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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8237117 No.8237117 [Reply] [Original]

Post con wrap up.

>> No.8237279

I really want to see better video and pics from the fashion show, anyone have?

>> No.8237305

That fucking image. Holy shit.

>> No.8237394
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It was a great weekend.

>> No.8237505
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You guys were fun, thanks for the booze

Also thanks whoever made all the sticky notes I found

Im too lazy to correct this image if it uploads sideways

>> No.8237514

I had fun as well, though I think I might have over did it on drinking.

>> No.8237515

Seconding this request. There were so many professional photographers at the end of that runway. Haven't seen a single picture from it.

Lol that was me. Your tiny bunny friend.

>> No.8237527
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I quite enjoyed this one

>> No.8237595

I have heard next to no post-con dramu and I'm disappoint in you all.

>> No.8237726

Did anyone end up getting laid this year?

>> No.8237730

Was there even any drama? I know some people were miffed at the JLA summit but that didn't seem to last. Nobody is being very vocal about much of anything that happened at AM, besides lines and things getting delayed/canceled. But that's all on the con, not the attendees

>> No.8237739

No. There was a Christian con next door so we all became celibate for our lord.

>> No.8237753

>tfw no gun show

>> No.8237755

No, we're all planning on having a massive orgy at SJ tho

>> No.8237817

The Gun show made it so much more Texasee which is good.

>> No.8238090

I heard there was "drama forthcoming" about all that john shit. a lot of people (some JLA ambassadors) seemed pretty heated after the con, but now there's nothing.

>> No.8238094

If I see you self post one more fucking time, I'm going to dox your shit.

>> No.8238102

That's overly harsh but I'm also more than a bit tired of their posts here.

>> No.8238242

I fucking wish i hit you up during the weekend,ffs

>> No.8238305


(audience-level off a phone) Fashion show video : youtube.com/watch?v=C2N9yOHvRHI

I'm honestly disappointed I missed this, the plot is like some anime wtfery.

>> No.8238932

Bump for more pics

>> No.8238976

I saw one of the Kawaii Ambassadors crying in the park right after the Sunday tea party. I think stuff happened but people are keeping quiet about it.

>> No.8238978
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I heard someone ended up in the hospital after the announcement occurred.

>> No.8238982
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>> No.8239210

I heard a girl was thrown out a third story window and only escaped death by using her petticoat as a parachute.

But yeah, I'm not gonna say specifics because lol rumor machine, but after the con I happened to be talking with a bunch of staffer people and heard a lot of general grumbling about mismanagement and John having an ego.

>> No.8239252 [DELETED] 

No, she was hospitalized after the fashion show. Stop trying to spread shit when you don't actually know anything.

>> No.8239275

Pajanime party was dumb

The Dating Panel was a sausagefest

I just wanna find a qt con girl to have hot cosplay sex with all weekend

Is that too much to ask?

>> No.8239276

Which Ambassador?

>> No.8239291


>> No.8239293

What is the point? Even if people did talk about the things John did all weekend it won't do anything. People are still going to give him money as long as they get to see whatever guest he brings. It doesn't matter if they are happy or treated well.

>> No.8239322

>tfw you planned a cosplay but engineering school completey buried you

Fuck everything

>> No.8239367

Lots of good videos on YouTube of the fashion show! Thanks to everyone who took them and uploaded them.

>> No.8239405

wtf is happening at 5min in? This is hilariously bad

>> No.8239521

Jesus, laughing so hard at fugly Wrapping Heart print being "healing" in any way shape or form.

Minori jellyfish though is perfect as usual. 10/10 would want for spirit animal goddess after being speared to death by lolls. Nooo don't go Minori

Oh god how are they going to top Minori jelly? Glitter. Mkay. That's… kawaii? Hope it doesn't get in anyone's eyes? Kay guys, the glitter was cute, but really? it's done. eh, Misako don't look much cuter than the other girls. Cuter than kate though AW shit the little girl is stealing everyone's thunder!

Okay I'm officially jelly I didn't get to see AP's spring coords closeup.

Fuck that noise of an outfit MC. WOAH male beauty shorts. Not expecting that. Katy perry? why? Shit this video is 45 minutes???

>> No.8239536

Oh fuck that model posing game at 18:37! ...yawn Chubby manlet is famous? Lady in pleather bodysuit… really? more lying dow- oh shiiiiiiit contortionist? I take it all back. A+ performance. All dat camel toe is worth it. What the fuck does contortionist lady have to do with j fashion? idk and idc

Half way through the show. Metaaaaaaaaa. Let's do this. Meta is armor. Love it. Akira just leveled up. Akira the Grey to Akira the White.

>I think I need a drink after that
Girl way ahead of you.

Mm that delicious meta sailor. Digging the walks ladies. So fab. Fabulouuuuuuus. Can't type speechless with Meta feels. 29.24 meh kind of an anti-climax. Is that choke? Didn't pose long enough to even see.

Nooooo, don't hurt Akira and baby girl. More manlet. k. This is pretty epic. Epically lame. Noooo dat burando on the dirty dirty stage.

I'm tearing up you guys. Midori heeeeeal her. Wait, but weren't you evil like 1 minute ago? Godamnit I don't want you wrapping heart. MidorixAkira for life. Ew belle epoch looks even worse here.

WOAH unnecessary pyrotechnics! Let's just hold hands guys. No? okay… Only sweet lolitas allowed.

39:22 Midori's bonnet falling off. 39:25 recovers like a boss because she Midori

tl;dr I take it all back that was awesome. Sorry for my long unnecessary commentary. all of my jelly to those who witnessed this live

>> No.8239892

So was the new kawaii ambassador decided or not? Can't find anything about it anywhere.

>> No.8239895

plot was horribly stupid

>> No.8239898

yea, same girl that got married at the con ann nguyen or something or other

>> No.8239999

>I just wanna find a qt con girl to have hot cosplay sex with all weekend


>> No.8240066

Kinda curious about the new Lockshop styles, did anyone purchase/take pics?

>> No.8240326

Butts i was gonna buy one but i forgot.

They were pretty cute. Id like to see if anyone got pics too.

>> No.8240508

Here's video of the judges' awards, although I wish they would have gotten video of the rest of the awards too.


>> No.8240566

Yeah the firework part was awkward cause we were missing half the models and then they told us like right before "don't hold hands just hold them out"
But I'm really glad there were no dress casualties with all the crazy pyrotechnics. I mean, it's safe, but it's kinda scary.

I asked my friends afterward what the plot was because I had no idea. They didn't either. I liked the art that accompanied it, though.

>> No.8240752

Yeah Misako said John helped her pick at the panel. They annouced her on the JLA page.

>> No.8240864

LOL more like john made her choose her.

>> No.8240873

oh good I'm not the only one who heard that

but what's in it for John to queeze Misako's lacy balls to choose a particular someone?

>> No.8240879

Uh. The same thing as anyone else involved with the ambassadors. More money.

The primary purpose of the JLA ambassadors is to arrange events at conventions. That seems to be the only thing most do, in fact. If he has an in with an ambassador (or if she works for AM to begin with, I don't know shitall about Ann however), that means he can use the JLA stamp of approval to get more lolitas into his convention than already attend.

>> No.8240887

At the panel Misako said John told her to pick someone from Texas.

>> No.8241577

Didn't she also mention something about picking more ambassadors?

>> No.8241658

Yep. Multiple for the US since it's such a huge country. I recall her saying they "agreed" to pick someone from Texas because they were at a Texas con but I might have just misheard.

I'm def curious to see who else is chosen and when. I hope they're not just annoying fame hungry people.

>> No.8241683

>under rated post

>> No.8241710

Me too! What were they anon? Any new colors?

>> No.8241729

I'm curious too, I'd like to see new styles and hear about the quality.

>> No.8241739

the only ones I can remember were some two tone J-rock style and this super super cute short wavy style in a reddish brown color. but it was like 65 and I blew all of my money on meta.

there were also a few long curly ones, but the short wavy one really stuck out to me.

that's about what I heard too. I was talking to an ambassador and also heard that Misako originally choose a girl from New York but John made her choose someone from HLC.

I'm hoping the next two are from the west and east coast and not just texas. I personally think there are actually quite a few people who would be good candidates in california, if we had one. but the state is so huge there'd be serious drama about it. probably the same with the east coast.

but, I don't know who the girl from New York misako originally chose is or anything (or even if it was true or not). but I kind of hope she gets it someday.

>> No.8241742

What is this about Hawaii? Are they trying to move it or something?

>> No.8241752

>I don't know who the girl from New York misako originally chose is or anything

Probably Yanise, but that porn film she made disqualified her or simply26.

>> No.8241756

Its going to be a second con, not a replacement.

Aint nobody got the time or money to fly to hawaii for a 3 day nerd convention

>> No.8241764

Makes sense that it would be Yanise. I think she is ok if she were an ambassador. She instigates drama too much unless directed to her.

>> No.8241765

They're trying to pull an Oakton Vegas.

>> No.8241769

Do you know who else applied that was from HLC? I only know of Keavia applying and that would have been hilarious if she was chosen.

>> No.8241780

I don't really know HLC because I'm not from there, but I know a lot of girls applied from my area, so I assumed a lot of girls applied all over.

>> No.8241785

She made a porn film??? Why

>> No.8241792

>She made a porn film??? Why

Buy more brand? Go to Paris for a tea party?

This is what I heard at the lolita orgy on Saturday night.

>> No.8241820

I'm not really sure who applied from HLC... I don't think Brookelle did because she seemed super happy for Ann. Becky definitely didn't. Someone said she just didn't feel ready or something like that? Idk who else would even apply from HLC. It's such a huge comm and only a few people make an effort to stand out. It's changed a lot since a couple years ago, and even since last year.

>> No.8241868


Wait, I thought the girl picked wasn't actually from Houston. Texas yes, that city no. Someone confirm?

>> No.8241878

Ann is from Austin.

>> No.8241929



Try harder anon.

>> No.8241973
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Actually this is how she makes her money.

So what have you done with your life ?

>> No.8242062

I don't think Yanise would be right as a Kawaii ambassador, what has she done for the community?

>> No.8242073

Nothing. She just goes to events to show off.

>> No.8242077

The title is complete bullshit anyways. It is just a way for people to pay Misako to come to their comm. We are all already tired of her face so lets just have that one ambassador so she can fail and Misako can gtfo

>> No.8242089

She actually helped me when I went to a meet up once. No one would talk to me because I guess I looked ita af but she introduced me to the group. That was pretty cool I guess.

>> No.8242097

too bad China, IL sucks

>> No.8242101

Don't talk about my precious Misako like that. You ain't got nothing on her.

>> No.8242103

She didn't create it obv so that does not matter. I think it is pretty cool that we have an animator in the general U.S. lolita comm.

>> No.8242214

Brookelle did, she posted about her application like last year but she is friends with Ann it'd be rude for anyone too not cheer for a friend. Becky is like super afraid of public conflict so I don't think she wanted to apply at all.
No big name on HLC applied, just the newbies really.

>> No.8242286

She actually posted on her page she wasn't going to apply.

I'm sure plenty of girls in HLC applied but just didn't speak up.

>> No.8242300

lol yeah but she posted on her personal FB her form submission

>> No.8242308

Form submission?

I'm friends with her, and I never saw this.

>> No.8242471

rules one and two phaggot

>> No.8242577

Does anyone have any pics from the con? I started a photo-only thread but I figured it's worth asking here too. Post them or link to albums, I wanna see a lot of pics, even if they're not super great!

>> No.8242720
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>> No.8242723
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the new ones were on display? Some were AM exclusive I think

>> No.8242808

I have that dark brown one. Choke helped me pick it out. It's really nice, IMO. Super long and pretty but it's gonna be a pain to maintain because of the length/curls.

>> No.8242961

To that guy who kept crowdsurfing at the Teddyloid concert, fuck you and I'm glad that guy(I think? It was dark) in the Pikachu kigu beat the shit out of you

>> No.8242969


>> No.8242981

Did you die anon?

>> No.8243000


>> No.8243037


Forever wearing my booty patrol sash. You pikabros were real cool

>> No.8243042

I still got 2 left, sold 2 to a very awesome bunny riven cosplayer and another to a buddy who wasn't with the patrol, but loved the sash.

>> No.8243058

u guys were annoying af but contnue ur circle jerk

>> No.8243082


>> No.8243096

Which one was it? Was it cadney? She's been posting everywhere about being depressed so I wouldn't be surprised if it was her.

>> No.8243120
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I'll admit we overdid it, but if bunny riven is around. I miss dat booty, be my waifu. call me.

>> No.8244339

Did anyone go to the wedding? Was it like legit a wedding? I feel like it would be really awkward to get married in front of a bunch of people I didn't know. It seems really odd. I hope it's what she wanted at least.

>> No.8244421

think it was hoot

>> No.8244482

Yeah, it was. First few rows were family and close friends, next few years were lolita guests, then everyone else behind them. Kyle Landry played the piano. It was a nice ceremony, IMO. They seemed happy with it, and I think most of the lolita guests at least knew her in passing.

She seemed pretty down when I saw her, but I didn't want to pry. She's not an ambassador, though, so maybe it was someone else crying...

>> No.8244486

*rows, not years. I'm not even on a phone so I have no excuse for that fuckery haha.

>> No.8245105

Ambassadors are too kawaii to cry.

>> No.8245475
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>1 person in a kigu the entire con
>CGL meetup in Faceless' room gender segregated ( lol 4chan )
>all meetup times consistently smashed and rearranged because everyone is being a little bitch

Yeah, you guise are shit.

>> No.8245554

There were a couple of us in Pika kigus, faceless was a bit obnoxious, and everything was pretty good.

>> No.8246179

Yeah she is definitely a good person if you want someone to talk to!
she does get a little judgey around people with simple coords, but to each their own

>> No.8246874
File: 37 KB, 600x450, CB1fyAaUMAAfv00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunted through Misako's Twitter and found a few wedding pictures
Larger version: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CB1fyAaUMAAfv00.jpg:large

>> No.8246946

I still wanna know what happened with him taking care of drunk puganon on friday.

>> No.8246954

As far as I know they took Pug home or was it back to his hotel room? with someone watching him.

>> No.8247040

Unless this was a joke, then this is probably based on how EMS was called because someone had an allergic reaction at the tea, but that girl just left the party and didn't go to the hospital. She's a friend of a friend and they said she ended up ok.

>> No.8247284

This fashion show is really weird in some parts.

>> No.8247291

The whole thing is weird and it doesn't make sense, but I still liked it.

>> No.8247301

Nice try, she had to go to the hospital well before the announcement. She wasn't even at the con that day. She was in the ICU. Don't be an asshole.

>> No.8247325

>Wearing a veil to a wedding
>not the bride
>tacky as fuck and deserves someone to wear white OTT on her wedding

>> No.8247340

I also saw people attending the wedding wearing furry outfits and almost fully nude cosplay. I think that this is what you have to deal with if you choose to have your wedding at an anime convention.

>> No.8247345

Who are you talking about? Not the little girl, surely...
I saw a couple of people in white coords (tacky) and like >>8247340 said I saw some questionable attire among those in cosplay.
Ushers reeeeally should have screened people better. A smaller, less full audience of nicely dressed people and some empety chairs is a lot nicer to look at than a bunch of random cosplays and shit.

>> No.8247352 [DELETED] 

I'm not Cadney, she's cool and I suck, because I couldn't be assed to wear heels all weekend

>> No.8247357


>> No.8247365
File: 42 KB, 400x331, 1301473071852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there~

>> No.8247491

I take it back. Making your wedding part of the con is far more tacky and ultimate attention whore status. White coords and furries deserved.

>> No.8247615

>mfw all the fags in this thread shitting up in my city for a whole weekend

>> No.8247681

Eh, the con brought them together and they're apparently both huge anime/Jfash enthusiasts so they wanted to incorporate all of that into their wedding. It's never something I would do, but hey, it made them happy. No need to be sandy.

>> No.8247701

times were mixing up and being stupid but it was partly because the con was disorganized as fuck and things were taking way longer than expected. so everyone was more like being tiny bitches instead.

also there were at least 3 pika kigus from what i remember. and lol, meeting up in Faceless' room, ew

>> No.8247711

I wonder if the couple put in the request to use Misako and Midori as bridesmaids or if that was John's idea. I'm not saying this out of jealousy. I think using professional models for bridesmaids pretty much guaranteed no one was going to be looking at the bride, so I'm not sure how much it mattered that no-white or other traditions were kept.

>> No.8247734



>> No.8247746

I don't think it mattered since it is a wedding at a convention. Like that is not traditional and the models only mattered to Lolitas not so much to the anime crowd.

>> No.8248702

It's weird that they announced the models as they came down the isle and what they were wearing. Wtf it should be all about the bride.

>> No.8248713

Came to see if anyone was talking about that guy being questioned in the bathroom about the molestation accusation.

I am dissapoint.

>> No.8248866

I thought that was weird too. The lolitas already all knew who they were, anyway. There's really no point in announcing them.

I hope that's what they wanted. I mean, it's definitely a bragging point and their best friends were part of it, at least, but idk if I would want famous models as my bridesmaids solely because they add to to the theme of a "Lolita wedding."

>> No.8248944

>its definitely a bragging point

Is it though? Years from now as life leads her away from obscure j fashion no one will care, let alone even know what she's talking about.
I don't know, I guess I just do not see the point of niche weddings. I want something timeless.

>> No.8249012

I mean, for them, I imagine. For a limited time? Maybe. But for now, I hope they're at least happy with it. Jfash and anime are huge parts of their lives and that's what brought them together and all. But I do agree with you. I want a simple, classic wedding. No theme. No weeb elements. Just simple and clean.

>> No.8249078

>Just simple and clean.
is the way that you're making me feeeeel tonight

>> No.8249415
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It was alright.

>> No.8249573

I feel like even a timeless wedding is gonna eventually look dated.

Though I agree a themed wedding can turn tacky really fast

>> No.8249580
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Set myself up for that one...

>> No.8249617
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>> No.8249649

oh my god I need this

>> No.8250067

Is that a cracked up iPad on the floor?

>> No.8250094

I heard John made Maki or Asuka cry backstage before the fashion show.

>> No.8250128

I heard he fucked his girl, is it true? He getting money?

>> No.8250272

You think them niggas you with is wit’ you?

>> No.8252737

Anyone have any dirt on one of John's minions named Shinkai? (VK fan apparently)

>> No.8252746

ya, we just took him back to his room and he passed out.

>> No.8253949
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>tfw will never marry Lissa irl

Its a bad feel.

>> No.8253994

Sorry, you're wrong. She was released on Saturday then went back to the con then had to go back again THEN to the ICU.

>> No.8255295

it was maki.
That's why that hot mess of a show was titled "monster"... John wanted to write about himself.

>> No.8255332

holy shit are all con fashion shows this cringe-y?

>> No.8255376

Most are just the girls walking down the catwalk/aisle, doing a few poses, and walking back. AM has decided that isn't good enough, and has started tacking "stories" into theirs. I don't get it, personally.

>> No.8255385

Wait, what did he do to her?

>> No.8255440
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>doing god's work

>> No.8255448


>> No.8255450

Probably yelled at her and stressed her out.

>> No.8256602

The gay agenda in action