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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8248060 No.8248060 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't think this really fell under the category of skincare or anything so I just decided to make a new thread for it. How do anons get rid of their body hair for revealing cosplays? I've kind of got a thin layer of peach fuzz pretty much all over my stomach area, and it makes me very self conscious ( I have very fine, but dark hair). Is waxing for such thin hair too much? Do epilators/gels work better for this situation?

>> No.8248069

this doesn't need it's own thread.

hair removal cream gives the same result as shaving

just wax it, it'll grow back.

again, doesn't need it's own thread.

>> No.8248070

TBH I just shave it since I'm personally not prone to ingrowns. Creams have never been great for me, since the sensitive ones don't do shit on my thicker body hair (arms and legs) and the full-strength ones give me chemical burns.

Epilators might not work on that area since it's so fine, but I don't see the harm in trying.

>> No.8248381

I'm guessing OP is male too? As a crossplayer, I often have to get rid of body hair. I have used Nair in the past, it works well and quickly for heavy growth. If you've been keeping up with it and have extra time, a hand razor is more cost effective if the hair is short. I use the same razor that I use for my face on my body.

>> No.8248383


How do you combat ingrowns seagulls?

>shave, ingrowns
>epilate, ingrowns

My legs have never been smooth.

>> No.8248385

Op could be a girl. I'm a girl and I also get thick black hairs on my stomach/chest/pretty much everywhere else. Shit's awful.

>> No.8248506


Waxing is perfectly suitable for this area of the body regardless of gender or hair type. Waxing removes the entire hair from including the root which will give you at least a couple of weeks hairlessness of the hair is capitured in the active stage. Waxing also distorts the follicle over time if you chose to keep the practice up which not only makes the hair grow back finer but in some cases inhibits the hair growing back at all. So if this is something that you want to improve I would recommend waxing above all other hair removal. Normally strip wax is used in the area and will give the cleanest result but if you have to do it yourself hot wax is also suitable.

Shaving and depilatory creams (Veet, Nair) both only remove the hair to the surface of the skin which only lasts a few days before a stubble appears. As the hair is cut/melted straight across the shaft it may make hair appear thicker and sharper. Depilatory creams also use a strong alkaline chemical that breaks down keratin cells in the hair. Reactions (blistering and hives) can be quite common as the chems also dissolve the keratin in skin as well as hair.

Epilators are best suited to the stronger hairs on your legs. You will find it will probably snap a lot of the hairs rather than remove them if they are quite fine but still this is a good alternative to waxing if the hair if strong enough.

>> No.8248509

peeling and lotion.

>> No.8248510

Spray-on deodorant. Just a thin misty layer all over.

>It works.

>> No.8248511

Ingrown hairs are generally caused by one of three things. 1) the hair has been physically weakened to the point it is no longer strong enough to penetrate through the surface of the skin on its own so when it hits the epidermis it simply starts coiling. 2) The skin has thickened more than normal, generally due to dry skin and the hair gets trapped. 3) Tight fitting clothes which force the hairs to grow along the skin just under the surface.

Ingrows can be controlled by exfoliation of the area with a mit or luffa while having a warm shower a couple of times a week and following up with moisturising cream to keep the skin supple.

>> No.8248602

>peach fuzz

Just shave it. Thin hair isn't really worth waxing, and in my experience, Nair only works on thick hair.
You can epilate if you want, I have no experience there.

>> No.8248618

>Usually shave armpits
>Wear cosplay with exposed armpits
>Decide to wax to make sure they're silky smooth
>Painful but it works, nice and smooth all weekend
>A while later
>Ingrown hairs fucking everywhere
>Like holy shit where did they come from
>Itchy red, fucking awful
>Never again

Waxing my legs is fine, but for some reason my armpits weren't having any of it,

>> No.8248659

If y'all have European wax center near where you live I highly recommend it. Their weird plasticky wax is much nicer to my sensitive skin and they do student passes which are a ridiculously good deal.

>> No.8248675

>European wax centre
What warrants it being 'European'? Do yanks use some different wax or something?

>> No.8248864

Yoghurt. Then again, most of mine is caused by dead skin not properly falling off the body.

>> No.8248890


>> No.8248915
File: 30 KB, 246x246, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, Anon. It sucks. It's so draining; it's everywhere and it makes me give up sometimes. You are not alone.

>mfw I'm pasty white and have dark black hairs

This was very helpful and informative.
Do you have any particular epilators you'd recommend?

>> No.8248934

No clue, that's just the name of the franchise.

>> No.8249008

I use Philips Satinelle Ice Premium which is excellent. Unfortunately it is starting to lose its juice...
>pasty white and have dark black hairs
Similar boat. If you're willing to experiment there's IPL machines for home use now, you'd be the perfect candidate. I'm getting one when my epilator dies once and for all.

>> No.8249029

Not sure how deoderant would work on my legs. Would really like to have laser treatment done.

>> No.8249032

That epilator sounds really nice! How long has it lasted you (before it's imminent death)?

As for IPL machines - it seems like a good investment, however I'm wary of the pain and possible scarring that comes with laser. I feel like I'd mess up; seems like something I should get a professional to do.

>> No.8249075

>which only lasts a few days before a stubble appears
Who the fuck manages to get a shave to last a few days? I have light brown to blonde body hair but my leg hair literally grows back 8-12 hours (to the point where I can feel it if I rub my hand on my leg) and becomes visible again after one day.

>> No.8249083

I bought it in 2009 iirc. Not sure though, as I had a much simpler Braun one and used them interchangeably.

>> No.8249093
File: 28 KB, 355x355, 5190GasVMeL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, too, except my hair is black so I never have clean, smooth skin unless I pull the hair from the root. My pits will be forever gross...

BTW, if anyone has unwanted facial hair, I use one of those spring-epilators like in pic. I use mine to take care of upper lip hair. Best dollar I ever spent on beauty products.

>> No.8249229

I just gave up because I wear trousers pretty much literally all the time anyway. I basically only shave for special occasions now because I prefer the feeling of hair to the feeling of stubble and I can't get the silky smooth feeling to last more than a few hours.

Worst is that it's "stubbly but not long enough to shave" for most of that time.

>> No.8249386

Are you me?

>> No.8249470

Pubic and underarm hair has a habit of curling which can make the areas more prone to Ingrows. I'm exactly the same with my bikini area but keeping it exfoliated when I start to see it happening stops it from getting too far.

The plastic wax is generically called hot wax. Its generally made for the pubic area, armpits and face because it grips the entire length of the hair which yanks less.

No, sorry.

This was best case. You are right though. I'm much the same. Hair growth speed is determined by many things from person to person.

>> No.8249491
File: 1.18 MB, 3280x2460, hlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh same.

My skin is so sensitive that I have to shave fucking twice every time I do because I shave, shiver and then I have stubble all over my fucking legs. I have to keep my room like a fucking sauna when I take a shower because the second I get cold and my skin develops goosebumps, I get hair all over my skin again and within an hour (and I'm not even joking here) I have visible hair on my legs.

I have thick arm hair and have wanted to get rid of it but honestly from the way my hair grows back on my legs I don't feel like even bothering because unless you religiously shave/wax your arms, you'll have arm stubble and arm stubble looks and feels weird as fuck. (Pic related it's kinda like my arm hair except I have a little more)

>> No.8249501

>mfw I thought I was hairy
Shit, compared to that my arm hair is nothing. I remember when my brothers used to take the piss out of me for having 'hairy arms', I'm so glad I wasn't born that hairy.

>> No.8249560
File: 662 KB, 1539x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have hair much like that in your photo but my skin is naturally much paler (when I'm not wearing tan in a can) so it would be accentuated. My picture at its worst now after several years of waxing. I chose lighting which made the hairs look as visable as possible. This is 6 weeks of growth. The glory of waxing is the longer you do it for, the less the hair returns so you can push it longer before having to do it again.

>> No.8249591

This is much like my arm hair, too, except I am also much paler. I've taken to shaving every day. Even if I can't shave for a day or so I much prefer my stubble to the hair.

My insecurities about my body hair have made me miserable since puberty. I'm saving up money for laser so that I can hopefully wear shorts, skirts, and dresses without feeling ashamed when I'm in my 30s.

>> No.8249595

Anon you're not alone I have the same problem myself.

>> No.8249599

Best ways to go about removing in the ass crack? Sorry if too tmi, but it's the only part on my body I'm really stumped about. I know there's waxing, but going out to do that monthly is expensive, I already commit to brows.

>> No.8249622

I just get in a weird pose that I can barely explain and trust the razor.

I'd feel weird paying a stranger to pour wax in my butt.

>> No.8249665

Kekked too hard

Yeah just learn to bend, spread and shave but good god it comes back worse

>> No.8249726

Having hair in the ass crack sucks, let me tell you. There's not much you can really do but wax, get lasered professionally, or bend weirdly and "trust" the razor another anon put it and shave yourself.

The only additional advice I can offer is that I have a tall mirror in my bathroom I use, and I'd recommend. Shave blindly, check mirror, shave, check mirror, etc. until finished is the way I have to do it. I plan on investing in an epilator and am going to try using the same method as shaving, hopefully that will work better and have longer lasting results.

Good luck to you anon. And don't hurt yourself.

>> No.8249742

>epilator + arse hair
ingrown city, anon

>> No.8249774

Oh, really? I figured it can be no worse than when I shave.

>> No.8249807

Mirror, flexibility and home waxing with the stuff that doesn't need cloth strips. Do it in very small bits, like no more than 1/2" square patches because it's freaking difficult to get the skin tight and rip it off solo. I can't get the right angle with my razor

>> No.8250038

Anyone know a good threading tool for someone with eczema or dry skin?

>> No.8250073

I have terribly hairy arms and started shaving them when I was in middle school. I usually go over them with a razor every other day but it's crazy how quickly arm hair grows back.

>> No.8250171
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 51WWSOlQyxL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started using this stuff.

It's like nair, but not as harsh and it actually smells kind of nice.

This is the only thing that hasn't given me any ingrown hairs.

I'm a guy, just for reference.

>> No.8250198

Does it work on your genitals? I know you've tried it, I NEED to know.

>> No.8250229

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned sugaring. It's the best.

>> No.8250396

Results of sugaring in terms of time without stubble?

>> No.8250802

Has anybody ever tried the No!No! hair removal gadget? I am curious to know if it lives up to its promises. How slow is the regrowth?

>> No.8250833

My arms are hairy too... but why? Shave every other day? I'd rather be hairy. At least arm hair is somewhat socially accepted.

>> No.8250895

I have this super thick arm hair except my hairs are white blonde! So are my leg hairs, it's weird. Most people say bleach but I feel my white hair is still noticeable, especially in the sun.

>> No.8250970

To be honest with you I've only had it done twice now, prior to I was shaving, never tried waxing. It takes maybe 2 weeks to start seeing growth, on my legs it was maybe a bit longer. As somebody with no experience with it, it was not very painful at all. It's soft, I got no ingrown hairs (something I struggled with) and it's a great exfoliator.

>> No.8250999

>have long dark arm hair on pale skin
>"eww anon you are so hairy!"
>shave arm hair
>"anon there's like no hair on your arms did you shave them that's so weird!"
Sometimes I hate my friends. I think I'm going to start looking into waxing in the hope that it will, uh, discourage the hairs in the long run like >>8249560 said.

>> No.8251096

Was meant to be to

>> No.8251449

Worked for me just fine, you'll probably want to avoid getting any on the really sensitive bits, but everything else is just fine. I've found that shaving the scrotum itself is still easier, but that's just me.

>> No.8251886

I know that there's some kind of waxing gel you can get for after waxes that help prevent ingrown hairs. Does that actually work? And will it work for non-wax related ingrowns?

>> No.8251911

Like some other anons here I have thick, dark hair on my stomach which is really busting my self confidence. I'm pasty as fuck so it's really noticeable. I've tried shaving, but it still shows through the skin as dark spots. I've tried epilating, but that leaves behind small bumps and spots too (not really ingrown hairs but something else??), I've tried bleaching it (didn't even work a tiny bit) and using wax strips (about the same as epilating). What the fuck do I do now??

>> No.8251922

I used to shave mine when I was younger but I'm just not bothered these days. I'll shave pretty much every other inch of my body (I even have to shave my feet and my big toes ;_;), but I'm not getting off my arse to shave my arm hair for anyone.

I don't have it but I've heard nothing but terrible reviews from people who do.

>> No.8252125

It's a No!No!No! Check the reviews. Everyone I knew who used it says it burns your face and/or gives you first and second degree burns. Plus there's no returns so if you want your money back or its broken you're shit out of luck. There are other, better, and cheaper products out there.

>> No.8252241

Whenever I shave, if I try to shave again that week, I get horrible razor cuts and bumps. How do I keep myself smooth without having to wait a week or more for my hair to grow out?

I started using the anti-bump bikini shaving gel and dorco razors and it's helped a bit.

>> No.8252250

I had the same problem and honestly, I just started waxing. Much less irritation and the smoothness lasts longer.

>> No.8252306

If facial hair is your problem, look into electrolysis. It's painful but so worth it. And probably as expensive as waxing in the long run as growth stops eventually.

>> No.8252412

It doesn't matter if I shave, wax, or use creams, you can always see little dark spots under my skin especially on my legs. Even right after shaving they're there. I've started using an exfoliating cloth during showers for a month now but any idea how long until there will be results? So far it looks the same.

>> No.8252592

start drinking spearmint tea, it has anti-androgen properties, so it can discourage body hair growth.

Around 2 cups a day should show some results within a week or 2.

Also, avoid red meats, eat more fruits and veggies, avoid dairy, replace dairy with soy products if you really can't live without it.

>> No.8252624

>replace dairy with soy products if you really can't live without it.
If you can't live without dairy, soy is just going to add insult to injury.

>> No.8253621

do you have them done or do it yourself?

If anyone can recommend a good body wax, esp. for legs I'd appreciate it.

>> No.8253640

I already avoid red meat and most dairy but I'll try the spearmint tea. Thanks!

>> No.8253685

Legs and bikini area I usually wax myself, yeah. I'm pretty pleb, I just use Veet's waxing strips for sensitive skin and it seems to work out okay. The only adverse reactions I've had from waxing were in a salon, actually. My legs stayed red and blotchy for about a week, it was terrible.

>> No.8253693

Anyone got a good armpit whitening thing?

>> No.8253714

Heeeeeell no dis shit hurts like hell.

>> No.8254105

>one of my friends
>anon do u shave the top of ur foot
>(shit??..) noo?????
i also get it on my upper thighs so when i ask friends where they stop shaving they're like oh just above my knees and im there like? arent you supposed to go all the wa- no? ok.

>> No.8254110

Upper thighs is normal though. A lot of girls I know shave ONLY their upper thighs, even, and their calves are more or less hairless.

>> No.8254119

true but the pain is more but quicker, its better than tweezing every single hair.
naturally, ive heard of baking powder, tumeric and lemon scrubs. theres also charcoal soap.

>> No.8254125

i havent shaved my legs for two months due to cold weather here and im not wearing skirts yet and still, whatever.
but honestly. theres so, so much hair on my lower leg than thighs.

>> No.8254134

>be italian
>fucking dark black thick hair fucking everywhere

Fuck this shit. I have a ladystache, I have peach fuss (A LOT of it) on my face which pretty dark and terrible, and long thick black disgusting hairs sprouting from my chin.
I usually wax my stache, chin and throat and then plug all the thick black hair (that immediatley pops up the next day again somewhere) but it's fucking terrible. Now that the summer is coming I am really paranoid about the merciless sun revealing my disgusting hairy face to everyone. Whenever I sit on the train on my way to Uni and direct sunlight falls on my face I feel terrible, self conscious and start sweating.
I wish I could just laser the shit away but I don't have any money right now. I considered to ask it from my parents as a birthday gift.

Not to mention:
>legs hairy as fuck
>have to shave entire leg because there's so much long, dark, black hair


>> No.8254136

I shave my entire leg, I just prefer a fully smooth leg.
Like yeah, I can't really see the hair on my thighs, but I can feel it, so it's gotta go. Top of the foot gets shaved too, fuckin baby hobbit feet.

>> No.8254139

I use Nair, but you have to be really careful and test it first.

I get the stuff with clay in it, it's a little easier on the skin. Test a 1"x1" square on your ankle or some shit, follow the directions. I usually end up getting a little itchy by the end of the 10 minutes, but I've never gotten a rash or anything from it.

I even use it around the crotch area. Just make sure none of it gets on any moist bits or bad things and burning.

Nair is also a godsend if you have Keratosis Pilaris, it breaks down the keratin and reeeeally helps with my nasty bumps.

>> No.8254237

It's exactly like plucking your eyebrows. It hurts a little at first then your skin numbs and everything is fine. Put up with the minor pain or enjoy your 'stache.

I stop shaving to about mid-thigh but that's only because I don't usually wear anything shorter than that.

>> No.8254472

I dunno if it's just because girl razors are shit, but I've found that my boyfriend's brand of razors is much better for shaving pube hairs/butt hairs than any girl brand is.
I nicked a few of his and they have much more maneuverability/are better for those courser hairs.

>> No.8254485

Electrolysis. Cheaper than laser. Do it...

>> No.8254880

>have to shave entire leg because there's so much long, dark, black hair
Wait, other people don't shave their whole leg?
I have pale skin and dark hair and I have to. Also my ass and stomach, shoulders and neck.

>> No.8254902

I only buy men's razors, honestly.
>women's: 3 pack for $5
>go dull after a month
>men's: 12 for $8
>using the same razor for a good 3 months now and it still shaves just fine
You have to sacrifice all the weird woman-things like that little strip of lotion or whatever the fuck, or the pretty colors or the fancy handle, but cheap men's razors honestly shave much better.

>> No.8254945

They're also sharper as I discovered one day when I was being a dipshit on a cruise and basically scalpeled my leg open to a degree never before experienced by me.

That aside, they really do give a much better shave and the engineering is better, presumably since they're spending less energy engineering frills or whatever.

>> No.8255005

Is this normal? Like, y'all shave all over?

I only shave my armpits 2x a week (they grow slow) and occasionally my calves...I've never heard about people shaving half of these places tbh.

>not even a feminist

>> No.8255024

Depends on your hair color and thickness.
I shave my whole leg because I wear tiny shorts and skirts often. I shave my arms because the hair is pretty dark. When summer comes around, I need to start shaving my stomach. Hell sometimes I have to shave my neck (mostly because I get this weird patch of peach fuzz).

It varies with the person's genetic makeup and how much skin they show.

>> No.8255048

If I know the hairy parts of my body are going to be seen, of course I shave. I had a kid in my class remark on how hairy my legs were when I was 6, so you can imagine how much worse they've gotten by now. I'm hairier than most guys where I come from. On the other hand, my sister has pretty light and thin hair and never shaves anything other than her armpits because she doesn't see why she should have to, and you honestly can't even tell the difference.
I'm super, super lazy, though, and I usually dress pretty conservatively, so my only real motivation for shaving outside of the summer is seeing my boyfriend.

>> No.8255062

Depends on the person.
For example, I never shave my pits, just pluck the odd hair when it starts growing. My arms are practically hairless and grow incredibly slowly. My calves are hairless save for the bits just below the knee.
But my thighs, neck, ass, lower back, shoulders, stomach and neck? Hairy as tits.

>> No.8255072

>hairy neck

>> No.8255082

I have to do the foot shaving thing too. No one's ever really said anything about my arms being hairless so maybe I could start leaving them alone and see what happens.

When I can afford the cartridges I really like using the men's razors from Schick.

>> No.8255085

the back of it sure
as in, the place that is usually covered by your hair until it isn't

>> No.8255094

Oh right, fair enough. That's totally normal, though, isn't it? I mean, it's just an extension of your head hair.

>> No.8255107

How do you deal with hair that has physically weakened and now curls underneath the skin? A lot of mine does that.

>> No.8255108

Well the head hair is, but I'm talking hair that's the same consistency and colour as my body hair (that you can find on my lower back, for example), not the longer baby hairs around your hairline.
The area where you can feel the first vertebra under your fingers, not higher up the neck.

>> No.8255135

>Nair is also a godsend if you have Keratosis Pilaris
Can someone confirm this?

>> No.8255147

My calves get noticeably hairy but the hair on my thighs is much thinner and paler, hardly visible. Is that not usually the case?

I got my calves waxed today because shaving makes my legs dry and itchy. It was not as painful as I expected, but I don't even want to imagine the level of pain for a bikini wax.

I tried waxing at home once and somehow removed the top layer of skin. I was probably just retarded and did something wrong but NOPE never again.

>> No.8255202

One of my friends always wears long boots or otk socks/stockings and only shaves her thighs. It's hilarious to see her without them cause her hair's quite dark and her skin pale.

I've never shaved my arms but I'm incredibly paranoid cause I have thick and dark body hair so from my ankles to my crotch/butt then stomach, armpits and nipples get shaved daily unless I'm going to be fully covered for some time. Thankfully my face doesn't suffer from it.

>> No.8255881

Why would you whiten your pits?

>> No.8255887

> Shaving nips
> You wot

>> No.8255888

Theres a dark colour going on there.

>> No.8255895
File: 93 KB, 596x652, 1395645018726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw only ever shave underarms because the rest of my body hair is so blonde you can only see it if it is shining in direct sunlight.

>> No.8255900

I get hairs around them.

>> No.8255901

Does it actually return your pits to your skintone or just go plain white?

>> No.8255903

Any good links?

>> No.8255929

i am forever jelly

>> No.8255938

I never understood this logic because if someone touches your legs, they're still hairy...

>> No.8255957

I've never had this problem before but a few months ago, I used Nair on my legs (which I've done before.) Since I very rarely show my bare leg and it was winter, I skipped shaving. A little while later I developed those chicken skin-esque bumps (KP something, sorry) and I can't get rid of them no matter how often I shave, shower, etc. I've only been using mild exfoliants though. Any tips?

>> No.8255961

ALRIGHT ANONS I'm nervous that this is tmi but I don't know what else to do. I've noticed I have super thin, extremely light colored hairs on my breasts. The pores/follicles they come out of are also really visible (to me, at least) Do you guys have any experience with this? Do you just leave them alone?

>> No.8255976

Not enough people touch my legs for this to be a problem for me, plus my leg hair is really soft so it's not they are prickly or anything.

>> No.8256001

Shaving is impotent
>ate a girl out one time
>mfw mouth full of pubs

>> No.8256007

They're normal, yes. Unless you have the odd dark nipple hair, those you can pluck away

>> No.8256047
File: 73 KB, 445x534, 1367139323457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shaving is impotent

>> No.8256071

I just got one. Wasnt convinced something costing 80c shipped would work.

>> No.8256076

then HOW do people do this shit

>first time shave lady parts (i always trimmed before)
>3 days later
>oh the fucking itchiness
>have to keep shaving
i want it to stop man

>> No.8256082

They only stop there because they aren't wearing anything above the knees... everyone's got hair there tho

>still shows through the skin as dark spots
Because of this, you'll have to start getting into tanning creams/catching your Vitamin D through your torso.
Otherwise, try waxing from a professional.. I tried the home kits but it never works out as well for some reason.

>> No.8256089

>be me in highschool
>have hirsutism
>sitting outside of class waiting for teacher
>kid who we were sorta friends with notices my odd hairs on neck/chin and calls it out in front of everyone
boy did i hate him that day. felt like crying like the dumb shit i was.

i still have them, i get my friend to pluck them for me because i wince about it when i do.

isnt that from skin being thin there enough to show the colours of the roots of the hair... dont think skin lightening helps it much

>> No.8256095

I gave up shaving my crack and lady parts because the itchiness was so bad I could barely sleep and my skin was constantly irritated, Just trimming now.

Being a hairy girl fucking sucks.

>> No.8256099

I do all these things (for unrelated reasons) and it has had zero effects on my hair growth.

>> No.8256106

shoulda kicked the bastard in the balls

>> No.8256422

Yes this is true for me. I have Keratosis Pilaris (Really bad too, my arms are purple and the little bumps can crack open and bleed sometimes) and when I use nair (or an equivalent) on my upper arms, it not only removes the hair but it leaves the skin feeling completely smooth. It can reduce the bumps to almost nothing, it really is amazing, and it has lasted a few weeks before the Pilaris comes back again. Try it out on a patch if you're worried about a bad reaction, and make sure to use the newer formulas because they come with lotion now and it makes the skin even softer.

>> No.8256433

After reading this thread I'm pretty disappointed.
I don't shave my legs, shouldn't wax them for health reasons, and Nair destroys my skin while doing little to remove the hair. I was hoping to get an epilator and was just looking into them when this thread popped up, but after reading this it sounds like it won't work for me. I have really dark hair and a lot of it, but it's so fine that I don't think the epilator would be able to grab it or pull it out by the root.

I'm going to be a were beast forever. I guess that's what cute socks are for.

>> No.8256449

Anon, I have really thick dark hair and epilating works well for me. Why shouldn't you wax? Epilating is way more painful imo, and just as stressful on the skin as waxing.

>> No.8256456

I have sensitive skin and Nair is awful and smells terrible so I switched to Veet and it's amazing. Less of a smell, there's no burning or irritation, and it works extremely well. You probably won't get completely smooth at first because it says don't scrub your skin but if you exfoliate the next day, that'll help.

>> No.8256523

This is great to know! My KP is pretty mild but still annoys the shit out of me.

>> No.8256580
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I had hair like that on my arms but darker. I mean, I still do, but I manage it by using a feather razor. It's used for hair styling usually but the girls at my salon told me it was great for hair removal. It's pretty easy and not too cheap, just be sure to exfoliate and moisturize. For me, when I use it, it takes about 3 weeks to go back to full growth from none. You will have stubble, but it doesn't come out thick and blunt like leg stubble (at least not for me).

Like others have said, bend and spread, be slow and steady. Probably not the most reliable but it does the job.

Anybody have any fave exfoliators for taking care of ingrowns? I used a burt's bees one and it was ok I guess. Made my skin smoother but didn't do much for the ingrowns.

>> No.8256589
File: 82 KB, 630x355, G+_BANNER_V10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried that dollar shave club thing? Kinda interested. I know there was an anon who did a bunch of monthly box things on here somewhere...

>> No.8256594

My dad gets it, he loves it a lot. Always gets really excited for his packages.

>> No.8256647

i feel you so much
i'm mexican with pale skin
fucking thick dark hairs everywhere, even around my niples. and my feet make me feel like a hobbit. no part where the pubic hair grows can ever look nice. fuck these genes i give up

>> No.8256656

my lady pubes are out of control. they grow in the pelvis, in the leg skin around the pelvis, in the tummy skin near the pelvis, sometimes i find a lost wanderer pube by the hip bones, as near as possible to the inside of the pelvis, around my asshole, up my butt crack. what the fucking hell fuck this

>> No.8256670


soon to be trap here

Im getting laser on my facial hair in may, so far i feel disgusting because they said i couldnt wax or pluck my facial hair and can only use a razor.

Been plucking and waxing so long that i Never knew my facial hair would grow so fast and spread on my face so much. Uhhhhh fucking five o clock shadow is making me depressed...

Fuck you dad for your shitty genes

>> No.8256675

And i made a big mistake by not stopping the plucking and waxing much earlier. I need to get my follicles to push out of the skin obviously, otherwise the laser wont work. So i could of gotten laser done on the same week i went in but i have to wait three weeks now.

>> No.8256737

My boyfriend gets Harry's (?) Some other brand. The razors are pretty good. The shaving cream is amazing.

>> No.8256746

I tried Veet too and had the same results as I did with Nair, it only removed some of my hair and still burned my skin and left it raw and sore for days after. I'm even using the sensitive skin formulas. I'm not leaving it on for more than the time the bottle says so I guess my skin is just really sensitive. Once in a while I'll try it again but I always get the same result.

My hair is really dark, but it's thin, so I don't think the tweezers would grab it very well

Something to do with veins is the main thing I think, there's a warning on waxing kits for it even. If you're prone to getting varicose veins or have them you shouldn't wax. Lucky me, not only am I covered in hair but I have ugly blue and purple veins on my legs too. I sugared once a few years ago but I don't know if that carries the same issues as waxing does so I haven't attempted it since. I also found it to be incredibly time consuming, like I can't imagine spending hours just to remove my leg hair all the time.

>> No.8256818

I see, that makes sense. If epilating is an option with your condition though, I'd still give it a try.

>> No.8256831

>My pits will be forever gross...
I feel this so much anon. On top of that my armpits are slightly dark, so they look unshaven even when I've waxed the shit out of them. Used to date a boy that would cringe at the sight of it lol

>> No.8256836

I didn't see where epilating would be a problem for me anywhere but I'll check into it just in case. I'm just worried about putting the money out for an epilator only to have it not even pull the hair out right.

It's not that I really like being a hairy monster, but I hate stubble more than I hate having the hair. And it seems like shaving irritates my skin just as much as the chemical hair removers do.

>> No.8256852

Ha ha ha I have dark hair and fair skin so I have the armpit problem too. They look gross whether I shave or not. I probably wouldn't bother shaving them if it wasn't for the fact that armpit hair irritates me something horrible and I sweat a lot so there's a cleanliness issue.

I have really hairy arms too, and the hair is long, plus I'm super pale, and it's super noticeable but I don't think it's quite as dark as the pic. I never minded having hair arms personally, but since my hair is slightly lighter that probably helps me feel less conscious about it.

>> No.8256866

Nair and like products are designed to break down keratin, which is what hair is made of, as well as the cause of KP. They're little plugs of keratin that your skin is overproducing, they get stuck under the skin and get irritated. Using a product that's designed to break down keratin will obliterate it.

I usually exfoliate the day before and the day after I Nair. I also buy the cheap CVS vrand.

>> No.8256953

what a really rough price guess for elecrolysis? None of the websites im seeing actually mention it.

>> No.8256975

Epilating works best on thicker hair, but that doesn't mean it won't work on thin hair.

What about permanent hair removal then?

>> No.8256995

I use scotch tape to get rid of mine, just pinch the hair with the tape and yank it out.

>> No.8257007

My pits always look "dirty" even though I scrub daily.
Never thought anything of it as a kid until best friend pointed it out.
> Never went sleeveless again near her perfect beauty or outside anywhere
> tfw now have cysts in my pits so can't shave all the dark has continued to move all the way down my underarm fat
What can I even do /cgl/

>> No.8257012

That's going to hurt like a bitch if you have more than a little hair.

>> No.8257016

For me it hurts when I let my pubes grow out more than a few days. I started shaving my pubes so long ago I can't even remember if it was itchy in the beginning

>> No.8257020

You can go to laser/cosmetic surgery clinics' websites and see the prices for yourself. It varies too much from country to country.

>> No.8257025

Wow, thanks anon. Mine's not so bad right now but I definitely want to try it out and see if I can get it even further gone. Does it affect the redness from it or just the bumps?

>> No.8257031

Hey, is there anything I can do about shaving pubes when they're in the stubbley-stage?
I would mess with exfoliating but I'm not even sure how to do that down there.

>> No.8257043

It'll take care of all of it, it might take a day or two for the redness to go away.

>> No.8257044

It's not as irritating as butt stubble though.

>> No.8257123


Whats your skin and hair color?

>> No.8259494

This is a tmi thread so here's a tmi question.
Grammars West Indian genes are ruining my life. It's thick and grows like a weed infested yard.
Tldr the hair is everywhere. The girl junk, tummy, thighs, inner thighs (no bikinis send help), and worst of all it's in the Grand Canyon.

Shaving the Grand Canyon is out of the question and I worry about nicking my bits with a razor. Is there anything I can do to thin or get rid of the hair in the most unfortunately unreachable places?

>> No.8259503

Whatever you do, do NOT use sugar scrub.

>> No.8259511

Do you mean the front Grand Canyon or the rear Grand Canyon?
If former, how deep inside the canyon is it? I'd save up for laser or something. I usually just shave everything by pulling the skin taut and applying lotion/oil before going at it with a precision razor. Though I've also epilated the area using the, er.... sensitive head, that's its name unfortunately... but it hurt.

>> No.8259548

Wow I am not alone.

Has any of the girl anons here ever went to the doctor about this? I'm considering going because the amount of hair on me it's not normal, but I'm also really embarrassed about this and I don't feel like showing my hairy body to some doctor

>> No.8259562

think of it like this, better a doctor than a boyfriend, or worse yet other beachgoers

>> No.8259565

Doctors have seen worse than a hairy girl.
If you think your body hair may be caused by a medical issue, like a hormonal disorder or something, it's best to see a doctor about it.

>> No.8259576

this, if you aren't oozing anything, wear clean clothing, don't reek or have a swarm of flies following you around I don't think a doctor will mind. It's just hair.

>> No.8259579

Anon my cousin thought she was a bit hairy, eventually she went to the doctor for her skin issues and it turned out she has polycistic ovary syndrome Which is the underlying cause of both those problems. Better to just have some peace of mind it isn't a health issue.

>> No.8259587

Did they fix your cousin somehow? If I had that disease, is there a way to make the hair be gone?

>> No.8259591

Since the disease is incurable, laser.

>> No.8259611

I tried laser years ago and nothing happened. Waste of money

>> No.8260092
File: 82 KB, 750x709, image_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix wax and hair remove cream, then apply on face. Then put newspaper on your face. Wait 1min. Then rip that newspaper of your face. Then take a razer and shave the rest off.
>mfw smooth woman skin

>> No.8260308

some people just want to watch the world burn...

>> No.8260313

I go to a local person who charges per half hour or hour, I can't remember. It's like $25 a session, which is more than enough time for eyebrows/upper lip. You need to go back a few times to kill the hair. Just don't pluck in between and it will eventually die down. I usually shave in between sessions if I need to. I only go a few times a year for my lip at this point since it's a bit more stubborn.

I would recommend calling around. It's not as complicated as laser removal so they can probably quote you over the phone.

>> No.8260600

I went for an unrelated issue, and turns out my body hair was caused by a hormonal issue (not PCOS though).

Real talk though, your doctor does not care about a little hair. That's far from the worst thing they've seen.

>> No.8261084


if you went for once then thats the problem since you need to go four times with 2-4 weeks in between, since they need to kill hair in all of the four growth cycles(Anagen, catagen, telogen, return to anagen). People have a misconception that one time is all it takes and it gone. Instead you only killed one growth cycle yet the other ones still exist.

>> No.8261093


>> No.8261162


I have medium skin but I still have the same issue with dark spots. I have super long dark hair on my stomach from where I shaved it as a child, with medium colored less thick hair around it. I use nair on everything and then tweeze all the little dark hairs after letting them grow a bit.

>> No.8262132

half puerto-rican, half whitey = paper skin & black curly body hair EVERYWHERE (yes, including neck & chin)

have tried it ALL and here is the short ver of my experience (leaving out all the shaving, waxing, tweezing of my years)

electrolyses - fucking painful as hell. you lay there for up to 2 hours with needles going in and out of your pores electrocuting you and it doesn't even work for shit. costs $100++ per session and is fucking worthless. unless you're into that sort of thing

laser = worked OK on my unibrow, lips, fingers. Made the hair really thin and lighter in color, but is not fucking eradicated. didn't do shit on my chin & neck for the first 3 years i did it

NEW laser technology has helped! My neck is so much better now. Chin seems to be the toughest area.

Thanks to the anons for the Nair on KP tip i'm so using it on my thighs.

>> No.8262241
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Please help me.
My pubic hair, or moreover, my "inner thigh" hair is fucking terrible.
Coarse, thick, and there's so much of it! I've never seen a girl with more hair there than me.

How do I get rid of it? Everytime I try there are ingrown hairs, redness and bumps, and the next day you can see the black hairs growing back in.
If I shave I can see black dots, then red raised bumps.

It frustrates me so much. I'm cute enough to wear a bikini or a leotard but this is just too much... it makes me so ugly.

Shaving, epilating, plucking... it all leads to the same thing.

>> No.8262364

You're not alone anon, I feel like there's a bush between my legs and it's horrible, I want to wax it all off but that pain man

>> No.8263186

I use an epilator for everything on my body. It works on peach fuzz, its cheaper than waxing, and you can even bring it in your bag to your hotel room and touch up anything you may of missed in a few seconds and with no mess. I hate razors because I don't like the spikey hair feeling.

>> No.8264073

They're still not as cheap as just getting a good double-edge safety razor and buying standard blades for it.

The handles last forever, they're easy to clean, and you can get a pack of 100 blades for $10 on amazon.

Plus, you can experiment with different brands of blades and use whichever works for you best.

>> No.8264082


>> No.8264824

Has anyone tried those home laser removal kits over several months? I have to avoid shaving as much as I can on my legs because the burn can be really unbearable, and I just want the hair permanently removed, but laser removal is a lot more costly.

>> No.8265288
File: 6 KB, 175x300, Philips HP6401 Satinelle Epilator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting my first epilator in the mail today. I let my hair grow out a little bit for its arrival, but I hope my legs can handle the pain lol

>> No.8265340

My friend has this exact one, and is pretty happy with it!

>> No.8265497

I have this one as well!

I will say that the first time I used it, I didn't let the hair grow long enough first, so it was painful but not very effective, which put me off a bit. You really need the let the hair grow pretty long for it to work. Exfoliating is super important as well with epilators. You will definitely get ingrowns.

>> No.8265770
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Just got it! I have a friend who has this model too and recommended it to me.
Would exfoliating be more effective before or after epilating in your experience? Or both?

>> No.8265785

I have this one too. I usually just put on some subbed anime as a distraction while I use it, since the noise of the thing makes watching anything in English really inconvenient.

>> No.8266568

Does sugaring work or is it a bunch of bullshit? Also, can you use stuff like nair when your hair is really short or do you have to wait for it to grow a little so it doesn't just burn your skin or something?

>> No.8267978
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send help, /cgl/
>pic related, it's me

Any advice for waxing? I want to try body waxing instead of just waxing my face. I get ingrowns when I epilate and shave, but not when I wax.

I also messed up my left eyebrow waxing a few weeks ago and it still hasn't grown in right, so one brow is like 1/4 inch to short. How do I fix it?

>> No.8268014

>shaving just makes it itchy
>waxing is painful and leaves the skin an angry red
I have a pretty cute booty ifImaysaysomyself but I still can't wear regular bathing suits because ain't nobody want to see that. I always have to wear ugly boxers over my bathing suit...

>> No.8272174


>> No.8272179

Do yourself a favor and get a bikini or bathing suit that has cute shorts.

>> No.8272200

You see growth the next day even after removing from the root? If that's the case then it sounds like laser treatment is your only hope. My pubic hair is also outrageous (and quite frankly, disgusting - I have pube hairs that are over 2" long) but I shave when I feel like getting laid and just let it go wild otherwise.

>> No.8272611

Anyone done this before?

>> No.8273446

I had a patch of ingrown hairs on my leg so I freed them with tweezers. Even though it didn't bleed it still scarred and the red bumps haven't gone away half a year later.

Am I permanently fucked?

>> No.8273927

Oh god, I get bad OCD and pluck individual hairs.
Especially on my inner thighs. I've ruined them.

>> No.8273950


>> No.8273995

omg I know exactly how you feel, my friends tell me I have a nice butt and i'm like yeeeaaahhhh no. it's a jungle in there, no bikinis for me.

>> No.8274219

My legs are so fucked up from plucking with tweezers, and it hasn't gone away.

>> No.8274270

I shave, it's fine for about an hour then it gets stupidly itchy. Can I fix this? I hate having a fucking jungle for a vagina but man I can't deal with the itching after shaving, and I'm way to shy/embarrassed to go see someone to get waxed or something.

>> No.8274275

Shave with the grain rather than against it, pulling the skin taut as you shave, always exfoliate before shaving, and having a shower before shaving tends to help as well.

>> No.8274307
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Why do grills have to be so gross?

Why do I have to be attracted to grills and not aromantic+asexual?

>> No.8274327

Going for my first bikini wax soon. How much should I let my pubes grow before they get ripped out? And how should I care for it before/after?

>> No.8274349

As an addendum to what >>8274275 said, I use conditioner instead of shaving cream and also moisturize afterwards.

All humans have body hair, anon.

>> No.8274356

I'm debating on getting laser removal on my pits. I had surgery on my underarm when I was a really little kid, age 5 or 6, and because of the scar tissue I get ingrown hairs like crazy. I'm afraid to do it though, I'm weak.
What's it like to get laser removal?

>> No.8274405

Everyone is gross as fuck, they just hide it more or less.

>> No.8274610 [DELETED] 

Which is why I said I wish I was aromantic and asexual, so that I wouldn't have to want to be attracted to anyone.

>> No.8274873
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I went back to epilating my armpits after almost a year of shaving and it almost didn't hurt.

>> No.8276592

Im thinking of getting a IPL soon, anyone got one? and is it any good?

These are best on armpits in my opinion and im a bit to scared to used it on my legs tbh i have enough ingrowns as is

>> No.8276643
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Anons I just wanted to thank you for this thread and all you've bared here. I've felt so alone in being a hairy ape and it really helps me feel a little bit better about it to know that other girls have jungle asses and lush pubic landscapes and eternal leg stubble. I'm still embarrassed but at least I know I can be embarrassed with you guys.

>> No.8276660

No problem anon, we all need to dust off the aul' lawnmower in some places.

>> No.8277096

don't epilate it or pull it out so often

there's not much else

The kind of cream/gel for ingrowns at cvs/walgreens actually works pretty great.

>> No.8277114

I only shave. Are you saying it works for them even though they aren't technically ingrowns?

>> No.8277126

Oh nah I'm just saying those gels work pretty good for ingrown hairs in general.

Sucks if you just naturally have weak hair that has a tough time piercing the skin. Exfoliating + lotion + maybe an ingrown hair gel is kinda the only things to recommend along with a good razor.

Me personally I use the stripper method and it works pretty well. My hairs are very dark, thick and curl (just everywhere, leg, top of head, privates, pits, etc) and my skin is light. In the winter I just shave but summer I epilate because even after shaving very close you still see the little dark hairs. Waxing irritates my skin too much no matter what so I don't bother with that.

>> No.8277137

Used that shaving powder. Shit was so cash, my balls feel awesome now.

>> No.8277458
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