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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 216 KB, 768x1024, Sexy-Cosplay-Girl-in-Tokyo-Comiket-3-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8235879 No.8235879 [Reply] [Original]

If you have ever had someone creep on you. Stalk you or just be creepy while in cosplay.
or at a convention.

>> No.8235891

Yeah, it sucks when it happens.

>> No.8235922

Some creepy fuck thought it was socially acceptable to tell me I smelled delicious.

>> No.8235933

You smell delicious. I want to taste you. Every single part.

>> No.8235937

You're adorable.

>> No.8235942

It's great. I adore it. I just don't like it when they get handsy

I swear to God, cosplaying made me realise how easily men are turned gibbering lusty eyed children by the sight of someone who is average looking and shows off a bit of skin.

>> No.8236118

> be me
> at Comic Con Las Vegas with my mom ~2 years ago
> exploring dealer's room in normalfag clothing
> finds decent Finn from Adventure Time cosplayer
> asks for picture
> cosplayer keeps on hitting on me and being a creep
> ...all while my mom is taking our picture

>> No.8236124
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I was 18 at the time, but that cosplayer was at least twice my age.

>> No.8236129

someone posted me in a /cgl/ fap thread

>> No.8236131

This is not a story. You're posting in the stories thread, not the feels thread.

>> No.8236164
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I've had a few creepers at conventions. A girl I didn't know, randomly walked up to me at Afest in the middle of the day and asked me to wait for her to turn 18 in two years... Fucking weird man.

>> No.8236196


yes share stories of how you manipulated men with your body

>> No.8236202

Yeah wow that's so fucking creepy compared women who are being sexually harassed and even felt up every time we are even moderately attractive looking.....

>> No.8236207

*compared to

>> No.8236214
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It's not a competition anon. Still something creepy that happened to other anon.

>> No.8236221

Bless this post

>> No.8236357

I'm a trap, in cosplay, but only for fourteen year old girls and it's creepy as hell.
I put a lot of work into a moderately popular male character and was followed by a girl who kept insisting on hugging me, despite having layers of pant on (I seal, but I don't want that shit rubbing off).
Later, when I was searching for pictures of myself, I found her on Deviant art with a picture she took of me and some long elaborate story about my personality and our "time together."

>> No.8236363

layers of paint* god damn it

>> No.8236384

top kek

>> No.8236390


>Cosplay from a relatively unknown anime
>Find out there's a photoshoot on Friday.
>Some guy in normal clothes recognizes me on the way to photoshoot. Asks to tag along.
>Quickly find out that normal guy is weird as hell.
>He gets into every single picture at the photoshoot, despite not being in costume and puts himself front and center. Pushes me out of the way at one point.
>No one has enough balls to yell at him.
>Leave photoshoot and he keeps following me. I'm his favorite character.
>I make up some excuse to go to my room and shake him off.

I had other cosplays for the rest of the weekend and everyone was telling me he kept searching for me up until Sunday. The one photoshoot we had never surfaced, probably because he ruined it. FML

>> No.8236402

Went to speed dating in cosplay, and the first thing one guy said to me was "you have the most fantastic breasts I've seen out of the whole con". It was a really awkward creepy 5mins afterwards, and he ended the 'date' with a nice wet kiss on my hand.

Spent the rest of the con trying to avoid him and his buddies who were almost as creepy.

Met my current BF through that speed date though so it wasn't all bad.

>> No.8236433

>Met my current BF through that speed date though so it wasn't all bad.
C-can we have a story about this?
I mean I like stories about seedy con attendees as much as the next guy but that sounds really heartwarming

>> No.8236436

Well, at least you know you have great boobs.

>> No.8236439

if this is /cgl/'s Densha Otoko story it would be awesome

>> No.8236442

>Wearing lolita at a con for the first time
>My friends and I are chatting with a guy we just met
>Having a solid conversation until he interrupts me to say
>"Ok, omigod I'm sorry but you're beautiful howoldareyou???"
>I'm 16 at the time, he's in his mid-twenties, I spend a moment stuttering like an idiot deciding whether or not to tell him
>He realizes I'm uncomfortable and spergs off

Not really creepy but the spaghetti flew out of his pockets and into my face at warp speed and I didn't know how to react. Friends still tease me about it today.

>> No.8236448

What does a seedy cosplayer do? I know that creepers were always a thing but I'm new to the seedy cosplayer concept

>> No.8236453

What does "seedy" mean?

I have never heard this term.

>> No.8236454

Aw jeez. Poor guy. I can sympathize with him. It was good of him to sperg off, though.

>> No.8236457

Yeah, I think it's really kinda nice for him to read the atmosphere and the get the fuck out. I've heard way too many stories of people not knowing when to just stop

>> No.8236483

> be me crossplaying male character
> checking out a booth at the con
> feel someone putting their arms around my neck
> this person pulls me close and hugs me tightly from behind
> don't panic because my friends pull pranks like this all the time
> person starts whispering in my ear
> "so glad I found you and finally have you here, I've been looking everywhere for you,...."
> realise I don't know that voice
> turn around
> it's a guy I've never seen before
> smiles at me blissfully
> acts like a shy anime girl when he notices I'm not amused and hurries away
> all of my what

I'm not used to getting creeped on by men when I crossplay. Usually it's only girls.

>> No.8236501

I get hit on by gay guys while in crossplay a lot, but they usually get super embarrassed when they realize I'm female and not a skeleton man.

>> No.8236721

>want to attempt to talk to women at conventions
>would probably end up in one of these threads if I ever do

I should just accept the fact that I'm doomed to be a wizard in a few years, shouldn't I?

>> No.8236735

Or attempt to learn social skills instead if giving up. Your choice really

>> No.8236740

Aw, that's kinda cute. He gets points for stopping when he realised you were uncomfortable.

>> No.8236753

it just seems so hard. I have an awful case of mushmouth and, despite not being fat, I have an extremely ugly mug. I don't think I could ever be seen as anything other than an ultra creep.

>> No.8236765

>in Sailor Mars crossplay
>not the most convincing once you get close, but eh
>creep that doesn't even know the character starts following me, telling me how much he likes my eyes and hair
>oh god leave me alone listen to my voice I am an uninterested dude
>ignore him and duck into a crowd
>finds me again later as I'm eating lunch and sits next to me and starts talking about god knows what
>can't run away in heels

My friends came back after they got their lunches and saved me, thank god.

>> No.8236767

Women generally don't want to be hit up at conventions, especially by pasty old virgins. Try going to a speed dating panel, were you know the girls are 18+ and looking for a relationship.

>> No.8236768

I enjoy cons, tremendously.

But my wife normally cosplays ivy, blackcat, ariel and a few others. It is scary the forcefulness some people have for hugging. Thankfully it has gotten better the last few years, but the serial huggers can get creepy when they follow you around.

As for me I've had my ass grabbed several times when wearing cosplay in tight corridors. Nothing outrageous either, Saito from Zero, several disgaea costumes. It's a routine gag with friends now that if they want to be safe have me walk through a hallway first... to be honest the first few times I was kind of impressed, now it feels bad.

>> No.8236781


I preface this with I don't have this problem you are mentioning. I unabashedly state I am a pretty boy. However, I have helped friends out many many times. Confidence is an extremely sexy thing for both sexes. You need to concentrate on making friends, being confident about yourself. Women and men will be attracted to you for that. Especially at cons where confidence is quite honestly a commodity.

>> No.8236831

>fiancé and I are cosplaying from same game, somewhat obscure
>guy comes and asks for picture
> "Yeah, sure okay!" puts stuff down and fiancé and I pose
>guy looks confused, takes picture anyways "Selfie now!"
>turns his camera and completely crops out fiancé out of the picture
>fiancé notices crop and jumps in the pic anyways
>guy then asks me to kiss my hand
>confused as hell, "Uuuh...I'm taken...sorry."

I wasn't surprised that I would have pictures taken and people not knowing what I was from, the outfit was just a bikini top and armor. But still, this encounter was the strangest.

>> No.8237085

>I have an ugly mug
-20 points if you're in the states.

>> No.8237097
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>cosplaying in vocaloid bad end night group
>dressed as Kaito
>guy comes as ask for picture
>we all pose
>he groans and says 'just the blue hair girl please'
>we all look at each other confused, but I oblige
>he takes like 20 pictures of me before I tell him I've had enough
>he then asked if someone could take a picture with us both
>I decline
>he literally starts shit on the cons Facebook page how I'm such a cunt and how rude I was being
>proceeds to message me on Facebook with an apology a week after the con

>> No.8237098

??? Why does this expression upset you so? Especially from Americans?

>> No.8237172


Cultural appropriation of a britbong expression! HELP, HELP HE'S BEING OPPRESSED

>> No.8237178

No, I just think of a creepy old guy when I hear that expression.

>> No.8237183

>have an overbite
>know this feel

>> No.8237188

I'd like to start out by saying I'm a guy so I never expected to have a creepy experience in cosplay.

> I was dressed as Tony Stark/Ironman (helmet and nice dress suit not the full armor)
>due to not planning out my time well the mask opening motors weren't going to be finished in time so I just glued some magnets onto face mask and inside the helmet.
>spend most of the day carrying around the mask while wearing the helmet. When people would ask for pics I would just pop on the face plate for the pic because I had no field of view with it on.
> end of saturday, I'm waiting in line for a kill la kill panel.
> guy comes up and ask for a picture.
> "OK"
>pop my mask back on
>"No without the mask"
>"You look just like somebody I know"
>ok i think, thats a little weird but if I ran into somebody who looked like one of my friends I'd probably do the same thing
> Take picture and he walks way.
>30min later panel finally opens
>walk in and sit down.
>same guy walks in and sits right next to me
>i'm thinking WTF dude
>he starts apologizing "I hope this isn't weird you just look so much like him"
> "uh its ok dude" I'm pretty creeped out by this point that he followed me into the panel. He didn't seem to know what Kill la Kill was when we were outside.
> then i hear him say almost in a wisper "I really miss him"


>So now instead of paying attention to the panel I'm wondering if I look like some dead guy? His ex boyfriend? The last guy he creeped on? If its a dead guy I'm casting my vote this creep killed him!
>after the panel is over, I grab my helmet and run out as fast as I can and duck into the next open panel room I can find. Hide out in there and then make a dash for my hotel room for the night watching behind me the whole time.

also not really creepy but caught me off guard. some girl came up said "I'm totally a Pepper, can I get a Hug", I say ok, she leans in and says "Don't fuck shit up Tony" and walks away. ??? Maybe she meant Civil War?

>> No.8237192
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>underrated post

>> No.8237203

Not so bad but I think I came off creepy when I didn't mean tooooo

> tfw it's my first con
> local, small, I didn't even dress up
> tag along with group of friends who are cosplaying adventure time stuff
> enjoying my day for most part except for one person in the group I don't know so well is suuuuuper loud and annoying
> just then time stops
> lights lower
> sparkling Shojo manga-ish filter
> I see her, the most kick ass sailor uranus
> oh jesus
> suddenly from behind

sweet jesus I felt so bad im so sorry where ever you are uranus I know me stammering only made it worse I didn't mean to spill spaghetti all over your beautiful cosplay please know it wasn't me

>> No.8237207

Think of the way a really bad neighborhood makes you uncomfortable.
You don't know if that guy is talking on a phone or gibbering to himself, you wouldn't for the life of you take a detour in one of the alleys, you're pretty sure that guy just now was trying to sell you crack.

If you're having trouble figuring out if a seller is 'on the level' and isn't about to send you an empty box, or if that 'open late' massage parlor really has a night owl for a Reiki master, it's 'seedy'.

>> No.8237218

Question: If someone had candid pics/videos of you would you like to know about it? Like upskirt or ass filming?

I found some stuff and am wondering if I should let them know.

>> No.8237230

Absolutely. That shit is bananas you need to let them know so they can shove that person's camera down their slimy throat.

>> No.8237255


they are candid pics no way to know who took them

also might make them upset, what she doesnt know wont hurt her

>> No.8237262

If that's the case, there's no way for 'you' not to fuck shit up.
Anybody that is at equal odds with Captain fucking America is doing something wrong.
This is my sperglord opinion. My favorite hero is Blackbolt, Hulk is worse than everything DC has ever made.

I was once a creepy fuckbag at a con, it was only made worse by the fact a couple of the con goers were totally into it.

>Stammering a really bad pick up line and was way too close
>"What did you say? I can't take a picture with you right now."
>Really loud dealers hall
>Overcompensate and I'm screaming at her
>Cosplayer goes white as a sheet and her friends start laughing at me, dragging her away
>Run into the same cosplayer a number of times since the venue is really small
>She looks more and more like she thinks I want to kill her
>Try to joke that I'm not trying to follow her
>Asked by con security to leave
FIrst and last time I went to my local con, the smaller one at least.

>> No.8237268


how old were you? cant really blame teenagers for getting flustered by tits, especially the shy nerdy ones who dont see them in real life much

>> No.8237282

There was a time I was dressed fairly modestly and every time I sat down there'd be at least one dude in plainclothes with a camera that would, out of nowhere, in the middle of the throng, crouch down nearly to the floor and snap a picture, stand up and walk away before I knew what they were doing.
I'm sure there's some huge collection of panty shots I'm a part of.
I can't for the life of me figure out how there could be so many people doing the exact same thing.
That's the real creepy part, like they discuss the best ways to not get caught with their hands in their pants, or a group gets together with a plan of action to tag team a con, gathering voyier smut.

>> No.8237287

I was probably 16, she was about the same age, maybe younger. It was just a perfect storm of horrible.

>> No.8237290

Post em

>> No.8237303

Seconding. I need it for uh.. research. For my theory about creepers banding together. Yeah.

>> No.8237326 [DELETED] 
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Oh god that reminds me of this one time

>Meet up with some dude I met from /cgl/ at local con for a bit since I have no one else to hang out with
>See a cute Ponyo cosplayer, I fucking love Ponyo
>Say this to guy before I ask for her picture
>He says to her "She was just telling me how wet you make her."
>This girl was probably my age (15) but it was still incredibly weird

I'm sorry cute Ponyo girl.

>> No.8237345

Disgusting. Do 'funny guys' have no shame?

>> No.8237348

Got a story from when I was about 16. Probably the worst thing to ever happen to me at a con.
>hanging out in crowded main hall with friends
>start chatting up a guy crossplaying the same character as me (I'm female)
>as we're talking, I feel someone push up against me from behind
>crowded hall, think nothing of it
>a few seconds later, some guy is very clearly grabbing my shoulders from behind
>try to continue conversation with nice crossplayer, maybe if i ignore the guy behind me he'll go away
>the creeper starts just...grabbing me. Hands on my hips, shoulders, like squeezing me and shit.
>freeze up and begin panicking
>right then the creeper shoves two of his fingers IN MY MOUTH
>rip away from him, yell "would you PLEASE stop doing that?"
>see the guy is wearing a full bodysuit, covering his face
>he flees
>start crying and frantically apologizing to the crossplayer
>he suddenly realizes
>"wait, you didn't know that guy? I thought he was your friend just messing with you."
>sobbing by this point
>crossplayer turns out to be a total bro, calms me down and helps me find two of my friends and gets security
>he reassures me that I'm doing the right thing, not overreacting, etc.
>turns out the same creep harassed my friends as well (one was 14 and her little sister was 12)
>we all find security and describe and testify against the creep
>security moves faster than the fucking FBI, finds the guy in about 5 minutes flat in a crowded con
>we identify him, he gets his badge revoked and is banned from the con
>con staff is super kind to all of us
>my two younger friends break down and cry after that
>feel so sorry for them, no one should have to undergo that shit so young
>fervently thank my crossplay savior (I still keep up with him over facebook)
>go to a photoshoot with friends and end the night on a good note

>> No.8237402

>years ago I used to volunteer at the pokemon booth at comic-con, teaching random people how to play the tcg
>for the most part the people who came to the booth were kids and their parents, it was really cute to interact with them
>be me, 15 years old
>dude and his friends come up, dude has a good amount of facial hair and looks to be in his 20s
>his friends go over to another table, he comes to my table
>starts teaching him how to play the card game
>he keeps asking personal questions and stares at me a lot
>he asks "how old are you"
>"oh, I'm 17"
>sure you are
>by this time one of the pokemon moms notices and sits next to the table to keep an eye on me
>times comes in the game where he has to flip a coin
>"can you flip the coin for me?"
>flips the coin for him because I don't know what to do
>game ends and his friends want to go
>he asks me for a hug
>"ok how about a high five"
>fine, gives him a high five
>he asks me when my next shift tomorrow is so he can stop by again
>reluctantly tell him
I was young and didn't know any better. I ended up changing my shift the next day for whatever reason, so I never saw him again. Honestly though, this wouldn't have been that bad if I wasn't 15...

>one time someone in a pedobear costume appears at the pokemon booth and throws candy at the kids
>kids are so excited to get free candy

>> No.8237411

Can't believe I forgot the best part:
>on my way to security
>meet up with rest of friends and tell them what happened
>one of them was a mutual friend I barely knew
>she's this really petite, soft-spoken girl, super sweet and shy
>when I tell the story, her eyes go big and she pulls me aside
>"here anon, I want you to have this"
>she reaches into her purse and pulls out a fucking can of mace
>presses it gently into my hand
>"just give it back to me at the end of the night, okay?"
>she demonstrates how to use it
>"if he comes anywhere near you again, let him have it"
>nearly start crying again because of how kind she was

>> No.8237413

At least you got an awesome friend out of that deal
That shit right there about pedobear is just straight up fucking funny. Bravo to that guy for being That Guy.

>> No.8237439

>cosplaying Chen
>having a good time, found a cute Ran to take a lot of pictures with
>outside the dealers room when I hear a disgusting screech
>I turn around to see a guy in his 30s wearing a poorly made Ran cosplay with dirty foam as the tails
>I start flailing when he grabs me by my waist and starts swinging me around
>I start kicking and punching him
>he puts me down with complete shock and paps me on the head
>"Chen, have you been hanging around Cirino(idk why he said her)"
>I tell him how inappropriate it is to grab someone like that without their permission
>he goes all quiet and awkward because he feelings are hurt
>"you don't have to be a bitch about it, I was trying to have fun. You're not even cute, I was just being in character"
>"Yeah alright buddy, bye"
After the con
>hop on /cgl/ and see him shit talking about me in the con thread
>making up a whole story of how he asked me first, but then I saw my friends and tried to pretend I didn't want it
Fuck you Ran from Metrocon 2014.

>> No.8237455

> Waiting for someone to post about me.

>> No.8237467

>Waiting for someone to post about booty patrol at AM 2015

>> No.8237705


>> No.8237709

>mentioning it but not posting anything else

>> No.8237750

>Cosplaying Dizzy in her jellyfish airpirate costume for more modesty.
>Heels are killing me.
>Find some backalley area to sit down and take off shoes.
>No one really around, rubbing my feet trying to get some circulation going.
>"H-Hey anon. You have ni-nice feet can I give you a foot massage?" Lanky dude appears out of no where, sits down next to me and grabs my feet without my permission.
>Kungfu gripes them, sniffing at my shoes while massaging them.
>I'm frozen in shock, stuttering for words.
>Finally snap out of it and stand up thanking him for the massage before running the fuck away.

..I mean.. Despite him getting off to my feet at least he was nice enough to give me a massage? That was a weird day.

>> No.8237777

I had actually forgotten about this story until I read a few of yours. I dressed up like prequels Aunt Beru for a costume contest at a book store. It's a small city, maybe 20 people participating. I'm convinced baby dressed like Chewbacca is going to win.

The guy who ends up winning was dressed like The Joker. He was a good Joker, but it was a Star Wars costume contest, so I was a little disappointed. But, I move on. I'm browsing the store when a woman walks over to me, "Your costume is great! I knew exactly who you were!"

I thank her, tell her I should have brought a baby to carry around. Maybe holding baby Luke, people would have known who I was.

"You should have won."
"No. Seriously. You should have won."

Her intensity is what gets to me. Find an excuse to leave the area and stand next to my boyfriend.

I think I'm safe! We're in the parking lot, getting into the car, "You were robbed! You should have won!"

She followed us into the parking lot. Try to politely wave as I get in the car faster.

I dressed up as Charlie Chaplin for a costume contest at my college one year. I was just hanging out after the contest was over, still in costume, because - why go home and change, just to come back?
I notice a group of girls keep giggling with each other as they stare at me. Finally one braves up, starts the walk over to me, gets about halfway to me, turns around and rushes back to her friends disappointed. She realized I was not a dude, I think.
Was slightly disappointed.

>> No.8237793
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> Be 14
> First time cosplaying at the local con
> Kind of shitty con, being free and held at the backyard of the public museum
> Full of freaks but comfy
> Being Osaka, from Azumanga Daioh
> Walking around with Friend, having a good time
>Suddlently Friend whispers
>"Anon... There's a guy behind us"
> Well, the con is pretty much crowded, not a big deal
>"Yes but this one has been following us around for a while now"
> wat
> Look behind, there's this lanky, tall guy towering behind me on a cheap visual kei get up and a dog leash hanging from his neck and everything
> Just glaring directly at my face
>"Umm, excuse me do you need something?"
>"Are you supposed to be Osaka?"
> Oh, well...
>"Eeh, yes! From azumanga daioh"
> Awkward silence follows
>"Aren't you a little too big for her tho?
> wat...
>"Osaka is kind of a loli y'know?"
> wat...
>"Like she doesn't have any curves, at all"
> Frantically, I try to look for Friend but she fucking ran away
>"Not that I dislike chubby girls or anything... In fact, I kind of dig that"
> What the f-
>Suddently his gf (I think?) burst out of nowhere
>"What did I told you about being creepy with other girls? Come back here"
> Girl looks back at me
>"I'm sorry, I'll make sure to punish him for this"
> Grabs the leash and drags him away like a puppet
> Dude just waves at me...
> Friend finally appears after a while
>"Sorry, I thought this was a little awkward and I didn't want to be the third wheel, so I leave both of you alone to get to know each other better!"
> ..... wat
>"Soooo... how was it, Anon?"
> mfw

>> No.8238002

Do you have pictures of this?

>> No.8238034

Wow,someone actually grabbed your butt while you were Saito? That's new to me.

(Also, you got a pic of your Saito? I'd like to see it. >> I cosplay Saito from Zero as well.)

>> No.8238051

Oh god I think I actually remember that Ran, anon.

>> No.8238164

There is a small one day con in Ohio called Animarathon. It's like $2 to get into this because it's put on by a university's anime club, and it's nice just to throw something on for the day and go hang out with your friends.
There is always this one guy who wanders around asking cosplayers to come do a photo shoot with him. It starts out with them just posing normal, taking photos on some steps, but then the dude usually asks them to take their shoes off. The feet fag will not let up until they take their shoes off or they leave.
If you want to take pictures of people's feet for your cosplay foot fetish then post something somewhere asking just for that. Don't try to worm your way into it halfway through your shitty photo shoot you creep. There are a lot of minors there that will say yes to anything, or don't really understand the nature of what you're asking for.

>> No.8238172

I hope you don't hang out with that friend anymore because it sounds like they suck.

>> No.8238186
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Oh this reminds me of a fun story i have from AWA last year! I think i already posted it a while ago but fuck it
>dressed as Youmu
>guy comes up and asks for picture
>seems really excited and is gushing over Touhou
>"soooo are you wearing bloomers or panties? You know, because Touhous have to wear bloomers."
>weird question but blow it off as him trying to be funny
>leave to go to panels and stuff with my sister
>later run into him again while waiting for a Touhou panel
>have my 12 year old sister with me then who is cosplaying Flandre
>guy asks her the same fucking question
>brings up really inappropriate shit like orgies in front of her
>later during the con i got separated from my boyfriend and his phone died so i was wandering around the con with just my 15 year old little brother trying to find him
>guess who i fucking run into
>i was already stressing the fuck out and he decided to "help us look"
>spend two hours wandering around with him not being any help at all and just talking about stupid shit
>finally find boyfriend and make up an excuse to get away from guy
>that night see someone on a local Touhou Facebook group i'm part of post saying the kid tried to take upskirt pictures of his wife
>avoid kid like the plague the rest of the con and don't go anywhere without my boyfriend

>> No.8238215

Well, it's not particularly romantic in the slightest. But here goes:
>meet some cuties, say yes to only a few because afraid of rejection
>after dodging creepy guy, I wander around the con and receive an email
>message from one of my potential dates
>"hey gurl wat u doin tonight"
>goddammit I must have said yes to the wrong person
>don't reply, spend rest of day with a buddy, decide to go to a rave/dance that evening
>about to enter when I see one of the speed dating cuties, he's with another girl, yet motions me over
>"hey did you get my email? "
>recheck inbox, only shitty email there.
>confirms that was his message, I explain that I didn't reply because it was in such poor taste, and I thought he may have just been joking around
>he sent it to everyone in the speed dating,(wow) but he was interested in hanging out
>we spend dance together, get drinks, part at the end of the night
>next day he was impressively drunk the whole day, and hung around me. Friend was not so impressed.
>end of the day, find out he lives in the same city as near me, we part ways, and promise to meet up again sometime after con.

Fast forward to almost 2 years later and we are still going strong. Also I got a $5 Amazon gift card from that speed dating, which was Hella sweet.

>> No.8238223

Well? Were you wearing bloomers or panties?

>> No.8238233

I wore a cosplay of Gloria from DMC4. The lower part of the costume is pretty risqué, with a very high slit crotch and but flap.

I was standing in line for a panel, and all of a sudden a more mature couple get uncomfortably close to me. I ask them politely to respect my space - they explain that they didn't mean to creep me out, but better form a blockade to prevent the guy across the hallway sitting on the floor from taking a up skirt video of me. Thank you panty protection strangers, where ever you are

>> No.8238240

you sound like a raving idiot. in every regard.

>> No.8238243

Her rib cage is kinda grossing me out.

>> No.8238259

So Anon I've got two of these.. which is fuckin' weird since I am both a heavy guy, and was in plain clothes in both cases..

Later in the evening with friends waiting for a panel or screening or some shit, don't remember. Start talking with one of the only other people there. Announces he's just going to stick with us for a bit. Guy follows us around for a good 15-20 minutes before wandering off.

Couple years later, different con, in a group conversation, get asked a couple questions by a fellow con-goer about what a group in the courtyard's up to.. somehow this comes around to him letting us know he got risque lego movie drawings done at the con... no I have no idea how that came up because as I recall at that point my pals and I were being impressed as hell that a nearby Spike Spiegel cosplayer pulled off his hair without use of a wig.

Looking back on it now.. I think it might have been the same fuckin' guy.

>> No.8238267

This was at a con rave which was expected I guess but...
>17 and first big-ish con
>wearing generic galaxy school girl uniform
>friend i was going with insists on going to rave with a guy she knew
>decides to sit out since feet hurt from walking all day
>on phone and keeps to myself when a guy approaches me and asks if i want to dance
>i decline and go back to my phone
>keeps asking why not, where i'm from, my name etc
>keeps answers short and keep telling him im not interested and tells him maybe there are other people already dancing on the floor that he can dance with
>suddenly grabs my arm
>"come on you're too pretty to keep sitting there alone"
>yanks arm back and an older couple a few seats back come up and ask if everything is ok
>creep backs off and the couple asks if i want to sit with them
>i do so for rest of dance

>> No.8238270
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>> No.8238282

I do it as well but not in this manner.

Either way, I have a friend who is really too fucking shy during conventions and sends me to ask/take pictures for her. When it's cosplays from series that she really likes I ask the cosplayer to go talk to her as a pay back. She's annoying but it's as funny to see her dealing with the awkwardness so I keep on doing it.

>> No.8238283

>Be me, 16, awkward and babyfaced
>Got dumped that day, pouring my anger and tears into mario 3d land
>incoming beard
>dude in super greasy roxas cosplay
>wig falling half off, he doesnt notice
>dude starts rubbing my shoulders and asking why im sad
>tell him i got dumped and am not comfortable with touching
>dude doesnt stop
>become anxious
>dude keeps complimenting me and saying how im so sweet how dare the person who dumped me do such a thing
>dude stops rubbing shoulders
>dude sits right next to me
>he smelled so bad
>dude keeps telling me he'll avenge me
>leans in while talking
>I explain that i want to be left alone to play my game and hang out with my friend
>dude does not get hint
>dude decides to kiss me square on the mouth
>pull back
>he's like 20
>tell him im 16
>dude shrugs and leans in
>brief kiss
>I freak out and pick up my stuff
>dude tags along
>point out person who dumped me
>dude disappears for the rest of the con
>still traumatized by that gameroom

>> No.8238294

Autists like this should be shot on site. They don't deserve to live.

>> No.8238299

Yeah, I guess that's not really romantic, but it's still kinda sweet in a screwy kinda way. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8238301

I wish we knew what he did to the guy who dumped you.

It was probably awesome in an idiotic sort of way.

>> No.8238304

>This girl was probably my age (15) but it was still incredibly weird
>This girl was probably my age (15)
>my age (15)
Anon, please. :(

He was probably lonely and mildly autistic.

I always thought these threads were mostly bullshit, until I started hanging out with seagulls. Con thirst is real.

>> No.8238307

If this was you, congrats! You guys who think its super duper funny to make sexual jokes are actually really annoying. I hope you've changed your ways.

>> No.8238322

fucking lol'd at the candy part. I wish I could have seen that I probably would have died laughing.

>> No.8238373

What's with all the hate for guys hitting on younger girls?

>> No.8238380

>be female cosplayer
>go to convention
>sitting off by the side, taking a break
>guy comes over and asks for a picture
>sticks around to make small talk about the con and i oblige because he seems genuine and not a creepfag
>start to leave and he follows
>mfw oh no i have made a terrible mistake he's a creepfag
>ends up following and talking at me for the next two hours about some story he's working on (it was self-insert fantasy shonen crap)
>too shy at the time to tell him to please leave me the fuck alone
>progressively gets creepier and starts inquiring about more personal stuff eg. where i live, where i'm staying, what hotel floor, if i'll be free later
>also asked my opinion on hentai
>finally get rid of him when i have photoshoot soon and ask photographer to bail me out
>photog arrives and whisks me away
>guy awkwardly tries to hand me number as i'm walking away but arms are spaghetti

But wait there's more.

>> No.8238387

>fast forward to different con 4 months later
>completely different cosplay
>suddenly, in the crowd: "hey, anon! remember me?"
>"haha, no? who are you?"
>"aren't you anon?"
>holding cosplay cards that clearly say my cosplay name on them
>flip them over and hope he didn't see
>"no, you've got the wrong person. im anon-different-last-name-chan."
>"oh, okay, sorry, anon-different-last-name-chan. could've sworn you were them. can i have a picture anyway?"
>lets him take picture
>attempts to engage me again by asking about if i know who anon is and if i've seen them around the con
>"sorry, i've got somewhere to be right now. see you around?"
>make a speedy escape into crowd
>day 2 of same convention
>different cosplay. male this time.
>hanging around in main hall with friend
>"hey anon-different-last-name-chan! it's me, from yesterday!"
>"are you sure you're not anon? i swear you're the same person as anon. she's very pretty, you know"
>much less shy by this point in my life and really not about this
>"lol no bye"
>grabs friend by hand and hightails it out of there
>don't see him rest of con and thank god for that

Haven't seen him since and have no idea what to do if he pops up again at a future con. He's that kind of desperately lonely creepy that you feel sorry for and are utterly disgusted by at the same time.

>> No.8238394

keep making new last names. see how long you can make it last.

>> No.8238440

Oh goodie, something that happened last weekend would fit nicely here.

>cosplaying char with decent breast size, crop top and thong that sticks out of pants but other than that is basically just loosish pants, a coat and no cleavage showing
>doing a shoot with 2 friends with awesome cameras
>running out of ideas, decide to lay down on carpet
>take coat off because why not
>wig starts falling off bc its the end of the day so my arms go above my head
>yeahhhh didnt think that one through
>guy comes up and asks for a pic
>think for a second bc it will be a bit before i stand up bc said wig is coming off
>says "sure?" as i barely lean upwards to stand up
>snaps a pic with his phone with me in that position and walks off
>....well that didn't go as planned

....I may have unintentionally ended up in someones fap folder. Screw you, dude. Hate that I was that oblivious bc the character isnt hardly sexualized so I never think of her that way.

>> No.8238451

Sounds familiar. What country was this?

>> No.8238455

Well, if a good-looking guy came up to you and just said you smelled good, would that be acceptable?

>> No.8238463

>He didnt even avenge you

>> No.8238493

>go to a local con in builtfat appropriate plain clothes
>jean shorts and a single color t-shirt hiding my fat, showing my frame
>on TWO occasions a girl in revealing cosplay tries to strike up conversation
>short replies, barely any eye contact, the works
>leave frustrated

I mean come on, you see I don't cosplay and my camera is out, why the hell do you think it is OK to try and hit on me?

>> No.8238551

>>yeahhhh didnt think that one through
Exactly what he was thinking

>> No.8238579

How do you feel about the very sight of you having made men orgasm?

>> No.8238631

it's basically a synonym for "sketchy"

>> No.8238636

Not essentially seedy but I figured I'll share
>Go to con in northern part of state
>am a male
>17th birthday, going with friends dressed like Naked Snake
>Con is fine, get plenty of "SNAKE?!" and game over line shouted in my ear
>Meet wife and husband team who are The Boss and Snake respectively who are nice
>Midway through day, it's one friend's first con so he wants to wander, I let him and other friend go around show floor and I go to get some vendor merch I wanted
>Grab the PAK Solidus, few shirts, and plush Portal turret for gf at time (last one the stall had for the day apparently)
>Go into side hall to make sure I got everything correctly in the bags and such, also to get out of the people traffic
>Notice two rather round men coming down the hall out of my eye that isn't covered by eyepatch
>Pay no attention until they stop infront of me
>Both look like they could eat me if they wanted
>One makes a awkward comment about my costume, I thank him, and the other points out how I was lucky to get the plush turret
>Didn't notice them at booth but w/e
>Turret guy gets a look on his face
>Turret guy gives me a swift gut punch
>The basics of CQC fail me
>Both guys try to grab my merch and run off while I'm winded
>Turtle with it on the floor to avoid theft and further bodily damage
>Hotline Miami cosplayer yells at them from the entrance to the hall and runs over
>They scatter to the far winds
>Dude helps me up, asks if I'm alright, helps me find con security
>Give them as many details as I can
>Con2Big, either they don't find them or I never hear about it
>Hang with Hotline Guy till my friends come back, dude is pretty bro I still hear from him now and again
>Still pretty good birthday minus that

Figures the first time I actually walk a con alone for a bit this shit happens.

>> No.8238696

Amazing how far molestation can get just by perplexing the molest-y.

>> No.8238716

I never said he was ugly, anon. I said he was creepy.

>> No.8238777


>Hotline Miami cosplayer yells at them from the entrance to the hall and runs over

Of all the cosplays to wear while interrupting an assault.

>> No.8239018


so did you wait?

>> No.8239117
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real human bean

>> No.8239139

>setting off mace in a crowded con

sounds fun, go do that.

>> No.8239161

>Hotline Miami cosplayer yells at them from the entrance to the hall and runs over
this is golden

>> No.8239190

You're not saying anything lewd to them though? That's cute, while this was awkward since it was such a rude thing to say.
It was years ago, I'm 19 now.

>> No.8239308

Because they're underage?
Not sure if bait...

>> No.8239437

Jacket = based

>> No.8239450

Fuck that guy, I've had similar shit pulled on me and it makes me so angry.

>> No.8239658

i kek'd

>> No.8239692

> 12 year old sister cosplaying Flandre

I'm sorry anon but that sounds adorable

>> No.8240150

Alright I'll bite.

>be 17 year old me
>in the game room
>some guy starts making small talk, oblige because he seems nice enough
>"Anon, let's exchange numbers, we could could get a beer sometime or something!"
>"Uh, I'm 17"

>captcha is beer

>> No.8240156

>cosplaying Princess Tutu
>walking around with my brother, also cosplaying
>drunk guys behind us be like "Hey, can I hit your tutu?"

Not that bad, but still weird.

>> No.8240180

I walked away.

>> No.8240194

Being ugly means you can't learn basic social skills? Excuses. Get that anxiety out if the way. If you're like me, try making sure to rest your toungue behind your bottom teeth. I tend to push the roof if my mouth and it makes me look totally different when I don't- I have a real jawline now lol

>> No.8240203

I walked away
Wrong post

>> No.8240227

Ugh, gross. At least the couple was nice enough to intervene.

>> No.8240344

I cringe thinking they probably scripted that with the other girl

>> No.8240345

For some people like me the overbite is strong I can't just rest the tongue I have to be actively holding my jaw in position. Next dentist appointment I have I will ask him what can be done, but there is a good chance I'll need braces, putting me out of the game for another two years. Oh well I need the time to finish my first cut and bulk up and cut again anyways.

>> No.8240432

Well, they did sound like a rip off from a cheap animu as far as I remember... with high pitched voice, exaggerated hand gestures and everything -also the trashy bdsm paraphernalia-
As for my friend... she was a fucken ditz who loved to play match maker in the worst of situations.
Good ol' '06
I hated that year.

>> No.8240462
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Bit of creep but mostly rude @AM 15
>enjoy cosplaying object heads
>make big ass TV head and take it to con
>throughout day people bang on sides and back because they cannot stand keeping their auts to themselves
> pissed but this shit was expected
>walking through hall
>nasty ass plainclothes weeb girl approaches
>reaches her hands up and grabs sides of heavy ass TV
>attempts to smooch screen
>push weeb away and she runs to the side and screams "LOVE ME BEEMO"
>all of this while holding GF's hand

>> No.8240468

Upon closer inspection it seems there are tits reflected in my screen. Dear god now I've become the creep.

>> No.8240477

its ok we all experience that once
i went to take a picture of someone and the angle seemed like i was trying to get a pic of her cooch. when showed her it, everything was covered by dress.

>> No.8240504

That's what you get for following tumblr trends anon.

>> No.8240511
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okay this might not count because it wasnt at a con or creeping at me, but hes pretty active in the cosplay club at my uni, so here it goes.

>qtgf comes up to hang out
>both hungry af
>go to dining hall
>see creep guy, Sebastian
>only met him once before
>he was awkward, but i thought that was because he was foreign
>say hi
>he sees gf
>he latches on to me and her
>says we should go to this one really good dining hall
>gf and i are too beta to say no
>walk to other side of campus
>on the way, he casually mentions how infidelity is somewhat culturally acceptable
>mentions his beastiality fetish
>while eating, bursts out in song and he grabs gfs hand
>she and i exchange look of horror
>leave, never talk to him again

hes always in some shitty costume, pic related. i talked with this one girl, who was once his friend. turns out he got a girl drunk, and forced his dick in her mouth. then he threatened to commit suicide when she was going to tell the cops. hes seriously fucked up and im scared for girls at anime boston/ucon@uconn because he always ends up hanging with someone that just cant force themselves to say no.

>> No.8240513


>> No.8240627

I guess you're right, it's not lewd comments but I still imply that she's in love with the cosplayer's character or something along those lines. I'm trying to embarass my friend when she's near so I can get a laugh out of it. But I never pulled off the creep card, that would hurt her feelings and the last thing I want to do is seeing my friend cry- she's unstoppable.

>> No.8240640


>> No.8240914

Went to my first con at 16, everything was fun until
>summertime and hot so there's a buff 30 year old hanging around in just a swimsuit
>friend seems to think he knows the guy from another con
>ask but isn't him, seems nice enough so we get a picture
>honestly don't know why but I remember we did
>there with a couple of friends, swimsuit dude asks us our names
>realize somethings off when he repeats them back to us a couple times
>friends agree he was weird but thats just the beginning
>see him later, say hello again but he wont go away
>asks the location of friend whos not with us
>lie and make tracks
>the creep catches up to us all later and corners us
>says he knows we're not 'of age' but is interested in friend
>friend says no way, creep laughs says ok see you round
>saw him all over con, he followed us into two panels and we ran out, caught us in another one and blocked the exit causally
>staff finally told him off and we left
literally my whole con was spent playing hide and seek with this guy, totally ruined my con, cant even imagine how freaked out my friend was

>> No.8240998

>6 years ago
>Then BF wanted to go to a out of state Con
>Never showed any interested and even teased me about my weeby shit
>Think nothing off it and that he has a change of heart of my weebness
>Day of con
>He tells me he wants to go alone on day one
>He argues and storms out
>Go to con an hour later and see him with a girl
>Go up and say to her
>She looks perplexed
>Ask me who I am
>Tell her I'm his GF
>She runs off
>Ask him what's that's about

Turns out he was cheating on me and wanted to meet her irl at this con for the first time. Best part he was 24 and she was 16.

Dumped his ass right then and there and told him the front desk will have his stuff (I paid and had the hotel in my name)

>> No.8241012
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>tfw I never got harressed
>tfw I'm not a fatty
>tfw I'm pretty average
>tfw I live in turkey, which has high rape rate
What the fuck Turkey, this is not how it works.

>> No.8241029

>Cosplaying Sinon not long after the first season of SAO had finished (I know, I know but Sinon is great)
>Tits and ass are fairly revealed but it's my rifle that gets most of the attention
>Getting stopped every few steps for photos but that's okay, very few people actually know what I'm cosplaying but I expected that
>Suddenly 14-16year old kid comes up to me with bad pick up lines
>Will not stop until one of the girls I'm with threatens to punch him
>Throws a balled up bit of paper with his number on it at my cleavage before walking off

I cosplayed from Vividred that weekend and had more civil conversations with fans.

>> No.8241034

so you're basically saying he deserved it because of what he was wearing

>> No.8241040

My boyfriend tells me I smell really good all the time. It's really nice.

Maybe he just liked your perfume?

>> No.8241059

was the toss from the pedobear an underhand toss, or an overhand one?? all i can picture in my head is pedobear just violently throwing jolly ranchers at kids.

>> No.8241281

Top kek

>> No.8241331

Jesus, some people just do not take the hint. A similar thing happened to me as well.
>having a beer with a friend
>drunk guy comes over and starts chatting me up
>tell him I'm not interested
>he's insistent and wants me to go somewhere with him
>keep telling him no, and getting really uncomfortable because he's been at it for a couple minutes
>turn away and ignore him, hoping he goes away
>creep suddenly grabs my upper arm and starts yanking me to my feet
>"what the fuck!" friend jerks me back and arm is ripped away
>he fucking tries to grab me again
>friend and I finally get up and walk to a group of 20-somethings who were hanging out nearby
>"hi, sorry, but that guy won't leave us alone so do you mind if we just stand here until he goes away?"
>"yeah no problem, we were watching and he's a real creep"
>dude eventually wanders away
PSA: if you notice that someone is clearly not interested and the instigator is starting to get rough, please intervene. Don't be a fucking bystander, for god's sake.

>> No.8241346

lol, awkwarddddd

>you both were

>> No.8241379

why the fuck would you ever think ignoring a groper is the way to make them stop? never let anyone get away with that shit or they will never stop.

>> No.8241383

>i didn't read the story at all!

>> No.8241413

yeah one instance of getting caught versus all these stories of girls standing around hoping the creep will "take a hint" and stop. if girls don't stand up for themselves (rather than wait for rescue) the perceptions these guys have about them will never change.

>> No.8241420


Damn, that guy sucks. If that had been me i would totally have avenged you

>> No.8241423

i...what? that doesn't make sense, anon. you were talking about the OP directly saying she didn't do enough, even though she clearly did, and now you're trying to be 'right' by saying "OH BUT THIS WAS JUST ONE INSTANCE DURDURDUR" no, just stop, you sound like an idiot.

>> No.8241433

>I didn't read the story at all, OK, whatever
>stop bullying me I'm still right!

>> No.8241454

>>a few seconds later, some guy is very clearly grabbing my shoulders from behind
>>try to continue conversation with nice crossplayer, maybe if i ignore the guy behind me he'll go away

what is reading comprehension? the situatiob escalated because, like many posts in these threads, the victim hoped the creep would stop. this is a repeat situation that occurs multiple times per creep thread. i do not understand gropers and i do not understand people who think not responding is the best way to deal with them.

>> No.8241458

>you were talking about the OP directly saying she didn't do enough, even though she clearly did,

she literally said:

>maybe if i ignore the guy behind me he'll go away

after saying he was "very clearly" grabbing her shoulders. are you saying this was the appropriate response, or an understandable one? please explain.

>> No.8241479

>boohoohoo i'm mad cause even though the OP did take action she didn't turn around and shoot pepper spray at everyone and declare her wymynhood by cutting his balls off!!111!

you sound like one of those people who talks big but clearly has never been in the same situation. not everyone can react to that kind of thing rationally or with tact, it's scary, especially for a young girl.

>> No.8241492

i don't understand these attitudes:

>>No one has enough balls to yell at him.

>>oh god leave me alone listen to my voice I am an uninterested dude
>>ignore him

>>...grabs my feet without my permission.
>>Kungfu gripes them, sniffing at my shoes while massaging them.
>>I'm frozen in shock, stuttering for words.
>>Finally snap out of it and stand up thanking him for the massage
>thanking him

>>spend two hours wandering around with him

please speak up when shit gets uncomfortable, there is no reason not to.

>> No.8241513

but why does it keep showing up in every one of these threads? being frozen and afraid is one thing (which that anon said happened AFTER the touching escalated), just hoping they will stop if you ignore them is another. i am really confused about what people think will happen when they let someone touch them or tag along unwanted. it encourages that behavior because they don't give a shit about consent or boundaries. ignoring and hoping for rescue is nonsensical

>> No.8241527

>ignoring and hoping for rescue is nonsensical
Yeah it is, but how much other shit related to public groping is nonsensical? All of it. Girls aren't being taught to stand up for themselves, they're being taught that it shouldn't exist and that everyone else is responsible for their bodies.

>> No.8241538

You're an inconsiderate asshole. They didn't know what to do, obviously. You'll notice that many if not most of these stories mention the user being underaged. In other words, before they would have known better.

People do these things that you "don't understand" do them for any combination of the following reasons:
>fear of the groper
>denial of the situation at hand
>lack of knowledge of how to react due to young age
>fear of how people will react if they react strongly against someone in a public place
>feeling of a lack of control
>other priorities (trying to find friends to help etc.)
All of these are perfectly reasonable reactions, and it's clear as day that not only have you never been in a situation like these, but that you lack the basic human empathy to even imagine what it would be like.

>>8241527 also has a good point: it's difficult to react to something you weren't expecting, and these people are completely unequipped to deal with something like this even if they were expecting it, God forbid. People don't react well when confronted with something they have been told does not exist.

>> No.8241543

creepy is just a code word for unattractive that women use so they don't sound shallow. just be real and say he was unattractive.

>> No.8241556

/r9k/ pls

>> No.8241561

ok. so here is a tip, for everyone reading the thread, now is your chance to begin learning to stand up for yourself. in case of:

>unwanted contact
practice saying "i don't like to be touched." i felt like shit refusing hugs when i first started cosplaying but i practiced this so it would come out easily instead of me stuttering an apology and then running away.

>unwanted tag-alongs
"we/i would like some alone time/time with just each other. enjoy the con!"

>scared of being the creeper
don't fucking touch people without permission. talking is fine but few will say if you're a bother so if they start
>freezing up
>not responding to you
>making excuses to go somewhere else

just say it was nice to meet them, hope they have a good con, and move on.

>> No.8241580

I'm just going to say I 100% agree with you, however, this is not going to solve it, one anon isn't going to solve it. This is a textbook case of easier said than done. And this is coming from someone who would be considered a strong woman(I punched a dude in the stomach for touching my ass and then yelled about it and got him arrested), but even I know that no, not everyone can do this kind of thing on their own. They should be taught how by people who aren't anons on 4chan too, nothing against you of course.. But they're not, instead they're taught to play the victim and that just because something shouldn't happen, it won't. People who think that we can stop all creepers with 'teaching' or 'shaming' are the dumbest people and they're destroying women's autonomy. We need to stop victimizing women and claiming that anything other than doing so is 'victim blaming' it's disgusting, and part of the reason why so much of this happens.

>> No.8241619

Oh shut up I've been victim blamed that wasn't it, that's helpful advice. This ALL TIPS ARE VICTIM BLAMING shit needs to stop. That's not helping either. Anon even addressed not being a creeper for fucks sake. Just because it's not the best place for advice and "wont help" you need to bitch about it? Please.

>> No.8241628

You must be creepy. Creepy is not understanding social norms enough where the people around you wonder if you're a serial killer. I've met plenty of good looking creepy people, and their attractiveness doesn't help.

>> No.8241634

I should add that I absolutely find it hilarious when people think "being attractive" is the answer to everything.
Please cry more.

>> No.8241636
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Why are you being such a cunt? I simply told the anon I agreed with her, but that she's not going to fix it by being one person and that we need to fix it on a bigger scale.

>> No.8241640

You do understand that escalating something that's clearly about to be over soon can sometimes actually lead to worse, sometimes more uncomfortable circumstances, right?

It's not my job to teach creepy ass people what's socially normal.

>> No.8241644

Did -you- read? I don't think so, it became worse quickly because she didn't act.

>> No.8241652

Yeah, but the potential for the same thing happening is also there, and it's really unknowable which one will be the result. So you can't place the onus on whomever is being groped, because they have no reasonable course of actions to take to avoid leading to worse circumstances.

>> No.8241660

I meant that as an explanation on why people choose to ignore or hope the situation will dissipate. Turning around and pissing someone off who already thinks they can do whatever they want to you without your permission can have random, unforeseen results. I agree that people should stand up for themselves, but I think the focus should be on teaching kids how not to be sociopaths.

>> No.8241665

>This is a textbook case of easier said than done.

yeah but hopefully the uh heated discussion itt will stick in people's heads enough to lessen their passive responses.

honest to god, this is coming from someone who has had to threaten abusive family members with a restraining order. empower yourself any way you can and don't expect problems to go away on their own. at a con you are dealing with a lot of cowards and autists so just stating boundaries can go a long way.

>> No.8241668

> it's difficult to react to something you weren't expecting
So much this.

It's one thing if someone starts creeping on you with their words, but suddenly being grabbed is very shocking. Some guy at a train station grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards an exit. It was so unexpected and I remember trying to yank my arm back as a knee-jerk reaction, but my first thought definitely was not to yell "let go of me, you creep!" or even "help!" My mind just had "oh my god what is happening" running through it like a mantra, meanwhile I'm digging my heels in and trying to get my arm loose. I actually can thank my brother for this physical reaction because he likes to whip my arm around obnoxiously all the time, so it's become somewhat of an instinct to free myself when someone grabs my arm unexpectedly. In any case, an older guy on the platform saw it happening and he ran towards us while yelling.

I don't like the idea of people needing to rely on others because they can't stand up for themselves (like in some of these horror stories where creep-kun tags along with anon-chan because she was too polite to tell him to go away - let's be honest, mental faculties will kick back in and when they do, tell him to buzz off) but sometimes you are caught off guard and don't have any time to properly react to the situation. In these cases, by the time your mind catches up with the situation, it may already be too late for you, which especially holds true if the aggressor is someone who can physically overpower you.

>> No.8241675

Very few people understand this concept and I can't figure out why.

>> No.8241693

i think most people can understand not acting due to confusion or fear, but specifically remaining passive while hoping the other person will stop is what is strange.

for me i value autonomy more than safety or friendships and i know from experience that inaction does not go well for me.

>> No.8241702

>Turning around and pissing someone off who already thinks they can do whatever they want to you without your permission can have random, unforeseen results. I agree that people should stand up for themselves, but I think the focus should be on teaching kids how not to be sociopaths.

in general sure but how many times have iterations of this thread included stories of things getting dangerously worse after speaking up vs bad things continuing to happen when anons try to be polite or ignore it? i am willing to bet that most con creepers can be dealt with without anons getting beaten to death.

the only "teaching" that can happen here is one anon to another and there is no one in this thread who has admitted to currently enjoying molesting or annoying people at cons. so there is not much to say TO creepers here.

>> No.8241703

at mtac this year me and my friend were just wearing pokemon kigus, not really cosplaying. we got hot so we went out into the courtyard to catch a breath.

some weird girl sees us and automatically tells us to go with her, shes like grabbing my hand and pulling me along. we go just to see whats up.

she takes us to this group of guys and theres a super awkward one like blushing and acting weird. the girl told him "JUST DO IT! DONT BE SCARED!"

at that point i get kind of nervous and weirded out i have no idea what this guy is gonna do. for some reason i thought maybe even throw a drink on us or something bc hes acting so fucking strange.

anyway they keep telling him "do it say it etc" and he awkwardly says "can i be your daddy"

the girl explained hes not good with girls and just wanted him to talk to some during the con. he tried to talk to us more after that but we slowly backed away and made our escape.

not too scary but SO awkward

>> No.8241716

I have frotteurism and I like to go to conventions to release this feeling. Let's play a game shall we

>> No.8242225

Oh my god. Was this picture taken at AB? I was on 3F and he asked me to take pictures of him and some girl he dragged over.

He was getting close and i thought he was weird so i took a quick picture so she could leave, then he asks for more poses... She told him just grab the end of her skirt and pretend hes trying to see her underwear.

He takes this as permission to lift up her skirt and look at her ass. I just pressed a random button without looking and handed him his phone back quickly.

I have my own story as well.

>Like Lucina
>Tell my friends im looking for lucina cosplayers to take pictures
>i see one and ask to take a picture
>"He's been looking for you all day!!"
>I feel like a creep and tell her i just like the character
>Snap a pic so i can gtfo
>"Take one with her!!"
>Now her friends and my friends have a picture of me looking painfully confused and nervous

Maybe just spaghetti on my part but 1 friend said she looked embarrassed when they left.

>> No.8242235

That sounds cute, you should have talked to her more.

>> No.8242276

I was probably playing the creeper role when I was at a con party and went up to a girl at said party and drunkenly told her I recognized her from a con a few months back and then walked away back towards the bar.

>> No.8242396

Had something realy similar to this happen to me but at a ren fair back when I was a teen.
>very small crappy fair but I'm pretty excited since I'm still like 15 at this point
>everyone just has tents as its held in a park
>be interested in corsets at one tent
>lady offers to lace me up into the ones I'm looking at
>since they're bodice style ones they just go over top of clothes, so no changing room
>midway through trying the second one on we're suddenly assaulted by elves
>no better way to describe this, there's just suddenly a fuckton of people dressed as elves in the tent with us
>corset lady recognizes some of them as owning the jewelry tent across the way
>they quietly tell her that the guys at the leatherwork booth directly across from the corset booth have been eyeballing every time a girl comes in
>and apparently it was getting way too offcolor for the fact that I was obviously under age

>captcha: icupg
Captcha is a gangster 2nd grader apparently.

>> No.8242427

>used to go to a local goth/punk/generically alt hangout
>all high school and college age
>one regular there is a drop dead living bishounen come to life
>neatly styled blonde hair, well groomed, always dressed in brand aristocrat
>creepiest motherfucker I have ever met
>one of those "I am an actual vampire and I will actually eat you" guys
>like if you're that hot and that well dressed at a goth club and still cant rustle up a chubby morticia to go home with you know you're at threat level Gacy

Its not an attractiveness thing. There is a non-creepy way to tell a girl you like her perfume, and there is a way that sounds like you are going to eat her liver.

>> No.8242570
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>wow that girl has a really good costume!
>i'll just get closer to take a better look
>geez she's moving a lot this is hard since it's so crowded
>oh gosh she's really cute too AND she got all the details just right I should compliment her
>man i wish i had a friend that was into cosplay maybe I should try to think of something cooler than just complimenting her costume
>gee she sure is going around quick what panel is this
>oh right I was thinking about going to this panel anyway maybe I'll think of something to say afterwards
>boy that panel sure was neat now to say something
>can't think of anything
>surely if I keep following her I'll think of


>> No.8242586

This happened to me this past week, except her mom was with her and was staring daggers at me when she noticed I was looking at her daughter so I didnt go ask for a picture. She was just so cute though.

>> No.8243403

Had a similar story to that..
>17 year old me at first con in first costume
>across the country from my hometown
>slight cleavage
>meet guy cosplaying from same series
>helps me fix my breaking costume
>exchange skype as he is from my hometown and I've never met another cosplayer from around here
>talk for a while
>invites me home to show me how to make armor with worbla
>gladly takes invitation
>starts kissing me, trying to fight him, he's stronger and bigger
>throws me on bed
>phone rings
>run away
>asks me where I went, asking my age
>tell him 17, "Oh, but your boobs said 20+"
>later learn hes had a history with con creeping

On the plus side I also met my girlfriend at that con, so it kinda all went well.

>> No.8243438

Mine from AWA two years ago when I first got big i to cosplay and had actually made a cosplay friend that I hung out with. I'm in my 20s but I have baby face.

>>change into Chi from chobits (have very short skirt, but wearing pumpkin shorts) and drive back to con at night
>>friend A's boyfriend agrees to meet me at my car and walk me back I to the con for safety since it's dark.
>>standing in that circular area near the dealers hall waiting for A to show up since she's at another's friends room party.
>>standing a little bit away frromA's bf, both looking in different directions for A
>>suddenly boy Is RIGHT BEHIND ME out of nowhere complaining about how every girl is dressed as Chi
>>stammer 'oh, I just changed into this, I haven't really seen any other chis...I mean I like her and she's a popular character so...'
>>keeps complaining, BF edges closer in case he needs to step in and is watching me for any sign of needing help
>>A shows up tipsy and talks loudly about how cute I look and how she needs a pic, throws her phone at bf and poses with me
>>boy starts in on how he wants a pic too! Hands his phone off as well
>>poses with me, then says he wants to follow me around bc his friends are being boring losers
>>try to nicely shake him off by saying we are just going to wonder around aimlessly and try to find people we know
>>follows me anyway
He ended up leaving when we came across a fan table blasting miku songs and the hare hare yukai and the rest of us started dancing...but he did try and follow me around later.
It was just really annoying. I'm pretty sure I was a bit older than him and why do guys think it's ok to insult or complain about your cosplay before trying to flirt with you. I know that's a tactic to break girls down and then compliment them to make them feel special or whatever but I feel like cosplayers would just get mad.

>> No.8243454
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More importantly is that weeb behind him... cosplaying Jnig!?

>> No.8243800
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>> No.8243834
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>> No.8244170

some interesting times cosplaying chiho. not too bad but they make me laugh. i guess its to be expected when you're dressed as a super busty burger qt

>sitting in circle with friends in semi crowded room
>"anon...there's a Maou that keeps staring at you"
>apparently having a flustered convo with his friend rather to come up to me or not
>sudden banshee voice
>turn around with a smile
>sweaty 6ft neckbeard
>hugs me without permission
>asks for pic
>allows it then goes back to my friends
>mfw he's still staring at me

different con

>walking with bf to con center
>another huge maou cosplayer spots us (what is this trend??)
>laugh it off and joke "can't a girl get a smoke break?!"
>continue walking
>tries to roleplay more
>giggle uncomfortably and wave goodbye
>mfw run into him multiple times throughout the con

another instance, same con

>with bf and his friends sitting at a table tired af
>kid (17/18 maybe?) walks up to me
>"a-are you uh..cosplaying t-that one girl from uh the devil is a part timer?? w-what's her name again?"
>you can do it buddy i believe in you
>"yep! chiho."
>"o-oh right.....that's my favorite anime"
>hastily walks away
>everyone else at table confused af
>"favorite anime"

poor guy. one step on the road to confidence.

>> No.8244181

good on you for treating that last guy considerately.

>> No.8244190

The last guy didn't seem creepy at all. Just really shy. I'm a guy tho so I don't know what creepiness is unless it's overt.

>> No.8244205

uh because not all of us can sit through the retaliation that comes after standing up for yourself. some of us are conditioned to be nice even during people being retarded.

>> No.8244209

he wasn't really creepy but it was just kind of a weird/interesting exchange. saying that and walking away before i could respond. thinking about it more now i guess i shouldn't have been expecting anything else of it (a pic or a convo etc). he just wanted to know who i was lol

>> No.8244220

as someone who has trouble speaking clearly when alone, i felt his pain u_u

>> No.8244224

Yeah, same

>> No.8244241
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>Go to con with friend
>Just plain clothes
>Going through merchant stalls seeing what there is to see
>I see a pretty cool cosplay of AoT
>She's right in front of us, so I just look at her then keep looking forward
>My friend said that I'm starting to stare too much at her
>Explain that I was only looking forward
>He doesn't believe me

Jesus, I'm so scared of this happening on accident.
I don't even know if people around me were thinking the same thing.

>> No.8244928

I'm >>8237188
I was at mtac too. Sorry that happened to you. Were you the shiny umbreon?

>> No.8245002

Oh god, I'm happy to hear that story had a happy ending and you made it away from that situation

>> No.8245360

at one con i was cosplaying as etna and some creeper fat neckbeard freak said hi and asked for a picture with me.

silly boys.

>> No.8245382

Reposting ancient story I saw in one of these con horror threads.

>I was cosplaying Hinata, and a friend of mine had come with me as Ino. We were walking around the con when she said she wanted to go to see one of the panels on a visiting speaker, and I wanted to keep looking around, so we agreed to meet up back at the hotel lobby later on.

>When I was going through the dealer room I saw this group of guys, and one girl. They were all kinda overweight, and cosplaying naruto characters too. We made eye contact and I waved to be nice.

>They wouldn't leave me alone after that. They followed me around the dealer's room and kept trying to talk to me and get me to join them. I answered the first few times to be nice, but I didn't want to go anywhere with them, they also smelled really bad, breath twice as much.

>I managed to lose them, but when I got to the doors of the convention hall/hotel where the panels and stuff were being held, they spotted me crossing the street.

>They acted like it was a game, and started hooting and hollaring as they chased me to the elevators. I was really freaked out now, and I really didn't want them touching me. They were still a bit away when the doors to the elevator going up opened, and there was this guy standing in there alone, cosplaying as one of those odst halo soldiers. As soon as the naruto hambeast leader came closest to the elevator, ODST guy steps up and punches him in the face. The guy hits the floor and the whole group is staring at us as the doors close.

>I feel bad cause I just stood there quietly, and he got out on the third floor without saying anything. Definitely one of the coolest things that happened that year!

>> No.8245399


>> No.8245405

Probably not, but it's depressing that it's actually plausible.

>> No.8245434

>Be 18, attending a party convention and am able to buy my own drinks for the first time
>Crossplaying all weekend, mainly shotas back then
>Guy I have never met in my life comes up to me on friday, calls me by my online cosplay handle right away, and asks for a few photos
>He then hugs me and leaves
>See him multiple times over the weekend, always asking for a photo, hug, talking to me like we're best buddies

>Sunday night at the con:
I'm gonna skip the explanation of the amount of drinks I had had and the amount of food I hadn't had
>Be insanely drunk, need help from bff to get around cause my leg muscles weren't working
>Can hardly speak at this point either
>Bff sits me down next to a bunch of other super close friends so they can watch over me while he checks out the bathroom
>Guy who had been following me all weekend sits down next to me the moment bff is gone
>"Anon, I wanna kiss you, do you wanna kiss me?"
>Mumbling no and trying to make disgusted faces in hopes that friends might see something is up
>He grabs me, pushes me closer to him and starts raping my mouth with his tongue
>"Anon, want to go back to my room?"
>Grabs my arm and gets ready to lift me up and head off with me
>Bff comes back before that happens and makes him disappear
>None of the friends I was sitting next to had noticed anything wrong with the whole situation
>Thank you bff

We're all pretty sure he's a seagull, I remember some friends knowing who he is and saying he's on here. Fuck you if that's true.

This happened 5 years ago and I'm still paranoid at cons today. Obviously I shouldn't have had so much to drink, but the excitement of being able to actually drink and not worry about anyone asking for my ID just made me forget about it.
Today I'm scared of cosplaying anything even mildly popular, anything that reveals too much skin, anything with a neckbeard fanbase. I don't get how anyone can enjoy getting attention from males like this.

>> No.8245448

I think the biggest problem with cons is the neckbeard fanbases have awful social skills so they take cues from anime and come off as freaks.

>> No.8245451
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Anyone else hate when people start playing the age game?

>Person comes up and makes random small talk
>Conversation starts getting a little personal
>Asks my age
>Give joke reply because they're getting creepy
>Okay anon how old do you think I am

>> No.8245473

That is true. Tbf most neckbeards are more awkward than 'dangerous'. I just don't know how to handle neckbeard-speak.
At my last con I cosplayed Marisa from Touhou for one single hour, I was approached by neckbeards and neckbeard photographers almost nonstop during that hour. Most of my cosplays get maybe two people with cameras asking for photos in the amount of 5-6 hours if I'm lucky.
Never fucking again. I don't even know if it's a good or bad thing that this creep ruined my any want for cosplay-attention. There is a kind of skimpy cosplay I really want to do, but I'm just really dreading the amount of photographers that might want photos of it without even knowing the source material.

Anyway, here's another story
>Be 15, cosplaying Rukia from Bleach for the cosplay skit-thing
>Before the show, I'm being approached by what I can only call the female neckbeard
>Breathing heavily, has a unibrow, greasy hair, greasy face, smelling like sewer rats and obese
>First thing she says to me "I want to fuck your brother"
>She tries to make conversation with me from there, not noticing how much I'm screaming on the inside
>The event begins and she needs to go sit down and I need to go backstage
>The event ends, I win an award for my skit
>Girl comes over to me again as I'm being hugged by my friends
>"oh my god your parents must be so proud"
>"I haven't told them yet"
>"do you want me to call them and let them know?"
>After walking next to me for a while I manage to get my yaoi-obsessed friend to distract her while I escape and go back home
>For a full year after that she hunts down every online profile I have on the internet, cosplay and non cosplay related
>Receive these messages on all accounts, almost daily
>"hi do u want to be my friend?"
>"hi what r u doing right now :3? whats up??"
>I answered only one single message
>Never got a reply
>Next day "hi what r u doing???"

She eventually stopped and latched onto a different Bleach cosplayer

>> No.8245489

I can happily say that I've never had that happen to me.
The amount of social awkwardness at cons is too much sometimes.

>> No.8245510

I always feel like a creep when I ask how old someone is.

I want to know whether they're potential drinking buddies, but there's no way to ask without being creepy ('lol r u legal') or implicitly offering them a drink ('hey r u above drinking age').

I'll creep on you some day, anon.

>> No.8245521
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>I'll creep on you some day, anon.
I'm gonna be at Kitacon in Birmingham later this year, hit me with your best shot

>> No.8245534

oh god that reminds me
>At a con a few years ago
>Had just gotten dumped a few weeks prior
>Fuck this, I really need a guy right now
>Meet cute guy, flirt around with him
>We almost end up fucking each other
>He reveals that he's 33 years old
>oh wow
>Asks how old I am
>"Wow really? I thought you were like 18 or less"

>> No.8245596

My 15 year old sister sent me some screenshots the other day and it was so creepy then she told me the full story and I feel it's cool if I put it here

> talks to person twice at cosplay meet when 14
> person in question is 22 year old, bus spotting, trans woman brony
> talks to them on facebook when they pop up only because she's polite
> person says they have a thing for her and pulls age is just a number card
> she asks for them to not speak to her again
> person knows shes going to this one con
> have to go with her so she doesn't get creeped

>> No.8245647

>Couple years back
>Wearing slightly revealing cosplay
>End of day so sitting outside with shoes off
>Guy comes up and asks for picture
>Start to move plushies and try to get shoes back on
>"No, no Anon, stay just like you were"
>Proceeds to take photo that features my feet as the main point
>Laugh it off with my friend after

Not too creepy but I thought I'd share.

>> No.8245653

> Not too creepy
You do realise he went home and fapped on that picture right?

>> No.8245666

Do you have kawaii feet? :3

>> No.8245693
File: 145 KB, 579x818, 7ae8f8141204950c6f4b0f59734a2a52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something pokes my hip.
>Turn around. Some dude. He has a bunch of friends mostly not cosplaying or "ironically cosplaying".
>They're all kind of dicks, taking jabs at everyone around them saying things like "hey gurllll, you know you askin for it-Yo why you gotta be a cunt about it, you dressin like a bitch anyway" etc
>I think some of them genuinely liked anime and stuff but had a difficult time expressing themselves since the people they surrounded themselves with.
>Usually avoid these kinds of people like the plague but they approached me so I figured nbd
>Mistakes were made

"Are you 'x'?? Can I take a picture with you?"
>He seems to like anime. He seems nice. Sometimes the people you surround yourself with aren't a reflection of your character.. or so I thought
>I smile and kind of sway my hands for him to come to me. Tug on my friends shirt for him to turn around
>I give his phone to a friend so he can take the the picture of us
>Picture taken
>Wave goodbye
>Start walking away

>He grabs my wrist.
>Force is exceeding a hippo's full force bite.
>Clear my throat, and point towards the wrist he's nearly breaking.
"Hey uhhh"
>He's cracking jokes w/ his friends and kind of laughing. His friends are egging him on to do something.
>10 seconds pass
>I kind of point and signal that my friends are walking away.
>He still hasn't let go of the vice grip.
>I force my fingers below his and peel his hand off my wrist.
"You should hang out with me, your friends seem like losers.
>I just stare at him
>Clear my throat. "I'm a dude bro"
>He turns from black to white. His facial expression is priceless. I can see the lifetime of homophobic conditioning rising. It's not his fault but it is what it is.
>His friends are silent.
One of his friends say some homophobic slur.
>Smile and start walking away.
>Two kawaii ass female friends of mine walk over to get me
>I put my arms around their shoulders
>Make eyecontact with the rude people and smile.
>They're silent again

>> No.8245832

This has made my day. You are now my personal hero.

>> No.8245875

That embarrassingly reminds me of how I met someone I had a thing with. I was 19 wearing cutesy jfashion on the train, and he was wearing a suit, I assumed he was maybe 27+. Turns out he was also 19 but was an anime fan too so when he saw the clothes he had me pegged for a 17ish kawaii imouto type. It was awkward for us both to acknowledge we had only hit on each other because we were both being perverted creeps.
Good laughs were had.

>> No.8245940

>potential drinking buddies

Bro, a simple "wanna grab a beer later?" should have them either say yes, no, or that they're underage. There's no need to ask their age. If they don't wanna have a beer with you then the reason doesn't matter.

>> No.8246071

I think he got scared when he saw my ex and ran off honestly, because I have a few mutual friends w/ that ex and didn't really hear of anything happening.

>> No.8246078

>tfw i do this as a 5'10 chick who can fake a deep voice

>> No.8246098

Follow up to the other story w/ creepy roxas

>be me again
>standing around at a photoshoot
>creepy late 20's dude in a shoddy cosplay sidles up to me
>dude keeps saying we should pair up for our characters couple photoshoot
>im in a pair of shorts and a long sleeved shirt
>dude keeps bumping his leggs into mine
>kees touching my wig and being creepy
>I tell him that i have a person to pair u with already
>dude looks angry/sad
>i try to inch away but the group of people waiting is too close together
>the two characters get called
>he grabs my arm and does not let go
>he basically forces me to pose with him
>he dips me
>goes for kiss
>"im 15" pls no
>i start flailing like a moron
>run away before the shoot ends

>> No.8246116

I'm a dude too; can we go out?

no homo

>> No.8246176

all I'm learning on this thread is that women are generally overly emotional weak people who expect others to recue them, and if you tell them how they could avoid it or help themselves, they get more offended that tumblr

>> No.8246188
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>they get more offended that tumblr
not like this board is any better than tumblr

>> No.8246197

Thank you for perfectly describing the Florida con atmosphere

>> No.8246213

>had a high school friend who was really sweet
>go on a date with him
>he instantly becomes very possessive, calls me all the time, texts if I don't pick up, messages me on fb if I don't respond, etc.
>calls me three times each night between midnight and 6 am because he "needs to hear my voice"
>discontinue dating because he's a fucking nutcase
>still run into him at local con
>he'll stay 5 feet to my right, two feet ahead of me, staring and smiling while waiting for me to acknowledge him
>sends me a weird message after each con about how he "knows [he] harassed [me]" but "thought I would accept it" and he's "willing to forgive me" if I break up with my bf and return to him
>fucker I rejected you 7 years ago why are you still doing this

It's not even like I can call con security because he doesn't actually DO anything, he just lurks and sends me a message a few months later.

>> No.8246219

So..this one time..this guy at MomoCon last year was being creepy. So I told him to fuck off and then it was done with.
Seriously is it that hard to stick up for yourself?

>> No.8246234

It's a terrifying experience when the girl you've been flirting with and is currently sitting on your lap decides to tell you she's 13.
I don't understand people who go to cons.

>> No.8246313

I don't flirt with anyone ever for any reason even my own lust so I don't get into these kinds of problems and enjoy the con for what it is.

>> No.8246357

I got kicked off a bus for standing up to someone cornering me and feeling me up. That was annoying because I was in a side street at night as a result, but a better end than the alternative so Big Shrug.

>> No.8246491

>We need to stop victimizing women and claiming that anything other than doing so is 'victim blaming' it's disgusting

Would you throw out a nice piece of meat in front of a hungry tiger?

>> No.8246503

nigga you ain't a tiger

>> No.8246523


>> No.8246570

Holy shit, actual advice on 4chan?!

>> No.8246660

>Most people in this thread resolve the situation without violence like adults
I am dissapoint

>> No.8246742

But we already teach that.
Some people just can't pick up social skills, just like left-handed people who were forced to learn being right-handed ended up still being shit at it and feeling unnatural.

>> No.8246751

>Oh no, people start touching me without asking! The horror!

You really shouldn't travel to southern europe...

>> No.8246772

>at first AX way back when i was in middle school
>wears overpriced seifukus with my cute asian friend
>loose her for 2 minutes
>find some creepy dude asking her where she was planning to go to next and touching her shoulder
>grab her arm and run

>> No.8246855

>victim blaming

>> No.8247078

I agree with that so hard.

>> No.8247109
File: 216 KB, 320x240, GMXOAHK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have quite a few creepy stories, but this one was probably the worst.

>be 12
>dressed as misa in her black dress
>dress has straps and a low back
>sitting on the floor because my feet hurt from walking all day
>older friend/chaperone is getting food, so i'm alone for a few moments
>creepy guy, around 50 or so, comes up to me
>"o-oh, hey. can i get a picture?"
>sure, why not. stand up and appease him
>sit back down again and thank him, but he's still standing there
>"... you have a really gorgeous bag, misa-chan."
>..... uhhh?
>grab my plain messenger bag
>"oh this? haha"
>"no, misa-chan.. i said you have a gorgeous BACK."
>stunned, don't know what to do, hold awkward eye contact for a while
>camera man dashes away into the crowd after a few moments
>borrowed my friend's jacket and promptly left the con, didn't even return for the last day because i was so freaked out

>> No.8247594

>sexually harassed
And how the fuck is that not sexual harassment?
If the exact same thing happened but with genders reversed I'm sure you'd call it sexual harassment without hesitation.

>> No.8247632

>Being ugly means you can't learn basic social skills?
Seeing as women just use "creepy" as an excuse to dislike unattractive guys but still pretend they somehow aren't being shallow, yes.

Unless you're trying to say you're supposed to use these social skills to befriend a supergenius time traveling geneticist so you can travel back in time, and alter the genetics of your embryonic self to be born more attractive.

>> No.8247792

Anyone got that screenshot of the con horror story where tagalong younger brother anon was raped by an older con-goer and his friend in their hotel room?

>It's not even like I can call con security because he doesn't actually DO anything, he just lurks and sends me a message a few months later.
You can seriously just show them those messages and say that he's stalking you at the con.

>> No.8247810

I stopped a pickpocket once.

>> No.8247899


>> No.8247947

itt: literally tumblr


>> No.8248089

Sharing a story from a con this past weekend because holy shit, hooooly shit. Not really seedy and more cringey/embarrassing, but still

>cosplaying Rin from love live, wandering around the dealers hall with my friend
>kyoko sakura and normie girl run up to me, they're probably about 13-14
>like they were actually yelling
>oh? thanks!
>say sure and get into a pose, kyoko pulls her ipad out
>say sure since i try to not be an asshole at cons
>normie girl says she was meant to be kotori that day but her wig didnt arrive, tell her thats too bad and leave with my friend
>about 15 minutes later pass them again
>wave and keep going
>friend and i go outside to relax, walking to the grassy area when
>kyoko shoves her little brother towards me and goes on about how rin is his favorite character too
>gets up in my ear
>okay whoa please dont do that, i'm gonna let it slide
>brother probably about 10 and cosplaying link, shyly says hi and i say hi back and give him a hug
>okay, see ya sakura!
>run into a few friends on the way to the grassy area so we stop to chat with them
>normie girl drags a qt mami tomoe cosplayer behind her
>in the time i hadnt seen normie girl shed styled her hair into an abomination trying to resemble kotoris
>normie and kyoko keep yelling about how much they love me, mami shoots me an IM SO FUCKING SORRY look
>um, my friend and i are gonna go now, see you around i guess?
>as soon as im done saying that speed away from them, friend in tow
>every time i see them after that i dash away before they notice

I could swear they were following me though

>> No.8248099

Thats hilariously adorable.

>> No.8248779

surprise sex is best sex

>> No.8248784

this pasta is stale

>> No.8248787


where were you that you could drink @ 18? Canada?

>> No.8248789

There's a difference between two people who are in a committed and possibly sexual and romantic relationship than a complete stranger trying to sound charming.

>> No.8248807

enjoy being foreveralone.

>> No.8248882

This big place called Europe. You might have heard of it.

>> No.8248885

Never creeped on me, but just the other weekend at Sakura con, I was taking a nap on one of the comfortable chairs on the 6th floor. Sitting down, sleeping. Some fucker woke me up and asked me to put my helmet on for a picture.

Woke me up. Told him to fuck off, but that didn't undo the fact that he woke me up.

>> No.8248901

>entire thread of girls complaining about being hit on
>"you don't hit on girls? lol what a beta loser enjoy being alone forever"

You know it's one thing when girls just won't tell you what they want, but when they're actively telling you you're wrong for doing either possible option, and then mock and insult men for not knowing what to do, and then on top of all that have the nerve to act like relationships are just as difficult (if not harder) for women.

Well that's just annoying.

>> No.8248908


>> No.8248967


I have, I was just asking a question. Keep being salty.

>> No.8249167

I-I'm sorry anon ;_; I honestly didn't mean it that way

>> No.8249196

>post cosplay pics on a forum I'm on
>guy starts pming me
>chat each other up for a bit
>gets a bit heated, him asking for pics etc
>eventually i tell him i need to finish some work for college that night
>"wait anon how old are you?"
>just turned 21
>"oh wow I thought you were like 17 this whole time!"
>so wait how old are you
>"oh i'm 33"
>the fuck you doin asking to see 17 year old tits man
Shoulda reported the fucker but I never did.

>> No.8249210

>tfw am 6' and bestie is 6'4"
>planned to have matching prince and lolita coords next con
>this will suddenly be much more entertaining

>> No.8249877

nobody said that anon was a girl tho?

>> No.8249993

read the thread

>> No.8250062



>> No.8250085

what the fuck am I watching?

>> No.8250119

It's not like major action changes that fact, that's something that's decided once the puberty genes kick in.

>> No.8250152

Now that I think about it..
> be 16
> attend late night panel
> like a volunteers-pretend-to-make-out-while-fangirls-screech
> guy in drag looking for a partner who can volunteer with him
> somehow gets roped into being that partner
> tell him that dealbreaker is kissing on the lips because I'm a hapless romantic who thinks my first kiss has to be with someone I like
> on stage
> he's basically dry humping me but it's all for show, right?
> his black lipstick is smeared all over my neck
> gets off stage
> insta regret
> see him last day of the con by chance
> You're so cute, what's your facebook?
> E-Erm, I don't have facebook.
> try to avoid running into him every year
In retrospection, he was 25+ and I was quite obviously young.

>> No.8250158

>humble bragging thread


>> No.8250161


...but you did kiss him?


problably told him he was cuck'ed

>> No.8250313

>Invite a friend down for a con.
>Get to hotel day before con, settle in.
>Friend gets to hotel with another friend to save hotel gas/money.
>Her friend rode down 4 hour drive, through a border patrol checkpoint. That friend is a lanky tall 30+ year old jewfro guy in a Sailor Moon cosplay.
>I walk into the hotel with their stuff and leave them behind. No one in cosplay day before, it's a small con.
>Pesters about facebook. Wants to friend me. Sure.
>CreeperMoon talks about all the meds he's on. Annoying as fuck, weirding me out. I leave to take a break from it all.
>Everyone goes down, I stay in room to relax some, CreeperMoon stays behind.
>Feels comfortable enough to tell me all about his weird ex's and people who have turned on him, including his family. I feel bad for the guy.
>Then he hits on me. I text my friend to get the fuck back up to the room. I'm 6'2, pretty big, would have injured if he got weird.
>Day passes, friday evening, still annoying as fuck, but I've learned to ignore him.
>Saturday goes by, I'm depressed cause my ex is walking around, I just want to go back to room and drink. Do so.
>Wake up to noises, CreeperMoon is sobbing. Text friend. Friend mistakes it for laughter, tells CreeperMoon to STFU.
>Louder crying. Creeper moon takes a chair into the bathroom and locks self in. Cries loudly for another five hours.
>Sleeping with a knife at this point.
>Sunday morning, fuck this shit, bail on con, weird motherfuckers, man.

>> No.8250320

>CreeperMoon was apparently hitting on everyone at the con, getting shot down and pestering everyone to friend him on facebook.
>He has a history of this I found out from others and he's almost gotten assaulted for crossing many boundaries.
>Why I keep a knife on me all times at a con now.

>> No.8250336


anybody ever stab a bitch?

>> No.8250337

>likening self-aware and socially conscious human beings to starved animals
>likening the innate need of food for survival to easily controlled sexual impulses
>seriously using these to further an argument
Kill yourself.

>> No.8250361

>omg its womens fault
Try again. There are plenty of unfortunate looking guys in the convention world that have plenty of pretty female friends and hot girlfriends. They're nice, or good listeners, or eager to help, or any number of positive social traits that beget friendships and relationships. Don't blame women just because you have no positive social traits yourself and refuse to learn any because you're too busy being sad about feeling ugly. Go to the gym so you're not a sweaty lardass, find reasons to not hate yourself, and develop a fucking personality like every other weird looking guy with a hot girlfriend.

>> No.8250365

>good listeners
>eager to help

beta orbiters detected.

>> No.8250386

Keep being mad. I've met plenty of 4/10 guys with 8/10 girls who loved their boyfriends because they had good personalities. And no, the girls aren't cheating, they're actually both happy with each other. Keep blaming everyone else, anon. Taking responsibility is the only way you'll ever get your shit together enough to bag a qt, but why do that when you can keep blaming women on 4chan and cry after every time you masturbate?

>> No.8250394
File: 37 KB, 641x480, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8250404

>I-I was just trolling guys I swear!
Run along now. Back to r9k you go.

>> No.8250410

It's funny because you'd be mocking and insulting them and calling them "nice guys" in any other situation, but only pretend you like that kind of guy when it suits you (like in this argument)

>> No.8250415

this guy sounds eerily familiar to someone i've met. where was he from?

>> No.8250458
File: 34 KB, 550x395, taste_explosion_pass_the_salt1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8250715

i love you

>> No.8250761

There's a difference between the so-called "nice guy" (aka someone who expects a 'return' for being 'nice') and genuinely nice guys (aka pleasant people). Quit the self-pity party and actually become a better person

>> No.8251074


It's called being a normal human bean. If you're "nice" enough to get called out for it = beta detected

>> No.8251323

The nice guy insult has nothing to do with how ugly you are and everything to do with that shitty victim complex and feeling wronged out your entitled qt3.14gf
But off course such poor nice guy just blames his looks because all wommins are shallow amirite

>> No.8251424

do you have any idea how people actually work outside of /r9k/ or

>> No.8251458

I'm a pretty spaghetti guy myself, and used to hearing skooky stories, but I got caught off guard a few MTACs ago. Was just sitting around, waiting for gf to get out of bathroom when this older cosplaying couple came by and asked if I wanted to join them in some 'recreations' out back. Said no thanks, cause was already on some pain meds and they shrugged me off and went on their way. A bit later, thinking nothing of them, saw them at the food area that was set up, just making out and from what I could somewhat see, some fast hand movements happening out of view of the table. They spot me, wink and ask if I still wanna join in with them. Noped out pretty fast.

Speaking of spaghetti, any tips from male crossplayers with dealing with possible angry men that are confused about their sexuality? Got something planned for AWA this year, I just wanna make sure I keep as much of my spaghet locked away as possible when dealing with people.

>> No.8251534
File: 31 KB, 500x631, 528570_355509291163801_118473861534013_917941_505574468_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volunteering for con
>A/V department
>Director of my department asks me and other people to ID for a 18+ panel
>"Sure, I'm 19. what panel is it?"
>"Supergirls Q&A"
>Wonder why this is 18+
>Go to the event and start IDing everyone that walks in
>Gets kinda awkward since they want me to even ID people with full on beards. oh well
>Panel starts
>5 or 6 girls on the microphones
>Explain that they're feminists and are there to answer personal sexual questions
>All of them are 30+ y/o
>It gets really specific and disgusting

>my face during the entire panel

I would've killed myself if there wasn't a great hentai panel right after.

>> No.8251589

today in things that didnt happen

>> No.8251681

This was a few years ago but...
>convention near university gf and I go to
> on the Friday we go. I don't cosplay but my gf does. She's small and cute for some who's 23 and cosplays as Taiga
>dealers room, I bend over a table to look at a saber figma. I don't like fakes after all.
>she hands me her bag so she can pose for a photo
>figma's real but I'll be waiting till Sunday to haggle for it
>hear gf screeching
>turn around and some guy with an expensive looking camera has my gf trapped in his arms while she's flailing and walking away
>I run after him yelling at him to let go, he's singing the toradora opening happily ignoring us
>I've had it and she looks so scared, at this point people are staring.
>I wrap my arm around his neck from behind and press down on his windpipe.
>gf takes the opportunity to kick him in the nads
>he goes down yelling about the convention staff
>my gf takes his arm off and jumps into mine crying about how he wanted to take her to his dorm
>I hoist her over my shoulder to cheer her up in my dorm room
>I get that sweet figma the next day

>> No.8251685

The convention staff were pissed but apparently the guy had priors. Apparently he goes to our school but I haven't seen him.

>> No.8251874

kinda unrelated question but what exactly do you mean by an alt hangout? was it just a bar or something where alt people usually hangout?

>> No.8252027

The opposite genders should really just be segregated at cons.

>> No.8252035


Let's play a game. Rules are simple: you have to guess if a religious fundamentalist or feminist said this.

>> No.8252039

If any of the girls ITT need seed, I'll be glad to help y'all. ;]

>> No.8252052

I just think Japan is ahead of the curve. Men and women really have nothing inherently to do with each other, so there's no real reason for them to interact. An asexual populace is the next step.

>> No.8252061

>people actually being this buttblasted over people being shocked, scared and not knowing exactly how to react when they're suddenly molested

I don't get it, why?

>> No.8252064

it really sounds like neither

>> No.8252076

Agreed. Lets start by segregating the websites. All women please vacate 4chan and head to your nearest tumblr.

>> No.8252188
File: 20 KB, 420x356, CornetteFace_4208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched some weirdo get caught red handed trying to do an upskirt vid with his phone when he was behind a chick on an escalator at a con. Her boyfriend was the one who caught him lol. Dude snatched the phone out of the guys hand and busted it on the floor. It was pretty golden.

Alpha as fuck

>> No.8252321
File: 263 KB, 480x377, ff4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at con
>be man
>dress as Sakuya Izayoi from Touhou, get called "miss" and "Ma'am" a lot.
>In the elevator going up to my hotel room
>Elevator is crowded
>One of these people is a stereotypical overweight neckbeard with cat ears, fluffy animal tail, and very bad body odor.
>Gets behind me and breathes heavily down my neck, getting too close to me, and hoverhands me.
>Turn around and yell at him "If you grab my ass I'm going to tear off your dick and shove it down your throat!"

>> No.8252396

Just kind of a place to hang out I guess? It was a skating rink in this case. Very small town so our choices were either drive 45 minutes to the nearest mall and potentially get kicked out for loitering, or pay $3 each to the owner of the local rink and get to hang out til midnight or so. Generally you had to know somebody to even know we all hung out there, so it was a safe zone of sorts for the weird kids. We were mostly too young to get into bars yet too so there's that. Actually one of the major creep factors of that guy I was talking about was that he was still there around age 25 and everyone else was under 21.

>> No.8252772

Well.. went to my very first con a while back which was very fun overall.. but I couldn't shake off this creepy autist for like an hour :-(

>> No.8252775

shit hope ya don't see him again

>> No.8252888

>tfw that video will never be uploaded now

>> No.8253018

>In other words, before they would have known better.
I knew by age five not to let people I didn't know touch or follow me around. The fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.8253293

Get the fuck out of my conventions then if you're taken jesus fucking christ

>> No.8253368

I've never been creeped on, but I had to step in to assist my gf once.

>gf is pretty weeby, I'm a vidya guy but I enjoy the weeb stuff she shares with me
>She's cosplaying from Stein's Gate, the floaty girl Mayuri
>She's also real small, thin, and gets some serious social anxiety
>We're at Katsucon, whichever year it was with the snowstorm
>Saturday night, we've been going around all day, tired but have had a great time
>Because of snow and time, hall's basically empty, group way down the hall playing MTG on the floor
>I gotta take a leak so we go to the bathrooms, she sits down by an outlet a little ways down the hall to charge her DS
>Go in, lean sword against wall, do what needs done
>When I come out, gf is being cornered by this greasy lanky fuck with an N7 hoodie on
>She is visibly distressed, and I start walking briskly over to her to shepherd this autist away
>He grabs her arm and she immediately contorts like she's trying to get the arm as far away as possible
>Execute irish_fury.exe
>I step forward and slam the hilt of the sword into his ribs, with what in retrospect was a gratuitous amount of force
>Dude yells and stumbles aside
>gf runs past him and we quickly exit leaving the dude clutching his side and making little whimpering noises

Apparently the guy was grilling her about Stein's Gate, and kept insulting her for cosplaying 'that stupid airhead' and being really weirdly aggressive while also trying to get her to come back to his room.

>> No.8253898


cue the victim blaming rants

>> No.8255885

>User is underage

This website is for 18+. Yes even the SFW boards

>> No.8255994

I don't know bro, best to make sure about the age before you throw around liquor. Some won't speak up unless you ask.
That's some potential jail time.

>> No.8256013

Found the entitled neckbeard

>> No.8256024

you might be right, but you're still an idiot

>> No.8256237
