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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 1000x600, ireland-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8303186 No.8303186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are we allowed have one of these again? Sure g'wan anyway.

>> No.8303189

Anyone go to MCM in Belfast?

>> No.8303193
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>> No.8303199

They got Weenus last year, I'm not surprised as the quality of Eirta guests anymore tbh

>> No.8303220

Yeah, I totally agree.

Does anyone else not think that having cosplayers as special guests is a giant cop-out and a load of shite? Let them have some panel on during the day people can visit if they want to or just have them roam the halls the same as every other cosplayer at the event. I'd much rather some decent VAs or something come as the guests instead of someone who's doing what everyone else is there anyway.

>> No.8303502

Yeah, was pretty good. Smaller than i had expected but it was pretty good all the same.

>> No.8303531

Yeah I feel the same, I don't really follow the cosplay scene and when I pay to go to an Anime convention I expect to have people connected to the anime industry, not people who dress up as characters for e-fame

>> No.8303541

Cosplay guests seem really pointless tbh. "I dress up like lots of other people at this con and get asspats online for it! buy this photo of me". I guess at the very least, the cosplay guest last year was quite nice, had a chat with her and she seemed very down to earth. Still don't understand why they couldn't get a VA or something.

>> No.8303606

Looks like Ireland Cosplay Con have their grubby mitts on getting MasakoX to go to their failure of a con. I feel so sorry for Mr Masako

>> No.8303662

ugh they only picked him because about 5 people spammed the page and even made fake accounts to try to convince Eirta to invite him. so lame...

>> No.8303666

especially not a cosplay guest who literally only takes selfies in costume...

>> No.8303674

who /neet/ here?

>> No.8303687

moi, not out of choice mind. I'm stuck in the experience trap

>> No.8303708

>studying in foreign country
>no € for hobbies or much of anything
>don't speak the language anywhere near well enough to get a job
>the ones for English-speakers all require a Master's degree and fluency in 4 other non-dead languages or '4 year experience in field'

>> No.8303715

That sucks anon, I'm hoping to get an interview to do a course soon so hopefully things pick up.

What kills me is even for a basic minimum wage job you need 2 years experience. I can't do an internship because of being an adult dependent. I'm looking for anything and everything(even part time work) and I either get interviews only to be told, we'd hire you... if you had more exp or I hear nothing back.

>> No.8303719

>>8303715 here, forgot to say I hope things pick up and get better for you!

>> No.8303745


Doesn't studying technically make you not a NEET though? Or am I misunderstanding the term?

>> No.8303746

>even for a basic minimum wage job you need 2 years experience
Exactly, you go to a dry cleaner's to ask for a job and they ask of you to have 2 years experience minimum and be able to discuss fecking Nietzsche.

>> No.8303757

Well, not a NEET but I am poor. If I were a NEET at least I'd be on the dole, this way you just get €300 for food and your expenses paid. And food here is ten kinds of overpriced because the bloody place is a frozen wasteland 9 months of the year.

>> No.8303766


Damn, that's rough. Hope things get better for you.

IDK if this happens or if this is a realistic choice for you on your campus but I very recently found out my friend gives campus tours and gets money for that at our uni. Maybe you could look into something like that? It probably won't pay much, but it'd help a bit and it seems extremely flexible.

>> No.8303769

It's fucking ridiculous, I swear. Now I'm at the stage of not really bothering anymore as hopefully I can get back into college and do something. It's even more annoying when you hear(on an Irish forum in particular) that people who are on the dole for x years are scroungers, yes those who were unemployed in the boom were fucking scroungers but now? not so much, especially if you don't live in the utopia that is Dublin.

It also doesn't help when every 2nd job advertised is an internship.

>> No.8303772
File: 170 KB, 506x480, 1427803568242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon to be, finished my mickey mouse year long level 5 in 3 weeks and it'll be back to looking for shit retail work and once in a blue moon getting an interview and finding out the interviewer doesn't have a sense of humour when I answer with "I've been held up" (I actually have been) to a question asking me to recall a previous time I worked well under pressure.

>> No.8303784

Ah well, at least the internships have to be paid according to EU law. Or so I've read recently.

>> No.8303789

Oh that's not the problem, have no qualms about doing one. The problem is the incredibly stupid welfare rules in regards as to who can do an internship or not

>> No.8304223

>"budding cosplayers" are now considered acceptable guests
Just fucking kill me now.

>> No.8305048

Is it just me or does irish cosplay con have a rather shocking lack of cosplay guests?
nd what is the deal with fucking skype guests. I've never seen a more pointless thing in my life.

>> No.8305055

The lack of dedicated slots given to 'cosplay guests' is a good thing. If I had my way there'd be none at all. Much like >>8303541 said, it's pointless as fuck to give someone who's just cosplaying special status over everyone else who's doing the same thing at the event. Get somebody who's influential or who's put real work into aspects of the videogame or anime industry, not some e-famous gobshite.

Sure we might as well get Amy King in as a cosplay special guest at this rate.

>> No.8305070
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>Amy King
>cosplay special guest

>> No.8305075
File: 183 KB, 524x568, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard through the grapevine she'll be doing the lolita panel at Eirtakon this year

>> No.8305093

Might as well give her panels on voice acting and life as an animator in Japan if they're giving her panels on stuff she knows nothing about. Aren't there two girls who do panels who have experience?

>> No.8305097

But look at the picture anon, she's buying dat burando. She knows her stuff. Jack of all trades. Our ambassador to Japan.

>> No.8305101

A cat may look at the queen, anon.

>> No.8305113

And in this case, we're all the lowly cats and she is our queen.

>> No.8305143


Ah lads, sure it's only May, I'm sure they have plenty more guests to announce before November. They usually have 1-2 VAs, a cosplayer and like, an artist or Youtuber or something.

Is that true about people signing up with fake accounts to request a cosplayer? If so, damn that sucks. Eirtakon probably thought they were fulfilling a great demand or something so.

>> No.8305159 [DELETED] 

I wonder what they told him to get him over. Hell, I wonder how they convinced any of their guests? If they are having it in the same place as Otakucon, that doesn't say a lot about their finances

>> No.8305339


please irish do not dress like anime character
this is not how normal people dress
it is embarassing too watch
but i would also like to fuck this girl
at full force in her mouth, vagina and ass

>> No.8305673

Its an Anime League event, Masakox goes to all their events in The UK, ALcon and LAGC and such, that would probably explain it.

>> No.8307324

Dude, that is the worst haiku I've ever seen.

>> No.8307477
File: 17 KB, 514x195, Volunteering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to volunteer and add 'shitposting on /cgl/ about other volunteers' to my CV!

>> No.8307511

Why the fuck they posting this at 2:30? College, secondary schools and people with jobs wont fucking see it. Morons.

>> No.8307590

Is that the girl who's cosplay outfit was basically pennys shorts & a vest a few threads back? Lololol.

>> No.8307923

I assume the kind of people who would want to volunteer would be checking the page with some regularity

>> No.8307929


Someone sign up and report back with all the 'behind the scenes' goss!

>> No.8308030

Yeah because people are so obsessed with volunteering, they will check the page hourly for months. That's shit reasoning for why it was posted so early, so many people wouldnt have seen it. It would have been smarter to post it after 5.

>> No.8308049

Alright, calm down lad.

>> No.8310614

Is it true ICC only has two non-Irish guests? And only one Cosplay guest?

>> No.8312009


>> No.8313089


>> No.8317495

So what's next lads?

>> No.8317582


>> No.8317634


>> No.8318030

Ireland Cosplay Con are having a Pre-Meet Up. But the buses are planning on going on strike so sucks for them I mean nobody gives a toss about their worthless con in the first place.

>> No.8320957

What is the deal with Ireland Cosplay Con? Is it some guy from England running it?

>> No.8321057

Its run by Otaku Con and AnimeLeague basically two shit conventions's shitty love child of a con which is Ireland Cosplay Con

>> No.8321511

Isn't anime league run by a pedo? He set up some underage anime group where he was the only adult a few years back didn't he?

>> No.8321521

hey lads how do i reply to specific posts, help me I'm retarded

>> No.8322947

Click on the post number

>> No.8323209

I was referring to these eejits

>> No.8323211

I feel bad for spoonfeeding now. ;_;

>> No.8326226

Better lawyer up after that statement.

>> No.8327156

Can Q-Con just hurry up and happen so that we can all enjoy our one annual anime-related convention that's actually good...

>> No.8327400

They have polygraph tests now to determine who has been posting on 4chan.

>> No.8327411

>sign up to a photoshoot with Amy King
>she makes me take a polygraph to determine whether or not I've shitposted about her here before we begin
>I fail miserably
>she kicks me in the bollocks until I tell her the truth

I'm getting hot just thinking about it

>> No.8327500
File: 177 KB, 500x350, 2630096_1335039527602.46res_500_350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have to go out with one of the roast beef /cgl/ anons

>you will never have to date Irish women

good feel lads

>> No.8327508

In an anarcho-fascist state cosplay will be eradicated.

>> No.8327520
File: 11 KB, 236x289, 1f4a27e6e89d9a536e901173cf147afa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an anarcho-communist, sorry

>> No.8327526

Gays not welcome bai

>> No.8327550
File: 70 KB, 600x900, b3e9883357ace18a33441a4d44863e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then too bad you'll have to miss out on the oral examinations that anarcho-communist girls get to have at my amateur gynacologyst clinic

what a shame, my customers have been very satisfied so far

>> No.8327998

Although I had some fun at Eirtakon amd Arcade Con last year, I find that whoever is running the cons seems to misunderstand quality when it comes to guests and events - so some panels and events are really fun, and some are goddamn embarrassing - like the 'maid cafe' at Eirtakon which was essentially an overpriced birthday cake slice served by a weeb in a 2 euro shop costume and toilet paper held onto their badly dyed hair with cat ears.

On top of that, I got followed around by 14 year old boys and ended up asking a guy for ID when he hit on me in the bar. It was kind of funny. Maybe next year will be better but I don't know if I'll even bother going unless I have friends doing panels or stalls again.

I'd love to go to NYC Comic Con or something - I think budget is likely a contributing factor and cons aren't popular enough amongst people who aren't 14 year old weebs, I think.

>> No.8328560

>I got followed around by 14 year old boys and ended up asking a guy for ID when he hit on me in the bar.

Cringe to the fucking extreme, Jesus. What does a 14 year old weeb hitting on you consist of?

>> No.8328587

>the 'maid cafe' at Eirtakon which was essentially an overpriced birthday cake slice served by a weeb in a 2 euro shop costume and toilet paper held onto their badly dyed hair with cat ears.

I was considering volunteering for it, but actually wearing a proper maid costume. Not a "sexy french maid" €2 shop deal, like a reasonably decent, more cute than sexy, deal. I'd like for it to be fun for those who attend for an actual Maid Café and just having fun, but I don't know if it'd be worth it knowing the creepers.

>> No.8328598

What's even the point of putting in the effort if the café itself is shit and everyone you're working with dresses like they're at a Halloween fancy dress party?

>> No.8328632

You could probably say the same thing about the conventions themselves in general. Or at least, that's how most of the people running them seem to act.

>> No.8328636

You could but you're going to have to share a single room with all of those people. At least with the convention as a whole you can find other decent cosplayers or move away from the mouthbreathers, but you're pretty much gonna be stuck when it comes to the cafe!

>> No.8328642

I'm always disappointed by convention cafes. How is it that none of them manage to have even one server whose worked as waitstaff before?

>> No.8328650

Better pay and tips if they were to work in an actual café for those two-three hours, I'd guess.

>> No.8328781

lots and lots of spaghetti

>> No.8328818

Naturally, but I need every disturbing, delectable detail

>> No.8328867

People tip outside of the States?

>> No.8329027

Yeah I usually do if the service is worth it. Rarely though as most of the time it isn't.

>> No.8329036

I do it sometimes if I have the change handy. I don't mind doing it since I don't feel obligated like you would in the US.

>> No.8329048

Ah true. I mostly do it when abroad to butter up the locals a wee bit, Germans and Slavs are a tough crowd.

>> No.8329071

I've considered doing the same myself, but I don't want to be the only one putting in effort tbh.
>tfw I'll never get to be a cute maid

>> No.8329072

Y-you could be a maid for me, anon...

>> No.8329085

I do usually if the waiter/waitress isn't a cunt. It doesn't cost me much and it brightens up someone's day, so why not? It wouldn't even cross my mind to tip someone at a con maid café, though. Do people really do that?

>> No.8329123

If I got a nice slice of chocolate cake, a meow and a happy ending at the maid cafe, I might consider throwing a few bob in for a tip

>> No.8329165

I'd say your chances of getting a nice piece of cake at one are slim enough as it is.