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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 179 KB, 2048x1151, cosplay_problems_public_transport_by_theocarinaplayer-d7gicri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8230545 No.8230545 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you ever taken public transportation in cosplay? I'm curious what kinda of conversations have come up if you have.

Thanks in advance, you're all beautiful.

>> No.8230566

dont wear anything sexy

its bad enough in regular clothes

>> No.8230583

I find it's easier to deal with if you're with at least one other person, that way people will get a hint that it's for some kind of event and you're not just a lone crazy person.

Seconding the comment about sexy costumes, make sure you have something covering you up if that's the case.

>> No.8230602

Yeah definitely have a big coat or something to cover up in if you have a sexy cosplay. People will be creepy as always, I've heard of so many stories of people being mistaken for hookers and shit or just offered money.

Definitely less weird/uncomfortable if you're with another person. At this point I'm not completely uncomfortable if I'm riding alone and in cosplay but I always can't help but laugh at myself because I know how bizarre I must look to everyone else who doesn't know what's going on. I've never really had any negative reactions personally, mostly just weird or curious stares and the usual people asking what I'm dressed up for.

>> No.8230607

I wore a Pentakill Sona cosplay to a LAN center for a day and rode the bus there.

There was a homeless guy who sat across from me who kept smiling at me.
When I got off the bus and walked past him, he mumbled something like "goth sona!!"

I walked a couple blocks after that and got a bunch of people who honked at me and yelled out their windows shit like "fuck yeah league of legends!" or "pentakill!"

>> No.8230624

That's pretty nice interaction.

Sorry, guess I coulda been more specific. I'm writing something and trying to do some research on how cosplayers interact with the normal/generic world.

>> No.8230639
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Yes, quite a lot. London is quite fun for it since everyone staying offsite has to take the tube to get there. You always see more and more cosplayers each station you get closer.

Usually it's a lot of weird looks if cosplaying an anime character, and people (especially kids) if it's something from a western cartoon/show

>> No.8230655

Soooo what does this guy look like when he isn't doing a stupid thing with his mouth because I need to know, for scientific research.

>> No.8230666

Have any of you done Taxis or Uber/Lyft?

I'm betting more personal stuff will have more conversation.

Also, seconding >>8230655

>> No.8230691
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>> No.8230791

I've worn both lolita and simple cosplays in both ubers and lyfts. Some drivers ask about it and some never even say a word. I had one female lyft driver who said I looked like a princess and everything. I've never had a bad experience though! You should be fine anon.

>> No.8230822

Random Baltimore denizen: "I may be high on marijuana right now, but I'm pretty sure I'm seein' shit."

>> No.8230828

>"I may be high on marijuana right now, but I'm pretty sure I'm seein' shit."
this is gold.

>> No.8230830
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>Dress up as Billy Mays
>Go on metro
>People staring
>Do Billy Mays pose with bottle of Oxi-Clean
>MFW they call me Mr. Clean

>> No.8230926
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that black lady in the background, lol

>> No.8230934

I NEED to KNOW god damn it

>> No.8230938

NYC Fag here.
In the city driving is pretty much the dumbest idea unless you don't have to be there within the hour.

The Subaways are usually fine. Normalfags steal a glance and go back to themselves, most don't want to get involved. Kids ALWAYS open their mouths or point but their moms usually shut them up "not to bother". The worst on the subways are drunks, thots, and homeless people. Thots are the bottom of the barrel because they feel this god given need to talk shit within earshot and pick at your outfit then get really loud and in your face when you ask them nicely to stop.

I've ridden the train in lolita and cosplay with and without friends and hands down it's better with company.

Taxis are great if not a bit pricey to go 40 blocks. No body asks questions. They're happy to help get shit in the trunk or the back. They don't give a shit as long as they get at least a $1 tip.

>> No.8230946

The only time I had to take public transport in cosplay was when I was cosplaying Spider-Man.

One kid spotted me and actually went to gather more kids on the train to come at take pictures with me.

It was sweet.

>> No.8230951
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No idea, only pic I got of him from the front.
Have a butt though.

That's awesome, I love it when that stuff happens

>> No.8230970

Heya Aussie Melbournie here,
I take the train all the time to cons and meets in cosplay due to the fact I live an hour away from every event. Anyways I have always taken it by myself and I have to say I have never had one person say something bad or snarky.

I have had to deal with drunken idiots before but they were nice about it when I did my harley cosplay - thats if you are comfortable sitting there listening to them flirt with you.

I've also done league of legends cosplays and a snow white cosplay and I've had kids and teens come up and ask for photos every time. Ots quite sweet and an awesome experience. I'd say you'd need to be a tad confident and not all that shy about it and your fine.

Only bad comment or weird comment I ever received was "can you pentakill my insides" but I just laughed it off

>> No.8231000

What kinds of lines would the idiots use to flirt with you? If you don't mind me asking.

>> No.8231020

Oh just basic stuff like "you look really good can I sit here and talk to you for a bit" "what a beautiful name" "how does such a pretty girl be so nerdy" "any boy would be lucky to have you" "wanna come join us at our party later ?" Thats when you just laugh and say "no thanks" and 110% they walk off

>> No.8231025

I've ridden the train to cons in the past in the US and didn't run into any problems. Always in a group though, never alone. One time we were sitting upstairs on the train and a little girl sitting below recognised my cosplay (Disney) and kept waving and said she liked my hair. Made my day.

>> No.8231040
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as others said traveling with others makes it less weird.
But people will come to you asking questions regardless.
Then again I have only good experience from that too, I mean most of them are not assholes about it and some of the ticket inspectors are act as some kind of a fan club.
It's also interesting to find your pictures on the net later in various places

>> No.8231059

>sexy cosplay
>cumbersome props
>traffic jam
>on highway (driver can't let you off, even if they are not moving)
>car sick

Had pleasant convos with very understanding bus folk trying to make me feel better about hurling into an emergency bag in 90 degree weather while half dressed and covered in weapons and offering napkins and mints. It was a nice area, I bus through this area often because parking sucks, and I lucked out.

>> No.8231073

ticket takers being a fan club is pretty nice.

That kinda sucks. However, the people offering mints and napkins to help out is pretty nice.

This is good stuff.. You all are being a terrific help.

>> No.8231089

Travelling with others gives you that sense of solidarity, but usually I'm alone. It's not bad. You get the typical stares, the murmuring, but I don't think anyone tried to take a secret picture of me yet. That being sad, I'm usually only in partial costume in the subway.

>> No.8231093

one of them even said that he waited hours for us and run home for his camera just to take a photo.
And one time a bus driver stopped the bus just so he can take a photo.

Although the drunks are usually way more funny

>> No.8231104

Frenchfag here. I go to cons in full costume and wig with a cosplayed friend, and nobody asks anything in the tramway or the subway. Last time we sat in front of an old lady who was definitively weirded out though.

>> No.8231132

Ahh the DLR

>> No.8231160

Being a Homestuck and wearing bodypaint, most people get that it is a costume thing.

A weird one:
>guy in his fifties observing us for a few moments before approaching us, wife trying to tell him not to.
>"can i ask about the horns?"
>"oh, no were just dressed up. its a comic. you know the guys with wrinkly foreheads in star-trek?"
>man nods slowly. wife looks impatient.
>after a few moments of silence he talk again.
>"it made me think about..."
>he goes off on a ten minute conspiracy theory rant about aliens creating humanity and ancient cave paintings and it is everywhere i was thinking you guys might know about it considering...
>me and my friends faces when.
>wife looking mildly mortified.
>he just goes on. and on. and on.
>me and friend attemt to chime in with "actually it's just a comic" but get steamrolled.
>doesnt stop until me and friend politely tell him we need to get off at this stop.
>"oh. well, here-"
>hand us piece of paper with a book and author scribbled on it.
>"we could use some more believers."
>mfw he tap his nose and wink.
>mfw apparently unbeknowingly became a posterboy for conspiracy movement about ancient aliens.
>not even one of the more well known ones.
>"yeah, uh, we'll make sure to look that up."
>wife mouthing "sorry" over his shoulder.

My favourite is when young women (and it's always young women) notice me and in particular when they notice the whiteout lenses and jump or make screaming noises or almost fall over. I usually just smile and wave lmao.

Also people have at a few instances grabbed my horns as they passed me on and off trains... Luckily no wardrobe malfunctions, though they're pretty well anchored so it hurt like a bitch.

>> No.8231169

Tube in London, no one gives a shit. Few odd looks when you first get on, thats it.

Unless you're wearing a super low cut dress. Then suits tend to stare at your boobs.

>> No.8231185

So, what's the book?

>> No.8231204

I was so weirded out at the time and we were kind of in a hurry so I didn't prioritize where I put the note and must have dropped it. In retrospect I'm pretty upset about it because now the entire interaction was just kinda funny and I wish I could refer to it with actual proof, but at the time it was just weird and uncomfortable.

>> No.8231215

Not a cosplayer, but I wear lolita and don't have a car, so I commute. I've taken the subway by myself and with a friend, as well as the train. One time a bunch of drunk old men sat next to me and started talking to me, but they were pretty friendly. Besides the staring, I never had issues.

>> No.8231234
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Ahh the DLR indeed

>> No.8232921

Used the tram and subway when I was going to con as titan Eren.
Wasn't nekkid ofc, but the makeup freaked out all the kids when they saw me. (it was a nice, quiet ride)

>> No.8232942 [DELETED] 

>Pentakill Sona
jfc I want to stab people in the face when they say this.

>> No.8232978
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For anime boston 2013 I had to take 2 separate subway systems too and from hotel in pic related. No one bothered anyone because at the first line, there was about 50 cosplayers. Towards the end of the trip, was more alone and people would ask questions. Thought I'd have trouble when some drunki dude stumbled up to me with a friend, but he just wanted a picture because he loved the game.

>> No.8232981

Traveling with a friend, whether or not said friend is also in cosplay, is infinitely better than alone IMO. You go from being some whacko in a random costume to a person who is probably attending a party/event with others. This also applies to traveling solo but with other cosplayers on the same carriage. People will get more bold and start chit-chatting with you but at least it's normal people asking polite questions.

I live in the suburbs and commute via train into the city; thus far I have never seen another cosplayer in my carriage, much less the train. I get a lot of side glances and people generally give me a wider-berth, sometimes there are whispered (neutral) comments ("lookit that" and the like). Those that are bold enough to actually talk to you are usually the ones where you can tell something is "off" about them mentally, and won't leave you alone for the entire ride's 60min duration while asking/telling you uncomfortable/private things. Now I just put on sunglasses and earbuds while pretending to sleep.

Once you are actually in the city, you still get some stares but those are usually tourists who can stand around and gawk. Locals will largely ignore you; they're exposed more often to oddities so you barely blip on their radar.

>> No.8233007

Me and my mate went to MCM last october, me as Arkham Asylum Scarecrow and she went as Jake from Homestuck

On the way back to the hostel we'd got on the wrong train and had a bit of an odd run-in, bear in mind that due to bullshit shoe reasons I was barefoot and she was painted to be part dinosaur so I'll admit we looked a bit of an odd pair to begin with

>Sit down at front of train, no-one around
>One stop later, group of middle aged men get on train
>Other cosplayers are on the train, but this group sit with us
>"Hey, mate, I think someone stole your shoes"
>"Look, you aren't wearing shoes, I think someone stole them"
>"Hey, hey, are you a, what are they, vorpalaptor? Vloperapter?"
>"Oh, shit, are you a T-Rex?
>"Do you roar?"
>"Did you eat their shoes?"
>"You aren't wearing shoes"
>"Are you homeless? You look homeless"

So the two of us were just standing there the whole time, she with this scaley pokerface of confusion and me looking at her awkwardly out of the side of my mask

And when we finally got to the right stop a group of lads were walking towards us, one was looking at his mate and nearly walked into me. When he looked at me he jumped about 4 feet into the air screaming "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE"

Tbh I've been on public transport in cosplay enough times to know that the normal people act weirder about it than anyone else

>> No.8233026

Seconding most of this.

A story:
>Cosplay character with pompadour.
>On my way home from photoshoot.
>Late evening, not a lot of people on the tube.
>Bunch of rockabilly/greaser looking guys looking at me and mumbling (they seem kind of buzzed).
>They keep talking and looking.
>Fair enough but come on I don't want to get into an argument with some drunk guys.
>...Yeah, they're approaching me.
>"Hey there pal, that's a wicked nice 'do you've got going."
>Some shoving and mumbling, someone says something about "that's a girl!"
>"Yeah. What's your secret?"
>Someone chimes in about pomade.
>"Actually, it's a wig."
>They all go silent and just kind of look at me for a moment before they begin chatting again.
>"See, bro, I told you it was fake!"
>"They sell wigs like that?"
>"That's cheating!"
>"So you just plop it on and off?"
Eventually they decided it was pretty cool and left me alone.

>> No.8233033

The only times I've ever been rudely confronted were when people said this to which I respond "Nope." and then they tend to shut up.

People act weird when you actually acknowledge them making fun of you.

>> No.8233333

A friend cosplayed Rei Ayanami at Otakon one year on the bus and some guy kept asking if she was a cheerleader

>> No.8233376

reminds me of this chick who felt the need to ask if I was the one in the wig the other at dunkin donuts. She seemed surprised that I didn't deny it like I thought I was fooling people

>> No.8233615
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>dinostuck jake

>> No.8234899
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Yea, I live in a city and transit is pretty great here (buses, skytrains, etc.), I even live by one of the major buses. So when there's a con happening, there's a huge chance of cosplayers and con attendees waiting for the same bus or something, and it just adds a more exciting con feel when you're seeing others in cosplay riding the same transit with you.

Sure you'll get comments and stares, and likely people taking quick pictures or asking you for one. Pretty harmless stuff usually, and if you're wearing something pretty revealing, it'd be better to wear something to cover up for the trip. For your safety and comfort, it's way better to travel with a friend.

>> No.8236786

>one year room with a friend at an out-of-state con
>Dingus Dan books us at a hotel nearly 2 miles away from the con center
>get on the train Saturday evening after a game at a nearby stadium
>a Power Girl is engaging in conversation with half a dozen dudebros in sports jerseys
I felt really, really bad for her. I'm glad I didn't have any costumes that year.

>> No.8236804

not public transportation but funny public story...

coming back from con, went as a T5 Warlock: Corruptor Rainment. Wife was a succubus pet.

Exhausted and tired, in the car, she took off the horns/wing/hooves. Stopped in ghetto part of town on the way home to grab some mcnuggets. Never occurred to us until we pulled out that my wife looked like a prostitute in my car at mcdonalds.

>> No.8236809

Okay but why would anyone ever wear a powergirl costume onto a train? Would it be that hard to wear a light jacket or pull a tank top and sweats over it? I'm a big bad feminazi, but she kind of set herself up by going on public transport dressed in a titty costume.

>> No.8236884

I often take the train and subway to cons while wearing cosplay. Didn't had that many negative experiences. I travel with other cosplayers so most people realise there must be some event going on. Had only one negative experience

> take the train with 3 fellow cosplayers
> some guy sitting close to us politely asks what's up
> "Oh, we're just dressed up for an event."
> "I see, like a bachelor party or college thingy?"
> "No, it's an event where everyone dresses up like their favourite character from comics, movies, cartoons, you name it."
> At this point he stops smiling at us
> "And for what reason?"
> "Just for fun. We make a costume and hang out with friends at events, participate in costume contests, get our pictures take, stuff like that."
> "So you all made the outfits you are wearing?"
> "Yes, we did."
> "Well, if you want to waste your time on ridiculous stuff like that..."

We ignored him when he spewed more negativity so he started bothering the woman sitting next to him by loudly complaining about teenagers wasting time on stupid shit. He finally shut up when an old lady came up to him and told him to stop picking on us.

>> No.8237039


What the fuck is a thot?

>> No.8237054

doing blackface near a black person
10/10 picture

>> No.8237059

>feel bad for her
>boys giving her attention

Why is this bad? Of course they're gonna chat up a pretty girl in a skimpy outfit. Unless you meant to type "a Power Girl being harassed by half a dozen dudebros in sports jerseys that won't piss off."

>> No.8237242

Thot= that/these/those hoes
over there

>> No.8237273

That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.8237280

>I've heard of so many stories of people being mistaken for hookers and shit or just offered money.

Almost like the average cosplay is indistinguishable from softcore pornography, eh?

>> No.8237292
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never change dmv

>> No.8237300

That's such an... East Coast thing to say. Wow.
This is coming from a denizen of the valley 'hella' was born.

>> No.8237338

When was this taken?

I might be in it.

>> No.8237414

I got the train both times I went to MCM Manchester. Got odd looks at my rural station (and overheard some older women saying "You look like a princess!") but by the time we got close to the station there were more cosplayers and people just assumed there was an event on. The first time I went I actually didn't know how to get to the exhibition hall and just followed the other people dressed weird for a mile across town.

>> No.8237424

>People act weird when you actually acknowledge them making fun of you.
this. Its actually kind of amazing.