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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8286035 No.8286035 [Reply] [Original]

we get a lot of negativity on here, and lately i've been having nothing but negative thoughts about this community. let's brighten the board a bit by sharing some nice cute stories about an experience at a con or a meetup or just in your lolita or cosplay community in general.

>> No.8286051

I met my possibly-soon-to-be girlfriend at a con, does that count?

>> No.8286069

yes! do tell!

>> No.8286124

Okay, it's pretty boring honestly
I met her 2 and a half years ago now. At first I was pretty much just like 'Hot damn, this chick is rad as heck and I want her to feel special', so I started sending her cute little anonymous messages telling her how totes gr8 she is.
I know it's kind of fucking a lot creepy but whatevs. We would meet up at every con and she would just stick to me.
I don't know why I didn't realize it sooner, but after last years final con, I finally figured out that I really liked her. I kind of had an inkling when I met up with her on the con saturday, then it finally clicked when I said goodbye the next day.
I honestly felt so stupid for not seeing it before, and so I kind of pined after her for a while, Then right around the end of last year I asked her out on a date and she agreed.
First date I've ever been on at 22 years old, I really just didn't see the point before but it made sense with her.
It's pretty tough right now because of stuff like distance/her family/me being an emotionally constipated asshole, but she's said at some point we're going to have 'the real talks' which I'm equal parts terrified and excited for.

>> No.8286171

that is the most homosex thing ive heard in my life

>> No.8286188

M8 u dont even know how homosexual I am
this isnt even my final form

>> No.8286198

>friend is doing a late night panel
>starts at 2 am
>notice that her bed is trashed and covered in stuff
>she was in a hurry
>hang up all of her cosplays
>move everything to the oppsite side of the bed
>plug charge cord in besides bed
>make the bed
>set out her pajamas
>leave a light on in the bathroom so she doesn't come back in the dark

>> No.8286255

I'm a new cosplayer and the last con I went to was 10/10.
>Everyone is super nice when asking for photos, telling me that I looked great and they love the game
>One person spilling his spaghetti all over the place trying to tell me how much he loves the character
>Keeps apologizing because he thought he was being creepy
>Very sweet, gives me some of the art he's drawn
>Later, wearing plainsclothes because taking public transit home
>Kept the blue contacts and makeup because why not
>Hair was slicked back and braided from being in wig all morning, platinum blonde
>Little girl sees me and runs up excitedly, "Elsa! You're so pretty!"

And then while in line at the artist alley:
>Guys in queue with me friendly and chatty
>Great discussion about character/show/book we are interested in
>Get some good recs, 30 minutes flying by
>I-is this what it's like to have nerd friends?
>Artist is based
>Writer is based
>Hug autographed book to chest and wander off in a daze
In retrospect, I wish I had asked for those guys' contact info because I honestly have zero nerd friends, but I was too starstruck at the moment to even think of this.

You are amazing, anon.

>> No.8286340

>friends mom sent a ton of food
>granola bars, gatorate, water, fresh strawberries, etc.
>granola bars were really gross
>friend wanted to throw them away
>stuffed them all into my bag
>spent all day handing them out to homeless people asking for food and money
>noticed a man was having problems in his wheelchair crossing a crosswalk
>people honking at him
>push him across the street
>give him a water and a few granola bars
>gave him container of peaches (the kind that goes in school lunches)
>never saw him again
I hope you're doing well wheelchair dude

>> No.8286365

>at MAGfest
>vendor is selling anime DVDs, mostly hentai
>browsing wares, heart stops in my chest
>fucking Monster Rancher for $20
>so happy I could cry, nostalgia swelling
>vendor notices how big my smile is
>sells it to me at half-price
>I marathon the shit out of it

I also once took some complete strangers into my hotel room and made them sandwiches because they were hungry, but it was late and everything was closed. Maybe it's less-than-humble to include a story of something I did.

Also not much of a story, but I'm really easily lost, and some kind people I didn't know at my last con took the time to escort me to a panel I couldn't find. It was very sweet of them.

There might be a lot of awful shit at cons, but there are also a lot of very genuinely nice people.

>> No.8286373

That's really sweet of you, anon.

>> No.8286550

(Part 1 of ?)
>Be at con in this past August
>Spent the saturday volunteering
>Had to work a shift with someone that makes my blood boil (they were incompetent as fuck)
>Also see other people I absolutely hated due to other drama
>Sleep deprived and exhausted for two days now
>shitty mood throughout the day
>Friends want to go to open mic karaoke
>Room was full
>Friends decide to sit outside the room waiting for the numbers to go down
>start breaking down due to shit mood
>hides in locker because don't want anyone to see
>One guy that was a friend of friend notices that I'm not coming out of locker
>nobody else in the group wanted to help
>he asks if I wanted to go with him for hot pot with the rest of his crew
>"s-sure do I have to pay?"
>he says he'll treat me
>hot pot was really good
>waddles out of restaurant awkwardly after we're done because overwhelmed
>couldn't properly thank him

>> No.8286552


(Part 2 of ?)
>next day
>finishes shift
>goes around looking for him
>finds out he already left the con to go back home
>still have his fb so it's ok
>thanks him over fb
>he says "don't worry about it"
>we start talking regularly for a couple months after that

>one night less than a week from my birthday
>can't remember what we were talking about
>leads up to asking each other questions and answering them
>helped him deal with a rejection prior to the con in august
>he eventually asks what I look for in a partner
>describes it to him
>he knows i was trying to go for this other guy at the time
>we also have 6 years age difference
>also gotta take long distance into consideration
>he comes up with a response on what he looks for in a partner as well
>I basically hit all the points he brings up
>he wants to hold back his feelings because I'm still young and there are better options out there like the guy I was trying to go after
>asks what he would do if i rejected him
>he would still be here for me, but it would leave a bittersweet feeling
>knows that I won't date him out of guilt because I'm better than that
>decides to pursue relationship with mr.hotpot despite all the potential complications
>talk to him over skype
>stayed up until 8am talking
>passes out until 1pm and wakes up to him with overjoyed screaming
>decides that we keep our relationship a secret until the next big con
>he decided two days before my birthday he would drive up to see me
>"B-but it's a 3 hour drive... 6 hour round trip"

>> No.8286553


con't (part 3/3)
>fast forward to birthday
>he shows up at my door
>he wasn't joking
>tells all my friends that he was just here because why the fuck not
>friends buy into it
>party was super fun
>didn't get to be alone with him until everyone left around 11pm
>cuddles gogo
>he leaves at 1am after talking to my parents for an hour
>sends me video over instagram saying how it was worth it after he got back around 4am

>fast forward to now
>almost 6 months in
>plans of getting married
>it's actually legit unlike the rest of the guys that said this
>proves that he's serious about me time and time again

>his parents really supportive of us being together
>feels like we've been together for a really long time
>has to reconfirm every couple weeks if we're really only dating for this short period of time
>we click so well how even

>> No.8286577


don't do it anon, if it's meant to be you can hold off on it

>> No.8286584


Agreeing to holding off on marriage. My boyfriend and I are going to hit 1 year soon and we know that we want to spend the rest of our lives together, but we're still holding off on everything because even though it sounds pessimistic as fuck, shit happens.

>> No.8286597

If it's meant to be, marriage is not an obligation.
I'm about to hit 2 years with my bf and I completely agree, shit could happen even though we want to be together forever.

>> No.8286606

>At a cosplay prom/ball type thing
>(actually promstuck because Hamsteaker)
>Con so far has been mediocre but this? This is great.
>Have great night.
>"Time to crown prom king/queen!"
>Oh lol right I forgot about that.
>Prom king is qt4.13 gal (king b/c lol fuck gender) who's looking a bit nervous about it all
>"and the prom queen is....... Anon!"
>Have never been the popular kid before
>The eyes of girl who won prom king visibly widening
>Oh my god she's all flustered that's adorable
>Mumbles something about how she can't dance
>"It's fine, I'm leading anyway so just follow along"
>mfw can't actually dance (good at faking it tho)
>How Do I Live Without You (D8 Night Remix).mp3
>Crowd goes "aww!" when they hear what song it is

She did a cinderella so I didn't talk to her more that night, but it was just an amazing night in general. And fast forward to now and we're dating. She liked me before I knew her, apparently, but man she makes my kokoro go doki doki.

>> No.8286629

That's really fucking cute.

>> No.8286698

She's very cute. She still gets all flustered when we talk or hold hands and stuff haha. I thought I was nervous because I thought I might not like her as much as she likes me but I think I'm just nervous because I'm not as direct about expressing affection as she is so I'm afraid she might think I'm not into her...

Another cute con story:
>host a game of homestuck mafia
>con fucking sucks so far
>why am I up until 0300 hosting mafia games saturday night when I need to get up early tomorrow
>mafia game isn't even that great
>sunday morning
>helping con staff wrap things up
>"hey, did you host the mafia game last night?"
>"oh. yeah, I did. Why, did you have fun?"
>guy gets stars in his eyes
>"yeah! I've never had that much fun at a con before! It was great!"
>made my con

>> No.8286770

>go to klk meetup dressed as satsuki, chat with lots of really cool people
>waiting around as other characters are called, making small talk
>get tapped on the shoulder by a
>"hey anon do you want to take a selfie together?"
>"only if I can make the most hideous face possible"
>take really silly selfie
>pose together during group shot
>give her my tumblr info
>start chatting post-con
>have now been friends for over a year, cosplayed satsuki & nonon again at a different con, and planning on cosplaying together a few more times

I felt the same way after 6 months (but wanted to wait for a good long while) and he cheated and dumped me at about the 6 year point. Things change. It takes a good few years to really get to know someone.

>> No.8286817
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>First con I'm cosplaying at ever, as Armin (I know)
>Even though most o the costume was bought, I thought I looked pretty good.
>Some people actually ask for pictures, I was pretty happy
>Browsing the dealers room, a 12 year old also dressed as Armin comes up to me with her mom and younger sister
>12 year old Armin wants a picture with me

Only the mom got a picture on her phone, so I'm pretty sure I'll never find that picture online. I should have asked her to take one with my own phone. It was such a simple thing, but as a brand new cosplayer it really made my weekend.

>> No.8286822

>at a room party at con
>party has a bar with bartender
>go up to get a drink
>cute girl cosplaying Tomoko is at the bar too
>both of us waiting for drinks
>ask her if she's popular yet
>she laughs, reaches into her bag and gives me a Tomoko ribbon
>she gets her drink and merges back with the crowd
>I continued to drink
>still have that ribbon on my badge

>> No.8286899

>last year
>make plans to go to con with longtime friend like every year
>arrange a time to meet and everything
>day of con
>stand in line to pick up badge
>notice a dangan ronpa cosplayer behind me, compliment their nanami
>we start talking, it's her first time at a con
>middle schooler, she's alone
>mother hen in me freaks out
>biggest con in the state
>too many creeps, I got creeped on myself some years back
>get our badges, offer to show her around the con after friend comes
>45 mins later, still no text
>friend never shows
>bump around the con with nanami instead
>meet up with other dangan ronpas for lunch
>have awesome time anyway despite the fact my friend bailed

I'm still kinda upset about the fact that he blew me off and didn't even apologize for it, but I still had a great time anyway. Nanami is going as the same thing as me this year, so we're trying to meet up again.

>> No.8286928

what looked to be a 16-20 year old girl in a skin tight cosplay couldn't walk straight (drunk?) so this guy around 22-25 saw that she was stumbling and shit, helped her up the stairs and into her room

thought that was sweet

i wouldn't have touched her (because i look creepy.....mid 20's jap)

>> No.8286929

>staying in hotel with 4 people total, everyone basically strangers
>1 of the girls has had a bad first day of the con
>had to work volunteer when they said she'd be free, missed chances to even eat, all on her birthday
>next day the other 3 of us scheme
>pile money and go on liquor and wine run
>when said girl comes back from the con we throw her a little birthday party and make sure she has a good time
>spend rest of con hanging out all together
>still all friends and in touch

>> No.8286953

Was this ALA?

>> No.8286963

Rape is not "sweet", Sieg.

>> No.8286968

Perhaps. Possibly.

>> No.8287055

>cosplaying Pepper Potts at huge con
>tight pencil skirt, 5inch stilettos, not a super comfortable cosplay
>been getting creeped on all day
>at one point get cornered by group of dudes
>don't really want to talk about it
>but they get scared off by a Thor cosplayer
>he comforts me, taking me to security to report them
>doesn't want to leave my side
>carries me around on his shoulder for the rest of the day
>even bought me ice cream and cookies
>eventually escorts me to my hotel
>gently sets me down, kisses my forehead and tells me where to find him if anything happens

He was the biggest sweetheart in the world and I wanted to cry. I tried finding him the next day to thank him properly but he was gone. It's been a few years and I haven't seen him since. No one else has either. Friends joke that he was actually Thor or something haha.

>> No.8288008

Made me aww/10

>> No.8288130

that's so cute, I hope you find your hero again one day, Anon!

>> No.8288138

>tight pencil skirt
>carries me around on his shoulder for the rest of the day

>> No.8288148

I gave a pair of my earplugs to a Satsuki at the Eir Aoi concert at AX last year. It was too loud for both of us, she was literally plugging her ears with her fingers.
She called me her hero and it really made my weekend. I wish I had asked her for her name.

>> No.8288159
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>be cosplaying Jack Frost
>on the bus home
>didn't have the best day, really tired, feeling a little sick
>little girl keeps looking back at me
>smile a bit and wave
>their stop comes up
>as they're walking past
>little girl grabs my hand
>looks me right in the eyes
>"i believe in you jack!"

i may have legit started tearing up a bit. she was just so. fucking. happy. and her mom looked so happy too. if they weren't getting off, i probably would have offered to take a picture with her or something.

>> No.8288171
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>still have all these HS feelings

>> No.8288219

>at a really small local con
>despite this everyones costumes are really good
>im feeling self conscious as hell about my cosplay, a flame princess i made 6 months prior out of poplin and fabric paint
>i look like shit and i feel like shit basically
>sitting down to watch the comp cause i got a couple friends
>a couple of little girls behind me gasp
>"it's flame princess!"
>i turn around and give them a smile and a wave, and they do the same
>on the verge of tears, because ive always been self conscious about cosplay

>> No.8288570

>Cosplay as Nanami
>creeps x100
> People keep trying to upskirt
>Running around trying to avoid creeps
>Freddy Fazbear cosplayer notices
>Decides we're 'robot bros'
>Walks around the con with me and generally makes me feel safer
>sitting with freddy, he presses a button inside the head
>music comes out of the head
tldr: Freddy Fazbear saved my life.

>> No.8288596
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I'm sitting here like the Grinch when he's starting to have feelings again.

Seriously though, these stories are making me tear up a little bit. Please continue.

>> No.8288648
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>be Gwen Stacy at small comic con
>lots of photographers but not that many cosplayers, so we're getting stopped a lot
>watching my friend's stuff as she gets photographed
>little kid runs up to me
>"Cool, can you wait until my friend is done? I'm watching her stuff."
>looks over at my friend, who is Starlord.
>friend gets swarmed by the kid's entire family.
>little kid is super excited he gets to hold my friend's gun.
>dad is explaining to one of the kids who I am.
>"You're Spider-man's girlfriend? Where is he?"
>"He decided to stay home today."
>"No he didn't! I saw him walking around."
I love little kids.

Later at the same con.
>walking the dealer's hall
>little girl in front of us looks back at us and tugs on her dad's sleeve.
>little girl has a t-shirt that says, "I'm a super-hero!" with adorable wonderwoman, supergirl, and batgirl.
>dad looks back, then walks her over to us.
>"Go ahead, ask them."
>"Can I take a picture with you?"

I love little kids who are excited about my cosplays. Maybe I need to do more Disney stuff.

>> No.8288654

The best, most heartwarming cosplay I saw was this year at a small con.

A little girl (age max 12) was cospaying Card Captor Sakura and her dad was squeezed into a yellow kigu and made out to be Kero. It was so cute, a lot of people were fawning over them.

>> No.8288656

ahhhh this is too much

>> No.8288939

Got a photo? That sounds adorable

>> No.8289097

Went to c2e2 and as me and my sis were walking, we saw two kids, maybe ten, at the oldest, and they lit up like Christmas was there.

They tugged their parents over to us and since I saw them coming I was able to be in character the entire time, nudged my sis to do the same, they stood there practically losing their minds and jumping up and down cause "Oh my gosh mommy its the real nightwing and Harley Quinn! Mommy! Look!"

We eventually took some pictures with the kids (Batman and cat girl), and stayed in character for them and talked about Gotham and stuff.

The parents were having as much fun as we were by the end of it and after they got ushered away they came back to thank us.

>> No.8289100

Aww. Not at a con, but that reminds me of when I was at a lolita picnic meet and we had a ton of leftovers (and plates and utensils) which we gave to some homeless folks on our way to the train station. The person we gave the stuff to said he was going to give it to the nearby shelter. I hope he's doing alright.

I don't really go to cons and cosplay all that much anymore, but I remember when Baby was visiting AM, I learned that Fumiko and Isobe had a room in the same hall as mine, and I was internally fangirling that she remembered me (even though I wasn't even wearing the latest print or attended the tea party) and waved whenever we passed by.

>> No.8289141
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>Be at a pretty popular con at summer
>Nothing interesting happening, so we wander around
>See this really cute Madotsuki cosplayer
>Don't yet ask for a picture, but find her later
>I'm pretty shy so i try to ask for a photo
>"Hey Madotsuki cosplayer, can i take a picture of you?"
>She gets really, really happy when i recognize the character
>No one else has asked her for photos
>She's super cute and blushing
>She asks to wait a bit, goes to get her parasol from he event house (it's really near)
>She hurries back, all smiling and me and my friend take few photos while she pose with the parasol
>Thank her and smalltalk
>Later find her in a cosplay group asking if anyone took photos
>I'm too nervous to approach her anymore (i still know who she is tho)
>She said i made her day
> ;_; <3

>> No.8289181

>be hetalia weeb
>cosplay Spain
>see really cute girl dressed at chibimano
>so taken by her cuteness I get on one knee and propose to her with a tomato prop
>she says yes
>run into each other after photoshoot and hang out
>leave con and reunite on Facebook via photoshoot tags
>end up dating for a year
We're not together anymore but stayed friends and cosplay buddies. Just because were no longer a couple 4 years later doesn't mean it's not a cute story.