ugh it's so tiresome when people are impressed by and interested in something I made

>> No.8307877
File: 33 KB, 400x595, large (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, as an aesthetic preference i like the regular dollfie models. the ones with anime faces look goofy and cheap even when they're taken care of well.

which reminds me: bloody doll makeup on a person's face (a la elfgutz) is another "stay away from this person" sign.

>> No.8307883

When they start a conversation as if they had been conversing with you for a while.

>> No.8307885

I do know about them, and that everyone who goes to them is a nutcase.

>> No.8307913

Friends that start dressing in front of you in the hotel or walk out of the shower naked to get changed in front of you.

>> No.8307932

When their only contribution to the conversation is a bunch of agreative statments

>"(blank) niiiiice!"
>Oh yeah that's great!

And will chime in to make a smart remark about what other people say but not add any content of their own

>> No.8307933

If someone walks up to you at a con and doesn't offer to park your car this tips you off that they're a weirdo?

>> No.8307948


What is weird about an anime con not having valet parking?

>> No.8307962

B-but there's more than just anime at conventions, take the 501st for example. Star wars came out in the 70s, therefore alot of original trilogy fans will be in their 30s or pretty close.

>> No.8307989

>kawaii desuuuu, sugoi!!!
>I bet he/ she's not even a real fan
>generally being unnecessarily loud, obnoxious and squealing
>Yaoi paddles, 4chan memes and 'doing it ironically'
>leaving rubbish

>> No.8308001

Holy shit yes. I cosplay Nanako from Persona 4 and all I hear is quotes from the Hiimdaisy comic. Sure the first times were okay but now it's just so annoying.

>> No.8308028

You must take it in the ass

>> No.8308041

"I'm here because of a girl I met on the internet."

>> No.8308068
File: 114 KB, 640x640, 11192817_355744407968862_1660640457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I'm going to a con because of some Youtuber/Twitch streamer is going to be there"

>> No.8308077

>Meme signs and using 4chan slang
>Saying you have shit taste in manga/anime/video games
>"Girls shouldn't play video games because they all suck."
>SHFG normies

>> No.8308088

>leaving rubbish
This make me so stupid angry. Especially in NYC where there's a stupid amount of trash cans

>> No.8308091

Girls that don't bother to cover their nipples when wearing skimpy outfits.

Yeah, it's legal to be topless in California, but at least put something on to protect yourself from wardrobe malfunctions.

>> No.8308131

>Anyone cosplaying as Deadmau5, Daft Punk, Slenderman or wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.
All of the Daft Punk cosplayers I've met have been cool. The rest are accurate though.

>> No.8308158

>People dressed as "anonymous"
>People with Guy Fawkes masks that say "I'm in an anonymous cosplay"
>Outdated internet memes

>> No.8308159

why did this post make me laugh so hard

>> No.8308165


>Weeaboo itas

They make both lolitas and anime fans look bad

>> No.8308174

Fit guys that think they can just go up to and lift her up for a picture without asking or even talking to her first. Yes, you're hot, but that doesn't excuse you from touching people inappropriately.

>> No.8308183


... oh. Somehow that's legitimately creepier than the blowjob device.

>> No.8308231

Telling me personal information about their life when I haven't even begun to discuss anything outside of the realm of the con. I'm sure you're a nice person or a decent human being, but if you're admitting to me your mental issues, severe crushes, or personal family problems and I *JUST* met you, I'm not gonna want to keep talking to you.

If (for some miracle) they aren't acting like a total asshat, I do not immediately think to avoid deadpool cosplayers. But the instant I see random memeing, dry humping, and shouting LOLRANDUM stuff. Automatically garbage tier.

>> No.8308240

dubs don't lie

>> No.8308241


people that admit their faults first when meeting someone new usually do it as a way to vent and as a way to get others to not get high hopes up about that person. They rather disappoint you in the beginning, than disappoint you later on in life.

It's like selling an item on ebay and letting others it has been used.

>> No.8308287

Whats wrong with this dude?
Are you just super ugly and upset you get rejected all the time or what?
Also *tips fedora*

>> No.8308300

Some of these things are reasonable, but other things like the comics and live action things are pretty weeby and pretentious of you.

>> No.8308304

I took my bjd with me to my first con when I was 14. I met other people through it and bonded, and the girl I went with (grandmother's friends grandaughter who also liked anime) bonded over with me and we sewed a cute outfit for it the night before the con together.
With that being said, I'm no longer in the doll hobby and wouldn't bring a doll unless it somehow fit with my cosplay (the character carries a doll, doll is dressed as a smaller character such as ie: Sumomo from Chobits)

>> No.8308305


I've never encountered a backscratcher person yet, they must be very annoying

>> No.8308319

Just keep walking, ignore him. Much easier said than done however.

>> No.8308322

newfag here
do they actually scratch backs?

>> No.8308323


>> No.8308326


it is at my local comm. that and marco fucking polo and the goddamn game.

basically stay away from anyone who yells out memes

>> No.8308328

>Also those people who walk around playing music loudly
they always play shitty music too

>> No.8308331

*con not comm

goddamn lolita/cosplay codeswitching

>> No.8308349

What does that even mean?
I've heard it once ages ago when I was in a car full of my friends and some group of kids walking on the street yelled that at us.

>> No.8308352
File: 22 KB, 222x395, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who propose at cons, plan con weddings, and attend con weddings

>> No.8308354

It's a "meme" from some shitty series or something

>> No.8308356

family guy shit, just a quote from an episode where peter is selling said scratching devices at a stadium or something

>> No.8308361


it's a Family Guy reference. Peter would say "Buttscratcher" in a funny way when selling ButtScratchers.

>> No.8308364

>plan con weddings, and attend con weddings
what could possibly go wrong

>> No.8308375

Ah for some reason I thought it was a Kung-pow reference but now I realized thats shirt ripper

>> No.8308395

>says wearing a shirt that makes you look like a pedophile is stupid
>"hurrdurr gb2tumblr newfag!!1"

You're either 12 years old or you suffer from some profound form of autism. Either way, you're an idiot.

Pedobear is a tired old meme anyway.

>> No.8308409

How acceptable would it be to have a sign that reads
"Free hug signs are for faggots"
I'd probably get kicked out for 'faggots' on a sign though.
"Attention whore here"
And then cross that out and write
"Free hugs"

>> No.8308410

dude, basically the only subset that doesnt red flag you is attractive, fit people.
Fatty-chans are people too. There's just more of them.

>> No.8308412

Yeah that one too


Buttscratcher is an old joke/gag used in an old episode of Family Guy, but thank God I haven't encountered anyone like that when I went some cons

>> No.8308415

ew, yeah.

>> No.8308418

Any kind of crude language would probably get you kicked out or asked to get rid of it if you're not at an 18+ con.

>> No.8308420


I've yet to see anyone cosplay any Kung Pow characters at the con I go to, although I think I remember seeing a Betty cosplayer

>> No.8308445

>anti-meme meme, something something meta, 3edgy5me

please no anon, you'll thank me later.

>> No.8308625

Holy fucking shit yes, these fucking assholes
Why the hell do they do it?
Trying to show how hardcore and better they are than everyone else? Was the paintball field closed today?

I once saw a skinny 25 year old with a long ass ponytail and horrible facial hair wearing a full set of USMC blue dress
I ain't even a big fan of the military in general and it pissed me off
I saw him later trying to talk to the guys at the army recruting booth (they were a con sponsor for some reason) and they didn't look very happy

>> No.8308628

I always considered those guys a splinter from the guys who dressed up as Metal Gear Solid soldiers.

>> No.8308640

>prostitutes that cosplay as Flavor of The Month characters at cons


do not fall for them. Yes, the sex will be great, but then you'll quickly regret not spending that anime at the con or something.

>> No.8308731

I'm not into military stuff so can someone tell me why this is frowned upon?
>besides looking like a tool

>> No.8308736
File: 44 KB, 396x385, 1324249370767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing something very similar to a uniform of the military without having ever served is extremely disrespectful. C'mon anon

>> No.8308740

Thats disgusting, where would you even find them though?

>> No.8308741


>> No.8308746

>shitting on old memes for attention
>acknowledging shit memes in the first place

>> No.8308751
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That's the poorest b8 I've ever seen

>> No.8308758
File: 38 KB, 384x288, kekson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a killer's uniform deserves respect

Serving doesn't mean shit anymore, it just either means you fell for the patriotism crap or they think it's their only option.

>> No.8308768

We all have different opinions, I don't care if anyone serves or not, I answer the question asked.

>> No.8308771

If it's just shit thrown together, they're tryhards
If it's an actual uniform, it's very disrespectful (also tryhard)

Be careful with that edge, you might get cut

>> No.8308780

Do you cower in fear when someone says they own a gun as well?

>> No.8308789

I like you, anon.

>> No.8308790

I talked to some army guys about this and they basically said if a real soldier's name is still on it, you're essentially "stealing glory" from them. Plus a lot of people will impersonate former military to get military benefits, so generally they don't take kindly to people dressing up as military when they're not actually.

>> No.8308803

Shouldn't be dressing up in any sort of uniform at a convention unless it's an uniform from an anime , comic, or videogame. Or it's a Japanese school uniform.

>> No.8308817


I own a nugget, you assumptious fuck.

>> No.8309232


People with hentai shirts.

>> No.8309251

Cosplays that are purposely done bad. These stopped being funny years ago. Purposely bad cosplays and uncreative sexy versions of character cosplays just enforce the stereotype that cosplay isn't an art.

>> No.8309266
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>implying cosplay is an art
Lol, no.

>> No.8309271

So like 90% of male cosplayers?

>> No.8309319

YES thank you. Somebody who gets it. Cosplay has been brought down to this general state of shit-tier that's about throwing together something that's attention grabbing for the sake of attention alone instead of actual good costuming and craftsmanship.

>> No.8309375

>group gathering
>people that think they're funny by crashing a gathering and photobombing

>> No.8309391

>Tails outside of cosplay
>Wearing a kilt
>Facial features that shout 'hey look at my extra chromosome'
>Autist sense tingling

Attending cons has given me autism detection super powers.

>> No.8309397

Don't you bad mouth my kilt men. They be manly men.

>> No.8309411


speaking of kilts.

how do you guys feel about people wearing traditional clothing at a con? rather it be of african, middle-eastern, european, Asian, etc descent.

>> No.8309420
File: 1.47 MB, 2444x1636, Depositphotos_1657289_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about their medications within any amount of con time.

I've known you for less than 3 days. I should know nothing about your medical conditions. Maybe after a few months sure. But within a week that's a big ass NOPE you just stamped on your forehead.

1. You think your ailments are special and makes you special.
2. You let your illness rule you and your life.

I don't want to know a person who does either. Their life is always a chore.

>> No.8309457

>You won't convince them anon. Let them stew in their pot of naive superiority for now, and when they hit 40, they will wonder why they hate their spouse and screaming crotchspawn and wonder where everything went wrong.

This is pretty accurate. People think they gotta live by some standard someone else set up for them and then they wonder why they hate their job, think their spouse is an asshole when they loved them once, and just buy things to fill the void.

That's just what happens when you give up what makes YOU you. You can't go around being what other people want you to be.
Unless you suddenly hit 25 and think I need babies & a boring job that doesn't do anything for me don't go that route. Be responsible enough to look after yourself yes, but don't try doing stuff cause someone arbitrarily said at this age you should.

>> No.8309495

tbh When you've experienced it a million times over the years and have to explain it all the time especially when you're tired after a busy day and the costume might be uncomfortable it gets really annoying. Kinda like working in custom service and hearing the same fucking jokes after asking "Anything else?". It's funny the first time it happens, the second is still okay, the third one is boring, the fourth one makes you want to kill.

>> No.8309549
File: 17 KB, 402x317, 4e2db3a5eddc6c6956002eea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8309576

I think it's okay as long as you aren't wearing it to show how alternative/weeby you are.
tl;dr don't do it if it's cringey

Thank you for including this, anon. I immediately nope away if I find out anyone has a mental disability, for exactly these reason. Especially self-diagnosed ones.

>> No.8309586

>I can scare niggers with my chicken

>> No.8309611

MGS cosplayer here. We do have some sort of "short bus" cosplay cousins who just wear a shamble of military gear and call it "MGS soldier" cosplay, while not even looking like any of the mooks from any of the games.

I hope one day they admit to themselves they're just wearing their goddamned airsoft/paintball shit to a con and leave MGS/Biohazard out of it.

>> No.8309620

This is amazing, and I didn't even know it existed. Probably be a better use of my money than anything in the dealers hall.

Long gone are the days (90s anime cons) of them actually stocking rare, interesting stuff from Japan. Seems nowadays all they stock are off-the-shelf generic items from the main brands/series. Gonna have to assume it's because usually anything can be bought online nowadays.

Usually the swapmeet has more unique items for sale these days. People are selling the SOULS of their collection usually. Much better buys, much better prices, much more interesting collectibles.

>> No.8309622

Oh gosh this so much.
Also when you meet someone new and they start spewing about how much recognition they're getting at the con.

Recently at a con, my friend and I saw a cute Mei from Totoro cosplay, and complimented her while we were waiting for another friend. She thanks us and then zips back a few minutes later and goes, "Do you want a picture of me?" in a heated voice. We cringed on the spot and politely said no, and she left off. It was so off-putting, and took away from just complimenting that we honestly didn't even feel like taking her picture out of pity. She had spoiled it by then.

I like complimenting cosplayers if they've done a great job on something, but being that pushy is really annoying.

>> No.8309631

>dry humping

oh god you're giving me flashbacks to my awful weeb days

>> No.8309656

This is tumblr cancer on a grand scale.

>> No.8309670

>90s anime cons

In the 90s anime wasn't just a nerd hobby, it was something most people had never heard of.

There were only a small handful of conventions here in the US before Toonami introduced the medium to a new generation of fans in 1997-98. Anime fandom didn't really gain much steam here until the early 2000s with the TV broadcasts of Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.

>> No.8309676
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> actually loved hearing about the lolita wedding at Anime Matsuri
> mfw

>> No.8309686

Implying normies and webs look any different with normalfag attire

>> No.8309694

I'll be your friend :(

>> No.8309711
File: 42 KB, 300x370, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your right to do so, as it is mine to ridicule

>> No.8309725

Second this. People who cosplay cute characters in fashionable/fancy clothing and have no make-up on or bad skin always put me off.
I'm trying to convince my sister to let me pluck her bushy eyebrows for a con this month and to cover her acne with foundation, but she's "not ready for make-up yet". How do you tell your sister she will look shitty in her cosplay?

>> No.8309727

>everyone who isn't a model

>> No.8309730

Are you still friends? :o

>> No.8309757

Reminds me of how my friend was once working at a booth in the dealer's hall and this huge, fat weeb came to their booth and started talking about all the mood medication she's on and all the skin diseases she had. Like she was talking about the weather. My friend and the other seller were mortified because she wasn't too shy or quiet about it either and drove away all the customers with her disgusting TMI stories.

>> No.8309923

>How do you tell your sister she will look shitty in her cosplay?

If she's resisting then you don't.
She'll figure it out when no one takes pictures or her pictures look less than nice. Or when she notices even the people in school uniform cosplay have some amount on.

Very few people keep up the "no make up" dance for long.

>> No.8310133

As a guy, I kind of find it dehumanizing that my female friends expect me to bring extra pads, panties, bottled water, and Midol whenever I to go a con with them.

>> No.8310146

Why not just tell them ahead of time that you're too much of a pussy when they ask if you can put it in your bag. I don't want to put everyone's shit in my purse either but I deal with it cause it's not the end of the world to carry an extra painkiller and 10 grams worth of tampons.

>> No.8310151

if you really don't want to carry it tell them to fuck off and make sure they carry their own shit if they need it. Or don't bring a bag and cosplay as well.

>> No.8310153

Why do you need painkillers?

>> No.8310155

Have you ever been to a convention?

>> No.8310157

Because only Tumblrtards would possibly be under the impression that wearing a shirt declaring you're a pedophile in public is a bad idea.

Sarcasm aside, of all the times I've seen people throw the word Tumblr around meaninglessly as if that single word is all the argument they need, this one by far gets the full retard crown.

>> No.8310158

Waldo looks like he ready to go back into hiding because he's 100% with this shit.

>> No.8310159


in case of headaches and menstrual discomfort

>> No.8310161

Honestly, you should be happy anyone at a con wants to talk to you at all

>> No.8310173

... Did you miss the part where anon clearly says those kinds of cosplays perpetuate that stereotype?

Costume construction is an art form, even if you don't agree with facts.

>> No.8310183

What retarded girl expects that? I'd expect a girl to always have those things on her but unless the guy were a pre-hormones ftm why the fuck would he have panties and pads and midol on him unless he was specifically a boyfriend?

>> No.8310188

>you just made that up, or your friends are fucked up

This is not normal even by 'non-normie' standards.

>> No.8310202


Girls with beta orbiters.

Beta orbiters feel like they owe cute girls something just for being in their presence so he is willing to put up wit humiliating things and manual labor if it means being with a cute girl.

"oh my I'm so ugly and worthless. I deserve to be treated like this. These girls are too good for me. I have to hold some midol for them. I have to pay for the hotel cost. I have to pay for their tickets. If only I was attractive, funny, and confident I wouldn't have to do all of this. People like me don't deserve friendship or kindness without sacrifice."

>> No.8310291

>... Did you miss the part where anon clearly says those kinds of cosplays perpetuate that stereotype?
No. I included the image because I found it amusing.

>Costume construction is an art form, even if you don't agree with facts.
I don't disagree with the fact that costume construction CAN be an art form, but that doesn't mean it always is.

>> No.8310297


Cosplay is as much as art as videogames, movies, and literature.

>> No.8310304

pls b troll

>> No.8310319

I'm actually a huge weeb and I wear normal fag clothes most of the time. Sometimes I have pins on my bag or a subtle tshirt but I don't really have a bunch of super weeby clothes because I never buy anything I wouldn't actually wear outside of a convention. I can't justify wasting money on something i'd feel uncomfortable in on a regular basis.

>> No.8310321

>As a guy
Oh cry more and get over your insecurity regarding your masculinity. It would be just as fucked up to expect your female friends to do that as it would a male one.

Also, it's no more dehumanizing than how one con, a few of my male friends didn't bother to bring their own shampoo, soap, tooth brushes, snacks, and water bottles because they expected I would be bringing it for everyone, since I'm the only girl in the group, meaning it's some how my job to be on top of that shit for the entire group. Two of them were actively pissed at me for somehow not knowing I was apparently supposed to act as a temporary mother for the weekend as they're completely unable to take care of themselves, and acted like I was totally out of line for telling them as nice as I could that it's not my responsibility.

>> No.8310340


should be a girl's responsibility to bring her own toiletries. Guy friends are not pack mules for girls to exploit.

>> No.8310434

Different anon but yes, cosplay generally is art because it involves sewing, sculpting, painting, etc. etc. which are all forms of art. The only time it isn't art is if you didn't make anything.

You're a massive retard if you disagree with that.

>> No.8310470

Did you even read the anon or? She didn't say "durr hurr men should bring my tampons" she literally said "don't make this a gender thing, nobody should be expected to bring anything for anyone" and if we're gonna do the as a girl/guy shit, I'm a dude and agree with her. You're a faggot and you just wanna whine about tampons on an anonymous message board.

>> No.8310480

It's art if it involves your original design. And if it did, it would be costuming, not cosplay.

>> No.8310484

Fanart is still art though.

>> No.8310485


special effects and make up is art

>> No.8310489

The only way to help these obvious home-sheltered weebs is to embarrass them in front of others...what you didn't bring (insert-basic hygiene crap) what's wrong with you!?

>> No.8310501


they probably read that you shouldn't pack toiletries to save space since you'll have toiletries at the hotel.

>> No.8310540

When the entry to the convention is a public walkway with a bunch of normies.

I really dislike having to walk through a bunch of normal people in costume.

>> No.8310603

With that logic, painting still life isn't art either. You're retarded.

>> No.8310661
File: 1.05 MB, 969x1377, shrumonkeys2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fun allowed

>> No.8310746

Making a cosplay (not buying) is art
Wearing it isn't unless you're actively acting as your character

>> No.8310996
File: 108 KB, 300x196, 1345761470334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a goddamned Bleach themed wedding at a con I went to years ago.

>> No.8311121

Dear god, people actually do that?

>> No.8311250

In America that's a thing apparently..

>> No.8313435

I wonder how long the marriage lasted.

>> No.8314458


>Wearing a pedobear T-shirt makes you a pedophile

>> No.8315034

That particular shirt kind of implies you are one, regardless of whether or not you really are.

>> No.8315150

Shorter than hueco mundo arc probably.

>> No.8315161

>That particular shirt kind of implies you are one

No, no it does not. All it implies is that you are familiar with a popular internet meme, that is literally it.

>> No.8315176

>"4 and under plz"