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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8260018 No.8260018 [Reply] [Original]

New Love Live thread?

Waiting for the rest of these cards to be released.

>> No.8260195
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Why is Umi in there? Here have a set.

>> No.8260198

What is Nico's transformed and Hanayo's supposed to be?
Really disappointed in the second batch. Nico's is just boring, they already have a dozen kimono inspired outfits. Umi looks really similar to her fairytale card. Hanayo I can't even tell what she is supposed to be. Only really like Kotori from this event

>> No.8260314

Nico's still supposed to be a florist, just a weird extreme idol one
Its the same with all the rest Eg. Honoka's non-idolized is a weather woman and her idolized is an EXTREME IDOL weather woman
The reason we won't recognise Hanayo straight away is because we're western. In Japan, there are elevator girls who press the buttons for you and also update you on offers in the mall. Just Google about it and it'll be obvious in the similarities

>> No.8260319
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Hanayo is an elevator girl.

>> No.8260321

Gabby is that you?
I can tell from your typing style.

>> No.8260323

My white boots from ebay finally came in, but they're weird. They land exactly on my knee, not above or below it, so I can't bend my knee while walking (or the upper cuff cuts into the soft part at the back and holy shit that hurts) and my legs look really weird and stumpy. Guess that's more work for me to do today.

I have a full day of ruffle making and pleating planned. Anyone else in ruffle hell?

>> No.8260325

I literally just came into your room and said I was going to say this exact thing when you mentioned the new LL thread
Stop spamming the thread and just shout downstairs for me next time

>> No.8260336

I see! Didn't know there were jobs like this in Japan

>> No.8260461

I will be once I start on my Maki cosplay.
I'm excited though, I picked that outfit because I wanted to do something cute and ruffley.

>> No.8260470

What outfits are you doing?

>> No.8260476

I am but I'm not making any Love Live atm. Though I am always in ruffle hell because I always picks cosplays with ruffles

>> No.8260553
File: 76 KB, 426x599, 426px-Nozomi_pure_sr470_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white boot/ruffle hell anon. I'm working on this right now, but also doing Snowy Mountain Nozomi. I finished the petti, and now I'm working on the underskirt. Then I'll start the pleated part.

>> No.8260577

Oh I love that design! Good luck with it!
Please post pictures if you feel comfortable too. I'd love to see it.

>> No.8261990
File: 198 KB, 640x901, Fruits Girl (T).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8262308
File: 537 KB, 455x599, Screenshot_2015-04-19-10-16-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you having trouble with the boots? Are you going to have to spray paint them white or cut them to the right length or what??
Also, if you need any screenshots from the live shows as references, just ask!

>> No.8262312

Didn't read up the thread, sorry! But yeah, the canon boots are mid-calf/high-ankle so you're in for a fun time

>> No.8262414

I want to see Nun Eli and Nun Umi being cosplayed together.

>> No.8262427

>tfw no friend/family/so that lives together and also post on cgl

>> No.8262461

still REALLY disappointed that Hanayo wasnt a kindergarden teacher.

Any groups planned for anyone? Its getting cold here so lots of plans are being shifted

>> No.8262547

Luckily my eBay boots have no zipper, so I can just cut them. If they had a zipper I'd be the saltiest.

I'm already a bit salty. I made an underskirt with chiffon ruffles because the Nozomi card looked more like that than the tulle in the live concert. The chiffon looks bad with the pleated skirt, so I think I'm just going to omit it and only wear the tulle petti.

I finished the colourblocked skirt and bodice insert so today I need to get glitter spray to make them ultra sparkly.

>> No.8262638

I'd love to see WIPs!
But yeah, you have a right to be salty. Petticoats and underskirts never seem to go my way either e.g. I got 5 50 yard rolls of ribbon online for a madoka petticoat but when it arrived, it was plastic ribbon and not satin and the store won't take them back.
Also, glitter spray won't get the best effect and will probably just fall off eventually. I tried some on my Godoka cosplay but it just wasn't good enough and you'd need quite a few cans of expensive spray. Now that you've already pleated it (at least I assume you have), the method I would recommend can't be done

We kek'd about the so thing over lunch

>> No.8262692

Oh, really? I asked in the help thread a while back and people had good things to say about glitter fabric spraypaint. What was your other method? The pleats are just ironed it, not sewn down yet so I might be able to do it.

Ahaha, I actually had the exact same thing happen with the ribbon I got to bind the seams between the tiers of the petti but it worked out for me. It's got the stiffness of horsehair and helps keep the petti from deflating. I'm getting a ton of extra poof because of it.

>> No.8262747

The glitter particles in spray are very very fine but the particles on the skirt seem quite large so it can be good for things needing a light cover. It doesn't stick on duchess satin too.
The best way would be to iron out the pleats, cover the fabric in fabric glue and stick a load of glitter on evenly. Remove all possible fallout and then give it another layer of glue and glitter and remove fallout again.
I've tried it on a few bows and a pair of shoes and it was a great method!
It's expensive but gives a better effect than spray and also, the pleats will hold so so well. It might also bring some transport problems due to the stiffness. The way the skirt moves in the live shows mirrors this too.

I wasn't so lucky with my ribbon because it just ripped when I tried to sew it

>> No.8262762

I think I'd rather leave the pleats in and just spread them out while doing that. I'm worried about how the glue and glitter will react to ironing if I have to re-do them after.

>> No.8262770

The pleats will probably fall out in the process anyway and might get in the way but I guess it wouldn't hurt??
You also iron it from the other non-glitter side on a medium heat