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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 466 KB, 522x620, x2pNqoF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8261092 No.8261092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog, or did it get nuked already?

Can somebody please tell me what this is about before the thread gets deleted?

>> No.8261176

There was a secret from my comm this week and I was SHOCKED.

I mean gossip has happened at meets but we all seem to try and not talk about internet drama in person too.

>> No.8261257

The secret about melanie kind of reminded me of a while back someone came to /cgl/ saying they were a semi-popular singer who wanted to wear lolita but were too worried to wear lolita.

/cgl/ shit over the poster telling them to stop whining and do what they wanted.

and I personally tried to get contact info to try to lead them in the right direction of someone to help them coord, lolita medias dos and donts.

I had a strong feeling it was her then and even more so now.

>> No.8261260

she doesn't look bad, but i really don't understand why you would call that look "adult baby" for any reason. did she really do that?

>> No.8261267

She says " I’ve been wearing adult baby dresses—they’re for people who are actually into that weird fetish"

If she was ever going to wear lolita she would know first of all that her calling the clothing adult baby or fetish wear is a HUGE no no and she will be shunned by the community forever.

>> No.8261270

what was secret 45 and why was it deleted?

>> No.8261289

Ew wtf. I've never heard of her before this but she sounds like a dumb cunt.

>> No.8261303

>On this tour, I’ve been wearing adult baby dresses—they’re for people who are actually into that weird fetish. I found them on Etsy from this girl who custom makes dresses for adult babies. I think it fits really nicely and I like how it feels, like a little girl’s dress from the ‘50s, but for me. I’ll always cling to these little girl dresses at vintage shops and I can never wear them because they’re so tiny!


>> No.8261336
File: 74 KB, 500x334, S2wk4mq[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My secret is I think this is hot

>> No.8261340

how do i into sex work?

>> No.8261349

Be a privileged western woman who gets to sell her body as a choice and not a survival strategy. :^)

>> No.8261353


>> No.8261379
File: 107 KB, 600x600, AGOvQlw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me sad and think

>> No.8261381
File: 149 KB, 640x640, mcutvxW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a troll but.... does anyone else think this hits the mark?

>> No.8261387

A lot of these secrets reeked of butthurt. God damn.

>> No.8261393

not really. I've seen more itas in person in BTSSB for some reason. Which is bizarre to me since Baby is harder to order from.

I'm talking party city wigs, no petticoat/tanktop instead of blouse Ita or homestucks cosplaying in BTSSB.

>> No.8261396

To an extent. I have been thinking about it.
Baby doesn't really follow trends in a brash way, its more subtle. Tumblrina speshul snowflakes who want to express themselves through clothing will pick loud, brash things so that everyone can see how edgy they are.

>> No.8261424
File: 407 KB, 570x403, DbQzdmh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the source behind this one?

>> No.8261435
File: 243 KB, 640x640, SEdqypv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through a previous BtB, saw this.

Who the fuck is this dude. I see him on my feed too. Literally all he does is make creepy comments, 24/7. Who is he. Why does he do this. Is he a sissy (99% sure he is, need confirmation)?

>> No.8261456

Ew, like why would you even admit to that kind of fetish. I can honestly say that I'm never going to be interested in her shit again

>> No.8261457

If not a sissy then a sissy fetishist. Just as bad.

>> No.8261462
File: 375 KB, 640x446, GpdJ1eV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#4 had me laughing my ass off because I agree with it 100%. It was my first thought.

>> No.8261463


Who is he though. He has no apparent connection with any of my mutual friends. Does he just go around friending random lolitas?

I feel disgusting even being associated with him by two degrees, ech.

>> No.8261468

Sorry for stupid question, but what is a sissy?
Is it guys who want to be 'humiliated' by wearing girly, frilly stuff and being demure or whatever?
Daddyplay? Is it guys into girly, frilly stuff?
Is a sissy fetishist someone who is into sissies or girls who dress in frills?
Help a gal out.

>> No.8261469

Grown men who identify as grown men and dress like a toddler in a beauty pageant.

>> No.8261471

You got it
>Is it guys who want to be 'humiliated' by wearing girly, frilly stuff and being demure or whatever?

Daddyplay is ageplay I guess?

>> No.8261483

She looked hot even, same thing as when she wore ouji. Boystyles simply look best on her, I'd love to see her do more ouji

>> No.8261493

It's her unfortunate face and the way she normally does her makeup for lolita doesn't help it at all. She really needs to do more boy styles because it suites her way more. Or learn how to do her makeup so that she doesnt look like a drag queen.

>> No.8261527

Like tbh there is nothing wrong with being a sissy or a sissy fetishist, just as there is nothing wrong with being an ageplayer -- just keep it out of the comm and out of lolita. What you do in your free time, out of the public eye, is no one's business, just don't parade it around in everyone's face.

>> No.8261612

that's the issue here though...there's a growing number of sissies who don't know how to keep that shit in the bedroom. people will tell them 20 different times that lolita is a (street/alternative) fashion and that lolita comms are for fashion enthusiasts but there's been an increasing amount of them joining comms offline and online and bringing this stuff out in public. like, someone needs to get this through to these people that our frills are not equal and they are not welcome in our communities. plenty of them have also creeped on girls in different comms on and offline. this is why sissies and ageplayers have such a bad rep with lolitas and people have a generally negative idea towards them - people don't know how to keep in the damn bedroom and approach girls in a super predatory way.

i dont mean to bitch at you in this post, i'm just saying like...it feels like they pop out of nowhere and lots of times these people's abilities to keep their fetishes separate from their hobbies/daily lives becomes questionable with the way so many of them act towards people in the fashion.

>> No.8261657 [DELETED] 
File: 916 KB, 640x640, yjl4s9w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else thought this looked tacky as hell...? It was rather poorly executed.

>> No.8261677

I thought it was stupid and sad. She knows what she is doing wrong yet she refuses to change.

>> No.8262040

YES this. I found her really hot in v-kei. She does fine at Lolita, but the more masculine styles just suit her so much better!

>> No.8262049

Gee I wonder who they could be talking about judging by how well they censored it.

I agree LL is very flattered by Lolita, but she likes it and her outfits are usually good.

>> No.8262053

Daddyplay would be role play

>> No.8262080

Sorry I can't help you but damn this is so accurate. Whenever I feel depressed I go on a online shopping spree with this shops + eBay. I know I have a problem.

>> No.8262096

when I saw that vid my heart skipped a beat. Like dayum I wish I could pull off boystyle as well as her

>> No.8262116
File: 31 KB, 236x354, d45d41ead575dc36dd2f27baa12d2522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that too.. Except I'm an excessive hoarder with self esteem issues and never wear my lolita out. I have a closet full of brand (iw mostly and some AP/baby, I'm classic) but because I'm a little overweight (chubs, 120 pounds but short) aka fattychan. Also afraid to come out to friends that I like lolita because friends don't wear frilly things and I am super afraid to be judged.

The only time I put on my brand is to stare at myself in the mirror and play dressup but I've never dared to take any coord pics in fear that I'd get posted onto here and get embarassed.

I don't dare to wear my stuff out because where I live/go to school at fat people are rare. I just need to shed some weight and just get over it because I've been buying brand for over 3 years now and I have more brand clothing than normalfag clothing.

I'm just waiting for the day I graduate from college and get to go home / isolate myself from people because hopefully I'll have the courage to wear lolita if I start over and find new friends who are into the same things.

>> No.8262125

>120 pounds is fat
what the hell, are you 5'?

If you lose the weight, will your brand still fit?

>> No.8262150

If you wear classic it's really easy

just style yourself with low poof and toned down overall.

Though honestly those are all problems you should really work on anon, unfortunately anxiety and social issues can only really be fixed by making yourself do thing you'd rather not.

Also no one cares an much as you do.
The 1/100 people who do are just dicks that don't deserve your attention.

>> No.8262162

Yes I'm about 5' ish. I can fit into my dresses right now because I've only been buying the ones with shirring. I just don't think people will like me wearing lolita.. I mean face wise I'm pretty average and not really ugly but I just keep thinking that no one will want to see me wearing lolita at school and I'll stand out too much etc etc.

And being a little bit chubs doesn't help because people are super critical about that stuff here. I'll get over this eventually.. Just really had to let it out on cgl orz.

>> No.8262165

>Also no one cares an much as you do.
>The 1/100 people who do are just dicks that don't deserve your attention.

I never thought about it that way before, it's something that is good to keep in mind, thanks anon!

>> No.8262172

Does anyone have the deleted secret?

>> No.8262174

I'm 5' and used to be around 120, I don't think I would really call that fat but I carried most of it in my butt/thighs. I feel like you would probably look fine but social anxiety can make it like %1000 more difficult to convince yourself of that.

Good luck though! I'm sure you'll get there in your own time.

>> No.8262178

I've dealt with anxiety issues since I was a kid. Still got 'em, but I'm much more functional now.

Unless you're just an awful person yourself, think of how you'd be if someone you barely knew or someone you cared about did something silly/awkward/a bit weird

In the moment you might be a bit put off or find it a bit funny, but ultimately you're not going to care or hold it over them right? You don't see someone flub up when giving a presentation and then spend your time thinking about how they stuttered and freaked out and judge them for it right?

Obviously you should always be open to opinions, just not assholes. Also keep in mind that people are almost never being as negative as you probably perceive them.

Even if you do something weird, people are usually open to playing it off and you can continue socializing from there.

>> No.8262180
File: 267 KB, 559x467, J4GIM6u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming this is a lolita youtuber. Who is she?

>> No.8262188

Jillian Vessey.

>> No.8262224

Baby is easier to order from though

>> No.8262226


What seriously? I thought it could have been her but damn she looks so fat in this photo. Do you happen to know what video of hers this is from? I'm going to start sifting through, I'm curious what she did to this persons handmade good.

>> No.8262235

I can only assume that she was doing some type of review and, like the Deerstalker unboxing videos, Vessey threw items after looking at them. Some people felt it was disrespectful of Milkyfawn to "throw around burando" and that she looked very stuck up and entitled. Others thought it was funny.

>> No.8262242


Found the video, it was her newest one for Kawaiigoods.

>> No.8262288

wow she looks fucking horrible in videos

>> No.8262354

She needs a different lens or get farther away from it.

It's embarrassing how she tried to make it sound positive that the skirt is some cheap stretch material that was completely inappropriate for all of her coords.

>> No.8262674

Yeah that really rubbed me the wrong way

>> No.8262682
File: 328 KB, 387x616, Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 10.53.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one made me so happy. fuck her.

>> No.8262688

god fucking damnit I love her music but why the fuck is she doing that

>> No.8262691

Is this that secretduckie girl on tumblr?

>> No.8262745

A lot of them have also joined multiple public sissy groups/liked sissy pages on Facebook, which is really creepy IMHO. Keep that shit on FetLife. I have a lot of BDSM-related kinks but I don't like Facebook pages for them, jesus.

>> No.8262750
File: 861 KB, 1046x570, 2015-04-19_182716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, why the fuck is she lying? She even posted this on instagram before. Is she talking about her other outfits?

>> No.8262754

I thought this was about Inuashley for a second but realized nobody would be calling her hot.

>> No.8262757
File: 770 KB, 1007x508, 2015-04-19_182937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this. Extra kek for the girl recommending Milanoo in the comments.

>> No.8262765
File: 278 KB, 358x358, ee4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8262767

Jesus I've lost a lot of respect for her, and I really liked Dollhouse.

>> No.8262769

That's such a fucking cute dress.

>> No.8262773

Yup. She's a heinous cunt in rufflechat and lolita updates.

>> No.8262777

That should just be the standard red flag: If you've joined fetish groups on a public real-name account, just ban 'em from your site/page/whatever and save yourself the trouble later.


>> No.8262781

I always thought she seemed like a cunt. At first I thought it was just my jelly cause of all her brand, but she does have a very smug look to her in all her photos. Glad to hear my suspicions are accurate.

>> No.8262784

I wish more groups would implement that as a policy. If I rememeber the last couple of big "well maybe he genuinely is interested in lolita! it's that girls' word against his about him being a creep, don't be transphobic!1!" scandals in the US when the mods took way too long to ban a creep both involved people that had sissy shit on the same Facebook they'd joined the comms with. People like that shouldn't be allowed to join the comms at all - that's not prejudice against their kink, that's getting rid of people that you already know will overshare their kink.

>> No.8262788

I chuckled when I read this. It probably (I hope) isn't her intent to come across in such an abrasive way but it usually sounds like she's bragging/preaching.

>> No.8262791

>reading those two comments
>I'm not seeing anything real abrasive or braggy about them

I don't really know who this is, but does she post these types of comments often or something? Just going off these two I wouldn't really have a judgment....she's just talking about dress details.

>> No.8262794


>> No.8262804

She always posts stuff like this, and shoves her brand in everyone's face. She doesn't even pay for it herself.

>> No.8262806

I know a few actual trans women and they are A MILLION MILES AWAY from sissy and related kinks. They hate it. Because the people doing it aren't trans,it's usually gross old dudes with a kink and a total detachment from reality. They're putting a female identity on like a costume and running around like a special snowflake.

>> No.8262820

Because that wasn't even remotely what the conversation was about. Someone had asked about why part of a dress was different that earlier pictures and she went off about how special all her brand is.

>> No.8262825

Oh, okay. So she's a special snowflake then.

>> No.8262869

I'm that anon and I know trans women too, I just said it because I remember that one of the last sissy scandals involved the dude hiding behind accussing people of transphobia when they called him a creep.

>> No.8262886

>I have a lot of BDSM-related kinks

>> No.8262901

Totally agree

>> No.8262903

Ehh I feel the same way about Inuashley, though--she's pretty hot in v-kei but so-so in Lolita.

>> No.8262927

I love Lor, and even I think she pulled off VK really well. In fact, I think she pulls off dark colors in general a lot better than pastel colors. Or anything androgynous, in fact.

>> No.8262933

her friend Collin is fucking hot
She(?not sure if aiming for ftm) looks like Natalie Portman if she decided to become punk

>> No.8262939

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one who thought Collin is hot.

>> No.8262941

>tfw actually within travelling distance of London
If you're also a qt lolita I'll consider it.

I've always thought it'd be funny as hell to see someone I knew from a comm at a munch, but it's never happened yet. I'm much more worried about seeing a sissy who's tried to get into the comm.

>> No.8262945

I want to be lesbians with her(?) and look like her(?)

>> No.8262948
File: 112 KB, 500x281, yugioh abridged all of the homo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8262964

Sorry, I'm actually male, American, and not into casual hookups. I was just memeing.

That said, BDSM seems like the last thing you'd want to be wearing lolita for

>> No.8262977

I know it's a meme, I just found it funny because I actually am from London. I wouldn't wear lolita for BDSM, I'd just consider a girlfriend who was into both an added bonus.

>> No.8263015

Who pays for her stuff then?

>> No.8263041

i loved her comment that was like "i spent $1000000000 on AP in glorious nippon~~ but most of it didn't fit me :'("

like come the fuck on bitch they even have dressing rooms

>> No.8263048

Her boyfriend and mom, when she's maxed out all her cards.

>> No.8263072

Goddammit I'm a kinky lolita and I just moved FROM London to America.

>> No.8263146

Did it ever cross your mind that she might have seen some details on friend's dresses or that she sells and buys new stuff?
I don't know this girl, but idk why this comment indicates her owning all that brand.

>> No.8263149

Well, her tumblr seems to confirm the fact that she owns shit tons of brand.

>> No.8263158

where in the us?
im on fet as well

>> No.8263178

>fetlife munch

oh god, meetups at shitty restaurants with predatory overweight 40 year olds and a number of "subs" usually college aged girls who don't know any better infatuated with them

and/or recently divorced women who are legit crazy coming fresh off a 50 shades of gray binge.

talking about their sexual expoits loudly in public on a sunday afternoon

yeah...no thanks

not to mention everyone acts like it's high school, for people not emotionally mature enough for a bar

>> No.8263197

Depends where you are Sieg, if I'd been to one like that I'd never go again.

>> No.8263277

wearing lolita isn't about what other people want, anon. it's about what you want.

honestly it might be a good way for you to get some self-confidence, it sounds like you could use a boost.

>> No.8263285

Oh I know what this is. It was in a roleplay group that I'm in. The admin is a powertripping asshole who bans people if he/she doesn't like their roleplay starters. They're basically a complete tyrant who uses their own group for amusement and frequently changes the rules to piss the members off.

Anyway this so called lifestyler started complaining about how people in the group were getting bullied and certain people and the admin weren't following the rules. Somewhere the thread got derailed into the admin's love of lolita, and then this girl started bragging about how she's a lifestyle lolita and knows Pixielocks in person and how she's mentoring her and knows so much about lolita. The admin quizzed her, she couldn't bring up answers quick enough to seem like she hadn't googled it, so she threw a hissyfit about how she doesn't get good grades at school and was abused. Completely irrelevant to the subject at hand, but eventually the topic got back onto lolita. She said how she was getting a brand new AP dress from her girlfriend (who she couldn't decide if she was with or not.) Sent us pictures and it was just a stock image from Milanoo. Admin told her it was a replica and should stay away from Milanoo. She then posted her instragram (https://instagram.com/honeybeecosplay/)) and admin made fun of her for claiming to be a lifestyler again and said it was autistic. So ita girl said that the Halifax lolita community wouldn't be happy and were miles better than any other lolitas in the world.

And I think that's it.

>> No.8263290

this this this this this

trans girls are SO DIFFERENT than sissies and fetish people. mostly they don't even want you to know they're trans

>> No.8263291

As long as you style yourself right, no one will care, even here on cgl. I have cow tits, and I've never been posted here because of my weight/bust.

>> No.8263310

what are yours like

>> No.8263312
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 10932138_908032745887564_765758507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she was actually talking about stuff like pic related

>Well I’m really inspired by kind of like the ‘50’s and like basically what little girls wore in the ‘50’s. Just like the whole Peter Pan collar with poofy sleeves, like that. I love that. And the flare out dresses and all that like Japanese Lolita stuff, I love wearing stuff like that.
found this in another interview, she makes a difference between kid clothes and lolita

>> No.8263316


Wow, that was actually a much ado about nothing.

Shows how much things can be skewed.

>> No.8263319

Fyi Collin is a psycho


Even if mostly everything is false (the HLC stuff is true though) they're still drama llamas. Not as good looking in person compared to pics btw imo.

>> No.8263322

Shows how paranoid lolitas are about any mention of "age play" or "costume". Gotta fucking chill.

>> No.8263333

London ones are lovely. Mostly very attractive 20's and 30's aged people. Some ugly and fat old men and women, but usually not rude or creepy. Lots of male subs for some reason.

>> No.8263337

East coast. We need a lolita fetlife group. I know more than a few kinky lolitas who keep it quiet.

>> No.8263339
File: 487 KB, 797x1200, oink oink!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its nice that she has so much brand and good for her, but she looks like a fat pig

>> No.8263343

Guess her appareance matches her ugly personality. No wonder she won't shut up about burando, it's the only thing she has.

>> No.8263345

I wouldn't be half as bothered about her appearance if she didn't come across like such a braggart. I guess that's the only way she's relevant.

Also, this coord really isn't doing her any favors, the pink is not a good color on her.

>> No.8263353


Ahh, it's Professor Umbridge.

>> No.8263400

link for lazy-chans

>> No.8263407

Woah, this looks amazing on her. Much better than lolita.

>> No.8263417
File: 498 KB, 600x600, ujelly_tones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, i'm sure she looks ok on less saturated pictures, she's got a cute smile even if she's a bit pudgy. you guys sound jelly as fuck honestly

>> No.8263461


Why would I be jelly if I can fit better into brand and her tastes don't match up with mine?

I just think she's ugly.

>> No.8263465

>you guys sound jelly as fuck honestly
Lol, jelly of what? A ton of burando someone else had to buy me and that doesn't even fit me yet that I continue to brag about so that everyone knows I'm ~speciuhl~ and own brand?
I give zero fcks about her looks. but she always comes off as a very unfriendly person whoch compliments her somewhat unfortunate looks (which again i would give zero fucks about if she wasn't as obnoxious).

>> No.8263479

be less defensive next time

lurk the fb groups for 10 seconds and you'll understand why the vitriol is so warranted

>> No.8263499

I don't know what she's usually like that made you hate her so much but just going from the one screenshot and all the replies here I have to agree that you girls do just sound incredibly bitter and jelly. And she's only mentioned like 4 details. Doesn't even mean she owns them.

>> No.8263506

I thought male subs were the norm? Outside of porn for straight dudes.

>> No.8263508
File: 140 KB, 417x626, u727Xgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominique is so fucking retarded, like damn could she be anymore obvious. It's pathetic how she keeps trying to start drama even though she's already been kicked out.

>> No.8263512

Those are the same people?
I remember those threads, yeesh

>> No.8263515

This looks intentionally ita. Is it?

>> No.8263517



>> No.8263519

It was april's fools. So yes.

>> No.8263520

It wa an April Fool's Day Joke and people didn't get it.

>> No.8263529 [DELETED] 

Dominique M? She is annoying in RC/CoF holy shit.
Gurl there is a reason you get less than 200 likes on every coord. Everyone knows what a piece of shit you are.

>> No.8263581

Ugh can we get over this already? lulz dom lulz candice lulz every1 in az. No1 curr

>> No.8263727
File: 104 KB, 864x594, Holy Crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lesbian BDSM lolitas

>> No.8263984

wtf my heart

>> No.8263992

Do your research. Have a thick skin. If you you can't figure out how to google, don't bother

>> No.8264021

You rang?

>> No.8264093

Not really? Society's view of male = dominant and female = submissive definitely show up in BDSM circles

>> No.8264104

Oh dear god.
Male topping female is possibly the most common..? But it's nearly evenly split between genders and sexualities, like I'd say 40 male subs vs. 60 male doms.
Same with females. Same with gays.