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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 107 KB, 960x726, 11133766_10152807729521608_2691038765511830473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8241334 No.8241334 [Reply] [Original]

In the latest edition of Sex Sells and Gets you Everything You Want:

McCalls Patterns is having Yaya design for them.

If there was any reason left to be a decent person in this hobby it's now gone.

>> No.8241336

I see whining but all I can think of is where I can snag that pattern on the cheap

>> No.8241343

Yes, she got popular because of tits, but she is still a kickass costumer and if her patterns were crap, they never would have gotten made. She clearly is doing well, and has earned it.
Go be jelly somewhere else.

>> No.8241344

OP here. Not whining at all. Just stating how it is. I've been around the hobby and watching it turn has been agony.

But anyways just to prove I'm not a spoilsport something in the post said it was $20 but if you show them the post on your phone and tell them the code in the post you can get it for half that.

>> No.8241348

As a partnership this makes a lot of sense. Yaya is well know for her costumes so creating patterns with a pattern company makes sense.

Really good for Yaya this is a great opportunity and project.

>> No.8241355

i really feel bad for yaya, and i also dislike her as a 'rolemodel' entirely. i feel like if she would have gotten famous without the tit job then she'd have been a much better person all around, because she really let those things get to her head. she used to look so happy back in the day and now she just looks arrogant. maybe she's happy, but i don't think fake tits are good for the community.

>> No.8241357


She was a kickass costumer BEFORE tits. None of that changed.
She felt she needed to get tits to be known and she was completely right.
She figured out people don't give a tick about your awesome skills if they can't look at dem jugs. Now that it's completely confirmed that you can game the nerdy fan hobby with looks the people just trying to be skilled will be ignored more.

>> No.8241358

If you find it man let us know. nothing wrong with some cheap patterns.

>> No.8241370

it's sad that you think this is what happened because it's not. she was pretty famous before with her small tits, but she had low self esteem over them, she got them for her because she kept comparing herself to anime girls and shit. so now, even though she still has no curves or ass, neckbeards have atleast something to fap to.

>> No.8241381


It's not sad because look at what you JUST said. She had Low Self Esteem because drawn breasts.

Now that....is sad.

Also people are worth more than their fappable quotient.

>> No.8241386

you are a lovely human... I have like 4 cosplays this would be a perfect base for. keep on keeping on

>> No.8241389

Say what you want but I'm buying that pattern.

>> No.8241426

Seriously. This is a good pattern. Problem, OP? She makes amazing cosplays. She may not be the nicest person, but her outfits are always well made regardless of how self important she feels in them because of their tailoring.

Im glad she is selling it as a pattern with McCalls. Its hard to find good patterns that you can just pick up instead of trying to make your own. Especially for novice sewers like myself. McCalls is smart. They know what is popular right now and cosplay is spreading so much because nerd culture is suddenly crazy popular within the past two years. Good business decisions being made.

>> No.8241428

update: I found the post OP was taking about and McCalls will have a booth at C2E2, and if you show them YaYas deviant art post with the code they will sell the pattern to you for 10 bucks.

>mfw I will be at c2e2

>> No.8241432

This is awesome and I am super excited about the pattern. I dont care that Yaya is helping. I also doubt her role is anything more then adviser on what cosplayers would be looking for in a pattern like this. As much as Yaya is a shit person I would rather she be consulting them because she sews. inb4 she commissions everything.

OP have you considered the other message this pattern is sending to young cosplayers beyond 'lolz sex sells you can be popular and famous with tits'? It encourages people to actually go out and make their own costumes because the knowledge is becoming more accessible.

I figured that she would be collaborating with them soon because she visited their offices recently and if you look at a lot of the pattern companies lately they are making more and more cosplay friendly patterns. Cosplayers are an untapped market for them that they would be crazy to ignore considering how less people actually sew now. I would have killed for more shit like this when I was younger.

>> No.8241441

i'm not the OP but i'm not going to buy anything from you on the bts threads now because you sound like a retard.

>duurdurr nerdcultuuuuure!!!


>> No.8241447

>inb4 yaya copyrights this pattern design and tries to sue anyone who makes one similar without buying the pattern directly from her

>> No.8241462

>OP have you considered the other message this pattern is sending to young cosplayers beyond 'lolz sex sells you can be popular and famous with tits'? It encourages people to actually go out and make their own costumes because the knowledge is becoming more accessible.

I was going to agree with you heartily until I realized what message this is sending.

Go out and make your own but remember to be sexy!

In that case I rather people just ebay their shit if all it's going to bring in is another way of attention starved seamstresses.

>> No.8241474

What will I do? Oh nooo.

An its true. Nerd culture has become more popular in recent years. Its not like its a secret and Im not just slinging that around either.

Can you guys not look that far into it? So many characters wear one pieces like this. Even male characters. Men can alter this if they cosplay too and remove the all chest part so it can suit their needs for cosplay as well.

You all really want to hate on Yaya just because she's the one wearing it. Hot damn. Id buy this in a heartbeat because Ive been wanting to make a catsuit, but no good patterns floating around.

>> No.8241477

Anon dont you think you are being too negative now? I know sexy cosplay has shit up the scene but there are lots of strong awesome characters that arent just eye candy someone could use with this pattern. Ex. kitty pryde, eva plugsuits, the boss.

>> No.8241491

>For those not attending C2E2 either, both patterns will be available worldwide via McCall's global distribution channels, in July.

If you don't need it right away, just wait for a sale at Joann's and get it for $1

>> No.8241497
File: 270 KB, 900x1366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the least sexialize female cape redesigns have been wearing variations of this as of late. if you zip it up its actually relatively conservative. I agree, just because it's yaya doesn't mean it's sex fodder

>> No.8241498

Exactly. You don't have to make a BLACK and BLACK PLEATHER suit. This can be used and modified however you need it. Thats why I said a man can probably alter it also and use it for a Winter Solider or some other suit. I dont know. I just woke up and can't think right now. Other things guys can wear.

>> No.8241500

>thinks men can alter women's patterns
>thinks people are hating on yaya herself/the pattern because she's wearing it
>doesn't realize that we're pissed cause yaya turned herself into a slut when she was doing perfectly fine before she got tits

I just want yaya to be popular like she used to be, because of her costumes. Cosplay shouldn't be like this, it's really sad to me. I think that young girls get the wrong message from people like her and jnig, whether you like it or not. They're not selling they're talent, they're selling their bodies. Sex sells, but yaya especially would have gotten here without it.

>> No.8241502


You're right. I think I am being too negative. I think years of hoping for the best in this hobby and seeing people just turn it so so... well look at it.

Gofundme pages for lingerie cosplay and making vines of yourself jumping and selling prints of a character that doesn't even belong to you.

I am tired of expecting nerds and geeks and getting wannabe models with questionable morals. So yeah. Negative.

We all know there are LOTS of awesome characters but this will not be used for that.

>> No.8241507

Would be great for people who also want to cosplay full body color characters that have weird colored skin. Just use the pattern, but different material in a different color. This has so many uses. Better than painting your body for sure.

>> No.8241511


>this will not be used for that

bitch I'm lining up non sexualized capes that are the "hot cosplay of the year" I can do with this shit like its nobodys business. just because some people do sexy stuff doesn't mean everyone does. sit down

>> No.8241514

This ISNT about her body though. This is a pattern. You need to unrustle whatever if up your butt and look at the design, not the person wearing it. If you don't want the pattern, then don't buy it. There are countless other cosplayers who will gladly buy this pattern regardless of who made it and why. No one cares that much about Yaya's career that they wouldn't buy a pattern like this now that it is available. The pattern has nothing to do with her as a person anyone. ITS A PATTERN.

>> No.8241515

I think that you're right to be negative because that's honestly where the hobby is going. It's sad but true, and there's not much that can fix it honestly. Cosplay has started to cater to the lowest common denominator, much like other mainstream shit, and that's why it's become mainstream, not because of ~nerd culture~ but because it's full of titties and drama, and normalfags like titties and drama, so it's popular now. When there were less tits and self-contained drama, no one cared, but it wasn't so shallow back then either. Catering to the normalfag majority is really the worst thing for cosplay.

>> No.8241521
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>> No.8241522

No, I don't think you get it. The pattern was never the issue in the conversation at all, even OP wasn't talking about it, they were talking about the existence of the pattern being 100% attributed to yaya's tits, and not her skill, because no one in the mainstream cared about cosplay till there were titties jiggling around.

>> No.8241524

>people talking about how cosplay used to be
>cosplay was never sunshine and rainbows

Unless you are over 25 and have been in the cosplay arena for a long time or have been following it for that long, please exit the thread. Cosplay has always kind of been this way. Regardless of what you may think. Less people were in it, yes, but the whole sexy and competition thing has never not been a part of it. Its gotten worse, yes, because its become so popular, but don't act as if 'back then' was any different. It was just a smaller pool and less internet.

>> No.8241525
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>> No.8241529
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>> No.8241531

She has one photo of it with the zipper down.

Clearly all about the tits, OR, just follow me for a second, its about showing how it can be unzipped and zipped. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Thats amazing technology there, son. Its just a catsuit. Get over it. Stop being so stuck up about 'your fandom and my cosplay communities'. Who gives a fuck? Cosplay is popular now. Its more mainstream. Who cares? Dont buy it or do buy it. Normal people won't even know who the fuck she is when they walk into a store anyway. Its not just going to be people who cosplay who might buy this print. So get your head out of your ass and stop trying to make an issue out of it. Its a great business decision and thats all it comes down to.

>> No.8241532
File: 137 KB, 534x711, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically everyone in this pic, take or leave storm

>> No.8241536

That's not really all true though. Sexiness was never this much of it, atleast not in this way. Of course girls want to be sexy and out-sexy eachother, but years ago it wasn't attracting the worst kinds of people, and that's not even because of the internet, it's cause it went mainstream and little whores think it's an easy ride to fame and a spot on reality tv.

>> No.8241544

Op here.
I'm over 25. Been a cosplayer for 17 years.

I come here mostly to help in the help threads and post things I like in the taobao threads.

It wasn't sunshine and rainbows. But I'll tell you one thing. During the COSP we had 2 dramas. Fucking TWO. And the people who caused them were shunned because we were a nice community with a care about how people were treated, how we presented ourselves, and cared about actual fandom.

Man I don't even think I can put into words what my first 5 years of cosplay were like. You guys will certainly never know anything like it and that's so sad.

>> No.8241545

>designs have become more sexy
>not just women's fault
>likeable characters can have sexy costumes

Society has become more sexy. Don't see how that has changed much either.

>> No.8241546
File: 387 KB, 240x180, cantdwi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all seriously need to calm down. Its a pattern. Who cares who is selling it and who made it. In the end, its a pattern. Calm down.

>> No.8241547


woah there kid you might want to slow down. just because there is a presence of sexy cosplayers that exist doesn't mean your secred temple is destroyed and all hope in humanity needs to be lost. also, fyi, remember that while the girls are offering sexy cosplays, the male neckbeards who want to see their waifu naked are the ones buying it, and we're who allowed them to get famous off of it. normalization has nothing to do with sex cosplays rise. it's an after effect

>> No.8241548

No, just no. I want to try to explain how you're wrong about everything, but there's too much to write.

>> No.8241549

How is this sex sells? I agree that some of her business ventures are about selling her tits, but this is literally the opposite of that. This is her selling a pattern so that other people who also like to dress up can make their own costumes.

>> No.8241552

it's a pattern that allows some of the most conservative cosplays in certain genres to be easily done

>omg yaya = boobs lets cry about it

>> No.8241559

This is why this has gotten so stupid. Its more or less become a hate thread for Yaya than any conversation about the actual good uses for the pattern which there are tons. THis catsuit has nothing to do with sex selling. Yes, it can be used by people to make sexy cosplays, but there are tons more ways it can be used and modified for suit other cosplays aside from things like Black Cat.


>> No.8241565

I used to have this mind set anon. It is exhausting and hard to get rid of but once you do you can just focus on cosplaying for yourself and not worrying about what the hobby is becoming as it enters into the mainstream. Don't focus on the lingerie or the gofundme shit. Just focus on building friendships with cool like minded people and working hard to make awesome costumes you are proud of. For ppl obsessed with fame and tits this is just a passing trend that is going to die eventually. Try adding more ppl to your social media feeds that focus on the aspects of cosplay you like. I did this and it really helped me to focus less on the attention whores and more on some of the amazing costumes people are creating.

>> No.8241587

do you give artists a hard time in artist alley? They are selling artwork of characters that don't belong to them a lot of the time?

>> No.8241591


Thanks anon.
I actually only follow makers because I love the process of flat square of fabric to amazing masterpiece. But I swear attention whores seep into my feed anyways. That is how I saw this post in the first place. I shouldn't have seen it at all. But there it is.

I've been waiting some years to let the sexy die down only to watch it blow up. So it's tough when it's the opposite of where I started and what I want to see touted as awesome.

I also try the cosplaying for myself. That works mostly because hey, it's still fun regardless of what others are up to. But then I realize, as much as I ignore it, what is popular now shapes the con I am attending. It influences the guest list & quality of people who come to the con which directly affects me.

There is no escape.

>> No.8241600
File: 9 KB, 113x300, 408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny about everyone being all

"OMG, this is so new! Now we can make great bodysuit cosplay!"

There has been a Green Pepper bodysuit pattern for the better part of 18 years. You were just too ignorant to notice.

It's $6

>> No.8241606


you honestly sound like one of the most pretentious assholes I have ever heard

>inb4 your probably a slut

I'm literally always covered up when I cosplay. I'm recovering from an eating disorder, showing skin in public makes me freak the fuck out.

>> No.8241610

yeah but I like the panelling on this one better. it's more relevant to more designs

>> No.8241613

Nah, I'm just old.

You know the best part that? It will happen to you too.

Someone will take something you value and think should be done a certain way and shit all on it. You'll be just as pissy about it as I am.

Might not realize it, but mark my words, it will happen.

>> No.8241635

One of my friends shared Yayas post on FB and I knew I'd be able to go to /cgl/ for drama. Thanks for always delivering.

>> No.8241645


bitch I'm 27. stop using age as an excuse for being a prick.

>> No.8241671


I'm older.

27? My sweet child. You have so much time before you get bitter. Live it up!

>> No.8241677

Im younger than both of you and you are both acting so fucking stupid. Get over this. Its not news. Its a new bodysuit design regardless of who made it. Shut the hell up and stop complaining about sexy cosplays. Not everyone will use this for that. My gawd.

>> No.8241700

It's *not* a new design. Bodysuits with this design have been around for decades. Yaya isn't *inventing* anything new. Keep it in your pants, retard.

>> No.8241704

Op seems fixated enough on her age that I suspect the rage has something to do with yaya being able to make a living off her hobby to the point of being hired by a company anyone who has ever stepped into a Jo Ann's could recognize while the op gets older each year yet never managed to get a slice of that fame game has something to do with the tremendous bitterness.

I'm flat chested as all hellfuck and my only complaint with yaya is that she goes way too heavy on her makeup. I remember starting in Cosplay 13 years ago and going to her website and dreaming of one day sewing stuff that looked that cool (loved her Alice costume with the blue organza and that yellow chii costume looked badass to a 13 year old.) Her getting her tits done doesn't change that for one minute and you Americans and your terror of breasts have made this whole yayahan issue really personal. Get over it, they're tits, they don't bite.

>> No.8241829

OP, maybe it's time for you to look for other hobbies outside of cosplay. If Yaya having a pattern really is the icing on the cake of what has become the cosplay shitfest you feel it has become, then you should spare yourself the stress and anguish and find a hobby more suited to you.

I don't see how Yaya having a pattern equates to this opening the floodgates making it okay to be a dick to people/a "non-decent" person.

Honestly though, why let anyone like Yaya, Jnigs, or any other "famous" cosplayer you feel shouldn't be in the spotlight dominate what the hobby means to you. If you love cosplaying, find a way to make it fun again for yourself by demphasizing the "fame and famewhoring" aspect and emphasizing how you're going to make it fun again.

One of my friends agonizes about how famous Jnigs is. She hasn't truly enjoyed a con since Jnig's rise to popularity with her Pikachu. Find other ways to live a fulfilling life, enjoy making and wearing your creations, and then you won't feel the need to compare or worry about famous-desu cosplayers.

>> No.8241842

Just like a skirt patten has been around for decades and yet multiple companies have the same pattern but under their name to sell. No difference. Get over it.

>> No.8242145

>thinks men can alter women's patterns
Can and do. There are a fuckton more patterns for women than there are for men, and it's not exactly difficult to make a few alterations to get it to fit.

>> No.8242382


One can alter patterns for either gender, you just have to have skills and patience. I seriously wonder if some people think altering patterns simply means trimming a pre-existing pattern here or there, like you cannot add or remove darts, lengthen, or reshape anything. With skill and knowhow, you can modify any pattern. It still counts when you retrace part of a pattern onto your own tissue paper but alter it.

Especially for THIS particular pattern, many of these bodysuits are made with stretch material which is pretty forgiving. It wouldn't be very hard at all for a guy to be able to use/mod this pattern for himself.

>> No.8242398

I kek'd.

>> No.8242422

I understand the peacock one but what's the body suit got to do with Yaya? Has she done a body suit before? I can't remember any.

>> No.8242431

"I also used this patterns for the base bodysuit of my Aion Hyperion Gunslinger costume!"

>> No.8242454
File: 222 KB, 730x1095, 1_a_day__c4_2013_with_yaya_han_as_catwoman_by_calgarycosplay-d7kv6mp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I Googled "Yaya Aion Hyperion Gunslinger" and I can barely see the bodysuit on that costume, but the McCall pattern has similarities to this Yaya Catwoman costume. She also did a shiny Catwoman and Baroness from GI Joe, though those don't have the princess seaming (er... if you can call it princess seaming on a bodysuit) and underbust seam like the McCall pattern. Her Invisible Woman and Madam Hydra costumes have princess seams but no underbust seam. Can't tell what's going on with her Black Cat bodysuit; too shiny and titty. Her Phoenix costume looks like it might be similar to this one, but it has that weird breastplate. It looks like the character from her comic about herself also wears a bodysuit, but again, weird breastplate issues.

I guess she's done a lot of bodysuits, which is a surprise. I know I'm not a Yaya connoisseur, but I usually associate her with armor and ballgowns.

>> No.8242561


Guess that clears it up.

I'm with that anon though, I usually don't think of bodysuits when I think of her.

>> No.8242568

Promotionns like that allow mccalls to gauge the effectiveness of a campaign. That will tell them whether yaya is why the pattern sold or if they sold bc people want catsuits.

>> No.8242578
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>Not God Save the Queen's Catherine Jones

Fuck everything.

>> No.8242589
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>> No.8242818

I used to be a fan of Yaya before her ego essentially consumed her entire frontal lobe but TBH I like this. I mean, sucks its not God Save the Queen but its a start. As a cosplayer I tend to cringe at how a lot of patterns look, so it's nice they're picking the brain of someone in the community. I'd rather see Yaya doing things like this than trying to sell comic books and calendars about herself anyway.

>> No.8242924
File: 120 KB, 365x517, 1425295505946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well money doesn't last forever when you're solely depending on looks to carry your carrier. Inspiring coswhores everywhere to attempt the same. She just got it out of her system or maybe realized with the amount of photoshop she has to use she'll never amount to an underwear model like her dream kek. "Cosplay is dead" remember? I love it when we're right.

>> No.8242956

I am convinced that she'll have some kind of meltdown or psychotic break by the time she hits 40 if she keeps carrying on the way she is now. So at least this is a step in the right direction.

>> No.8242967

Got those tits just make her look more stumpy

>> No.8242999

Looks like she just added a tuck under the boobs of a normal bodysuit pattern. Kwik sew 3052 has worked for me in the past. I dont really understand the excitement.

>> No.8243002


Pretty much ^this. I kinda feel sorry for people like OP who would probably end up accomplishing something if only they spent less time being bitter and jealous of others.

>> No.8243130

>Yaya sells tits
>omg what a whore
>Yaya sells skills instead
>omg what a whore
She's finally doing something with the actual construction skill she constantly brags about instead of just doing more lingerie shoots. If you want her to stop acting like Jnig and start doing and selling things that benefit the community again, at least support this by not bashing it on 4chan. This is more reminiscent of the cosplay scene 10 years ago that you all daydream about than anything else Yaya or any other "cosfamous" person has done recently. And if you're still whining because there's a profit margine involved you might as well complain about everyone else selling armor-building and painting books, Jessie Pridemore's selling her bunnysuit pattern for $35, etc. At least be happy the product can benefit other people and isn't just another pinup poster.

>> No.8243153 [DELETED] 
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>She's finally doing something with the actual construction skill

>Still a skin tight bodysuit
>Implying it was Yaya that drafted the multiple sizes required to make a commercial pattern

I'm not implying she has skill but patternmaking is an insane high-level sewing skill. I think it's way more likely McCalls just had one of their regular drafters modify an existing pattern. I'd love to see what kind of french curve work they needed to draft a bodice for Yaya's boobs.

>> No.8243158

>She's finally doing something with the actual construction skill

>Still a skin tight bodysuit
>Implying it was Yaya that drafted the multiple sizes required to make a commercial pattern

I'm not implying she doesn't have crafting skill but patternmaking in multiple sizes is an insane high-level skill. I think it's way more likely McCalls just had one of their regular drafters modify an existing pattern. I'd love to see what kind of french curve work they needed to draft a bodice for Yaya's boobs.

>> No.8243333

>"Yaya Han is a talented and popular cosplayer who is being recognised for her god-tier abilities as a seamstress. HOW HORRIBLE IS THAT?!?! THIS IS THE END OF COSPLAY I TELL YOU!"

Come on, really? I know there's a lot of Yaya hate, but she is a wizard when it comes to being a seamstress, and it makes sense for McCall, a company that makes patterns, to team with a well-known costumer since they are probably very aware that cosplayers buy patterns in bulk.

>> No.8243347
File: 196 KB, 1190x900, 11100787_10152807730976608_5275515679335333033_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still a skin tight bodysuit

And also the dress she made. But no, let's just focus on the one that conforms to your "yaya a slut" argument, otherwise, people could see how ridiculous and petty you're being.

>> No.8243398


Toldcha, anon. Just like how girls use men's patterns sometimes, its the same the other way. Go back to your sexist pattern corner.

>> No.8243460

>>Not God Save the Queen's Catherine Jones

Shit. I didn't even think of that.
You have a good point.
Sex sells though. It gets you the attention so you can make the legit deal. That's what happened in Yaya's case.

>> No.8243464

Sex gets you enough attention to open doors to legitimate business.

See: Kardashian.

Also fuck being a good person. Everyone knows that counts for fuck all in the real world.

See: Pretty much every scandalized actor ever who somehow keeps getting hired despite doing some SHITTY things. (Kelsey Grammer, Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Tom Cruise, R.Kelly)

Yeah we could have expected better morals from a hobby with smart people but when it went mainstream and attracted the common person morals and decency to each other took a downturn.

>> No.8243481

>Op seems fixated enough on her age that I suspect the rage has something to do with yaya being able to make a living off her hobby to the point of being hired by a company anyone who has ever stepped into a Jo Ann's could recognize while the op gets older each year yet never managed to get a slice of that fame game has something to do with the tremendous bitterness.

I think you're right about this!
I have had to ask myself "Maybe you're just jealous." and I have to give serious thought to what I would have to have done in the past to be popular. Maybe I should have pandered to doing the newest costumes only or sexy ones or made friends just to be known and make deals.

Then I realize I'm nothing like that. I'm far too genuine and sensitive. The only thing I regret is not capitalizing on talent when people cared a fuckton about it.
Now you can be skilled as hell and the ebay Yoko in the extra tiny bikini will be the most talked about and photographed thing at the con. The era of skill is over. I really fucked up missing out on that.

But I am heaps glad that >>8243130
brought up a great point. I should support this effort because even though fake tits, green card marriage, and lingerie helped Yaya get this deal so did skill and if I want cosplay to care about skill again I should support her using skill again.

>> No.8243556

What is COSP?

>> No.8243605

Its going to be 12 pieces not including collar and sleeves. I don't understand why. 4 panels is more than enough for fitting.

>> No.8243634


>we had 2 dramas

I'll take 4 dramas please, hold the ice

>> No.8243662

I've never made 3052, but it looks like it doesn't have the princess seaming that Yaya's does.

>> No.8243677

so where do i go to get one? i want to assemble an easy baroness costume for my wife and this would be a good start for $10

>> No.8243684


Yaya used GSTQ's pattern for this suit.

>> No.8243723

Pretty sure it's the first time anyone has mentioned another pattern in the thread. Also I mostly talked about the craftsmanship aspect so I think you're the one digging in to the slut factor to invalidate my argument.

>> No.8243727

I can see why they chose yaya, her fanbase is huge and she is doing televsision and such now, but I think this really opens the door for cosplayers. There are a lot of great seamstresses that could be approached if these sell well. Not just by McCall's, I am sure other companies are going to start getting cosplayers involved as well.

To be fair, Mccalls never seems to do simple patterns.

>> No.8243958

Well fitting bodysuits are one of the hardest patterns to draft yourself. Most commercial patterns have crotches and armpits that hang too low. You also have to start drafting and adding seams to them yourself to get a decent fit so you don't have an awkward straight line from your boots to your crotch, or your shoulders to the fattest part of your ass. A lot of people think adding seams into spandex patterns is easy but it's not, and most cosplayers' homemade bodysuits look like shit. This pattern is going to be more helpful than any pattern based off a costume, which we have tons of already. Yeah there are a couple bodysuit patterns out there, but this is definitely going to help more than Kwiksew's or Green Pepper's wetsuit patterns.

>> No.8243970

the 10 dollar price is only available at c2e2

>> No.8243976


I don't see how people look at the consistently shit bodysuits we see out of kwiksew or hand drafted bodysuits and think

"huh this might be nice to have a commercially produced and tested product for"

>> No.8243993

>This pattern is going to be more helpful than any pattern based off a costume

Until the reviews come in I doubt it will be that easy or versatile.

>> No.8244090

You know... rag on Yaya's appearance all you want but she's quite the good costume maker.

I mean... most all her costumes now would look amazing on someone half her actual age.

I understand Yaya hate because she's far too old and acts very slutty in person from what I hear... (which disappointed me greatly as I liked her as a teen.)


She's damn good at costume making.

>> No.8244092

GSTQ actually just sells bodysuits, not the patterns.

They do sell patterns, but they're super pricey (hella worth it) just not of bodysuits.

>> No.8244100

And to clarify I meant as a teenager I looked up to her. I thoroughly respected her based on her skill.

The risque costumes didn't bother me because they were constructed spot on. Katie Blair was a wigmaker I looked up to.

I was when I started hearing about how she acted at conventions and that she was... well... very skanky in actions... that I felt highly disappointed in her.

>> No.8244116

Its JUST a pattern. Holy fuck. Why is this such an issue?

>> No.8244117

I don't like Yaya as a cosplayer or person anymore, but I'm not going to begrudge her getting this pattern gig by attributing it to her tits. She made a good pattern, McCall's liked it, good for her. Being tits out all the time nowadays doesn't make her have less ability.

>> No.8244132

I've been a cosplayer for 12 years now and am 25, and maybe it's because I'm a Florida cosplayer, but there's always been tons of drama and sexy cosplays and "genderbent" costumes that were just an excuse to wear a mini skirt and tube top and still be recognized as Final Fantasy Protagonist #42. I remember plenty of Cosplay.com bullshit too.

>> No.8244138

Looking at the pictures here though, Yaya's bodysuit looks like it could use a couple of modifications still. For instance, that pulling around her armpits would probably look a lot better if she added a gusset there.

>> No.8244147
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I've been around cons for about the same length of time and yeah, since the start of the millenium at least there has ALWAYS been a titty game.

The names and faces change, and the budget's gone up. But we were having arguments about like alisakiss a decade ago.

>> No.8244228

Whatever. I've wanted a bodysuit pattern since forever. Stop fucking whining.

>> No.8244297

Does she still do porn or did she ever get a real job?

>> No.8244383

Have you even read the rest of the thread?

>> No.8244403

I thought she quit porn and cosplay when she had a kid.

>> No.8244453

So many assumptions about Yaya here based on internet drama and that fucking reality show.

I have met Yaya a few times, and none of those times did she ever come off as bitchy, arrogant, elitist, or any of the other wonderful things some people think she is. Each time I got to talk with her, she was happy, enthusiastic, and genuinely cared about costuming and cosplayers. Yes, she had a boob job and she likes showing them off. Big fucking deal. It made her money, and now she can afford to do nothing but what she loves doing, and is good at.
The only ones who are stuck up bitches are the ones complaining that she only got to where she is because of tits. If that were true, fucking JNig would have reality show and pattern lines. Yaya may show off her chest, but she still works hard and has a great deal of skill.

So wash the salt out of your cunts, get over this Yaya hate, and if you need a bodysuit pattern, here is a pretty decent, and likely beginner friendly, one to use.

>> No.8244471

I'm not a fan because once someone tweeted her saying something like "Yaya I want to start cosplaying, but everyone is so critical I'm afraid I've failed before I've even started."

and her response was something like

"Don't worry about other people there will always be criticism! Just look at my Jessica Rabbit people hated it because my body was too perfect!"

I'd dig it up for a screencap but it was when the first season of HoC was airing. That's a lot of shit to dig through.

Not to mention on HoC she turned people hating on HoC into people hating on people who were not from Kansas City. I don't even care about hte fat Superman remark, whatever her real intentions were. Trying to make it look like hating out of towners is a legit problem in the cosplay community was one of the most painful things I watched on that show.

>> No.8244481

>Waahhh you guys are wrong Yaya Han is actually really nice to people who will suck her dick and buy things from her

>> No.8244485

Her response was people hated her for dressing slutty and showing off her chest. She was trying to not be blunt when saying it was about tits, so she said people hated her body.

And HoC is a fucking edited hack job. They needed "drama" to hype shit up, so they edit it and add dramatic shit and out of context comments to make it seem like a big fucking deal. All "reality" shit shows do this. Tyra Banks and Tim Gunn aren't massive assholes either, but watch a few minutes of their shows and you'd think they are the most elitist fucks ever. It's tv, not real life.

>> No.8244487

Or, she is actually a nice fucking person. But it is easier to just assume everyone is as much of a dick as you are, I guess.

>> No.8244489

>Waahhh I called yaya a slutty bitch and for some reason that didn't make me popular, better spew more shit

>> No.8244496

I understand HoC is hugely edited but the Dr Who group she was complaining about were basically saying "Why are you guys here at such a small con? You're making it impossible for the rest of us to compete." And once again I know this isn't Yaya or the othe girls' faults because HoC keeps getting kicked out of cons so they have to constantly move around and the big skit they planned for Anime Expo has to end up at Kansas City Comicon.

But then Yaya just turned to the camera and whined about how mean the Doctor Who group was.

I think my favorite part of that episode was the judges outright refusing to get up from their table to get a closer inspection of their costumes.

>> No.8244503
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My problem with Yaya is more that she uses hooker makeup for everything. Costumes are gorgeous and then she puts on that.

>> No.8244929 [DELETED] 
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Clearly this can explain how she got so far in the cosplay world.

>> No.8245057


I used to be a fan of hers when I was younger but I noticed a change in how she presented herself online when she got big. It went to her head. On 2-3 separate occasions I'd be on a forum or Facebook/Twitter questioning something she'd said or done, not even necessarily being hateful and the replies I got from her were pretty openly hostile and threatening.

Don't put people on pedestals just because 4chan talks smack. She might be talented and enthusiastic but her inner monolog is very much "me me me"

>> No.8245071

holy crap if you are older than fourteen you need some serious help. You are way, way too obsessed with this cosplay popular shit. Dude if you spent half as much time thinking about doing something for the sheer purpose of having fun and enjoying yourself as opposed to obsessing over how much more popular someone else is then... dude. Get a new hobby.

christ i wish Cats on Mars hadn't gone under. Anonymity really encouraged the crazy in cosplay to fester. Everything I'm saying used to be common knowledge among cosplayers. What the fuck happened to you guys.

>> No.8245197


COSP was the Cosplayer mailing list. It had it's hey day from 1999 - 2002

It was hosted on Yahoo and had something like 1200 members then. It's still there too.


>> No.8245201

Oh man, Yahoo groups. I remember those.

>> No.8245205

I'd rather not give her any of my money.

>> No.8245220
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I was here because of what people would think of the pattern.

Now I'm just here to see what people think about Yaya.

>> No.8245239

That's fucking hilarious

>> No.8245248

1. Jnig doesn't sew
2. Jnig offered role in hoc

>> No.8245419
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Fucking whiteknights acting like this is anything new.

>> No.8245479
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Not baiting. just genuinely curious.

>> No.8245483

This annoys me because I do not see the point in it.
>>trumpet/mermaid skirt
>>evening jacket

I can already buy patterns for this. As for the tail, it's just a tiangle with interfacing and feathers.

I understand the bodysuit, but at least give another decent, can't already buy, pattern.
Who is going to buy that?

>> No.8245515
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>> No.8246351


Ok, still waiting here

>> No.8246353


Why is this more complicated looking than it needs to be?

>> No.8246886

stupid people who want to make a replica of Yaya's outfit. Unless the pattern itself is proportioned for people with boobs larger than a D cup, it's not going to be worth it.

>> No.8247162

Implying Catherine Jones won't charge about 5x as much because she can

>> No.8247243

Honestly op I agree with you completely. But I was able to walk away from cosplay since I'd only been in it a few years. I feel for you.

>> No.8247314

do the mccall's patterns include "hobbit" in their sizing there?

>> No.8247350

why would someone buy a pattern when you can search it on the internet?...
It's like when I see people drooling over Kamui's Book when they don't teach you anything that you can find for free

>> No.8247364

I, personally, prefer having physical copies of things that I need. To me it's easier to turn to page 34 of "Generic Book Title" than try to find the exact guide that I want off Google. I swear man, Google eats pages.

Plus it's just really nice to be able to touch something and have it fit in with all your other crap.

>> No.8247417

because while the internet may be "forever", not all sources are still going to be around

>> No.8247601

Have you used a pattern? You still have to print them out and for clothes you need huge paper printing at kinkos. Digital patterns don't make sense unless you're an indie pattern maker and have no better way to distribute than selling digital downloads

>> No.8247607

honestly, this is why I am so annoyed with this thread. if y'all can't see why being able to just buy a pattern instead of going through the hassle of printing it out, might appeal to some people, I'm starting to doubt just how frequently you've been forced to use online patterns

>> No.8247867

These are both from 18+ events held late at night at cons tho

>> No.8247878

That's someone's room.

>> No.8247887

I actually was excited about this. I can never find body suit patterns and making them are time consuming. Soooo. Good for me. Good for her. Catwoman cosplay here I come.

>> No.8247888

>wanting a 12 panel body suit
Special kind of stupid right here

>> No.8247898

I know seriously. They sound like a a pair of babies. Like, chill.

>> No.8248431

>Also people are worth more than their fappable quotient.

No when you dont have anything else to offer

>> No.8248857

If she had worked for it I would be happy for her. She's another washed up has been who's husband makes the things she claims to. Yeah, good for her for showing the younger generations that if your boobs are big enough you will never have to work a day in your life. What happened to delayed gratification?

>> No.8248932

Well she did work for it... kinda. I mean she did make nice stuff. But when you factor in the green card marriage, temper tantrums over ear molds, and then centering everything on your newly purchased tits....

It doesn't negate the fact that she does have talent. She just squandered it in the name of tits and popularity.

So I completely agree with
>Yeah, good for her for showing the younger generations that if your boobs are big enough you will never have to work a day in your life.

Man I hate that about the hobby now. Attracts all kinds of 'not fandom' to fandom.

>> No.8249082

>you need huge paper printing
Uh, no? I just print in A4 and paste everything and done, it's not that hard.

>> No.8249090

>But when you factor in the green card marriage
Just because it's a green card marriage doesn't mean it's an illegitimate one. I got married for the same reason, but it was so that I could stay with the person I married, not because I wanted to 'leech taxpayer money' or whatever people seem to accuse immigrants of these days.
Then again I don't know Yaya.

>> No.8249105


That's a legit marriage you have.
When we say greencard marriage it's marriage not for the sake of marriage but for some other purpose.

In this case it was her excuse to stay in the country.

>> No.8249120
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sweet this thread is active again.

>> No.8249277

While I greatly Dislike Yaya as a person, putting out a pattern for folks to use is actually pretty choice :0 like you could ACTUALLY use this depending on how it looks. I'm willing to check out the male body suit pattern and see how it turns out. If it's crap, then bravo yaya, your work sucks and you put out something sub par when you know you can do better. If it turns out to be really good, then huzzah she's done something that actually benefits the community in some way, at least for the newer generation of cosplayers who need a nice start somewhere.

As long as there's quality to this pattern, then I'm fine with it existing.

>> No.8249279

Yaya should honestly be a non-issue by now. There's bigger lolcows out there.

>> No.8249459

Somebody should post the patterns on this site once it comes out.

>> No.8249471


Hit her where it would hurt most.

>> No.8249490

>Hit her where it would hurt most.
It wont make any difference, people will still buy it. Kamui's books were "leaked", but people keep buying them.

>> No.8249557

People buy Kamui's books because they think she's a "master" of her craft. Shit paint jobs, ripping off tutorials from Adafruit and reusing the same designs over and over for every costume. Just because she was one of the first to use worbla, people think she's the best. There's others who have done much better with the same materials.

>> No.8249652

People buy it because they are fans and/or prefer that format for tutorials. I know all her tutorials are available on you tube but I would much rather have it in a step by step static format.

Though there's things I don't like about Yaya, Kamui and other cosfamous people out there it is nice that they are self-made. It's not like Playboy or Maxim started putting slutty Stormtrooper and Link costumes on a model as a way to make quick dirty nerd money.

I will also say I hate all the people in this thread who are like "Finally! A bodysuit pattern!" as if they were looking that hard for one. As indicated several times in the thread there were already plenty, just not marked as a "costume" pattern. It's like those kids who search ebay with terms like "Lucy wig" or "Naruto wig" and pay way too much for something that would be $20 tops for something of better quality but a different name.

>> No.8250216

Yeah, because everyone is a fat block with no shape.

Yaya's has more seams, and honestly, even I have issues with anything tight fitting like a body suit. As she even said in the post about this, there is seriously a lack of widely available TAILORED body suit patterns. Move along, she's laughing to the bank and many of us finally get a decent body suit pattern.

>> No.8250331

awh yeah, that was my first thought too. The pleather could be easily replaced with yellow and it would make the perfect base for an X-Men uniform.

OP is just butt jelly. I don't personally care for YaYa, but promotions like this is revenue and you gotta do what you gotta do to support your habits.

>> No.8250558

Simplicity will never disappoint me

>> No.8250603


My gawd you guys REALLY want to nitpick the fuck out of this. Don't buy, do buy. Regardless, she's making the green. Stay salty, /cgl/.

>> No.8250685
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>Yeah, because everyone is a fat block with no shape.

I'm going to guess you don't know what spandex or jersey is and how it works.

No wonder people are like "Yay finally bodysuit" You guys are completely ignorant to how fabric or patterns work. You need super duper spell it out easy mode before you even try.

>>8249652 is right about you here.
>>I will also say I hate all the people in this thread who are like "Finally! A bodysuit pattern!" as if they were looking that hard for one. As indicated several times in the thread there were already plenty, just not marked as a "costume" pattern. It's like those kids who search ebay with terms like "Lucy wig" or "Naruto wig" and pay way too much for something that would be $20 tops for something of better quality but a different name.

Holy crap, this must be why the hobby has such pedestrian fandom now. You used to have to use a little imagination and ingenuity to make what you want. You had to be at least a little smart. Now if something isn't called "Pattern to make Elsa and Anna" you guys get confused, quit, and buy it on ebay.

>> No.8250847

>asks for incredibly generic pattern that is the base for literally hundreds of costumes easily available without digging thru shit
>why don't you just HAND people their costume christ fucking plebs

>> No.8250853

also, now that I think about it, do you seriously expect companies to see that people are searching for body suit patterns and NOT expect them to put one out themselves???

mcalls job is not to keep cosplay ~pure~ and cosplayers are a bunch of shitty sellouts for buying a pattern at their convenience. the people in this thread have their heads so far up their asses it's embarassing. next people will be pissed because arda sells wigs in a variety of colors and you don't have to go through a much effort to die/sew your own.

>cry more about capitalism

>> No.8251142

>all dat jelly

>> No.8251254

So I guess the Yaya action figure didn't pan out?

>> No.8251300

Her desire for big tits predates her cosplay. She just finally got the money for them.
Good on her, even if she did go 2 sizes too big.

>> No.8251348

Its perfectly healthy to be curious about the socioeconomic influences in business ventures. Accepting everything at face value makes you a petty cog in the system.

>> No.8251473

not for a bodysuit, it would take a whole fucking stack of A4's to print out a bodysuit. Then it's going to be annoying as hell to try to store it because you won't have anything to fold up a mountain of A4 papers into, so you'll throw it away. In about a year and a half when you need to use that pattern again you're going to have to print out another forest just because you were too cheap to get a real pattern shipped to your house.

>> No.8251525

>socioeconomic influences in business ventures.
>petty cog in the system

how the fuck do you even manage to sound fat

>> No.8251531

Not even them, but wat? How can you guess a person's weight from such innocuous statements? Throwing out insults because you're annoyed is pretty childish.

>> No.8251584

Yes, a forest of A4. Whatever you say anon, lol.

>> No.8251729

'Yahahan is a WHORE a SLUT a BITCH a SKANK and a HORRIBLE PERSONbecauseshewillneversleepwithme

...woah you just called me fat dude too far'

>> No.8251792

I think you need to slow down and read what you're replying too. I'm not sure how socioeconomic influences turned into Yaya's a slut/bitch/skank.

>> No.8251801

Yeah because that's the worst use of hyperbole in this thread.

1/10 troll
>Reasonable and straightforward opinion to exploring why this product was made

>> No.8255919

fuck giving her any money

>> No.8255950

>going to c2e2
>want this pattern
>don't want to give yaya my money

i'm a little conflicted right now, but i'll probs cave in and buy it once i'm there. oh well.

>> No.8256557

>say I'm not the poster
>get responded to like I am
Excuse me, I do NOT lie on the internet, good sir/madam.

>> No.8256585

I am so confused as to why you guys think that people who play dress up need to be morally good and infallible people. Who actually gives a shit? At the end of the day you are dressing up like imaginary characters from cartoons and video games, not running for a public office or trying to become a priest. Goddamn.

>> No.8256598

because people lead by example and vapid whores are going to set an example that everyone else should be vapid whores and also attract other vapid whores who think that cosplay is about being a vapid whore.

>> No.8256606

>complaining about vapid whores leading by example

But Anon, this is a Yaya thread, not a Jessica Nigri thread.

>> No.8259987

hhaahahaha sure

>> No.8260010


>> No.8260517

As far as I know there is no kid.
And her pay site is still going.

>> No.8260542

The Dr Who group were incidentally called out as assholes on several outlets, from both the cast of HoC and otherwise. The girl who was doing all the loudmouthing is known to be an elitist cow.