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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8261822 No.8261822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The talk about 'dream dresses' and prop commissions and stuff has me wondering, what's a dollar worth to you guys? what kind of work do you guys do, what do you make, and how well do your hobbies fit in with your job?
Especially lolitas, do your coworkers see that side of you?

>> No.8261876

I want to wear lolita, but right now I'm just focused on moving out of my mom's house. I work full time as a cashier supervisor making $10.25/hr.

>> No.8261905

I work in a meat shop making $12.50/hr...you know like chopping and packaging meat. It's kinda fun but doesn't really fit the cute lolitay look.

>> No.8261913

I just started lolita, was into it ages ago but couldn't afford it and didn't want to be ita. I work as a receptionist at eye specialist, earn $25/hour, work 4 days a week.

>> No.8261944

I am a designer, I'm on $65k at the moment, and I can wear almost anything at work but I try to look appropriate because I have to meet with clients fairly often.

>> No.8261952

>I work as a receptionist at eye specialist, earn $25/hour, work 4 days a week.
You live in the USA? If so, I need to look into this line of work. I have worked in customer service in retail so I am familiar with being the face of a company, phone systems, and lots of paperwork--any specialized skills necessary for people starting out as receptionists? How did you land your job?

>> No.8261955

How did I mess up quoting so badly?

>>8261913, please see >>8261952.

>> No.8261985

Sorry anon, I'm in Aus! A older sibling works there as clinic staff so when they were scrabbling to find someone to replace, they suggested me. I was hired as a typist originally, then bumped up to receptionist. Just people skills I suppose? This is actually my first job (inb4 people call me lazy, parents were NO WORK! STUDY IS WORK!).

I suppose knowing how to talk to patients etc, if they're a little bit grumpy, compliment them on their clothing, jewellery, ask about how their easter was etc . Balancing things, not getting distracted during tasks by phone calls and patients and making sure you get every detail down when you're making an appointment. I have a notepad that I write everything in just in case. Oh, and learning how to fax and write cheques. Had no idea people still used those. 2015 and we're still faxing like we're in the 80s. I think i wrote too much but oh well

>> No.8261995

No, no, no, thank you for all the details! I am familiar with multitasking, customer service, invoicing, checks, etc. I seriously doubt that I could make a wage anywhere near $25usd in my area as a receptionist, but it is another avenue to explore. Thank you for the food for thought and for taking the time to answer my question.

>> No.8261997

I do data management for a nonprofit and make $15 an hour. It's not a "lolita job" or anything, but I have no dress code and have worn otome/classic without a petticoat plenty of times. My coworkers know about my lolita hobby and think it's really cool - they always want to see photos when I come back from cons or when they know I had a meetup the weekend before.

>> No.8262007
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Every company I've worked for (Los Angeles) has paid the receptionists more than $25 / hour. I doubt you find openings often, though

> Software Engineer
> $150-200k range
> Bad genes for cosplay

>> No.8262013

i work as a cashier at a small food joint. i make $9.50 an hour and work 3-4 days a week.

it kinda fits into the kawaii job thing as i don't have a dress code but we do have tshirts and our overall design of the restaurant is cute af. we also serve asian-fusion cuisine, waffle sandwiches, ice cream, and bubble tea.

>> No.8262025

I work in adops at a marketing company. It's fun!

>> No.8262028

$15/hr busting my ass and making the majority of the money for the company from said ass busting. After convention season I think I'll be leaving. Staying only because I can get time off more easily here where I have some seniority than if I went to another job now.

>> No.8262032

First job with no previous experience so $25 is pretty good for me! I ain't complaining! (And cause my sibling did the bargaining with the head doc's wife) I'm sure the older receptionists (one's been working for our head doc for over a decade) do get more cause experience n stuff. I am getting a pay rise this july (massive $2 bucks!!) and going into part time so I can get sick benefits and what not.

No probs! I'm still new to the job so I don't handle much of the serious work. The other receptionists handle surgery billing/debt collecting, another handles the seminars and allocation of points to optoms. I handle mostly scanning / more technical things, ringing and reminding patients about their appointments, sending out letters for patients that didn't show up/for yearly check ups.

>> No.8262075

Anon you should note that minimum wage in Aus is close to $17/hr. USA is more like 7.50/hr.

>> No.8262083

I make about $37/hr, but while my job is easy and I spend half my day milling around killing time, it is also a little gross. I do clinical drug testing.

I'm not particularly interested in making my cute clothes smell like pee or spilling blood on them so normal business casual (fuck scrubs I hate scrubs), but sometimes my shift duties are just at a computer so I sneak in some more conservative Jfash here and there since dress code is lax.

>> No.8262093

How long have you been working as a designer, and what field do you specialise in? I've just gotten a full time job as a junior graphic designer and I'm barely making $25k. I know they're lowballing me because I lack experience, despite my BFA, but I'm not sure what I should do to make more. I plan to leave once I have enough experience to apply to better places, but I'm worried starting so low will impact what I'm offered in the future.

I still live at home, so most of what I'm making is going towards savings and cosplay/buyfagging, but it's still really frustrating.

>> No.8262107

i work at build a bear workshop (college student) and make slightly above minimum wage in my state. we have uniforms so..not much room to dress cute but at least i can make my room cute with bears with my discount.

>> No.8262118

most companies when contacted will only confirm that you worked there and for what period of time. basically this means you throw out a number that you were being "paid" at your previous job. it may or may not be bigger than what you were actually paid.

>> No.8262137

So I could say I'm making somewhere in the $30k range and they would have no way of verifying that?

>> No.8262156

I work as a cafe supervisor for about $19-23 P/H. I like it and all but I wish I could work somewhere that wasn't so...messy. I was offered a chance to become a body piecing apprentice, it would be a good chance to try out some cute apron/nurse coords.

>> No.8262157

I'm a full time student. I get around $750 a month in student funds + $450 in student loans.
Most of the money goes toward helping my parents out economically and saving up for traveling. After everything has been deposited to different accounts I've got around $200 left for cosplay and other hobbies.
I intend to study japanese in uni once I'm done here, in order to satisfy my inner weeb.

But right now I don't really have a whole lot of time to improve my sewing or prop making skills, so while I'm in school I'm taking it pretty slow. One convention a year and only simple costumes. And fuck no I would never wear anything questionable to school.

>> No.8262168

don't major in Japanese

simply no jobs you can get from it,

no translating is not a job, in the political arena nobody cares about japan all they do is itch about china and north korea but need to shut the fuck up because they have no army

in japan you don't need to know Japanese to trade with them

i've been to japan every year since i was a young boy and i rarely if ever speak the language

the few times it has come up is if i talk to someone who lived through ww2 era japan and were not allowed to learn english

or some really backwoods place that has no english and asking country japanese folk to read me shit

>> No.8262171

Been thinking of getting a job at build a bear. Can you give me the deets anon?

>> No.8262173

haha i don't wanna send a whole unnecessary wall of text. was there anything you wanted to know about?

>> No.8262177

nobody gives a shit about your life story, asshole. why don't you get a fucking job instead of shitposting all day long.

>> No.8262179

I probably should have formulated that sentence differently.
I don't intend to major in japanese. No idea what I want to major in yet, I just intend to study it on a higher level once I gain the access to do so.

>> No.8262186

Japanese is a lot more useful in some areas. I'm in a part of SoCal with a really dense Japanese population, and the businesses to match. There's a lot of jobs that specifically want people who are Japanese/English bilingual.

Then again, it depends entirely on demographics. Japanese as a language would be much less useful in places without the population for it.

>> No.8262209

I work part time at a fast food restaurant for $8.25/hr, 3-4 days a week. I budget my money from hell and back since I make so little from my job. I've resorted to bringing lunch to school every single day; only driving to places other than school/work if it's central to my daily route and not out of the way; going out to eat very rarely; the list goes on. The biggest budget eater is gas money; my car isn't very fuel efficient, so I have to fill it up every single week. So because of that, I've learned how to go several days without spending a cent unless if it's absolutely necessary. I rarely get paychecks where I can absolutely splurge, too. Because of that, I'm hoping to get a second job at a video production company that makes $9/hr.

As much as I love my coworkers, I'm not quite comfortable showing my lolita side to them just yet. Don't get me wrong - my coworkers are very easygoing. When the time comes, hopefully I can show them.

Here's hoping that I find a better paying job once I move to university and don't have to worry about driving.

>> No.8262214


>> No.8262219

>bringing lunch to school every single day
that's like me except to work
my coworkers are like what the fugggggggg when they see me go and buy something

>> No.8262232

I live in socal too, what area do you live in that has a dense Japanese population?

it's not LA, since even little tokyo or w/e is like 3 blocks if that.

and san diego has that one place with book off and those grocery stores in that run down little area

>> No.8262247

Well I'm mainly trying to decide if it's worth replacing my part time free sample/demo job.

I make $11 an hour but the max I can work is 6 hours a day. My schedule is pretty random too on average I get 3-4 days a week but some weeks I only get 2 or less.

So mainly curious about hours and anything that is an improvement over a food job. I want out of food.

>> No.8262255

food demo is a better job than retail in a mall

hour wise and pay wise

also non-tangible asset wise

if you like build-a-bear just go there on a date or take your sisters kid while you're baby sitting or something

>> No.8262266

Food service has way more upward mobility than a job at a build a bear. Fast food can get you barista work, barista work can get you bartending work, etc.

>> No.8262271

I'm a high school teacher. I get paid super well for a teacher, though compared to the startup jobs everywhere I'm obviously paid shit. It's enough for me, though. Even after bills and rent, I have enough to splurge if I buy things little by little.

I've worn wigs and stuff to class for things like Spirit Weeks. The students and staff seem to enjoy it. I use trinkets and things I've bought from cons as prizes in my classroom and the kids get pretty into it. It's fun.

>> No.8262276

You're thinking of the Mitsuwa shopping center. There's a Chopstix Too in the same shopping center as the Mitsuwa/Book-Off and the staff there is/speaks Japanese. Across the street is the Daiso/Marukai center, and then like a block away is Nijiya. There are also 2 karaoke places (that I'm aware of), an Asian bakery, and several more Japanese restaurants so... I'm imagining that anon is talking about Kearny Mesa/San Diego. There are also a bunch of bubble tea places and a 99 Ranch but that's Chinese.

>> No.8262277

i recently lost my job in warehousing (made $14.50 but it was on call anyway) and my bf is supporting both of us.
i have to put rorita on hold for now, but I'm going to school in a few months majoring in philosophy, then i can pretty much go in any direction i want
I'm thinking about law school right now but I'm not fully decided, so a degree in philosophy should suit me well incase i change my mind
it sucks though because i did drop out of high school to get my ged so now things will take more time for me, but I'm not discouraged even though none of my family believes in me.

>> No.8262289

I'm a Junior Compositor at a VFX Studio. I got hired on doing roto paint work and now I'm working up to try and be a Compositor.

I only make $15/hour right now but its the most money I've ever made in my life and a reasonable starting wage for doing what I was initially hired on for. I am going to ask for a raise when I come back for our next season of work.

Only downside is that I really lack the time to work on cosplay now, since I'm working a lot of over time and studying to get better at what I do right now.

>> No.8262309

>roto paint work
oy vey
is it exhausting? I imagine I'd lose my mind.

>> No.8262315

I've always found it to be mildly calming and relaxing. It's only really been a problem when I'm excited for something and then it just seems to drag on forever.

Also now that I've bumped up to Junior Compositor I jump in between doing roto paint and compositing actual shots so it makes my job more fresh and less tiring.

>> No.8262331

I'm an interaction designer so UI/UX primarily, though I have a multidisciplinary skill set. That's where the money generally is - making websites and apps. I'm also not from the US so the salary is going to be different. I've been working for 2 years and had a starter salary of $40k.

>> No.8262346

I'm currently a third year apprentice boilermaker in australia making $39 p/h so funds are never really an issue. Though hiding my interest in cosplay is a must while at work or gatherings with workmates involved.

>> No.8262359

I earn $14.40 an hour working at my university's MakerSpace. Its pretty cool. I got recruited due to all my cosplay sewing. I teach people how to sew, use 3D printers, laser cutters, electric equipment and arduino boards. I don't work too many hours a week but we are closed on weekends so I'm always free. It also provides a fantastic networking opportunit y so I'm hopping to be upwards Bound.

>> No.8262395

I'm a student doing a STEM degree so at the moment I don't have much time to work but hopefully there's high-paid work in my future. I do a little bit of tutoring (mix of primary and earlier high school students) and get £10-20 an hour for it, minus what I spend on travel and printing out materials. It's a lot better paid than most other jobs I could get, but you only really get more hours via word of mouth. I could get more money and work tutoring A-level students, but I don't want the stress and it'd be a lot of effort getting up to speed with the specification for people who are doing different exam boards to the one I did. In high school I applied for a bunch of jobs but never got anything more than minimum wage (£4.98 for an 18-year-old at the time) retail over Christmas. Nowadays I still apply for part-time jobs but I'm not engaged in an intense search because I'm busy with college work and I get a fairly generous amount of grants, bursaries and loans anyway because I'm from a low-income family, plus a scholarship from my uni for high A-level grades. Deducting lump sum yearly expenses, food and essentials I have about £55/week to play with plus what I earn from tutoring.

>> No.8262401

Awww hey there! I skipped from the research/lab setting to try to become a teacher (also in California). I was a junior specialist with a plant sciences project for a while, and it had solid benefits and good pay for how easy it was, but it was a temp spot and didn't feel really fulfilling.

I cosplay and have been kind of selfishly worried
>if I become a teacher, how fucked is my hobby?

>> No.8262413

Sugar baby, $250-400/night about 4 nights a week (2 different SDs)

>> No.8262417

I'm styudying at the military academy so I get paid for studying there but I will have to stay working for the army after I graduated.

>> No.8262418

I'm stationed in Guam atm and 90% of the tourists we get are Japanese and the territory's #1 income is tourism, US military is #2. A lot of retail jobs here strongly prefer people who speak Japanese and English and/or Tagalog.

>> No.8262419

I'm doing my masters degree in computer science and the state pays for most of my expenses. I work 10 hours a week for some extra cash which makes about 400€ a month.

>> No.8262420


>> No.8262426

someone's butthurt because they're probably majoring in japanese and know deep down they're fucked

>> No.8262431


VFX is full of anime nerds. I'm a rigger at the moment. I've lost count of the number of people I've worked with who cosplay.

>> No.8262440

>and the state pays for most of my expenses
me too, even more because it's a double degree so the schedule is insane and I'm unable to work
god I love being a yuropoor

>> No.8262455

I'm currently at University studying Theoretical Physics. In the UK so get paid to go to Uni with the Student Loan and I also get a lot of grants and scholarships so all in all I get £10,000 a year, (£4,000) of that will be repaid slowly to the government. Rent where I live is cheap and so is food and I don't go to clubs etc. so I have a lot of my money just flowing around - and Student Loan day is tomorrow so even more.

To top up money for Lolita etc I am working in a Particle Physics Laboratory in the Summer and will soon being going to a Lab in Israel to work for a bit too.

I'm comfortable money-wise, but more than that - I'm very happy, which is more important to me.

>> No.8262459

If you're even being paid by the night, why not just call it prostitution like it clearly is?

>> No.8262472

Is your family poor too? Sometimes I feel kinda bad about how loaded I am compared to my middle-class peers who don't get the grants, but it's still such a good feel after growing up poor, especially since I don't drink so even more money is left for lolita. I don't feel too bad about it though because most of them, for all they complain about having less a week to live on than me, their parents help them with incidental expenses like deposits and will buy them a new laptop if theirs breaks etc, give them Christmas presents worth hundreds, whereas I have to pay for all that shit myself.

>> No.8262482

I used to work as a casual at a special school but seems like there hasn't been much work for me lately (had a decent $26 an hour)

I study full time (secondary teaching) and do weekly tutoring for high school kids (which is nice for quick $$ but traveling kills me)

I make a habit of cleaning my room and selling off my hoarded cosplay things as well which returns back to the money cycle.

>> No.8262491

To be fair, I know some people who were genuinely screwed over by the way student finance assesses household income (mostly a girl whose parents have five fucking kids living at home but because their combined income is over 40k it's assumed they can also afford to support her at uni), but some people are ridiculous. One time
>omg anon it's so unfair that you have £175 a week to live on and I only have £100!
>whaaat, that sounds awful, our accommodation is £116/wk how do you even live
>oh my parents pay for my accommodation but still £100 is like nothing
>this bitch is too thick to realise that since I pay for my own accommodation I live off way less than her
>and £25 of my income is from a non-means-tested scholarship she could have got too
>but I guess she'd have to not be thick to get the grades for that

>> No.8262505

I'm a student in an art major and just had an internship at disney but I'm not sure where I really want to be in the long run. I'm really worried because everyone I know is pushing me to work there because it's hard to get into the creative industry. I love it there and everyone there is super cool but I like lolita and I'm a huge weeb, I'm just not sure if I will fit in.

Maybe my head is just up in the clouds but it'll be nice to design my own burando but I haven't taken any fashion classes (drawing related major). I'm financially stable family wise and have 1-2 years after my graduation to find a job/make my own business before my parents boot me out.

>> No.8262509


Indeed, I lived with my mother who works part time so I got the max loan and grant. I also got grants and scholarships from my uni for my grades and money situation combined. I feel really bad because my fathers side owns a very big company and hence is minted but obviously it isn't counted when they calculate. If I run out of money I can always go "Daddddyyyy". I feel bad... Wait, I don't really.

I feel bad too as some people I lived by and when to school with (I lived in a wealthy part of Oxford) couldn't go to Uni as they were stuck in the fine line between getting any loan and their parents being able to completely afford to pay for Accom and living arrangements.
And yeh, the bloody thing about accommodation "Oh Anon-Chan, your accommodation is £65ppw? Wow, you're so lucky!" When they could have in fact selected this cheap accom instead of their swanky abode as it "looked awesome"

And yus about the scholarship! They get such sandy vaginas from this, I'm not "lucky", I've been working my arse off to get on this course and other things such as the fact I have to get disability-grant etc. (And I'd rather get less money and be "well" in all fairness here)

>> No.8262531

I have a friend who majored in Japanese and now she works at fuckin' Google doing shit for the Japanese app store.

I have another friend who majored in Japanese and now she teaches English in Japan.

>> No.8262539

>and now she teaches English in Japan.
that's not even a good job, you don't even need a degree to teach in Japan

>> No.8262566

I work in marketing for a really badly run company. It sucks because no matter how well we do our jobs, the boss will ruin everything. She inherited the business from her dad and she doesn't have a lick of business OR common sense. On the bright side, it's full time, I have job security, and my coworkers are all disgusting weebs like me.

>> No.8262637

If your boss is that incompetent, how do you have job security? The company could fold if severely mismanaged.

>> No.8262650

so you're telling me that you think it is a good idea to major in japanese, attend college for 4 years

then move to guam for a retail job?

>> No.8262661

the app store is worldwide, it just displays different languages or host regional only apps depending on what settings you choose.

teaching japanese is a really bad job, NOVA will literally hire anyone who speaks english and white people go there for work when they can't find real jobs to hold them over

>> No.8262783

Daughter of a former Disney animator here. You'd fit in. Trust me

>> No.8262798

£65/week is really lucky though, my uni's cheapest accomodation is £98/week for a shared room. In other words, the same price as the smallest single rooms at my first choice uni I didn't get into...

I thought I'd be in the same situation as you when I first started looking at unis (dad was well-off but parents were separated and mum was on a low income so I was gonna get quite a lot of money), but then about a year before the application deadline they got back together and it looked like I'd be getting nothing. But then they divorced with such bad blood all around that he wouldn't pay for my university (or would pay for it but use it as a tool for emotional blackmail and coercion). Had some trouble with student finance because during the time he'd moved back in with us he earnt a lot, even though my mum paid the mortgage and we never saw a penny of the money because he was an abusive dick, but the solicitor managed to sort it out so only my mum's earnings were considered for my finance application so I got the grants in the end.

The worst similar case I saw was a girl in the year above me whose parents were divorced. Dad was unemployed and mum was in a low-paid secretary job, but she remarried to a guy who was earning 100k a year, so her household income was considered over 100k. But the guy she married point blank refused to pay for her daughter's uni because she wasn't his biological child. Mum stayed with him despite that shittiness, so student finance were just like "lol, your household income is high so we're not gonna give you shit". I think she eventually got the money by going through appeals and having the parent she was living with re-declared as her unemployed dad, but it took a really long time to sort out.

>> No.8262813

as an animator I'd agree
lots of art types can be summed up as manchildren/womanchildren. might as well be a compliment at that point. like, we never grew up. just a bunch of kids who happened to get jobs.

>> No.8262850

$40k a year as a (junior) graphic designer. it's actually a pretty slow job because the projects are few and can be finished rather quickly, so i read manga on my phone most of the day. been saving a little and spending disposable income on cosplay and clothes, but i wanna start traveling abroad this year so i'll probably cool it on the cosplay after summer con season.

>> No.8262864

did you go to school for UI/UX or did you pick it up on your own?

>> No.8262894

I feel this. Not going to Uni don't think, the education system fucked me up with mental illness enough already.

But I'd get pretty much nothing if i did.
Live with my Mom, she makes £24k a year. My dad who fucked off years ago makes £120K+ and because of that cunt, I get fuck all. See him twice a year at best, last year when I couldn't afford to get to college, he refused to help me out, and I was nearly chucked from the course.

>> No.8262920

That's a relief to know! Thanks anon. I still have a while before I graduate, but that's going to help my anxiety issues by a lot.

> like, we never grew up. just a bunch of kids who happened to get jobs.
Haha yeah, listening to fairytales are nice~ But now as we get older we become the ones telling them.

>> No.8262936

Why do you get fuck all if your dad doesn't live with you? Even if your parents are separated not divorced, if he's not living in your house his income shouldn't count.

>> No.8262937

I'm a student currently, but I work as an art history research intern at a local gallery for $10/hr 3 days a week (because of school, during breaks I work full time). I basically do research on pieces people bring into the gallery for appraisals, or on artwork we already have. My boss and coworkers have seen pics of me in lolita, and they think its adorable, but I wouldn't wear it to work unless we were having an event and it fit the theme. I try to look professional since we do a lot of appraisals and we need to sell my skills as a researcher, which wouldn't work if I was wearing frills.

>> No.8262947

>wahh my mom got custody of me instead of my rich dad
>wahh my dad won't pay for all my shit

I love how poor people think that £120K+ if enough to solve all of their problems and their friends' problems. Money doesn't go as far as you think it should.

>> No.8262981

I work 12hr/wk at 10USD/hr as the second person in a two-person department that manages my University's bio research safety guidelines. Basically, I do office/data entry/IT work for my boss. Starting May, I'll work full time.

I'm going to stay until probably the end of the summer and then look for a better paying office job. I think it fits in with the natural j-fash aesthetic and I think other people in the office (we have different departments in the same office) would be pretty ecstatic if I wear mori or j-fash, but my boss is a traditional lady so I've been trying to emulate them in clothes. I'll have to save my thigh highs for the weekends.

I'm finding myself developing a work closet instead of a j-fash one, so I guess I'm growing out of it. I also have a wedding to save up for, so no lolita or cosplay, which isn't a huge blow to me anyway. I'd rather spend my extra money on fun dates or holiday presents.

>> No.8262987

I work as a docent in a museum making about $9/h for now, we have to wear period appropriate clothes so no lolita for me at work at all, unfortunately!

>> No.8262990

I'm a UI/UX designer at a tech company and I make $80k. My coworkers know about my lolita and cosplay hobbies and think it's cool. I could wear lolita to work but I prefer not to.

>> No.8263003

It's part of her incompetence. If she hasn't fired you in the first 3 months, she likes you and you'll be around forever. The company is supported by her dad's other company (exact same business but in Asia, it's worth billions while my boss's is only worth $4mil) which her competent sister inherited. When my boss fucks up too badly, her sister swoops in to save the day.

>> No.8263036

If true, it's depressing thinking that major companies are actually run by inherited incompetents like that.

>> No.8263093
File: 104 KB, 680x602, poorfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just getting by on <£16,000 annually

>> No.8263101

There's a reason that your parents' wealth is the best predictor of your own potential wealth.

>> No.8263382

>Majoring in philosophy
Nigga plz no.
Don't do that to yourself

>> No.8263603

(i'm US, so i'm going off assuming you're american ?)
well BAB is part time. you can get a full-time position but the only people who hold those are the assistant and store manager and those are usually people who have been with the company for 8+ years. you'd start making minimum wage or slightly above it, and i don't have a full open availability so my hours range anywhere from 40 hours a week to literally like 6 just depending on how busy it is. it's hard to say for sure because whenever it's warm out it's dead here because i live near a really popular children's water park which steals all of our customers, so i don't know how stores in other parts of the US do in the summer. from personal experience, anything in retail is going to make below minimum wage unless you get some sort of management position which are few and far between and usually require you have prior retail management experience.

piggybacking off what >>8262266
have said.

if you're in school / plan to go to school and get a degree in something, you should probably stick with some sort of retail job only because the people in the corporate offices of most corporations make big $$$$$. some coworkers just worked as associates making min wage, got a degree in something like marketing or what have you and now work in like district offices making like 60kish as their first *real* job. if you just work for now, you'd want to stick to food because there's just more money in it. especially bartending. you can make a lot of money off of bartending, but short of owning the place, there isn't really much else to go up to.

>> No.8263608

sorry worded that wrong. meant you're going to make below 11, and make minimum wage-ish.

>> No.8264375

I currently work 2 jobs: My main job is being a Computer tutor for my college Tutoring lab. My boss also attends conventions which makes time off SUPER easy and helpful to my schedule. My other job is a Private Contractor for my dad, scanning and cataloging legal documents.

Most of my co workers know of my cosplay hobby and most of them like to talk about it, especially my supervisors at the Tutoring Lab. It's really fun actually~ They always expect me to go all out for Halloween, and then I disappoint them with lack luster outfits ;

>> No.8264455

I had experience designing websites well before uni. But some university courses do go over it to some extent, but not to the level that you need to professionally. I mostly did 2d and 3d animation, some programming and circuitry design, and video post production at uni, with only one paper that covered web and app design (more programmatic than actual design). It's good though because I do a lot of animation work as well.

I learnt a lot from work experience about user experience design, as well as from blogs. You can learn it all by yourself though!

Just as a tip, if you can do beautiful design and also do excellent front end code, you'll be sought after because all the good front end devs are hired (at least where I live), and there's way too many mediocre devs out there.

>> No.8264458

I'm a make-up artist, mainly doing freelance work at the moment so I make my own prices depending on travel, time and the look itself. It's good money especially during wedding season but I will often work with a brand if I'm not pulling enough jobs for the season. It's really nice when I can snag a job that pays hourly plus commission instead of just commission.

>> No.8264464

Can confirm, dealing with CSS in any way throws me into a frothy rage, and most front-end developers are shit. I froth often.

>> No.8264480

I'm so jealous. I teach English, but I feel like I'd have a lot more fun teaching Science, especially Bio. I don't have the in-depth knowledge for that though haha

I think it's definitely possible to cosplay on the side and teach, but you'd probably have to keep your personal and professional life VERY separate. I'm super lucky in that my staff is super chill and super open-minded. They think the costuming thing and convention thing is really cool so it doesn't bother them at all. I've definitely been open about my "side gig" as a convention artist, and for the most part, my school is overwhelmingly supportive of it. Being an artist and cosplaying is definitely two different things, though.

I would just keep the two worlds very separate, but always be prepared to own up to or take responsibility in the rare case you might get found out and your staff/admin might take it badly, because they definitely might. Just be smart about the people you work with and be good at gauging what they are or are not okay with. If you have the slightest doubt, don't bring it up at all. Mental health is incredibly important as a teacher, and if cosplay is super important to you, it's better to keep doing it instead of repressing yourself. Just be cautious about it.

>> No.8264605

I've just graduated Uni and started teaching design part time in a High School and I've been wondering the same thing!

Like what Tim said >>8264480
From talking to other teachers, It's pretty okay to keep cosplaying as long as you don't represent the school in what you do. When you pick cosplays I guess it's a given to not choose costumes that are overly revealing. Ah well... I guess my Tharja costume won't ever happen...

>> No.8264619

>I guess it's a given to not choose costumes that are overly revealing.
Definitely recommended. I started teaching French in a college last year, and in December I met students in a con. I was in cosplay, and that was teacher-fantasy fuel. 90% of class now are nerdy guys, while before it was attended mostly by girls.

>> No.8264636

Wahhh. Yeah. He was supposed to pay child support shit, but didn't ever. He left my Mother with £50k of debt which combined meant my childhood went south fast.
I got on average one meal a day as a kid, and 0 financial support in schools because my Dad should have been contributing.
Mother and I had to move and sell most of our stuff.

All the time he's throwing money at my much older sister whenever she blinks. Just not helping me because I live with my mother and he didn't want any of his money ending up in her house.

>> No.8264642

dude you don't have to major in japanese if you don't want to, but don't make a giant shit over it if people want to major in japanese.

and it's just not retail jobs, but a lot of bigger companies like bilingual people because of demographics, as someone mentioned earlier.

but sure, major in japanese then move to guam to work a $7/hr retail job. you can do that too, idgaf.

>> No.8264647

I am a teacher too (ESL) and I am also into lolita. My coworkers (all women) know and they find it cute, but I am trying to keep all social media sites with pictures of me not under my real name just in case my students find me. I am sure that one of these days I am going to run into them while in full lolita.

My problem is staying sane - it's incredibly stressful sometimes and lolita is my only escape.

>> No.8264648

Bonus. Teenage me gets a £5k dental bill. If I don't get the treatment I lose 2 front teeth.
What do?
(Hard mode, NHS won't cover it)

>> No.8264669

I'm a hairdresser. I make 8.25 an hour with between 30-50$ per day in tips. I don't do hair color anymore, mostly men's haircuts.

I'd love to afford lolita and cosplay but I'm afraid I'll be an old fart before I can afford it.

>> No.8264684

I made 9,000$ last year. My partner made 8,000$.

2 people lived off 17,000$ last year. I don't get food stamps or any assistance because I make too much.

>> No.8264714

I think lolita gets a lot more slack because the style is inherently pretty conservative. I get the feeling that kids would get a kick out of it, though. It shows them you have interests and personality (i.e you're a real person), plus it mixes up the school day.

You can also use it as incentive to motivate kids for good behavior or work. Like if they are good for x number of days, you'll dress up for them or something. Every time I've dressed up a little different, the kids love it. I think my favorite time was when I asked one of my students to give me a makeover for a date- He did an awesome job, I looked fucking amazing, and the students were awesome that day. I don't know what it is about looking really polished and put together, but it made them clean up their act haha. Pretty neat!

I'm doing a midriff-baring costume for Fanime, which I'm a little nervous for. However, I'll be in the AA most of the con and I know that most of my students won't go anyway, so I'm not super worried.

Worst case scenario-- kids see me or pictures of me, titter about it or something, I still come to school the next day and teacher and give them referrals/take away points if they're being shits. What happens outside of the classroom is really no excuse to affect the respect or behavior you should expect within the classroom anyway. Also, if things get awkward, I think just going right back to class and teaching kind of eases the awkwardness, which kids are more than happy to forget about.

>> No.8264726

Art teacher in higher education, I earn about $13 per hour (that's already minus every cost). Since my husband has a good job as well, We have like $1200 extra every month. Big part is for savings, but I spend about $100 on fun stuff I guess?

>> No.8264731

American prices are different from British prices though.

>> No.8264749

£16k is closer to $23k I think.
But everything is expensive as fuck in the UK. And if you live in or near London then you lose 4\5 of your money to rent alone.

>> No.8264760

I work in a small retail store in a high touristy area, 4-5 days a week, $12.50/hr which is higher than the minimum wage around here. I love the store and my co-workers, and when Halloween rolls around, I go all out and everyone digs it. They know I cosplay here and there, and that I attend cons for the Artist Alley side for an extra buck. I need to work on my artsy stuff a lot more... etsy, in special local stores, etc.

>> No.8264817

man I feel like such a poorfag. I made $8,000 last year and it didn't feel like I made even that because my paycheck goes directly back to my work for school expenses (don't work at a fabric store. just don't do it.)

I make $9 an hour at a part time retail job on 12 hours per week. I am also a full time fashion student in my final year and have just picked up a fashion internship with a childrenswear company. I desperately want this internship to turn into a real job. I'm so sick of retail and being constantly treated like shit by both customers and coworkers when I'm the hardest working bitch there. if I'm going to be treated like shit and get payed peanuts, I want to at least do something I actually enjoy.

I have a uniform at my current job but have come from lolita meetups and changed in the employee bathroom, so my coworkers know I wear it. I'll wear lolita to school and no one gives a shit since fashion students at my school are expected to wear their personal style to class. my internship knows I like J-fashion and have asked me to wear my newest dress (Meta's pink lemonade) when I get it in the mail.

>> No.8264833

I work 45 hours a week at 13.90 an hour making coffee as a supervising barista. I also study full time but the Australian government is fucked and don't want to help you with money if they can get away with jt.

>> No.8265063

Graphic Designer/online content/social media/whatever. I was on £14k in the Midlands and then they dropped me to part time, hitting £7k. That was an interesting way to live.

Now I've moved and I'm on £20k, but my leisure money hasn't increased much due to crazy food and rent prices here in the South.

It's nice not to have to save three months to buy all my fabric for a project though.

Your dad's a twat.

My stepdad was similar, if poorer.

>> No.8265083

So seagulls, how do you figure out what to do with your life?

All I ever did for work was typical shitty student jobs (waitress). I'm doing my Bachelor in German (I'm from Germany) and considered getting a Bachelor in English afterwards as I'd only need a few classes more and could maybe do it while majoring. If I can do a Major at all, my grades aren't that great.

I have absolutley zero clue what to do. I don't want to be a teacher, I don't really want to go into journalism, and I'd prefer a job with very human interaction. I just have absolutley zero clues. I just want to lay on the floor and cry forever because I feel so anxious because I don't know what to do in my life.

I considered going into the translation field but I only speak 3 languages and one of them not nearly good enough for translating.

>> No.8265108

if your parents make less than like $90,000//year

i think you're eligible for some type of aid

i knew a woman who used to work at gamestop inbetween classes atgrad school who had all sorts of aid

like cash assistance, some sort of food benefit program where she would get free lunch from the university and some sort of clothing stipend from the county

idk why it came up in conversation but she was telling me about it and i was p jealous

she had some pretty nice shit because of it

you should look into it

students always assume the only help colleges have availble is the buket-o-condoms in the health buildings but there is a lot of services out there

most colleges even have a building that will help you get a job free of charge

>> No.8265122

I work at the most boring marketing job ever, but I have full benefits the pay is good and it funds my hobbies so I really can't complain.

My power level is hidden except from a select few coworkers, including my boss. Turns out he likes Jrock so it's not weird at all. Showed a couple of coworkers pics of me modeling in a Jfash show because they were curious.

>> No.8265125

Full time Univieristy student and working at McDonald's part time (double pay hoildays, sick pay and leave) $17 an hour. GG and I still manage to cosplay...

>> No.8265178
File: 337 KB, 1024x513, grom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an actor in Toronto.

I make $25/hr standing around doing background work, and $98/hr~ on the stuff with lines. It's minimum 8 hours pay but usually goes to 12 hours with overtime.

Annual income is really unstable, I made under 10k this year but last year I made that much in a week. Classes run for $1k a month, coaching is $100/hr (preferably 2 hours of this before every audition) and rent in Toronto is $700 for a place downtown that is livable.

I have to save up a lot because I don't know if I'll make any money at all for months at a time, I recently got paid well and splurged on some lolita stuff but AN is coming and I feel bad about it already.

>> No.8265254

Bartender for $9.15/hour

>> No.8265283

This is embarrassing for me, but I don't have a job. I've never actually had one yet because of health problems, but I'm starting to get to where I absolutely need to go get one and I don't want to have to keep relying on my parents for everything as an adult. Only thing is, my health is still a mess and probably will be for the rest of my life, so I'm terrified when I go out to get a job I might get canned for not being able to do a good enough job, or I might be "undesirable for hire." I don't drive and live in a small town with no busses or taxis, so I'm limited to where I can walk or get a ride to, and I'm scared I'll run out of places to go for work.

>> No.8265291

Trust fund baby. I'hoping to go back to school for a second degree soon since my first was useless and stop being a spoiled NEET in my mid-twenties. At least I get to wear lolita any time I want.

>> No.8265304

College student working at a food place (how unique) where I make 8.25/h plus tips. The goal is to end as a pharmacist and I do love my job, so that helps keep me sane. A couple of my coworkers/the manager cosplay so they dont find it weird taking pictures of me at cons and vice versa. I'm able to talk about cosplay and lolita on the job without them thinking its weird as hell.

>> No.8265307

Be wary of that, I read on egl years ago a teacher lost her job for dressing up nice when her kids were good. They didn't know what lolita was & thought it was some kind of fetish.

>> No.8265365

I work part time as an office assistant of sorts in real estate making a little over $10/hour. There isn't a lot of money left for lolita unfortunately.

>> No.8265558

I just quit my job to move. I was bartending for $7/hr plus tips which averaged to $2600 a month before tax, $2100 after tax. I have a bachelors of arts that I dont use because I chose a dumb major.

I'm trying to get a job as a server now, which I hope will be full time. I'm really stressed out, because in the past 6 months, I was able to save about 10k, but now that's at a standstill because unemployed.

I really want to go back to school, but there is literally nowhere to go without commuting 2+ hrs unless I want to be in the medical field... and I already dropped out of nursing school because it wasn't for me.

No idea what to do for school, either. I'm pretty stupid, so I'm thinking programming isnt for me. I want to do something with art, but ah, idfk.

I'm going to be so sad if I have to go back to working minimum wage...

Sorry for the blog

>> No.8265566

I asked myself: What's most important to me? I've always said that I wanted to live a peaceful, boring life.

I tried a stint in tech and realized that I'm not very ambitious to try and get into top positions. People say that I can do better then an office job and I never wanted to do it when I was young, but it's honestly made me happy, less stressed, and it pays the bills. Life's unexpected, you plenty of time.

>> No.8265571

i'm a bartender and do acting/modelling work, the tending is where most of the money comes since i make about $300 a night being the only worker in a crowded ass bar, and the gigs i do pay about a grand or more every few months, i model hair though so i have to let it all grow back before they hack it off again.

>> No.8265592

>I chose a dumb major.
At least you're aware.

>> No.8265595

I'm an office manager. I make $50,000 a year doing it and I have a second job tutoring rich kids for about $400 a week. Makes my total income like $65,000 ish.

Money was a little tight-ish before I got my second job, since I'm paying my student loans back, but with the extra $400 a week, I've been able to spend a lot more on vacations and hobbies.

>> No.8265597


whoops, forgot to drop my email from when I was commenting on the buy/sell/trade thread. plz ignore.

>> No.8265623

>only tech pack artist for jean company
>35K or $16.83usd/hr
>30K if I take out transit
>been working here almost 3 years
>no hope of raise (I asked)

>> No.8265654 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but I don't really regret it since my tuition was so cheap that I graduated with zero debt (less than 3k a year).

I initially chose it because it is the recommended undergrad for those wanting to be speech pathologists, but yep, medical feild isnt for me. Theres a lot of demand for speech pathology, but after I finished my observation hours, I didn't want to apply for the graduate programs.

>> No.8265664


If you did something you're passionate about, then it wasn't a waste.

>> No.8265668

For a minute there I thought you were my coworker that I know comes here, but she doesn't bartend alone on busy nights. She does act though, and has been pursuing an acting degree for awhile.

>> No.8265675

Yeah, that's why it's important to get admin on board with it. If you're but sure, all first.

Send pretty messed up of that akin to just fire her on that alone, though. If they don't want anything different, they need to make those expectations explicitly clear in the rules and employee expectations. Also to terminate someone after a (presumably) first offense seems shady.

>> No.8267001

I have a Storenvy reseller shop with random kawaii items. At times i don't sell that much, but for now i sell almost everyday a item or two if i'm lucky. Of course i won't tell which store i'm running but only with this small income i can fund lolita and other cute jfashion, because i'm too lazy as fuck to work full time while i'm a undergraduate from university, i'm an Eurofag so where i live jobs are mostly full time and the pay is pretty shitty for low wage jobs that are 6-8h or more.
Also... i think my degree suck if i don't become a teacher and here teacher are also underpaid as well. Maybe i should find a tourism related job. I just idk what other job i can get.
>mfw studying languages and literature but hate teaching

>> No.8267234

yikes, I'm making 25/hr as a cad artist- start sending your resume out!

>> No.8267443

Thanks for all the input! I probably should have specified that I'm actually worried about having time to work on things (because it seems like teachers are always working on lesson plans or grading things - iirc, there was a US survey which found that teachers are among the working people who put in the most unpaid overtime hours?) and a little bit about money. Mostly concerned for time, though.

I'm not yet worried about running into students at a con in revealing costumes because 2prude4you, but I am aiming for the high-/middle-school demographic, so seeing kids at a con could be possible!

If/when I start properly working as a teacher, I'll probably change my Facebook name (like >>8264647) since another teacher friend found out that some bored high schoolers had discovered her personal FB.

>> No.8267882

Not sure where you live but these days they make jobs for people like you and those with disabilities. Working at a fast food place all of a sudden we have a guy come in and he empties the bins and cleans dinning room and time to time does fries. Pretty sure he has brain damage? No one really told us if he had a mental issue so some people got annoyed being fast food and he wasn't fast but once I confronted a manger basically saying "what is up with this person, what can he do or not do? Any triggers? (Again didn't know what his disability was) afterwards people started being nicer. What im saying is be honest up front, just keep applying and get lucky :) and if not always Internet jobs??

>> No.8267890

where at (i.e. city)?
unfortunately it seems all the design jobs are in the NYC, which I'm trying to get out of. I need to beef up my portfolio again, because all of the stuff before this job is illustration.

>> No.8267931

> majoring in philosophy
> wasting money on a useless degree because you haven't decided yet
Even if you're from a country where getting a degree will not put you into debt, don't waste your time with philosophy. Social sciences are more useful than that.

>> No.8267933

I'm studying computer science. Hoping to get into computer graphics eventually. Currently I'm working part-time as a web and mobile developer, which is kinda boring but it's enough to live on.

>> No.8267936

Are you me? Fellow j-fashion enthusiast pharmacy major working in the food industry here.

>> No.8267945


Unless you're planning to pursue a graduate degree with that or are working to get connections using your degree, a social science degree isn't also going to make you magically get a job either.

Or a science one either, now that I think about it. You can't really do much with a bachelors in physics.

It's all about what you've made of the degree. Unlike nursing or dental tech for instance, a lot of degrees are very open books. My bf keeps joking all he has is a lib arts degree, but the connections he made while doing his degree allowed him to get a really good job at a company.

>> No.8267950

Jesus Christ. Are you guys taxed to hell and back or something?

>> No.8267961

No, we just don't have a shite government (ignore tone)

>> No.8267974

speaking of social sciences, I'm an international relations major.... I do freelance translation and right now I'm an intern at an embassy. It makes me a little sad that I'll probably have to drop cosplay sometime soon, but unless I get transfered to japan or something, photos of me in wacky outfits are something that probably shouldn't exist in large quantities.

>> No.8267983

Serving food and drink.
I have so many screws loose, I probably wouldn't do well in any other field, and I have no dreams to chase after or any interest in anything really.
On the plus side, when I'm out of uniform, nobody at work really gives a fuck what I wear and do. They've seen me in lolita a couple of times and mostly think it's cool.

>> No.8267985

So, that minimum wage means all your living expenses (rent, phone, food, car, etc) covered and hundreds of dollars a month extra?

>> No.8267987

Exactly. This is why I don't understand why so many STEM majors are so god damn smug. Unless they're going for a masters or if they're in engineering/comp sci their BS in bio means about as much as my BA in advertising.

Don't get me wrong, science and math is awesome and I was a physics minor for awhile because I loved it so much. But I didn't wanna be a teacher, and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after school, so I went with a more generic route.

>> No.8267989

Random, but how are you liking that internship? My fiancé just landed an embassy internship and he's really excited. It's what he ultimately wants to do for a living.

>> No.8268044


It's pretty fun! The workload depends on what country & area you've been assigned to - I'm in research, so basically I'm told to look up local news pertaining X things and make a summary so the ambassador (and the government back at home) only have to sit through the most relevant ones. (And also to catch if there's anything we or the consulate should have been informed about but weren't).

Ultimately even the lousiest jobs are good because doing coffe runs in another country > doing coffee runs at home.

>> No.8268047

Oh, awesome. That's really great to hear, thanks! Glad you like it and I'm sure he will, too.

>> No.8268078

I'm in LA, there's a lot of design jobs out here- it might be a bitch to get used to the traffic but I hear NYC is way more competitive.

>> No.8268095

I'm currently a full-time student working in food service part time for $10.75/hr. It seems good for a crap job, but living costs are high here and minimum wage is $10.30. I'm lucky enough that my mom pays for my college tuition and rent, but I'm about to graduate with a BFA with no other job prospects in sight, and I can't stay at my current job for that much longer because the only reason I worked in food service for so long was because it was easy to work around a student schedule. I really need to get my shit together. I feel like a total failure.

>> No.8268107
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I work and live in Japan, about an hour away from Tokyo. I live in an apartment with a tatami room and a kotatsu and a balcony straight out of a slice of life anime. Money is meaningless to me, I get paid more than I know how to spend and my expenses are paid by other people. Weeaboo dreams do come true.

Though there is a price... That military life. Not much storage space on a ship, I cant never be a lifestyle lolita, and I gotta keep my record spotless. Luckily, even if North Korea decides to throw a bitch fit my ship is on the blocks so somebody else would have to go handle it. Also, the Navy is full of nerds. I walked in to work one day zombified and all I had to do to explain was say Madoka.

tl;dr, I got money to burn but nothing to burn it on

>> No.8268108
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I currently make 57k a year selling Jeeps and I have a (big) trust fund.

>> No.8268133

Must be great being a terrorist

>> No.8268157

I'm a kindergarten teacher in Germany and I make about 24k a year now after my American degree got accredited.(That's a preschool worker in America) I actually think it's actually pretty good pay considering that I don't work a full work week and that it's a job I enjoy a lot. I used to be an English high school teacher in America, but I moved and got married. Husband has a house tied to a business, so all our bills are basically paid by the business side of things, so we have quite a bit of disposable income. Also, younger kids are much easier for me to deal with than teenagers, man. And the planning I have to do is basically a piece of cake compared to what I had back then. Also, we have a very specialized preschool in a very unlikely part of the country, so I'm pretty hard to replace.

I also think that, in Europe, weird hobbies like Lolita is much more accepted than in America. I have a bunch of parents friended on my Facebook and they know that I dress up strangely on the weekends. If I had done that in my old school, I would have been completely fucked.

Life is good. I don't see myself changing careers anytime soon, man.

>> No.8268173

Customer service. I'm a receptionist at an animal hospital. I'm surrounded by bitches and insane old people. It's also the most work I've ever had to do, training takes a full year, but I had to fight to get $9/hr; most receptionists start off at $8.30.

I often wish for death, but death never comes.

>> No.8268175

Jesus Christ what's with all the yanks in Germany

>> No.8268177

Universal health care, dude.

>> No.8268188

I'm a kennel tech at an animal hospital. Basically I take care of the cats and dogs that people board when they go on trips. This means I work 365 days a year. I've worked during holidays in previous jobs so it's not that bad, just worked Easter even. I make $9/hr and can only get a maximum of a .50 raise every year I work. I don't mind too much though since I am currently trying to go back to vet school after financial setbacks made me drop out. At least I'm in my desired career field instead of serving a drunk man pancakes at 2am.

>> No.8268190

Damn you people are desperate, is it really that bad in America?

>> No.8268197

Why not go into hotel management/catering?

>> No.8268199

I once went to the dentist outside of my insurance for a consultation and it cost me $80. Bitch didn't even do ANYTHING.

>> No.8268200

Dude, get a better receptionist job at a law firm or something. You have experience now.

>> No.8268202

>NHS won't cover

Confirmed for bullshitting, the NHS covers all dental treatments up until the age of 18. Source: little sister just had a bridge put in her two front teeth for free.
Source: Three years ago, when I was 17, dentist made me a rush appointment the day before my birthday so I could get a wisdom tooth removed. For free.

>> No.8268206

I took my guinea pig into the vet and it cost $700.
I make $9 an hour.

>> No.8268246

>I'm an actor in Toronto.
Tell me more!

Specifically how long you've been doing it for.

>> No.8268253

wth i work part time as a receptionnist (i'm a student) and standard starting pay is 13,4$ an hour and that's for the evening shift. Day shift starts at 19$/h

>> No.8268268

I earn £120 a day as a PPI complaint Handler (Lol?)
Runs down to about £28k a year pre-tax with generally unlimited overtime. But there's a lot of downsides. For example I'm technicallu self employed so I pay employer tax and my own tax. I have no paid holiday so, for example, I have just come back from a 3 week holiday and lost £1800 in pay.

Previously a telecoms analyst earning £18k

Looking to leave soon.

>> No.8268292

Ah, unfortunately moving out of NY isn't an option. Basically all my husband's family and our friends are in the state, and I like it as well. But commuting to the city is a bitch.

>> No.8268300

I'll be starting a new job soon working in a warehouse. I'll literally be moving a box of shit from one place to another, and stacks of mail from one box to the other.
10/hr working 3-6 12 hour days out of the week.
Full time, with benefits.
Contracting is the life man, I'm never going back to retail.
I can expect to pull an extra $1200 a month (on top of what I'm used to), that's after taxes.

>> No.8268316

My boyfriend destroyed his ACL and PCL, but it wasn't so obvious when it happened.
One emergency visit to the hospital, one x-ray at emergency room cost, six months of barely any help, 6 doctors that didn't know what was wrong with him, a near-miss addiction to opiates, another full x-ray run because the last tech did a shit job, one mri and a surgery later, he's 'fixed'. The doc 'didn't bother' giving him a new PCL, since 'you'll just blow it out again anyway.'

You tell me, friend.

>> No.8268329

There's no universal healthcare for pets in Europe.

>> No.8268337

I work in commercial real estate (selling commercial and investment property), so it's quite a contrast to my hobby. But then again everyone knows I'm holding a convention as a side hobby / business and is cool about it.

Luckily though, my office is also a bit nerdy as well which is positive. Still I'm in no way tempted to show my powerlevel in any regard. After all I'm dealing with extrem valuable assets and our customers are mostly millionaires and/or very old/conservative.

>> No.8268378


Holding a convention? Which con?

>> No.8268423

I'm a civil/structural engineering tech. I made about 60K last year, plus 3K bonus.

I'm pretty quiet at work, but a few people know about the cosplay, and I've worn otome things to Christmas parties and the like.

>> No.8268428

Sorry, I would rather be quiet about the name.

>> No.8268556

I work at a specialty pet supply store full time for a little over $10/hr. I do okay. Last year a bunch of shit went down that added to all my debt leftover from when I was a part-timer at a craft store, working for peanuts and trying to be independent finally kicked me in the ass, so I asked the costume shop I use to work at seasonally if they'd hire me back on despite having shit availability. They did, and thankfully it helped. I'm somewhat stable now, but it naturally cut into my "project" money. Only did one costume this year for the only convention I was able to afford, but that's better than having a panic attack whenever my mortgage is due.

My coworkers all know I cosplay and it fascinates them. Whenever there's something that involves "creative thinking" or drawing, my manager usually asks me. I'm doing nothing with either of my degrees, but I like it, and since my boss is a concert junkie, she's pretty good about any kind of time off I potentially ask for. She understands.

>> No.8268632

right now i work in IT. i dress fairly cute at work but it's very toned down. some of my coworkers have seen me in lolita outside of work, because once i ran into a group of them at a nerdy pinball bar while i was in a coord. they don't care. my bosses don't care. i'm on computers all day long and i love the internet side of lolita, so that fits nicely, otherwise my job and my hobbies aren't related.

>> No.8268650

do you have a degree in a clinical science or did you just get that job randomly?

>> No.8268662

if you are planning to go to law school, a philosophy degree is a great choice. philosophy majors do the best out of anyone in terms of LSAT scores, and that is the most important part of getting into a good school

>> No.8268663

I work retail and make $9.09/hr but don't pay rent since I live with my grandpa.
I pay for my phone and gas and that's it.

I'm going back to school next fall for physical therapy assistant and with that I'll make around $50k for a two year degree.

$50k is plenty for me to live really well in my area.
People at work kind of know I sew and make costumes, but nobody really cares. It's mostly a bunch of girls in their early twenties. Some of them cosplay too, but we don't really talk about it.

>> No.8268682

i've got some friends writing and animating for some disney shows right now and they're all nerdy, and of the three, two of them are huge fucking weebs

you would fit right in, and probably love it. also the sexism there is way less bad than it used to be, apparently.

>> No.8268694

>technical support engineer
>dual income no kids
>commissions on the side

I don't spend as much on Lolita as a lot of my friends in similar income brackets because I have all my hobbies under one budget (cosplay, Lolita, figures, and cons). Plus my spouse and I put a lot into savings for travel.

I usually have enough for 3-4 new dresses and 4-5 new cosplays, so I think I do okay for a responsible adult with bills to pay.

>> No.8269140

>Pinball bar


To keep it relevant: will be working in IT too after graduation

>> No.8269434

I'm so lost seagulls.

What I really want to do is acting, preferably theatre, but I don't know if that can pay the bills, not to mention hobbies. I love traveling, lolita, and cosplay, and I really don't want to give those up, even though being an actor is what I would enjoy the most.

Any tips?

>> No.8269458

I'm tired of my cosplay friends never seeming to have any future plans beyond "Save for next con." No building savings just constantly building cosplays and going to cons 6-8 times a year.

>> No.8269490

Graphic Design student right now and I'm trying to figure out what to specialize in. I'm decent at a lot of things but unsure of what to really dig in to and focus on. If I could get some insight form other design anons that would be awesome

>Photoshop (touchups, production art)
>InDesign (books, layouts, posters
>Flash (not a huge fan but I can see motion graphics becoming my thing)
>Illustration (I know this one mostly depends on talent and style and 90% are freelance)
>UI/UX I know this is where the big money is and I live in NorCal but I really don't know much about it
>Typography (found this area strangely fascinating but can you really make a living with it?)

>> No.8269603

If you want to be doing traditional agency design and get paid decently, such as advertising, branding, print collateral, that sort of thing... You want to be living in very specific areas of the world like NYC, London or Sydney for example. Or at least this is what people have told me if you want to make it anywhere in that realm.

I'd advise against using flash, it is not generally supported... I'm pretty sure Adobe is trying to kill all it's macromedia products. I do motion graphics in after effects or cinema 4d.

You'll get paid well if you do interaction design (so yes, user experience, user interface, web and app design) but it does require some specialised knowledge and understanding - I.e. How to design responsively, to device specifications, wireframing and information architecture, creating user stories and flows, 9-patching and asset creation, how to design for usability and accessibility, how to design for good user experience, interactions, the list goes on etc. Even better if you can code or understand code to some extent because you will understand how to design things more appropriately and also know how to push things in an interesting way with the power of code.

If you have illustration skills its a very good thing because you'll be amazed by the amount of designers with absolutely no drawing skill whatsoever. Being imaginative and knowing how to draw well is a huge plus because you've got more technical mastery over visual aesthetics, proportions, layout, that sort of thing without being heavy handed or naive stylistically (one would assume). And you're likely to do illustrative work in most design fields regardless so keep honing in on that skill.

I know nothing about type, but i think there are quite a few who have made it very well for themselves like Jessica Hische, Mrs Eaves or the dude from Klim type. You could always start out by hand lettering (so more illustrative rather than technical like font design).

>> No.8269631

I'm a professor for neuroscience, making 68 bucks per hour. I still live in a quite cheap apartment currently, so I have loads of money left to spend on stuff. I also save a lot of it.
I'm not a lolita, but I do wear J-fashion at work.

>> No.8269635

Pursue acting in your free time, don't make it your entire focus.

>> No.8269900


Eh, success breeds success. I wouldn't say it's all up to nepotism.

Similar to fat people having fat kids. Most people are going to end up like their parents.

>> No.8269932

I'm an Aircraft mechanic, at 22$ an hour right now.

Seems to be a pretty even mix between bros, rednecks, weebs/nerds here.

It's pretty chill, 40 hours a week every week, my days don't change. The work is up and down, we are busy for a week or 2, then nothing for a week. There is routine stuff, oil changes and the like, but other than that I only have to leave the building if something actually breaks, so I end up getting paid to read comics and browse youtube.

>> No.8269956

you're probably the smartest person on cgl.

>> No.8270025

I'm really surprised about the number of people worried that their co workers will find out about lolita or cosplay.

Either you guys work with some super uptight people or you are blowing it way up and being paranoid.

>> No.8270034

>If you have illustration skills its a very good thing because you'll be amazed by the amount of designers with absolutely no drawing skill whatsoever

This is good to know in choosing a direction. Creativity has always been my strong point. Im starting to dabble in mixing traditional and digital techniques and messing with my wacom. I wish I had been doing this for longer but I had kind of thrown away this part of me in pursuit of a more "stable" career when the recession started. Thank you so much for the input anon

>> No.8270138

Work part time at the county courthouse while going to school for court reporting, I make 9.15/hr. I dont work with customers so there's not a strict dress code, came to work in full lolita once on Halloween and my supervisor is a grandma, she loved my outfit and she said she remembered when petticoats and big dresses were popular .

>> No.8270470

I work at a government contractor imaging computers for a certain federal agency. I make about 50,000 a year. Some of my co-workers know my cosplay and anime convention hobby, especially my cosplay photography and my resulting blog showcasing the images.

I'm trying to phase in my dedicated convention funds plan.

>> No.8270480

That's what I've been considering, but tbh it breaks my heart.

But, not being able to travel or having to give up my hobbies would also break my heart...I need to do some soul searching.

>> No.8270513
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I work full time at a retirement home and volunteer with a dementia clinic, as well as doing sewing lessons on the side (though I generally avoid being paid since it's for the grandkids of both my neighbours). I'm going to school in the fall for fashion design though so I'm hoping to make a career out of that. None of my coworkers really know about my lolita and cosplay, but obviously my sewing students do and I tell some of the residents about my sewing and show them photos of the pretty dresses I wear. I also work on a tree farm during the summers, though that's pretty hard labour (13 hours a day, 6 days a week) and I likely wont be doing it again this year.

>> No.8270782

A whole year, basically. I managed to land roles on a decent film and a tv show, but haven't gotten any work for a long time since, so I've started taking classes. Just got emailed a script to audition for last night but it's this horribly written straight to dvd zombie movie, I'm not sure if I'm ready to stoop that low yet.

>> No.8270785

You are an angel

>> No.8271061
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Th-Thanks, Anon.
Honestly though, I feel like you don't need to be super intelligent to become one. Interest in a specific topic you can major in can grant you good achievements.

>> No.8271077

I work retail management. I'm an assistant manager and I work full time. Our insurance costs went up and took a sizeable chunk out of my paychecks. I'm considering looking for another job.

I also do artist alley and dealer rooms on the side. Artist alley is mine but I only do it a few times a year. I help a friend with their dealer's booth at cons and make a good amount from it. It's enough to go toward lolita and cosplay and at better shows I can get a good shopping haul from it.

>> No.8271117

>Any tips?
Yeah, don't be an actor.

>> No.8271473

Bartender and I make about $9.50/hour
>Always get asked what I recommend
>tfw I'm a minor and can't legally recommend anything

>> No.8271533

I feel like I'm in the same boat as you. I have no idea what to do with my life and its been that way for five fucking years. And now I've been unemployed since January because I couldn't stand another day at my dead end $9/hr job where I only got literally 12 hours A MONTH. If I was lucky.
I never finished college, and barely know how to be a fucking adult.
The things I love doing (cosplay, traveling, gaming, creating) do not exactly make for a stable financial life, and my only experience in working has been Retail, child care once upon a teenage summer, and movie theatre projection booth junk.

I'm currently living with my boyfriend and his family halfway across the country from my family and friends, and basically making money how I can with shitty commissions and the occasional working at a booth at cons.

> in b4 just get a fucking job
No working car. The only way I got to my old job was by carpooling with my boyfriend, sitting at his job for a few hours before going to my 3-4 hour shift and coming back to his job. We live an hour (sometimes two thanks to traffic) away from where he works.
I'm trying to get my car up and running legally again so I'll be able to search for work around our home, but that requires money! And guess who doesn't have very much of that at all?

But hey.
We're making it work.

>> No.8271563

I work at a pharmaceutical factory where we package medicine like Concerta, Zyrtec, Tylenol, Hydromorphone, Imbruvica, and some other neat stuff.
16.25/hr to operate the machine and micromanage my crew of packers.
Some days its hell, others I do nothing for 8 hours.
Work is work.

>> No.8271617

Pls be on the East Coast

>> No.8271883

Haha my momma raised me right. But really I just enjoy the company of old people and teaching.

>> No.8272079

I work full-time as a receptionist and part-time as a retail manager. With those two jobs and the extra income I make from selling my artwork I average around $34K per year.
Fortunately I live in a low-cost area so it leaves me with a fair bit of fun money once rent and bills are paid.

>> No.8272801

I don't think anyone really knows exactly what they want to do forever. Almost every young person I know takes a bunch of steps or different jobs to go in the right direction. I started out in undergrad for biomedical engineering and decided to change paths to something more active. I also worked a bunch of different jobs, too, during school. I'm looking forward to changing programs again to get re-certified for another job.

To contribute to the thread, I'm a volunteer fire fighter and EMT making $14.13/hr and I also work at a fancy restaurant on my off days because I like money for $7.00 +tips.

>> No.8272839

Heyo, I am an actor in NYC, but for my day job I'm a software engineer at a startup. I make six figures, but most theater rehearses in the evening so I have plenty of time to get to rehearsal. Our vacation policy is great, so I can take days off as needed for tech days. Most of my friends here are working in food service/retail, and their hours are way worse than mine. I really recommend finding something that can be a 9-5 for you. Unless you get super lucky very fast, you're going to need a job to support you, so you might as well make it a good one. I love my job and I love being able to actually AFFORD my hobbies while I continue theater.

>> No.8273252

ahah, well just about every aspiring actor is in food service sooo.

>> No.8273299

Did you complete any education in order to be a software engineer? If so, how long did it take/how did you manage the cost of your education? I ask because I'm about to graduate with a business degree and I wish I had done tech. I can't afford another 4-year degree.

>> No.8273331

Currently I work in a research lab that focuses on moths while I'm finishing up my bachelors in ecology. If everything works out then I'll be able to go on and start studying for a masters in entomology in about a year.
The lab job pays for my cheap apartment that I split with my bf and also food money but I do commissions and artist ally on the side for my fun money and savings.

>> No.8273351

I'm not in that field but I have a BS in something already and am going back to school for graphic design at a community college. Look into options like this because the tech industry will care more about what you can do and not really what type of degree you have. Though even if you did go back for a full 4 year you could probably get most of your lib arts credits waved.

>> No.8273667

Not a good idea to hedge any bets on a tech company that pays well hiring you based on skills, without a degree or experience.

I enjoy hiring people without degrees, but more often than not, their resumes won't make it to my desk. It's really luck.

>> No.8274817

I work in a retirement home and I make about 20k a year but the downside is I'm always on call which means I don't actually have life!

>> No.8277368

Wow, that sounds great!

How do you like living in NYC? Are you union? Are you able to make rehearsals, or are they usually on weekends? I'm very interested in hearing more!

>> No.8277401


You do if you're a foreigner.

>> No.8277410


What the fuck kind of McDonald's is paying you that much?

>> No.8277422

20k is piss poor anon, that's another downside too

I work in a psychiatric hospital and make 20k a year too; we probably do about the same thing. I have to do about 10-20 hrs of overtime a week in order to live comfortably

>shit sucks but I do it

>> No.8277551

I work as a Burger flipper for $8 and as a CNA for $11. I'm currently trying to get a job at the hospital where I would make $12. Once I finish school, I will immediately start making $30 an hour right out of the gate so I'm pretty excited about that.

>> No.8277568

You might actually know my uncle anon. He works with AEA and Broadway Cares. Knows 75% if the industry.

>> No.8277573

I'm a post release case manager for immigrant children who are unaccompanied when crossing into the US. My job has me traveling all over the US to meet with my child clients and it's been extremely rewarding. But as such, I don't have much time for cosplay anymore between the traveling, paperwork, and being in grad school full-time. I earn in the mid 40s, which is pretty alright for a BSW level social worker.

My hobby does not fit into my work at all, but I was able to engage with a particularly difficult client when I saw he had a LoZ hat on his wall and figured out what was really needed in the house to make the reunification successful.

>> No.8277808

I said rehearsals and meant auditions...oops

>> No.8277870
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I've been studying auto technology and been working in a mechanic shop for a couple years now, but lately I've been thinking about doing something in IT since I kinda don't want to be a mechanic after seeing what goes on in a shop.

>> No.8277891

$26 an hour as an electrical engineering intern. Will move to 80-100k when I get my masters

>> No.8277922

I'm a union actor (film & tv) in Toronto, getting by solely on acting work. Once you're in the union BG pays ~200 a day, principal is 800-1000 but obviously much rarer. You can easily get 2 BG jobs a week, by the end of the months you have a grand to easily pay your bills, especially if you're willing to live with roommates. When I get more work I always save the money and have a $2000 'emergency' buffer that I don't go below.

I got in without any formal training, but I've started taking good on camera lessons and it has been incredibly helpful, especially for auditions.

I would advise against joining the union until after you've built up a good resume; they usually don't let you into any non-union productions after that and the standards are much higher. Joining the union too early can lock you out of work, it happened to me for two years.

>> No.8278036

As for auditions, during casting season you could be doing an audition a day, sometimes two. My friend has started getting a lot of work and she's gone for 4 auditions in one day, with scenes that are 5-15 pages long - and in Canada we generally aren't allowed to hold our script, unlike in LA, so.. you're memorizing a full script worth of dialogue as 4 different characters, and you only have 24~ hours to do so. I take transit, but for something like that you definitely need a car. These are all things to worry about once you're 'in' though, which is the hardest part. Show up to local film events, look on websites like mandy.com and castingworkbook, get decent headshots, find some decent sounding indie films, become a part of the community and talk to people constantly.

I larp and wear lolita, and as long as you're smart about budgeting and are patient enough to find good deals, you can make it work. I've found that being an actor isn't nearly as dismal as everyone says it is.. once you get into the right circles.

>> No.8278322

Do you prefer working in Toronto to LA?

This is incredibly helpful, thank you!

>> No.8278391

I work as a cashier making $15 per hour, at least 20 hours each week but I can get scheduled for 40. I just finished up with school for a while so my availability will open up like crazy. Work is excellent with giving me time to finish school and go to conventions.

How do you work as a bartender if you're a minor?

>> No.8278404
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I work as a Bellman in Las Vegas making mad tips and a base hourly wage. My hobbies of collecting video game memorabilia work well into my job and are very affordable.
A few of my coworkers know I collect and cosplay and also do the same.

>> No.8278421
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No experience in LA, but I know some people who have gone. You have much, much more competition but also more chances for work. I wouldn't personally go to LA until I was successful where I am now. My friend went from New York to Toronto and had to basically start from scratch, because none of the teachers from NY were known in TO. They had to rebuild a chunk of their resume and redo all that "meeting the right people" stuff that's difficult to do.

It's worth noting that productions in Canada are often obligated to do casting in Canada, but aren't restricted from casting in LA. So.. they'll cast in LA, find their series lead, then hold a 'fake' casting in Toronto for the same role because they have to. Toronto has been called "Hollywood North" and Vancouver is fairly popular too, but a lot of the productions are American, shooting in Canada because it's cheaper.. so they want to stick with American casting directors and actors that they trust.

I'm not sure how this year or the next are going to fare in the north; the government just made a huge cut on film&tv funding.

Definitely benefits to going to LA, but don't do so until you're ready. Work on your actings skills and auditioning skills (very important, look up golden frame and script analysis especially), learn about treating yourself as a business, and only go into the dragon's den when you've armed yourself appropriately.

>> No.8278887

I'm in that boat as well, as it is i'm in the next 7 days in a row, and that's without knowing the week afters hours!

>> No.8280528

About to start my internship and it pays $28/hr plus they're giving me $9k for housing yay

>> No.8280539

Thank you so much! Any advice on networking, Toronto or otherwise? I really appreciate it! Acting doesn't actually seem that bad of a job, just a lot of hard work, haha!

If you don't mind, what sort of training do ou have? Did you major in theatre? Take acting or dance classes, etc?

>> No.8280547

I have my liquor license, I can sell beer and wine, just not hard alcohol

>> No.8280558

7-17 job where none knows nothing about me and I've got 2.5h one-way to work on a good day.


At least I get enough money to fuel my hobbies since I spend minimum amounts of money on housing and food.

(it's 1st Line IT support with too much 2nd Line work for their own well-being)

>> No.8280564

A little feels in here, but I recently had my hours cut at my previous/current? job. I used to be a paid intern for a clothing brand- I'd do all the big warehouse stuff (getting the boxes from Shanghai, inventory, sending boxes to our representatives like Modcloth and Urban Outfitters, etc.) alongside other tasks and jobs. I have a degree in fashion design, so I was able to help with any illustrator tasks and fabric ID and such.

I started as unpaid, then they "liked me enough" and needed me to stay longer than my internship should've lasted, so I became a paid intern. But recently they brought in a new unpaid intern and approached me with the "We don't need as much help here anymore," "We really like you Anon, you're an amazing intern," etc. talk and made me an "On-call" intern. If they need me to come in and if I am free, I can work for a day and be paid. It sucks since I'm trying to find work in my area again, but at least I got an email saying they needed me to come in again. A check is a check. In the meantime, its applications and portfolio work for me. (Worse comes to worse, there's a ton of pot dispensaries in my area that need a delivery person, and I have my own car)

>> No.8280952

I'm about to graduate college and just got a teaching job at 50k for next school year. The big convention I attend is in the summer just after the elementaries get out, so I'll always be able to go. The "downside" I guess is that I have to relocate 3 hours north from where I went to uni, but it's getting way too crowded there and the entry level salary for teachers in AISD can't support the cost of living in Austin.

If any of y'all are looking for a nice gig, I recommend service work in Americorps, especially for summer employment. I did their "Food on the Move" program twice and you get a salary on top of a stipend for school. The salary is not bad, but not great, though what made it worth it was the stipend for college and the value it has on a resume.

>> No.8280956
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Seems my secret's out. Oh well.

>> No.8280978

I work in the paint side of the automobile manufacturing industry. I was making $15usd/ hour, but I was just hired last week by a new company. I should be making between $22-23/ hour.

Lolita does not fit into my job at all. The closest I've come in that regard is talking a little bit about it with one of my coworkers at the company I'm leaving. She's an older Japanese woman, so I was talking to her about how I was about to order a dress from Japan before the reservation period was over. I showed her the dress (one from JetJ) and she exclaimed, "Oh! I know what you're into! The princess dresses!" Then I talked to her for a minute about otome kei and she talked to me about how she felt people in Japan put more effort into how they dress.

After her last trip back from Japan she said she was weirded out because everything there is super cutesy now, "even the cartoons for the little boys!" She said she thought I would fit in better there than her now as a result since I like cutesy stuff so much. Those two conversations are the extent of anything lolita related and my job. Most of the time I'm just trying not to wipe paint on my face.

>> No.8280988

Australians are typically given higher wages than Americans, but their living expenses, food, rent, etc are usually considerably higher. Their dollar is also worth less than the American dollar (currently 1 aud has the same spending power as 78 cents in usd).

That being said, if you were to take someone making minimum wage in Australia vs someone making minimum wage in America, the person in Australia would still be fairing better even with their dollar being weaker and their higher living costs.

>> No.8280997

Earn 7.25 (Louisiana Minimum) at a job where I see blood, guts, and rot on a daily basis...

The job market seems to just be against me. I feel fortunate for what I have.

>> No.8281234

yes you do,you need a degree to teach even in shit Asian counties where they pay you $300 a month

>> No.8281245
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What should I do with myself now, seagulls? I'm about to graduate with my MA in a month.

>BA in political science and English
>MA in English
>above a 3.0 gpa for both degrees
>~$20k in debt
>just put in my two weeks' notice at my retail job that paid $8.25/hr
>moving to North Carolina to be around my family
>big suburban development area with lots of jobs
>have some experience with copyediting and making lesson plans
>my mom is a retired teacher and she might be able to point me in the right direction if I want to teach in the south
>parents said bf and I can stay with them until we find our feet

Staying in my area is out of the question because there's no jobs here. My boyfriend might also be able to contribute to our income, but he lacks motivation and will likely stay within service jobs that will bring in only about $300 per week. At the very least I'm going to do community service through AmeriCorps because I can get my loan deferred and knock off $5k if I work for them for a year, plus it'll be great for my resume.

>> No.8281333

Hey anon, I'm thinking about going to school for Interactive Design but I don't have any real design experience and I don't consider myself an artist. Do you feel as though you can learn this sort of thing or is an eye for design a more natural talent? Thanks!

>> No.8281399
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I think background works a good way to meet new people. You won't always meet people who are fully pursuing acting, but they're usually the majority.

I'm get a lot of social anxiety so it's a bitch to approach people when going to events but it's something you have to do. I have a friend who's great at it; they go to an indie filmfest, introduce themselves to all the important people and end up at an afterparty with the actors, director and producers every time. I could never manage that, but it's certainly something to aim for.

Showing up is the most important thing. Go to local events, become a part of the community, and do your best to meet some people.

I had no training. I did a year of musical theatre in highschool and I didn't get a role. A movie came to shoot in my small town and was casting a few parts, and I got a role on that. A year later I landed another part on a TV show in the next city over.

In my case, our district had "Northern Ontario Film Community" and "Sault Ste. Marie Film Community" facebook groups that would update when open casting was happening, and when movies were coming to town. Look out for stuff like that, and again, mandy.com is great.

All that happened when I was 19, I'm 21 now and have only just begun taking proper classes. I wish I had done it earlier, it's a huge advantage. Follow backstage on facebook, they have a lot of useful articles (although some are stupid and you should take them with a grain of salt) one of the best I've read was "6 signs your acting class destroying your film career" it has very real points.

I got 'in' without formal training but looking back on the two years I went without it, I could have had triple the amount of work I've gotten if I had taken even a single core acting class, knowing the fundamentals is a huge step up. Classes are really expensive, but definitely worth the $800. If they get you a speaking role for one day, they've paid off their cost.

>> No.8281428

Are you willing to do an overseas teaching gig for a few years (Japan/Korea)? With your Masters degree you should have an even higher pay grade than applicants with only a Bachelor's.

>> No.8281538

I'm a massage therapist at a doctor's office. I make $12-15 doing office work (basically whenever I get cancellations or my schedule isn't full) and $28 doing massage. It sounds like a lot, but I only work 3 days a week right now and can only physically do so much in a day. I just got this job a couple months ago so I've been enjoying the extra free time (previous job was 5 days a week and i was only making about $100 more for almost twice the work) but I've been casually looking at job listings and I'll start applying around again soon. It's very easy to get a job in massage here, it's just a matter of finding a place that has the hours you want since I'm sick of spa work and would rather keep my M-F schedule I have now.

I don't keep my cosplay a secret. I don't go around advertising it, but when I got hired I said I had a convention coming up and as the days got closer my patients started asking where I was going so I told them. Most people think it's really cool that I can sew and meet people, and a handful of my patients are nerds themselves. I don't go around showing everyone pictures of myself, partially because it's important that my patients don't see me as sexual and something as simple as a schoolgirl outfit could be taken the wrong way (I'm really paranoid about that haha).

>> No.8281612

You can definitely learn how to do everything no problem, but as far as whether you'd make a good designer I have no clue? Having no creative abilities could set you back, especially if you have no eye for visual aesthetics. Though I have met a decent amount of designers that aren't actually all that amazing at what they do (not especially talented or gifted), and they do fine.

To be honest, I don't get it when people with no artistic bone in their bodies try to get into design. It's a competitive and saturated market.

I'd recommend computer science or just learning front end development over design if you're wanting decent money and job security.

>> No.8281626

entry level web developer $20/hr

>> No.8281636

doesnt sound like youve been to japan at all tbh

>> No.8281651

Thanks for the reply anon. I've been told I have a decent eye for aesthetics when it comes to critiquing a design. I just have never been skilled at making things on my own.

Anyway the program does teach front end development (HTML/CSS, javascript, jquery, and PHP) but I was just curious if you thought it was possible to learn design basics since that's not as teachable as code. My dream isn't actually to be a designer though I'd like to end up on the project management side of a firm but I figure you need to know that shit to move that way.

>> No.8281657

As a fashion grad I will say it's somewhat difficult unless you live around corporate offices. Even then it can be hard just to hired due to large aplicant pool. If you aren't deterred in the first few years try interning at a company it makes getting a job in corporate much easier. Freelance is fun if you make the connections, but it's rarely a viable option.

>> No.8281684

it's definitely possible to teach design. whether or not it sticks is another thing. some people are just hopeless when it comes to actually designing.

>> No.8281707

I think anyone can learn how to get good, artistically or otherwise. You just need to learn it from a technical point of view and practice. So you could learn yourself basic rules of anatomy, colour theory, perspective, composition, ratios, etc. Practice is always key! You learn a lot through experience.

It's hard to say how natural abilities come into these things, because people can definitely learn these skills and become talented if they know how to go about it properly. It's just that a lot of people often don't and just settle for the skillset they already have instead of trying to acquire something more.

But if you're wanting to get into the project management side of things, I have no clue how that happens. My boss has a law and information systems (librarian) degree. You may want to try getting into a business analyst role and work your way up that way.

>> No.8281720

Don't ever listen to sieg

>> No.8281723

I'm a nurse. There are actually quite a few lolita and cosplay people out there who do nursing. Sweet pay, only work 3 days a week (4 if you need that OT). As far as sharing hobbies, that's a hell no. It's not the kind of profession where you share anything about your personal life.

>> No.8281732

if you listen to sieg just do the opposite of what he says and that will usually be the correct info.

>> No.8282021
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I'm in a similar boat as this Anon, too disabled to work. I had a job, though it was terrible with shit pay, but I got let go due to stuff related to my disabilities.

Transportation is impossible unless I'm able to rely on someone else or the job is 5mins away, unfortunately neither of these things is an option since I'm in the middle of nowhere and the person I live with works 6 days a week.

I was legally blind as a kid and my mom got SSI to support me, but my vision has mildly improved just enough to put me right below the threshold so I don't qualify for any assistance. My glasses still cost more than half a grand every 2 years, not comped by any insurance, but if I don't have them I literally cannot even leave my home, let alone drive reliably. Like I'm technically more handicapped than someone with a missing limb but 'Murrica be like "Nah".

On top of that, I've got chronic pain in my left hip and right knee. I used to walk a lot, but now I can't make it more than 10mins at maximum even with OTC pain killer before the pain gets so bad I want to throw up.

The good thing is I have a trust fund, the bad thing is I have to go through my family's financial adviser to get the money, no one will tell me how much is there, and I honestly don't *want* to be a "trust fund baby". So I only use it for emergencies but I basically have very little financial freedom. Can't even figure out a way to see my amazing boyfriend overseas because even with little odd jobs I do here and there, I can't make enough.

Sorry for the whining cgl, shit just sucks.

I can't speak for that Anon because they didn't say what they have, but often times getting into these programs is an uphill battle, especially if your disabilities aren't visible or one of the "big" mental illnesses like schizophrenia.

>> No.8282030

what's it like being a nurse? Is it as shitty as everyone says it is?

>I'm thinking of being an RN

>> No.8282136

Thank you so much!

If you don't mind, how much do looks play into it? I've heard that in film and tv acting, that's the most important thing. Should I try to play a type? I know established actors sometimes like to break out of their type, but would it help with work?

This is seriously really helpful, I really appreciate it!

>> No.8282161

Whoops I haven't checked this thread in a while, sorry. I have a degree in clinical sciences, yes but you can also get in with a lab medicine diploma through a technical school or something similar if you don't want to sink that much time into it. Definitely not a hire a person off the streets type job though.

>> No.8282284

I make $27/hour as a med lab assistant. I'm also renting out my house for $950 a month. It means I had to move back in with my parents, but my bf and I will prob be moving out together in the summer.

I would never tell anybody I work with about lolita!

>> No.8282313

Have you tried looking for cheaper glasses? I don't wear them but I've heard of online stores where you can get prescription pairs for $20 a pop.

>> No.8282320

My fiance and I are thinking about renting out a room in our house since we only use 1/3rd of them. How's the renting experience?

>> No.8282336


Not anon, but I've had several friends who rented out, and I've sublet before. It's hit or miss, and depends if you can stand potentially rooming with people whose personalities clash with yours. The experiences range from very good, to mediocre (my own experience: the person I sublet to burned holes into the carpet of the house and broke several outlets when she moved out), to weird and fucked up (a guy I talked to once rented out to this teacher who still received money from his parents and treated him like shit because his English wasn't 'good enough' and kept harassing him on every little thing). On the other hand, when I rented a room for the summer when I had an internship there, the person renting to me had an extremely friendly personality and we got along really well (also she had the three cutest dogs omg).

My best advice is to vet carefully. Perhaps think about advertising in your local university/college ad section rather than putting in a classified or craigslist.

>> No.8282363

Thanks for the advice! Fiance's only stipulation is that we don't rent to college kids. Too big of a risk, he says. I don't know if I'll care enough to argue when we decide to go for it but it does eliminate a huge pool since we live right across from a small college. I'm pretty good at spotting stealthy crazies so I'll definitely screen them hardcore. Maybe reach out to our friends in need of a room.

>> No.8282375


I definitely understand his concern! Maybe it's not an option since your campus is small, but one thing I noticed is that some people renting out specified only professionals and/or grad students.

Best of luck with renting! I hope it works well for you!

>> No.8282402

Oh grad students, they're a good idea! Thanks again!

>> No.8282406

I first started renting to my brother, which was good. But after he moved out I let his friend rent. This guy was living with a girl that had already called the cops on him once, so he was breaching parole having contact with her. So after a month of them living there she flipped out again, smashed a window, and the guy ended up in jail.

I am now renting to an older man with two younger daughters, and he seems really good. Always pays rent on time and was doing yard work last time I went there. He seems like he's happy there and wants to stay so I don't think he'll fuck anything up.

Your fiance is right, college students are a bad idea. Try to go with someone that's more stable and mature.

>> No.8282418

Also, I would advise against getting anybody on welfare. My bf is renting his house too, and thought that welfare people would be good cause then you get your money from the government each month and it's more reliable.

Turns out the guy was a fucking drunk and his sister had to call the cops on him and get a restraining order. They're nothing but problems. Def too much hassle, and they won't give a shit about the house at all. My bf even bought them a vacuum cleaner but as if they would even use it lol

>> No.8282435

Dont' do it if you live in CA. There's a nursing surplus. So hospitals get their pick of the crops and if you have zero out of school experience you might as well be a leper.

>> No.8282447


Wow. I wouldn't have turned away someone on welfare, but now I will. College kids whom I don't know too. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.8282459

np! good luck, I hope it works out!

>> No.8282472
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>I live in CA

>> No.8282509

To be fair you'll have better luck if you do school in CA and have your clinicals and capstone and can get your foot in the door. Also depends on the area. I'm in the Bay Area which is the worst. Google "New grad rn ca" before going forward.

>> No.8282523

thank you anon

>I always felt like nursing was something I could do and be good at

>> No.8282565

>I actually live in the San Diego area so I feel maybe I have a better chance?

>> No.8282575

>is it really that bad in America?
It is. I didn't really believe it until my sister and her husband received three bills totaling 7k for a one-night hospital stay when they thought they were having an emergency situation with their newborn.

>> No.8282580
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Oh god, my least favorite subject, money. I am a third grade teacher while my hubby is a cop so our money intake is low, especially since we're just starting out. No kids, so we spend it on ourselves. Being younger, we love crap and plastic things so we spend a lot on cosplay together and other weeb things. We definitely have enough to support ourselves, but when we have a baby we have to tone it down.

>tfw teach kids with a sailor moon miracle romance pointer stick
>tfw cosplaying on halloween makes me seem like the cool teacher

>> No.8282637
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They only cater to a narrow "normal" range of prescriptions. I've been linked to online stores like that before, and noep.

Most of the cost of my glasses comes from needing specialty lenses which use a material that's twice the cost of the usual material. Pic related was the cheapest I could get ($300), not using the special glass, but I had to return these because Lenscrafters fucked up my prescription and the weight of them wouldn't keep them on my face. I'm getting new glasses soon, but my current pair is 600$ and that's just for the lenses.

Fwiw I also can't wear colour/circle lenses (not even torics) and don't qualify for LASIK. I tried to get normal contacts hoping for a cheaper, better option, and ended up spending just as much as I would have for glasses going in and out of the Eye Dr for about a year trying to get a pair that would come close to my glasses. Went through 3 or 4 different brands with no luck. The Eye Dr was a saint for trying to hard and also waiving my appointment fees.

>shit sucks

>> No.8282912

It's a big part of what you play in the beginning, but not how successful you'll be. It's good to be versatile but you need to know what unique thing you bring to the table. Your look is how you're advertising yourself. Figure out what people thing of you in the first five seconds of looking at you, and don't necessarily specialize in that, but be good at it. If you're a woman especially, you should have "sexy" in your toolkit. You don't need to be prepared to get naked, but a lot of women are awkward and unaware of how to really use their sex, and unfortunately for them, sex sells, particularly on the female end. I have a clean-cut handsome face, but I'm have some crippling anxiety and this general awkwardness. Originally, I'd go out for these aggressive, confident those sort of roles and totally fail because I couldn't comfortable wield the extroversion and bravado that I thought the role asked for.. but you can fit 'you' into any role. I started using that awkwardness and giving my auditions my own twist, and that stands out. It might not be exactly what they had in mind, but standing out is important, and they might just like it. Being unique in an industry with thousands of people going for the same 'look' is vital, and it's all about knowing yourself.

In general your look is your headshots, and that's what your agent is going to be sending out to casting people. Until you have a chunk of work under your belt, they'll be judging you on your look. Maybe your facial structure is soft and shy looking, or strong and confrontational. You won't always get cast as what you look like, but have a good understanding of it, even if you think it's bad. A friend of mine looks really androgynous when she doesn't have makeup on. She was insecure about it before, but she learned to use it and it ends up getting her lesbian roles - and even a role as a genderless alien on some scifi show.

>> No.8283389

I work two jobs, one in retail management and the other is working for an auctioneer. I don't really know what to do with my life because I don't make a lot of money and my parents aren't interested in helping me (besides letting me live at their house).

On a positive note I'm pretty frugal but I wish more people would understand how difficult it is for a younger person to support themselves sometimes. My sister tries to give me pep talks but they basically turn into "You should just quit your job and get a better one and then move out Anon, there's nothing stopping you :^)" and "You don't have to go to college to get a good job :^)"
I don't think it's that easy right now?

>> No.8283534

Your sis should have said to find a job, then quit your current job. Retail management looks really good on a resume, I don't see any roadblocks that could stop you, really. I believe in you, anon!

>> No.8283558

I work at a major fashion store. It's fun to be able to wear what you want to work, but I've never worn lolita, since it obviously doesn't fit with the look of the company.

>> No.8283620

How does fast food get you barista work? I got turned down for a lot of coffee place jobs having only fast food experience...

>> No.8283625

It doesn't unless you wanna work at those fake barnes and noble starbucks. Also, in most places you can't be a bartender without a certificate so if you wanna do that just skip the foodservice bullshit, take the class and get a job that way.

>> No.8283717

I was told by someone who lives here that it's really expensive to take bartending classes. And they're private so they don't take loans or grants. And that my best bet was to get a job as a barback first and then try to become a bartender and where I live, it's only like 27 bucks for a cert. I'm still looking for work, but I have a job, but they randomly drug test and even tho weed is legal where I live they still test for it bc herp derp federal law.

>> No.8284387

I manage a call center in Atlanta. Make right around 3k a month, with full benefits. It is a little low for the position, but it is my first salary job, so I can't complain. Plus, I get to travel to the Philippines every other month to supervise our call center there. Not doing too bad for a 25-year old female.

I do find that I purchase higher end products for my cosplays. I also begin working on them a lot sooner than I did when I was living check-to-check. The trouble is when I am at the actual con and I want to buy everything lol

>> No.8284428

I'll be moving downtown Toronto for school, but the program I'm in has options for co-op following second year. I was already planning on doing something corporate, which is why I wanted to do a second degree in business. I really appreciate the advice!

>> No.8284443

IT intern. 9k/year
I work hard af to get my shitty paycheck. God, I hope I get to graduate soon.

>> No.8284535

What the hell? Intern that low is mad.

>> No.8287400
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Male escort make about couple k's a day, but man I hate fucking older ladies. Or fat ass chick's that want to ride me, sometime I feel like I am gonna die under they weight. Can't get a normal job cuz I am a man whore.

>> No.8287475

I have a friend who also got her Apparel Product degree and just finished a certificate for small business. Typically a double business major goes more with fashion merchandising degrees, but it's fine if you want your own business. Most of my friends are tech designers in corporate offices which isn't so bad just lots of spec sheets and technical flats.