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8289458 No.8289458 [Reply] [Original]

This is a general thread for discussing recent attacks on the fashion subculture of lolita.

Perhaps these attacks come in the form of poorly researched blogs...

This is not a thread about a specific person.

>> No.8289466

>Perhaps these attacks come in the form of poorly researched blogs...

>> No.8289476

Can I just say that the skirt in OP pic is cute as fuck?

>> No.8289478

Oh interesting subject matter, OP! It just so happens that I found an attack on lolitas today, how fortuitous!

What do you guys think about this article and video?


Do you think there will ever come a time in the future when lolitas aren't perceived as hyper-sexual baby-things?

>> No.8289489

One time at a Lolita meet up I kissed my friend's boyfriend when she was looking.

>> No.8289494

>when she was looking.

>> No.8289500



When she wasn't looking

>> No.8289501

Really though, I love how she's acting like this is the downfall of our generation, like this is going to corrupt children or something. Like if you think floofy skirts and big hair is going to corrupt children, I would prefer you look into more worrisome problems, per say... Health care, child abuse and neglect, the foster system in general... But she had to look toward lolitas as a source of hatred. Someone probably pissed on her burando.

>> No.8289503

wrong thread

>> No.8289504

I thought this was an "Attack on (Titan) Lolita" thread at first.

>> No.8289506


>> No.8289507

She tries sooooo hard to make herself look young and yet it's the lolitas who are the ageplayers

I am curious to see if anything will come from all the people writing to huffpo, there seem to be quite a lot of people doing it

>> No.8289509

She seems incredibly confused, thinking that the fetish and the fashion MUST be related, because they have the same name. I tried to explain it a little to her but she's painfully obtuse.

>> No.8289510

I actually got a laugh out of that video and every time she says "dolly doll face".

>> No.8289523

>"Weeeh lolita is completely covered in every way and its just cutesy dresses, weeeh lolita gets sexualized by men so it's clearly their fault..."
>victim blaming
>limiting what women can wear based on societal standards
Yes v feminist good job 10/10.

And considering how much of a shitshow she threw and basically neglected every basic rule of journalism, I'm sure she will be reprimanded somehow.

>> No.8289527

reading her replies to peoples' comments is super frustrating because she doesn't actually respond to any of the points they make? and like most of her comments end with "check back for my next post for more on that!!" bitch ain't no one checking more of your shitty posts. Damn how thirsty can you be

>> No.8289534

Was this "article" ever posted to Huffpo, though? I searched pretty thoroughly and couldn't find anything.

>> No.8289538

I think she said it hasn't been posted yet.

>> No.8289540

She wants to post it to Huffpo, but a lot of people have emailed Huffpo to not do the thing. The article would hurt their credibility by a metric fuckton so they probably will decide against it.

>> No.8289547

How does one go about emailing Huffpo? I want to, as well, but I'm not sure what to say other than "don't post the thing"

>> No.8289627

Someone wrote a decent sample letter on rufflechat, I'll go through the comments to find it for you

>> No.8289649

Journalism at its finest

>> No.8290981
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>> No.8290989

She legit looks like she's suckin dick in this screen shot.

>> No.8290997

>anyone over age 18 saying grown-up
>making herself a victim

>> No.8291020

This isn't even a matter of feminism vs not feminism, it's a matter of stupidity. She is just so damn stupid.

>> No.8291022

Thanks nonny!

>> No.8291027

I think there's a conspiracy here. Consider the blog has little to no traffic, and the first time I saw this was through RC...it feels like a e-fame grab.

>> No.8291049

>I see you're passion

How the fuck is she a professional writer? I get that everyone makes typos, especially with autocorrect, but that's just ridiculous and such an easy catch

>> No.8291050

you scandalous whore

>> No.8291051

But she's not even a lolita so why would she want efame in the community?

>> No.8291053

Are there any good journalist/writer lolitas who are willing to do a thorough but mature rebuttal post? Maybe get it posted on xojane (I hate that site, but I can't think of any other place that will accept random shit)?

>> No.8291055


Not just stupidity, but willful stupidity. She's refusing to learn and to acknowledge that she's wrong about something. Instead she's doubling down and claiming to be bullied and persecuted, even though every comment I saw before they were deleted was polite and trying to explain what lolita actually is about.

She's basically sticking her fingers in her ears and screaming "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG"

>> No.8291065

Pretty sure it was found because she posted on instagram with lolita tags

>> No.8291081

I'm considering doing so, though I don't really blog much.. However, my skills in writing excel far beyond her own, so it may be worth a shot.

>> No.8291117


>> No.8291151

She admits herself that she's not a professional writer.

Just a quick note too, I did make an album with the image >>8289478 anon kindly linked along with screencaps of other things like her admission to not being a journalist.
4chan doesn't like my links, so I edited the image with the album link instead.

>> No.8291156

>insults entire fashion and subculture she knows nothing about
>spreads blatant lies and misinformation
>members of said subculture are understandably upset, explain to her she's wrong
>doesn't listen, continues to insult and demean people
> "waaaah, I'm being bullied!"

>> No.8291169

it's an opinion piece


>> No.8291175

Just watched the video:

I don't fucking do lolita, but at least I understand the subject of the fashion and what it is about because Ive done more research than this woman. Holy shit. Not that hard to look up information.

>> No.8291177

Now she's threatening to go to the police.

"Every piece of hatespeech, every threat on my life, the lives of those around me, threats to burn down or p*ss on my place of private work, every e-mail with your trolling is with the Police. The Report has been filed and action is being taken. Every abusive comment you leave on my work-related pages including Twitter & Yell.com has been submitted. Every single click that I perceive as abuse is logged, tagged, filed, reported."

>> No.8291191

I highly doubt the police would actually take action. It'd be a waste of time and resources.

>> No.8291197

Wouldn't the police have more to say to her about how she's ostracizing a bunch of people? I know they'll just laugh in her face, but still.

>> No.8291201
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Holy shit is this bitch even real

>> No.8291222

But if people have been threatening to piss on her house, saying they wished she would die and emailing her employer to get her fired, is that really ok?
I mean, from what Ive seen seagulls can be pretty reasonable, but there are a few horrible ones who just take it too damn far. Thinking that anon who posted Kate to /s/, among others.

>> No.8291228

>lolita community

lol, that's not how the game is played

>ready-made community of mostly young girls
>piss them all off at once
>lolitas flood her with hatemail
>blog counter goes into overdrive with the number of angry lolitas visiting her blog to take a look
>use blog counter to sell advertising
>use blog counter to prove to her employer that she can drive traffic to the blog
>get a pay raise from said traffic
>"tee hee look at me I'm so controversial I'm getting hatemail"

Also, we need some different people being discussed in here or the thread might get bahleeted again. Anybody want to talk about the Living Dolls thing from tv?

>> No.8291236


Also police usually don't take that kind of thing seriously just because it's hard to tell who's serious and who isn't and it's not like she's anyone important. People who actually care about threats don't sit around and go on and on about them publicly for sympathy anyways, they usually take action quietly to avoid causing more drama since that will increase threats, chances of doxxing etc.

>> No.8291237

What are you referring to? All google gives me is an old TV show and a documentary on child beauty pageants. Do you mean the "My Strange Addiction" episode?

>> No.8291242

Pretty much, yeah.

Is there a new one or is it the old one that's been covered?

>> No.8291253
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This. I wish people would stop letting their jimmies get rustled over inconsequential nonsense posted by nobodies. CNN does a report on lolita ruining people's lives, sure, that's worth pushing back against. This lady isn't even a blip.

To broaden the discussion:

I find it hilarious that the Australian Financial Review used a photo of a lolita shop to illustrate an article about the Japanese retail economy: http://www.afr.com/news/world/japan-retail-sales-fall-most-in-17-year-keep-boj-pressured-20150428-1muyvn

>> No.8291262
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> people give out DoNotLink URL of blog post and Youtube video so she doesn't get as many hits
> other lolitas share both of them with original URLs that track page hits anyway on their personal pages
> mfw

>> No.8291265

I bet shes deleted the comments far too fast to bother screencapping and actually logging them to have anything that would reach back to people anyway. There is a lot more to online bullying prosecutions than pointing at a screen and saying "They threatened to kill me! Arrest them!"

>> No.8291283

There was a lolita on What Not to Wear once. Kinda ita but it was still sad to see her wardrobe trashed.

>> No.8291288

It's times like these that I really believe some people shouldn't use technology.

>> No.8291295

I think this may be what happened. She's using the "I'm getting hatemail because I'm telling the truth against these bullies!" shit already. Not sure if I even believe she got those threats.

>> No.8291300

Honestly too, people tried to be diplomatic and patient in informing her at first, too. Too bad she remained close-minded, ignorant, and stubborn. Luckily, there's an archived version of that blog post on that imgur album with all those diplomatic comments before she bawleted them.

>> No.8291303


>My inbox fills up with dozens of unsolicited emails from men daily when I show my current face


>> No.8291307

These people have to actually consent to going on the show and having their clothes actually thrown out. I've heard that a lot of them go on just to buy a bunch of designer shit and then sell it or return it.

>> No.8291308

I want to believe this lady is just exploiting us for monetary gain rather than an utter cuntwaffle.

>> No.8291315

I think i know who you are and babe im telling

>> No.8291319

>>829098 omg this looks so butthurt, just calm down (not really, lol)

>> No.8291322
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"You are old. I shall respect your age. You are young, I shall respect your youth. You are a human, I shall respect your humanity."

>> No.8291338

It's sad, but you know that's gonna happen when you come on the show.

>> No.8291367

I'm sure there are a few gulls, or just online lolitas who aren't here on /cgl/, who took it too far. Someone *always* does, in any kind of online fight like this. It's inexcusable. I'm also certain she's inflating the number of death threats/people saying they'll piss on her/whatever to make it seem worse than it is. I saw some comments on her blog before she deleted them and they really were polite and just trying to point out her factual errors, for the most part.

>> No.8291368

True, but watching a tape of all of your family/friends/coworkers telling you that you look like garbage, then being asked in front of them if you'll take this ~*~*fabulous opprotunity*~*~ seems a bit...
Not sure if manipulative is the right word but, it seems like there would be a LOT of pressure there.

>> No.8291377

I think that must be what she's talking about. That episode was so dumb, jesus. The staged lolita tea-party outside was a cringefest.

I feel weird because I just moved to LA and want to get involved with the comm but I dunno. Is Emily still around?

>> No.8291382

Well I mean, even before they get to that part. The dramatic showing of their families 'true feelings' is part of the reality TV aspect. I've also been told that you can just go and get the clothes out of the bin after they 'toss them' and even write down specific ones they can/can't rip up for drama.

>> No.8291387

Well that's the point of the show unfortunately. It's shitty exploitative reality TV designed with both a transformation and crying on camera built in.

>> No.8291392

Like. If you're an even-vaguely-attractive woman with a photo of yourself on the internet, dudes are going to send you unsolicited makeup. It's not a thing that only happens to Lolitas.

>> No.8291396

If it was me, knowing the resale value of lolita, I'd hide a couple of pieces before the show started.

>> No.8291398

I never see her... Only at cons normally, and saw her at the last unicorn screening.

>> No.8291400

You consent to that before they tape too. The crew doesn't just show up at your door and do an intervention with your family and coworkers. You have to sign forms before any filming can take place, and every person on the show has to sign forms as well.

I'm sure that part still sucks, but you've already signed on for it.

>> No.8291406

Now I cannot unsee it

>> No.8291460

dem anal prolapse lips

>> No.8291501

I honestly suspect that she's riding on this attention, and wants to make herself famous by acting the victim.

It doesn't exactly help our arguments if a few of us decide to doxx her and give her proof in her claims. Anybody who's doing it, STOP it. Not only is it a shitty thing to do, but it will backfire on the community if she actually has enough sense to save it for proof. One can argue that one crazy lolita doesn't reflect the whole community, but for such a strange and niche hobby, it WILL to the rest of the world.

I'm really, really hoping that maybe she's just really high off the sudden deluge of people coming out of the woodwork to attempt to talk with her and reason with her. Maybe she's just misguided. Maybe she actually it's feeling a love-hate relationship with lolita fashion.

Maybe even the lolitas in London can meet with her and invite her to something nice, like a posh tea party, and introduce themselves as real people with education and jobs. But that is probably far too idealistic, at least at this point in time while rage is running high.

She's probably flustered, too, that she's being accused of both racism and sexism. I bet a lot of people who look at Japanese culture and go "hurr durr those crazy Japanese, and crazy weaboos for liking that crap" usually don't get accused of racism (outside Tumblr), and such an accusation would probably be a shock for them.

The plus side is seeing so many people on the community coming out and making articulate, well-thought arguments for both lolita fashion and feminism.

Feminism is a bit of an oddity in Japan. That cultural wave just never happened in Japan the way it did in western countries, and the word "feminist" in Japanese pop culture seems to be labeled on any male character who refuses to fight a woman. I don't at all believe that wearing lolita fashion necessitates advocating for feminism, not at all. BUT, they do share the commonality of saying "screw you, social conventions".

>> No.8291507

*maybe she actually is feeling a love-hate relationship, not "has feeling"

>> No.8291515

I just went and looked up and watched some original UK episodes of What Not To Wear and at least it gave me a laugh. Their advice on dressing for your body (minimize flaws, maximize assets) is pretty sound but damn are some of the things they wear dated and ugly.

>> No.8291525

Ah man, we got some of their books in the shop I work in and it was a weird mix of "solid advice" and "pretty odd". The shape advice is kind of right, but they assume everyone's going for the literal same shape? So the idea that someone might want to look short and cute rather than tall and model-like, or prefer looking flat-chested to looking like they have big tits, is sort of alien to them. They just assume everyone has assets that they want to show off (no concept of people who prefer to be modest or have religious reasons to not want to wear stuff that shows cleavage just because they have cleavage) and also crippling insecurities. The process is okay and I actually liked something they said in the intro about how they'd both dressed awfully, one of them alternative new romantic-y, in the 80s but got away with it because of their shape. So the message there is "well you can wear alternative fashion if you dress for your shape". But then in other books and the TV show they lambast everything but their weird older adult/middle aged woman fashion.

>> No.8291533

The insecurities thing is very true, my aunt had one of their books and I remember reading it as a lithe young teen thinking "but I don't have a flabby stomach/bingo wings/flat chest/huge chest so where do I fit?", but most people acquire at least one of those as they age I guess.

This is the one I watched, saging for offtopic though.


>> No.8291557

the last outfit at 6:55 is cute

>> No.8291566

Oh my god that video is pissing me off. I couldn't get past the "your bony chest is unattractive, you should hide it" bit, Jfc her chest is gorgeous. The self hatred is palpable, I need a drink.

>> No.8291569

Well the point is that they're showing that they're as harsh to themselves as they are to other people. It's exaggeratedly blunt, like internal self-criticism. I personally do think her chest is unattractive, but I agree that they're very annoyingly bossy. It's worse in hindsight when they look very early 00s anyway.

>> No.8291619

The way they sit around bitching reminds me of seagulls.

It looks cute from the front but bad from the side, I think it'd be fine if it was properly fitted though.

>> No.8292020

That's standard internet feminist attention seeking tactics, all she needs is a donate button and a follow up post crying "internalized misogyny" and "this is why I need feminism" and then she'll be up there with the rest of the crazies.

>> No.8292057

This sounds like a job for Kate and the LACE Ambassadors!

>> No.8292088

Most of the comments were well written and explained really well what was wrong and everything. She's mad because people aren't listening to her shitty opinion.

>> No.8292098

Did anyone consider the post that sparked this thread to be "yellow facing"? I have never seen an Asian do makeup like that woman did, she was trying to look like "dolly doll face" - not asian, anyway.
She was also talking about lolita from a western "prepubescent girl" sense rather than saying that it is because it is Japanese that it is suddenly a fetish.

>> No.8292106

No. Don't be retarded.
It was a lot of things, but not "yellow facing"

>> No.8292127

I hope you're joking.

>> No.8292139

Well, shit.
This post completely missed the reasons why people are mad about the article. It's not yellow facing, she is making fun of Venus Angelic, who is white.
Would not surprise me if that "activism" feminist group is the one sending those threatening messages, I never even thought how they might respond to an article like this until I see how little miss ~prejudiced~ over here reacted. Based on how they treated that supposedly racist girl (with most of them showing little to no remorse and not considering it bullying) it would not surprise me at all. Especially if they are being egged on by her, no doubt they will consider their opinions to be justified because she is muh precious defenceless poc.

>> No.8292162

>dudes are going to send you unsolicited makeup


>> No.8292187

You would hope that they would jump at this chance to actually add substance to the movement and bring the community together instead of taking selfies.

>> No.8292188

Ew. White feminist stance on lolita? nah. Don't even relate her. She's just some ignorant bitch who thinks she's a feminist because she has a big mouth and loud opinion. Why does she feel the need to relate everything to "dah evil whiteys?"

>> No.8292190

this dumb bitch....

>> No.8292197

didn't the same girl who made the venusangelic parody reference this video?

>> No.8292212

The LACE thing will come and go, no one's gonna even remember it eventually.

>> No.8292265

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmj-1UTY0QA you mean this girl?

>> No.8292270
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>> No.8292316

I'm so scared of a fat, old woman living in a sexless marriage getting the cops after me. Waaah

>> No.8292363


The irony about using that photo for the article is, if the frequently sold out releases from btssb and AP are anything to go by (even Meta now frequently sells out of at least one colour), lolita might actually be the one industry that's not doing badly.

>> No.8292389


>> No.8292427

Because that's Emma. Everything is about "evil whitey" with her.

>> No.8292444

Oh god, fucking Emma. Next to Chanel she is probably the worst commenter on Rufflechat/RC: U

>> No.8292478

Funny thing is she was raised white (from what I can tell) and is just trying to shove herself into a different culture to appear speshul - which is like the height of appropriation. Culture is learned, and you can't claim to be part of a cultural minority when you are an outsider who only started being "cultural" when you were 17-18 fucking years old. Trying to denounce your cultural/racial upbringings so you can be part of other ones that you deem to be cooler is straight up retarded, and I can't believe people take her bullshit seriously.

This post is hilarious - like do you not realise that the majority of Japanese people think lolita is weird as fuck and lump cosplayers, lolita and hentai and shit all into the same categories anyway? Peace pose is not exclusive to Japan, and in fact was "appropriated" from Europeans.

Aside from being racist PREJUDICED as fuck, what else has she done?

>> No.8292615

Didn't she say her white mother was so mean to her and made her feel ashamed about her "darker heritages?" Kek

>> No.8292709

Her mother acknowledges that she has some "exotic" and "native" features (it was another girls mother who you are thinking of) but also insults her for talking "about your experiences with racism when you’re white." Her sister is white passing, but Emma identifies as a "mixed PoC". The issue with is that identity doesn't mean anything, and she is just as much a white person as her sister. People who know her outside of her university campus can't understand why she is a "poc" - because she is white. If her own family and family friends (the people she hasn't spewed bullshit lies to) don't even consider her to be a PoC I find it hard to believe.
She claims to have a "cultural background as a PoC" when she has not. Culture is not an identity or choice, it is a set of rules and expectations - a way of life. Her mother raised her white, she is integrated into white culture, therefore she doesn't have a "PoC cultural background." Cultural background is not the background of your ancestors, but the cultures you were raised with and integrated into. She may be mixed, but she is still white in both skin color and in culture.
I am so embarrassed because I am a "poc" (don't like the term), and I hate having to deal with people like her who choose to be poc for self serving reasons because it makes it that much harder for racism issues to be taken seriously when people like her get mad about non issues - some 45 year old woman doing her makeup like a specific white teenager is not yellowface.

>> No.8292710

Well I don't think that's unbelievable? I've known mixed-race people IRL that that's happened to.

>> No.8292718

God that's annoying. Why can't she just refer to herself as "mixed-race but white passing"? It gets the point across without trying to claim she's PoC and faces racism as a consequence when she doesn't.

>> No.8293046

>but the stars are much further away than the moon

Were any threats like that even made?

>> No.8293066

But she doesn't look white at all. Maybe southern Spanish or Italian at best, or some kind of Latina, and that's a stretch. Then again I've seen Americans call the brownest Arabs 'white' so what do I know, I'm not American.

>> No.8293070

>I will NOT be bullied
that's what all the feminazis say when someone is visibly hurting them and they struggle to hide it. It basically tells the bully that they're doing a good job, I don't know why they keep saying it.

That said, calling people's workplace is not okay. I see SJWs do it to 'racists' and 'sexists' and it's just so tacky and wrong. Are you that butthurt about someone being a meanie online that you decide to ruin their whole lives for it? Crazy cunts.

Like I get that you don't like what she's said, but keep it online jesus christ.
I sincerely hope she's just exaggerating and attention whoring.

>> No.8293076

>living in a sexless marriage
is she even married? She keeps talking about being single and going on Tinder and stuff, stop projecting

>> No.8293141

>That said, calling people's workplace is not okay.

people were emailing huffpost about her. she does not work for them.

she is making a lot of stuff up. no reason to take her claims seriously when she:

>can't get her facts about lolita straight
>ignores diplomatic responses
>mass deletes all comments
>admits to being clickbait

how could anyone take her claims of being legit harrassed seriously when she has been hyperbolic and attention whorish fom the very start?

>> No.8293624

Does anyone know the full story about the TLC living doll documentary? I heard somewhere that Luna/Emily and her family were mislead about how it would be and were mortified when they saw it on TV.

>> No.8293637

I heard similar about VA being mislead.

>> No.8293668

I wasn't paying too much attention but I swear I saw an anon post info about her actual place of work (not HuffPo) on one of the threads that was dedicated to her and deleted by the janitors. It's possible that one or two people did actually take that bait and go for it.

>> No.8293678

she owns her own business. nobody's filing an official report about her bad behavior because it'd go straight to her lmao

>> No.8293704

Her place of work was on the blog she posted this antilolita shit on, she literally doxxed her own dumb ass.

>> No.8293755

Nobody cares
Fuck off

>> No.8293811

She owns a hair removal clinic, if you look up her name it is the first thing that comes up in google.

>> No.8293885

That post is over a day old, anon.

>> No.8293898

Some people were leaving bad reviews on her businesses yell page I think. Did anyone see her tweets to yell? I think she's trying to get them taken down

>> No.8293976

Anyone from Europe is usually considered white in the US, even people like Slavs who aren't normally considered white in Europe. If a person came from Spanish or Italian ancestors, then they'd be considered white here.

>> No.8294064

>Slavs who aren't normally considered white in Europe

Did you come here from /pol/ or something?

>> No.8294067

They aren't though, hell, white looking Mexicans aren't considered -real- mexican by SJWs...

>> No.8294105

Are we talking about /pol/ and SJW definition of "white person" or a normal, scientific definition? Because the only only place I've ever seen Slavs being called "non-white" is /pol/ and Tumblr, and I live in Europe.

>> No.8294165

I am slav and I am white.
In America its more about skin tone than characteristics.

It is scary how similar the sjws and neonazi/racist people are in their beliefs. There is an entire subreddit dedicated to guessing who has posted what.

>> No.8294174

SJWs are the same exact kinds of people as their counterparts. Extremists on both ends for these things all do the exact same things and they would probably both shut up if they realized it.

>> No.8294175

She said something about her husband at some point, I thought. Either way, nobody is after that old snatch as much as she likes to think.

>> No.8294214

I'm Asian and I don't find her makeup to be offensive as in racist, offensive as in how shitty it is..

I also hate when people that aren't from a certain race try to dictate what is racist towards them. It's tacky as fuck and this girl's entire blog is trash.

>> No.8294303

>people that aren't from a certain race try to dictate what is racist
This so fucking much. All of the shitty sjws trying to defend people who literally laugh and make fun of them for being "silly westerners".
And yes, I have seen that happen before when I was in China.

>> No.8294349

>There is an entire subreddit dedicated to guessing who has posted what.

what is this subreddit? it sounds amazing

>> No.8294379


It is truly scary to see how something that they make seem almost acceptable is totally hateful and disgusting when you just cover up a few words.

In general people guess which is which based on grammar - too many big words in attempts to seem "smart, therefore correct" = supremacist, childlike whinging = sjw.

In the end both groups are wrong, and use the same tactics to gain followers. Social Justice just makes you feel guilty if you don't believe in it, that is the only difference.

>> No.8294446

found this also while looking for other anon's subreddit, pretty entertaining. they alter what sjws say slightly to make it sound like propaganda.

>> No.8294567

HOLY SHIT. I stumbled across a post on this sub once and thought it was a legit anti semetic sub, now I realised it was actually just skewed sjw bullshit.
This makes me feel very happy.

>> No.8294624

hahaha omg these are great