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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 784 KB, 936x724, prints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8286560 No.8286560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's open up a discussion on prints. Any seagulls out there who sell prints? Is it profitable enough to be worth the effort? How many prints do you sell? Is it affected by how many likes or followers you have? And if you don't sell prints, why not?

Only posting with Jessica's store because it was the first print store I thought of.

>> No.8286602

Sure if you want to be a sellout whore who earns money from virgins who fap over you

>> No.8286614

Nobody wants pictures of my ugly ass.

>> No.8286663

who doesn't love money.

>> No.8286865

To be honest, I'd consider buying something if it were among the lines of these
basically, scene-ish/meaninful prints? I'm probably not making sense, but I understand myself to a degree.

>> No.8286872

You are (not) alone.

>> No.8287367

But when it comes down to it what's the actual damage? Virgins have been fapping to cosplayers online for over a decade. The only real difference is that now cosplayers can make money off it. Or would it be better if people bought those prints but weren't fapping to them?

>> No.8287380
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, IMG_5416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy prints of any seagulls cuz yall so cute.

>> No.8287648

These kinds of prints where the cosplayer's face is not visible tend to not sell. People like it when the cosplayer is looking at them, so eye contact is usually preferable. Just look at Jessica's prints and her use of eye contact.

I've sold prints before, but they did not sell well. Only sold a few, and the ones that sold all had eye contact. I do notice my more popular cosplayer friends (>100 likes per facebook photo) tend to sell a lot more prints, most of which also have strong eye contact.

>> No.8288482

If you feel like it and you feel you're pretty/talented enough, sure.
But I personally kinda look down on people who do it
Cosplay is supposed to be done for your own sake
If you wanna earn money of it Im sure there are other ways, like using the skills you have learnt from making cosplays to earn money
Imo, prints is just the lazy way for cosplay sluts to make money
The fact that OP chose J Nigger just confirms this
I can see your point, but that kinda confirms that you're "okay" with it
Well, if you are, then good for you
But the problem is, the prints that gets sold the most are the ones showing boobs, not talent.
So the cos-sluts gets lots of fame and cash, while the serious cosplayers who puts lots of time and effort into their cosplays doesn't get as much

>> No.8288499

As long as you're not this delusional bitch >>8288433

>> No.8289182

Thank you for having some thought out responses and not just calling me a whore for asking. I'm not going to sell prints but I was wondering what the deciding factors were in whether someone sold prints or not.
There are no words.

>> No.8289208
File: 45 KB, 458x458, 941975_302789033188755_881383102_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you girls had tits, you would sell prints too

booblets, when will they learn?

>> No.8289214


>> No.8289282

But JNigger had two boob jobs. She has small tits under all the silicone.

>> No.8289300

Her costumes look really cheap and ugly but no one who would actually buy one of these is going to care.

>> No.8289312

I never understood prints. If I wanted to fap to a cosplay I could just go to their fb, insta etc AND save money but to each their own I guess. *shrug*

>> No.8289328

I buy prints if I met the cosplayer at a con so they can personally sign it and I can put it in my sewing room. I only pick prints if they are decent. I don't want people coming in and sewing all these half naked girls.
Always have a mix! Not everyone wants you for your boobs if make your costumes

>> No.8289355

Show me an attractive, famous cosplayer who doesnt sell prints

>> No.8289468
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1598, Cosplayrewind Opal 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just printed out and opened up sales on, pic related after getting permission from my photog. I don't really plan on selling any just yet so I didn't print much. I figured why not and I'm gonna have them as a test at a con in June. I don't expect much but like I said, why not. I figured I'd give it a shot.

>> No.8289517

The only prints that aren't sold out are the ones without cleavage.

>> No.8289532

I almost wish this post was someone pretending to be you because it's so cringeworthy; I feel bad for you.

>> No.8289546

I don't see what's so cringeworthy about selling one print as a test at one con for fun.

>> No.8289550

Prolly should have shopped the fake arms to not be so shiny, at least.

>> No.8289553

> dat hairline
> dos mannequin arms
> dat random stain on the dress
Hanari, why.

>> No.8289555

Good lord did you put the wig on before make up? There is paint in it! Your real hair is showing! The arm isn't situated! The wig is shit. Hinari please

>> No.8289564

thinking that pic is good enough to sell is cringey. why are your armsocks so blotchy? and it's super obvious to see that your fake arms are fake from this angle, plus how much shinier they are than your armsocked arms. plus your visible hairline lol. i mean at least fix that kind of stuff in photoshop before attempting to sell prints

>> No.8289568

this looks like shit. you really are painfully autistic.

>> No.8289571

i'm callin samefag cause ya'll are just nitpicking about this. I don't even notice a stain on the dress. Is it supposed to be that barely visible dot thing? her real hair isn't showing at all. overall it looks better than the first draft she did.

she needs to kill the shine on the arms but other than that this looks fine. ya'll need to calm down.

>> No.8289585

Welp, so much for that. I only made like 6 of these so I just guess I won't make any more until I have better quality stuff. Thanks for the input though, now I know what to do to fix it up if I ever want to resell it. I probably won't though, this was a test after all.

Thanks for the input dudes!

>> No.8289591

I also noticed this.

>> No.8289605

I also cringed at "Poke Penthouse"


>> No.8289644

I always look down on these prints.

As a cosplayer myself, I find it stupid.

"Wanna buy my print?"

Fuck no, I will take a regular picture of you like anyone else at the convention. I even brought my own camera for that.

>> No.8289666

Same here

>> No.8289668

Same, so many of the qt's on here are better than anyone else I've seen on tumblr

>> No.8289698
File: 26 KB, 306x306, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go another jelly thread

>> No.8289733
File: 241 KB, 1200x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Jessica. Why do you lie about your tits?

>> No.8289737

Hey poster why do you care?

>> No.8289748

Nah, me and >>8289555 are different anons.

> real hair not showing
Are we looking at the same pic? She needs to invest in a lacefront. I see the innards of her wig as well as her actual hair.

I'm only being nitpicky because it's a print whose aim is to be mass-produced. You don't want to mass-produce shit everywhere. Hanari, I know you're better than that.

>> No.8289749

Because it's fucking cringeworthy to see your sperglord fanbase whiteknight the shit out of your basketball tits.

Do you enjoy being a money-mongering attention whore?

>> No.8289775

I would assume "yes." People tend to like making money.

>> No.8289780

Yes, people like money. But they tend to actually have work skills and not fuck for it.

>> No.8289793


Awe does it make you mad that you worth to work at a shitty job just to afford the things you like

While nigiri explores the world and gets paid doing what she loves?

>> No.8289801
File: 402 KB, 2048x915, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it make you mad
Not really. I don't want the kind of betas she attracts fapping to my tits.

I enjoy not being a souless whore, thank you.

>> No.8289808

I advise shooping your pictures more. Not like changing sizes, but getting rid of blemishes/stains and weird shines and stuff. Good luck to you though!

>> No.8289849

Muh morals!!!! The horror!!
At least shes successful at it. She knows how to sell herself and theres nothing wrong with that. Shes hardly a nude model. You probably wouldnt make a penny trying. Stay jelly.
Most seagulls hate on fame because theyre salty but it sounds like they whore themselves out for even less! How shocking!

>> No.8289858

>being a bimbo is "successful"

Whatever helps you feel better about your insecurity, Jess.

>> No.8289978

Yeah, surprise, it actually takes effort to market yourself successfully. Im all for women showing their bods off. It means they are confident in their bodies, quite the opposite of "insecure," frankly. Go back to picketing Hooters, landwhale.