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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 18 KB, 275x220, 28559m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8248314 No.8248314 [Reply] [Original]

Started a new one!

Cosplay/jfashion etc

So how did Experience Japan go for everyone?

And Anime Dublin?
I haven't heard anything about the j fashion panel, how was it?

>> No.8248564
File: 278 KB, 640x960, The Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the face of Irish cosplay

>> No.8248716
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>dat face

>> No.8248719

>I haven't heard anything about the j fashion panel, how was it?
I'm quite curious as well. I want to know how *ultimate* the Ultimate JFashion Panel was

>> No.8248760
File: 291 KB, 464x740, tumblr_mucxu90eoH1skb3cno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's supposed to be a character from Danganronpa but it's so cheap and poorly done, plus dat face

>> No.8248768

>dat wig
>dat lace
Ah no, pet.

>> No.8248769
File: 1.34 MB, 1239x1755, Celes15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's supposed to be Celes but that wig and face are just making me projectile vomit everywhere

>> No.8248777

So any other pictures from EJ? Was it good this year?

>> No.8248861
File: 399 KB, 2048x1365, Cunt Demolition Crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8248962

That is the scariest Kirito I have ever seen. It's like Michael Myers with a bad wig but in sword art.

>> No.8248969

That Junko is not bad but maybe make the skirt a bit shorter? She should be wearing some shorts, bloomers or hotpants under it anyway.

>> No.8248985

His wig makes him look like a lightbulb, also what is up with the facepaint?

Who the fuck is the horse tooth girl beside Junko?

>> No.8248989

Grinning Gertrude
She gives blowies for a tenner down by the Liffey

>> No.8249007
File: 57 KB, 500x636, Celes16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get over how bad Amy's wig is. In the Danganronpa artbook it's said that Celes' drills are actually clip-ons too, so surely it can't be that hard to reproduce them.

>> No.8249194

Whyyyy would you go to a Japanese event half dressed as the Queen of Hearts? No wig, and a costume that wasn't made to fit a human. What was the plan?

>> No.8249248

Tbh the idea of having a cosplay display at a cultural event strike me as weird to begin with. Imagine being a Japanese ex-pat trying to show your haffu kid your culture for the first time and it's just a bunch of weebs running around in bad wigs. Unseemly.

>> No.8249260

This. I think cosplay is great but it's a bit cringey at an event like this which should be trying to showcase aspects of Japanese culture that AREN'T related to anime or videogames. There's a time and a place for it, like at the however many cons we have here every year.

>> No.8249517

Didn't see any Lolitas at EJ this year. I don't exactly go hunting for them but I always admire them when I see them. Did I just miss them? I only got there about halfway through the day.

>> No.8249656

Yotsuba is NOT Irish. Anything. Anything but Irish, British, or American.

>> No.8249727

Well spotted.

>> No.8250495

It's green. That'll do for us.

>> No.8250507

I think the main group that was planning to come decided against it in the end due to the bad weather.

>> No.8250527

Again it's something that's been part of EJ for ages so at least it's not people randomly showing up in cosplay to a Japanese event

>> No.8250531

That Junko is adorable!!

>> No.8250615 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 478x393, ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have to put up with Irish women

can't wait till I can move country so I can find a cosplaying girl who is gf material

>> No.8250657

Your own fault if you're too repulsive to get yourself a Pole at least.

>> No.8250664

not many in my area, I'm afraid. Hardly ever meet any.

I'd love it if we had more Polish women in my town

>> No.8250675

Not sure how you're going to manage to leave the country if you can't even get off your arse to live in a real town.

>> No.8250691

well we've been doing it for centuries, it's instinctual at this stage

>> No.8250777

I think that's the same girl who did a really great AoT cosplay there last year. Doesn't seem to get half the recognition she deserves.

>> No.8250867

Would let tie up and make me despair/10

>> No.8251067
File: 28 KB, 223x239, 1428947370314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel my blood chill.

>> No.8251086

Is it? I remember seeing her last year (I think she was Levi?) and taking pics of her cosplay, but I've misplaced them since. Does she have a cosplay page or anything?

>> No.8251161
File: 343 KB, 2048x1365, 11127202_1130572136968168_2798139480501300965_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems like a cool lady

>> No.8251175
File: 99 KB, 960x960, 10387457_1006802522671196_2692589446694165131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah lads



>> No.8251179

I'm sure she has some ancestor or another who hailed from this place. Everyone seems to, these days. Just look at Barry O'bama.

>> No.8251188
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I have been happy for about a year without that memory of shitty marketing bouncing around in my mind, damn you.

>> No.8251255



>> No.8251312

I saw a few Loli's about. 2 were big comm and the other two i have never seen before.
there was also a young girl about 13-14 wearing bodyline but very very new. It was a shame about the rain, i had gone to go see other Lolitas in the wild. Maybe next year

>> No.8251375

Jesus. "Lolitas".

>> No.8251811

I saw a few in town later, maybe the big comm had their meet anyway.

>> No.8251861

Whenever the spuds run out.

>> No.8251918

Do you remember what they were wearing?

>> No.8251943

nayrt, but I imagine they were wearing lolita

>> No.8251969
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>> No.8252085

She's adorable!

>> No.8252091

I think one was in red tarten, another girl was in black and another in a reddish-looking dress. I was a bit down the street.

>> No.8252146

>reddish-looking dress
haha that was me!

>> No.8252168

Those fucking drills...and buy a damn petticoat. and stop doing that shitty eyeliner oh mu goddd watch a makeup tutorial

>> No.8252172

He is a huge creep too

>> No.8252182

Red tartan reporting in. We pretty much just moved our meet to town because the weather was so dodge for EJ.

>> No.8252200

That's actually a guy? Jesus.

>> No.8252207 [DELETED] 

my position has solidified, fuck I hate talking to Irish women

>> No.8252222


>> No.8252223

Why so buttfrustrated son?

>> No.8252244
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't even handle the banter

>> No.8252275

went out the front door for a fag, didn't know my Stacie house mate and her male entourage would be there, they all look at their shoes when I walk over and say hi, Stacie asks if I'm coming out tonight and I say maybe, she signals them to go back inside when I light up

just pissed me off, she doesn't even fucking smoke.

that sheer level of insincerity and pretending to be social, when they transparently don't fucking like you.

I can't wait to be rid of that social dynamic

>> No.8252282

And here I thought Irish men were semi-decent at handling the bantz
You're worse than a yank, I swear
Goddamn lightweights..

>> No.8252287

the fuck are you on, about bants?

stop assuming you're fucking witty

>> No.8252288

So does women having social lives trigger you or something? Is it haram?

>> No.8252290

It sounds like you'll have trouble with women anywhere in the world, given that you sound like the biggest fucking baby in existence.

>> No.8252293


The social scene in all fairness is pretty weak tbh. No creativity at all.

>> No.8252294

Knock her out the next time you see her m8. I had to do the same thing once upon a time to a girl I knew who'd be insincere and sarcastic to me all the time and set her straight

>> No.8252297


Sounds like a social thing, not a woman thing. Everyone is insincere, you have to work past it. That's just life.

>> No.8252304

I'm curious why do people here shit on Amy King? I mean yeah her Ej outfit could have been better but I don't think it warrants much of the shit she gets in every thread

>> No.8252305

asking you to join them on a night out when they would obviously prefer if you didn't is annoying, yes. The nightclub-orientated social life, the dishonesty, the way they treat sex. Just yuck.

I only wanted a smoke.

Where are the fucking likeable Irish women? I've barely met any. Show me an Irish woman who can play guitar or paint and I'll faint.

having to see a girl's beta harem when I want to go for a fag is quite annoying, especially when they wont talk to you

>> No.8252307

When you present yourself as the face of Irish cosplay, you have to expect some criticism. Especially if you're shite.

>> No.8252308


Personally for me, for someone who claims to be representative of the cosplay scene, she doesn't do much. I couldn't care less about her face, but she buys all her costumes from ebay and doesn't really make anything. It's hard to take a ~representative of cosplay~ who doesn't make their own shit seriously, that's all.

>> No.8252310

fair enough.

>> No.8252314

People don't really shit on her that much, it's mostly an endearing 'oh honey no'.
She isn't enough of a cunt to warrant getting shit on. Now, P*tsy on the other hand...

>> No.8252315

Why do people keep letting Ireland threads get off-topic because of some lad's man pains? Last thread got deleted because of this shite, come on guys.

>> No.8252322


We're back on topic with our queen of cosplay now. It'll be okay.

>> No.8252330
File: 21 KB, 600x630, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Amy King is thirty years old.

>> No.8252331

Irish women are shite, deal with it

>> No.8252332

She's honestly not good enough to be the face of Irish cosplay, and what's sad is that the smallest things would make a lot of her cosplays miles better. If she could start with sorting out her eye makeup (those triangles of eyeliner don't work with anything) she'd be getting somewhere. She's very sweet, if a little dim, and I'd like to see her improve.

>> No.8252333

>The nightclub-orientated social life, the dishonesty, the way they treat sex. Just yuck.
I'm with you on that tbh. I'm studying abroad in another EU country atm, and my classmates will often look down on me and anyone else who doesn't like parties and getting plastered every Friday. Although in fairness, the people here are infamous for their problems with alcohol and there isn't much else to do...
>Show me an Irish woman who can play guitar or paint and I'll faint.
I've met plenty of interesting Irish ladies, they just like to avoid sperging out about their hobbies in public. Women having hobbies is a common thing, your own fault for not meeting any outside of your lectures or clubs.

>> No.8252340

did she literally say she was the face of Irish cosplay?(I don't really follow the cosplay scene)

>> No.8252342

What's the other EU country? I'm studying in one too.

>> No.8252346

She didn't literally say it, but whenever a cosplayer gets interviewed in some normalfag setting, you can bet your arse it will be Amy King. She was on fucking Ireland AM in her tragic CC cosplay.

>> No.8252347

>I've met plenty of interesting Irish ladies

well I haven't met any

> for not meeting any outside of your lectures or clubs

I tried a few times, to no avail

my house right now has a bunch of drunks falling over the place to loud dance music, it seems so predominant that alternatives are relatively non-existent

>> No.8252350

I've never felt secondhand embarrassment as strongly about anything on Irish television as that, holy shit what a wreck that was.

>> No.8252361

oh God, that must have been as cringey as fuck. now I get it though thanks for the explanation.

>> No.8252363

Ah lads, gonna need a video of that

>> No.8252364


On the flip side, I haven't met very many interesting Irish men either.

It goes both ways, I suppose. I'm not a clubbing type of person either, so I think it's harder for people like you and me to cross paths since we don't go along the usual majority social routes. It makes sense to broaden your horizons and keep trying in other social outlets though - chances are, the more 'interesting' (read: ladies with intersecting interests) will be there as well.

>> No.8252366

Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.8252370

>I think it's harder for people like you and me to cross paths
Would you actually WANT to cross paths with him?

>> No.8252372

I don't find Irish men very interesting either

so I guess clubs and societies are the obvious answer? I haven't had very positive experiences with those in the past

what's that supposed to mean?

>> No.8252375

I actually couldn't finish that. So much secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.8252376

I just really dislike people who blame an entire country for their inability to make friends/get the ride. Reminds me of Potsy.

>> No.8252380

it's more the regions I've lived in, small rural towns

I'd imagine It'd be easier for me in Dublin or Cork or Belfast, I don't blame the country as a whole

regional, rural communities can be to blame, considering the established general biased disposition and the hatred to the deviation of the norm

>> No.8252382

Regional, rural communities anywhere in the world are going to be a pain in the arse for people who have actual interests. Move somewhere proper.

>> No.8252385

Good, that means your cringe gland is working. I wouldn't trust anyone who could watch that thing all the way through.

>> No.8252389

Finland, I'm guessing you're the gal from Italy?

>> No.8252392

That'd be me alright. I just like hearing about other Irish seagulls abroad, I'm nosy.

>> No.8252397

well I intend to move to an actual city when I graduate

that info hasn't helped me after I was a kid and through my teen and college years though

by the time I'll be able to live abroad in such a place, I'll talk to fuck all Irish women, it's like they weren't relevant to my sexuality at all

>> No.8252401

What are you doing going to college somewhere in a rural area?

>> No.8252402

Have you tried more,er... highbrow events?
I'm the anon studying abroad, and I met pretty much all of my friends though various Model UNs and clubs catering to a specific interest. If you don't want to befriend a certain type of people, nobody's really forcing you, but know that getting pissed on a Saturday and reading belletristic literature are not mutually exclusive. A lot of people I'm very close to do both, which is okay, even if I don't. It doesn't make or break a person or automatically make them boring.

>> No.8252404

Ask away then! How's the sun treating ye in Italy?

>> No.8252409

was very depressed in secondary school, went to a shit school and had a shit home life, got shit results, I only got into one place on my CAO, was a rural college

at the time was mostly happy to move out of my broken home, didn't really care

>> No.8252420

Ah, not too bad at all! I'm about as far north as you can get in Italy, so it's not unbearable yet, but I have a feeling I'll be dying once it gets to May. Yesterday was about as hot as it would get in Ireland and people were still wearing fucking coats and leather jackets because Italians don't dress for the weather, they dress for the season. It could be 30 degrees in winter and they'd still be wearing heavy coats because it's WINTER and that's what you DO. I like that people make an effort to dress nice here, though.
How's Finland? I've a friend on Erasmus there at the moment, in Lahti. Are you a cosplayer or a lolita or something else entirely?

>> No.8252436


Heh, sorry if I came across as unnecessarily negative.

On the Irish men front, I'm probably drawing most strongly from my negative experiences with various classmates, which is probably unfair. I'm not terribly into that sort of night clubbing/pub culture, and while it's cool that they do that, sometimes I can feel a disconnect with them as a result. I should clarify that while I probably don't find them interesting, it's less because I feel that their lives are empty (far from that!) and more because we don't connect. And that's cool, because not everyone in the world can.

All in all, I'm not a very sociable person - I prefer to keep my friends few and close. I've actually considered the activities that you talked about -but I'm honestly less of a humanities person and more of a science person - my interests lie either really close to my major or are completely solitary. Despite that, I have really close friends in class I can study with, talk with, and connect with without fear of getting gossipped about maliciously (also a problem in my class), and that makes me happy.

I should also note I'm probably not that interesting myself. School and a lack of time organization has pretty left no time for a lot of hobbies that I used to do (e.g. reading - I'm actually really cool with anything from YA lit to whatever, as long as the story's good). It's something that I have to work on.

>> No.8252440

Ouch... How does everyone deal with the sweat so?
>How's Finland?
Ah, more or less the same actually. Like a slightly colder and more depressing Ireland where everyone speaks gibberish. It's lovely in the summer though, too bad it only lasts for a fairly short while. All my international friends have stopped going abroad for the holidays and decided to start renting summer cottages for a few wees instead. The lakes are gorgeous as well, I've a friend who took me to hers up in the north and it was divine except for all the horseflies and mosquitoes.
>I've a friend on Erasmus there at the moment, in Lahti
Haha they call it Finnish Chicago here, apparently it's a terrible place full of immigrants and crime, or so I've been told.
Is her name Saoirse by any chance? I've a friend who knows a Saoirse from Cork. Haven't met her myself, though.
>Are you a cosplayer or a lolita or something else entirely?
Neither, I come here for the mori threads and branch out occasionally!

>> No.8252444

where are you?

>> No.8252457


>mfw I'm from Chicago

Heyyy Chicago's a really cool place full of friendly people.

Also place full of immigrants and crime basically describes every major city in the US lol.

That aside, I'm kind of envious you get to study in Finland. I've only ever heard good things about it, I'm kind of regretting I didn't go earlier when I had time.

Sorry I butted in, carry on.



>> No.8252461

>How does everyone deal with the sweat so?
No idea, I assume Italians are ethereal beings of elegance who never sweat ever. And also the heat probably isn't as brutal for them since they're used to it.

Do you speak much Finnish, actually? I imagine you probably don't really need to, being that almost everyone there seems to speak English, but I find it really frustrating in Italy when I'm speaking to people in Italian and they hear my foreign accent or possibly mistake my natural awkwardness with lack of confidence in the language and they switch to English, it must happen even more often in Finland.

>Is her name Saoirse by any chance?
Nope, she's not called Saoirse, but she actually is from Cork, she goes to the art school there. She seems to really like Lahti, at least! I guess I never really think of Finland as a place that really has much crime at all.

That's cool, though, Finland seems like it'd be a really good place to try out mori. I'm fairly sure you'd die of heatstroke attempting it in Italy outside of late autumn and winter.

>> No.8252466

Did you move to Ireland recently or?
A lot of yanks have this fantasy view of the country and become embittered when they realise it isn't a green wonderland full of pretty redheads (or pretty women in general) and many take the banter to heart.
That goes for pretty much every country, I've met Americans here who literally say they 'came for the pretty blondes'.

>> No.8252468

ah ok, I'm in Donegal

you're quite far away, you seem quite cute even though I'm more into the arts scene

>> No.8252483

>I assume Italians are ethereal beings of elegance who never sweat ever
I'm in a similar boat, people here seem to never need any makeup and everyone looks so pretty all the time, even the boys. I've gone from a 5/10 to a 3 (on a good day) by just moving here... Ah at least I can tell myself I'm unique haha

>Do you speak much Finnish, actually?
As a matter of fact I do! I've been here for around 2 years now, and I've lost the accent completely. Many people are shocked when they find out I'm not a native, even though I have rusty hair and brown eyes and look nothing like a Finn at all...
My Finnish is not perfect, by all means, and I certainly can't call myself fluent just yet but so far so good! Though I seem to speak English differently as well, from what my parents tell me, but being surrounded by ESLs for so long tends to do that to a person.
>Finland seems like it'd be a really good place to try out mori
It is, it is! Layering is a breeze here, if it weren't for the scarcity of many good products I'd never want to leave. And Estonia is just a ferry ride away, they have so much cheap stuff.

>> No.8252502


I've actually been in Ireland for a while. I came over for the education, and maybe to get to see a different view on things (surprisingly, yes, I did, and there is a lot I think the states could learn as well particularly in my field). And I got a great education - the teachers, especially in my later years, were amazing, and really spurred my interest in the subject. I learned a lot that I'll take back to the States with me, both in my subject and out of it.

And lmfao, haha no I wasn't set on finding pretty Irish boys.


Haha thanks.

>> No.8252503

test for Irish posters

they seem to have that image

go onto the anon emegle chat, the Americans girls fawn over your accent

it's weird

>> No.8252513


If you ever want to see the Donegal Gaeltacht, I'll show you around

>> No.8252517
File: 552 KB, 1234x1024, 1427803880858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8252519

Not just Americans, I met my boyfriend (who's a native here) by him interrupting me one day to fawn over my accent (that has since disappeared).
Oh well, couldn't have pulled anyone just by looks anyway.

>> No.8252524

which regions?

>> No.8252529

Dublin, though my parents are both from Laois.

>> No.8252538

I've found if I go onto omegle video, whenever I speak it's all "OMG WHERE IS UR ACCENT FRUM ITS SO KEWL"

it's fun

>> No.8252545

That's brilliant, I spend so much of my time talking to other Erasmus students here that it can be tough to practice Italian at times. Completely my own fault, it's just that the Erasmus students are quite aggressively social so for someone like me who doesn't naturally approach people, it's much easier to make friends with them than the Italians who are understandably quite happy with their own friend group. I've been speaking Italian more often lately, though, so I'm feeling optimistic. And I definitely feel you on speaking English differently, I think my English is starting to sound semi-broken from mostly only hanging around with ESL folk. Even when I'm speaking to native English-speakers here like Americans and Brits, it really hits you how different Irish English is to other types of English.

>> No.8252547
File: 2 KB, 300x57, payload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you grow tired of having to explain every single mickey that pops up on your screen?
>tfw captcha

>> No.8252552

well if I'm so boring, why do you care what I do?

>> No.8252569

>it's just that the Erasmus students are quite aggressively social
I've noticed the same! I think I've become quite the social butterfly myself, everyone here's so friendly and kind you just can't help it. For some reason most of my friends in my polytech are Russians, they're all such wonderful people.
I know a lad from Vladivostok, and even one from Kazakhstan!
>I think my English is starting to sound semi-broken from mostly only hanging around with ESL folk.
Same! Though I've now moved in with my Finnish bf. I sometimes catch myself saying 'what's the clock' or 'that was so nice lunch' because of him, haha.
>it really hits you how different Irish English is to other types of English.
I remember coming here for the first time and asking people 'what's the craic?' Then it hit me that most of them probably thought I was asking them for actual crack or something. It's a relief to not have to speak really basic English to everyone sometimes.

>> No.8252572

stop being so well-adjusted

>> No.8252578


>> No.8252581

ease up on the memesprouting without context, especially when you're doing bettet than me

>> No.8252585

tendies pls

>> No.8252591

>trying to make somebody feel bad when your life is nicer than his

could you get any more Irish?

Tell me about your local GAA results

>> No.8252598

>could you get any more Irish?
Let's see.
>slightly inbred
>vaguely ginger
You know what, I don't think I could.

>> No.8252620

Yeah, it's really cool to meet people from so many different countries. Probably the only nationality I haven't met here is Russian, oddly. I've met a few Iranians and Syrians and there's a ton of Polish, Czech, and German people here.

And yeah, I'm usually really self-conscious of my Irishisms while I'm here, but I've accidentally said some really Irish things to my American friend here, it's pretty embarrassing. Like saying "Jesus Mary and Joseph etc etc", which apparently isn't a done thing in other places. Or "Some woman for one woman". I'm looking forward to being able to speak English the way I'm used to again, the way I'm speaking it right now is almost as much effort as speaking an entirely foreign language.

>> No.8252645

>Jesus Mary and Joseph
w-wait, it isn't? I say that all the time...
>the way I'm speaking it right now is almost as much effort as speaking an entirely foreign language.
I hear you! It takes so much effort to pick your words and tone down your accent. This one Irish bloke that teaches marketing sounds completely American because he's lived here for so long, he had to train himself to speak plainly and neutrally so much that it eventually became second nature.

By the way, how do you fare finding products you were used to back home? How's the selection of cosmetics, foods and such? It's extremely difficult here, had to wean myself off of many things and learn to utilise different ones. Especially moisturiser, it gets as low as -30 here at times. My first year here, bf took me out for a walk at -25 and my eyelashes and nostrils froze over, it hurt to breathe!

>> No.8252688

Apparently not, I was really surprised to hear it. I can't help saying it, though, it just slips out sometimes.

>This one Irish bloke that teaches marketing sounds completely American

A few people here have said I sound a little bit American, it's quite crushing to hear (no offense to any Americans) but it really is true. It's not even just toning down the accent itself, but also the intonations and where you put the emphasis in a word or sentence.

>how do you fare finding products you were used to back home?

I, eh, don't. There's a Sephora here and the selection's good so I'm not completely stuck for cosmetics, but the big brands are much more expensive here than they are in Ireland. And the foundation shades are a no-go, I just had to buy some more in Ireland when I was home for Christmas, they kept showing me the lightest shades they had which were still several shades too dark and insisting I'd be fine. I'm crazy pale, though, I even have trouble finding foundation in Ireland a lot of the time. There's a shop called Kiko as well that sells cheap makeup and is very popular, but I find it very hit-or-miss.
False eyelashes are a bugger, too, nobody seems to use them here. I haven't even found any in Sephora. I don't especially need them, but they're nice for going out in lolita.
Shampoo is kinda tough, too, the sulfate-free thing hasn't really reached Italy yet and my hair doesn't do particularly well with sulfatey shampoo.
Skincare isn't the worst, they have the major brands like Garnier, Neutrogena, Nivea, etc, but I have a hard time with moisturisers as well. They're all either heavy and greasy or way too light.
Finding non-Italian food other than kebabs is really hard, I'm not in a big city and most Italians seem to have an attitude of "Well, our food is the best anyway, why eat foreign stuff?". They kind of have a point, but a bit of variety would be nice.

>> No.8252709

Hmm, odd. I'm quite pale myself (but I can tan from NC15 to... NC20 like, so not much but that means freckles and anything after is burn city) but I haven't had issues with makeup here. Actually, I was surprised to find out that many Scandinavians have quite deep tans in the summer! My bf would look Greek himself if it weren't for the light hair and eyes.
>big brands are much more expensive here than they are in Ireland.
Same problem, shipping's an arm and a leg as well.
>nobody seems to use them here
People here don't seem to wear much makeup, so I've stopped wearing it myself. Which is so much easier but I have sparse, light eyebrows and eyelashes and look like a rat without eyeliner
>tfw everyone goes bare-faced and is still prettier than me with a face full o' slap
>Finding non-Italian food other than kebabs is really hard
Hmm, I actually have trouble finding anything BUT foreign food. There's so many posh restaurants in Helsinki and you can get any kind of takeaway you wish.
>A few people here have said I sound a little bit American, it's quite crushing to hear
Ah same... I find it a wee bit sad, because well, I don't WANT to be American, but we don't really have any bigger defining trait other than Guinness and the accent and most people I've talked to don't even know where Dublin is... And when I tell people where I'm from they just go 'Oh! Ireland! *drinking motion with hand*' Finns can relate to that quite well though, since most people probably couldn't find Helsinki on a map either prior to coming here. Which is quite sad.

>> No.8252748

Yeah, it is weird. They just don't tend to carry the lightest shades of any given foundation brand. Or the darkest ones, either, despite the fact that there are plenty of black people. It's quite a narrow range. I suppose in Milan or somewhere I'd have more luck, though. I am very noticeably paler than most everyone here, I sort of stick out right off the bat. I do tan, but very, very slowly. My skin seems to have built up some sort of resistance to it. I don't think I've ever gotten a sunburn in my life.

And yeah, most people wear very little makeup here. I used to never leave the house without it myself, but over the months I've sort of stopped caring and now I think it's probably been a week since I wore makeup of any kind because I haven't been doing anything special. The longer you go without it, the more you start to realise you don't actually look that hideous without it, I think. Or maybe you just get used to your hideousness.

>I actually have trouble finding anything BUT foreign food
I reckon that's probably because Finnish food doesn't quite have the reputation or sheer variety that Italian food does. I mean, I dunno if you heard about Berlusconi's remarks on Finnish cuisine, but he was pretty harsh. An Italian friend of mine rather defensively pointed out that the reason places like Ireland, the UK, and Scandinavia have such a wide variety of foreign restaurants is because our own food is so shitty we can't bear to eat it, kek. And there are some old Italian people who would be wary of eating food from outside their own region, let alone their country.

>> No.8252756

Oh, and there was one time I was in a taxi and the driver asked me where I was from, and when I said Ireland, she said "Oh, where's that?". So yeah, we're not particularly well-known here. Everyone thinks we're part of the UK, and lecturers keep calling on me in discussions to explain how certain things are in the UK. It's fun repeating yourself.

>> No.8252780

>I dunno if you heard about Berlusconi's remarks on Finnish cuisine, but he was pretty harsh
Oh they named a really big and foul-tasting pizza after him, top notch bantz
The Finnish cuisine isn't the best out there sure, but it's quite decent. Mämmi (the one dish that, well... looks like shite) is actually quite delicious and healthy. Then again I'm Irish, what do I know about food.
>An Italian friend of mine rather defensively pointed out that the reason places like Ireland, the UK, and Scandinavia have such a wide variety of foreign restaurants is because our own food is so shitty we can't bear to eat it
top lel, I love the brutal honesty in that one

>> No.8252795

Same here
>Where are you from?
>Uh, it's a country in the Isles
>Which isles?
>British Isles
>Oooooh, so you're from England!
>tfw cucked by Brits yet again

>> No.8252814

Recently after one of my classes I have a conversation with a girl that pretty much went like this:
>Excuse me, are you from England?
>No, I'm from Ireland!
>Ah okay, well I'm doing a presentation on the UK school system and I was wondering if you could help me with it
>Well, Ireland's not part of the UK so I'm not sure I could he-
>Oh well I just need to know a few things, like how exams work and uniforms and stuff like that
>Our school systems are really different, I'm not sure how helpful I'd be
>Well, maybe you could give me your email and I could ask you something when I need to know
And then I gave her my email address and said I'd help. I'm not good at saying no.

>> No.8253894

Made this thread - >>8253883 - can anyone help me out? Would anyone know of any stores in Dublin that sell this sort of stuff?

>> No.8253904

They're big on reenactment in the land of the free, try ordering something from there.
Alternatively you can check out (and I'm sorry for suggesting this) the fedora lounge or fintage and ask there. People who are into vintage cosplay - Dita von Teese type stuff - will probably know.
There's also plenty of pieces like that on eBay

>> No.8253968

Great thanks, I'll check them out.

>> No.8255995

Any update about the j fashion panel at anime dublin? How did it go?

>> No.8256365
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RIP Roorah's waifu

>> No.8256379
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It hurts

>> No.8256406

So what cons are on next?

>> No.8256424

Can anyone tell me why Diamanda Hagan is a guest at a fuck load of cons? I don't quite understand.

>> No.8256712

Diamanda Hagan is a famous Internet Reviewer on Channel Awesome. As far as I remember she has been to Bro Con since 2012 and this past Akumakon. I've talked with her a few times and she is a joy to listen to. If you want to get into watching her stuff start with the Chirpy review.

>> No.8256758

G.A.Scon if you can call that mess a con.
It was actually decent. done by the Visual Kei girl. Had a section on Milanoo which gave me a bit of a LOL. Good panel all in all.

>> No.8256861

Only one I care about is arcadecon which is happening on July 3rd - 5th. It'll be the biggest and best con this year imo.

>> No.8257464

I prefer Q-Con. I get to deal with less faggots that way, & the prices work out cheaper for.... everything. I didn't say gay people, by the way, I said faggots.

>> No.8257476
File: 225 KB, 373x327, c9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't say gay people, by the way, I said faggots

>> No.8257481

potsy pls

>> No.8257510

The Edgemaster here. I also think the variety in the trading hall is better in Q-Con. They have a ton of charming little trinkets & such.

>> No.8257569

Hello Declan ;)

I think it'll be a miracle if arcadecon actually does well this year. Their website is a lazy piece of shite just looking for money with no other information. The ticket prices are the highest out there when their event was never very good to begin with. It's too far from the city center for me to bother going out to it. And the people running it are a shower of wankers with their heads spelunking up their arseholes.

>> No.8258381

What j fashions did she go through?

>> No.8258383

Well that's the biggest load of bollocks I heard today. It's not very big in the first place and it's just soo boring. I went one year and had to leave after 2hrs, plus their trade hall is the worst in the country. Fuck, even otakucon had better .

>> No.8258393

I've enjoyed Arcade in the past (more thanks to good friends than the con itself I suppose) but it being in Blanch this year is just stupid. So awkward to get to and the price is high. I'd be interesting in seeing Kamui's panels but that's about it. Looks like no summer con for me this year.

>> No.8258441

>Visual Kei

I'm off to a sceptical start. Can you give us any highlights, or examples of what the panel covered?

>> No.8258456
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Seagull Con Dublin 2015 when?

>> No.8259375

Is Q-con any good? I'm a con virgin, also do many people cosplay?

>> No.8259791

It depends on what your into really. It's mostly a gaming con (D&D, warhammer, console gaming) so from that side it's excellent but if you're only into anime then it's only ok and can get boring unless hanging around with friends plus their trade hall sucks as it's full of knockoffs.

>> No.8260097

What's the best con in Ireland at the minute?

>> No.8260225
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>> No.8260262

Eirtakon is the largest and probably the best. It has more events than any other con and you'll see a higher number and level of cosplay at it. It's not perfect but no con is

>> No.8260274

Iconic, since most cons in Ireland are shit
>Amerifag here btw

>> No.8260277

I blame Amy King for this country's lack of convention prowess. She really fucked us over on Ireland AM, the cunt

>> No.8260280

>teehee, don't hit on me silly Paddies

>> No.8260464

hahaha I can't wait to read about how shit and empty the next one will be. I hardly know of anyone who is actually going to this expensive fail-fest. Certainly never going to line the pockets of a cunt like Declan.

>> No.8260471

How much is it?

>> No.8260497

€40 for the weekend. It's not terribly expensive but it costs more than any other con and the quality of the event is quite poor. There is also a VIP ticket at €80 I think but no idea who or why anyone would pay it. With so many much better cons on over the summer it's not worth going to I think

>> No.8260501


lel, not on your life son. And it's out in Blanch or something? Fuck that. I live right next to the 17A that goes out to the shopping centre but it can take an hour or more getting out there since I'm on like the second stop of the whole route.

>> No.8260540

>And it's out in Blanch or something? Fuck that.

I'd literally only have to cross the road to go to Arcade this year, and even I can't be arsed. Expensive, and lack of any decent events aside from maybe one or two guest ones...

>> No.8260636

The fuck does a VIP ticket even get you? Someone to carry you around the con in a queen chair and supply you with tea and snacks while fighting off weaboos? If so, then fair enough.

>> No.8260643

Product Description

>A VIP ticket gives you access to every event of ArcadeCon, PLUS:

>Early access to ArcadeCon
>Private VIP Tables
>VIP only events
>Special Meet n Greet with ALL Guests
>VIP Merchandise including exclusive ArcadeCon collectible
>Free ArcadeCon T-shirt
>Queue skip

>VIP Tickets are extremely limited!

I love the fact that they advertise the shirt as being 'free' even though you're paying a premium to have access to it, lel

>> No.8260650

I think I'd rather the queen chair and weeaboo shield

>> No.8260651

A friend of mine wants to come over from abroad to visit me and go to this even for the one day, so if I do end up going with him, I'll report back here with pics

>> No.8260720

I love that idea! Being carried around in a palanquin by a couple of sweaty guys in black leather (to blend in you know) but also with cudgels to smite the weeboos.

>> No.8260789


>> No.8261186

Surely there are other events. Sad for your friend to be coming so far for that. Oh well please post pics here if you do go

>> No.8261255

He wants to meet Troy Baker and have a few things signed by him. I told him not to expect much at all but we'll still get to hang out for the weekend even if it turns out to be shite.

>> No.8261628

A friend of mine wishes to make this his 1st convention. And while money's not an issue for him, I bet the kind of overbearing wankstains that him & his missus will have to deal with may undermine his future interest on going to any con. He's not a sensitive little rosebud now, & infact I don't think anyone will survive pissing him off, but I'm thinking any con but Arcadecon.

>> No.8262483
File: 357 KB, 245x300, 1428940077205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be cosfamous
>You will never be on Ireland AM
>You will never be Amy King

>> No.8262492

I don't blame her, I blame the state of the cosplayers in Ireland.

>> No.8262521

There are some good cosplayers in Ireland and I think if we gave more attention to them it might help inspire or motivate other cosplayers to do better. Seeing crap cosplay get attention doesn't inspire anyone and gives a poor impression of cosplay in general.

>> No.8262713
File: 927 KB, 1140x969, action roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be on Ireland AM
Woah slow down with those dreams champ. We can't all reach such lofty goals.

>> No.8262776 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8262779 [DELETED] 
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>not changing my nappy

potsy pls

>> No.8262803
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>> No.8262821



>> No.8263514

It has been brought to my attention that certain people are still bitching about me on 4chan.

I know who these people are it's S.R, J.T, L.W, N.N and D.D hiding behind anonymity. You are all in your mid to late 20s and still doing this? - Pathetic. I am really flattered that you put all your time and effort into obsessing over me in these threads but I think it's time you grow up and get a hobby because this is getting really old.

Cut the secondary school bullshit. Don't take your insecurity issues out on my cosplay.

>> No.8263538
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>> No.8263546
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I know the rest of them take the piss out of you but I legitimately want you to sit on my face, Ms. King. I just thought I'd put that out there.

>> No.8263547
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>> No.8263548

amy pls let me worship your feet

>> No.8263550


My troll sense isn't going off. Is this real?

>> No.8263593
File: 77 KB, 606x539, 1426933332597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be better than Potsy
I guarantee it

>> No.8263599

Fair play to ya Amy. Bit embarrassing going through these threads reading this shit. Can't believe these people are in their late twenties, mortified for them. Stench of jealousy off them and I've heard you get your cosplays made so if haters gonna hate - get their facts straight!

>> No.8263620

It's a guy from the /int/ Skype group who does this kind of thing a lot

>> No.8263630

skype Kewl Kidz Krew reporting in, there's only two people there and it was neither of us

>> No.8263647

Why do you keep shitting up this thread? Go back to your cancer den on /int/

>> No.8263660

I am the second and can confirm the validity of this statement. We will not be hung for this crime and consider the accusations treasonous! - Skype Krew reporting out.

>> No.8263663

Slagging off Amy King isn't a phenomenon unique to /int/ posters, stop being a sap.

>> No.8263667

Ha! Classic troll trying to cover shit up.

>> No.8263670

Not enough spelling errors or misused words to pass as genuine A.K.

>> No.8263673

Who would win in a fight between potsy and Amy King?

>> No.8263675

If it's not her then it's somebody who knows her if they're slinging all of those initials around

>> No.8263676

They're just random initials

>> No.8263678

No they're not

>> No.8263679

Those names are either regularly used in Irish Threads, or well known among the con scene tho.
I'm not even that invested in cons here and I know for certain who the majority of them are, c'mon.

>> No.8263684

potsy, she's like 6"5

she would just need to stand a foot away from Amy, get on her knees and turn her head around in Amy's general direction, knocking her over and killing her

alternatively, she could just unhinge her python jaw and swallow Amy whole (this is a sexual fantasy of mine)

>> No.8263688

Pretty sure they're just random letters. I'm reasonably into the con scene here and I don't recognise any of them.

>> No.8263689
File: 19 KB, 400x299, shit-just-got-real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ireland is a small enough country with a small enough anime/cosplay/lolita community.. I wouldn't say these are just 'random initials.' We all have an idea of who these retarded people are.

>> No.8263690

I wasn't talking about anything even remotely related to Amy but the fact that you people come here all the fucking time to spout shitty inside jokes and memes that are honestly not amusing at all, hinder all potential conversation and generally just be annoying twats.

No-one here will ever shag you, stop trying to get attention by being retarded wankers. Go share a hooker or something.

>> No.8263692

Potsy for definite. All that rage. All that fury.
Plus Amy wouldn't fight a fly, she's not the violent sort.

>> No.8263695

I know some of the people with the initials but I'm not sure there's even a link between them and Amy where she'd come to this conclusion? I smell troll.

>> No.8263696

Its the same people samefagging. Look at the 8 posts before "Amy" and its obvious /int/ are here. Best to just leave.

>> No.8263697

I'm just saying that because the initials are legit it goes a long way to crediting the theory that if it's not actually her, it's someone who knows her and not an random /int/ shitposter or some other random person trying to stir shit.

>> No.8263698

Welp, looks like I'm more into the who's-who of cgl than you, because the only one that isn't immediately ringing bells is J.T.
Unless Justin Timberlake has secretly joined a committee on the downlow.

>> No.8263700
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>muh /int/ boogeyman

Someone needs their nappy changed pronto.

>> No.8263705

She's been brought up in these threads before by name and regularly posts here, it's the girl who did the lolita panel at Eirtakon last year

>> No.8263708

So who is N.N?

>> No.8263709

Guys come on, it's common sense not to actually drop people's names on 4chan, don't be shit.

>> No.8263714

>that are honestly not amusing at all

that's because this is a fucking nerd party, we need to turn it into a rally

a NatCon rally

>> No.8263715

Hahaha this is so hilarious! Bitches be scared 'cause they be named and shamed! ;)

>> No.8263716


People are just describing what they do though? Not giving actual names?

>> No.8263717

obviously Nollaig Noonan

>> No.8263718

Josephine Thomas would be my guess~

>> No.8263721

>m-my actions have consequences oh dear

bet you're fucking shaking, your image is about to be ruined

>> No.8263725

The SJW one?

>> No.8263726

I don't have an image to ruin tbh, I just think it's a bit shitty.
That's fair enough.

>> No.8263732
File: 166 KB, 524x780, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And bitching about Amy isn't shitty? I love this. Such justice!

>> No.8263734

But she's not a cosplayer, so why would The Face of Irish Cosplay be of any interest to her?

>> No.8263736 [DELETED] 


Naomi Noodle hint hint.

>> No.8263738

How do we know you're legit? Prove it

>> No.8263743

Seconding this. People are being pretty quick to run with this. If you can prove you're Amy, then that's fair enough. If not, then what are you even at.

>> No.8263746

An /int/ randomer gives you a list of initials and you all DIVE to Firstname-Lastname everyone, despite the post being obviously written by somebody who isn't actually who they say they are.

Stay classy, lads. Salem has nothing on you.

>> No.8263751

>Why do you keep shitting up this thread?
You realize it was an /int/ user who first started to force these completely unnecessary generals?

AFAICT they don't even come here to discuss /cgl/ related topics.

>> No.8263758

>they don't come here to discuss /cgl/ related topics

Where did I put my Nicholas Cage pictures...?

>> No.8263759
File: 33 KB, 492x454, (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... Why?

I'm not dissing your taste, to each their own, but I just don't understand your motivation behind such a desire.
And no, this pic is not related, but I thought it should get used once again for a more relevant context.

>> No.8263764

To be quite honest I don't care, but I don't see why people shouldn't guess & drag this thread kicking & screaming over broken glass.

>> No.8263771

>this /int/ obsession

None of the /int/ users could've been that specific with all of those initials (a lot of whom are all friends with eachother) or their age brackets. Their shitposting doesn't really go beyond namedropping Amy or Potsy. Either it actually is Amy or it's just a seagull stirring shit.

>> No.8263780

>mid to late twenties
>specific, when considering the majority of Irish seagulls

And at least two of them are v. early twenties.

>> No.8263784

The fact that all/most of them know each other sets off alarm bells that it could be a mutual friend of all of theirs stirring shit? It's too specific for a randomer seagull and too vague (and unlikely) for Amy. Also I don't think Amy's immature or malicious enough to stir shit like this.

>> No.8263791

It's specific enough to rule out the Irish /int/ posters, who for the most part don't give a shit about /cgl/ and don't know anything or anyone in the con scene here.
It's not entirely unlikely it could have actually been her. If it was me and I saw my own likeness being posted here and slagged off every other day, I'd be pretty fucking pissed off and would probably post something similar. I think going the extra mile in being malicious would have been calling the people mentioned by their full names instead of just using initials but whoever it was didn't do that.

>> No.8263797

Why don't one of ye just message her on Facebook and ask her if she actually posted?

>> No.8263814

Can you all just stop being in denial saying it's not Amy? She caught yous out. Stop being fucking cowards.

>> No.8263817


>> No.8263821

At least 2/5 names alluded to have literally no reason to post about her though? Why would she think people who have no interest in cosplay would bother posting about it?

>> No.8263845

it was OBVIOUSLY the perma virgin neckbeads from /int/

>> No.8263853

Keep telling yourself that, pet.

>> No.8263860

no FUCK YOU, that is NOT Amy

>> No.8263865

It's the real me.

>> No.8263869

Because these two people in question have a history of talking shit about people on 4chan and aren't exactly best pals with Amy?

>> No.8263870

wow you convinced me

>> No.8263876

If it's really you, change your Facebook profiler to something different than what it is now.

>> No.8263887

I've raped a dog

>> No.8263896


suck ooonnn thaaaattttt

>> No.8263904

I never doubted it was her, I just wanted yer one saying it was /int/ to shut the fuck up.

>> No.8263905

poor effort.

>> No.8263910

Stay blown out, faggots

>> No.8263965

Justice is a beautiful thing. Amy, you're my hero. Love when pathetic jealous idiots get put in their place!

>> No.8264014

DD could be DareDevil or a De_l_n D__dy?
Don't know any of the others

>> No.8264055

I think Amy was also into lolita? You've seen her cosplay, now imagine her take on lolita

>> No.8264101

My money would be on the second, yeah. But I don't think she really has a clue about who's posting about her, she obviously just picked people she knows go on /cgl/ and ran with it. Half the shite is obviously people who don't even know her personally.

>> No.8264183
File: 122 KB, 1023x986, 1424388428696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy, pls be my GF ;_;

>> No.8264268
File: 11 KB, 261x195, a shocker!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if a person's alright, then alright. If they're cunts who either go behind your back to talk shit, when they couldn't back up their problem with you personally, then I daresay it is prompt to remind them of how spineless they are.

That, & this board is about cosplaying. The shifts & standards of the craft. If people take criticism, however phrased, as an excuse to whine & bitch up a fuss & aren't ignored, then its safe to assume that faggotry & being the most shrill, vile piece of shit wins out here. So there's no real guilt over letting a terminally ill thread like that die & happily moving on. Maybe we'll strike lucky & the attention-seekers will collectively get hit by buses, ridding the world of their genome & making for some oddly coincidental headlines.

>> No.8264272

And I know its all supposed to be anonymous, but perhaps that's because it was intended so that we don't have to put up with such faggotry in the 1st place, & over time a fuckload of SJWs just never utilised their higher brain functions?

>> No.8264329

Okay but I don't think that has anything to do with what I actually said, which was that there's no guarantee the people she named actually said anything about her.

>> No.8264347

I mean, the main stuff that's been said other than the standard "Amy be my gf, Amy pls sit on my face" stuff which is obviously one or two random retards who don't actually know her has been pretty mild, basically amounting to "Amy King is not a very good cosplayer for all the recognition she gets", which is true, and something I've said myself on this board once or twice, and I've got nothing to do with the girl. So I don't see why she's so quick to accuse specific people.

>> No.8264850

Lawl it's really obvious all the people in denial are the people listed by Amy and are just trying to cover shit up. Can ya not just accept that yous are annoying cunts?

>> No.8264904


Fuck off

>> No.8264912

>"Amy King is not a very good cosplayer for all the recognition she gets", which is true, and something I've said myself on this board once or twice, and I've got nothing to do with the girl.

This, I don't even know the girl but I'm sorry she's not a great cosplayer.

>> No.8264968

>this thread
>all of this damage control

Utterly amazing. Amy, I hope you come back again later, post some more and show up Ireland's catty con scene population for what it really is, especially on /cgl/.

Fuck the haters

>> No.8264970


>> No.8264972

I'm real sure Amy was posting on 4chan at 1am on a work night and it definitely wasn't neet neckbeards from int

>> No.8264975

She confirmed her identity last night you fucking eejit.

>> No.8264982

If it really was her then she should be banned for naming names maliciously. The only time she is ever mentioned is with respect to her cosplay, not liking her work on a cosplay board is not grounds for trying to sabotage reputations.

>Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

>> No.8264986

>it couldn't have possibly been her, it's just those smelly neckbeards from /int/!
>o-oh, it wasn't actually them? Well she should be banned!

She never posted anybody's full name, never singled a specific person out, didn't make a vendetta thread and never tried to dox anybody. She has the right to post here and defend herself.

I wonder what straw you'll grasp at next anon. :)

>> No.8264988

It was them, I'm just playing along in the spirit of the thread

>> No.8265006

>"Irish" cosplayers
Wow, you're an embarrassment to the nation.

>> No.8265007

We're not all bad, just people here give us a bad name. It's pretty sad and it's setting us all back.

>> No.8265017

Let's be honest, a lot of us are pretty shite

>> No.8265057

I still have yet to see that. This thread always focuses on Amy and only recently pictures from EJ showed me that Ireland had some good cosplays. But I've seen pictures from other cons and they are all awful.

>> No.8265062

Most of ye are. Clearly she's one of the best which doesn't say much

>> No.8265239

I know some of those initials! Amy, I've had the displeasure of dealing with bitchy lolitas, the ones you mentioned particularly. It's sad considering they don't even cosplay. You keep doing you!

>> No.8265275

Oh really? What did they do to you?? That's awful.
I'm also interested in what they did to Amy, because I come here for gossip.

>> No.8265286

Aren't lolitas meant to be pure, innocent and child like? Being bitchy and catty isn't very sugoi

>> No.8265306

Yeah but what was catty and bitchy? Or is this more hypothetical drama with no substance?

>> No.8265311

Not so much what they did to me, just the amount of bitching that goes on between them, the elitism, the way they talk about other people. I think it's a little amusing that they're always claiming "yeah, we keep a low profile online", but self-post their panels and pictures here wherever they can, all while taking shots at Amy, who doesn't have anything to do with the lolita scene. It all seems to be for their own attention-seeking benefit.

>> No.8265333

Got proof though? I dunno, being a visible seagull isn't necessarily enough to be certain. This thread alone has over 30 posters. If I'd ever shown my face here it'd be incentive not to act like that.

>> No.8265434

Amy is saying other lolitas are badmouthing her in this thread behind her back.

>> No.8265442

I can recognise SR JT and DD but who are the other 2?

>> No.8265445
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LW is Potsy

>> No.8265518

Got proof ? No but when has that ever stopped this thread before.

>> No.8265553

True. It's really unfulfilling, Irish drama is so DRY.

>> No.8265598
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So is there a line in the sand being drawn as of last night? Irish lolitas vs Irish cosplayers? Amy's got the influence to turn her side against the other.

>> No.8265608


>Irish cosplay drama is so DRY


>> No.8265641

This is news to me. Amy seemingly left the community voluntarily (just disappeared from the group without saying anything), and never really wore Lolita or came to meetups anyway. There's literally no drama about it, or anything for that matter, so I don't know where this flaring up from.

>> No.8265647

Not really. There are a few people who dabble in both.
And also not really, it's "her side" you most often hear saying she's mediocre and an unfit cosplay representative.

>> No.8265652

That's still the same thing in this context, anon.

>> No.8265665

I wonder what her reasoning is for calling out those lolitas in particular if there's never been any drama.
I don't know about that. I don't think she's particularly amazing either but she's still on television in animaymay cosplay speaking for the entire scene or speaking at Experience Japan. How does she have that influence if she's an unfit representative?

Not sarcasm either BTW, I'm genuinely baffled and want an answer.

>> No.8265678

She volunteers in a country full of self-consciousness with a culture of slagging. Not many self-aware people would do that, so I dare say even if she stepped out of the spotlight, her replacement would be just as bad.

And I'm genuinely curious too. From what I know, her last interaction with any of the people she mentioned was months and months ago.

>> No.8265680

>I wonder what her reasoning is for calling out those lolitas in particular if there's never been any drama.
Fuck if I know. They're two of the better known lolitas outside of the group, and she suspects/knows that they come here? It's flimsy to go on, but so are her accusations, I guess.

>> No.8265692

Up until a few years ago there was only Eirtakon and Amy was the cosplay organiser for it so many other events and media outlets just went to Eirtakon for commentary on cosplay in Ireland. Since then they just continue to go to her cause they don't know anybody else or laziness, plus Eirta is the most prolific anime convention in the country which she is associated with.

Does she still run cosplay for Eirtakon?

>> No.8265702

That's what I thought (because I'm one of them) but if she wants to think that of me and block me, that's her choice to make. I guess it's been nearly a year since I saw her last, it's not much loss to either of us.
Meanwhile, the culprit/s are still on the go.

Amy, mind yourself. Maybe make your DeviantArt private, I dunno. See you round.

>> No.8265717

How do I get a loli gf who'll sit on my face since Amy is being a spoilsport and won't do it?

>> No.8265722

Cover yourself in burando accessories and stand in the middle of the road.

>> No.8265725

I'm the wrong person to ask, buddy.

>> No.8265730

I think it's hilarious. I know for a fact the Amy King obsession here is caused by /int/ retards and she goes off and blames a whole load of spastic cosplayers. Lmao. xD

>> No.8265734

I'm taking notes. Anything else?
I dunno about that now!

>> No.8265739

The things that you dunno about could fill an aircraft hangar.

>> No.8265742

Make a tumblr, become a SJW and cry about feminism while wearing your favourite jsk

>> No.8265743

Don't be rood

>> No.8265749

Are you the one who always bitches about her creepy ex on Tumblr?

>> No.8265753

Walk anti-clockwise around a local monument (the Joe Dolan statue in Mullingar is preferable, but any local statue will do) while chanting "mana-sama, mana-sama" over and over. If you don't get one that way then you're flat outta luck, pal.

>> No.8265756

This is fucking brilliant, thank you. I might just have a shot at this. Finding a loli gf who'll change my nappy in addition to the bit of facesitting now and again would be amazing but I'm not going to hold my breath; beggars can't be choosers afterall.

Wish me luck!

>> No.8265767

Nnnnnope, I thankfully do not have any creepy exes.

>> No.8265774

Good luck, brave warrior. May flocks of not pigeons sit on your face.

>> No.8265775

If you're the SJW Amy mentioned with the initials then your ex is deffo a creep from what you've posted about him and what I've heard about him from other people

>> No.8265778

Someone around here who's nice for a change. Cheers. :3

>> No.8265781

That's not me, mate. I'm the other one. She knows her ex is creepy, but thanks for trying to help. I'm sure it was genuine, and not just an excuse to use the term "SJW" again.

>> No.8265784

No worries :) it's a great term

>> No.8265790

I find it a bit clunky. It's not as bad as people who say "jay-ess-kay" instead of "jumperskirt", but "ess-jay-doubleyoo" is still pretty awkward.

>> No.8265794

I personally don't say 'ess-jay-doubleyoo' and just go the full whack instead.

surprised potsy hasn't decided to chime in on the going's on since last night either

>> No.8265795

"I wanted to wear my ay-pee oh-pee with my ess-ess tee-pees, but I left my bee-tee-ess-ess-bee oh-tee-kays at my boyfriend's house..."

>> No.8265799

From what I can tell, Potsy has been banished from the realm. It's probably for the best. Considering her conditions, this place can't be good for her. She doesn't even like anyone here anyway.

>> No.8265818

I don't think life in general is good for her, nevermind here

>> No.8265843

Pretty much.
It's hilarious though to see how bad she gets. There will never be enough popcorn

>> No.8265848

Amen to that sister!

>> No.8265870

What have you heard from other people? Not the sjw but I know of him and I'm nosy.

>> No.8265898

I'm sure >>8265781 will let you in on more goss than I ever could

>> No.8265905

I actually don't know the chap very well and respect my friend's privacy enough to not talk about her life, even of she has done so herself on her tumblr.

>> No.8265908

*even IF

>> No.8265919

Ah yeah, I get where you're coming from but if >>8265870 wanted more info on him, it's not necessarily breaching her confidence just talking about him as a person in general without going into specifics about what went on in a relationship.

>> No.8265963

True, I suppose. But I'm still going on record as saying my opinion of him is that I have no opinion.

>> No.8265965

You know you do. Let it all out.

>> No.8265977
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>> No.8266158


No, I don't think she's been involved for the last year or two. Eirtakon have someone else doing it now, dunno who she is though cause it seems to only be a nickname listed on the committee page on their site.

>> No.8266233
File: 598 KB, 520x767, Angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh heavenly blessed beauty, whose inner beauty is simply divine and everlasting, I would love to be your knight in shining armor. If you want to talk to a good friend, honest, sweet and tender, you can do with me at any moment, I am a good person, kind, loyal and sincere. My friendship that I offer you is clean and transparent. I congratulate to you, because you are very beautiful, your beauty, your charming figure, your pleasant and angelic smile, your personality, your happiness, your charm, your kindness, your beautiful eyes, your lips soft and exquisite, delicate your hands, your legs precious Your beautiful, spectacular and divine body, you have all these qualities and more, you are a wonderful and perfect woman, your gaze is tender and sweet, penetrating my soul. The beauty of a rose has no comparison with the sweetness of your face and the beauty of your heart. I am of the people, I like to have a good relationship with all my friends.

>> No.8267975

Amy's supposed to be Lolita? What, from the one DanganRonpa cosplay? Lolita's supposed to cause a mild stun effect with the overall cuteness of the image presented, from what I've experienced. She does not produce this effect.

>> No.8268026

Bad choice of words on that anon's part. I don't think anyone's claimed she's lolita.

>> No.8268230

She used to hang around with the lolita group and dress in her "own style".

>> No.8268234

Dayum. Any pics?

>> No.8268345

Just found the old lolita ireland bebo page. it's a goldmine

>> No.8268387


>> No.8268463


>> No.8268466

>Bebo page
Fuck me, the current comm was created well after the death of Bebo as a popular form of social media. I guess there was some sort of proto-comm before. Weird.

>> No.8268469

>one of my mates is in the album of the Eirtakon 07 fashion show

lel. And also I can't believe I've known her that long, Christ.

>> No.8268489
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ah lads

>> No.8268493

I was literally just browsing that album.

She puts the current comm to shame!

>> No.8268503
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Oh fuck, I remember seeing this picture on Meta's website in their Lolitas around the World section. Always wondered who she was.

>> No.8268513

Yeah some of the girls in that bebo group continued on to the current comm. Amy was in it for a while too.

Do you mean Vicky or Tina?

>> No.8268517


>> No.8268579


New thread :)

>> No.8269957


>> No.8270114

Surprisingly succinct post coming from you.

>> No.8270793

I saw Amy King at the Mc Donalds in Donaghmede yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. It was sugoi. I walked away and continued to drink my shamrock shake, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen double cheeseburgers in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the burgers and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each burger and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.8270855

>hasn't killed itself yet

Poor show tbh

>> No.8270980

