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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8246093 No.8246093 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best ~male~ Link cosplay you've seen to date?

>> No.8246268
File: 78 KB, 311x639, 2362084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis one

>> No.8246293

Don't make make laught.

>> No.8246296


>> No.8246374
File: 21 KB, 204x300, guest_pikminlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw that. Pikminlink is still best link. Even Nintendo acknowledges it.

>> No.8246401

She's the most well known, but there have been better. Most of her Link costumes have sucked too.

>> No.8246453

Her outfits are super well made. What are you even talking about, anon? You dont have to like her, but she is a good seamstress.

>> No.8246463
File: 211 KB, 900x1437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of them.

>> No.8246466

You DO know why it looks like that, right? Which game its off of? : | Anon, youre an idiot. Go home, youre drunk. Super clean edges, no threads, tailored.. Problem?

>> No.8246471
File: 8 KB, 197x256, windwaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, its supposed to look like that. Its Wind Waker. Also, thats not Link. The boys name is Link, but its not the Legendary Link. Play the game.

>> No.8246479

Nice samefag. I know who Toon Link is you fucking idiot. The costume is bad because it's constructed poorly. It looks baggy, sloppy, and she looks like an aging Jewish woman when Toon Link is supposed to be an adorable little boy.

Besides, this is a thread about male Links. Pikminlink is a woman.

>> No.8246488

>clearly has never played the game

>> No.8246506
File: 1.68 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm playing it right now

>> No.8246519

Your standards are low.

>> No.8246530

You need to stop samefagging.

>> No.8246542

>Toon Link
>not Link
What are you even?

>> No.8246563

>Choosing to be Wind Waker Zelda
>Not being Tetra

>> No.8246599
File: 93 KB, 498x750, hotlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8246606

If only he had shaved.

>> No.8246620

dat bumfluff moustache

>> No.8246621
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x682, hyrule_warriors___link_cosplay_by_nipahcos-d7ursux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costume is meh but damn he cute

>> No.8246623

He's pretty but his costume is not

>> No.8246625
File: 304 KB, 1024x683, link___hyrule_warriors_cosplay__3_by_laovaan-d7xu6ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8246634
File: 128 KB, 728x1096, How_do_you_fight_your_shadow__by_InkyLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8248393

duckface link okay

>> No.8248554

Some people have lips that naturally rest like that. It's unfortunate.

>> No.8248633
File: 112 KB, 533x800, Elemental_Ohayocon_Shoot_by_Forcebewitya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there are tons of guys who have potential to be really good Links but most of them don't have the sewing skills to match. What they need are girlfriends who can teach them how to sew, because doing it on their own doesn't work too well the majority of the time.

Pic related is pretty good, but the detailing on his tunic could use some work.

>> No.8248639
File: 113 KB, 375x500, hobolink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8248782


>> No.8248814

K, so I have always admired Pikmin Link and all her cosplays, but I hate how her fans feel like they have to put down anyone who poses a threat of being a better Link cosplayer than her.

Does she make a good Link? Absolutely. Is she one of the best? Most certainly. But she doesn't own the rights to the character, and neither do you. When you force her onto a pedestal like that it doesn't make her look good, and gives people more reason to resent her, and she doesn't deserve the hate.

Please, just let others cosplay their favorite character and let them do a good job without getting so buttmad about it.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.8249026

>Multiple people pointing out facts

>> No.8249102

it's alright Anon. I like that link best too.

People nitpick him to their taste but I think he did a bang up job and he looks nice to boot.

>> No.8249131

Since you're clearly a newfag, I'll explain it to you:

There's a way to tell how many people have posted in a thread (I'll let you figure out how on your own). When you first posted about PL, there were only three posters in this thread: me, the OP, and you. The amount of posters didn't change after those two replies were made. So yeah, obvious samefag is obvious. Also, if you're going to samefag, try harder next time. You used the same typing style in both posts, making it even more obvious.

>> No.8249147

Has anyone got and more pictures of any Hyrule Warriors Links? I'm planning on cosplaying it, and kinda wanna see how others have done it.

>> No.8249153

>When you force her onto a pedestal like that it doesn't make her look good, and gives people more reason to resent her, and she doesn't deserve the hate.
God, this is why I hate whiteknights so much. Sometimes I think people do it because they know it makes others dislike a person by default. I'll admit that there are tons of people that I probably would have ended up liking if their whiteknights didn't try to argue down any other cosplayer that did the same costumes.

>> No.8249161

Agreed 100%. Haters gonna hate, people are obviously just jelly cuz that costume is flawless, and he has the perfect body for Link.

>> No.8250322

This. A million times this. I used to have a bit of a hateboner for Li up until recently, when I finally realized it was actually her fans that I hated and not her necessarily. I’ve never met her but she does seem like a very kind, modest person. No inflated ego, no drama; she’s an all-around good person who loves all the characters she cosplays despite being technically cosfamous, and that’s a very good thing.

Her fans are another story. They think it’s okay to insult and degrade other Link cosplayers for doing what, exactly? Cosplaying a character they like?! Noooooo. How dare they cosplay the same characters as Li, she is the true god of Link cosplaying and no one else is allowed to dress as him. There is no such thing as a good Link cosplayer unless they are Li Kovacs herself. All other Link cosplayers suck by default and they should all be ashamed of themselves for trying to compete.


I feel bad for Li, honestly. Those people make up the majority of likes on her page and I have a good feeling she’s probably irked by them too. I know I would be if I were her, I mean, what kind of person would want a bunch of rabid whiteknights insulting other people like that as their fans? It does nothing good for her reputation. No wonder she has so many haters.

>> No.8251352

Anon was implying that Toon Link is in no way connected to the previous incarnations of the Hero. Toon Link was just a kid who wanted to save his sister and *made* the gods recognize him. He even had to earn the Triforce on his own while others just got it scott-free (minus Zelda 1 Link). That's why he's my favourite.

>> No.8254743

It's still considered a Link cosplay. She's just an idiot.

>> No.8254755

I never knew this, that's interesting. All I know about Windwaker Link is that he makes amazing bitch faces, I love it.

>> No.8254760
File: 303 KB, 730x1095, i_always_cut_grass_one_square_patch_at_a_time_by_thevincentlove-d65bbx2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfureindo

>> No.8259067

10/10 best I ever seen on cgl

>> No.8259074

You should tell him to contour his nose next time, but other than it's pretty good.