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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8252777 No.8252777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

we all have that one salty bitch we hate, who hates us just as much.
What's your beef with them? What's their beef with you?
gimme all the juicy drama.

>> No.8252801

/cgl/ help me
The girl I guess you could call my rival is an absolute bitch and everyone hates her. Especially me, holy fuck I despise this girl.
We've done horrible things to eachother back and forth,and are always spreading nasty rumors.
But I think I'm developing some kind of sick crush on her.
Like I can't stop looking at her pictures, and reading her posts over and over again.
Like I'm a batshit crazy bitch, don't get me wrong, nothing I've done is justified.
I'm just trying to figure out what's going on in my head, and why I feel like this.

>> No.8252813

That... that's so cute.

sage for no contribution

>> No.8252821

You secretly love each other. You want to wear her skin.

>> No.8252824
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When spite stalking turns into a crazy yuri crush... I like it.

>> No.8252827

This is the tsundere yuri fantasy I didn't know I had

>> No.8252828

You gonna fuck or what?

>> No.8252848

I say you go up to her then just make out with her. Then post it online so we can all see. If she rejects then just say she put moves on you first.

>> No.8252856

We real life animu now.

>> No.8252869

Spite Stalking! I've never heard that before but that describes it perfectly wow. thanks!
It feels like reverse yandere in a kind of way? Like I hate her so much and have done terrible things to her and have nearly ruined her life
but yeah I would totally makeout with her?
It's confusing and it sucks and I'm probably going to see her at the next con coming up and I'm so ready to post her ass on BTB

>> No.8252890

Oh lawdy, where do I even begin. For the sake of anonymity, we'll be calling this girl Mary Jane because those are her first and middle initials and she smokes a lot of weed, so it's fitting. So, Mary Jane and I first met about six months ago when she moved to my city. She's 22 and I'm 19, but I'm a Junior in college and she dropped out her first year due to failing miserably. This girl is spoiled as fuck, however, and because of her mother employing her in a position she wasn't even actually qualified for, she makes a shit ton of money. I don't know how much exactly, but one of her friends says it's over $100,000 a year and given her house and everything in it, I definitely believe it. She's the most stereotypical Jewish American Princess I have ever met in my life, but she's half Native American and has that exotic beauty look going on. She has 70 dresses, at least half being super rare shit. She has the holy trinity as well as a bunch of other extremely rare shit like Bride of Death and both Glorias. This would be fine, but she's always talking about her ultra rare pieces and her entire Instagram is just pictures of the stuff she buys. Everyone pretends to love her because she buys her inner circle tons of crazy shit. She bought her best friend the red Holy Lantern JSK. a bunch of brand accessories, and 3 Nendoroids. She bought another one of her friends an Iron Gate skirt because she wanted someone to twin it with. For Secret Santa, she bought a really nice BtSSB necklace even though everyone was asked to keep it under $25. She tried to justify it by saying she paid less than retail for it, but I looked up the LM listing and it said it was $100. I've been trying to be her friend pretty much the whole time I've known her and so far, she's only bought me an old school tartan BtSSB JSK for my birthday that I see for only $100 all the fucking time. I have so many stories about her.

>> No.8252893

>It feels like reverse yandere in a kind of way? Like I hate her so much and have done terrible things to her and have nearly ruined her life
What kinds of terrible things? Do tell, yandere yuri is the best kind of yuri.

>> No.8252907 [DELETED] 

>tfw no epic rival to constantly be at mutually obsessive competition with, only to have it reach its climax and end in her pushing me against a wall and showing me once and for all who the dominant one was
I've looked for so many to fill this void, but none have been worthy

>> No.8252913
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>tfw no epic rival to constantly be at mutually obsessive competition with, only to have it reach its climax and end in her pushing me against a wall and showing me once and for all who the dominant one is
I've looked for so many to fill this void, but none have been worthy

>> No.8252923

...so you're mad that she's "only" spent $100 on you for your fake ass attempt at friendship? Wow anon, sounds like you've got it bad.

And by "it", I mean a sandy-ass cunt.

>> No.8252926

Is this a joke?

>> No.8252932

Come find me, bitch

>> No.8252935

I already ship it.

>> No.8252942

I have no cgl relevant rivalries so sage for no contribution but this thread is already shaping up to be amazing, thank.

>> No.8252951

A little embarassed since I think my rivalry is a more one-sided on my end, for being a competitive bitch. This girl isn't really my friend at all, she used to be friends with one of my friends but this girl (idk we'll call her Bo Peep for now) kinda stopped maturing after 9th grade so over the past 4-5 years we've all just surpassed her in terms of maturity and social interactions (hanging out with her is literally like hanging out with an 8th grader. she's still a hot topic mall rat) we got into lolita at around the same time though she took much faster actions to start getting into the fashion. I'm super competitive and also annoyingly a bit of a perfectionist so I didn't want to go to any meets until I looked as best as possible, though I think even when I put together my first crappy coord I still surpassed Bo Peep because she has terrible fashion sense inside and outside of lolita.

Basically my rivalry is a one-sided attempt at "wow look at me I've been into lolita for less time than her and I'm just so great" pretty much. Lately though she's slowly been trying to change her wardrobe to "punk lolita" so she's been kinda out of it trying to re-work her closet and I've been getting super into it. I think she's still a BL-chan because she seemed to be a bit jealous of my brand and more expensive indie purchases...in that sense I feel kind of bad for her because she really likes lolita but has a hard time earning cash because she's so immature it's hard for her to keep a job. Oh well. there's my dumb petty rivalry, though I like to credit it with my drive to become a better and smarter lolita.

>> No.8252954

You see her as a cautionary tale, not a rival.

>> No.8252959

Can't be too specific, but made the entire comm hate her, made all of her friends push her away and be mean to her, nearly got her banned from a con (that was a messy situation), and just general shitty things you can do to a person. Lots of trash talking, posting to BTB, etc. I've done a few worse things that I can't be specific about because she might be lurking.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not proud of any of this or condoning any of it. In fact I regret a lot of it, because I imagine that if I had never posted her to BTB (which began it all), we would be the ultimate bitchy besties.

>> No.8252961
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This thread is turning out way sexier than I'd have thought.
>tfw now I'm trying not to fantasize about having my own yandere yuri moment

>> No.8253015

>both anons continue to stalk thread, but forget each other past that
>one day they cross paths on the sidewalk, both in lolita, obviously unaware of who the other is
>they feel the overwhelming need to talk to each other, but both chalk it up to being a natural desire for lolitas to mingle
>they both end up hating the other within less than five minutes of talking, but they continue because there's something extremely satisfying about it
>for months they continue seeing each other for the sake of making subtle bitchy jabs and discussing the fashion with someone equally passionate
>both look at the others' webpages several times a day, not that either has any idea
>one day their back and forth bitching goes too far and their argument turns into a full blown fist fight (one mindful of their dresses, of course)
>one has the other pinned and is suddenly reminded of a post she had read on 4chan months earlier about some anon's tsundere yuri domination fantasy
>"you think I'm a bitch?" she asks
>"y-yes" the other girl mumbles, clearly nervous despite trying not to seem it
>smiling, she leans down, her lips lightly grazing the weaker girl's ear "well, I think you make a better one"
>she slides her hand up the other's skirt and down her panties, pleasantly surprised to feel they're already flooded from arousal
>she slides one finger inside, gently moving it back and forth, watching the faces her new lover makes as she squirms beneath her and begs for more
>and they live happily ever after and have hate sex at least four times a day the end

>> No.8253020

How did you get people to hate her? Was it shit you made up or secrets?

>> No.8253032

Read "Kyle in Chains" South Park fanfic. This may shed light on your situation.

>> No.8253040

Oh god, not Chanel?

>> No.8253046

Oh god, I can't think of rival sex without thinking of Kyle/Cartman slash and you posting that just made the thread for me

>> No.8253057

Is it terrible that my first thought was of Harry/Draco followed by Hermione/Pansy? That delicious hate sex fic...

>> No.8253065

It's okay, anon. Draco/Harry and Mello/Near were the first that pooped into my head followed by Kyle/Cartman.

>> No.8253074

Nigga you gay

>> No.8253077

May this ship never sink.

>> No.8253089

I second this, but what do we call them?
Now I know how I'm going to spend the night.

>> No.8253121

...the were the first that pooped into your head, anon? What the fuck kind of fics are you reading?

>> No.8253227

I'm assuming that was a typo and supposed to be popped
I can't not read this in their voices from the show, even though I'm picturing hot bishie versions of them, but I also can't stop reading and I don't know what to do.

>> No.8253235

>the joke


>> No.8253858

I don't have a rival, but I have a girl who sees me as hers. Literally every brand dress in her collection is one I own and she copies my Tumblr posts a lot.

>> No.8253865

>. Everyone pretends to love her because she buys her inner circle tons of crazy shit. She bought her best friend the red Holy Lantern JSK. a bunch of brand accessories, and 3 Nendoroids. She bought another one of her friends an Iron Gate skirt because she wanted someone to twin it with. For Secret Santa, she bought a really nice BtSSB necklace even though everyone was asked to keep it under $25. She tried to justify it by saying she paid less than retail for it, but I looked up the LM listing and it said it was $100. I've been trying to be her friend pretty much the whole time I've known her and so far, she's only bought me an old school tartan BtSSB JSK for my birthday that I see for only $100 all the fucking time.

....So are you mad because you feel like rich girl isn't giving you your piece of her pie?
It's funny how people snark about "spoiled" bitches behind their backs, but they're never opposed to accepting an expensive gift.

Fuck me if I've ever seen a $100 gift given to me by my childhood friends, and no less some naive twit whom I only know as an acquaintance.

>> No.8253875

Truthfully I don't see the girl I'm about to tell you guys about as a rival, I've just always got the impression that she didn't like me for whatever reason and so I began to notice more things about her that bothered me. Since, you know, I didn't do shit to her to begin with.

>spoiled sheltered girl
>hubbo has money
>has cheesy photography page she runs to make extra spending money
>considers it her job even though it's clearly for funsies mostly
>there's no way she'd be living in her house and affording her trinkets and brand without him

>ex fattie so she's extra sensitive to any kind of criticism
>once she got posted for ita-ing some of her brand
>threw a massive witch hunt for the perp who posted her on her facebook page
>made a complete fool of herself

>another time some anon made a vague post here about some shitty ita girl and her dumb photography
>this bitch thought the anon's description matched her so well that she assumed the post was talking about her
>she linked it to her facebook crying about the post
>she then raided the thread hoping to bitch out the perp
>a bunch of anons called her out for being a damn idiot for assuming any shitty lolita photog is her
>she fled

>she once confronted me asking if I browse 4chan because apparently everyone who does so is an automatic cunt
>except for her
Ugh. Isn't it funny how the people who out loud say they are against browsing 4chan, are often the ones doing it the most behind everyone's back? It's like they've got shit to hide and compensate for.

>> No.8253881
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This thread makes me moist.

>> No.8253882

Ooooh maaaan, fuck you, anon, this is a bad rec and you should feel bad.

OP wants actually good hatefuck fanfiction that isn't out of character, Homestuck has a hundred better ones (there's a whole shipping genre for it). That's pretty much the level of the barrel we're reaching here.

>> No.8253893

Maybe she just has a creepy lesbian crush on you

>> No.8253922

Im so disgusted by your personality
like Im a good hearted person that wants love for everyone, but I just wanna spit in your face

>> No.8253953
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Damn, my life must be pretty boring because the only mutual hate I've got going on is with this one batshit crazy girl on a gaming website who has made it her mission to hate me for no reason and in turn I've started hating her because of it.

>post pictures of my tiny dog in a sweater during the winter
>bitch goes crazy and calls me out on animal abuse
>gets a temp ban because of it, admits to a mutual friend she only did it because she hates me

>change my username every few months out of boredom, never make any secret of it
>bitch makes a fuss about it and posts shit about me on Tumblr, coming up with some conspiracy level excuses why I change my name so often

>knows I blocked her since block lists are public
>takes every opportunity to talk shit about me in the public chat since she knows I can't see it
>I actually unblock her and then reblock her in another window so I can read her comments on the unrefreshed page
>get sadistic joy out of making catty comments like "Who are you replying to, randomanon? It's just you and me in this chat." knowing full well that the bitch is in the chat as well and can read me outright ignoring her

>bitch has gone full crazy now and randomly shit talks people in between harassing the gaming site owner and getting temp banned every few weeks because of it
>keep up to date with every bit of gossip about the bitch, even write a few of my own on Tumblr under anonymous

No clue if she's lesbian or not but there's gotta be some explanation for all that pent up frustration towards me. I don't even remember what started all of it but it had to have been something stupid since she goes off at the smallest things and then never lets them go.
>would secretly have a hate-fueled one nighter with after a few drinks

>> No.8253969

Man you should write a book. Or a comic. I'd read it.

captcha: ssour

>> No.8254676

You probably shouldn't have gone into specifics. I know exactly who you're talking about. All the details you provided are to spot on to be coincidence. In case you just think I'm some random anon fucking with you; she's obsessed with Disney and has every Disney themed AatP and Baby print. I'm messaging her this thread now. :)

>> No.8254682

>Darwin's law in action
I love seeing people like you burn

>> No.8254693
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I have a salty chan that follows me board to board calling out my name if they think its me or if someone else posts my pics, feeling the need to "truth bomb" everyone on how terrible I am, and emailing me telling me "Oh honey, I truly care about you, if you just improve your lifestyle I'll stop" not a paragraph long email, I'm talking like pages of salt.

I could understand if this was happening when the wounds are fresh, but this has been happening for YEARS.

while it might of been a group of people harassing me in the past, I've gotten more and more proof that its just one person.

I'm actually a bit concerned for this person, this kind of obsession is unhealthy and they're acting like I killed their parents or something when all I did was throw obnoxious tantrums on /cgl/ about how terrible they were. And keep in mind, that was years ago, I've dropped it, apologized saying I'd never do this kind of thing again, and moved on with my life.

Sure, I'm a cringy person, but following me to this degree is unhealthy. When I call them out on it they just go
"oh no honey I bumped into you, Its not just me that hates you, EVERYONE hates you" even when a board has forced IDS.

I don't hate her, I just sort of.. feel bad for her. I mean, I used to hate her but this is just pathetic to watch now. I wonder what's going on in her life for her to feel the need to do this kind of thing.

>> No.8254736

Am I the only one who thinks the OP was a bit suspicious? Remember the whole stolen Iron Gate controversy?
Here, just imagine it like this: anon hates a girl in her comm, wants to start shit about her. Masquerades as her on /cgl/ and posts about another girl in the same comm, whines about how beautiful and rich she is, and how she only ever got a tartan dress from her (a really specific detail to give). OP knows other girls in the comm will read it and know exactly who "Mary Jane" is (all those specific dresses, as well as the initials), as well as who is posting it (the tartan dress detail). The target girl will be banned for her hateful posting and shunned by the comm for hating on this really generous girl.
...or am I completely wrong? Feel free to disregard me, this just popped into my mind.

>> No.8254745



>> No.8254751

This is extremely specific and I'm 100% sure you're just trying to start shit for the girl who got the tartan dress.

>> No.8254775
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Suddenly this thread got a lot more interesting, and I thought it couldn't get any more interesting.

>> No.8254781

I met a fem loki cosplayer at my first con and she introduced me to a lot of cosplayers. Finally get a nice group of friends and start getting feelings for her. We date and have wild sex but she is filthy and her small apartment was a nightmare. She had like 3 cats, a dog, two snakes and a lizard. Needless to say the smell was horrible. She would sometimes forget to wear deodorant and my best friend hated her. Start to get sick of her shit and I dump her. All the friends I made turn on me and wont have anything to do with me except about maybe two others who also find her gross. I still love her ;__;

>> No.8254794

maybe you should have communicated your problems ?

>> No.8254805

We had several talks but when I mentioned her being a slob she would tear up and I felt like a dick so I didn't really bring it up anymore.

>> No.8254810

p p pussy then stop crying
you either lover herenough to tell her the hard things or you leave her

>> No.8254823

I did leave her. She was gross.

>> No.8254832
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IKR. I need more.

>> No.8254857


This Iron gate/Baby tartan shit is my favorite drama. Why watch real housewives when you can have this in real time.

>> No.8254946

10/10 would fap again.

>> No.8255144

HOLY SHIT. The Iron Gate skirt incident was also our comm. The girl who got the tartan JSK is adamantly denying writing the post to the point of tears, but we all figured she was just bullshitting. After what you said, I'm starting to rethink that. I'm also starting to wonder if it was the same girl who stole the Iron Gate skirt.

>> No.8255164


Think about it, who would be stupid enough to so blatantly reveal their identity, especially in a comm that had previously been known to frequent cgl? IMO somebody's pretending to be tartan girl.

>> No.8255182

And Iron Gate girl. Just find the person who hates both of them.

>> No.8255184

Someone sent me anon hate on tumblr accusing me of sending anon hate to someone else. I had never even heard of the chick before this, and got a sense someone was trying to stir up shit because I was a visible face in the fandom at the time.

I found out from friends that she had a few people who were really dedicated to sending anon hate to her, and also a few overzealous whiteknights to go along with it. I actively didn't want to deal with that kind of bullshit, so I deleted the messages and blocked them after a few.

After hearing more about her from friends and seeing her get posted to cgl a few times in drama/shitfest threads for being a crazy bitch, I'm still wondering if she was the one that sent those messages, and why she latched onto me of all the visible BNFs at the time. We have mutual casual friends but I'm avoiding her like the plague, and will continue to do so.

>> No.8255192

I don't fully hate this one girl in my comm, but I admit I've gotten to a point where I'm just jealous of her for everything?
She speaks near fluent Japanese, travels, just got married, does flawless cosplays, and still able to afford all the brand in her closet.
I get she's worked hard for what she has and I work hard (in a factory for just enough) and I'm very happy for her!
I also hate feeling so bitter to someone who's just so nice and has done nothing wrong.
I'm fucking crazy.

>> No.8255193

Wow, I had no idea. I remembered that the incident seemed really similar to this one. Both posts dropped a stupid amount of details (especially the Iron Gate incident- when you're confessing to a crime, you don't say that much about it). I just have this bad gut feeling about an innocent person getting blamed for this. Obviously, I don't know if I'm right, but I hope you guys can sort this out.

>> No.8255250
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I wouldn't even say she's my rival anymore but I'm still salty as ever:
>insert cliche best friend tries to ruin other story
>I was a pussy at the time so it really hit hard
>super cunts shit left me with only one friend and suicidal
>me and them still tight to this day and both hate her guts
>i used to be nice to almost everyone
>nope not anymore
>standing too close could raise your sodium level
>god i was such a bitch
>but basically spent half of my high school career doing damage control on the stuff she spread
>made me angrier
>turns the tables so now she only has dudebros and idiots to back her up
>slowly becomes joke of entire school
>tries constantly to get back at me but im too far gone in bitch mode
>super cunt always tries to say im copying her
>says whatever and does everything she does but puts enough work into it for it to come out x10 better when i felt like it
>she still tries to copy my work like she's always done
>still better than her
>tries so hard to one up me but im always there to slam it down
So lately she's still pathetic, but in my petty moods I like to look at her stuff and smile about it because even though I'm bad I'll never be that bad.
>her life is me and my friends' comedy
But here lately she's starting to bandwagon cosplay more since one of her "besties" is into it.
>tries so hard with minimal effort in the actual cosplay
>"I did so much work"
>googles cosplay source
>party city
>laughs way too hard
So the Party City outfit is from a fandom I've been in since 6th grade, and also one she has never cared about. Super cunt is trying for what used to be my fav character, but I've moved on to a character which is conveniently the other's rival.
>is now working out to have the body for it
>since its in the same fandom im gonna
>"oh wow lets take a picture together"
>just so everyone how much better mine is
She thinks we're on good terms.
>No.1 pettiness award goes to me
In my defense she brought it on herself.

>> No.8255260

Wow, your comm sounds like such a mess.

>> No.8255278
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And what a glorious mess.

>> No.8255296

It's been awhile, could someone remind what the iron gate incident was?
I remember reading about it in the archive but I remember what happened
man, we need to have a like some kind of wiki where we save all the drama stories

>> No.8255326

Seconding. I remember there being an incident but fuck if I remember the details. The only thing that comes to mind is a totally unrelated story where some girl loaned or let another girl try on this rare burando necklace and then it went missing and the other girl showed up wearing one and said she bought it online or something? I dunno.

>> No.8255336

> what is encyclopedia dramatica

>> No.8255339

Did anyone defend her or have the same suspicions?

>> No.8255341

"i hate you so much i want to fuck you" with a picture of her (face blocked out of course) would be quick, sharp and to the point

>> No.8255351

what comm???

>> No.8255354

I had a dream like this holy shit

Salty-chan its ok.

I will accept you as long as you apologize for being a cunt and work towards bettering yourself as a human being.

>> No.8255370

I mean a wiki SOLELY for /cgl/ and Lolita comm incidents. Like the story of Danger-Chan, and The Iron Gate incident. So people can just google these things and have it pop up instantly as it's own wiki article on a wiki made for that kind of thing. (Of course it would need to be heavily monitored because there would be countless vendettas)
in case you haven't noticed, ED isn't the best place for information about Lolita. Cosplayers, yes. It's where I got all my info on PT. But have you read the egl page?

>> No.8255375

The person you're describing sounds very similar to someone in my comm, and I have similar feelings towards them. I don't have any reason to hate her but ugh sometimes she just gets on my nerves.

>> No.8255378

this is like some lolita nancy drew mystery or something

i feel pretty bad for the comm that's having all this drama happen

>> No.8255394

Tell dress girl to post and screenshot it, and see if the unique posters IP changes.

>> No.8255402

Some people just go full scorched earth when they get ignored, I've run into my fair share of people banned from various internet communities who go to absolutely absurd lengths to keep bothering the remaining members elsewhere.

>> No.8255435

Holy shit I'm not the only one (granted I stopped the rumor spreading (offline only) a while ago)

>> No.8255445

Ok, here's the Iron Gate incident, to the best of my memory.
>anon posts a confession here about stealing a fellow comm member's Iron Gate skirt while at a meetup hosted at that member's house
>drops all these little details, like the fact that her bag was big enough to fit the skirt into with no problem
>someone from the comm sees the post, the entire comm freaks out
>they start trying to find out who it is
>someone on /cgl/ points out that this might all be a red herring to frame some girl at the comm (someone who went missing for part of the meet, had a large bag, and matched all the little dropped details)
>basically very similar to the above incident
>people start trying to determine if the OP is for real or trying to get someone they hate kicked from the comm
>most people agree that it would be insanely stupid to give that many details on an anonymous image board about a case of grand theft burando
>some people suggest that the OP might be the original Iron Gate owner
>this gets debated hotly
>super sleuth mode activated
Someone else is gonna have to pick up here for me, since I didn't get to see how it played out in the end.

>> No.8255449

It's just the oddest thing. They even harass the site owner and when they get banned they on Tumblr and post under the site tag and keep on saying shit at people they were harassing on the site minutes ago.

If you're that butthurt, just fucking leave the site. What kind of crazy masochist hates everyone and then sticks around just to keep hating instead of finding somewhere else to go? I wish they'd get permabanned already.

>> No.8255571

I never saw the very end, but I do have a little more.
>Iron Gate thief mentions she has moved and isn't part of the comm anymore
>thief debates sending skirt back anonymously
>after long debate, thief favors morals over reputation and ends up sending skirt back with an apology note, hoping original owner's address is still the same
There was never proof posted, but that's what that person said they were doing, anyway.

>> No.8255621

See I'm feeling that it was the
>OP might be the original Iron Gate owner
person trying to cover it up in the end
like they tried to create drama and frame a girl, realized they would be caught, and pretended once more to be the thief to be like "uhh yeah I'm gonna send it back! no need to continue this! stop talking about it it's resolved!"

>> No.8255634

Ah wait, I'm >>8255296
Just realized I know nothing of the Iron Gate Incident. I was thinking of the girl who stole Gloria straight out of a girl's hotel room and was dumb enough to wear it to the meet later that day.

>> No.8255692

Seriously? Please share all the glorious details.

>> No.8255705

I'll see if I can find it in the archive, it was a good thread.

>> No.8255718

Managed to find it crazy fast wow. This entire thread is worth a read, it's fantastic.

>> No.8255740

holy fuck I remember this thread, specifically the 2,000 part saga about the horrific lesbian relationship.

>> No.8255747
File: 420 KB, 1280x850, 1419746032292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too old for this shit but I always attract girls who try to start shit with me. I typically ignore their advances at this point. I used to have rivals but I pitied them after they went insane over it. It's so superficial to get caught up in those emotions, it made them very unhealthy mentally, and physically. I get that I was considered pretty when I was young, but it's not like I was ever trying to steal their spotlight, I already admitted I had no talent for costume making but these girls lost it and never let me have any fun without some sort of fight or drama over it, which ruined a lot of relationships in the comm. Currently they have new blood that they're constantly fighting with and never seem to run out of enemies. Meanwhile I'm just sitting over here with my successful career outside of the hobby, watching their lives go down the shit hole. We could have all been friends if they weren't so damn self obsessed. Now they're old, wrinkle faced, fat, with no job and a piss rep trying to do anything to stay relevant and it's driving them mad. Everyone hates them now and tells me about it regardless if I don't want to hear it.

>> No.8255763

Whatever you say dear

>> No.8255776
File: 70 KB, 400x400, 1427897722650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. Just giving anons a heads up for when this shit goes on for +20 years and you're the only one left still trying too hard.

>> No.8255780

>we all
No we don't, are you 15 years old or something

>> No.8255794

Learn how to reply in threads properly. Are you 15 years old or something? newfag.

>> No.8255806

> not knowing it's common practice to not quote the OP

>> No.8255811



>> No.8255813

wow you sure showed her, the 4chan expert that you are calling others immature
top kek

>> No.8255827

Yeah but a slip up like that is rare, no one tells juicy shit willingly anymore.

>> No.8255883

OMG now I have the bloody nancy drew game theme song stuck in my head.
Ba da ba da ba da ba da....(x4)

>> No.8255908

I also grew a crush on my rival. I realized how simular we were and even though we hated eachother to our very core, we hate on the same shit now, and agree on almost everything. So we'll accidently like the same cords now too, we're always bumping heads. But I feel I would have embarrassed myself if we hadn't spat so much growing up, and without meeting me, she wouldn't have been introduced to a new level of her hobby that she loves maybe even more than me. Mutual benefits because we don't improve when we're not competing against eachother. We need eachother or we have long boring breaks with no purpose. Not to mention I feel like she enjoys it as much as I do. I've caught myself defending her on accident when others bring her up.

>> No.8255955

I befriended a girl and essentially bought her an entire coord to wear to a meet with me after she showed interest in lolita. She seemed grateful and loved the experience. Fast forward a few months and I find out that she lied about her interest to obtain a free coord so that her boyfriend could wear it as a sexual fantasy. I pretended to not care and swore secrecy when I found out and stupidly remained her friend

As time went on I was beginning to hear from mutual dude friends that she was throwing tantrums about my social media posts like 'WHEEEE SHE GETS MORE LIKESSS AND ATTENTION THAN MEEEEE'
>tfw barely 40 likes maximum
Once again, ignored it.

Con season rolls around and suddenly I'm all over cgl posted by the same IP ADDRESS. All the times posted its written off as vendettachan or nitpick. Hmmm wonder who it could be?

Friend begins posting subtle passive aggressive posts referencing me (it was obvious) I finally find new friends at this point and i delete her from everything and forget her.

Week later her now ex bf messages me to tell me how she was always talking shit about me and befriended me to stir shit.

>> No.8256016

> she lied about her interest to obtain a free coord so that her boyfriend could wear it as a sexual fantasy.
Wow. If that happened to me, I'd demand she pays me back. If you want to fulfil your fetish, buy a cheap dress yourself.

Please tell me it wasn't burando.

>> No.8256050

Thanks to this thread, which opened my eyes. I clearly see that I was sickly obsessed with that one girl, who hurt me in the past and which I started to hate to the guts.

I secretly was happy when she got posted at btb and on /cgl/. I thought she deserved online hate because she is a bitch, morbidly obese and a psycho. I stalked all her blogs, facebook and so on, just to find delicious dramu and to rant about the stupid shit she does. But to be honest, I also was jealous that she could spend so much money from her husband and mother for shit, but didn't even care to pay back her friends.

She gets away with everything, the other lolitas fall to her knees and kiss her fat ass because she was involved in some famous stuff.

And of course she whines about that one and only best friend which passed away and she gets ass pats for it so many times. Fact is they wheren't best friends, they where barely knowing each other but no one knows and this makes me mad. especially that she uses a dead body to get mor fame.

I hate her so much for all that crazy shit she does but it is time for me to give up. I believe in karma and hope that one day she gets back all that what she did.

I swear from today on, I will never ever care for her again, thank you /cgl/.

>> No.8256055

>not wanting to fuck a guy wearing burando

>> No.8256084

This thread is briliant

>> No.8256091

That was the wildest ride.

>> No.8256159

Holy fuck. That was crazy.

I can't believe they both have stuff publicly available after that, I'd have at least changed my tumblr name and made everything on facebook private.

I wonder who OP was, in the end? Wow.

>> No.8256187

I made a Wikia for CGL drama, but I don't really know how to edit how it looks, or how to make it catalogue entries.
I've roughly added the Iron Gate drama but I've got to be brushing up for an interview. The page is open for all I believe, and if an anon needs admin access let me know.

>> No.8256192

My parents give me so much money that I'm left with almost 1000 GBP every month after paying my bills. The most I buy my friends for their birthdays is a few volumes if manga and maybe a brand headbow or something. This shit right here is exactly why I don't get as generous with my friends as I could.

>> No.8256195

Thank you, anon. This has some pretty good potential.

Btw, it was the IG skirt, not the dress. Small detail, but it's a $1000 difference between the skirt and OP, so it's probably worth editing.

>> No.8256211

Cheers! I will do so when I feel like I've earned it.

>> No.8256219

Ofcourse I do. But why buy burando for sex if I'm not going to be the one doing the fuckin?

>> No.8256222

Just finished and holy shit I don't know what to believe.

Part of me wishes it had been made up by A just because I don't want to believe that someone so horrible like C was made to be could exist with all their social media intact and have absolutely no punishments for doing all the shit in that story.

>> No.8256225

>suddenly I'm all over cgl posted by the same IP ADDRESS.
Sorry this is offtopic and newfaggy, but how could you see her IP address? Do you mean the unique poster count?

>> No.8256234

Yeah, I'm wondering this, too. Recently a girl in another thread accused everyone arguing with her of being from the same IP address, but no one ever answered my question on how she would know.

>> No.8256239

But unique poster count changes each thread and I'm pretty sure cgl has never had it? Or did we at one point for a little bit?

>> No.8256244

I used to be rather generous to my friends but they told me it made them feel weird. Especially my boyfriend is too proud to have me spend any real money on him. It used to make me a little sad, but now I realize how much better this is than the other extreme...

>> No.8256245

Obviously you should now fuck her ex. Or did she take the coord with her after the breakup?

>> No.8256257

I agree, I'm pretty sure CGL doesn't have IP monitoring available to the plebs, so I'm curious as to whether OP knows something we don't or if they're just lying for a good story.

>> No.8256284

>lying on /cgl/ to seagulls about something you can't actually do on /cgl/


this is either made up to incite drama or as a sad sad way to make yourself feel better about having been posted

>> No.8256286

It's possible they're a mod. I'm pretty sure revealing you're a mod or know anything about what the IPs are doing is against the rules, though.

>> No.8256407


My friend has some method of searching IP addresses after I said I suspected her she used the same method to out a girl in our comm for posting newbies to the lolita thread.

>> No.8256412


I'll be completely honest and say that it was a friend and seasoned lolita who found out and told me. It could have easily been a lie but I angry ex friend did make a shitty Twitter update about being "oh noes found out"

>> No.8256416


Wouldn't want the dress back anyways, the girl requested Squirrels Tea Party as her "first dream dress"

The blouse and bag were Btssb though

>> No.8256435

There is not method unless you have access to 4chan's internal information like a mod and probably janitor (I don't know about the difference on 4chan).

Actually proving samefag has always been impossible on 4chan no matter how often people post "lol newfag doesn't know about X". I'm excluding cases where a thread has only one individual poster.
4chan like most sites does not give out your IP address to the world. That shit is more than just a samefag identification tool, it can be completely identifying information and would defeat any anonymity.

>> No.8256437

This isn't totally Lolita related but I'll post anyway. Basically, there's this fat ass I've been friends with for years, she often starts drama with me and other girls over stupid shit. Eventually I told her enough was enough around the same time I started Lolita, she reverted to stalking me online, sending me death threats, etc. It's a huge circle and it happens every time something good is happening in my life for some odd reason, I'm assuming she's currently jealous that I was able start Lolita and actually fit into it, plus the attention I receive while in it. A mutual friend of ours comes to saying she's been posting lots of Lolita related stuff on tumblr and now I'm getting the impression that she's going to attempt wearing it and eventually join my comm. It scares me because I think she's doing it both to scare me and try to prove she's "better" than me. Her mom is also rich and throws money at her whenever she throws a fit, so she's probably going to buy shit tons of brand and try to squeeze her 260lb ass into it.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm pretty sure she's up to something. we've always had rivalries in the past with other things and I'm sure Lolita will be added to that list.

>> No.8256469

Is she German?

>> No.8256496

Urgh, there's this one girl (can.. can I post names? I'll call her Dope-chan for now) on the Lolita Sales UK that's constantly begging for the dream dress. I wouldn't mind so much - but this so called "dream dress" is changing every bloody week. Last time I checked it was Honey Cake. She then gets the dress and accs and stops moaning... then posts that she is selling "I'm soooo sad I have to get rid of this dress" then slightly scalps, so she can fund her next "dream dress". I swear I've actually NEVER seen her wear any Lolita - the only photos she posts on Facebook are the same photo with her in the same crappy wig with "super kawaii sticker-chan ugu"

Sorry, I have to rant

I was so happy when I saw someone else post her on BtB a few months back about this topic - it's not just me that's noticed

>> No.8256515

Are the Facebook sales groups really good for anything? Most of them seem pretty useless and cringey.

>> No.8256525

I donno, When I was selling down most of my wardrobe over the last 8 months or so, 90% of my sales happened through facebook. Only a few were through lacemarket.

>> No.8256533


I find Facebook Sales Groups a good resource to have - occasionally you can find a really good deal on there if you can sift through the shite, there are a few girls that sell Bodyline for about £10 and older BTSSB and AP for £20-£70 (I dress in old-school so this is really useful) and therefore it's very easy to get the basics and essentials... IMO anyway, I'm sure there are people that disagree. It's that one bloody girl that causes me problems, but I can't unfriend or just block her on Facebook either because it gives me some entertainment too... The woe.

>> No.8256541

You're not paranoid, I know those kinds of people. I really think she is gonna join your comm and shit.

>> No.8256617
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1388731626731s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grand theft burando
>my sides

>> No.8256652

Man, I hope not. I told some girls about the issue and they've been supportive about it so hopefully if she tries to join she'll be banned. I just can't deal with her bullshit anymore and I won't stand for her trying to invade something that I love so much.

>> No.8256673

I had a 'friend' like this in high school. Was always making digs at my weight and personality and later I found out she was talking shit about me to other people, particularly guys I was interested in, telling them I was mentally ill and had all sorts of eating disorders. Sometimes she'd copy things I did, sometimes she'd try to get me into things she liked so that she could later claim I was copying her. When I was getting into lolita she tried to discourage me by telling me it was a secret fetish club, everybody would think I was insane and no man would ever love me. Meanwhile, all my other (male) friends thought it was cute. Now I wonder if she was so vocal about hating it because she knew she would never be able to fit her 120+cm waist into anything that cute.
She also tried to undermine my relationship with my fiancé by trying to convince me it would never work out (remember how no man could possibly love me?) and I didn't know what I wanted.

God damn I'm happy to be rid of her. I don't think she'll ever try her hand at lolita, but if she does I'm ready to sit by and laugh at her.

>> No.8256686

I don't really feel this is a rivalry but it gives me a sort of happiness when some of the people from the comm that are pretty rude to me in person and online behind my back ask me where I get my rarer pieces or I catch them staring at my dresses at meetups. I lie about where I purchase them from because I know they would buy them from under me even if they hated the piece,as this has happened to other members before.

>> No.8256689


Fucking shit, my friend had that exact same bitch you guys are describing. She used to talk behind her back, and got incredibly mad when my friend surpassed her in various activities (e.g. my friend would get better at her in potting, Japanese, and went to the gym more faithfully than she did so she lost more weight overall). She'd always comment really loudly how my friend was 'so skinny' and told her she should fatten up. She told a guy who was going to ask my friend out that my friend 'wasn't ready' for relationships and kind of ruined the entire thing.

What the fuck is up with fat chicks trying to sabotage their 'friends.'

>> No.8256691

Kek, who would willingly go into so much unnecessary detail describing how much they hate someone they're "friends" with? Y'all sound dense.

>> No.8256704

I have experience with html and junk, so when I get home I will definitely contribute! admin access would be cool too

>> No.8256711

>not expecting jealousy
>fat one at that

>> No.8256735

The feels. I've experienced this a few times. I'm sure it comes down to jealousy.

>> No.8256742
File: 1.31 MB, 350x194, 1411539603301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say it's all fat chicks so much as really insecure chicks who thing that dragging their 'rivals' down is easier than improving on themselves.

>'wasn't ready' for relationships
Uuurgh, mine did that too. She would always go around telling people how childlike and immature I was and trying to teach me ~valuable life lessons~ that pretty much boiled down to me being useless and dumb and needing to stay in the background where I belonged. Now I have a career, am engaged and am living in my own apartment while she's still aimlessly flouncing around and bragging about blacking out after binge drinking on twitter several times a week.
>brb rolling in muh burando and feeling great about my life

>> No.8256837

I don't know if it's rivalry but I have this weird friendship with a girl where she's always been into the same kind of things as me, but she's always acted really weird around me and I've never been sure if we're friends or not. More recently we hang out with each other once in a while and we're "friends," but I still have no idea how she feels about me. She recently started wearing lolita a little bit so I try to do things with her in it. Someone who used to be friends with her also told me she talked shit about me, though. I didn't ask what or confront her about it because I don't allow myself to be involved in drama, but I just am always so confused by our relationship and I wonder if she just has a hate-boner for me. I've been nothing but nice to her. Actually I thought she had a weird crush on me because of how she acted around me for a while, but maybe she both likes and despises me.

>> No.8256846

>we all have that one salty bitch we hate, who hates us just as much.
I don't.

>> No.8256867

ur so speshul wow good job

>> No.8257024

Kek, most people over the age of 16 don't have an "arch nemesis".

>> No.8257035

Why are you surprised that lolis always have someone to be salty towards?

>> No.8257086

quiet sobbing please someone be my yuri hate lover
ill let you wear my burando and also take it off me

>> No.8257091

Fuck im 5ft9 amd barely 200lbs she must be a fucking solar system

>> No.8257099

shhhhhhh, anon. The boys in this are nearly 2x the ages of the south park characters. Whats to say they haven't changed?

I have the same issue, anon. The fanfic is so weird but at the same time draws you in...

>> No.8257176

goddamn anon, I really want a lolita yuri affair now.

>> No.8257209
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, My50HBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goddamn anon, I really want a lolita yuri affair now.

Mfw I've wanted this for years and it doesn't even have to a hatefuck thing.

>> No.8257325

>You're the fat one
>but your smaller friend is the crazy one
>"You're so much prettier than me, and smarter than me, and more talented than me, and people like you more."
>actual quote
>spreads nasty rumors and tries to ruin you
>Have to kick her out of your life

Insecure, jealous bitches come in all shapes and sizes sadly. I think she's even developed an eating disorder since, and still hates herself. It's sad.

>> No.8257646

This one girl I know is popular cosplay community by sucking up to others and shit, but she's probably a literal narcissist. Lies, never pays people back, two faced, only cares about whoever she's going to be cosplaying with at the time, a thief, bad commissions, etc
She's posted here all the time and I'm lucky enough to be very close to her at all (just in passing), but the things that I know she's done to people I know or to anon on here are fucking nuts. I'd love to be a catalyst for her downfall, but she really doesn't need any help with that.

>> No.8258258

They're pretty in character besides the having sex part.

And really, on Cartman's part, that's actually in character. It's canon in the show that he's obsessed with sexually humiliating Kyle.

>> No.8258262

Are you me? Seriously I had this happen with some chick and the plot dissolved when a mutual friend confirmed to my close friend she had make fake accounts in my name to harass people.

Also; I have a group like that in my community. I think they all hate me and despise the fact that I worked back to being a respectable face and they don't want to work for it, they just expect it. They don't realise that no one cares about their shitty closet and hot glued together outfits and that people respect effort.

>> No.8258445
File: 22 KB, 251x231, mrc5bwjkM1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That more attractive coswhore that steals your best friend because they were both after efame.

They now sell prints and shit of themselves together and became an overnight sensation. I haven't seen her again in almost 6 years. Whenever she pops up I try not to compare my, much quieter, lifestyle to her's, but it's hard when that douche model friend does everything to dangle it in my face. Feels personal. I've caught her giving me dirty looks before, and according to others she talks shit about me behind my back that aren't true. Took a long time before I found other friends to try to get over it. Still makes me wince on bad days. It really is like a bad break up.

>> No.8258463


>> No.8258484


>mfw my ex was always obsessed with finding an arch nemesis

He was my first love and I still have fond feelings towards him, but goddamn his maturity was super questionable at times.

>> No.8258517

Goddamn, at least I'm not the only one I guess. I just don't understand how some people can be so fucking evil.. Like why go out of your way on multiple occasions to attack someone personally?

My "friend" goes through phases every now and then where she becomes obsessed with something. Normally it's a guy and once I didn't realise she liked this one guy before, so she tried setting me up with him. Come to find out she only wanted me to date him because she didn't want some other girl with him. She went nuts, turned me against this girl by claiming she was racist and talking shit behind my back, she even got on my Facebook to harass her about having a miscarriage. Now she's obsessed with feminism and tumblr sjw garbage and the girl she tried to turn me against is now a super close friend of mine.

What makes me angry is that this girl has not just pulled this shit on me but also about five other girls, each one she stalks online daily while writing up whiney ass posts on tumblr about how she's being harassed when people call her out on her bullshit. I swear to god if she ever becomes a Lolita, I will ruin every shred of it for her. Sorry for the rant, people like this just fucking drive my nuts.

>> No.8258574

>trying to teach me ~valuable life lessons~
Those ones are the worst. I had someone like that who just could not admit she was wrong in anyway. She would make sure i was always with her like some sort of pet/child. She had loads of male friends and if 1 of them started to talk to me, a few weeks later some big fight would happen and they would leave our group of friends.
"Anon if guys talk to you its only cause they want something, since you're 1 of the only 2 girls lol I'm trying to protect you ;)"
Took me ages to realise she would get pissed if one of her "toys" didn't give her attention (me included) so if we didn't give her the time of day she would have a tantrum like a child or try ot ruin us. She even claimed all the boys in our group were her "yaoi boys" and would secretly pair them up on tumblr. Once I relaised how bad she was i started to ignore her and come up with excuses never to hang out with her again.

>> No.8258806

Do other boards on 4chan have some way to tell the IP??

>> No.8258818

Cheers html-chan. I'll add your access when I'm back home, if youve signed up.

The wiki should be open for anyone to contribute to, anyone fancy detailing PT or Dakota there?

>> No.8258828

Not the IP address, but who you are in the thread. Like, if you reply to a thread, you're given a poster ID at the top and every time you reply, it will show.
Unique posters IP? What's that?

>> No.8258872

I had a friend who did this for the longest time, irritating as fuck. Eventually just had to leave her forever so I could get on with my own life instead of being a toy in her's. It created bad blood between us but my life has only improved for the better since.

>> No.8258970
File: 200 KB, 1382x744, ss+(2015-04-17+at+01.59.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like >>8256435 said there is no method of seeing a user's IP address. Not even jannies can see IPs, only mods (I'm pretty sure moot said this in his farewell Q&A). What most people are thinking of is the "Thread Statistics" function. It shows how many unique posters a thread has. You can't really figure out who is posting what from that unless it is the beginning of the thread and somebody is obviously samefagging/shilling (10 posts 2 posters). Pic related 10000 hours in MS Paint. The settings tab has some useful stuff in it like auto-updater and image expansion.

>> No.8259009
File: 98 KB, 318x319, 1416030978446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boku no pico
>dragon dildos
>gaay fuckboi
>kanye west

>> No.8259015

Actually I've been listening to Kanye all day today (as well as yesterday) in honor of his making the cover of Time.

sage for offtopic

>> No.8259141

that doesn't sound like a crush, that just sounds like you rationally acknowledge the good things she's done for you

>> No.8259179

>>not wanting to fuck a guy wearing burando
wait what? Is this a fantasy? To dress your men up in lolita?

>>brb rolling in muh burando and feeling great about my life
I'd like to see someone actually roll around in their brand, like spread it out on their bed and joyously roll back and forth while laughing

>> No.8259192

see >>8252801, >>8252913, and >>8253015

I would really like to write an EGL fanfic about two straight lolitas in the same comm with a fierce and escalating rivalry that ends up sexual after a night of drinking, but the sex is all about power. I just don't feel I know enough EGL lingo to make it believable, and if I did it would be so slow to build up to sex that nobody would read it

>> No.8259227

I'd read it anon !

>> No.8259372

I didn't want to admit to fapping to her pictures but there you go anon. Crush was made after I realized I was attracted to her.

>> No.8259386

>tfw you have actually rolled in your burando after a shower
>tfw you downsize your wardrobe and future rolling will be less fun

I was organising my wardrobe, just wanted to know how it would feel to lie in it all.

>> No.8259405

I'm >>8252801
Straight people having lesbian sex for power sounds stupid tbh
Doesn't make sense, it sounds like you're trying to avoid bi/lesbian stuff.
Just make it bi/lesbian. Way less complicated.

>> No.8259418

You've never heard about power play?

>> No.8259491

For the love of god, someone put a page on the wiki describing lingo. It's a nightmare trying to puzzle out some of these terms. Off the top of my head, it would need

Iron Gate (not the vent)
Bride of Death
Gloria (and basically any other notable items)

those are just a few from this thread alone

>> No.8259502

Oh pick me!

>> No.8259551

based on your tabs, we should be friends

>> No.8259556

lesbians power play too

honestly it would be the best/most believable if you just didn't go into their sexual histories until they're already hate-fucking

A Lesbian

>> No.8259563

good taste

>> No.8259836

Just signed up! Went with the username html-chan because why not
I added the Danger-Chan page btw, but did that before I signed up
over the weekend I'll work on adding pages for our favourite lolcows and >>8259491

>> No.8260042

christ on a bike i just finished reading the A/C story
i know the supposed A person and god. GOD. this is too wold. if this is all real then i want to defend her at all costs. she's so sweet irl...

>> No.8260050

it's late at night oops

>> No.8260166

You need to quote OP when talking directly about what they said and directly towards them, otherwise you could be talking to anyone
Don't quote OP when contributing new info and stories to the thread and you aren't talking to anyone directly

>> No.8260175

I'm going to write it, but I'm going to have one of the girls be in a relationship with a guy and the other causes them to break up as one of the bitchy things she does

>> No.8260177

This. If you point out they're both lesbians from the start it's too predictable. Just leave their sexuality out of it until it becomes relevant.

>> No.8260182

I wish some of the seagulls that posted about hate crushes earlier had included whether they were straight, bi, or lesbian. I'm curious how they develop IRL

>> No.8260190

this happened to me in real life (including the night of drinking) except I didn't break up with my bf, I just hate that girl now for trying to threaten my relationship even though she was someone I admired before

>> No.8260194

What did she do, and why? What did you do to her to get her to hate you?

>> No.8260218

LB right?

>> No.8260955

All these hate-crushes got me really excited, so I'm going to make a little comic thing. I'll post it when I finish unless it's super shitty.

>> No.8260977

Cool, then she's bisexual. Simple as that.

>> No.8261046

please post anyways

>> No.8261386

Will do! I got a bit done but not enough to post yet

>> No.8261403

Yeah, for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if OP is actually >>8254676 trying to get some of those sweet sweet friendship dollars for herself.

I feel so bad for this poor girl. Imagine thinking you have to buy people shit for them to be your friend. She's clearly just trying to be kind and here people are taking advantage of that kindness.

>> No.8261408

We need anon from the comm back to confirm what happened.

Paging >>8255144

>> No.8261525

It made me so sad when C came in blaming everything on A. That's the sort of thing my ex would do.

Parts of that story really hit close to home. I almost hope it really isn't true.

>> No.8262595

http://cgl.wikia.com/wiki/Glossary_of_Terms Done, enjoy.

>> No.8262630

I felt bad for A at first, but.... after reading the whole thing, that story is sketchy as fuck. I don't believe it.

>> No.8262696

Oh gosh, that's such a shame for tartan dress girl. I'd hate to be bullied because someone framed me.
OP's post just has way too many details, it really does appear to be vendetta.

>> No.8262801

There's a girl who decided to hate me because I was dating someone she disliked from highschool (talk about dumb grudges). Before she outwardly was mean to me, she was talking about buying from Milanoo. I was a new lolita at the time, 2 BODYLINE outfits tier, but warned her against milanoo. Three years later I am a mix of brand and off brand, with a decent basic wardrobe for a part-time lolita. Recently I saw her out for lunch in a cream BODYLINE jsk, white office button down shirt and black oxfords. I complimented her dress in an attempt to be friendly and talked a little about BODYLINE, and she ended up apologizing for our spat and saying we should start over. I'm totally down to try, I'd rather have her as an ally then an enemy since we both share a mutual friend who happens to be the only other real lolita in our town. And though I plan on being civil and giving her a chance I can't help but want to use her as an excuse to be a better lolita and make sure she doesn't surpass my lolita skills. I also see her as an opportunity to sell some of my second hand stuff easier. Basic brand blouses and bodyline jsks could be marketed easy to this newbie. I make some cash, she looks better, win win. Is it bad to want to be a better lolita/cosplayed then her? I don't want to do it meanly, I want to earn it but by using her as a casual rilval.

>> No.8262807

I know she apologized but it still gave me a little happiness seeing how ita-tier she was.

>> No.8263362
File: 16 KB, 480x360, Your Anime Superstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, you girls are something fierce.

How do you remain spiteful for so long? And over such relatively small things? Isn't it uncomfortable to hate this much, especially with "friends"?

Last time I got into a spat with a friend, it ended in a barbeque party and a lot of drinking.

I'll never get women.

>> No.8263367
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>> No.8263370

Because only people with vendettas post here.
Granted, I had a frenemy/rival once, but I was 16.

>> No.8263374

Post pic big guy

>> No.8263379


you're an ungrateful jealous bitch

>> No.8263386
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>> No.8263612

Because women.

>> No.8263671

> Lolita Yuri Affair

....I wouldn't be surprised if this thread inspires an Ita to make a lesbian porno called this.

>> No.8264423


>> No.8264839

What was it that first made you hate your rival? Or even just dislike her?

Did she make a snide comment, was there a misunderstanding, or even an accident that wasn't handled well?

>> No.8265012

I have a girl like op who keeps fucking with me even after a year of not talking. Legit must think I'm sexy because she will not stop posting about me or trying to have drama about me. I legit have no cares in the world about her though.. She can just stay salty.

>> No.8265190


Bro most of the comments in here are about lesbian hatefuck, what are you even talking about.

....Unless you're trying to tell us you hatefucked your bro at the barbeque party with a lot of drinking. In which case I could ship that.

>> No.8265351

I don't have pictures of her. Why would I have pictures of her?

>> No.8265378

Spite stalking is the exact words that describes a girl that hates me. She will stalk my social media. Copies me to the point its scary. She dyed her hair the same colour as mine the day after I dyed my hair. She will buy the exact same outfits as me. Down to the underwear store i shop in. If i post about my interest in cosplaying a character and hour later she will suddenly be planning the exact same one. It used to really get to me but now i bait her for sport. one day shes gonna wake up and realise shes morphed into the one thing she loathes. Its such a petty and childish thing to do. She is one year older older than me but she has the mental age of a pre-teen brat.

>> No.8265384

Because I wanna see just how glorious and flawless your coords are, nobody asked about her

>> No.8265695

You must be exaggerating. Nobody's that stalkerish

>> No.8265796
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>120+cm waist
What a cunt though. I'm glad you've gotten rid of her, though.

>> No.8265836

I honestly wish it was an exaggeration. She would copy my selfies too. Down to the pose, Angles, Make-up and outfit. She really took the cuntbiscuit.

>> No.8265863

By the end of the thread, someone claimed to be from the comm and have proof that A wrote it and everything was a lie. No proof was posted so even more sketchy.

>> No.8265897

I'm not flawless, I never claimed to be. I'm just not ita-tier anymore. I said I wanted to use her as inspiration to become better myself. I don't pretend to be perfect. I look cute and well put together, my coords are just a bit bland. I hope she'll get better and I'll have no choice but to push myself harder as a lolita to remain above her level (as other girls have mentioned their rivalry has done for them).

>> No.8265899

I legitimately hope you lock your doors.

>> No.8265913

I think I know who you are (typing style, only one girl says legit as much as you do) and damn you gotta stop flattering yourself. No one cares about you. You think the world revolves around you and everyone is constantly talking about you, but you haven't been mentioned once since your ban.
Your drama is as stale as your personality.

>> No.8265946

>known girl for few years
>always acquaintances never friends
>people start to compare us a lot due to doing similar costumes and our speed at making things
>I'm pretty consistently a better craftsman than she is (solid evidence of this -we've competed at the same level and I've won 4/4 times)
>she starts to humble brag over everything
>blatantly seeks Cosplay fame
>says she"doesn't associate with cosplayers that aren't on her level or above"
>defriended me

Bitch y u hate me I didn't love you but you were aight?
There goes my rival crush

>> No.8265948

No way. That can't be her. She's the one who online stalks people and sends them anonymous hate mail, not the other way around.

>> No.8265959

She's convinced it's the other way around though. It's so annoying and sad.
She always posts about how she's sooo mature and everyone else is a ~jelly hater~ trying to bring her down

>> No.8266204
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>had crush on best friend since highschool
>"girls can't love girls!" kinda shit, I was super gay for her but didn't realize that I could actually be gay
>tfw she knows this
>tfw we plan couple cosplays together
>tfw she's the pretty one, gets more attention than I do, finds hookups, etc
>I'm her third wheel
>Makes out with guys while I watch
>One day we get really drunk and end up spooning watching a movie
>she suddenly lifts my chin, looks at me
>"I'll never love you in that way, you know."
>Leans in to kiss me, stops
>I try to seal the deal, she pulls back and laughs, calls me pathetic
>She's a really shit friend, steals money, attacks my appearance and personality, uses me
>I'm too smitten with her to fight back
>One day, finally get the balls to tell her to fuck off after she's talking about how gross I am
>Tell her to give me my money and other shit she "borrowed" back
>She gets uber pissed, calls me out on every social media platform available, completley cuts me off
>tfw I should be happy she's gone, but I'm still in love with her
>tfw I see her at cons and she'll just smile at me and look away
>tfw my heart stops every time
tl;dr I'm a sad angry lesbian.

>> No.8266238

That sounds terrible. If this isn't a troll then she's an awful person

>> No.8266320
File: 1.33 MB, 245x219, tumblr_n6z3ll229e1qld4olo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this some SpoonyFlan action?