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8297093 No.8297093 [Reply] [Original]

Fairy kei thread? I need some good inspiration

>> No.8299685


also, share some good blogs, crafts, inspiration for beginners?

>> No.8299727

Good Taobao store recommendations?

>> No.8299818
File: 265 KB, 960x1280, elizabunnii (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fairy kei but I can't wear it because all the pastels and the short a line cuts look weird on me.

>> No.8299825
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>> No.8299827
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>> No.8303232


>> No.8303457

Here's a good blog that also lists taobao shops in their 'shops' section and also has a DIY section too: http://fairy-tips.tumblr.com/

For more taobao stores, here's the store spreadsheet the taobao threads use, just make sure you click on the 'other j-fashion's' tab at the bottom: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DBqv6dQIQAgVnBozcElII1vITU0F7R9yBc2-nsX-c1c/edit#gid=884925387

>> No.8303904


>> No.8303946

Have you thought about going for a more spank! look? Ditch the rainbow pettiskirts and throw in some black here and there to tone down the pastel (I'm not talking about going pastel goth).

>> No.8305105
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>> No.8305106
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>> No.8305107
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>> No.8308526
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also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGA2tcLOSRk is a nice video with pastel coord inspiration

>> No.8308913
File: 78 KB, 638x960, harajuku_fashion_fairy_kei_by_mincholic-d8pf4xe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good fairy kei youtubers? I'd love to see review videos like milky fawn's, and especially fuukubukuro openings.

>> No.8309161
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>> No.8309163
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>> No.8309165
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>> No.8309170
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>> No.8310599
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>> No.8310613

I really like fairy kei, but do you absolutely have to wear knee highs or can you get away with tights? Or nothing at all? Especially in the summer I'm not gonna wear anything on my legs when it's over 90 outside

>> No.8310623

Bethdesu is a fairy-kei blogger. Mio pastelraindrops used to be. Ggosttraveler is another.

>> No.8310624




>> No.8310627

Yeah tights are an option! So are ankle socks, maybe some frilly ruffled/lace ones? I've never seen a rule that requires high socks or stockings before.

>> No.8310686

I have really fine and thin hair, about medium length. What are some good (preferably volumizing) hairstyles I can do with this fashion?

>> No.8310713

Teased twintails could work, or putting up two smaller twintails and keeping the rest of your hair down. Wigs aren't a bad option either, even natural colored ones. I'm sorry this isn't very helpful. I have fine hair too but lots of it myself.

>> No.8310763
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This just looks like 80's valley girl style

>> No.8311496

Nobody dressed like this tho

>> No.8311533
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You can get away without legwear with a cute onepiece and sandals like pic related.

>> No.8311535

Seconding teased twintails. I suggest doing what some scene kids do, and that's combing pack to create small knots in your hair at the base so that it adds more volume. It's obviously troublesome, but it can really look nice. I also suggest looking up Kawaii Pateen's videos- they have several ones focused on cute hair styles.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_lgCvphRhw has two

>> No.8311537

>gyaru heels
>with fairy kei
guuuuuull no.

>> No.8311592

Bethdesu is super attention whorey tbh, she is either crying that she is not like, a shopgirl for cck/more popular, or plugging the same picture/video/ social media link over and over AND OVER for more reblogs/followers. She doesn't really do fairy kei anymore either, so she isn't really worth following for that anyway.

Mio was lovely but she quit, same with anywigwilldo. But if you type fairy kei into tumblr search you will find plenty.

>> No.8311631
File: 233 KB, 600x900, An-Cafe-Summer-Dive-2012-09-019-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately for me, fairy kei blogs that come up tend to just spam accessory photos or inspiration stuff with the cutesy feel, but are not active participants in the fashion. There's hardly any people with semi-quality OOTD posts for fairy kei, despite how many people know about the fashion.

>> No.8311632
File: 106 KB, 600x900, Harajuku-Fashion-Pop-N-Cute-Party-05-2013-013-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fukubukuro openings for fairy kei stores? I heard milklim did one last year but never saw any reveals.

>> No.8312087

What does she do now?

>> No.8312091

I love all the cutesy knockoff Crocks a lot of girls wear in street snaps. I need a pair.

>> No.8312145

There are cheaper options to skirts in fairy kei that aren't short short or pettiskirts and confortable?I found many dresses at To Alice but about skirts there are few and due to my IBS condition i can't stand tight elastic skirts. Only lolita burando do soft elasticated skirts for fairy like AP. I'm a thin pear shape but mini skirts with no tights look too sexy with my legs that are a bit curvy and during summer it's impossible to wear tights with humidity. I would consider Kokokim but first hand is a bit expensive and i can't find any item second hand. Spank or Nile Perch isn't my cup of tea, too cheap looking, i like more polished cuts and looks.

>> No.8312216

I'm a fairy kei girl with an already popular blog and I want to start a youtube channel but I have no idea where to begin. What kind of j-fash-centered content and videos would you be interested in?

>> No.8312451


>uses cheap costume as example
>example doesn't even look like fairy kei

I always feel bad for trolls who don't even have enough of a sense of style to do a halfway decent job baiting

>> No.8312461

Where do you ladies buy your pastel clothes?

>> No.8312474

A transformation video and fairy kei guide would be good basic videos to do.

>> No.8312552

hopefully vanished from the surface of the earth forever. both were shitty as fuck glad they're gone

>> No.8312562

Bumping because I really want to get into fairy kei

>> No.8312608

reviews and package openings that are in-depth about the product not "omg teehee i bet this will look so cute on me!!!! im so cute guys!!!"

something i like is some blog writers match up their posts with youtube videos, so their blog goes more in-depth while their video is a bit lighter. Basic intro videos, make up tutorials and Q&A would be nice too.

>> No.8312610

taobao and bodyline are good. Most people recommend thrift stores, but honestly, don't go until you have a good set of basics and are well informed about the fashion. if you have a shopping service, you can buy straight from milklim, 6%dokidoki, kokokim, etc.

>> No.8312625


>> No.8312643

Angelic pretty has many fairy kei able items especially the mini skirts and salopettes.

>> No.8312709

Thanks for linking these. I don't wear fairy kei, but I found some great accessories for a lolita coord I'm putting together.

>> No.8312736

i really don't know why people reccomend thrift stores. hardly anything is that pastel color and even if the motifs are right it's not the right color.

>> No.8313450

Not sure which "she" you are talking about so:

Bethdesu: freaky ass hime(??) style with super scary eyes and wasian makeup that looks terrifying. Think, hime blow up doll.

Mio: kiiinda just... boring. Muted colors, ugly clothes, only looks good if photographed in black/white.

Anywigwilldo: I don't even know anymore, I think she just wants to live in Hyrule.

>> No.8313947

idek where you get all that from, smells like vendetta

>> No.8314063

Bethdesu is accurate, Mio is okay but was better in the past, idk the 3rd girl but I doubt that's a vendetta statement.

No need to be sandy.

>> No.8314201


didnt miopastel stop anyway?

lawlfactory used to be cute but no idea what she is up to nowadays

>> No.8314220

Cripes almighty why does any honest opinion always get screamed at for being vendetta nowadays? If you followed any of your tumblrs/youtubes you could see what I am talking about for yourself.

I actually think anywigwilldo is really cute and has a lot of potential to be a youtuber if she could figure out what her niche is. I loved her old fairy kei vids too but now she is a confusing mishmash. She has been on a major "I love zelda games/I wanna be a faerie" kick lately, hence the Hyrule statement. Her body paining is pretty cool though.

>> No.8314222

any of their* tumblrs

>> No.8314247


>> No.8314408

Anywigwilldo pretty much quit fairy kei fashion.
You can find some alright basic pieces in thrift stores but not always. Its better than saying you can build a wardrobe from f21's spring collections imo.

>> No.8314441

>too retarded to know what google is

>> No.8314476

>too arrogant to just answer a simple question

cgl - the land of salty cunts

>> No.8314492
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>> No.8314528

cgl does not support lazy fucks, anon

>> No.8314530
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>> No.8314607
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>> No.8314808

Thanks anon, I'd never seen that video before and I really liked it.

>> No.8314983

Is that a milklim jacket? I can barely make out the word printed, and I'm trying to figure out whether its milklim or kokokim??

>> No.8314990

it's milklim.

>> No.8315356
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Just thought I'd go ahead and recommend ManiaQ for their pettis/tutus, as they're all cute and only 1,000 to 1,200 yen each. They also do international shipping and EMS is so cheap. I payed only 1680 yen for EMS for 4 items.

>> No.8315378

actually is there any gossip/drama in the fk comm as of recently? spill the beans who do you love/hate?

>> No.8315393

There's hardly any drama and it's best to keep it that way. :/

>> No.8315722

Holy cow thanks for the rec! I knew about the ManiaQ brand but had no idea that they shipped international or that their prices were so affordable. I'm not a fairy, but I do like fairy kei and have wanted to dabble in the style, and have been trying to find affordable and casual j fashion for ages. Finally a shop where I can buy a clothing piece without spending at least $80.

>> No.8315726

Seriously though where can I obtain knockoff crocs I need them in my life

>> No.8316525
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I really hope you do.

Also I'd like to mention they just restocked this cute cardigan and it's only 1,500 yen. They also have it in a blue colorway.

>> No.8316586

Is there an online fairy kei group I can join?

>> No.8316629

I really do hope to try it, I love the way it looks and the motifs that get used. It's just a matter of me getting some fairy kei appropriate clothes.

I seen that cardi and just died. I was hoping to find a cute hoodie or jacket but I am a huge sucker for anything pink and blue together.

>> No.8316742

There used to be a fairy kei forum, I don't think it is active now

>> No.8316761

So does this mean the bust is actually about 100cm?

>> No.8316763

What about Facebook groups?

>> No.8317463

Is lolita and all these other fashions i.e fairy kei concidered "weird" in japan as they are in the united states? or it is normal over there

i mean weird like when old people see emo kids or mall goths with tattoos and piercings

>> No.8317482

they're all considered very weird. japan is big on conformity but clothes are the soul form of expression for many people. it's considered actually negative by many people, regardless of your age since there isn't really an aspect of 'growing out' phases etc. since even japanese youth are expected to be very conformist and obedient. that's why you see girls in their late 20s still dressing how they like because everyone is treated the same.

it's actually possible to be fired from your job for dressing in strange jfash in your personal time.

some subcultures such as idol, gyaru and lolita have 'safe areas' where accepting peers and businesses exist that don't judge you, but many normal places will turn away people in jfash.

>> No.8317555


>> No.8317656


>> No.8318007
File: 222 KB, 600x900, Moco-Strawberry-Kawaii-Harajuku-2012-08-05-DSC8277-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is adorable.

Any tips on wearing fairy kei and not being pointed out by the common people?

>> No.8318084

get used to the fact that this kind of style is out of the usual. no matter how much you really tone it down, you WILL stand out since there are little to no element that link with current fashion.
however, once you stop caring what others think you'll also stop noticing all the comments people may or may not make.
nothing wrong with dressing a bit out of the ordinary

>> No.8318098

Hate fetsu. Hardly fairy kei to begin with. There's hardly any drama anymore if there ever was to begin with. Most people into fairy kei aren't really drama cows.

>> No.8319833

stay at home

>> No.8319973
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Not that anon, but wow
Thats kinda sad actually
I've always been dreaming about moving to japan and buying jfashion cheap and dress in it as often as possible, so this made me really sad
Is it like this everywhere? Or maybe its more acceptable in like Tokyo? Or Harajuku?

>> No.8319976

it's less unaccepted in those areas but wow are you sure you're not a troll? gaijin aren't accepted anyways, jfash or not...

>> No.8320068

Ah, I see
No I'm not a troll, I'm just a huge newfag
Well that's really sad.. Thanks for the help anon <3

>> No.8320307
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>> No.8320309

post pics from your dirty room on tumblr and never venture into the real world, weakling

>> No.8320348

This very true. A Japanese friend of mine who lives in Tokyo told me that people who dress in lolita are considered "henjin" (weird person) which is not a compliment.

>> No.8320374
File: 707 KB, 1500x1125, Harajuku-Halloween-Takeshita-Dori-2012-10-20-DSC4237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is just as weird in Japan as it is elsewhere.

The way my native Japanese friend said it is you rarely see someone dressed like this alone in the wild, even in Japan if they are dying their hair red they are dying it red together. For all of the "individuality" you see it is really "pack" mentality, if that makes sense. They agree to do it together, very rarely alone.

>> No.8320399


If it's any consolation, you will always be given the 'polite foreigner nod' in Japan, so if you want to dress weird too, they will only get more polite. Many gaijins mistake this as acceptance when it is everything but - they think you are crazy - but hey, ignorance is bliss. You will probably be really happy if you are already so naive.

But then you are just an embarrassing blight to your native country.

>> No.8320497

western otaku detected

>> No.8320515

I keep it in my own hemisphere, don't touch my mustache

>> No.8320598

I'm still hoping to move to japan one day, maybe for just a year or so.
Will keep this in mind though, and probably not dress in j-fashion so much
Thanks again for educating a newfag

>> No.8320601

This. Heck, I saw a woman wearing an ordinary scruffy hoodie and baggy blue jeans on the bus the other day, and she still stood out a mile because her hoodie was pastel pink and everyone else on the bus was in dark colours. If you wear these sorts of styles and colours standing out is unavoidable.

>> No.8320737
File: 110 KB, 648x974, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F21b8ce87ecc91eda60bdfe83e35fc731%2Ftumblr_ng18rsCnjl1tz3zexo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairy tips is good resource blog. The person who runs it is also very sweet. I'm not sure if she still wears fairy kei though.

>> No.8321093

IIRC, she posted almost a year back that she didn't but was still going to run the blog.

>> No.8321472

She wears more larme/himegyaru mix now but she still keeps up with fairy trends I believe.
Think of her as KOKOKIM over 6%doki

>> No.8321520

Oh okay!