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8283100 No.8283100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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>The goal is to inspire change by talking about our experiences and overcome the negativity in hopes of building a stronger community and subculture.
>building support on a foundation of waffle
>founders don't seem to know what they're doing/going to do
>no understanding of what bullying/harassment is

For the morbidly curious

Facebook & tumblr: lacecommunity

Points for anyone with the balls to publicly tag their discontent with #ilovelace

On the topic of the Facebook page, it looks like they're ignoring (possibly deleting, no proof of that) comments that they don't like/questions they can't answer. Also, how did they rack up almost 3000 likes in a week? I smell paid likes, especially given the number of people who are actively engaging with their posts.

>> No.8283102

I know it's shocking but people actually support what Kate is trying to do.

>> No.8283103

I saw a great post on tumblr that pretty much outlined exactly what is wrong with all this, let me see if I can find it.

>> No.8283106


>check out #ilovelace
>half the posts are chicks in shitty F21 lace dresses

Oh my sides.

>> No.8283108

ahh I found it!
This girl pretty much hits the nail on the head.

>> No.8283110

Yeah, I'm not sure what she's "trying to do" other than get more attention for herself, but she's really not getting as much support as you might think. From other fame hungry lolitas, newbies and impressionables who cling to e-famous lolitas, maybe, but not much beyond that.

>> No.8283111



This one?

I think it is a really great post - it outlines everything that needs to be improved on. Only thing I don't like is the whole "we must ~represent~ so all races feel included *only talks about black people*" but I think even that point has good intentions - after all, it's easier to talk about racially motivated harassment with someone with experience and/or training in it. Rest of the post is on point though.

>> No.8283113

I really hope she doesn't get bitched out for it, and I know I'm hesitant to reblog it in case I'm accused of being some sort of heartless bitch who just doesn't understand the good intentions that Kate has for the community desu~

>> No.8283115

You guys are so retarded, you're the reason why she's so well known and now you're just bringing more attention to lace, stop fucking posting and feeding into it.

>> No.8283117

Well there's two options. Leave it alone and everyone still flocks to her, and something really fucking awful could come from LACE, or give it the negative attention and criticism it needs.

>> No.8283119

I think the reason it's so well known is that k8 is funnelling all her efforts into making it that way
it's not as if we stumbled on someone's dead project and brought it back from the grave, she's actively shoving it down our throats

>> No.8283122

>3000 likes in a week?
That's definitely paid likes. I know the Lolita community has expanded a lot, but not nearly enough for this to attract that much attention that quickly.

>> No.8283123

oh ffs how is she shoving it down your throat, by invading the tags on tumblr?

>> No.8283125


I'm not sure what she could get bitched for exactly. She's not accusing anyone of malicious intent, she's remained factual and objective throughout the post, and not only that, she hasn't just not given crit - she's given very solid advice as to how to improve the organization as well. She's even included a bit of SJW and advocacy for marginalized groups in the post. Had this not have been about an anti-bullying group in a niche hobby, I think this could have the potential to go viral tumblr as a good guide on how to build an antibullying organization.

I think because it's way too solid, people are unfortunately just going to ignore it. I think the best way is to reblog it - I know I'm hesitant as well to reblog it, but if people read even the beginning, they'll soon realize it's not malicious at all in intent.

>> No.8283128

Christ, yes, actually? And all the shit on facebook and YouTube

>> No.8283130

Are you living under a rock?

>> No.8283131

Just don't look at the facebook and youtube?

>> No.8283133

are you serious rn

>> No.8283239

The point is that this group is a load of horseshit and potentially harmful to the people it claims to support. I recommend reading the article in >>8283108 as well.

She's trying to offer what's basically a counseling service without any qualifications which is a scummy thing to do.

>> No.8283241

That's because their posts aren't lolita related, silly.

>> No.8283247

So she didn't check to see if #ilovelace was already in use before promoting it? That was dumb. If so she's shitting up the tag for the original users and diluting her own message.

>> No.8283249

I can tell you just from looking that 27 of my friends have "Liked" the page. I haven't bothered because this is definitely some slacktivism bullshit - the sort of people who "Like" a facebook page like this are either not the bullying sort or are oblivious hypocrites. If you are actually "against" bullying you don't need to Like a facebook page to just do something about it when you see/hear it happening. I honestly have no idea what she plans to achieve with this other than giving people a sense of righteous superiority and eFame. Even with the best of intentions, I really don't get it.

>> No.8283254

Have you considered people tag their posts #Ilovelace because they want to share that they love the garment lace?
She probably should have made the "official" tag something people don't regularly use though like Ilolilace.

>> No.8283256

Thanks for sharing this, anon. This is really great. I like that it addresses very valid concerns without being condescending (not that I don't love the sass on cgl--I do! I just like it when posts pick things apart without being unnecessarily snarky and just being informative)

>> No.8283259

I think the other people in the tag are just professing their love for lace dresses haha. It would have been smart to choose a super unique tag, but I mean, it's whatever. It's not like that tag has some significance in any other group other than lolitas--and most of us don't even wanna claim it anyway haha.

>> No.8283260

So pretty much the first thing LACE has done is ask people to that photos of themselves with a hashtag, and the second thing is ask artists to design buttons and merch for people to buy?

These people are fucking stupid and aren't interested in cultural change. They want a popular cause to get behind. Slacktivism at its most fashionable.

>> No.8283270

I also thought twice about reblogging. Not that I have a lot of followers anyway, but I can see the rabid pro-lacers taking pot-shots and accusing people of being pro-bully just because we don't sign up for LACE immediately.

>> No.8283272
File: 56 KB, 921x593, letters to lolitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so everyone knows, this other group has been born from this dumb LACE thing.

tbh I think this new group has a much better idea going for it, to actually achieve something. But I wish they didn't want to cling onto the LACE thing.

>> No.8283276

Dumb shit occurs in the world because smart people stand by and don't point out how stupid it actually is. Yeah we could ignore it, it could possibly die off when the next fashionable slacktivist theme comes along, but the potential for something bad to happen to some poor person going to them for assistance is too great. Also, we are pointing out why we aren't signing up.

>> No.8283290

This sounds like a lot of fun!

I'll have to invest in some cute stationary.

>> No.8283295

I didn't reblog either. I'm in a mutual with Kate, Batty and a lot of others who have rallied behind LACE (or at the very least have reblogged that post) and I don't wish to be labeled as a heartless bitch or w/e simply because I can see the flaws in this movement and don't wish to affiliate. Oh well. I hope that OP of that post doesn't get too much crap for it. It's not like it's malicious dissent. I just want this to die down already.

>> No.8283299

It has good intentions but again, there's the whole lack of qualifications behind the people who are writing there letters and there could be some liabilities involved, I would think? Unless it's just meant to be a positive pen pal network or something. That's sweet. They don't need to latch into LACE...

>> No.8283303

It seems to me it's more intended to be a pen pal thing.

Personally I would look forward to getting nice letters in the mail. I'm not sure how the privacy settings work yet, but it also seems like a good way to make potential friends?

>> No.8283313
File: 8 KB, 174x230, pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Kate, but I'm not giving support to LACE and helping other people just so you can label your mug over the hard work of others like me and say "I STARTED THIS, LOOK AT MEEE!"

She's sounds like a glory hog.

>> No.8283319

Yes, I have, hence my comment.

I believe so, too.

Obviously my comment was too vague if it's been misunderstood by more than one person. To clarify >>8283247: if #ilovelace was already in use before the organization LACE began using it, then it was very poor planning on LACE's part and pretty stupid since their message gets lost among outfit posts and people who were originally using it to find outfit inspo are annoyed with an offbeat antibullying campaign in their lacy dress tag.

>> No.8283333

>> then it was very poor planning on LACE's part
What planning? I don't think that there went much thought into it in the first place

>> No.8283343

I feel like tagging everything #ILoveMace
As in, 'bitch if you bully me you'll get a face of mace'

I'm not going to run crying to some efamous lolitas that I have been picked on to get a pat on the shoulder while they preen to others how good they are at helping the community.

>> No.8283364

Isn't there already a pen pal group?

>> No.8283366

She probably didn't plan.
It's obvious she created it for the sake of being a leader in something, considering she was shoved aside from being a Kawaii Ambassador bc John plays favourites.
Plus she created it soon after John released the Heart of Gold shit.
This is a publicity stunt that's going to make a lot trouble for a lot of people.
Good job Kate.

>> No.8283369

I'm already personally seeing the hypocrisy this is bringing forth in people.

Some girl whose been going around harassing me for months - going as far as to lie to my long time friends and guilt trip them into even talking to me - is now supporting this garbage.

This isn't going to end well and it's honestly only going to attract the wrong crowd.
The girls who could actually use help like this already have Tumblr as a platform to seek support.

>> No.8283372

Oh I see! I totally misconstrued your post. My bad. Good point all the same. Poor planning on her part but it doesn't surprise me because this entire stunt is poorly planned. I want to say it was created with good intentions but as >>8283366 pointed out, the creation of this group so close to the heart of gold announcement is just too much of a coincidence.

>> No.8283383


Lol yeah, the chick who literally drove me out of my local community and spend months harassing a new member and shit talking her here and to anybody who'd listen is supporting this too. She's an efame hungry piece of shit so that's probably the motivation, but I don't trust this entire group one bit. Seems like a lot of ass covering and facades of martyrdom.

>> No.8283392

It's kind of like that anon, but it's not meant to be counseling. I do understand that bad advice could be really harmful, so giving advice isn't our intention. All we want to do in our letters is make them feel better, not make their problems go away, we understand we can't do that.
You could call it one-way pen-palling I guess. After people receive their letter they don't have to respond if they don't want to, the privacy details are actually listed on the FB page if you want to take a look. I'd explain it here but they're a little long.
Yes there is, but this isn't really pen-palling (at least the way I see it). The set up is more of.... hm, I guess it's like getting a get well card in the mail. People express that they're not feeling well, we send an encouraging letter, and they get a dose of positivity without having to write back. I hope that explained it a little more, it's the first time I've described it that way.

>> No.8283397

This all seems more stupid and useless than the name suggests.

>> No.8283453

Maybe it is, but we don't know that now and we won't know it until we try. If it does help people, it's not going to be stupid and useless.

Since you seem to have your own ideas though I'd be happy to hear them. What do you think the Lolita community needs that this group could address better?

>> No.8283454

So here is the thing.
LACE is nothing but a giant circle jerk for efamous roris looking to be seen and loved. I'm all for being a "mama figure" to girls who need help/support, but this is a clique. I've already noticed that if you're not popular or in the "in crowd", you're ignored by Kate and her group.
Established Lolitas who are confident in their coords but that don't feel the need to hound for fame aren't attracted to this. Itas who have been told they're screwing up are. This is the "feel good" mentality at work that I hate so much.
Bullying and harassment are bad. Holding someone back from improving by creating a big hug box is bad.
This whole thing is bad and poorly done with no clear objective or purpose.

>> No.8283475

It's already attracted that girl Linda from RC:uncensored as well. It's supporters seem to be largely comprised of people who engage in bullying or have done so in the past, unapologetically.

>> No.8283482

I don't think that it needs anything like this at all, and even if I did I am not going to share my ideas with someone so passive aggressive.

>> No.8283484
File: 119 KB, 433x565, Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 11.50.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Kate made this because someone heard her pooping

>> No.8283487

If you can't handle people hearing you taking a shit, then don't take a shit. Who bloody cares.

>> No.8283489

>i couldn't believe the horrible hurtful things that were said about me
>Someone was taking a huge fucking shit and it turned out to be Kate lol
so hurtoful. boohoo

>> No.8283491

I'm sorry you felt that was passive aggressive, I'm just interested in what you have to say and I'm trying to show you I took your comment seriously and wasn't trying to be sarcastic.

I really do want to know what you think is wrong with the group so I can improve it. I'd hate to think that I accidentally offended you and lost out on a way to make it better.

>> No.8283501

Yup! That's the one. I went to bed and didn't see the reply asking for the link, sorry.

>> No.8283514

Well I honestly don't think lolita is a tightknit enough community for something like that to be effective at all. The community is divided between people who think that lolita is just clothes and a hobby, and people who want a sisterly bond with their fellow lolitas that just doesn't exist. And forcing it won't help anything.

Another thing is that bullying in this community is over-exaggerated, and much of this is caused by people getting the realization that the community isn't what they expected. So, these people are going to join the group and claim bullying and create the same echochamber scenario we have on tumblr. The people who whine and cry about being told they're not wearing lolita and how everyone is just meanies are going to be alongside people actually being bullied, and of course it's "victim blaming" or some shit to tell them they're not being bullied.

Hugbox groups like this are never good because they end up helping the wrong people more than the right ones and especially in a community that's nothing but dresses, why do we need it?

>> No.8283515

I really like the idea of LACE but I know it's all just for attention.. It would have been nice if it were started up by someone not seeking more e-fame.

>> No.8283522

B-but it's not bullying when the person they were targeting was a stupid poopie-head who didn't agree with them! They deserve it!

>> No.8283529

I reblogged it and lost a follower....basically weeded out the dummy

>> No.8283535


doing this

>> No.8283542

Ok I'm going to try not to ramble, bear with me!

That is a good point we're going to need to address. The community as a whole may not be tightknit, but I think there are enough people in the community that would enjoy receiving the letters. Even if it's not many people, responding to whoever few requests there are would still be a positive (if not small) impact.

I think that's where most of the misconceptions about LtL are coming from, we're not here to just address bullying. People can come to us with any kind of lolita-related problem, they don't even need to be serious. Maybe you need a confidence boost, or you're trying to get the courage to attend you're first meet. Hey, even if you're just bummed you lost out on your dream dress we'd like to be there for people. I feel like I still haven't addressed this properly though, so I'm going to keep thinking about it.

I do think it's a little too soon to call the group a hugbox just yet. We'd like to provide support, but at the same time I don't want to be a group that sugarcoats everyone's problems and says it's all ok. People are going to be writing with different reasons, and that's going to affect the tone of our responses.

>Why do we need it?
Ok so this one I can answer. Like you said before the community is split between people that think the community is like you said, nothing but dresses, and people who do see it as a community built on sisterhood and connections and such. We're here for the people that do want to be connected with other lolitas and need someone that's a part of the community to receive some encouragement from.

I really hope this wasn't too long and managed to answer your questions. If you do want to keep talking I would love to talk with you over email! I just don't want to derail the thread. and again, thank you for all your feedback, I'm going to try my best to make this something with a positive impact.

>> No.8283544

If all of this is true then please change the name, it is basically a personalized 'lolita valentines' group and the name is extremely pretentious based on what you actually do.

>> No.8283545

Ok so explaining the name a little, (I am sorry it sounds pretentious!) I was inspired by the movie Letters to Juliet, and that's what directed the name. If you do have any alternative naming ideas I would love to jot those down. I think changing it now would be too confusing, but I'll keep it in mind.

I think I understand what you mean by personalized lolita valentines but can you explain it?

>> No.8283548


Okay honestly i think anyone touting these initiatives needs to GTFO cgl. I understand you're coming here to defend your group right now, but maybe if you want this to work y'all should just stay away and just deal with people that have actually been affected by mean words here and not just feed into the hate you're inevitably going to get, by posting in a hate thread.

>> No.8283564

I am really sorry that I'm derailing the thread, I did just want to answer people's questions, if anyone still has some concerns or feedback would they mind just emailing me?

If not I'll just start a FAQ on the FB page and start answering everything there.

>> No.8283573

Different anon here: I hate the tumblr hugbox crap too, but I actually like this idea. I like making cutesy cards, but I don't really want to have a full-fledged pen pal that I get to know and write letters to regularly (I don't have time for that shit). But making a cute "you're awesome, feel better!" card for someone with a happy note for a lolita who is feeling shitty (not just bullying or whatever, but maybe feeling sick, or dog died, boyfriend dumped her, failed a class, generally kinda depressed and down, etc) I could get behind. No obligation like a penpal, still get to make a cute card and letter to brighten someone's day. I'm imagining lolita-themed cards already!

>> No.8283580

Thank you! That is pretty much exactly what I'm trying to do, you just said it much better than I did.

>> No.8283583

Lolita valentines is a group on LJ that used to post positive secrets(like an anti-btb) and a lot of them were to cheer up friends etc. You can look through the archives, but your idea is basically just that taken to the next level where they are sort of requested instead.

The reason the name is so pretentious is because it implies a lot of things that it really isn't doing. It may seem cute and lolita-ey but in reality it just makes you seem like a twat. Something more low-key and cutesy would probably sit better with people and even someone like me might be interested in it.

>> No.8283585

Again: Why do we need this? Just make a lolita penpal group, and people can send encouraging letters to each other as they choose and make some actual friends in the community, rather than this one-sided thing. Might as well send out emails at this point.

>> No.8283595

Again, we will try to think of a better name. I'm going to discuss it with members of the group later today.

Funny you should mention that, we are planning to do emails for people that don't want to give out their address for privacy reasons. Which is kind of why we need it, some people don't have penpals, want to share their personal problems publicly, or like another anon said they don't have the time for an actual penpal.

>> No.8283600

I mean, I guess the name isn't what really bothers me as much as the idea behind it. Like I said, look up the lolita valentines livejournal and you'll see that it's a similar idea.

>> No.8283604

Similar idea, but different methods. Lolita Valentines are shared publicly, and we'd really like to respect people's privacy.

>> No.8283608

Who is Kate?

>> No.8283610

Yea I get that, just using it as an example to how this is already done I guess.

>> No.8283615

You're right, and we're going to make sure we do things a little differently than they do so we aren't too similar. Everyone has had great feedback and it'll help us smooth things out as we go. So thank you, all I ask now is that you give us a little time to see how things go.

>> No.8283621

If that's cruel and horrifying, she's lived a very sheltered life. Holy shit, I can't believe people are support this garbage

>> No.8283624

I find it really ill-conceived to create a group that's essentially about requesting encouraging messages from strangers. It's like you're trying to fill a demand that does not exist.

But whatever floats your boat, I guess.

>> No.8283627

Girly toot

>> No.8283628

Yep, I don't want a penpal, but I'll take any excuse to be crafty and make a cute card for someone!

>> No.8283629

Duck auto correct. Girly hoot*

>> No.8283631

>girly toot

>> No.8283633

Why not make a lolita postcard exchange then? You send a postcard to someone, and they send one back if you want, as a one time thing.

>> No.8283636

relevant to

>> No.8283639

dang, beat me to it

>> No.8283652
File: 385 KB, 1280x932, trumpet_gold_1__51792.1406162318.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to hell

>> No.8283654

I feel so bad android autocorrect is garbage

>> No.8283655

wait really? Is this literally about the fact that someone posted that she pooped on a public toilet?

>> No.8283656
File: 87 KB, 640x920, 050d0c0ef12a8c8012dc6f5915b4042c4d67-wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the one-sidedness is what makes it weird. It's going to be a bunch of sadsacks demanding validation and asspats, a bunch of nice people sending letters out into the void, with only a small percentage of the sadsacks getting their shit together and contributing positively to the community.

> But isn't that better than all of the sadsacks staying sad and contributing nothing?

Maybe, but the kind of help the sort of people who would ask for nice letters need, is probably not the kind of help that nice letters provides.


>> No.8283677

Fuck off Kathy

>> No.8283691



>> No.8283697

LOL well this is getting entertaining. Girlytoot is her new nickname for CGL I guess.

Honestly LACE is just gonna add fuel to the fire because if it's a band of Lolitas crying about being bullied, its more people to troll and get reactions out of for the perpetrators.

>> No.8283700

This is pretty much my thought. People who ask for help generally don't need it and people who need it don't ask.

>> No.8283703



>> No.8283710

>making such a huge post out of someone making a throwaway comment on a anonymous imageboard
>actually confirming what they said when previously no one even knew nor cared if shit was made up
This is so fucking cringey. Some people need a publicity manager more so than hugs and kisses from lace.

>> No.8283713


Is it just me who can't get over the fact that

>omg lyk 5 friends messaged me about this!

Either she's lying outta her ass or those are damn drama thirsty friends that she has going on /cgl/. Protip: I would not trust any of those five friends.

>> No.8283718

Yeah the sad thing is that it was the second comment in a thread about her. So not only are her friends cgulls, they go straight into the threads about her instead of just ignoring the garbage.

>> No.8283719

I wouldn't be surprised if those five friends post a lot of stuff on here about her.

>> No.8283720


>> No.8283727

Someone should call her out on this. What was said was fucking the most 'first world white girl problem' I've ever heard. "OMG someone heard me shit and then thought it was funny waah so bullied!111!" No bitch, you fuck off if this bothered her that much I'm surprised she hasn't killed herself by now for all the shit that people said about her fugly glasses.

>> No.8283733

Someone kinda did it seems.

>> No.8283741
File: 91 KB, 800x373, girlytoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with hell, anon, I'll take your place

>> No.8283743

Good. I'd like caps if someone wants to provide because I'm not about to care enough to follow this shit off of /cgl/.

I wouldn't be surprised if those 5 friends were here.

Also who cares about lolita ambassador title anyways? It's basically just a glorified event planning job for no pay.

>> No.8283751

i wonder how long until there's a post about "image manipulation bullying!!!des".
That's what I was thinking. How fucking thin is her skin, and why now?

Bless the person who just commented on the fb page.

>> No.8283752

Ah. You're welcome. I do my best

>> No.8283756

so many anons thought the person who posted the story was dumb.

why do people think one bad thing on /cgl/ means all anons are horrible? you can clearly see people in that thread questioning the girlyhoot hate and acknowledging a shit is nbd.

>> No.8283758
File: 105 KB, 418x490, Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 2.24.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post regarding my friend? Who's responding to this, Batty?

>> No.8283762

nvm I see, the 'friend' she's referring to is the one who ACTUALLY CRIED OVER A SECRET and yet she didn't feel the need to create a support comm until it got personal...

>> No.8283763

I think she's referring to where she saw her friend crying about the secret so it's probably Kate. She's said that she's the only one who admins the page.

>> No.8283766


If her friends also support LACE, which denounces /cgl/ and discourages people from adding to the 'culture' of online bullying, then they're two faced as fuck.

>> No.8283773

Lolita letters anon, I'd like to help out if you're still here. I have a bunch of cute stationary I never use and would really like to send random letters. Plus, I'm on disability so I have tons of time. If you give me your email we can chat.

>> No.8283777

Anyone who gets on cgl just needs to stop pretending they're not entertained by drama. Why else would you come here? Makeup tips? Price check threads? I don't think so. If you're a regular cgl lurker and a LACE member you're a hypocrite.

>> No.8283780

>anon posts "lol today I found out this e-famous girl poops just like the rest of us, imagine that"
>girlytoot calls BULLYING and starts an international slacktivist campaign to make herself feel better

>> No.8283784

I was thinking the same thing. What kind of shitty friend tells you to look at the shit people have been saying about you on here? Not to mention that makes them seagulls too, nice hypocrisy.

>> No.8283786

At least we know what we always suspected about Kate, she's a shitbird.

>> No.8283790

>girlytootin' her own horn

>> No.8283795

So what she's saying is that
- the group has no planning behind it whatsover, she made it on a whim
- "community driven" aka "I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and I'd rather not take responsibility"
- Not actually trying to combat the effects bullying has on people. So they do nothing for them at all besides hold their hand and sing kumbaya together.

Tell me again what this group is actually supposed to do?

>> No.8283798

impress misako, but little does she know that japanese people regard people who point out and 'try to combat' bullying as worse than the bullies themselves. misako is going to think that this is more cringy than we do.

>> No.8283804

Other than pat Kate on the back and tell her that it's okay when she shits because her shit smells like rainbows? Nothing much.

>> No.8283813


omg secret inspo *opens paint program*

>> No.8283818

everyone should just post a secret about her this week... make an entire btb post about her

>> No.8283820

Misako will probably laugh her ass off at this.

>> No.8283821


I can't hold myself from laughing. This is absurd. Going mad because some idiot said you took a nasty poop and nobody cared about it. Wow, Kate I applaud you. I guess that's the streisand effect.

>> No.8283830

I used to know her as "glasses Kate" but she's quickly becoming "poop Kate" in my mind. I remember checking out the original thread but don't recall that post at all. GG, poopKate.

>> No.8283834


girlytoot! It's now my personal mission to make sure this sticks.

>> No.8283844

anxiously waiting for the secrets submission post for this week now

>> No.8283849

But if we post her on btb we'll just be giving her exactly what she wants.

>> No.8283855

I sent in an example to highlight the bullying issue in the comm - and nothing. They aren't interested in getting people to stop bullying or give alternatives to bullying behaviour, they just want to drum up attention and get a bunch of people showing that they support positivity - when some of those same ones are the ones who are contributing to the bullying in the first place. In fact, every lolita I know who has expressed hateful behaviour in the past is behind this. They don't even realise they are doing it, this group is just going to validate them when people are being SO SALTY or banning them from shit because of their "activism".
And Linda isn't the only bad person I know who supports this.

Honestly, you guys are quickly becoming the bullies. Don't make all of those secrets, don't start calling her "Girly toot". Completely uncalled for. At least she is *trying* to do something positive, no matter how shitty it is going to turn out. Don't make us the bad guys. Most people hate /cgl/, and for good reason, I am seeing now.
Think about this before you do it. How will calling her "girly toot" help our situation at all? It's funny, but it is not cool. She took a crap. Everybody bombs the crapper at some point in their lives, it isn't such a big deal. She made it into one, I see, but when people have a thin skin you help them to see that it isn't a big deal, you don't continue to insult and harass them. Doing this is going to give her more of an excuse to start screaming about the bullies in the online community. And y'know, she is right. You gulls suck.


>> No.8283856



>> No.8283858

girly toot is a tootin

>> No.8283860


But I love being a bully. I'm a bored sad girl with low self esteem and I get all my kicks from cringing. No shame.

>> No.8283862

This. You'd literally be creating content for her, and you know she'd jump at the opportunity to use it to her advantage.

>> No.8283865

>At least she is *trying* to do something positive
Nobody gets points for trying with this kind of shit. She's a grown woman, not a well-meaning 13-year-old.

>> No.8283866

this so hard, you guys are taking the bait, she probably even planned this. kate isn't an idiot, i'm still kinda convinced that the glasses thing was planned.

>> No.8283869
File: 960 KB, 245x250, TroyDisaster_zps0957bec4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is where it all goes to shit.

You're only proving her point, but what do I know.

>> No.8283870

girlyhoot still hasn't made a LACE video and that would be giving her pretty good stuff to use in it.

>> No.8283875

Bait Davis

>> No.8283877

lol cgl took the bait

>> No.8283881

k8 b8

>> No.8283882

You know, I really wanted to believe the good intention of LACE, I was curious to what it could do. Until a wanting-to-be-e-famous lolita from our country was pointed out as a representative? I don't even know if she just volunteered herself or she was pointed out, but she also started out making videos last month of her pricy brand-collection, that is after she didn't get enough fame from joining a crappy otaku-blog. Next to that she also has dyslexia and both her 'explaining' posts and her translation of 'the letter' are full of typos, translation mistakes and dyslectic mistakes.
I can't take her serious because of that. I'm sorry but I'm fine with people having dyslexia, I can understand but you do have to understand that for official stuff you can't make that much mistakes like that, you just won't be taken seriously.

Next to that, a lot of people from our comm have openly explained their opinion, which is for most of them 'nice idea but it won't help like this', mostly because bullying is seriously psychological stuff and just because a lot of online lolitas will like a page and share some posts about it, might help empower the feeling of 'I'm not alone, we're all against this' but it definitely won't stop people that bully. Actually, it might even make it worse. If it was an organization combined with professionals, for an professional approach and help, then yes maybe it would've been a whole different thing.
Yes bullying is bad, but it ffing happens everywhere people, if you're bullied that much that you have to do something against it, go seek prof. help because really that helps a lot more than grouping and screaming how bad it all is.

>> No.8283884


whatever I'm still gonna do it, even if it does nothing but feed her ego. I'm holding out for the hope that she'll at least shed more privileged white girl tears. I don't really give a fuck either way about LACE but I do love Internet drama, and shit I'd be honored if she used one of my weak ass secrets to try to bolster the 'cause.' Just more lulz for me.

>> No.8283887

>LACE is stupid and sucks, they're not trying to do anything positive at all
>atleast LACE is "trying" to do something positive

>> No.8283891

"Took the bait" my ass. Kate and everyone else involved need to get their shit together and grow a thicker skin. They still haven't said what they intend to do to "combat bullying".
If by taking the bait you mean I'm calling out how bullshit this entire thing is, and how it's all attention-seeking on the part of the LACE mods, then yeah, I took it. And if they make a deal out of it, maybe some supporters will see the truth in that.

>> No.8283896


is the bait her confirming she was butthurt (lol) over the poop comment? cause honestly i feel like SHE took the bait on that one, no one in that thread even took that post seriously except her and her fake ass 'friends' that directed her to it

>> No.8283900

I reblogged it and one of my friends got pissed calling her a disgusting little "concern" troll.

>> No.8283902

wtf are you talking about, how is she dyslexic

>> No.8283903

I think she means that we 'took the bait' by making fun of her and 'proving her point' but that makes no sense. It's not as if there is anyone who isn't pretty much already convinced that /cgl/ is a bad place. And it's not like she couldn't just pop into any one of the ita threads and get 'proof' and it's not like we weren't already making fun of her. To say she's trying to out /cgl/ for something makes no sense because she wouldn't need to go through any trouble to get some dirt.

>> No.8283904

Yeah, it was only posted for shits and giggles

>> No.8283915


lol i will continue to "prove her point" as long as she keeps posting cringe worthy shit

>> No.8283917
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>shits and giggles

>> No.8283924

If you're gonna post some secrets it will only be more fuel for Kate to whine about bullies. She'd probably use it to make a dramatic video aka that girl that was on btb this week, and give everyone more "prrof" on how "toxic" and "full of bullies!!1" the community is.

Also I am kinda afraid that Kate might try and get the btb page deleted to show everyone how important she is and how she can totes fight back and beat teh bullies!!1 It wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8283928

To be honest, making fun of someone taking a shit is pretty retarded, like people shit, end of story. To be upset about it is stupid to but maybe she had a medical issue and it hurt to be teased?

>> No.8283930

If she got btb deleted she'd definitely be making enemies. I lost interest in it with the decline of LJ and EGL as a whole, but I know a lot of people who still follow it. If she wants everyone to hate LACE, then she can work away, I guess.

>> No.8283935

>medical issue
She took a dump, holy shit. It was silly of the original anon to post it but it was sillier of Kate to take it so to heart. "Oh no, people will know I have bodily functions, what ever shall I do?"

>> No.8283936


I hope she does! I would loooove a dramatic video to make secrets out of. And then I would looooove reading all the other secrets and all the comments. I run on bitch tears.

>> No.8283937

She has pretty digestive issues, maybe that's why she was upset about it?

>> No.8283942

Well it would certainly pander to her audience. Not only could she brag about it, but many people would be on her side. Mostly butthurt wannabes, e-fame hungry Lolitas who got posted there, etc... And I think there would be a few Lolitas who would not dare to speak openly against btb being deleted because they would attract a bunch of SJW crying about how they enable the bullies.

Maybe I'm paranoid but I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.8283943

pretty serious* whoops
probably not too pretty, her stomach is like paralyzed partially, its called gastroparesis

>> No.8283947

And the cycle could continue indefinitely. One feeding off the other.

>> No.8283950


Indefinite entertainment. I'm in.

>> No.8283953

thing is, nobody ever made fun of her taking a shit besides the orignal post. Not even in the oroginal thread.
The fact that she is whining and calls bully about a 4 line greentext that said "omg kate took a shit" is what we laugh about. Nobody laughs at her taking a shit, because we all take loud shits eventually.

>> No.8283957

they were making fun of her taking a big shit, not her medical issue

also again, it was 1 anon.
others ignored or shut it down as being stupid.

stupid to post
stupid to baawwww about

>> No.8283962

That's what's bugging me. Nobody really cared. Hell, I forgot about it a few minutes after reading it and it didn't resurface in my mind until she made a deal out of it.

>> No.8283963

>Eventually I would like to be able to give presentations and speeches similar to TED talks at various lolita events talking about LACE


>> No.8283964

lol we are literally talking about girlyhoot's shit
we have hit a new low
welcome to hell

>> No.8283965

I second this, I love making cards and presents and shit, but I'm terrible at like, actually keeping in contact with people.

>> No.8283967
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>> No.8283970

Listen to that anon. You guys are being fucking stupid if you think that posting a load of secrets and calling her "girl toot" is going to help stomping this shitty project into the ground. Not only will you be actual bullies, but you'll confirm everything she said and drive people on her side.

Half of cgl are spiteful toddlers, I swear.

>> No.8283974

i think she just picked a random post idk

>> No.8283978

Only a handful of people seem to want to do that, and it is a stupid idea. If you're stupid enough to think one or two posts represent half of cgl, then you're the toddler here.

>> No.8283983

agreed, cgl proves that they are fucking retarded as usual

>> No.8283992

>If you're stupid enough to think one or two posts represent half of cgl


I can't math well, but that seems like more than two posts.

>> No.8283996

I really hope the 'girly toot' typo doesn't become a thing. I feel horrible about it and wish I would have caught the auto correct before I posted. If she is reading this: Kate I'm sorry.

>> No.8283997

>implying they're all different people
boy do you have a lot to learn here.

>> No.8284005

don't worry, it'll probably fade out after the whole LACE thing dies down.

If we could at least stay on the topic of why LACE is shitty as a concept and stop tearing down ONE person out of ~5 involved in it, we'd be doing well.

>> No.8284006

it's a silly enough typo for a few people to giggle as they first see it over the next few days, but I doubt anyone thinks it's genuinely funny enough to be a "thing"

>> No.8284008


>implying she said posters instead of posts

I'm nitpicking again, I do realize the concept of anonymous being 1, 2, or 50 people.

And honestly, we can guess from the tone of the posts if it's 1, 2, or 10 people, but we can't tell for sure.

>> No.8284012

>"Racism is not okay."

Racism is NOT okay? Wow! Did you guys know this? My world has just been turned topsy turvy! What's next? It's going to turn out to be wrong to molest children or hunt the homeless for sport?

>> No.8284018


It's kind of stupid, but I kind of like how it panders to the idiotic SJW crowd. They eat that racist shit up every time.

>> No.8284020

you're really embarrassing.

>> No.8284023

You sound like a fucking tool, anon. She never said it like she wasn't stating the obvious.

>> No.8284034

I really hope so

>> No.8284041

Hey guys.


What if.

Guys, what if.

What if kate herself is here ITT instigating everything for more shit to baww at?

>> No.8284044

Then she's a sadder, more fame-hungry act than we realised?

>> No.8284046

Nah, she totally has these five friends to do so

>> No.8284047

I thought that was fairly obvious?

>> No.8284052

Obviously an overstatement. You can change it to "a significant percentage", if it makes you feel better.

>> No.8284057


Probably, I'm convinced she got her start self posting here.

>> No.8284059

From RC: U

"Eh. I support this. And I won't feel ashamed for it. And yes while that one incident may not seem "that bad." these things add up, and pile one. I've known Kate for a while now and I've seen her get put through the wringer with CGL constantly trying to tear her down about wearing glasses or her coordinates. Or just telling her to kill her self. But hey it's not " THAT BAD" and people don't kill them selves every day over online trolls. Right? Oh wait they do.

As for the bullies. If you feel that you have to put someone down so much that you are telling someone to kill them selves or trying to tear someone down. They also need help. Because that isn't healthy.

I am so tired of seeing this hate on people I care about. And for what? Putting them selves out there and making themselves known? Spreading the fashion where it gets more recognized and we can have more events? Why is that so wrong? Why does everyone have such a hate boner for e-fame? I don't want it personally I'm more a behind the scenes person. But I support people who can show the community what a good coordinate is or make educational videos. I really want to see this community grow and be supportive of each other. We can do so much if we just get over misunderstandings and bitterness. Yes the community should of been started out with a more solid outlook. I agree with that, and its really bad timing on Kate's part. However it will reach stable ground if we all work for it and not against it."

So... she doesnt support the group in its current form bc she just said it's not good as it is now, which is all anyone is saying lol

>> No.8284060

Racism doesnt mean the same thing to everyone

>> No.8284062

One of my followers threw a fit over this post and then deleted it. Funny to witness.

>> No.8284065

I just find this a bit hilarious in the sense that a friend and I went to a pittsburgh Lolita event quite a while back when we went to school in the city. Kate and some of the others were not welcoming at all. A few of the girls were friendly and talked with us but Kate and a group sat seperate and basically did their own thing. Might have been a bad first impression or maybe she's changed but it wasn't a great first impression. Maybe it's a southern thing, but I always make an effort to talk to new people at my local meet ups...

>> No.8284070
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a book deticated to k8

>> No.8284074


I've heard that she's just really, really awkward. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, but it's not a good personality to have when you're trying to be e-famous. It can make you come off as a stuck up bitch when you're really just quiet.

That being said, I really do think it was her being shy, and not trying to give you the cold shoulder, just based on what I hear.

>> No.8284075

Did you get caps?

>> No.8284076

You know what, I genuinely feel for Kate because even if she's a bitch (I don't know since I've never met her), she gets so much shit on this site, for everything she does. Heck, I even feel for Jillian Vessey because she gets torn to shreds for being a kinda cringy teenager.

But sympathy is no reason to support a shitty group that won't accomplish anything because it's deeply flawed right from the start. So this post about Kate's hardships is really meaningless.

>> No.8284082

This is one of the main reasons why I won't be supporting this. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.8284091

I'm not sure I feel that bad for her. I mean, what has /cgl/ made fun of her for, her glasses and that one post about her pooping? (Tell me if I am wrong bc I only remember seeing people give her shit for her glasses).

Is she aware of the kind of shit that has normally gone on here? She's no PT thats for sure.

>> No.8284094

Sadly, no - I thought to get caps a couple of minutes after she deleted. I think she lurks here too, but she has a holier-than-thou attitude surrounding lolita (and a number of other things) so she'd deny it up and down. Dollars to donuts she's been in these threads. She's twice the age of some of the people I've seen her snarking at, but predictably is all about LACE and ~*~anti-cyberbullying~*~.

>> No.8284097

It would never have gone beyond the odd bit of talking about her glasses if she hadn't stuck her head in here and lost her shit left right and centre. I guess she'd be a nobody too, though.

>> No.8284104

Are you fucking kidding me? Someone should send her that Everybody Poops book. She needs to get over herself.

>> No.8284106

You probably don't know who I am talking about if you didn't read the major post in our country's comm page. So you're probably not from my country.

>> No.8284111

Being honest I never heard anyone telling a bad thing after meeting her. She just seems to be really shy from what I heard.

>> No.8284112

This will fuel LACE like nuts.
Just save your time, you'll just add up on cgl bad rep

>> No.8284118

If i had her fucking address I would totally mail it to her
with a delecate handwritten note slipped inside that says "get over yourself"

>> No.8284121

Wow, I never thought it was this(glasses kate) we were talking about. Now it is and will be P-kate

>> No.8284122


Did cgl ever have a good rep? I mean really, there's no changing 4chan, no matter how you look at it this is a sub board of the absolute filthiest hole on the internet. Compared to what happens on /b this shit is so tame.

Bad glasses pics and one comment about how she pooped one time... Sorry, I just don't sympathize.

>> No.8284123

Oh I remember that. Jesus she has no business educating people on how to deal with bullying if her response to getting talked about on /cgl/ is showing up and making a fool of herself.

>> No.8284129


Lol I want her to make a tutorial video on "how to handle cgl bullies" instructing itas to do exactly this... Please Kate, lead the lemmings right off the cliff!

>> No.8284144

Different anon here.
I also find weird the need of cheering up somebody, it could be taken as paternalistic. Do we want to make others feel less sad because we want to demonstrate ourselves we are strong enough to do so? Even if not, it seems there is a pre-requisite to ask for letters.
And if we fail into our cheering up mission? there is a reason for why therapists ask patients to not share their problems with couples or family : because they will fail to help and end up feeling like shit.
sadness aside, if meeting real life Lolitas can be disappointing, letters can be too.
I was in a gift exchange for LiW, and it just didn't work. People would give empty words and shity gifts. A single experience is not sufficient to get our optimism down , though.

However, I would love a forum. Through one is how I met my Lolita -big sister and she helped a lot since I started, even though I haven't met her irl.

>> No.8284156

She's probably going to tell them to "defend themselves", and the inevitable backlash will make everything ten times worse.

As long as someone is not blatantly spreading lies about you, there is no reason to respond to gossip.

>> No.8284165

You will feed LACE and the belief that cyberbullying is ANYTHING. That bullying is everywhere and should be stopped by using buttons, T-shirts and ambassador. Please, seagulls, don't ruin it for yourselves.

>> No.8284166


I feel like a forum would make SO MUCH MORE SENSE. Like if you hate BtB and cgl so much just make your own space, it's not that hard.

>> No.8284168

But anon, a forum is not as grand as an anti-bullying organization with merch and all!

>> No.8284169

Does this mean 5 of her friends are gulls?

>> No.8284173

My country is just liking and ignoring it. I've tempted to put the tumblr post, but I fear I'll end up like trying to make myself look smart and being understood as evil.

>> No.8284174



>> No.8284177

I've been about to reblog the post twice now, but I'm mutuals with some of Kate's friends and I'd rather just stay out of it and not support it instead of openly speaking against it.

>> No.8284179

>things that shouldn't happen

why no this should not be a thing
why would this be a thing
where would the money go?

>> No.8284180

Gotta make that burando money.
No but seriously, I'm really interested in hearing what on earth she's going to do with that money or why we need to even THINK about merch when the group is like five minutes old and hasn't done anything whatsoever.

>> No.8284183

The issue is regarding Letters for Lolitas (or something like it)

>> No.8284184

The merch thing is so, so sketchy. If there was a website and they were putting it towards domain costs, then that wouldn't be too bad, but what on earth could they possibly be using the money for?

>> No.8284191

Whether 4chan has bad rep or not, is not the point, but that posting more btb secrets will be useless and barely work as fuel for LACE

>> No.8284192
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Full disclosure, she did not directly say they were going to SELL anything, but to me that's pretty much implied.

>> No.8284197

>the absolute filthiest hole on the internet
dude, no, not even close. it's not even the filthiest chan. it's just the biggest one, so shitty people that need to feel better about themselves are happy to have something they can call pure evil instead of asking themselves how they range on the scale.

but i agree, i don't think i've ever seen anyone talk about anything more than her glasses and attitude here. and even then, there's never been a consensus either, there was always someone to say "the glasses don't really bother me so i think it's a nice coord" or "i heard she's just shy" or whatever.

>> No.8284212

Most people who hate 4chan have never even been on 4chan. They only know the "horror stories" from the media and think we're some sort of evil hacker organization that sprouts memes and doxxes people constantly. It's understandable if you think about it.

I see a lot of shit about her face or her chin, and that her coords look like shit, but it's increased tenfold since she started LACE, so I think it's just people being pissed off at that.

>> No.8284215
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>four or five friends told me there was something I should see on cgl
Someone should clue Kate in: they're probably the ones participating in the drama. Real friends don't force negativity into your face like that, and the fact that after the fact they said "well maybe not hurrdurr" either proves they knew it was bad and nothing good would come of it, or they're morons.

You know, this story would have just been in the annals of some obscure cgl archive. Now everyone knows about your shitter story Kate...everyone also knows now that a random stranger at a convention bathroom can hurt your ego this much.

>> No.8284232

You know, I will say this for Kate: she is genuinely sweet enough in person. Her timing may be bad, and maybe there is or maybe there isn't personal gain as a motive behind it, but I met Kate when I was a fledgling lolita who had no idea that she had any sort of e-famous moniker and she was nicer to me than she had any cause to be.
I attended the AWA tea party last year and was also in the fashion show, even though I had only one coord at the time and it was mediocre and nothing compared to the beautiful girls of the Atlanta comm. No one at the tea party save for Kate would even speak to me, and despite how awkward and nervous I was, she still talked to me and let me sit with her at her table so I didn't have to try to force myself in elsewhere. She didn't have to. She could have let me sit alone, or watched me sit quietly at a table full of girls who already knew each other. She had no reputation to build with me, because I had no idea who she was until several months later (so far as e-fame goes).
I don't know if LACE will do well but I think that Kate does have some genuinely good intentions in mind. I remember her talking with a friend at the tea party about how much hate she got, and I remember thinking that I didn't understand why, she seemed sweet, and her coord was nicely put together.
I haven't spoken to her since but it left a good impression and I'm hopeful that she does indeed want to do something good with this, even if I feel like there is a lot of work to be done before it is stable and running.

>> No.8284233

Whatever you say, girly toot.

>> No.8284234

oh yeah, the chin too, i remember now. either way, people never cared that much and she always had a few anons defending her before this LACE shit.

now that it's gotten personal though, i'm sure it will get a lot worse...

>> No.8284241

>I remember her talking with a friend at the tea party about how much hate she got
why would you bring that up at a tea party?

>> No.8284247
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>Racism doesnt mean the same thing to everyone

I think society would beg to differ.

>> No.8284248


You'd be surprised how many lolitas looove to do this.

>> No.8284249

It wasn't anything they were making a big deal over. Kate was nervous about her coord and the coordinate contest and her friend was reassuring her. They weren't talking to any other roris - just a general "chin up, you're beautiful, you don't deserve the hate you get" sort of thing, at which point I asked if she actually got hate because it surprised me.

>> No.8284255

as an artist I want to jump at this opportunity to make some dosh since I can capitalize on many newbies that watch those e-famous lolitas, also get myself out there even more

>but this goes against my opinions and I dont support lace

>> No.8284257

>this didn't happen
Hell-o Girlytoot.

>> No.8284267

Haha, no, I'm really not her. I am actually one of the girls who won the drawing at the tea party.
But its cool. I don't expect people to believe me or change their opinion based off my anonymous post on the Internet. I just wanted to say something half way nice for once.

>> No.8284268

Lol everyone is so thirsty to exploit people who genuinely have felt they were harassed or who want to support others who have been through bullying. You're going to make these poor, unsuspecting people buy merch? What a lowly, greedy motive.

>> No.8284270

If something like the posts before she got efame were bothering her, then I question her ability to be involved in something like LACE. Her personality, fame, and intentions aside, what if she has a meltdown? I'm not terribly fond of her, but I wouldn't wish it on her, and she's set herself up for it.

>> No.8284271

> Don't confirm what she says because it will get her more support
Whatever you say, anon.

>> No.8284275

Honestly anon, I'm more worried that this is bad timing with how all over the place her health is. This thing has blown up badly and I think the added stress will contribute negatively to her over all health.

>> No.8284276


Oh god I haven't even fully imagined this scenario. I bet she milkyfawns out in less than three months.

>> No.8284278

You're whiteknighting too hard, fyi. Just be subtle and if someone doesn't accept your story, just leave the thread.

>> No.8284280

What happened with milkyfawn? I remember suddenly seeing her more everywhere, and then she just up and sold everything and left?

>> No.8284286

Sorry anon. I've been keeping track of the LACE threads and adding input here and there since this started (not about Kate before now) but hell, white knighting aside, this shit has gone so far south it's like watching Hilary Clinton run for president.

>> No.8284292

She got sick of efame and left lolita.

>> No.8284293

Also second post you quoted wasn't me. I'm only AWAnon.

>> No.8284294

>"C-C-Come on, you guys! Just ignore them! You're proving them right, you know!"

I have officially seen this sort of shit on three different boards now. Utterly backfired on the first two, gonna backfire here.

>> No.8284295

Yeah, she got creeped out by all the attention (both positive and negative), decided it wasn't for her, and bounced. She's posted about it on here actually.

Honestly I don't blame her. Did you see that some girl was selling a dress "formerly owned by milkyfawn!" - that shit would unsettle me too.

>> No.8284296

She threw some bratty tantrum about her ~*~e-fame~*~ and left, despite the fact that nobody would have material to talk about if she stopped posting hauls, blog posts, and other bullshit on publicly accessible social media.

Fucking bimbos.

>> No.8284297

Was that literally it? Seems kind of weird, I don't remember her getting any negative attention, she could easily have just stopped posting online and changed her online handle. Seemed sort of a bratty attitude at the time, idk.

>> No.8284301


>> No.8284305

Iirc there was also something to do with her shopping addiction and her school, but I think those were just excuses.

>> No.8284310
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lol i actually just googled this.

>> No.8284313

I still think LACE is an awful idea, but I genuinely hope she doesn't burn out physically or mentally over it.

>> No.8284318

thats the point.
Some people think racism will never end
No ones on the same page, choosing thats offensive or not and then claiming white knight right and left.

>> No.8284322

For the same reason guys like beating each other up and calling each other faggots over video games.

>> No.8284327

Thanks anon I feel better now

>> No.8284380

you probably would get a dime of it anon, she hasn't explained where the money is going, but it sounds like she is expecting people to just
give her art and merch to use

>> No.8284385

People Opposing Outrageous Persecutions

Fashion Alliance Raising Tolerance

>> No.8284388

now that's a movement I can get behind!

>> No.8284415

She did change her username, and afaik she still wears lolita occasionally, she's just doesn't post about it much. Guess she got freaked out by her sudden populary, who knows.

>> No.8284438

Dude seriously, don't be that person. Thus type of attitude us what Lace is trying to combat. All you will be doing is giving them ammunition. Fight idiocy and dumb shit with intelligent arguments l, not shit that fuels more idiocy.

>> No.8284476

So I would get behind Lace if Kate was actually saying something proactive and helpful but she is not. It's all POSITIVITY and STOP BULLYING. She seems to think the way to deal with it is for people to never ever say anything bad that will offend someone.

I would have more respect if she had of said 'I was posted to /cgl/ because someone heard me poop in the toilet and while that did make me feel bad I acknowledge that the one thing I have no control over is what people say about me."

She could have stood up and been an example of how to deal with negative gossip but instead went nuts and made this crusade. There is a subtle if you aren't a Lace member you're a bully thing going on and I am not ok with it. This is her personal crusade against people saying things she doesn't like. It's nit actually going to help anyone.

We need to send in that Jenna girl who git dog piled to ask for help from Lace and see what the actual result is.

>> No.8284477

But this kind of thing is going to be idiotic regardless. No matter what the results will be a bunch of loud idiots squawking at anyone against them.

>point out that kate brought it upon herself by trying to turn herself into a martyr

>trash kate on btb

>talk amongst ourselves about how kate is just being a twat and making things worse for herself

>point out that some girls in the group constantly bullied/bully others

>say you don't agree with the idea because poor planning etc.

there's not going to be any way to win.

>> No.8284480

>I did not sit down and plan anything out before creating it
Oh, girl, we believe this completely.

Followup questions: Which "qualified and certified mental health professionals" does she have on standby? Will profits from LACE products be going to pay these professionals? If not, where will the profits be going?

Agreed. I was like, "Girl, you know your audience." That said, I could see how her entire post could be viewed as "concern trolling" after that bit, too.

I assumed that was the case in the first thread--wouldn't be shocked if she or one of her minions were in this thread, too.

I think your idea and your name for it is cute, but why would you want to be associated with LACE? I would think it would just bring drama upon your fledgling group.

>> No.8284489

girlytoots over here, doing what she does best shit(post)ting

>> No.8284498

But Jenna is friends with her bully now and if you say that they did anything wrong then you are just saltttyyyy...

>> No.8284508

Not that anon but I think that's the whole point of this passive aggressive counter movement. LACE is probably not going to convince anyone to stop their bullying ways. Gaining maturity to realize that one is being a dildo is one of those things that happens differently for every cgl shit poster - for some it never happens at all, they just get bored and wander off. But painting a huge target on yourself the way LACE is doing doesn't seem like its going to do any lasting good. Until something changes, like LACE develop a cohesive strategy or mission statement, they are just feeding into the situation as much as sandy cunts like that anon (no disrespect meant) - it goes both ways - cgl bullies like it when their prey fights back - the most commonly given advice to people who find out they have been posted to the it's thread and try to defend themselves is "Don't. Just let it happen, don't fight it and it will be over and done with and everyone will probably forget." Shit. We have done the same thing in this thread here, people pointing that if Kate had just let the bathroom incident go, no one would have given it a second thought or any credence to an unsubstantiated rumor. Is it victim blaming? I don't know, I'm not some tumblr faggot but I can see that this is really unlikely to end well and the best we can hope for is mutual destruction to put us all out of our misery.

>> No.8284511

nice try, that was me.
Given up now, just gonna sit back and watch you dig your own graves. So funny that as soon as anyone disagrees they are obviously the person being insulted and just trying to defend tehemselves.

>> No.8284516

No one cares, Girly Toot.

>> No.8284517

girlytoot tootin' lace horn

honestly though in my experience cgl really isn't that bad unless you personally make a big deal out of it / act obnoxious on social media. that's all. a lot of gulls are actually quite supportive if you are trying to put a coord together and need help.

i never joined egl because it seemed too intimidating and there are no communities for me to go to locally so cgl is like my only home. it nice here if you're not uptight about pride and stuff.

>> No.8284526

www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCPj4JPbKtA By the way can we crown this Girlytoot's theme song, I feel like someone by that nickname deserves a theme song.

>> No.8284533

I don't think it's victim shaming, mire the Streisand Effect.

>> No.8284538

the lace thing is stupid.
everyone in this thread is stupid.

y'all stupid.

the end.

>> No.8284541

Don't you think if I actually was Girly Toot I 'd have a more butt hurt response? Post all the BtB you want but lowbrow crap isn't going to take Lace down. Smart questions and pointing out the gaps will. Making people cry 4 lulz is what she (should be) talking about and that's what those types of secrets are promoting.

>> No.8284543

Does anyone else want to watch this blow up in Kate's face and watch her cry about leaving lolita?

>> No.8284573

What even was this bathroom incident and what happened that was so bad?

>> No.8284576

Which is why nobody has material to talk about now, dumbass.

>> No.8284600

read the fucking thread

>> No.8284617

This so much. Acting like imbeciles won't help your cause, being smart and showing what's wrong with Lace will.
Stop calling anyone who points out the obvious "girlytoot". You do realize that name is a setup,right? Someone has been plugging "go away you stupid farty pants" on this board for days now, to subconsciously get you to think of farts. The fact that suddenly someone is calling Kate a "toot" because an anon claimed to hear her pooping is no coincidence. This has been a set up from the start to make us look bad, can't believe any of you are falling for it.

>> No.8284625



>> No.8284628


HAHA toot conspiracy 2015

>> No.8284631


>> No.8284645

So about this... Jenna and Kate are (or were) both PGH comm members. I'm pretty sure Kate kicked her out of the community group because she couldn't afford to have a social snafu give her a black eye right before AM's Kawaii Ambassador thing. I know Jenna and Kate both. Kate used to be nice and sweet and welcoming, but I think e-fame has made her really self-centered. She hardly talks to anyone who can't bolster her fame in some way. I like Jenna much more now, especially since she managed to turn her experience with bullying around. If Jenna wanted back into the comm, all she'd have to do is claim that Kate was bullying her by refusing to let her rejoin now that she's apologized.

>> No.8284648

>your cause

You mean laughing at the silliest slacktivist movement since "Ponies Against Rape Culture"? Nah, I think staying the course is the way to go.

>> No.8284669

Alright. At first I was thinking, oh well we will just be fueling their fire, but then I realized, it doesn't matter. We're just a drop in the bucket, they are going to find fuel no matter what because they're going to be looking for it. So, instead of ignoring all of this, I just want to add to the cringe. People saying we should leave it along or ignore it or trying to keep us away from the group in general are probably just part of the group and don't want any trouble, but fuck that. Even if we 'give them what they want' it's going to be more fun than letting it progress in exactly the same way.

Fuck em, I'm having fun with it.

>> No.8284675

>Kate trying to play this off as planned
No fucks given. That girl is girlytoot to me from now on. She'll never live this one down, especially since now she's admitted it. Too bad she takes herself too seriously to laugh along and lessen the social damage now.

>> No.8284681

I'm right there with you. Plus I hate girls with big glasses who associate themselves with owls.

>> No.8284690

Why exactly was she kicked out? Was it related to the rufflechat incident?

>> No.8284704

This so much. I have really bad eyesight and they don't make contacts in a high enough power. I'm stuck with huge hipster-ish glasses (I went with light colored frames to minimize the effect) because that's the only way my prescription will work. Having horrible eyesight is not cute. Glasses are medical equipment first and foremost, and it's because of people like her that I get shit on for wearing them. I wish Kate hadn't made such a big deal out of her glasses because it makes people who are actually stuck with them look bad.

>> No.8284709

Lol and people wanted her to be a Kawaii Ambassador. Im sure she made this whole LACE thing to feel as if she is as equally important because she didn't win the title. Hence the "lace ambassador"

>> No.8284718

Same here! I'm actually going to get lasik soon, even though it will only bring it down a bit because I can only get thick plastic frames since it is impossible to get my lenses ground down. I still make sure to take my glasses off for photos though. There's not anything cute about needing to wear shit glasses, and there's nothing cute about someone acting like she'll die if she takes that shit off.

>> No.8284720

My post got cut off. Hence the lace ambassador not so much about her shitting. It's all a stupid facade and people are falling for it.

>> No.8284722
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>> No.8284740

>kawaii ambassador
>lace ambassador
It's no coincidence. I'm sure she was hoping newbies would mistake her self-appointed "title" with the same kind of authority as the former.

>> No.8284757

Lucky duck. I've been advised by multiple doctors to never get lasik, as it's likely to do me more harm than good. I've considered taking my glasses off for photos, but I have lazy eye, which could be even more off-putting than my glasses.

I really wish people would see glasses in lolita is a non-issue. You wouldn't complain about someone's prosthetic arm or wheelchair, so why do people find it necessary to do that with glasses.

>> No.8284763


Also isn't she a known bully anyway?

>> No.8284787

What is her new username?

>> No.8284808

my sister is an orthoptist (aids a opthamologist) and she tells me horror stories about the shit it can do, 30 year olds with problems that 70yr + grannies get etc etc. So getting lasik isn't always a good thing.

>> No.8284855

No one really cares about glasses,
it's glasses that don't go at all and stick out like a sore thumb

>> No.8284859


>> No.8284861

>isn't she a known bully anyway?
if bullying is wrong, it is always wrong. i don't care about kate because i don't care about celebrities of any stripe. the gossip rags at the checkout line hold zero interest for me and neither does the "lolcow dramu" bullshit.

but if you're going to bully someone don't try to justify it or act self-righteous. do it for the lulz or because you're a jelly bitch. no one is buying that kate deserves this treatment or that those perpetuating it have any moral superiority to do so.

trying to claim it's okay because she bullies people is like claiming it's okay to mock white people because white privilege.

>> No.8284871

This is stupid.

>> No.8284890

Not cool man.

>> No.8284894

Did you actually read?

>> No.8284896

... why
anon, that's not cool.
i know this is the risk people take when they share photos online, but she intended to share those photos with a select audience (lolitas), not a fap board.

>> No.8284897

too far.

>> No.8284901

grow up.

>> No.8284910


how the fuck did you think anyone would think this was okay... we might be railing on her but let's not be fucking creepy and gross.

>> No.8284912

this is why LACE exists

>> No.8284914

Sorry, what's that? Can't hear you over the sound of...how do I put it...feminine honking?

>> No.8284917



>> No.8284928

No-- we're bitches, but we're not fucking creepy. We bitch about other bitches, not send them to creepy as bitches that will use their (pretty decent) coord photos as pornography. Please step the fuck back off this board, we may not look like it a lot but have standards, you fuckwit.

>> No.8284932

same anon-- wow, I butchered that english, holy shit.
> *creepy ass bitches
> *back the fuck off
> *but we have standards

>> No.8284936

this LACE bullshit was a guaranteed shitstorm, obviously being involved with this just makes you a target

>> No.8284939

I would take a screencap so you could see there's only one (You) in that list, but then you'd just accuse me of photoshopping it so, just know that you aren't being funny anymore and no one agrees with you or your little stunt.

>> No.8284952

And how would you actually do that? I jumped on this thread like.. five minutes ago? I can say that I'm >>8284928 , >>8284932 and >>8284897 but that's it. If you wanna attempt to "prove it" then go ahead but it doesn't change the fact that you're a disgusting person.

>> No.8284959

Tsk, tsk, tsk! So rude! Goodness, what will the consequences of being so very rude, I wonder?

>> No.8284963

no one will fap to this bullshit anyway

>> No.8284964

uh that anon was saying they were one of the people quoted as being samefag, but proving it wouldn't help.

i was also one of the ones quoted so there is at least 3 of us.

>> No.8284967

Toot, toot, toot, went the girly! Ring, ring, ring, went the bell!

Sing along if you know the words!

>> No.8284971

Uh, this >>8284964

>> No.8284972

I see this thread is in autosage. Is it even worth continuing

>> No.8284974

So how is being a psychopath working out for you?

>> No.8284983

...oh. I'm really sorry then actually. Oops.