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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8284518 No.8284518 [Reply] [Original]

So I was talking to my friend about this the other night, but why does is seem like the cosplay community and craziness go hand in hand? I love cosplaying and going to conventions but a lot of my friends and people I meet at cons are fucking insane and have a million and one problems. Anyone else notice this as well? How do you deal with it?

>> No.8285050

Quite simple, really. If they raise their voice over too many decibels or try to tell me why what they think of as good is better than what I think, I don't talk to them.

And true, some craziness is unavoidable. But I've got to get my entertainment somewhere, so I may as well get it from someone whose perfectly rational over one thing & goddamn militant over something else.

>> No.8285072

I dunno about cosplay but lolitas are fucking crazy and it makes me embarrassed to be one. Thank god I live in Podunk and shouldn't have to run into any or have people recognize what I'm wearing.

When I was in school every kid who was even slightly interested in cosplay or convention stuff has mental issues or was crazy. I think it made me loose all interest in cosplay, because at one point I had started to really become interested.

>> No.8285077

The more "cosfamous" they think they are, the crazier they get.

>> No.8285082

I disagree actually. I understand your thought but the run of the mill cosplayers tend to be way more fucked up. A lot of people at conventions that aren't anything close to cosfamous are nutjobs. There's clearly some correlation between mental problems and watching anime.

>> No.8285101

>There's clearly some correlation between mental problems and watching anime.

I have noticed this to be completely honest. I swear there's something about people with mental issues that they just love anime. I have a friend who is obsessed with it and she has some issues for sure.

There's very few anime I actually like, but I'm in the closet about the ones I do because I imagine other people have noticed the relationship between "problem" and "anime" and I don't want people assuming anything about me or judging me.

>> No.8285155

You're right! I never really thought about until you pointed that out. But some people still do it for the attention and will do ANYTHING for it..

>> No.8285597

Some anime tends to be in a messed up world where anything goes and seems to be acceptable... now let that sink in over time subconsciously...

>> No.8285613

It's not really a surprise that dressing up as Chinese cartoon characters to prance around crowded convention halls attracts self-centered attention whores who never really grew up.

I really wonder what it is about anime and Japan in general that attracts people with fucked up social skills, and I'm saying this as an aspie who can weeb out with the best of them. Even when I'm surrounded by anime-loving 20-somethings I often feel like most of them seemed to have stopped maturing around the age of 14. Does watching anime fuck you up, or are fucked up people more attracted to anime? It is a mystery.

>> No.8285621

I'm the crazy one in my friend circle. I'm not loud but I have at least one mental breakdown every con.
My friends deal with it by getting me to a safe spot and telling me to stop being stupid. It usually helps when I get a slap in the face and a reminder that people aren't as awful and scary as I make them out to be.

Loud people at cons, creepers, glompers and all those other kinds of crazy people.. I either give them an evil glare, get eye contact with them and make a disgusted face or disgusted sounds, or just plain and simply ignore them.

Why does this hobby attract so many awful people? No idea. I personally just enjoy wearing a costume. My crazy comes from a series of bad things that happened when I was a kid and teenager, I guess putting on a wig and clothes I wouldn't normally wear makes me feel stronger cause I can pretend that I'm someone else. Makes sense considering that my convention breakdowns usually happens when I'm not wearing a costume.

>> No.8285643

Met alot of crazy people at cons but I guess it's just a place they wont get judged. (Newsflash they fucking do)

Had a incident with a batshit crazy kid when I was in costume...

>walking in costume with mallet over shoulder
>first prop i've made for a con, cardboard box on a stick pretty much painted black
>paint is fucked after 2 days of wearing costume
>kid in green school uniform (Not sure if weeb or sunday school kid) runs over to me with shitty plastic katana toy
>goes full barbarian and screams at me hitting my mallet
>paint is fucking chipping off everywhere and the tape holding it together has begun tearing
>not like i could do anything cos the fucking creep is now following me as i step away
>one step away from smacking the kid with the broom handle
>his parent/wrangler comes over and without saying sorry or anything moves him away then goes back to talking to her friend

fucking crazies at cons ruin the experience.....

>> No.8285659

I have no idea,
Some people see, to think there are no rules or laws at cons (including physics, if the random people jumping out windows stories are true). I don't know why these people think that their actions have no consequence.

I'm 25 and there are times when I will make up reasons to get away from groups of people so seem either extremely dumb or crazy. I don't make friends at anime cons, most of my friends go to the same cons I go to, so I just hang out with them.

But really, people think it's ok to harass others, randomly touch people they don't know, play with random props and crap.

It's like they've all been homeschool their ENTIRE LIVES and this is the first time they've been around other people that aren't their family. (I'm friends with people who were home schooled and they adjusted very well, so I'm not trying to take a dig at everyone who was).

The sheer amount of socially inept people at cons makes my skin crawl.

>> No.8285692

Having gone to many types of fannish gathering: Sci-fi, fantasy, table-top RPG, LARPs, meet-ups, ect.
I can say with confidence that every geek group has at least one total weirdo but your actual social group will be well pruned to remove the really nutty ones. So you get to see them at cons or wherever it is that they spray their crazy online.

>> No.8285736

OP here. I think I got you guys a little confused. I'm not talking about your run of the mill crazy weaboos. I'm mostly talking about people 18-25 who seem really normal when you meet them at cons and the more and more you get involved with them and people around them it just becomes so apparent how fucking psycho all these people are. like almost all the friends I've made at cons have some kind of problem or thing that went bad in their life to make them act like a total psycho. and it's not like I'm saying that no one should have their problems, everyone has baggage. it just seems like a lot of the people in the community have these problems.

>> No.8285739

I know a girl like that and she's burned through so many local groups that she's claimed to be part of pretty much every sub-cuture in my city at one point or another. So it's hardly just a cosplay thing.

>> No.8285750

>cause I can pretend that I'm someone else
People with mental issues often have extremely low self esteem. I guess they use cosplay to escape their crazy self.

>> No.8285780

It goes like this:
>teenagers are really into it
>some adults join in as a form of escapism, start acting like teenagers or were already doing so
>now you have mentally immature man and womanchildren (as well as actual children) crowding the hobby
>they all behave like idiots
>crazy people see these people behaving like idiots
>'oh my god, these people are so accepting of everyone! it's ok to be yourself!'
>let loose all the crazy
>you now have crazies infesting your cons

>> No.8285827

I'm with you on this.

Like it's cool people are passionate about their anime and games and scifi and stuff and yeah it's awesome having others cosplay the same thing you do, but Jesus Christ that does not excuse you to act like a complete moron or "in character". I'm sorry but I don't care if your character groped mine in the anime; that is not an excuse or invitation to actually do it. And it's not even really the 16 year olds anymore; at least they understand when someone isn't interested in hanging out or whatever. It's the 20 year olds that I find to be worse. They think because one person in their group does it then it's a-okay. They're the ones running around, screaming, being obnoxious and shaming cosplayers in public when they really should look in the mirror before saying anything. They're the ones that cosplayers and other fans avoid and encourage to not actively keep in touch after. But the kicker is they have this dumb "I have no drama around me and my friends!" Yes, because you ARE the drama and everyone else has to deal with you.

>> No.8285943

Oh no, I followed what you meant. I'm >>8285082 and what I said seems pretty true based on the resposes in this thread at least.
There are some really crazy people in the cosplay community (beyond general weebness). Like, for example, I've met people who honestly thought I was dating them and loved them because I hung out with them once or twice. One of them gave me a full on "how could you hurt me this way, I thought we had something and you cared about me" speech followed by her having a breakdown and telling everyone we were mutual friends with that I was a manipulative sadistic liar. She was batshit and I'm convinced there was something actually wrong with her.
I've also heard horror stories from friends about people who get way too clingy and have brought real weapons with them to conventions to "protect" the object of their affection or tried to threaten people who hang out with them. It's fucking terrifying.
Generic weaboos make me nervous too but I'm talking about people who have absolutely no sense of how to act around people and act radically.

>> No.8285964

i hate using this word but i can't think of any other word that will fit. i meet a lot of toxic people in this community. these people seem normal overall besides the fact that they cosplay and shit but the more you get to know them the crazier they become. like they're just downright awful people and honestly a lot of the time they're the more popular crowd at cons

>> No.8285998

I will say that all of my experiences with /cgl/ meet ups have been positive some better then others, but generally something I try to do once every con.

The only thing I dislike is mixed signals, I'm not looking to hooking up but if you are be more forward.

The gay guys are the only ones that are up front, which is flattering but no thanks lol still great people I have friended and enjoy seeing again.

So yeah /cgl/ has been good to me, I look forward to see you all at otakon.

>> No.8286002

There are crazy people everywhere, the only difference is that you don't hear about 'average' people being crazy because you don't know they are unless you're close friends. In cosplay though people put themselves out there a lot more, or rumors start, so people learn they're crazy from others who are close to them. This kind of shit happens in every community, including normalfag ones as well.

>> No.8286259

I love how judgemental you are when you're crazy enough to have mental breakdowns every con.

Hypocrisy is fun.

>> No.8286269

Yeah I thought was funny too, and making bad faces at people?


>> No.8286660

I definitely agree with this. I've had two different people I've met at cons ended up "coming out" to me as fictionkin/otherkin. It was so bizarre since one seemed pretty normal up until then, yet had this delusion to be referred to as a fictional character.

I've noticed that the ones that are the craziest, regardless of cosfame or not, are the ones whose entire lives revolve around anime and conventions. Some people I've met at conventions act like the only time in their lives when they feel happy is at conventions. It's escapism like another anon said. It's really pathetic but these people are just stuck, all you can do is shake your head and walk the other way.

>> No.8286703

This is just because anime isn't mainstream in the western world so the crowd attracts social rejects because those who initially like anime are an underground audience. The escapism factory works too because a lot of anime has to do with fantasy elements so they offer people something to indulge themselves in and detach from the real world. It's really not because anime itself makes people stupid or messed up, it's the enabling environment that surrounds it. In other words, fandoms and communities such as Tumblr ruin people because they're enabling echo chambers.

But to be honest I've seen enough crazies that are into western fantasy books (like LotR) and comic books that are completely insane, so it's not excluded to anime. Like a lot of furries are more into western comics and cartoons. Homestuck was a western thing and so was Supernatural, Twilight and Dr. Who and look at their fans.

>> No.8286724


Yeah, pretty much this. It certainly is a way of escapism.

I've thankfully never encountered a tumblrina irl but if I did i'd have to resist the urge to slap them. I'm worried I'm gonna meet one at cons this summer because the shitstorm of sjw's has gotten so big in recent years and I'm so sick of it that if I do meet one I will legitimately slap them or something and get kicked out because my fuse with these types of people is so short.

>> No.8286730

Sorry to tell you this but Christ, I'm happy I don't know you.

I had a friend who did this kind of shit all the time. She put herself above everyone and talked smack in a very aggressive manner about all the people she met. She was took everything the wrong way and acted like the biggest martyr since Jesus. Someone tells a joke or says something they didn't think thoroughly but was in no way meant to be mean or able to be perceived as offensive? She would have a complete breakdown and bitch about it like her life depended on that one sentence. She would go through the other person's faults, make them look a lot worse than they actually were and generally took the whole thing far out of proportion. People like that are very, very draining to be with. You'd try to change the subject and they'd follow you for a couple of minutes, then start the bitching again and finally do something unnecessarily drastic, selfish and hurtful.

I don't care what traumas people like this have behind them because I have them too, but I don't expect the whole universe to be accountable for it.

>> No.8287261

Hitomi Chan, Enough said

>> No.8287283

I've also noticed a lot of mentally disabled people are really into cons/cosplay/anime.
I don't mean it as an insult to people at all either, I've just noticed a lot of visibly autistic adults (like with down syndrome) really enjoy anime and cons, and in my comm are mostly bronies too.

>> No.8287291

I should also mention that I live in the same city as PeacockFeather

>> No.8287295

Down syndrome and autism are separate diagnosis. You can have both but they aren't a part of each other. I've met some people who are clearly autistic but never down syndrome. I can see them maybe coming as part of a family but not as a solo fan.

>> No.8287303

Huh, I actually had no idea. Thanks for the info! I should honestly do more research about the terms before posting.

>> No.8287453

Anon, I used to be like that. I would cry and lash out out at my friends, being just generally not a nice person to be around. Grow the fuck up. I got help for my issues from an actual professional and stopped trying to compensate with teh anime~.

>> No.8287467

Fuck I dated someone like this once. They are tumblr in a person; sorry, their friend group are tumblr irl. They all go by their/they/them. I don't get bitched at yet for saying she/her to them though.

>> No.8287556

You sound like teenager.

>> No.8287673

I do notice that a higher percentage of my cosplay friends suffer from mental problems than my college classmates. Or maybe they're just more vocal about it on facebook.

I've also had a lot of guys in the cosplay community facebook message me or just hit on me so badly that I had to remove them from my friend list. Just because I'm friendly when I chat does not mean I want to be your gf. One guy even sent me a video confession, and only because I've chatted with him a few times at cons. Some of these guys are just so desperate.

>> No.8288474

Oh god, desperate guys on the con scene are the absolute worst. They act incredibly clingy and become so fixated on people that they don't understand when they're told "no."
I've had a number of guys buy me things (that I didn't ask for) at conventions and I felt so awkward about it; even if it's a little 3$ keychain, I don't feel like people should just go and buy me things. It gives me the feeling that they're trying to make me feel obligated to hang out with them/like them.

>> No.8290000

Why is there so frigging much drama in literally every cosplay community? There are so many childish arguments both online and IRL, and friends splitting up for no reason. They all act like they havent matured a bit after hitting 16, and some are almost 30.
There got to be other groups with mature people in them, even though I live in a small city, I feel like I am in high school all over again.

>> No.8291576


You need to be 18 or over to post on 4chan anon.

>> No.8292059

>I'm in the closet about the ones I do because I imagine other people have noticed the relationship between "problem" and "anime" and I don't want people assuming anything about me or judging me.

This is an 18+ board, you know.

>> No.8292868

>I've had a number of guys buy me things (that I didn't ask for) at conventions and I felt so awkward about it; even if it's a little 3$ keychain, I don't feel like people should just go and buy me things. It gives me the feeling that they're trying to make me feel obligated to hang out with them/like them.

Fucking this. I've had guys buying and offering me stuff and because I don't want to be obligated to be thankful, I hate it. When a guy comes to you and straight out hands out a gift out of nowhere, you can't really say no but at the same time you don't want to send out a signal that you have an interest in him.

And like so many else, I don't ask anyone to buy me anything. I'm a grown woman and can buy my own stuff. I once talked about this expensive piece of merch that I really wanted and was saving up for it, and suddenly Mr. Socially Impaired buys it for me. I felt so conflicted because it wasn't cheap and it was something I really was looking forward to, but at the same time I knew that he got it for me just because he had a crush on me and wanted to woo me with gifts like I was a character in a dating game. Later the same guy blew a casket after I didn't return his feelings and went on a rant about friendzone, called me a whore and a cumbucket (despite me having no sex life at all) and broke all contact with me. Since then I've been constantly on the defense with single men at conventions.

The shit thing is that I'm not the only one who's been through this because a lot of girls I know have similar experiences - a guy latches themselves onto them because the girl was polite towards him and he takes this as being interested in him, then starts showering them with gifts and creepy praise related to their looks, maybe even "innocent" touching like petting their hair or wrapping their arm around them. Ultimately the girl gets scared and anxious about being pressured into liking him and tells them off, only to face their virginal fedora rage.

>> No.8292883

Never had this problem. But it's a habit here to get drunk with new people you meet to get to know them better, and that's very easy way to separate crazies from sane people right at the start.

>> No.8293000
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Anime fans are emotionally infantile because most so much anime is made as a form of escapism with no basis in reality. As most people grow into themselves, the realities of life in the real world force them to make build better a understanding of social interaction, and to be able to make realistic evaluations of their own behavior. Anime offers an alternative to the real world, that's essentially there to cater to the emotional needs of people who never grew up. So, weebs never develop a clear picture of the real world, or themselves, and without those things, when they eventually do go outside, they insert the values and expectations they learned from the only thing they've ever done with their lives: anime. So much anime is fantasy about dimensionless male characters for the viewer to project himself onto(Jon Snow is another great example of this). Weebs start to genuinely think of themselves in terms of being the main character of some fiction, which is why doing shit like buying for someone you barely know seems reasonable. Their ability to evaluate their own actions is completely gone.
"You see, whether you can draw like this or not, being able to think up this kind of design, it depends on whether or not you can say to yourself, ‘Oh, yeah, girls like this exist in real life. If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t do this, because you’ve never seen it. Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves. Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans. And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!"

>> No.8293009

Just wondering, do (or did) you equate autism with mental retardation? I can only imagine how someone who thinks autism = retard = Down syndrome could make this mistake. Most people I know think of autists as socially awkward people with above average IQs or "that fat guy with the fedora who takes MtG way too seriously", not as retards. I don't mean to offend or insult you in any way, I'm just curious.

>> No.8293012

Anime and cosplay is a niche hobby so it will tend to attract people with marginal social status and stunted social development. At a con alot of these kiddies are off the apron strings for the first time and when they act out their behavior is tolerated or even worse encouraged. This reinforces the problem and leads to the crazies.

>> No.8293028


I've noticed girls always have their shields up at conventions. I've concluded that the only ways a guy is going to meet a girl at a convention is if they have someone else to introduce them and implicitly vouch for the guy or the guy has to be hot enough that the girl doesn't mind being moved on.

>> No.8293032

> I've concluded that the only ways a guy is going to meet a girl at a convention is if they have someone else to introduce them and implicitly vouch for the guy or the guy has to be hot enough that the girl doesn't mind being moved on.
>hurr hurr girls enjoy clingy stalkers if they're hot enough


>> No.8293041

Or how about you stop trying to pick up girls at conventions because most aren't there for that?

Why have cons become a dating game attraction for socially retarded men?

>> No.8293138 [DELETED] 

Probably because cons are their "save zone" and they feel too awkward to try approach women the real world. Too many socially incapable nerds have >>8293028's attitude that hey /I'm/ looking for a date at the con, so /everyone/ must be looking for a date! All congoer girls WANT to be picked up/flirted with by a stranger deep down inside, and if they reject you well she's just a bitch or you weren't hot enough. I seriously don't get why they don't save their attempts for places where we'd expect guys to try for a date, like the bar or the dances. Picking up a girl in the dealers room is like trying to find a date in the supermarket.

>> No.8293140

Probably because cons are their "safe zone" and they feel too awkward to try approach women the real world. Too many socially incapable nerds have >>8293028's attitude that hey /I'm/ looking for a date at the con, so /everyone/ must be looking for a date! All congoer girls WANT to be picked up/flirted with by a stranger deep down inside, and if they reject you well she's just a bitch or you weren't hot enough. I seriously don't get why they don't save their attempts for places where we'd expect guys to try for a date, like the bar or the dances. Picking up a girl in the dealers room is like trying to find a date in the supermarket.

>> No.8293146


Yup. This.

I'm always baffled by people who try to pick up girls at con. Cons are where my stranger danger alarm is on highest and hell no I'm not going off with some stranger, even if he comes off as nice. Seriously, just join a nerd meetup group or something where you can know people better and ask for their number after a comfortable few hours of talking, not a fucking convention centre where you have to shout so the other person can listen.

Fuck, I'm not even a feminist, I'm just really fucking baffled why anyone would try to pick up anyone at a con.

>> No.8293152

Lol is this a real problem?

I wish grills would buy me free merc, and I don't have to give anything in return.

I swear a lot of you have not ever had a real problem in your life.

Also you will most likely never see any of these people again so just fuck it speak your mind.

>> No.8293155

Grow the fuck up. If someone offers you something and you don't want to accept it, you have to firmly decline. Don't just say "I-I can't accept this!", just calmly fucking tell them you don't want it.

>> No.8293165

I know a lot of people (not crazies) that use con's as their vacations so I don't really see it as an issue.

They have had success before, and it was fun between two adults.

Guys are not the only ones that put themselfs out there, I have had girls come on to me hard before.

It must be different from a womens perspective. I have also had unwelcome hit ons before, but you can always just walk away assuming you with a group of friends.

>> No.8293166

jfc giving someone a present you do OUT OF YOUR FREE WILL will NOT obligate them to do anything for you. And probably if you wouldn't accept the gift, neckbeards in here would whine at you for being such a cold bitch who wasn't nice enough to take the present.

>> No.8293168

Well we can either assume they are very young, or one of these autistic persons everyone is talking about.

>> No.8293176

> I don't have to give anything in return
> people demand you give affection in return for their gifts
> nothing
The worse is when people guilt-trip you into accepting the gift by saying they can't return it/they bought it specifically for you/etc. It's not a huge life-shaking problem, but it's annoying.

>> No.8293189

I understand it is annoying, you must be cute to get that kind of attention.

You also don't sound like an introvert, because most introverts could avoid these situations.

Either be direct, or if you do go with a group have at least one guy with you make sure he's not a turbo beta.

I gaurntee you if you have a strong looking guy in your group these annoying people won't even approach you, and if they do it will stop promptly with a small exchange of words.

>> No.8293194
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As someone who found her boyfriend her boyfriend at con and whose circle of friends has mostly anime fan + anime fan couples, I can assure you there is lot of girls who are open to the idea of finding a date at con. The thing is these things don't happen in a flash and most likely you won't get a girlfriend in one day. Most con goers aren't looking for one night stands either. I'm listing two common mistakes for guys like you(?) who are looking for that kind of company at cons.

>They don't even watch anime
When I go to anime con, my top priority when it comes to meeting new people is to talk with others who like anime. Preferably same stuff as I do. I've noticed that lot of guys at anime cons and try to talk to me are gamers, bronies, or just anything not anime. I have no interest in those things so it's a bit hard to have any kind of conversation with someone who has nothing in common with you and can't talk about the newest anime series with you. They go there because they feel they're "nerds" and it's a gathering for "other nerds" and that's all it takes to have common with some girl. I'm saying this as an anime fan, but this goes for any kind of interest obviously. I met my boyfriend after a lecture about certain director we both liked a lot and turned out we both loved mecha genre a lot too, so we continued our conversation at the convention cafeteria.
Now if you're an average anime nerd trying to pick up some super hot cosplay girl who doesn't like anime and is there just for cosplay... Good luck with that.

>> No.8293196

>They're no one on social media
This is the most common reason why it doesn't work. When I meet a new person at con, I assume they have a Twitter account because it's the most common form of social media at least here. It doesn't have to be Twitter, it could be a blog, or something. But most of the guys who try to pick up girls have nothing like this. Just be SOMEONE on the internet, it really makes girls feel easier around you and not see you just as some random creep. Also it's easier to keep in contact after the con and form stronger relationships.

If someone is seeing the same program as you, chances are they're interested in the same subject as you are. Obviously it's no good manners to bother them DURING the program, but you could always ask them after it's over how they liked about it and maybe get some kind of conversation going on. Just try not to make it so obvious you're there just to pick up girls and you actually have interest in other things as well. That makes you an interesting person.

>> No.8293200

Introvert =/= low social ability. I can be generally polite just fine, and am able to hang out with large group on people. On the other hand, I'm not very big on confrontation.

> strong looking guy
Lets hope my cute otouto grows into one and cockblocks for me.

>> No.8293208

"Hey nice costume, I'm also a fan of X"
*insert discussion of X*

Hasn't failed me yet.

>> No.8293211

>Weebs start to genuinely think of themselves in terms of being the main character of some fiction, which is why doing shit like buying for someone you barely know seems reasonable.
This isn't something that happens only among anime fans though, you see it happening at bars when a stranger guy offers a girl drink. In the end it's pretty much the same thing as buying key chains and stuff.

>> No.8293213

>The thing is these things don't happen in a flash and most likely you won't get a girlfriend in one day.

This is the #1 mistake guys looking for a girlfriend at conventions make. They assume that a girl wants to be with them in a second because hey, ~we're all desperate nerds~. They think that the moment their eyes meet, it's meant to be. I've often had guys complimenting on my appearance and stare dreamily at me a few hours after we've met and it's not charming, it's creepy as hell. You might think that complimenting my hair is nice, but the fact that we've just met and you're already making comments on my appearance really bothers me, even if it's positive. It makes you feel like you're looking for a quick fuck.

Seriously, I don't know if it's only the guys in the convention scene or guys in general but the seem to really want to rush things. They look at a friendship like it's a humiliation and want to get into a relationship as soon as possible.

See this is the way it should go. Start by making a conversation other than yourselves at the wedding altar. Talk about the series, make a conversation about things that are not intimate. Make a friend. See where it goes. It's not fucking hard.

>> No.8293228

Hope he grows quickly if it is a reoccurring issue.

I would cockclock for anyone if they felt that uncomfortable, maybe I should make a shirt advertising my services lol.

>> No.8293236

And that's why Japan hates Otakus

>> No.8293237


Probably because said girl or guy they are trying converse and hook up with have the same interest that they do which to them means that they have a better chance at getting

>> No.8293242

> better chance
zero times any number is still zero

>> No.8293254

People try to find relationships more then anything I think.

It can be very hard to find people with these interests in many areas of the country.

>> No.8293257

Desperate guys? How about the desperate female hambeasts that sexually harass you at the cons because god some reason they believe being a girl gives them the ok to touch you? And the best part is when security doesn't think its a problem either.

>> No.8293269


I once had a guy with zero interest in anime, and almost no interest in video games try to hook up with me at con. Didn't know Cowboy Bebop, didn't know FMA, didn't know about anything, played LoL 'occasionally' as in once a month. That was the only video game he ever played.

I'm honestly not sure why he was at an anime and video game convention.

>> No.8293295

I know this feel w/e though...
I like all those things™

>> No.8293339

I've had the same experience. It's like the most casual guys are the ones who are most into picking up girls at cons. But the worst one was the guy who didn't like anime, games or anything and kept talking about his own OC.

>> No.8293349


Fuck, I hate guys' OCs so much. Self styled 'writers' and 'story developers' who have the same half baked zombie apocalypse scenario with their goddamn Gary Stu self insert.

One guy literally told me "the character is modelled off of me." Proceeded to tell me about his oh so jaded Gary Stu who still had some faith in humanity, and got around the zombie apocalypse world with no discernible economy by working... for money.

It's ridiculous how much arrogance these otherwise NEET people with no accomplishments to speak of have.

>> No.8293419
File: 1010 KB, 500x269, Perfect ZBlue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a working theory called the "Fantasy/Reality Gap" which includes many factors contributing to social stigma. Something along the lines of mental health, media consumption, and the formative years of adolescence. We live in a crazy meta-world whose boundaries are not taught yet still enforced.

>> No.8293437

Oh god this is so true. Reminds me of how I used to know this beta as fuck guy who had a really corny self-insert Gary Stu OC and he kept begging every artist he met to draw him. You know the super clichéd OC type that has a trench coat, guns/a buster sword ripoff/a katana, fingerless gloves, boots and has a hairstyle resembling the author. Only if he'd been a furry it would've been sadder.

>> No.8293439

The main reason it tends to be "different" for girls is that a lot of guys get really assmad when the target of their flirtations doesn't accept. They'll refuse to take no for an answer and follow you around, or guilt trip, or lash out at the "bitch" who "only wants a hot guy." Basically, other guys have ruined the scene for you - we'd be less defensive in the face of flirting if one out of every ten dudes wasn't a raging douche fedora.

>> No.8293451


>> No.8293452

Yeah I get that.

I see some of the guys/girls and it honestly makes me feel better about myself lol.

As long as I make new friends at each con I'm happy.

Anyone going to otakon this year? Let's hope the riots are done.

>> No.8293506

Those are creepy too. Especially when they think it's okay to grope another woman's tits because that's what they do in the animos ^____^

Maybe these guys feel like they're going to be a major catch, as 'normal' men or even so-called alpha males at a stinky nerd convention. Kind of like how JNig is considered some kind of nerd goddess where in the outside world she's just another butterface.

>> No.8293519

The thing is those guys aren't even on Jessica level. They aren't even "normal", but they aren't interested in any of the anime/games stuff either. Like someone might watch one very popular anime a year but that's it.

>> No.8293579

>blew a casket

Not sure if you know this, but the actual phrase is "blow a gasket" (gaskets are parts of cars that form seals, and will violently and without warning break).

Sage for language tangent.

>> No.8293587

Oh, sorry. English isn't my first language and I'm not too fluent in it so thanks for correcting lol

>> No.8293620

Another language related question- what exactly do you mean by pick up a girl? You see, on two different occasions I met a girl at a convention and eventually became her boyfriend, but I don't know if that's what we are talking about here. Cons are great for the whole meet and greet starter thing, but if you mean pick up as in take to hotel room immediately, then I've not. I really think that's the difference here, some people go in too much too fast. No one you really want to be with is going to jump on your dick overnight, yet some have this strange idea that relationships happen that way.

>> No.8293626

I mean, sometimes they do. I have friends who's bfs/gfs started out as one night stands that eventually branched into something.

Plus not everyone is looking for long term relationships. Some people just want to hit it and quit it.

Add in the social awkwardness of people in nerd hobbies and you have a recipe for disaster.

>> No.8293896 [DELETED] 

Hitomi Chan
nuff said

She just got a Kik too, so have fun with that

>> No.8293919


Oh, well yeah if it's THOSE guys or gals then they're weird as hell and need to avoided

>> No.8294103

I'm aware that guys are like this so I take the gifts but also make it clear that I'm their friend and nothing else.

Or you can just take the gifts absndse them as temporary sugar daddies since they'll bitch about the friendzone sooner or later.

>> No.8294334

This is less crazy but more "middle aged photographer taking 'sexy' pictures of girls who are barely legal."
His name is Rocky Trillance. Photographer in the Canada comm moving to the states. He is like 40 years old and has cute Asian chicks hold signs saying" love you rocky" and shit. It's so creepy...

>> No.8294393


This is sort of what I mean, all of you are making the same assumptions about guys who talk to girls at conventions. If a guy even tries to talk to a girl who doesn't know him it's assumed that he's trying to pick her up. Even if you only talk about a series, girls are guarded because it is still assumed there is an ulterior motive.

Girls are right to be guarded, most of the time that's exactly what the guy is looking for. However my point is that no one, guy or girl, likes being pigeon-holed. No one would want to see people cross the street to avoid walking past them and no guy likes being treated like a sexual predator just because they are a guy.

>> No.8294405

Nasty pedos are the worst

>> No.8295571

> no guy likes being treated like a sexual predator just because they are a guy
Honestly? Too bad. I'm unfailingly polite to guys who approach me at cons but 90% of them are transparently trying to get laid. If your personal experiences with a group are almost uniformly negative, why would you not avoid that group? Of course women act defensive around guys at cons.

>> No.8297125

This. I have no problem with guys in general and don't think EVERYONE wants to get lucky with me but I've experienced so many aggressive guys that throw a fit after realizing I'm not interested that I don't want to experience it again so I'm taking precautions. If you don't put on your defenses you get accused of being a tease and egging the guy on just because you were acting nice, and if you do keep a distance you get bitched at for assuming that all guys are offenders. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

If guys didn't treat a friendship with a girl as a humiliation they wouldn't probably take it so personally if a girl isn't interested. And it has nothing to do with money or looks because I've turned down good-looking guys that are well-off but still act like the biggest douches and scumbags in the universe. Girls who tolerate complete assholes just because they're rich and hot are called gold diggers and no sane woman wants to be like one.

>> No.8297130

I should also add that the "girls just go out with douchebags!!!!" is Chris-chan tier whining. He's a perfect example, he thinks every guy who isn't him is an asshole even though he himself is the biggest self-centered autistic douche you could ever meet.

>> No.8297140

Deciding based on experience is setting yourself into a foolish worldly restriction.

>> No.8297158

To count as a "real fan" and not a filthy casual, you have to be pretty obsessed with the show. I would assume that that leads to a lot of nerds being people with autistic obsessions (literal symptom, not figure of speech) with their fandom, or people who have a lot if free time to watch anime because they don't have friends to keep them grounded, a social life to keep them busy, or other hobbies that allow them to step away from the computer. I say this as a lolita with assburgers that's moved in nerd social circles all my life - it's not true for all nerds but it's certainly true for some.

Probably a bigger factor is that most people who are into anime and aren't crazy hide their power level. The people who are very open about it are more likely to be socially unskilled already. It's a matter of perception: there are plenty of normal people that like anime, but the crazy fans are the loudest. Kind of like how I'm pretty sure there are more female adult My Little Pony fans than make, but everyone associates the adult fandom with males because most female fans don't participate in the highly visible and embarrassing brony events.

>> No.8297173

No, that's called learning. If you don't like what women are learning from men, maybe you should try leading by example and attempting to be a decent human being instead of just complaining that other dudes are ruining your chances.

>> No.8297175

Nah, you're totally wrong, there are many different ways to express liking anime in a mature fashion. People who like anime and aren't fucking insane don't have much of a 'power level' to hide.

>> No.8297181

Almost any activity people who have no friends do in their free time attracts crazies. I volunteer and as well as the local community busybody types I have a lot of co-workers who volunteer so much because their issues mean that they can't hold down a real job. An alcoholic who's been sent home for turning up drunk, a girl whose past trauma means she constantly shakes and stammers, a guy who crossdresses to work every day but goes by a male name and makes no effort to pass, a bullshitting small-town wannabe DJ with massive delusions of grandeur, a guy into a cult-y pyramid scheme, a manic depressive who falls out with people over nothing then refuses to work the same shift as them. They're all nice people (except those last two), but the proportion of crazy and deluded people is at least as high if not higher as in the cosplay community.

>> No.8297182

I'm not the same anon, but are you also saying that women who have bad experiences with other women are fine to only want to associate with men?

And just as well, are you saying it's fine for men to hate women because all of their experiences were/seemed bad?

Also no, you learn by being able to read and judge specific people on a case by case basis. If you don't learn enough to not have to keep making generalized prejudgements based on anecdotes you're just pathetic.

>> No.8297185

Anon do you seriously think the women here are saying they avoid literally all men? Wipe the autism from your eyes and read again. They're saying they can sense when guys are thirsty and they immediately close off at cons. If a woman runs into 90% thirsty dudes at cons she has every right to avoid dudes at cons. If a guy is constantly getting harassed by women at conventions yeah it'd be pretty normal to avoid women at conventions.

>> No.8297191

Did you read what she said?

>since 90% of the group is trying to get laid I try to avoid the entire group

Either she's a lazy piece of shit or she's dumb, your choice.

>> No.8297194

So you want her to hang with a group of thirsty dudes for the slim chance that the remainder is tolerable, instead of simply moving on and finding a less desperate group

You are retarded

>> No.8297196

You clearly have no experience fending off unwanted advances. It is exhausting.

>> No.8297391


Don't forget, ever since he won that Sega Genesis he's been loopy practically his entire life

>> No.8297396

I'd like to know why there are so many irrational people, too. I'm not the most emotionally stable all the time, but I at least know how to hold myself well and act rational while meeting people.

I know so many people who think they can make it their "jobs" to sell crappy cosplay things and fanfiction drawings at artist alley tables. Also, when is it ever acceptable to just randomly touch people? I don't understand why people think this way.

>> No.8297404

I do hang out with guys at cons - you just tried to rephrase my argument so you could strawman it. Specifically, I addressed "no guy likes being treated like a predator because they're a guy" - I never said "I avoid 100% of men at cons". Any decent guy will understand why women have reservations about men approaching them at cons.

Even if I did avoid all guys at cons, though, your points would still suck. Why am I obligated to humor a group I have almost universally negative experiences with? Why is anyone? You aren't entitled to anybody's time or company.

Thank you, anons.

>> No.8297407

Speaking of irrational people, story time.

>meet girl through con scene
>she fangirls over me and I have no idea why
>calls me senpai, etc.
>act nice to her and sociable but with limited responses to limit conversation
>one day she starts telling me about her split personalities and how she's also schizophrenic
>my brother is an actual diagnosed schizophrenic and literally thinks god and satan talk to him
>laugh it off at first
>keeps messaging me about her schizophrenia
>I lose my patience and start explaining to her what actual schizophrenia is like and how her falsely diagnosing herself is somewhat offensive and not appropriate
>goes and tells small people in the cosplay community that I'm a huge bitch, hate people with disorders and hate gay people

And a lot of people believe them too. I don't even care. I've decided to go on more vacations than con trips. New Orleans and Epcot sound way more appealing than swimming in the sea of BO and SJW tears.

>> No.8297415

Ugh, I have a friend who is schizophrenic and he often calls me in the middle of the night to cry about how there's ghosts or ghouls or coked up Billie Piper or whatever in his gaff (it changes on a weekly basis). The man also believes paintings talk to him and walls have faces.
Whenever I hear someone yammer on about their super special split personalities it makes me angry.

>> No.8297444

Even if she does (which she said she doesn't), who gives a shit? Why are you getting so dickhurt over who some stranger on the internet chooses to talk to? Does it really hurt your feefees that your opportunity pool is shrinking because some women have had enough bad experiences with men and are now wary about chatting with strangers? Move on and stop expecting us to make things "easy" for you.

>> No.8297900

Oooh, this reminds me of something that happened to me.

>Guy at con strikes up a convo with me at a con
>Wasn't creepy, I think we were both waiting for friends and bored
>Somehow gets on the topic of this one piece of merch, tell him I've always wanted it
>Exchange info thinking I'll never talk to him again anyways

>Next day at con
>Texts me saying he wants to meet up
>"Hey I got you something"
>Gives me that piece of merch
>Kind of weird but accept it, should've just declined but dumb woman logic.

>Some girl contacts me on facebook
>"Hey what were you doing with so-and-so?!"
>She's his ex-gf
>Tell her the story
>That piece of merch was one of her cosplay props

I kek'd out for them to deal with it together and sold the thing about a year later on ebay since they never bothered me again and I felt weird having it. I probably should've mailed it to one of them or something but I was 18 and dumb.

>> No.8297963
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I know quite a few girls like this. I'm even sure at least two of them might even browse this board:

>One chick has a fat asshole of a neckbeard boyfriend who happens to be a photographer
>Her pet cat passes away, she's heartbroken, and uses a picture of it as her FB banner
>Months and months go by and it keeps alternating between different pictures of her dead cat, she even changes per profile picture to it
>She has a friend who passes away after a convention, everyone is heartbroken
>Her banner pictures continue to be pictures of him for almost coming up on three years
>Her cat's death and her friend's death became her whole identity, being the absolute only thing she talks about

I wouldn't call her crazy so as much as unfortunately afflicted. It's not easy dealing with people and pets passing, but most well-adjust people manage to get past it at some point.

>Super toothpick friend I meet at a group cosplay
>She has a complete fixation on asian guys
>Absolutely refuses to date anyone who isn't asian, always saying everyone else reminds her too much of herself
>Sleeps with them on the first night, either sexually or literally just sleeping with them
>"Falls in love" so quickly and is distraught when they don't want that
>Gets super emotional and cries about it when she can't find the perfect asian guy
>Address her about it and she denies everything

>Girl does cosplay of Touhou
>Does absolutely nothing but talk about cosplay and conventions
>She works two jobs to pay for cosplay materials, spends free time making cosplay, is always at a different convention every weekend
>Her cosplays aren't even 10/10
>Her facebook banner picture is literally a picture of her ass

I don't think having a passion is a bad thing necessarily, but when you spend every waking moment devoted to cosplay and are approaching 30 years old, what else are you going to do with your life?

>> No.8297974


>Another Touhou cosplayer
>Super sweet, cute and fawned over
>Regularly goes to the Touhou panel at conventions
>Slowly starts getting more and more confamous and stops talking to people as much as she used to
>One day has a breakdown during a panel in front of tons of people
>Go at some point to comfort her and see what's wrong
>She's happy about it and goes out to get something and cool down
>Talk with her afterward, things are alright
>Don't see her at all for that convention afterward
>Talk to her on Facebook after the convention, she completely denies that anyone ever helped her
>Proceeds to chew me out about how I don't know her and that no one cares about her

She's not crazy so as much as deluded. With the more attention she got, the less she appreciated spending time with her friends. Was pretty sad to see happen but whatever.

Then again, we're all on /cgl/ and some of us are a bit crazy in our own respect, so take my stories with a pinch of salt if you actually want to wholly believe them.

>> No.8297990

The fuck, that's weird.

>> No.8299011

Yes, this exactly.
It irritates me but if you call people out on how they're being a little prick they whine and cry about how not accepting you are.

>> No.8299035

Very much agreed. I've seen both sides of this. I've had male friends where we could just pay for a meal or whatever and it means nothing, we just go back and forth paying for things and there is no issue. Then there are guys who buy some small inexpensive item and think then you're obligated to them.

I had to stop hanging out with a male friend because of this. I would always say No firmly, but he would always find a way to insist on paying for everything for me (including physically pushing me out of the way at the register) and then turn it into me having to hug him or whatever in return for buying it. It was a very, very awkward situation.

>> No.8299044


>On 4chan
your funny.

>> No.8299060

your new

>> No.8299061

>How do you deal with it?

> Make a mental road map of when people who attend cons I go to do some fucked up shit, or have a history of burning bridges
> Don't talk about it to other people unless needed. Don't wanna get a rep as a drama-monger

I don't want to say "keep your head low and believe the rumors without spreading them" but it's worked pretty well. I've managed to stay on the sidelines of some drama involving crazies that my friends got sucked into.

>> No.8299120
File: 166 KB, 900x900, 1311526436102[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does is seem like the cosplay community and craziness go hand in hand?

>Does watching anime fuck you up, or are fucked up people more attracted to anime?

>I can pretend that I'm someone else

>It's like they've all been homeschool their ENTIRE LIVES

>so much anime is made as a form of escapism with no basis in reality
>cater to the emotional needs of people who never grew up.


>there are plenty of normal people that like anime, but the crazy fans are the loudest


The cosplay community attracts so many crazies because of the sum of the above.

Anime and manga generally paints a picture of a simpler, starker world, but one also more wonderful, meaningful, and fair. It's easier to understand than real life, and easier to experience (even if only vicariously). Not to mention, quite often more fun. Consequently, people who are less mature are drawn to it, and people who overindulge in it are less likely to mature.

By allowing people to inject themselves into the stories they like, as the characters they either identify with or aspire to be, cosplay takes this situation one more step away from reality and toward abstract (where craziness can live without being threatened).

The cosplay community is a haven for both individuals and subcultures who identify as victims or outcasts, and have major persecution complexes. As a result, there is much more of a communal drive to protect than to discourage. People with problem behaviors are more likely to be tolerated or even defended than they are likely to be made (cos)social outcasts.

>How do you deal with it?
Pic related. Defend yourself when you have to. Otherwise, nope and sunglasses.

>> No.8299127

It's not even just that, the sheer amount of man/womanchildren is absolutely ridiculous. There are people in their mid 20's-mid 30's who have absolutely no social skills and act like they've just arrived in high school. I just recently unfriended black Luigi because I could no longer stand that guy.

>> No.8299185

Florida. Nuff said.

>> No.8299611
File: 422 KB, 427x335, vergil_i_need_more_power_by_jatinder005-d5c8j5j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I totally refused all these creepy guys hitting on me but then this 10/10 guy came to me and now he's my boyfriend

Yeah, no.

And a lot of guys do want to strike something up with girls at conventions because normalfag girls aren't tolerant of our hobbies. So when we have 3 days where we can meet someone that we can fall in love with, and this happens maybe a few times a year, you can bet your ass we're capitalizing on it.

I'm not dealing with indoctrinating a normal female as to why i'm spending hours with eva foam or why it's dank of plastidip outside or why one of my hobbies is sewing as well as weight lifting. I'm not wasting my time wading through 50000 hordes of women whose hobbies are "netflix lol" in real life.

What you also don't seem to realize is that a convention is a rare opportunity to meld with someone who likes or tolerates my hobbies and that I maybe find attractive. And I have a span of 3 days to do it in.

I already found my qt3.14. But I had this mentality for a damn long time and now I have a loving relationship with the most amazing woman ever as kind of a result from it.

>> No.8299748

Adam Wright? LOL I absolutely despise that manchild. Don't even get me started on how obnoxious he is.

>> No.8299810

This theory seems better constructed

>> No.8299822


Could you be less idiotic?

Not everything is black and white, normalfags who watch netflix can be thoughtful and accepting to different hobbies. Cosplay is not a too rare hobby, and it depends on you on how to explain it: I like to make costumes.
That is completely normal. If you are primed to think you are a special snowflake weirdo who cannot even accept its own hobbies, and even before meeting a person, you assume such person is stupid and will reject and judge you (the same way you do to yourself), no wonders why mentally healthy people would run away from you. You already assume normalfags to be avoidant and stupid, and you not even have given enough opportunity. Normalfags can be even more accepting than cosfags.

I know cosplay, I know anime, I watch netflix, and I would run away from you for such binary way of thinking.

>> No.8299861

M8, stop being such a 12 year old no one likes it.

>> No.8299867


Thank fuck, this is everything I wanted to say.

>> No.8299925
File: 498 KB, 500x232, tumblr_mq66kuChTd1ryh3swo3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a crazy for you.
>When I was in the last 2 years of highschool, I was into cosplay ect but looked pretty normal. I don't like looking like a personifcation of hot topic. Not many people knew I did cosplay ect, I didn't really think it was nessercery for people to know.
>Anyway, these two tragically scene kids two years below me start turning up wherever I am. They would sit and wait outside our years common room during breaks, and shout things at me and my normalfag friends whenever I left.
>I s2g they just shouted things like "Oh you've parted your hair in the middle" "Oh you're wearing boots today lol" "Your sweater sux" and really stupid shit like that. they also fucking followed me everywhere.
>They never bothered me because I could not give a shit, but my friends found them really upssetting.

>FF 5 years later, I'm mildly cosfamous where I am, and I'm in loads of fb groups for how-to-sew things, because I''m being normalfag and studying fashion.
>I notice one of their names pop up asking for help with something I made for a costume a year ago.
>Check out her FB, she csplays and lolitas just like me. Has done the same costumes as me (just shit-tier ones) and on one of her status she's talking to other shit-tiers about how it was to go to school with me.

>She's now applying for the same fucking degree as me.

>> No.8300022

>I like to make costumes
>That is completely normal

Around Halloween, yeah. Any other time of the year, it sounds weird.

What they were talking about were normalfags who only ever really watch Netflix. As in like, that's all they do, or their other hobbies are largely unremarkable. There are plenty of people out there like this.

>> No.8301015


Mimicking someone is a creepy form of flattering. And also a way to get a restraining order

>> No.8301041

That would be cute if for the fact that she's being a cunt about it.

>> No.8301326

It was fucking creepy at school. But she couldn't follow me much. I was in Sixth and her in year 11. So she and a friend spent their time sitting outside the common room for their entire lunch breaks. It freaked so many people out.

>Senpai fucking noticed you and Senpai wants you to piss off.

>> No.8301745

I want to frame this post and hang it on my wall because it is so damn accurate.

>> No.8301883
File: 59 KB, 800x960, duck tape anastasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a lot of people in cosplay who just don't seem to understand what looks good and what looks like shit. Yes there's the whole cosplay whatever you want I'm just having fun blah blah blah. But isn't there supposed to be a point where you look in the mirror and realize you look just plain stupid in awful awful costumes? What baffles me most is the people who have been making costumes for a decade or more but have not improved a lick. Maybe this is a thing in other fields too but cosplay seems to have a lot of them.

>> No.8301921
File: 22 KB, 197x310, +pikachu+_376f4ecbf51df6d59c495031a7d81263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay is not too rare a hobby
Yeah buddy, you keep telling yourself that.

I have given tons of normal girls an opportunity. I've dated normalfag girls. It just doesn't work for me, okay?

Switching up tactics when something isn't working is pretty much the definition of being "less idiotic".

>waaa you're telling me things that make sense why are you 12 waaa

>> No.8302423


i kno u r but wut am i

>> No.8302433


Seriously. I've got tonnes of "normal" friends, who are all aware I cosplay, and it's no big deal to any of them. If anyone asked, it'd just be "Yeah, he makes costumes".

Hell, lots of them end up coming to me in September/October for help with their halloween costumes.

I've also met lots of girls at cons, a few of which I've gone further with. The trick is not being a sleazy prick who tries to hit on every girl there because "GOTTA FIND MAI WAIFU".

>> No.8302435


Oh just fuck off back to /r9k/

"normalfags" don't care about your hobbies. You're just a creep and that's why they don't associate with you. You just want an excuse that isn't "I'm a creepy prick".

>> No.8302454
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>> No.8302455


I'm hardly debating you. I'm just telling you that no-one gives a shit about your hobbies and you're just trying to be a victim.

Now leave girls alone at cons unless they initiate contact with you.

>> No.8302461
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>communication is a right granted to me by other people you should never speak again unless someone speaks to you

not as nearly as much of a victim as the people i'm trying to talk to, kek

>> No.8302467
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>Don't talk to anyone if you're ugly

Confirmed for being not a chad and being a subhuman per this post not even worth to open their lips in the general direction of a female

>> No.8303259

A friend of mine had a random guy buy her a $300 figure she simply stated she thought was pretty.

>> No.8303267

Lucky friend

>> No.8303297


>Their other hobbies are largely unremarkable

Probably I'm expecting too much from normalfags, but can we really reduce normal people to their "hobbies"?
Even the simplest person has something interesting to offer, knows something you don't and has experiences you cannot even imagine.
I think is rather odd to find somebody who is too blank.

I mean, we can think of a case of a completely blank person (who is also evil and judgemental), but is it really that common?

If we start with a step forward to think others are "unremarkable" (compared to who? to me?), we will not find new points of view. People are complex.

Maybe they don't have "remarkable" hobbies because they have a real life full of responsabilities.

I'm talking more of the possibilities and being primed to think "no-snowflakes" are non interesting, and to believe that most normalfags will be like this.

I used to think that some normalfags were blank and boring (and will never understand my different manners), but then I found out they were just shy.

>personal experience is not the same as reality
sorry for that, just sayin'

>> No.8303306


>personal experience =/= absolute reality nor statistics

>> No.8303376
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>this thread
Oh gawd I'm glad I'm not single.

I don't think I'd be happy being with someone who didn't go to cons; cosplayed; liked comics, cartoons, anime, toys and video games.

I've tried it. I've gone out with "normal" girls and it's boring. I never feel quite relaxed so to speak.

But apparently guys aren't allowed to try and meet someone at a con without it being called creepy? Or even stalkerish?

da fuck.

Or unless they're really gorgeous right?

I've had girls come up to me at cons and be all awkward, but I'm not going to make a blanket statement/judgement on ALL girls at cons because of it.

Idk maybe I'm the crazy one, but at least I feel comfortable enough in my own skin to not have a few questionable encounters ruin my outlook on cons as a whole.

>> No.8303414

I think it's totally possible to meet someone at a con, but it has to be because you seem to have a lot of the same interests or fandoms. I think a lot of guys come in feeling like they're going to be creepy so they come off as creepy. My best relationships started because we were already friends first. f a girl is cosplaying from something you like or is looking at a certain art or figure it's a good icebreaker. Find an excuse to talk where you approach them as a fellow fan, not a grill.

>> No.8303542

Just my two cents
The last year I've solely browsed the lolita topics on /cgl/. Today I browsed the cosplay threads and it's full of /r9k/ tards and everyone feeding them. Every other cosplay thread is thinly veiled bait. I don't know how you all put up with it, it makes me glad I'm not a cosplayer any more.

>> No.8303572

Guys could do a lot to dispel this stigma, you know? As a woman I don't know what goes on in guy's heads. I read all these articles about how you can pick up girls at cons, comments about how con girls are sluts and how you can manipulate them, baawing about friendzone, and then maybe one or two comments once in awhile from guys who say they genuinely want to talk to girls at cons as friends and are sad that they can't. I don't take seriously any women who defend men because, like me, they don't know what goes on in guy's brains. It's no wonder people have this perception when it's 95% of what MEN THEMSELVES are saying and no one calls them out on it. I have seen men outright say they only talk to women for sex and no one calls them out on it. I am really heartened when I see a comment from a man disputing it. Because if they don't, either it's true for most men and they silently agree or men care SO little about how they are perceived they don't bother saying anything, or both. Somehow, in spite of all this, women don't outright avoid men altogether and most women I have talked to claim that it's not all men, just a small, annoying percentage.

I guess what I'm saying is that it's important to speak up. I know it's wrong to stereotype people and I believe there are good men, maybe even most men are good, but when 95% of the information coming from men themselves is negative people's guards go up and life is less pleasant for everyone.

>> No.8303578

B-But anon, that would mean actually making an effort!

>> No.8303602

yea I don't really understand what you mean by buying stuff for other people. That seems like a general characteristic of someone trying to get another person to like them. The problem is when people use it as their only means of getting someone to like them.

>> No.8304330

Because they fucking just ruin everything. God I remeber Sci-fi cons being more muture than this. Nowadays I don't even go to anime cons cause the crazies have taken over.

>> No.8304531

>Guys could do a lot to dispel this stigma
What do you want the rest of us to do? Follow you around and police up each and every guy that says or does something even remotely disrespectful?

>I have seen men outright say they only talk to women for sex and no one calls them out on it
Because that's their decision. It's their life, and while we may have every right to disagree with the sort of attitude, we've got no right to judge another guy based on how he chooses to live his life. More importantly, we rarely have the power to change their attitudes on women, especially when they're already adults. Refer to the earlier part of this section for information as to why this is.

>"either it's true for most men and they silently agree or men care SO little about how they are perceived they don't bother saying anything"
>claims not to know what's going on in men's heads
>claims to have it narrowed down to two possibilities.

>> No.8304617

I sincerely wonder what kind of jobs these people have that they can afford to go to conventions, sometimes regularly, but have terrible social skills. I was a social outcast and had next to no real friends in high school or college. I still have few friends. But most people regard me as normal or friendly, not womanchild basket case.

How do some of these people reach my age and have money? I don't get it. I understand there's a few jobs you can do that don't involve some degree of interpersonal interaction but if you're not highly skilled, how can you hold down a normal job?

>> No.8304661

Some of them volunteer or do panels.

>> No.8304708

I'm baffled a little too. My husband has a job at an decent game company and most of the people are awesome and talented. But there's always a few who must be there because they can code really well to make up for their lack of social awareness

>"Huh. This girl stopped talking to me."
>"Really? Why?"
>"Don't know but I've tried to get a hold of her through email, her other email, her work email, skype, facebook, twitter, instagram and LoL but I haven't heard anything back. Did she die?"

>> No.8304758

Most women aren't at a con to get laid or find a life partner. Understanding that, why are you baawing when they turn you down?

>> No.8304794
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Because half of the women will turn you down for just talking to them, let alone trying to hit on them.

When womeon won't even say hi to you or laugh in your face because you're not a chad, well..

>> No.8304830

Then put on your big kid pants and move on? Talking to women isn't some kind of quest objective you must complete to move forward in life. Rethink your priorities.

>> No.8304846

>afford to go to conventions
If you're not blowing your paycheck in the dealer hall, flying out, or dropping a couple grand on costume shit, it's not that expensive.
I'd be interested in seeing demographic statistics for major conventions. I imagine some 80% of attendees live within 100 miles of the convention proper, at most.

>> No.8304914
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I do move forward and carry on and talk to people.
It's just shameful that I can hold a conversation with anyone of my gender, but half of the opposite gender is likely to not even hold a conversation with me because i'm not chad.

>> No.8304919
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Do you really think girls at Anime Conventions are looking for chads?

>> No.8304928
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selfpostin! For some reason, I get lots of compliments in cosplay, but in normal life I can't get the time of day.

Cons are a great place to meet people. Every. single. person. is GUARANTEED to have a shared interest, and that is anime.

>Ask about their day, or ask for a photo.
A simple icebreaker, and totally harmless even if they say "no."
>Ask about their favorite show / character / costume.
This gives them a chance to open up, and is your opportunity to show interest. You may have a chance to share your favorite moments too.

If they are giving short answers and have crossed arms and look bored -- it's time to say "good day" and get out. Otherwise, if it's going well, congratulations you made a new friend. Now, (this is important) remember their name in case you meet them again.

Many people I meet at cons are somewhat insecure, but they can be won over. All you have to do is show a little interest in them, and try and find out what else you have in common. Be clean and polite, and they likely won't be creeped out. I can't say how many times I asked a cosplayer for a photo, only to be asked for mine in return... and then find out they wanted to ask me for a pic all along and were too shy to ask.

Don't give up, dude. If this idiot (I) can do it, so can you!

Obviously this gent wants to be able to socialize and talk to people. That's not something that should be out of reach, nor is it socially unacceptable to attempt to start a normal conversation with people.

>> No.8304934


Guy, this is nonsense. Even speaking as a dude, I cannot agree with the idea that I should be open and willing to stop and spend 15 minutes talking to just anyone that walks up to me. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking. If some girl I find attractive comes up to me and starts chatting me up then yeah sure, of course I'm going to give them a lot more attention. That's just... life, man. Two girls trying to get my attention and all else being equal other than initial attraction based off of physical attributes... I'm going to pay more attention to the pretty one.

Seriously, just put shoe on the other foot and imagine yourself in the position of the people you're criticizing.

>> No.8304936


This, exactly. So many guys BAWWWW about how women prefer attractive men.

Like...yeah, of course they do. And men prefer attractive women.

No-one owes anyone else a conversation.

>> No.8304943

I'm going to bring it around again to the 'crazy people" topic...

Attractive body doesn't make up for an ugly personality. If someone's trashy or rude, I tend to avoid them.

Then again, I do need to change up my game a bit. It feels like I spend a lot of my con time with depressed fatty-chans and underage teens. lame :(

>> No.8304949
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>mfw there are people legitimately defending someone laughing in someone Else's face because they are not attractive

Yeah, okay, because I deserve to be laughed at instead of a "sorry, i'm busy" like any normal human would give in any normal situation.

But I don't get that because i'm not chad.

>> No.8304952


Christ, just go back to /r9k/ where you can revel in your own self-pity without shitting up this board.

>> No.8304966

I find that walking away and not getting involved with the loud ones at cons typically works in my favor. Also making con-only social media accounts under an alias and living the con-life in slight secrecy.

Once had someone buy me well over $50 of merch related to the character I was cosplaying. Said no thanks and that I was late to my panel. Ran the fuck away and changed into normal clothing and a normal hairstyle wig that changed my appearance significantly. Hid in plain sight. Every time we crossed paths, I acted naturally (no gaze-averting, no physical avoidance, just ignored).

There was also this one guy I made the mistake of adding on facebook who was annoying as shit with a huge victim complex. He asked me out over fb messages and the moment he flipped his shit over my rejection
I blocked him on all social media he was following me through.

I guess figuring out how to enable stealth mode in real life is one of the ways to avoid crazies.

Also, never give an explanation to your "no" if you don't want to. Say no and leave it at that. Never indulge the crazies.

>> No.8304971

I 100% get what you mean. Most of my friends are guys and I like to think they're nice, decent people. However a few weeks ago some guy at a party told me that the only reason men would want to be around me is because they want to get into my pants. None of the guys spoke up to dispute this, they just laughed and nodded, even the ones who are already married or gay. So what the fuck, dudes? Is this some kind of machismo thing, where they think that not acting like horny apes all the time is emasculating?
I don't hate men. Most of the people I'm closest to in my life are men, and they're great people. But it's really pathetic how the "men are pigs" stereotype is supported by men more than by any woman I've ever known. Get your shit together, guys.

>> No.8304973


>Is this some kind of machismo thing, where they think that not acting like horny apes all the time is emasculating?

Pretty much.

I can't wait to be shouted down by the /r9k/ guys hanging around on this board.

>> No.8304981

It's not about being masculine. We can't really help it if we're horny apes all the time, tbh. Public masturbation is a crime.

>> No.8304983
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Think it's time to redpill some girls, teehee.

>> No.8304992

I think it's because many children grew up with anime, but only the social inepts continued this hobby past the age of 11 because of escapism.
Also, social skills is something you develop through interaction with people (with social skills as well). Those shut-ins never really got out and if they did they only hung out with like-minded people. At least this was how I almost became a crazy weeb, but luckily I got friends and family and got help. My younger sister and my cousin are like that at the moment and I try my best to lead them to a brighter future, but currently they don't really know how to behave in social situations.

>> No.8305265

>why does is seem like the cosplay community and craziness go hand in hand?
High concentration of estrogen.

>> No.8305270

I have separate social media accounts for cosplay and so far I haven't encountered any crazies on them.

Maybe I've just been lucky, but I feel like crossplay is a big turn off for guys. I mostly cosplay male characters, and I've only been hit on once at a con and it was when I was out of cosplay.

Other than that I have one rather desperate male friend who rates pretty high on the creeper scale at cons, but he's respectable enough to not hit on me or any of my female friends because he knows most of us are gay.

>> No.8305274

And if we look to our right, you can see Exhibit A of this behavior: >>8304981

>> No.8305585

That's like going to t-mobile to look for chickens

>> No.8305590

This is why I don't make male friends anymore. Not worth it.

>> No.8306575

It's not my responsibility to correct others on their misguided opinions, if you don't have enough sense to realize that all guys aren't like that on your own then that is your personal problem.

>> No.8306692

>it's not my responsibility
Wow you're about one step away from tumblr "not my job to educate you" here. Fine but you really don't have the right to whine that people think men are creeps when they all proudly claim to be creeps constantly. Literally all people are saying is to disagree when stuff like happened to anon at the bar happens. It takes two seconds. Men are so entitled, even groups that do a shitty job of policing their own people do more than men will.

>> No.8306713

I notice quite a bit how many autists (and I literally mean autists) go to these things and sperg fucking everywhere. I know how hard it is to not fucking sperg out, believe me it's a nightmare sometimes, but many really take it too far.

>> No.8306718

Honestly a lot more guys are like that than you realize, and that attitude you're showing is why.
>"umm not all guys are like this??" = "I'm not like that" = "I'm not doing anything wrong"
And you don't know if that's true. You've probably creeped on girls loads of times but thought "Oh she's just prude" "She's probably a feminist" "I'm not attractive enough and she's shallow, that's it", and then brushed it off. You could be contributing to the problem, but instead of becoming more aware of your actions, you brush it off and continue being a piece of shit. And the cycle will continue.

>> No.8306815

>Fine but you really don't have the right to whine that people think men are creeps
I don't complain I honestly believe things would be better if we had a separate cons for each gender so all this whining and bitching would stop (then people would just find something else to complain about). But I once again say that all you have to do is look around you and you can see with your own eyes that all men are not like that, men do good things everyday along with everyone else.
>You've probably creeped on girls loads of times but thought "Oh she's just prude" "She's probably a feminist" "I'm not attractive enough and she's shallow, that's it", and then brushed it off

That's one hell of a wide brush you painting with, you don't know me, I have seen countless attractive girls and looked them over then went about my day without even wanting anything from them because I'm not some sex hungry deviant like so many of you think men are. You shouldn't make ridiculous assumptions like you do to random people you don't even know, it makes taking your opinions seriously harder.

>> No.8306826

Of course I made wide assumptions, I was trying to point out that you need to be more aware of your actions rather than just simply saying "oh not all men are like that"
There's a lot of things that guys do to avoid putting blame on themselves.

You're doing that now.

>> No.8306830

Yes I know logically that men aren't all pigs. There is evidence of it everywhere. But sometimes, it's just easy to forget. What always surprises me is that men don't seem to care, they are so self assured of their position in the world that they don't care if everybody thinks they are awful, at least not until it stops them getting laid, then they whine about that.

>> No.8306857

You know what? Even when I point out your mistakes you still continue to do them. You don't even know me yet you're so damn sure I do all these things you whine about so much, I really can't take your opinion seriously anymore, you're just bitter as Hell.

>What always surprises me is that men don't seem to care, they are so self assured of their position in the world that they don't care if everybody thinks they are awful.

I can't speak for others but yes I don't care that people think I am a monster because I am not one, and what others do is not my fault and that's all that matters to me. Does it bother you that a lot of men think women are just gold digging whores? I would hope not, you're actions alone disprove those things and speak out against that, as a wise man once said to me "If it doesn't pertain to you then let it slide off you like water on a ducks ass". Also people on sex too much, It's not that grand, but it's the height of so many disputes.

>> No.8306860

Sure is a whole lot of Tumblr in here.

>> No.8306861

*people focus on sex too much

>> No.8306935

Literally nobody said they were laughing at ugly people. We're laughing at ugly people saying they're entitled to sexual attention.

>> No.8306947

Yes it bothers me. My actions don't disprove it either because many men believe that I would marry for money if I could and just don't for some reason. They use this as an excuse to treat women like shit and this actually hurts women a lot so yes I do care.

>> No.8307027
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/r9k/ taught me that self pity is never healthy and various ways to improve my self-confidence. /cgl/ has taught me how to approach, compliment, and interact with women in a normal, non-threatening fashion.

You may hate each other, but you sure make a good team.

>> No.8307036

>approach, compliment, and interact with women in a normal, non-threatening fashion.

That sounds like a surefire way to never get laid.

You ever heard of "too nice?"

>> No.8307068

>/cgl/ has taught me how to approach, compliment, and interact with women in a normal, non-threatening fashion.

You sound like a massive pussy. Extrapolate for shits and giggles robot.

>> No.8307073
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>> No.8307099

Nah I think he's just gonna duck out 'cause he can't handle the heat.

>> No.8307125

>Does it bother you that a lot of men think women are just gold digging whores?
yes, it bothers me. i've barely met any woman like that and i'm always puzzled at that assumption. i wouldn't jump in an r9k thread going "lol you're wrong" because i know that'd be pointless, but if i met someone irl talking like that i would call them out on it, and i've done so a few time for similar issues.

>> No.8307335


If I were you I would not care because other peoples actions do not reflect mine, many people will always believe what they want to believe no matter how you try to convince them, so if there are men like that then don't associate with them. People who think narrow-minded like that are not relationship material and you should be grateful they show it instead of hiding it, and if you get treated like shit in a relationship then leave them. Life is hard enough and if you have people who are making your life harder instead of easier then cut them loose. I see it too many times where people are so dependent on others that they stay in abusive relationships just because they don't want to be alone or they don't think they can do better.

>> No.8307589

Good news, at least from my perception of my dash general SJWism has actually been going down because tumblr flipped the coin to "Oh god suddenly CALLING OUT PEOPLE IS BAD GAIS" and a fair number of them realized they were being fuckstains and have at least been temporarily shamed.

Absolutely agreed, and this is one of my warning signs for someone who's going to eventually turn into a dick; if your worldview is based around a form of intellectual elitism you're probably not gonna be that fun to be around. Everyone has something to offer, that doesn't mean you're obligated to find it interesting or like it (and of course you don't have to date it), but writing someone's worth off completely based on hobbies/lack thereof is dumb.

As for crazy at cons; I'm literally diagnostically crazy and yet I feel like my behavior is way better than a lot of people I meet, which is...troubling. I'm lucky though since the fact that I've been in treatment/therapy for years has given me a lot of mental tools for getting the fuck out of crazy situations with little to no warning (since I'm also supposed to avoid situations where my illness would be debilitating).

As for why. that's a hard question to answer, since when I was a very small very damaged child it was actually fandom stuff that got me started talking to people and developing social skills, so without that stuff I'd probably be worse off. I just didn't stop there, and I don't understand people that did.

>> No.8308317

Personally, I am in a great relationship with a man who I think represents some of the best aspects of humanity and doesn't generalize like this so I'm not so much worried about this romantically. But men with this mindset tend to harass women other places - bars, places of work, out and about etc. If you think all women are dumb golddigging whores would you hire one? Would you work with one and view them as an equal? That's what bothers me.

>> No.8308468


As far as work places go, several people face stereotypes and discrimination, which is sadly why affirmative action is still in place to this day. If it's not your gender then it's your race, your religion, hair/eye color, almost anything that can be used against you will be someday down the road. But I can guarantee that over 5/10 if you show you're a capable, good person, then whatever prejudge-mental opinions they have of you will change. For the others it's pointless to try and change their ways, personally I have never meet anyone who actually believes that about women in a work environment. Just angry sexist men here and there because they got screwed over by their wifes or girlfriends. And as for bars and public places, a mace and a gun are excellent deterrents for harassers. If I was a female I'd carry that and more with me wherever I go, people in general are just dangerous and unpredictable.

>> No.8308558

I want the dude complaining about picking up girls at cons to post pic of himself.

>> No.8308701

Oh god anon, I seriously thought you were talking about me at first.
>mfw my bf is fat and kind of an asshole to some
>shares his name and hangs out w/ a well known photog
>our cat died months ago
>I still use a pic of her as my banner

So relieved you started mentioning things that made it obviously not me. I'd feel awful if I was the type of person this thread is for.

On topic, I know so. Many. Otherkins. And transtrenders. It doesn't help that I run a local cosplay sect so I know a lot of the local teens in this scene and... They're all insane. It's greeeaaat.

>> No.8311030

>I honestly believe things would be better if we had a separate cons for each gender
Hmmm that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all! I'm really curious how one would turn out.

>> No.8311046

the male cons would end up being protested by tumblr fakebois trying to get in

>> No.8311055

fakebois? do you mean transgenders?

>> No.8311113

No, fakebois as in the new tumblr breed of "transgender" biofemales.
There are legit transgender people out there of course, I feel sorry their movement is plagued with the ~demiboy plantkin~ scum.

>> No.8311142

Lee Phamtaro

>> No.8311146


>> No.8311149

is this English?

>> No.8311160

a non customer service job?

>> No.8311654

Him and his psycho bitch ex-girlfriend oki-cospi.

>> No.8311723

this guy added me on Facebook recently. Wanna share some of the juicy deets?

>> No.8311757

>cute, sweet, female

That's enough to draw a circle of neckbeard groupies, but

>female touhou cosplayer that's attractive

Rarer than a pegasus unicorn

>> No.8311762
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>Later the same guy blew a casket after I didn't return his feelings and went on a rant about friendzone, called me a whore and a cumbucket (despite me having no sex life at all) and broke all contact with me.

Jesus Christ. It's one thing to know that /r9k/ is a thing that exists, but quite another to realize that they believe that shit firmly enough to out themselves as such in public.

They... they really don't know, do they?

>> No.8311778

> None of the guys spoke up to dispute this, they just laughed and nodded, even the ones who are already married or gay. So what the fuck, dudes? Is this some kind of machismo thing
It's not necessarily "alpha behavior" or "machismo," it could just be self-deprecating. A super fucking beta male might laugh along and agree but what he's actually doing is saying with a sheepish grin "sorry for being a fucking pig, maybe don't let your guard down around me too much either."

I mean, is anyone really going to speak and say, "No, I value anon as a person, not as a woman. Please stop stereotyping all males that way." It makes me cringe just thinking about it.

>> No.8311783
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If I were to speak up on /cgl/ and say that no, I really AM a sensitive, intelligent man who's pretty shy and can't stand a girl who I can't talk to about intellectual shit, I would be mobbed by screeching lolita harpies deriding me as a /r9k/ faggot trying to pick up women on the internet.

Why bother speaking up? I can't even do it on the internet, you think I'm going to bother in real life? Besides, in real life I don't associate with brodude fuckers who actually believe that shit.

>> No.8311796

>but why does is seem like manchildren and womenchildren who dress up like cartoon characters and are often gay and craziness go hand in hand?

>> No.8311800

>knowing was a gasket is

>> No.8311802

>Social engagements becoming a place to meet people and maybe show interest in them? Are you crazy? I did not put on this tight fitting cosplay outfit where my boobs are practically falling out just so you can ogle them mister!
Fucking women cosplayers I swear, you should just stay home.

>> No.8311803


It's more likely than a guy knowing how pantyhose sizes are described.

>> No.8311808

automobiles are used by both sexes
pantyhose is worn solely by women

>> No.8311815

and fabulous men

>> No.8311819


It's usually the only place on planet Earth most weebs can find someone else who's super into what they like... or more likely they're just CHUDs who only leave the house for conventions, upon which the only effective solution for their onerous existence (quarantine) fails utterly and catastrophically.

I dunno, take your pick.

>If a guy even tries to talk to a girl who doesn't know him it's assumed that he's trying to pick her up.

This is exactly why I don't bother talking to girls at conventions. I don't even want to look at them too long, lest they think I'm some sort of creepy staring creeperguy. Last time I saw a really good cosplay that I wanted a picture of, I sent my sister to ask the girl for a picture for me. Little shitbird ratted me out; I saw them both turn and start walking towards where I was and I promptly lost myself in the crowd. After that incident I stuck solely with cosplay that completely covers me head-to-toe (think No Face style) so people only see the costume and not me.

I have no idea what's going through a girl's head when I say anything to her; even if it's just starting a conversation in a line for a popular panel. And the frenzied screeching of the /r9k/ fuckwads aside, there's no place where the paranoia and/or knee-jerk "ew" is more justified than at a con.

Incidentally, this makes people trying to pick girls up at cons even more fucking insane just by virtue of their hilariously poor logic.

>> No.8311822


Hence why it's more likely that woman would know about gaskets, than it is for men to know about pantyhose. Right?

>> No.8311834

>This is exactly why I don't bother talking to girls at conventions. I don't even want to look at them too long, lest they think I'm some sort of creepy staring creeperguy. Last time I saw a really good cosplay that I wanted a picture of, I sent my sister to ask the girl for a picture for me. Little shitbird ratted me out; I saw them both turn and start walking towards where I was and I promptly lost myself in the crowd. After that incident I stuck solely with cosplay that completely covers me head-to-toe (think No Face style) so people only see the costume and not me.
Dude that is cringeworthy. Fuck why do you even go to these things if female cosplayers are such harpies?

>> No.8311838
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>If I were to speak up on /cgl/ and say that no, I really AM a sensitive, intelligent man who's pretty shy and can't stand a girl who I can't talk to about intellectual shit, I would be mobbed by screeching lolita harpies deriding me as a /r9k/ faggot

>Dude that is cringeworthy. Fuck why do you even go to these things

Fig. A

>> No.8311881

If someone butted into my friend circle to seriously insist all women are gold digging whores I might not engage him in a long-winded debate but I sure as hell wouldn't just giggle and agree with him. How hard is it to say "dude you're full of shit, get out of here", even in a joking way?

>> No.8313202

>hide their power level.

>> No.8313228

Spoiler: Asking a girl to ask a female cosplayer for her picture is 10000% weirder/creepier than asking for it yourself. That screams "I know I'm a enough of a creep that I need a Trojan horse to get a girl to stand my presence for more than a second".

>> No.8313239

It was best described to me as "there's a point where you drink at a con to have fun and a point where you drink at a con to deal with everyone."

>> No.8315261
File: 45 KB, 352x395, 1429659633479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speaking in general, now - how the fuck would they *know?* Are cosplayers psychic now, can they tell when someone asked someone else to take the picture?

I get that the only reason anyone ever posts in /cgl/ is to shit on someone else, but for fucks sake don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, bitch.

>> No.8315304

Phenomenally easy actually? Why would I want to hang out with a guy spouting sexist shit? Would you nod and titter at a guy dropping racist commentary too? All it takes is a scowl and a "not cool" or a sarcastic "wow" if you want to go easy mode. Saying nothing or agreeing just lets assholes know that they're free to act this way in public, which just ruins it for the rest of us when we get lumped into the men are pigs stereotype.

>> No.8316166
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>> No.8317818

cosplaying is for sissies

>> No.8317841

>can they tell when someone asked someone else to take the picture?
Not exactly, but if you linger for a bit after the picture (like maybe you were walking in that direction anyway) and see the girl go give "her" phone to a guy or something, it's obvious what happened.

Also points for the Bianca quote.

>> No.8317859
File: 89 KB, 750x600, 1386011306966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8318960
File: 41 KB, 442x276, 1429549618913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not exactly, but if you linger for a bit after the picture (like maybe you were walking in that direction anyway) and see the girl go give "her" phone to a guy or something, it's obvious what happened.

... you say that like it's happened to you before. And more than once, too.

>> No.8319429

This situation doesn't have to do with cosplay/cons but the people involved are cosplayers.

>two friends start dating
>i'll call them apple and orange
>eventually apple breaks up with orange
>fast forward a few years
>apple says orange raped them
>wtf?! when?!
>proceeds to describe their first date
>apple and orange were making out
>orange took apples hand and put it on their dick
>apple jerks off orange
>that's it

Apparently because orange put apples hand on their dick instead apple making that choice first, they consider it rape now.