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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 29 KB, 300x628, 165882-ganguro2_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8303151 No.8303151 [Reply] [Original]

How does /cgl/ feel about ganguro/yamanba?

>> No.8303156
File: 11 KB, 425x396, used up my bernanaba stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8303161

i like gyaru in general but ganguro is a trend that i'm glad is gone

>> No.8303182

I like some aspects of it like the white eye and lip makeup but I'm not a fan or other aspects like the orange-tan skin.

>> No.8304498

This is not ganguro or yamanba
Just manba

>> No.8304504

All of these have been dead for almost a decade so irrelevant at this point, closest thing you will get is kuro gyaru

>> No.8304676

This has been out of fashion for many, many years.

>> No.8304784

I've done ganguro once or twice just for fun, and I love looking at it. but it's definitely not something I'd so often.
I mean I don't even care that it's out of fashion because I couldn't give a shit about trends but I've shifted more towards gyaru as I've gotten older. It's still fun to look at though.

>> No.8309019

I miss it. I loved how ridiculous it was. Although your pic is just manba.

>> No.8309057

so prejudiced.

>> No.8309067

I'm nostalgic for it. I was really into it when I used to be part of the Parapara and Eurobeat nightclub scene like a decade back.

Seeing these pics brings me back to a happy but scary time. Not going to lie, that trend got frightening pretty quickly.

>> No.8309210

To each her own. I think the white eye/lip makeup is ghastly

>> No.8309211


I legitimately don't understand how weebs think ganguro is 100% A-OK but when someone applies slightly darker foundation and bronzer for cosplay, they're the racist ones.

>> No.8309227
File: 59 KB, 638x360, Nyan_Kanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually saw a few manba girls walking around Harajuku a couple of months back.
Being more into the visual kei scene than anything else I never paid too much mind to ganguro/manba but seeing it irl like I did, it was actually kind of cute.
Of course it might just have been because the girls themselves were cuties but the style didn't necessarily look bad.

>> No.8309240

I never understand the people who say they don't understand why people wore this style. This was direct response to unwanted older male attention towards gyaru, these girls literally went out of their way to wear the most ridiculous looks on purpose. There is something cute about how stupid it looks imo

>> No.8309244


>> No.8309260

Because the Japanese (although colonists themselves) are PoC.
Social Justice is mainly an american invention so most of the terms only relate to American issues. White, caucasian, slavic (etc) people are oppressors - if you are any other race you are a minority and therefore unable to be racist, because racism is an invention of white people.

>> No.8309267

>slavic (etc) people are oppressors
those homemade organic German soaps (WWII recipe) beg to differ

>> No.8309289

>slavic (etc) people are oppressors
That is literally where the word "slave" is derived from. I get you are being at least partially facetious, but still... do better.

>> No.8309460

It's not blackface, you fucking dipshit. Other than Coco Montrese what black person is fucking orange?

>> No.8309462
File: 108 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_mjy1d1Iegx1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in America we are just seen as white (Slav here). I am not talking about the world, just the skewed view of SJWs and Americans who think that the entire world revolves around their country.
I was not being facetious at all, this is what the majority of them sincerely think. If you have no "poc" ancestry, you are white. Pic related is a "poc" to SJWs, probably has a Native grandparent or something. PoC = racial group that is marginalised in the US (black, Native, hispanic, Asian)

Because there are such a variety of ethnicities in the US it is too hard for everyone to have individual labels for censuses. In Europe we have many racial identities, in Africa and Asia too - but in the US they all come together as one. Gogol Bordello lyrics describe this phenomenon well:
"Upon arriving to the melting pot
I get penciled in as a goddamned white"
So while you are not white in Europe, most people of European descent are viewed as white in USA simply because to them we all come from the same general area. They do not view us as slav, they view us as white.

>> No.8309469

I really like that you quoted Gogol Bordello. I'm going to have to binge on them for the next week now.

>> No.8309480

You are welcome, anon. They are one of my favorite bands.

>> No.8309500

Black face is a totally different thing dumbass. Black face would be dressing up as a "nigga thug" for Halloween

>> No.8309503

Frightening in terms of the overall look, or frightening in a different way?

>> No.8309504

Most people don't know that much about ganguro/manba/etc because these trends are dead. Outside of a depction of a ganguro here or there in anime, there aren't many representations of it.

>> No.8309588

Some of the looks were pretty out there. Especially in Parapara and Eurobeat scenes, they got a little creative, but it was part of the whole subculture.

Not that it was appalling like gross, just it ventured out from fashion at times (not to mention some early 2000's faux pas) but they were just a sight to see.


Around 8:19 there's an example of one that went pretty dark on the bronzer. It's still tamer than others, but it's pretty dark.

>> No.8309592
File: 263 KB, 493x346, jynxisganguro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it plays embedded here, but here's a screencap of them.

>> No.8309634

I don't like the style at all but I think ganguro girls are the coolest.
Is a style to prevent harassment and to state that they won't accept traditional expectations of beauty.

>> No.8309642

I understand wanting to look more tanned and neon colors whatever but what the fuck is with the white rings around their eyes and shit?

>> No.8309645

Inspired by kabuki

>> No.8309649


That and at some point I remember learning that it was a way to express to have large eyes, since the typical Asian doesn't exactly have big eyes. It's toned down now, but it still exists in J-fashion and not as extreme cosplay makeup.

>> No.8309890
File: 19 KB, 595x320, gam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immediately remembered this game.

>> No.8309922

Holy shit yes. We used to play this in high school, and we got the English teacher to play it before he realised what it really was...

>tfw you have the cheat code to skip to the good part

>> No.8309941

you're so gracious to take the bait when no one else will

>> No.8309945

Still the best shit in Newgrounds.

>> No.8309954

Haha Ganguro Girl. That and Super Gals bring be back.

>> No.8310465
File: 193 KB, 955x516, kogal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General question, do people do the tan skin thing with Kogal or is that an obsolete aspect of the fashion as well?

ok, I see your point. But, I'm not sure how that could be rectified. I guess we could have a box for every single nation, or we could reduce it to the basic three groups, in which case, despite being Hispanic, I would also be lumped in with white. I guess I still feel rubbed the wrong way a little, anon. Because by generalizing a large and diverse group of people,you seem to be doing the same thing you advocate against. I don't know if its the right way to go about it.

>> No.8310482

Only himegal/himekaji has no tanning aspect. I think only agejo is a preference thing, but much of the gal culture includes tanning as a major aspect.

>> No.8310498

This was my introduction into Ganguro.

>> No.8310511

These girls do darken their skin knowing that it will appear shocking or distasteful but not because it's blackface intended to imitate/parody black people, rather its a big middle finger to the 'boring, sensible adults' and their objections to dark skin tones, outlandish colors and other elements of rebellious youth fashions

>> No.8310639

to tumblr though
black people>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>errbody else

>> No.8310641


Ganguro literally translates to black fact/burnt face idiot.

>> No.8310775

haha wow this is definitely out there. god, i feel so nostalgic for this stuff. it's such an unappealing yet fascinating look to me.

Plus those platforms are sweet.

>> No.8313422
File: 75 KB, 1152x864, teen-titans-trouble-in-tokyo-20070202022537568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping this thread. In looking for some nostalgia feels, I noticed that there were actually two ganguro fan-girls in the Teen Titans movie. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what I'm looking at.

>> No.8313445

dark/burnt because of tanning, not because trying to be a black person idiot.

>> No.8313465

that catchy time progress jingle

>> No.8313470

Imma play it now. Its been on my mind since I posted that image. Lol

>> No.8313482

I am perfectly fine with being called white, I just don't like generalisations like "all white people are oppressors and have more privilege than me."
It is stupid. Social justice is about taking away individual situations and grouping people - on their own terms. It is starting to invade my country too, and I have no issue being called white, but the idea that I am suddenly privileged and must use my "position of power to speak up for defenceless PoC" is frankly ridiculous, especially to my own experiences.

I will generalise the SJW ideology because social justice is a belief system, therefore those who follow it will share the same (or very similar beliefs). It isn't hypocritical at all to generalise them, because being an sjw is a similar thought process whereas people of the same race do not all have similar lives at all.

>> No.8314080

And thank god it's not coming back anytime soon, it's kind of uggo imo.

Also, not really about ganguro or yamanba specifically, but I really hate it when Asians try to mimic ghetto culture. There is nothing about ghettos that should be glorified ever, I cringe every time I hear a Japanese teen screaming "madafaka!!" in an attempt to be street.

>> No.8314275
File: 133 KB, 640x480, yamanba_by_tenshiii3-d4dwzz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some yamanba related cringe...
I came across this when looking up yamanba on deviantART (which never fails in the cringe department).
From what I can tell they did this completely seriously...

>> No.8314297

I thought this fashion died out 12 years ago?

Anyways, I feel only selective girls look nice in it.

>> No.8314535

Much like scene, I hated it while it was around but nostalgia glasses make me kinda miss it now it's gone. It just reminds me of chav fashion.

>> No.8314539

Well it's orange tan, not brown tan. Tanning was very popular in the west at the time too. And Japanese people tan anyway if they get out in the sun, or some are already really dark.

>> No.8314544


>> No.8314560

Ganguro still exist. They're just mostly called kuro gyaru like another anon said. Some of them still call themselves ganguro. Look up gal unit/black diamond in Japan.. they even put on ganguro cafes.

It is waayyyy less popular now, but I lol at how everyone will tell you it's completely dead.

>> No.8314578
File: 57 KB, 853x853, 10801965_974435372572151_3832079965566703505_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl I know wore ganguro at a con a little while back and I think she looked pretty neat. There's still people out there who are into it!

>> No.8314593

Speaking of chavs, what happened to lhouraii li?

>> No.8314606

I think it's cool, when done well.

I like the idea of a fashion that's ultra-feminine and 'pop' but doesn't feel the need to appeal to men or outsiders.

The same with para para- dancing to pop music, but a super-niche, extreme form of it, and it's competitive dancing for the fun of it, not to get rich, get in the charts or be on reality TV.

There's a real confidence and authenticity to taking pop culture and unapologetically projecting it through your own will and taste like that.

>> No.8315249
File: 151 KB, 998x412, bgal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so like bgal?

>> No.8315371
File: 90 KB, 1024x576, drrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting my sjw goggles to say it'd be more colorist, since Japanese people can be tan and xyz about the whitening skin thing. B-gal would be blackface since they're trying to be black. They're usually orange anyway.

>> No.8316044
File: 983 KB, 500x281, rarley.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8316056

Kind of sad that its popularity has kind of died down. Ganguro is what got me into jfash.

>> No.8317790
